The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, June 07, 1890, Image 4

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    Bueklen's ArnlerSslre.
The BKRT Halve In the world for rum, bni,
sores, ulcere, iialt rheum, fever tore, teller,
plmpiied hand, cliltblnlna eorni and All skin
i'ii.(loni, and positively ciirea pile, or no pay
emilred. It Is (ruaranteed to give perfect satis
faction, or money refunded, rrloe 16 eenta per
box. For sale by ltRUKtt driinilit.
t . - , n 1 1
f torn
, , . ., , ,7 . , i, ,. . .
which they thtrald fir, In a .clf con (Jen
way; ana tuoy otten ny wnen tney snonm
M and anil nhU
.. ....?..
Over CO people were forced to leave their
homes yesterday to call for a free trial pack-
f t wraii Xfiui,,n if .,
blood Is bad, your liyer ana Kidneys out o:
order, if volt nre constipated and have head'
ache and an unsightly complexion, don't fall
to call on nnv ilruircrist to-day for a free
sample of this grand remedy. The ladies
praise It. Everyone likes it. Large sized
packitge 50 cents.
Joanuln Miller Is credited with the
worat penmanship of any educated man
In the United Slates, and his spelling Is
far from being according to Il'ebstcror
Ask Yonr.Vrlends About It,
"Voilr distressing cough can be cured. Ae
know it because Kemp's Balsam within the
past few years lias cured so many coughs
and colds in this community. Its remarka
ble sale has been won entirely by its genu
ine merit. Ask some friend who has used
it whathe thinks of Kemp's Balssm. There
is no medicine so pure, none so eueciive.
Large bottles fiOcand $l.00at all driiRgists,
Hample bottle free.
When drying salt for the table, do not
place it In the sprinklers until It Is qulle
cold or It will harden into a Jump.
Answer Tills Qnettlon.
Why do so many people we see around
us seem to prefer to suffer and bo made
miserable bv Iniiicestlon. constipation
dizziness, loss of appetite, coming np of
the food, yellow skin, when for lb cents
we will sell them Shtloh'a System Tltallzer.
guaranteed to cure them. Sold at Blery's
or Thomas' drug stores.
Washing pine floors in solution of one
pound copperas dissolved In ono gallon
strongMye, jives oak-color.
A Woman's Discovery.
"Another wonderful discovery has been made
aud that too py a tady of this county. Disease
fastened Its clutches upon her and for seven
years she stood Its severest tests, but her vital
organs were nnaerniineu aim uenui sec uru im
minent For three months she com: lied Incess
antly and could not sleep. She boiutlit of us a
bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for con
sumption and was so much relieved on taking
first dose that she slept all night and with one
bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name
Is Mrs." Thus write W. 0. Ham
rick & Co., of Shelby, N. a -net a trial botlle a
lir.lifcivn utus oiore.
King Oscar of Sweden, who has hitherto
confined his pen chiefly In verse, has
written a war paper.
Shiloh's Consumption Cure.
This is beyond question the most success
ful Cough Medicine we naye ever sold, a
few doses Invariably cure the worst cases
of cough, croup, and Bronchitis, while it's
wonderful success in tho cure of Consump
tion is without a parallel in the history of
medicine. Since It's first discovery It has
been sold on a guarantee, a test which no
other medicine can stand. If yon have a
couch we earnestly ask you to try It.
Price 10 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00. If
vour lungs are sore, chest or back lame,
use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold at
Blery's or Thomas' drug stores.
li'hen money Is tight It is quiet.
U more than can be said of a man
Don't Stand That rain.
It don't do toneclect nature's warnlnr. aches
through the system cause Rheumatism, Neur
algia, Backache snd pain In the side, a prompt
and rata remedy Is required, lied Flag Oil, the
famous u&ln cure, nils the bill. Price 25 cents.
Are you Ooninmptlvu or do you suffer wl'h a
Cotiflrh or Gold. If fio utte Puritan tlouarh and
Consumption Cure, Price 26 cents. For sale at
Thomas' drug store.
What the soles said to the hoot-heels:
'Bun down and see us."
Miles' Nerve anil Liver Villi.
An important discovery. They act on
the liver, stomach and bowels through the
nerves. A new principle. They speedly
cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles
and constipation Splendid for men, women
and children. Smallest, mildest, surest. 30
dnses for 25 cenU. Samples free at. . T. D
Thomas and W, F. Bierys Drug Store.
A flat refufal We never let. our rooms
to largo families.
Delicate Ladlest
Who have that tired nnd all-cone feeing
aud don't like to be disturbed, will continue
to be tronbleil with ths complaint until lliev
renew their impure blood. Sulphur Bitters
will cause new and rich blood to" course
through every artery and vein in the human
system. See another column.
In the old countries cigars are made bj
female labor.
Why continue the use of irritatine powders.
snuffs or liquids Ely's Cream Balm, pleasant
of application anu a sure euro lor catarrau
and uold in bead, can be had for 50c. It is
easily applied into the nostrils, is a safe and
plcasat, and is curing the most obstinate
cases. It gives relief at once.
The rallmakers all oyer the county are
crowded with work.
Failures in Life,
People fail in many ways. In business,
in morality, in religion, in happiness, and
in health. A week heart is olten an unsus
pected cauce of failure in life. If the blood
does not circulate properly in the limes,
there is shortness of breath, asttna, etc., in
in the brain, dizziness, headache, etc ; in the
stomach, wind pain, inaleeslion, laint spells,
etc; in the liver, topimty, congestion, etc
Pain in the left side, shoulder and t tomach
is caused by heart strain. For all these
maladies Dr. Miles' New Cure for the heart
and 1 lines is the best remedy. Sold, curan.
teed and recommended by. T. I). Thomas
and W. F. Biery Treatise free.
Beneyoleut Old Gentlemen "My eood
man. how came you to adopt begging as a
trade? Or would you call it a profession?"
Beggar "It is neither, sir. It is an art."
Terre Haute Express.
The vocal organs are strengthened by
the use of Ayer's Pectoral, Clergymen,
lawyers, singers, actors, and public speak
ers find this preparation the most effectlyo
remedy for Irritation and weakness of the
tbroat and lungs, and for all effect ions of
vocal organs.
n Quatrefageg reckons up at least 172
races of men, all, however, reducible to
the three fundamental black, yellow and
white etenis.
"A stitch in time e&yes nine" and if you
take Hood's Sarsaparllla uow Jt may save
months of future possible sickness.
The difference between a liar and
hypocrite it that the liar Is not, always In
curable. A Hauuted Ilouite.
Tola bojy ofourifaai bsenllkened lo a tene
ment. It often nai a bunted apartment the
stomaeh. SaareJby tbetidrleh iprlle, Uripep.
Ha, digettlon files and refuse to return. Wbat
can ureaktne spell, wbttoinraUe tbe ban laid
upon the unnappy organeT We aniwer ualieil.
tateingly, Hoeletlcr's tllomaeh JJHtere, and we
are warranted In the reipome by tbe recorded
teiUnon; of myrladi. aoverlag a period of over
a iblrdoiaceatury. A eonne of the Uliterr,
cegtua loany ilt(i oltheaJtltetlou. and penltt
oily followed, will terBlaate la cure peiltlre,
not partial. Tbe Bitten reitorei lone to tbe
epigailrle nerve renewi and purlSei tbe Juieet
exaduiR from tbe eellulsr tluua that set upon
ne food diieeetlrlv.exnles bile from tbe itomieh
and tbe mood, and promotes a regular beblt of
vuQ7 aianus. ataney compieiui nervoineei
rBeuoitua ui oiurngit, way iv thli
lotd''. '.ae.
Blown Out to In a lloat tt Was Re-
MUfxl from Sharks After Hn lar.
A remarknble story of the sea comes
trim St. Malo. the narrator wing an an
lent niartner named Bauche, whose pain-
ful experiences a small boat on the
'J to n wnrrant for the truth
of Mg tQ- Bauoiie 1Ra elgued article.
wlth tlieoautatn of a vessel called the
Mutlilldo. In which he sailed to Marti
i(lu?- fW, ""jt' LfZ
" boat with the cabin boy one day he
was driven oceanward by a Bale of wind
nu w m:sra
waves boforo he was rescued by a Nor
wegian bark.
After tho Hrst Merit at sen uauoneBayB
that tho cabin boy became partly deliri
ous, water was filling the boat every in
stant, and in order to prevent the dying
lad from being drowned in it the old
sailor made pails from tho legs of his
pantaloons, nnd was thus enabled to keep
the bottom or tne nine crnii toiernuiy
dry. He had also to deprive himself of
his shirt, which lie utilized as a flag of
distress. On the third day the cabin boy
died, and hardly was the breath out of
his body before seven or eight ferocious
blaok sharks began to circle round tne
boat, which they sometimes almost
touched. Bather than deliver up the
dead body to the monsters of the deep
Baucho kept it until It became decom
posed. Beins afraid or illness, ne nu lengin
threw it overboard after having said his
prayers over It, and the prey was speed
il v seized bv the sharks, who disappeared
with it and did not snow up again ior
about twenty-four hours or bo,
Bauche now felt bo utterly miserauie
that he was thinking of throwing him
self overboard, when he was dissuaded
from his intention by the reappearance
of the sharks, who, after eying liltn rav
enously for some time, actually began to
trambol More him, as if in anticipation
of a eood feed off ills body, "I did not
wnnt to be eaten alive," remarked
Bauche. in his narrative of his perilous
adventures, "so I remained whero I was
and awaited assistance." On tho seventh
day the sailor lost consciousness, fell
down in the boat, and was rescued in an
insensible condition by Capt. Paderson,
of the Vladimir.
In his mouth the Norwegian sailors
found what they first thought was an old
quid of tobacco, but which proved to be
part of. the horn handle of his knife,
which Uauclie was cruncning to stave
off huneer when he became unconscious
The rescued sailor, nfter having been
taken to New Orleans, obtained a pas
sage homo to St. JInlo. Paris Cor. Lon
don Telegraph.
Chloroform Dlacoveveil by Cliuuce.
Chloroform, which has proved such an
Inestimable boon to thousands of suffer
ers, was discovered by chance. Dr. Simp
son (who was afterwards knighted) set
himself to find some amesthetic to take
the place of ether, which had gained a bad
name owing to the fact that several
deaths had occurred through the careless
use of it. Other scientists joined lilm in
his researches, and carefully analyzed
every substance which they thought was
in the least likely to give the desired re
sult. One night the party were busily
engaged in their self imposed task. They
bad tested every subject which had been
selected for experiment without any
thing approaching to a favorable issuo,
and were beginning to feel disheartened
by their lack of success.
As one of them was poking about the
laboratory to see if he could find any
thing else which might be put into the
little testing glass with which each was
provided, he happened upon a small bot
tle of a dark substance which was looked
upon more as a curiosity than as possess-'
ing any useful properties. Witlifscarcely
a thought of success ho poured a little of
it into eacli of the tubes, and the mem
bers of the party began to inhale it. For
a few mouients they seemed seized with
an unusual gladness, but soon they one
after another fell to the ground, over
come by the powerful fumes. As they
gradually came to again they recognized
that their search was over, and from
that occasion dates tho use of chloroform
as an anreatlietic Montreal Star,
What It Cnita.
Tliero are soma intellectual employ
ments which require a very small stock
Ii. trade, A mathematician, for instance,
may pursue his investigations, even into
the higher branches of pure science, with
very few books. But if a mau be more
than ordinarily interested In tho great
problems of history and all that they in
volve ami have an irrepressible hanker
ing to know what is being discussed I11I1I3
favorite subjects, lie must keep himself
In touch witli the thought and discover
ies of others. If he be a dweller In a
great city ho has clubs aud libraries,
newspapers and periodicals, book a and
maps, almost at his elbow, to say 110th
mg of the living men whom he may con
sult witli nt any hour.
But If he be a dweller In the wilder
ness, he must count the cost of having
literary tastes, and that cobUio will have
to pay in coin of the realm, I hold it
to be simply impossible for a very needy
man to Keep pace witli the historical re.
search of our time if his lot be cast in a
country village. Any man who has lost
bis heart to the muse of history even
though lie can in no sense claim to be a
historian in a man witli tastes, and
sucii a raan a "pens, ink and paper
must needs coui.e to a great deal in the
course of the year. Such a man may be
considered a fortunate one who can pay
the reckoning by the proflU of his own
goosequill. Augustus Jessup in Con
temporary Hevlrjw.
Looklne for Hie SIO.
He was sitting in Franklin square with
a soiled newspaper in his hand and with
a look of profound thought shining
through the earthworks on his unwashed
face. The policeman eyed him suspl
ciously as he came by,
"Qood morning,'" he said.
"Ughl" grunted the policeman.
"I was thinking," ho continued, not
observing the slight to his salutation,
"that tills is a good place for me,"
"There might he worse," said the of
"I have beeu reading In this paper.
which recently inclosed my breakfast,
that there are seven hundred million of
dollars in circulation in this country a
little upwards of $10 per head, you will
Observe, for each man, woman and ehlld
of tne population."
"Welir queried the policeman, as the
reader appeared to ajnk into an abatraab
ed condition.
"Well," lie resumed, "I was wonder
ing whloh of the persons 1 have seen
wait by here this morning had my 10,
and whether I bad better attempt to se
cure it by diplomacy, or brave results
and go after it with a club. Feasibly you
couia inrow some light on the uuloti
or possibly, you are the one who lias It,
and would be willing to save trouble hj
advancing ten cents on It- Hay will you
no tnatr
But the policeniau was not to be thus
beguiled and arrested him as avag.
Washington Star.
Tiie city council of Montioal has
adopted a resolution favoring the con
struction of a general trau1oud imlnay
bridge across the tit. Lawrejtoa iu front
of tiie city. The plan is to have Hub
bridge at one point 116 feet above the
water and so to construct it as uut to iu
t erf ere v. -in cayfiuoA.
Henry Miller,
w KissroiiT
WlNlMHV AN11 Dfuin Kit A MRP,
Doors, Slmllcr.
Minds, iimIh'm,
Mouldings, Brockets,
All Kinds of Drawl Luiiilier
fcUiingles, Pfuliiigs, ''
lU'inlork Lumber, &&(?.
Very (Lowest SVices.
j() to
"Corner Store"
Boftlfid G?li'rkina, u el Pick
les, (JliovV-thow, O nit. on, Table
Sauce, Horsn-vnrlisli, rlmliilow-
er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel
ery Sauce, and nil kinds l choice
Jellies and bible necessaries. Tn
Dry Goods, Groceries
Queenswarc &c.
Il'e lead, both In low prices and quality (
goods. Our Inigu stock Is displayed to da
vantage, an Item which purchasers wll
certainly greatly appreciate.
ornet. Store,
E . 1 Lug k r n bach,
Competent workmen sent to any part ol
tun county.
Wall Janens. Borders & Decoralioiis
l.iirjiiis.irllnelit,;!!!.! Hie latest utiles.
s, Stationery, Fancy Cxootls
All fradi-s. Hlutile hulling and piltlliiK "P
promptly attended to.
Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty.
Brushes & general Painters'
No. 61 Broadway Maiicii Cliiiui. Pa.
llelaw the- Hrondwav House.
Sale bills printed at this oflice
at. lowest prices.
Stop that Hawking ami Spitting.
I will gle Fifty Doll ira for a case of Ca
tarrh, Cold in the Head, Deatness, Haj
Fever, Affected Eye Sight, Asthma or
Throat Trouble, 1 cannot cure with my
Beacon Light. Catarrh Cure. Send one
dollar to my postofllcn aihlresa for a bottle.
I will mall It to you at my expeutm.
Ilav Fever Curcil ultli Tlueu Mottles.
1R-I 1-2 KvehanKi- St.' Ceneva, N.V.
2-1-nno year.
Lehighton, Carbon county, Pa ,
Respectfully inform the public that they
are prepared to do all kinds of
Biiiluii and Flmnliinc Wort
Such as putting In llalh Tubs, CIimwIh, & ,
at very lowest prices and In the best pos
slliln manner. Kstlinates cheerfully furn
ished on application. 3m
11 in
Bank Street, Lehighton, Penna
Itejpeetfnllv Invites the attauliouof tils friendt
midtlie clil7ene generally to Ins Iniineiisr
new stock ol
Watchos, Clock,
Silverware, Jewely,
at Prices that itefy I'ooipotiUoii. ltlll.a ."
n call kiiiI liucl ill) stuck befoie ,m. iw,iii
Promptly done at lowest ittiarge, slid nil u.'il.
Ml Met tbe Place.
Bank St Lehighton.
Dee 10 IM7.
Piles! Piles! Piles!
A -.tire
iMin tor ecn ti'inu.f.-ilt s intt mai .
lt-iiti'4 "I blecdlui,', .mil Ion,' t.thilni)'
HiiihPNfi frtileU In ft 1 wii it ,
fall 1 il t' rl olhei It iiihi) I lu
Ion 1 . 1 nin- (it'll ,1'Hm ii 1 p ! i(. (l
1 le t ii, .uiU 1 .m o 1 v it) ,1 til 1
llu'lil aii'l sal t I'll li al 11 u.i U, u
I In -".iip.ioai
u ..1 u.d
W 1 , itlt
1 u I'.a.'i
See tiivnia Uuil and mi v ,n tlt ,eliced and
eou UK'-.) II our druggist dors nor ke,. u i i
Ret a to ui, send fur it tn mat), Puce, 'niVnti
dua UUiW, AfiliHr lr ii r H F
liuiii aim 1 it lu mai in n.
One of ttie oomlnB men who will hot
Krown up to the Idea of washing hi
shoes lean, and will always uphold
Tour rait 6f Cherry itMnerl fnrnltarw lookftim
worn. To stain anew reqairM Bcrtplng off of th dd
finish, that li laborlona and exwmn.To. What do yon
think of painting it om the old finlah and oak, It
Walnut or Mahogany, If you like.
t If you are fatereitod try clialr with
WOLFF RANDOLPH, Philadelphia,
t 'dih In 0rug,Paint and Uoutt JrnMing tart.
German Remedy.)
For thoso Uentlily
Billons Snellsdeneml
31.000 wl I lo raid I
for arase where 6ul-
phdb BrrTF-ns Willi
not assist or cure. Ill
never falls. r
It will euro you.
3 Do vou fuillerw
I Irecllniti If so, nsc
I Isni.rnm Hittkhs;
Cleanse tho vitiated I
blood when you sec
its Impurities burst.
1 ag through tho skin
In Pimples, Blotches,
.and Sores. Ttelv on
glt win ruro you
closely confined In1
G3tlio mills nnd work-
unl health will fol-gj
low. n
in shops; clciks.wlio do
I not procure sufficient
I exercise, mul nil who
I aroconflnodlndnors,
I Rhould uso Put-PHtin
t llirrr.ns. Thevwlll
will cure Liver Cora. I I
plamu Don't l dls-I I
rnuol then he weak and
ouragca: iiwiucureeu
ron. TO
It you dn not ylst
.SlU.rllUIl ltlTTKRSl
will build you np and!
m.nke you strong audi
lic.iltliy. I
atlsm, use n bottle oil
snwitun inn-Ens ;
It never falls to cure.
i-j Don't be without n;
win muKu your uiooa m
-f liotllp. Trv It.
pure, nrn ana strong, kaj
I will not rcuret It.
anu your nesn nara.
Indies In delicate
Try SULPiiuii Hit.
rnns to-nhzht. and
health, who are all
I run down, chonld nee
vou will sleep well
nnd feel better for It I
isnLPinm iiirrnns.
Do vou want the best Medici I Work nubllshed ?
beau ii 2-fcni ciamp? 10 a. i- ijkuwat a CO
Itubiuu, lu.ira., nuu icvirivo a lopy, irce.
Save YourHair
BY a timely use of Ayer's Hair Vigor.
This preparation has no equal as a
dressing. It keeps the scalp clean, cool,
and healthy, and preserves the color,
fullness, and beauty of tho hair.
" I was rapidly becoming bald and
gray ; but after using two or three
bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair
grew thick and glossy and the original
color was restored." Jlelvln Aldrich,
Canaan Centre, N. Ft.
" Some time ago I lost all my hair In
consequence of measles. After due
waiting, no new growth appeared. I
then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my
hair grew
Thick and Strong.
It has apparently come to stay. The
VlRor Is evidently ajrrcat aid to nature."
J. B. Williams, Floresvllle, Texas.
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
the past four or Ave years and find it a
most satisfactory dressing for the hair.
It is all I could desire, being harmless,
causing the hair to retain its natural
color, and requiring but a small quantity
to render the hair easy to arrange."
Mrs, M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street,
Haverhill, Mass.
" I have been using Ayer's Hair Vigor
for several years, and believe that it has
caused my hair to retain its natural
color." Mrs. H. J. King, Dealer in
Dry Goods, &c, Bishopvllle, Md,
Iyer's Hair Vigor,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell) Mais.
Mold bv DruesUtiiaDd ferfumere.
A torpid liver daretngM the wbolasya
Itim, null produces
Sick Headache,
Dyspepsia, Gostiveness, Rheu
matism, Sallow Skin and Piles.
There In no better remedy frthcte
common iiiieeeei man 'luil-s a.lvar
fills, aa a trial nlll prove). lrloe),asa.
Sold Everywhere.
fuses Pain Instantly.
Strengthens Weak Paris.
Quiets Nervousness.
Hop pastevs
A N Kngl&nd Household Remedy.
Kiitverviellv nonulair bocAuati ot reul medicinal
wMMitwii. no nmiw now ccnttHi or now eTre.
fchluh attack tbe buman lKdy ito rwnt1y tn the wi-rld
in an promo; ami thorough la retidtiog, curlitgand
uUtnaff athe Hop 1'iaatur.
lTolliHd Teatltnoar vrtbouAandi ot pw-pla,
anu th croataiiilj' ioerealntr rala ot thrtt pfaiteia
If )ou i 0Te i-apply ona no; yoa'll ftl hinpiw f
uiorro , good the (i.meot put oil.
BUT fiSE IIGRE, Hop JMuftter are atjd by
ail miUntt) uaato.a I)nr.'t te awiudled Into tat ing
m ihit.tat3 m iuiistim tutrnatuioof the proprtatois
Hot PLAbTt-H CO . Phofrif:tor3.D06TON
t i-iu f U ' it tii. huu 4HJii auhuArt ttmltr.
Wasting DUeassp
W.ondorful Flesh Producer.
Many hava gaiuod one pountl
per aay by us use.
Soott's Emulsion is not a seoret
remedy. It contains tlio stimulat
infj properties of tbe Hypopbos-
pitea anu pure .Norwegian uou
Liver Oil. tho potenoy of both
boing largely increased. It is used
by I'liysiciaus all oyer the world.
Sold by all Druggists,
6COTT &. BOWNg. Chomlata. M.V.
. . . i i.i-.iiittt. urt oneuryeaevd, actuellr
- ' . t f as,y utbr brand Not
i i , groi t till ULNIM.
i l. lll.MIUi-..f iIEjUJ
Far 'r where the Mffiny BeMs fttofw wxithvard,
(juk-k'ntiig winds sweep latetttl from Mix l;
F'nm fi mired Island dream awfcjr the hom.
Sou clouds floating low o'er hill and lm
Here the late sleeps white and still.
Earth's great heait Is growing elilll.
Far away the winds In pine woods dusk ,
Murmur songs of lands across the foam, .
Ere they wander, bearing odors niwiky.
To the eHmes where they delight to roam. "
Tiers the blast shrieks loud and shrill, '
While Its cold caresses kill.
Far awar where Ufa aod Iota are springing.
warm nearu can 10 Hearts that quirk rrspoDd;
Youth lasts erer, making love eternal,
Youth and summer linked In love's sweet bond.
ITre the pulse beats thick and aloir,
Ltfe's brief taper burnetii low.
Loulw rhllllps.
for Lnijr Caril rijrr.
An nutomatio card BliulfiVr U tho work
of an English inventor. Sir. Booth. It
works thus: A sharp turn lo the r if: lit of
cither of tho two handles places tho nui-
chlne In working order. Tho cards ore
then dropped into the slot. Tho machine
works by Itself, and tho cards gradually
disappear. When the whoio have passed
into tho machine the handle is turned
again tn tho samo direction and the cards
will be brought back tn the surface of
the table.
Another pack should then be placed
in the alot, and the shuffling process re
peats itself while the players are dealing;
and playing pack No. 1. When the
hand has been played out a turn of the
handle brings up pack No. 2 ready shuf
fled, and the used pack No. 1 is thea
placed in the slot in place of pack No. 2.
This process may be repeated indefinitely.
By tnis arrangement every card changes
its position, passing through the machine,
in twenty seconds. Chicago Herald.
A Lunar Rainbow,
The crowds of politicians were treated
to a heavenly display at about 1 o'clock
one morning that is rarely witnessed. It
was a lunar rainbow, as perfect and as
brilliant as the moat perfect and
brilliant rainbow that ever adorned an
eastern sky when the sun bursts forth
after a summer evening shower, The
bow hrst formed a hall circle over the
moon and underwent a gradual change
until a perfect cross and crescent were
formed. The play of color wos beauti
fully grand, and the whole western sky
was so brilliantly illuminated that the
electric street lights paled. Lunar rain
bows are supposed to be the heavenly
forerunners of war, and when they take
the form of cross and crescent the war
which will follow will be of a religious
nature. Milwaukee News.
Not a Proper Queetloa,
Schoolboy .(poring over his lesson)
Father, what language do tliev speak in
Father H'inl The language spoken
in Chill, my son, the er language
spoken er in Chill is do you find that
question in the book you are studying.
my son?
Schoolboy No, but I thought I'd like
to know.
Father (severely) Then don't ask it,
my son. If it isn't in tbe book it isn't
proper for you to know. Chicago Trib
une. Common Law and Equity.
"Pray, my lord," queried a gentleman
of a judge, "wbat is the difference be
tween common law and equity"
"Very little in the end," responded bis
lordship, "At common law you are
more quickly disposed of, Tbe former
is a bullet which is instantaneously and
charmingly effective; the latter, an an
gler's hook, which plays with its victim
before it kills him. Common law is
prussio (told; equity islaudanum." San
Francisco Argonaut.
AilTuntfteo of Ilalldlne Aftaoclittloii..
It, may be stated that the associations
are conducted much more economically
than the banks; that they consequently
pay larger dividends; that they can be
successfully carried on in places too
small to support a bank, and that by ad
vancing money to members to purchase
homes they provide an immediate in
vestment and give the borrower tbe
strongest possible inducement to continue
hja saving. W. A. Linn in Scribner s.
Hie Off Day.
A man in Oregon who was on trial for
murder had a lawyer who pleaded in
sanity and secured an acquittal. Three
weeks later tbe same man robbed an
other, and this time tbe lawyer was on
tbe other side and proved him to be the
most deliberate and cold blooded scoun
drel on earth, Detroit Free Press,
Cooking, as for as animal food is con
cerned, has the effect of making it more
pleasing to the taste, but is unnecessary;
whereas with oertaln vegetables, espe
cially those composed principally of
starch, aa grain and potatoes, it la re.
quired to fit them for use, Science.
W. F. Oodj'. Yovelra llome.
Buffalo Bill has purchased a bouse in
Naples. Ee has become an enthusiast
regarding life on tbe continent, and be
was offered an old house in Naples at a
ridiculously small price. It is a place of
historical interest, as lung Bomba once
owned It. Philadelphia Tiroes.
Sweet Iteronx.
"When muoh younger than I am
now," said on old newspaper man, "I
sold sewing machines. You may rest as
sured I was a mile fresh, aud suffered
therefor, as tbe following adventure wll)
show: Near tbe close of a hot August
day I was driving through the village of
Q to the town where I made my
headquarters. Suddenly & big black
oloud appeared in the sky, and when my
played out horse had covered half a mils
the rain came dancing down. I had two
machines on and no blanket. To save
myself and machines from getting
drenched I drove for the only house
within a radius of a mile.
"I was a sorry sight when I reached
that old country mansion half hidden by
tall maples. Jumping put, I knocked at
ine uoor anu expiawea luni i wouiu Jina
to leave my machines temporarily, In
order to save them from the storm. Be
fore I made the request-1 discovered that
(be young lady who responded to tny
knock was one w)th whom, much against
per wi)l, I had (eft a machine on trial a
month or two before, and bad only taker)
it back after repeated protestations oij
her part that she did nof want it. you
(understand, we used to get a maohlne
Into a house by representing tbst we
would leave it on trial.
"But oncewe got into the house we in
sisted on its being bought, and used every
persuasive art to accomplish that result.
Frequently this was very embarraiscing
to the lady of tbe house, and she never
forgave us for the annoyance of leaving
the machine for weeks and asking her
every other day if she wouldn't buy,
when she had emphatically declared she
wpuld npt. Nw was the turn of the
young lady in the old fashioned house
to set square. And although tbe rain
had nearly washed the machines out of
the wagon, she slammed the door in my
face and then sat by the window enjoy
ing my dlsooiniltura to her heart's con
tent. As I prepared to drive away I
turned my head and; beheld ner pretty
face bubbling over with smiles, when
1 reached N I wt sight to beheld.
We lmve all the fncilitics of large
manufacturers fur turning out Good
Stock nt the lowest cost. Take our
$10 suits ns nu instnnceol how natty
and well we make even low-priced
goods. Large assortment nt $Vl,
$14, $15, $lfi, $18 nnd $20, and
GVGry ndditionnl dollar hrings its lull
value in hotter mnferinl& trimmings.
A. C. YATES & CO.,
T,,E , Gth and Chestnuts Sis.
YATES I inil, ,! ni...i-..i.Dl-
j ium iuiu vyiiUHiiiiiirj
lias just opened mi entire new line of
Comprising nil the very latest styles in White Goods, Sa
teens, Prints, Ginghams, Marseilles. Seersuckers and
Fancy Dress Patterns oi'lhe very IrPst. qualities nt exeeecU
ni low prices.
Groceries, Provisions, Crockery ware,Classwaie,
Vood and Willowware of the beBt makes nt. low figures.
Cloths Cassimers, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Eeady-
made Clothing in great variety and it t prices with the reach
of all purchasers prices fully as low as the same goods can be
bought lor at any other general store m this vicinity.
Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in great
variety nnd of best quality at Rock Bottom Prices.
Best quality -of Flour and Feed at prices hilly nshnv as the
snine articles can be purchased elsewhere.
A car load of coarse salt has just been received the price
y been marked down to the very lowest notch.
All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at prices
equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general sttne
in this section. Onll and he convinced. Respectfully,
July 828-71 A.M0S HEirnUL.
We have made extensive preparations for the Spring Business in
Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing. Our guaranteed qualit
ies and the lowest, prices are making our store the preferred place
for those who wisli to save time and money.
Mothers', Attention,
Over 3000 Children's Suite now ready. Arcs
1 to 15 vears. our exporlem'p In lioys and Llttln
Hoys ClntliniK Klinwstthut It uo can pet the at
tention ot tin inotliuvM lliut will crowd our store.
We have jirrtty and lino material, pretty and
iiovpI shapes, and Hie making :i credit to our
l.lttlo H(b- I'lotlilntj Department. We havBK
cnmplcH' line ot 3-plrcri Suits, and a tine selec
tion ol Jersey nnd Kilt Suits. We stmt our
Children's Suits lrom si .on up.
Men's Suits.
We are sliowlmt llils season over no ladliiir
Styles. Our aim is to combine the Best Make
Willi the lowest 1'rlccs.
EvevyhoUv In need ot clothing, coming to town,
is Invited tovlsil our l.irito Clothing Kstnbllsli
ment. We know that the time so spent will he
verv prolllahle. (let our prices before lmyliiK
and toifwlll save money by so doing.
Custom Department.
This department Incs nnthliiK to satisfy the
tnstes and tdes ol (lie most erlllralof men.
Our Hue of Spring Trouserings nnd Sultlncs
Is larger and inoie selctt than ever seen before.
Everything Is in readiness with all tiie modern
facilities to guarantee unsnrpasned workman
ship, fit and finish. A special feature Is the
very large assortment of Bin les ottered at prices
that will be found highly attractive.
wllh nil iidjinlnbl'' belt, which Is easily taken off when the. waist Is washed. The buttons are rlv
etted on the belt, consequently cannot lie torn olf either In wearing, nashlng or Ironing.
Being pl tln In speech and sincere in our otferlngs, wo recommend goods as lhej really arc and
quote yon me very luseii price.
Hotel Allen Building,
Allentown, Pa.,
UUlUUillH Uiaill mica, up UilUdfO B1IU QAWUOIUUJ JUID, BUM ' UQ. u. IUU
Ilesourl River. The Direct Houte to and from Chicago, Jollet, Ottawa.
Ottumwa, OakalooBa, Dea Moines, Win Wrset, Audubon, Harlan, and Council
lilutTa, In lOWA-Minneapolia and St. Paul. In MINNESOTA Watertown
and Sioux Veils, iu DAKOTA Camoron, ot. Joseph, and ICaneaa City, in
Bprlngs, Denvor, Pueblo. In COLORADO. FREK Reollntng Chair Cars to
and from Chicago, Caldwell, Hutchinson, and Dodgro City, and Palaco Sleep
ing Cars between Chicago, Wichita, and Hutchinson, Traverses new and
vast areas ot rich farming and grazing lands, affording the best motlltlaa
ot intercommunication to all towns and cities east aod west, northwest
and southwest ot Chicago, and Pacing and transoceanic Seaports.
Leading all cotnRetltqra in splendor of equlpmopt, cool, well ventilated, and
free from dust. Through Coaches, Pullman SleoperB, FRHlS liaoUntng
Chair Cars, and least or Missouri River) Qlnlng-Carfl Daily- bstwean Chicago,
Das Moines, Council Bluas, aud Oinsba, with Free Reclining Chair Car to
North Platte, Nob., and between Chicago and Colorado Springs, Danver,
and Pueblo, via St. Joseph, or Kansas City and Topoka. Splendid Duilm;
llntaU inirnlBtiino- meals at seosonablo hours) west of Missouri IflvoF.
flaHmrnfrt7lc-rniiifriri dallv.
Luke, Ogden, Portland, Lob AnmTea,
linis to una irom riue ren, mumwu, Marnpii or ihq hq4
urns, and Scenlo Qrandeura or Colorado.
Solid Kxprees Trains dally between Chicago and Minneapolis i
with TIlROUOH Itanllnintr Chair Cora (h'REEl to and from thos
Kansas OUy. Through Chair Car and
aud I
. utoux rails, via HOCW l M Tha
-n, Bloux Palls, anc? the Hummer
Urounda of tha Northwest.
travel betwoan Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lsy4ttv and QOunail Blurts, lit.
jooepn, AiouiBon. uiTeaworui, ksbis ulty, Minneapolis, ana nu raui.
for Tlcketa. Mane. Polders, or desired information, asrjlv' to anv Ticket
OQes In tbe united States or Canada,
t. ST. JOHN,
tijnrrti Err
4-S. l)EPOT,JSr
j What we Owe t he Boys.
Anything new and attractive, in Hoys' & Youths'
Mnits you are sure to find by loolclmr over our
iiiewlarKe Spring stock. Confirmation Suits a
rem specialty, ninne in inn latest styles ana ot
till, newest lulirlrs. riipIi lis tint IHf
Wale, Worsteds and ne.u Mixtures in all (trades
. unit in npeeiai i-ncee,
Spring Overcoats.
This season our SiirlnB Overcoat am of the
l finest Merchant mtlnriug, and forue themselves
! inio popular lavor on account nt tne imv puces.
A coat that does not luck nnv of the neat and
' fashionable iiolnts for Sis. A good stjlish coat
as low ns no.
! Gents Furnishings.
! Our general stock of furnishings pieseutsthls
. season a complete assortment in all depart
i menls. Every imaginable article on hand, l'er-
cole alirt-s, unevoit snirts (greatest novelty of
the season) 8l. imdSl-Wi llalf-llnse3palrfor
2ie.i 3 Unen Collars for a h pair Linen Cuffs
for 25c.; Scrlven's 1'atentSeam Drawers, Auto
matic Wire Buckle Suspenders, Night Holies,
lleish Bios, fine Umbiellas, latest novelties In
1'ancy and Full Dicss Shirts, Men's Dress ana
Drlvlne Moves, Silk li Hose darters acc Cellu
loid Collars and Culls, Jewelry, Silk Handker
chiefs. No matter what you want n UNDlSIt
WKAIt we have got it.
The great invention Patent Shirt Waists. The "Mother's Friend "
Waist does awnv entirely with the sewing on of buttons, ft is annulled
Koch & Shankweiler,
Largest Clothing House in Lehigh Valley,
pd San Franclsoo.
Sleeper between Peoria, Spirit t
favorite Lino to Pipestone, w
Uesorta and BuuUng and Pie
or address.
with nllOIOK Oiif nOUTKH to and from Rait
rHe .pirSot
s, tRe namiari-
UHICJAUU. I bit, iKi M.tftFm. Apct-
I.AIrl IBira IV, I.. IloHflse' nunie Bud
WiJ AJ11 prim nreetHmanl on tfi
M1 dlrert to factory, encloelnc M
Flue Cnir, Heavy Lnced Urnln anil CreeU
moor Waterproof.
Tlent In tlio world. Kxstriln hli
:i.00 l'OI.ICIS AT'1 FAltDl Hltf' 8HOB.
'i.B(l KXTltA VAUJK OAI.l' Nil OI5.
4.00 mill Bl.7.1 MOY8' 8CIIOOI. SHOE.
All nude In Congreos. Button tnd Luce.
$3 & $2 SHOES LAm.
R1.7S 8HOR FOR misses.
Beet Material. Ueet Style. Beet Flttluf.
W. it, llouelae, Brockton. Usee. Site bl
Adam Mehrkam &on, ApontH,
circulation is growing;
Lll because we furnish
all tin latest local newB in tht
best, style Sample us
$2Q Favorite Singer
Sewing Machine.
HIGH ARM $25.00.
Each Machine has a drop leaf,
fancy cover, two large drawers,
with nickel rings, and a full set
of Attaclimenti, equal loanySin
cer Machine sold from $40 (o
$60 by Canvassers. A trial in your home be
fore payment Is asked. Buy direct of the Manu
facturers and save agents' profits besides getting
certificates of warrantee for five years. Send for
testimonials to Co-operative Sewing Maohlaa
Co.. 269 S. nth St., Philadelphia, Pi.
We hue a remedy that win CURE CATARRH.
BRONCHITIS nnd ASTHMA. Our faith is la
strong that we will send treatment on trial.
Send for Treatiie and full particulars. Address,
fhs Hall Chemical Co,, 3860 Falrmount Av Phils., P
iii crwn pdrv h
.M n i,h. TRUt RflTTI.-K
B also, a treatise on Kpllepjy. DON'f
fice. Stale and Countv. and Ace plainly.
a8& Falrmount Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa,
Onr of tho f
the nnrld. Out (.illiiifiiii
untqutlixt, and to iinrodurv t
uptrtof fooit m will ,urlrnm
taostEnitsoKln rich luciiit
f tbov Only those rt h. mm,
tveitnuaal nnrtiraft mak a lure t
tht clrnnce AllouhtTtintt!,,,!
rctuTn ic iu mow our rooj i it.
tlide whoctll- your nfliuti i
and thu iroui'd you I h tr
rlnnlrifr of thli driiilicmaat
hnivi h mall tnd Of Itlt tell
cut lt the apprarauc of it rtduct i ta
bout tht fiftieth ptrl of Its bulk. It ii ft frtnd, double H. Uit
tcop. a Urge it lieiny toeerrj We will elinhow you bow fun
can mike from S3 to S 1 0 dtvr al teail, from lb atai t,n lift
outetperltnce Hetlrr write al once sYepayalltipreiicbaifa
Addreia, 11. UALLETT l CO.. Bot MHO, Toniiaa d, aliih
Cream Balm
fHoGiinfB the
Nasal Passages,
Allays Fain ana
lloals thn Soma.
Bastores the
Senm of Taste ant
A phi tide It implied Into eacli nostril and is
agreeable, l'nee oo rents Hi dniSKiits; by mall.
renlHtrri'il, bo t ta.
KLY HltOTIIKHS. no Waricn St., Nr w York
august 17, 1831)
aeneral and KERVUUS rjeiI.ITV,
Weakseis of Body andHlnd, Kffe;ti
tail, UML iliallOODrclt. Hntarrd. ll.n all
in.uitii iniilir liuaa iKi.iaK.tT-u,uti ueeai.
l..llFr tram 10 Blal. .aa rrlsa Coo.trl... nrtu
ttcrlpll Hnk, .laUa.ltoa andereat. tll.etu.l.lirr.ft,
Is the only Illustrated paper In tiie world
eonuilnlne nil the latest sensational tind spoil
ing news. No saloon keeper, barber or Vlub
room can afford to bo without It, It always
makes friends wherever It goes.
Mailed to any address In the United States,
iee urely wrapped, 13 weeks for St.
Send five cents for sample copy.
Iticliard K. Fox,
Franklin Square, New York City
iiiounudi t.aT oatu pcrnuneullT cured by-
I'UlLADKLPUlA VK. atenre, nooperatlt-u
or lu a i- i lion from buslne-i-i t a"wi nronouncesl lu
i urab'd )j oihora f autcU. rienif for ClrcuUi .
Anvu-e iue.
Office Hours t to 3.
Jla a mj a. U
itvaUbiJi the Moild rrf.
ttm.Urpcr Warranted heavy,
Both ladiee and Bt a tt
Ma-iu iiuld nun ( 111 r can
nun ftofka and of
'eqiUi value Qxt fClaoMlff
each lorainy can aecar oc
free. tocHhar wtiL aui Urtr,
d te.luablalitieiairilntiataknr.4
nlata. Tbrir aanotai. mi twAlT
'ma ike Hrttteh. tua sTVf . Alt (Va wk a
need do (a to thaw what r aeud rm u iboae wtto f t1i -uf
utiqda and nitf hborean4 (tioaa tUKWl ) on tbatalwtTI MW'!
in valuable trade foi tn, wbicft hold it jcara hnoee itnitd
ind bne wear repaid We imv all arne, freifbt, etc in
rttq aastvati.if ou ivuutd ntu tro t notk tot 11a. yca
ara tnm 9vO la 0 per wefc end upMtls 4dmv
. aUiooVCu..UoskiV, I'wrtiMUil, Aitalao,
Subscribe for the Anvoy.iTE.
Sa I u
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KMI is corns m ftv
tmuHT -rnllVVav-'M"
oopt. Thtfollowlaj
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