The Carbon Advocate, A'ft INJIRPKNIIKNT FAMILY NKWHrArER Put) llshod every Saturday In I-ehlcIUon, Carbon County, Pennsylvania, by I-iarl-y V. Moi'lliimdi?-, .tr. BANK STUBKr. $100 Por Yoar in Advance' Best advertising .medium u tlie county, llvei-?-description of Plain andTancy job printing At very, low prices. Wo do not hesitate to say iname.are lienor eqwpicu man any wiiicr printing eafabllshlncnt In this sevttufi' to do flrst-tlass Job-work, lit all Its branches, at low prices. - Professtol & Business Cards. Horace Hey tit? ATT CRN1 BY AT JjAW, OirViOE:-The'no'3mrecenliy ocSapled by W. M, llapshc'r. fiYliK STREET, - - LKHItSHTOK. PA, j, liar bo tonjo!td'ln Kikl(sn And German. July 4-'y W. M. Rapshcr, A'tTdRNEV' and COUNBEtiLOh ti$ LAW, AND IStSTKICT ATTOENEYi First doir above th'tSMaristori House', M'AUCIT CitWNrf; -- - PKNS'A i nto!niiLIv u riecjJeiits a secelaity, May bo consulted In Engussi ana uennan. nov. -.u-yi H. V. MorthinYor, Sir., NOTAllY rUBLlb", r Ortrcn'i "'Carbon. Advocate; '" Office,. SANK STltfettT, - - - tEIIKJHTON. All business pctfaliilhg to tbo olHce will receive jffimpt altatillMr. marlts O. V, jflointop, Instrubt'or in Mtrsic,--- liobblns' American Classical Methods a special' tj. Terms moderate. mis 14-tf Henry Noliv i AT THE CAUBOif flbuSE IS NOW BiniiiS an Accomiiiofaiiofl 'Bus, -BETWEEN TIIE Hotels and L. V. Depot. rWJes called tor at tlielr Itonies by Leaving or , dors at any of the hotels, ftrll 2, 1SS7 W. G. M. Solplcy 1'IIYStCIAir' AND SUltGfc'ONi GTbtJTH STREET, - - - IlEIIIGilTON. Mav be consulted" Ih'tftiglijli Mill Herman. Rectal attention given to ilynecolosy. ..Office HrfCitSi Ffbnl 14 Jit. to 2 V. M.,and rrbmtoOP,M, mar. 3l-yl F A. Habenoldi D. D. S., rfiiAJibit'ori'iCH i-MJver .1. W. Kaudcnbusli's Liquor Store", Hank street, leuigiitoit. dentistry inVlI Its branches. Teeth IMrUcted nlthout Pain, (las administered whejf requested. .Otllco lS-tys WKlSN'KNISAYof each week. P.O. adfrVss, LlTzr.NBl'IKl, Jan 3-yl l.clilgh cQimty, Pa. W. A. Cortright, D4- D. S.y oVi'iCic'i Opp. tho ' Broad way'llouse," SoXdWAY, - - MATJCIt' CHUNIC. patients have the beWfttnf tho latest liifprbvc itrents In Mecluyilcal Appliances and tho Best Methods of Treatment In alt Surgical Cases. ."&YE- And er. Dr, G-. T. FOX- Visits' Jlslsiitawn rosulariyoH'TlrtjUXnAY of MB Week. Tracllco llinlted'to Diseases' of the Eye atid Eav'. flfflc at Hayden'i American llotcl. nnd'Omco Hsmri tj-etn-0 A: JH: toi-W P "Ml AIsd attends to Attraction of the1 Eye for the proper adjustment J Ulasses, and for the Belief and Curu of Optl fl Defects. jMralp be consulted at hlsoftlco, Jn BATH, wiiisday and Saturday ct iftidlrwt-tle, at BAN 0 it on Monday', ah-J 'at E ASTON on Tuesday of Men wek. Jan 2-yt CARBON HOITSE JONATHAN KISTLEBj'- - PP.OPltri:TOIt, BiVvTSmEEf, L'tiliaiiTox. T)ie Caibon House offers llrsl-cluss accommbda Hons to the tr clhif: public. Iloarillutr by the iay or week on reasonable terms. Cho'tfu Clears, Wines ami Liquor; always on hand, (iood Sheds tad SUL'lcs, with very attentive Hostler, at Uxht. aprlo-yl iACKERTON HOTEL, Midway between Mnuch Chunk i'j Ililghton, LEOPOLD MEYKU, ntOP'B, PACICEttTON, - rtitMi. Tjllt'well-known Hotel (s admirably refitted, and has tbe best accommodation for permanent and transient boarders. Excellcia Tables and the Very best Liquors. Stables nttnt hi'd. scptc-yl MANSION HOUSE, Opposite L. & S. Deiiot,' BAH 10 8TREET, LEillGHTON, 0. II, HOSt, Pl-Qt'ltlETOIt, This bouse offers Kist'-cliiss nccommolations for transient and permanent boarders. It lias been newly renttedltrallttsdepartmcuts.and Is locat ed In. one of the most picturesque puitlons of the boteftsh?- Tetpis moderate, ifr- Tho BAB Is supplied "Itli the choleVst" Wines, Liquors and Clears. Fresh Lager on Tap. npr 17-yl W. A. PET Announces to Ills friends and tho rntbllr Rener sjlly, that he has now open for tbelanvmuioda. tlon his new and uandsoiqtdy fiiruTsht'd RBS'T'AlB ANT, -Jett dbor to the 1st National' Bank, BANK ST., lUhljihton', and thatltols notv prvpated to turn jSi Flnt-class Meals' at Short Xoticel rtiaBarls supplied with the bct Wines, Fresh taire 1 1nvited to call,' aecr Beer ami cnoice cigars, lou are cordial- lijir 2t-yl l. KISTLER ltesptcttally alihotint'e'l tii'rtie niildlb that he has opened a NEW LIVEHY STABLE, andthat he is now prewired to furnish Teams for Funerals, Weddings or Business Trips on the shortest no tice and most Mitral terms. Orders left t the 'Aiuruou House win ii'A--eiie iirunrpi uueniion, Sl'AHLES ON NOR-JII 8TREET, next the Hotel, Iihlghton. Jani2-yi T. J. BRETNEY itespeCttuliy announces to the Merchants of hlghtnn and others' that lie Is now preiwred to do aU kinds of Hatjmng of Fheight, Excess Matter' and Baggage stl verV rfuiAnhaVilA nrl(p. Ttviirnmnt nttntlhn Wall orders h hopes to merit a share of nubile nairoiuirc. jiosiaeucei comer oi tine aim iron bttvet, Lehlshlon, . Orders left at Sweeny & Ron's Sbrner Store iu reoua promiit attedlion. Wf,1?,l T. J. BHF.TNEY $l.QO a Year in Ad-vrarico.- INDEPENDENT--" Live and ket kifre." when ftbt' paid in Advance. VOL. XV., No. 37.- Lehighton, Carbofl Oouhty. Piina., J&y 30, 1887.. . Singlb dopiee 5 OphVa. ' ' 1 1 " " 1 i' " "' "' 1 I 1 1 ' " 1 . , ' , .-' . ' i ; Iiohight'on Business Dlrootory. m W Uttllt?Vmt(atI ltinlrlrot urTn("loa'iln J. dealer In choice 'bVHnds of whfjktes, gin-, uranuics, nitres, ws. n raironage soiicuen. ESBANG'S TlHAVlKO SALOON, opposite tho AuvxrcAYR Office, is headquarters for snavingnno. uaircutiing. cigars ot wuaceo soiu, GO TO FBS. ItODEBEU, under the Exchange Hotel, Bank street, for a smooth ehavo or a fashionable hair cut. tw Closed on sunaay s. X J. KUTZ, Bank street, manufachirtr of U cnoice uranus oi cigars auu neaier hi mi kinds of tobaccos and smoker's novelties. Call. PU11'.1V iliioi, 4anis sircoi, uruioi 111 iauic. gents, in lsses add children's boots.slioes and supucrs, repairing promfniy aiicuueu iu. mu. JAMES WALP, lSanlk streit, steam. n'eiteTS. stoves, wit kinds of tinware. Hoofing and spouting a specialty. Yonr patronage solicited. T S. iCOCH, Jiank sXftfs. manufacturer of jLa ciioice oramis oi lliivana cigars, ah mnas of smoker's supplies coustanlly on hind. Call. PF. CLARK, lager brtrliaB and restaurant, . opp: square, Bank streot. Choice wines and liquors and cigars. Fresh lager always on tap. p H. H'l'llll uhMn and rektnurant. Bunk J . street, headquarters for fresli lager beer and other annus, uuoica cnuiuies always on nana. Sit. GILHAM, attorney at la and notary . nubile, Bank street. May Uo consulted In lingllslinnducrman. iischok collecting agency. CB. KHOADS, Ag't,, Ilahk Street, dealer In , dry goods, notions, Classware, queenswar-p. and groceries. t3arSharo of patrom.'ge sollcted. THE CARBON ADVOCATE OFFICE, Bank Strict, plain and fancy Job printing n spccl ly. APVooatk one dollar per year lu advance TIHJ I.fCdlGH WAGON CO.,. Limited, factory uh Bank street,, manufacturers il butclier, baker, milk, truck and exprefs wagons UKl REASElt & llt'SS, wholesale and retail con fectioners. Bank street- Picnics and parties supplied. Your patronage Is cordially solicited. ROCHESTER BOTTLING HOUSE, Thos. J. Beck, Bank street, lager beer, ate, porter, ginger ale, &c. Your orders are solicited.. 10. .1 STRAUS'?; .Mahoning streot, fresh J. milk and cream (fellUKed every, morning. All klndsof vegetables In season. Low prices. O TO REISER'S DKUU H1UIIK, SOUTH BANK STREET. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Bank street, Thomas Mautz, propi lewt. ("oath to and from de pot. Kales reasunaupj lor regular trausiei traue EEU11EN FBNSTEEMACHElt, Lehigh street, dealer In dry goods, notions, provisions, gi ocerlcs, quecnaw are, ce. rauonage soucucu. MBS. IistljClnnsailSKY, LehlKh street. Is hcadqibtrters for dry (roods, notions, pro visions, groceries, Se. tsgl'atronago solicited. B EST SODA WATER AT THOMAS' imuu siuiiK. BANK STREET. The Secret Societies. KG. E., meet Monday pvcnlng of nacliwceU . In Isabel's Hall. Eagle's Cordially Invited. JOHN D. BERTOLETTE POST, Nd. Hi, (1. A. It., second nnd fouith Thursdity evenings of each month, In Ruber's Hall, Comrades Invited. if J01IJ? LENTZ CAMP, ti$ 35, S. of V.. t' 'o.- Dlv.. U. S.. fneet Wednesday even III lieber's Hall. Al. Campboll, Captain. In Iffi 0. T., meet Friday night of each week In . Bebtr's. J lalli'BiiiiH street, at 7:30 o'clock. All Templars liivitedV A. W. Houy.C.T. M. it. C-Ai; meet every evening, except Sun il:iv,. f J-Miiml:iv iiftprnimu lectures free. Kemerer's hall. 3Br-Yon are cordially Invited. OUr OhurahBs'. ETHODIMT EPISCOPAL. South Bank street, Sumjay cervices ul lo.n. in., ami ..M p. in., day Stjiool 2 p. m. Wm. Ma.ioii, Pastor. Sun TRINITY LUTHERAN, Iron street, Sunday services, 10 a. in., (German), 7.00 p. m.. (Eng lish). Sunday school 2 p.m. .1. If, KutiElt.Pastor. EFOBMED, Ili)f;rr street, Sunday services at in ir. in.. (German). 7.30 i. in.. (English). Sunday schoel 2 p. in. G. W. StmiTZ, Pastor EVANGELICAL. South street, Sunday serviced at 10 a. in., (German), 7.30 n. m., (English), Sunday school 2 p. m. G. W. Or.D'Ss, Pastor. CATI 10 L1C, comer Northampton and Coal .Streets, services every Sunday morning anil eillllg, llKV. 11ASIMACKK, I'.ISUir. T. s s I Centraf Drug Store, Oi'rTil'lJ PUBDIti's'QUARE Bank- Street, Lcliighfoh; Pa., Is prepared for. the R" tj M M 1! It' TIIADE wiiii u iresu supjuy ui Drugs-and- MecTicineaj' Choice Wiiibs" Sc Liquors., Cigars, etc. Prescriptions carefull? con'iiib'un'ded af all hours of ftifday or nlgliL Puiriiihe 6'F -AND-- Library & Stand Lamps, in all styles', and" tyt all prices. Spectacles fitted to the c3?e and satisfaction guaranteed. Stoves, TinWare, Heaters aiic Ranges, In Great Yariety at Samuel. Graver's Popular Store,- Bank Street. Roofing; and' Spouting a special ty. Stove repairs furnished . on short notice. Prices Iteasonahle ! ! 3- i -jD- WALL PAPERS WeiSsport Mwi Bireclory. J. 0. ZERN, M. W. U KUTZ, M. D, PilW. ZEKN XJ PhV-eibians & Siircreons. OPI'ifiK at the resldenco of Dr. Zenr, Wl.Re strcci, noissiwri. All calls, tor snrglcal or rndfcal'trBat'hJiCTitwlll receive prompiaiieuvioir. inayii-s.-ti -JAUKY SEiVELL, The tyislssjroH Bakery, Fresh Bread and Cakes ci i-ry day. Delivered In Lehighton and Mauch Ch'unk 'every TueWaj, Thursday and Satu'rday. rcPlcnlct, Parties, CamiVMoctlnilr, Weddings, Funerals luppllcd at short notice. august7,87-ly "JJIKANKLIN IIOl'SE, EAST WEISS1;0RT, PENN'A. This hoiiio offers first-class acconunodaltons to the pcrtnansnt boarder dHil transient guest, Tanle prices, -only One Dollar per day. aug7-iy J6ii itp.iinio, Proprietor. jQEAta, THE JEWELER. All Kinds of Jewelry ! Sclooi Boob aafi Stationery. augsut7,8(S-ty. THE Welsspsrt, Carlson County, Pcsn&., Henry Ohristman, Proprietor. The public Is respectfully Informed that this well-know houso lias been refilled and Improved ion nrsi rate, ami aoic 10 luruisii iue vt'iy oesi tecum IllUUilllUll.l ul uu KUIUS, A Livery Stable In connection with the ho(cl, with ample means to accommodate wedding parties, funerals and n u.i.L'm. u III, ta'l In Imtiiu III connection Willi (ho hotel Is u FINE POOL ROOM handsoiitefy fitted uj1. ApittS 87Iy OENTS WASTED ! TO SELL Tlife' NEW Improved Western Washers An nnn TTrtr in tto i And salQs constantly Increasing. It tiositlvely leads tht'fn nil. Buy no other. Vrlto for terms. A A HON F. SNYDER, MIe's. Agt.. augl3-ly Welsspbrij Caibon Co., Pa. I have Just opened aCojl Aard In connection wmi mviioiei in wr.issruiiT vinere can i constantly be found nil sizes of tho Best of Goal! at prices fully as low as the lovfpst. Glveir.o trial and bo cufii ttirfeil. Heffry Chri'sfman,. Port Allen House, Weiss'pbrt. Kalrbanl.'i'filatfdarii Stfaliis' iff tjonncctlon December 18, ISSGly I For Newest' Designs and Must Faitjlonablo Styles of DRESS GOOt)S, DRY GOODS;-G-ROCERlJiS, PRovisros. SILVERWA'I, &c, &c. GO TO B. H, SNYDER, Bank Sfr"6ct, Lehjjjlrton. Goods guaranteed and prTdttf al lovt as else where for tlioriinid (JUality1 of goods. Julv 18, 1885' iy ALIV THE NEWS ! The Carbon Advocate. 1.00 Per Year. Single dpies, J'lVE Ceiits. Advertise1 in the Advocate. House mid Lot for Sale. One-halt uif, w x 189 feet, situate on Ichigh Street, near the New Round Houhcs. uoon which Is erected n pnrwl two-story Frame House, 16x22 feet. A never falling Well of IMre Water, and ,a number of choice Fruit Trees and Vines on tbe Lot. A nice home for a small family. For terms, &c call at U1S liHWH ADVOCATE VlBft, lURX IVOei. lis 2C-U lrT ..JK'Vv'' T S THE i J Carton Atatelf! , CSs- And got all tlio latest nerfs, 53l K25 Inclttdliig Interesting New 9o Cajr York and Vitslrln?ton let- C? H ters. Tou bbttar join idb. 1 It Is tins che.apcst, laYg'ost I and flEST weekly paper iu I the Lehleli Vallev. Try It. Only $1 a Year. I Uiroulaflon, Jk THE OLD FIREPLACE. JiV J. N. MATTItftWa. The blessed old flrcplacel how blight It np'pcars, As back to my boyhood I gazo, tS'cr tho desolate wasto 6f Jhose Va'nlthlng years, From the slooin of tffos'o lone latter days) Its lips &)i5as ruddy, Its heart Is as warm To my fancy, to-night' as of yif 0-, Whoii wo cnddlcd around It and smiled at the storm, As It showed Its nnVto teeth at the door, i remember the airpto that wooed tlio rVd flame Tilt the blood bdlblcd out of Its check. Arid the passlinato popcorn that smottiortd its sliaino fill Its heart spilt Apart with a shriek; t rtmeinocr the Greeks and the Torjans who fought, In their shadowy iliapeg orl the wall, And the yam In thick tallgtcs, my Anger's held tnuntr, While my mother was wtudlng tbo ball. I remember the est that lay coty and curled By tho Jamb whore tho flainea flickered high, And tile sparkles the Of 41hcs of winter that whirled Up the flue, as tho wind whistled by; I remember the bald-headed,baudy-lcggcd tongs That frowned like a fiend in my face, In a lYiiv of passion, repeating the wrongs, They had borno In the old llrcplacc. I remember the stenm from tho kettle that breathed As soft as the flight of a soul, The long handled skillet (ia.t spluttered and adltinil With tho batter that liurflcnfd Its bowl: I remember the mstv, Identical nail. Where the criminal pot-hooks uero hung; The dragon-faced andirons, tho old cedar pall, The goe.rd.aitd the peg where It hung-, Bubthe fire has died out op thoold cabin hearth. Thp wind clatters loud thro' the pane, And tbo dwellers -tlie've llown to the end of the earth, Atid 111 gazo 1111 It never again A fur-gct-mc-not grows In tho mouldering wall, The last, as It were, of Its race. And the shadows of night settle downllko n pall On the stones of tho old !lro-p).tce; WHY DID SHE DO IT? lir CLYI1K IlAYSIOJfl). "HTiat alls ypu; Mark, my toyf If'liy, you ate positively moping! I suspect Do lores lias something to do with It. If so, why don't you speak at price af4 put an end tp a this rivalry? You have my hearty sanction, I'm sure. Nothing could please me mora than to seo my lovely ward become your bride." "I am sorry your hopes qro doomed to disappointment, Mr. Jlowartlj" says a younger tolc'fl,- sad; almost stern with re pressed pain atil passion. "1 hayc already asked her, and Ueefs'fef used r' "Kciuseiii sno lias refused -j-ou" in a tone of unbounded surprise and disappoint' nient. "I thought ll liy, Mark, I w'as positive she cared for you. JKhy did she do It?" "Il'liy?" Cclrbe4'tlie'olier, with' a short, hard laugh. "My dear sir, does Miss Fcn- more usually condescend to give her reasons for breaking a man's heart" rd)y. I think" with quiet but IntonsS'liltterncss; "she finds It so very easy to lead us poor devils on until we arc ready to stake tbo hopes of a lifetime on a single word from those beautiful lps df lcrs. Vfa get ltj:it is Strtotly', -pathetically spyketi, but it is 'no,' all' the" same, and 'tliat settles It with mo, at least. J'ra goin? west to-morrow." Tbe figure sitting so quietly beside the opcnVlntlow, looking thought fully out in to the soft, warm'shadoiys of tho early au tumn evening', gives a'haff stait its Mark Vcrncr's'scornful words fall stiligtfjgly up on her car, amT a'awlft, hot flush crimsons the loyely facH fr-owcliln to forehead. "I'm golng west to-nforrow," s tlieab rubt cfulh:'C;of ft all. And she repeats the words below ber brcatb, the hot color fad ing from ber cbeek as swiftly as It came, her great dark eyes dilating with a look of unutterable rjsln,' "Going to-nidrfoif and f earinbf tell hlml" she murmurs, huskily. Tbo Ivory fair Iti ber band Blips' from it and drops npbrf- the 1do unheeded, there Is a slight, slmdU'sring rustle of tbo silken dlnuei-Mreis sfiii wears, and then tho golden bead falls' ionvard and touches tbe broad wliidoSv.slll, and for thi next few irjolqents Dolore"s'Fenmfare Is dc.i'l' alike to-tlio pain or pleasures of tbo world around ber. It Is ber guardian's Voice thatarquses'lier at last. "Dolores! Dolorcsl" be is calling anxi- nsly. "Wliat cats' ba the matter? Wake up, child, tlie dinner-bell Is linging!" She opens ber eyes In a bewildered way, and looks about her. The room is flooded with gaslight now, and she remembers that It wa fq! of shadows whetr she felt ber senses fcaVlriifricr'. "I I must have fallen asleep," she stammers, flushing as she sees Mark Vom er stanUIng near. "What is It, guardy?" "It is dlnnef;" be retorts in bis light, cheery way;' "and as you are not suflicieut ly wide o'wako yet to bo' ah' entertaining 1 companion for any one else, J bVd better take you In myself." And,- as bo draws her arm within his own, he asjdi, In a lowered voices "Tliere ls'&'uow guest lrarc'to-nlgtit, Do-' lores one but little expected and still less desired', and lyoU'regantmy wishes In the matter, yolf will' not lllrt with, blm, oren couraRe bis attentions In tlie'Ieast. f don't like the rnan, and low lie managed' to wring an InWtatldh froiii' me I can't Understand myself; but I bad almost forgotten It when Ab! there bo Is nbw, comlnc; this wav Roger Congdonr11 "Roses' Cotssdonr' Dolores ptits ber band sudd'shly to' bet heart, and ber bPii'utlful fair face grows white as death. IS tit she quickly recovers herself atid goes through the Introduction that follon's' w'lth' tbe polished east) and grace of tier usual bearing'. She can'fcel'tlid keen gare of those bold black ejes bent daringly upon ber face again and again', and' detect tle yeilec! meaning iu Ills pretty speccbfes,as tlio'pa'r- ly laugh and chat around the elegantly-ap pointed dinner table. But she shows uo sign of It In tlife bright smiles and brilliant repartee with' which shefaVors him exactly as she would any other" stranger RUCst, In tho drawing-room htl'strolls gratefully oyer to ber side as she stands by tbe piano trying to' select a song from' the' piled-up music-sheets. "Let me assist You," he says politely, bending near ber. Then, with bis bold, handsome face al most touching the golden' head bent over .the music, be tuidcnlf whispers: "Aro you glad to tee mo frer, D6lorci, dear?" v'IIow,dare you comb Here?" snerctorls, without lifting her licAd; but lie can seo a tfcallct spot beginning to blaSe In tbo fair cheek so close to bliss. "Dare?" lie ocUtfes, with a low, Irritating IMigli. "I dare because I lovo you. And ttf-bflsldes" h'o goes oq llowly, watching Ber averted face, "I Intend to claim you, as 1 should liive done long, long ago, my dar ling.." Neverl" She lifts her bead now, and ber great, dark eyes look squarely Into lls, full if unutterable scorn, but not ono sgn ttf fear. "Sooner than go with you 1 will dare the worst. I will brave exposure, dls- graco, the world's opinion. I dtly you!' Her voice Is low and leisp and vibrates with a passionate forcp Uillt; foran instant, snakes blm quail, Her dark eyis Arc blazing, and a crl'tbson spot burns like Arc In either check. Ho lddks at her for a inoiileiitlri wonder lt)g admlralifiii, tien "We shall sec," lie driswors confidently. with it graceftil, lionchalatlt slmig of bis broad shotililers. "I'll wait until the end of shy visit,, though I've 110 notion of spoil- that by creating a 6ceno such as ydur Words Imply. OJd Howard's shooting is to good by far; and it Isn't every day it fellow llko mo can get tbo run of bis p'arks and a chance at llis choicest game. Uy Jovelthn old fallow Is about as cxalusivo as an Eng lish lord. Hut you'd better make up your mind to yield gracefully, Dolores, for I tell you I shall certainly claliq yoU before I leavps Don't krtQw as I over should have caro'd tb, only I heard you httd bocpnlo a great beauty and bad a rich old gddrd'lan." The only answer to his long, but lightly delivered spepcli Is a slnglo glanco of with ering confeulntj rind llicn sho goes calmly back to the ekaiiilnatloil b'f her uiuslc, and ho Is fdrced tb saunter away from ber vi cinity, since sbo utterly refuses tp npticc lilm again. A liintlpg-p.irty Is friade isp for tlio'fol lowlul; day, and Mr. Cougdon takes" good caro H1.1t he Is not overlooked lit the ar rangements, Afto'r all" early breakfast tbe hunters start off in splendid form; and Dolores stands on the veranda waving them good-bye, with as brilliant a light la her dark fyes and an sweet a. smile on her lovely llpVas tliotigh her h'eArt wore not slowly breaking; A pi-oiid; sad; yearning look" Into thoso beautiful cvbs as they wdtch Marl: Vcrnof ilde itw'iy with tlie rest, sitting Ills horse with such proud, manful grace. "It is his last day here,'' she thinks, w ith a bitter, beart-brcakjiig sigh. ''Ho leaves to-night, and 1 cannb't, dare not, tell him." Then her glance wanders, ngatnst ber will, to the dashing.disolule-iookiug horse man jit bis rigltt,- A111I, as she looks, lie turns i'nfils saddle, catches tho glitter of her gold hair as tho morning sutillgbt touches It, and waves her a gay farewell, with his mocking, defiant smile. , Dolores passes thp looming hoqrs dreari ly onough witB' herliftaVy heart f&r com pany. Sho does not expect the hungers to return before datkSt'Ks' drives thcsri'tnl but hohrs befofe that tlm'e tliey do return, a' garland solemn group, bearing a lifeless burden homo. Dolores has gone to'tlm veranda tcTmect tdem, wonderlrtSf wlrtit could have hastened their return' Aa they com'o t stealer, she leans heavily against the'raillng a'isd her faco grows while with terror. "Soirifcthlng has happened," she mur murs falnlly. "Qtiardy! Mark! Oh, Heav en I what can It be?" Hut In af minute i&ate she knows, "It Is Itoger Congdori'" iler guardian says, riding up and answering the terrified question In her eyes. "Poor fellow! I'm sorry sibw that I spoke 111 of him. He was too reckless had sonit liquor In him, I think, and'did some oftho'wildcst' exploits you ever heard of. t warned blto, but no use; and notv thii poor fellow is dead)'' Kyery one sees tlfo dpatli-like whiteness that sweeps oyer the girl's bSatillfpl', dark face; cyory one notices hqW she sVaggers and clutches tlirt fnlHng for support; but no ono wmtdere at it, tlie horror of It all is enough to unnerve tho strongest man. It is only when slip sees Mark Vcrner leavd'the g'r'otip a"qd go' Int'd tbe hohsa that she arouses from her trance-like stupcr. "MvGodl"sbo thinks half wildly, "he is golpg assay. I must seo bim first. I I can tell him now I" She finds bins alone, pacing lip and down tho great, cmlity dra-nisrg-room. Mr. Verncr," sho says, stopping at a llttlo dlstanco nnd speaking' with trembling hastf, "I know you aro going to-day, but I I have something 1p tell J'our first, about tho answer 1' pave' you yesterdayi" "Weill" ho sajs briefly, with' a -half- scornful smile as bo pauses In bU walk to listen. Tills afc'cld'eht d'reaUfol' a's' It Ishas left sno frcef td'say what I could not say then, what I would never " lie wheels wheels aboutand starts at her blankly, bclletlng tiat fright has turned her mind, 'Free wlmtdo you sncan, Miss Fen- snore? What could he, that strarnjer,a man llko that,-be to you?1' "EvprythipSi J't nothing," slie returns. lifting lies' golden1 head witb'son)e'.hlng of her old pride and decision'. He was sny husband Walt listen'. Mark Vomer, aiid theu judge me as you1 will." 'lliflV In disjointed, haHlnKrtlitencesshe tells hlnl all her story:' how the handsome adventurer,- who has just met his doom, lured Iter from her boarding-school to a se cret tsiarriage years ago when' she was bht fifteen. How lie had soon' deserted her, and how' he hsd come to claim her at last, having IcaTiled' of ber social success and her real standing as the ward and prospective heir ess ot a wealthy man'. 'T was tesnnted to kcep'tbe secret a se cret JdMrer," sho ends, with a stifled sob, when I saw him lying dead, I believe tlicre Is no living witness now to that mad marriage, and tho certificate has always' beed iu my own keeping. But I could1 riot deceive you, Mark, and If you care" 'Myarllng!'' he says, taking one treui-. tiling band little' hand In his warm clasp. "Give nse exactly the answer now that you' would have given yesterday had j'ou been just I believed j'ou a maiden 'heart-whole sijtI7Dcy-lrr" Sho frc"sftatcd for ono little Distant, warm. Beautiful bldsh dyeing- her fair check, and a deep; Impassioned light glow ins 1st her splendid ejes. Then: "I lovo you, Mark," slfe Vvlltspcrs shyly. "That would hnye beesl sliy artswcr." Without a word ho opens hs anus, alii,' for ono sweet t)0rncnt, sfd nestles happily against bis heart. Then slip s-tirts &HY, ft'rnemlicrlng tis'a solcnsnltvoi tbe strange turn In their lives. "Shall I tell my guardian?" sho pealing to hlnl with a tender confidences that proves ber love. "JNo," ho answers, tatter a moment's thought. "Tho sSciel Is our own; let It remain so. That you shared it with lii'e', when you snlght so easily have kept Hform me, Is quite enough." There Is one thing Mr, Howard cannot understand, add that Is Use reason why Dolores has til ber wedding-day a wliolo year distant. But that she lid's" cons'e'n'tcii to marrv Mark at all Is quite enough to reconcile; him to what he c4ls "a vyonrari's vllssr," TUiTBEiT sideT" Most families arc proud of the perfec tions df their Various members, and rptusc tq seo their faults, liqwevcr giaHslg they may be in tho eyes of otbeh). Hcsv much of this self-deceptidn exists! Of the stckly-mluded, pinched -and nar row prudo for whom nothing Is good enough, and who duds lutriiqp'riety where uo one eise noes, her people, living In a fool's paradise so far as lief nature aud constitutioil gd, say admiringly: "How full of nice feeling eho IspHow perfectly refined a"rid pure I" ur tpo nod add forward girl, ber sister. who' l talking nonsense, and svorso than nonsense, from sssomlng until night, they say: "So full of yo'uth'fitl spirits, you' dellclously girlish and frank." Of tho extravagance which is eulogized as gencrdsltyi' aslrt tile liafdnees which Is labeled common-sense; of the weakness which Is womanly tenderness, and tho sel fishness which Is business faculty; of the meanness which Is good managcment, tho flippancy which is clpycrness, and the .stupidity whluVIs caUlibn and wlso reserve; of tlie flattery' vvlilcfi is the'swe'e'f Itlito'iTof affectlonatencss and simplicity, and tlie Ill nature whiclj Is candor when it Is' ho't a stern but heroic sensS of truth haye wo not all seen instances' of thesis mistakes atflbng our acquaintances?' Sometimes tlsesc creations of fanefast a llfetimo; at 0lliefs, they soon dissolve into nothingness-,- leaving desolation in the hearts oWiose who believe iu them. Hut, In the end, all save tho hopelessly weak and spiritually self-indulgent are" bet ter pleased td rVcrtfinlzp things' for' what they are than to remain deceived by hopes, betrayed by fancy, loving a creature which does not exist out of their own mind, and living in a paradise of content no more; real than the good angel who made It, COINAGES OI1 THE flRAW. "Wd' sit down In'some quiet nook, on a still day, when' hardly a sound may be heard, ahd when the voice's of tho outer world dppear to bo welf-n'fgh bushed to st- lerite.'ahd, favored by outward conditions, we fall llitd a stVCrle. Abstracted from'-that tfulor world'. Imago n tt ah I . ,' ... I.V. . . . . iwuiiu id luujecieu irons wituin, out ward up'6tt 0U"r Intell'lgence; which occas ionally' may' a'ctually fancy it sees vlvldlv thp pbccU It iflsplitys', or thai t hears tlie eo'finlis which old memsrles so clearly bring before it. A tunc hummed softly awakens a thous and memories; tbo singer1 of' olden days comes before us In all the reality df exist ence; the surroundings are reproduced' w'i'tli faithful exactltudettbe most trifllnar details come boldly intq the foreground of thought; a ribbon, a bracJlet, the pattern of a carpel. tho hue of a drew these, and a thousand other details nro rifclu'r'M Ofit with truest fidelity rand the story is acte'd before our eyes so faithfully, that it Is with a start of wonderment wo suddenly comeback to the workaday wpild, to find, 'lt was but a wak ing dreanr," Nor call' wo refuse to consider the Infltv euce of repetition nnd habits as a prcdoui' Inatlng cause of sue!) abstraction and rev' erle. , Who" does n'6t loibW- trie "dTCntsjer" of cyery-day life, or it may bo tire poet or poetaster, rapt In a mantle of thought; which defies the penetration of mundane things; and within which be sees and bears a universe of his own? A near gradation'', Irbsveycr,- brings sis within' ratoge of the "hallucination" asid "llns'slon" wber the creatures and coinages of the braiu are projected with more than marked effect, aud In bolder relief than be fore, NMv ft Is Sata-n tempting a' "Luther a very devil In the flesh, with whom thb re ligionist converses asn) arguos, whotti he defies loudly and persistently, ahtl'al whose heall ttje Irate rtforrner throw's his Ink I10111 a' proceeding typical, linfdcd, of the extinction of many demon's by the sweet ness and light of peiiCll and peri.' Then it may bb a St. Anlhoqy struggling with' an evil spirit of sclisuaHly, or with actual' dein'ohs' who clmstlse Kim cruelly. Oris'lt Jbattof AfS wh'o'l's adnionished by "Our I.a'dy of llellmonl" to succor ber country, arid to take toart)sforstsdefense; or It Is the ninlliT,- ptostVatd lii' pious ec stacf beforp the shrine of Brahma', his vis ions', realities, mid his fancied converse with' the A'lnHgtlty One traVssform'ed thus luto a dread reality. A baWf-rbonS the s'AtVsiSrv. Transported for life the riSatf who marries happily, Tastes differ Especially tlib ta'sto of Castor oil and kisses. A nlre'hbW do' you' do tb friendly saliitatiqn'of x ps'ettygirl.' Marrying by proiyls What may be con. slderpd q'prdxy-matd bliss. i Wheri' you embrace your pWtty celi'.In can she be called'' strained relatldii? 1 -Tsvo tidys who cannot agree the po liceman's Billy and thp cracksman's Jim.' my, Vhen'thtf kpight cf Old' waited to pro- tect bis girl he put his armor round her. -In dry weather a farmer alts in the barer door arid' Walts for something- to turnip. "Sarah Bernhardt drlcks stout; but she doesn't look It," says a theatrical con-itempora.n1.' -iHc "And rtly I sep folic' fatlier to morrow, dear?" She "To?, 1 snfsposc it's tq late tq seo lilni ta-iflglii?" Every one admires br.Vory1, but tnassy a big, lstirly Uiatiis a'fraid qf tho woman who tlfciubles at tVe sight of a mouse. "SVliy a sna.n lioots his dog, but siicicly shoes his hen, has sleyer been precisely detcrl'nincd. Ths BtttlsfnfDEtatbs En J'. Tile beginning of dtscaso Is 11 slight debility or disorder of some of tho vital organstlio stomach, tlie the bowels usually, T'liero arc dys peptic symptoms, the liver Is Uoublcsomc, the skin grows lawncy and itrtncaltny looking, there are pains In tho rlgJitslcle ci- through tho right shoulder blade. The cliinax Is often an utter urotnilloti of the physical energies, perhaps 11 fatal Issne. But if the diltlculty Is met In lime with Hostctter's Stomach Bitters, which Is nlways ertectlve lis a remedy, and It should bo resorted tontmirarlr siaire. there will bu no reason to uuprchehd thosu Injurious subseipient ,effjes uih,ii iue 9.sieni uiien eiivaiicuiiv eiuirpir eurcii diseases. Par lielter N tt. nUn.'tn t'lniilnv IIiIm safe remedial agiHitlu fever and ague, and dtlicr maiari)ii .compiainis. man iiiuuiun .auu otiiri potent drug, widen, even whoa they' do prove iffccinal fur a tune, tul 11 tho stomach and Im- pairmo general neaiiii. The young man who can go Into a pawss shop without ti t)tiickcnlng o'fi'the puis'e aiid i heightening of tins color has been there before. "We stop tho press this tnornlng to splf on qtsr bands." Aud tliun wo went lit the bid levor again. Backlen's Arnica salve. Tla best salve lii ha World io'r cs'its, bruises, sorcSjiilcersalt rlinem.feVcr sores, fpl.ter. nliniinpil linnils ctitltit'inilu nStrne and ali. ski;i eruptions, rind positively cures piles, or 110 pay required, it 1 guaranteed 10 give peuect saitsiaciion, or money re funded. Trice 25c per h,ox, aj. Thonnft'. lit tlife light of receiil events It' wonder lilstory doesn't sue a number of loud-mouthed statctnen for libel. Tho baby believes Irf the tii'ottol placis'fdr everything arid everything In Its place," ahd her place for evciythlng is In her mouth. rjf.t"ra5'er's Magic Ointment. - A filtrn nll.Afrt.nil Lntta l.,.ta irrimo mil. flesh wounds, sore nipplo, hanl and soft corns, chapped lips and hands.. Price 50 cents, bold by druggists. Williams M'f'g, uo., irop s., uieveiand, u. Sold by T Thsraas, the druggist. -Thp Koman llutdr was a stubborn citizen,' bf.t tho' women of Homo word inuller. Tennyson is ill with gout. It Is appro bended that be caught It from sq'p'16 of his recent poetry, whose lameness is thus accbu'nle'd' for. Dr. Frazter's Boot Bitters- Frazicr's Boot Bitters aro not st'druui shop beverage. But are strictly Htedl6Inal In every sense. Tliey a'clstrqiigfj upon the liver nnii Kidneys. Keen the bowels open ond-regular, cjeqtiso tjio blood and system of every lr,spuflty. .Sold by druggists, $1. At Thomas' drug store The mosquito Is hero and we realize that there are other troublesome hills be sides the fhfer-state clbinmorco affair. -Self possession In a'youug svonlan is well enough for a'wUllo, but slid slsbftldis". keep It up too long. WonderfntCurei, W. D. Hoyt & Co.. Wholesale and Kelail .Druggists of Itomo (ia.iay: We have been selling Llf.Jvsng IScw Discovery, Lleclrp! liittern and Bucklcr.'s Aslu'ea'Salvd for four years', natfe never handled remedies thai sell as well, or givo such universal natirfac tlon. There have been some wonderful cures cfi'eoted by these medicines In tins city. Several casta of proifbunccd Coufcuinp tlon havo been entirely cured by U40 of a few bottles of Dr. Kinca Nov? Disiivcry, taken in connection w'itlV JCIcctric Bitters. Wo guaranlco thoih' alvVfljfa. SoluTby T. I). t liomas', Sophfonla "Certainly, dear, invitation violin's for the room adornment thotild bo decorated wlt&'bows." "Deeds, not words," Is the snotto of tho real estate man, Hay Foyer, Asthma. lmHnudlato relief. Fontaine's Cure. For sale by C. T. Horn. McGlyun seems to havo beets gored the Pope's bull t tast. . Glad tidings. Belief nVd c'u'ffi qf throat attd lungdiscasc. Fontaine 8 Curo Is guar ant red to cure a cold In Hi lioura. Sold by yj. 1, ssorn, uruggist.. Cdhht Ci'a'nt of Austrla'died the other day. Ho simply shut up. No Cure No ray. A new departure in medicine I Fontaine's Great Discovery re moves 1110 cause, 01 disease; namely, ills ease germs. This guarautco means some' thing for "Knowledge is power." For salo at Dr. C. T. Hprn s drugstore Buffalo Bill Is not ah artist,- blst it is said that he can draw .1 revolver quicker thali'any snan in the United Kingdom to day. For blqod, liver. Kidney ahd stdniach diseases n'so ttr. Lloyd's family medicine- no cure no pay at .', T. Jlofn's Ueulrnl urug store. A New Hampshire w'6'ma'n, 101 years old, I!s whooping cough, and hopes pre sently" td' adopt the measles, and a pair of pantalettefc. For dysp'o'psla' or sick headache use Dr. Lloyd's fa mil v medicine no cure no nav at C. T. Horn's Central Drug Store". Thn tidy wli'o expects to set tho world on fire yffll never do it by smoking c Igar-eltes.- iU will sinl'ply burst' out Ills' Own energies.' "llat-kmctack." a lastin? arid fragrant perfume. Price 25 and' fjO cents. Sold by Dr. Horn, l:hightDit;and lliery, Wclssport A CuIIfdfnla' Canning establishment has put up ICS tosss of cherries this season,' They insist ifeo a can-o-copla, Hlilloh'if Cure will Immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis Sold by Dr. Horn, Lehighton, and lliery, weissport. Which is the most va'rcl6hs? A man will run after ' dollar, sVhllo a dog will follow a scept. For Dyspcpsirrantl Liver Complaint, vou have a printed gdafaiite'o on every bottle of Slilloh's Vitalizer It never fails to cure. Sold by Dr. Horn, Leliighton, and Bicry, 1 I Virojrwt Tlie matt charming talkers are those who thinir as you do. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 60' cents, Sold by Dr.- Horn, Leliighton, and Bicry, W'esBsport. It Is trjie that a grass widow Is par' tlculzrly susceptible to hay fever. Wm. P. Alverson, of Branch, Ulster Co., N. Y., writes. "Last Winter I hint a very bad colli and accidentally got hold of a bot tle of Dr. Beth Arnold's Cough Killer and it helped me at once, I knew it will do as it Isrecammenlled to do." Dr. Beth Arnold's Soothing and Qsieltng Corlil for children. Becommended bv .mothers and' nurfes ?Jk Advertising Rates For LofftfV Notices The following irtlcia f'M I ',. il .. lllg .lias' breis ailontod by tho tn, i OP 4 (X) 4 IK! 4 (Hj H 0 AVQcAtU. Cliartcr.Nflces -AtldlUir's Notjcri -C'oinilTllssIoiier's Notices Divorce Nctls Adinjrilstrator's Notic'cs M.vor.f,f,irT nlli.n . Other leiralVlve'ltlsllilr will bn'clfiarl?!! fo by tlie square. II. V. llorthi;r, Jr., lMblbier. SIMMONS LIVER RBGULATOI I'pr -ill ISIjeascs 'f tlie JinX'ftiinsjs, Stomath and loezt Th it purely vcgelablo plt fkiradoD, now to cclehrkted a. a Family Medldni!, originated Iq She South In tp. ,It cta ikeiitl' qp ftn, lSnwels and KtducTfi end oorrecta tho action orthe Liver, and Is, there-, fore, tlie Sirt prrpnrntiiry liicdlrlnr, wU itfTer the ilck." pess may prove So 1 In all common divci.c It will, uu nsvlstcd by any other medU cine, eflbct u speedy eitre. Th TTp-riifatvr Jj tuft to aJmInUlr,ln xui Sjnditioii cuRc r)lttra,nJ under 110 clrrnm t.t.ilicf-i can It do linrm. It lll invl.waia Jtks a class of wine, bat Is no Inloalcating biwh tigeto lead to Intemperance; will prmnntc it (-slion, dtsHlpato Itcndnolip, ainl cetiW' alSy (one up tlio systriu. The do G uraall. Hot uiiplcn.ant, and Its virtues undoubted. No loss of tt 1110. un Inter tiiptlou or ftoppiigo ot lmslii y,Vie' taVliii the -, lUg-jlator. , j, Children complaining of -' Coliu, ircadiloho, or Kick (sloinaeli, .a tea.poonful or niore will glre relief. If taVen occi..ion.illf by ri-' tlcnts exposed tp MAlwKlA will expet the poison ami protect them from nttack. .. . ,A I'SITSSCIAVS l)l'INtOf. t have been practicing medicine foe twenty years , nd "have never been ablfl to. put up a vegetable, compound that would, tike Simmons Lvtr Kegu. Ijtbr.prumptly t'nn effectively move the Liver to action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak, tning) the digestive and assimilative ruwrors of ths system. L. M. Hiktok, M. U.,Washlngton, Ark. SEE THAT VOU BT TUB QCSCBiU. ranrAHRD by ( 'J. H. Zoilin & Co.. PMmfo'lphfo E. F. J1HGKD-NJ3ACH, fSKAtliB IN1 WALL PAPERS, Bordbrs' & i)tb'6i'atidng, Stationery, Fancy GooM. .Win-Jbw Sh'ndks & Fixtiirci Latest Styles, made und put up, ITilpJ Irua'." ,. Puirite,- Oil, Vnrnisli, Puttv; Brushes & general I'fiintera' Sutiplios. No. 61 Broaflwav Ulancli .Giinultf Pa Below the Broadway House, Sale Bills PiiteJ at tliis nmce. HEAD8.UABTIR forJEWElRK f3 ICSfl .t&zc vie UJIKa Opposite the Carbon House, Bang StreotU.Clu'gli- ton rcil'm sells Watelies! 01o(jfesf , and Jewelry,- Chcajicr on an average than can' lie bought any tfhere else lu tbo cuny, fall and" sue. REPAIRING- In alills bralithpit, niattly, cheaply nnd p'rbmpfc (y attended to. ' ' ' a'lr(j a full lin-ic 6k ScnooL Booivs AN IS Stationers Supplies not ember 28- ly f . U.S.LITZENBERG, I f(Uto Kieclal KKainllier If. K. Vctislorj1 Military Claim Agent, f ATT VT'1V SWM T..ktt. AluiaiJJXl x ii Ai , j. 111 41., l'roioe'iifiv'f vlihns. fpr. Pciislims, Iiirreaso of, Pension. ISoimrv arid all manner of claims iiinitutii the government. Ten jenrs lApcilcnco in tho Pension biiluess and neai Iv (lie as Hpccial l!x- nmlner Iu tlio l'. S. Pension (llllce. I make a specially of Increase clalmcs, JlaWI-om U. 8. LITZKNBKBO. 0 W. SNYDER, D. t S, Mansion Hnusn, I'blghlon, Umlro attention deintcd to tho ilLseasi's prrva, lent nmoiig.ldomrsllraled ftiilinals. CaMration icnurmcii nn inu i;cia.ssvuru uesireu. uruers y mall promptly attended to. All the latest niltl hett news; The AuvoCatk, i$l istir year; 50 cents, six months, SWEENY'S Finest Porclean Dlnnoj1 Setsf Ths Fainons Belmont Siape. 103 Pieces llelsnont Diuitrr h'els.i Wn. vorly Decoration, $'.'.'.00. 103 Pieces Belmont lilrtiicrHi'U j r.lglsi' Decoration, S20.0Q. 103 Pieces Jlclmdnt Dluiiei- Sets Mori." diss Decoration, $17.00. ii Pieces Bej'lln Ten Sets; JliiU'ou5 Decor'iiUon, $5.50. 4i Pieces Berlin Test Sets: Cnmliriil'tfO jsecoration, yc.-JO. U Pieces Berlin Tf.t SpU ) Fnrmomit Jiecorallon, isO.flO. fO Pieces Whljo Gianlto WftTf?, Onj'jr etl.UU. The Hbove Gooda are Guarr'nttW ("jgiinit1 va.i ait u( ine Wbl . uifiiyiHie, , Sweeny, & Son,- -the CORNER
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