ORIGINAL CHEAP CASH STORE "What we are doing ami will continue to do during the balance of the season : 1 yard wide fine unbleached muslin. Gi cents; never sold for less than 8J cents. 10-4 Unbleached Muslin, 18 cents a yard. 36 inch Armenia' Serges, a very handsome dress fubric,- will bo down to 10 cents n yard. Lota of just such reductions are made daily. The most popular dress stuffs are the French and Amciican Sateens in all the latest shades, at prices that will astound you. Our lino of Outing Flannels cannot be equaled by any other house in this section as to size of stock and lowness of prices. A beautiful assortment a f light and medium weight Cns- eimeres for men and boys' wear, at prices that never were placed on this quality- This is a chance that may never be offered again in this valley. .f. T. NUSBAUM. Fust Street, betitien Smith and l'liiin KtreWa, llliKiltun. lit. BREEZY HAPPENINGSi COUNTY TID BITS. The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY, JUfiV 30, 1802. ADAM MKHItKAM 1IKA1I. One of Carbon County's OUteat lleiuoriallr Cltlleut Called Away. After an Illness of about six weeks with Rrigut's disease of the kidneys Adam Mehrkam tiled at his home on south First street oh Saturday evening ut half past eight o'clock. Interment was made ou Wednesday services be ing held at the house after which the funeral cortege moved toToivtiuiensInK where the final obsequies were held. Adam Mehrkam was n son on Con rad and Christina Mehrkam, good, honest, sturdy farm people, and iio first saw the light of day on September 3, 1821, at what Is now known as Little Gap, In Towaineuslng. During his earlier years he made the trip overland to Ohio where he spent somo months visiting friend? and then retilrniiiK making the entire distance on horse back. Ou the fifteenth day of Xovem ber, 1830, he was united in marrlago to his present widow whose maiden namo was Miss Mary Schnlfer. Their union was blessed with four children threo of whom survive, Douglass and Maria, of town, and Rev. A. M. Mehrkam, of Columbia. During his residence lu Lower Town mensiug or Little Gap ho filled tho office of constable for some years and the voters of the district also honored him with twenty-five years rontinuanco in office as a justice of tho peace. In politics he was a Democrat us his father wa9 before him and his religious creed was Lutheran. About seven years ago he purchased a property in this place and moved witlt his family here opening a large general store and doiug business under the Arm uamo of Adam Mehrkam &. Son, ou south First street, his son Douglass being the junior partner. A WEATllKI(I.r HETXCTIVi:. A Lynx Uvea Spotter Cornea to tlrlef In Lively If azlelon. Oeorge Wetzel, of Weathcrly, who wears a badge of the llrenuau Detective Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, was arrested Monday evening by Lieutenant Ferry and Constable Treseott says the Itazlo tou Standard. Wetzel, w ho appears to be slightly demented, has caused tho police some uneasiness for tho past week. He has been going about peer ing into private houses ami acting In a strange manner. He explained the police that he was runninK down an Italian wanted by the Brennan Agency for murder In Ohio. When tin miners' train arrived from Stockton at C o'clock Monday evening lie followed an Italian down Nort it Wyoming street as far as Burke's building. He at tempted to arrest the Italian. Wenzel then drew a large revolver as n means of persuading the Italian toaccompany Mm. He was then captured audlockei up. He says he will bring suit against the city for 1000 damage for false lm prlsonment. Kianeellrul Cliorrli Caeva. Couusel for the Bowman wing of tli Evangelical Church Monday mornink presented a motion In the Lehltth county Court for a preliminary injunc tion against the opposing faction, who are in sole possession bf Kheueser Church, Allentown, and St. l'aul' Church, Slatingtoit. Tho plalutiifx do not ask for the entire possession these two churches, but ask that they bo permitted to worship there half o the time. Hons, James Illery and Iv ward Harvey argued In favor of the Bowinaultes, and R. R Wright, 111. for the Dubltes. Judge Albright Tuesday morning took the papers under ndvlsement am couit was adjourned until the flrBt Monday of September. J. W. Wood,Rsq.,iiuslennppoliiled master in the church castas. Hot Weather. A hot wave struck thee parts Sun day, and the heat has Uwn so obi sive ever since that everyliody is wish lug that somebody would invent refrigerator houses in which a person might be able to keep cool. The iner oury has been up in the tubes each day to 93 degrees and over, and the heat has caused not only discomfort, hut an amount of suffering that is injuring business interests materially, and breaking the general health. We have heard of uo fatal cases of sunstroko In town or vicinity, although many per sons have been deterred from lalur by the terrible power of old Sol. MW'i'V cnown MKAN FinilT. raoy of the minify the one fair and tlllAl. MA VI Ull Ol" MIIIIK Oft I.TfH IMi'lliaTANUK . I KM in NOOK ANI OOIIM It lil.l'HI --r tTr.ll IN TIIIH. tlll.t UN. Married-C'ralK-Walp. Last Thursday evvtilug at the homo of tho bride's parents and in the pres ence of many frlauds, Mian Susie, daughter of Mr. and Mr. llolwrt Walp, of north First street, was happily wed ded to V- A- Craig, of Wllkesbarre, Following the paremouy, wldoli waa performed by ltev. A. M. Sami!, of the Evangelical church, a sumptuous wedding supper was served. The you us couple left for Wllkesbarre wham they will make thalr home. They received many prataU, hat Una Oeetile,! in Oil Clll lliirln Hie Week ettlnentty Itpltntnliml Tir CJnr Special Iteporiera. Clean out you gutters. Read the ndvestlseinenU. Milk Is six cents n quart. 81.00 a year for the Advocate. lOggo are twenty cents a doien. Watermelons are yet a luxury. Don't ay n word about the weather. - Butter sells at twenty centii a pound. You can buy peaches slv for fire in every town but Lelilghton. The two brick yards here are work ing full time. The suWrlbers of tho radiator in dustry are (utkliig MhyT" The first town plot of Lelilehton was made lu 1702. Taxes nro coming lu fairly well, says Collector Schndlo.- Will Lchlghton linvn a eelebmtlou on Columbia's Day October 21 ? There will bo three coitncllmeti from each ward in this town after next spring's election. The interior Improvements in 'rinity Lutheran church are progress- ng finely. Summer visitors to this town aro not as numerous ns they have been in past years. William Komorcr lias erectod n neat railing along (lie veranda in front f Ids First street residence. Somo good Democrat in tills town ould come out for Assembly. Ho'd make tho nominal ion euro. The members of the Methodist Iplwopal Sunday school plo niced leasanlly at rnckerlon on Wednes day. It Is talked of in the street that Samuel Gilliam might be a candidate forDlsttict Attorney If Ben Kuntg don't make tho nssemhly nomination. ioth nro Republicans, Largest circulation nud lowest rales advertising. Buy your jewelry at Bock's and you get tho best. Mrs. John l'cters, of north First street, is quite seriously ill. Boys who swim in ltorlacher'sdam are liable to a flue of STi.OO. Full line of Ingrain and Brussels carpets at Henry Schwartz's. Kistler's ice cream parlor is the placo to buy ico cream every day In tho week. mvT-tf Jako Kistler hires teams for pleas ure or business purposes at the very ,owest rates. Bock, the jewoler, U showing somo newnndverv pretty tilings in rings nil kinds and styles. Don't by clocks of tho Installment man, Bock will sato you one half tho pt ice If you buy from him. John Brenncr,LelilBhton'3 popular carpet weaver, expects to build on Cypress street near Fifth. A young daughter of Charles Bill man, of Beaver Run, was burled in the cemetery hero on Wednesday. Miss Elsie iilclntyre, of Catasauqua elected as a teacher in our public schools has tendered her resignation. Just mako It n point to see David Gbbcrt when you want a team for bust ness or pleasure. Lowest prices. Finest job printing and lowest prices at tho Advocate job olllce In Snyder's block near tho Lehigh bridge, Tho Lehlghton School Board has received $2,415 from tho state ns their sharo of tho annual school fund appropriation. The brick layers commenced work, Monday on Dr. W. A. Dorhamor's now building on tho corner of tsecond nud Iron streets. Slocker, of tho Royal l'alaco Cafe, will servo n tine free lunch to his patrons ou Saturday evening. Don't miss It I first-class board walk has been ut down nlong Robert Klotz's property on Alum streot. Alox Seldlo did tho work. -Throngs of people continue to go o Luckenbach's, Mauoh Chunk, for lino stationary, wall papers, decornt Ions io. Lowest prices. Dr. W. F. Danzer, Hazlelon's well- known eyeear and throat specialists ill be at the Exchange Hotel, in tills town on the 20th instant, Thnso desiiing lis services are invited to call. Wnrreu Straussberger, of WeUs- port, was compounding drug-, and tapping soda water In Thomas' drug storo this week during tho proprietor's absence John Hottensteiti, tho hustling hustler after freight and baggage, has had his house nicely painted and re papered. Tho work on the interior was executed byLeslerRehrlg. For fifty dollars a side Harry Strausberry, of town, would like to jump from a height of forty feet into tho water witli somo other fellow who don't care whether or not he breaks ills neck. Samuel Costenlnder is minting the frame partitions on thothlrd floor of the Lehlghton school building. I ins win inane t no rooms more cozy and pleasant. It wouldn't hurt tho ceilings to have a coat of paint at the satno time. -The attention of tho Chief of I'olloe is agalu directed to the Opera House corner. Hed, please keopyour optloontho gang who insult ladies and squirt tobacco Juice on passers by. If tlila gang of hoodlums had any re spect for themselves they wouldn't bo found there. Msssr. Chas. II. Iltiukman an Wm. H. Obert will leave ou August 1st for Denver, Colorado, where they will part lei pate In the great KnightTemplar Conclave. They will accompany Tuwahda Command ry. While aWnt they will visit Niagara Falls, lxml.ville, Ky., St. Louie, Kalians City, Chicago and many other places of interest. Dr. James A. Haas, of Lou hill, vet eriuary surgeon, hits located nt l-'ogels- .vlllc, having bought out Dr. James Ooheen, who has lieeu in successful practice there for many years. I)r, Haas Is a gi-Udnato of the American Veterinary College in New York city reoognl! aa one of the beat lustttu Hons of Its Mini in the world, and w cheerfu'ily recommend him to the peo pie of FogeUville as a geutleman well worthy of being einployod for the pure of all Ilia witlt which domestic animals may be overcome, feeling thoroughly comlnoed tliat he stands lu the front rank of hl profession. The doctor for some time was located here, having an ollloeat the Mansion House. Itie tltistit N,nn tleeure,if-r .,r 111 Week 111 lell, ( lironli 1e,l for flnr III nil v Iteatlera. ItiroilKtiont llie f'onntr ntt.l I.Ui-tvtterr. ' Ed Fails, of Audenrled, .vill open a store at Frecland. The AuUenried batul will hold u plcnlo on theHOth. The M. K. Sunday school room at Jenhesvilte Is under going reimlr. A son of Fra!ik(lerhart,of Wealh- erly had a liner cutoir by the slamming of n door during the stortn Tuesday evening. ; It Is feared tiiat Patrick Hums, of Henver Meadow, who disappeared sud denly some weeks ngo, 1ms been foully dealt with. Price and Adams are sinking n slope ono tract of ground recently leased from Evans .1- Co. A breaker will also be erected. Michael Streaeh, of Weatherly.who wns shot In the leg on July 4th, tiled from the effects of the wound auSeliir- lay nt tho Hazleton Hospital. Thero will bo n grand picnic of the Ms Hollow Sunday school at Charles Miller's grove on the 10th of August. On tho occasion the famous Wolford family will furnish uiuslc. Prominent speakers will be present. ".The large bam on the farm of Edwin fiernian in West Penn wns struck by lightning Tuesday night during 'tho prevalence of a heavy thunder storm. The contents were destroyed. Loss S00O, partly covered by insurance. A meeting of tho Middle Coal Field Poor Directors was held on Monday nt the poor house. Only routine business was Irausnclcd. The Directors wero notified by tho District Attorney of Carbon county that James Hecney and Patrick llano, whoso farms ail join that of the almshouse, had entered proceed ings ngalnst tho District for nllegcd damages 'to n stream of water by tho dralnago from the poor house. A com mission will bo appointed by the court to investigate tho ca'c. T Joe Wlctor, n burly Hungarian, of Benver Meadow, was admitted to the Hospital on Sunday, suffering with a broken arm and a contused body. Joe was returning to his home from Au denrled on Saturday night when lie was hold up by four men, who demand ed his money. Joo wns not inclined to hand over his hard earned shekels, when ho was assaulted. He mado desperate fight but the odds against him wero too groat, and he was over powered and relieved of his cash. IlAll.UOAl) oti:s Short riimcrniilie That Will be of Interest to llie ititllriiail lltoa Tho railroads, represent ono third of tho wealth of tho world 813,1100,000, 000. Suppose this were nil In silver dollars, what could wo do with it by way of display? Well, in tho first place, lay the dollars sldo by side touching ono another in n band one yard wide, Extend tlds shining band eastward across mountains and vales, over oceans and rivers, until the whole earth Is encircled aud there would be still 4,."i00 nillos of thoynrdwide sllvor ribbon left over. Tho Washington monument is HO," feet high. Let us slnrt a monument of these silver dol lars with the snnio base. Xot at COT feet would wo stop, lint 1,200 feet high must wo go to exhaust our supply. How much surface wouli they cover laid touching side by sldof Eleven square miles. How long would It take t o count them nt the rate of one a seo- ond? Nino hundred and fifty years. n tho United States alono Wi.UOO loco motives are required dally to handle the froight which Is hauled nbout in ,100,000 freight cars. t This interesting item of railroad news is taken from an exchange: Prob ably tho oldest living Lehigh Valley locomotive engineer Is Fred Rustny, formally of Mauch Chunk, but who now resides with his soii-iu-lnw, Frank Konus, on Indian Hill, Franklin town ship, Carbon county. Ho was 80 vears of ago ou Monday. He commenced his career ns u railroader with tho comple ion of the old Beaver Meadow Rail road, from Weatherly to Pnrryville, in the year 18.10. Tho "Ellas Ely" was the name of tho flr.it locomotive. Bill Gor don was the engineer nud Fred Rustay was fireman. Another locomotive, the "S. D. Ingham," was placed on the road about the same time. Six months later another, tho "Quakake," was added aud Fred was promoted from llrcmati o engineer. For n period of over forty years lie handled tho throttle, until ho was totally incapacitated on account of failing health and declining years. HUngots telling ou him fast. Hois totally blind and almost totally deaf. cud is also troubled with rheumatism i They lliin'1 M Mtit llniiuolit In lliellelun , milt- l'arr, of Carbon. t a MM-y enthusiast j,. nu,tiiig of the I tuoi-nitie pattt held at Munch ('hint . Saluida, tin hit li instant, i it was unanimously resolved that n uilllllttee rif live he uppuluted to meet initial committee from the opposing faction of the Democracy with a low to perfecting unity of parly. This com mittee by appointment met in the par lor of Bob Klotr. at Mauch Chunk, n similar committee, and after discuss ing the many points In the case ad journed without coming to any deci sion, but later the Cassldy committee made public the apieuded letter which conclusively proves that thoy do not want the Democratic lmrty In Carbon county to harmonize at this time nud purely from seltlsh motives hs tlmo will clearly demonstrate. The silly twaddle about state convention deci sions amount to nothing In decent ar gument because it is well known through what menus this recognition was gained. Malvh Cut'NK, July 20, 18112. We, a committee appointed by the hnlnnaii of the regular Democratic County Committee of Carbon county, to consider the question of "harmony," ns presented by the meeting hold by certain other Democrats, in the Court House cm the ICth lust., do hereby nn swer tho said "Committee of Confer- nce'' appointed nt said meeting, nnd submit the following statement and eclaretiou to the whole Democracy of Carbon county: First, That there was it deplorable and apparently Irreconcilable division lu the party last fall which resulled in tho foimntloii of two distinct organi zations, and later two tickets, and Icfeat. Second, That both organizations elected chairmen for their rospectlvo county commit tees, and two sots of delegates to the Democrat ic Stale Con dition, one set for ISM, nnd ono sot for 1802. Third, That both sets of delegates were contestants at both State Con- entlons, I. o., 1891 and 1892, to eslnb llxh their regularity, anil in both enses tho party presided over by Michael Cassldy, as chairman, was declared by the unanimous vole of the Stato Con dition to bo. the regular delegation, and at the Stato Central Counnitteo meeting of last January Michael Cas sldy was seated at the regular Demo cratic chairman, lu a contest over corgo W. Esser, by a very decided majority. Fourth, That the abovu fucts settle, beyond a doubt, that Michael Cassldy Is tho regular chairman of the regular Democracy of Catbon county, so de clared by tho only pnw er having au thority to decldo the dispute, nnd having the regular authority to act In that capacity. Fifth, That it is to bo the interest of the Democratic party to have but one harmonious organization, ami that it is tho duty of all loyal Democrats to sustain that regular organization until it is replaced by another regular or ganization. That uudor the rules of tho Democratic party of Carbon coun ty Its regular organization comes to an end nunually, when the chairman of tho County Committee call the Demo emtio county meeting to order, nnd a president of the meeting Is elected. Thou u new county committco is se lected by said mooting, aud said now committco selects a new chairman and completes an entirely now county or ganization. Sixth, That we do not consider the reambleand resolution (which wero adopted at the meeting on the 10th inst. in the Court House) fair or hon orable for reasons hereafter given. Tho said preamble is as follows. Whereas, the rules of the patty do nuow.NiNii A cct HUNT. Oier the Itienat of u Ham to lleotli I Wntcra llelow. it lias lieen lots of fun for the boy since the present snlmm4ug season opened to slide over the breast llorlaeher'sdam, at the Central rail road bridge and laud in the water tie- low nud then swim ashore. Filday night while a number of boys were ell joying this dangerous spoit ono them,hddle Dutibnr, aged el oven years a son of James Dunbar, who lives ou the Hats and is employed at theLehlg): ulley round houses ut the north en of town, went over the breast and was drowned. Search was made for tho body during l'ridoy night, all day Saturday and Saturday night and ou Sunday nitiiulug was continued with out uvsil until several dynamite cartridge hail lieeu exploded in the water and the liody lloated to the top, Among those who pcnUtutly kei up the searoh for the body were Doghu, Miller, Charles and "Paddy" Amen I'.liner Hinovei-, JlkeBurko,(ius linger, a Iran Hum and others. One young fellow named Abe Snyder in diving in the water struck Ida hem! ngalnst sharp projectile and sustained a severe if not a serious injury. The accident is another warning to boys who throng the river banks by the sou re at every hour of the day aud parent should exercise their authority aud keep them home. honest thing to to. and tint i t senible in i outilv Meeting or the date 1 lled by the ritl-s ,f the pal Ij , hil e the meet lug railed lo unlet- by the i eg iihu ehaii mini of tli.. ,-oiiiitv commit tee, and we gualahlee that cw ty lh-lll m-nit who attend- -hall linea full and ample oppoi t unit i to nto for whom' he chouses to net ,is pieshleut of tho j meet Ing and upon all ulhor questions. This Is fair, honorable and regular to all who desire harmony. We do not consider the nmtter of celling tho mooting lo oilier of any great Imjiort mice, but we can not consent to have It used to Insult the regular chairman te gratify n few. ltssctftilly yours, IhlMKT Kmihl Davui ,7, PlARSU,!,. T. D. ClAOTB. K, It. Hnbouv. 'newsy weissport. Ill M KJK1.1M'S1(HVN. I AMI) 1'UHlllMll ATTBMPT ON MICK'S MKK. A. l'iuertoSupeYlaof, The supervisor of every township are by law required to maintain at the intersection of all publlo roads In their district a pointer, or io.lev board-, the Centre Hall, Sept 12 1 Acrleullnral I'uirlralea. The Pennsylvania Wrd of agricul ture uuouucea the following oltloial dates for the following annual fairs: Qrauger' lutawtwtioual exposition at Williams' Urove, Aug. 2 so Sept. 3; Mt. (iretna Farmers' encampment, Aug IT J.",; Patrons of Ifusbaudary, at Keaihug, Sept Ilia ItnllilliiK for rucUettoii, The headquarters of Cluarle P. fjule mau, general storekeeper for the Matt em aud Northern DlvUloua of the Philadelphia aud Heading Railroad aaytem, will lie removed froui South llethlelieui, to lWkertou early next month, llobt. T. Kreider, of Maucji Chunk, at present a clerk lu Utu office of the auditor of merchandise tralllc, not provide for tho calling to order of the county meeting by any particular person; Inthollrst place tho " herons" or preamble is a quibble, every honest nnd intelligent Democrat, even those who prepared tho resulutlou, and all who attended tho meeting on the 10th lust., know that it lias always been the custom and usago of the party, for the county chairman to call the mooting to order, and t hat tho Democratic county rules, according to nil prelimi nary practice, fixes clearly the right of the county chairman to call tho meet ing to order. The rule is as follows: . Rule 1. The annual cuuutv meeting shall bo held ut the Court House, in tho borough of Mauch Chunk, on the socotid Monday in July of each year, at ono o'clock p. m. Notice shall be given by the Chairman of the County uoranmieo in the Democratic newspa pers of the county Here tho rulos make it the duty of the county chairman to meet. They assemble at his onll. Ho Is the only person who has the light to summon them together, and the only person who has tho right to call them to order when so assembled When said resolution says, "We waive the right of our chairman (Mr. Sharkey) to net in such ouimcity, pro viding the rival faction do likewise," Its authors should have known that this was uo waiver ou their part what over, us Mr. Shnrkey had no rights to waive in tho matter. Mr. Sharkey must admit that according to Democratic authority ho is not the regular chair man of the Democratic oouuty com mittee, hence he oould have no rights whatever to call the county meeting to order. There is but one mau who bus u clear light to call that meeting to order, under the Democratic county rules, and that man is Michael Cassldy, chairman of the Democratic county oommlttee. The resolution we deem u gratuitous lusult to Mr. Cassldy, wlieu it demands that lie should lei Ire in order to select "any honorable man in whom the Dem ocrats of the count- have ooutldeuce." We deem Mr. Cassldy an honorable man. The Democracy may lu face of this demand to dishonor and humiliate Mr. Cassldy, recall the fact that he has always been an anient, liard working Democrat, and when entrusted by his party with It Interests, the trust lias lieeu preserved, aud in its Integrity unimpaired returned uubuiirohed lo their generous hands. His honesty and houor have been abundantly proven to all the people of Carbon oouuty, when acting as their representative lu the Legislature of the Commonwealth. While Mr. Casaidy has oou tided this matter to our keeping, placing In our hands its tUsiajsltiou lu a great degree, weuauuot uuder all the ooudltlous iiermit him to retire, much less accede to an overture, however specious, dls houorlug to hiiu aud to the party he represeut as fttttugly. We are of the opinion that Mr. Casaidy should not retire until after he has as is his light, culled the meeting to order We are also iivcllued to believe that the above resolution represents the views of but l'l lll'l.l! ON Till! Oil. rineti t'lrtnrea of ln,,illlnr IWea (JoinlnB nml flolnc. ..Ed Zern wns at Allentown on Monday. ..(leorgo 1). Bussaiil, of New York City, is lu town. . Mrs. F, I. Smith is spending this week with llaxletou relatives. ..L. A. Monte, of the While Bear Hotel, circled In town, .Vonday. . Miss Kate Boas, of Auburn, Jf. Y. is visiting E. S. Wheotley and family. .Mrs. W. H. Rex, of Slatlngton, wns a visitor among friends In town this week. ..Mrs. Cliurles E. Alexuiider, of Philadelphia, Is visiting II. V. Morthi mcr and family. .Mrs. Eil Ratidenbusli nud children of Perth A m boy, N. .1., nro visiting J, W., ou First street. .Robert Lontz spent hist week very pleasantly with friends at Hiirrisburg nud Wllllumsport. .Otto Dlttmnr, superintendent of the Lchlghton Beef Co., was nt Lnns fortl on Saturday. .Mis, Ada Webb, of Mauch Chunk, snout Friday with Mls Mamie Senimel. .Henry Schwaitz, the well-known furniture dealer, is t nek from n week's visit among friends in New York. .Mrs. Z. H. C. Horn and her son Oairctt, spent Sunday with Slatlnglon nnd Pleasant Corner friends. .Mrs. C. S. ficiberich and Mrs. Mis- sen, of Allentown, spent several days wilh .Mrs. John E. Seldlo, on Bniikway. . . Howard Seaboldt, of tho firm of.l. .t II. Seaboldt, insuranco und real es tate agents, wns at Summit Hill Tues day. . .Our young friend lieo. Biinkman, of Wllkesbarre, accompanied by his wife, aro on u live weeks visit to Verona, Vt Isconslu, whero they arc guests of tho hitter's parents. . .Samuel Kutz. and wife and Al Kutz and wife, of Allentown, returned homo Monday nttor a pleasant visit to rela tives here. . .Tobias BussaiiiUloergo II. Ihiziau, of tho flermuula Sangcrbiinil, wore at Reading this week in attendance at tho grand sangorfost. . . Druggist T. D. Thomas und family, and Lewis Wehr and family, of town, and Ed Graver and family, of Towa monslng, spent n week very ploasantly at Lake Harmony, Mouroo county. ..Col. Walter Smith, Ed Iicichurd und A. O. Strauss, all of Allentown paid n fraternal visit to Capt.Jos. Webb Camp 9.", S. of V., in Roller's Hull on Friday evening. . . Charles K. Ruudoubuslt and wife, of Driftou, nre spending a few days pleasantly in town. Charlos is a clerk for Coxo Bros., & Co., nt Drlfton and Is off on a vacation. . . W. II. Krlll, a student at the Mil lorsville State Normal School, was In town Thursday and dropped in to seo us. Ho will spoud Ills vacation at his home in Auquashlcolu. CUPID AND THE' CAT. A Snflerlng- l'cllne Cunie llctueeii Two Souls That Heat Aa One. ne lives in Evanston, nnd during the past two years has boon paying his ad dresses to one of the most charming girls on tho north side. The wedding day has not been named, but their en gagement was announced almost a year ago. Several weeks ago. whilo thoy wero walking homo from church one Sunday night, thoy ran across a cat that was wailing piteouslyon a doorstep. "Do you hear that, Jim'f" sho exclaimed, grasping his arm with a closer grip. "There's something tho matter witli that poor little pussy. I'm going to seo what alls it." "Nonsenset" lie replied. "Let's go ou: the cat will take caro of itself. "No; lot's see what is tho trouble." Without more ado tho young woman ran up to tho cat nnd was horifled to find that tho animal had evidently been run over by a wagon, as its spine wa dislocated aud It was barely ablo to crawl by dragging its ulna legs. "She's dono for, sure enough," com mented tho Evanatoniau. "Sho won't last long. Come on, now." The girl suddenly straightened up tu her full height. "Do yon mean to say that you would leavo any animal tu Buffer like this! There is a drugstore on the next corner. Run over thero and buy an onnco of chloroform. Hurry, now, there s n aleorr "Nonsense! You don't suppose I'm going into the business of doctoring siok cats on the streets at night, do you? Be sensible." 'And you don t suppose t in going to let this cat suffer here, do you? Go nnd bring mo a bottle of chloroform instantly." "I won t do it." "But I insist." "You certainly can't lie in earnest!" "I certainly nui. If you don't do it 1 will go after it myself." "You want to make me appear lidlv ulous?' "Hurry up, dear!" For a moment the young man did not stir. The blood rushed to his face, litis be began to grow angry. "Be lierel" ho exclaimed. "This is carrying mat ters entirely too far. 1 will permit no woman to make a fool of me like this I'll get your chloroform if you really in sist, but I warn you you'll never have a olvance to do such a trick again. I will never have anything to do with yon again. Mark thatl" "Get the chloroform." "If I do everything is over between us." "All right; bring it." Two minutes later a fine lace hand kerchief saturated with the anaesthetic was applied by a fair, white hand to the nose of the suffering brat ami the wail ing ceased. Here tins story should end. A regard for the troth, however, compels the ad dition of the statement that the yoruu man thus far has actually carried his threat into execution aud the prospect of that wedding grows dimmer and dimmer. Chicago Mall. The "stroller" Henalbly llplloiulm HappenliiKt of this Town nml Vlrlnltj In Ilia Ulna! Ilrlshl Style. What's tie matter witli the police force ? Tho Advocate job ollloe. All kinds of work cheap. Mlse S. Steekel, of Slutlugtou, is visiting B. F. Peters nnd family. Daniel Oraver was housed for u few days this week with n bad attack of rheumal Ism. -Miss Dellla Albright left on Moti- duyfor Philadelphia where she will re main for some time. Eugene Clirlstmaii Is Imck from it few weeks pleasantly spent with friends nt Krosgevllle. Henry Chrkrtmati litis jnst received another car load of buggies and carts nnd the prices are lower than ever. -Batcher James E. Solmlfer is driv ing a handsome new delivery wagon, fresh from the factory of M.T.Trexler, nt Lehlghton. -The graves of l'aul Sclinbo, wife and child in the cemetery here huve been marked witli neat tombstones by Iteiiiien Zimmerman. William Weddy nnd Miss Brettu Jones are married. Wo wish the young collide an abundance of this world's joys and pleasures. v Hurry Ornver, cletk ut Huuslckers store, Allentown Is having n two weeks' vacation, He will spend a week at Lehlghton and another week at Atlantic City. Bishop Thouins llowinuu, of Chicago, HI., will preach in School Hall, on Sunday afternoon nt threo o'clock. All Aro cordially Invited to attend theso servicos. Tho Installation and ordination of Row Charlos E. Croltz, pastor of tho Reformed church, will occur nt 7..T0 o'clock Saturduy oveulng. All aro cordittlly invited to attend tho services. Mrs. Lovina Solt, mother of Ed Solt, of Union Hill, died nt her homo in Hnzloton last Thursday from plcure- sy of the heait. Interment wns mado hero on Saturday. Deceased wns nged 07 yoars. - Aaron Snyder now occupies his new store room at the Lohigh bridgo and It is ids intention to mako things lively. His stoVk of organs, pianos, machines, Ac., can't be beat for style, ntsli or price. A coaching purty made up of the following young people enjoyed u de lightful drivo to Little finp on Satur day: U. S. Koous, BoHitmonl Cnrpon ter, Quinton Aruer and Al Pohl ami Misses Ciortlo Horn. Clnra Miller nnd Tlillo and Emma Snyder. I rankL. I'utzlngei' und son, of Hath, Pa., wero in town this weok. Frank Is u lively, wliolosouled, genial follow and tho manufacturer of "Fatz inger's Celebrated Hair Restorer." an article which is unoqnnlednnd sells on Its merits. During u thunder storm Friduv night lightning struck iu the burn of Ed Sobl lu Frunklin township, ncur Phifci's, and tho building together with tho season's hay crop was totally dostroyod. Thero Is no insurance nnd tho loss will foot up $700. Now for it water supply. John S. Miller, and Howard Seaboldt, of the Lehiglitiiu Water Compuny, will cull on our properly owners to subscribe for spigots within u few days and they should not meet with n single refusal. the necessity of this town buying a good supply of water Is imporntlvo Dot n for domestic purposes and for lire. Let tho project of extending tho water mains from Lehlghton to this town meet with tho hearty, unanimous support of our progressive people, An Abarehlat Shoots Three Times at the Carnegie Company's l'realitent. desperate attempt mi the lite ol Iteniy C. l-'ilek, presideut of the Chi uegle Steel ssociathin, wie made on Hie Katuidny aftertiuun by uinau suppo ed lobe Alexander Berknian. The par tioulnrs of the affair are about us fol lows: lleikman, who Is supposed to hall from New Yotk and be a dosciple of llerr Most, the anarchist, wns hang. ing around the ollloe of the Comiwny, lu Plttslmrg, for several days, lie succeeded lu entering Prick's ollloe by evading the messeuger and elevator boy who had carried in a card with a given name and his business ns ,tu em- plnymeiit agent. He nt once went to the centre or the room where Mr. Frlck was sitting at his desk, tnllilug with F. Lelshmsii, vice chairman of the com pany, and shot at him two times with a 38-CHllbre revolvnr. Mr. Frlck was partially wounded by both bullets but his sudden turning iu ills seat saved his life. Mr. Lelslimau sprang up but Mr. Frlck had already done so and was wrestling with the assafsln. The hitter again leveled his weapon, but beforo he oould discharge it Mr. Lelshniuti struck up histirm and the bullet Im bedded Itself lu the wait. The fellow was at last overpowered but not be ! fore he had, with n stiletto, cut Mr. Frlck sevei id limes iu his sldo and leg. Then the auutchlsl would no doubt have beeu killed us the uoiso hud brought iu clerks and the Deputy Sheriff who happened to be around. TIioko were about lo kill the wretch. but Mr. Frlck pieveuted this and the police oIllcet-M took him in churge. When ho wus exumiuod u drnuuiito curtiidgo wits forced from his mouth with a spoon. Another one wns found In ono of his pockets. Theso hud evi dently beeu taken for tho purpose of blowing himself to atoms but hud not worked In some maimer. Bcrknuin guvo uo account of himself und wus only sorry his murderous attempt tailed of succcfs. He, however, said ho would mako u written confession' to the police authorities when his case cunio up. Tho ttlfuir caused inlousu excitement und rumors of the assault Hew iu every direction. Berkinan was well guarded und later taken lo prison and placed lu u strong cell. Mr. Frlck wus not dangerously wounded und wus ut cool und collected utter the attempt ou his life us could bo imagiuod. His physician thinks no bad results will follow. THE COUNTY SEAT. lteaoliitlonaorCondeleiiie. Whereas, The Great Cotiucilor has deemed It wise, to call hence tho good wifo of our worthy Brother, Jus. Webb, therefore, Resolved, That Lehigh Council, 101, Jr. O. U. A. M., of which James Webb is an ostoemed member, tender him our sincere sympathy iu this tho hour in ins soro uiiiictioti, una further Resolved, That this resolution be printed iu tho Carbon Advocate and tho Lehlghton Pross and sprcud upon the minutes of tho Council. ItEonuE W.MORTIIIMCB, ) A. L. Haiierman, I Com. Wm. C. Watson. ) - i i sKcititT Mjcnrrr r.ossir. Socli'ty'Jiit.lllls or lntoiiwt lo the .Mean here of the rruternlty. Audoni ied is to have 'i Coinuiuudci y of tho Golden Eagles. Lohigh Couucll 101, Jr. O. U. A. M., will participate iu tho parade ut Mauch Chunk on tho 17th of August und all the boys should turn out in h body. Thu Onta IlHreat. The hui vest lug of the oats crop wus commenced iu tho latter part of last week, und is pretty generally iu pro gross now nil over the county, nnd the present may bo set down us the last week of the summer hurvost of tho your the end of the cutting ami lions. lug of tho stublo products of the furin until wo nro brought to tho corn har vest of tho autumn. This week wilt put most of tho bats crop in shock, and with tho wheat, ryo nud huj housed lu barns, or placed In stneks, tho heavy work may bo considered about flulsho tl HAM! IIAI.l. (Itissll-. t-iu-lll Uiiko Hull Muttera nro lli-iiliuilni; tu 1'nt on Some Color. iyAudersou, the crack pitcher of the Jeuuosvllle club, bus resigned lit position and gono to Scranton, where he will pley with the new State league club. IjiJwinw,ille wus done up by Lutisfurd ou Sat unlay. Englewood and Brady did battery work for Jean esville and Oormley and Fullmer were in the points for Itnsford. 3,..Lamon, who pitched for the Wllkes.Barre team, and England, who played centre Held for tlie samo club, have both signed with the Jeaiiesvllle team, and played for the first time Saturday. snltihb.uk Time Tuhle. Car testes Btwltcbusck lleput, Upper MaucU Chunk si as, ls.lv sad 11.37 s. in., 1 .00, a, a.4a suit luis p. m. Car leavea Suuiwlt 1 1 111 at u.le 4aut 11.10 a. lu., Kiel t.:a, i.io, x, us suit CIS is in. SVtiVWS Leave Nslnhuaek in lot Jtauch Chunk al uo aul .'Js p. iu. brave Soiniult 1 1 111 at add and t. p. w. l.J.Ml'MrHW.Ho. rs.At. oi . ...,,1 in . k l-lei-- t f. to ),-. ii M; sin - r2. 1 I'-'c.l Hood i y -i .iparlUA te- a-elillj Pial t..u sneliins lias enliirly tUaappearou It lisa lii-i-ii t cry tt'ouhlo- Home. V lien I began I was fottliis bo ulncour. aged Willi the KOllrennu llienmalltfu I hit that I wouM ai soon be (load eouM not rovv l am freo from It ull nml I enn truly reeommeiut iiopa aMna Sirs SuUiciInud. agftlive. Whene.rrl cnui;lit cold waiK two mo k wttiKmi irunuiiR. rill... 1 i.Mvhoi ii tctler from Mr, .i i .. ll5,,lov. ' v. ' i mnoiii, alien., flvktiitr if inv itLMtlmnnl-il In t'iif ol I nod's Hiii -i . lilt w.ittruei 1 ri'plit'.Ml "4, nml ut nifi'- . 4. ),;t- no Out Kitti iinni her timu'.i: )i.?vi'i lutieii urioponiinoiKUUtf Hood's Sarsaparilla i ilhnr l iat alie aho bsa been cured, A:a auitu:i:i.vNU, KiiLuuazoo, Mietu All'l 111 MOOD'S PfLLS are the liat atter-illanar 1 Ilia. User aaaUt dUteaunu aud cm hetdaclie. 1 AWl'KK, the luibcr, npio,itu ttie Opera Mouse, cuts hittr, shaiea und doea every lliluy In nut-class fcttlu Drop ill mid see hint. Closed on Sunday. Toilet Altii-h'H (or HUle. STlJlll'.n'S HIIAVIMI SALOON, oppoalte the Auvocatk Orrit-K, U hciibpMrlerH for aaaviiiK, u.iirciuiiiii: aim anainpooiii-, i-arilcu lar attention paid to i-utthnr Ijullea baiiea und Children' Hair, "toilet alUek-a for mile, tiiok-e t;irara. OAt.u GO TO l'ltS. liObl'.ltlllt, under the Kxcluwc Hotel, Hank street, tor a aniooth abate ora laablouable hair cut. Jf- C!o,ed on Sunday's iwwwi a i.-.i, iuuic, ,-uira I'.iuoruu. tteoarrt In Ht.M.1: a full llmwit fatmv toilet nrll!.... , Inw. eat prleea, and tte are the only place hi tow n norir ,tiu ,-au on, ..riiurr a 1 1 rain lor I lie law l.tltllON'S O.U'ITAI, IN rul.l.MIMMnil MIVMNHs. A Spea-lal VVilter Telia llie W,,ij of the Week lu llreety Sentems. reraonnl ami Olhcrwlae. Aaron Krum, of ljehlghtoti, wns In town, Wednesday. -Miss Hnttie Fugtt. of the Second ward, Is at Cnpe May. - John Fugu, Miiuch Chunk's lively burgess is at Atlantic City, . J. -'.Miss Minnie Lewis, of Mauch Chunk, Is visiting al Wcnthcrly, - The postmaster ul lids place now receives an annual sahiry of JIIXO. - Jfrs Aimer, of l-luat Mauch Chunk, vMtod Weatherly friends this week. John Wlnmer, n Central brukemou living lu the second ward, was Injured In the fHce the other day by the ex plosion of a fortieth! (leorgo W. Kscr, of town, bus been appointed lines sates agent for the Lehigh Wilkosbune Coal Co., with headipiiuters iu this town. Mr. Ksser ai in the oonl btislnessftir many years prior to tho time he was elected pro. tliouotary of this county. A Hucceeaful Kuae. A couple of thirsty fellows who had been loallng ull the forenoon on the quays ut Stockholm wero struck with n brilliant Idea. They borrowed an old brandy keg and half filled it with water. Then one pf them slung it on his shoul der and took it to the nearest spirit vault, where he stated that ho had been sent by ono of the skippers in port to have the keg filled with brandy. "llie contain Is sorry lie only got it half full yesterday and thinks it would bo better to hnvo it filled to tho top." ilia keg wns accordingly held under the tap till it wns full, nnd the fellow hoisted it on his shoulder, but ns he was about to walk off with it ho was stop ped by tho clcik, who demnnded pay ment for the spirits. 'Hasn t our skipper a running ac count?" "Certainly not." "Bless tncl I must hnvo gouo to the WTOng shop! Thero is nothing for it but to empty half the keg back again," This was no sooner said than done: after which our hero merrily went in search of Ids companion. Dngblncdt. The lllfflciilty with Chlneac. The difficulty of a foreigner learning tho Chlneso language may bo inferred from the statement of an English trav eler. He and his companion, previous to starting for China, had supplied tliiin sclves with a Chinese grammar. Iu n day or two the discovery was made that tho singlo letter 1 had 145 ways of being pronounced, and that each pronuncia tion had an entirely different meaning. Then it dawned upon them that there was no poetry nbout tho Chinese lan guage, that it was not wortli learning and their grammar wns secretly con signed to the river mud by Wing drop ped overboard. Yankee Blade. 'HOT" GLOBE WAKEUOUSE. a- exoM "WarehousE. lrel., that's it fact, but we ltcep our many customers in bx cetlent humor by nlway having something now for them to tnko auvantftiro ol. i his week wo have been unloading many new things in VJress anil Dry Goods, Notions, &tv, which is attractive Ih cause they are good quality and then because the figures am marked very low which makes them hot weather bargains. We are determined to do some business; we are catering to the public and you can always get what you want here Groceries, New Potatoes, Provisions of all kinds, iratermelons, &c. (7oods delivered free to all parts of town. GEO. H. ENZIAN, Riegel's Old Stand, North First Street, I.ehighton. HOW TO o ti o n SAVE yOU ASSKMItl.Y 1. J. KUNTZ. Of Lehigbfou, Carbon oouuty. Kutih-tl to tin llulea liuternhu! IUi- Kepuhllesn Nomliiatlnii .intention. The bonk capital of Boston at the bo ginnlng of this century, Including a brunch bank of the United Htsten, wiik about fs .500,0(10. Hue! of Two Olrla. At Chsrkoff, liassls, two girl tt ho went friend fell in love with the sutnu young man. He was slow to nuke Ins selection between them. They agreed that either could w in him if delivered of same to lie affixed to p.,-,t-., if tree-, are "-.! liieter, Sept. 1 :i Oxford, not convenient, for pointing out the -H Mleiitottu, Kept Ji :ki, name of tho tun, illage or place to Na.urelh, tiet 17, l'uttatowu, bept. which men r..a J- lead and t lis distance 1 ' l, Kulztow o, Oct thereto in rnilc Neglect to do -o eub "'P' u Voik, Oct jectstheiBDarvisu-e tu u penalty of lo , ll- Bloomsburg, Oct. U 15 lu I'hlladelphia, has been appointed a nmall niaiiaariug portion or even those assistant to Mr. Coleman. bo atteuded the meeting of the ltlth 1'he new building to lie erected for tin purpose will be an immense affair ' wero actuated by no real desire fur tUf-tai feet and two or three stories high lliis clearly demonstrates that a malicious desire to insult Mr. fa nhosuliorus Uut her frieud is broken 4", Orvt igsburtf, Psckerton tt ill nut be abaudoned by the bidv. aud thut the meet ing that passed ' duwu with sorrow aud reuiorae It is , Hanoi er. Sept i Heading, but that it importance win , it ttas decened as to it real purpose ! more than likely that she will not nv. the baneful comiietition of th other. na.... .1....1.1...I i. .. A I inst , that this small managing portion ' j""' ''Z L" L e7Z voun? ladies was fonnd dtud in her harmony; that they were eoutrollcd by room. She had poisoned heia. If with steadily Increase. W e now recommend to the Deuiou- to enjoy the fruits of her victory. Paris KtM.UCC.l l'liops on Special Patterns of Shoes. lteiiuceil Prices On Hpecial Lines of Boys' and Children's Suits. " Itcduccd Prices On Many Good. Lines of Desirable MONEY. Trade witli E. G. ZERN, Opera House Block. Closing Sale Of nil Spring and Summer fabrics to make room for a new Fall Stock, this sale will pos itively be a rare opportunity to seeure seasonable goods at Yery low prices. Half Wool Chevrons, in greys only at 10 cents, from 15c. Cord l)u Roi, a good material in stripes and ngures, ljc, irom 10c- .awns, n choice lot of neat figures at 2 cents, only about a case of them at that price. Globe Cords, fitnires on light or dark grounds 5c from 7c. Striped Crepes 9Ac from 12 cents. Katin Chevious, stripes and figures 8 Jo from 12Jc, Satines, black grounds with white figures 8 cents from 12c. Ladies Gauze Vests a gocd article 8 cents from 1 centi. Black Drapery Nets at 68o from $1.00. Black Drapery ' NeU at 89c from $1.25. Remnants by the thousand at almost your own price to close. niCCRCC U r.raaa. I-.lrllatlaa. UaOEswE t'alala Mid. ftSauldcr a Araa.teaa-ra ilrsslh. Opprcaalaa. Aatbnaaw Hwaillaa, Aaklta. Weak and atavtalbcrlBa Hpslla, Uroptr. Wlalla ttlvnuarS. lc. ass oared kr Dlf. MILES' NEW HEART CURE. X oawdlaooTury br tbasmliaant laduaaa Spsetal. lac A. I". Oavla, silver craa. Nab., after UUag tout boulaa ut UEjVUT C I' lib felt beater loaa ta. bad for twelve) rears, "ror tblrtr reara troubled with Heart INesaM! Iwo botllee at Dlt. miles' HEART CURE cured Bae.-Latl Jwran, Dsewaaan. alks." B. D. staiaiai. Ware SaUoai, at. baa tusa DR. MILES' UUMt CURE tot iiearltroabtswlib great reeullTi7i Lfi Oar, ntebbors. Utah., waa Ifl tor IS yuan with Heart twiaaia. bad as hire huuaa help. U.-.-, , Iraki (audi seed Or. Mils.' Mtavt Cl ,. .! au palate left hari ewatauaa SB. anr I, . lu,. ISwiaaraled besk IPttStl at avtitiai.. aj ueaa Dr.Mllo'MedtoIOOMbKhit,in(t, Bold br T. U. Thomas. A Big Line of Pretty Baby Coaches, At low prices at Hen ry Schwa rtz's, First street. Lehighton. &I0B1 lllflll No. 711 Hiuniltdn Street, Allentown, pa.
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