The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 18, 1890, Image 4

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It it proponed to light up horses' head
with electrlo light during fogs in London.
There are 400,000 persons In England
In occupations dlreotljr oonneded vrlth
the sea,
Skulk) of Roman soldiers, the teeth
being perfect, have bee j discovered In
the chalk at Follutona, Norfolk, Eng
land. Tho discovery on a Tiji plantation of (
an antidote to tho banti in, j!".vw. will,
It U extracted, prove most v.du.'ji . . f'l
tropical countries.
Tho electrlo light has found a curious
mo in Russia orthodox Russia, of all
countries via., for illuminating saintly
Images in cathedrals.
Foreign engineers report that at tho
present rate of sinking the northern
coast of France will, in a few centuries,
be completely submerged.
Copies of rare books and editions are
now manufactured in Germany and
Franco by means of a chemical process.
The facsimiles are good, but their dura
bility la unoertaln.
In London there are about 1,400 shops
and factories for the supply and sale of
musio and musical instruments, while in
the provinces there are nearly 0,600 pro
fessors of musio and musio traders.
Tho 8,000 new blocks erected in Rome,
and the eighty-two miles of splendid
sow streets, have so changed the capital
of Italy that it is scarcely to be recog
nized by those who Tisltod it twenty
years ago.
The oldest locomotive engineer in New
England, if not In the United States, is
Thomas W. Capron, who has been in
tho active and continuous service of the
Now York, Providence and Boston rood
in co 1853.
In autumn huge baskets of snails for
sale may bo seen in the Lisbon fruit
market. In Madrid and other wealthy
Spanish cities as many as fifteen differ
ent kinds may sometimes be counted on
the slabs of the dealers.
Lady Dufferin, in her notes on India,
says: "Tho Burmese women are great
Eersonages and play a great part in their
ouseholds. They choose their own hus
bands and divorce them when they like,
retaining their own property and all that
they have earned. They are at liberty
to marry again, whether as widows or
The rcdeooration of the famous corri
dor in Windsor castle has been completed
at a cost of many thousands of pounds.
The work has been constantly in progress
all the year except when the queen has
been at the castle. One set of roso china,
in a single one of the cabinets in this cor
ridor, is valued at 80,000 ($160,000). At
the upper end of the corridor is a bust of
Gordon, close to which is his pocket Bi
hl inclosed in crystals.
Queen Louise, of Denmark, the mother
of the princess of Wales, has just passed
her 72a birthday.
The crown princess of Brazil was the
last royal personage to receive the golden
rose from tho pope.
Tho queen of Roumania wrote a drama
called "Ulvanda" and composed a song
whuo undergoing the massage cure.
Queen Victoria has taken more inter
est in the Brazilian revolution than in
any other public ovent of recent years.
Her majesty the Empress of Germany
hears the musio in the Frankfort Opera
Opera house through tho telephone in
ner private parlor,
The queen regent of Spain id an early
riser, and is often seen in tho garden of
the palace with the little kinz at 7:30,
She dines at 8 in the evening and retires
The Empress Frederick has become an
enthusiastic arcbssological scholar in
Athena She has Dr. Schliemann super
intend her studies, and with him has
visited both Olympus and the ancient
rums or Mycemo,
Tho late king of the Warromangas, on
Australian tribe, was a boy of 10, 0 feet
0 Inches in height, and had for several
years been a guide to an oxplorer named
Lindsay, to whom he was much at'
tached. When he became king last year
ne reiused to take bis royal rank.
Tho Prince of Monaco, who recently
married tho dowager duchess of Riche
lieu, has more old French titles than ho
has: toes on his feet. His bride is enor
mously wealthy, and the princo can now
indulge every wish. Palaces, pictures
and poetry are his chief fads, and ho
ares more for romance than roulette.
The new sealskin capes have triple
folds of the fur and a turned down
The new dolmans, whether of plush.
velvet or seal, have very long, square
ends in front, but are quite short at the
Both beaver and otter will be largely
used as trimmings, as well as in capes
and the long flat boas that will again bo
worn this winter.
med with natural njitralrriAn. nnrt ilmmf
as well when the fur is dyed black. Hats
ana muiis are maae to match the fur on
tho dress, and even bonnets have a little
01 it nurouucea in order to bring them
into narmony wtin ine costume
TJrPAAAA arA Ha rmirli MmmnJ uw
-.u M.utiuuu niw
Astrakhan this winter, whether in its
natural tint of gray or in black. Bands
. . . . . .
vi me lur are mtroaucea upon the skirts,
na oiners or less width trim the bodices
the latter are often scarcely more than i
tern or border, though the collar Is al
ways wide and protective.
Sealskin coats are made in the smoking
jacitei snaps, wnicn nas proved so popu
lar. On a Ada dav trtAv enn Km wav.
thrown open, and on a cold one they are
M . I I . -
iiuicueu in a moment across the chest,
where the fur is then double. Others are
l-ng enough to reach to the hem of the
dress, but these are only appropriate to
midwinter, and even then are too heavy
. . If I TT .. . .
uti wuiuiig in. natter anr. furrier.
Worthy Ohltnta.'
Clara Pugs are cute littlo things, but
waai are inev gooa xorr
Ethel Whv. Clara. I'm etonliw1
Good for? Nature meant them to be trie
reclnlents of thn ntTM'.Hnn, f
j ' w- ovvtvft
might otherwise have lavished on mere
Another Victim.
"I notice by the papers," remarked
Larkin, "that many of our greatest men
are troubled with a tendency to obe-
"Yes." renlled Snooiwr. "I find that
am getting fat myself." Clothier and
f uniuacri
Not the Doc' Day.
"Is that dog of yours dead?" asked the
to amp.
"Then I will take some of that saus
age, Revenge Is sweet. Last year he
bit me. This year ohl" Munsey's
A Clincher.
Young Wife Charley, darling, are
you perfectly satisfied with married life?
Young Husband (enthusiacticallr
Well I should sav uo. Whv. If you mm
die to-morrow I belle re I would get
A3 YYantad to Know Bow They lVookad,
to Other People nnd round Oat.
' "See that party over there?' said a
very seedy tramp to business man, m
he pointed to a hard looking specimen
of humanity across tho, street
"I see that rocky looking chap over
there," replied the business man.
"What is your best judgment of him
from general appearances?"
"1 should take him to be a very good
man to fight shy of."
"Wouldn't take him to be a well to do,
easy going business man?"
"I should say not."
"Don't strike you as a capitalist who
has visited your town with a view to lo
cating a large manufacturing esubiisu
mentf" "He strikes me as a beat," -
"Think he Isn't tho representative of
an English syndicate In search of a
He may be in search of a saloon."
'If you should see two men Ilka him
together would you suppose they had
arrived In town to found a college or to
Invest their money in property on a
"I should think they were a coupio or
dizzy bums who ought to bo run In on
general principles."
'Thank you very muoh. you see, the
party over tho way Is my partner. We
were curious to know just what eort of
an impression wo were making as wo
journeyed along, and I excused myself
to run over and put to you a few ques
tions. You have answered with direct
ness and conciseness, and I will report
progress. Good day." New York
A Bene Trad.
A eentleman seeing two sharpers, and
wishing to too wVhp, made the best bar
gain, called one: "How much did you
sell the horse for, Sam?" "Five dollars,
sir." "Oh,'Sam, how could ydu do tha'tT
Oh. the horse is lame, sir." The gen
tleman called, tho other: '"How could
you buy that , horse? It is lame and in
curable." "Never you mind; it is only
the bad shoeing that makes it lame."
The gentleman called Sam again: "Sam,
the horse is not lame, only badly shod."
"No, sir; I onlyliod It badly shod to do-,
celve the buyer," The gentleman spoke
to the other again: "Say, the shoe was
badly put on to deceive you." "You
never mind, sir" hesitating "I paid
him with a counterfeit bill." Dominion
A Wise Bird.
Customer I've been 'cheated. I
thought you said this parrot would
Bird Fancier No, sir. What I said
was that he had been brought up in the
company of learned men, and was full
of philosophy and scholarship. Of course,
he don't talk. Mere idle words have no
attraction for him. Cut he's a remark
able parrot because he's a great thinker.
Munsey's Weekly.
Describing Accident.
McCorkle There was a terrible shook,
which threw every passenger into the
aisle. When we recovered ourselves and
went forward we found that our train
and another had had"
McCraokle (helping him to a word
McCorkle No: collide-oscoped,
Drake's Magazine.
She VTaa an Old Campaigner.
Charles I see, Maud, you have put
my photograph in a place of honor.
Maud xes: 1 always ' reserve this
place for the man I am engaged that
is I meant to say
And it took her half an hour to ex
plain away that unlucky speech and re
store oonuaenoe. ouoy.
Ilia Bright Dope.
Actor Lend me a dollar, Brown.
Brown I should be glad to lend it to
you, my dear boy, if I thought you
would be able to pay it back, but
Actor Able to pay It back! Why,
man, in the third act I steal a hundred
thousand dollars in gold. Pick Me Up.
Onramu of a Different Strips.
"How do, Freddie? Stwolllng outT
"Ah, say! come and call on the De
"Carn't, ol' chappie. Pve on moh
stwolllng not mah 'sitting down twouc
era," Munsey's weekly,
A Mockery of Juttet,
A baseball player was recently given
ft gold watch for stealing bases, and
from the same town we hoar that a
bicyclist has been given four months for
stealing a bicycle. Is justioe a failure?
wheelman's Gazette.
Be Wy Too nun In BaslUU.
Gabley Oh, yes, I read French, but I
do not speak it, I'm afraid of my ac
cent, you know.
Wiggins What capital company you
would make for a Frenchman. Munsey's
8tndnt Baeked Antiquity.
Wiggins (rubbing himself) You seem
to be a great admirer of antique furni
ture, KTieno uidboy.
Oldboy Why, yeej that chair, for in
stance, that you've been sitting in. It
was formerly my great-rrandf albert.
Wiggins I don't doubt it. It feels as
If It might have killed off four genera
Uoasl Texas Sifting.
Seernta of A errf neilhir JammUI.
Rusk has become a great friend of the
new uninreo minister.
Cardinal Bonaparte, one of the oldest
sneuoera 01 roe oacreq college, is
nephew of the great emperor.
Lord Wolseley is said to bo much ax
noyed because his American critics do
not regard bun as a great warrior.
The late Professor Volckmann, th fa.
raoua surgeon of Halle, Germany, in
troduced the antisaptio system of treat
ing wound.
Dr. Lrman. of North Carelln h
been appointed to the chair of medical
classic in the Baltimore university
school of medicine.
D' Albert, the oslebrated pianist, b
crazy on the system of woolen clothing.
He wears wool night and day, and would
eat it It it were edibl.
Frederick Erupp, the head of the great
metal and gun foundry, has ettabllthod
a fund of (100,000 to enable bis employ ea
to build their own houses.
Baron Nathaniel de Rothschild's (hoot
ing party at Schlllersdorf, In Upper
Austria, bagged 2.SS0 braot of phftatat,
J.800 hares and 10 team U BvtcULj to
TOSSfjySjaj 4sjvs
When jour hear a man say he has a '
bad wife Jutt ask him what he has dene to
make her a good one?
In some house where boarder are
kept the weakness of the coffee Uoitenoff-
ict by the strength of the butter.
Caution In credit ne. reserve Inipeak
Ine. and revealing one's self to very fe
are the best securities both of peace and a
lood nnderstandlng with the world and
inward peace of our own minds.
Subscribe for thl paper only one dol
lar a year.
HBckUa's Araiea Balve.
BTh BEST Halve In the world for cuts, bruise;,
lores, ulcers, salt rhe'im, fever sores, tetter,
happed hands, chilblains corns ana all skin
eruptions, and positively cures plies, or no pay
required. It Is guaranteed to giro perfect satis
action, or inoncy refunded, rrlce 23 cents pel
uox. For tale by ItKBfiR druggist
When the ladv of the bouse gives a
Copenhagen party the gentleman of the
house ha no business down town that
A Bound Legal Opinion.
K. Balnbriage. Munday Esq., County Attr..
'lav Co.. Tex. ay i "Hare used Hlectrio lilt
ers with most happy results. My brother also
ras very low with Malarial Ferer and Jaunfllce
nit was cured by timely use of this medicine
m Satisfied Klectrlc Bitters saved his lite,"
Mr. D. I. Wllcovson, ol Horse Care. Ky addf
. itb tnatimnnv. vinip. lift nosltlvelr believes
ihathe would bare died, had It not been foi
Electric Bitters. , A
inis great renicay wiu Si,Sj
til Malarial Diseases, ana lor u muuer,
ind Stomach Disorder stands unequaled. l'rlce
- . - .. mi DDIltflliarinlMtnm.
Gontlos are not egotistical. They find
more pleasure In talking of others than ol
them selves.
Head the following i Mr. 0. n. Morris, New-
irk, Ark., says: "Was down with abscess ol
Lungs, and friends nnd phyoions pronouncw
ne an Incurable Consumptive. Segantsklw
Dr. King's tfewTJIscovery for Consumption, an
iow On my third bottle, and able to oversee tht
vork on my farm. It Is the finest medicine etei
Jesse Mlddlowart. Decatur, Ohio, says: "liar
t not been for Dr. King's New Discovery foi
Vinanmntlon T CT li I d have died Of Mint
fVAnhlM. Vaplvpn tin bv doctor. Am DOT
n ben of health." Try Ft. Sample bottle fret
it HBUKll lirngsiorc.
"In the swim" of society the codflsl
aristocracy ibould be able to bold tbeli
Though you were a Jay Gould or a
Vanderbilt, it Is worth thirty seconds of
your time to learn that " Ideal " Tooth
n. twill timMrM vriiir tfteth from
deday, and by so doing save dentists
Dill ana Hours oi ngonj iruin juur uiu
.nm tl, tnntlianlm. Dr. R. K. Gieb-
nar Pit . un! " When I flrt beean
...J. li Tnnlh TnwW T rnnlrt
not use a brush on my teeth on account
of injuring the gums. Can now use as
stiff a brush as obtainable with impun
ity. It has also hardened the enamel of
ny testa.
Never take the last train when you
can help It, says Dr. falmaee. Much o)
the tronble In llfo is cansed by the fact that
people in tbtir engagements wait till the
last minute.
forced to 1eavo Horn.
Over 60 people were forced to leave theli
homes vesterdav to call for a free trial pack
ago of Lane's Family Medicine. If yont
ulood Is bad, your liyer and kidneys out oi
irder. if vnu are conBtitiated and have head
iche and an unsightly complexion, don't fall
to call on any druggist to-day lor a jrei
namptc ui vais grauu reuivu. xue iaun
praise it. Everyone likes it. Large slici
package 50 cents.
None are so fond of secrets as thost
who do not mean to keep them; such per
sons covet secret as a spendthrift does
money, for the purpose of circulation.
Interested Fcople.
Advertising a patent medicine in the pe
iiliar hut in which the nroDnetor o
Kemp' Balsam for Coughs and Colds doe-
is indeed wonderful, lie authorizes al
druggists to give all thoso who call for It u
ample bottle free, that they may try it be
lore purchasing. The large bottles, are 50
ind 1.00. We certainly would advise a
trial. I. may ave you from consumption.
We can all give good advice, but con
stant vUUancs will hardly Insurers setting
a goo d example half thelimo.
Heart Dlseaao.
If you get short of breath, have flutter
ine, paitl in side, faint or hungry 'spells,
swollen ankles, etc., you have heart tilt ease,
anddon't fall to take Dr. Miles' New Cure.
Sold at Blery or Thomas' drug stores.
Don't go back on your friends when
yon're In luck, nor give away your umbrel
la because the sun shines.
A good many people know the value of
a dollar who do not realise tbo value of a
hundred cents.
Why Should I
Not hayo confidence in that which has done
me a world of good: If you had suneret
years with livei complaint and got cured i
using Sulphur Bitters, would not von Ux
hive confidence- in them? J, R. Nash,
Hotel Winthrop, Boston,
If every man would mind hit own bush
nets, there would be a'h'eap lets'' jar n the
Nothlnp In tho TVIdo World so Good.
I was afflicted with kidney disease. ' Dr.
aenneuy p r ayorue , jwpjeuy, oi itt)DUOuit
N. Y I lay it with a perfect recollection
of all that was done forme besides, is the
only thing that gave me permanent relief.'
1 have recoil mended thinned! ine tommy
people for kidney disease and they all igree
sa lug tl at i( has not it equal in the
d wor,d for this complaint. Lymn
Wtwloro, Jjruggut, npnngheld, Idas,
Shallow men are generally despised,
but you have less to dread from a shallow
man than a deep one.
The brtath of ehront ettarrh patlsat Is 10 offenilT that h btcomts noJot t
dlisust. After a tlm nletratlon sets la, th
spongy bon ar attacked and frtqoenily an.
tfrlr dsstreyed. A constant tourc of dlMon.
fart u tho dtlpplBf f tho paruUnt steretlons
tate th throat, sometltatl produclns; Inrtttrat
bronchitis, which InlU torn has bun th axelU
iDteauseof pulmonary dlstsse. Th brilliant
reialti whlen taav atUnded Its ui for years
ui prvpor y OMiguaio uj uiud iiaua a dj
nrth host and only cur.
"Now for the opening of the fall cam
paign," was what the serpent said to him
self when he observed Eve approaching the
tree of knowledge, undsr whose branches
be was lying.
An Intelligent parson whtn hurt will at one
prorur a betll of ealvatlon OIL It It th Vott
thing to our twdltngt. boras or.wonnds. All
druggists soil It at twenty-arc cent a bottl.
Dr. Hull's OoughSjrup ihoiild b keptlnetory
lanwy. & pi:gbi ooHga, II unonecaea, IS onoa
the forornnnorof eoninmntlon. lino dotflof tkla
wuoJrfulruJloln hat reieuod many from XU3
Children are the bud, girls the early
blossoms, and women the flower of God's
The worst feature about catarrh It its
dangerous tendency tocouumptlon. Hood's
Rartapanlla cure catarrh by purifying the
- In England they call elections to fill
ytcancles, "by elections," It Is strongly
tatpected that torn of the election to fill
vacancies In tbl country are buy elections.
The wall of the epicure: When I see
waltsrs wait on each other I sossttlsaM rs
aret tbtt J aja et a yaitfr.
Cora) Liver Oofoplalnt, ousAgttv
I A V A flfllD UnM.Cotlre-
PHHHI and all delicate Female Com
plaints, aola. everywhere, rnoo cents.
Fragrant! tsk Lasting 1
The LeadlngPerfume forlhe Tolletand
Sold by all dealers. Prloo 26 eta.
Salvation Oil
WW Prle$ mil St rt: tcU tjr mUnnltU.
Will reliera Rhoumatiim, Neuralgia,
Headacho, Toothache, Soret, Burnt,.
Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backache,
Frottbites. Chapped Hands and Face,
Gout, oi mny bodily pain or ailment.
nururtAmrt rtOOS, Tht Crtat iatfOjfiN
l,Ht.iir tlittf.rtlet lO CU. At ttuggllll.
" BK"i'.i.6t5
the world. Omt fttciUVM trt
IMIMlH, ftd I. UlrdM u
HrMiit W,wwiiiB4raBt
Mkbert. ObI Um who wrtM
l tl 111 BUfc W t
lh dull. AU m U di It
E?VCPwlDI ralmm U l ihw M
t!t.MI k Mftlt Mi Cf IB lal.
. TBI fiUrriBg bbi fint ,pimN f II rtmj
.l.. ,B. BMafV ri mt lu bulk, ll U B BTtB. 4rBtl ill 111)
MOBB.U iBItlBI II MIT I. HIT. Wt WlU lllllJl ktW !
nail, INaSauSlOllirll I Mil, (na Ik. lUn.wllk.
BKl BBWIIB. BHr Writ. BI ..... WcBBf!! llBnBIBhkftBB.
aUnlo,n.iULUrTkU., , nnu,Bi:
Jha Best and Purest Medicine
fttv RVBP. MADE.
J5fk.TtwllldrlTe tba llnmorfromyonr
t. -Cis.B7tcra. Bd make your skin
4.' M8svclean and tmooth. Tboae
111 . Jrb r JVlmpiti ana iiotcneM
fT1 , J&j Sj&Lwlso and use
v-Vi.r" . T ftk. . " 'il
k.nner, n
-5- v '
". -7.:Sk. .. . mi
.rnf,il. Ituthn'lL.Sf .. V. i
TouwlUaCUfled. Jb,.
"1 a 1 Mt? vArtf
13 noHWArr. GctitatDkce
rr T-nn an nffertnir from Kid
ner Disease, and wlh tollve
old aire, use SULTHUlt Bl
I racy never wi v ihuit.
Send S '2-oent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Oo
Boston, Ma., for best medical work published?
. fittna tjivv,
WMM WHH. a wrBtw
!BMh UdiM taWct-iw.
With -wttrtu tutf ti.att
tyMw v suits. vim riuoi IM
alukl wm f H Autrahtstsl
"tMjM Will
RmIbbw-TmI Etrirjl I hBTB QBBd WOLJV'fl A.CUX
atACIln 0 mj booU wmi lanm Uuu UtSon bo4
BUBlB-vrtlirittJ Bad !.
Tt tt Blacking for Mm, Wamt oi
. ChUdrtn.
NoJBnuh. A SMtvi LatU a Week.
Gin be kojW iriih icattr, tarra cs OSdcA.
TkfFinut Drmingfor Samm.
BoU by Bho BtorM, OroMrv Stasjlgt,.
BlvflrstBllnamaMllB --rv
Tb C Bod otdr enbtaad
ITarBilT aoa S4rtAatbBflUBr
PluUr wirftiniiar
f LJ"' IbjSj.bibi mr WcahaMi.
- . w w ,w pvyfMMnillulHli,
SIiS5u5f frwnbiulaio. Cbbob proaotiiod la.
cunU bj oUiors wanted. sonif tor Cireulu,
ti a U t Uow wlut wmS re f mom wb Ul-xtmr
MBbU t4 tatijflibstft Ul4 IObM ftDMt 7WtV-ilsUWJ nvatu
U tvlwvU uid fuM. wtttch hm toerw wa mm lUmtl,
uf ttu ifllNrtpiLi W. all MMt. . AflsV
T tB-r svl, It yot wtwl4 Hkj t w ts wwk for &, ra t
mtm tnm 9W U, S0 Vr wtMk .d sowar. liituZ
Uaaoa aft Co.. U.zHll. JL-rUMidf MmimZ
"S4t sioothn ftp t "."
"It tenanT t b wiiBfy f otiBvage
OBebars beoU Ski ttjrf tn
W watetied tk tmoeta nwiuntaln nmgss
I luU s4s okMVB-lm BkaUng urmr
THat o proteaat aw Dst rtrer,
Ul BBored spol whar uaw Toirtd
A ffJth tbo aluald ntan ttvnt I"
"And n w me ft," ndi tu,
"la Umuib plM whan tftta w parttd,
Zdw tlx olX Um hum hstOk kul
Th word tkat Uti at Mem kBav-taWL" .
Qwtft fall th jbbtwv Cron btt tnovtar
"Spaak for yuiulf'-lf fx rtmwnber,
Tbo triad bam tavtil ShM saa Maw auth,
Ani Jut tltm long Wbr DombkI"
"Aod dam irooxx kBnrt," ndd ha.
'Chang Uk th wtad or nuxuntr vttsiwl
Toa moon 1 rt th nan reu ,
That ohono Bpo hr tuiwhie,"
"Ah, nor an Mis. "that ouptmor mooa
VTr trlih a ladlaae n4U and tanatav
WhDo this forg Um wanntl! e Joa
la wUtar to aad tmmma Bpoaodor."
"And doca that Btn tWomttr fit ki
"la Ha wanitme; to rwirabir
That dnon of Jaa eto m be
fbloli SBct la OB eaUl Dooccaberf
TtHir vy wdr "Tt, ern a,"
!t mmiS, wtrallfaBa Sow vlUi WBqgSiN.
"Do xwi forjt CvoxxlMr otow
Ktt la Sh tkat fistlm sartti-t"
ut bn I a stay I"4 all bo,
tWahhtg ber Dm with dMibt ami m mttr;
"And If TV tun tApAtf ma,
Whr pty at keptBs ea tacaT
Wm"-bS trnOU, who nsfUr fktl
iumtwsrislMrMt frtigl unttoia
"I eld bo bbw, a fin, bnt-voll.
Tn totsno'l n edtomtr eerttlar
-Xa Mojoa Otco Oo4g,
WU irmtv
"Ah, swwl won"! to give til OOpMl.
mlaj? Dlvn st bit hav Oi had t ate this
blessed dar, savin'' a dhrlnk o wather,
an that tae truta r J udje.
TVhr B Bid Slot (tar,
Yoang Fltepeter (walttna; for Miss
Qusher to oome down) to Johnny Tour
sitter has some very pretty flowers in
the. bay window, Johnny.
Johnny (who is always around) New
you're talking, mister. Bhe told Miss
Bustler yesterday that she'd Ilk to add
you to the collection.
Vtteneesr (delighted) Ah, how elererl
What sort of flower did st propos to
call mS
Johnny A. monkey plant.
When Miss dasher comes down to re
odrn hr caller Johnny is alone, trying
to tack the cat's tail to the floor. Drk'
7M11aatintanr ronDlnn.
M According to my father's rules, Mr,
Chstpkine, we' always adjourn here at
la. It Is now one minute of."
"Ah, indeedl Well, in accordance
with legislative custom, Hiss Barrows,
there beine some unfinished business be
fore .the house, I will turn back the
Engagement announced next day.
mmira scboec
fcot AoCOTttlntT h Kvjl.
Tenehor How- many seed oils i
Bright Boy Ooitonseed, flaxsaed-and
Teacher Anv moret
Grocer' Bmall Boy Th ore's ranaacd
oil, ma'am.
Teacher faints. Drk' Magasink
War T the IbmIm.
Ura, Ponn (eatering the room where
her lig lord U wresiing with his rat
tutinai scrap) Aro you shavingi Will-
William (spitttng ont a yard of soap)-.
No, my dear; I'm blacking the stove.
imdiljikl Inquirer .
VrU Ur Alwaa.
A mah who wos dwply im deb was
sios unto dmth.
"Ah," he sighed, "If I could only live
until I bad para on my debta."
"Humph f sisacred the doctor, blunt
ly, "yon wans to live forever, do yoof
Ilsxs BUtlags.
Is a RnrtT,
Oueae-r-Waitar, brinj; ma tt tnp of
Waiter Pew will yon have tt, air;
wetjlc'or :rW45T
"I'd like It weak, but not week afttr
next. Hurry It np." Texas Sifting,
Ke WaaTftvw.
"I tell yea," exclaim ed an mthtutastie
Booth Dakottut, "our state Is without a
"Oh, yea are OTy mUtalsn," replied
Mew York friend. "Too. have a Pierre
for yur wpttal." Munswy's Weekly.
Hi'. ToctuhuaWnd My deer, this
bew olook of ours gives the whole room.
Mrs. Yotxsghtsixand Watarmlly i it's
tho only Mkla tfelag la 11 Jewlers
Jut) Sat.
VTjfttw The portniit Is vry fine, bat
you tatasn, to bjivo devoted more time to
tba hoc than tho fteco.
Artiat Thaf so, Too. soo the hand)
Jfy ever tb money , Taxes mttiagt,
STb Hate m OBtmi mm,
Otptatn Hardup Hullo, Edith, thona
cur butoherl
sirs. Hard'jp Hushl Come tjonir. tw
hem beWdlnxrin hi horsid UU if we
off and ttn.--H triiange.
A (hUa KmtHf.
"Too are'alwayo talkincr about a doo-
aey, .yon don't mean mar"
"What ails your There are manr doa-
Jtoya beside you." Waao,
Th Qrave Qt Tired Yawning,
Siomlogly, fr rtaln wrtobd lorallili bp
tcddlo fBbl7 aloDgitbosgb aiwayt looking a,
If tboy wro golag to die, bat omitting to do It.
Tbtv drx np, ullhor, dw(ndl away finally, bnt
bi tbo mtaatlm nrr baring robust bo 1th,
know nothing of ti pbysleal nJojmnt. tho
zutf tktt txltUne to wktoh tby tllngwlth
such rmarkab Uatoltj. TbfT an alway
to b foend trjloi to tinkering at tbtttr
stlTts wtb sob trashy rimtdr, Uala or "ploU
toup"t glraa Blllp todlgBttton, of "htlp Hi
Urtr." If asa mlgaldd folk woild rort
and adhtr t nestttur riiooitk EitUrs It
weald b vtll with tbim. This tapcrb lnrlg
rtnt lupplttt Bhstatttna tbattb loobls r.
qalr. Vy prssa4Btlr rtlafcrulDg dlgtitlos aad
satltsllaUta. It ortreasi ntrTootasii, la.
ainla, tsalul, Xlini oomp Itlnti, blltosts
With the best line of Oyer
coats in Philadelphia ibr
Mcn.Youths and Children.
No matter what kind of an
Overcoat you want you will
find it here made in our
well-knowri reliable way,
at the lowest prices.
A. C.Yates & Co.,
Sixth and Ohoatnut, Philadelphia.
Has just opened an entire new line or
CoraDrisintr all tho vcrv latest stvlns in WTiit-o ClnnAn a.
toons, Prints, Ginghams, Marseilles, Seersuckers' and
Fancy Dress Patterns of (he very hest qualities at exceed
big low prices.
Q-rocenes, Provisions, Crockery ware.Glassware
JV ood and Willoware of the hest makes at low, figures.
Cloths Oassimera, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Eeady
made Olothing in great variety and at prices with m he read
of all purchasers prices fully as low as the same goods can hi
bought for at any other general store in this vicinity.
Carpets, Oil-clotho, Lamps and Pictures in grea
variety and of best quality at Rock Bottom Prices.
Best quality of Plonr and Peed at prices lully as low as thi
same articles can be purchased elsewhere.
A car load of coarse salt has just been received the price
V been marked down to the verv lowest notnli.
All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at prict s
equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general sune
iu uiis section, oan ana ue convinced. ltesppctliuly,
July 823-71 M0S REiaEL.
This Remedy Is the prescription of one of the leading physicians of Paris, Franco
and wasuspd by lilni with unparallaled success foroer thirty jears.and nas llrst Khen
to the Public as a proprietary medicine In 1878. and sinco that time It has found Its vra
Into almost every country on the face of the Rlobe, anil become a fnvoriie remedy with
thousands of tbo leading physicians. Medical societies have discussed Its marvelous suc
es at their auuual cotiyentlo'ns, and after their official chemists have analjzcil It and
found that It contained no opiates, bromides, or other harmful iDBredlenls. quietly
Dlaaau it amoncr BtjinHftr rpmftloj n
Elizibktii, N. J June 28, 1880
' This is to certify that I have used forlorn months with much satisfaction, tho combination
of remedies, lor Ilraiuche, known as Brine's Headschn Trorhea. Th rptnprlv nirM inn..
aehts especially such as eOect Nervous Women
thlt certificate will I be the means of bringing it
-uiv, a iuiii ieoi iuii i uj 9 unao iuem a sorvice. jj. n, BHOWN, M. D.
Sold by all Druggists, or sont by Mail on receipt of Prlco,
Atiuil Sl.'SJ.
Naar Fhlladelphla,
Heueel Op
Tearlr Expenai
4.1.1? f ?E,?'i? I'I V TT' I I
School, for well I oJr.t . ABBBDollt. xi...ei Himm in
s, 830O.
ii.i JStX'iCiFtt4 . Tcb" " BIM BH(i BTlrloBlr, of lllKlUl . Ollf Kl l,llUlmCI , lIllMl Ml
1Vh l pSn.. L.S lu'l,,IlitlnfBptt.Unit.lil..ii-er,rdlT mnirtut. rlnrlnj'4.mdril ftjfbBcr
ZTfK-i lVf?"? BBritudln.rTB
' "PIIU) in Ita. BB -
wSSSsX tSS ,duc1,"iB4tii tx.iml.lo,.. I- lprtr
-..,, t i,in:4ai, al Iflucmco,
$1. a Year
Xncludlncr main lines. VirAnRbAu ainrl ATtAnalnn. TfMf nnrl traBi. ne it,
Missouri Itlver. The Direct Route
PAnrllt T C H o 11 n Tlnllnn IamI. T.l.nrf
pttumwa, Oskaloosfi, Don Molnes.Wlntersot, Audubon. Hfirlan.nnd Counoll
Elufla. In IOWA Minneanolla and Bt. Paul, tn MINNESOTA Watertown
and Sioux Falls, la DAKOTA Cameron, St. Joseph, and Kansas Cltv. In
MTRPf". TTI7T rtrrct Vl l TfntvVtti aar1 VTnlnAtl 4m Mf?n'.f A BV A Uaiwah rPTnS..
Butcblnson, Wichita, Bellovlllo, Abllono, Caldwell, In KANSAS Pond
Creole, KlngUshor, Fort Bono, In tho INDIAN TEBHITOBT and, Colorado
Bprlnga, Denver, Pueblo, tn COLORADO. FREE RecUninp; Chair Cars to
and from Chicago, Caldwell, Hutchinson, pud Dodge City, and Palaco Bleep
lnir Cora between Chloago, Wichita, and Hutchinson. Traverses new and
vaat areas of rioh farmlntr and erraxlntr lands, atrordlner tbo best faollltles
or Intercommunication to all towns and cities east and west, northwest
and southwest of Ohlca&ro, and Paclflo and transooeanlo Seaports,
Leading; all competitors In splendor of equipment, cool, well ventilated, and
free from dust. Through Coaches, Pullman Sleepers, FHEB Itecllnlnp;
Chair Cars, and (east or Missouri Rlrort pinlnsr Cars Dolly bet-noon Chi oago,
pes Moines, Council Bluffs, and Omaha, with Free) Bocunlns: Choir Car to
California Excursions dolly, with CHOICE OF BOOTES to and from Salt
LbUco, Otrdon, Portland, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Tho DIBECT
LINE to and from Pike's Peak. Manltou, Uorden of the Qods, tho Sanitari
ums, and Soenlo Grandeurs of Colorado.
Solid Bxpress Trains dally between Chlcairo and Minneapolis and Bt. Paul,
with THROUGH RoollnlntT Chair Cars (FBKft) to and Jrom thoso points and
Kansas City. Through Chair Car and fileepor betwoon Peoria, Spirit tAks.
and Sioux Falls, via iloolt Island. Tho Favorite Lino to Pipestone, water .
town, Bloux Falls, and the Summer Resorts and Bunting and Flshinar
a round of tho Northwest.
travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayetto, and Council BluHs, St.
Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and Bt. Paul.
For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired information, apply to any Ticket
Office In the Unltod Btates or Canada, or address
i s. DEPOT.-SSr
L. E. BROWN, M. D.
23 Wesl Jereev St..
than anything I am arquninted with, and If
tn a favoralla ailenllon i.f eud'ercrs from tbst
1 H ltnlacn. an y I
. ft- ... '
Collars, retrtschntc
ziiirrcrrif.-iMeLincBi I
Oirel.f,,. ColltrB-rrcwinitorr. ( t.-trt l. rr ri.ll-rntlecri(
CIU,V-B'llli Bol MAU ArallBr tnnfc mr Vm
- to..rr.,r,M ni(lloB n
tllOK I UtXIE, A.8., A 11. ' lunar.) (.rkdulu). 1 riaclrBl
. t if
is the price of the Advp
cate for 02 weeks
to and from Chicago, Jollot, Ottawa,
Im n r limiO TW. r. n. n... UV,BAn,HV
XI U Osa'lXloitt ft Pass. Agwt
loin. If tne dealtr cuanat shpdIt vea
atad dlrter to factory, smctetlnB advarntM
Fine flf. He tt I.Aced a rain and Cresdo
moor Waterproof.
8 Best In thn world. Kxamlno his
tl'J.lia A MX lVOUKINflM F.N'8 HlIORfl.
Ba.00 and M1.7S HOYS' BCllOOl, NnOKtV
An niBds la Control, Duttoa and Lmb,
$3 & $2 SHOES LADiHs.
1.75 snor FOR MISSES.
Bast MaUrlaJ. But Btjle. Boat FltMafl.
TV. I,. Ooualas, Brockton. Hui, a
Adam Mehrktum &on, Agoata,
Sold bydruggist8
aswing ividcninv.
HIGH ARM $25.00.
Each Machine has a drop leaf,
fancv cover, two large drawers,
with nickel rings, and a full tot
of Attachments, equal to any Sia
trer Machine told from S40 t
$60 hv Canvassers. A trial In your home be
fore parment is asked. Buy direct of the Mara
facturers and save agents' profits besides getting
certificates of warrantee for five years. Send for
testimonials to Co-operatlvo Sewing SUoblne
C.i 269 S. nth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
We have a remedy that trill CURE CATARRH.
BRONCHITIS und ASTHMA. Our tilth la as
Btroor that we will send treatment oa trUL
Send hr Treauie aad full paniculars. Address.
fhsHtil Chtmlctl Co., 3360 Ftlrmoimt Ay.,Phlla.,Pa
We will SEND FREE bv
matt a laree TRIAL BOTTLlt;
.l.r a on toilec-lv. DONT
fice. Slate and County, and Are plainly.
jSo Falrmount Avenue, PhUadeljihlB.n.
Prof. Lolsette's
htmrj, a&d pnotleal rwulti of the Orlcina), in arrfto
th groasfest njlnmprfrtentA,tlmi by ennouf woald-lM
yomprtttart nflinpUof 'hipatttiiptitorolt'ltia
t the fruit of his Ubont(&ll of which dmfvE.strt tin
aadoobted iuperloritr noil ponaUritr of hli tMchluc
Prof. IietUfi Art of Htnr Forgwttinir i woiiii
tvday In both ilmlSDherei u tnarkinff unBpookn
Memorr Ca.tur. HiArnipecta(iMn(iKfitfrM)tlTf
opinions of people f n Il parts of Xht Rlobo who hT
aallj fit od ltd bUSjBt im hr oornrtrTKindtTDO, hoTriafl
hAi hi Sjttnra la t3,-1 on ft; while being studied, m
afterward: thatoV U-nk eanM teamed inn tinfrit roriVopctc(
Vorat wd'foitiRi'inlr.! atlaroM . . J
Tn tit BilnllArttOd ImitAtinni which ta.M ihtt
13 "WEEKS.
The POLICE GAZETTE will be rnsilod
ecu rely wrapped, to any (ddrsss In' tht Vn-j
ed 8tates for three months on receist of
One Dollar.
I.leral discount allowed to toit masts
agbaeutsndclnbs. Sample copies mailed frsa
May so
oihlasu 11 auruers ui jiii.iijivij i,
I, X,
sY's CatarrI
Cream Balm
Cleanses the
Nasal Passages,
Allan, Fain una
the pores
Eestorei the
Stnss of Taste aad
A Oartlclo la annllprl fntil aiih nnfttrfl atirl
agreeable. Trice 60 cents at druggists j by uiaill
reclBterd. CO i ts. - J
1JEV niWmtKIlS, M Warrrn St., New York,
august !, Itptu
u JU. 1. i. I JM-T 1 r
Tijr J880,
Pome, people agroo wltlt Tjin Bjix's opInlPBS
about men and tilings, and some 'pfbrlo don't!
but ever) body likes to cet bold of tho newspaper
ntilch Is never dulland iiercr,affald to tpeak
Its mind. ?-: vs!2yKg,
Democrats knOAv tfigQjSyjmjBlawT'HBi
8UN has fought In the iff Smrrtff)cmoc rati
principles, never uvoflngSSf Veflkfmiiff In Its
loyalty to tho true Interests of the partyit serre
vlth fearless InfelllgetiCB nnd disinterested Vlf
or. ' At times oplpfcqi have ,U(Iercd as to l)ji
betineausofaeeompllshliiK Hie common puri
pose; It It not Tun Sun's fault If It hat teen fur
ther Into the millstone. , , ,
Klghteen hundred and ninety Is lb & reiir that -
Hill urapawy oetermlno the rjiiUt of tho TrofJ
dentlnl election 9llW, ansl w Hians the fortunes
ol the Demooricy fop tlieiraft of the century
Victory In ISM Is a duty, andlhe beglnnluc mt
18001s the best tlm to start out In company with
Tub Bun. '
Dally, per month t ess
Dallv, per year go
Sutxlity, ner year .... j.oo
Dally and Sunday, per year s 00
J!?"!'.''!,1 ""h11" Pr month, o.T
VBfltIy8un,oupye(c,;1',t;... , M
Address TDK 6UJJ, Kw VorK,
V- U.JL becauso we furnish'
a tho lateat local news intho
(tevJj;M HNElflRSTr.AT
l' Smut
WT m m
m m