tv:'"' ORISIML CHEAP CASH STORE Competition Beaten! W6 hsivo rtiANNKD, TOILED nml I10UUHT, with a view of doing tlio IiAHGKHT 1' AM. ana WlNTKll 110BINESS In tlio history tur of mer cantile career. We entered the in.n hot detennli'cd' szo tlio coming sciisoii liy n stock which In lis magnitude mid cumilt tenrs!! should mark nn qent In tlio hlstorj of all Openings. Wo have succeeded hevond our expectations. Our stock Is as comi'U'to as It Is imssiblo to mako It, and wo arc serenely confldent thatour enstomers will approyo the careful selections we have made. It no longer necessary to go away from home to (to your thopping I We aro showing an array ot Novelties In the most npproved and newest styles and patterns vflilch nre simply superb and warrants in In led Ing that our display Is without n blemish. Uy purchasing In large quantities from first hands for OAHH wo secure tlio lowest posslblo prices, and by selling tor OAHH wo loose nothing, thus wo are enable to mako such low prices as others will not dare attempt. Do not forget that the pick of bargains cues to (ho early buyer Wliero all 19 good, there Is always some choice, and the cholco goes to those who make pur chases early In the season. So we advise an early Inspection. J. T. KUSBAUM, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 28, 18S9. tOOAL EVENTS OUT UP Joslah Cunfer, of Lehigh street, died on Wednesday eveulng-af tor a short Illness with typhoid foyer. Tlio deceased leaves a wife and several children to mourn tlio loss of a kind and affectionate husband and father', no was a member of Polio Poco IMbo, No 171, Imp. O. II. II., and Gnadcn uettcn Castle, No. 810, K. G. E. Tho funeral will tako place at 2:00 o'clock Sat' urd,ay afternoon from Ills Into residence on Lehigh street. Jnterment at Beck's church, Unboning Valley. An Interesting meeting of the "Glean er" society of the Evangelical Sunday school, was attended by a large audicnco on Saturday evening. Tho programme, as fellows, was delightfully carried out: Solo, Grace PetcrsMalk, Miss Mary Barr; duett, Sarah Ileberllng and Laura Newhart. The question box furnished a half hour's In tellectual entertainment and In conclusion tho doxology was sung. Wo aro Indebted to the genial ox slierlu J. II'. Iiaudcnbush for a sample bottlo of "Prldo of tho South," Lincoln county, Tenn., rvo whiskey, especially recommended for. medicinal use and family purposes generally. The "article" Is rare and Is sold by Jako only, ho being the only agent this side of the Tennessee rlycr. Miss Emma J. H'und, fashionable dress maker, opposite Eeber's drug store, Bank street, announces to the ladles of Lehtghton and surrounding comity thatsbo Is prepared to do dress making In tho very latest style at lowest charges, and asks a share of patronage. All work guaran teed. ScDt. 7-tv A, W. Eaches on Wednesday moyed to Bowmanstown, having jeeently sold his house and lot on Lcbigli' street. Ho Is an old contractor and builder two specimens of his work being the public school build ing and the residence on Northampton Btreet occupied by 'Squlro Tierce Lcntz. The cold weather is almost hero and It will pay you to seo the heaters and ranges at W. S. Kuhus' store beforo pur chasing clscwhcr.o. Prices lower and goods better than elsewhere. . Thcro will bo"a meeting of tho stock holders of tho Lehigliton Water Co. in Gabel's Hall Friday evening, to yoto on the matter of increasing tho company's In debtedness. Expressman Jeff Hretnoy.who tumbled a hogshead of molasses on. his right foot last Thursday is not working this week, al though the injured member Is somewhat Improved. At tho opening 'of Schwartz's mam moth furniture establishment on Saturday evening, Arlon Cornet Band was present and discoursed some of their sweetest selec tions. Orders left at this ofllco for butter, eggs, llyo and dressed chickens and coun try produce generally, wholesalo and re tall, will bo promptly OJled by llr. II, Klotz. ' 43-lw Tho purchasing puh'Ic will tako notice that tho general stoics closing during the weck-at eight o'clock every evening will bo open Saturday evening until, a later hour. "Faith" was llio subject of an ex ceedingly interesting and most excellent discourse by Key. Allen In tho Presbyterian church on Sunday evening. Thomas Kck, of Jamestown, a suburb of this placo, buried an interesting four year old child In the Lchlghton cemetery on Wednesday. Jt It said that tho Ilersh Furnaco Co. have BUfllcleiU orders on hand to keep running continuously up to tho Christmas holidays. Call at Kcmeror & Swartz's on Bank street, and see tho largest stock of furni ture, carpets, etc. You can save money by doing so. o W, E. Smith, of town, Is the agent for a number of Interesting and cheap juvenilo books which parents should see. - Full lino of Ingrain and Brussels car pets at Henry Schwartz, on Bank st. o Don't let tho new depot project drop through. Keep knocking at it. Eagle Cash Store.' Your Attention, Please ! Dou want a pair of Boots, Shoes or Rubbers, a nice suit of Clothes, Dress Goods, a good, warm Blanker, Carptts or Oil Cloths 1 If you do, call and see my Large New Stock and make your selection. My prices on the above lines are lower than elsewhere. A Bargain Lot of Hosiery, Calico and Muslin will be sold away below cost. ROBERT WAIiP. Ojip. U'Uigli Valley Hound Hound House, COUMTV N1CWS. Local .tumbles. Strung Together for Our Headers. The citizens at B'catherly, at a special election voted tho question of Increasing the Borough's indebtedness to the extent of $7,600, said sum lo bo used for I ho pur chase of nn electric light plant, with capacity of thirty-two street arc lights and 1100 incandef cant llgh s. It is claimed tlio Borough 'can furnish tho light cheaper than utber parties, Illuminate Ino streets and still mako a fair profit on the Invest' incut. Dennis Nothsteln, of Normal Squaro, on Jonday -commenced operations with his traction cnglno In tbo Flro Lino (lis trlct. Ho makes a trip through the county every fall tlucshlng, &c, fofarmcrs, He wilt do this work for Griff Long, John Craig and many others this season who find steam power cheaper than hand motion. On tho banks of tho Big Creek In Towamcnslng township ate now camped a band of gypsies who look tho worse for wear and tear; they gather In old clothing, edibles and money by Imposing on the credulity of ociiplo for miles around In their fortune tolling stories that havo not oyen tho semblanco of truth. Tho quarterly meeting of the Welsh Baptist Association opened in tho Summit Hill church on Tuesday, and the sessions continued until Wednesday ovcnlng. .Hlir Istcrs from tho Wyoming Valley and all tuo surrounding uaptist churches were present, The services wcro conducted both in English and Welsh. Ed. Heber, ot Harrlty, Is building an addition to his already largo barn to hold bounteous harvests of this year's yield. A representative of this paper on Monday found tho genial Ed with a number of bairns busy husking rosy ears of corn on his farm In Towanicnsing. On bunday ovening last four tramps broke into a freight car In tho Packcrton Yards, and whon tralu dispatcher Allis, of East Mauch Chunk, attempted to driyo them out of tbo car he was forced into his ofllce at the point of a revolver. W. B. Tweedie and wife, for many years resldcu's of Beayer Meado-v, left last week for Detroit, Mich,, where thoy will make their future homo. Their many trleiuls wish them success In their new home. Many of the sign boards along the county roads aro usoicss on account of tho wording being obliterated. Township supervisors should see that new boards, plainly lettered, are erected according to law. Tho Central Railroad depot at Bow manstown was forcibly entered on Tuesday night by thieves and several valuable ex press packages were stolen No clues to the robbers have yet been discovered. Daniel Straup, ono of Bowmanstown's oldest and most respected Democratic citizens, is about convalescing from a seri ous typhoid fever illness of several months .1 u ration. At AudenrlcJ, Sunday, tho 16th by Key. Father Marron, Michael Rowley and Miss Kate McGarry, were happily united n matrimonv s golden bond. A number of masons aro employed at tho Evans Colliery, Audenried laving a foun datlon for a new breaker which will be built In a short tlmo. Sheriff Levan will sell tho personal property of Samuel nawk, of Kiddertown- hip, at tho next term of court to satisfy a writ of fl fa. List of Loiters. List of letters-remalnlne uncalled tho Lchlghton Post Ofllco for the week ending Sept. 21, 1880. Beers, Krwhi I Kremmerer.Mrs, Lewis minimis, mil, Persons calling for any of tho above letters will say "advertised.'' A. W. ItAunsKiiusir, r.M. The fifteenth annual exhibition of the Carbon County Industrial Society will open hero on Tuesday. The fair houses, stands, Ac, havo been rcmoddeled and Improved and everything possible will be dono to facilitate aud convenience exhibi tors. Don't miss this exhibition; reduced rates on all roads. A grand oyster supper for tho benefit of tho Presbyterian church will be held In tho basement of thatcdlfico on tho even ings of October 3 and 4. fho affair Is In the management of the ladies of tho con gregation which guarantees Its success. Tickets only twenty-five cents; of course you will buy one. A. A. Bltner, of Trelchler's, Pa., was put on the roa'd this week with Dr. O. W. Snyder's popular remedies for horses and all beasts. Tho doctor's medicines are poken of highly and recommended strong ly by persons who have used them In seri ous cases. Bank street! mudl disgracol mud, dis grace, mud) Is there another such a thor oughfare In tho Slate? It Is doubtful. For oyer two weeks tho mad has been six to ten inches deep, and up to the hour wo go to press it Is still a mudding. Jacob Walters, one of our town's old est residents, Is reported as being quite seriously 111, In fact, so much so, that his llfo Is despaired of. Ho Is a member of tho.Teutonla Ferine and a llfo long Demo crat. All members of Gnadcn Hutten Castle No. 310, K. G. E.,are requested to meet In Gabel's Hall this Friday evening at 0:30 o'clock, sharp, to tako action tho death of Brother Josiah Cunter. Fall not. Neighbor H Pcnn Long Is tlio proud father of a bouncing baby boy. Mother and boy aie doing nicely. Tl'ho youngster Is a welcome addition to tho north end. A white metal chain bracelet found ou Dank street Monday morning can be had If tho owner calls at this ofllco, proves property and pays for this notice. A gang of fifteen Hungarians arrived in town ou Tuesday, Increasing the force engaged laying the water mains to oyer fifty hands. When vou come to town next week, we mean some of you folks who havo un settled accounts at thU ofllce, why drop In and pay up. If jou want a clock or watch promptly repaired at a reasonable price go to S. Uagarnan Bank street Lphlghlon. " Om Chicken thieves have been working Charley Tralnci's hen coops for choice specimens of fowls, Everything In tho lino of furniture at Kemcrer & Swartz's. Prices always lowest and goods the best. o Railroaders, you can savo a good day's wages by buying your watches from 1). S, Bock, Lehlghton, o To seo a largo lino of fine Wall Papers and decorations go to I.uckenbach' Mauch Chunk. Curtain Poles at Luckenbach's .Vauch Chunk. 1'crinanrntlr located near Valley I)ewt, for Cabinets and Family (lumps. Old pictures con led and enlarged. augio-eui OUR "STROLLER." Scoots Around Welssiort mid Vicinity and Cntclir n I.lvo Btrlnfc of Lncnl ltnp pmlnffn. Death's Doinob. Reuben Younitkln, of Franklin township, died on Sunday uycnlng from typhoid fever. 'Deceased was born nnd'ralscd In tho neighborhood and was aged about fifty years. Ho leases widow and three grown up children one girl and two boys to mourn his death. Interment took placo In tho Big Creek cemetery on H'cdnesday. Ofi to School. Bernard Voghl, for a year past employed In the Packcrton offices of tho Lehigh Valley company, left this week for Nowark, N. J., wliero ho enters school of stenography and -short hand When ho has conquered tho intricate mjS' tcrles ot these arts he will return. Ouit Schools. Tho public schools of Franklin will open for a six months term on tho first Monday in next month. Many of the buildings havo been repaired during tbo summer and this, along with good teachers, should give us beneficial results, Dii:d. Will Hagenbuch, of Franklin aged about twenty-three, died eaily Wed' ncsday morning after several weeks Illness with typhoid fever. He was a member of IKashlngtpn Camp, 122, P. O. S. of A. who will attend tho funeral In a body. This Tkuck Wagon. Good 11111 Hook and Ladder Co,, recently organized, will order a truck wagon with all modem Im proyements from Trexir & Kreldier's car riago works, Lehlghton. It will likely cost over $300. UK uaheful. A half dozen cases or niore of typhoid fever aro reported In this neighborhood. Bo careful, exercise even possiblo caro to stamp tho disease out bC' foro it becomes epidemic and sweeps our district. Anothkh RouDEny. Oc Monday even ing at an early hour thieves forced an en tranco into Al. Meriz's residence in Frank lin, and carried off $8 or $10 worth of wearing apparel. Tills Is tho second rob bery within a week. Now get your gun. New Tkacheh, A young gentleman named H'crkhelser, from Monroe county, has been appointed to "loach tho young Idea how to' shoot" In the Leuckel school building. East Weissport. Don't Fobqet It. II'o mean tho fair and festival under the auspices of our nook & Ladder Co., commencing on the 5th of November. II. J. Shoemaker, assistant postmaster under J. G. Zern, spent Sunday with Northampton county friends. Foi: Rent. A four-roomed dwelling over Kiich's store Is for rent. Annlv to Rev. A. F. Leopold. 'Squire John Miller spent several days with his daughter in Brooklyn, N. Y., dur ing tho past week. A marrlago for Union Hill is a society event promised for the near future. A l'rotty iVertdltij;. On Satnrday evening at tho homo of the bride's parents on Northampton street, Miss Alice, daughter of Engineer Alfred Sitlcr, was happily married to Francis Hummel, of Heading, by Rev. J. n. Kuder, pastor of tho Lutheran church. Misses Tillio Seifert and Floy Sitler and Jessrs. Luto Irvln and George Tlllls par ticipated In tho capacity of bridesmaids aud groomsmen respectively. The inter esting ceremony was performed In the presenco of a large number of guests from town, Tamaqua, Pottsvllle, Reading and adjacent points. Following tho marriage ceremony tho guests partook of a sumptu ous repast. Jany useful and valuable presents were bestowed on tho young couplo who will take up their residence at Bethlehem with tho best wishes of hosts of friends fora happy future. A Lehlglitonlan Honored, The Springfield, Mass., Daily Union of last Saturday says: Tho reception glyon Superintendent Balllet In the First church parlors last evening by his Sunday school class was largely attended and was a very pleasant affair. It was by no means con fined to tho Fhst church people, but tho school committee and tho teachers of the city were well represented. Superintend ent Balllet had a very pleasant and enjoy able vacation trip and tho heartiness of his welcome homo last evening must hayo been exceedingly gratifying to one who has so lately become a resident of our city. One especially enjoyable experience which Mr. Balllet had whilo abroad was a Sunday at nawarden, England, and bearing Mr. Gladstone read the scryico iuthcpailsh church there. Fair Stands Sold. Tlio fair stands and privileges on the Lchlghtqn fairgrounds wcio sold as fol lows on baturdaj : No. 1 PaulSchwclbenz, Mauch Chunk. No. 2 C. A. Wagner, LoWghton. No. 3 and 4 John Esch, Lchlghton. No. G Alex Seldlo, Pleasant Corner. No. 0 Leopold Meyers, Packcrton. No. 7 Jacob Straussberger, Weissport. No. 8 lien. Drumboro, Lchlghton. No. 9 John Blose, Lchlghton. No. 10 A- W. Beascr, Allentown. Don't I'olnt That Gun. The season Is now at hand when hunters of all ngcs get their guns aud go forth to bag the shy and secluded game. It Is not Importlnent.tberefore, to advise the sports man not to blow down tho muzzle of his gun, not to playfully point an "unloaded" weapon at a friend, and to lake due care that when ho aims at a rnark l bo uot a human being transformed by the leaves and shadows of the woods Into tho semb lance of a deer. Eternal vigilance is the ptlco of safety nn tho part of gunners. A Lvhlchlcinliiu Fishing, Ocean. Citv, Md., Sept. 23. Spccia.1 to. the Auvocate. W. E. Ash, of your town, was fishing in the ocean here to-day and caught a nine pound shark. A f ter the fish had Its throat cut It made a jump for Ash who was try ing to detach his hook from the mouth of the shark. Its teeth grazed hls'tbumb,bttt an inch mora It would hayo lost him his hanij, A Oood Show Coming. Rcxford's Brother's New Sensation and specialty company will show in the Opera IIouso on the 2nd and 3rd. Tho company will Introduce Fiank and George Itexford, Hany Zellers, the funny Clifton Bros., aud the prettiest comic singer on tho American stago, Miss Mabel McCaun. Admission 10 and 20 cents. Following tho evening's entertainment there will bo a grand free ehlxbltlou, full uml Winter 6tvle. Miss Eliza Fath, on lower Bank street, has been to tho city and purchased an ele gant new Hue of fall and winter millinery which th? 1 now displaying. Ladles should seo her stock befoio puicLaslng elsewhere pp-Ehjlit pases lo'day. MAIIONINO MtTTKlt. A Lively Jlnloh of Ititcreitliie Locals from Our lU'tfulnr Correspondent. As previously announced tho Now Mahoning Cornet Band will hold Its annu al picnic ou tlio aftet noon and evening of next Saturday, September 28th In Hoppes1 Urove. A gamo of base ball will be playci in tho afternoon. The Band is famous for getting up good picnics, and tho one bo held on Saturday will be no exception to tho rulo. 1 f you want a day of unalloyed pleasure you will bo on hand. Refresh ments of every kind aro to bo had on the grounds. Our public schools will open for a six mouths' term on the 14lh of October. We hopo ttat the farmcis will sco that all their work which tbo school children hayo to do, will bo dono by that tlmo so that tho children can attend school on tho first day and attend regularly. The term Is short and parents cannot afford to keep their children at homo. Let the boys and girls hayo the benefit of tho full term. Get that big pumpkin ready for the Carbon County Fair next week. On other years, tho exhibits from tho Valley wcro among tho host at tho fair and drew a good shard of tho premiums, still the mim her of exhibits could bo greater If more peoplo look an Interest In he matter, which they should. Let the exhibits be greater and more varied this year than over beforo. Rev, A. Bartholomew has five congro' gallons under his charge and tho field Is too large for him to do his work as he would llko to. He has therefore, called a meeting of tho trustees and deacons of the churches of his charge to decide whether another minister Is to bo appointed to help him, or whether tho churches aro to be divided Into two districts. A very successful picnic under tho auspices of several Camps of the P. O. S. of A., was held on Saturday at Jfantz's Hotel, in WestPenn. Tho exercises con slsted of singing and speeches and were very interesting. Tho New ifahonlng, Ringgold, Summit Hill and Lciby bands wcro present and made things lively, Obert Hofford havo sold their saw mill machinery, with which, for the past two or three years, they have converted their largo timber tract at Pleasant Corner Into lumber, to a firm which will remove it to Virginia. John Yost has been en caged by the now flrm-and will, in tho near future, move co Virginia. E. O. Nothsteln left on Friday for Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, n which Institution he is a member of the junior class. On the same day Col. A. G, Mussclnian left to enter Palatlnato Col ego, Myerstown. Lewis Zimmerman is doing a flourish ing business selling carriages and wagons, Thus far this season he has sold ono hun dred and fifteen; a record which, foi a community llko ours, Is hard to beat. Last week while Dennis Nothsteln was passing with his cnglneoyer the bridge which spans the mill race at Hoppes' mill, tho bridge gaye way and nearly threw tho machine Into the dam. Oak Groyo Council, Jr. O. U. A. M, which was but recently organized at Pleasant Corncr,already has a membership of twenty-four and will rccelye more mem bers befoio long. The Mahoning school board will hold Its regular monthly meeting on Saturday In the Pleasant Corner school house. Tho old school house and lot at that placo will bo offered for sale; Tho picnic of Zimmerman's Sunday school which was to have been held on the 14th Inst., but which could not be held on account of tlio rain, will now bo held on Oct. 12. Daniel Chrlstmah, of Bloomlngdale, dicd.of apoplexy on Sunday night. Inter ment took place Thursday morning at St. Peter's church. The Advocate takes tho lead here; Its circulation In the valley Is at least five times as large as that of all the other pa pers together. Amandus Ucnnlnger and wife, of Al lentown, and Mrs. John Gemmel, of Cat asauqua, were guests of Dr. P. D, Keiser last week. Owing to tho continual Increase of business Mahlon Nothsteln, our popular blacksmith, will shortly ereet a new and larger shop. Miss Louise Fessler, of Lansford, teacher of the New Mahoning school for tho ensuing term, spent last Sunday in the yallov. On Tuesday evening, Oct. 8th. the Lutheran Pastoral Association will hold a meeting In the Brick church, East Penn. 1 rank Stanley and wife, of Franklin, a., were visiting relatives and friends In the' valley during tho week. 7-John Hess will shortly movo with his family to Cherry ville, where ho has pur chased a houso and lot. Thomas Musselman and family and Daniel Kressley and wife were visiting at Scranton last week. Quite a number of persons from the valley attended the Allentown fair this week. Our wheelwright, Albert Haldeman, has just finished a neat two seated car riage. Ira Olivef and wife, of Weatherly, were visiting Reubon Relnsmlth last week. Our farmers are busily engaged In cut ting corn, digging potatoes, etc Mrs. Kate A. Nothsteln spent several days at JLfahanoy City last week. Jfiss Kate J. Arner was on a business irip to Allentown on Monday. II. B. Arner has Just finished painting irilsou Remaley's bouse. The fall term of the Normal Institute closed on Friday. Jfahlon Nothsteln plckod a pwr from one of his trees that measured twelye Inches In circumference and weighed twelve ounces. Dash. Towiimeinliig Item. Mrs. Ida C. Frederick Is sojourning with friends at Fire Line. Sowing has been delayed considerably owing to the long continued rain. The school houso In course of con- truptlon at Fire Line appears to bo a neat and commodious one. Jacob Stroup, of Franklin township. Is erecting a dwelling which when com pleted will be one of the finest In this sec tlon. Joseph Bowman Is collecting the sub scriptions subscribed by tho members of St. John's congregation somo tlmo a for the purchase of an organ; the organ will shortly bn completed aud bo put up for trial. Fred Hcitzog was prospecting for ruin- eral on his farm last week. Cox. 1 t takes money to run a printing estab lishment like the Garuox Advocate, and as we have dollars scattered here and there throughout the county for subscription aud Job work, we want persons so owing to I'AV VP, 'ihe work was honestly executed and we want tho cash for It. CARBON'S CAPITAL. Interfiling I.ocil lirevltles From the F tnoua "Switzerland" by our lU-Riilur Corroipondent. iiEWAHDop GitKATNKss. As General Lilly, of Mauch Chunk, walked down Chestnut street yesterday, bo Illustrated his Rttlro the contempt for stylish clothing wnicn only rich men can afford to display, His grayish coat was flung wldo open and napped in tho winds llko a torn sail In storm, uvor his arm was a rubber coat, on one cud of which ho kept stepping with a inumiy snoo until It was Imrjosslblo to ten wmch was rubber and which mud, nis headgear, an old brown straw hat. on mica uy servlco to high place ou the re tired list, was pushed back on his head exposing his kindly face, then illuminated with . smilo. Scores turned to look at his odd mako up, not ono in twenty of whom had tho remotest Idea of his Identity. Such is ionic l'hiia. Inquirer, Sept. 10. badly iNJuiiED. Harry Schab, of iasi iuaucii Uhunk, a lineman emc-loved by tho telegraph department of tho Lchleh vauey nallroad, was badly hurt at Park Place, on tho Mahanoy Division, on Satur day. Ho w as seated on tho crossbeam of a polo, about thirty fect from tho ground when tho polo broko and ho fell, striking on ins back and badly Injuring his spine, lie was taken to St. Luke's Hosnltal on tho 4 o'clock train on Saturday. at allentown. Tbo County Com mlssloncrs, their clerk and solicitor wero In attendance at the State Convention of County Commissioners In session at Allen town this week. During their absence the ofllco was In chargo of Quint Arner. a Franklin township school tcaoher, who played sad havoo with the hearts of tho pretty excursionists who wcro fortunate enoueh to catch his beaming smilo as thov passed tho county building. New Telkohaph Line. A now telo- graph lino Is being erected by the Lehigh Valley Railroad from Easton to this city. The present lines aro Insufficient for the work required of them. Tho wlro and batteries for tbo now lino have been dis tributed along tho different stations, and work on It villi bo pushed with all possiblo haste. Wohk oi the Silent Reapek. On Friday night at "tho residence of Georso Twining, in East .Mauch Chunk, George Slater died at the rlpo old ago of eighty four years, of feebleness and general debili ty consequent to extreme old age. Ho was burled ou Monday at tho old Hamilton church, Saylorsburg, Monroo county. Change op Landlokus. Messrs. J Kelscr & Sou will take possession of tho Mansion IIouso next week; tho final trans. fer was made on Monday evening, when J. Welbert disposed of his entlro stock to tho now firm, who will make things boom at the now stand. Play Ball. Chicago's champion fc male baso ball club will play ball on the now grounds at Glen Onoko on Thursday next. Some Carbon county club will bo their opponents. It promises to bo an in teresllng as well. as exciting game. Entkih-ihse. Already over four bun' dred electric lights havo been subscribed for by less than fifty Mauch Chunk mer chants. This is progresslyeness with a big P. Excursion. On October Gtn Josiah Connelly, the blind and one-armed solSler, will run his popular fifty cent excursion oyer tho famous Switchback railroad, Jailed. Two Hungarians, with names of thu unpronounceable kind, wero jailed on Jfonday by 'Squire Beckhardt, of East Mauch Chunk, for non-payment of debt. Released. Benedict Blechard and Hemy 'Jfangold, both of East Jlfauch Chunk, spent several hours In Levan's dungeon for assault and battery. Coukt. Argument court convenes .on .Monday, October 7, at which tlmo tlio assessment casfcs, of which fact you recent ly published, will bo heard. l'arryvllle Clips. John Fraeble, of JKeatherly, spent bunday hero with his Intended. Miss Jennio Clapp, an estimable young lady of Kingston, Is visiting .Mrs. C. L. Miller. Dr. W. F. Christ contemplates making number of Improvements on his residoncc In tho near future. The grand union Sunday school picnic as postponed on account of tho weather. It will bo held in Peters' grove this Satur day providing the weather permits. Services in tho M. E. Church on Sun day morning by Itev. O. O. Burt. Rev. T. Jlubor will preach to the Reform ed congregation In tho morning of tho same day. Rev. B. F. Powell, of Quakerton. formerly the esteemed pastor of tho M. church at this place, was visiting old friends In this neighborhood for a woek oast. He left for homo Wednesday. uuring me paBt week a number of boiler makers and brlck-laycrs were put to work on No. furnaco which Is to bo nut In blast sometlmo during next month or as soon as needed repairs are completed. uur popular Dlldlno Snyder Is at tho Stroudsburg tali- this week with his trotting norscs "iiarry" and "Ike" and we expect him to bring back from that. countv of Democratic majorities a fair share of race boodle. Oifiv-r About Supervisors. Under tho existing law tho road suDer- yisors in the seyeral townships of this Commonwealth are allowed, in the settle ment of their accounts, tho sum ofnn doflar and fifty cents for each day they are neoessarltly employed in the duties of their ofllco. Tho law does not apply in cases where counties or townships have special or local laws fixing the compensation of tho public servants. This small pay may account In part for the bad condition of tho public roads.' County 1'olltlcHl Notes. That "bolt" from tho County Convention on Monday was an unwise proceeding. It smacks too much of a rulo or ruin policy, and many good Republicans will refuse to follow or countenance It. Gazette, (rep). me aiepuoucan convention makes Trlco and Fisher sure winners. It Is gratifying to know that In tlmt ,i, county will secure two first-class officials. Lansfoid Iieeord. Brought Homo a Wife. George Smoyer, son of Francis Tl. Suioyer, of Emaus, who somo time ao found work at Lehlghton. returned home twain having been spliced In tho last ?f0n V"! afte" of the day stated. o-congratulate the vounirnnnii nTi. S, hS5u an.d hopo that tneIr fl"re may bo a bounteous source ofw. pieasuie, Democrat, Allentown. Ufe'a Mistakes. Caption0 eu"Ll',.r. OWL ?. THOMAS' Drug Store, ""' ' I'lSOl'LU WHO COMI5 AN1 GO. I'crsonnl flol nbout Tcoiilo who V mid co n VIMtlntc. A prominent visitor In town ouTnnsiinv m jioii. Alien rraiK, or Mauch Chunk, lie was born In f.ehfgli (lap In 1835 and graduated from Jjuayetio uoiiege, Kaslor, 1863. rto was DIs met Attorney ol Oarbon county from isco to l8C2i represented Carbon and Monroo In thn Houso of Ucprcscntatlvcs from 1R08 to 1808 and In 1S78 was elected to thoStato Bcnato torn four year torm. Ho Is now a lively aspirant for congressional honors In this dlstilct. He Is a siamicii Democrat, an ablo aneakHr. ami lawyer who has few equals In tho LchlKh Vnllev. A young bridal couplo noticed on Hank street Sunday was Thomas Craig and wife, of Lehlsh (lap. Mrs. Oralg Is tho youngest daughter ot Dr. J. C. Krcaincr. u well-known Democratic politician who has tilled a number of county ouiccs, miiio ino groom's rattier Is Hon. Jo in Oralg, soldier, Democrat mid successful mer chant. Whllo In town tho young couple wcro guesU or Miss Mlnulo Peters on south tank street. -An AiivocATB man closed dlirlts wltl Dennis Nothsteln, of Normal Htiuaro. on Satur. nay, one or tlio busiest men In tbo county. Ho is me owner ot two largo portable engine and Keeps steam up all tho tlmo to nil orders. Dr. Delcamp, of Iiankwav. was called to Danvlllo on business of a professional character last Friday. The doctor Is tho proprietor of the uoicamp s slate quarry In Franklin. Idlo fora few years, now. Ho Is short and stout and llko an such men, a congenial companion. M-slierllT. J. W. Itaudcnbusti and Aaron Krum. of town, wero out In tliecountrvon Tnes. day negotiating for tho uurchaso of ft lino nalr ol grays ior mo latter gentleman's use. I. S. Koch, the Hank street clear mnmifne. lurer, was doing business In Wllkesbarro this week. Mr. Koch Is ono of Lchlghton's Dresner- uui mm enterprising business men. Miss Salllo Itsiudcnbusb.ol Bank street, will. sometime during October, leave on an excursion from Philadelphia to Washlncton. I). (' . VI r. glnlaaud other points. J. J. Woodrlng, of IScthtehem. renresentliii tho It. (1. Uinso Nursery Company, of (Icncva, N. Y., Is registered at tho Mansion IIouso. Miss Jennie Meyers, a nonular and snopess- fnl school teacher at Selgfrlcd's llrldge, was visiting her parents at rackettoii this week. Mrs. I. S. Koch, ol Milch street, is enlov- Ing a two weeks visit to relatives and friends at Lebanon, llarrlsburc and Gettysburg. -lioug Aicmicam was to Philadelphia, lids week buying hi nn Immense' stock ot new and seasonable goods. Mrs. M. 11. Hunslcker. of Mahoulnir street. Is enjoying a pleasant vlsitlo Scranton relatives and friends. O. A. Harding and wife.of Iron street. spent ist Sunday very pleasantly with down the 'alley friends. Lewis Klnscl. of Philadelphia, spent Hundav with relatives aud friends in this place and I-ackerton. Miss Ida Young, of Silgfreld's is back at tho popular New York Millinery store on'llauk street. Tobacconist John Kutz and wife, of Bank street, aro sojourning with Allentown people Miss Jennio Best, of Bank street, snent Sun day with her parents at Walmitport. I). II. Long, wife and daughter, spent Sun- ay with llazletou friends. Our popular baker J. B. Seldel was a visitor at Allentown over Sunday. 1'nlr Attractions. Among tho sporting attractions at tho fair will bo the grand horso. racing. Ono or two new classes have been opened and tho prizes raised. Up to dale a number of good horses hayo been entered and tho event looks promising. Tho programme of races Is appended for reforenco: Wednesday. 1.80 n. m.. Nn. l.fnr 51 ntlrsn ji ?, upon la an ironing norscs in uar- . ... . . . . 1 . 1 ' ' uon county, owneu tnreo months nrlor to tho day of trial, and that hayo never gone for money other than premiums offered for vyaruon county only. Wednesday, 2.30 p. m., No. 2, for apurse f $50; onen to all trottlnsr rnlta. nor. nwr four years old. and similar nrnvllnni Thursday. 1.30 d. m.. No. 3. for a of S1C0, open to all trotting horses In Car bon and adjoining counties, with no better record thai) 2.40. ihursdav. 2.00 n. m.. No. 4. for a nurcn oi iuu, open io an running 'horses In Car bon and adjoining counties. Friday. 1.30 n. m.. No. C. for a norm nf $300, open to all trotting horses. No. 0, for a purso of $C0, open to all pacing horses In Carbon county, owned three months prior to day of trial. No. 7, for a purso ot fciuu, open to all pacing horses in aroon anu aaioining comtlcs. The lmportanco of purifying the blood can not bo overestimated, for without puro blood you cannot enjoy good health. At tuls season nearly every ono needs a good medicine to purify, vltallzo, and curlch the blood, and we ask you to try no&d's Paf I ill a f Sarsaparilla. It strengthens rebuild! bunas up tho system. creates an appetite, and tones tho digestion, wmlo it eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used give to Hood's Sarsaparllla pecul-- leolf lar curative powers. No 1 156IT other medicine has such a record ot wonderful cures. It you havo made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparllla do not bo Induced to, take any other instead. It Is a Peculiar Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is sold by all drucclsts. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. lOODosos Ono Dollar cAtteBtion! At REBER'S DItUO STOltK. Hy the Rlnele bottle, by 1-4 ami 1-3 doz. quantities, mul In jobbers lots lit Jobber trices. Hood's Harsaparllla cuu always be IU1V20 ONLY FUN ! I daro say II, is to sliavo with a good, sharp ICazor. ltazors and Pocket Knives guaranteed or no sale. Full lino of Straps, fsoap, Hay Hum, I'eckct Cutlery, If you do not belleyo it, try It and be convinced. THOMAS' Golden Molar Pharmacy, Bank Stkikt, Lkjiiuiiton, Pesna Prescriptions a Specialty. Rexford Brothers' New Sensation! All-Star Specialty Company, IN THE Opeua TIouse, LEHiGirroN, Pa., Wednesday and Thursday, OCTOBER 2nd and 3rd. 1880. Admission, 10 and 20 cents. ItUSKRVKU fcisATS, BC. EXTUA. Tickets aro on sale at E. O. Zem's. A (Irund Free Ouuido Exhibition In the oteulue bcturo the regular prtoruiauce. compound mmjf III ELEGANT IS EW Our Stock is Immense. Positively Twice as Large as it was Last year. , We have just laid in our big stock of Dry Goods. Owing to the lnrge trnde we enjoyed during last year, we wore compelled to double our stocZ; in'Dry Goods this year. We have purchased' an immense stock. TJpttor fstvlnn t.finn last year, with the advantage oflower prices. We give only the very lowest price's, so that competition can not undersell us in any line of goods. Our prices being always cash invariablv miarnntcfis von th very lowest prices and the best ino store in uic county can undersell us. TFe are ready for competition : we are Inch mica killers : w are big profit killers. Our main object is to sill profit ; we find that big sales and age. It makes business brisk the purchasing public. All WC ask of you is that and elegant stock. In prices, lositive-ly please you. Adam Melirkam and Son, Below the P. O., Schwartz's Furniture Room NEW BUILDING, SOUTH BANKSTREET, Bed Room Suites, Parlor Suites, Chairs and Tables, Book-cases, Louges, Bedsteads. Mirrors, Cradles, Carpets in great as sortment, etc. Persons who are Interested in the Managenent of Will find it to their interest to have the undersigned furniih them with the choicest 11E! CMMJJLM JLWJfr JFJWJE We take great pride in our manufacture of Ico Cream, of any flavor desired, and do not hetitate to pronounce it the rery best to be had in this section. Our wholesale prices, whea we supply picnics or parties, are always very low, and the quality, we again repeat, is the Best. Soliciting a call when in need ot anything in our line, we are, Respectfullj-, Nusbaum & Cultpn. GABEL'S BLOCK, BANK STREET, Lehighton. Try Our Popular Drink -MILK SHAKE. PLAIN AND FANCY 111 New presses, new type and excellent facilities enable us to do all kinds of Job Work, in the ow prices, iuau oraers receive "CIRDI ABTflCiTl" JOB BOOMS, Bank Street, FALL EXPOSITION -Of- -AT- REX & BROS, Prices L owest ! The colorings in this line of different weaves, includes all the new shades and effects at prices that make them excellent values. We have many special things in Dress Goods, and all departments, that, if you exam ine, will be profitable to you. Robe Dkess Patterns a Specialty. We are headquarters for Black Goods, because we keep tho largest and best line at pop ular pi ices. O. A. Rex & Bro. MAUCH CHUNK, PA. DRESS GOODS. quality of goods. a larcre amount of rmodsAt nfsmnll small profits are to our advant and wins us lots of friends among VOU call and instinct nnr Inrirn. nnw in excellence and in styles we can Very "Respectfully, South Bank Street. Tho Fall rtnd Winter sea son is opened here with one of the largest assortments ot Fur niture ever shown outside of the larger towns and cities and at prices that will surprise you for lowness, and at the fame time knock competition in the shade. We ask you to call because rre are positive that in price, quality and our style of goods we can more than please you. Carpets are also a line of goods we carry in stock at low prices. IPc also pay particular attention to Un dertaking and Embalming. HENRY SCHWARTZ, TIES, best style, and at extarordinary immediate attention. Lehighton, Pa. BON MABCHL Quality the Best ! Broad Cloths, Flannels, Tricots, Ladles Oassimeres, Serges, Henriettas, Cashmeres, Stripo FUnnoIs, Stripe Dress Goods, Plaid Dress Goods, Flushes, Yclvets, Trimming Silk, Braids and Trimmings Hosiery & Underwear.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers