Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, January 05, 1850, Image 1

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    Vol XV —VI hole I\o- 180.1.
Rates of Advertising.
One square, 18 lines, 2 squares, 6 mos. $5.00
1 time 50 " 1 year 8.00
2 times 75 $ column, 3 mos. 6.00
3 " 1.00 • 6 " 10.00
1 mo. 1.25 44 1 year 15.00
3 " 2.50 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00
44 6 " 4.00 44 6 41 15.00
14 1 year 6.00 44 1 year 25.00
2 squares, 3 times 2.00 Notices before mar
-44 3 mos. 3.50 riages, &c. §l2.
Communications recommending persons for
rrQce, must be paid in advance at the rale of
25 cents per square.
Philadelphia Advertisements.
Bacon, Lard, Butter, Wool, Gin
seng, Cloverseed, &c-,
Broad and Cherry Streets,
Advances made, if required, on Receipt of
Consignments. CO~The Cars will be unload
ed at our Warehouse. Produce consigned to
us tor sale will not be subject to porterage or
storage. C. &. B. are Agents for the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company,
' Oct. 20, 1349—1f.
Commission Merchant*,
Aad all descriptions of Country Produce,
Between Race and Cherry,
Respectfully solicit a share of the business
from this vicinity, and refer to
Messrs. LOSCENECKER, GRVBB <SC CO., Bankers.
W. RLSSELL, Esq., Cashier,
S. E. liOtke. Esq . M ifflin county.
R. J. Ross. Esq Cashier, ) Hamgb
Messrs. FVSK &. MILLER. \ 6
SAMVEL JOHNSON, Esq., Marietta, I^ancaster
couDty, Pa.
GEL M. TROCTMAN, Cashier, of "j
Western Bank, ! pL ila/}el ' a
Messrs. J AS. J. DUNCAN & Co., ]
and Merchants generally, J
October 6, 1849—6 m.*
THIS new and valuable medicine, now used by the
medical profession with such astonishing elTicacy in
the cure of
Pulmonary Consumption, Scrofula, Chro
nic Rheumatism, Gout, General De
bility, Complaints of the Kid
neys, Ape., 4' c,
-i prepared from the liver of the "Cod Fish for medical
.<r. expressly for our sates.
(Extract from the London Medical Journal )
•'C.J. B Williams, M. D., F. R. S-, Professor of Medi
'.se in University College, London, Consulting Physi
xu to the Hospital for consumption, tec., say. f have
:--.eribed the Oil in above four hundred cases of tubercu
. is disease of the Lungs, in different stages, which have
ren under tny care the last two years and a half. In j
M large number of cases, 906 out of 234, its use was fol
iwedby marked and unequivocal improvement, varying
in degree in different cases, from a temporary retarda
' an of the progress of the disease and a mitigation of dts
'.rwin; symptoms, up to a more or less ensnplele restor
ation to apparent health
"The effect of the Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases
| w very remarkable. Even in a few days the rough
'is mitigated, the expectoration diminished in quantity
ind opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse became
wer, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and
' length were gradually improved.
'ln conclusion, I repeat that the pure fresh oil from
* I.iver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment
'Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinal,
x-tetic or regimenal, that has yet been employed "
At ve have made arrangements to procure the Cod liver
■ frt.sk from head quarter#, it ean note. be had chemically
bij the single bottle, or t* boxes of one dozen each.
it* wonderful efficacy has induced numerous spurious
'-'ali /i,,. As iu success depends entirely on its purity,
much care cannot be used in procuring it genuine.
F.eery buttle having unit our vritten signature may he
'■' fended upon as genuine
Pimphlets containing an analysis of the Oil, with no
"s of it frorn Medical Journals, will be sent to those
"tic address us free of postage.
Wholesale /druggists and Chemists.
1(M) North Third -Street, Philadelphia.
October 13, i'-i9—m.
11. CLARK)
•h pn of the Golden Kaffir, iVo, 139 cf 1-13,
•South Second street, below Dock street,
IyEEPS always on hand a large and fashionable as.ort
'v rneiit of WIDE and NARROW HI.AT WINDOW
'USDS, manufactured in the best manner, of the best
'iteriaD, and at the lowest cash prices.
Having refitted and enlarged his establishment, h is
Pared to complete orders to any amount at the shortest
Ore. Constantly on hand an assortment of
Tlaliotfaiiy Furniture,
"■'try variety, manufactured etpressly for hi. own
***. and purchasers may therefore rely on a good article.
r r Open in the evening.
V Orders from a distance packed carefully, and sent
>( "f porterage, to an> part of the city
11. CLARK.
" 'adtlphia, August 1 ly.
Wholesale Commission Agent.
\<>. 51 \or Hi Wliarrrw,
"1 i A lone ft,ire street, Philadelphia.
H lli April2l, 1H49.—1y
Philadelphia Advertisements.
The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust
Company of Philadelphia,
Oflicc No. 159 Chesnut .Street.
Capital $300,000.
Charter Perpetual.
PONTINTE to make Insurances on Lives on the most
kJ favorable terms; receive and execute Trusts, and
receive Deposits on Interest.
The Capital being paid up and invested, together with
accumulated premium fund, a fiords a perfect security to
! the insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, half
yearly, or quarterly payments.
The Company add a BONUS at stated periods to the
j insurances for life. This plan of insurance is the most
approved of, and is ntore gem-rally in use than any other
in Ureal Britain, (where the subject is best iinrieriitoodby
; the people, and where they have had the longest experi
: erice,) as appears from the fact that out of J IT Life Insu
rance Companies there, of all kinds, H7 arc on this plan.
The first BONUS was appropriated in December, I*4-1,
amounting to 10 per cent, ou the auin insured nr.dor tin
oldest policies ; to Si per cent , ~l per rent. &r .Ac., on
others, in proportion to the time of standing, making an
addition of #100; £t<7.so; £75, A.C., &e., to every £lOOO,
originally insured, which is an average of more limn 50
per cent, on the premiums paid, and without increasing
the annual payment to the company.
The operation of the Bonus will be scon by the follow
ing examples from the Life Insurance Register of the
Company, thus :
Hum ' Bonus or Amount of Policy and
Policy. Insured. I Addition. Bonus payable at the
party's dec-use
No. 5* £l,OOO j £lOO 00 ft,tOO 00
* 4 8* 2,500 I 250 00 2,750 00
44 205 4,000 1 400 00 4,400 00
" 276 2,000 j 175 00 2,175 (JO
" 333 5,000 j 437 50 j 5,137 50
:o- riSipiiLm rontaining the table of rates and ex
planations of lite subject; Forms of Application, ami
further information can be had at the oflicc, gratis, in
person or by letter, addressed tolhe President or Xrt ;ary
B. VV. RICHARDS, President.
JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary. [ap2B:ly
p a P I: IT! p A P I; IS R
.No. 21 Bunk street, Between Market and
Chesnut, and 2d and 3d streets,
THE subscribers beg leave to call the attention of court
-*- try buyers to their assortment of papers, embracing
- the different varieties of Printing, Hardware. Writing,
Envelope, and Wrapping papers. Tissue papers white
and assorted colors, also Bonnet and Box Boards, Ac.
Being engaged in the manufacture of printing papers,
• they solicit orders from printers for any given size,
which will be furnished at short nottre, and at fair prices
Market prices either in cash or trade paid for Rags
.No. Bank street. Philadelphia.
October 6, 1849 ly.
Tlie Great China Store
THANKFUL to the citizens of Letviatown and its vi
cinity for their increased custom, we again request
their company to new our large andsplendid assortment
,of China, Glass and Queensware. Dinner sets, tea
sets, toilet sets, and single pieces, either of Glass. China
' or Blone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for
less than they can be had elsewhere —in fact at less than
• wholesale prices American and English BRTTTAJeIA
METAL i GOODS , in greater variety than ever lu-fore
, offered in the city. Fancy China in great variety, very
cheap. OWe would invite any person visiting the city
i to call and see us— they will at least be pleased to walk
around our beautiful store, and to view the finest China
l and the cheapest the world produces Very respectfully,
.Yo. 219 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
September 22, 1849—1f.
Wholesale <L Retail
No. 23* Alarkct street, above Seventh, South side.
\LTIIOI!GH we can scarcely estimate the value of
TIME commercially, yet by calling at the above es
tablishment, JAMES BAKBER will furnish bis frit-lids,
among whom he includes all who duly appreciate its
fleetness, with a beautiful and perfect Index for marking
its progress, of whose value they CAN judge.
His extensive stock on hand, constantly changing in
: conformity to the improvements in taste and style of
pattern and workmanship, consists of Eight day
yyV and Thirty-hour Brass Counting House, Parlor.
JvTjAllall, Church, and Alarm CLOCKS, French, Go
thic and other fancy styles, as well as plain,
which from bis extensive connection and correspondence
with the manufacturers he finds he can put at the lowest
cash figure, in any quantity, from one to a thousand, of
which he will warrant the accuracy.
n-Cloeks repaired and warranted Clock Trimmings
on hand.
CALL and see me among thena.
JAMES BARBER, 238 Market st.
Philadelphia, August 18, 1849—1y.
iYu. 32 $ Chestnut Street, abate Second,
THE subscriber respectfully solicits public attention to
ins superior and tasteful stock of
Pocket Books, - Pocket Knives, and
Banker's Cases, Other Fine Cutlery,
Bill Books, Gold Pens and Pencils,
Dressing Cases, Segar Cases,
Card Cases, Chess Men,
Port Monnies, Back Gammon Boards,
Purses, Dominoes, Ac., Ac.
His assortment consists of the most fashionable and
modern styles, of the finest quality and excellent work
manship, embracing every desirable fancy pattern, which
he will at all times be prepared to exhibit and furnish
wholesale or retail on the most pleasing terms.
OPurchnsers who desire to supply themselves with
articles of the best quality will consult their own inter
ests by calling at this establishment.
Pocket Book Manufacturer, 62i Chestnut Sired.
August 25, 1849 -6m.
\VERY large and handsome stock ol Kea
dy-made CLOTHING, Boys' do.,
just landed and now opening at
' Men and Boyd, a large assortment at
|X- reduced prices. (J. L. JONES,
nc27. Sew Cheap Cash Stare.
OF these goods a large assortment on hand,
for sale hy the piece or yard very low—
12$ cents, l w j| cts., 25 els.. 31 cts., 37$ cfs.,
44 ots., 50 ets. 56 cts., 62$ cts., 75 ctH, 87$
cts., SI.AO, #125 and Igll.50; also a handsome
assortment of Bombazines.
C. \j. JONES'
hov3. New ('lienp Cash Store.
ao'jrs t.I xt J: FREE ::
Cliiliircii Half I'ricc.
Doors open cirry day (Snnday excepted) from
G o'clock, A. M. to 9 o'clock, P. M.
? Dont I lie BMaee. r;
Two doors West of thr Juniata Hat Store, Lttcislown.
THE exhibition will consist of a GRAND
of every shape, color and variety, which the
proprietor feels confident cannot he excelled in
this or ary other place. All who are in want
oi CANDIES will do well to call at the GREAT
WESTERN ESTABLISHMENT, where they can be
supplied with every variety, WHOLESALE and
RETAIL. At the same tme and place, will also
be exhibited a great collection of
V ?S 1?-. '•*' *>Y? s rjy ,
selected lr >m the celebrated esiabiishnn uts of
H ROUSUI I. and JULES HAUEL, Chesnut street,
Philadelphia. As to the great variety ot
logetiier with a general assortment of FANCY
aRiTCLKs of a'l kinds, a full description cm, be
obtained at the establishment dnrinw the hourr
of exhibition. Also, in addition to'he above
may be seen or purchased a e-enera! vr.r !y t t
Dnigs, JJudiriiiCk, Biyc
I'ltlt'nl JjuiiiciiiCk, i^c M
together with a numberless assortment ,f ir
ticles t.xj numerous to mention, such as Raisui '.
Figs, Prunes, Nuts, and an extensive lot ot
As above stated, doors open every day and
evening, Sundays excepted.
N. B—All who wish to encourage the estab
lishment, and are not fully satisfied with the
performance of the same, their admittance fee
wiii be immediately returned.
Great Western Candy Manufactory, two dK-rs
VVest ot lilt* Juniata Hat Store.
Lewistown, Dec. 2"-', 1849—if
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to nil
interested, that the Commissioners have
appointed the following limes and place* of
meeting for hearing appeals from '1 riennial As
sessment. made by Assessors for 1850:
McVeytown.on Monday, January2lst, 185(1,
at T. F. .McCoy's public house, in said boroujh.
Oliver township, on Tuestlay, January 22 J,
at the same place.
Newton Hamilton and Wayne township, on
Wednesday. January 23d, at the public house of
Mrs. Eliza Butler, in Newton Hamilton.
Menno township, on Kriday. January 25th,
at the public house of Daniel Wlnltaker, in
Union township, on Saturday, January 2Gih,
at the public house of Julin Robinson, in Belle
Armagh luwnship.on Monthly, January 28th.
at the public house of Isaiah Coplin, in sa;d
Brown township, on Tuesday. January 29ih.
ot the public Louse of Samuel W. Stewart, in
said township.
Decatur township, on Wednesday, January
30th, at the public house of Abraham .Muthers
baugh, in said township.
Derrv township, on Thursday, January 31st,
al the Commissioner's office, in Lewistown.
Granville township, on Friday, February Ist,
at the same place.
Lewistown, on Saturday, February 2d, at
the same place.
The Assessors of said several districts are
hereby notified and desired to be at the place
appointed for holding the several appeals, as
above stated, and all feeling themselves ag
grieved at their valuation can,there have an op
portunity of being heard.
By order of the Board,
11. J. WALTERS, Clerk.
Lewistown, Dec. 22. 1849—5t
HE following described property situated
A <n Hale street, Lewistown:
One Ice House, Rent #l5O per annum,
do Diy Dock &. Yard, do 150 do
do Carpenter Shop, do 50 do
Four vacant Lots, do 20 do
ALSO the following properly on Charles St.:
One dwelling, 4 rooms, rent #45 per annum,
do do do do do 40 do
I do do do do do 40 do
I do do do do do 40 do
do do 5 do do 40 do
do do do do do 44 do
Four vacant lots, do 20 do
One vacant lot on Main street, 5 do
ALSO the Jbllowinir properly in Kerry tp.:
One dwelling, 2 rooms, rent #2O per annum,
do do 5 do do 30 do
do do 5 do do 40 do
do do 3 do do 30 do
do Sawmill on Jack'a Creek
with timber leave, rent #9OO do
do do do do 7(H) do
do Smith Shop, do 20 do
60 acres of Farm Land, do 100 do
One dwelling. 5 rooms, do 40 do
do do 6 do do 50 do
Stone leave in the Narrows, 50 do
do on Jack's Creek, 30 do
Wood leave on 1400 acres, 50 cts. per cord.
(g5~ Persons wishing to RENT uny of the
above property must contract for the same on
or before the TWENTY-FIFI H inst. I will
SELL any of the above property CHEAP, as
some of my creditors are poor.
December 8, 1849.
Mackerel j Shad and Salt.
JOiNES' is the place to buy them cheap,
nov. 17. C L. JONES.
Cheap Cabinet Wareroom,
j A eurJ. R. McDowells' a tavern, Kill Icy st.
THE SUBSCRIBER invites those abi ut going to j
housekeeping and toothers that wish to purchase
Ulicap liiisiiliiie,
to call at ilhj a'iov mentioned Wardroom and examine
, his lurgr siock of IVtH JWtulc ami (Jaeful Furniture of ail
i kinds too numerous to mention here. Among his stock
tiiey will find an assortment of
which arc sold for GASH cnE* PER than they have ever
been sold in this place. I would draw attention to a pa
lent Eln stir. Spring-Bottom Bedstead, which car, lie seen j
in my Wareroom at any time. It can be put up aid taken
| down in less time than iheold plan, and without a screw- I
driver, END tiie. great matter is that it forms a HPKI.NO DOT- J
TOW v. about a cord or -jacking, thus saving the purchaser
, the cost of those arti, ies.
c.- COFFIN'S made to order ami funerals attended at I
ihe shortest notice. Either Mahogany, Elierrv or Wal
nut can lie had at tnod- rate terms.
I.e wist own, December I, 1119.
YY H T 8! 81
.VS W J j. •
1)1 VORp" impeaching the solvency f•' THE DEI.A j
■v W.VRE 4TTV DANK" being irrulated, whereby
holders of ihe Not' - issued by said It ink m.-y be rmiuct-d
to Biurer loss, the snhscrilHrrs, owners of nine-tenths of
the .-uork. and fuljy a< quainted with the extent of h< r
i-siies and the perfect soundness r-f her assets, do hereby
bind ourselvcto the public, thai ihe Note* in circulation
will he paid in gold or silver on presentation, during
Banking hours, at Ihe counter of the Bank in Delaw are
city. Tlie intention of this is, that we do hereby guar
antee to Ihe publi- the entire solvency of the Bank, and
thai its ( apital Stork is unimpaired.
Dn.iWAiE I'iiv, Oct. IS, ISi'J—2ui nov'24.
Tlie FV:mkiiii {'ire Itiitraiioc
Csii}>iitsv oi Piiilixlclpliisi,
/ vFI'ICE. No. 163; Chesnut street, near Filth street.
Charle- \ B.iu' ker, George W. Richards,
Thomas Hart, Murdecai D Lewis,
Tobias Wagn.-r, Adulphe E B-irie,
ffainuel Grant, David S. Brown,
Ja b K. nuiilli, Morris Patterson.
Ciiiitiniie to nuke insurano , perpetual or limited, on i
every d srripti- n of properly in town and country, at
rri! s as low as are consistent wild >tni it v.
Tin-Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund,
which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested, j
aff irdsample protection to the assured.
The assets of the Company, on January Ist. 1848, as i
published agreeably to an A. tof Assemhly, ere as fol- j
lows, vie t
Mortgage*, 65
Real Estate, 1 08,358 90
Temporary Loans, 121,459 00
Blocks, 51,563 25
Cash, Sec. 4'.,157 87
£1,220,097 67
Since tin-ir incorporation, a Jieriod <-f eigbteeu years, ■
they have paid upwards of one million tun bund red thou :
-and dollars losses by lire, thereby affording evidence of I
the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and ;
lisposition to meet with promptness all liabilities.
Co * RUB* G lIASIKKR, Secretary.
For terms apply to R. C. HALE, Lewis- j
town. ap!4—ly.
w. is. IKWIX)
S3 A 8 resumetl the practice ofh is profession
1 in this ami the atljoi.iing counties.
Office at the Bunking House of Ix>n</oucek
er, Grubb &, Co. Jan. 20, I^4H — tf.
A T T O K y E Y A T L A H\
Lewistown, MilDia County. Pa.
0"" FFICK two doois west of the True Demo
crat Office. Mr. Elder will attend to any j
business in the Courts of Centre country.
August 20, 1849 — tf.
'o7s So 8&< 9
Attorney at Law,
\\7 1 LL r.itend promptly to businepsentrust-
T ? od to his care in this and adjoining !
, counties. Office one door west of the I'ost .
Office. June 16,'49-ly.
CBSiiis Ts A A B9 OO V !•) 52 ,
Justice oi'tlic Peace,
CfAN he found at his office, in the room re- •
2 cently occupied by Esquire Kulp, where
i lie will attend to all business entrusted to his j
care with the greatest care and despatch.
Lewistown, July 1, 1818—tf.
Samuel Hopper,
Is ready nt all times to build the hest Houses,
and can do that very tiling.
Residence .Yo. 5 I laic street, Lewistown.
March 31, 1849—tf
Ruoi V lioe illaiiiifiiclurer
(CONTINUES to manufacture, to order,
J every description of BOOTS ANDj
SHOES, on ine most reasonable terms.—
Having competent workmen in hisemploy and
using good stock, his customers,as well asall
others, may re'y upon getting a good article,
well made and neatly finished.
January 22,1848 tf.
Hi tollingf 1 lot lis
OF the best qimilty SQUARE MESH, AN
CHOR STAMP, real Holland manufacture,
imported direct from the manulactory, and for
saie at Lewistown at New York prices.
Terms cash—cloths warranted. Enquired"
August 4, 1849 Millwright.
Post Office Robberies!
As we expected, most of the recent Post
• Office depredations can be traced home to
I the locofoco ranks, just as was the Susque
hanna Bank swindle. The new ad minis
; traiion has been foully abused for the small
number of removals it has made, but as j
facts now show, the public safety would
have been better secured by a few more
still. Young Gearhart, who recently
| robbed the Danville Post Office, is, as we
learn from the Danville Democrat, a reg
ular locofoco, and a few weeks since Wm.
S. Hunt, the Post Master at Erwinna,
Bucks county, whom the mistaken kind
ness of the administration had retained in
office, was also arrested for depredations
upon tlie mails ! Hunt was arrested
through the vigilanee and energy of Col.
Ottinger, of Bedford county, one of the
most active agents of the Department.
Suspicion having rested upon him. Col.
Ottinger mailed a letter at Philadelphia,
containing an amount of counterfeit hills,
addressed to Maneh Chunk. He found
that ii got no further iiian Erwinna. He
: promptly arrested Hunt, who afterward
confessed his crime and was committed to
prison. He lias heretofore borne a good
i character, and has stood high among the
democracy. He was a candidate for the
nomination for Sheriff of Bucks county in
18(8, and again for County Commissioner
in 1819, and if nominated for either would
have been elected. He has held a commis
, -uon of postmaster for many years, and had
the administration dared to remove him,
there would have been no end to the groans
it would have occasioned.
With a cotcmporary xve hope that in all
, eases of mail depredations the politics of
tlie thief may be published. The locofoco
press has been endeavoring to cast suspi
; cion on the new appointments, and the
j public want to know when robberies are
' committed, whether the offenders are loco
i focos or whigs. If the latter, let all the
punishment and odium be visited upon
ihem that they merit. But justice demands
, that u hen depredations are committed by
i locofoco officers who have, not been rc
moved, the fact should be made known and
the administration relieved of all odium.
Warfare on the Administration.
In their anxiety to censure Gen. Tay
lor's administration the loeofocoo papers
resort to every -species of misrepresentation
that ean he dreamt of, in order to deceive
i their readers—some of whom mav per-
I *
haps be simple enough to swallow all that
; is said, no matter how absurd, as veritable
■ gospel. As evidence of this vindictive
spirit, we have now before us three or four
such papers, one of which gravely informs
j its c,(lightened readers," for such they
must he, that Gen. Taylor has taken mil-
I lions out of the treasury so as to create a
! deficit—others assert that he has sent a
| minister to Austria, and therefore launch
into tirades against him—a third party
j makes out all kinds of violations of law,
I and a fourth cites to his aid the whole cata
logue of vituperation, one day accusing
him of doing every thing wrong, and the
1 next charging that he does nothing at all !
i Any one who has ever read the constitution
of our country of course knows that Gen.
j Taylor ean neither spend money nor ap
i point ministers without the authority of a
law of Congress, and that such idle stories
are got up for no other purpose than to in
i jure the old hero, merely because he is not
| soft enough to he the tool of loeofoeos.—
Were he to appoint them to office instead of
whigs, their lamentations would cease in a
1 moment, and Gen. Taylor he the greatest <
j man living.
AMERICAN ( 'OMMF.KCE. —During the year
ending June 30th. 1849, the value of the
imports into the United States was #147.-
857,439; exports #1 15,755,820. Of the
the latter, #132.666,955 were domestic
exports. It will he perceived that the ex
cess of imports over exports amounted to
$2,101,619. The previous year showed
the following totals:—lmports,sls4,99B,•
828 ; exports, $154,036,436. Of the lat
ter, $132,904,121 were domestic.
4 How late is it, Bill ?'
4 Look at tlie 4 boss' and see if lie is drunk
yet ; if he isn't it cant be much after el v
New Seri<-Vo!. I—No. 1 I.
Correspondence of the Gazelle.
RAI.TIMOKE, Die. 25. 1840.
MR, KHITOII :—Sundry engagements
wliieh demanded attention since inv arri
val in this city have thus far prevented me
from indulging much in my favorite em
ployment, writing; but, to-day, finding
myself relieved of all the arduous duties of
business, 1 resolved to devote an hour to
furnishing you with a few etchings front
the " Monumental City-"
There is not much of interest agitating
the public mind here at present, the "speak
er excitement," (which had attained quite
an obstreperous climax.) having subsided
simultaneously with the election of Mr.
Cobb. The President's Message was re
ceived here yesterday at 0 o'clock, and
quite an exciting scene transpired in Haiti
more street on its arrival. The publishers
of the several Dailies of this city having
sent expresses out to the depot, each was
anxious to deliver the document first. But
the principal competitors in the drama
were the " Sun" and " Clipper." Both
came rushing side bv side down the street,
amid the shouts of the dense crowd who
had gathered to witness the scene, with a
velocity that almost bid defiance to Morse's
Telegraph. Buggies cracked, tires fell
off", feilows flew, and spokes broke ; but
on. on they went, until they reached their
destination ; and, the moment the Clipper
men reached their door, and threw out
their packages, down went the vehicle
shattered to atoms. And it was a matter of
surprise in all the bystanders that they
succeeded in getting so far as they did ;
for a tire and several fellows had taken
leave of the buggy whilst yet a square
from the office. Following these two ri
vals came the expresses of the "Ameri
can," " Patriot" and " Argus," and in the
rear ol these latter, a I . S. Government
Messenger, who ever and anon " cast over
board" copies of the Message, which were
grappled for by the spectators with as
much avidity as if they had been lumps of
California gold. 1 lia\e as yet heard very
little said relative to the merits of the
message—the whigs seeming to be per
fectly satisfied with the policy recommend
ed by the President; and the locofocos
being at a loss to know where to findfault
—but both unite in lauding him for his
good sense in making the document of a
reasonable length.
During the past fortnight, every body
has been busy in making preparations for
enristmas holidays; and the shops and
stores present quite a " show" of curiosi
ties. The windows too. have been trim
med up and decorated in a variety of
styles. Some are filled with dry goods of
the most costly and fashionable patterns—
others with toys, confectionsries and can
dies converted into every imaginable shape
and color—some with beautiful paintings,
and others with the most ridiculous cari
catures and images : &c., &e.
1 attended the Museum one night last
week, when " Happy Results" and " Sam
Patch in France" were played, and I must
confess. I was most ogregiously disappoint
ed in the manner the several participants
acquitted themselves. Aside from J. P.
Adams, the comedian, and .Miss Marion,
who your readers will remember visited
Lewistown a few \ ears ago in connection
with Chesebrough's \ andeviiie Company,
the performance was really superficial.—
lu fact, mere school-boys at their country
exhibitions oftentimes acquit themselves
Pickpockets, recently, have been com
mitting numerous depredations, in the way
of relieving strangers of their poeketbooks,
and a considerable amount of money has
thus changed hands. Not only have these
scamps perpetrated robberies in the street,
at auction rooms, and at hotels, but abso
lutely in the house of God. A few sab
baths ago, while Fathc-r Matthew, the ven
erable Temperance Apostle, was adminis
tering the pledge to his audience, and thus
freeing many from the manicles of king
Alcohol, these wily scoundrels were equal
ly assiduous in freeing others from the
weight of their purses. Rowdies, too,
have been committing more than ordinary
outrages of late. Every morning's paper
contains accounts of persons being knock
ed down and brutally maltreated while
peaceably passing along the s ruets at
night. A dangerous instrument, called " a
eolt," consisting of a heavy piece of lead
attached to a I utg crd, is usually made
the means of attack.
Our markets have for some time been
stocked to redundance with edibles of ev
crv kind, to gratify epicurean appetites.
\ esterdav* morning especially the farmers
made a strong turn out, and everything
necessary to constitute a merry Christmas
was offered in the richest prolusion. Pri
ees too were rather high. Turkeys, for
instance, sold ior 82,00 and $2,50 a piece,
and other things in proportion. Towards
evening however the rates became materi
ally reduced, and by 10 o'clock, turkeys
could be bought tor 25 cents.
The w cat liar, up to yesterday was ex
ceedingly mud, rendering overcoats Are.,
almost a dreg in market ; but last night old
Bort as began to blow his icy bellows, and
to-dav it is absolutely too cold to take
even a pap out of doors. Snow, we have
none however, much to the discomfiture of
■ tir fun 1 riving beaux and belles.
\o4rs, &c„ H. F.