ill ntaie The Carbon Advocate, An tftnarHJifiRXT Paiiilv Nltwss-AraR Pub lished every flnUndny In lehighton, Onrbon County, lvnnsjlvanla, by tiarrv V. Morthtmor. Jx - -HANK OTUUET. $1 00 Por Yoar in Advanoo I Rest advertising medium In the county. Ry ory description of Plain and Fancy JOa PRINTING- t sery low prices. We do not hesitate to say Hint we are better equpecl than any other printing establishment In this section to do flrst-rlass Job-work,, In all Its branches, at low prices. lug has been adopted by tho'CxnuoH Advocate. Cliarter Kotlccs - - - 4 00 Auditor's Notices - - - - 4 Oo Commissioner's Notices - 4 00 Dlvorco Notices - - - - 4 00 . Administrator's Notices - - 3 00 Executor's Notice - 3 00 Other legal advertising will ho charged for $1.00 a Year in Advance. INDEPENDENT--" Live and Let Live." $1.28 when not paid in Advance. iy the square. n. V. Morthlmer, Jr., Publisher. VOL, XVI., No 30, Loliighton, Carbon County, Penna., Jttnp 9 1888. Singlo Copies 5 Cents. Advertising Rates For Legal Notioos. The following prices for legal advor.tS' IL U fC P 0 tf Xiohighton Business Directory, rAT. HfiUWAltTZ. Itanlt Rt.. Ilin obtest furnl V turo house In town. Every aoscrlptlou of mrnuure always on nann. rnees very inw. TTT A. l'KTKIW. Haloon and ltcstaurant. Bank .Vf Btreet, l'resli tager always ou tap. Oys lu season. Drop In and sec us. novi2-ly W 1 ft ll1?TUTTQtr flt. i,,lAU.nla . dealer In choice uriimls ot whiskies, Bin, Brandies, wines, sc. cry- raironngu souciiea ITtSnANO'H SHAVING 8AIX)ON, opposite the J Advooatk Ofpick, Is headauarteis for tnaving anu nair cutting, uigars fit louacco som, flO TO FRS. nODKUKK, under the Exchange t Hotel, Hank street, for a smooth shavo, or a fashionable lialr cut. t3T uioseu h aunuay s. Jioeaers iiair ionic, euros uanurun. T J. KUTZ, Bank street, manufacturer 6f U . choice brands of cigars and dealer In all kinds of tobaccos and smoker's novelties. Call. OETER HEIM, Bank street, dealer In ladles, Jr cents, misses nndcblldren'sboots.hoesand lllpoers. ltepalrtng promptly attended to, Call. TAMES WALP. Dank street, steam heaters, Ins and U stoves, all kinds nl tinware, llooflni fi pouting a specialty. Your patronage solicited. IS. KOCH, Bank street, manufacturer of . cholco brands ot Havana cigars. All kinds ot smoker's supplies constantly on Hand. can. Pi". UL.AKIV, lager ueer imu mm rcumuum, . odp. square. Bank street. Choice wines and liquors and cigars. Fresh lager always on tap. J 8. WKBB, saloon and restaurant. Bank . street, headquarters for fresh lager beer and other drinks. Choice eatables always on hand. B. QILTIAM, attorney at law and notary , public, Hank street May bo consulted in Elian and Herman. Estate & collecting agency. fl B, MHO ADS, Ag't,, Bank street, dealer In V. dry goods, notions, glassware, queensware. end groceries. tVShare of patronvge sollcted, A RELIABLE J EWE LK 11: D. H. BOCK, JaifiSM OPP. fUBLlO BQUAKE. THE OAItBON ADVOCATE OFFICE, Bank Btreet, plain and fancy job printing a sped ly. Advooatk one dollar per year In advance. THE LEHIGH WAGON CO., Limited, factory on Bank street, manufacturers of butcher. tiaker, milk, truck and express wagons JSt raOCIIESTER BOTTLING HOUSE, Thos. J aLb iiecK, name street ringer ale, &c. Vour Jtb Beck, Bank street, lager beer, ale. porter. uruers are buiii.-iicu.jc4 h O.M. STBAUS8, Mahoning street, milk and cream delivered evcrv in 1 kinds of vegetables In season. Low -n Tit nniiHii's VT DRUG STOKE, SOOTH BANK STREET. 2SXC1IANGK HOTEL, Bank street, Thomas J llantz, proprietor. Coach to and from de pot. Rates reasonable for regular & translel trade EEUBEN FKN3TERMACHER, Lehigh street, dealer In dry goods, notions, provisions, groceries, queensware, &c. Patronage solicited. WTR8. DbTSCUIRSOHSKV, Lehigh street, Is jyi headquarters for dry goods, notions, pro visions, groceries, 4ic. Ery-ratronngo solicited. 1ET TnE IlEST-OAKLEY'S TERFUME AT THOMAS' DRUG STORE, BANK STREET. The Seoret Sooioties. K. G. E., meet Monday evening ot each week In (label's Hall Eegle's cordially Invited. JOHN D. BERTOLETTE POST. No. 484, G. A. It., second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month, In Rcber's Hall. Comrades Invited. JOHN I.ENTZ CAMP. No. D5, S. of V., V K.ra. Dlv., U, ij.m uiCUli ion auu wiu -uuia- Keber's Hall.F.D.MiUei.cap S., meet 1st anu ani inurs- uay oi eacn montn T O. G. T., meet Friday night of each week In 1. Reber's Hall. Bank street, at 7 -M o'clock. All Eemplars Invited. W. II. KERN C. T. Our Churches. AffETnODIST EPISCOPAL. South Bauk street, IYL Sunday cervices at to n. m., and 7.30 n. m., Sunday School 2 p. m. Wit. M ajoii. Pastor. mRINlTY LUTHERAN, Iron street, Sunday 1 services, 10 a. m., (German), 7.30 p. m., (Eng lTili), Sunday school 2 p.m. J. II. KuuKit.Pastor. TJEFORMED, Lehigh street, Sunday services Xt at 10 a.m., (German), 7.30 p. m., (English), Sunday school 2 p. m. EVANGELICAL, South street, Sunday service:! at 10 a. in., (Herman), 7.30p. ra., (English), Hunday school 2 p. m. A. D. m-mic, i asuur. CATHOLIC, corner Northampton and Coal streets, services every Sunday morning and evening. Rev. Hammacke Pastor. nr II. C, A., meet every Tuesday evening, X . tSty-Voti are cordially Invited. Presbyterian church. Northampton street. FRANK P. DIE3HL, NORTH STREET,- , Practical Blacksroltbifc Ilorseshoer Is Drenared to do all work In his line ln the best manner and'at the lowest prices, Please call. nov20-6-ly. PACKERTON HOTEL, Midway between Mauch Chunk & I.ehlgliton, LEOPOLD MEYER, PROP'R, PAOKERTON, - - Pknna. This well-known Hotel Is admirably refitted, and has the best accommodations for permanent and Transient boarders. Excellent Tables and the very best Liquors. Stables attached. sepl6-yl MANSION HOUSE Opposite L. fc S. Depot, BANK STREET, - - LEIIIGHTON, 0, H, HOM, PROPRIETOR. This house offers first-class accommodations for transient and permanent boarders. It has been newly rcflttedlu all Its departments, and Is locat ed In one of the most picturesque portions of the borough. Terms moderate, tsr The BAR Is supplied With the choicest Wines, Liquors and rlgars. t resn i.agrr on iso. npru-yi T. J. BRETNEY Uemitfnllv nnnnunces to the Merchants of Le hlghton and others that he Is now prepared to 30 an xinus ot Hauling or Freight, Express Matter and Baggage very reasonable prices. By promndonrlraep all orders ne hopes to merit a snareoi puui ic atronage. uesmence: corner oi ruie anu iron i&rtet. Lehlchton. itOrders left at Sweeny & Son's Sorner Store 11 reeelde prompt attention' ar.I2.8 T, "f BRETNEY. fl D. J. KISTLER Respectfully announces to the public that he has opened a NEW LIVERY STABLE, and that ho Is uow uretHtrai iu turuisu iimius iur ruutnus, Weddings or Busluoss Trips on the shortest no- liee ana. roost unerai tenns. wruers leu at me "Uarunt.iiouse" win receive prompt attention. BTABLK3 ON NORTH BTREET, next the Hotel, tohlghton. tann-vl &. JL.Wi XWI Vfl 9 w ansKTf) Contractor and Builder. (Kext door to lleuben, Fenstermaclier's) LEfllQH STREET, LEHIOHTON. Plans and specifications, and probable cost ot, buildings, furnlitied upon application. AU work guaranteed, Repairing promptly attended to andm&Mrlalf arslsbd when deslred.J-lHy I m hi Professional & Business Cards. Horaoo Hoydt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, 0rriCKi--Tio Room recently occupied by W. M. Rapshcr. iJANIC STREET, - - LEI1 IGHT0N. PA. May be consulted In English and German. July 4-ly W. M. Rapsher, ATTORNEY ANn COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND DISTRICT ATTORNEY, First door above the Mansion House, MAUCII CHUNK, .... PENN'A. Real Estate and Collection Agency. Will Buy ind Sell Real Estate. Conveyancing ncally done. Collections promptly made. Settling Estates of uecjilems a specialty, may ne consuueu in English and German. nnv. is-yl OI V. Kleintop, Instructor in Music, liolililus' American Classical Methods a special ty. Terms moderate, aug U-lf W. G. M. Seiple, PHYSICIAN AND 8URQE0N. SOUTH 8TREET. - - LEIIIGHTON. May be consulted In English and German. special attention given to Gynecology. Okfick Itouns! From 12 M. to 2 r. M., nud irom u to d i'. si, mar. si-yi A. S. Rabenold, D. D, S. Bram'ii Okficb : Over J. W. Itaudenliiwli' Liquor Store, BANK STREET, LEUIQHTON. Dentistry In all Its branches. Teeth Extracted without I'atn. (Ins administered when requested. Onico Days WEDNESDAY of each week. P. O. address, ALLENTOWN, Jan 3-yl Lehigh county. Pa. F. I. SMITH, D. D. S., OITICK; Opposite Wlcnnd's Opera House Bank Street, iehigliton, Pa. DENTIStRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Filling and making artificial dentures a spelat- iy. j.ocai anesiueiics useu. Gas administered and Teeth Fxtractcd WITH OUT PAIN. OFFICE HOURS: From 8 a. m., to 12 in., from l p. in., to o p. m., lrom 7 p. in., to 8 p. in. Consultations In English or German. 0ctlM7-ly EYE AND EAR. Dr. G-. T. POX Visits Allentown regularly on THURSDAY of each week. Practice limited to Diseases of the Eye and Ear. Office at Hayden's American Hotel, and Ofllce Hours irom u a. ai. to aou r. ii. Also nuenus to Refraction ot the Eye for the proper adjustment f Glasses, and far tho Relief and Curo of Opti cal Delects. May also ue consulted at uisonice in hath, Wedncsdav and Saturday of each week, at BAN GOR on Monday, and at EASTON on Tuesday of each week. Jan 2-vl Horse Doctor, (Honorary Graduate of Ontario Vet. College.) Office: Mansion House, Bank St. LehigMon CASTRATION, DENTISTRY, Deases of Horse and Cattle, SUCCESSEULI.Y TREATED. Special and Particular Attention paid to LAMENESS SPAVINS, Splints, lungbone, And all diseases prevalent among Domesticated ITorse and Cattle Powders Prepared Suit able for each Case. Consultation Free Charges Mo'derate. Calls by telegraph and telephone promptly at tenuea to uperiuions sKiiuuity j-itiotiuou Jan 21, 188 Henry Nolf, AT Til E CARBON HOUSE IS NOW Running an Accommoflanon 'Bus, BETWEEN THE Hotels and L. V. Depot. Parties called for at their Homes by leaving or- uors at any in me uoteis. April 2, 1887 Stoves, Tinware, Heaters and Ranges, In Great Variety at Samuel Graveii's Popular Store, Rank Street. Roofing and Spouting a special ty. Stove repairs fui nished on slort notice. Prices Reasonable. ! ! PURITENE PRIZES ! Competition Open to All on the follow lug conditions : To Interest the Aired and also the young during the leisure hours, day or evening, we offer the following prlies for the "HUNT FOR WORDS." For the largest list of worus irnuieu uy household word the letters cninimslug the PURITENE we will give Ten Dollars; for the next largest Seven Dollars ; for the next largest list Fit e Dol lars, and for the next three largest lists One Case of Purltene each. All lists miwl reach me before December 1Mb, 1888 and must be accompanied with ten trade marl's, cut from packages of Purl tene. No word to bo admitted Wilch coutilus less than four letterVs but use no other letters iimu inose composing lire wwru mmmwm Ask your merchants for the powder, it sells at Ten Cents a pound, and Is superior to Soaplneor Ivorlne, or any other soap powder made. Ulve It a trial. Insist upon vour merchant getting It and take no-other. A. P. SNYDER, Ueneral Shipping Agent for Pennsylvania, LEIUQHTOvN, ARBeX CO.. PA. Mssiit Business Directory. J. O. ZERN, M. 1)., W. L, KUrZ, M. "QMS. ZEUN & KUTZ, Physioifins & Surgeons. i). OFFICH at the residence of I)r. 7.crn, Wl.lte ntreet, veissport. All culls or surgical or medical treatment will receive proniptnttcniion. niayH--ti -pitANKLIN HOUSI!, EAST WEISSPORT, PENN'A. This house offers first-class Accommodation to the iiermancnl boarder and transient guest. Panic prices, only One Dollar per day. augMy John Rkiiuiii, Proprietor. JBATS, THE JEtVKLER. All Kinds of Jewelry ! School Boots anil Stationery. angsut7,80-ly. The - Weissport - Bakery, C. W. LAURY. PROPRIETOR. Delivers Fresh Bread and Cakes in Weissport, i.enigmon anu iciiuims every uav. In the store 1 have a Fine Line of Confectionery for the Holldav Trade. Sunday schools nnd fes tivals supplied at lowest prices. dec.T-Cm. THE Weissport, Carlson Ccunty, Penna., Henry Ohristman, Proprietor, The public Is respectfully Informed that this well-know house has been refitted and Imnroved ton first rate, and able to furnish the very best accommodations otnii Kinds A Liyery Stable in connection with the hotel, with ample means to accommodate wedding parties, funerals and pleasure seekers with safe teams. In connection with tho hotel is u FINE POOL ROOM handsomely fitted up. Apr23 87Iy ' For Newest Designs and Most Fashionable Styles of DEESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. SILVERWARE, &c., &c. . GO TO R. H. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lehighton. Goods guaranteed and prices as low as else where for thesume quality of goods. July 18, 1885-1y AT THE Central Drug Store, OPP. THE PUBLIC SOUAI1E Bank Street, Lehiehton, Pa., IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c., &c, Choice Wines and Liquors, Largest Assortment of Library Lamps ! Wall Paper and Decorations! Spectacles ! When vnu buv a nalr of Shoes vou want a good fit. But If you need SPECTACLES It Is much moie Important that the EYE should lie accommodated with eorrect lenses alul a proper ly fitting frame which will bring the lenses di rectly before the centre of Iheoje. If vnu buy your spectacles at Dr. Horn's you will find the above points properly attended to. PERSGRIPTIONS Carefully ComponDiefL OCU5-1S87 Accident, Life- 8c Fire INSURANCE ! A. W. RAUDENBUSH, Bank Street, Lehighton, Has secured the agency for the following SUBSTANTIAL, INSURANCE. COll PANIKS which can bo recommended to the public as Perfectly Safe and Reliable. The National Life Insurance Co., OP MONTPELIER, VT., which Is saiil to be "Tho grandest step In fair dealing within the history of Life Insurance." It protects against adversity In business; It pro tects dependent ones against the contin gency of death 1 1 Manufrs' Acclnt Inemnity Co., OP UNITED STATES, with ix reserve fund of $50,000 guarantees every po'ky 'n No. other com pany lias ever put up such a fund. It costs but a few cents oyery day a good Investment. LOCAL AGENTS ARE DESIRED! Harris Mntnal Live Stoci INSURANCE COMPANY. Fixed rates; no annual dues. Animals di vided into classes of one hundred and fify each. Members responsible only for losses occurring in the class In which their ani mals were enrolled. August SO, 1S66 ly ThG Cream of all Boolts of Adventure C'ONlilCNHEl) INTO ONK VOfcCME. PIONEER I ANU I DARING HEROES i 1 DEEDS. i The thrilling adventures of all the hero ex Dlorers and frontier Ashlers with Indiana, out. laws aud wild beasts, over our whole country, from the earliest times to the present. Uvea I and exploits of DeSoto, lASalle.blandUh.llonne, Kenton, Uiady, Crockett, Howie, Houston, Car- I son. Custer. California Joe. Wild mil. lluftaln I lllll, Generals MUes and Crook,- great Indian chiefs, and scores ot others. Spleudldlv illus- t irureu wuu one rnKruTiiiK. Agents n amea. I low priced, aud beats anything to sell. Tuna ror .payiuenis auowea .sgtnu snort oi ruaag- run. lo., iigx onsi., ruuaaeipuia, feblWU mm Seller's Corner. 1 have lately added to my stock the eelebrated Bine Diamond Roofing Slale! and also other brands. And Plastering,Building Lime and Builder's Sands. A Variety Cellar Grates. I have the usual stock of Cement, Pewter Sand, Plaster-Paris, Bine and White Land Piaster, Phosphates, Coal, Hardware, Oil, &c. I have the most complete line of Farming Implements, Tools, and Repairs for the same. Garden and Field Seeds. I am sole agent for The Allen town or Breining's ReadyMixed Paints. Jlfy -prices are popular and my goods desirable. Your orders are solicted. SAMUEL SEILER, Next door to Advocate office, Bank Street, Lehighton, Penna. -GO TO- SWEENY'S "Corner Store" TFORfl Bottled Gherkins. Sweet Pick- les, Chow-Chow, Onions, Table Sauce, Horse-radish, Cauliflow er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel ery Sauce, and all kinds of choice Jellies and table necessaries. In Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, &c, Jl'o lead, both In low prices and quality of goods. Our large stock Is displayed toad vantage, an (tern which purchasers will certainly greatly appreciate. REMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHTON, PA. Money made easy manulactur Ing Itubber Stampi.Scnd for prlco list of outfits, to J. F. W. Dormaa, lfo.217 East German St., ' Haiti more,Md.,U.S.A -Oisasni H. A. 38ELTJS, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AtlBNT I'OIt FIItST-CLASS Fire, Life & Live Stock Insurance Special attention ot Farmers anil others Is tailed to the liberal terms offered by the BEHK8 COUNTY MUTUAL LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE COMPANY, for which I am the Htent for this County and nelchborhood. Real Estate Agency, Real Estate Bought & Sold. Collections .Promptly Made. Bank Street, .Lehighton, Penna. aee2l,87-tf AL. CAMPBELL, Jeweler and Watchmaker, Bank Street, Lehighton, Penna. Itespeetfnlly Invites the attention of his friends aud the eltlzens generally to his Immense new stock of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, at Prices that defy competition. It wilt pay you to call and Inspect my stock before purchasing elsevt here. REPAIRING Promptly done at lowest charge, and all work guaranteed. Don't Forget the Place. ION OF THE BIG WATCH, Bank St., Lehighton. , eDecmber IT.oSTiy Bubaoribo lor the Advocate. IU peoullar efficacy Is dan as much to the process and kill In compounding a to the Ingredients tbemselrea. Taken in time. Itchecfca NOTHINQ UK l IT diseases In the outset, or If they be advanced will prove a potent care, Ho Home slonld lie Wlont It . It takes the place of a doctor and costly pre scriptions. All who lead cedentary lives will nud It tho best prevontlvo of FOR WHOSE BENEFIT and curefor Indlcestlon. Constipation, Headache, Illllonnneii, 1'lles and Mental Depression. No loss of time, no Interfcrcuco with business while taking. For children It is most in nocent and harmless. No danger from exposure after taking. Cares Colic, 1)1 arrhasa, IJowel Complaints, FeTerih nesa and Feverish Colds. Invalids and delicate persona will And it tho mlldost Aperient and Tonic they can use. Altttto taken at night Insures refreshing sleep and a natural evacuation of tho boweht. A little taken In the morning sharpens the appetite, cleanses the stomach and sweetens the breath. A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. 1 "I hare been practicing medicine for twenty years and bare merer been am. to Eut up a vegetable compound that would, ke Simmons Liver Regulator, rromndv and effectively move the liver to action. and at the same time aid (Instead of weak- nlng) the dlgestiv and usimilatlvs powers of the system." . L. M, Hikton, m.d., Washington, Ark. ilnrks ofGenuinenessi Look for the red iruue-marn on irontot wrapper, ana tn bwi nuu oiKuaiureoid, 11. Ail I in a VO. in red, on the tide. Take no other. E. F. LlTCKEtfBACH, DHALER IN Borders & Docorations, Books, Stationery, Fancy Ms. Window Shades & Fixtures. Latest Styles, made and put up, If deilrea. Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general ainters' Supplies. No. 61 Broadway Maneh H, Pa. Below the Broadway House. The Old Doctors Crew blood, modern doctors cleanse It ; hcuco the Increased demand for Altera tires. It is now well known that most diseases are due, pot to over-abundance, but to impurity, of tho Blood and it is equally well attested that no blood medicine Is so efficacious" at Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. " One ot my children had a large sora break out on the leg. We applied simple remedies, for a while, thinking the sore would shortly heal. But it grew worse. We sought medical advice, and were told that an alterative medicine was necessary. Ayer's Sarsaparilla being Recommended above all others, we used it with mar velous results. The sore healed and health and strength rapidly returned." J. J. Armstrong,, Weimar, Texas. "I find Ayer'a1 Sarsaparilla to be an admirable remedy for the curo ot blood diseases. I prescribe It, and it does the work every time." E. L. Pater, M. D., Manhattan, .Kansas. "We hava sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla here for over thirty years and always recommend, it when asked to name the best blood-purifler-" W. T. McLean, Druggist, Augusta; Ohio. "Ayer's medicines continue to be the standard remedies in spite ot all com petition." T. W. Richmond, Bear Lake, Mich. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ruBPAUED BY Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Man. Price ; six bottles, (9. Worth 5 a tottls. NO MORE BIG PRICES! - W. S. KUHNS Kespcctfutly announces to the public that he Is now nicely located lu his New Store Room On. L. V. Ronni House BANK STREET, LKIIIGIITON, and has In stock a full and complete line of Stoves ahd Tinware ! Including the Justly Celebrated and Popular New Mayflower, APOLO & IRVING Stovea, Which ha Is selling at THE VE11Y LOWES! CASH ritlCEH. You are respectfully Invited to call and Inspect his stock nud learn prices before purrliuslng eUewhere. Roofing and Spouting will be promptly and correctly attended. Terms low as the very lowest. W. S. KUHNS, Opp. Round House, Dank Htreet, I-ehli;liton,rH, JulpSwT iy Woiccnf.rf Planintr I I vlwwJvl I. I lUlllllgj 1 1 1 1 1 mandkactdrer ok Window and Door Frames, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sashos, Mouldings, Brackets. AND DEALER IV All KMs of Dressed Lvnto, Shingles, Pnilings, Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c. Very Lowest Prices mewmy Utile saBw sbsssssssssKbIKOssWjPM NOBODY KKOWS BUT FATIIEE Nobody knows of the money It lakes To keep the home lordlier; Nobody knows nf the ilcbths It tnnki-r Nnlimly knows hut father. NnlHKly's told that the lio)s need shoes. And girls lulls with n feather: XnlxKly ehe old clothes limit i lion.r, NolKMly only father. Nobody hears Hint Ihc coal nnd ihhI And flour's out together Nobody clso inii.t make them good. Nobody-only falher. Nobody's hand hi the pocket So ollen, wondcrlnu" whether . There's any end to the wnnts nf Uhhc liepeudent-only father. Nobody thinks where the money will niiue To pay the bills that wither; Nobody feels so blue and kIiimi, Nobody only fatlicr. Nobody tries so haul to lay Up something for bad weather And runs behind, do what he ms, Nobody only father. Nobody comes from the world's cruel storm To meet dear ones who anther Around with loving welcome warm. Nobody docs-but falher. Nobody knows of the home-life pure. Watching over by Binotlrcr, Where rest and bliss are nil secure. Nobody can but fatlicr, Honrs Will Men anil Women of tie Revolution. TIIK RESCUED 11AI1V. Copyriuhtei, 1888, by Funk & WtwwlU.) In tho summer of 1781 efforts were instlo by Hie British mllllary authorities In Now York and In Canada to seize the persons of distinguished citizens In the State, In order to bold them as hostages or for exchange General Philip Sclmjlcr and Gov. George Clinton were specially designated for such attempts. Armed partiss wero sent out of the city stealthily for such purposes, and Tories In the Interior were so employed. The person of General Schuylor was par ticularly coveted. lie was not only the foremost man In the State In the extent of bis influence, but was then a member of the Continental congress and one of the most trustworthy officers in the service of his country, lie had been the efficient commander of the Northern Department in opposing and checking the British Inva sion of New Vork from Canada In 1777, until he was displaced by the Intiigttes of men In and out of Congress. Ho was now out of the military service, nnd was Hying at his elegant home In tho southern su burbs of the city of Albany, but he was ac tively engaged in assisting tho General Government In Its financial operations, and n providing supplies for the armies. In these labors he was the most trusted and efficient- assistant of Robert Morris, who had lately been appointed Superintendent of Finance or Sccrctaty of the Treasury. So vigilant was Schuyler at at all times In tho public service that he was called "The Eye of the Northern Department." Oi" his retirement from the army he was furn ished with a guard of six soldiors for the protection ot his person. At ho time we are considering, Schuyler was employed by Washington In intercepting communica tions between General .Sti Henry Clinton In New York aud General Sir Frederick Hnldimand of Canada. Tho munificent rewards that wero secret- It offered by the British for the seizure of prominent person;, aud the promiso of plunder, hud cxciled tho cupidity of the Tories In the vicinity of Albany. Several seizures had been attempted, anil some had been accomplished by them. Among the boldest of the leading Tories in acllyo ser vice was John Walter Meyer, a collccuc of the notorious marauder Joe Bettys. He was employed to abduct General Schuyler. Accompanied by a gang of Tories, Cana dians and Indians, he repaired to tho neigh borhood of Albany, but, uncertain how well General Schuyler might be guarded, he luikcd among the pliio shrubbery In the Tlcinlty for eight or ten days. Ho seized a Dutch laborer, and learned from him tho exact position of affairs at Schuyler's house, and extorting au oath of secrecy from the man ho let him go, The Dutch man appears to have made a mental reser vation, for ho gave Schuyler information of his experience. A Loyalist, who was the General's personal friend and was cog nizant of Waller Jloyei's designs, also gave blin warning. Thus forewarned, tho Gen eral and bis family were constantly vigi lant, and tho guards were kept continually on duty, three at a time. At the close of a sultry day in August General Schuyler and his family were sit' tins In the front hall of tho mansion. The servants were dispersed about the premises. The thrco guards, retired for the night, were asleep in the basement room of the house, and the three who were on duty.op- pressed by the heat, were lying on the cool grass in the gaideu. A servant announced to the General Ui&t a stranger desired to sneak to him at the back gate. The stranger's errand was at once comprehend ed. The doors of the bouse were lunncdl tcly shut and close-barred. Tho family were hastily collected In an upper room and tho General ran to his bedchamber for his arms. Fiom the window ho saw tho home surrounded by mined men. For the pur pose of arousing the. guards on tlm grass and ncrchancc to alarm tho town, he tiled a pUtol from the window. The assailants burst open the doors. At the tame moment Mrs. Schuyler perceived that In the confusion and retreat from lln hall, her Infant child, only a few months old, had been left in the cradle In the mir sery below, I'erental care subdued all fear, and the mother was flying to the rescue of her babo when her husband Intctfcrcd and pi evented her. Her llfo was of moro con sequence Ihau that of tlin Infant. Their third daughter rushed down the two nights of stairs, snatched the still slseplng Infant from the cradle, aud flew with It toward the great lower stall case. One ot tho In diins hurled a sharp tomahawk at the fly' lng girl, hut it effected no further harm than a slight rut in the dress a few IhcIics from ths head of the babe, and a wound lu . the mahogany rat! of the stair case. On the stairs she met Walter -Veyer, who, sup. I M.lniv li.r In hft n Sfivsnt vnla1n0,l. . . i r-i - I ' " . . , - ,vcncn.nD..u..l ..rre is ,n.r .i- er". ..... With great presence of mind the coura- geouttUter answered: "Goae to alarm tht town." The Tory leader's followers wero In the ' illtilng-rooni stealing the illrer plate and , other valuables. Ho called them together for consultation. At that moment the I General threw up a window and, as if I speaking In numbers, railed nut In a loud voice: "Come on, my brave fellows I Surround tho houe and ecilr the vllllnns who are plundering I" Tho assailants made a precipitate retreat, J carrying with them Ihe three guards who were In the house and a tstgn quantity of silver plate. Tho bursting open of ths doors of the bono1 hail aroused tho sleeping ku arils In tho basement loom, who rushed lip to tho back hall where they had left their arms, hut Ihclr weapons were gono. Jfrs. t'lnrcl a marriiMi oaugnirr of ueneral Schuyler, who was there at tho tune, without sus plclnu that they might ho wanted, had re moved the arms Just before the a'.tack, on account of apprehended Injury to her litll boy whom she had found playing them. The guards had no other weapons hut their brAwnyJlits, and these they used manfully until nvetponcrcd. They were taken to Canada; and when they wero' exchanged ami iiiuj rcuirnei ucncral Schuyler gavo each of them a farm in Saratoga. Their names were John Tttbbs, Joint Corlles and John H'nnl. The marauders fled with their booty to Canada. In tho summer of 18181 visited friends at Oswego, then a pleasant village on the southern shore of Lake Ontario, at tho mouth of the Oswego lllycr. I was In formed that a daughter of General Schuy ler, his youngest child, andjwlfe of Major James Cochran, a nephew of the General, was living In the village. My friends spoke of her as a most charming old lady, almo't seventy years of age, who was be loved by everybody who knew hor because of her swcolness of her disposition, the blamclessncss of her life, her abounding kindness toward the needy and aflllclod, her social graces, and her Intellectual gifts. At a suitable hour I called on the vener able couple. Major Cochran was almost four score years old, feehlo In IkmIIIv health but mentally vigorous. He was a son of Dr John Cochran, Surgeon-General of the Middle Department of ther Continental Army, who married a sister of General Schuyler. The Major himself was a mem- her of Congress during tho administration ofth elder I'rcsidont Adams. His family relationship and his position gave him op portunities to bccomoaeiptalnted with most of tho general officers of the revolution, and tho utterance! of Ills reminiscences of per sons and events of tho long-burled past gavi me great pleasure and edification dur- ng our brief interview. Major Cochran related the amusing cir cumstances of his nomination and election as a member of Congress. A vessel was to be launched on Senaca Lake at Geneva, It being an unusual event, the people athcred there from far and near to witness It, Tho young people determined to haTe a danee at night. Young Coclnnn. who was present, was an amateur pfifmmer on the violin, nnd his services were ilenuiudcd on that occasion. He gratified thoinwms company, and at tho suppi'i'-lahhi a gentle man remarked. In coiumenilatloii nf his achievement, "Ho Is fit for Corgress."' The hint was favorably received by the company. The madcr w.ts "(ulacd up,'' and he was nominated for and dcclrd to a seat in Congress from the ilNtrirl which then included the wholn nf New' Yoik.wrst of Schenectady. "ho joti see," said Major CocIiihu, wllh a pleasant smile, as ho finished tho story, "I fiddled my way Into Congress." The Major died a few month', after my visit. Mrs. Cochran was ten years tho junior of her husband. She was tall and slender, graceful In figure, with rather deep-set and exccetliugly expressive ore, and good hu mor and benevolence prevadiug her whole countenance She told mo of much of her home life at Albany, ot the eminent per sons she had met then) in her childhood and young womanhood, of the domestic character of her father, and of the sweet face and abounding goodness other mother "toward everybody.," whosu maiden namo In full Catharine Van Re.nssalaer Coch ran she bore. These seemed to constitute her happiest memories. She spoke with enthusiasm of the broad Christian charac ter and kindly hospitality of her father dis played toward friends and enemies during tho war, which she knew only by the testl mony from tho Hps of others, for alio was born In 1781. She spoko of his unswerving patriotism under cruel persecutions and grave affronts, and of Ids fortitude and patience while torturdl with hereditary gout when lu the military service, and of tho perils which surrounded him at limes from the Tories, who stimulated by the prospect of great towards, sought to carry him off a prisoner to the British at Xcw York city. I told Mrs. Cochran In brief tho .story 1 had recently heard of the attempt of Hal- tcr Meyer to abduct her father, and the narrow escape from death of the rescued baby. I observed that her countenance beamed with an amused expression while I retalcd the incident, aud when I concluded the narrative her smile dovclopeil into hearty laughter as she exclaimed. "Why, I am that ivseued baby!" I was silenced. "Yes," she said. "I am that rescued baby. It was I who was slceiilng lu that cradle in the nursery when Sister I'eggy snatched me from it and ran up stairs with me. She was Sister Margaret, who married Ilia l'atroon Van Rensselaer. If you ever Visit my father's house at Albany and I hope you will you may see the scar of the wound which the Indian's tomahawk In dieted on the stalr-rall." "I have something curious to tell tou about tho silver plate which was cariicd off at that time." said -Vajor Cochran. "I have been Informed that LUutenant- Colonel Barry St. Ieger, whose headquar trrs wore at Montreal at that time, and who was carrying on a sort of guerrilla war faro, received an Intimation from Gover nor Haldimand that the bclzurn of General S.-huylcr was very desirable. St. Legsr ,-r,wiil 1 nlli urlileli tlia f-mrarnni ' ' . sjcctloncil. lie tent out a scout on per- . . Iuaklrl!r observations, but with secret Instructions to penetrate to Albany j am, aUempt the auductlon of Gener8, 'Schuyler. A portion of the tcout was a ' i.m 0f Tories led by Waller Meyer, and to him was entrusted the task of seizing the General. Heattemptod It with a motley gang, with Ihe result which you have re lated. "General Schuyler afterward wrote a courteous letter to St. Legcr, complaining of the plunder of his house by troops under his command, and asking for a return of the plate. St. heger replied as courteously, and assured General Schuyler that the cir cumstance had mortified him and that the moment he heard of It he did everything In his power 'to rcscno It from the hands of a scoundrelly silversmith, what had escaped the disfiguration of his crucible, and which is now In my possession.' The plate was noyer returned. On of the articles rescued from the crucible, was a soup tureen. And here comes In the curious part of my story," said Major Cochran. "I was at Washington In 1841, on the occasion of the Inauguration of President Harrison, and while In the rotunda of the Capitol, viewing Trumbull's Picture of Ihc surrender of IlurgOyne, a stranger at my elbow Inqultcd. " 'Who Is that flno-looklng man In the group lu citizens dress?' " 'General Schuyler,' I replied. " 'General Schuylcrl' rcpreatcd lbs stranger; 'why I ale soup uot long ago at Hcllvlllo, in Canada, from a sliver tureen that was carried off from his house by some Tories In the Revolution.' "Thls was the first and only time any of his family ever heard of the plundered article, cxrepllug Ihe alleged letter of St. Legnr." I visited Mrs. Cochran twice during her widowhood, the Inst time at the beginning of August, 18.YJ. She than seemed to be In fairly good health, hut the Angel of Death was hovering near, and she departed from this earth before tho close ot that month. She was the last living child of General l'lilllp Schuyler. Bh.nko.v J. LoBHiNii, IX, D Woadtrfnl Cores. V. I). Hoy! A Co., Wholesale and Retail Drucct'sls of Rome (la., savl We have bean selling Dr. King's Ne Discovery, Electric IlItterNand Rucklcn's Arnica Salve for four years. Have never handled remedies thai sell as well, or give such universal satisfac tion. There have lectl some wonderful cures cflected by these medicines In this city Several cases nf pronounced Consum ption Imve been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Klectric Bitters. Me guarantee them always. Sold ljr T. D. Thomas' To keep clean Is money In the pocket of any city. -The young artist sent abroad learn first to draw drafts on his father. -The glucose manufacturers are to form a sweet trust. Where perfect unselfishness abounds nothing succeeds like some other man's success. -There may be no blood In the turnip. but there Is sugar In the hert, and that Is something. Any sort of a public lunch Is called a . spread, If It Is only a spread of butter oa dry bread. A man may ba the archlect of hit own futltines without being able to complete the structure. 'My daughter was greatly troubled wllh Scrofula, and, at one lime, It was feared she would lo.-e her sight. Ayer's SaruparlUa has completely restored her health, and her eye nre its Hell n ever, with not a trace of scrofula in her system." fl. King, Kill- inlv, Conn. A toct wants to know where tht fleecy clouds are woven. In the air-loom. of course. Tho new Chief Justice of the United States weighs pounds, with or with out the mustache. Some one says: "It It sometime dangerous to think." This Is probably when a person speculates. Vanity Fall-Sweet 10. Roped In The hayseed. "On strike A pallor match. A moving sceue A kaleldescope. The hark of Ihe dogwood tree It quite thin. Tht BtraarkaVi Carts Which have Urn effected bv Hoods Sartat- arilla are snllicienl proof lint this tnedlcln hxti xesn iculiar curative power. lu the M'ycrot rc of 'scrofula or salt rlieoui, when other preimralinn had been powerless, Ihe ue af iliMa' Sarsaparilla has hrosght alxiiil the luipplcot results. The csso of Ml.. i w'l.tiir.. r r sr... who tiiflered terribly from tcrofnlout seres; that of Charles A. Robert", of K-sul Wiltou, N. Y., who had, thirteen abscesses on lib race and neck; that of Will DutHof Walpole, Mum., who had hip disease and scrofula to had Unit idiyniclsna said lie could not re cover, nre a few of the many instances In nriich wonderful cures wrrcefTrcteirby thlt medlelnc. An open letter C. A deadly weapon The banana peel. A Salvation A liny The Health In spector. A woman's friendship It hardest thing lu the world to gain and the most endur ing. The organ It supplied with 'stop,' but unfortunately the piano bar none. A how-and-cry usually followed -the small boy's acquisition of a pocket-knife. Young women are not the most fool. IjIi. .Shu who Inset her temper quickly, easily finds her speech. Thoy hayo gone to throwing eggs at Boulanger lu France. Egging him on, it ll'were. Waul to lay down you back aches sof op I'taitrra soothe, absorb pain and wonderfully strengthen. I,. T. Snipe has been elected president of tho Yale University Boat Club. W do not wish to luake game of Mr. Sulpe, bat U seems in order to remark that be ought ta know how to "feathei" hit oars. Generals, C. Armstrong tyt that to make a Christian out of an lcdlan (a much easier than to make him work.- There doesn't teem lo be a great deal different between the redskin and tin paleface In this regard. Hoed'sSurtaiiarllln is cculiar to ItitU and superior to all other preparation In strength, economy, aud mldicinil merit. It Is difficult to tee -what furter dlitlnc tlon President Cleveland can. hop afur having ben 'honored,' at a eonteoporaij puts It, by the visit ot a bus ball nln.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers