Advertising Rates For Logal Notlooa. The following prlcus for legat log hat been adopted by tbe OAnnos rhe Carbon Advocate, ' " iNOKfltMIlKXT l'AMU.V NKWSPAl-aa rub llslied evnrr Saturday In lliUhton, I'jirbo-, Couiil, I'enrsylrantn. tiy H civvy V. Morthlmoi Jr. -BANK SlftEUr. AUYOCATK. Charter Notice Auditor's Notloo -Commltsloncr'a liotleet Divorce Nctlect Administrator' Notice Xxecutor't Nollco - 4 00 4 . 4 01 4 (' 3 Ot 3 Ot H 00 Por Yoar In Advanoo ! Best advertising medium In tho county. Kvery description of rialn and Fanoy JOB PRINTI.NO it very low price. We do not hesltatotosajr that wo aic better equpped than any ottisr printing establishment in tills ictJrn M Mi Hrttrflaas lob-work. In all lis nrjn.-li.-fl, t low prlcr. $1.00 a Year in Advance. INDEPENDENT " Live and Lei Live." $1.26 when not paid in Advance. Other legal advertising will be charged fo ky the square H. V. MortUnwr, Jr., PnMsior. VOO. XVI.. No 19, Lehighton, Carbou County, Ponna., March 24, 1888. Single Copies 5 Cents. Lohlffhton Business Dtreolor WA. i'H TKIta, rUliKiu hiiiI UesUuraiik, iiau , Street. fresh User always on l"". . In im.i-.oii. DrOD In and see us. novl2-l JW. UAUDKNltUSII, Uank street, wholesal . dealer In cuoice Dratiua ut ulusklrn, hi brantles, wines, fce. Mf I'lttronmta sullcltei ESltANU'rt MIIAVISH 8AI.O0N, opposite , AOVOOATK Offick, Is head pwrters tnavlus and haircultlng. Cigars ft tobacco sob GO TO FI13. KODKKKIt, uuder the Kxchir. Hotel, Hank street, for a smooth shava or fashionable hair cut. , tir Closed on Sunday J J. KUTZ, Bank street, manufacturer . choice brand of clgari and dealer In kinds of tobaccos and smoker's novcltios. Un PKTKR HKIM, Itank street, dealer In ladir rents, misses and chlldreu'sbooln.shoosai sllpDers. Repairing promptlr attended to. t.u JAMES WAI.P. Dank street, steam heat stores, all kinds of tlnnare. Hoofing a pouting a specialty. Your patronage solid m 18. KOCH, Bank street, manufacturer . choice brands of Uarana cigars. All kirn of smoker's supplies constantly on hand. Ob 5 F. CLARK, lager beer hall and mtaural i . PP. square. Bank street. Choir wines at qaors and cigars, frwih lager always on t J. "t wen ll uluim nnd restaurant. street, headquarters for fresh lager beer ai r drinks. Choice eatables always on nan oiner n iitr.HAM. uttnrner at law aud uota n....l at-... li ,winlllt.ri uglUhandUerman. KstaU & collecting agetii' CB. UI10AD9, Ag't,, Bank street, dealer . dry goods, notion, glassware, queenswar and groceries, tyaharo of patroawg sollcU" ttBLIABLB JKWKtjKK! I). S. BOCK, jauji u orr. runuo hquabk. TIIK CARBON ADVOCATK OFFICE, Hall strert, plala and fauey Job printing a spec ly. Adtocatk 'one dollar per year In advanci TUB LKHIGII WAGON CO., Limited, tactoi on Bank street, manufacturers of bulche baker, milk, truck and express wagons .t KASKi: ft BUSS, wholesale and retail col ..iinn.ra nnt trL. Picnics and Darllc supplied. Your palronage Is cordially solicited nociHWTun iiuctuxo iiousk, tho. . XL Beck, Baak street, lager beer, ale. pprtei ginger ale, tx. Your orders are solicited.. T O. J. STUAUS8. Mahoning street, fres j. milk and cream delivered ever mornlm. All kinds of vegetables In season. Low price; ar to uitmtii's Li DKTJO ?TUBA1(K STSSEI SOI EXCHANOK .nOTKL, Bank street. Thoma Mantz, proprietor. Coach tojind from d pet. BateereasonabloforreguUrfttranslettradi EBUBUN FKNSTKRMACHHE, Lehigh streiv dealer in dry goods, notions, provision: grooerles, queensware.&c. l'atronage aoliclteu M1 Its. UrTSCUIIUCHSKY. Lehigh street, I . headauarters for dry goods, notions, pn rulous, groceries, &e. Mrl'atrouage sollcltei. GKX TUB UKST-OAKLKY'S PBRFOME jlT THOMAS' DRUG STOItE, BANK STI'.KKl Tho Seorot Sooletios. O. E., meet Monday evening of each wee In (label's HaU Krgle's cordially Invited K JOITN D. I1KKTOLKTTK TOST. No. l, O. a B., seoond and fourth Thursday evenlags f each month. In Kcbor'a HaU. Comrades Invited lOf- JOHN LENTZ CAMP. No. 95, S. of V 1 E. Pa. Dir., U. S.. meet tst and 3rd Thuri' ay of each month, Rebor's JQ. O. T.. meet Friday night of each week I . Ueber's Hall. Baak street, at T: o'clock. A empUrslnrlted. W.W. BowMay.Ci 7M. C. A., meet erery erenlng, except 8ui . day's. (itr-Yott are cordially Innted.a; Xrubyterlan church, Northampton street. Our Churohes. . KKTHODI8T EPISCOPAL. South Bank stree Sunday services ut 10 a. in., and 7.30 p. m iday School 3 p. m. W.m. Ma.iou, Patoi 31UINITY LUTHERAN, Iron street, Suud.: , sendees. 10 a. ra., (Oennan), T.30 p. m., (En; ih). J. II. KtlOHH.Pastoi EEFORMEI), Ihlgb street, Sunday servlci at 10 a. m., (German), 7.30 p. in., (P.ngllsli unaday suhonl 2 p. m. u. W. anuiTZ. Pasto EVANOELICAL. Soilth street, Sunday servlci at 10 a. m., (Ueriuan), 7.30 p. m., (EnglMi Uunay school 3 p. ra. O. v. Guoun, I'asto CATHOLIC, corner Northampton and Co streets, service every Sunday morning an reolng. Kkv. Uauuackk I'aiUi PRANK P. DIBHL, NOBTH STREET, ' , Practical Dlaclcmltb Harstsbo? . la nrcnarail tn all wnrlr In him Itll , . 1' t . . " - ln the best manner anu at the lowe- peluia. Please c in. noram-iy. PACKERTON HOTEL, Midway between Maucb Chunk & Leblghtou, LEOPOLD MEYER. PROP'R, FACKERTON, . . Ttnux, pat well-known tletet Is admirably refitted, an be tkt best accommodations for permanent an. (nuwleat hoarders. Excellent Tables and th rery beet Liquor. Stables attached. sepls-y MANSION HOUSE Opposite LkS, Depot, BAJJK STREET, LEHIOHTOK, 0. Ti. HOM, PROPRIETOR. Thla house offers Irtt-claas accomraodatiAns fot tremleal and permaneat eaarders. It has beet aewly refltted In all Its departments, and is local rd la en f the most plcturesqne portions of the .bereugh. Terms moderate. IW Th B Alt K iqpplled wild the cholcent Ylues, Liquors am llgan. Tresh Lager on Tan. apr 17-yl T. J. BRETNEY atAAMAtanv announeea to th Merchant nf Ightnn and other that h is new prepared to leall kinds ot Hauling or Freigiit, Exphess Matter and Baggagb rery rasonabl prices. By prorandourlraep an eruers ne Mm to reerii a snareot puoi ir Iran v?e. R-iMenoe: corner of Pine and Iron Mteel. Lahtrhtoa. ii4rsleii at nweeny Jt Sou's Sonu Stan I reaeiae prompt atwatiou ar. It.M T. f BBKTNEY, D. J. KISTLEIt etpeetfully announces to the nobllo that h has mild a NKVY LIVERY STABLE, and that ho ti w prrnared to furnlth Teams for Funerals, neddlngs er Bnilness Trips on the shortest no He and moat liberal terms. Orders left at the -oeroa uoni" win rctv prompt attention. TABLES OK NOIITH STREET, txt rhe Hotel, Lehlthtoa. tanrt-rl Contraclor ana BaildBr. (Kxt dior to Reuben Feniterroaehar1) XJUUQH STREET, LEUIGUTON. A Ifuvu and spMldcattons, and prebabt eet el Dmldlncvttinusbtd upon ipplloatlsa. All wrk gwaat. Kpatrlg promptly att4l to 4aTHtal ;rtJto4vT.lWlwUi. MNjT I. Professional & Business Cards. Horaoo Hoytlt, ATTORNEY AT UW, NOTARY 1'UIIMC, mciTli Boom rocently occupied by W. M ltapshsr. KVK STREET, LEHtOltTOS T. May b eotuwltod In EiigUsh and Ocrmau. uly -ly W. M Rai3her, rTORNET mo COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND DISTRICT ATTORNEY, First doer above the Mansion House, fAUOIl 0HUX1C. - PEKN'A. eal IVtate and Collection Agency. W'lII Ttiy ut Sell Real Estate. Conveyancing nenlly done. oReCMi promplly mad. Hottilng Estaies of ecjilcnu a specialty. May bo consulted in ngllsh and uenuau. nov. iz-yi 0. V. Klointop, Instructor in Music, obhlns' Amerlean ClaMioal Methods a spcclnl , Terms moderate. nus tt-tf W. Q. M. Soiplo, rUTSICIAN AND SURGEON. OOTII STREET. LKIIIOHTOS. May be consulted In Rnullsh nnd Oeimau. eclat aiienuon given 10 uynecoiogy. Orrioii Iloons; From 12 M. to S P. M.,nnd om e to P. M, mar. 31-yl A. S. Rabenold, D. D. S., IBAVOM Otfiob : Over J. V. llaudeubuih' Lltjuor Store, BANK STRKUT, LKH1GHT0N enttstrT lu all Its branches. Teeth Extracted vltbeut Pain. Uas administered whu reiuested. Office Days WEDNESDAY of each neek. . O. at'tfrcM. AI.LEN TOWN, jan 3-yl Lehigh county, Pa. c. I. SMITH, D. D. S., IFFICE:-Flrst Door Below tho Lelilsh Wagon Works la Lewis Marstelticr's builillng, Bank Street, 'Zhighton, Pa. DENTISTUT IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. 'Itttej and making artificial denture a special ty. Localjtnestbetlcs used. I as administered and Teeth Fxtractod WITH OUT PAIN. IFFICB HOURS: From It a. tn., to 13 r.i., from 1 p. m., to S p. m., from 7 p. m to a p. in. Consultations tn English or Herman, let 15-17-ly H3YE AND EAR. Dr. Gr. T. POX WS Allentown reguUrlyon THURSDAY of atk week. Practleo Umltod to Diseases of the Eye aud Ear. 4le at Oayden's American Hotel, and Office .loan from A. M. to S-.DO p. M. Also attemlo to .etnMtloii ot the Bye for the proper adjustment t Ola, and lor the Relief and Cure of Ontl U Defects. May alt be consulted at his office In BATH, Vednesday and Saturday of each week, at DAN .OR tm Monday, and at RASTON on Tuesday ol aeh weak. Jan 2-yl Horse 1 octor, (Honorary Graduate ot Ontario Vet. College) ice: Hansioa Honss. BaiiK St., LebigbicL 3ASTRATION, DENTISTRY, Diseases of Horse nnd Cattle. 8UCCES3KUL1.Y TREATED. Special and Particular Attention paid to LAMENESS :-: SPAVINS, hphnts, ltingbonc, t.nd all disease prevalent amoug Domesticated Animal. Tors and Cattle Powderj TrepareJ Suit able for cacli Case. Consultation Free Charges Moderate, 'all by telegraph and telephone promptly ;it ..... ui .., Oiieratlons Sklllfullv lVttiMnieil Jan,lH. Henry !Nolf, -AT THE CA1U10X HOUSE IS NOW hmln aa Accommodation 'Bos, BETWEEN THE Hotels and L. V, Depot. Part! sailed tor at their nomcs by Leaving or- ucrs at our 01 lue iiuicis. lprni,187 Stoves, Tinware, Heaters and Ranges, In Great Variety at Samuel Gravels Topular Store, Bank Street Roofing and Spouting a special ty. Stove repairs furnished on 1iort notice. Prices Ueasonable ! ! PURITENE PRIZES! Competition Open to All en th fnllewlnff eonditlnn , Tn Intom., t1i a and also the )oung during the lelsur hours, nay 2I.yjSjn&".,,9S?.rH,,,ollowl"K PH tor the "HUNT FOR WORDS." Forth largest lilt of woras iryniea oy in utters conipojlug the .PURITENE we will give Ten Dollars; for th next largest Seven Dollar t tor the next largest list Fire Dol lars, and lor the next three largest lists Due ('use of purltsne each. All lists must reach me before December 1Mb. It and mutt be accompanied with ten trade mar s,rutfrnmpacka(esof Puri tans. No word to b admitted which oont In let than four letters; but urn no other letters ua wflM ooro posing we wora To Cnu iwaod, and ' superior to gnaplueor Irorlne. or any other soap powder made. Girt ".,'f1- 'n'. upon PJ tntrehaot getting It and take a A. F. SNYDER, tatral Bhlpplng A; sat tor Ptnniylrtula, Weissport Business Directory. J. 0. ZURN, M. D V, U KUTZ, M. D. JliS. J5KKN & KU1Z, Physioiana & Surcoii3. OFFICR nt the resilience ot Dr. item, Wl.lte Street. Welssport. All calls or surgical or trcnlmcnt Kill receive prompt attention. inayn-w-tf F I'ANKI.IS ll.Ol'SL', EAST WEISSrORT, TEXN-A. This house oilers nrst-dnss accommod.itlons to tho pcrmatietit boarder nnd transient guest. Panic prlcoe, only Ono Dollar per Any. augv-iy Jonn llnintio, Proprietor. EATS, Till! JlIttKI.EU. All Kinda of Jowolry ! Sciisoi Beolcs aiii Stationery. augsuv7,8tt-ty. The - Voissport - Bakery, C. W. LAUltY. PR0PRIRT0R. Delivers Tresh ltread nnd Cakes m WelMport, Lehlglitnn ttiiil vicinities every On v. In the store I have n Tina Line of Confectionery ror the Holiday Trade. Sunday schools and fes tivals supplied at lowest price.?. detiKm. THE Vvelsspcit, Carb:a Conntj, Penna., Henry Chriatrnan, Proprietor. The nubile is rcsnectfullv liifuriiied that this wcli-kimw home has been rcflttod and Improved ton first lftte, and able tofuruisli the vety host accommodations ot nil kinds A Jjivery Stablo In connection with the hotel, mthnrnple means tonccoinnioilato wi'ildmg parties, funersiliand pleasure seekers with safe teams. In connection with the hotel Is a FINK POOL I'.OOM handsomely fitted up. Aprs) 87Iy For Kewesl Designs and Most Fasb'onahte Styles of DEESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. SILVERWARE. &c, &c. GO TO ' E. H. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lehighton. Goods ciisrnnlceil nnd pries as low ns else where for the some quality of goods, luly IK, 1885 ly ALL THE NEWS ! The Carbon Advocate. $1.00 Per Year. Singlo opics, FIVE Cents. Advertise in the Advocate. n AT THE Central Drug Store, orr. the ruisLic square Rank Street, Lchifflitoa, Pa., IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c., &c, Choice Wines and Liquors, Largest Assortment of Library Lamps ! Wall Paper and Lecorations! Spectacles ! When you buy a pair of Shoes you want a soodllt. lint II you need SPECTACLES It Is much more iinpoitant tlmt tho EYE should be accommodated with correct lenses and n proper Iv fitting frame vthich will hrniic the lenses di rectly before tbecentroof theee. If voubuy your spectacles ut JJr. Horn's you will And the above poluta propel ly attended to. PERSCRIPTIONS CaefiUly mmki OctlMW Accident, Life & Fire INSURANCE ! A. W. RAUDENBUSH, Bank Street, Leiiighton, Has secured tlio agency (or tbe following SUBSTANTIAL INSURANCE COM- 1'AN'IES which can be recommended to tho public as Perfectly Safe and Reliable. Tlie National Life Insnrauce Co., OF MONTPELIER, VT., which Is said to be "The cranileu atop In falrdealin; within the history of Life Insuinncc." It protects asalnst adversity In business; It pro tects dependent ouej ajalnst the contla cency of death 1 1 ManiiFrs' Acciflent Inilemnity Co, OF UNITED STATES, with a resorve fund of $50,000 guarantees every policy In full. No other com pany has ever put tip such a fund. It costs but a few cents every dsy a good. Investment. LOCAL AGENTS ARE DESIRED! Harris Mutual Live Stoci INSURANCE COMPANY. Fixed rates; do annual dues. Animals di vided nun classes of one hundred and Cfy each. Members responsible only for losses occurring In the clsss In which tbelr an, nials were eoroUfid. Angistw. u if WWW rc""nge quietly than any otUer iSSm reS tSSth. wuh, Btta heck, BnifM;H L'jr Burnt, 6caldR, Cct Laraba- l3k&&V l'lesrtir,8orM,tort-liit,B tdLST?l ftajlwraene, Q'jIiwt, Sore Throat, W'tjK3AV 2cla,cv "ounda, llcad.cbe, livTzLsF&i.V' cu-. tt bottle, sold by allH HAITIAfciSdnjiEtiti. caution. The Teen- -yoc rcBliUred Trade-Mark, and our lToprleton, lialtunorc, lid., V.S.A. blliohel.nnco'fl Ctlbeb dfrnrcttca- fn?n. tarrli t-1'rlco 10 Cts.-Solil by nil Drufarlsts. Facilitates Teethincr, rcnilates Bowels, relieves Grii-iing and Wind i L-olicana is a most certain Rem edy for Dysentery, Diarrhoea and! Summer, Complaints. For Sale I by all JJruggists. Fncc 25 cents. 1 E. F. Lucre nbach, DRALEK IN Wall Fapessttg Borders & Decorations,. Books. Stationery, Fancy Goods. Window Shades & Fixtures, Latest Styles, made and put op. If dsrlrea. - Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general Painters' Supplies. No. 61 Broadway Macch hnnk. Par Itelnw the Rroadway Hons. All the latest and best news; The Advocate, $1 per year; 50 cents, six months. NO MORE BIG PRICES! W. S. KUHNS Respectful!' announces to tha public that be Is now nicely located In Ills New Stoje Room Onp L. V. Ronni House BANK STREET, LEIIIGIITOX. and lias tn stock a full and complete lino of Stoves and tinware ! Includliij: the Justly Celebrated and Popular New Mayflower, APOLO & IRVING Stoves, Width ho is willnc at THE VEltY LOWEST CASH riilCEsi. You are respectfully Inrltcd to cull and Inspect his stock and learn prices before purcliaaliiR elsewhere. Roofing and Spouting will be promptly and correctly attended. Terras low as the very lowest. W. S. KUHNS, Opp. Round House, Bank Street, Lchlirlitou.Pa. Juli26St'T ly ' mado easy manutactur Ins Hu'tbcr Stanips.Send for price list of outfits, to I. I'. W. Donnao, No.21" East r.eriniui St., Haiti more.Md.,U.S.A -Ortsvjm If voa are Indebted to Hie Advocate for subscription, advcrtlslne or job printing plcaso remit tlie amount. Wo noed tbe money to meet running expense. of the of fice. Weissport Planing Mill, MANUFACTURER OK Window and Doob Frames, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sashca, Mouldings, Brackets, AND DEALEB IV All Kinds of Dressed Lumhr, Shingles, Pailings, Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c. Very Lowest Prices Henry Campbell, EAST WEISSPORT, Hu on hand a Full and Compute lint of Boots and Shoes. which must ba closed out intba Bait TTIIBTY ua i o io uaaii room lor nsw toons. Pneos navy been marked down tn COST F 10 UULd. Rare targalos. Dos t nlu ttism. Tbt stock must 40. Henry Campbell, Money Songs of War Days. A siate of warfare has always prorcd conducive to song. Tho flottrlshlnir con dition nf minstrelsy In ncca past was due largely to tbe warlike and adventurous spirit ot the times. During the civil war I10 h sides were prolific in song making. I The South made the Orst great hit with uanaaii s ".Maryland, aij Maryland." The "Uoutile Blue Fla?" was the Southern na tional air, and was to the boys In gray what "Yankee Doodle" was to the boys In blue. The Southern women ardently took it up, and through every city rang the chotus: llunalit Hurrah! for .Southern rights of war, Hurrah! for the Ilonnle Blue FUgthat bears the single star. Of the sentimental songs of the war peri od tbe most popular were "Fairy Bell," "Annie of the Dell," "Just Before the Battle, Mother," "Toll the Bejl'for Lovely 'ell"and " When This Cruel War Is Oyer." In the North. "Walt for the Wagon," and "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, the Boys are Marching" had a great success during the -same period, and the others that ran riot through camuand fireside were "Mary Wane," "Old Cabin Home," "Fair, Fair, with Golden Hair" and "Daisy Dean." IKho has forgotten "Daisy Dean" and Its wistful chorus: None knew thee but to lore the. Thou of my heart. Thy moinory Is ever fresh aad sreen; The wild-flowers may wither And fond hearts be broken, Still I love thee, ray darling Daisy I)en. A beautiful song,truly pathetic, obtained great popularity In both North and South during the war. This was Florence Per cy's "Bock Me ta Sleep. Mother." The South produced two war songs thst evince gcnulno poetic talent, and have been accorded unstinted praise by the critics I bey art the "Conquered Banner" and "All Quiet Along the Votoiuac Tc-nieht." the first named by Father Kyan and the last by Lamar Fottntsine. One of the most pathetic poems that appeared durinit the var was "Somebody's Dsrllni." It ran like this: Into the ward ot the white-washed halls Where the dead and the dylnc lay. Wounded by bayonets, shells and balls, Somcbodi's durllnn was borno one day. Somebody's dailing so young and brave, Wearing yet on his sweet pale face Thellugerlng light of his boyhood's grace. Matted and damp are tho curls of gold. Kissing the snow from that fair young brow. Pale are the Hps of delicate mould Somebody's darling is dying naw. Back from his beautiful bluevelned brow Brush his wandering waves of cold. Cross his hands on his bosom now Somebody's darling isstllland cold. Kiss him oiice for somebody's sake, Murmur a prayer soft and low. One bi lulit curl from Its fair mates tako, nicy were somebody's pride, you know. Somebody's hand lias rested there; as it a mother's soft and white. Or havo the lips of a slsterfalr Been baptized In' their waves of light? The circus clown was the great pro mulgator of popular music during and iust after the war. He was then in the full blaze of his glory. Since then the blare has degenerated 4o a spark, and that Is threatening to go out. But twenty years sgo he was the biggest attraction In the ring, and his songs sold like sham in a wildcat mining scheme. A Little War Sketch. TOLD BT St. QUAD. One night, when bis stomach had re belled at the coarse fare of the poorhouse table, and be had been cursed and sneered at and told that it was too good fcr hlm.he sat by tbn open window and looked out in to tho darkness. His wounds rained and bis heart ached, but not for long. The ra 1 tat I tat I of the drum suddenly came to his ears, and through the gloom of the nlgbt he caught sight of a waving flag and march ing men. It was a company matching away to the war. New life came to his blood new strength to his limbs. Ue looked more closely, and he saw that be himself marched in the ranks and waved his cap In response to the cheers of tbe populace. The vision changed. There was the rattle of musketry and the boom of canon, and a battle was on. He saw regiment af ter regiment advance, halt, oblique to tbe right or left. Batteries galloped here and there,, bodies of cavalry thundered along with banners and guidons hidden in the smoke. His own reslment moved forward to the edge of the woods, and directly there was a blaze of fire all 'along its front. It was advancing again, the men were cheer ing, when darkness suddenly cam to him. He had been wounded. In his vision be saw the hospital to which ha was borne, heard the groans of the wounded, caught the whispered words of a surgeon; ' "Very seriously wounded, but I hope we may save him." Tbe vision changed, and the roar and crash of Antietam came to his ears. IT was a corporal then. It'hen the smoke cleared away he looked down at his sleeve aud It bore the stripes of a sergeant.. There was silence for a time, broken only by the wind rustling among the apple tiees and whirling away the dead and dying leaves. Then came a crash and din as if the earth was broken up. It was the guns on Fal mouth Ulghts bombarding Fredericksburg. When tbelr roar died away he crossed the historic river he pushed up the narrow streets be faced the deadly stonu wall at tbe foot of Mary's Hill. Nlgbt came .(6 him again. Another bullet had plowed Its way into his flesh, Again the roar and din of battle came to him. It was terrific crash at Gettysburg. His sleeves now bore tbe Insignia of an or derly sergeant, and as he looked up and down the lines of his company be was amazed to see how few men were Uft biro, and how btonzed and. old tbelr faces looked. The earth shook as It earthquakes were battling. Death laughed at prospect of such a harvest, men were no longer mtn, but demons. Tbe crash died awsyrand there came the vengeful crack! of mus ketry. Right Into tbe flame of lire ad vanced tbe sergeant, waving his cap to chetr his men, but It was no (or long. Darkness came for a third time, and It was long hours before daylight cam again, and b knew that be was a cripple fer life and had fought his Isit battle. Thsre was a tlsUa f cralas U kant of sympathetic words, but It was crowd cd out of sight by a clearer one In which the word "P.oyertyt" seemed to extend from east to west. If he drank If ho was weak-zalnded If the troubles of life bore him down, the world should remember he had been a soldier. Tbe vision of a poor old cripple was clear to his eyes when his rats caught the sound of a muffled drum and the tramp of men From out of the darkness came six men bearing a pall, aud the; were followed by soldiers with bowed heads and reversed muskets. Who was the dead soldier on the pall? Something forced him to lift the (lag and look upon the face of the dead. Ue started back In horror. He saw bis wn corpse I "Hclghol" called a gruff voice ns the sun of morning shone upon the poorhouse again, "but hire's a gol This crippled, old soldier has died at his post 1 Tell the men o get him to tbn dead room and dig a grave as soon as possible." "And tbe hcadstonef "Ob, yes: " 'JOUM DOE. Died at the County House, September 10, 1885.' "That's enough that's all!" A Shot and a Thrust. BT AN "KX-ltRHKU" When we came to throw out picket In front of our lines on the nlitht after dealing the Federal army the hard blow at second Manassas, we were right among the dead and wounded. We had won a victory, and tbe bulk of the Federal army was making for the rototnac.but thete was a rearguard which fought sullenly and with a thirst for vengeance, and along tho front from of my division the blue coats were alert and ready for any night attack. It was about nine o'clock In the evening when my company was pushed out, and to get the place as signed us we had to crawl on our hands and knees for the last two hundred feet. H'hcn I finally got settled In place It was at the base ofa shade or fruit tree standing alone in an open field. A ball or shell had struck tbe trunk of the tree and cut It in two, and a portion of the top lay on the ground The Federal picket, as I presently ascer talced, was about fifty steps distant from me and had the cover of a heap of rails. did not locato him until he fired upon me, I do not think he knew of my preaencc.but rather mistrusted it and blazed away to draw me out. Thcro were dead and wounded all snout the tree. I had crept over two dead bodies, and two wounded men had begged me for water, and although the evening was very dusky, I could count at least ten bodies on my side of the tree. I had come ont with a full canteen, knowing that the front was covered with wounded. Close to tna on my right was a Federal corporal belonging to a New York regiment. Ho tbld me at the time the number of his regiment, but I made no note of It. He was shot In tbe right leg, midway between the hip and the knee. This happened two hours before dark, and considerably nearer ottr'ltnes, and he managed to crawl twenty rods to get to tho shelter of the tree. It was only flesh wound, and could he have been taken Into the lines that night he would have been fit for duty within thirty days. Some men would have almost walked off with such a hurt as that, but the poor fel low se'.med knocked all to pieces and had quite lost his courage. I was holding the canteen to bis Hps, having raised his head and put a haversack under It, when the Federal picket tired the shot. The bullet crashed Into the head of the wounded man, and with a sort of quiver, he fell back dead. The incident npset me considerably, and, being under orders not to fire a shot unless the enemy were advancing. I hugged tbe ground at the foot of the tree and remained quiet. Two more shots were fired at me, but they were aimed too high and went over, I bad been on duty about an hour when the pleadings of a wounded man about fifty feet to my left for water deter mined me to succor lilra. He knew of my presence and talked directly to me, saying that he was shot in both legs and had been lying there seven or eight hours. I left my gun on the ground and started off on my hands and knees. The corpse of a Federal lay directly In my way, and I was just making a half circle around it when the supposed dead man scrambled up, seized bis musket, which lay beside him, and whirled on me with a sort of a scream. You see, It all came so suddenly that I was confused, and when he came at me I was still on my bands and knees and helpless. ne held the gun at "charge bayonets" and made an awful lunge at me. The point of tht bayonet passed through tbe luck of my blouse, and tbe lunge pushed me over and tbe steel went Into the ground almost to the muzzle of the gun. I was thus pinned to the earth, and the man let go of tbe mus ket and fell across me, uttering a groan of pain as he came down. Jfy position was such that I could not free myself for two or three minutes, and when I did the man was dead for sure. He' had probably been unconscious for a long time before tbe frenzy of death caused him to attack me In the singular manner he did. So firmly was I pinned to the earth that I had to "skin" ont of my blouse to get free, aid it took a stout twist at the butt of tbe musket to pull the bayonet out of the bard baked soil. A Soldier's Honor. Look down there -on tbe right behind that simple Una of rail fence In tbe midst of fire and smoke In tbe midst of death and terror see that single regiment only four hundred bayonets left! see that firm Una of devoted men, holding that point, Oh 1 how tba shot and sbell are poured in upon them; for they hold a position where tht enemy are aiming to plant a battery; and a battery there, In the bands of tbe foe, means defeat, swift and sure. And that mera handful of men bold tbe position un til aid can ba sent; but It cannot be teat now, though a messenger has gone for it. Ha! thers comes a squadron of the ene my a cavalry it comes thundering down upon that devoted band, threatening to sweep It away Ilk chaff bsfors the wind, Tha general commanding the forces en- gagd looks on from his post of observation, and taktt In th situation at a glanc. H kaa phuuu Ue bast h kaw, anc all has gone en thus fai; li t irtlir enemy gain that extrrinp point tin tho right, he U out flanked In spite of nil his power to oyrr Cotuu It. If tlmt ilminlerliull ofiwali now coining ion, sweep luck thai lliii at the friieo farewell toleloryl Far. n to hope! Will they stand? Can lti-y hold the Iln.? If one man fnlteis If 011)) one poor man weakens and ruus, tbe position Is lost and tbn day Is losll for th example ot one man, at such a moment, issuprtnusfot good or 111. Thank Heaven I ihey hold fast. The line In two ranks preparn 10 resist caval ry. Every rifle, with Its sabre-bsvotiet fixed, Is held In place firmly, as though they would not move. But they do move; jef, yes as tbe approaching cavalry route i near the colonel can of see the whites iltv'.r eyes, he gives the word "Up! rear rank! Alml Flrel" And sheet of (Uine belches forth, and fully a third of thoee advancing saddles are emptied; or, st lat, so I seems. The men have fired, and are again. Instantly, In posltiou for resisting cav.tir) Hut the cayalrv dees not come upon them. Panic has seized both horses and men, am, the whirlwind Is broketi, aud turned harm less away, ut as Hoblmoc's Battery 01 Ours, with a wild hurrah! com thunder ing upon the take tbe position. nd decldo the fata of (he day. And along by tho line of that fence twq- score dead bodies lie brave fellews who fell at their posts braye fellows who feared only dishonor, a part of the line they hd been who had won the battle: for the gen eral will tell jou that if the line had -wav ered If It had been broken tbe day would naye been lost to him as sure as fate. Aud yet, there they knelt those devoted men, with tbe fate of the army on their should eis kucii at tne portals of death wit 1 death 011 every hand dsath smiting them where they lay, there they held their own. in spite of alt the horrors, and terrors, and calamities of the hour, andoever budged I I be general's name was flying over tho country on the next day, on the wings of lightning. Bat of those true heroes, who held that suprenfc position, not a namo was sent in print! Afterwards I asked one of those private soldiers how he felt when he knelt there. and saw what he bad to do, and what his chances were. He bad been on the ox treme right, and within twenty yards of bis position bad been the edge of a" dense thicket of stunted pine and shrub-oak. Said I: If you had gained that thicket you would have been perfectly safe?" iei," ne answered; "and the rest would have lollowed e every man of them.. Yes I should haye fayed mv life, Ah! I thought of that. I looked at that wood, and thought of It many limes while that rain ef death was being poured in up on us thought that my life would be safo; and then the thought came, But what shall save bsj honor when this dsy's story is told? And I held mr ground. HOBLE SOLDIERS. The Haytians are an Intensely yaln peo ple, and the thing they most pride them selves on is thelrarmy. Nothing will con vince them them that as a military power they are not vastly superior to any nation, either in the Old or New B'orld. Even those who have Uyed In European capltols are addicted to this extremely ridiculous 'balderdash;' but when the real facts are presented, the state of affairs disclosed is simply sublime In Its absurdity. Th Hay- tlan army must present to European be holders a spectacle of grotesqueness, the equal of which It would be difficult to find anywhere, cither in fact or fiction. Ima gine a batttalion on parade consisting of thirteen priyates, ten officers, and six drummers I the rest of tho men as the author quaintly puts It thinking it un necessary to present themselves except on pay day. Tbe staff officers are clad In the gorgeous uniforms procurable, while the men' are arrayed in a motley array of tatters. Seme haye coats wantlngone arm, the collar or tbe tall; tbe headgear may consist of a dilapidated shako, a straw hat, wideawake, or In many cases merely a handkerchief tied round the head. The officers hold their swords in either band as suits them, and the men march past In admirable confusion, each one carrying his musket In the position he finds most con venient. The populace look on with ad miring looks and gravely ask If finer troops can anywhere be found. The Uavtlan black, however, thoroughly detests mili tary service, and consequently the sentries, lest they should be over-fatigued, are con siderately provided with chairs. WAR'8 IC0D Tho United States provost marshal gen- eaal made, In 1860, th following report of the casualties of the atmies: Federals- Killed in battle, 61.SC2; died of wounds. 34,727; died of disease, 123,621; total deaths. 270,376; total deserted, 100,105, Confederates Died of disease or battle wounds, 123,821 (estimated); deserted, 101,423; captured, 470,160; died in prison, 4,744; paroltd on th field, 248,500. Fed erals paroled, 16,421; died in prison, 20, 723. -A man was boasting that he bad an elevator In his house. "So he ha9,"ebimed his wife; "and be keeps it In tbe cupboard In a bottle." I Ilk to believe all men honest, but I nebber take da same patent medicine fur liver complaint aa' da toofache, no matter bow de labor reads. A minister asked a tipsy fellow, lean ing up against tbe fence, where be expected to go to whsn be died. "If I can't get along any better than I do now," he said, 'I shan't go anywhere." There Is nothing that goes further toward breaking the heart of a postmistress who doesn't understand anythirg but Eng- Ish than to havo tbe mall contain a postal card written In a feminine hand lu German and addressed to a young man whom shs knows. If Dakota cannot get Into tbo Union she can snjoy the satisfaction of making It decidedly chilly for tb states tbat are In. An Irishman who was engaged to cut lee froa'a pond, when banded a cross-cut taw to commence operations with, pulled out a cent, and tnrnlng to hit comrade, ex claimed, "Now, Pat, fair pity; hud or tt who goet btlow." Auobjutof tharlty U it go, f stirs. .DYSPEPSIA. , J 8 that misery experienced when we sndV denly liccomo 11 ware that wo possess a labollcnl nrrnmrcincnt vailed a stoinacb. Tho Momncli Istlio reservoir from which.' every iloro nnd tlsnuo must bo nourished, nndnny trouble with It Issoon foltthrough out tho wliolo system. Among n dozen dyspeptics 110 two wilt havo tho samo pi dominant symptom. Dyspeptlcsotactl navo the samo pre- mental power and a bllfbiistempcrament Sr.?tXuyS.i,?..?t. ,?.,?,1e"f hose. I'yspepucaoiacilva i-i .1 "M.t-nu.o zunKupnuon whllotlio tliln ami nervousnro nbandonef I nervousnro nbandoned an. tuM.uuijr ,i.ri joiiinqs. HUIllOOyspcpt Ca aro wonderfully forgetful; others Lava great Irritability of temper. , Whatever form Dyspepsia may taJt. Onn I hint, la eot-tnl. ' The underlying, cause ia and onq thins moro Is equally certain. tn ono will remain a dyspeptic- who will . It will comet Acidity of tha j Stomach, ( Expelfoulgasea Allay Irritation ' AsslstDIgestloa,' and, nt tho samV Start the Liver to zcorMnrf tchen all other trouble - 3oon disappear. s !My wife wai a conErmtd dyspeptic. Soma thrt years ago by the advice of Dr. Sleioer, of Angiijta, she was induced 10 trySimmoni Lint Regulaior. I leel grateful for the relief It turn SJvf a her, and may all who read this and ai afflicted In any way, whether chronic or other wi.e.use Simmona Liver Regulator and 1 fed confident heahh will be restored to all who wilt uutiu. iTM, ,11. 1-.EKHI, rort Valley, Oa. 3- See that you get the Genuine, . 1 will, ted Z on fiontcf Wrapper, ( J. n.ZCILIN e CO., VIUIadelpMa, Pa. The man at tho wheel has a stern daty to perform. Some of our base ball players seem to havo been vaccinated. They can't catch anything. wondcrfal H-alla? properties ofTheDarbrs rrophylactio Fluid in case of Accident, for Barn;, Scalds, Cats, wonndi.ote. It prompt nso will intarihly relieve paia promote healing ami prevent Krynipelaa, Gangrene, or Proud Flefh. Owing to th cleaning and purifying qualities of thU Fluid the most obstinate Ulcors, Bolls Car buncles, mid Kunnihg Sores are rendered pure nnd healthy nnd speedily cured, other application being necessary. S01110 of our base-ball players seem 'to havo beeu vaccinated. They can't catch anything. DOST. let that cold of yours run on. You think U ti light thing. But it may into catrrh. Or into pneumonia. Or Consumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia Is dan gerous. Consumption is death itself The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of all obstruction ami offensive matter. Otherwise thcro is trouble ahead All tho diseases of these narts. head, iiimih th r6at, bronchial tubes and lungs, can ba, delightfully, nnd entirely cured by the us ing ilosclieo'B Oernian Svrun. If vou don't- know this already, thousands of peoplo can tell yon. They havo been cured by it, and ok now howit is, themselves." Bottl oolv ,,76ccnts. Ask any druggist. Eyery artist loyes his sweet'art. The King of Greece Oleomargarine. A contented mind is better than riches; and yet you can't buy a brick block nor pay a board hill with it. A Western paper heads an artiel. ".Crumbs of Crime," They came from to much of a loaf. It Is the feeblest moustacho,as well a the sickliest child, that gats the most fond ling. Brace Up, You are feelinz doniojscd. vour aonetlU is ioor, you ure bothered with Headach. you aro lidgctty, nervous, aud generally out; of sorts, and want to braco up. Brace up, but not with tttiuitilants, spring medicine,, or bitters, which have for their basis yery. cheap, bad whiskey, nnd which stimulate you lor an "hour, and then leave jou In,' worse condition than before, what you. want is an alterative that will purify vour blood, start healthy action of Liver and. Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give re- newed health and strength. Sued a medi cine you will find in Electric Bitters, and- only 60 cents a bottlo at T. D. Thomas'. If a dog knows a good thing when b sees It, will ho seize It when ho noso It. A sign of good breeding Getting th. prize In a dog show. , -The house of correction The printing house. v For Dyspepsia nnd Liver Complaint, m' havo a printed guarantee on every bottla ; Shiloh's Vitalize!- It never fails to cur. Sold by Dr. Horn, Lehighton, and Bierr,. eisport. The pupils of tbo professional natator. get along swimmingly. -Even tho thief will admit that tbe po lice justlco is a fine man. ' -What is tbe greatest difficulty a wo-v man has to contend with In learning t - swlru? To keep her mouth shut. Young wife: "I wonder why the birds don't come hero anymore? I used to throw -bits of cake I made, and" Tonne husband: "That accounts for It." - '' Sleepless niclits. mado mUerahle bv that. terrible rough. Shiloh's Cure is tne remedy, for you. Sold by Dr. Horn, Lehighton anri. ijicij, ,1 cii-sput I. Customer: "I supposo that's at hand some a cofilu as I can get for the money?"' Funeral director: "Certainly! Those" who try it ouco ncycr want any other!" . . An umbrella dealer tolls how to open- an umbrella without damaging It." It would bo mure Important to know bow to take vour eyes of an umbrella without los ing it. He took her fancy when he cam; bo. took her hand; he took a kiss; he took so notice of the shame that glowed her happy cheek at this. He took to coming afttr noous; he took an oath he'd ne'.er deceive; he took her father's silver spoons ; and af tr that be took bis leave. Shiloh's Vitalizcr Is what von need fur consumption, Loss of Appetite, Dininto-. and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Pric It' auv. vtii.s OOIU OJ VT, HOT. Lehighton, and Biery, Weissport. "Ob, dear! I believe I should faint If a man asked me to marry him," said a gldd) - gushing damsel. "Xever fear," retorted' her practical grandmother: "you might possibly faint, but If you wanted him jon' mtnage to say yes before you did to." 'Ah 1' he exclaimed, at ba pressed her tenderly to him at parting, 'shall I bold yon In these arms again to-morrow, and paint our future with the bright pigments of tbv lmtglnttlon.' 'No, th ttld ctlmly; 'aci to-morrow. T-arrw u wash day.' nji Kin unn-iis
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers