BE!SCT0R-lAS tdAHnHtr r.4-1 .hit a A rva ngmuMj wi uiu "CUSHIUAro'S RiEMTHOL INHALER. AfTonU quiolc rftllof of XJcuralsijp.. Hoadacfeq. Hay rover. Catarrh, Aflthsna AUO 27 fc.Tt.0SD USE SFfZCTS A CUSS. 67i' Maetlrm iti,rnp.f or mesey rcfairdod. Six jrrmtbs tretnifDt for 60 cent., If jroardruUthMTiettli9 In stock, wnd M MtiLa tn tjUiit'. hrf Uia InhftUtr will b for.r.rd- hr yoarur to tn t rum ill receipt ji'l crtlf ratUucj (th its ffcl, ro rin. ra it. at locexriniti'Tn cm urn asjrs r, tnii Mi Mlnin it. nr4 tf hnraHbil In crrtrtH rmftditinn. fwortnotusy will Imff funded. .... , Circular and twrUruotJ.-Jt mailed ire. en pjUUca H. D. CU8HMAN, Thunn T? I Throo River. Mich. !Vs Si, lMMrus GARWOOD'S CHAIR SEATS WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY I'o Replace Broken i RE-SEAT YOUR CHAIRS a . . ! AbjbwJ- v apply T!il;a. So Uechaftfe heeded. SOLD X Furniture & Hardware TRADE3. lu bovine new Chain, s for those with I Uawoooa lied Leather Finish Seats. 1'hy never wear on I. December 25, iss8-in PATENT UNFREEZABLE CREAMIN The only perfect LIQU D WASH BLUE UttmifcclurcM cn Earth. Absolutely Unfrrmble. II is Uu ilr.n?tit liqril t!ct. We susrsntee ema&ottl.will go twaertbrcellmos ssfnrssni y other bittle Uluo. It Id .Tin: ursT LHjlllJ) BLUE, h t lip.uff witer r..lwl with dry butlrt PCffU- t.ticully mstiufnc tumi.i-otbct itU iniporcitiletotUKJt r Rtre&k tho clothfi. Inonlpr to prove the above cold fuel, buy tb CdOiB, test them mir?t-lf, dU be conrlnted. Hundrdt of 1 houtardi of Bottlti Sold nd not Ono CompUlnt. GUARANTEE CHEMICAL CO,, iL'inlted.) 1150 2100 Kaec Street, nHLADEl.ri!l.l, VX, . ci eiUci ifc'i. IKii-. Cm. 11:1s pnprrlskrptonfllentlliebnlceof SIdvertising M 1GENTS TIMES BUItUINU & "8th s rnlLfiUtLfniA. tollMflltO m Lowest Cash Rates rMCt Si"f.'," AYER & SON'S MANUAL SMITH BROS. EXTRA DOUBLE FLAVORING ACTS; ilnaji anlftirm) recommended for jPUUm, STRENGTH and FLAVOR, I SMITH BROS. Stronger Family Ammonia, For General Cleaning Purposes, SMITH BROS. Extract of Jamaica Ginger. IAk jour Grocer for Smith lire Eltraets, and take no other. SMITH BROS.. Akron, O. llitcemtiur ', 1850 1 cm PATENTS!! FRANKLIN H. HO0GH, Solicitor of American & Foreign Patents 025 F 6t., near U,S. Patent Ortice, 'WASHINGTON, F. C. All business before United States Patent Ofll -c attended tn lor mmler.ite ices. Piilems procured In the United States mid all I'iiivIku tvuntrle. i-rarfe larkt ami l.attli rCRlslered. Kejected appllciulons rcicil midproaeeuted. Iiilnrm i Mo.i und udtlte as to obtaliiluj; Patents ehcer IM'.ly furnished wlihtint clutrce. Send Sketch o.-Uudt-I fur 1'nr.K opinion an to I'atcntabilUv. Agency In the U. S. possesses superior 'lrllttlcs for obtaining Patents or ascertaining the Patentabil ity of Inventions. Copies ot patents furnished forWc. each. Itr CorrcsiHindence solicited tcor. $1 WEEKS. 13 The I'OLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, wrspnl, in any address In the Unl- ii ciaiet mrinirc iiioniiia ou recripi ui One Dollar. Iiihrral dtkvunt allnwr,! to nlln.lri, (trnli and rlnls Satupln cnpir. mailol fre. A Urea, all orders In ItlCHAED K. FOX, Hay SO.Ifssj.jy FmviLix Fqcaic, N. Y lubscribe Now. UK ' liK Cl'l GB K1 1T 'ffi WE CUP HUaOEOSITBS. Three courts Imvo decided that a niarri- age by telegraph Is Illegal. If you want to make an nbosolittly tura thing of It, qcl married by a mlulilcr. ' Teacher (In geography) "What Is n desert?'' Vottna SttlJcnt ' Don't know, mum, I ill nays cat at the second tabic." A Snegeition to the Traveling Public Tourists, emigrants an.t mariners Ami tint Ilostclter's Stomach ltltters Is A medicinal sate- Etiard against unhealtlitul Influences, upon which they can Implicitly rely, since It prevent! the effects nf vitiated atmosphere, unaccustomed or unwholesome diet, bad water, orothcrconditlous nntat arable to health. On Ions voyiiBes, or Journeys In latllcdcs adjacent to the equator, It Is cs jK-clnlly useful as a preventive ot the telirlle complaints and disorders of the stomach, liter and bowel, which are apt attack notlvesoftue tempi rate rone sojourning nr traveling In such regions, and It Is an excellent protrrtlnn against the Influence of exticnie cold, sudden tliiin.cs of lennicruturc, exposure to damp or curoino f.itlcue. H not onlv prevents Intennlttcn nnd remittent lever, nuil other diseases ot a malarial type, but eradicates them, a fact which has been n.;,,.,l,i fnr i.,ir n:lt 111 Xfkrttl mill Kolltll America, Mexico, the West lliiUcs, Australia, and oilier couiuiics. Miss Xlna Van Zamlt, of Chicago, St. has a felon on her hands. A Boston commission house handled two tons of cabbages to skillfully that the shipper had 03 cents left after all charges were paid. If he sends another let his own head will go nlong with it. Ounht to be Known by All ! Tho wonderfully quick and certain re. lief afforded by Fontaine's Cure In cases of cold, coush, croup, bronchitis and as thma. It will cure a cold In 12 minutes! The first dose will give relief. It will cure croup In as many minutea. A child's life ninv hp artvei 1 hv Its tltnclv use. It Is a radl cal cure for Asthma. It should always be In the house, ready for an emergency. Can you, or any person afford to take a risk, when you can absolutely guard against It? WlinnnIn-coitli. consumullon and bron chitis will yield to this medicine when others haye failed. Sold at Dr. C. T. Ilorn's drug store. A blind man In Iowa can tell the color of a red-hot stove simply by touchlns It. First Young Uoston Blcod Say, Dux ley. did you ever sco tho sun rise? Second Young Boston Boston Blood o, Mm, 1 don't think I ever did. 1 don't remember that I ever staid up so late as that. Typhoid, Scarlet and Yellow Fevers, Ueailci Diphtheria, Small-por, Cholera, etc. Darbvs Prophylactic Fluid will tlcstnY the infection of all fevers nnd all i-ontairiouc ilic-iscs. Will keen the atmosphere nf any sick-room pure nnd wholesome, adsorbing and ilcstrnvin? unhealthy cllhivia nnd con tnL'ion. Will neutralize any had nn -II whatever, not by ilisgutsing it, but by ile jtroyiucit. CseD.irliy? Prophylactic Fluid su every sick-room. -Although not talkative at all, the oyster is a very pleasant companion at linner. -"One hug," says a cautious suitor, "is worth a dozen love letters, and It cannot bo introduced In a breach of promise suit. ' tnng Troubles Promptly Cnrcd. Messrs. IJdi tors: "About three years ago my right lung became nftectnl, and I then commenced taking Dr. Rutli Arnold Cough Killer. I used it about nine monthh j and that lung has never troubled me since Lnst summer I had a cold and it tettled on my left lung; it got firmly teated nnd I be 'an to take tho Cough Killer imiiin, now 1 lon't c ugh at all." H. W. Aldrich, North bridge Centre, Mas. For sale by all drug iUu. Price 25t 50. and ?1.00 per buttle. Fur Cintiveness l!ilioU4.ncss. Uuitduclic and all feverish fiabits use Dr. Seth Arnold's Bilious Pills. 25o. The mau who would pick another man's pocket would write an anonymous communication to a newspaper. There Is a demand Hi New York for the coinage of half ccuts. Buttons glc a man away, and, besides, they are apt to be missed. The best medical writers claim that the successful rtinedy for nasal catarrh must hi iion-irritUng. easy of apylicalion, ami nm that will, by its own action, reach all the remote sores arid ulcerated surfaces. The history nf the etl'orts to treat catarrh during iliena'st few veins ubll;ca into admit that only one remedy has completely met these conditions and that is .!" .ream isnun. This cafe and pleasant remedy lias liuntcrcd catarrh us nothing elso has ever done, ano both phviclaus nnd patiCtlls freely concede his fact. The more distressing symptoms uicklyyicld to it. Wc are more than ever Persuaded thai as a weather indicator, tuo American groundhog Is a liar and ft villain. Life is but a span ; marriage Is & double team, youth wedded to old age it a tandem an old L'ttchelor is a sulky. Glad tidings. Relief and cure of throat and tunc; disease. Fontaine sCurc Is cuar anleed to cure a cold In IS! hours. Sold by V. 1. Uorti, UrugRtst. Traveler's tell us that the Kaffir, though a olygamlt, iiever Ill-treats his wives. II knows how to Kaffir them. We do all kinds of plain and fancy Job work letter heads, note heads, receipts, t&c, put up In tablet style If desired. "The circus Is one of the oldest divers Ions known to mani" says an exchange. So Is a circus joke, "Iluckmotack," a lasting nnd fraurahl perfume. Price "5 und CO cents. Hold h Or. I torn, LehightbtifUnd lliery, Wcissporl