$gAre you a subscriber to the paper you are now readinnf if not. ( trill co.it you but $1. for 62 werfcn to become one, and then you can tell your neirhbor that you will neither borrow nor lend. $1.00 a Year in Advance. INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live." $1.28 when not paid in Advance. VOL XIX., No 40 Leliighton, Carbon County. Ponna., August? 15 1891. Single Copies 5 Cents -GREAT Closing Out BARGAINS ! Koch & Shankweiler. Every imrt oCour Store is nttractivc with Closing Out Bargains Our enormous vcAuctiOns will ' make your coming profitable as tlioro never wnsv tinid like now for buying. Our Men's Department : Strong Union (UIMn Suits....... ;ft $ J $ (loodOno-hnU Wool Oasslinere Suits Vormeily or Nmv r. to HrtvK-f.il.lo All-Wool Suits swvr-"Mf;iYi;iV; Vonm'R 11 ft) No v n T5 Vino All-WooUlrmvn.arcymul YcllowMtxcdSults, l'Srine y 100 Now 10 oo StMISII HC01C1I S3UU.S Working Pants Special, SMJ'r .nt W.oonnd,2,.0. en- rioy's and Child rens-Suits. They nre Boomers, at Positively Ono -Half Former Trice. Don't hesitate, but tako nfflffSf orClll,l,m"Su"8' 4 to 14 years, COO mills, ranging In price from Ja.00 to S3.0). Must go at 91.00. " Odds and Ends." nan ronnrr nricr. , . c,,n,o,. n.itin shirtn. Ono ot.fio ilnsten. nomcit I.T"'U,.; xr1,. .,ri,,.nmlm,alltles-ot Hummer Outing Shirts. Ono lot.BO dozen, now R,.u,V,Si,T.lB f leurlce.nf M cents. The largest variety of sateen, 1 ueyi. , .... .a- VMM.' irnniiiii.ir h:i been reduced and cut from 111 where yon look ulZiZ Vii l&m reduced nnd cut from their former prices, 110 matter wi.cu uu ,oii look around our llaignln Booms, the buyers arc Hero ami uusj. KOCH & SHANKWEILER, The Largest , and Leading Clothing House in the Valley Centre Square -Hotel Allen Bullding-Allentown. THE GREAT German Remedy! TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. For those ctwithu niltouBSncllsdcpcnil onSiTMiiuHllrrrisnH It will euro yon. K4 tin vou suUer with tntbatttrcdnndallgonef I Isotrnim liiiTEBSi! lit win euro yon. UOperatUcsnhuare closely confined In 13 tho mills nnd work- .1 tljuonlll lio ralilt forncaso where feur.- niun Hitters win not assist or cure. It never falls. CTJ shops; clcrks.whodo Eli not nrocuro sufficient ill exercise, and all who II arc ennflncd In doors.l I I should uso SULrnun III BlTTEItS. They will r-j nub mvu 11 ui. wsirklv. Cleanse the vitiated ibloodjcn yon sec jits luiiMirlUos burst. ng through tho 6K1U n rlmnlcs.BlotrhOS. ind Sores. Itcly on iutriiun Bitters, ind ucaita will fol low. sand n I if von iln lint wlfth to enfrcr from Khcum 1 1 atlsm, use a bottlo of IIISULrnun Hitters ; lilt never inns 10 euro. bottlo. Try it: you will not regret It. Lndlcs In delicate health, who nro all run down, should use sntrntm hitters. 8L'LriIUlt UiTTEns will euro Liver Com ulalnt. Don't be ills- rouraged; It will cure ! . ou. a HULl'UUR lllTTERS1 will build you up and Imafco you strong and healthy. bULr-HUK HITTERS iwiu ujku your uioou rj pure, rich nnd strong, U :inu yuurucsi. Try KOLPHOIl 1 runs in.i vou will inn feci neiier t l)o you want tho bert Medical Work published? Fend 8 2-rent stamps to A. 1. OnmvAT & Co4 Boston, Mass., and rccclvo a copy, free. Praional & Business Cards. Our's Remain tiie bame ! Don't Buy Until You See Our Goods and Compare Prices! One day lime clocks, 00c, 75c, and up to $2.50. One day alarm clocks, 80c, $1.00 and up to $3.50, Eight day clocks from 3.00 up to $10.00. -American Lever TFatches from 5.00 up to 50 and $G0 i . , ... i We don't make a " blow " about low prices ana we nuvu hu W. III. Rapaher, ATTOrtNnY asu COUKSELLOIt AT LAW, lflrst door abo"vo tho Mansion House, MAU0II CHUNK PENN'A. Real Kstato nnd Collection Atrencv. Will Buy .urn Ben ileal i.siaio. uonveyancinR neaiiy uone. Collections promptly made Bottling Kstates of uecuenis a specially, may uo eousuiieu iu tnciisn nnu ucrinan uav. aa-vi O. A. CLAUSS, Offlco with Clauss Bros., First street, Lchlghton FinE, Life asd Accipent INSURANCE. Only I'rst class Companies "are reprcstnted Information cheerfully furnished. 4-iy DR. J. P. BROWN, Slaiington. Pennr. need to " cut " for tho simple reason that our prices are now as special Treatment given in niscvca of wi low if not lower than those of other Jewelers in this town or in specialist m idi Ear. k0S1 nf. Wo vonont nnr invif.nt.inn-: Lome anu see us anu l, ml; uuuiiij. . ij...- - , --- - - examine our good.s and learn prices before buying elsewhere. omen. Koso nnd Catarrh Permanently Cured. Flno Vrameless Eyo Glasses and Spectacles ad justed my own puieni. uuk .The Reliable Jeweler, lea; Cream is Down to Thirty " : Cents per Quart. DR. G. T. FOX, 112 Main Street, Bath, Pa. at lUNOon. Broadway house, Mondays. AT KASTOST, SWAN llOTKL, TUESDAYS, AT lKTnt,EIlKM, SUN IIOTEp, WltDNKSDAYS. AT AIJ.fNTQWn, KAOU! HOTEL., THURSDAY VT BATH, 1'ltlDAYS AND SATURDAYS. oniee Honrs l'roin 0 a. m. to 4 p. m. Practice limited to diseases of the Eye.Ear, Nose & Throat t3?-Also, Itcfractlon of tho Kyos or the adjust ment ofjtlasses. IF. I. SMITH, D. D. S, i.ovn. You toll mo that you lore mo, And tlint nil lito sednis dronr, That aunliglit la a shadow, Except vllon I am noar. You pnt your hand on mino, doar, With whispers soft nnd sweet, And lny your hopos and wlslios, Y'otlr llfo all at my foot. You ask if 1 will giro you Mysolf to havo and hold. To shield from onro nnd sorrow, With lovo that no'or ftrows oold. Y'ou promiso joy and filndnoss Through all my patji in llfo, And say your life's nmbltlon Is crownod with mo your wife. Yes, lovo, I'll givo yon gladly All that you nsk, and more, And lovo you, doar, as no man Was over loved before. I'll take what you would give mo, And givo you back my heart, My llfo, my hopos, my wishos, To bo of yours a part. More Sinned. Apist ThanSinnins- HV MU3.1:, II. HOUnn. Parties, Picnics and Festivals supplied with very lowest prices. Ice Cream at the Office opposite tho Opera Ilduse. Bank Street, Zeh 1 ton, Pa. Confections, Fruits and Groceries. Toys, Games and the New Novelties. Tti this line wo have everything that is new. Our prices are al ways the very lowest, iSILYERWARE AND J EWE LRY. Wo rnn't lm lirnt. iii a fine line of silverware nnd icwclrv. We have all tho new effects at the lowest prices. BEN K. CTJLTON, ICE CREAM, SODA WATER, MILK SHAKE, CON- , FECTIONS AND FRUITS, VK AH15 now nicely locstoil In our now store, room and with Increased facllltlos and convenlsnccs are better than ever pro pareil to cater to the public. Wo extend an earnest Invitation to the. people, to call and eco us at our handsome, now store. r rKnfi.;Anii In ltetall or Wliolesalo lots. 1 tcnio and fM I ICQ (.ireaill anu OOniGCtlOnS, tlvnl enminlttees and wiMl.llnir liartlwi vill I be promptly supplied at tho very lowest price. Don't buy elsewbero until you call and letiru our prices. We furnish all ttaors of cream lu any quaniny at snort nonce. FINE SILVERWARE, WATCHES AND BEAUTI FUL JEWELRY, WK C AKIIV as lino and as complcto a line of Hie abovo poods as can bo found lu any Jewelry Sloro In Carbon county. We have all tlia newest novelties and tho prices aio the very lov. set. J3?t'oino and eco us before you buy. All the Very Latest Novelties in Toy Olias. H, Nnsbaum, BRIDGE STREET, WBISSPOKT, PA, iiEynsmv in ah. its buanciies. Fllllns and making artificial dentures a special ty. Local anesthetics used, (las administered nnd Teeth Extracted WITH- uux rAin. OFl'ICU IlOUItS :-l'roin 8 . m to 12 m from I p. in., to s p. m., iroiu 7 p. in., to p. in. Consultations lu English or Ocrman Olllco Hours at Hazleton-Every Saturday, Oct 15-87-tY DH.W.F.DANZEB. No. SO North Wyoming St., HAZLETON, PENNA. Specialist in Diseases of the BYE, NOSE AND THROAT llr. Danzer will bo at the Exchange Hotel, Lehigfcton, I Spectacle and Eye Glasses accurately fitted at wnAnanlfntlnn In floi-mim nml Kmrllsh. e "Weare Offering Usually results from a deranged stomach or a tlugglsh liver. In either rase, an aperient Is needed. Ayer'a rills, the mildest and most reliable eathartlo In use, correct all Irregularities of tho stomach, liver, and bowels, and, In a brief time, relieve the most distressing headache. These pills aro highly recouuncmled by tho profession, and tlie demand tor them Is nulvrrsal. "I have be?n afHIcted, (or years, with hoadiolie and Indlgesuon, and tDougli I spent neifly a formn In medicines, I never ioiiiki any leuoi imiiLi uegau to iaKo a vers Bills. BU bottles of these I'llli completely cured ma." licnjamin Jiarper, l lynwutn, Muuttenat, V, I, "A louu n.ff.'ier from headache, I was CURED BY - Eoiina Keyet, Special Prices m Light Weight Dress Goods, two boxes of Aj it's l'ULi. llubbardsou, Mass. "For the cure of headache, Acer's tatluirtto rills are the ml efficient moilh!tn I ever usl."-r.obgi t IL Jamos, Dorchester, Mass. " For years I was subject to const I rot Ion and nervous beiwlaehe, caused by derouge mcut of Uio IP. jr. Alter tnklug various rain edles, I liavo beeoiuu mmvlncod tliat Ayer's Pills are tii L"it. They never fall torolleve lny blllmis a tuck In a short lime; and I am sure my ! m n lalus Its tone lunger after the tun of i Y'-o 1 : ! -i , tl.iui has been the oaao wtw any o r n ".iieiue usve tiit." Ayor's Pills Meg rushod out of tho hateful abode which had boon hor only homo, out into tho windy autumu evening, and run for tho river, stopping onco or twlco to listen for sounds of pursuit; but sho hoard only tho moaning of the, galo and tho wash of wavoa upon tho banks bolow, In a few moments sho reached tho river, and loosed a small boat from its moorings. Dragging it to tho water, and. wading in knoe-deop, aho sernmblod aboard and begun to pull with long, steady strokes down tho stream. Tho waves were wild, but wind and tido both being in hor favor, sho made good headway, heodloss of her dripping skirts and uneovorod head with tho black tressos blown all about it. Two hours lator, weariod by her ex ortions, sho "saw a great brig bearing down toward hor. Fortunately at this moment tho moon rodo clear from the cloud wrack and shono full upon tho boat. Sho shouted wltD nor strong,, young voico, and waved hor hands wildly in tho air. Then n.s tho vessel swept closer a rope was thrown to hor, tho boat drawn alongsldo tho brig and sho was soon on deck, uncomfortably conscious of the curious group of men who stared at their u,noxpectod visitor. "Who aro you what brought you on tho livor so late?" queried the captain, Tho girl hesitated and looked about hor. A littlq apart from tho group of sailors stood a young man Vhom sho rightly guessod to bo a passenger. Hor great, wild oyos appealed to him Stopping forward ho spoko gontly and gravely. "Do not fear, child. Toll us whoro you belong and why you aro here," "I am froni up.rivor," sho replied. "I havo no home. At tlto place whoro I lived tho pcoplo woro wicked and cruel, 1 was in rear or my llfo and ran away, I want to go to somo city nnd got work." "What is your namof" "Margaret Meg," "Hayo you no other?" Sho looked at him slyly forau instant and thou added: "Stoolo." Ho did not show his suspicion that this was but an assumed name. Hor youth (sho seemed about sixteen) and hor f riondlossnoss appealed strong ly to tho tendor sldo of Uichard Win throp's nature. When ho went ashore at P ho took tho girl with him, and was driven in a carriage to his mother's homo, fluo old place on tho outskirts of the city. Mrs. Wlnthrop took Meg in rather doubtfully, and gavo her somo light duties to perform about the house. As tho days wont by Meg showed such aptitude, such intolligenco, that the eldor lady bocamo greatly attached to hor, and finally proposed to Itlchard that sho should bo oducatod and brought up lileo a daughtor Q.f the ho uso, To this Richard heartily agreed. As for Margarot, sho was not wholly happy. A dark secret lay heavy at her heart, which sho know should bo revealed un less sho choso to oxilo horsolf from tho Uquso of her bonotaotors, Uut sho had grown to love them dooply, Kite recalled lior old llfo with a shudder. Could she not atouo by doing her nobleat now by a lifetlmo of devotion. to tho two noble hearts who hd taken hor into their hppy homo? ' go she hushed the tiny jicousing voioe within her. She was sent to school, and in throe yoara returned a beautiful, refined and intellectual wman, to whom Uichard Wlnthrop lost his heart. Sho orled like a child whou lie. told her of his lave. "What am I tUnt 1 should be blessed?" she said. Put her lovor laughed in tender ' soom at hor tears, and took hor to his Imothor for tho bloealng, whloh ! freely given. ' For a time life went on like a hnppy , dronm. , Margaret had been wedded to Richard. Wlnthrop threo months. ! They livod still at tho old homo. ! Ono day sho and Rlohard wore sitting in the library, tho long windows which swung outward upon tho varauda. It wns Juno, nnd tho npartmont was scented with tho fragrnnco ofrosos from the garden. Mog wbb busy with somo light nocdlo- work, whon sho bocamo conscious of a shadow across hor lap. Sho looked up. There at ono of tho windows stood a lithe, slender, dark-oyod, ovil-browod mail watching hor with a snoorino smilo. With a wild scream sho sprunir into the furthest corrior of tho room, nnd stood there trembling in ovory limb "and staring at him with distended oyos. "So I havo found you at last, my llttlo demon," tho man said, us ho stoppod through tho window. "What do you mean, you insolont senmpf shoutod Richard, dolaying his progress by a heavy hand upon his dhouldor. "Got out of my housot" "Softly, my flno gentleman," returned tho other dollantly. My wifo must go with mo." "Your wife?" The stranger noddoti grimly and polntsd Margarot. "Yes, my wife, Meg." And ho stood with clinched lists, de vouring hor with his oyos. How palo sho was! How sweot and womanly I And tho baby Ho looked at it doubtfully as it slept, with ono fat littlo- thumb thrust con tontodly Into its mouth. "Ho Is yours, Richard," sho said, softly, yot with some approhonsion. "Havo you como to tako him from mo?" "Mlnoi" oxolnimod Richard, liko ono in a dream. "Yes, do you not seo that ho has tho Wlnthrop features? And soo " Sho drew tho man's hand down bo sldo tho baby's. On oaoh wrist was a tiny rod birth mark, in shapo of a cross. "Ho is throe months old. Is ho not a splendid boy, Richard?" Richard knelt by the crttdlo, ills omotiou too groat for words. Meg wont on gontly: "And, best of all, thoro is no shadow on his birth, for I was truly your wifo. That man, Darke, trlod to forco mo to roturn with him, but I would not. I found omploymont for my ncodlo and for my pen, and finally engaged a lawyer to look into my alleged marriage with Darko. It proved to bo a sham coromony, porformod to bind n poor ignorant girl. But I could not roturn to you, Richard, for if I was not his wifo I was worso. Darko is serving a lif o sentence in prison for his evil doeds. I havo kind frlonds here who wore good to mo whon baby was born I am supposed to be a widow. I can oarn Thoro aro MO authorised guidos in tho Alps. Six of thorn aro over 70 yoars of ago. In Amstordam now It it tho fashion to aunounco n broken engngoment of marriage' Tho ngrtte symbolizos health and long lifo; tho garnet constancy and fidelity. lllood Poison. Is very liablo to follow contact of tho hands or faco with what Is known as poison ivy, especially in hotweathoror If the bodv is norsnlrlnir freolv. Tim troublo may subsldo for a tlmo. only to appear in aggravated trom wnou op portunity olfors. Tho groat purifying lowers or Hood'sSarsaparllla thorough ;y oradicato overv traco of noison from tho blood, as tho euros it linB accom plished conclusively show. It also euros scrofula, salt rheum and all other affections arising from impure or polsouod blood. Italy has raised tlto duty on loum. Kvcry Homo Should Havo It. It Is not always convenient to call a physician for every llttlo ailment. Having Bed Flag oil tho houso you havo a Physician always at hand; It kills lthcumatlsin, Neuralgia, Burns, Bruises and all Aches and Pains. 1'i lco 23 cts. There are few things In life of which wo may certain, but this Is ono of them, Pan-Tina Cough and Consumption Cure has no equal for Colds, Coughs and Consumption. 1'rico 05 and CO cents at Thomas' Drug Store. Tho lly-spidor lays nn egg as largo as itself. Richard lifted his list, but Margaret enough for my modost wants with my screamed and rushed forward to grasp his arm. "It Is true, Richard what ho says. I am his wifo, God help mo! But I thought he was dead!" With that sho broko Wut into wild and pitiful weeping. Tho man sworo a groat oath. "Yos, sho thought sho had klllod mo tho young wild-cat! Got your duds aud como along with me," Meg driod hor tears and turned a haggard face toward Richard, who had fallen Into a chair and sat. with his head in his hands. 'Try to forgivo mo," sho said, broken . "I could not help loving you, my lifo had boon so hard and cruel, and you woro so heavonly kind. "I was only a poor waif, as I have al ready told you, loft at tho door cf that old houso up tho river. "I grow up there in a den of out laws, xnoy marriea me to tins man whon I was littlo moro than a child "Moro than onco I trlod to run away, but ho always brought mo.back." That night when you befriended mo they wero all angry with mo bo causo I would not help them to rob an unsuspecting traveler who had put up there for the night." "Shut up, Megl" snarled tho man, grasping hor by tho nrm, Sho turned upon him with a sort of fury in her oyos. and ho shrunk back half in fear of her. "Bocauso I rofusod," sho went on again, addressing herself to Richard, "this man, my. husband, camo at mo ncodlo and my pen. But the baby, Richard; -you will not tako him from mo yet?" But Richard was upon his foot, aud his arms woro about hor. "I shall tako him homo at onco, Meg," ho said. "I shall tako my llttlo son and his mother home!" Sho shrunk away. Oh, no, Richard. I havo tv ranged you too dooply already. Think what my lifo has boon." But ho only folded her tho closer. "But, child, you havo been moro sinnod against thun sinning; but you aro my belovod wifo, thank God for that.,' Souio Foolish People Allow a couch to run until it nets bevond the reach of medicine. They often say. Oil, it will wear away, but in most cases wears them awav. Could thev bo in duced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a positivo guarantee to cure, they would immediately seo the excellent cflcct after taking tiie first dose. Price BOc and S1.00. TriaFsi?c free. At nil druggists. Tho latest invention is a bill-posting machine If Sufferers from Consumption Coughs and Colds will try Pan-Tina Cough and Consumption Cure, they will find quick relief and permanent benefit. The medical profession dcclaro it a remedy of the highest value. Try l'rlco 23 and CO cents. Trial bottles free. A largo proportion of the diseases which causo human sulTerlng result from derangement of tho stomach, bowels and liver. Dr. Lee's Liver jieguiaior removes an ineso uouuics. Trial bottles f reo at Thomas' Drue Store. August. On Saturday wo ontorod the last mouth of summer, August, which in tho old Roman calendar was callod Soxtillis, or tho sixth month of tho year, which began with March. Julius Cassar mado It thirty days in longth, and Emperor Augustus, whon ho con ferred on it his own name, took a day from February and added it to August, giving tho month 31 days, in ordor that it might not havo fowordays than July, named in honor of his illustrious pro decossor. It is usually a very hot month. Tho mythological representa tion of August is that of a naked man, with ragged, streaming hair, holding up to his mouth with both hands a drinking horn, wlulo at his sldo aro a bundlo of peacock's feathers, a heap of melons, and a large drinking vossol. Beaver houses aro not as plontiful as thoy used to bo, Tho Pulpit nntl tho Stngo. Iter. F. M. Shrout. Pastor United Brethren Church, Blue Monad, Kan., says: "I feel It my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Die- covery nas aone ior me. juy lungs wore Daaiy diseased, and my parishioners thought I could uvo oniy a lew weens, i iook nro Dottles or ur. King's New Discovery and;am sound and well, calnlnir 20 lbs. In woluht. Arthur Love, Manager Trove's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thorough trial ana convincing evinence, i am comment Dr. King's New DlscoyerY for Consumption, beats 'em all. end cures when evervthlnir elie falls. The greatest kindness I can do my many thous and friends is to nrgo them to try It." Free trial bottles at ItEUEit'S Drug Store, liegula lies seo, and 51.00. Ohio has tho greatest number of pensioners, 57, 037. Studying tho llloointmr of Flowers Phrenology is the torm proposed for fiercely with a knife and caught mo by a study of tho periods of blooming in tho throat." 1 I struck him with all my strength upon the templo, and ho dropped to tho floor. I had not meant to kill him, but thoy said ho was dead, and I supposod ho was. In tho oonfusion .1 oscapod noticed. I should havo confessod all this bo- foro I havo boon weak and wicked, I know; but I could not boar to seo you shrink from mo, and I havo tried to make mysolf worthy of you." Hor volco faltered and broko, Sho took a dark hat and shawl from u chair. "Good-by, Richard," sho "good-bye, happy homo!" Sho was gono. Richard started up and rushod wildly aftor her, calling hor name, but sho only turned at tho gate and waved him back, and thon went on down the road through tho Juno sunshuio, with that swaggoring, ovil flguro beside hor. A year later Richard was riding through a llttlo country hamlot lu an other state. Ho looked old and haggard. His sorrow still lay hoay at-his hoart. Suddenly from the open drjar of a tiny cottago camo the sound of a womau'fl voice, singing an old nursory rhyme, His hoart was In his mouth. Surely ho know that voico! He turned his horse and drove cIom up to tho door. "Rook-a-by baby upgn the treo-top; When the wind blows the cradle will rook, When the bough breaks the aradlo will fall, And down will ooiue baby cradle and aJUn Yes, It was Meg, sitting there in the sunlight, and rocking a bby's cradle, whllo she sewed, She- looked up at the tramp of his horse's feet, and oried out, In lovo and louging; "Rlohard I" In a moment he was beside her. "Oh, Mog! Oh, my poor darling)' flowers appear with tolerablo regularity so much so that floral calenders havo boou based on the fact, and various flowers havo been dedicated to saints' and church festival days bocauso of blooming at special fixed times. Tho snowdrop for instance, is know in Catholic countries as "Purification flower," from its blooming on tho fourth of February, the festival of tho Purifi cation. Our St. John's-wort is so named from its first opening on St. John's day; and so of othor flowers. In our climate, howover, phrenology will not havo much show as a sclonco, oxcept as it may show tho unreliability of tboso times of flowering. Thero t said I at tlmos, a month of dilforonco botwoen ono soason and another, and soinotinics a flower that blooms tho earliest of all ono year, will bo far behind othors in anothor yoar. Dr. j. C. Bold by r.:l AYES &. Lowell, Mass. . l.i u.dicine. 634 Hamilton St., Allentown. ThMlMUkuit L-Y.l tMULAlK.'.)IIA. I'A. T lutKt of llutn ituiu -iuttu. t urmWj iHlierh V. ututL CURE GUARANTEED. ! 'Ip.? Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. bwder now to maki; a wivk unhappy, Seo your wifo ns soldom us possible If sho is warmhoartod and cheorful in tonipor, or if, af tor a day's or a week's abseuco, she moots you with a smiling faco, aud in an affectionato manner, bo suro to look coldly upon hor, and answor her with monosyliablos. If sho forces back hor tears, aud is rosolyod to look cheerful, sit down and gapo in hor presonce, till sho is fully convinced of your Indifference, Never think you havo unythlug to do to mako hor happy, but that her bappl noes is to. How from gratifying your oaprioes; uud whon she has done all a woman can do, be sure you do not appear gratluou. Nover tako an liitorefet lu auy of her pursuits; and if sho asks your advice, mako her feel that she Is troublosomo ojid Impertinent. If sho attempts to nuly you good. humoredly ou uny of your peculiarities, nover join In the laugh, but frown her iuto stleuoe. If she has faults (whloh without doubt, sho will have, aud perhaps may bo ignorant of), never attempt with kindness to correct them, but contiu ually obtrude upon her ears: "What a good wife Mr. Smith hosl' "How happy Mr. Smith Is with his wlfo!" "Any man would lie liappy with mob a wife!" In company, never seem to know you have a wife; treat all her remarks with luilirforonoi), and be very alDtble aud complaisant to every oilier lady. If you follow tueoe directions, you may be certain of an obedient and heartbroken wifo. ABSGOifELY PURE There are some 11,715 soldiers' graves at Jefferson Barrai '.h, ' L. Iouis, Mo. Santa Barbara, Cul., blasts of a hotel waiter who can take an order for diu uer in seven ("Iforeut Isnguagus. potro- jQTVvou want a paper that owns ( aruZfsn't ftraW to tell the new; that beltetee in public morality, and the enforcement of the laws against malefactore; that lias opinions, and isn't afraid to express them, get T1IK OAIiBON ADVOCATE. Uuckleu's Arnlcn balve. The BEST Halve In the world for cuts, bruses. sores, utcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hamts, chilblains corns nnd all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay requireu. ii is guarauieeu 10 give pcneci sans faction, or money refunded. Price 25 centsper box. For sale by ItlSUF.lt druggist. Tho tonguo of a giraffo Is nearly n foot and a half long. Hayo we any truly great men at tho prosent day? Some doubt it, and ask to bo shown tho modern Washington, Franklin, or -Webster. Howevor this may bo, of ono thing wo aro Ruro, there never was a greater blood-puriflor than Ayor's Sarsaparilla. A Milwaukeo (Wis.) grocor can sleop ton days at a stretch. Hold It to tho Light The. man who tells vou conndentlallv lust what will enre sour cold Is prescribing Kemp's liaisaiu mis year, lu uiu preparaiion or wis rcmurkablo medicine for coughs and colds no WHY CAN'T A WOMAN HE A MASON. At n Masoulo celebration In Austin, Nov., yoars ago, General, (thon Major) Sliorman doll vorod tho address, abo'un lug in wit and humor, clustering around eloquent gems of Masonlo tradition. As a specimen of tho same the Rovelllo gavo tho following extracts as a solu tion to tho abovo query: Women soniotimos complain that tnoy aro not porjrlttod to enter our lodgo and work with tho Craft In tholr labors and loam all thero Is tohe lorsq od In the Institution. Wo loarn that beforo tho Almighty finished his work ho was in somo doubt nbout creating Eve. Tho creation of ovory liylng thing had been accomplished and tho Al mighty had mado Adam (who was tho first Mason) and croated him for the lodgo in tho world, and it was Paradlso No. 1. Ho thon causod all tho beasts of tho Hold and fowls of tho air to pass boforo Adam for him to namo them, which was n pioco of work he had to do alono, so that no confusion might thcroforo ariso whon Evo was created, whom ho know would mako troublo If sho was ullowod to participate in it, If ho created hor boforehand. Adam bo Ing vory much fatlguod with tho labors of his first task foil asleop, and when ho awoko he found Evo In tho lodge with him. Adam, being sonior warden, placod Evo as tho pillar of beauty in tho South and thoy received their instructions from tho Grand Master lu tho East, which when finished, she immediately callod tho craft to refreshments. In stead of uttonding to tho offlco as sho ought, sho loft her station, violated hor obligations, let In an expelled Mason who had no business thore, and went around with him, leaving Adam to look after tho jewels. Tho follow had boon expollod from tho lodgo with several others sometlmo beforo, and hearing tho footsteps of tho Grand Master, ho suddenly took his loavo,; tolling Evo to go making aprons, as sho and Adam wors not in proper regalia. Sho went and told Adam, and whon tho Grand Master roturnod to tho lodgo ho found his gavel had been stolon, and ho call od for tho senior and and junior war dons, who had neglected to guard tho door, and found them absent. After searching for somo tlmo ho came to whoro thoy woro hid, and demanded of Adam what ho was doing there instead of occupying his official position. Adam roplied that ho was waiting for Kvo to call tho craft together again, and that they wero not properly cloth ed, whlcn they woro making provisions for. Turning to Evo ho asked her what sho had to. offer in oxcuso for the un official and unmasonllko conduct. She replied that a follow, passing himself off as a grand locturor, had been giving hor instructions and sho thought it n harm. Tho Grand Master than asked hor what had become of his gavel. She said sho didn't know unless tho fellow had taken It away. Finding that Evo was no longer trustworthy, that she had caused Adam to neglect his. duty, and had lot ono In whom He expelled, tho Grand Master closed the lodge and turned them out, sot a faithful Trior to watch the door with flaming sword. Adam, repenting of his folly, went to work liko a man and a good Mason In in order to got reinstated again. Not so with Evo. Sho got angry about it and commenced raising Caiu. Adam, on account of his reformation, was per mitted to oStabltsh lodgos and work In tho degroos, and whllo Eve was allowed to join him in acts of charity outsido sho was never again admitted to assist in tho rogulur 1 odgo work of tho craft. Henco the reason why a womau cannot bocomo an insldo Mason. expense Is spared to combine only tho best aud riurcst ingredients. Hold n bottlo of Kemp's lalsamto the light and look through It; notlco the brfcrht. clear look: then comnare with other remedies. Large bottles at all druggists, CO cents anu i. Danipio uome iree, Thero aro 13,000 dilforent kinds of postago stamps In tho world. A Burglar Captured. This niorniiiK nbout two o'clock. John Wood, the well-known plumber who ro&ldos on Mam Utreot, was awakened by hearing glass break. Ou getting out of bod ho received a blow on tho head. Ho immediately grappled with burglar, and aftor a terriblo strugglo succoeded in holding until his wife obtained help. On boing scarchod at tuo station, jur. woou's watcn anu wai lot was found on his person. Ho gavo tho name of RobortTorry. Tho broken glass proved to bo a bottlo of Sulphur JJittors which Baa almost cured jvirs, Wood of rheumatism. Exchange Russia's national printing offco pub llshos lu every known language. You Take No ltlsk. In buying Hood's Sarsaparilla. for it Is everywhere recocrnizod as tho stand ard building-up medicine aud blood nuriflor. It has won its way to tho front by Its own intrinsic merit, and has tho largest salo of any preparation of Its kind. Any honest druggist will confirm this statement. If you decide to tako Hood's Sarsaparilla, do not bo induced to buy anything oise instead, uo sure to get liooa s. It is estimated that 1000 trains tra vorse Ohio every twenty-four hours. The Greatest Btrlke. Among the great strikes that of Dr. Miles in discovering his Now Heart Cure has proven itsolf to be one of the most important. Tho domand for it lias bocomo astonishing. Already the troatment of heart diseaso Is being re volutionized, and many unexpected cures effected. It soon relieves short breath, fluttering, palms in side, arm shoulder, weak aud hungry spells, op presslon, swelling of ankles, smother ing and heart dropsy. Dr. Miles' book on Heart and NervouB Diseases, free. The uuequaled New Heart Cure is sold and guaranteed by Thomas, Lehlghton aud Uiery, We'ssnort, also ins restora tive Nervine for headaoue, tits, sprees, hot flashes, nervous cuius, opium ua bit, etc. PANAMA HATS. Panama hats tiro so uumed from tho circumstance of their being shipped from tho port of Panama. They aro manufactured in Ecuador and tho neighboring states. The material used Is tho fibre of tho loaf of the sorow pine, which Is related to tho palms. It grows only on tho slope of tho Andes. The tree is described as having no trunk. Tho loaves aro on slender stoms that spring from tho ground. They are about two toot long, fan-shaped, and four-parted. Each of tho segments is ton-cleft, so that whonjthe leaf Is fold ed, as lu tho bud, thoro aro eighty lay 's. Tho libers of those leaves are finely plaitod, aud each hat consists of a single picco of work. Tho plaiting of tho hats is a slow and tiresome process. Coarse hats may bo finished in two or threo days, but the flno ones tako as many months. Tho work Is begun at tho cjowu and flulshod at the brim. Tho hat is mado on a block, which Is placed on .tho knees, and has to be con stantly pressed with tho breast. About two hundred dozen of these hats aro mado every yoar. The price varies according to the firmness of tho material and tho quality of tho work. Thoy aro valued at from five to one hundred dollars. Panama hats aro much prized for wear In the tropic, because of their lightnoes aud flexibility. They may bo rolled up and put In to the pocket without Injury, lu tho rainy season they aro apt to got black, but by wash ing them with soap aud wa)or, treating them with lime juico, or any similar add, and oxposiag them to the sun, their whiteness Is oaslly restored. In Australia thore is manufactured a hat whloh Is said to resemble the Panama hat vory closely. It Is made from tho unexpaudod leaves of a native plant, whloh aro Immersed in boiling water and than driod. Tho fibre ob tained by this treatment is plaited as In South America. Under the namo of "Chattahs," n kind of umbrella hat, or sunshine, U made In India of the leave of a palm, or of the ploiiitaln leaf. Chattahs are worn by the plowmen, oowkeepers and. coolies of lieugul and Assam.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers