KtTABU81IEI 1T. The Carbon Advocate rXlKTKU ltVEIlT alTVnDAT BY Harry V. Morthlmor, Sr. OFFICB-Seller's Dlook, North First Street, Lelilgtiton Fa. IMS Taper has bee accepted at tti. UhHtilen Fast Ufflci as Second Class Matter. OCR ADVEIITIRINO ItATKS. una needing notices to take run ol paper 60 per line lor each Insertion, lhecntors' Administrators' and Auditors' no- " iJIrdf M thanks, resnlntlons ot respect, and auallar notlocs one time .1.50. local notices of entertainments, suppers, festivals, lairs, dances, and all entertainments designed to make money 0 cents per line, unless Job prlntlm Has been done (or the same at tills liTsplay advertisements, five Inches and oer, Wper tueh per annum. . , Subscription price 11.00 when paid spot cash r 11.25 11 not so paid. This rule will lierenlter Pe strlncentlr enforced. , , . , . Itons Transient advertising and Job print Buh, yearly advertising runsMo quarterly. Address all Communications to II. V. MOKT1UMER, Sen'b. SATURDAY, FEhWarT" l 1803 Our Olroulat.ion 140B NEWS OF THE WEEK. T)turdHj, Jan. 20. PopullsU and Democrat Id Kansas elect Judge John Martin United States sena tor. Mrs. Lease disavows ber allegiance to the Populists In consequence A report from Philadelphia says President Roberts of the Peunsylvanla railroad will be re tired -Bill introduced in New York legis lature providing for rote of people of New Vork and Brooklyn on consolidation Clgbty pounds of smuggled opium seized In Pullman car at Niagara Falls Con necticut legislature refuses to confirm Pro fessor Baldwin as judge court of errors Uanaaa's parliament convenes iuuen mall and express matter was burned at the Pennsylvania wreck at New Brunswick, N, J. ltaiyuemanas sausracuon 01 lira ill for outrages upon her subjects Ed ward Van "Etten, superintendent ft.. W. and O, railway, has accepted a like posi tion with the New York Central Don- oshue. Ennls and Franklin skate cham pionship race at Stamford, Conn. Eight een pauper Immigrants stopped at Ellis Island Louis McComas confirmed as a iodize In the District of Columbia Presi dent Cleveland may go to Justice Lnmar's funeral Prince Frederick Charles of Hesse marries Princess Margaret, sister of Emperor William of Germany Doc, the trotting dog, valued at $3,000, was killed In a wreck A bill embracing Gov ernor Flower's views on improvement ot country roads introduced lu New York legislature Thirty-three deaths from cholera at Nletlebeu Insane asy lum, Germany Wall street stocks active Secretary Foster says if au thorized expenditures of congress are made treasury will show a deficit Congressional Investigation of Panama scandals In America will take place Dr. Herz is worse In London Entzland informs France that she will maintain her present policy toward Egypt Mrs. Maybrlck is reported better Volcano Padronal, N. Mlbunt forth for the first time In 70 years Yellow fever Is epldemlo in Ecuador. Friday, Jan. 37. Don M. Dickinson visits Mr. Cleveland at Lakewood, and his name Is mentioned Incidentally In connection with .secretary ot stat portfolio Mr. Cleveland joins a Greek letter college society f orged check for 180.000 purporting to be by the Royal Insurance company discovered at Albany Ten new cases typhus in New York Burial ot Justice Lamar, Macon Pat rick Gleason gives up the mayoralty fight in Lonn Island City Nobles of the Mystlo Shrine hold high carnival Madison Square garden, New York John L. Mitchell, Democrat, elected United States senator from Wisconsin The Infanta Eulalla will reprrsent the queen regent of Spain at the Chicago exhibition French chamber again votes confidence in present ministry In Millionaire Langley divorce case In Brooklyn jury decided for the hus band, who was defendant Rothschilds borrowed $10,000,000 American gold for Austrian government Congressional committee declare office of supervisor of elections of no use Philadelphia and Reading combine succeHsful in first judicial decision ever rendered Joe Donoghae skates 100 miles in 7 hours 11 minutes 38 seconds, beating previous record by A hours Rochester coal dealers indicted for combining to raise price of coal An ex-prlest was mobbed In a pub lic hall at Lafayette, Ind., for delivering a lecture antagonistic to the church Mrs. Bartlett received five votes In Mon tana legislature for senator Damaging testimony adduced in trial of Beatty. ac cused of Homestead poisoning Abscond ing Lawyer Harris of Camden surrenders Ex-Premier Crisplis Involved in Italian bank scandal Humored alliance or Penn sylvania and Burlington and Qulncy rail roads to the Pacific Saturday, Jan. 98, James Gillespie Blaine died at Washing ton after lingering Illness, aged 63. Ha was born In Pennsylvania Jan. 31, 1830, gradu ated from college 1647, removed to Maine 1851, attended Fremont convention 1850, In Maine legislature 18MHE2, In lower branch ot congress 1802-76, in United States Senate 1876-81, Garfield's secretary ot state 1881, candidate for presidency 1884. and secretary of state 1889-93. Con- press and state legislatures adjourn in honor of his memory Justice L. Q. Lamar burled at Macou Scarlet fever breaks up Yale preparatory school Colonel Hayes, a New York lawyer, on trial for perjury, put up $10,000 cash for ball Uranlte cutters nine months strike declar ed off on employers terms Forged check certified by Merchants' National bank. New York, for $80,000 endeavored to be ne gotiated at Albany, Forger and accom pile captured General Abuer Double day, who trained the first gun at Fort Sumter, died at Mendham, N. J. August Johnson, elevator boy in Pulltxer building, New York, fell 13 stories and was killed Bishop Wigger ot Newark dio cese, who arraigned Father Corrlgan for Insubordination and then dropped the suit, has had a charge of Cahenslylsm preferred against him Judge Campbell, postmas ter general under President Pierce, died at Philadelphia, aged 80 years Defense of Robert K Beatty in Homestead poisoning case Begins Airs. j. van uouruana uisu op has asked permission to teach New York policemen to sing Mine explosion in Boda-Pesth, in which 150 Uvea were lost Wall street stocks dull; gold shipments 1,000,000 Dr. Barrettt, recorder of the propaganda, appointed auditor to Mgr. SatoIU Two hundred weavers of Simpson St Co., Paterson, N. J., strike against a reduction ot 10 per cent Republicans give up Kansas senatorial contest Princess ot Wales sends cow hide chair carved by herself to World's fair Emperor William of Germany cele brates his Mtu birthday Judge William Lindsay will succeed United States Senator Carlisle Chairman Harrlty den If that he expects cabinet position Wheeling sleets Republican mayor John I. Daven port, supervisor of federal elections, claims txpenses ot his office to be $50,000 Gov ernor Flower signs the constitutional con vention bill Indictments presented against Ferdinand de Lesseps and 14 others In Panama scandals -Gandaur challenge Teemer to row for American champion ship A prohibition bill will be Intro- uced In New Hampshire legislature. Mnday, Jsv SO. Queen LlllnokaUnl ot Hawaii dethroned by revolution tsta, who send oommtsalooers to ask annexation to the United States. Queen protest Seems to be but small chance tn congress for the sut lop lion bill Ex-Secretary Blaine buried at Wash ington with simple service AH the shurchea of Boston held services in mem ory of Phillips Brooks Troops were or dered In read I qms to appear at Dun kirk it strikers ot Brwoks Ixwoaw- live works made an outbreak Roof of Machinery hall. World's fair, col lapsed under wtght of snow- BeUe vue hospital, w York, qusrantloed, and 11 new cat of typhus at ether palate anoountvwl Sew Havea baa a slagl typhus c Mgr SatolU eUars lUsbep Wigger of ebain of OabeaUyUea Mr Cleveland says be cannot reeetve visiters after Feb. 4 Report mUcu WlUae & ftlssell tor attorney generalship- Uw trust formed Charge made that toeas- ary of Whisky trut has I louud Pay master Hill of HackiMuaek niW4g Andrew CaroagU wakes public sUlwuat that he knew nothing of Hosii.it ml ln Mm and could not nave beltMd tbess if a bad, express fattfa In Frisk's jisdjuat . sod announces Uiui.f as reteee1 Re.s- " il.Ii Ua-iuvii MIUUIM in MMMnt MaUSai pea.ru iaiuw lwiiwii, . - sum iaav knrtrt toJar, laatuguntad Um rtaUW, i - - lllinat .. Bratem and ikIimmI porta. AamMrtr . uaaaK atinonatnUoa in Ihbll a which ! 'TM TV SSwT and KMlibood at) Wamas tot J 8 Heltouc. mm In Uutan tat London bulldta Cfuil Ct lain SojiU. ot la Moatt mm nr....! I .ami tr. aav. law .annatlr - oaaaud lo pray Uuu a aalsMfUr ot (Oistsd to pray luMia. mar m I may h. u tmr of ismw wu. fait lnu llu. wttk Its. aula8tf SHSMf Brook. Pa. . U lu iiaav frosss a bIm au I tog UaMb tt O K Urmt. strUkvk saasv ! r aalaUoner lo Wurld't ta4r, oUm su.d.alj - BHnUrj FuM.r tul hmcUU taiaaww . k Moataiw toe mUyuatk attltH, afV iMta baring nii turtra Hfnrai j. s. Clarkaon 1 smHomlr 111 In New York with Inflammatory rlirnnmtlsm O. S. Krlley of Ohio sold original troll- patent to New York firm. Tucttlny. Jan. 31. Oflldala nt Wnshlngton faror the annex ation ot Hawaii. Kngland profrata against Anierloa'a action. The queen aska Kng. land to trotet herrlghta Cashier 11111 returns to llackenwick CharleaW. Gard ner, agent of I)r l'arkhurat'a aoclety, goea trial for allegrl nUemjit to blackmail A. Iiow'a estate. Ilrooklrn. was M.000.- 0U0 Friends of national quarantine claim prospect are brighter for Its accomplish roent. Tammaur'a opposition will be with drawn- William waiter Phelps has been nominated by Governor erta as Judge of the court of appeals of New Jersey. Mr. 1'helpa Is a Republican In the Homestead poisoning case Dempaey testi fies for Deatty. Coroner's Jury discover croton oil and arseulo In the stomach of a dead nonunion workman Kansas Popu- Usta threaten to oust Republicans from the desk of the house by force Baroness Blanc, who made a theatrical failure In New York, takes n western trlt A New York Jury found Mrs. Ick guilty of ab ducting Ivy Hoche for Immoral purposes The forger and the boy who tried to pass the (90,000 cheok of the Koyal Insurance company at Albany were held In tlO.000 ball Wall atreet slocks were lower under Influence of gold shipments. Whisky trust shares broke nine polntaaud caused a panlo -Typnus gains lu new lorn speajt Critm has named committed to inves tigate Panama frauds upon this aide Deroulede and Pichon fought a duel at Parts over Panama accusations. Both were marked A director ot the Italian bank says he will Involve mlnlstera and high officials It be Is arrested Strike at Brooks Locomotive works, Dunkirk, declared a failure New York Old Guard ball Jield Rochester has epidemics, owing to water famine Louisville l dam aged by high water and floating lo. Ex-Mayor Uraut of Mew York baa gone Into the atreet car advertising business Dynamite cruiser Vesuvius tried at Port Royal British parlia ment meeta. Queen's speech la issued Governor Flower approve, appropriation of (700,000 for New York state capital and says $750,000 next year will finish It; (30,- 000,000 have already been spent A wall collapaea at Springfield and kill. on. Slddoos and Skully, featherweight., are matched to fight before Coney laland club March 13 Murderer Thomas Jones sentenced to be electrocuted March 18 A man shot himself In Buffalo who Is believed to reside In Ogden.- burg Reading (O.) powder factory blows up, killing 1, Injuring 12 Rhode Island legislature mtete; Governor Brown recommends bonding tne state lor M,- 000,000 for building good roads Balti more oyster captain sentenced for cruelty to his crew Twenty-seven victims of the Alton disaster have died Ithaca Uni versalis church burns Judge decides lndictmenta against President A. P. Potter of Boston Maverick bank must stand Bridgeport underwritera adopt 60 per cent insurance clause to take effect Feb. 1. Wedneidnjr, Feb. 1. England thus far has made no protest to America's attitude toward Hawaii The cabinet Informally discuss annexation General Butler's will leaves entire estate to relatives Fifteen new cases of typhus in New York Report that In the Kllleen- Wigger case Mgr. Satolll has decided In faror of the priest, and that St, Thomas' church, Bayonue, will be opened John W. Mitchell, arrested In New York, admits committing over 100 bur glaries in Newark, N. J.t and Brooklyn By a vote of 40 to tbe antloption Diu passed the senate -Wall street dealings quiet Alleged new evidence discovered in tne uauyie w. 11 arris muraercase 07 which the wife. Helen Potts. Is char-red with the morphine habit and with threat ening her own life Government dyna mite cruiser v esuvius test at port Royal proves satisfactory to officials; will continue tuls week James a, Hobson, late president" of the Anglo American bank, Paris, was acquitted of charges of mlsappropiiatlnir runas -in parliament Lord Salisbury and Arthur Balfour attack the queen's speech, particu larly relating to home rule for Ireland. In reply Mr. (J lad stone spoke entnusiaatioaiiy for 45 minutes American-Irish league pronounce the proposed home rule bill a mass of legal verbiage Earthquake shock felt on islands in the Mediterranean on tbe shore of Greece Young Mr. Talmage. son of the Brooklyn pator, has ac cepted a call to the Olivet Presbyterian church at Philadelphia aa assistant A cold wave of unusual seventy is coming east from the Superior region The Mer cer eounty (N. J. ) grand J ury recommended the establishment of a whipping post for the punishment of wife beating Cbarllo Mitchell, English pugilist, is out of jail Charles W. Gould appointed receiver of the National Book trust The Brooklyn dry goods house for 38 years of Wechsler Abraham dissolved, Mr. Wecnsltr tiring Lane seminary trustees refuse to accept Professor Smith's resignation and discharge Professor Roberts Wil liam Waldorf Astor buys the Fall Mall Gazette and will make It A Tory paper Another reported attempt upon tbe czar's we n.x-uovernor inay- er.who two years ago refused to allow Gov ernor Boyd to take Ma seat, Is in extreme poverty Ferdinand Ward, the wrecker of General Grant's fortune, was a visitor for the first time hi 10 years of a Wall street exchange Ex-Secretary 0 War End I co tt is ill at Salem Governor JTlower nominated De Forest Van Vleet a civil servioe commissioner In place of A. O. Eus tace C. II. & J. I). Harrison, for 80 years leather manufacturers In Newark, assign Humor in Trentou that William Walter Phelps will become a Democrat. He Is at present a Republican officeholder. Annual Statement or TUG FECEIETSana EXPENDITURES or CARBON COUNTY, For the Year Ending December 31st, 1892. ' JAMES T. MULHEARN, Treasurer, in account with the County of Carbon, DR. Jan. 2, 16U2 lo balsnce csib on band as per.iast report f 13,911 33 Itecelpts for Taxes. J.J.SwMHtr.BanksTowntblp '01..$ 1,027 35 J. Eteijerwalt, Eslt renn,Twp.,'92. 41 10 Alsrtln unrisimsn, j. ai uhudb. i ivu uv Milton Setwr, Frsnklln Twp.Sl 662 82 W. D. Kehril. Ixhlhton, " 740 88 Jaoob Potter, Lausanne " 32 27 Wm. Lewis, Mauch Chunk, ' 403 69 J.J, Gerbsrt, Packer, Twp., " 49 39 J. F. Chriitmsn, P.nn Forest ' 11196 Nstlisniel Qreen, rarrrrllle " 118 90 Win. Mill.n, Summit Hill, " 97 91 O. II. Green, Towamensing " 129 52 W. W. Buck, Weattaerlj 1,000 CO Jacob Ssndel, Mauch Chunk, ' 1,110 53 Wm lleiiler.Lsnsford, 173 83 Millard Gets, l'enn Forest '92 132 00 Wm. lleisler, Unsbrd, " 3,981 13 Jseob Stolgarwall, Fast Pran, " 917 13 O. II. Greeo.Towsm.nsIni " 700 00 Wm. Sbsdel, Lehlibton, " 3,951 20 J. J. Gerbsrt, Packer, " 957 42 L. h. Findl.T. Summit 11111, " 905 43 T. U. Ersns, Msuch Chunk, Twp. " 331 48 Milton Selirr, Frsnklln, Twp. " 900 00 C. R. Iloo.er, Weatherly, " 1,100 00 II. II. Gumbert, Mthonlnf, " 3,171 It Ira OeU, Kidder, Twp.. " 31191 A. A. Washburn, Eut Side, " 80 30 Ow. Konkl.. LowerTow.DiensinE" 1.2.3 31 II. J. Bojl., Banks, Twp,, " 3,953 77 II. J. Frits, Uhlth Twp., " 253 39 Jobs Poller: Lausanne Twp.. " 98 ft.mu.1 Welrii. W.iunorC. " 952 00 JaaA S.nd.1, M.ufh Chunk, 7,788 R, E. Four, E. M. Chunk, " 1,758 W. i. Uwr, rerrjill, " 738 JS7.753 ItM.lpt.of rn.eat.,1 lAndTax... 8Mk. Iwu., Uis 18M.t 1 II " " WUTHt 6 31 - UMlMl 111 21 8 M I 107 arVrT"i33,lW fraii til. M ui. ivi Ii.rr 1..lur..iui Tap w an x iilnvn 8 U- tA inn as 71 au-ir.t at iMa mmm I.,, uim ii. , a. wj 1 m.ss.s. ... IUM UM. lalirnl. m 88 ma hwi .1 q IJ..;:::, MS - sau. last 4St lalkMk hw., bua.'l., U IsawMil. I - Mum. rw 14 tt - ESmat . m 814 t a II, 88 a. IB a 14 88 aaa r . u 4M2, lea m it n 343 ts 05 no H 1 79 07 01 (a is interest Towamenslnn Tp, taxes 1190. " Interest... ' taxes 1M1 ' Interest.. rarryvllle llor., taxes INt.. " " interest " taxes ll Mfttteh Chunk Tv, p., taxes 1M. " " interest taxes U1... " " " Interest weatherly bor.. taxes 1890 " ' Interest 1S7 t4 1 41 I 71 71) 4'J 17 sow 49 B,VI 1WI For Rents Paid. Keystone Club, one year ( 1M) 00 1 oo ltohert Klotl.. 61 00 10 00 J.J. Jlojle, coal ' Old Material Said. John Cuts, old lumber ( M U Horn, old Iron loo A. Utrohl, old lumber 3 00 Redemption of Unseated Iands Standard Metallic Paint Com- mnv I.TowamenslmrTwD....! .71 C. A iwrnej's tract Kidder.. S73 S9 t 283OT Temporary Xrfan Lltidennan Nallnnsl ltank. Onler No. 999 ( 3,000 00 County Shara of Retail Llqnor License. M Licenses, at (1M eaeh 19.000 oo 41 ITS eaeh.. . 8,075 ot 1-5 due county testTres'.. Vom, llrtiO t ft per cent. I 60 00 iwim i irr cnii.. iw" 00ft at 1-2 pT cent. 8 Vt $ 2 91 ?,6M 93 1 Danville Atrium. Middle Uoal Field .oor T)M..t 61ft 1ft Venn I'dthI Two 2W II LowerTowaiBenlngTp 4 4 1,29 74 Taxes Refnnde!, Slate of Penns)lranla )f for IMA. " ' 4forlwi. Peon Fi-reet Tnp lAiiiNiine Tp 'w I'lVtZi ?! ? 3 43 For Ieaf of Innd. A. Helper I ft nt M. HrimiDg ft eo ForTaies on tlocket. $ S 78 W 10 00 Flection Kxpenses, mate of Pennsyh anla 7.1 2ft CoinmitnloDers' iJinUlate orUntrated Ij&ihIs 327 40 fl vnuxliiiH atfitntnft Xr im proved 9 M 173 40 Bal on hand, Jan, 1 18 '3 9.765 79 . Orders Paid as per Vouchers Esainlnetl or the Auditors. Court Ks pen set. (IrandJuroM 791 so Trsverie Jurors... 900 00 rem jurors Don stable quarterly returns and HDstavei 414 4n Court Stenographer leo 7ft Uoiirt Crier 100 00 District Attorney 441 68 UlerkotCourts&PfMliouotary 6i 81 Hhrrlfl'sfees 107 00 Justices' fees 143 3ft (kmitablri' tees sis w uiinM ieei..... ............... ji ot 1 9 0,Ss VI Assessments and Registration Balauce due from 1891. Banks Twp., Jeaneivllle, dls. lucniru uoyie s 14 iu Ulilghton.deo. W. Diehl..... . 44 40 rraiiklln. w. II. Keber 31 13 Wei si port, Austen Bayer 12 15 rarryvllle, Harrison flenrltzy. 7 2ft Illooinlngdale, C. E. Hemaley., 5 co EM. Chunk. Hiram llontz.... 30 69 Mtiucli Clmnk, 2 w. F.ll.Mlller 28 93 rackerton, M. A Vegley .... 11 4ft - '"' Unseated Land Assessment Mauch Chunk Twp., if. Bartolsl 2 00 I.Tonamenstng twp.,W.8nyder 10 00 Lehigh twp., A. Lub man n 00 Special Assessmeut K Mauch Chunk, C. Stein $ 2 00 Franklin twp., W. II, lteber... 10 00 Triennial Assessment and Appeal. Banks twp., Audenreld Dlsti Bernard Ferry, assessment.. C4 00 " ' appeal 10 00 npiii fr Meadow 11 00 " w 8. E. Farrow, assessment. . Tlios. Ilrogan, " H. E. Farrow,1 appeal 104 00 H 00 . a oo iso 00 r Jeunesvllle: It. .1. Co) le, assessment 38 00 11. J. Cojle, appeal... 323 East Mauch Chunk 1 II. Hon.. assessment and appeal... East Fenu Township: O. itehrlfr.assessment and appeal Franklin Tvp.i V. 11, lteber assessment and appeal Kidder North: !.(. McLaud assessment & appeal Kidder South: Kmory (leu, assessment and appeal lusanne Twp. t jsil lireslltt assessment and appeal Lehlf-htou Borough; 41 2S 133 III 33 174 M 43 60 60 00 131 (ieo. ineni assessiniuiana appeal. . Lehigh Twp A Tl. Ullil Luhman nHessment& apieal I. . TnwftmpinliiiT Two.. OllllDOl W. 8nder ftwes.nient and appeal n nisi C so Ceo. M. Henry assessment & appeal Bnmnanstown District! li. II. Ucltz assessment and appeal Lauslord ItorouilH-Kast Ward. K. K, Hlioemakerassessmerttlappeal Lauslord Bor. West Ward; John Bresllnas-sessment and appeal Lansford Bor. Middle Ward, J. L.Lewis asstxsmentand appeal. Mauch Chunk twp. Nesquchontuv Distt W. It. Welkins assessment and uppeal M Chunk Twp., Ilackleternle Dlslt , I A. Miller assessment and appeal Bloom I ngd ale Uist. Chas. Ksroaleyassessmeutft appeal Mauch Chunk bor First Wardi 106 00 1 109 00 I 102 00 so 00 A (1. reiers assessment bou myvvm 172 83 88 29 aTanoh Phiink Ivif.Hm(UIi1 Waril iru; r. 11. Miner assessment anu appeal Mahoning Iwp llabonto, Ulstt A.U.UUIer asse.sessment and appeal Mahoning Twl I'ack.rton Ultti M. A. Kegley assessment and appeal Packer Twp., , J, u, mttner, appeal..., ParrjtUlebor' II. Henrltzy.issessment and anneal 40 00 111 69 900 J. M. Uotttnan assistant 10 oo Penn KorestTwp., I LevlKuchner assessment and appesl 68 78 00 Summit Hill bor: 01. J. Biout assessment anu appeal 132 60 Jus. McMlchael assessment and appeal..... 80 00 Jas. McDonnell assessment . and appeal i oo 304 Towamensing Twp; n. memier assessment miiu oppt-ai.. Weatherly bori 1ft. j.k. uoclson. assessment ana appeal 121 no Welssport bori Antpn Hmr a.sesiRient and anneal 47 Al Whlttlngham delherlnc assessment notices to Jtast renu aim di.iiuiiiu. Jos. Smith assessment notices II. W. Ksser " " , A. U. Peters writing anil sertlng notices 27 1. . Plrst Tteglstry of Voter. 1802. Banks Tv, p. Audenrled District .lohnnnrrv 22 00 Banks Twp. Jeanestllle Dlst. It. J, Ooile 12 09 Banks Twp. Beaver Meadow Dlst. J. p. ities v. ju 7S East Mauch Chunk, o. stein,., so as F.ast l'enn. C. K. Kehrtg 19 49 Franklin, Levi Horn.... 34 63 East Hide bor, N. M, Hmlih 10 60 Kidder North, D. (1. McLaud... 12 Kidder South. 0. Wernel 18 10 .ausanneiwp. r. j. twining. hum 12 00 Lehlghton First Ward, W. O. Miner. 20 20 Lehlghton second Ward,U, W, Dlehl - 87 59 Lahlghton Third Ward, Samul beller 21 15 Lehigh Twp. A. Luhman 18 79 Lower Towamensing, Millport Jacob Wagner 17 20 LowvrTowainenslng, Bowman's E.J. Kuehner 14 23 Lower Towamensing, Little LaniiiW East WardV'w.'w, Bobst 18 90 Lansford West Ward, James Urlslln 20 CO Lanstord Middle Ward, J. L. Lewis 20 M Maueb ChunkTwp. Nesquehon. Ing. II. Norwood 28 70 Maueb Chunk Twp. Blooming. uaie. ii. n. ocuii.... i. vu Mauch Chunk Twp. llackle- bernle, II. J. Danzer 13 00 Maueh Chunk bor. Plrst Ward, A. O. Peters 38 10 Mauch Chunk Second Ward, N. btern.r 39 19 MahonlngTw p. Mahoning Dlst. 78 60 32 a. i'. miner, in Mnnoning Twp., Paekerton Dlst. Alfred uackey It 29 Packer Twp. J. u. mttner 15 70 37 rarryviue oor. it. iifontzy..., ioj. Penn Foraat Twn. J. D. Hnvder 18 An Summit mil bor. M. Boner.... 38 30 Towamensing Twp. Jona, C. uc.r. ........... ...... to Wealberly bar. Kob.rt Talt... 42 6.1 Welssport Daniel Graver 13 70 39 75 Hecorul tteglstry, !,. Bank. Twp, Beaver Meadow, p. F. Metmrvey..... 184 so ,.t alauen unnoa, u. oiciu... vi M Side bor., M. p. SKlth.. .. 8 60 K renn iwp.. yiw. ivcuim. 17 60 31 39 18 30 10 98 lies SI 19 Soulii.C E. WerMl... lAUMona Twp.. J . K.anj8dy. SnSuo, First W.rd, Georg. IwhtonV Soottd 'Wsrd, Geo. iSStM'.'TOrd'wVJa'.'ra'i t 16 SO Iburb Twp., A. Lubman Liv TOwanteMlng. Millport. Jacob wagner tv 1 Low r Towaaietulog, LlttM O.p.0. M. Hear..... M Twamlw,BowiBaa. lijte' waVi'w.' W. ltedi Wiii ' VTani; ' Jwii hSSnt, R- D. Korwjod....... HMtch Ohonk Twp.. Hwkls- 11 99 2418 Penn Forest Twp., taxes 1M0. " ' interest.... taxes 191 .. n pAtT. an m Mauch onunk. Second Ward, N. sterner ,. 3a 10 Mahoning Twp., Mahoning;, A, l. Miner. w Mahoning Twp., rackerton, Alfred llacker 19 Packer Twp., J. tt mttner n eo Pitrrvvllle. II. Henrltzv IS 80 l'enn Forest Twp., J.U.8nyder. 14 1 Inummu inn, mhiius iHicr,, o iw Towamenslni Twp.,.!. O. Ueer. 18 3 Weatherly, Robert Talt S? M relssnorl. W. I Kutx u $153,1 15 Unseated Land Taxes. raid to School Directors, Over seers of the Poor and Super, visors- their portion Middle Coal Field Poor District tm n Penn Forest Twp 46 S4 Kidder Townshln 76 23 Hanks 1 a J.u..,Ty,mmnilnvTmi 7 S3 (491 46 Read rjamages. Austin Hover... Andrews St Leopold. Abraham llenrv II. F. Frelndt Lewis Hartnian...,..i AlevesiaSolt teuDen sou Cennty Bridges. Fast Mauch Chunk Bridie F. Mackl, measuring nnMnnr .9 SO p. A, j Binder, bal. tromung piers, z Aaron iceiing, railing lorsiaewaiK... e 992 12 Pn.rrvTi.lA nrlrtm- Lerl Horn, labor and material....... 91093 AUttiii atttiic.-t.iaLrui turn inmcna. ..... s vj 25 13 I Poho Foco Bridge at Buck's- r Paul buck, repairs.. 6 00 Itnwman'n ItrldcrV KIstle & llorn.labor and material a. S217 02 Kamuel Heller, lumber... W 20 ' si2 a Poho Poco Bridge at Schoenberger's Antnittn! Vnll. fn.. 91 f.U I NeUon Ac Buchanannew uriage i.iw w 'datlon 14 80 2.138 39 Rook port Bridire- lvt Horn, maionrv ... SM2 CO 1 Franz Mackl. services.. 3 00 1 neison uucnanan, bridge t (79 00 ? 1 i.isa u l'pnn.vllle Brldir BaUlett, materials, 1 run ! tuvrrj rcKim u oq German's Bridge .innip tiBuieiE, repairs 21 w Kast ll&ven Hridtre n. Kleckner, repairs.... 320 32 pi. vreriicr. paiimnif ... icw w S..Best.repslri 48 25 B2ft 07 Little Can Brides (ten. M. llenrv. rfnalr.. I Weatherlv Rridtre Nelson & Buchanan, i il walk SVJ1 CO J- C. Bendel, paid ,for painting 13 94 StroM's nrldee- I N. F. Htrohl. labor.. $S 08 our 1 oiruni.icar g aowir oldbrldiTft 11 37 Levi Horn, masonry.... Mi 90 W. H Reber. Glllne In approaches 1.... 60 00 Nelson & Buchanan, a newbrmge 1,275 00 W. H. Reber, labor 30 00 Lehlghton Bridge Jacob Htraumberi7er. rvalntlnir. 50rt ivi . Tannery Bridge J.C. Hendel.labor...... $20 83 u. u. nicnaua, laoor.... ya ve M 83 iT.411 87 Printing, Advertlalnr and Stationer. P.E,Faust.advertIslBg lis 00 E, II. Ranch & Son. ad- -r 11.131 1 ij( ffioD oj :. H. ltaucli & Son, printing 46 23 I Lelilshton Advoc&tA.iul. 233 1ertlsinff., t90 60 Uhifjbton Advocate, pnoilDK 62 60 J.W. Mallov. adv.rtlk Intr ,i&s 00 . W. Malloy, printing . 73 co 0.1 ui O. B. Hlglty.advertlstnj. ,203 00 W.O.Watson.advertls'g $67 60 priming, w 09 tn W. A. Feist, advertising 1 so Iw. ... ..raiioi, llllUll... J M J. II. WrlEht, blanks, eto m S3 J. H. Hand we r It, Btationen'.s s 60 k, r. Luckeobach, ' .... Viv AV Urn l 40 62 II 00 I 3 Si 90 j deorge flex, express In , u, mann, a jo.. DianiCS.eiC. W'm.MurphT'sSons Co.. blanks. Ivtniiuucij, cm.... ............. f A. It. Whit., indexes .so 00 K. K. Meyers, pampnlets. 10 00 K. II. It.uch & Hon. election tickets HO 00 13.003 1J Bond. lMd..mad, 3 Elltn O'Donnell, Nos. 284, 887, 28S !...V$750 0O riul Lamaa, 233 260 00 1 dtiru muriwui.,nui.n.e. ouu wu Adam lifer, .NO!. 230,231, 232... 760 00 Jona. Miller, No, 230 2M 00 rs. wm. e. need, no. 2(0 250 00 I .iciiri .i.u, nva, sro, 5. 22S 1,000 00 I Emma Denoe. Nos. 221.222..... 0)0 00 1, 1 luihl Kooos, No. 1W. 260 W 1,nrn)uiv ciuiuii iu. ivs. ...... zow Catharine Bropby, No. 260 600 00 llrldijrt Kreslln, No. 268 290 00 HlaslusZeljer, No.275 260 00 1uar,ii oiui,,,. iiUi .(I ......... dwv w Moses Nejrer. Nos. 206, S07 1,000 OO .171,. 1 nomas, jion. X,S,.I3, r.i. 273. re .'. . imo co 110.76. 00 I Interest paid on bonds 7. tot.w Burial of Dm..s1 aloldl.r.. I Nathan Russ.. 36 00 39 ro 39 00 39 00 S3 ro 39 00 nmip scnocn KUllan llnRi-rk.r..., Ichai. II. Wundt 00 frnlerlck Sutter.... Salarl.s. , J, T. Mulheara Tres, lfl tl 1,347 73 11. H. lfan l&liltir '.II rui 35 I P.P. Uwlor Oom's Clerk.... 3 00 r. i . nnarkey uom's twucitor. 320 24 44 Jory Commissioners.., County Auditor. John R. Miller 68 m 1 lien. w. siortnimer 68 44 I A.'l. Peter. 6T Ml J.J. O'Brlan, clerk 94 00 00 I 223 74 Oounty Oonrmlssloners. I Henry Miliar traveling expenses 83 70 Daniel Cannon salarv.. GA0 00 J.U,Sendelsalary.... 850 00 . lpl.1 U Sheriff. tf.D. " CUM, UUUUIU1 llli.WII.1. .,,,( I 60 Drawing Jurors 168 20 l IV.U I . 1 . .. n ,.. I fnnv.vln. nHmn,n l.lnlt.n. , 1 I ., T 1 ... v va 1 ,I.J 48 60 2,376:33 Oourtriouse Expenditures. 13 1 Postag e and expressage 67 67 ii, as ana repairs iibj 3 00 1 uoai. Tuei ana water rents ac. las 011 60 1 Telephone & general repairs.. 185 00 I will nvuiD auu vuic. supplies II 37 Jail Expenditures. , 1 uoai ana mri..., 319 75 224 37 32 80 94 78 1t 57 M 13 lH 84 ni... Clothing and bedding Medical attendance General repairs Support of convicts In Peaiten- liery ......,, Election Expenses. Spring election I.ots General " 1.111 ts Election furniture 1,1.1 .4 Building election hous. in towamensing iwp sc. ou 1,661 Redemption .( Unseated Land, Reuben Zetgenlus 9 71 Henry Nreb t. n F, ltertolette attorney in n N, M. Youngkln 6 49 Loans and Discounts. IXJnderman National Banknote . 90 days 3,000 00 iintcresion aoeve mm 3.0M 90 Scalp Bounty. I raid to sundry persons Inquisitions. I Austin Bayer 11. F. Haas Dennis Moytr 19 99 16 13 88 TV t 11 Care ot Jnuae. State Hospital, Danville state Tax. I J. T. Mulberan. Treasurer Tax on Bonds. County Bonds, 1191 ia to 94 00 IW,,,M,I Overpaid Taxes Refunded. JohnStrohl 7 40 Henry Gumbert 61 tv, n, ncnriK.. ....... .......... W. G. Freyroan 24 19 Kmory Gets 21 41 Reuben Breslln..., t u Henry Hennlng 1. 20 KmorvGeu.unseatedla.dsUK 140 Wm Oelster 8 77 601 Miscellaneous. IU n. Barber, auditing Fro thonotary's accounts........ 80 00 J, C. Sendel, election furniture 3 ot ttenry aiiiier. " " . A. Euxeuer, delivering election papers..... 2 50 Robt, Breslln costs refunded... 4 48 Wm. Winkler, decorating lo 00 E. D. Warner, fae limine tig. . . 6 eo II. P. Levan, crying sal. 9 00 11, 111 11. uruuer, urjin. uu know, man It 00 Tr.nl Mackl. surveying sja OS J, A. McOinlev, sprinkling.... it 00 Nsw Indexes, Janes IT. Handwork 6S0 00 Recorder's Fees, James H, Handwerk It 00 Subscriptions. ILaasMReeerd. 1 80 1 00 8 50 , tejn.it RksoHuUIIm tt SxpdH.t ' BedMBtd ?. . Exp.at.8 Conrt expenses M 7 Salaries.. 4.eee 79 Assessments & lleglstlatlon ifM 01 State Tax 4.M4 16 Kleeuon upensei.... ?' Temporary Loan ft discount.. 3,0 40 Printing, advertHlnn, na., siaiiouarv ;? Blierllf's fees W 34 Jail expenses 1.444 91 Interest on bonds J it 3 Careot Insane 738 oo Unseated Land Taxes 493 40 noad Damages : JJjM Conrt llnii9e expenses. 4SS 09 Nealll.dPXM M 00 KeaeroiHion m unseeieu ihh.i. o, Iluriall Soldiers 210 ou Bute tax on bond 199 M Miscellaneous 134 13 Scalp Hounty I oo Inquisitions 4 Dverpald taxes 99 13 lltDoruer s lees w UnseaUd land assessment.,.. 1 oo special assessment it 00 RnhMTlntlAn. 7 OO Individual Accounts of County Oommls .loners, sworn statement I lieu. RRNRY MltXP.R. 297 davs at S3.N ner dav 8721 ftO Team hire and travefli Ing ex penws to Pittsburg S3 70 $4trtpstoMauchUmmk... 37 i-o S'tftft 80 Dse. 13. Bv order M4 SKI 70 Jan. T.1R93. Hy order 916 7K 10 DAN1IL CAN WON. 200 4iv at 13 SO per dav f TOO 00 Traveling expenses to Mauch rininV ' . im rut Inspecting county vork, travel- tne exntinties.... 13 7fi Convention at Pittsburg .co ca. By orders art. 413, Bit, K73, Is sued in inn &50 00 By order oil, Issued Jan., 1893.. 277 7S J. C. SEN PEL. 178dasat $3.so Traveling expenses Convention at Pittsburg... , K.2.100 . 194 CO , n 00 m co By orders sis, SCO, 610, M is sued lu IK?,..,. (t60 00 By balance 122 00 77S CO Rtatemsnt of Itesotarces of Carbon County. Due from Tax Collectors. Hugh Boyle, Banks Twp., taxes, 1892. . Jacob Btelgerwalt.Ei.it Penn, taxes lwa... , ; ; 0. K Foster, East Mauch Ohunk,taxe 1892. , Milton He tier. Franklin, taxes, 18H2. .. Kmory Uetz, Kidder Twp., taxe., I8i2, Wm.Helster, Lansford, taxes, 1802 ... Oeerge Kunkle, Lower Towa men sing, taxes, 182 H.J.Fritz, Lehigh Twp., taxes, 1802... Jacob Sandet, Slauch Chunk, taxes. 9424 86 78 041 31 Ml A3 100 00 1,073 90 184 12 66 24 1W 2,029 96 T. H. Evans,Maucli Chunk Twp.,tAxe 1892 3.286 12 J. J . cierhart, Packer Twp., taxes,! 892, is 43 Aiuiaru ueiz, renn f orest rnp.,taxcs, 1892 W. J. Iiier, PiUTjTllle. taxes, 18!)K.... L. J. Klnley, Hummlt Hill, taxes, W2. O II. Green, Towamensing, taxei, 1992 C, It. Hoover, Weatherly. taxes, 1M2., Samuel Welch, Welssport, taxes, 1802. Aug. Wathburn. East Hide, taxes. 1892. Martin Chrlstman.Bast Mauch Chunk. taxes, ISfll Jacob Handel. Mauch Chtink.taxesMs1)! 328 17 12ft 31 3,011 08 146 61 1,147 43 203 67 22 31 1C0 76 2,049 38 wm. iewii, AiaucnuuunK ivp.,taxes, 1891 343 39 Wm. MUIen, summit Hill, taxes, m . 3 40 W. W. Buck, Weatherly, taxe, 1891 . . no 88 15,803 83 ilorou.h anil Townships Owing t ha County ur naMiiiiHiuiiiic imnnn at .iriuiii, Franklin Twp., James Spohn 8230 10 Middle Coal Field Poor District 3.15 00 Lower Towamensing, Martin Snyder.. 38 20 Welssport. Milton Delbert 389 78 Penn Forest Tnp., Mary Kattner 396 U 11,416 21 rirldffa Arcnimt. Monro, co., bal Tobjhanna Urldge (7 ie Luzerne Oo. bal Lehigh Tan nery Bridge 20 13 Luzerne Co. tl cost paint East uaren uri.ge sa oo Luzerne Uo. U cost repairs East Haven llrld.i, 01 is IU Luzerne Co. it cost repairs Tannery Bridge l 22 Luzeme Co. H cost paint Tan nery Bridge 28 no Room Rent. E. M. Mulhearn, office rent.... no 00 Due from Prothonotary. Costs In cases Ne. 21 January Terns 1892 24 67 Costs In cases No. 8 April Term ISM 18 37 Costs in cases No. I Uctober Term 181)2 19 40 Costs In cases No. 8 October Term lw 17 72 Costs In cases No 29 October T.rmisvj 3 20 82 32 , 17,883 83 NOTE: Thefollowlngamounts bar. been received by the Co., Treasurer since Dec: 31 1892: W. W, Buck, Weatherly bal due 1891 taxes eo 89 L. L. Flndley, Summit lllll, taxes 1892 1,900 00 T. II, Evans, M Chunk Twp.... 2,490 38 31. Setzer. Franklin Township, taxeslsn.., 180 00 W. llelster, Lansford taxes '03 113 82 H. J. Boyle Banks twp. tax '02 130 00 C. It. Hoover. Weatherly tax "n 360 00 1st National Bank rent 12 00 D, G. Watklns, costs In Com. monwealth cases 82 32 5,285 40 In.bt.(ln.B. of Carbon County January 1st 1893. County Bonds. Amount of bonds outstanding, bearing Interest a 4 per cent.10 000 00 Amount ot bonds due, Interest oeased 8.04O 00 18,000 00 For School, Roail and Poor Taxe. on Un- ..atml Lama's. East Penn Township: S.bool tax, 1890 and '91 is 00 Itoad tax ltw and '91 . 3.1 Poor lax 18)0 and 1891 4 eo East Mauch Chunk: School tax 1890 and 1891 12 09 Itoad tax IBM and 1891 e 00 Poor tax ito and 1891 8 co Franklin Townshln! School tax 1890 and '91 9 35 6 4J 4 06 Koad tax 18J and 1891 Poor tax ltw and 11 Banks Townshln! School tux 18o and 1891 144 48 110 19 SO 61 Koad tax lsw and ism Poor tax 1890 and 1891 Kidder South: School tax IBM) end 1891 let 12 itoaa tax isuu ana issi t eu Poor 111 1(90 and 1891 30 50 Lehlth Townshln: School tax ltos and 1891 196 21 Itoad Ux lsso and 1891 rut 111 Poor tax liw and Hal 150 63 Lower TownraensinE Townshln : School tax 1890 and Idol 10 91 Road tax 11.10 and lest 12 88 roortax lsso and 1891 8 29 Lausanne Tnwnsbln School tax, taw and 1891 u nnaa " v Poor " 13 71 Puker Ton nihlo Kcnool Ui, 1 and 1KI1 12131 noad " " . Poor " " .13 17 P.nn Forest Townshln School tax. 1800 and leu 104 21 Koad ' hi w roor ' " l M Tawameosln. TewnshlD- Bchool tax, taw ana iwi 34 98 Koad Poor " " Zi 81 19 49 Parrvvllle llorouab fWbonl tax,18tioand 1991 n 3n u Ksad poor ' " We.th.rlv Iloraueb Setwl tax, 189 and ll 3 90 79 1 88 rtoaa poor " Mau.li Chank Township-- Shooltax,U4,aBdimi 100 88 roor " W. tb. nnderslral. Auditors of Carbon Oaaalr. Mat. ef P..My.snl.. .iKteJ and duly sworn .eeerdlns; t. l.w, do report that w. Dm 10 in. OIUCO 01 in. twinir MnniQih l.a.rs. at Mauch Chunk, audit!, adlustKl and ..tiled socordiof to law tb. accounts of JatneaT. ttuinearn, iTessurer, itenry Aiiuer Paoi.l Cnooa and J. u, o.na.1, uommlssion ars. and Joseph B. W.bb. Shenlfof said county. tor tbe year enniog noo ini, 101,4, oouiui.no log our worn ou 1:11 mouu.t dihiuihi a. D.. 1891. beior tbe second dsr of tl moath.andoMnnl.tlegltoo tb. tw.nly-.lghlh day of Jsnuary.A. D., 183, and tbtt tb. ac counts settled as sboT. and filed In tbe office of the rrolboaolery ar. oorrret, Tfa. above ataUmcnt is not such as Is r. AtiirtJ bv law to b. mad. of tb. receipt, and expenditure, of Its ouinly, for the reason that no separau .ocouni is sept 01 to. taxes lerieu tot g.n.ral purpose, and of tb. tax l.vied for the payment 01 th. bonded debt .nd InLreet th.rMin. Tbe Auditors ere unable to state tb. exact amount of .pedal taxes received or wh.lh.r all nwo.v realised Irons the eoeclal tax aaseasmsnt was applied to tbe payment of of tbe bonded debt and Interest. We weald therefore reaomm.nd mat an Iiih oolleoud be .prortioed for tbe epsoUl nrnoa tor whleh the levy it made, and Ihtt Mpsrst. and distinct aeooants bokspt, In.c Coreano. witu m. pruriaiwu. w, u. wi w, Mmblv. Tb. mon.r raausea ironi in. spiiei.i Ux levy should b .pplled solely to the pty- menl or lb. bon.M a.ot .na iBter.stto.reoo, .rut . MtiermU account of tbll should b. shown on the boeke of tbe counly Tbe aeoounl of money realised from tbe tax levy for g eoerat purposes should be kept seperite1nd eoUrely l.d.petuteat of Ibe special Ux aeeouol. Ills very ntosesery at tbta titu Utl tbe lew .pper Lining to tbll matter sbould be followed otrletly. In Tiew ef the faet tbst II Is rropoeed to largely inwease tbe bwded iBdebtedness 01 tb. county. .... . Th. Auditors hive beretotero reeoe.Kiea.e4 Ibst a system ol book kM4of be eiUbUthed Uumh ik. Gooate OuBsmiMlbSvers and tbe Oeunty TrMsarer, so that tbtaBtesydis tne eow.iy trow any win. w r traesury promptaud precereredltwa t-s gives 7 00 1 041 tbe uwne.ian.eera mm. ' ! nit the rMemeaeadUUs, itvd reepMtnUr wgt tbal It b. put Into etiertitwi t tb. eatii. eel nweasat . . W. t4 lb. Hal utmU of tbe eosatr te be UttlUaeatly and tj lUtastteaUy kept by thAOoramluloaen' Clerk, Mr. Fttrick Law lor. Wa commend Mr. Lswlor for hli efQeieucy Id V Jtuk.,.. .fLl. J..11-- s . ... ' . "'""'I' ! uuurr, ana cxiena tnsnxs for courtesies shown and sssiitaooe rendered by him while examining the accounts. In the dlsehsrge of our duties In witness whereof, we have hereunto set e ir hsnds and eeali this twenly-slghth dsy of Januar?, A. D., 1895. A 0. PETERS, fsitt.1 0. W. MORTHIMER, NtiL.1 JOUNB. MILLER, niL.l Attest 1 John J. O'Bsikn, Clerk. Over tho Holiday Rush., 1893. But we an still her. for business. Daring ibis fear fee will sleadllj en deaior to cater fo the tasto of our peo ple In always baring In great assort ment. To;, of all kinds, PrettT Dolls, Fine SWerware, Deautlful Jewelrj, Games of all klndi. Toilet and Marl cure Sets, In fact eyerTlhlnj? usaally kept In our line, Including one of the most complete assortments of Station ery and Tablets tn town at the very lowest prices. Tbe ladles partlcularlj are Invited to tee this line of Roods while the school children will smile all over at the bit Tablet, we are almost giving away. Then too, we will con tlnuello lead In Choice Confectionery, Nnta and Fruits. Will you kindly call when In need of anything In our line. IPe will .how good, with pleasure. B. K. Culton. y Opposite he Park. For tbe rrettlett Jewelry and the nest Watches, Clocks and SIlTerware the people of Carbon county must come to our store. We not only liavo thelgoods but we sell them at ptlces that are low and perhaps & little lower than the same Roods can be bought for elsewhere. We ar. not selling shoddy stuff for the best because we don't believe in misrepresentation. Our motto ts "good honest good' a- "e very lowest prices." Before you buy elsewhere we would be pleased to hay. you call and tee us. Confectionery, Fine Cigars, Stationery, Dolls, etc. We carry In our usual full and com plete line all tbe above goods at the very lowest prices. Make It point to call and oee us when you need any thing In our line and we are confident that It will pay you cash returns for your trouble. O. H. Nnsbaum, BrWge Street, - - Welssport, l a. JJv 'OJ SO -JL High Prices have no place in our store our patrons will tell you that and consequently we want your trade. We can save you money. If you doubt it come and see. Afen. Overcoats, $.1, and tin. .Wen's Suits, ti, and up. We also have a Nice Line 01 BoyB1 Suits and Overcoats at Closing out rnces. Shoes (or Men at $1 and np Shoes for Women at tl and up We also line of well made Shoes for Children at 40 cents and up Slippers as low as 40 cents, Rubbers for Boys and Olrls at 30c, Rubbers f ir Men, Rubbers (or Women, Beautiful Blankets & Comforts. Go from $1 to $4,50. Now Dress Goods Almost endless In variety and certainly Lower In Price, than you can tht same quality of goods (or else where In town. Qroceiies & Provisions, of the best quality and at tbe lowest prices. Choice Flour and Feed, Fresh Country Produce, Trashing Machines & Wingers of the best make, at low prices. ALL GOODS ARE DELIVERED FREE, IV'e have a Roomy, Pleasant Store, electric lighted. Come and see us GEO H. ENZIAN, North First Street, Lehighton, THE SUN. During 1883 THE SUN will be of surpasslne excellence and will print more new. and more pare literature than ever before tn its history. The Sunday Sun Is tbe jrreateat Sunday Newspaper tn tbe world. Prioe 5c a copy. By mall, 12 a year Daily, by mall, W a year Dally and Sondy, by mall IS a year Addreu TOE ftVN, New V.rlt. Ataiiistratot's Notice. EstaK ol JOUN a. FRY. lit. ot rraaVlla Twp tefbos HUB. Fa,. 8WWH. All pM .IB- 1 10 mm ire resseiw w saaa. im- t. unHSttSMWH. oat re. ..wi., . i!iai will mHM Xtitra wHtun if CkZ. ie J3aimlin.ur. WEIBSPORT, PA. H e again desire to call your attention to our excellent line of Stationery which includes everything that you may want. Box Paper and Envelopes, Ink Pens and Pencils, all kinds, quality and styles of Tablets, which are being sold at the very lowest prices ever heard of in this town or valley. Will you come and see us when you need anything in this line. BIERY, The Druggist. Attention! Business Men BANKERS, BROKERS, BOOKEEPKRS, LA.WYEK9, OFFIGIAI, And all whose business Requires Writing! Do not deface your books by scratching, use which works Instantaneously and dncn not abrade the Daner. A neat and clean set ot Books Is appreciated by Good Business Men. AddreM all orders to Qetv eral Agent K. V. KUEMNEIt. Htemleisvllle, Uarb tn county. Pa. Price 35, Co and 7ft centv TAWFER, the barber, opposite the Opera House, cuts hair, shaves and does every, thing In flrstclasa style Drop In and see htm. Closed on Sundays. Toilet Articles tor sale. S TUBER'S SHAVING SALOON, opposite the advocate OrFicx, Is headquarters fur suaving.nair cutting ana saampootiiK. rariicu lar attention paid to cutting Ladles bangs and Children's Hair, Toilet articles for sale. Choice Cigars. Call. p TO FRS. RODERRR, under the Exchango M iiuMJi. Duuit Biicci, or u .inuuiu suave ora fashionable hair cut. Iy Closed on Sunday's Boeder's Hair tonic, cures Dandruff. Weearry In stock a full line of fancy toilet articles at low est prices, and we are the only place In town where you can buy Bender's Cream lor thelace. 1? D. CAMPBELL, over the Canal Brldce. East Welssport, cuts hall, shaves and shampoos In style. Give me a call. You can also buy nay itum, iinir tunics, ox.j at tne very lowest Competetioa Is Tie Nerre Of Cheap For Cash, Tales First Kate. Reading R. R. System Lehigh Valloy Division, Anthracite Coal used exclusively, Insuring cleanliness and comfort. Arrengemect of Passenger Trains. ScmtDoxK ix Eftect Die. i, 1892. TKAIKS LKAVK LK1IIQUTON For Newark and New Yorkli.7., aadllli, ror alauUDKa uoun. .uu nciu.io ,.id vnr imiMTtviita and Treuton 9.00 and 11,13 a.m.i ana u-m . . v Far SUitlnetoD. Ciausauqua, Allentown, Detn. a.hem. ana rJuion,D.u, . m . tut, 3.ii, 3.08. i-rf, T.M and 10.27 p m. vn! vhilul.lDhla and DOints soutn 1.23 6.42. 7.48, u.H and 11.12 a. w.i J.42, 3.06, 4-J7, 3.22 and KorWadlniandllirrlsbunc m7.46 and 11.12 a.06, o.vt ana t.: For Howmans, Leiiliili Oap. cnerrsrord, Lau- vl ry's, wtiite uau, r's. wtiUe uau, and UoVendauqua 6.42, 8.00 8.M 2.12, sn, ana 10 271 Vnr il.nrh Churl! 6.62. 7.13. (.36. 11 and 11JI3 a.m.i 1.10, 3.16, 1.13, 6.20. 7J3. 8.3..8J0 p. in. xoi lYeauierijr u vm Mahaiiov city. Hhenandoan and Ashland 8UB, 7.4J, J and 11.63 a.m. 1 1.13. 6.20 3i uu p.m. r.r Al u uarmci uu duuivkiumh, ,,nuv For Fot'tsiill., 7., SJI6 11.13 ad 11.63 a. m.. a w. fcio, ja uu v.," ... vwhl,. ir.v.n. wnke.barre and Bcranton 7.13, 8.36 and 11.63 a.ra. 4.16, 6.20, 7.22 and 10.69 For Plttston and LtB. Junct., 7.43, 9,30, and For Tunknaunock 7,tl and 11.63 a. ra.i 4.16, For Owego, jmourn, Ithaca and Geneva Xlja For llceIIe.Toanda,Bayre.WaTerlj, El mlra, Kocheswr, Buffalo, N'ara Falls and th. For Elmlra and the Wnl via Balamanea at 4.1&P.1U. .-. -,.UQ For New York 46 6.07 and U.M a.ra. 1 6.17 and ''ForVhiladtlphla 1 7.S7 a. in.i J.63, 6.17 and T.aip.m. A ,, .,... . ,, . m . ...' a.17 and O.Q2 D. m. For Mauch Chunk 8.14, JB, 11.20, 11.38 11 M a. ro,i aie, 6.15, s.it. and M p. m. b-r'utnTV, . or m- m., .B2 and 7.28 D. m. For Uazleton 9.68, and It eajum. j 3.16 and 10.69 VoT Mahanoy CUT and Shenandoah 8.66, 11.63 a. m., ana a.10 p. m. vn. IT... i.tn. ., , 19 n. m t?nw whti, Ua.n. wllkefrBarr.. PltUton, Tunkhannoek,Toande. Sayre.Ithaca, geneva. Auburn, Elmlra, Hoehester, Buttalo, Niagara Falls anl th. Wet 11 .53 a. m. and 10.9 p. m. For lurthei particulars Inquire ol Agents lor 11IUO i.uicn. I. A BWElOAItD.Oem Manager, O. O. HANCOCK, General Passenger Agent, miladelphta. Fa. A. W. NONNEMACnEB. Asst Oeneral FM- senger ioi. oouiu rc",""2aV ll. "W. tT Executor's Notice ..,.. imr nenKL. late otFrauklln Twp., carbon county.l'a.,deae4. All persons Indebted to said Kilat. ar. requested to make- Immediate paymeni. anu mow uaiiu. ic.a, claims against in. sama win ptwui vur w. out la in prI orurr ,?"B'SV1?R. Jan. 11, iua-i Eiwitor. Executor's Notice iu d JANE BOYEK. lata ol Franklin Twp..CarbODMuitylade-Msl. AIIiraMM lodeMltosaKl tatar. requwst.U to ntak. InuMidlal. i).imLl, and tbow li.rlnn local Maims against in. wuna wiu ikhi him, out dslaj id proptr oro jUwomi J. dm as, ias-m. mct. PI. no and On. Tunlna and lUpalrlnx, TL E. Smith, graduato Id tuning of th. New Bugland Conswratory of Mutlo, Boston, Haass. Work suanBUaU Sipul. hinln.of pianos, i tlmw a j,lr, M. xatfrwa, Mauek jhnBk. if 2 g- CD (j 2, cd b go Fr ET c n (D t 2. qs & h S 2 eo S- g & I? 3 I O CD CD M p 5 cc CD S H S o S g t 8 I 2 P Pi I 0 The Indies of the county wilt ters for all the new and pretty things fn Millinery at the lower prices. You need not go to Allentown or Philadelphia, we will sell you cheaper than you can buy in the cities. City milliners are always employedihere. T p1 you ore in need of Wall Paper, Window Shados, Curtain Poles, Stain and Sash Rose, Room Mouldings. Station ary, all kinds ot Brushes, Paint First Stroot, Lohighton, Lowest Prices. raw awHaaaHaHBWM.iHniHUMMHnMBHMHM IE POSITIVE CURE. I ELY BllOTHKItt. 64 Wama KRUM KISTLER CORNER SECOND & ALUM Sts. Want everybody in Lehighton to buy at their store because they have not only an ex cellently assorted linp of fine Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Boots, Shoes, &c., but because their prices are low er than these goods can be bought for elsewhere m town. We show goods with pleas ure, quote prices and deliver all purchases. Don't forget, but call and see us. KRUM and KISTLER. Kemerer AND SWARTZ, Just now, as an innovatiou, wo are offering our customers a beautiful book iSfhepp's Pho tographs of the World, with every Forty Dollar Purchase. We would like very much to explain this to yon. Will you pleasejcall. Bed Room Suites, Parlor Suites, DiningRoom Furniture, Book Cases, Hall Racks, Handsome CfarpetN. Are among the goods we sell at very low prices. Kemerer AND SWARTZ, Aflraiflislrator's Notice. P.int nf PETER nREISRACH. latflor Frank. lin Twp.. CarUm county. Pa., deoud. AU rursini fndchtd t.1 uld KfttftM are TIQUClted tO make Immediate pay men t. an tbose bartoK legal clalmi agalnit the aame will prent Ibeio About delay in proper ortr fr itttlMfMnt to Joa. Ft: Attorney. Mawh Cltuak. ueo sit 1 FRANTZ, The South End Jeweler, DO YOU WANT Watches, Searf Pins, Clocki, Watch Utiains, XMecKiaces, Gold Pencils, Ear Rings, Rings, Bracelets, Silverware, Society Emblems, H'atch Charms. You can buy tsem ami rasnr more at mir I'oDular hiore on i.anaway. Repairing In all its branches carr lolly attended to at low prlcw. Wilson Fiantz,' TUB SOUTH END JF.WLEK, Bankway, Lehighton, BUY YOUK Cliristnms Presents AT Frank Leibenguth's NORTH FIRST STREET, where also oan b. found a I Fine Line of Fine Orocriu, I PrulU. Candle., Oreen Veee I table. lnMou,4a,attheTery I towwt Prlfa Prompt atten- . A tlon and good good., I flgrCALL AND SEE US. The prettiest line of Fall and Winter Coats, Jackets, Cloaks, AND Trimmed Hats ! ever put on sale in Carbon coun ty can now be seen at $4 . (JuKon Millinery Stores, Lehighton &. Weissport continue to find usheadauar- and Painters Supplies go to Andrew Bayer, Give us a Call. SL, Ilev York, rrlcnota, New Bee Hive, ALLENTOWN ,PA. Ailnr Holiday ana Before Stool 'ratine Announcement Anythlnjjtl.it wo have In my ot the depart menunlllbefto.dat sacriflclnt prioea before wo take our ANNUAL INVENTORY Tf you want to fill a room with CARPET don't neglect and take advan tage ot this sale. Eion't buy a Goat, Wrap, Jacket till you haTe aeen our styles and prices all at and below cost. Dreil tlOOd. HHka. VMInna. Mnalln. ninv. hams. Tickin,a.c.. everytMot at prices ttiat H.l Hunsicker' W. Csrner 8th and Hamilton Sts. Wall Paper. From Cheap Blanks to Fine Gilt anil Pressed Papers. Also, F.lta and Inmates, with Handsome Freltea. PICTURE ROD -4ND COVE. Window Shades readj to bang, or pnt np to order. Paint, Oil, Varnish, Glass, Brnbes. Painting and Paper Banging, by cempetilent workmen In ... part .( the county Books, iStationery and Faney Goods, alwnys a large stock at Luckenbach's 01 Broadway, Mauch Chunk. DRUGS, pure. MEDICINES, genuine and best SOAPS, large line and cheap. WINES.K"0'' mr medicinal use CIGARS, tne Dest made. SPECTACLES, an extensive and increasing trade. I guar antee satisfaction to t'ery customer. PRESCRIPTIONS compounded. carefully Central Drug Store, Dr. G. T. HORN. isbei., the Leading Tioto- orapher. Lehighton. Cabinet Photographs & Larger Sizes, Views of Residences in town and county at the very lowest priees. Administrator's Notice. EttaU ef Folly Kwip. laU of Franklin Twp. . CiTrWeottW.Va..douaM4. All wraoai in d 8td to aaM EttaU are riawiUd Co uavke luv mi priaAi ajw uww UIBK CIUal ltt thm iaw wrtu prtMot tbtoa wltttoot d hTJlt, iw.n.r ordftr (or IrlU ' V HYIK jaa it,U8.. iutnur
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers