fheCarbon Advocate, lit tSDKMtNDKXT FAMILY NKWHVArKR Pub lished every Saturday in IslilEliton, Carbon County, l'ennsylvnnl, by Harry V. Morthimer, Jr. " MASK. tsTKBUI. $1 00 Por Yoar in Advanoo ' Uest advertising medium lntho county, Kvery doscrlptloii'of Plain and Fancy JOB PRINTING At very lo.v price. Wo do not hesltiito to say I hit we aro better clipped tnan any other printing establishment In tins, section to do flrst-class Job-work, In all Its branches, ut low prices. ill nit ii $ 11 c si i .Advertising Rates For Legal Notlocw. '11m following price for legal advecJt but . has bean adopted by th Cajusoci AjjTocatb. Charter Notice -Auditor Notlcoi -Commissioner's Notice Dlvorco Notlcs Administrator's Notices Executor's Notice ft 09 - 400 4 00 - 4 00 5 00 S 00 $1.00 a Year in Advance. INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live." $1.28 when not paid in Advance. VOL. XVI., No. 12. Lehighton, Carbon County, Penna., February 4, 1888. Single Copies 5 Cents. Other legal advertising wOI bechred for by th square. n, V, Uortto, Jr., PntHsbw, 1 Professional & Business Cards. Horace Heydt, ATTORNEY AT ti A W , k 1 i u f u " ' in. ,.Tho Koomrecently occupied by W. M. J. Ovi-ias jkai'suit i 13AM IC STREET, - IiEHIOUTON. PA. May be consultod In Rngllsh and German, July 4-ly W. M. Rapshor, ATTORNEY akd COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AD DISTRICT ATTUHJNUX, First door abot s th Mansion Houso, UAWCR CHUNK, - - PENN'A. J.. I Bal fcwte and Collection Atey. Will . Juy aaa. Sell Hal Estate. Conveyancing f$Jg?Zt - l'uec;uis prominii n.T.ited in J B'SdV.K1 y noSv"?j-t " H. V. Morthimor, Sr., SOTARY. PUDLIC, Orncnt "Carbon Advocate" Ofilco, tTilt STREET. - LEIIIOUTON. All business pertaining to the office wilt mnve O. V. Klelntop, Instructor in Music,- )Jhltll American ClMMcnl Methods a spoclal- n Jy. Ternu moaeraie. "". Henry Nolf, AT THE CARRON HOUSE Ui NOW n,'nn. n k nnnivtmnrlqlinn 'Dntj nUEluy. all nUbumuiuuauuu uuo, iy. BETWEEN TUB m Hotels and L. V, Depot. rwttw ealled for at their nomei i by Ivtng or- AFrtlI.lWT W. G. M. Seiple, rHYSrCIAN AND SURGEON. 0UTH STREET, - - LElIIGnTON, May be consulted In English and German. Jpeclal attention given to Gynecology. OrriCK noons; rrom u m. to 2 P. M., and trom to 9 P. M, mar. si-yi A. S. Rabenold, D. T. S. U&avch Orrif n : Over J. W. Raudsnbuih' Liquor Store, 1.VNK STREET, LEIIIGUTON. BtaMstry In all Its branches. Teeth Extracted nltUout Cain. Gas administered wbeu requested. Oras Pays WEDNESDAY of each week. 9. Cl. u'lteu. AI.LKNTOWN. Ja 3-yl Lehigh count', Pa. Fl QftIITU nn Q . I. bfVlllH, U. U. J OffriCB: First Door Delow tho Lehleh Wazon TTOiJU in iQwi3 Jiarsteiner 3 uuuuiui;, Bnk Street, Lehighton, BNTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. riiUar ad making artlDcial dentures a special ty. Local anesthetics used. Nm administered and Teeth Fxtraoted WITH OUT TAIN. TTICE HOURS: From S a. m., to 12 m., from 1 p. m., loop, m., irom i p. in., 10 s p. ui. Consultations In English or German. Oat 1H7 ly EYE A.ND EAR. Dr. G-. T. POX Thrtta Allentown regularly an THURSDAY of MhD wesc. rracvice uiiuie. m Diseases of the Eye and Ear. ntaet at navden's American Hotel, and Office lours trom A. M. to 3:30 P. M. Also attends to tttraetlou of the Eye for the iiropar adjustmont c uiasses, ana iot ine uenei auu ure ui upii- May also be consulted at his omce In BATn, WrdnMdav and Haturdavof each week, at KAN- OR on Monday, and at E ASTON on Tuesday of nen ween. j-u x-ri PACKERTON HOTEL, ISaway between Mauch Chunk & Lehighton, LEOPOLD MEYER, FROP'R, TAeKERTON, - - raA, Ikts wan-known Hotel is admirably reflttod, and (u tha best accommodations for permanent and transient boarders. Excellent Tables and the rery best Liquors. Stables attached. sepis-yl MANSION HOUSE, Opioslte L. b H. Depot, SAZTK STREET, LEtHOIITON, a H. HOU, PROPRIETOR. 1U hsutk efters flrst-class aocomraodations for trrutent and nermanant boarders. It has been twly nSttedm all Its departments, and is locat ed In en of the most picturesque portions of the karengh. Terms moderate. t& Tho BAR Is milled with the choicest Wines, Liquors and Tags.. roiu mic( uu x,iii. niriivi T. J. BRETNEY 3fcPMtolly nnnouacM to the MrrcbanU of Lf 3bton and otntrt to&t no is 3thsrs that he Is now nresared to io u Kin a i n Hauling or FnEiGnT, Expukss Mi.mii and Baggage tt reasonable prices. Br oromndonrlraeo all orders he hopes to merit a shareof publ Ic I irons j. unsinence: eoruer or rtne ana iron Vbrsen leu at sweeny & Son's Bonier Store reeeiae prompt aiceanou ar. It. M . T. 'f BRETNEY. FRANK P. DIEHL, NORTH STREET, , Practical BlckmltUA nprseshoar It prepared to do all work In his line ln the best manner and at the loweit msea, rteaseoau. novjo-ea-iy. Horse Doctor, (TfOBOrary Oradaate of Ontario Vet. College.) Office: Mansion House, Bank SL. iddEblon CASTRATION, DENTISTRY. i. AND- Disease! of Horse and Cattle, UOOBBSEULI.T TREATID. Bpaeial and Particular Attention paid t LAMENESS SPAVINS, Splinte, Ringbon, Aad an liwan- prrreUnt among Doraeittcaud Animals. sum and Oatlla Powdtrt Fraparad Bult alU for Mcb Cat. )-M)lano rin i Chart, Vofltrat. 0 by ttUfraph aad tlbbon premptly at jSfs&Jt Tnri Pa r.ohiehton Business pirootory. A. VKTHttS, Saloon and llcstaurani, nana Hirnnr t'rf ii ijiocralwnvsontan. Oys- In season. Urop In and sco us. novu-iy f ItAUUENIIUSIl, uanK siren, wuuiesuiu wllic?,'' - - nSKAKQ'H HHAVinu Ai.uun, u 'i''" ; iA "5S Sffih 0M. mmiiK aim U..H uu.n.iR. . -- 10 TO FIIS. KODEUElt, under the Exchange m ' - . . 1 . A n aa n a m nnt n in 1 I'll At fl fashionable lialr cut. tST Closed on Sunday's. T J, tritT-y nmv tttrMt. manufacturer 01 iipqhH. nt rit.nr and dealer In all Utuds or tobaccos and smoker's novelties. Call. T.fLt. tT?Tf llni.tr tiT'.'f. rloAlnr In ladles. Thl P mVnf: misses and cliildren'aboots.shoos and tho sllpucrs. ItopairliiR promptly attended to. wi, AME3 walp. Rank street, steam heaters, stovei. all k nds of tinware, itoounc anu ufesilcclalty. Your patronage sopited. manutacturer rtk-ars. All k 1 I. ?iin hninrts of Havana cigars, All kluds of" smoker's supplies constantly on hand. C;U1. PF. CLARK, lager beer hall and restaurant, . oVp7stu" ro, Hank street. Choice wines and llalors and cigars. Fresh lager always on tap. J8. WF.nn, saloon and, restaurant, Rank . stroet. headquartors for fresh lager beer ad other drinks. Choice eatables always on hand. Rank ri It. (1ILTIAM, attorney at law and notary S. nubile. Itank' street. May bo consulted In English und German. Estate U collecting agency. n Un0Al3, Ag't,, Rank street, dcalar In f . ' . . n,in..a ni...vrn ntinpnawnrn. al.-dSficrrlesr'CT A p. 8. BOOK. iiprnmv irw ri. at! Jau28-M OrP. I'URI.IO SQUARE. E GARROS ADVOCATE OFFICE, Rank street, plain and fancy jon priming Advocatb ono dollar per year In advance. .. ... 1 N-v T faarnrv I . 1. j unenn, art lUUUI CI 3 Ul UlllvllvM I u.iKer, rniia, irut uu ERASER & BUSS, wholesale and rotall con fTctions, Rank street. Picnics and parlies SUppllPu. luur imuuimijf w vu...f OC1IEST12U nOTTUNO HOUSE, Tlirw. J. JV lleck, Hank st reet, lager beer, a o, ppvicr. finger aie, "' "'" . a-vii.iTca Tn!innt,,r. fttrret. fresh Jj. ni'llk'and cream 'delivered overv morning. All kluds of vegetables in soason. Low prices. MO TO RBnKE'S aTni(H M """"oMitTirni VIT RTTIRKT. irAvmt noTEL. Bank street, .Thomas .. ,.,r.riMtnr rvnuh tn and from de- tot. Kates reasonable tor regular & translct trado EUBES FENSTERMACIIER, Lohlgh street, jlWUl i rwv1 nntlnns. Drovlslons. groceries, oueensware, &c. Patronage soiicltop. M n'eadouartors for dry goods, notions, pro UU llrrT.I'M KM I Mill. Ij?llllll DtlUOl, 19 visions, grocerlos, rrlatronago souciiea .-. n, iiraTnAirr.UV'S VKRFUME BANK STREET. The Secret Sooleties. K. O. E.. meet Monday evening of each week In (label's nail fcagie a curuiain num. JOHN D. HmlTOLisriK rusi.no. ,. It., second and fourth Thursday evenings ol each month, in lleber's Hall. Comrades Invited. 10L. JOHN LENTZ CAMP, No. 95, S. of . ir i., ni IT. s.. meet 1st and 3rd Th day of each month, ltcbor's Hall.F.D.Mlller.cap T O.G.T.,meot Friday night of each week In Tomafa ?nv'l tell.Ban "wtSv. Bcvm AN. C. t! Templars Invited TT M. C. A. Avne, oirn,ilno. Aimnt. Kiln. '.iiiv'n. rir-You are coidially invited. ,l!.A.Kni.n ..hitn.h Viirthnmnlnn strAflt. 509 Our Churches. ETIIODIST EPISCOPAL. South Bank street, Rnniinv ccrvioM At io a. m.. nnd 7.30 n. m Sunday School a p.m. r rH. 1UAJU1V. -AJIUI" I!tVtTV I.IITIIF.nAN. Iron stroet, Sundaj . services. 10 a. m.. (Gorman). 7.30 p. m., (Enc- itsh). Sunday school a p.m. J. It. KuDKn.Pastor, TJ EFORMUD, Lehigh street, Sundav services at 10 a. m. (German), 7.30 n. m.. (Kngllsli), sunaay scnoni p. in. TtVANGELICAL. South street, Sunday servioei' XJ at io a. m., (ucrn: Sunday school 2 p. m. at 10 a.m., (German), 7.30 n. m., (English), u. v. uuas, rasior. CATHOLIC, corner Northampton and Coal I streets, services every Sunday morning and I evening. Rev. Uammacke, Pastoi. Stoves, Tinware, Heators and Ranges, In Great Variety at TViTT TTIT . I -T? A V Jv li vi AM IJ JiiJJ U it A V Jiilt to Popular Store, Bank Street Roofing and Spouting a special ty. Stove repairs furnished on rtort notice. Prica. Reasonable ! I s i i a Accident, Life & Fire INSURANCE ! A, 4W. RAUDENBUSH, lias tecuraa ine agency tor ma loiiowng SUBSTANTIAL INSURANCE COM I'ANIES which can be recommended to tho public at Perfectly Safe and Italla.le, The National Life Insurance Co.,1 OF MONTPELIER. VT., which is said to b "Th grandest step in fair dealing within tha history of hit insurance." 11 protect agalnu adversity In business; It pre nets dependent onae against tha contin gency of death t I ManuiW Accident Intaitj Co., OP UNITED STATES. with a reserve' fund of $50,000 guarantee vary policy in iuii, x.o other com pny ua ever put up such a fund. It costs but a few cents sywy day a good Investment. LOCAL AGENS ARE DESIRED! iHamslME Mntnal Live Stocl INSURANCE COMPANY. Fixed rates; do annual 1uh. Animals dl- tiueu into ci&itet of on hnndrM and my cacti. iiembr retponsl! only for losses occurring In tb tltit In which thtlr anV malt wr aarollad. August so, lis ly chiap rrcuraiom to CALIFORNIA Vi Ulecourl Fielfis Ey Xros Ut. HmU. All th chltf conpoB offltM la th Cnlttd Bute uu t,wu win uav on aai xurion ncxiM at rreatlr rmdnrarf r.,.. i.Im in.,l plejEO, and Han FrandKO lor icurtlons leaving St. Louis, Wtdntidaj, January lltb and Ftbru ary lltb.Tla Iron AIoustaJntat; x4 JUn .iir. Weissprt Business Birectory. J. O. ZF.RN, M. D., W. I. KUTZ, M. D. jQUS. ZEIIN & KTJTZ, Physioiano & Surgeons OFFICE at tho rcsldonco of Dr. Zern. White s11' weissport. All calls or surelcal or medical treatment will All mIU nr mii-n rccelvo promptatioiiuon. mayl4-87-U TTIJUNKLIN HOUSE, EAST WEISHPORT. rENN'A. This house odcrs flrst-class accommodations to ' permanent boarder and transient guest. ran pl e( oni- 0ne Dollar per day. augr - iy Jons Rnnnto, rroprlt.r. jQEATS, THE JRMKIiF.H. All Kinds of Jewelry! School Boofcs aii Stationery. augsutT,M - ty. The - Woissport - Bakery, C. W. LAURT. rROrRIBTOn. Doltvers Fresh Errad and Cakes In Welssport, l.chlghton and vicinities overy day. In the store I have a Fine Line of Confectionery for the Holiday Trado. Sunday schools and fes tivals supplied at lowest prices. dec3-m. THE Welsreott, Carton Conntr, Ponna., Henry Christman, Proprietor. Tho public Is respectfully Informed that this well-know houso has bcon refitted and Improved to a first rate, and al.'c to furnish tbevety beet accomraodaMon of all kinds A Iilyery Stablo in rnnnertinn with the hotel, with ample means to accommodato wedding parties, funerals and pleasure seekers wmi saio teams. . In onnnecllon with tlio hotel I FINE POOI ROOM handsomely fitted np. Apr2S 87Iy For NswmI Deslgni and M.il FsklohI StylM of DEESS GOODS. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. SILVERWARE, &c, &. GO TO E. H. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lehighton. Gnods guaranteed and prices as lew is 1 where for the samt qusllty of godl. July 1B,1835-Iy ALL THE) NEWS ! The Carbon Advocate. $1.00 Por Year, inglo oploo, FIVE Oant. Advertise in the Advocate. THE :-: SUN, -roR- 1888. The ve&r nrnmlsea tobeavear af salendld political developments, one and all redounding to the glory and triumph of a UNITED DEMOCRACY. IK THE TRONT LINE WILL BE FOUND THE SUN, Fresh freta Its raatnlflcent victory ever th com bined foes of Democracy In lis own State, true . ... . . I 1 1 - ...,..., - V. n . -1, K r. lear ess in ine cause oi iruin anu iigui The SUN has six. eight, twelve am ileht. twelve and sixteen pages, as occasion requires, and Is ahead of all competition in everything mat raaxet a news I paper. Dally 18.00 7.60 1.60 Dally and TTeeVly I Sunday (IS and SO j:s) Weekly 1.00 11-1 Addrail TIIB a TO. Vv York. 4 MAnil r . I. H1IKN I mam a ss u m ivb his Central Drug Store, Lehightoa, -WASqUABTRBS IOS Pur Drugs and Medicines, Fina Soaps, Biuihet, fcc. Sto., Choic Wines and Liquor, L&rgwt Auortment of Library Lamp l Wall Paper and Dtswraritna ! Spectacles ! TTaea Tu bvr a salr tt Shaea ran w a goodnt. Rut It yon net 8PECTACLE8.lt It much mer Important that th KYE should be accommoaaiea wim correct lenses ana a proper, Iv fitting tram which will bring the lense dl. raetly before th centr of th eye. It you buy your sptetaclet at Dr. Hern' you wUi ia tb nguii prpriy ana . PERSCRiFnons carertnij mm. etiMm Tb Atoutx aontaiRs n loo latest and mt nttrs mb to th) kMr )f giif I pfM. STEADY EMPLOYMENT. THIS FALL AND WINTER lnvt trln Ml r,iUr4. TT Mr ON SALARY At NUh1hiih'iuum. luk-uU. Fort Allen House Laiador cures sick stomach and clddinem. conquers liver complaint. Is nonpareil for Ion of appetite. will drlrn Aft Kick hmHnnhn. I nvnilnv regulates tho stomach and bowels. LaiaUUl posltirely cures costiveness. win cure ayspepsia ana inaigesttoi vl.l hv nil HntcHatH MtlrS rlpal.irfl n I QTarlnr sent by mail on receipt of price, Lsc. LalaUUr Address: A. C. MEYER & CO., Props., Baltimore, Md u. B. A Com CVrnchs, Oold i, IToaris, Croa p.l ithma, BronchltU, Wiwoplnjf Couth, Incipient Consump I rvnoni In advanced tuei of I lh dlvaM, rrtcttUcti. Ol'l- I Hon. Tha Ocnulno Dr, BulV$ Q hod, mna rtuoTM conrompiiTo Cmtgh Byrup Is kM only in N , and bears our D f-Mrljitrrvl Tnt(1--l&rk la Wit i A JiuU't llrad in a Circle, a JiU H EtHo Oi u f ion-TjibtL and tbN . lTtidf SSrtS-Juii A. C. Meter fr Co,. Sol lTop', Baltimore, Wd., U. 8. A. fau ml ilmiihiNa of JaUii II1 in irrei E. F. LUCKENBACH, DEALER IN Borders & Decorations, Boob, Stationery, Fancy (Ms Window Shados & Fixtures, lAtest Styles, made and pit bp. If desired. Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general Pointers' Supplies. No. 61 Broadway Hancb C1iud. Fa Relnw tha Broadway House. All the latest and best newfs The Advocate, $1 per year; 50 cents, six mouths. KISTLER .Respectfully announces to tho public that ho hai ipenea a nra l,ivisuy STAiii.u.ann mat he if now prepared to rurnisn Teams for Funerals. weddings or Business Trips on the shortest no Ice and most liberal terms. Orders left nt th. -uaroon iiouse"-wiil receive prompt attention. STABLES ON NORTH 8TREET, 'next the Hotel, Lehighton. lanttn NOMORE BIG PRICES W. S. KUHNS twpwtfuUx announce to th public I hm he Is now nicBiy locaieu in nis New Store Room Opp. L. Y. Round Honsi BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON, and bos In stock a full und complete line of Stoves and Tinware ! Including the Justly Celebrated and Popular New Mayflower. APO O & IRVING toves Which he Is selling at THE VERY LOWES' CASH ritlCKS. Vou are resocctfullY Invited can ana inspect nis siock ana leara prices before purchasing elsewhere. Roofing and Spouting will premptly and correctly attended, Tci ms low as ttie very lowest. W. S. KUHNS. Op?. Houso, Bank Street, Iehlelitnn'. Pa, Money made easv mauulaclur. Ing Rubber Btampi.Scnd for price list of outfits, to J. V. W. Dorma.i, Ko.217 r.H3( uerinan Dl., tiaiii-more,Md.,U.S.A-Oc22tiii If you ar Indebted to tha Advocate for subscription, advertising or Job printing pleas remit tha amount. H'o need the monty to matt running xpame of th of- nc. GO TO SWEENY'S Corner Sfor CaAtMMl Tea, rikele-d Chew-ehow, " Corn, " Oniont, " Oytter. " Gherkin ' Peach. ' Celery. M Salmon, " Cauliflower, Mtcker!, " Horseradish Bardin, " Catsup, " Beant. Corn Heef. Sweat pttatoes, Oranges, Btaannts, Mince Meat, Applet, uocotnutt, uatet, irigi corn-meal, mixed nuts, orapet. aorlcoti dtron, hickory nntt, California peaches, eoceanut macaroont. teedlest raisins. And eterything else usually kept in & nrit-claii general store, in cluding Dry Goodi, Groceries, Proriiions, QuMnimn, Cbinn- KEMEMBER THX Corner Store! LEHIGHTON, PA. 8Rf D. J. MY STATUE, Cold as the statue that 1-ygmsllou. warmed To Ilfo with lore's first kiss, She stood beneath tho moon's soft, sllv'rybtamj On such a night as this. Tiuth lay within her eyes'clcar aruro depths, Like some translucent gem, While modesty's encircling mantle fell E'en to hr garment's h'um. About her feet tho grasses whlspored low. As If In sudden fear At flndinv so much dainty loveliness, Standing to them anear, pon the snowy marble of hr brow. Upllltcd to tha sky, Like mute caresses, the soft, futtreus wave. Of her dark hair did lie. Her taper fingers tore a flower In twain With their white frosty tips, While not the shadow of a smile dared tou'h Tho proud cm-res ol her lips. Could love giro to this statue warmth and life? 'Ah, 1 would rather die, Stain by the lightning of thlni- ees. thaa ll Without thy love I" I cry. rosy flush, creeping from Hp to brew, The lovely statuo warms Aud 'tis a woman yields with tender rn Toio's encircling armsl ONE SOLDIER'S LOVE. It was In an ancient country, Far nnay beyond the sea. And h swallow nt my wludow To'd the stnry unto me. There was once n pretty l lasaut. Fair of faco and flaxen-tressod i And a gay nnd haudsomo soldlor In a coat of scarlet dressed. Tapping with a Jeweled flnfier, Llk'htly on the window-till, "Everywliero I ?o," ho murmured. "Tender elanccs haunt me still, Not a lady, nt tho palace Hath a faconsfBlrnsjou, Nor a waist so trim and slender. Nor an eye so darkly blue. "Sooner shall tho azure brightness Of this sword bo dim with rust Sooner shall I hneel for mercy To a foeman In the dust. Than I o'er should cease to love yott. I have never loved before; Others were but passlns fancies, 1 will lcavo you nevermore." But tho soldier camo no longer When the snow bepan to fall, ." And they hid the pretty peasant And her woe beneath a pall. Still the village maids in summer Strew her grave with willow-loaves. And the swallow, still returning. Builds beneath the broken eavu. In tho South, among the roses. Vowing still with Jaunty air. Endless love for Jetty lashes, Endless love for golden hair, hissing now a silken rinclet, Keeping now a dainty glove. Light of heart the soldier llngers- Light of heart and light of love. Susie's Burglar. Y OEBAMHNE FLEMIKO. "I wish Gregg Iiavancl could have come o-day Instead of to-morrow I Ha would lave been company for you until theboute- iceper or I get back." And as Dr. Follctte buttoned his heavy :oat nnd proceeded to put on his warm .eal gloves, he glanced, with fatherly nnxl ty, toward the pretty girl standing near him. "And I am glad Mr. Itaranel hasn't ar rived, If I should have been obliged to haye ilm for company," was thn reply, trapbaS' red by a little pout "Ton will talk differently when you see lim, Susie. You might search th world over and would not find another like him ou would say jour old father had chosen just the tight man for your future hus land," Dr. Follette 6aid pleasantly. "I prefer to choose my fnluro husband nyself, however," Siislo answered, with leclslon. "My dear, your choice will b mine you tnd Gregg Itavanel can't help being mutu- illy pleased with each other," was the father's confident response. Susie tossed her pretty head scornfully, inj maintained a rebellious silence. Her father had reached the dor, whan be turned back. 'I don't liko leaving you alone, Susie,' he said anxiously, "It is a ecrlons case, tnd I may be kept with my patient the reost of tho night. Are you sure you won' be afraldf" "There is nothiag to fear, unless It Is burglar or a ghost," and either one would bo preferable to Gregg Itavanel," pretty Susie declared wickedly. "TTcll, lock up early, and aaute yourself the belt way you can. It doesn't often happen you are left lonely, pet," her father returned cheerfully, as he hurried down to ais, waiting carriage. Aa the door .closed behind him, the girl iettled herself with a sigh and a shiver In the velvet depths of a great chair before the ruddy grate fire. Despite her teeming Indifference, th contemplation of spending the long night hours alone In the deserted house was the reverse of agreeable to Suji. Dr, Follctte bad but recently parcbated the place, and the neighbor wer at yet stranger to her. The house itself was a fancifully built wooden cottage a charming bijou of pictur when viewed from without. And It wat th perfection of homely comfort within with its snug rooms and tasteful furnishing, with Its daintily adorned wallt and low window bright with flower. But by tome defect or caprice In archi tecture, there were queer little corridors and quaint little alcoves and short windln tteps accurrlng in th most surprising places, and which seemed to hard bees built for no earthly purpose except to tug. getl ghott and mysteries and ambusbad anaraudert. At least that wat what Oust mentally declared at tbt nestled In th great, yclvtt chair, and gated dreamily at the lailly burning coal, whereon fantastic ihaptt and Image formed and vanished just as on may s them tak form and dlnolv In the changing clondt of a summer suoist, But, at th gated, ber fancy conjorad something mor than castl carved Jasper and rhryteprait.mor than terraces pavtd with pair! and gold; lb flitting, fading thaptt, robtd aad winged In uur and amttbyit, wer not all th btbeld. Through all theit gorctcut imagt, th vliin f a htndiomeflurt'mtaicm and go; a fair, hsndiora face, with oy f Uigblng klu, txtatd smiling tbwigk tt sn flaminr t I at a raiy ftrtlUak a aw Uatfetxif-ih prUMly ;ua( stranger just at she had seen him first and last, months and months ago. Then It was a spring morning,ln theedgo of a perfumed wood by the bank of a danc ing stream. The birds were singing ovcrhend; tho flowers wero budding and blooming on every tree and shrub, aud In the nodding grasses. She had attempted to cross n treacherous foot-bridge over the stream: the rotten plank had broken beneath her, and she was hlrlcd down with the curtcnt straight to ward a steep and rocky cascade below. The swift, deep water was bearing her helplessly to the verge of the fall, when an athletic figure leaped from tho bank,and strong arm snatched her back from what must have been'certatn death. For one Instant.as he held hot hlt-fali.t- Ing in his arms, her eyes had met bl In n inglo glance. And, In that glance, Sutie read Iter fate; life would be never after quit thn samo to her. Though she might never look upon bis faco again, he would always live In her memory as tho fairy-prince of her girlish dreams, and to noo'her could she ever yield allegiance After his gallant act he had left ber with her friends; thon he had rejoined his own party, and she saw him no moro. And now, Instead of a spring morning, gay with singing birds and budding flowers It was a lonely night of winter, with a wild wind rioting amid tho black drizglo outside, and the leafless branches tapping dismally against her casements with thnlr tki-lotou fingers. And now, it it chanced there might be some dreadful ghost stalking through those stnpid corridors which led to nowhere, or some terrible burglar ambushed in one of those ridiculous windowed alcoves which opened so temptingly close to the ground, her fairy prfneo was not near to protect or rescue her. And was that subdued, unearthly wail ing really wind? . Was that persistent tapping really the touch of the maple-twigs against her case ments? As she listened Intently, In sudden nerv ous terror, there was an indistinct sonnd of something moving In a narrow corridor which led from tho end of tho main hall to tiny gothlc porch ot ono corner of the cottage. But even in that awful second of supor stitious terror, the girl was brave. In a flash sho had sprung from her scat, croiscd the room, cautiously opeuod the door, and peered forth. As sho did so, sho had a momentary glimpse of a tall figuro just disappearing around a column, at the baso of which the corridor descended and turned by several winding steps, In the dim ray of light issuing from the door Susie cautiously opened, the tall figure seemed shrouded from bend to feet in a ghostly something which glistened and rattled as he vanished. For an instant she felt her pulses stop ping, her heart-beats erasing, In an awful superstitious honor. I'eWiaps Ibis fanciful llttlo suburban cot tage, which had been unoccupied for years bcfoie her father purchased it, was a haunt ed housel l'crbap3 some grewsome wrong had been committed within Its walls; perhaps what sho had seen was some pool spirit to which the rest of the grave had beon denied; per baps what sho had heard and thought the walling of tho wind were the ghostly raur- murlngs of that wandering" and unearthly visitant. Pretty Susio was quaking In every nerve her dark eyes were staring wildly after the uuaccountablo apparition; hnr round, dimpled face was pale as death. Just then there was a fierce blast ol wind; a rush of damp and chilling air came whistling up the corridor; a door slammed and then ewung.cicaklng, upon Its blnget, Snslo started In fresh aff light. Slio recalled tho fact that tho door of the gothlc porch, which opened into the thick' est shrubbery of all the broad, suburban gatden, had boon unlocked and unbolted tho entire day. She had herself left it ajar, and lud for gotten to return and seenre it, So Instead of a ghost she bad, without doubt, beheld some cunning burglar, who had been lurking about tho premises and watching his opportunity to plunder the few valuables which the cottage contained, And the nocturnal invader bad been be wildered by the queer labyrinth of a corrl dort There was no doubt about that, for the rattling sound of his ghostly and glls tening habiliments was becoming each In stant fainter In the direction of the cellar stairs, A sublime idea occurred to Susie at that momtnt The cellar was witbont any possible way of egrets except by the door at thn top of the stair. If she could fatten that I'oor as her bur glar descended, she would hare him just aa surely a captive as if he were behind lb bars of a prison cell. With swift and nolsoloss step she glided after him. And he had scarcely begun the descent of the stairs when tho door was closed with a crath.and a heavy bolt giated in Its socket. Sutlo's burglar wat a prltoner. Once Suite had accomplished ber grand exploit, the rushed back to her retreat In the depth of the cozy velvet cbalr before the grate of the snug silting room, And there sb sat, trembling, and yet triumphant, when her father entered an hour later. "I only with I could rid myself of Gregg Itavanel's tecltty so easily when he comet," she commented vindictively, when she had finished the cat ration ot the even lug's adventures. "I only hope Itlin'tGrtgg hlraialf whom you have punished at a burglar," Dr. Fol lettt remarked soberly, aa he took up band-laup and started for th cellar. "It that you, doctor" calUd a langhing vole as the bolt slipped back and th open Ing door permitted th rays from th lamp to light tha. musty ptbt below An Instant )ttr - btndtoias young fel low la a hog waterproof fftitaent glittea Ing yt fren th thill Blht irit) t, sprang lightly up th Hf.- "I ' knot bew-Vf tiaD polojlt to yof , 9tm 'r ) xtrfMry r- Mf tM tilt," wr. jrciMuo 14 ie a aorkkMtex m th tw Htltan ihookl hands. "My daughter her was quite alone in tho house, and she somehow man aged to mistake you for a burglar." Poor Susie was th pictur of aintzJ embarrassment. For Gregg Itavanel the ghost, the terri ble burglar stood reyealed as ber ov, n fairy princol "Miss Susie can't b blamed In tlit least," tho young man said earnestly. "Ou the contrary, I admire her bravo prompti tude; she could havo doue nothing iuo,t clever had I really been a burglar." And then he explained how ho had hap pened to arrive before his promised lime, how his repeated raps at the front doer had elicited no response, how he had notice tho porch door swinging ajar, and to lm I entered, only to become confused In Hi. queer windings ef the corridor and to be made a prisoner in th musty old cellar. "But I was your captiys before thai, my little love," ho said to Sutic, some necks afterward. "One glance from your sweet eyes, darling, captured me heart anil soul on tho day I met you on that eventful spring morning months ago." 'The day you saved me from being swept to death over that roaring water fall," Sutle supplemented gra'efully and tenderly. AnJ so It happened that pretty Susie married her father's choice after all. DELICATE 0D0K8 ' Ladies no longer spulnkl (hemselve with tirple extracts, but confine themteltni to the merest hint of perfume. Delicate odors, such n. violet, heliotrope or orris root are always permissible, iust as patchotily mid muik are alwat to be shuuned. In any event, perfume in the shape of sachet powder is to ho preftrred to liquid extracts. ' Nobody nowadays ever thinks of putting perfume on a handkerchief or rubbing it on one's hands. Laces, underwear, ribbons, note-paper, gloves,- and all small articles of dress are made fragrant by large sachet bags tbatare of a size corresponding to the bureau or dressing-tablo drawers. These bags aro composed of silk and lined with raw cotton, upon which the powder is spread. This In addition to a very moderate us of a faint, suggestive odor, such as the wood violet, for instance, it all in the way of perfume that is allowable by a really re fined woman. Parisian dressmakers now have a way of sending perfumed gowni to their custom ers. A strange feature connected with this fashion is th fact that the odor remains forever. A lady, having purchased a costume whoso eyery fold breathed tho most delici ous perfume, sent an order to Paris for a sample of tho scent employed. The dressmaker forwarded her, by ex press, a small bottlt of o dlnary-lookiug sachet powder. Accompanying It wat a bill io th amount of fifty dollars. The lady paid the money, but Since then has generally Inquired tba price f things before ordering. A COWABD'S KISS. Some of tho war veterans were exchange Ing reminiscences the other day. On of them told this story: "Whan reaching the army of the Potomac as a recruit for a New York leglment, twenty-Art years ago, just before the ChancellortvilU campaign, I soon heard of a man In my company whose notoriety tor cowardice bad made him the subject of many lest during his short service In tho camp. Plenty of men are bitten by fear upon going Into action. but this fellow had the tara reputation of being an incurable poltroon, and th mere crack of a rifle had thrown him Into fit so violent that two of hit comrades had to leave the ranks to keep him in order. "Ho was with the ruglmeat at Chancel lorevllle on the right whon w began to ex change shots with the enemy in that quar ter, and he trembled to violently that he coutd not handle bit rifle. A small rebel cannon that had been pulled ou to a knoll some dlsiance off and that was playing an Independent game apart from the Confed erate forces, threw a ball that slrnck the gtound In front ot btm aud scared him out ot bis wits. He became blind with fright', broke from the ranks, took to bit heels, and, not knowlug where Io fly, ran directly toward the hottila gun, which wat manned by two old Virginia militiamen in gray, who bad undertaken to render their State some service. The two old Virginian, behind the ridge suddenly saw the Infuriated Tank rushing upon them, and, believing htm to be followed by hit regiment took to flight, leaving their cannon behind them. The poltroon stood aghast for a moment along side tho piece of artillery which he had cap tured, and almost simultaneously our regi ment, by a rapid advance aud a few shots, drove back the company of rebels that had been lurklug, In front, and w haU the ground for the time being. "But the wonderful deed of ouf comrade who seized tho enemy' gun bad been wit netted by the! mounted general nf our brl grade, who happened to be a relative of hit, and within torty-elght hours the fal low who had been the laughing stock of the regiment was promoted for gallantry In the field. Hit subsequent rist wat rapid and when I tell you h afterward fell wounded at Gettyiburg, at the head of the regiment of which he was In command, and that the gray-bearded veteran himself who now lives In this city on his pension, uses only a spoonful ot whitewash In tell ing the story just told, you will admit that sometimes things ate not what tbty hu," Nw York Hun. Fttce onEtrth. Await that countless army et martyrs, wbote rank are constantly recruited from tha victims of nerrousnen aud nervout diseases. The price of the boon It a system atic courie of Hottetter'i Stomach Blttsrs, the finest and most genial of tonic nervines pursued with rsttonabl pertllttnce. Easier, pleatantcr and tafcr tbli than to iwatu the victualling department with pieudo-tonlct, alcoholic or the r verse, bttf extracts, nerve foodt, narcotlct, ttdatlvet and boIjoui In dltguli. "Tlrd Natur' west rettorer, balmy tletp," Is tb provi dential recuperant of weak nsrvci, and this glorious fraocblt being usually tbt cool quencet of eound dlgtitlon iai Inertattd vigor, tha great ttomtchle which intur both It productive. alio ot rspoi at tb rt qulrd time Net unrtfittbtd awaktnt th Individual who uitt It, but 'vigorous. clttr badd and tranquil. Us tb BltUrt alto In fvr and atru. rhtumatlsm. kid. "T rWe. ositiaatUa aad Ull.iaM. How's Your Liver? Tb tho Orion tal salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When tha Livor is torpid tho Bow els are sluggish and con stipated, the food lioa in tho stomach undi gested, poisoning tho blood; frequent headachs ensue,; a teoling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the wholo system is do ranged. 8immon9 Liver Regulator haa beon tho meanB of restoring mora pooplo to health and happiness by giving them healthy Livor than any ngency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. NCVtn BEEN DISAPPOINTED. As a general family remedy for Dy epepsta, Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc., I hardly ver use anything else, and have nevsr been disappointed In the effect produoed: tt seema to be almost a, perfect euro for I disease of the Htomach and Bowel.r W. J. McEutor, Macon, Om The cramp often picks nut Ibe best swimmer. Three may keep a teerel if two of them are dead. Occnpatlon It th necessary basis of all enjoyment. The Insolvent bmk often liasth finest building. Brace Up. You are feeling depressed, your appetite Is poor, you are bothered with Headache. you ar lidgetty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, snd want to brace up. Brae up, but not with stimulants, spring medicine or bitters, which havo for thcij basis very cheap, bad -biefcv, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you in a worse condition timn before. "What you want is an allerntiv that will purify ycur blood, Hart healthy action of Liver and Eldneyt, restorf your vitalily, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bittern, and only 50 cenli a bottl at T. Thorns Drug Btor. Election ticket prlnUd at this eftlc. wnll yon wal WHAT AM I TO DOt The symptoms of Biliyitncsi are unhaai ly hnt too well known. Thoy differ In dinerent individuals w some client. A Bllbue man is teldnm Ircakfatt eater. Too frequently, alts, he list an excellent ap petite for liduidi hut none for solid of a morning. Hit tnogue will hardly bear In spection at any time; if it is not whit snd furred, it i rough, at all events. The (3s&tlve system is wholly out of order and Diarrhea or Constipation may d a symptom or the two may alternate. Trier are often Hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may b giddiness hnd often headach and acidity or llatulenc and tenderness U tho pit nf the stomach. To correct all this if not efiect a enr try Green' August Flower, It cot but a Iritis and thouiande attest itt efficacy. Th bn that doesn't lay eats tha most corn. flleeplest nights, made miserable by tlist terrible cough. 8hllohV Curo is trie remedy for you. Bold by Dr. Horn, Lehighton and Biry, Weiss port. Purity, sincerity, obedience and self surrender these are the marble ttep that ltad to th spiritual temple. Bhiloh's Vitalizer is what vnu need fr consumption, Lou of Appetite, Dizzlneu and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 16) and 76 cents per bottle, bold by Dr, Hor, LvMgbton, and Blery, Weissport. The llttlt money tho worklngman get from the capitalist tho labor agitator tries to take away from him, Pivfrspepfin nnd Liver Complaint, vw have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Yitalizer It never fails to cur. Sold by Dr. Ilom, Lehighton, and Bicrr, Weissport. It is bettor to have tbornt in the with grace, to endure thern, then to no thorns and no grace. flesh hay A Nasal Injector free with each battle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cent Sold by Dr. Uorn, Lehighton, and Biery. Weiwport. An IrretabU man lies llko a hedgehog roiled up the wrong way, tormenting Mm lf with his own prickles. Mak No Mistaks If you have mad up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparllla da -not be Induced to-take any other. Hood's Ssrtaptrilla it a peculiar medicine, possess ing, by virtu of its peculiar combination, proportion and preparation, curative power tuptrior to ant othtr article of the klne be for tha people. For all affections arising from impure blood or low state of the syiUru it It unequalled. Be ture to gat Hood'. Not th pain, but tb caut, inaket th martvr. Aching musclts, kidney weakuess, soar cbett, lame back and ttralni Instantly r liyd by the Hop Platttr. "Ha.kraOoek," a lotting and fragraa. perfume. Pri.e 2& and 60 sent. eli fer Dr. B, Le-lgbtn,al Biery, Wlsyrt. Hurt not kwa tth. tb conscltnc with any Simmons Liver Kegnlator li wbatth nam indicate a "Regulator' of that mctt lm)ortatit organ, th Llvtr. ts your Llvr out of ordsr? Than It your whol lyittm drsngd, th brtath offahllv yon hv bttdache, fttt languid, dlsplrittd, utrvn, no ippttit, ilatp (' troubled ' an. unfrcibing. Bibunoni Llvtr Htgiilator r ltri tb ba!tby action of thLivr. 1 tbtt dayt of lopm,tnt't It Vus leg ratbsr niky t furnlib your -w' hat4 btfor lb uitg Mrts.iy -At fcupr Jr 4.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers