ORIGINAL CHEAP GASH STORE This week we are showing an entire new line of the latest de signs in ladies belts. The prices are way down. Corsets. In this department we have not spared time or money to get the best, and it is sale to say that we have attained it The ladies are justified for the time they devote in this di rcction, as our stock can not he equalled in style, comfort, lit and prices anywhere. Fans for the scorching hot weather, with the latest artistic patnting. Also a full line of ffauze Fans in all the latest colorings. winsor lies in endless va riety. Plain colors, polka dots, stripes, plaids. All the latest things in black. Mens black silk suspenders; mens black silk handkerchiefs ; mens black half hose in all grades and prices. Warranted fast colors. J. T. NUSBAUM, Flist Street, between South find Plum Streets, The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY, AUGUST 1C, 1891. SPICILY TOLD. NEWSY WEI8 SPORT. JOSEPH II. WERHEIl. From tho Toaohers' Institute Souvenir of Northampton county, issued in 1888, wo republish tho following relative to our now principal from the pen of Prof. W. P. Messingor: Many men havo won greater fame than Joseph II. Werner, Superinten dent of Northampton County. But few have worked more faithfully, or have had the success of thoir work more at hoart. lie was born in Bushkill Township, this county. June 22. 1845. The oarlv part of his life was spent on his father's , 3T 8 ITTt ?' farm, whore he formed hahlta of In I dpltog, nnd when completed will be i i. , ne r 'io most attractive homes in dustry, temperanco and economy, Uown m wmcn novo materially contrmuteu to ci n , , , .. his after success. He attended the 0Pr chopped of the , t. i i i I, Brass ana weoas in tuei'arlc, this week, common schools, and subsequently ,,,i u ,,, i i Wht hi. r,rt. n in Ma ,fi d now it looks n hundred per cent iZZZlt ttT . bettor. Thoro is still room for 1m township, ms success, especially in Lroremont uuicipuue, ana. nis entnusiasm, causea n., im , him to include definitely to devote BZa wL? f01 hla life to nflHon. TJnt Vmvlnr, So00nd .str0ot 13 0ut 611 n a suffer- flnanoial moans to bettor prepare him- ffi.Bah n? i fT' self for tho work, he heroically resolved of p0nsion to defray his school expenses by t pM1,.' ,,. T ,, ., alternately teaching a term and by 3JZ'21$& tas trzirsi sSpSah Bcssie HaP entered the Kevrf.nno K Lt Nrmnl Philatlelph a Tho young couple havo School and after alternate iMn, Ur Sratulatlons. and attending he graduated with T he J?Z 0WJ,ltt hormal class of 1875. While attending th J U1 op.en.a boSt nd shoo storp near vr i x. x ui ii - -Mvoons- storo, Jamestown, within tho Normal, he taught in all ono year in ,f ,, ' m , . j. , 1 ,.,J.i..i,i T3i next fow days- Tll Pooplo of that w.uu.. - town want to patronize him. vu.we rreeiaaa Tho homo talent ontortainment Seminary for a term of twelve weeks. for tho benoflt of tho b in ltwj, jar. wornor was elected ball chb is well undor way. The date principal or me scnooi at (jnapmans- has boen fixed for Soptombor 12. It villa rt I i.l.tnl. .... t. ln.. A 1" I . ... ' "" kutniu muijui, mi- u gives every promise of boing a rare penoa or oignt years, ana until elected treat. to the superintendency of tho schools -Levi Horn, of Franklin, has the of tblsoounty. In this capacity Mr. contract for Arner & Sloyer to do the ,? mum- a bui viiig uia mira ypnsecutivo term, naving receivod a higher num ber of votes at his lost oloctlon than at cither previous election. His adminis tration has been remarkablo for tho many linprovoments in the rural-districts. He camo from among them and knew their noods, and so shaped and and bent his energy as to aid them pfactically; he is not given to much theorizing, but ho Is a practical, earnest-working man, with common sense and application enough to out weigh a volumo of untried theory. Of Mr, Wernor it can be verily" said that ho Is tho true frlondof tho teaahors. Their hearty co-operation and cordiality is evidence of this fact. His obliging manner, readiness to assist, and the lack of dignified reserve which often characterizes supervisors, has won the hearts of all; pupils, teachers and direotars, and has removed the barrior that often prevents young and lnexpcrlonced toaohers from asking advice and dlroctlon. His kindly way pf correcting tho faults of his teachers, and his sound advloe and hearty com. mondatlon, of earnest work done, whether byvpuplls,teachers or directors, has beon tho means of spurring many of the formdr to higher aims in life, and who can, say that It has not Im proved buildings, furnituro and apparatus through the directors, Above all, Mr. 'Werner Is an earnest christian, and in that word, beyond a doubt, wo have the koyword of his success, and the quiet but powerful and lasting lnfluenco ho is exerting throughout this county. A Carbon County Man doing Up. frof. A, S. MUlor, fqrmerly principal pf the East Mauch Shunk sohqols and later on engaged In teaching at Woath erly and Lansf ord, and now of Wichita, Kansas, was reoently promoted to tho position of Associate Prlnolpal of the Wichita University. Mr. Miller has boen a close student ever since lift la In the "Grasshopper State," and he has prepared Himself by bard and nornla. tent study for the position to which ho !"T , 1 Slnce tho mornlnB was eleotod. His friends throughout Itl0ri la consequence of which 8 Carbon v,mHr will ni,i i, navo been scarce in the office, and v pleased to hoar of his election to a al ob.llged to m PPrtunlty position that calls for scholorship and , . ? ,g Ur suborlbers t0 KT executive ability. Tho Unlversitv , J wuat they owo us on subcriptlons luiuu lueir iom. ' vw .w uuu la won i SVnn Tunv. i in , I HXOd llnnnHrillp nn,l t,,, ,, i ml. Will 1 was in town Monday, and paid over to I Bnt wlto . spoon bolder, D. M. Uoppes and wife ; j neighbor's prosperity, and hence they I B Old Lehigh has somo snap ROOT AND SHOF STORF toroign establishments for uoai you lorgot it. ... . . : T " ivirs. uoorgo lmpp tne neat sum of ""' uu hub; napKm ring, patronize forolim ostnhl shmonfo fn 1 hi (Q KjImi T ITnnn.n . .U.l. i j I" - .-wuvw w 850G0. the amount of insuranrto tht . . "I" AU1"U ovorvthlnir tw n.i rn,i... ,. . , , . , , . . - pymservi Duiter uisu anu Kniie. J. T. Semmels l , , " ""y was cnm?n oy nor iaio misuana in tne and wife: butter dlsli and knlfo. Dr. 01 nomo and tl aoove oompany. xno money was not uauietj uutter Ulan. Jllss Nettle ticies tnat are bought elsewhere aro due until the 3rd of Octobor, but tho e'1,!i, 'wUvldoal castor. Mrs. J. E. raroly bettor or choapor than those FEOl'US ON TI1K GO. Flash l'letures of Familiar Faces Coming and finlnc. Mrs. R. Li. Swoeny is visiting at Liobanon. R. Li. Chambors and wife aro nt Vinoland, N. J. Charles Bowman, of Slatington, - - i mui. uuu spoons u. jv. jsiusseinian ana was tho guest of Granvillo Clauss over wires Indv. salts, MIm Ida M. Klstlerj bouauet and excavating for tho new John S. Lentz resiaonoo on tho corner pf Thjrd nnd Alum streets. He has a larco force of men at work. HOV. Dr.Littlo. tho famoilH Prnnlnr. terian divino of Hokendaunnn. will fiU the pulpit in tho M. E. city on Sunday morning and evening coming, a cordial Invitation is ex tended tho peoplo. -Tho people from town anil Wnisa. port who accompanied tho Lutheran and Reformed Sundav school Calypso Island, Bethlehem, last Satur day, numbored about 800 and occupied fifteen passenger cars. -Alfred Gabol. nt one tim ft n rnof dent of this city, but now of Lehich county, was showing friends here abouts a poach this wook that weighed eleven ounces and which was twolvo inches in circumference. ' Crit Coon, of Coon. Oabel Sr. r.n . now engaged macadamizing tho streots in Bangor, Pa., has sold his interest in tho firm to W. H. Rebor. will go to Binghampton, N. Y., whero his rather has a 8100,000 contract. At their rogular meeting on noxt Wednosday ovonlnc. at tho &. II. Seaboldt, Lehigh Fire Co., will nomlnato now officers. A delecate to the Stato Firemen's 'Assonlnflnn nt LockHayen is to bo olectod at tho following moeting. Getting ready for the fair. Tho Carbon County Industrial Sooloty havo erectod two large now refroshmnnt stands, 21A32, on their grounds in this alty, and are otherwise perfecting ar rangements for their fall exhibition. Tho stands wero built bv N. G. Rex. of Mahoning. Thero was a hannv iratherinc of the membors of Rex's Sunday school. Mauch Chunk, on the farm of Mr. C. A. Rex, near this town on Wednesday. The picnioers arrived in snocial cars and wero convoyed to the spacious home of Mr. Rex in largo 'busses hired trom tne Mables of David Ebbert -Thist is to announce Hint tlm weather in this this summor has beon without a II since the morning sane In A. Travellnir Mnalnli. SI .4 dUUke to land Tround h ? , A.n Audenried correspondent to the Troh nnSor i BU our" t0 keP m creditors t'rom "amBpeatter says church, on.d offers a numbor of courses takincr rjossoaslon of o r t "A crazv man str, P.I.,J,l.l.l. .-1 . ...l 1 f"""' nmuu, iiuou completed. entitle uo u ui ins stuaeni to o degree of- M'lll Vou Ho It I ITan Avovlll Pl, an .. W ...V H...., UUU nuui II U 1 In a Iodk period, or use sometuine "said" to be as good, and reuaint every year or two? Averlll lalut Is the best. It u Ibe bandsoraesl; no otter has so brilliant a slops. It is cheaper because It Thoso Rnrnrnl courses of studv are under Hi n til fiw. tlon of special teachers, Mr. MUlor be ing also principal of the Normal College. Wm. H. Rauch, formerly prlnolpal of the Woatherly schools, is WliZ; .! Z 78"l"" "W hWeol Wli.VrSdT, OroGn Lake- trUtU ln the mans a has charge of the department of law. n. y.: u vuars on honiof Mr. Hiviirw.. Lnming im .nrinj i.n True merit is usually recognized, and l'Sii.vZ !'8lV f. ".'L ioW( iw m.n of i,n, , fnr film TvTin ltna llCUlltli nnA a ah I UUV Other DAJtltJl dinad nmnf Af thtallr HumKII. 1 flAitHrta nutumntlnn OMD1K I 4 ' M Irftrdof fiul.loubiiln tluts free. Lkh j fc IIK1M AUK lit , 4-EHuaiio- tbao anv other at auv wean all otben. it tailed 20 years on nouM ox C u, voxhw, Wlnoutr. N. 1L. health and enerur buy other paints dtunaudnrool of Uwlr durabll- doctrine of red and Is wiUlng to apply himself JudlcT St. WSSSt T&SSSS'SSSL the loJ 4rgy ... . - I r r....i.i. . . I Tnlvn Tin fi.liimi ously, there Is usually a aure reward xiieolnirtfBt.lrtjfTow nUrltflj Chroni cled In SSlort Snlp-Sna.ji Order by tha Hi roller i inil Clnnn." -Miss Itritt Sflhabo, Who was reported in The News ofj a Hnlj Town Tolil In n Few M'ords by n lliinliuc lteporler. Lehlghton has a horse that drinks mvuii miss n ii. nuunuU 1Y 11U Vf Thoso aro the days when its fun to sick last vroek, is Improving, ,1 I 1 T- r . 1 I . a uo u councilman. o. u. imrus ann wjio, ( The cribbing of Horlaohor's dam wero vlsltl rig horo this wook l.! 1. I .!!. .7 1 tllH... 0i .1 -r i . in UVlUg U1UU11 HLlUIitUUUUU. Full lino of Ingrain and Brussel carpets at Henry Schwarte's. Good, fat ohlckons, ono yoar old. for sale. Apply to H. A. BoltK. . Somo Alum streot property ownors nro preparing to lay pavements. A full lot on 3rd streot, will bo sold oheap. Apply at this offloo. Dr. Danzer, of Uazleton, will bo at tho Kxchango Hotel on Friday, 21st. For Salo A single framo houso on 4th street. Apply to G. W. Morthlmor. Tho property ownors on south First streot aro preparing to cobbol their gutters. Good I Kruin i Kuntz lmvn thn O. W. Morthlmor residence, on Alum street, roadyiortho roof. 100 cigars for 81.00 at Dolferdorf or'fl cigar storo. Call quick. This will bo tho last lot sold at that prlco. The tido of trnrln flows to Tjimlcnn bach, Mauch Chunk, forflno statlonory books, wall paper, baso ball goods, Ac. Tho Lohigh Valley Company havo greatly improved tho thoroughfare leading to their station on lower Bank- way. Tho grass and weods nlonir the pavement on Bankway aro several feet nign. it wouldn't be a bad Idoa to cut It. A bulldlnir lot 33 foot front on 7th street, adjoining property of butcher Dlohl, Is for salo cheap. Apply to I. S. Koch. nt -Will Schoch. who has beon work. ing for R. J. Honeon. Weissnort. has n blacksmith shop of his own on north First streot. Will Wort, who is workinc at tho iioriacner dam, accidentally run a spike Into tho palm of his right hand tho other day. Lohigh Fire Co., No. 1, of town, has doclded to participate in tho firomnn's paraue at uetnionom during tho session or tne stato fair, Sept. 20. It shows every dav. Poonlo who delight in pleasure riding want good teams. They go to David Ebbort and get them. Go thou and do likowlse. William Montz's residence, on 3rd street is undoreoinc n comnlfito . IN A FEW WORDS. A lately Writer Tells the Story of The nappetilnes of n Week In nnd Abont Old Carbon. NOW 'Malionlllo- lina i TCn I'll! nil Alliance. John Boylo, of Leviston, Is suffor- A Tretty Wedding. By request of many friends of Mr. Mrs. N. M. Balllet we republish the fol lowing with a corrected list of the ore- sents: In the whole history of Normnl Sauare her nennln unrAr htIIhuu.1 J. D. C Jurtis and wife, of Banirar. such a emml social nvnnt. nn Mm ,o. t. I rinirn. nn Tlmrarlnw nf lnt t ... . - . " : v ' nuua, ui mirwiin a crushed foot. Aiiirnt Knrnrntifi .inl,. iAn i.tiiA.i i riaa T7m.M t 41. 1. ,..if : rattle sna MondHT -Nosquehonlng is ono point ahead ... " w ....u mu mwu iius an ouueatod cow. mttlos. Mrs. C. H. Soldlo. to Prof. N m rtnint .iri...n..J,., . . -Solomon Ynnl.nl n,1 of Tfratr,..n rii 1,11' 17,, . . ' ounoay bCUOOI of tt 1 mi, 4.0 j Z.T . ,sv' -vucgoYiuo, ra., i-acKorton p cnlced Wednosday. Union Hill, spont Sunday with friends at tho homo of tho brido's nnrnniH At. tm,., " y . in lin.Uo t , . .... I .iw4uuuiuj puopio aro ueserv- T . . auor uu tuo guests, to tho ing of sympathy thev havo n. olnR nf AlKjOSiro would llknnnv minwhn nnmlior nf H,l..j 1.', L.,h. . T P "ly lney naVO II Class Of . ' . . ' . r: uS- vioumsts. uuu uuuu ma htuivu iuut com rlhik Tniscmuinn.Tiinc.wAnf- nntno f i . . . . tiir ,i,f "LIC . r"" """" " man named - lUomtop wasac ...VUB. ""S'""' usnorou tuo undo and. cidantjilW 1rn,vnn,i i t, ... .IvJwfin Tinting nf 17i.. Hr 1. I r, .i ... . - ' " 7 1 . """" " ""O VIVUK. Ui i, .', - iiuumoram, Saturday. ujiiuiits nua u viaiiur m luwd fin 'n nq. auiu h. nnn r in inn in nr iinnn nrir.An i i n rW "Mw Tlnnon la n Tlntvi l .11 P Tl 7 . I mxilU UrOUaueUU gaVO ft " J . . yvwuwuuu w.uu M"uwuiuuuHranu Aman aw. ft nr. 'ffnwiri i i . date for Prothonotarv. nnrt H, , m a t ZZl V- or many menus nt - i xi. u. uuiiiuu uj i iiorjiomn in -x-. y. .eunor, oi weatlioriv. wnal tno Rnnolnntinnrlnr aim., ,, .,.! , t ..J. ... u uyUmug. iu.i iui i iu uuo. w is suuor- reu ui ovorgroon tne hannv vounir FHOM MAUCH CHUNK. The Oonntr OnpKnl Splrlteilty lipltomlied by n Speclnl Correspondent. Personal and Otherwise. Elinor Kelser wns at New York over Sunday. Thoro aro twelvo prisoners In tho county jail. Undor tho new ponslon net, Leopold Rico gote 8 ner month. William Rex, of Lohighton, was a lively Republican visitor in wounosday. Mauoh Chunk nnd Glen Onoko was crowded, Saturday. Tho Valley vouipnny atono carried 2o00 peoplo to tlltl fntnntia rnonvT I Packorton on Thursday A pavilion will bo oroctod on tho I OTniltlrl linfnrnAn 41. -I 1 1 i if I ing from a deep gash In tho left knee, couple wero united In God's holv bond th7 rT? 5 Uh. ofllco -WebstorWoiss and brothnr Tlnrf. of wnrllonb-lm P n- win.5 B ; "rr ... l"u. . vu80iicui mr mo use or the band. . former residents here, now of BnH,lo Bld0t of th'H;"V;rV T .-John Schlll, for sometime cm- i vu.juhi j wiaiuua vui- i luu uruvn nr. (nwrnnnctnum i s t -, . . horn, have purchased tho Wolfo shoe lego, CoUegevillo, following which Rev. in next TWo-To 111 won-s foundry, has gone storo in tho latter place. Ja. A. Bauer, of Lohiehton lead In Ttw fn i. . h. y llowlu nt to Danvllloif Chester Buck, of Philadelphia, who prayer, at tho close of which Rev. DrJanrini nM in hia con- was circling among mends horo for Btlbltz pronounced tho benediction Tuesday afternoon James McHnh n p tTii i the past few weeks has returned to his and tho guests congratulated Mr. and married ImanotTvmTnm lltln wjf'iw Ungh1' of BoavepMondow, labors in tho Custom House. Mrs. N. M. Balliot and lharl thnm fnt An, r"1 In: '"tojBUfor a few hours Monday, The wlfo of butcher James Schaffor God snoetl. Thn wn.uinn. m.u , T 7... oi "mrgea witn false pretense. Ho was prosontod him with twin babies, Sun- Played by Miss Emma Balliot of - Z7 i , c,ommlttod by a Woatherly 'squire In day, but sad to say. ono died after Lnsfleld oZ 3Li!S"T1,.te the default of S300 bail. Tho jovial Pat birth. Wo hope Mrs. Shaffer and the of a few mtau th rT baby will soon be enjoying good thrown open and tho TOei we health. vlted to imrtnlrr, nf n f . ZZZL J"T' "u"' f uu! lor -'Saulre John R MlUnr I, a hii Last .h nh h,i . 1 .' - onyuor, -it will Interest tho many, friends - . ; .. . . - r . """" r"au m Bucu voumv ounonntendonr. nfnr v tt tt . . .. : hedged candidate for Prothonotary on style as only tho good peoplo of -Tho now sohool l,iMinf t. i K ""pn to loam that 3 tho Republican side of tho house. Normal Rnnnrn nn,, Mnhl.n! P,,"L.. !dtttPll,Bri Mi0 to tho faculty of Neither lins it. flntWr1,nr tl.n !,,-., -r., , al Re- can spread a feast. It included all tho ,,nonrH,7;rfT" American Business College, tUR rnmmlinlfv wllof Y " " "1"?" "mUU 01 "j ..""v hutu in oiuro iur mem. Sharp Gutting of Prices to Quicken August Sales ! Too Bhort n Summer Season's trade has driven us to make a Summer ClPMmnpp ftnlo ! The Marion boys havo shipped , T. thoir stoamor to Seneca Falls, n. Y roKen limes, Odds and Ends of every land have to eo We for neoossary ropalrs. must hnvn tlin the prices to move them quickly. Small lots of Shoes go down from $3.75 to $3.00 " " " " 2.50 to 2.00 " " " u 2.00 to 1.60 " " " " 1.25 to 1.00 Summer Hats nnd Men's Outing Shirts go at, nnd below cost. Opera House, Lehighton. The Eye Has Not Seen, Nor Has the Ear Heard, imimuuv.au ouu ui mu uuusu. iiurmiu oquaro anu Manomna Valley ton wns onnnnri lnot Rti n , , . Johnis a ilrst-class feUow, a loyal Re- can spread a feast. It included aUtZ 0 College, publican and would bo a hard man to delicacies of the season and was "fit A lar nnriWn ,va "71 7.."" ""m KcnoU ' HluUl 1 J. I 1 1 . I " -vouuu uuu uuu UUnnrin W1 m nrimn nnr1 AaM I nnVO YAH Snnn t 1 n t pro- ducted bvtho rnnf ", "1 nil " r."?""fc U0"""U3U,'. umiture. to a ducted by tho professor. Thn rn1 Intra now uas nino or tho vory host instructors. beat. I for tho kino." A rwnT nf wiinc I iic,i .m. t. ,i , 11 uai, woen mo loiiowinetfontiomen waited on tno table t.hnvwnrnnao otn r, I - '1 fl.wu w. numcaouoi DUUJI. IHJ, win term a isning party to JJIg Lake, by the ushers, Messrs. E. O. Nothstein -While a passenger train was pass- near Albrlghtsvillo: U. S. Krostre. and S. E.. StofTlnt. Thn hrhln li-na I l?ir T.l.1,.1. ri ITT . 1 , . , t, v ,. .. m. . . w .auui6uuuiiuu u uuuesaay nisnt a ivov.i.d.nouz,itov.A. jvi. isampsei, l handsomely dressed in cream satin hard nr.nl n war fhmwn ti,.i. skciikt nmm nnc.. Jacob and lace: the maids of honor wore car winrlnw (,!,((,.) . . Ed RalcllfT thU nrooV i,ocl white, while tho groom, best man, Robert Stewart and CO. Sharpo. of 1 80n;el Washington Camp, 541, P. (X S Cl'OOmsman and tlRhnrn wnrn nnnvnn. I "nVicn t4it -l I of A., fit. f)in QfnfA n . a i " , wuut uuiu oibtiug ul mo winuOw, I "- uuwimijmuiii wawuui. uiuijU, luauil ULl III 1111 It wna niir ACtnnnr. Dnrlnnr infiiM I wvhuu uuttwua iujiuj1, mu in otuuab weaaing was section nas Mahlon Dotter and Cornelius nign Council, 101, Jr. O. U. A. Nothing 8. Kresge, Gordan Kresgo, Straussbortror and W. J. Solt. Rev. Morgan Peters will bo Install. ed, and at tho same time ordainod pas tor of tho Reformed church. In this in Of A., at tho Ktnt.a sosslon at Qottysburc. . T l.!..l. "I ,. 1 -w ...nv.ju (IbUlUUK bllia OTJU1.11JI1 I11LM III M 1 f M Tl I IMifl. mill Tn.n.11... I Ml 1A1U1UU ,lII1f'll III I T. 1 I I , C T T. . . , I, I . .. uv.vn. UUU VVU111U11U I w.. , .u.j UI, vy. 1 . 1. place on Sunday evening. His brother, had for somo tlmo and will longbo Zacharlus woro hit by an engine Tuos- M-tha Placodneat mooting announce T,i TT, iu i r',, i. '""im uy mo peopio irom tar day night and killed. Tho accident lao Puna places in town. will deliver tho Installation sermon, and noar who wero present. Tho occurred on the Beaver Meadow dlvl- Tho othor lodeoa should follow suito. xuo UUU1U111LIJU Ull uruaination are ItOV. VOUnff rnilnln wnrn thn rnnlnlnnto n oln nf 1. r 1.1l. tt-,i. -.r .. Till! MM la nn m a tt l rn - ra . I " " v. .Uu u. iuu iiuuigii miiey, Air. UOttOr I - mum uuo, 1. A. lluuor, r, O. Stem and J. W. many very useful and valuable nro- llrnn" nt. T?nnW.,.f rni, ., On 8et)lomlinr 9d Ti,ti. n TiTl a iii.ii. i il ...... f. . . " "J iwmuuj ' r vuuu. ""'7'" . i , iuv"-u"uu 18 ox" Bmlla l wnlcn lne louowmg is a list: along tho track and stepped out of tho v" Jr' u' u" A- M- wlu. n somo appro lvuuou l'uu"u lu "u preaeui. stLVEn WAm.-lce pitoher and mug. Judce way of ono train into tho rnir nf 11, Prml minr Albert A. Koons. of Catasaunnn. stroh ttnd fanl"7i brcaa tray. John Seaboldt: fatal train. 'Tlinv TTTrtrn UrtfTi .., I anniversarv. i. . r, andwlf.icakobaket.W.a.Frevmanandwlf0: , . . . """""" i,i,. xuiiiuauuLiuK iuo uurinunia ijiio in. u..-.. r. ... . . . ' i aua leavo ifimiunsi tn " ",, Bum imea uerry spoon, inos.M. naiiiet; bstterl Burauge company, oi a ow I one Ulty, dHh, Andrew Uoppes ; cream pitcher, W. JIoppss tirna in Lflrm Art nnJ Hnl, A I onA rlfn. ..nAAn 1. l . T- r priato mannor colebrato their slvtl, Tho Counnil hnu i. ) mourn their loss. bwsMP of very near 200 and is woll ... . - v J. U1U1VUI. ti XlL like it was ever put on exhibition in this town t, - - vu uu Have You Heard that we are offering this grand assortment of goods at prices way down, the very mention of which will make you think that we must li.ivn mnrlo n T;0ti, - IV MllQUiaC) It s a Fact. JPe've trot thn pnnia want to exchancre with you, and if you will call at our store we will offer such inducements that it will be a pleasure for you to make your purchases from us. Come and Inspect our stock and buy whatever you need at our Schwartz, The FuraitureMan THE ONLY company waived this fact and made AJ' offrod by homo dealers. Tho short- Pde which took place on Satur immediate payment on reoelpt of prop- Mrs. J. F. Zehners gold lined berry spoon, Eev! si8htednoss of such persons does not day a"ernoon at five o'clock was avory or proof of death. H.T. Spanglerand wife; berry spoon, Key. H. permit them to see that their interests P03 alfatr. Tho lino was formed vToTZTin. .-ESSS' are idontillod with those with whom front of the Castle hall on Front vou forcfnt. . Tho fair and festival anrl lrrnn1 at homo and thus help the town. Ar- Pamde under tho auspices of Nesque- uoning uastle, No. 387, K. G. E., on llUg iltl and 8th was n rrnnl D.ut .J V. Tho parade which took place on Satur- IN WEISSP0RT. ii.oiuw.vi,jra,BYi..aie miss Mamie i-ouock; are Idontillod with those with whom m lront 01 tao Uastlo hall on Front a SSZS, Dr! a asoSer and oonttnnolly coming lu contact "er traveling the principal ...t it....... . . . . ... .. Mil thn (1TO1TT rlrtw nffnl. 1 1 f I StrOOtS. nifimlfi.Qnrl In fmnl 11,- TJ T ., mj uUOUl,U. 0. II. Keller; soup ladle, Dr. 0. D. Sohaeffer and wife; card basket, Miss Emma L. Klstler; sucar IDOOn. MlSS Ella 11. Itelsor rnmlilnnilnn 1rllAf set, Mrs. and Miss Lanlngcr; sugar spoon, Miss oaiue u. waixer; mug, iinton Koons; call bell, To Whom It May Concern. U.J.Il7.,eyandWl Clauss and family; knives and forks, G. W. 7 iur auuscripuons StlbUz; butter knife, L. M. Balllet and wife; to subscribors outside of tho county, lnriv. fifttt ftnH runnrr. MIm Ti1i V. 7rmmimani I ftnrl xen nolr tny xTiw !m,,.l!.i n... ' rvr,.v, .m , H.uimviuiau, ..w hum. iVUUAAl AlAltUUUlUtO ULLtJIl- may. bi ana spoons u. it. Musselwan and tion. All of tho hills Hn inn.ln n,,t duo, and many of them long over due, anu wo sent them out hnrvmsn w streets, dismissed in front of tho Band uau where tho festival was in progress, Tho following was tho order of parade; Chief Marshal, T. A. Watklns. Washington Cornet Band, , Ancient Order of nibernla, Washington Camp, r. 0. S. of A., The Now Cornet Band, MaJ. Klotz Commandery, 23, K. 0. E., Iansford Castlo, No. M, K. O. E., Nesquebonlng Castle, 387, K. O. E., Tho fair and festival committoo. Albert Washburn. W. J. Trnwhniin John Haycock, J. S. Eustice and David holder. K. D. Hunslckcr and wife; ! dozen m , . .. v -t i. 1. 1 nftflrillnnpr oITpa .twin.. Mlu iarrtr Prtllrtnlr. last Rnnrtawfirv nlnmtlT, with fniVn I dozen tea snoons, Miss Sadie Koons; V4 dozen I wanted our money, and not for the n(i,v.iL tea spoons. M ssc ara mu; Tablo spoons. io more sako of having somothlntr to em- " goia ana xamiiy cabinet, Mr. ana Mrs. Nathan r.i ,. ttt- .. .. "uuu "ycocK, j. c. Justice and Davlr -Tho always jovial Charley Maurer, BaUlet; two gold lined after dinner coffee spoons", f:' 7. ,, .""."ow earnestiy can Re0SOi nnd tho narad(, mnirnlft. Wm of Wilkesbarre. was "soeing" tho boys Mr- VeaV and Miss Minnie Ncumuller; 14 doz. l" pnuon or all tnoso who havo re- Emanuel. Hnnrv T?nnn tt,. ttI i ir a orange spoons, W. E. Ash and wlfei IS dozen I ceived mils, as woll as othcra knnwW -r,,-, , i, . ' i-ri """i uuovuiaimuu,. nmn unnnn. Prnf. flii.tnr ir..' u ri...n Ul 1 - , , . . 1 T " lUCUarU iiUSUCO and Wm. Bonk. ln. r -wr m . . "n- -x-m - - whv h mhv uubu tuuiuamvuN Li) im nifinnTfln rn no tAfA t uouuiu uugu, oi uuaisireei, fruit knives, P. J. Klstler and wife; M nut picks. war(1 hn nmmmta ,l,, ah I Bervo mucu crcdlt fr tne successful vfoitir. riafio a -i.i i tt v t.,i,i-,. o- .-j ...,..' I warQ mo amounts duo. All who owe! , ... .. . , .uiuuiii uuu t.tcuuo CVU 1 u.., auu ni.o, iuijiuu,1UK, 1 . , ... . UlBUIIBrm WfllCU th0 Ullnir TCn lnn. uuuioi jiressiey uuu who; uapKlu ring, u. U.I .uu.uu.vuvu uiuLiuLni fjuctfid TfrAv.lnv. ttvn tianVIn rlnira n A TTaln I TT111 fit. llrt eotf-lnsl I wne; janainier, lwis tsemmel and family; WHEN we tell you that our store is the very best place in town to buy FOOTWEAR of all kinds, you can just make up your mind that we mean it. Our exhibit of Shoes, Slippers, and Footwear in general is the newest, the most stylish and the most substan tial in town. TTe give you only the very best Footwear at the yery lowest prices. These arc a few points in our favor and it will pay you to give us your patronage, in return you get the 1 1 u. 1 uuai, results ior your money. U. S.KRESGE, WEISSPORT'S LEADING BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. Kroidorsvllle. Pa. Mlssos Ella and Floy Clauss are enjoying a delightful visit to New York Citv friends. John Ifabingon., pnp of Conshohoo Japanese vase (Tokln .TAtmrri A. n. rtornnit family; Japanese vase, II. D. Kennel; ohooolate put, v. u. imuacuanawue; cracKer ar. Ur. buu jura, u, r, Eisner; jeiiy spoon, una it. Sail Accident A very sad and occurred on tho Lohigh Valley Rail road Tuesday between Ponn Havon The Qratest Discovery of the Age. serious accident CATAnBIIAI' deafness ouniu. no mow. use . . .- .. I FOnEAR-TltUMPKTS- TRrTTHJT.tr iT.en. An infalliblo remedy for tho cure of intarrh and deafness ln nil Its Rl4,m. oy ono wno nas boen a groat sufforor ken's most genial spirits is vlsltinc o"?1 m, i ur . Kit tj i ,,, , ohinawakk.-Vases, Miss uiile McLean; anu weatnerly. Two men engaged in i" uu us stages -Miss ilaoo and Miss Vanbergen, berry dlsli. Miss Amanda E. Balllet; fruit disb, lumbering on Broad Mountain for Mr by ono who has boon n (foat sufforoi of New York City, aro visiting at Mrs. Nathan (lerber; fruit dlsli, Mrs, Stephen Hawk, hurl mn nn m,o i'Unx catarrh and almost total deafness Valentine Schwartz, Miner; fruit dlsl. and doSlie.MIs, Minnie Moser. I, t'TiTZZrZZ .,. . No catarrh or sllmv n-nnn n,lnm i nr t. . ULABSWAiiE. i-iinnfir. mirb 'lann Hrrnim. i ...... nwmv iuku lu I . . ... w 'UvuiKu iuusur. uuq or nancrnr'fli. .. .7 . - ..-,.,, . .... - iri-.iItv maHn. .iinni,..i . . "r. iruitaisi.il. E.xander and wfe; dsh. Maufpriuoiriumoorino tent near thn Trnn " Uumai6uiB irom mo popular young gents and a llrst-closs Clifford Xander; colored sugar bowl. Miss Em- Bridge. While going along tho track noso deafness. No rlngingcrack ball Dlaver is a visitor ln tnwn. I ma FlsTcr. wtoi-iiui, if rv vi... .n. . . n " "" linr. t,M,.i i -.t . " V. .. t-m . i " . raiEioci, tuey woro mot bv an onst hoimrl Imln 6 m wu uiu. no mucous Wm. Volber and famllv nn,! Tlnrrrr B-McLean and wife; water set. ISev. E. A. , . UIU an oast uound train ",wua A.aU of Philadelpwero guest; -- or j.?oa Kcnmtat, isq., this week. Itult dlsll, JoUn MeltzIcr and wlfe7D7M:a bofh mo , tll' f D'V"" "M"?wAl. PJA" -Mrs Lines Groo, of New York City, Ellas Nothstein; lamp and vases, David Miller Tho men hail from Monroo count7and decribe. U CiU1Ul spending a few weeks at the homo of family; fruit stand, David Wertman and " , m luonr county and ),- tnfnrmni, lt stroot, is spondlng a fow weeks with Miss Kato Wonnor. at Plootwooil. Pa. Miss Mamio Billmyor. of Washlnir- v"a 1 uo' ca" u- EUU'f umbrella . - , r tonville, Montour count;. is tKeft of Misa Lizzio E. Iontz. on Third street, gravlnc. Joseph Obcit ana 'family bakinr out J. Ta. Ofthfll. nnp.nmnnntn1 rr U fo I fit- IleDQta Nothstein Ami ulfo imtr iimah , .VwU.,.wU I lr w i 0 I ttUU ix:uni uiuiu cover, wuson carelessness, uno or tno mon Is named miOreStS. I Ebbertsand wlfn; tilnOi unfa ruaiitnn Mi. ITrt1 I n.n At ji . . . -Goorco Brinkman. a WllWlm bin and Mr,. Keefen fancv sofa ins'h n mi.. " "ur' 1,10 olnor man 8 anmo wo failed Ar.r.- iLi. i I Fan n to S. nmnnort t An, nTnolax ivniu I lOam. pained by his cousin Bert Mvors. of "bert Ma.?" 4. ,ti . ' I Milieu oprcau, u. a. urciney aaawue; luarsau- Vorona, Wisoonsln. es spread. Mrs. 11. Lelnhardi labia clnih nn.i ueorge iiuntzinger, or tno Bwitch- napKius, r. j. nistier ana wife; table cloth, G. i. uoppes ana wue; muie cioin, Mrs, E. II. Snyder; table clotn, Mrs. Stephen Fenstermacu er; table cloth, Miss Mary Snyder: napkins. Clinton Uretney and wife; napkins, John Noth stein and family; napkins, Uharles Smith and .u.D.iurauiuu, uuioiv i uiij, anas noiusiein; lamp ana vases, Bavld Miller Thn mon uu f rii. i , not dpfrilio T i j -vr t is spending a few weeks at the homo of fn.it stand, Davtd Wrtman and 2? !?' T I For further information write for J UmalS a"d NVel her parents on South First street. 'ei (ru, plates, Iiavldllardlns and wife; oat n both m.arre1d' ono f tliemhasa cIrculara. Address SkWoS Co Ct -i-l -Miss Emma Seller, of north Wst r.t,, BWrttap,u. Z mSl ' 0 WanMnWto- P""''' btatlOneaV I stroot. Is snondlncr a fow weeks with Mismtr.i.i Pecul L HAGERMAN'S. HEADQUARTERS FOR All Kinds of School Books and School Supplies. agazmes and Periodica Ladies Home Journal, Cosmopolitan, Lippincott's Century. Scribner' Journals and Novels. Leave your order with us. Miscellaneous lTAiiil.n.ilnti.(Umv. mi. v I Llllie Arnen 1 set izA Irons. IT. Ttnvpr mid f jmitv, plush photo case, Mrs. C. M. Ebbert; umbrella 'Squire Hunter, of Wfinr.hnrlw In tlin absence of Coroner Buokjempanelled a The finest and most nxtfmsivn nRsnrtm be had here at the very lowest rates. mains. Tho evidence submitted oxoneratod tho railroad comnnnv frnm all blame, thoir untimely and shocking Ohiuo Lair, for 1801. Under the law of Pennsylvania tho tlmo of killing game and taking fish is as follows: Woodcock. Juno 1st to .Tnn uary 1st; quail, or Virginia partridge, JNovembor 1st to Decombor 15th; rufllod fTIViliQO mn. m r. 1 r ahIIaJ ..l...n .. SMiiu anu laiuu,, iiaiJKiui, uuanes omilll uuu B'-""t wuimuui I'uvuouuv, ur wue; napwns, uev. o. r. Bteckel and wife; nap- pinnatoa grouso, commonly called pral klns; Mrs. John Longacro and dauRhter, linen rle chicken, Octobor 1st to January 1st; towels. Miss Mabel Musselmain linen tnivoi. ...... ran oiru or roeu tnrd, September 1st back Restaurant. Summit Hill. Rnnnt. a few hours in town Monday whilo on Ms way to Wow York City. A tall, distinguished lookincr aentlnman. wil.li lionrlanmit T ..l ' . 1 1 1'ir.T .iMHi.; JJ .1.1 . - ... ' ' Dundreary whiskers, in town for a few , 3 "ft 7TVX?n , aa"f Mer' IIner , . , 1 " . M,. towels, MIsi Mabel Musselmani linen towels - - 4u.a fluuro Aiiwivttt 4tucu lut ci9 tj . x" . f lexer , - Rinker, of Hazleton. Mr. R. is ono of Una wlfej linen towels, Frank Gilbert; linen December 1st; elk, wild doer or ante UnvlAtnnlo eiiAnacot'iil l,ilnnn 1 I tDU'GIS. IIWfn RtnlfArtvnlf find ulfa. liia tri. I I k S Idl- GrUM Command0 ZSSFSSKX ZlT'r1' Soptemb?r K. G. E., and is genial, whole-souled crochet tidy. Miss Nettie Downs; embroidered "t to January 1st; hare, commonly gentleman whom we are always pleased '"' tWy. Bavld I? oons and wife ; linen knit tidy, called rabbit, November 1st to January to see. Mrs. nepeecu juuMeiraan; painted tidy. Miss 1st: wild turkey. October 15th to Jan- Tho serious Williams broucht week his daughters, Mrs Baltimore. Md.. and mer, of Johnstown, I confidential secretary of Garret, the great railroad king who for sometime has boon abroad suffering from mental anoration ana Mr. Fulmer is foreman in ono of the many departments of tho Cambria Iron Company, Thos. Wil liams, a son. formnrlv nf tlila aIIt. Texan, is also exported dally. To lUelf ln mny Important partlcnUn, Hood's Sm jrul It different from and superlortoanT other medicine. Peculiar ln combtnaKon, proportion and prep, aratlon of Ingtedlenta, Hood'a SariapartUa poi seiiei tbo fuU coratiTe Taloe of tha best known remedlea of tho re jetablo kingdom. Peculiar ln Ita medicinal merit, Hood's Sariapa- lllla aCCOintilllhdJi cnrni MITi ..... ....l IVculiir In strength and economy Hood's Bar. saparllla la tha only medicine of which can truly be laid," 1W doies one dollar." Medicines la larger and smaller bottles require larger dotei.and do not produce aa good remits as Hood's SaiiaparUIa. Peculiar lnlti"good name at homs"-thero la rnoro of Hood'a Sanaparlua sold la LoweU, where It la made, than of all other Mood purifiers. Peculiar In lu phenomenal record of aales abroad, no other preparaUon haa Ter attained auch popularity in so short a time. Do not bo la ducedtotakeauyotherpreparatloa. Beiuietogct Hood's Sarsaparilta BoldbyalldruggUU. flialzforfS. Preparedouly by O. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mail. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar 4uuc,iiini!j ii4iuicu uuy, juiss xab, wiiu lurttey, uctODer lotn to Jan illom of Goorgo lS. 5 "MX I, wild fowl, September 1st to to his bedside this MlMMeuNotfiiulin er:autsropU U'um tj upland or grass plover, July Stoves, Tinwaro. Heaters and Ranges, 12, IianlelKriu and wife; io,Broen, yellow, willow, rockandLake t f,, U:f t Erlo bass. Mnv fmi-h in T,,rr '"'' F V t Ult UUIJ XOlif I j. m ju i.t u. j.,, SAmns L Gbavbr's ihigli Goal & Hardware Co., T TMt Tmnr Specialties. Myer's Pumps A complete line, including repairs for the same. Cucumber Pumps A complete line including repairs for tho same. Coal Oil At wholesale and rotail. Usual line of Hardware, Oils. Coal, Sand, Cement, Plaster, &c. ., iM meia nomsiein. . T , . , , , ' s.Mrs. John Leo, of , lnssa. $100 (cold), bride's parents; $10 loth to Januray 1st; lako trout, Jan- id Mrs. Henry Pul- i.rJiTO uary 1st to September 30th; German ,ra. Mr. Lee Is the KTS'gteffi'i carp, September Ht to May 1st; black, itarv of Garret, tho liehler nnd wife: 12. Daniel Friu ai i,i wlf. in green, yellow, willow, rook rnenas. REX'S BON MARCH IlAUIINIKfl. Danlol Krossley had his house r paintea. Uavicl JUlUer Is bulldinu anew tailor shop. The camn-moetlncr at Lehln-litnn was well attended by the peonlo of the vaiioy. Till! rOHTIOAI, CAMEltA. CSVThe warfare throuohout the country is IU height, and tho load ing politicians are busv. Prom this fsnrttnn nf tha ommt If . . 1. . I v uv vuuv.j iv ovvuia ui uu I A ro-uulon of the Normal Institntn anybody's light for Sheriff. However 111 l. 1..,., xi.- . ,. . 1 WontViar.il- will ..nj . 1 J 1 . - i nw uo utyu on, mo evening Of tne (ll ' " utuefe'aiuB vo A crazy man struck town Tuosduv 1 nf tt.u mn. 1 tho convention tnr TTniior itv. tv,a morning. IIo h,ad neither hat or shoes -Rev. O. B.'narthoiomew wlU nroanh Peotatlon of drawing enough from oju lmagmouhlmsoir a Moslah appoint- the annual Harvost Home Sermon in other sources to nominate him. The by divino provldenoe to redeem thn ci ti.. i . flulit. tnr nmthnnatn. u . urn. - t - uk. iiuuu e vuurca, ca tue sxi 1D8L . t..wvwu .o u muo iuuio i world, lie could not havo selecteda t?,. n ir ti.j aht, I nloarlv doling! ul nt tl,iDHmn(ni,nl .... . i w..v.. ii . uuuuuiiu, auirnuvmiun ' ... ... ...uw .v . better Held for operation than Auden- hta riu r,,ani, i- tj. . as if the "nnnor and" will in,t liWan I .... ... . . I . wl ' ' " I'lVUUU IU IIID UIIUUUUUUIUI ' ' ' w v. Muqvk rleu. This facta lono led mnnv tn thn I .1 a. . - I oUmiu tr, M..n ttt ... jm.i , uiuniu, Duiuraay evening; unci onl 15 """,0""u"',,u"lUOT" tne nwueiuu uuv more migm De some Sundav afternoon T?tt .T H K.l,.rf ly UerelU. truth In the man's assertion. All t, .t. . V ""' . ... I j-.n..m JSABK HALL nOSMII' bireetB, ioi-i On MondnvTilirlimsn nnlllat i,nf I tnv..i.j .... , rni...i a HOTiriu tvrjii Xnjm, ,y SlUOHUUrrv Ai Tdpular Store, Bank Street. Roofing and Spouting a special ty. Stove repairs furnished steel. Tan on short notice Reasonable! New Dress Fabrics, FOR TRTS AWT1 W ATJTVTTm Tirn a mmin - akM fVaWAaiUJUIl SUANTONG PONGEES, are Entirely New, all those pretty new tints which ar so desirable Ibis season are represented ln silk deslRus and finish on an Extia Fine Quality Cloth OH yard, INA CLOTH, another Wash Fabric just out this season, beauUful patUrni an. Grey, Blue, Mode, White and Black Grounds, 01 inch wide only K'l-2 irni on per i - uvuj .u8umou uiuwii. buui. - c rueiajia won a&niZtZe'irrX" measured 6 fset and 8 to 6 on Saturday. n-eeland ooiaes to Lehlghton on ITlflAr nr i ... - , MrS.1.;.; the local clergy policemen are out of ron "P to up or tne wings; and 'tYeeland ooiaes to Lehlghto k.h t oi. ?wnno attempt was made to capture tne day P. D. Kllngerman, also Saturday and will play the home ' unurHig iooi o inenes. a rattling good game. Don't miui GO TO Hishel's (iPennanentG-allery i i For CABINET PHOTOQR&PHS Orders taken for Vine I nf VvOld pleWres copied and . Xj- enlarged Winp (IITATT TITC nr. llnl.l Tr. J. . ... o . . A smsll lot of New Sattcens to at 0 cents por yard. A large lot of new DRESS GINGHAM In Stripe and plaids at popular prices. Original OutlngClotbs, best goods at 10 cents per yard; F A Fine Line of Dress Goods in the Now Shades and Weaves. Black Goods suitable for Summer Wear, such as Wool Nun'a Velhcz. Batts lamlie, Glorlosa, .c at guaranteed prices for first-class Goods. Big lot Ladles Bibbed Vests for Summer only 8 cents each. isxira vame in uauzo blilrts and Drawers for Jfen at 96 cents each. Coi unes of better Goods for Ladies, Gents and Children. Uemember wa are o riuamino iu xa ultra juij.Mri unoerwear aL sneciai titii-m. ?0 D;Sclloped Edw, Bordered. Ladles" Handkerchiefs at 6 cents each. Blaek 6 Ik Drapery Netts, Large Variety of Styles, from 65c to 2.50 a yard. Swiss Flouncing for Ladles and Children. Fast Black and Colored Hosiery a specialty. Our Carpet Department will Interest everybody ibat Is In need of CARPETS. - - ru.c uu. wu. a mo iBrgesi anu eTsryinine new. oecond because our rawer vuau looje asaea eiiennere for tue Hame ulaas Goods. !te I- - price BROADWAY. Mauoh Chunk, Pa, C A. REX
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers