Vol XV —VI hole I\o- 180.1. Rates of Advertising. One square, 18 lines, 2 squares, 6 mos. $5.00 1 time 50 " 1 year 8.00 2 times 75 $ column, 3 mos. 6.00 3 " 1.00 • 6 " 10.00 1 mo. 1.25 44 1 year 15.00 3 " 2.50 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00 44 6 " 4.00 44 6 41 15.00 14 1 year 6.00 44 1 year 25.00 2 squares, 3 times 2.00 Notices before mar -44 3 mos. 3.50 riages, &c. §l2. Communications recommending persons for rrQce, must be paid in advance at the rale of 25 cents per square. Philadelphia Advertisements. HIGH CRAIG. THOMAS BELLAS. CRM! k BELLAS, ?LOUn FACTORS, AND GENERAI COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE SALE OF Bacon, Lard, Butter, Wool, Gin seng, Cloverseed, &c-, Broad and Cherry Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Advances made, if required, on Receipt of Consignments. CO~The Cars will be unload ed at our Warehouse. Produce consigned to us tor sale will not be subject to porterage or storage. C. &. B. are Agents for the Penn sylvania Railroad Company, ' Oct. 20, 1349—1f. BUZBYTCO, Commission Merchant*, FOR THE SALE OF FLOUR, GRAIN. SEEDS. Aad all descriptions of Country Produce, BROAD STREET, EAST SIDE, Between Race and Cherry, PHILADELPHIA. Respectfully solicit a share of the business from this vicinity, and refer to Messrs. LOSCENECKER, GRVBB TIAXI lACTOKV. 11. CLARK) YEMTIM BLIND MANIFACTIRER, •h pn of the Golden Kaffir, iVo, 139 cf 1-13, •South Second street, below Dock street, PHILADELPHIA, IyEEPS always on hand a large and fashionable as.ort 'v rneiit of WIDE and NARROW HI.AT WINDOW 'USDS, manufactured in the best manner, of the best 'iteriaD, and at the lowest cash prices. Having refitted and enlarged his establishment, h is Pared to complete orders to any amount at the shortest Ore. Constantly on hand an assortment of Tlaliotfaiiy Furniture, "■'try variety, manufactured etpressly for hi. own ***. and purchasers may therefore rely on a good article. r r Open in the evening. V Orders from a distance packed carefully, and sent >( "f porterage, to an> part of the city 11. CLARK. " 'adtlphia, August 1 ly. SLUM BELI.IS, Wholesale Commission Agent. FOB ALL KINDS OF FISH, \<>. 51 \or Hi Wliarrrw, "1 i A lone ft,ire street, Philadelphia. H lli April2l, 1H49.—1y IPIBHSTOSIIE) sjsm SNR IRCATOASAKBAISFO &SW2S^®WS3 , S N>l \o Philadelphia Advertisements. LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Oflicc No. 159 Chesnut .Street. Capital $300,000. Charter Perpetual. PONTINTE to make Insurances on Lives on the most kJ favorable terms; receive and execute Trusts, and receive Deposits on Interest. The Capital being paid up and invested, together with accumulated premium fund, a fiords a perfect security to ! the insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The Company add a BONUS at stated periods to the j insurances for life. This plan of insurance is the most approved of, and is ntore gem-rally in use than any other in Ureal Britain, (where the subject is best iinrieriitoodby ; the people, and where they have had the longest experi : erice,) as appears from the fact that out of J IT Life Insu rance Companies there, of all kinds, H7 arc on this plan. The first BONUS was appropriated in December, I*4-1, amounting to 10 per cent, ou the auin insured nr.dor tin oldest policies ; to Si per cent , ~l per rent. &r .Ac., on others, in proportion to the time of standing, making an addition of #100; £t<7.so; £75, A.C., &e., to every £lOOO, originally insured, which is an average of more limn 50 per cent, on the premiums paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the company. The operation of the Bonus will be scon by the follow ing examples from the Life Insurance Register of the Company, thus : Hum ' Bonus or Amount of Policy and Policy. Insured. I Addition. Bonus payable at the party's dec-use No. 5* £l,OOO j £lOO 00 ft,tOO 00 * 4 8* 2,500 I 250 00 2,750 00 44 205 4,000 1 400 00 4,400 00 " 276 2,000 j 175 00 2,175 (JO " 333 5,000 j 437 50 j 5,137 50 :o- riSipiiLm rontaining the table of rates and ex planations of lite subject; Forms of Application, ami further information can be had at the oflicc, gratis, in person or by letter, addressed tolhe President or Xrt ;ary B. VV. RICHARDS, President. JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary. [ap2B:ly p a P I: IT! p A P I; IS R .No. 21 Bunk street, Between Market and Chesnut, and 2d and 3d streets, PHILADELPHIA. THE subscribers beg leave to call the attention of court -*- try buyers to their assortment of papers, embracing - the different varieties of Printing, Hardware. Writing, Envelope, and Wrapping papers. Tissue papers white and assorted colors, also Bonnet and Box Boards, Ac. Being engaged in the manufacture of printing papers, • they solicit orders from printers for any given size, which will be furnished at short nottre, and at fair prices Market prices either in cash or trade paid for Rags DtJCKETT & KNIGHT, .No. Bank street. Philadelphia. October 6, 1849 ly. Tlie Great China Store OF PHILADELPHIA. THANKFUL to the citizens of Letviatown and its vi cinity for their increased custom, we again request their company to new our large andsplendid assortment ,of China, Glass and Queensware. Dinner sets, tea sets, toilet sets, and single pieces, either of Glass. China ' or Blone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for less than they can be had elsewhere —in fact at less than • wholesale prices American and English BRTTTAJeIA METAL i GOODS , in greater variety than ever lu-fore , offered in the city. Fancy China in great variety, very cheap. OWe would invite any person visiting the city i to call and see us— they will at least be pleased to walk around our beautiful store, and to view the finest China l and the cheapest the world produces Very respectfully, TVXDALE A MITCHELL, .Yo. 219 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. September 22, 1849—1f. Wholesale , IS Jo. j THE NOLLIDMS! GRAND EXHIBITION! ao'jrs t.I xt J: FREE :: Cliiliircii Half I'ricc. Doors open cirry day (Snnday excepted) from G o'clock, A. M. to 9 o'clock, P. M. ? Dont I lie BMaee. r; E. ALLEN'S CBE.IT WESTERN CAM)! MAMFAI'TORV, Two doors West of thr Juniata Hat Store, Lttcislown. THE exhibition will consist of a GRAND DISPLAY of of every shape, color and variety, which the proprietor feels confident cannot he excelled in this or ary other place. All who are in want oi CANDIES will do well to call at the GREAT WESTERN ESTABLISHMENT, where they can be supplied with every variety, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. At the same tme and place, will also be exhibited a great collection of V ?S 1?-. '•*' *>Y? s rjy , selected lr >m the celebrated esiabiishnn uts of H ROUSUI I. and JULES HAUEL, Chesnut street, Philadelphia. As to the great variety ot PERFI MERY. SIEVING CREAM, SiIAPS, if'., logetiier with a general assortment of FANCY aRiTCLKs of a'l kinds, a full description cm, be obtained at the establishment dnrinw the hourr of exhibition. Also, in addition to'he above may be seen or purchased a e-enera! vr.r !y t t Dnigs, JJudiriiiCk, Biyc I'ltlt'nl JjuiiiciiiCk, i^c M together with a numberless assortment ,f ir ticles t.xj numerous to mention, such as Raisui '. Figs, Prunes, Nuts, and an extensive lot ot As above stated, doors open every day and evening, Sundays excepted. N. B—All who wish to encourage the estab lishment, and are not fully satisfied with the performance of the same, their admittance fee wiii be immediately returned. K. ALLEN'S Great Western Candy Manufactory, two dK-rs VVest ot lilt* Juniata Hat Store. Lewistown, Dec. 2"-', 1849—if TOWNSHIP APPEALS. 1850, PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to nil interested, that the Commissioners have appointed the following limes and place* of meeting for hearing appeals from '1 riennial As sessment. made by Assessors for 1850: McVeytown.on Monday, January2lst, 185(1, at T. F. .McCoy's public house, in said boroujh. Oliver township, on Tuestlay, January 22 J, at the same place. Newton Hamilton and Wayne township, on Wednesday. January 23d, at the public house of Mrs. Eliza Butler, in Newton Hamilton. Menno township, on Kriday. January 25th, at the public house of Daniel Wlnltaker, in AllenviHe. Union township, on Saturday, January 2Gih, at the public house of Julin Robinson, in Belle ville. Armagh luwnship.on Monthly, January 28th. at the public house of Isaiah Coplin, in sa;d township. Brown township, on Tuesday. January 29ih. ot the public Louse of Samuel W. Stewart, in said township. Decatur township, on Wednesday, January 30th, at the public house of Abraham .Muthers baugh, in said township. Derrv township, on Thursday, January 31st, al the Commissioner's office, in Lewistown. Granville township, on Friday, February Ist, at the same place. Lewistown, on Saturday, February 2d, at the same place. The Assessors of said several districts are hereby notified and desired to be at the place appointed for holding the several appeals, as above stated, and all feeling themselves ag grieved at their valuation can,there have an op portunity of being heard. By order of the Board, 11. J. WALTERS, Clerk. Lewistown, Dec. 22. 1849—5t FOR RENT. HE following described property situated A iitsv oi Piiilixlclpliisi, / vFI'ICE. No. 163; Chesnut street, near Filth street. D DIRECTORS Charle- \ B.iu' ker, George W. Richards, Thomas Hart, Murdecai D Lewis, Tobias Wagn.-r, Adulphe E B-irie, ffainuel Grant, David S. Brown, Ja b K. nuiilli, Morris Patterson. Ciiiitiniie to nuke insurano , perpetual or limited, on i every d srripti- n of properly in town and country, at rri! s as low as are consistent wild >tni it v. Tin-Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invested, j aff irdsample protection to the assured. The assets of the Company, on January Ist. 1848, as i published agreeably to an A. tof Assemhly, ere as fol- j lows, vie t Mortgage*, 65 Real Estate, 1 08,358 90 Temporary Loans, 121,459 00 Blocks, 51,563 25 Cash, Sec. 4'.,157 87 £1,220,097 67 Since tin-ir incorporation, a Jieriod <-f eigbteeu years, ■ they have paid upwards of one million tun bund red thou : -and dollars losses by lire, thereby affording evidence of I the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and ; lisposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. CHARLES N BANCKF.R, PntUMi. I Co * RUB* G lIASIKKR, Secretary. For terms apply to R. C. HALE, Lewis- j town. ap!4—ly. w. is. IKWIX) A T rO II Y R Y A T L A IK, S3 A 8 resumetl the practice ofh is profession 1 in this ami the atljoi.iing counties. Office at the Bunking House of Ix>n