I he Carbon Advocate, n INDKFBNIIKNT FAMILY NRWHt-At-Kn rub- Utuod vory Saturday In Leulthton, Carbon County, Pennsylvania, by Harry V. Mortliimor, Jr. - -DANK STREET. 1 00 Per Year In Advance (test advertising medium In tho county. L'ttjit description oi l'laln and Fancy JOB PRINTING t very low prices. Wo ilo not hosltute to any that wo aro bettor oquiipcd than any other printing establishment In this secllon to do tlrst-class Job-work, In nil Us branches, at low prices. Professional & Business Cards. Horace Hoydt, ATTOltKET AT h A W , ifnuE; -Tlio Room recently occupied by W. M. liapsher. fcANK STREET, - - LEHICHTON. PA. May bo consulted In English and German. July -ly W. M Rapshor, ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND DISTRICT ATTORNEY, First door abovo tho Mansion House, MAUCilt OHUNK, - VENN'A. teal li.it.tte and Collection Agency. Will Pny nd Setl Real Estate. Conveyancing neatly done, ollee Ion promptly mad. Nettling hstates pt ecjili'iiis a specially, ngllili and Herman. May bo consulted In uov. rc-yi H. V. Morthimer, Sr., NOTARY 1'ORLIO, Orni'Ki "Carbon Advocato" Otllce, iANIC Sl'ltEET, LEHIOIirON. All tmslnesspeitiilnlng to tlio nHlCQwlll receive rompt attention. mar. 10 C V. Kleintop, Instructor in Music, -obiibn' Ainerli-in Cfcmical Methods n special. y. Terms rtl'Ui-mli-. nun It-It Hexhy Noli?, AT THE CARROX HOUSE IS NOW r.Mim an Amps -ISHTWH15N THE loteis and L. V. Depot. .utiiM colled for at their Homes by Loavlni ni ilers at any of the hotels. Ii.ll 1, 1W7 W. Gr. Mi. Settle, rii Y-''-l N' AND SUHOEON. H- K. 'TIIKKV.- - - LFJIIOIITO- I i W eo'isulrwl In EnslU'i and (lernian,,- ". '.attention tn'ii to Gynecology. )!: i Mtsriw: I'rmn 1 M. to 2 P. M.,an in i tofPM mir. at-vt A. , Tiabr-nld, D. D. S., tavcir OKfioK : 'tie J. W. ltandeubush' Liquor Store, BVN'K sniEUr. LEHIGHTON. ',iilli-y la nil Its br.vuches. Teeth Extracted 4 iiuo.it rain, (ias administered when requested. u.Uef lys-WED.N'E.SDAY of each week. . u. a d..-3. ALLbNTOWN, Mil i-j i Lelilgh county, fa. F. i. SvllTH, D. D. S., Ol'FICE: First Door Uelow the Lehigh Wagon yVorks lu Lents Jarstelner's biilfdln. Bank Street, .ehighton DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES." Filling and rnaUlns artificial dentures a special ty. I.ocal anesthetics used. (lu administered and Teeth Fxtraetcd WITH OUT PAIN. OFFICE HOURS: From B a. m., to 12 ra from 1 p. in., to 5 p. in., from 7 p. m., to 8 p. m. Consultations in English or (Jcrmau. Oct 15-87 ly UjYE and ear. Dr. G. T. FOIL VIslU Allontnwn regularly on THURSDAY of eiteu weeK. i racucu uumea u Diseases of the Eye and Ear. Utnce at Uayden's American Hotel, and Office Hours frn n o A. M. to 3:30 1". M. Also attends t' Itefructlo i of the Eye for the proper adjustment t Ulasies, and for the Relief and Cure of Opti cal Detects. . Muvalsn ho eniKiilted at his offleo In RATII. Wednesday and Satunlayof each week, at DAN SOU on Monday, aud at GASTON ou Tuesday ol VBC1I WfCK. J.iU-rr P ACKEFtTON HOTEL, Midway between Mauch Chunk & Leblgbton, LEOPOLD MEYER, PROP'E, PACKERTON, - Psxsa. This well-ltnown Hotel Is admirably refitted, and hn.a thn hAt. ii4ooinmodatlons for itenuanenL and tmuslent hoaiders. Excellent tables and the very best Liquors, stables attached, septo-yi MANSION HOUSE, Opposite L. 4 S. Depot, BANK STREET, LEUIGIITON, a n. HOM, PROPRIETOR. Fills houso offers 'first-class accorainodations for ffUnsieui, uuu itcfiii.i.ucrui uuuiurin. b 1141 i'cum newly refitted In all Its depirtments, and t- locat d tu one of the most plcturesquo iwrttons ol the borousu. Teruis moderate. fcv-ThenARt 'wnptiMi with tb8 choicest Wines, Liquors and T. J. BRETWEY itlwOUUiiy flllll'niin r- ,u ii.i3 .-, i until-. ... ihjhton ana ottiars that be la now prepared to !o aU kinds ot tlAULIKG OF FltEIGHT, EXPRESS . W ATTF.n AS'D "RAfinAGE i. wry reasonable prices. By promndonrlraep -ail orders ha hopes to merit u stmeof publ le BCUQKD. JV.SIUCUUBI V'llin v auw uuu u vn ShSirs le.ti at weny & Son's Sorner Storo II reo4d prdmpt awedtlon' ar. is'e-i T. 'f BRT.TNEY. v - :xprtii STREET, , Practical Blacksuiltbdi HorseJbofir Is prepirwl to .do aXl work in his Una la the best manner ana at uie lowest erlees, n.sje oju. um.-B-eo-iy, Horse Doctor, Utaorary Graduate of Ontario Vet, CoUeje.) OQ'38 : .MausloaBusSjBMSt, Leblgbton CASTRATION, DENTISTRY, Diseases of Horse and Cattlev SntJOOESSEULl.T TREATED. tpMlil and Particular Attention paid to LAMENESS SPAVINS, Snlint8. Rincbone, And'ill dlseaws prevalent among UorocstlMtM Intmirii fla-se and Cattle Powders Prepared Suit ablo for eacn Case. ' Ooasulnjlon Pf'ee Cbs'rget Moderate. . Pa $1.00 a Year in Advance. VOL. XVI., No. 15. Lehighton Businoss Directory, WA. ITTEH-, Saloon and Restaurant, Rank . Street. Fresh Laser always on Up. ())s- In season. Drop in ana see us. uoviz-iy JV. llAUDLMiusii.iJanKsiroei, vvuoiesaio . dealer In choice Brands of whiskies, sin, brandies, wines, &c tdf I'atronago solicited. SItANtl'S HIIAVIKU SALOON, oppostto tho AnvnrATK Office. I ' hendnuartcrs for shaving and hair cutting, t'lcais & tobacco sold. GO TO Fits. ItODEItllli, under the Exchange Hotel, Hanksticet, for a smooth shave ora fashionable hatr cut. t'if Closed on Sunday's. .1. KUTZ, Rank street, nmnnfacturer of . rimirp iimrnU of clears and denier in all kinds or tobaccos and smoker's novelties. Call. PRrnit I1F.1M, Rank street, dealer In ladles, gents, misses' and children's bool,lioes and .iititiAfa ii.n;iii.inif nrnintillv attended to. Call. rAMia WALP, Dank street, sleam heaters. I stoves, all kinds of tinware. ltooflnR and pouthuf a specialty. Your patronage solicited. S. KOCH, Hank street, manufacturer of t.tnA la t tT.,,t., Alirnru All IHnils i,. viiiik v hi. inns vk mi. i- .. V. if snioker'a supplies constantly on hand. Call. Pr. I 1 1 K l lK"r I'liLT it tin Mini ic'iiiwioiiii . opp. square, Hank street. Choice wines nnrt 11 II t(i it rnnti.HfUif TlrinL street, heatlqinu ters for fresli laer beer and itnor itrlnks. CUoicc eatables always on lmnd. it. (1II.IIAM. nttoniev at law and notary ). public, Hank street May bo consulted In nsiisn ann uornian. i.si.uowiiiui uiigngciit;. n. ltltn.VDH. Aa't.. Rank street, dealorlu . dry coods, notion, sl.isswarc, qucensnare ud groceries. VShare of patronitg solicted. illELIAULE.TEW.i.:LU:BocK . - - . .... ...-I.. T 1 .-IT- . 1)1. IU28M Ul l'. I uuwu nwuAiH" 1IIIC CARBON ADVOCATE OFFICE,- Hank Mreei. iJi.i i ii iinu in no jim in i ii 1 1 "i" AIivocaie ono dollar per year In advance. 1IIK Li:iII(!H WACiONCO., Limited, factory , on liatiK sireei, iiiaiuiiaciun;n ui unn;uci, ikcr, milk, truck aud express wagons isl X i;ASi:it & BUSS, wholesalo and retail con fectioners. Hank street. Picnics and parties applied. Your patronage Is coidlall) solicited JOCIIESTKR BOTTLING HOUSE, Jho. .1. A. licek. lftiuk street, laer beer, ale. potter, liiiter ale, c. Your oulm are iiOllclteu. O. .1. STRAUSS. Mahoning stiect, fresh ...it,......, ..r.t.ii, Hallvuvoil nvprv iiwirnlne. dl'klndsof vegetables in soason. Low prices. 10 TO REBER'S IMtULf OllfniVi SOUTH BANK STREET. -IXCHANOE HOTEL, Rank street, Thomas ll Mantz, proprietor. Coach to and from de- ot. Kates rcosoiuiDie lor regular cs u ansic. u nuo REUBEN FENSTERMACHElt, Lehigh street, a dealer In dry goods, notions, provisions, iiKjerles, ni.eenswaie,&c. Patronage solicited. I U.S. I)KTSCiIIR-SCHSK.Y, Ionian street, is headquarters for dry goods, notions, pro- lilons, gtoceries, jjc. tar-i airuuKu mmii.-im.-u. 1I-.T TUB BEST OAKLEY'S PERFUME J AT TUO.MAS' DRUO STORE, , The Seorot Sooiotiea. . E., meet Monday evening of each week lu Label's Hall Eegle's cordially Invited. OIIN D. BF.RTOLETTE POST. No. 4S4, G. A. H.. seconit and fouith Thursday evenings ol iieh month, in Reber's Hall. Comrade Invited. tOL. JOHN LENTZ CAMP, No. 05, S. of V.. i E. Pa. I)iv u. s mecttst ana aru inurs ay ot each month, Reber's Ilall.F.D.MIUei.cai 0. O. T., meet Friday night of each week li TAU., Tint, tlunl. itrn.1 . 7 -TJI rtV Iwlf . At! fe'mplars invitel W. v. BoivmaS, C. T tr M. C. A., meet every evening, except Sun I . day's. ST-You aro cordially. lnvited.s: iTcshytefian church, Northampton street. Our Churohes. STETHODISr EPISCOPAL. South Bank street UL Knnrtav tprvtees at 10 a. m.. and 7.30 n.' in.. unday School 2 p.m. Wm. Major, Tastor TRINITY LUTHERAN, Iron street, Sunrtaj services. 10 a. m., (German), 7.D0 p. ru.. (Eng lish). Sunday school 2 p.m. J. II. KUDr.n.Fastor. n EFORMED, IeUIgh stiect, Suuday services Ki at 10 a. m.. rGennan). 7.30 p. in.. (EnglldO. Sunday school? p. m. O. W. otibitz. Pastor EVANfJELICAL, Soutli street, Huudav service' at 10 a. m., (tlernuu), 7.sop. m., (English). Sunday school 2 p. in. (1. W. Guoss. Pastor ATHOLIC, comer Northampton and Coat streets, services every Sunday morning anil tvenlng. Rev. Uammaoke, l'astoi Stoves, Tinware, Heaters and Ranges, In Great Variety at Samuel Graveu's Popular Store, Bank Street. Roofing and Spouting a special ty. Stove repairs lumished on short notice. Prices Reasonable ! ! : i Accident, Life & Fire INSURANCE ! A, W. RAUDENBUSH, Bank Street, Lehighton, Has socured the agency for tUe following SUBSTANTIAL IXSUUANCE COM PANIES wliicb can be recooiinoiidcd to the public as Perfectly Safe' and Reliable. The National Life -Insurance Co. OF MONTPELIERt VT, which Is said to be "The grandest Bten; In fair dealing within the History ol ma Insurance." It protects ajalmt achorslty lu bostness; It pro tects d e pen dent oues against the 'contin gency of death 1 1 HiiuFrs'. Accident Aiiity Go, or united States, With a resorve fund of $60)00 guarantee every policy in mil. xo. omer- com r pany has ever put up. uich a fund. It.costs hut a.- fev centsyerv ! uay goo-lj tnvesttflauf. LOCAL AGENS ABE- DSSIRED Harris!,! MfcL-Li?e Slict- INSURANOE CGMIANv Fixed rates: np annual dues". AtilmoiJSl Tiara into cias6e ot ono uunarea arw. niy cacu. ivaiDers rfsponinie only for losses occurring in tlia klass In "which their anl inals w'ere'enrnHeJ. AllUt , 185 If ' CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO C A LI FO RNI.A VU-KU:8iirl TtcAfle S7"-.Ia.-lIt, Eou, Allthnphlff CAumnnmrpi-tDtho Dotted StitM jnff Canada will have 'h."HI Excursion tickets nt jreHtiy reaueea ra'es 10 ixii AUKnei, w Uievo. and Hi n Francisco for excursions leaving St. fraila. U'pdnB.ifm. .linuarv nth and Febru ary Htbivta Iron Moonmln Boute; jind Kansas M4ir. January nnl rvvfurr ihui i jiji rurt VctOo1w lsnRl n. ZKitN, m. d w. u Kirrz. m. d. D KS. ZEUS & KUT7,. Physioians & Burgcono. OFFICE at the residence of Dr. Zvn. I Itr Street. Welsport. All calls or sundcal or medical treatment will eceivo prompt attention. 'usyt4-7-tf qMtANKLIN HOl'SK, EAST WEISSrORT. TENN'A This houso offers first-class accommodations lo the permanent boarder and transient finest, ranlo prices, only One Dollar per day. aug7-iy John RRinttn, Proprietor. D RATS, THE JISttRI.KR. All Kinds of Jewelry ! Schooi Bools H Stationery. - augsnt7,f)-ty. The - Wolsaport - Bakory, C. W. LAURY. PROPRIETOR. Delivers Fresh r.read and Ckesln WelsjK-rt, Lehlphton and vicinities overy day. In tho store I havo a Fine Lino of Confectlonory for the Holiday Trade. Sunday school.-, and fe Hval3 supplied at lowest prices. dee", tun. THE Waksport, Cavion County, Tonaa., Honry Christman, Proprietor. Tbnmibllcls resnectfidlv Informcil that this ell-know house has been rcfitlort and Improved mi hrst rate, and able to furnish tlieveiv best accommodations of all kinds A Livery Stable In connection with the hotel, with ample means to nccomniodato wedding parties, funerals and pleasure seekers with safo teams. In connection with tho hotel Is a FINE TOOL ROOM handsomely fitted ur. Apr23 87 Iy For Newest Designs and Most Styles of Fashionable DEBSS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, SILVERWARE. &c, &c. GO TO R. II. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lohigliton. 5oods guaronlerd and prices as low nt else where for the same nusllty of goods. luly 18, lS85-ly ALL THE NEWS ! The Carbon Advocate. $1.00 Per Year, ingle opies, FIVE Cents. Advertise in the Advocate. THE :-: S -FOB- 1888. The voar VAi nromlses tobeaveai oUnlemlld political developments, one and all tedoundlng lo the glory und triumph ot a UNITED DEMOCRACY. IS THE l'ROXT LINE WILL DEE FOITNI) THE SUN, Fresh from It magnificent victory over the com bined foes ol Democracy In Its own Btato, true to Its couvlitious, truthful abovo all else, nnd tearless In the cause of tridh and right. The SUN has six, eight, twelve and sixteen pages, a occaslou requires, nnd is ahead ot nil competition in everything that makes n news paper. Daily .... w.oo Dally and lfcekly - - 7.50 unday (10 and SOpages) - - 1.S0 Weekly - - - - 1.00 U-3 Address THE SUX. New York, B B 0 ISBgllE AT THE Central Drug Store OFP. TOE FUnLIO SQUAtll! Bank Street, Lehiphton, Pn. IS HEADQUARTERS 'HH Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fiue Soaps, Brushes, &c., &c., Choice AVines and Liquors, Largest Assortment of Library Lamps ! Wall Paper and Decorations Spectacles ! When von buv a nalr of Shoes vou want a cood Ot. I.ut 11 vou need SPECTACLES It Is muca moro Hnponaoi mat me iii.. soouia oe accommoaareawiin correct tenses ana a propw Iv flttlnc frame which will bnnc the lenses dl- recvly before tbocentroof the eye. II voabuy your spectacles at Dr. Horn's you will find the above olnts prpporly attended to. PERSCRIPTIONS Carefully CompciiiM OoVlf67 Hie -Advocate contains jjrj the-latiost ai)d best news up the hour of going to press. to -.STEADY EMPLOniENT.' We watt good men In every town tu this State to take orders for .Nursery Stock during TJlIh FALL AND WINTER I'revlons erptrtenoe not required. We hire . 6"n b alary. And rjavoursAlesmen'sexnensos. Forr&rmsa UocSllST vtiP- r.C INDEPENDENT " Lohigliton, Carbon County, Ponna., February. 25, The Qrt&test Cnra nn TUs-ts rn rfn n reUCTonioro quiclilr than any other known wm- B ,&cl a botuek 'Jitii&SBlm Solvation OH brr, ourE regmf mi irnaiuariE. ud our faimlls slcmhlro. A, O. Ufjer & Co.. Dol itcprlclor Baltimore, Md U. & A. bmohfl Lance's Culieb Clcarctten. for Co tnrt h I rrlco 1 0 Ct. Soltl by all PruppHta Facilitates Teething, regulates the: Bowels, relieves Griping and Wind Colic and is a most certain Rem. Eedy for Dysentery, Diarrhoea and bummer Complaints. ior Sale by all Druggists. Price 25 cents. iJI.V Vill.l'l ilA.-M.EII()T,S V3 7.IITAiT.nii E. F. LUCKENBACH, DRALKH IN Wall F&pes-gsj Borders & Decorations, Books, Stationery, Faucy GoOuS. Window Shades & Fixtures, Iata)t Stylos, made and put up, tf detlrM. Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general Painters' Supplies. Ho. 61 Broaiwav Maneb CM. Pa. ftolnw the Broadway IIou?e. All the latest and ' best news; The AbvtfBATK, $1 per ivear; 50 .cents, six mouth?. D. J. KISTLSR ReaDectfullv announces to the nulillo Hint ho hah jpened u NEW I.IVliltV STAliLi:, and that ho Is now preparen 10 iiirnis'i icanis lor i-uneriiis. Weddings or IluMncss Trips on the Uiorlest no- iceHnu most iiocnu terms, urnern icit at tnt caioon llouso" win recoivo lnompt attention. STABLES ON NQUTII 1TIIEKT, 1an22-vt next tho Hotsl, Leliljhton, NO MORE BIG PRICES! W. S. KUHNS Kopc(fuUy announces to tlie imblla (hat lie Is now niceiy jocricu m ni gw Store Room Oi. L. V. Round Honse lUUs'IC STIIEET, LEUIGIITON, and has In stock a full and complete line, of Stoves and Tinware ! Including jlia Justly Celebrated and Popular New Mayflower, APO O & IRVING toves, Wblcb ho ft selling at THE VEHY LOWEST CAbii rnicus. ion are resrectfullv Invited to call and Inspect his stock and learn prices before purchasing eliewhere. Roofing and Spouting III be promiitlv and correctly attended. Term lpw as tho very lowest. W. S. KUHNS. Opp. Round Houwt Bank Street, Lehlauton.Pa. J u l pw r i i y mado uasv manulactur- Ine Rubber Stamns.Send tor rrtee list of outfits, to East'Oerraau St.,' Baiti-niore,Md.,U.S.A-Oc2Wm If yon are Indebted to the Advocate for subscription, advertising or job printing plcasa remit the amount. Wo need the money to meet running expense of the of. uce. -GO TO- SWEENY'S Cannad TorcatoM, Plolteled Chow-ohow, Corn, Oysters, Peaches, Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, Onions, " Gherkin", ' Celery. " Uanllflovver, " Horseradish " Catsup, iieaus, Corn lieor, Sweet potatoes, Oranges, Banannai, Mince .Meat. Apples, L.ocoauuis, uaies, fig:, corn-meal, mixed nuts, grapes, apricots, citron, hickory nuts, California peacues eocoanuts macaroons, seedless raisins. And "everything else usually kept in a first-class general store, in eluding Dry Go6d9,vGrocenes Provisions, Qtieensware, Qhina- ware, &c., &c.' REMEMBER THE LEHIGHTON, PA. win 91 wmnn, dciuui, i,ur.t liuud u fo, I'lewiST, fiorro, I rot-bue,s3 mckacho, Qulnsr. Soro Utrnat, MttM- iVmindt IlaailsKhM N ion, cw,. j ncy gfH . Boul far aJlW Money Corner Store Live and Let Live." FATHER Illit. nV W. It. WIIEtlJiON. Aboe the orM I sltand sail, Moving on, inologoiii Tho things I pass nn inoro avail, T.ie bldo their years, dceny and fall, Wlillo I keep moUK on. Vtv.n on tho world I look and smile, aiovlnjon, moving onj The scythe 1 bear smites all the wlilli-. Cuts as It may tor good or guile. While I keen moving on. Over the world 1 elanco my ej r, Moving ou. lnovlns on; Good deeds mituic, tlio hopeful try, The Just aloue shall never die. Willie I keep fnothiK on. Around tho ivorld I sit and roll. Moving ou, moving on; Ulpcniug fruits for sacred goal, l'erlectlug hopes of tlio djlng soul. While I keen moving on. Ilcslde the uorld I < and liutr. Moving on, moving on; Sounds ol Joy or sadness drear, 1' ilung the siirteu around the sjiberr. Wuile I keep moving on. Above, around all ivorl Is I ride, Moving on, moving on; Watching in all the swelling tide Or human love and human pildn, Wlillo I keep moving on. When stars go out and ur,il. utaiid tlll, Alouo I'm moving on; Obejjnij tiod's etui-nal will, I eac not lien all clso h still. But yet keep moving nn. Thus Time rolls on, Ercron and on, Ahuvo tue eaitli and ne'r the Sim, 'Mid lightning's Hash, And thunder's crash, Moving toward etcrultj'. Hiram's Boarders. Tim CAt.CU LATINO HACUEI.OI! AKI1 nil: WILY WIDOW. Hiram Appleton was fond of inonnjvmd, as he lived In the most economical manner, nad managed lo accnuiulato n considerable sum of It. As nn instance, of his economy, ho had worn tlia samo blue coat with brass buttons for ten years, to chtncli and to muster, and there was considerable proba bility of Its having to servo for as much longer. Hiram was a bachelor. Ilo con sidered a wife an expensive luxury, from which ho abstained from economical mo tives. In the course of time, however, Hiram camo to take a different view of tho mat ter. He read somewhere that It was a say ing to be married, as tho work that, a wife would do would more than pay the expens es of her board and clothing. On reflec tion, Hiram considered that, nndcr his cir cumstances, this was a consideration of somo Importance. "Besides." thouRht he, "wo might take boarders, and taking hoarders Is profitable f jou don't keep 'em too well. I've heard that Aunt Jane Doolittla made a thousand dollars clear In one year from keeninc ooar.lers. 'And all the labor comes on the wlmmen folks, too. 1 guess I must be married." Mr. Apiileton decided, on the whole.ito marry a widow. Wo ijiye his reasons in his own words: "It stands to reason," ho soliloquized, 'that a widow must havo more experience bout household matters than ono who lasn't been raarrlod. Now, one that Isn't experienced Is very apt to waste thlngj.and it takes n Rood deal of time to teach 'em better. Now a widow's already broken In to the wajs of a household. 1 must bo on iho lookout for a widow." Mr. Hiram Appleton,' according!), began to look about him. Just at this time there came into town a certain Widow Jones, on a visit to a rela tion. As Mr. Appleton was well acquainted at the house vvhero sjio was visiting, ho soon found it In his way to "call round." The widow was sitting in tho "keeping- room" with Mrs. Felton, her relation. 'Mr. Appleton," said the latter, "let me Introduce to vou my cousin, Mrs. Jones." Hiram bowed. "I wonder whether she's a widow," he thought to himself. When Mrs. Felton accompanied him to the door, he ventured to mako the inquiry. "es," said Mrs. Felton, "her husband died two years since." You soo, Mis. Fcltan," said lliraru in a bnslnosa-llke tone, "I've been thinking of getting married. I think, on the whole, It would ho good policy. I gntss I should prefer a smart, industrious, economical widow, if I could hear of ono anywhere." Then," said Mrs. Felton, "I am quite sure that my cousin would suit v ou. She's as Industrious a crcetur as you ever saw. Always has work In her" hand." There's one thing I want to know about," said Hiram, auxiousl , "Is sho fond of dress? I don't know much about it, hut I've heard that somo wimmcn spend a sight on tbelr dress. Now, I can't stand ihat anyhow, I calc'late that my wife If f ever have any shall dress decent; hut as to silk dresses, and gold chain, and such, they won't coma out of me." Mrs. Felton assured her Inquirer that no one could ho inoro simple In her tastes than her cousin an nssuranco that grati fied Mr. Appleton exceedingly. Yoit need not tell her what I've been saying," said Hiram. "I'll come lu again two or three timos, and sec how I Hko her ways, and, If I do, I II propose pretty quick." 'You'd better," said Mrs. Follon, "for thero's no knowing how Boon somebody else may pick her up." Instead of regarding ulram's Injunction, Mn. Felton straightway communicated the substance of tho conference to tlie widow. Now It so happened, for reasons which will appear, that thn widow was by no means luJUposed to a second marriage, and, on hearing that Hiram was a man of property, she concluded to "set her cap for him." "You mint appear to bo very Industrious and economical," said Mrs. Felton. "He laid particular stress on that." t'Don't fear forme,'' said her cousin. "It takes a widow to manage tba men." When Hiram made his second call the widow Jones was arrayed In a very plain calico, which, at tlie utmost, could not hive cost more than nine-pence per yard. I "You must excuse the plainness of my dress, Mr. Apple-ton," iM she, "but don't approve of rich' dresses. A calico is Just as warm as a silk - or, at any rat,thre 1888. i Isn't inucli illlTe'rfnce, and there Is a imt ileal of difference. In the prie-.'' Hlratn was delighted. 'Yon'ro a eonslhlo woman, .Vrs. .limes,'' said lie. "You've -got a soul abovo tho ' msjotlty of ,vnur sex." "Thnnlc yon, Sir. Applet or," said the t widow, demurely, "t don't tnhe no credit to myte.lf for It. it's natural !o me. !! makes mo sick to see hnw fond most wo men are of flummery, and putting all they can eiirn on their back." '"That's a fact," said Hiram. "That's Just tho cITecl It has on m. N'mv, Mrs. Jones," this h- said In a rontl.lontls.1 tone, "how loutt do yon think I have ui.ide this coat do for bests'" ' Mrs. Jones could not possibly-tell. "It's lasted ten years,'.' said Irani, with becoming pride. "Ton years, nnd It's a Rood coat jot." "So it Is." said tho vvlduw, "and I com mend your prudeuco. Mr. Applcton, how long do you think It Is since 1 bought this dress?" Hiram ventured to guess 'five 'JJ.' "You're wrong,'' said the widow, shak ing her Head, "I had It just twelve yrare, come spring." Mrs. Jones did not think it necessary to mention that, although It had breu boueht at that limn, It had been cist aside some ten years since, and had only txv-u resusci tated for the sako of producing an impics sion on Ilir.niu 'Twelve years!" nxclainu-d Hiram, In a glow of admiration. "You are a perfect, treasure, Mrs. Jones." "X.a, now, you don't mean it," said the widow, bashfully. 'Yes. I do, and ydu aro the woman I'yo been seeking for years for a vv ifo. So love ly and'so economical! Hear widow Jones, may I hope that you will favor me with your hand that you wjll become Ars. Appletou?' L his is so unexpected,' murmured the widow, 'and yet I fuel that a man of your just sentiments and prudent habits is not to be slighted. I will accept your offer in the samo spirit in which It is made.' 'Thcro Is ono other thiiu;,,' said Hiram, after a short pause, 'that 1 should like to mention. I am a straightforward man and I watit everything to bo understood. Would you have any objection to taking a fnw boarders after we arc married?' Not the slightest,' said tho widow. 'In deed, I Intended to mention something of tho sort to yon.' 'Did yon though, really?' Inquired Hiram, with delight. Yes. The fact Is, Mr. Appleton, I am coal Is by temperament, and it Is rather acrecablo than otherwise lo have a large family about me.' Hiram began to think that tlie widow was an admirable woman, and that he could not have mado a better match If he had sought the world over. In tho coursoof time,' i-aid he to him self. 'I shouldn't wonder if it oroved thousands of dollars In my pocket. If I could only have met with such a woman twenty years ago. However, better late than never.' Preparations were hastened for the wed ding. Hiram feared that something would turn up to prevent the marriage, on which he had set his heart As for the widow, sho had no serious objections. Ard', ac cordingly, ono morning they rode over to the minister's and were united without any lisplay. Hiram wore the same bluo coat with brass buttons which had served lilru so long and faithfully. It looks well enough,' lie said, 'and there Isn't any uso of colng to any foolish expense. The widow wasdressed in n plain delaine, with no ornaments. How much shall I give you?' asked Hiram of the clergyman who had united them. Whatever you please,' said tho clergy man, politely. 'How much does tho law allow,' persisted Hiram. 'One dollar and a quarter.' 'Then,' said Hiram, 'here's a 'two,' and you can give mn back seventy-five cents in change.' Tho clergyman made change with as sober a face as he could and the happy pair departed for home. The next day Hiram broached the sub ject of boarders. 'Thcro ain't any use In delaying the mat ter as I know of,' said he. 'Wo might as woll begin first as last. Suppose wo ad vertise.' r'There isn't any need of that,' said the new Mrs. Appleton. 'I kuow of some friends in the place where I used to live who would bo glad to come and board with us.' 'Do you?' askud Hiram, with eagerness. 'That's a good Idea. It will save the ex pense of advortlslng.' 'Yes,' said Mrs. Appleton. 'That is very true. However, It will bo necessary to go and see iliein, and that will cost some thing.' How much?' 'A dollar and thirty-seven cents each way,' leiurned his wife. - 'That will make $2.73, said Hiram. 'I'll give yiRl three. Tho oxtra quarter will dB for miscellaneous expenses.' This was an unexampled stroke of geu erosityon the part of Mr. Appleton; but the tUoucht of the profits which ho was going to mako made him feel unusually generou. 'How Ions will you bn cone?' asked Hiram. 'That will depend a little on circum stances. I think I can bo back by the end of the week.' 'And vou feci pretty ur of bringing back some boarders?' 'I think 1 can prorale vou six at least,' said his wife, confidently. 'Six!' returned Hiram with satisfaction. 'Six, at threo .dollars a week, will mako elzhtceu dollars. Then the actual cast of boarding them need not be more than a dollar apiece. That will make twelve dol lara clear weekly, or lx hundred dollars a year.' This was a rcrv gratifying calculation, and Hiram awaited Ills wife's return with eagerness. On Saturday night the stage stopped at the door. It appeared to be unuiuallv full. Mrs. Appleton cot out first. Then sue. eesilvely alighted three boys and three girls, varyla lu age from fifteen to fivt. $1.28 when not paid in Advance. Single Copies 5 Cents. '36 thoy'ns all ehlldrwi,' said Hiram, a little bewildered. 1 t'Y',' snld Ills wife. M'lniri' help Hi' ' drlw fn lth thrtr tiflnhi.' 'Tliey won't ratio mui'h h If tl ii w i ijruwii,' thong!,' Uliwin. In- w do vi but will ial9nml him. At length I he) Mi-re all in lb' baggage and nil and tho iI.im- rt'i i)o,l in hmii li.nl di parled. Ml'hat aro tin'j'rp nnin-K?' .i lil llli.mv looking about Ulm. , . ' Their last name l .Ioiie. Ti-r ll i) ehlldreu by my lirst htislmnd.' Whall' nxcladtiml Hiram, ntii.i they boarders?' Of oourec. This will hi th. henceforth. H'lioro ahould i.'.i v I '.in t in. n r I Inn with tjielr new father)' I'oor Hlmin! Ho raved and -.t'-t u.i i', bm to no effect. I'lio nido on.; ii. i ini iiui had gained n foothold mid tin hi i i . Whenever anyboilj speaks lo li.in now about the profli of kcepinn l i.ii.'.n, in shakra his lic.nl iiud looks n - nn. i h Common Hints for enifr. In those day when no much -'.iknig i done and tho Iteh Jor senlil.lii.g ii,i-. , -came an epidenlc, it scrmahur i iin.n s ib i to say or write auj iliini; win.n i .. . i,.-ci becu before tie i-ubllo. vi . th ,. i i i.oi e aro constant changes coiny n . i..ili we cannot help but notice. In . I. the daily oceiiiiences, and how tin-1 . n.kv uso of their time, you will rc ib i liipj differ In taste and ideas, t,i iuiu-.i f in looks. IdiciiCfcS is preferable to labor, by some, others, live to nccommadate all they can, and keep all they can. Whilst fome few are In reality Hying and acting In 6uch a way as to bo a benefit to the home, ind society In which they move. A Library In our community, is giving our people the opportunity of making good use of their spate moments, and become formlliar with different v ritets. From what I understand thcro are now books beiugndded to the list, in order to supnly the wants of, tho readers. Undoubtedly many of us aro fond of 'lead ing, but our leading Is evidently not so fond of us as it takes takes every opportunity to vanish and leayo our brains as empty as before. There are different vvuvs of retain ing what we read, oce is by taking nolcs, aim another is to sit. down aim give an account of it to yoursolf or some Intlmi.ite friend, but care must be taken in the se lection of such a friand, for many of our friends have battel hearts, than heads, and the consequences would be, a tedious and possibly an uninteresting lime of It, by the ono party. By reading a few standard works, and then confine our reading to that which suits the particular ben' of our minds;, it will be instructive and Interesting to us. Don't be anxious to see how many books you can read, but read carefully what ever you do rend, If tho public forms' the Idea that you aro acquainted, with but a few books, never mind their opinion, for they aro bound to stamp you forth at which you are. It would bo well to renly, to such parties with old man Hobbles. When asked why ho had not read more. "Head more! he cxelaiuiod If I had read as many books as othor men I would have been as ignorant as other men. They who read tho works of good and-noble men will be clearer In their heads, larger in their hearts, and nobler in their actions, and this Is why we read with looks as with compan ions it Is of more consequence to know which to avoid than which to choose, good and valuable books, ate 'as scarce as good companions. Heading poor books ft- a waste, of time. Those authors who can give us the most knowledge, and take least of our time, are doing thn most for us. Lite is too short for any time to be wasted the programme Is full, and largo, for the time allotted. Ha who can devlde his time, so as to waste least of it h.is' accom plished one great act In life I.chlghton Pa. , "M. V.." KMBAREAS8IIIO I'KOMINUHCE. 'I can't stand it,' said Hilly Hliven, 'It's getting to be weaiisome.' 'Can't stand what?' 'This thing of being so much sought af ter.' 'Have you become such a Hon in society that yon no longer enjoy compliments?' 'Not exaclly; but I have become so very prominent among a certain class of people that It is embarrassing.' 'In what way?' They all want my nutograpli.' 'Your autograph !' 'Yes; signature to a small cheek, you know.' "Soup or fish, sir?" asked tho wall nr. "Nelthor" replied the guest. "That waB a superficial question, wasn't It?" said the gnost's friend. Young Miss "I hare sot nn date for my f elding. I want to wall until we aro able to begin housekeeping." Experienced Maton "Oh. yon foolish child. Don'tslo anything of the kind. !o to boarding." "Hut boarding-hou life is so full of trials." "So Is housekeeping, my dear. (Jo lo boarding by all means. Then when things go wrong your husband will have lo take It out on the landlady." Evcrv utterance creates" some kind of an Impression. "Work like a man, but don't bo worked to death." Don' hurry "Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow." Of all the battles there ate noua like tho unrecorded battles of tho soul. Those who go for berries should not retreat from briars. The man who dne not provide for his family Is not Us head. Spend less nervous energy each day than you make. Women who do their own work regard their rough hands with great distress. To mako and keep 'them soft wear old gloves at night, just nibbing In an olntmeut made by beating the whlto of an egg to a froth and stii ring Into a cup of moiled lard, to which Is ndded one teaspounful of glycer ine. Keep the mixture in a covered jar, excluding the light. Ptirfiiuie may bt added. Congressman repreeutug a rlosv ills trlct You bet we-spell vote with a big'V In my district. Congressman rdpresemlug a cloer dis trict Is that all? We spell it wliu an X I In mine, and then we arw nut always sure i we've got It right. Advertising Rates For Legal Notices. I'll following price for le(jal advertis ing has been adopted by the CAnnoM Ahvk:atk. ! Charter Notices M 00 Auditor's Notices - - - 4 ft) I Coinlnlssltiuer'a Notices - - 4 00 I Dlvotw NctlM - - - 4 00 Administrator's Notice - - 3 00 Xxwutor's Nollco - - - - S 00 Other legal advertising will be chained far by the square. H. V. Uorthim::, Jr., rubllshor. DYSPEPSIA. , IB that misery experienced when we aud. ilenlr become nwnre tlint wo powieti a labollcnl nrrnneenicnt called n stomach. Tlio stomach is the reservoir from whlolt every (Tore nnd tissue most bo nourished, and any trouble wltb It Itsoon fel lib rough out the whole system. Among n floxeu dyspeptics no two will have the camo pre domlnnntsymptoms. Dyspeptlcaotacllva mental power and a bllfous temperament are subject to Sick Ileariachri those, Deshy and phlcgmat le havo ConM (potion, while tho thin null iiorvounoronlmndoned to Bloomy fnrehodlnf-a. PomedrspeptiM are wonderfully forget ful; others mw great Irritability of temper. Whatever form Dyspepsia mar take, one thing Is certain, . The untJcrlytntr, eaUMt it y in th X.rX', and ono thing more Is equally certain, no' one will remain n. dyspeptto who will It -will correct Acidity of the t Stotnaeh, nipelfoul sates,' Allay Irritation, Assist Digestion,' and, at tho aaraa tlmo Start the JLiver to worMnr? trien all other troubles J soon disappear, -v-, "My wife wis a confirmed dyspeptic. Son three years ago by lh dric of Dr. Stelner, of Augusta, the wat induce lo try Simmons Liver Regulator I leel grateful forlhe relief It h given her, and may all who read this and are afflicted In any way, whether chronic or other wise, use Simmons Liver Regulator and I feel confident health will be restored to all who will bo advised." Wh. M. Ksasii, Fort Valley, Ca.l Sec that you get the Genuine f wlthied Z on "ant of Wrapper, ( ' V" raieaaap only v ' J.n.ZEHIN it CO., rblladclphia, Fo,1 Art Is endless like eternity. A half a wit Is worse than none. I.ovo and a cough can not bo hid. To dUecrn light In shadows Is an art. Keep cool and you command every body. Plceplcts uiglitH, made miserable by that, terrible cough. Sliiloh'sCnro is Ine remedy for jou. Sold by Dr, Horn, lhightnn and flinty, Weiktport. It is not always what we Hko the best that does us the most good. An ounco of a man's, own wit is'worth a ton of other people's. Sliiloli's Vitalizer Is what you neod for contniiiplinn, Iaxh of Appetite, Dizxiuriu and nil (yniptoma of Dyepepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by Dr. Horn, Ijchightnn, ami Bicry, Weissport, Never sit still and wait judgment speaks the doom of fate. Never show u fractious or peremptory irritablily lu small things. Tor Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Sliiloh'ri Vitnlircr It novcr fails to cure. Sold by Dr. Horn, Lehighton, and Blerr, Weihi-port. Speak well of your friend; of your enemy say nothing. Never sacrifice your principle; sacrifice money mther than It. OON'T. . ' . , let that cold of yours run on. ol tlnuk it a light thing. "Tint It mnY into catrrh. Or into pneumonia. Or Consumption.' Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia is dan gerous. Consumption ib death ithdf The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of all obstructions and oflensivc matter. Otherwise there is trouble ahead All the diseases of theso parts, heat), no8 tliro.it, bronchial tubes and lungs, can be delightfully and entirely cured by the us ing Ilosehei-'s (ierninii Syrup. If you don't know this already, thousands Of people cane tell you. They havo been cured oy it, and ok now how it is, themselves." Bottle only 75ivnt4. Ask any druggist. Never offend others, by so doing we expose ourclves, Nc,cr yield to temptation lest jour peace is sacrificed. Tho wondorful Hcaline properties of Sarbri Frophvlactic Fluid in case of Accidents, for Barns, Scalds, Cats, wounds, etc. tti- prompt me will itivaribly relieve pain promote healing and prevent Erysipelas, (.iangrcne, or Proud Flesh. Owing to the cleansing and purifying qualities of tho Fluid the most obstinate Ulcers, Bolls Car buncle; and Riumihg tres arc rendered I miv and healthy and speedily cured, no other application being necessary. . Men resctnblo the gods In nothing so much as in doing good to their fellow creat ines. , livery good act that we do proflU us no matter what tho other person did "with It, Good intontlous aro flowers, good acts ate the fruit which alone brings more flow ers. To the trees that gives the most fruit in Xhe Fall, eomoi the most blossoms In th Spring. Two great enemies IIood!a Sa.rsaparilla and Impure blood. Tho latter is utterly de feated by tlie peculiar medicine. Never be Inhurry, for it Is a mark of a weak mind; dispatch for a strong one. Noyer be fussy about your supposed rights; yield a dispute polut of precedence. Who nover walks saye where he sees men's tracks, makes no new discoveries. A Sound Legal Opinion. U. lUinbridge .Munday Esq., County Attr, Clay Co., Tcxa sajs: "Have used hlectrlc Bittori. vntn most happy rcMitt:. My brother also wu very Iomt witli Malarial Fever and Jaim.li.v, hut was cured by tlmeljr uso of tliU nieJicinc. Am witisfieil Electric Hitter saved his life.'' Mr. I). 1. Wilcoxi.oti, of Horse Cave, Ky., add a like testimony, Hiying; lie positively believe he would have died, had it not been for Electric Bitters. Tills great remedy will ward off, an well as cure all nnlsrml DUoasen, and for all Kid ney, Liver and Stomach lMsorderm-tand tin. equaled. Price 50 cents and $1. Wliv not rely upon yourself a while and thus get in tho wayotauccoss. Happiness comes more from helping others than from helping ourselves.-" No man Is fit to have power, hnliss ha wishes to vvlld It for good of all. Choose brave employment wlt'b'a naked word throughout the world. . A great many people have itsed no other kind for years Hop rjfasferi'glVe, sat isfaction. ' j With tlie -generality of men policy is i much more powerful than 'principle- No fountain it so small but tliattieaveii may be Imagined In Its bosom. '. Never contract a f riendshlo'Vltlt a man whols not better than yourself. ' Be himmtr or anyll. ' s 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers