GENTS FURNISHINGS. Big Stock. SbWinferGoods HATS, CAPS, Boots & Shoes. TRUNKS, &c, Cassimeres, "Worsteds, Corkscrews, Cheviots, &c.,&o. Satisfaction. There is a good deal of satisfaction in being ' perfectly satisfied, and espec' ially so in regards to what you wear In this particular we invariably more than please our patrons. Our stock being large, varied and complete gives satisfaction in making a choice of goods desired, while m style, finish and work manship our reputation speaks far more eloquently than word, Call on us for your Fall and Winter Clothing Liglit or Ileaw Overcoats. Suits or parts of Suits. Prices always the Lowest ! Clauss Bros., THE TAILORS, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.- Alleged American Fun. Home A Dangerous Tinea. A recent wilter In Scrlbner's Magazine has cono to considerable trouble to And out the danger In railroad travel. Ho says on an average a man can travel 51,000,000 miles without meeting tils death, or 12,000. 000 without an nccident. It Is n good deal safer to bo traveling on cars than staying tit home. Bttcklen's Arnica Salvo. Tlio 11KST Salve In tlio world tor cuts, biulss. anrpit. ulppm. sjilt rlifijln. fever solos, teller. I clmnncil hnili. phlltilaliis corns mid nil skill prni.iinn.. nmi tin litpiv cures imcs. ur no lmv required. It Is nunruiitced to give perfect satis faction, or money rciiiiiueti. iricc -a cuius per oox. f or sale uy iti' uruguisi. Facta Worth Knon lug. Iii nlldifeaoes of the nnsal mucous ineni lirnno tlio remedy used must bo non-irrita' tine. The medical profession has been slow to learn this. Nothing satisfactory can be accomnliahcd with douches, tniifl's, powders or syrlngs liccmiso they are all Ir-1 spreading ritating, do not thoroughly reacli the nf- ,i , '' fectcd surfaces anil snoulu lie aimmtoncu as I CO P7Wg " i I sixth pL,m$ JCHESTNUT I I ?X the rain harp. When out of doom Is full of rain I look out through the window pans And see the branches or tne trees Like people dancing to the breeze. They bow politely, cross and meet, Salute their partners anu retreat, And never stoii to rest until They reach the end of the quadrille. I listen and I hear the sound Of musld floating all around, And fancy 'tis tho Brecie who plays Upon his harp on stormy days. The strings are made of rain, and when The brancheu wish to danco again They whisper to the Breeio and ho Begins another melody. I've hesrd him play tho pretty things ' Upon those slender, shining strings; And when he's done lie's Tcry sharp He always hides away the harp. Frank Dempster Shermaa Every suit wo sell is a wirk ing advertisement for us. Thou sands ot pleased customers are A NAME FOR A BOOK. orse than failures. A multitude of per sons who had for years borne all the worry and pain that catarrh can mtlict tcul.v u radical cures wrougut uy JMys ureain uuim. Lebanon, Pa., boasts of a cat that has raised a family of sixty-clght kittens. Jl . IS HEADQUARTERS FOR- GENERAL HARDWARE KB B uarmQnoQ '9 w ui mm9wy A.LL KINDS OF COAL, OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa BRIGGr'S HEADACHE ffiOOHMS -FOR- nlcck. . IN ITS . NERVOUS, BILLIO US, OR CONGESTIVE FORMS. This Remedy is tho urcscrinlion of one of tho icadlnir nlivslclans of Paris. Franci .ind wasueed by liltn with unnarallaled success for over thirty vears.and was llrst nlven to tUs Public as a proprietary medicine In 1878. and smco that time it has found its wat lute almost every country on the face of tlio globe, and becomo a favorite remedy with thousands of tho leading physicians. Medical -societies have discussed Its marvelous suc cess at their annual conventions, and after their chemists havo analyzed It and found that It contained no opiates, bromides, or other harmful Ingredients, quietly pmceu ii among uicir siuuuaru rcmeuics. TESTIMONAL. , L. II. BROWN, M. I). 23 West Jersey St., Ki.izabktii,.N. J Juuo 28, 1889 3kli ii to csrtify that I havo used for some months with much satisfaction, tho combination ei renieaies, tor ncaaacue, Known as airings ueuuucno Troches. Tho remedy cures more bead ashes especially such as effect Nervous Women than anything I am ncouainled with, and I this osrtlficato will bo tho means of bringing it to a favorable attention of sud'erers from that 'uhle, I shall leel that I hayo dono them a service L. E. BU0WN, M, 1). In tho l.itlcr years of tlie third empire a pleasant tlmo enough while. It lasted the reputation of the ofKOssip to tne Parisian dally nnd weekly Best Made Clotllimr in Phila- press ono of tho most intlefutlgalilo in i i. t i . th.. -i.. .1 nt.:i unearthing tho latest titbit of content lllAJlllll 1 VJ .'Uju ...u dren. We link Best Quality to Lowest Prices, Consumption Surely Cured. TotheEditoh Pleaso inform your read ers that I have a positiye remedy for tii." 1 . , .1! H !. 1- tu'j v u uaiuiM uimchm:. xv iib iiiuci uet- thousands of hopeless cases hayc been per manently cured. I shall be glad to send two lottlcs of my remedy free to any ol vour readers who havo consumption if they will send mo their express and postoflicc ntulress. Iencctlmly. 1. A. Mocunvil. t . 181 Pearl st., New York. .A. C. YATES & CO. I.KIHJAU lttlll.nlNO, SIXTH & CHESTNUT STS. PHILADELPHIA. Brooklyn has tho largest baVory III makes 70,000 loaves dally. forced to Lonve Home. Over CO people were forced to leave their I home yesterday to call for a treo trial pack age of Lane's Family Medicine. If your I blood is bad, your Iiyur anu ktrtneys out ol order, if you are constipated and have head ache nnd an Unsightly complexion, (lou t laU to call on any druggist to-day for a free sample of this grand remedy. The Indies praise it. Everyone likes it. Largo Micd package 00 cents. I CURE FITSI Eighty miles per railroad speed. hour is tho highest Cure Yourself. Whm T Cimc I do not mean merely to stop them for a tlmo, nnd then havo them ro- ... ' ....... a i, ltTtft.. turn HKniii. iimk . . ....... ..." i navo xnauo tne uisvasu ui FITS, EPIU3PSY or TALI.ING SICKNESS, Allfo.lonir study. I WAnnANT my remedy to TJORB tho worst cases, itecauso oincra nnvu failed Is no roason lor not nowreceivini a euro. Bend at onco for a treatise aim a t kek nun or mv iNPii.i.uiLi; ltnMEDY. oivo cxuress and l'O't OMIco. it costs you noininj; tor a trial, nnd it will cure you. Address H.G.ROOT.M.C, 1 83 PEARLST., NEWTORK Don't rav lnruo doctor's hills. The ltest I medical book published, 100 paces, clcganl colored platcst will be sent you on receipt oi mrcc z-cent stamps to pay postage. All- dress A. P. Ordway & Co., lioston, Mas,s. Mme. Me'iba,the Australian prima don na, began to sing In public when she was I only 10. The Greatest Sufferers In the World. Arc women; their delicate organizations being particulars susceptible to deranee- ment and disease. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Uemedv, of Itondout, N. Y., purifies the blood, Invigorates the system and fortifies it against the disease incident to ace, cli mate and season. It is tho best medicine In tho world. Keep it in your houhc for your children's sake, as well as for your own. EH Mill Ono pint of best sugar weighs thirteen ounces. Do not 1)0 induced to lake somo other preparation when um call for flood's Sar- saparllla. lie sure to get Hood's which is peculiar.- Stains on iyory knife bandies may le removed with salts ot lemon. Interested People. PRICE, 25 CEISTTS. Sold by all Druggists, or sont by Mail on roceipt of Prico, ELIZABETH, N. J. Auguit Jl.'BO. Advertising a patent medicine in tho pe culiar way in which tlio proprietor ol Kemp's llalsam for Coughs and Colds does I indeed wonderful. Ho authorizes nil rugglsts to give all those who call for it a sample bottle free, that t liny may try it be- loro purchasing. 1 lie large bottles are ou j and $1.00. Xfu ceitainlv would advise a trial. It may save you from consumption. -Mrs. Hogers. one of the Texas cattle queens, became by her husband's will own er ot a lienl of 40,000 cattle. Glo m Bargain Oof at Oosf. a mm s Tor YOU Ou account of rapidly failing health the undersigned will close out at sacrifice prices his large stock of Gents,Ladies& Either of tho following engravings, Hvane-clino." " Bavard." "Monarch of tho Glen" or "Tho First Step," without mlvnrtisinc on thorn. ElzO 20X21 incilCS, Riven witii ono ou ccm or iwu j touv bottles of Ideal Tooth .Powder. Thoso are not cheap lithographs, but works of !rt. A. T). llowman. Dentist. jNlcnoiia, Idaho, says, I am using your lueai 'lootn rowucr, anu uuu it aujiunor iu uu uvui;o. Thn encrravinc " Evancelino " arrived safely on tho 21th of December, making it seem liko a Christmas gift. Trusting timt. irteni Tnntn 1'owaer miv iiounsn. I remain, yours respectfully, Elols Ear nest, Denver, uoi. une oi tiicso uiigiuv Infra Tvi thniit ndvertisinir on it worth SI . ! 1 1 : .1 . . ... nftnt: lnt. retail IS uivuil V1LU cavu inw J v..v tls of Ideal Tootu i'owaer. The goods are new, no shoddies or seconds, and people who ri8cly take advantage of this great closing out sale will secure wonderful bargains in the shape of good goods at low prices. Don't Fail to Call. BANK STREET LEHIGHTON, PA. II yip BOPPOSITE L. & S. UEPOT,5gf BANK STREET, - - LEHIGHTON, Pa Has just opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising all the very latest styles in White Goods, Sa' . n . ir...:n.. teens, jrrmtB, wngnams, iYiaiTSCliJUS, aeersucisers and Fancy Dress Patterns of the very best qualities at exceed ing Iott prices. Groceries, Provisions, Crockery ware, Glassware, Af ood and W lllowware oi the best makes at low figures Cloths Cassimers, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Eeady mado Clothing in great variety and at prices within the reach of all purchasers prices fully as low as the same goods can be bought for at any other general store in this vicinity. ' j (Jar pets, Cm-cloths, Jbamps ana i istures in great variety and ol best quality at Kock iiottom rnces. Best quality ofJFlour and Feed at prices lully as low as tl 8amo articles canbe purchased eisewnere. A car load of coarse salt has just been received the price a been marked down to the very lowest notch. AH goods of the very best quality and are being sold at prices equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general suae ix this section. Uau anu ue convinced. ltespecuuliy, July23.871y AMOS HEIfHSL. OF PURE 000 LIVES! OIL A2i2 HYPOPHOBPHaTEES Almost as Palatable as FSl!k. So dlisttlrl tliat it rnn tnlcen. dlceiited. and asBlmllalcd bv tlio n.ul entltlTB Btomaeli, avlicn the plctn otl cannot be tolerated; nnd by tli.i ciinu btnatlon of tile oil wltlt tlte hypoplios. pnstea u macn more euirncioua. EemarVablo m a Dcsli proiccrr. rersous gain rapidly vUli takln;; It. BCOTT'S EMULSION is ncknow'caooato Physiciaus to be the Finest nnd UkI nrepa. ration in the world for thn reli. f and run of consumption. ccno?u?.A. GENERAL DEOIL5TY, V.fASTKJO diseases, t-MACiA";a;-i, COLDS and CHROfJIC CC'JOHS. The great remedy for OonsumnVni. and Wasting in Children. Sold by nil limqqists, $p n Fayorite Singei Sewina Machine. IUGH AM $25.00. Each Madi'me has a drop leaf, fancy cover, two large drawere, with nickel tings, and a full set of Attachments, equal to any Sin ccr Machine sold from $40 to $60 by Canvassers. A trial in your'home be fore payment is asked. Buy direct of the Manu facturers and save agents' profits besides getting certificates of warrantee for five years. Send for testimonials to Co-operative Sewing Machine Co., 269 S. nth St., Philadelphia, Pa. ATARRH We have a remedy that will CURE CATARRH. RnnNPIIITI nnd ASTHMA. Our faith Is SO strontr that we will send treatment on trial. Send for Treatise and full particular!. Addressf The Hall Chemical Co., 3860 ralrmount Ay., Phlla., Pa The richest widow on ti c Taclllc coast Is Mrs. .Vark Hopkins, willow of the Cen tral l'acllic syndicate. FIT also, a SUFFER . fice. State i or CAN be CURED. We will SEND FREE br mall a lame TRIAL EOTTLE ; a treatise on Epilepsy. DON'T t ANY LONGER I Give Post Of fice. State and County, and Ace plainly. Address, THE HALL CHEMICAL CO., 3860 Falrmount Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa, Tlio Now Discovery. You linvo heard vour friends and neighbors I talking iibimt It. You may yourself bo ono of the I many who Know iroin ji-isoiui fxiericnccs jihi liow Rood a tliliis it is. If you have ever tried It, vuu are one of Its staunch friend, because tin vtouutTlui 1111111; iiuout it is.i 11:11 lieu oucuftiven 1 atrial, Dr. KIiik'b New Discovery ever attorl liolils a place In tho liouso. If you linvo neve 1 I used It and should be ullllctcil ultlincoush, cold T any Tliroat, I.uni: or Chest tiouble, scenic a I Imltlo nt once mid kIvo It a fair trial. It is u'unr-1 antecd every time, or money refuuded. trial I bottles freu ut lilillKlt'H urmisturc, Miss Alia M. I.oncfellow, dauchtcr of tho poet, Is much interested in amateur cbotograpliy. Tho Great HI. I Jlv M. 1'. itlmeant Miles' Ncrvo nnd Liv er Fills which regulate the liver, Btomaeli, bowels, etc. through their nerves. Smallest and mildest. A now principal! A revoln- tionizerl Samples free nt Dicry & Thomas' drugstore. Jrs. Georce W. Cliiids Is considered one of tlio best dressed women lu Philadelphia. It U Usoleaa for young ladies who are troubled with freckles, pimples, moth and tan and n bad skin generally to use liquid paints or dry powders, for they only make the skin look well for the time beinc. To huvo a cood complexion you must have pure blood. Use Sulphur Hitters ai.d youa ekin will be pure anu complexion rosy ie At Newport. V011 Still (to hotel clerk) Wlicro Is your bar? Clerk We have no bar. This Is a prohibition stale. Yon Still Ah. where Is your tea room? Clerk Third flooron the left of the hall, Btralftlit ahead. Knock three times. Adellna Palti's fayorite song is "Mao gie juuau." The Empress Frederick's Income is auout fsou.uuu a year. Mother Goodness me! I that Irene at tbo piano? Little Son Yes, ma. Moth erWell, go ask her what she is doluc. If she Is practicing she can keep on till the hour Is up; but If the is playing tell her to stop. Customer I told you that I wanted two hip pockets iu my trousers, sir. but I didn't say make them quart size. Tailor To be sure, you didn't say anything about the sire. You said you were a prohibition ists, though. ....... .j.. Piso's Curo for Con sumption ia also tho best Cougli Medicine. If you havo a Cough without disoaso of tho Lungs, a few dosos are all you need. But If you ne glect tals easy moans of safety, tho slight Cough may become a serious matter, and soveral bot tles will bo required. Pteo'a Remedy for Catarrh !i the I Be&t, Easiest to Use, anU Cheapest Bold bv ilrUfTirUts or sent hv .nMi lUVt V W llatalllnii tl vwt w MVMUV, 1IIU1VU. IU, ya - mf. k ik mi -rrs ctesa-. (iiBiri I IKC& Kt:i Hewlne.Murhlnr .in m out. 111111 in Irau in ftll uit. l 1 1 1 1 l-licior our tntntiliii L Jl Kraon in ram )mih,il viry WDflJ.ttb m lLt ftifii limit) Wo W III Uo ttu J I a rttiil tc (to of our rtily end tatunbiv 1 1 Mmplct. Iu return tvo tkk iliai u auow nii wf srmi, 111 tun nito tnijr ru ai yevur miu, mm Kiiai mouths all hnH bcconi juur own ,lornrty. Ibla crand dm bin U na attcr In hllietT paicnit. blrh harp run toil . Fh lorr iwtrnia ruu out It mid ! Jf u ;i, , it a lb atiarbmrnla. anil imw sella fur tK.llk. !-t.airiiimt, luutt uaa marnini in im wcrij. ah ia Nuapuai Itqulraj, lit In, biTrvrll lu ut at iticf canaf icbina in thu aud Ilia finl llnaof works of hirh aiter ihown lftt ih 1 m America. X U V M K 1IUI 'tJU. AUfiUklUi J1M1UO FREE- brlaflnstntctious ctvan. 'Iboa wbiTwrll lu cur i"rM lb (tit atwintxnacbm in ih MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Ouly Odiiitim KrslriarsirinoryTralnlns. I'our lUulin I.OKruril ia nut lraUlait. nilild n-andnilnii cured. KTiry rbild anil adult trrcoilr brnf flltrd. ureal liuluovmonU to Ourrttiwjuluc CUum. rrwiwtiu. arlth oplnhmi or Ilr.tVm. A. Hum. niuuil. Ill world-fun-d SpeeUut lu Uiui lliuuL llituli'lllrrriir,,rThuiripaun,Uwirut I'v"1'"' !. J, .11. ll.icliirr, ChR'HaH llous. VT.W ,lor,Judiielil..iu, j frm. a. juoiHi:a-rii, 2U7 imu Are., n. y. porary nnecuoto was juics j-iecouiio. Loss clcgnnt in stylo than Henri do Pcno, lesa humorous than Augiiste Vilcniot, 110 was nevertheless mainly instrumental in promoting tho circulation of tlio journal to which ho was attached by his happy choico of subjects nnd generally reliable Information. Ono day lie received a let ter from an anonymous correspondent, beginning with the usual complimen tary phrnso, "You who know every thing." nnd terminating by a rather puz zling query: "Why did Jl. Alphonse Karr select for a volume 01 taie3 pui- lished somo twenty years ago the in comprehensible title of 'Vendrcdi fjoirf" (Friday Evening). Not a bad Idea or my lrlcnif, tlie writer, whoover he may be," said Lo- comtc. with a chucklo of satlsfnction, to nmuv to mo, as I happen to bo tlie only person ablo to answer tlio question. I may as well gratity 111m, particularly the bourso nnd the boulovaru are pretty well used up, and a retrospective article for onco in a way will bo a novelty." Not having the paper by me, and cem- pellcd therefore to trust to my memory, I can only attempt to rcproduco tlio sub stance of ono of tlio lively chronicler's most amusing fetilllctons, related some what in tho following terms! A cood many years ngo, when I first essayed to gain a living by my pen, Al phonse Karr, if not nlready lamous, was at least regarded as one or tne most prom ing young authors ot tlio day. lie tnen occupied a tiny apartment on tho top floor the soventh of a houso in tho Ituo Vivienne, where I occasionally passed half an hour with him, when frequent occurrence, alasl nt that period of mv career I had nothing better to do. Ono afternoon, after clambering up his interminable staircase, I found him contrary to his wont, sitting in a do jected attitude at his window arid look Inrx tho picture ot misery. "What is tho matter?" I inquireU "Anything wrong? "Everything," ho replied, drumming his knuckles Impatiently on tlio window pane. "I havo a hill for 300 francs duo today, and no funds to meet it." "Diable!" (It must bo understood that in Louis Philippe's reign, to a literary man, liv. nig as it were from hand to mouth, 800 francs appeared a fabulous Bum.) "Not a sou!" ho continued, "and that isn't all; Tuesday is tho last day of the carnival, and I havo promised a pretty neighbor of uiino to escort hep to tho ball at tlio Varietes, which of course en tails supper." "And champagno," I suggested. "Exactly, and whero on earth am I to And tho money? This was a poser, and for somo mill' utes we looked despondently at each other. Suddenly an idea struck me. "Why not ask your publisher," said I, "to advance it to you? "No use," lie muttered, with a mohui choly shako of tho head. "I am in his debt already." "If ho won't," I persisted, "others may. And, now I como to think of it, why not collect thoso tales aud sketches you havo written for diifercnt reviews? They oujlit to make a vcliimo. "Ye3," said Karr, "with a dedication, a preface, plenty of uiartiii and an in' dex, perhaps they might." "Very well, then. Put on your lint and como with mo to Souverain. "Your publisher? You don't mean to say there is nny chanco of his taking it "Why shouldn't he?" I replied. "Ho will bo only too glad to havo your namo in his catalogue. At all events, tliero is no harm in trying." Tlie establishment of M. Hippolyt Souverain, tho fashionable publisher of tho period in question, was in tlie Iiuo des Beaux-Arts, and 011 our arrival then wo wero directed by ono of tlio clerks to a restaurant iu tho Hue Jacob, wlicro tlio great man was in tlio habit of dmiui Ho had nearly finished his repast and shook hands cordially witii mo ns 1 111 Produced my companion. I thought it best to act as spokesman on tho occasion nnd explained as briefly as possiblo the object of our coming. Souverain lis tened attentively whilo sipping his coffee, "Very happy to know Jl. Karr, I; 6nid. "Wo will talk tho matter over ono of these days." "That will bo too late," I replied de cisively. "It must either bo settled now or never. If it doesn't suit you, wo will try Gossolln." "But, my good sir," objected tho pub lisher, "you cannot expect mo to pur ohaso a book without having tho least idea what it is" "Oh," said I, "If that is ull, there- will Ijo no difficulty in satisfying you. Karr is ready to sign an agreement, making over to you, say for live years, the cluslvo right of republishing in any form you choose certain specified tales and sketches which have appeared in various periodicals, lu consideration of tho sum of five hundred francs received by him from you." "Not in cash!" hastily interposed Sou' verain. "A bill nt three months, per haps. "Out of tho question. Karr has ono of his own duo, and to pay it lie must have money down." "Very sorry, but I make it a rule never to pay cash until my bills fall due." "Iu that case," said Alphonse, who was chafing nt tlio delay, "it is no uso wasting nny time, and wo had better sco Qosselin." "Wnit a moment," expostulated Souve rain. "Ypi don't supioso I carry 300 francs about witii jnul" "Wo said 500, not 800," quietly oli served Karr. "When you havo finished your coiree, it is but a step to the Inu.des Beaux-Arts." "You aro in such desperate liurryl Can't you wait until I havo thought it over?" "Bills won't wait," I retorted, "as you know very well. So, unless you decide quickly, thero is an end to tlio matter." "H'm," muttered .Souverain, visibly perplexed; "wo said -100, did wo not?" "No." emphatically replied Karr. "Not a sou less than f00." A quarter of an hour later we were seated in tlio publisher's room, where so 1 many illustrious colleagues, Balzao and I Fmlcrio Soulie among the number, had j ut cno time or another more or leas anx iously atfolted tho decision of IU shrewd but by 110 means unsympathotio owner. Tho agreement wns soon drawn out, and after an abortivo attempt on tlio part of our Mcaunas to reduco the rnto of pur chase to 450 francs, which was indig nantly protested against nnd overruled, tho tormswero finally settled, and It only remained to discuss tho modo of payment, which Souverain insisted should bo effect ed by a bill nt thrco months. This suggestion met with nn onorgctlo refusal. "Impossiblol" exclaimed Karr. "It is 7 o'clock now, and how aro wo to find any ono nt this hour to discount Itl" "Early to-morrow morning will do ns well," faintly remonstrated tho pub lisher. "Not for mo," curtly retorted tlio au thor, rising from his chair and making me a sign to follow him. Wo had just reached tho door when Souverain, evi dently unwilling to let so promising a speculation slip through his fingers, called to us to stop. "Thero is only ono way," ho said, "to arrange this liltlo nlTair. I shall havo lo discount tho bill myself." And pen in hand ho proceeded me thodically to calculate tho rato of in terest at 0 per cent.) besides commission, nnd, tlio operation terminated, delivered tlio baianco to my companion iu notes nnd flvo frano pieces. . " ' Pocketing tho money with a thrill of delight, and hardly yet ablo to realizo his good fortune, Karr hastily signed tho agreement, and still apprchensivo of some further objection on tho part of tho publisher, only began to broatho freely when wo wero safo outsido tho door. Wo had scarcely reached the middlo of tho staircase, however, when Souverain's voice brought us suddenly to a check. "Jlonsicur KnrrI" "Don't answer!" whispered Alphonse. ;'Uo wants his money back, but I'll bo hanged if ho gets it." "Jlousieur Karri ngam shouted my friend's new "cditeur." "Wlmttitlo are wo to givo your book?" Is that ullr laughed Karr, com pletely reassured. "Whatever you liko. Monsieur Souverain," ho replied. ."Let mo see, today is Iriday; suppose wo call it 'Vcndredl Soir'l" Tomplo Bar. Ease Pain Instantly Strengthens t"'-lk I Quiets Nervousnes' Fnh nop. Hrtn.ocli Oum ti . Pino lUlMtn. prepared m, spread, all read; to apply. Best Plaster Erer Made. COMPLETELY NO 8P.-&DILY CURES All AtliM, FaIm. Borer or Weak nc la lbs 'is i w B Jlck. Uheet. Bide. KMnrtH SHmtlJ6 Nerk. Aiaocia Sold br Drag and cotratr)' ftorca. SSCts. OfbrtM. Moiled foT prioo. toot for the rnoprletoi't tlgnalnrr HOP PLASTER CO., EOCITON, , on a I pinuTie good. V-t- ' .M.11.1 vrvrli.p.Mi".wiiwii'i .una X 1 11 iiiwwi Ncnr riillnitclpliln. Hcliool Opens Sept. lOlli. Yearlr Uxpcnuc, 8.100. IJnnrlrrlr Pni in'lF.,8125. Admits and classifies young men and hoys at any tlmo i firs them for Tluslness. any Cotles:tJVlTthnlc School, far west Tolnt or Annapolis. Adranied classes In l'tiyslcs. Chemistry, Surveying-, Plectrlcal of Civil KncHneerinC MAthmAtlr. Hr. ttl .It Wl winlnnH.1 .n.l 1h n..n..1 . l.nnU. All students liuard with the frlnclpiit. Teachers all men and graduates of firstUis College. Hne bulltlingsi tingle ordoutl4 All. bltf. 1lmsitiv Tvrw.a etc.. ere. More futiy supplied with apparatus than any other College-fitting Achool. Media Aiademy snord every homa comfort, the heM education, and the I .est training. Hxeit ..over every etpente. No eisminitions for admission. New .uusirAiru caiaingun kiii nee in inr niiiieu wiiuirts. MIUK 1 i.ilH.u. A.u., A at t narvara Lrsuuaiei, rnncipa. On an Apple Dumpling. It may bo wortli noting that lu tlie last century a nativo of Cumberland was prompted to wnto a poem in laudatory strain on tlio virtues and under tlio titlo of "Tlio Applo Dumpling." It appeared first, circa 1770-715, m The Town and Country Magazino, abovo tho siguaturo of Pygmalion, tlio writorCashis " foems,' 1778, show) being Charles Uraliam, of Penrith. A few of tlio lines I venturo to quote as uniquo on buch a theme, and of value in tho description of an old north country dish. Graliam is evident-- ly in sympathy with his Bubject: Tho task bo ralno To slug a appla dumpling's praise tsumatra a rruit We court not: Britain's fertile Isle brings forth Tho mellow apnlo. wnen from the reeking cavern's moutn tnou'rt brought Short resplto wo allow tueo; now with upeed Tliou'rt placed conspicuous iu a china vase. (Or sometiincd descend to liutnlilo tlelf). Wane round thy tuo)j pouoiru Ude3 redundant flows Nectarous juice in most dellcloua floods. Ofttlmea I'vo seen tueo (char'mlng to relate) sic Ride buoyant on tho streum, with head cruet And honest front float round tho dish audacious. But when thou boastcst a more gigautic size, Enormous, massy, ample, long and huge. Notes and Queries. A Pigeon Decides n Ijsw Case. A novel decision was rendered by Jus tice Miller in a suit beforo him between John B. Kirhy and John Scott, eacl claiming tho ownership to a certain car ricr pigeon, which was brought into court iu chargo of an officer. . Justice Miller, in order to settlo tlio ownership beyond question, onjercd tho pigeon placed in tho hands of two disinterested persons, who took it four miles south o tho city aud released it. After it had started, two chasers wero sent up by Kirby, nnd Scott followed suit by releas ing anotiier pigeon. Tho pigeon in con troversy flow straight to tlio residence of Scott, nnd, according to tlie decision of Justice Miller, is now Scott s property. Youngstown (O.) Cor. Cleveland Leader, Tlio Tiger's Choice. Tho Java Bode records a singular ad venturo which recently befell a govern ment surveyor in tlio wilds of Sumatra After a hard day's work on a mountain sido ho passed tho night in tlio open air in a hut hastily run up by Ins coolies. As ho was falling asleep after Ion watciiing, tlio bight of two ilery eyes glaring in at tho entrance of the hut nl most paralyzed him witii terror. An enormous royal tiger soon glided in smelled him all over, and then set work devouring tho remains of his even ing meal to tlio last morsel. Afterward his terrible guest disappeared. Tlio Sattio Old lieefstrnH. "What's the matter with the boofsfcakr asked tho landlady "I don't know," replied tho now boarder "but I havo a horrible, suspicion that the covT was afflicted with geaoral ossification. Washington Capital. Ko riace for Bitper-SenaUlve Folk, Customer nt Ico cream parlor (whoso thrif ty proprietor uses tho front room as a ton sorial palace) Beenis to mo thero issowo- tuuig ropulalru iu tho Idea of running a bar tier shop In connection with ou ico cream saloon. Don't your patrons ever complain that the lulxetl odors fiwu their appetites! Tropriotor No, sir. But it wouldn't make any dilTereiico if they did. They can go tomewhero else to iret tliavtsl If thoy don' liko the smell of iro cream. Chicago Til buna, A Bong Somo go to the mountains And home to the sea, And some stay at homo 'Keatli their own fig tree. And I'm a mosquito. So happy and free, With nothing to do. Hut to do iLnni nil three; And I'll get thero You soot Washington Crlllo. He leaked Too Much. Teacher Now, Johnny, I want you draw something. Ixt mo see. I guess you niay draw a linrso car. Johnny What do yer take me fori An eloctrlo current! Lowell Citlzei). Where lu Draw the Line. Prudes say it is a miss to kiss, Put tho secret of It this is: It's right enough to kiss a Hiss, But wrong to kiss a Mrs. Philadelphia Press. Realistic. Claud Let's play wo are keeping house. Clara All right, and I'm your wife. Claude Well, then pull off my boots and iirhiR my pino ami slippers, Omaha World. Sepl Uy the liiln nf ropuliirlly. To the mpniKt plnnac'o of sneress, Hos IrMer's Stomach lllneis stands a shining proof of what cciinlne merit, hacked by the lllnc force of proven facts, can attain. Tho North and South Anieilcan continents. Kiiropc. Anstrallln. II. e West Indies, Guat emala ami Mexico have all contributed wide pit rnnace anil tcsllinnny of tho most favorable kind hut nnollttc'd to swell Hie rcpulaltnii of this sterling reinedv Atnonsj the iiin'.ii'los for which tlio most convincing public and professional testi mony proves that it Is a benlen curative, are ciiH sand fevcr.bllllous remittent, dumb aauo cake. lviopg!n, 'Iver (nmplalnt, no--veoiispi'ss. tlflillltv. kidney and bladder coinplalnis H indicates tho intlrnutles or age, hastens eonvalcfccencn, has a tendency prevent III consequences from exposure lod exhaustion. Persons of sedentary oi'blts and laborious occupations fill find h never useful onlc UNACQUAINTED WITII THE CEOOItAPIIY OF THE OOONTHT, Will OBTAIN MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FltOM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE GOJIOG, ROGK SSUHD & PAGEFIG RAILWAY. Including main linos, branches nnd oxtonslona East nnd West of tho Missouri River. Tho Direct Route to and from Chicago, Jollot, Ottawa, Poorin, La Sallo, Mollno, Rock Island, In ILLINOIS Davonport, Muscatine. Ottumwa, Osknloosa, Dos Moines, Wlntorsot, AudubonJIarian.and Council Blufi's, in IOWA Minneapolis nnd St. Paul, In MINNESOTA Watertown and Sioux Falls, In DAKOTA Camoron, St. Josoph, and Kansas City, In MISSOURI Omaha, Falroury, nnd Nelson, in NKHKASKA Horton, Topoko. Hutchlntjon, Wichita, Bollovillo, Abilono, Caldwell, in KA.NSA8 Pond, Crook, Kingfisher, Fort Rono, in tho INDIAN TERRITORY and Colorado Springs, Denver, Puoblo, In COLORADO. FREE Rocllnlna; Chair Cars to and from Chicago, Caldwell, Hutchinson, and Do'dgo City, and Palaco Slcop lntr Oara betwoon Ohlcarro, Wichita, and Hutchinson. Travorsos now and vast areas of rich farming and grazing lands, affording tho boat facilities of Intercommunication to all towns and cltios oast nnd wost, northwest and southwest of Chicago, and Pacific and transoceanic Seaports. MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, Leading all competitors In splondor of oqulpmont, cool, well ventilated , and freo from dust. Through Coaches, Pullman Bloopers, FREE RecflnlnEf Chair Cars,. and (oast of Missouri River) Dining Caro Daily betwoon Chicago, Dea Moines, Council Blulta, and Omaha, with I'rao Reclining Chair Car to North Platto, Nob., and betwoon Chicago and Colorado Springs, Donver, and Puoblo, via St. Josoph, or Kansas City and Topoko. Splendid Dining; Hotols (furnishing meals nt seasonablo nours) wost of Missouri River. California Excursions dally, With CHOICE OF ROUTES to and from Salt Lako, Ogden, Portland, Loa Angoles, and San Francisco. Tho DIRECT LINE to nnd from Piko's Peak, Manltou, Gordon of the Qods, tho Sanitari ums, and Gcenlo Grandeurs of Colorado. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, Solid Expross Trains dally botwoon aWcarro and Minneapolis and St. Paul, with THROUGH Reclining Chair Cara (FREE) to and from thoso points and Kansaa City. Through Chair Car and Blooper botwoon Peoria, Spirit Lako, and Sioux Falls, via Rock Island. Tho Favortto Lino to Pipostono, Water town, Sioux Falls, and tho Summer Resorts and Hunting and Fishing Grounds of tho Northwest. THE SHORT LINE VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE offers facilities to travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayotto, and Council Bluffs, St. Josoph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or dosired Information, apply to any Ticket Offlco In tno United Statoo or Canada, or address E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, General Manager. CHICAGO, ILL. Oen'l Tickot & Pass. Acent J. W. CUSI0K, Tyrinont, Ohio, writes: "I feci that I can not rec ommend Dr. Sctli Arnold's CoticU Killer too highly. Would not ho without It. Druggists, 23e., coo., aud $1.00, rrj worst, cases or Skin uisonsc, rroius ja common piniiuo on mo iticc awful ilUc.iffO Scrofula.! IllJIt MTTKUS Is the. medicine to uso In all. of such stuuhorn antl. seatctt diseases, )J, E3 BLUE PILLS ?.kr,'iu"r3 Mn,n.v... il,..n..l.,n.li7iin ir.- -ii Etl'y t i.tce your trust l I IStiLl'lIUIt liriTRICS, I II tlio imrot anil licet. III mctllclno ever mode. BUT. m v.. a. aByuuraeugacugsieujp - rvl td wit Ii a vol lows! Ickv aVDon't wait until yon U til substanco? isyournre iinahlutowalk.or II breath foul nndaro flat on your hack, I I offensive? Yourl)UtKCt somo at once. It llBtiimnili la otitwlll curo you. 8uliihur lui unirr, ubcjm""!.' i suu-iitm aHITT lm,,l. FTIio Invalid's Frieml. Thnvfttintr.fhnftirfMl nnit tot. Is vour ir-a7rnrltnraro soon nuulo well br Ino thlck,its uso. llememlicr what you ropy, licro, It may save your udy, oxffwte, it lias savetl liundreds. uou t wail until io-moiTow, Try a Bottle To-day! Are tou low-snTritcd and weak. or suffeilng fntn the excesses of routur jr so, jiuifc jn ittta will cure you. Sentl 3 S-cent stniiips to A. 1. Ordway A Co., lioton,Mass., for tieal lncillcal wurk jiuhlUliwIf DISEASES OF MEM OMLV lUoodPalton.DUoaitMofKMDerB.I'lxldarandiitb. rr 49rToulMiuiiy.l40cunniioOJ r 'outti areM-oo.HIr nd (rermtsiimi : enns. W Mkneawa. NerTOU lMiIlliy, lsOt &lnnho6J V- putts ot Error in Youth arenUIr nnd irmoimt.t' cared, Onn-u'ti.tlnn find tritl.i..Rl- v 11 y jn 11 Addrus DK, OE1WDLE. 171 W lUiSt. HcwTgr ' Sweat-proan-Growj. What ttej fobs eipected of th old faahloned way of Uscldns th shots t Try tho new way by ustr WOLFP'3 Acme Blading 1 and ti dirty tails becomes a cleanly ptcsaufv. Wolff'sAGMEBIacking REQUIRES NO BRUSH, Sheds Water or Snow. Sheet can be was 1el clean, requiring drcaalpg only ones Week for men, ones at Month for women. It Ii alto an Elegant Harness Dressing. WOLFFS RANDOLPH, Philadelphia k MA nNELORSH.Af .s$tfMk tiEiTHEh Smut oWash out CANT) )NLV $0LD BYDRUGGISTS A1.8Q ' - PKKnrdSS IlltONZn I'AINTR-a Colors, l'Kf.ltl.KSS I.All.MlitV 1II.U1K0. ' l'K.F.Itl.lXS INK I'UIWIKKS S Kinds 7 Colors. 1-KKItl.OS Klltli: AMI II irtNIXS IlllESSINa. rKIUtl.tSfi UIU Ullis -S Colors. Siicces&rul Treatinoitt of Dlseas) A SC!.iT!FI0 DISCOVERY ! itUCKOIH.S Hit: Clause ul ull UUeiuoa. .nil KUIWI KIIflKR U)t-Hi.1!lrrolir, Suocessful Trealmenf, cures: Catarrh Bronchitis. Consumptfon, Malaria, Rheutnatism. IVon.lerftil Titnlo find 1 1 looi. rurlll.-r. The efficacy of the M.crolw Killor In oum of cad AUinntidii hu bwn so ettnctuftll drmonftfavtod I hat w ara juatitiml in cUtminit (r it cm aUv pontfrs beood thorn tttanu tnttlttim kimivn. U's it. a.,.r nl(m inm t luiraculoun jMttfer inciuiox cfa no far one that cure U Imisovailile, but wo tl rlaim tint It wUFcum an caa wherw iha lung are not moro than liajf koim. lVraona witUpoorapjHtiuv weak and tMtilf tatad will find It the beat uniio Kverr one aUouM Use It, particularly thow iiaia luii-imi hit j-rri W 11(1 inPUfaUIfl IP 114 to nuiUclaut to It about one monlU, Gheap t within tl a.talB.M,Al- tnell ino that will kill thu mmu And t h thA cure (be pat tent U the uue to nu. o-ua nij in one gaiiun stone Jiia. IriCt ft: roach of all cu&rffeof tha office. Kend for circular and iufdrmalloo. wm, Haaams Microne miier, rLVia,Js..K: rhjidclan of 1 yean, ftpnriencal r.othi noi.t wtch, Is tu rpr tm i iiu.'duui latatr, lltkt M WttC-O la tU W Off la. I atrial as umiiMDir. tTcr. i niiiaa. iietvv Bbiui uaid iiuuutisr vcb. ooisi uattv lid (cut' Jia,wlili work.1 at cal ef equal rfl cstltlv riu Mcun oaa tttm. tofratber wkb ear Jant aaa ral uaola Una ef Iloueetiold Bn tuples. ThoMtaiupUa, at aa Ibm, we aaait Vet, and aftav t hare kaot Urn la rear hima for 8 month! and akawa tatea te iheaa who may bar rallad, the baaotua your own proMrtj. Tbosa wbe wnli at oara ran La aiie ef melvtoa; tba Watcta and Ham plea. Vfjy aJI iprM. frlKhl,.a Jtd.lnaa HtlDBuaats Co.. II ux 81U,lkortlaud.MaUta, $1 13 W BEKS. The TOLIOE OAZinTK will l mailed, ccurely wrspivil, to any utlilraai in Ibf IJnl ctl States for three months on rrcefnl ot One Dollar. Literal discount sllnwnl to postma sgouis and clubs Sample cupin mailed Aililn as all orders to KICIUItl) K FOX, VIst H-1,885-1 . ,, , , it
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers