The Carbon Advocate! t-RtrFn kvrut ea-ri-tvnAv nv Harry V. Morthimor, Sr. "FI'tlT So' r IH00V, TJnrtlt l'lrn Mrcr-t. Lchlsltton, l'a. iiilsraperhst Pee nr-oepted at the IWdfliten rest Offlrti as second Class Matter. OUIt AWVtllTISINO IIATKS. 1M ana Heading notices I" lake 1 mi "I paper Re per Unr-lor each lliseilloti. Hwutors' Adinlnlslraun' I Auditor no- tic H.Vt Cards oltltahks, reflation iepct, and Jxal notices of entertainments, aupperj, festivals, film, fiance, and all entertainment. elirned to mk money wnti irt line, unlet Job t-rtnllnj- has ln-cn rtin for tli- ame nt tnl ljhillayadrcrtlseineiit.fl'' Incite-, unit nu-r, i Mr loch iwt anntim. , , . , Subscription price vihen paid snot cash or 113 it not so paid, litis 1 ole w 111 nerenller lie strtnteotly enforced. , , . , . .1. Terras-Transient acliertlliii ami J"h print- ngtash yearly advertising pnnie nuencrly. SATURDAY, JANUAKY 23 1893 Our Circulation 14G8 Tat Camhm Advocate i contemplat Jnff a number of improTCmonts for tlio lienoOt of Its host" of readers which we will bo able to make by April lt proTldlDK those who arc In arrears will kindly remit tho amount they owo us. Will you do It ? Iet us see how many will respond. Weisspobt Uah discarded tbe old fashioned way of electlnst their chlsf burgess and hereafter will let till the people vote on who shall be their high oock n loram. Tills Is 11 mo6t excellent movo and tvo congratulate tlie lively littlo town on their activity. Xew then let the coming burgess bo a hustler antt Wcissport's intent? are safe. There is a bill bet oro the Legislature f tbe frtate designed for tho purpose of haying the costs of juries in county courts come from tho state treasury. The bill should become n law. This expense alone on Carbon county for x892 was 81,803.20, and Caibon county is not the biggest county in the old Keystone state by a big pile. The genial, oifable -Qeorgo Mortimer Davies, of Lansford, has been duly honored by tho Hopubllcon County Committee. At their pow-wow on Monday bo was elected County Chair man. Merit is bound to bo recognized, and though there ain't much in It, it is nevertheless about the only thing our excellent enemies havo at their disposal just nt this time. The fihends of General Win, Lilly, of Jfauch Chunk, will hear with feelings f the deepest regret that tho old war horse is In an illness from which it Is perhaps impossible for him to recover. The Oeu. has passed his threo score and ten and can well be said to bo in the shadow of the great hereafter. Ms election thorofore as Congressmau-at-Large, n recognition of his many services to the Republican party, long delayed, comes all too late. Ir there isn't anew bildgo across tho canal at Weissport beforo tho robins pest again it will bo tho fault of the supervisors of Franklin township. Those officials aro vested with power to make the bridges within their ball wick safe to the traveling public, and likewise in case of accident thoy nlso would be responsible. Tills being so, naturally those men will nt once pro seed to make tho bridge hate. In tho meantime the people can look with a smile of satisfaction on the Lehigh Coal k Navigation Company and thank tho last grand jury for the instructions receivod on this Important matter. As wo haye said befote, tho new bridge will come. THE Demociutic nominations aro quite creditable to the Democratic party, The several candidates for councllmen are men who nro owners of jirepcrty. Thoy are intelligent, and we feel confident if elected to this t Iflco that they w(ll use every endeavor to honestly advance Lchlghton's mani fold Interests. They will uso tho finance with economy and yot in such a broad, liberal wny that the affairs of Ktown will be excellently taken care of. They will build a hoso house and in o-operation with the couucilmcu who bold over, will design tho structure so that It will be what it is fully, Intended that It should bo namely, a hose house with various rooms for meetings, 1c, they will encourage enterprise aud continue the work of street grading. The candidates for school directors nro able and capablo men and tho public schools will be perfectly safe In their bands. As for Burgess, Tax Collector, Oyorsoor of tho Ioor and Auditor, the reputation and general character of the candidates speak suflleiently. The Advocate only desires to say that, while their election is only it question majority, that the majority should be made quite emphatic. An ImiHjrtant 11111, Last week Mr. Cooperlutrodueed tho following Important bill, whlehwas re ferred to his committee. Section 1. Be It enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In General Assembly met, nnd it Is hereby enacted by the authority of tho same. That sixty days after tho pass age of this act, eight hours labor shall constitute a legal days' work for all skilled or unskilled laborers, workmen or employees, who aro now or who may hereafter be employed in nnd about tho coal mines in this Commonwealth. Section i That employees for all work performed In -oxcess of eight hours in any ono day shall bo paid for such excess, a pro rata daily ratio, and Im addition threto, fifty per centum of a pro rata dally ratio of the wages or salary agreed upon per yard, piece or foot, per hour, day, week, mouth or ytar. Section 3. That In case any individ ual, firm, corporation or association, or other employer, shall refuse to make payment when demanded, allowing sight hours for a legal days' work aud as provided In Section 2 of this Act, wage-workers, skilled or unskilled, or other employees, employed by or with the authority of such individual, firm, corporation or association or other em ployes, the said individual, the mem bers of the Arm, the directors, officers and superintendents or managers of said corporation shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be sentenced to pay a fine not to exceed two hundred dollars Section 4, It Is hereby made the tnty of the Mine Inspector of the Dis trict In which the offence is committed to briDg action In tbe name of the commonwealth, against every iudivi dual, firm, corporation aud association violating the provisions of this law, upon request of any citizen of this commonwealth. Upon his failure to do so. any citizen of this Common wealth is hereby authorised to do so in the name of the CommonwMdth. Section 3. All lawa'or part of laws, laoonststeut with tbepromleueof this Act be and the same are hereby re pealed Advcrllseinciitt at 1 Oat lr Word. The cent-a-word coluuui In tbe Cahuok AO roc atk affords a cheap and popular node of advertising. Advertisements are Intorted t tbe rate ot t cent per word for eaeh Isatarllon, but BO advertisement It iateNed one ume for last than ).' rents. (lut-of town rssiisots temliug adverii menu for this eelamu will please ' i mi any their orders wltti tlpith u two-cent sumps. Tim amuutii tosoiied i leo tmaJl to require in tn . ollect It throiiKli the mail. Ifvoututye si 'i i ; t ell utim- AI'l)RNtIiri. , Mncod.n.wii VOU VIS, Olll- iniktnuii. NhIuiiIhi 1 whom In' ! pruyi-u II tlll'lllllll in .mi I ! w imlnfnlly l ililwil mi nlglit hy ii 1iul 11. 111. 1 l lli Whs ntti-niptmi.' lu e-1 fmui lh"boiler honc for inipnipi-i ctnilurt :iml allow him space tnperfurni his iprltoUH duties The knife iiptiKtratrul nenr I ho llKht Miouklor bliolo lo iloptliofl1, lucheB from v.l,,ol, tho Wood ..owed profselr for lionily an hour. Jr. f urrnp or Ami ended, was summoned ftud exerted Ids abilities to allovlato the sufferings of the unfortunate young man who suffered llio most excruciating pain until tho wound was dressed. Kor sonyrtlmo past bad blood tw isted between Frsuk Tom lski and John lloloskl two of the mot desper ate and blood thirsty HunmrUns in Yorktown. On Friday last they quarrelled over minor difficulties, Uoloslfl reuderiug his antagonist pros trate by a severe blow on the head, with n piece of casting. They met on Saturday for the second time when Uoloskl drew u knife nnd stabbed Tomoski in the cheek inflicting n gash about three and one half inchef long. A warrant was sworn out before squire Haas, of Audenried and placed In the hands of Capt. Simpson, of Jeancsvlllo who conducted Uoloskl to the Carbon county frco bed and lunoli oouuter at Mauoli Chunk where lie will likely spend a few pleasant weeks. -Miss Fauule McUowen relict of the late Bernard MrCowau died at her homo lu Yorktown on Saturday even ing at tho ripe age of S3 years. De ceased was highly respected and for many years back lived with her grnnd son Dennis Maloy, of Yorktown. The funeral took placo Wednesday after noon nt two o'clock, interment in the Frenchtown cemetry. Michael Ilouuer, n young man em ployed in No. i breaker of tho Lehigh it WilkcsbarroCoalCompany at Auden ried, met with n idincking accident Monday afternoon, While working tironnd tho monkey roller he accident ally fell In and had n log so badly crushed that it was necessary to nmpu tnto it. The operation was performed by Drs. Longshore and Mears. Tho boy Is In a crlticnl conditlou. The 1 11,1 ll. nl. lent. 'In the mouth of January, 1811, and just beforo the memorable freshet of that time,"' remarked (in old ulthsen tills morning, "wo experienced Just such weather as this. There was a very inclement, day follov ed by just such a hoavy fog ns overhangs tho vhlley to. any. Tho Lehigh was frozen over from Hasten to .Munch Chunk -aud thero live to-day several citisens who then skated ns fur up tho river as Mnuch Chunk. Mild weather followed, 1 he ico broke, tho stream in a dv rose ten feet nnd thero followed tho freshet. 1 an ticipate n freshet this spring, but not n big one. In 1811 the river was moro ico bound than now. Thero were, be sides, moro lams. It can nover ngain, without dams, becomo ico bound suffi cient for a big freshet. Hut ns I re marked first tlio present status of the winter is in every respect similar to tho winter of 1811." Kodak Man in Bethlehem Times. 'llio Diulitherlit nt Kntton. Eastou's diphtheria epidemic is due to carelessness, tho Freo I'ross assorts. "It is bald by those who havo observed that a great deal of carclossnoss is displayed in many Instances In dealing with diphtheria, and that tho circulars sent out by tho board of health are ills. regarded nud thrown away. Several cases onWashingtouStreet are directly traceable to carelessness on tho part pf families In which tho disease has exist ed. Much criticism is aroused because children, having just recovered from slight attacks, are not kept in doors until all danger is passed, and because bedding and apparel used by sick children have been, after recuverv, ex posed to tho air where tho germs nro caught up by the wind and scatterod broadcast. Many parents living in the western part of tho city aro keeping their children out of school." Kulm l'ur.lhe Sprlnir Election II li lie the expensi of conduellnj the Februar, election will be paid by the County Coiuinlssionert, the Auditors tf the several lonnships and boroughs In the various districts must see to Hi printing of llio official ballot. .The size of llio tick et will vary In different dlstrirls aeeoidlns to the nninber of ofllees lo be filled. The candidates of each parly will ho ar ranged ui croups, and the system of niak Inu tickets by voters to nesisnale (heir choice will be the same as that einplojeil at the November election . OrotlDI will ho headed liy tho uoid "Township" or "District," as tho case re quires. In townships not divldod Into elec tion districts there will be but one group under each parly name. So also hi undi vided borough's. In townships that have been subdivided Into two or more ele-llon districts there win ne two groups, " lowiiiinp nun "im. i tilct." The word Democratic, llepubhcan , or olhor patty nluie, must be thu eavlloii or eacn group, jnst as in a general election. The names of candidates must 'bo ac companied by their residences. The bal- lots will contain at many columns at there ' shall be party tickets, and one blank col-1 umn. Candidates can be named by noinl- j nation papert In the tamo manner as at a general election. The Democratic or Beunblican ticket . will have precedence on the ticket In each City, boroogh or lowi-thlp according to the pariy inajoiuy ni. me last proveuing ciec- tlon. As the election Uat fall ni the flrti general election unler the provlilont of the imki r uauet taw, so llie borough and township elections in February will be the nrst municipal elections Held under lit provisions. Fortius reason there Is fie- queut Inquiry as lo the proper method of I nrAKtetnru Thau I n.lriiA, Inn. Ie. luun i . .... . ii nc a. ..... ... , ii . ii i n j . ..uMniwwu.1 published fiequenlly, and detail! can be , two tont. learned from any attorney or from the , Considerable care mutt be laken in the County Committonert. One point of Im-1 preparation of the place., aid at a eoote portance It, nominations should be made i queues the work on it will be very tedious. early. They tbould be cert I Bed lo the I Auditors ot the borough or toir.ship at least ten dayt before the eleeUon, if tbe 1 nominations aie made by a convention. I hey nave lo be certified to at least seven dayt before the election wlien made by nomination papers. I.illlierans lu llaie n lllsnop. A question which baa been under dit cutslun In tbe Lutheran church fur vars wat settled In Philadelphia, when the MiDltlerluui of Penatvlvanla and adiacont ' Suies made of I t president what tbe op-1 Washington, lit Juliet would be to col nobeols i of the clutuge cat a "bishop, aud I lect Informallou of all kindt, particularly who will come at near be ng such as the M relating to good road making, the ma. eruditions exitllog In Ihe church will per. I ,i.i,, , ..,t , 'n.,. mil. rbedebateof the dlv showed that codify road lawt, luggatllng totbaLegU the house wat divided Into two parliet re-; ,ll)rM of the several States Ta unlformTaw , gardhigthe aettlement of the oversight on ,na ,uoJMu Tbe subject It one of nuMtlon. Tbe more radical narlv f.nrM.t i : ... ... r . . . -,t ., . .i i IJ prime ,iuuutiaui:o, lor uw nw, are s H the cen lallaatlon of this office on one lu-1 sere ax ou all who are required to use dividual, tome even going to far at to luu. Tbe farmers parlicul7lj need edu openly declare for a "Lutheran Kplaco- I cation on this point. Although they are Z77ii . i , . ,7 . ,, 100 CBlM aunerert from ban roads, luey do re adjuttnient aud mult plication of Dia-1 not realise tbe fact, and strenuously resist trlct cemfereucet. supplying each Conlir-, tu. uxallou that I. iieeewary to give them VZ,??!t.? ?' " wn ,0ld ! chlr nJ "" nio of reaching tbe , prMlically liave in charge all Ibeoveralgh'.ruarket. Tbet com pi. In of high rallro.d The ooiuervatlva parly carried llie nr.i chareas. vet nav. ladlrectlr. ten timet as quetlkm at issue-il. multiplication of u'llfto gel S Mel. io tne Confexeucea, but the main question, (bat i tuUopaa to have "bete tame products car-' of aeueral tuperiaieudency, aeeiulngly nod for them over tbe railroadt. (uutvu uu orui; uus U(l lor, Y, b L'ttrriU bv tbe radlcftl orpnMrcssive yxrw, iliough 1 by a very mdl margin ilie Miiiiaterium bM xTu tbe power of ovortiht Into too lands of one nun whox lutit-c will extend over a wide jihoru f fnimreuatiDim. siv poivittoii. The rr.'Snl.MiL ot tlic nunNier- laia U ll tli rsijjht ot all the tafnl i'is ati.l i unun jafu-n uh.iummpU with It, anil tt iUill ia r. .m) tt.i hit uflicial refunts, eouncflN, roooutmen daUoni aud dlreetiou. To llie lreiikut thall Wlons tbe ritibta and dut of pastoral ilid,Uuu of ilif cburrlt9 bi'lunutiig to ibe milt Istcri uti), lo rotifer and adi Ud Willi paston. and p oo it "pfctin ti k, warn ami hiturt-bu ( c. t hun li, iu.l tbtir vt'lfatf . Hit iimiintei iiiui tiurt mi in u i ujiii- inl.l iinr j un 1 iniyrt ali.iii, i ,iu t lj h lilt ll hi. .i till! it n IIKITMU Of Till: 1.K1I1CIH AM.KV MrKITAI. SOCIKTS. Tile Wllilei ' I ooierHMtioimr lit I In- lint 1 Allen. Allento,,,,. on 1 liuriuli,. Tho flflh wlnler riHiversaluiniil nit-i-llna of Ilic IielilKti Vallc) Maillcal Association ws held at the Hotel Allen, Allentown, Thursday. The proern ninie ua as tiillnas: T) ..f ll... .V..nill IL-.. Blltl Mfllllll 00 iho report ; lite address on wnc.-ry, . I. I. I'awley, M. II , Sprlnctown, I'ii , "I ran-1 ft jiV.' of M 'I'.lTi" ' ,,,p i,iri.,, ..KW,. hi .( Wi caer, M. U , Wllkea-llaire. l a., "l-url-, lien- mn of and ''onlapion tlnougli purmble water;" discussion, to lie npenei! bj Hen-) Jlllllll Lee. M. D., secretary tale board of Health of l'emisilvanla; llio aildns on Laryngology, (loo. L Bomlne, SI. !,i Larabenyllle, N. .1 , ' lielunatic pharir-1 ullis," discussion. In be opened b. II'- II.' Ilarlspll, M. V., Allnifown, l'a. ; address ou medicine.. ldaar M. Ureell. M. I) . Kas-1 ton, l'a., "Gout;" dllscmtlon, to lie open-1 dbj Lewis It. Taylor. M. D.. Wllkr-s- liarre, fa ; final report oi me cecutiye board ; adjournment I lie annual dinner was nerveu as i 1 o'clock. The officers of llio assoeiailun are: i rieaident, I'. L. Helena ril, Allentewii: vice presidents, 11'. 11. IjODgsbore, Hazle ton :().!,. lloiniiic. Lauibertville, N.J.; J. II. Wilton, Bethlehem; J. 1'. Mulcbler, Htroudsbarg; secretary, Chailea Mclnilre, Eastoni assistant secretary, W. S. Stewart, Wilkes Uarre; treasurer Abraham stout. Bethlehem; executive coiiitutttee Berks County, 1). B 1). Beaver, Heading; Bucks County, C. 1). Fills, Sellersvllle; Carbon County, J. G. Z.ern, Lelilthtun; Hunterdon County, U. II. Bpkoul. Flttnlnglnn; Leba non County, 1. Illley llocher. Lebanon; Lehigh Counlv, II II. 1 In list, Alleutown; Monroe County, T. C. Walloo, cHronds burg; Montgomery County, A. C. Herman, Lanadale; Northampton County, E. M. Green, Kaston; Northumberland County. II. W. Minilellut, Ml. Cernicl;fchulklll County, .1. D. Diddle, Fountain Sprina; H'arren County, .1. If. Grlllllh, l'lnlllp burg. Amount of CJotl Loft. The latest estimate of nnthrnoite coal yot in tho ground is 1,081,000,(100 tons, of which 2,0,000,ono or 40 per cent, is on the lands of the Heading Coal &, Iron Company. The arm of nnthmolte coal torrltory in Pennsyl vania is 23l',500 acres, of which Head ing Coal ,t Iron Company owns 102,u00 acres. Tho Reading company by lenso or othorwise controls about II, 000 mote acres of coal laud. Tho Lehigh Valley Coal Company owns 22,72:1 acres of coul lands and leas es in,002 acres. It owns a majority of stock in other corporations which own 11,200 acres. Upon tho fiO,074 acres owned or controlled, there aro fifty four collieries, of which Lehigh Valley operates seventeen, tho others aid operated by other coiiipnuios anil in dividuals. All tho Lehigh Valley coal stock is owned by the raliroad company. Tho Lehigh Valley Railway Company owns n,G!0 acres of coal lands, but does not operate them. The Lahlgh & Wllkes-llnrro Coal Compnuy owns 1:1,500 acres of coal land and holds 3000 ncres under a louse. It operates thirteen collieries and rents 4000 acres of land to Individuals, who opernto collieries thereon. The capital stook outstanding is 89,212,500, of which tho Jersey Central owns W,000,000. Its bonds and other obligations nmouut to 812,000,000, of which it small portion is guaranteed by tlio Jereey Central. ISO'S Mine Ac lili nlH. Mine Inspector H'llllauis' report for the Thlitl Inspection District for lb',12 is nearly completed and will be Issued in full by the first of March. Tho chapter relating to ac cldeuts Is interesting. Dining the H'ar thev numbered 203, 82 of them resulting In the death of one or more. The number each mouth was; January, IS; February. 17; March, 21; April, IS; JaT, 41; June, 22; Jul, 28; Au gust, 20, September. 18; October, 21; No vember, 18; December, 22, The nationality of those killed is as fol lows: American, 12: Welsh, 14; Irish, !; English, 7; Polish, SO; Slats, 8; German, 5; Canadian, 1, The causes nf accidents may be thus epitomized' By cxploslou of gas, 23; falls of roof and coal, 33; mine cars under ground, ID; explosions, powder blasts, 4; miscellaneous, 3; on surface, G. These accidents lett 42 wldons and J37 orphans. Thoaveraiso Dumber of persons employed duriug 1802 was 19,-111, and I Ills makes about one In 71 either killed or in jured. The fearful dlsastcri of one or two years previous ti ore unknown In 1892. The largest fatality was that of ,Vay 31 at Mocanaqua when file buss John I'rollivroo and three others were kilted. At South WIIbes-Barre July 0 occurred one ol the saddestof accidents hv which three were killed under fall of coal, one of Ihein be ing Mine Inspector Williams' son John. Hunk Town.lilo llemncrutii. The Banks Township Democratic con vention convened In the Tresekow school house on Stltuday afternoon and elected a ticket for the coining Oectioa. Tho con vention was one of tlio quietest held In the Ion nshlp for some lime. Thero is the best of good feeling and satisfaction In the.naity throughout the township. Theoulyolllces which were contested for were the tax col lectorsnlp aud tho constable, lhchard Covle, of Jeanesvllle, and Michael Gilles pie, of Tresekow, were the candidates for tax collector. L'oyle v,as elected on the first ballot John Mulligan, of JeAnesvillc, and John J. Gallagher, of Tresekow, weie elcclod scLoo' dlieclors liy acclamation. John McGoo, of Audenried, and John Conuell, of tteavar Meadow, were the onl) candidates for supervisor and were elected by acclamation. John McDonald, 2nd, of Jeanesvllle, t.,s elected regls'cr and Frank O'Donnell and Charles Iieiiiiion, of Beaver Meadow, weie candldatea for coastnble, O'Donnell was elected cn the third hatlot. The following township committed was appointed for next vear: James J. Breslln, Patrick McUatvey, William J. Gallagher, Daniel Gallagher, James Glides, James Johnson. Joseph McGrady. Manns Mc Clafferty, Thomas Mulligan, Kilward Cuiry and Barney Brady. a MiiNiriiKNT or coal. T" ' tir,f " World' 1'ulr i ili lilEh Valley Coal (J. The l,ehlgh Vallev CoaJ Company pro poses tending lo the World s Fair a monu ment ot coat, constructed from coal tnlnad lu the Packer collieries nearShemtodoah. The monument, ll It said, will be fifty feet high, ten feet square at the-bate and four feet at the lop. it will lie constructed In sections 10 feet long, and I hose will be shipped lo tlio Exposition, In nreivirlnir the coal, rare will Us takan to cut out piece Hurt will show, lien placed ill position, an tbe connecting nun erals that are found in the mining nf llie coal, tome parts of the coal will be left lo the rouh tute. while other parts ti 111 be highly polished. The coal used In the ooiitt ruction of the shaft it being selected from Packer collier ies not. a, -1 ami a, but principally nam the first named. One piece tent to llie tur. r. V , i,...., it It not expected that i be monument 111 be completed before I he first of April It It tafd by tliote who have oxamlued the plant that the exhibit will beoueoftlie finest at the World a Fair. l'.isor a llnrenu of IUmJ.. The proposition to Mtabllsb a Derail ment ot Hoadt, with a Cabinet otNcer at the bead of it, the Philadelphia Ledger sail wat lit lie tau. radical to meet with favor. but there la room for a bureau of roads In Uie Agricultural Depaltmeiit. sad Hilt ... ,T ,.. i.i......i, ...'. .. .7 One Mow Mttliirll-atl HevUluit Xlic ft.iv.iuuu KbtT fuetlon of the Kvaugelicul Anso Kit ion lmvc leuiiiftl of un other U'tiny Xtu- fuilm, mt; tele Cmui w.i-. iweivtMl cm Sutunlnv "Tht Ptia .Mu i m i, low tt 1 CUM' i It i lilt il ui la xtirof the Ituwniutt Kslit'i' hu'tiouin miik,'"l''''''it opinion iW'-st t-t letisltr cd. 'i'be lietHniuu wttn giv-ciu tu-Ua," Tbus tUo Dubsitfs have ittfuiu bueu friiHt rated in their w-oourt dobjterute Hltumpt lu swuriujr iujuuotioun uaiuHt tb Ke Mt'sktr antsy mid erer, upl'ointt t" of ltisbojr HowiuMti, aud the Ioj-hI Spin tun hauil itf the tbrot i huirhes ttf the Kv atitfetlt hI AmOi'Iu lu ii in lie-. Moim 'it Tht tui-,e vvus httird Iff t nt- .ludije W I Conrad, the -atne Win. h. d ! l led tin . u i", . i (.but pluLl ill ,lui' Jubl NEWS OF THE WEEK. Tin .fin I 'I. An il fun ii hi nt Ww York Ii tm-iii rim denle s iind ollii r nt ii' fresh n i Usui i' in I'nnnnin hrilier.v - M 1 port It ipHtlun in tlit the klieilhi' of Envoi rcrohtniftt hi- nbinet lu m cordnnoo witl Groat Uritmn's demand -lu tbe ImttN betwrontlie law 1pm f lenient and tbe I!n tlui trofijrtnt lAiw de N'enu rtiodenernl waa killed (iunlncr -Alt Kwan. eom ic ttil nf lmiidc r, ttai lumj-i'd nt Oliidn Ou lnttto Ida ha Ink cni Iuh throat duritiK hi1 Inipri'miiincnt bin head mhh inwly tnni ofl Tile Btonmship City of Al lant-n, at New York, I'mitfht Uro at her whiter dock in tho Enst river and burned in midstream. niAkiiiH a innKnifiieiit tpecta lr Atlvo catcs ot nat ional quarnnl ine and ret rlcteil immigration in the hotie of represeiit at i e expwt to have nett Tbnmiay net apart fot tbe consideration of tbelrmeaanm Iren ident elect, altbouffb not formally Invited, decide to attend tbe funeral of ex-lrenl-dent Hutch at Jrreinont, U lroMhlcnt Harrison v. ill not lto, but AVasliinpton de- artnientn v ill he vell represented Father Thonius Shertnan, noti of (ienernl Sbennnn, Hilmiti that Mr. Hlnine'n ehil dren did not inm to nee their fnllu-r becauac no one mkw the dlritlngnlsbed pa tient, but Mm lilalne thought differently aud admitted Father Shermau to the ulek statesman's iHfl-ifde Matter Workman Hugh Dempwy, on trial at littburg, de nies that be bad anything to do with tbe llotneetead tolioning Tbe feeling of confidence in the ultimate passage of n bill rei waling tbe Sherman silver iirchae act grown nt Wnahingtou Secretary of Stat Foster declare that Ilaytl luuat apologise for the indignity tu Meva, tbe American citiaen, or there may be trouble ftkater Joe Drmoghiie brnakn American mile and 3-mlle record nt I ted Jlank, X. J. Ills time was minutes 50 wcoudu for tbe mile and 0 mlmttCH 8 1-3 acconda for tbe two mllea Edwin D. Morgan, vice commodore of the New York Yacht club, la raising money to build a eccond yucht t o defend the America's cup. l'rl-Jay, Jnn. 80. Loug Inland City revel in the posses sion of three inayoraand two nets of of ficials. There U Mayor Horntio S. San ford, who says Jio should be mayor; there is Moyor MlehaelK Clnven, whose imvck aion to ofllco was promoted by the decision of .Tudgo llartlett of JJrooklyu, and there Is Mayor Patrick Jerome (Jleason, who ban nil along nctnl ns mayor. The judge says that neither (Ueamn nor Snnford is mayor, nnd that President Claen of the oldevmen ftbotild net until Mr. Sanford can qualify Governor Kloner appoint Thomas J. Dnwling lalmr commissioner to succeed l'tck, resigned, vihoso report that w.ifEt.- hail Incroawil under the Mo KInlcybill nuisid sueh a Fenwtion dur ing the recent political eiimpnign A new trial iri (jninted Daniel Cougbliu, the boIo win Ivor of those sentenced for tbe murder of Dr. 1. II. Ciuuin, the tupremo court of Illinois having lvxerseil thoer dict of couvlctioiu Since they were jailed for tho murder Tccmau O'Hullivan nud Marllu Burke have died lu prison. Cough Un Moutly declares that be aud tbe dead suspects were innocent French pilars aro inking for thu expulsion of M. de lllowttz, tho famous Furls coi respondent of Tho Times, uhom they accuse of sys tematic hostility to France Mnitre Dar- boux has commt-ncetl his defense of M. do Iscsseps nnd other Panama prisoners Comto tVHaussonviUe, im representative of tho Comtode Paris, has issuetl n mani festo stating that tho monarchists uloue can defend law and unler in Frauee Tho prosecuting committee in tbo case of tholtev. Dr. Driggs appeal from the de cision of the New York presbytery to the general nembly of the Presbyteiiiiu church. They still think llriggs Is guilty of heresy Gold to the amount of ci,000,- 000 frbipped to Kurepe One iierson hilled and nearly a heoro injurwl by rear end collision on tho Pennsylvania railroad near New York Arnold Morley, tho KnglWi postmaster general, brings suit agiiinwt threo ex-clergymen of tho Church, of Eng land named Loughman to recover the Mini of iiUO.OOO, is alleged, they ob tained by undue Inflnence from llenrj Morley, now deceased, a brother Mayor Gilroy, -Jew York refuses to allow tbe Polish flag lo fly on city hall iu memory of tho lOOJh anniversary ot the pnitition of Poland. Mayor Gilroy tsays ho cannot approve the recognition of a day of mourn Ingovcrnpolltlcal event inn foreign land Yale accepts the offer of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbllt to build n dormitory building at tbo university as a memorial to their tsou, William Henry Vanderbllt, who died In May lost. Tho question of cost is cot to bo considered Robert George, a nephew of United States Senator George, committed suicide at Itta Dena, MIsp., while on his way to tbe Carrollton jail in charge of a sheriff's posse. Young George was charged with t ho murder of Captain W. 11. Prince, a planter, who hod disinherited his daughter becauso she loved George Julius ljlchberg, one of the greatest violin teachers In this country and founder of the Uoston Conservatory ot Music, died at llos ton, feuturduj, Jan. SI, (senator John G. Carlisle of Kentucky resigns so as to accept the treasury port folio under President Elect Cleveland. It Is said be will also draft n tariff bill It is said that Archbishop Corrtgan sent but ono protest to Home, and that It was against the manner and not the fact of Dr. Mc Glynn's restoration Dr. Cornelius Herz, who is said to have done most of the brib ing in the Panama canal scandal, was ar rested In London. Ho will light extradi tion with determination. Prominent Frenchmen aro said to le almost panle strlckeu. They fear Hint 1 Iera v ill tell all ho knous if be is taken to France Dr. Deleft DIusmore of London make seilous accusations against the judge nnd jury before whom Mrs. May brick was tried. Her lens were, expressed at n meeting of women at which the "Women's Interna tional Bureau of Justice" was organised, the object of which will be to obtain Mrs. Maybrick's release Hugh Dmp sey, master workman of an assembly of Knights of libor at Pittsburg, found guilty of poisoulug Carnegie workmen at Homestead, The cane lumed on the first count, which charged him with odmlnls terhig poison with Intent to commit mur der. Tbe Jury was out thiea hours Tbe Manhattan Elevated railroad nt New Y'ork proposes to build five new lines, ami thus give the metropolis rapid transit Tbe house committee on tanking and cmrency decides to ask for a special order for the consideration of tbe Cate-Andrew bill, pro viding for repeal of Sherman silver act Tammany Halt is said to he lighting na tional quarautlnc both at Albany and at 'Washington Somcrby and other Iron Hall ofticlals are elinrged by Judge Young of Kmmii (Mix, general lecelver of tbe Order, with h.iWnu embedded 3,UJ0,0Q0 fri m the in Ji wiiott Mr. Dial ue has not l-' i -i-lid ".ii ishmeut for more than ! s u 1 littvi not gathered any ma terial strength The uprising lu Haytl against thu government of PresiAuut Illp polyt bus been enttiidy cruwhwl- A rec onciliation has Ikii effected letween ex King Milan and hi divorcetl wife, Natalie The Pnpulibtb' house committee on elec tions in Kansas unseats Herman of Paw nee. Campbell of Doniphan, Dowers ot Grant anil I&Ullng of Ness, the four Re publican itostuutsiers who bad lieen de clared elected A gambling den is said to hare beeu discovered in the sebool of mines ftt Columbia college, Xttw York city Ex VwA&mt Hayes Imrled with slmpl rites nt Fremont, ( Crowds start to cheer lreidnt Klevt CleveUml. bat be cheeks them wlJli n wave hU liaud. MoimUj-, Jau. VS. Poh? Ijo in preparing an eucyolloal to dedne Vatican's position ou school ques tlon gurgesM McLuekie, Homestead, I'ii., appeals to workiugnien to a hi htm in fighting Carnegie aud Krlck. He Is charged with murder, riot, conspiracy and anon Prince George of Wales will marry Princess My of Teck in April Home stead's Hot cost IHmnsylvanl nearly ttfGO.OUu Wbeu asked if McKinley's bill would be repealud, Cleveland sakl, "I'd like to know what else we ore la power for." He would not talk about free coinage of silver floveruor Hogg, Texas, will not oppose Senator Mills' re- I net ion Mayor lttrick J. Ulesott, Long island Cfty, yields to show ot force nnd is ousted from city halt by Mayor Banford iHipu Huts tn Kansas bouse unseat aevea I lepu tibialis and neat contesting I'opullsta, ttettiug iiiiijoiitrof four Reported that Judgv (intUaiu is toenterCleveland'scabt- iiettwRtt-jniey general Archbishop Kcu- rick and Yimr (ieiieral llradvof Cut hoi ic chun.h, Dishop Tut tie of IIpw.iwl church, petition i ou grt m to opiu WoilU'i. fair after 1J o i lock onhimdHft During past week Kuroiegt 1 "iiki.iJO"i of mir nold -Jaik hitn wiyst be will fi'-dii CurUtt or leuM ihe rtntr refiiw in nit.t Cixhiunl will him hi I ii'li'Tuin F.inmiii um 1 1st. jEtitxit J.uiin M.iii.Min, tijlitK in hiiuiuu 1 xplomu ni il I. ink t.n at Aluaijll-. kill. r. tut Ui injur ing as luauy more. Illuming oil showered upon them Hoard ( ludy luauagers World'.i fuiroak eongiiwi fur H-i,'J uiore Mis- ullu MiHri, u pretty Km ttick) uti 1 " ho (1 1 -ui pi t un d tn Nt iv n 1 a k IlK'U, il Iwvii ltiiltitl -J.uiu F 1 itn, i riu 1 1 fi ttiu i)i i . ii i i m. . j.l M..S-..H loll .u.l - lutin il i i.iiu i i i , rt If.wtl I. !' ml Ij ii ttr Iwil1 1 t.i il.i h.ilk ! -Ii. i i'l ilhi lIrt.A..3 rim. iJr Mi im n'l ilimi llint IT thothi i ii. I up n . In lio wt i I nilu. In- Millld Iks driven tio'n 'n lt nan hi in h - - !(-'- .puhli(.;ni d-tid'1 i t to i- il.o rul of IShirnnn sdir lill u purt l-ue lle- porlid (bat AkIiIjI hop CoiTin will i I trive severe ndnioidtion from pope In re gard to h' opT(sitlon to Archtiiihop Sn- ! tolU. Int-iftiij, Jaii. St. fnpreme Co-irt .Itisiiee L. f C, lamar idles tuddinh t Macon, aged 08. lie was 1 Co.ifi . c nnriii",oner to Hnssla, con-I gret-sinnu .ti"l M-nator fnnn Miblshippland i secrelaiyof the Inlerloruifder Cleveland ! Ex-Secirt.iry Dnjnrd'ainit to Cleveland is j belie veil t t indlr.ilethnt he will get another i portfolio under Clcxelnnd. HowUlremaln I atLakewoiNl, .t., ieeratdays AtNow , York police lm liquet Depew, speaking of Ilcpubliennp.snid: "Wecan"tgetanyth!ng, but we enn t hrow st ones, and there' noth- I ing so healthful In public life ns to smah a window. Kven the Mugwump lias his use. After bo succeeds he Is dissatisfied wltli bis mu'eess" New Yotk assembly will Investigate state's World's fair ex penditures. Commission baa oeked for another tSOO.onu Typhus discovered in newsboys' lodging .Jiouse, New York. Three new eases reported K. II. Cobb, Doston, killed and 40 people hurt in wreck, Hut land, Vt. Compulsory In surance Mi forced at Carnegie mills, Den ver Falls, Pa., money to go to Injured em ployees Mrs. lent, wife of captain ot abandoned schooner Mineola. dreamed of npproacli of B. T). Car1eton,.wnioli roseufld nil bands and took them to New York- Cholera is spreadiug in Halle Caluui, another of tbe Irish dynamiters, has been released from prison liefore expiration of his sentence Dr. Cornelius I lens report ed seriously 111 in tEn gland Dill estab lishing national quarantine passed by bonse of representatives with amendment firovidlngthat no federal official shall re ax or modify state quarantine laws Situation In Kgypt Is alarming. England Is about to increase troops there nud send three wurships to Suee canal It, D. Hayes' will provides for equal distri bution of estate, utter payment of debts, among the five children Dihop Phillip Drooks' death caused by violent fit of coughing that resulted in heart failure. He bad severe cold and diphtheritic symptoms Cauada will eon Unite, to lie hostile to American fishermen Gns Cronkhlte, treasurer of Warren county, Ills., is short $60,000 Andrew Carnegie returns to Amerirnfrom Kuropc Cnpitnl National Irnnk of Idneoln, Neb., failed. State Treas urer Hartley had about &V,000 thereon deposit Governor Altgebl of Illinois very sick. Vet!it(lii) , ,l:in, 25. Charge is matte In Nova Scotia legislature that American coal combine wilTnffillate with Dividing as soon as government grant Is obtained Dishop Henry C. Potter, Kpisccpal, is advertised to appear at dedi catory services of a New York DaptUt church Carlisle, Dajnrd and Lamont are Biippoaed to Ijecomingcttblnttmetnlwrs Margaret Foster, who died In New York hospital from criminal operation, proves to Iw daughter of John Cresswell, ex-speaker Pennsylvania house of representatives Eighty men killed in Dohemlau mine ex plosion K. D. Faulkner aud J. M. Cam den electtd senators f rem West Virginia. Charles K. Coon, ix-n-sistant. secretary of the treasury , appointed clerk toquarter innster ci'Liul rf the army llithanl Ciokcr will not lend Tammany at tho lit augui nt ion ltepublican senators fa vor admitting Oklahoma, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona to statehood Midnight express, Krie crossing, Passaic, N. J kills three of a sleighing party H. M. Flagler's WOO.tlOO casino at Jackbonvlilo destroyed One thousand coses of wilder cholera in Amesbury and Newburyiort. Symptoms of the disease are similar to gen- ulue cholera James Smith, Jr., elected senator by Nov Jersey legislature Hugh Detnpsey'a attorneys move for new trial, al leging misconduct of juroft Senator H, Q. Millsre-clccteilfrom Texas Illicit dis tillery found iu Brooklyn Three ttalns wrecketl on tlio Pennsylvania at New Drum wick', N. J. Jacques finished CO dajs fast at New York Wall t-trect stocks quiet Anarchists threaten Franco Allwiny assembly pastes senate bill which will free Diooklyn supervisors from indictment William Mcllroy, a New York contractor, suicided In Chicago with 11,700 In his pocket Drooks locomotive works at Dunkirk closed by a strike. Tvro Mlllo Items. Tho number of laxables In the Slate In 1E02, ftccordincc to tlio retnrn of the var ious counties to tbo Department of Internal .mans, was i,u,u.i-iu, an increase or 4-v 204 over tbo previous year. Tlio Atllutant General's demrtmont h prepared the following statement, tbowlug the cost ef tho Homestead riot to the State: Individual pay of troops, M17,033. 17: horse miic, ?i,c.mj irauspuruuion, l,,u.lHi: Quartermaster stmnlle. fttg.?r,.Y4.w,i-!Tinn geneial. J.922.20: commlssrry. $21,310 fs; IUIHI, ?-l-.,OlS.flV, MARRIED. UKLTZ-IIAHK-Al 1111(111011, ,111 TllUrtllaV .lan. iMh.isio, iiy i:ev. J. a. i:eir. .larob M-ii... ,.i .. ci.eixiri, iu nils, anrnu a. iiaiin, nf Last elssport. Sjiith SniNor.pu vt Lelitahton. on Kumlav. .un. 32ml, ls3, Iiy llev J. A. Iteber. riiarIM 1.. Hmlth, ot Marten Cliuuk, lo JlljiAllpo Mii.ii.iri, w villuillUII, Kfjimkheii STKinminALT (in tlw tltlt day of January. C. If. Kemmerer, of Hist IVnn, nncl Miss Mnntana 8llxenvalt, of West IVnn, hy llev. A. Iiartliolonievv. DirrK-TiAi'sii-At lli. Evanaellcnl mrsonaav, In Mtln;tnn, l'a., January 33rd, lv Kev. J. H. Newliart, Mr. VINon lleppe. nf taut Maucli Clmnk, to Mm Mary Buirr.ef the same plane. DIED. LiaroN-tintliemiidayof Janiiar), lu West I'etin, FatlnaMay.dsiiaJ.terof lUrrisoiiAud Mary Alice Llston. Aitetl 4 jenrs. it mom lis and 36 daj b. HoMKii-OntlieliiUiUay ef .lanusry, la West reiui, ieorge, huMiand ef llarbsra llottver. A Red su j ears, o montim and 8 days. Knmi-In this tmreiigiitOn the ainl lit.,(loorg J'AlwurU.Bon ol Jofcinh and lilnuibeth Kruni, aged nearlv three ears. Uaow.-Henrytlcow, nt Hearer IIun,onMon- iiay-of laHt neek.OKedtrO uurn. i iuontliaiHl "I?!!1I8 hearts a ulaowaadsrsttierlsH efilldren toutniirii liU It. Jiev. J H. Nrw lisrt !rtirmcd Hie fast Molemn rltwmnia tstnte euticoums ni Hsn,li sere iu aiteitdsiwe of tliefuiteriil. lis was burletl nt Hie Mahnn ing Valley Kviuncelleal Uhiireli of which lt wm s eoiiiiiiuiucafit mouther. PENiW-A-WORl) COmiS. "WanU" ol all kliids, "Trf Iu," 'l'or Sale," "Vor Henl," Kir.. luwrtMl ilmlrr Ihia Imul al one mn a word per week. No nlimls Inwr tlon for less than ten emit, UheapHst and I adverllslnii olilaluable I'ath luu.t ulwaya ae eoniay llie copy uulest otuerwlta arnsudxl for. Uiuot your words ami semi copy inoii Honda-. Tuenilay, Wudnenlay or Thursday. Foa irt A lx routit dwelll.f Ikmim im nrldeiilrorl,4iailettie K.Ure, Weltspurl, rantlioca war. AHly to Jos. l.lrlarrMaiieK m2 1-711 Fun nai.K-Ano d No. t vii'Lir ply to H. V. Murflilnvr, Jr. Ap- BooK kcarrti-llltuaUon wauted uaiiatataM booa-keper lii a Hour mill, am a lair lynniai, and uuderstaMd lHiokke.pi mrreauoiMtMlM unrtlv wi ami eoBuismnsff rur tuitber iw- ferrim apply B. k W., Han-lly. fa. 12T II. (liai. Wa.tkda ..Mid tlrl to dn tiontewoiL la a amall Unill). Appl) lu K. tl. Zorn, 1- nianiiiu. I J IT K. Knu Hal.a (lit. eutter aua one bnb sled. Ilotli lu flrsl-elaiis eondillon ami will be sob! eboap tor chsIi. Apply t-i Mm. H. K. ClUUMi, Welstport. Aimiuislralor's Notice. of JOHN (I. FAY. Ute of Prsnklln Two Srbon eoiiiity. Ps,. deeoosed. All persoa iu Md to said listalc are rsqnsstsd to wake iuv mediate Baynwat. and those liavmc leaiM uUUbw agsinst me Muue win rw ni tnrui vrnoout lay In proper ordsr (or "tgyt V T" JSVlVUjl QUIM Adnimttmtoi Dec S3, taw On Hdwrn Prostration. Hltxf-nloMM. sii 4 and Merf hb .'SS bit! fear-.. . t thrill, i .)-, f i. .tu' im ii co, Oftiteim Habit. lr..)t. ..ntu. rlr. WCTlaV t uuve nut ti-j. uuiiam. amra. puyuis BrurBl,Uiil)ntl , iufftra4 wttk BlelldpfeT forCOietnatictl i i oonpiVtecilM Jaoofe Pvir- KlU.iH-i, . I tx-cn iolKrinc with MerV ou Cpjai ri.i1 i . r i r Ljn,oould Dot tiMp, rod mtc b.i, til , i 1 he u!M4t4 Or MUm' Ho toratlv Krvin i l U now woll frlovboofef fire iii dn.gti.t- t'f. Mil)' Wfff tMed UwPllli, Uiml.rri ronii m tbo tw( n-tui l, iiii .soi a, T rt ist Uer tc , ttut. Dr.MU'ModlcICo..lkhart,3nd. TMIL BOTTLE FKM. --.Ml VI) I i nil i Icfl no nill IM.I'tlllxliO or i I t li- i'i up ii1- a tt -t "i Over tlio Holiday Rush, 1893. Hut we are still here for limine, j .'ttriiJK ,1,1 jvni nr nit, ivmiiiij 11- deavor to eater to lli taste of ottt peo ple in always ImvIiii In jreat ft stmt meni. Tojs of all kinds, l'ftllv Dolls, Fine Slverwnre, lleatitlful Jewelry, Oamee'of all kinds. Toilet and Jini'l- cure Sets, lu faol evenlliiit5-iHf kept In our line, Iiieltldlnt; . on 3f lh moat complete aswrlinenU of Station err and Tablets In to n at the verv lowest prims. The Utiles inrlleiilarlt are Invlled to see llils line of tomls while the sebool children "111 smile nil over al the ble Tablets ne are almost nlvlnn ay. Then too, ne will con. lead In Choice Confectionery, Nuu and r'rulls.fcWill jon kindly call when in seed of an thins In our Hue. H'e will show Roods with pleasure. B. K. Culton. Opposite he Park. luglnuun for the l'retlleet Jewelry and lite licet Watches, Clocks and bllvernare llie peoplo of Caibon county must come, to our slore. We not only have the eoods but we sell lhein nt pilccs lhat aie'low and pel Imps a litll lower f an the .ante goods can be lunula for elsi'iihere. Vr aie not solllnR shoddy tuff for the best became we ibn'l i.Minr.. in iiilsrrrii-psciiUUii'i. Our niiitto Is ' sond linnest goods nt the very lowest r'lccs," llefurn ton lipy tlsenhete o would l pleaed'n hale ton call and see us. Coiifrctionery, Toys, Fine Sinrn, Stationery, Dolls, etc. Wo carry In our usual full ami com- plele line all the ubove 'go-ds at the very lowest prices. M ike ll a inilut lo call and sec us when-jon neeit any- thing iu our line and we are confident that It will nav von cash returns for jour trouble. C. H. Nusbaum, Ilrli'ce Street, - - - Welssporl, Taj, 4 High Trices have no plnce in our store our patrons will tell you that and consequently we want your. trade. We can save you mone). If you doubt it come nnd see. Jen's Overcoats, $8, and ud. -tfen's Suits, $4, and up. Wc alto have a' Nice Line oi Boys' .Suits au'l Overcoats at Closing out Prices. .'hoes for Men at $1 and up Shoes for Women at tl and up We nko line of well made Shoes for Children at. 40 cents nnd up. Slipper, as ot ns 40 cents, llubbera for Hoys nnd filils at .KV, Kubbera fir Men, Uubbers for Women, BeaiitiM Blankets & Comforts. (jo from $1 to $.;"(). Ney Dress Goods Alttiott eudlM In and cerlaluly Loiter In Prim Hum jou can lbs name quality of g,lt for elw-wlt-e In town. tirocuiiosi & l'rovisimie, of the Ul iti.lily nnd at ltlonetl prices. Choice Flour nnd I'Vod. l'Vth Country I'roduco. irthing MnchineeiS: H'ringers of Uie lieat luakat at low prices. AM. GOODS AHK IIRI.1VK1IKH FKKIi. Il'e have a lluomy, Phwatnt Stare, .leetrle llghll. Come and tea lit GEO. H. ENZIAN, North l''irt Street, I.eliialiton. THE SUJNT. ' During 1H03 TUB SU.V will be of aiirpaatdntx exeellue ami will iirlnt store new. aud luuro inint lllrature than ever before in lta hlatory. The Sunday Sun U the iireatsat Mtiuilay Newapaper in tisa world. Price 5c. a oopj. Hy nail, tS tt year Dally, by tuaU, - W a year Dally and Snody, by wall 18 a year AddrtsM TUB 8VN, Xw York. ; For (tfftwitaiftit ofPakUe Scroti H. G- KIDD. . Princiial of Packerton SehooU, aniiliuile of West CliiHter n tfratliuite Normal School, with thirteen jour' I'Xiierieiiee in teaching. p.Ks. .'KI1MK,,,,. J'he iludersirncd '11 hi-a i-aiutldate fur Supert iMir uf MuhnniiiK Tuw nuliip, at ttiu kpnuif ,'lei'tlo.i lt ljs4eTlL HValR'l num. WBlsSPonT, PA. He ngain dotirtt to coll your nttoittion to mir excellent line of Stntionory which includes everything Hint ynu nrny wnnt, llox Pup! and Hnvelopes, Ink Pent nnd Pencils, till kinds, quality mi1 styles of Tnblets, which are heingeoldat the very lowest price ever heard of in tins town or vnlloy. Will you come nnd see us when you need anything in this line. BIERY, The Druggist. Attention! Business.Mcn HAXKKRS, IlfiOKBKS. TlOOKCEPriKS, I,VYEl:S, OFFfCIAIil, Alistrnet Maker. Inturaneo Writers, Clerks, And all whoso Himine, Utilities UiIiIiik. lln not ttcfare your honks by uratcltlif! Use llie Ink Knnliia; Klectnnlne I'cihII wttlrli works litstniitancoiislv ntul docs not abrade the paper. A l eat nnd clean set nf Hooks Is iinnrccliiled by (Jooil llitsuiess Men. Atlcli-eaiiiiltoiiterstollrii-emlAirent l. V. KUKIINKIt, Hteinlemllle. Uarlt mi county, l'a. I'rlco sk, i and 75 cents. JAWI-'KH, the bnrov-r, opposite llie Oiiera House, cuts hair, shute, and does every, thing In llrst-cliiss style Drop In nnd see htm. Closeil on Sundays. Toilet Arllclea for tale. STUhKlt'S SIIAV1NO SALOOX. opposite llie Auvooatk orrion, is lieadmiarlers lor .urn ittK.iiiiirciuiiiiK ana sliatniinoitig. l'nrllcu. brnltflillon paldtiieulthiK l.ltlles liana, nud Children's llatr. 'lo lei nitlrle.fnr.iMl,. i-i,ni..n iiifrars. uil.l. GO TO VKX IKiliKIIIill, under the Ilotel.liiuikttceei.iur n siiiouih slmvo om iiuhloluilile hair cut. (-m Closed on's lloclir's llslr tonic, cures Iwiiitrnll. Wo cirri tn stiH-k a full lino of fancy tolt-t articles at low ent pi feet, and o lire Urn only place in town wlu-re yon can buy llcndcr's I'tenni lor lliyfape. W I). CAMl'Illil.I,. oier the Cannl Urlilje, Kast , ,"eltiort,ctush:ili,,haie,alid slminH0H litstlte. (memo i, call. Vou ran also Imv 11 Hum, llnlr Tnules, &e., nl the irry lowest prices. 3 Is The NuneOf Business. 53 CD CD f I o et-r-r-" O i-i t2 2. i , H CO S3 as y 1-3. V2 cs in C9 s-r CD CD (Ii CD IT. t I - s Tt- CD t; o o 5 CD O 5 51 C - tn tn O 1 B S GO o CD C5 h a? o CO CS P ts CD- g Cheap For Cash, Takes First- Hale. Reading R. R, System Lehigh Valley Division. Anthracite Coal used exclusively, insuring elonnliuosH mid comfort. Arranseniert of Pastengcr Trains. Miitiifi.K is Kkkfci-!-;. t, 1S92. . Tii.tiM4 i.i:avi: i.innniiTON For Xeuark and New York . 7. in. and 1 1 IL. a in., sou, s.A! a 7. p. in. For Manunka Chunk and Jlehtdere 7.IH t.o a. ni. ; 18 S! -a7 and 7.2G p in. lMir liniueriiiiie nun irrnioii v.uu anil 11.12 a.m.: and lJ.nt & t st p. m. ror Hfotluaton. Caiasawiiia. Atlentonn. Itelh.. n.heiti. and l-juton. 0.1.. 7.-U. 11 0.1. 0.54. 11.19 II, lo , 12.57, 3.42, US!. 4.S7. i.U, IM ami 10.17 p III. For I'ldfadelplila and ikhhi. acuill, 4J& C.43. 7.1'!. IUH and U.U u, in ; i.ll, 3.06, 1 37, .3 and 7.M P. 111. l'orlteadlngiiidUarrisnuin l,t.7.4. s.o,.aBd7i ... For nowaiaiu. U'hlljli (lap. Clutrrifoid, Ian rv't. Whtt Ilafl, I'oiiuii', and llokemlawua &4t, a.00 ..ot a. in. . itJv, 4 x, and .01117 p. in. For Chuck 6.M. 7.43. and 1 1 JO ft. 10.; I,t.a.lil,4.l.s,a.ail.7.a,l..'a',4a p. 111. ror iiemiiviiy uitu iiAurtuuu.a,i.iv.iti,ni iljsa.m.1 t.ia,g.w.7.s, iom ip.iu. roe MtJjanov city. 8hnaidoMli ami Asldand lUH. 7.11. jo and I r Ja a in. 1 4.W, S.E0 & 7J inn. For IU Oarinei and SlialnoklnttOS, 7.4Jalld ll.iaaio.1 aw p. in. For I'olltvtllo 6.a. 7.W. 7. Hi. IU6 11.1! and 11.13 a. in., 3.0B, 4.15, 7.12 and For While Haven, Wllkealwrre anl Herantcm 7.U, ..aa and li.u a.m.; 4.U, w, tm and 10.W '''For IIUMon and U t. II. .lunet., t..a. and 1I.U a.1..; t.v a.M 7.7-' aud Itua i, to. For TunkliaaiuN-k :,I3 awl I1JU a. Hi.i 4 15. Vi. and Kltst, ForOwego, Aubtiru, llliaca aud (lon.vall.ta ii.m. For laeeyvlll. Tomnida.aajre, W'aierly. Kl nilra. KoelMiater, llullaio, N'agara Fall, and the West 11.53 a.m.; and nu m. Vor Klinira and In.- Wmt via Halanianra at 1.15 p. ui. a SUNI1AV TIIAIK. For New ork 4 J5 6 07 and ll.Ua-ui. ; (.17 and . ,'For'niladelnlla 4.M 7.57 a, m. : J.52. 6.17 ainl i.i Fur Ibutou and lutermedfate Mat turn, M, TJIS. 11.12 a.m.1 UIB7.2JJ. A.I7 and jla D. K07, 'MU. o.ntu utk a,ll. US, a. n ; lli, t-15. Ml, and aja p. ni. Far KMsdlM at tit a. m. : ite aud p. i For Hailetou, and ll ajuCp.lii and hi. 10JW Far Maliauoy Clly and Hhenaadnati u.M, I LIB lllL,WtU p. M. For 'v$niwtiii? VUkwtttarre, Miuuu, ToaUuwnjMti, Towaada. Sayr., IUiaca. (hnwva, Aiibtiru. BiWH, llnehwter, Bulralo. Stagara FaUaaM UiaWaHliJ3a. ui.aod ww p. m. For faFttxr parutulnrs inquire ot AmiMXor I IKiO IM, , - I, A SWEIUABll. UeulMawgrer. U. II. IIAMOOCK. OsWeral raswuuer Axent, nitlwwlpJiia, Pa. A. W. KOMNKMACIIBtl. Asa't Uru.r.1 I'a unuser Agent. South Brtlitehmo, ra. u Executor's Totico. Rttoteol AhAM UBUEL, tute U Fnwklm iaOMAM t uld MUM tm rcquHil U IWI., UMOOB lWl.,UBWMfU. AH Wi upMMdwe puBuvt, iWduioM Iwnng 1 MtatTeaaa ikam.lilTl JtM sUalllM will lirillfinl t-eMM V Jan. 14, un-te KiesMor Executor's Notice. Xaai ot iaJiK HOYKR, lata ol franklin Tai..OartenNiiifyPa.,dt.aeMi. All poraoas huMMed to taid but. an raguHtted to saak. launndlat. parmcut, aad Ihose ha.laa Itstal rlaliiui aminst ttiM aaiiie will nruaent Lhm will:. ou. delay in proper orner tor arttkNiwiil to aval IN MtVKB. IhH' , las ill. ttxMlltnr llaao aixl Organ Tuulaa I.O.I H.ralriaa. R ,., 8mUli Krullllt(, , tullng(lf the New Kiiglaiiil CuiiiMiivatury uf Muic, boatun, Uhh.. Work vuuianteit Sluvle luullisr of piano-.. V, 4tluieu ar,ei Addn u, Maucb Wtaunl if The ladies of the eountywill continue' to find us headquar ters for nil the new and pretty things in Millinery nt the lower prices. You need not go to Mlentown or Philadelphia, wc will sell you cheaper than you can buy in the cities. City milliners are always cmployedihcre. T O you me in need of Wall Paper, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Stain and Sash Kosc, lloom Mouldings, Station ary, all kinds ol Irushes, Paint nnd Painters Supplies go to Firot Street, Lohighton, Lowest Prices. THE POSITIVE CURE. lELTCEcn-nnns. c9TrirranBt-.r;ctrTork. rrlcetJctt-l COUNl.ll HKCONO & ALUM Kts. Want everybody in l.ehighton ' lo buy nt their st-ire because they have not only an ex cellently assoitcd line of fine bry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Boots, Shoes, &c, but because their prices are low er than these goods can be bought for elsewhere in lown. We (hov goods with pleas ure, quote prices nud deliver all purchases. Don't forget, but call and see us, KRUM and K1STLER. Keineerer AND SWARTZ, Just now, as an innovation, )vo are ofleriiiR our customers a beautiful book Shepp's Pho 'fogrnjihs of tho World, with every Forty Dollar Purchnso Wc would like verv much to explain this to you. Will you please rail. Bed ltoom Suites', Parlor Suitee, - Dining Hooni Furniture, iiook o.if-o?, - y-1 UnllllackB, Ilnnilfonin (nrpctM, Aie niiiong the goods wc sell af wry low prico. KEfERER AND SWARTZ Administrator's Notice. UUlr I KU;K UKWBACil. Ulaol Frank Hit Tun.. Ouitanii MHintv. Pa AeofMNMl. All IwUHtit HnJeWwl to wlc &UtU arr rrquvtd to feUeke liQ)mlLlU myfDsft)t. aul Uumw lttVll tfHtMl flUn Ueilnat ihe Mine will niwMiit thMa wfrtHMit tlUjTn prt'i-r ordur (oraklleiiHrnt to lo. jfHaher. Altontaf). tt. t lent n AH (H. MmtrlvCshttttkr lr, 11 PRANTZ, The South End Jeweler. no vou WANT Watolie. Senrf I'iin. Clocks, Watch Chains. Necklaces, Gold Pencils, liar Kings, Kings, Braeelotn, Silverwnre, Socioty Umbloms, H'nteh Cliarmri,- YtMi can tiny ttuu ami inany more at our Popular Store on I ankway. Repairing In all Its hranelntt caret ullr aUHM to at low pileea. Wilson Frantz, TIIK SOUTH BSD JEWI.Ki:, Hank way, lohighton. ItUV YOUR Christ mns Presents AT LVniik JLeibenguth's k'OitTU MNeT nWKT, where Uo ttali lie fotind a Fine Lino of Vine (IraoerlOK, I'ruiU, Cardites, tireeu Voge tabltb. iu beaon,.Vc , at tho very Lowest Prim-. Prompt ntten liuli nuil yooil k'ho.1-. aa-fc'AT.i. .i si i: i s The prettiest inr of I'.m.i, nnd WiffTBn t Coats, Jackets, Cloaks, AMI Trimmed Hats ! ever put on snlein C'nrbfdi roun tv can nniv he seen at Millinery Stores, Lehighlon k Weissport Andrew Bayer, Give us n full. lew see ALlJWrcnYN,PA. Aflf Holiilay Be'ore Stock 'MiDn louncement Anjtlilitgthut nehaie Innny of tho deiuuf nientsalllliesoldilt surrlllcIcK price, before we tike our ANNUAL INVENTORY ff jon want, to fill n room "carpet dou't neglect nnd take advan tage ol this sale. Don t buy a Coat, Wrap, J acket llllioiihavostcnciirstjles and prices nil at and below eo.t. llresH(lpods, silks. Notions, Muslins. Olns haras, ricklna. s.e everjthlng nt prices that ulllnstonlsli jou, at H.i lunsicker's Corner 8th ami Hamilton Sts. From Cheap Dlankt to Fine flllt nnd Pressed Papers. Also, Felts and Inirsalns, mill Handsome Frelies. MCTUKE HOI) AtiT) 00X1',. Window Shades ready In hanc, or put tip lo order. Paint, Oil, Varnish, (last, llni'Ji-s. ralntlng and Taper llanclrc, hv rompetltrnl workmen In anv tart of the county Hooks, .Ttntiojiery nnd Fnnry Goods, always a lnre stock Ht Luckenbacii (il Ilrondny, iMnncli Chunk. DRUGS, l'v 2yIEDICINES, genuine and best SOAPS, '"rer" Ii'1" a,l 'heap. WINES,"' "'I 'or tiHuliriiuil u4 CIGARS, 'x' mmli. SPECTACLES, n extensive and inerensing trnilo. I guar mi tee witisfantion to eery customer. PRESCRIPTIONS refully eoniiouiiilel. -at hik - Contra I Drug .Store, IJisiiEi., the Leading 'hoto crupher. Lehicliton. Cabinet liotographs v: Larger Siae, Viewg of Residences iu town. aud county at the very lowest prices. MiBiDblratort Wee. -.latf u 1MI Kr-i.tic Ut nl 1 t an Willi T . i .itbtin rnuitlv ,tii-tf 4t-M l All p rMMift in tUlit. t Uj itHiif KntiiU- 41 f rt-s.iiK U il f lufce lui imHiijal iianu')t til tliONt Itmihi, i (Ijtlm. .HKnlliitl (lit- simr m lit )iri lit tlit in ilCN)l dc I i Iti piiiri in id i I if m II Ii n ii A I Miv 1 'Klt J i. u i., - in ttnlir Hive Wall Paper. Uoutral iiulor
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