The mail who tries to please himself has an easier time than he who tries to please even body. fclulnh s Lure will Immediately relievi Frottp, Whooping Cough and llnuuh'tis, Sold lv l)r II. rn, Ieliiehlon, and Illery iVeissporl. Old Regular (about to set Vmup) "Say, feller, why do you alwus shtlek yer hands In yr pockel7" Tramp "I would not have do peelers say tlat I go about mil empty pockets." For Dyspepsia und I.Iver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee n every bottle ol .ShilnhV YstuliztT' If ::evcr fails to cure. Sild by Dr. Horn, l-cliiliton, and Ilirry, Veiport. Syinpathetfc clergyman to niiloned parishioner Was poor Ilrother S.iltotistall prepared to go? Consoled widow Yes, In deed. He was insured In half n dozen companies. Miss Nina Yan Zandt, of Chlcauo, has n felon on her hand. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle ol Sliil.iliV C.iturli Remedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by Dr. Horn, Lthighloti, und lliery, Vutport. On tick the telegraph operator. Never gets full the countrlbution box. "Who will calf for mother now?" rjueried the dude, when he left home. Autumn leaves make their appearance some time before autumn leaves. When petroleum nas discovered the whales did not weep. They saved their blubber. You always hear of the man who draws the big prlte In a lottery but yon never meet hlin. The old tnald wb explatmed. Sly hat been a deserted waist!" can readily believed, . .. . . Job wnrk-e.eapest and l!t-t tk KySKINE r'Th. New QuininoJ NoBaflEflecl. Ko Headacnc. Ho Kansea. HoRineingEarsj Cures Qnickly. Pleasant, Pare. A POWERFUL 20XIC. that the rnosl delicate stomach will hear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, XER VO US PR OSTRA TIOX. And all tlcrm Diseases. rnitrnt.TMrfAHKINK HAH Ill'.KN VOUXD TO HI'. ALMOST A SI'LCIl'IO. Hucrlor to limine, cllctuc HospKal. K. Y., " Universally snccess- fui; I'Fa cry patient treat-. V'oilwlth Kasktne has Francis Hospital N.Y I been cured Tier. .Tames L. Hall. Chanlaln Alhanr IVnlten tlary. writes mat KnsKine nas cureu nis wife, at- tit ttvtmtv -(:m snirennff irom inaiaria from malaria and ner- vons dvspcpsla. Vrlte him for particulars oi. jnscpn a upsritai, l.l "Its use Is eon' sldered liidesiwnsaMe. It acts perfectly." Frof. W. F. llolcombe, M. I'., M Kiist 23th Ht., N. Y.. flatc Trot. In N. Y. Med. Cotlece), writes: "insKino is superior wt qui power, and never produi-cs tl to the hearlug or constitution Knsklns Is superior to nnlulnc in Itssnecllle power, and never produi-cs the slightest Injury line ucariug or cousiuui ioa.' Thiinv'ii.cU unon tliniiuuda write that Knsklnc has cured them after all other medicines faded. Write for book nf testimonials. ,i Knskine can be taken without any special medical advice. l.oo tier bottle. Hold by, T 11. THOMAS,, liriilghton, Fa., or sent by milli on receipt of price. THE KARKINR CO.. dcci-ly HWarrcnHt.. New York. CatarrH ELY'S CREAM BALM Cleanses the Head,. Allays Inflamation Heals Sores. R'f tores the Senses, Taste Smell, Hear- ing. A qvich T ill i si -T .1 n,0. gMiTl -r.E-Kig Hivo Cure. A particle applied Into each nostril and Is agree, able. FtIco m cents at drugglstti by mnll.reEls tered, 60 cents. Circulars free. KI.Y UltOS., nrugglsts, Owego, N. Y 0ct-2-18S6 T?01t tuformatlon about Tho Month address L JOHN I'ATIUOK. r.alclgh. N.C. Ea-'"Clic, Ehcmn6tion,Crlcl, BpTnlM, Nenral gia, BUtohcs. BjtaUca, lAmeEldaorllip, Kidney AUCQU0.13. 1 ere unravgrisMu uimu ..,.ww ordeep-eeated. qulokly KO when llopriajwr la appUed. Prepared, from Uureuiidy fi". CanattaBaliiam and tho raodlctaal virtu ea ol frcih cst ctrenfthcnlng plrjler e-rer known. Allready 23cta., ororci.oo. jaancu lorpneo. i-ro; tors, liCJ? rxjJl'Ca CO., Bartoa, Maaa. iop nas Central Carriage Worlis, Bunk St., IiChigliton, Pa.. Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, Sec, (if every description, In the mod eub.tantl manner, and at I.owelt Oath t'rlce. Repairing Promptly Attended to. TREXLEU & KltEIDLER, April M, lSSrt Proprietor. PUMPS ! Red Jacket Force Pump for any Depth of well. Single Cylinder, - f IS on IfOUUiU - - .1 w o racKtiiE-uox rump. Buokeye Force Pump up to Seventy-live Feet. SiiiRleC Under, IU0C 'IS 50 uouuio Rumsey Force Pumpi $13.50, Depth up to seventy-Hie feet. Rumsey Iron Lift Pump, up to fifty feet, M.oo. Iron Cistern Pump from 9o tiimnruB. Aisi WOODEN PUMPS AND CHAIN PUMPS. FI VK per cent, oil for Cash. JOHN 11. I). ACKER. Agent, Wf.i.i. Hinkp.r and CisTF.n.v Iliin.nKn. Hank way, Lchlgliton, opposite ths old PrliiUm? Office, nov.13, au,-'i M EDICAL OFFICES, 206 H. Second St., Phllada,, Formerly Drs. J. N. li J. 33. HOBENSACK. i;.tttblLUet 40 years. For the curt of USpecll Diseases, Including Results of Youthful Im prudt ncet Varicocele, Ktc. CH or write andl cured by a Graduate of Jefferson College, with Hotplu upcrience. Houu, B lo '4, O to 0. GiftlH lUUtffc stump, arvcipo fornsimplo VPfiPTURI V PHU that will boiiivk ItUblADLE Lttulll TAN. l ltKCKl,i:. riMPI.TOI. J!I.OTC'Hi:s, lll.At'lC 111:AI)H, Ktc, leaving tho akiu soft, clear and U alillful. Touch with tills compound tho soft Illy cheek, And the bright flow will beat ita virtues apeak.' Also Instructions for produclns a luxuriant Krpwtliof lialron n hala heml or smooth faco. Audrosa A. D. Steufci, CO Ann EL, Sew Vork WORKING CLASSES lured to furnish a clustes Willi employment at home, the hole ot tho time, erlor their snare niomcniH, lliislncsb new. Unlit ami luolltuble. Persons of either sex t aslly earn IroniM) cuts to a.( ncr eveiilue. and a inoiiortlumil sum Uvilc- MHini; nil llit'lr lllili' li the business. Ilnjs uml Kills cam ucaily as much us men. That nil nhu see this may scud their address and test tho busliuss, we make this offer. To such its lire not well satisfied wo will tend one dollar to pay fnr the trouble of rltlnc. I'ull particulars and out Ill free. Address II koruk Sri.vsoN & Co.. Port- au, Maine. tlixls-lT. MONEY1 to bo made. Cut this out and re turn to us, antl we will si nd Jon ftte something of urcut alue and Im portance tn )nu. thutwlll ttitlt ouln business which will biliiR oulniuoie money richt anay thnu auythlue else in this world. Aiociiecnn do the work iinil lhe at hi me. Kitlu r sex: all sites. Konicllilug new mat Just coma money lor an workers. We will start oui capital not needed. ' Tills Is one ol the genuine, Important chances ot ' ameiime. iiiosawnnnreainuiiious anueuier. pnshiK will nut delay. (irunJ ouiot free. Ad dress Tnve & Co.. AtiKUsta. Maine. dcclS-ty $100 A WEEK. Ladies or gentlemen deslrliiK pleasant profit able cuiplopueut write at once. Wc want you to hand!,, an article of domestic us that reconi mends Itself to every one at sIxbL STAl'LK AS F LOU If Sells like hot cakes. Proauaw ner cenL Families wlshlair to rtacfjee ccouomyl should lor thttrawn benefit write torpartkuLtra. rseUeerj day the yinr round lu even hoiu. I hold. Price villun the reach ef air. Circulars ...,l (r... " Is j VioNtFtTl'crfVco.Mitfe Ck cTmtm j StiarpWrnsjl OF INTEREST TO FARMERS. House Plants in April. Whether in tho greenhouse or the win dow garden, plants that have done their best all winter are now being made ready for their season In the open air. While they remain within, the Increasing heat requires that they have greater care in veil Illation and tn freeing them from Insects. Plants that are taken out In summer, If wanted te blo'tm In pots next wlnter,should bo kept In the pots; if turned out In the open ground, they cannot ho satisfactorily potted again. It Is much better to start with new plans from cuttings. Such plants may often be plunged In the border, in tho pots with good 'results. Pots that are set out should stand on a layer of coal ashes to keep out worms. Such plants should be act in partial shade, but never under the drip of trees. Roots and dahlias and canuas, and bulbs of tuberoses and' gladiolus, if laid in boxss of soil, exposed lo the sun during the day, and, taken in at night, may be appreciably forwarded and, and ready to plant out, Mr. (J. E. Ifcardon. lialtimrtre . Md., Com missioner of4)ccds for nil the States, suffered for a long timo with rheumatism, which yielded promptly to St. Jacobs Oil. Early Vegetables, ( If one has any means for forwarding h(s vegetable plants, he can do much to hasten his crops. Not many farm-gardeners make use of hot-beds or cold frames, yet these, by starting their plants In window boxes, can gain some weeks In earllncss oyer those, who sow' their seeds In the open air. Vege table seeds arc hardy and tender. Those of the hardy class may be sown this month, while the tender kinds cannot be safel, sown until the timo to plant Indian corn. The vegetables belonging to the hardy class, .usually cultivated In family gardens, are: beet, carrot, cabbage, lettuce, onions, parsnip, parsley, peas, radish, turnip and spinach. The seeds of nny of these may be sown in the open garden as soon as the soil is dry enough to be worked. 01 course some of these, especially cabbage and lettuce arc had much earlier by raising the plants under glass and settlngout the young plants at the time that seeds are sown In the open ground. I)y the use of window boxes, one can raise all the plants usually needed In the family garden. Such plants may be purchased, but raising them Is cheaper. One whs takes pride his garden will avail himself of whatever means that will allow him to a little ahead of his neighbors. Don't Experiment. Yiut cannot ufford to waste lime in exseri mciiting when your Inns? arc in dancer, Consumption ulwnvs seems, at first, only cold. Do not permit any dealer tn impose upon you with some cheap imitation ol Dr. King's New Discoverv for Consi.mption, Coughs and Cold, hut be sure yuu get the genuine. Recauso ho can make more urofi he may tell you he lins somelliiiiu list us good, or just the same. Don't lie ilcieiveil but insist upon cellinc Dr. Kinu's New ids eovery, which is guaranteed t" civc relief in all Hi mat, Lungs nnd Litest nllcctinne.. Trial Rottlcs free at T. D. Thomas' Drue- tore. Horsoradl.h Culture. , Togrow Horseradish properly, it requires high manuring, greater than will, pay te apply to that crop alone, hence It Is nlmod Invariably grown secondary to some other crop thai is highly manured, usually early cabbages. When the cabbages are planted out in rows two feet apart, the horseradish is set out mid-way between the rowsof cab bages md eighteen Inches apart in th- rows. Ths sets aro sma'l roots cut off in preparing the horseradish for market. These are four to six inches long, and cul square at the top and s'oplng below, sc. that they may be planted right end up. These sets are planted in holes made by a light Iron bar, so deep that the top of the set is three Inches below the surface; this allows the cabbages to be cultivated as it they were no horseradish there, and w:hen the crop of early cabbages Is ait off, the land is given up to the other crop. If horseradish is planted, It should always be dug up at the end of the first searon, whether there Is a sale for U or hoti as left longer, it takes possession of liio tot and becomes a vile weed. The roots, small as well as large, are dug In the fall, and stored In pits like other roots. For market they are washed and trimmed, and sold by the ton. Our correspondent asks about "putting up" horseradish. It is grated placed In wldc-mouthed bottles, and covered with vlnagar, but In this condition It Is supplied by those who take It from bonne to house. In the market It is furnished grated b) those who sell vegetables. Diphtheria is frequently the result of n neglected sore throat, which can becurel b single lmttle of lied Star Cough Cure. Price, twenty-five cents a bottle. fiemember This. Toil can have sale bills printed at this office while you wait. Our circulation is rapidly increasing everybody reads the Advocate. Advcrtlso your sales in the C A upon Advocate. All will do well to have their sale bills printed at jh'ls office. A position In our 'T.ubllc SaJcj Ilcglstcr'' Is worth consider able. "' EeralrinK Olrdled Trees. ' Young fruit trees, especially apple trees, girdled by mice and rabbits are seldom so badly injured as thcynppeartobe. Unless the Inner bark Is completely gone, they, with proper treatment, will recover. Make a mixture of stiff clay and row manure, beating well, to form a stifT plaster, aiding water, If needed. A thick, ample coating of this is placed over the wound, complete ly covering it, and Is wrapped around with old bagging or other coars fabric The chief object of this is to keep the whole moist while nature heals the wortid. In a dry time It is well to wet the bandages, etc. As tho supply of sap is largely diminished by tho wound, the head of tho tree should be reduced by cutting back the branches. If the wound is very severe, it is sometimes bridged over by the use of large clons, one end inserted under the bark below and the other end above the wound. Unless a tree is large and specially valuable, It will rare ly pay to be at this trouble. Detter re place the Injured tree by another of the same slie and age. The man who tries to please himself hat an raster time than be who tries to please everybody. lie who forclvrs la victor In the dis pute. Teacher fin ffeoeriDbv classl "Wh.t , vn .r,i,, un uesertr oung student . "Don't knw. mum. I alwnv. ni . i it,. I 1 ' .l,UU- ' tapir." Tnis is the Place You Want!! I have "mrtde uway' with my old stock and am now fully prepared for the PRING AN D SUMME with one ol the most FASHIONABLE as well ns SUB STANTIAL lines of Ladies, Gent's and Children's Shoes. Gents' Fine Shoes $2.00 Up! Ladies American & French Kid $2. to $4. Ladies' and Children's Spring Heel Shoes, All Sizes Ladies' Kid-Button Shoes, $1.25 Up ! Latest Styles Hats and Caps, AT LOWEST A.t The " COENER STORE." . LEWIS BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON. PA. q?Jri..l3 ForSalebyA, 1. -THE- CiEBOi Country Newspapers. Eyery issue contains Ik. RV-ft a Harrisburg Letter, Washington Letter And all the Yeiy LOCA Up to the time SUBSCRIBE fOll IT. In the County at $IP ER YEAR. Rates for Advertising : Very Reasonable. Of all Descriptions, At Very Low Prices. GOLDi O.IJ. sr. aesrre, bit laoi. bs writ, ia KlInM. A Co..loril.iul. UalBt.wlll rwln tit. Full lsTorm.ti.n .bout work which lt7 rsn do. sn.1 lit. .1 hom,t.t will p.j tbon from 15 tSU Mr d.r. Ron. bT. arn.d.ra.wlit.d'.y Elthcrkronnrnrold; Cspll.t sot rMjulrril. Yo. sr. Msrtrd fr... Tbo who .t.n .1 one. In sbMloUlj turt of mux UUl. fartunea. An U bow. ASTHMA' CURED 8IICIS TI11L tea l Tlseel thl DUUlkrettrall GERMAN flSTHMfl CURE',f BrtTecta curva where molt violent k iorarscuiQiorisjp uttv ui oilkt rrmruiri IcuroU ellrctrdln all CUltAlU'tt C'ANKt,! B Immrri Int . tliref f uml triiilii. mul i I 'ii pcrtBtvotou; ew.l m. Hrr w tnt mj Unic. I "I mm tsUrel RUrt4 U bfKltt. j OirBu liUB.r "0rmu Aithnu far li tUl clUm HU. ItxttiH "Uf pbfilmu r4oaaud d O.rntva lithc& Ct llR HTUuuii a mlmUmt UtUn m tl. itk mm? drn,ktl mmut iv. UUermntl Alt li inn litrn itriMltrtM rlrtiv.l asriiu tit olte.aud h l( or eiat ty liitil rfveirtl of prtco. 'I'nml tsttokare frcn to any iddrr lorl r t iSaU. ITh PI. IiUIR COUSDMPTIYES. The undersigned having been re trfnrod tn honlth hv nlmnlo uieons. nltei Bultoring for Beveral y enre with n Bovero lung affection, and that dread diseaso Consumption, Is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of euro. To thoso who desire it. he will cheerfully send (free of cliarpe) a eppv of tho prescription used, which they wlM flndasurocuro for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh. Bronchitis and all throat and lunR Maladies. Tin hniva all sufferers will try his Itemedy, oa It will coot them nothing ana mar nrove a uut-jni,-. - "i "r airinff the prefcription, will please ad drew, Ukv. Edward A. Wilson, 'rimaxniburs, Klnc Co., cw or. R TRADE PRICES. WEISS, WlU WOEE EQUALLY AB WTLt OK ItOUOII BTONY LAND AH OS THE WKSTFRM FllMlUE'. IT 1 i UNLIKB ANY OTUClt BULKY lit tiik world, can be attach et n any cnuMON walking PLOW IN FIVE MINBTU TIME. AND 13 WARRANTED NJT lO INUI1F.A8E TUB DRAFT ON11 POUND. 80 SIMPLE A CniLD STRONG BNOUOn TO DRIVE A TEAM CAN OPERATE IT. WILL TURN A SQUARE CORNUl WITH OUT RAIS1NO THE PLOW. THIS 2NLT PLOW MADE WITH A FOOT EVHt TO START THE POINT OF PLOW ABRUPTLY IH TUK GROUND OR ELEVATE IT TO SKIM OVER THE TOP OF FAST STONES. AROUND ROOTS. ETC. W.wantagooit, llraminto aetaa gent l'i Mrery town In the U. 8. Writ. u. forour liberal torma aad rrlcoi. E. S. DANIELS & CO., HAVANA. N. T. J. Litzenberger ADYOGAM Takes the Lead in uam u M N H CA II M M 5 of going to press. NEWS! THE .rciiY" Weekly Newspaper $1 PER YEAR. Children FOR PITCHER'S Castoria Caatorla rromotga Dfgaation, ami overcome, flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and FeverUhness. Thus tho child U rendered healthy and its sleep natnraL Oaatorla, contains no Morphine or other nanxrtle property, " Castoria la so welt adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to an prescription known tome." II. A. Arch an, 11. 1)., ta Tortl-nd Ac, llrooklyn, X. V, " I use Castoria In my practice, and find It specially .adapted to affections of children." A ex. RoacaraoM, it. D., 1067 IM Ave., Kew York. Tss Cutticb Co., 1B1 Fulton 8L, X. Y, Cut From Exchanges. Tho newspapers frequently contain accounts of old men and women who live in want while they aro hoarding large sums of money. Avarice is a rerniWvp ice of the aged, but in the young it is against nature. Yet, fit is once planted in n child's character, it grows with incredi ble rapidity and strength. A young woman, tne last scion ol a respectable family, lived 'n one of our inland towns, supporting icrself bv scwintr. She ovcu- )ird one bare chamber, in such poverty as to perplex her friends, who knew that she had twice in herited large legacies. She be came ill with an agonizing dis ease, brought on, tho physician said, by lack of sufficient food, and grew weaker, day bv day, until sho could not leave her bed. Her physician, knowing that she had money hidden, spoke frankly to her at last, telling her that her life depended on her taking tonics and rich, nourishing food, which her poor neighbors could not buv. "If you do not take this food you will not live a week, he said. The girl remained thoughtful and quiet when he was gone After a few hours she bade her nurses bring a chest which wus in the room near to her bed so that sho could reach it. The key she kept under her pillow. As one day after another passed, she would occasionally finger the key and look wistfully at the chest; but she did not open it. On the sixth day she died. In the last struggle with death she held out the key, motioning to her nurse to open the chest. But it was too late. During all those days she had weighed her gold against her life. The money was the dearer ot'the two. Though she knew she could not carry it with her, she could not bring herself to spend, n dol lar of it. A still more horrible example of the effect of avarice was reported in the French journals last winter. An old woman, living with her children, had possession of a sum less tlmn a hundred dollais. To force her to give it up they literally burned her alive. Wc all shudder at passion which can so brutalize human beings. Yet how many men nrc moved by it under so'nc other name. Ilere is a wealthy woman who fills ever closet in her house with costly china, at which she never looks; or a man who buys vast tracts of land which he neither cultivates nor srlls. The sole use of either money or goods in this world is to make some living bring wise; or 'better or happier. The man who hinders this pur pose, to gratify his love of hoard ing, is a miser, though he may give himself some more honor able title. The cave animals of North America, according to Prof. A. S. Packard, comprise a total of 172 species of blind creatures, nearly all of which are mostly white in color. The double-turret ship I rafalgar. which is the largest armor-clad that has ever been built at Portsmouth, England, is to be ready for hunching in September. She was only be gun last January. A farmer near Waldron, Mo., has a healthy four months old pig that has two feet on each leg, and on each foot five toes. Such a breed of pigs would be profitable in a community par tial to pickled pig's feet. The Zondon Christian World rightly says that "the promise to pay for a newspaper is neither more nor less sacred than a promise to pay for larm. N. B. Dear reader, have you paid your subscription? An elderly gentleman who delights in calculations contrib utes tins: "If the immortal George Washington, when he was forty-eight years of age, had stepped into a railroad office and pawned his little hatchet for a ticket to the planet Mars, he would at the rate of fifty miles an hour, have arrived there this year. It was n little newly arrived sister that nurse held in her arms and 6even-ycar-old Itobbie stood jealously inspecting her, To his mind she looked smaller and less attractive than any little sister of the other boys that he could remember, and he felt a keen thrill of disappointment bo he put Ins hands deep into his pockets like papa, wrinkled his nose, and regarding the new aquisition savagely.said: "Well, I call that pretty near a total failure." Subscribe for, and read the Advocate. MAXE1 WHISKEY Hpeclnllr ni.tllletl r.r Medicinal U.e. THE Bill TONIC I UNEQUALEDfor CONSUMPTION WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEBIUTYi PERFECTS DIGESTION. DR. EDW L. WALt-IKd, gar Kisiu in Chief, NaUwaal Gasr4 r.f K. J wrilMI "Mr attention waa t!J lis your fte)itnn. Malt Whlsksj hf Mr. tiliir, PruftaUt, of Tr1orj, anil I liar, nsrd a frw buttle, with fsr better effect than any X hnr. Iisd, 1 am rrcomtnendlaa Tour article la my prseile., an4 find II very ntll-btlurjt." sn7Aizor 'STtAtiMrt 07 TS. OM!n. lu IS. Sle .l.r f EISIItR MKrTDKLSOIV ru-rlant ef Bettli. EISNER & MENDELSON, l sol. arc-II nr tut v. a.) j 816, 318 and 330 Ract SU Philadelphia, Fa. For sale at Dr. Horn Cure ruarantcorf lyDr.J.ll.Maver, tflArchSL.rhlla, I. Kasentonee. No operation or business del.iv. Thousands ot cures. At Keystone Ilnnsc, Reading, la., 2nd Saturday ot cacli month, Send for circulars. Auwceirce. jania-ji D6Sin 5YRUP, CURES' foUGHS GPLDS. :. HESL'S HID ACCURAU ISO 3 a CHEAP, h!1 Isginci, Ycti-riaim, I m .irrrimtrntmi IMUI IBOM WOUHS, BAI RAINBOW RUPTURE "SWffi eimpls, sjf, radabl. and a porfert rotaln.r. It I not a Truss. Worn Do, and hlsht .ui lu forcotten. B.nJ for clrenlsr wlthu.ll! uanlala frum cratsfal rurad".1?"- Central M.dtcl and Surtcic-I l',W,f 8,10 LOCUSt Bt, Bt LouU.Mo. J?!tJrJ rlm.nt atrsn all kind, of IVMlionlna dlnaMS .ndprt Tat. troubles In malt, SS (.msl. our snMtaUr. A r aro to writ. n. bofor. takina;! Consultation froo ana InTlutl? ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American , it papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Go., Newspaper Advertising Dureatu, lO Spruoe St., Now York. Send lOole. for lOO-Paqe Pamphlet. A CASKET OF SILVERWARE -FREE- to any ptrnn yrhty will thow It to their 1$30 per Itlontli salary rml txptD.ea p. Id tbo.a who pr. ler salary in ruinint.rion, auaiucir till ly rsl.e- la 575 per Mouth Hie third, and $100 per Month tho sixth month lin y rra villi us, If they prove proficient aal. suitu. Fall Infsrmatlnn will ) arnt Jon free, aboutwo klhat joarandoaua Uvtt u bom.,, Trhercrrr j ou aresltuaird,lbalwPI y yei from SS to SIO per tiny. A number Use. earned ver 25 In a day. Both .eius. all ages. The clisnre of a Ufa lime. Knw Is the time. Fotlni ea arj ahsnlnlilr sure for. the workers. Give your Pint Offlto and E'preis adilrr..,auil plate wha psier. yoa aaiv this adrirtlsementlu. yddieaa, Standard Silver Ware Co;, OS Washington St.. BOSTON, MASS. orceAorr loco cm ?c.E5jlTti Amttlt mil Wofh, M, hi MB-llf uiiiu'8-s4. ItatisM ft Bat BSh. bedta-DartrsMt vstalM. Iddreu mneurc tiiriN-llftAl?"p'".'J InuLiyiu tiiiHii . uuu. urri. ckmm-t.bll-hl. best-ki wwb .suriTirrt lutn.eo trr. Jioal, trma. uotis imuum FnMllow,(,rneTnNnrerr, ...tabllataejl I Si HI. V. CV T. W.Vl ITM.Yle-tif.r,., W.V, AFFLICTEDUNFOftTDNATE After all others fail consult 3-0 N. 15th St., below Cn0wlll, Phlla., Pa. 30 years esperhncc In all NT T.f'I A I. dlteaso. Per msncnlly restores (host weakened by esrly lodiscr.. liens, S:c Calforwrfte. Advice free sntt slricllr ran fictcnlisl. Hours : il a. at. till s.aad j t. la cvoalss. December 25, tM-ly SHERIDAN'S CONDITION POWDER Is absolutely par. and highly conesntratrd. One onnee 1. worth a not-nd of any other kind. It Is strictly av Birdlctna to w riven wllrt fond. Nothlnr on eanh win make liens lay like tl. It rtirr. chicken rlwlera and aa or nens. j. wunii its weiant in roia. inu trsted book by msll free. Sold ev.ryv rhre. or sent by for 2S cent. In il.rap.. IV-lb. tin cans, Sll by trait, f I .'JO. Pis ran. bv eirrr.s. rrepsld. for tlM, 1)1U I. 8. JOH.NbO.N CO., lloaton, Has. 1 PCUTI rUlU havincr been H uUll I LLinHri, cured of NeN voaii Prostration, Beminal Weakneeja, Premature Decay, and oil tho evil ef fects of early Indiscretion and youthful folly. Is anxious to mnko known to otliers the elmrtlo inola of wlf-oure. To those who -wlolt and wlllKive him thir Bymptonis, be -will send (free) by Jo. turn mall a copy of the recipe bo sue coebfully usodinhlscasa Aildrws in ronfidenrfl, JAiasa W. Tlx- rv, 43 C cdf tit, Y. F3WrfTl T4l ., vi r . SIMPLE.. , ASf I TV EV ! If UUtr-L w m - Tt a run idi p 'a5e-t -a-LkCHf-" llitlB 2romuiixiirruir MAKE hNs1 Lav:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers