' Advertising Rates For Legal Notices. Tim following prices for lftgsl adver tising has been adopted by Ilia UAlrpo.V Advocatu, Charter Notices - - -' $4 00 Auditor's Notices - - - 4 (XI Commissioner's Notices - 4 00 Divorce Notice - - - 4 0U Administrator's Notices - 3 00 .Executor's Nollco - - - 3 00 Other legal advertising will bo charged for ny me square. H. V. Ucrthlmir, Jr., Publisher. ATTOHNEYS AND COUNCELLOKS, -tzouaci: IILYDT, ATTOltNEY AT I. AW, OrriCKi The room recently occupied by w. iu, jnipsner, HANK STR KET, . LP.HHIHTON, PA. Mny bo consulted In English still Ocruian July, 1sS-ly y m. KArsiiEi:, ATTOKNKY U COIWUKLLOR AT LAW, TlHSTDOnit A ROVK TtIK MANSION 1IOU8K, MAUUl CHUNK, PENK'A. Ileal Estate and Collection Auencv. Will liny onil Sell Ileal P.stnte. ronveyanc-ng ntmiy uonc. uoiieetiona promptly niauo. Settling Estates of liccc.litits a Spcchilty. juny lie conpuiicu ir. cngiisn anil uennau. November Tl, ls-4. HrV.-MORTHlMER, Sr. 0TARY PUBLlj5 office: ADVOCATE mJii.Dixc, Bank St., Lohighton, Ponna, All business pertaining to Hie office wil receive primi i't n tten t Ion . Hi. PHYSICIANS AND DENTISTS. (J. JI. S15IPLE, PHYSICIAN ANII SUItnEOX, MOUTH STREET. LEHK1HTOX, PA. Mnv be cnnrullcd In English or Ocrninn Special iittetitlun glvtn to Mvnxcoiour Orplot Horns From 12 M. to s P. M., sndrromS.toUP.il. March 31, S3 F. A. Rabenold, D.D.S., 1IRANUH Ol'FlOE-Ui.nosiloUlauss&.Hru's Bank St., Lehigliton, Pa llentlstry In nil Its branches. Teeth ex tracted ivithoui luin. (la adtatnUtcred hon requested nriice Days IV EON LS. IMYuleich wccls. P.O. Address, LITZENHEKO, Lehigh county, Pa. Jan. 3, IS 5-ly. W. A. Oortright, D.D.S., OFFICE : Oppnbittt the "nnutiwny House," Mauoh Chunk, Fa. f'.itlems liave the benefit of no latent 1tn rrovnmunU In mo h.iul-u. aptlanpf u nnd ho host mt)tli')4f) oi iri'iitmciu in all nurnlc.tl cases. A Mr-STUKTIt1 atlntlniste rul II - JIre.l If p3l !, permiM rcaidiiijf uuitU of Nlnuch Cuunk. should iu tlto ouguwnieiiis by inatl. Ii8-vl .EYE AND EAR. DR. G. T. FOX Visils Allcutnwn regularly on THURSDAY ofe-ich week. Practice limited to Diseases of the Byo &. Ear Office at ll.iyilpn's Ainenc.in Hotel, nr.d iHicj limtr Iri-n. iu lliu forenoon until 3j.li) inlho afternoon. Ala" nt'ends to 1! fraction or.ttio Eyo t..r the proper a Ijutt int'nt of Rla'sef, mid fir the relief anil cure olVllJICal defects. lf'iyli'o' lio consulted nt his office in HATH. Weilne'dar and Sttiirday of enoh peek, at ItANGOit ru Monday, and ai EAiJTON nu Tuesday. u 2 Stl ly. HOTELS AND RESTAUltANTS. QARBON HOUSE, JONATHAN K1STI.ER, PROPRIETOR, Hank St., Luihou-toi, I'a. Tho OA.inoN Hoitsu oirers llrst-clasBaconm-modatlon to the Truvellnv public, lloardlnic by the llty or U'eck on Ru.ison.iMe Teioi. Otiolce Obciri, Wlnoj and t.tfiuors alway on biud. Ho.td Sliedn and tjtuliiei. with atten tive Hostlers, .titaebeJ. ' April 10-yl, P .VCKEUTOS HOTEL. Idway between Mauch Chunk & I.chlnhton LEOPOMI JIEVKlt, Phoi-kiltuu, Packerton, Penn a This well known hoicl Is admirably refitted, autl h is tbo bestaecnmmodutioog lor Herman, entaud transient boarders. Excellout table and the vuiy bent liqujrs. Also hnevtaldes attached. hept. Ib-yl. M ANSION HOUSE, Opposite 1 & S. Depot, Hank Street. I. Eohl.uhton, l'.. G. Xi. HOM, PEOP'R. TtiH Iioiiio otreit fll'ili-olass acioininodii Hons tor transient add pcriuaiii'iit Iki.iiiUti. It has been newly iclllteil In all tts.l ppart incnts, and 4 located III one ot the most ldrtiircsque luirllous ofthe IioioiibIi. Tel ms moderate. :!r-Tlio liar is Mipplld with t lie ruuicen inex i.iipaus iuiu l ib rs. i rcMi Laser lieeroii Tai. aprlT-Sfi-ly Announces to Ills friends and the public Knit-rally, that hu lias now open for their accom modation ills NEW RESTAURANT, next door to tin 1st Xutlnn.il Hank, Rank MritKirr, Lniin'iT.iv, and Unit In- is now prepared to furnish l iist-i'l.iss Meals at Short Notice ! The liar Is supplied with tbo best wines, fresh Laser Deer, and Choice Cigars Von arc In vticd to call, uprllJ l-m- ly. TO ADVERTISERS. A list of loon newspapers illtlded Into Slates ftjirt Sections will ho suit on application To those wlio want lliclr adveitlslns to pay we van offer no better ini dluiu for thorough Hint effective work than the arlous sections ot our Select IjhsiI List. tlKO. P. ItOWEM, & CO.. KuuspaHr Advertlslnjt Itnresti. Jy2l-lm IU Sprueo street, Xew York. c. V. Kl.El.NTOl' IXSTRUCTOR IX MUSIC, IfoLliins' Aineilein Claw-Iutl Methods a Specialty, 1IAXKWAY, LEHIC.HTOX, PA. ' Tki.kj Mourn atk. Aut: H - if. U. V. Morth Jr Publisher. myU " $7?ZC VOL. XIV., No. With Medicines Ciualilv not Quantity is tlio greatest im portiince ; next is the knowledge mid experience to Correctly Prepare and Dispense the same. Al T. D. THOMAS' POPULAR Brog & Family MBflicine Store, Hank Street, Lchighton, Yon can always icly upon getting STRICTLY Ptue and Un.ultilteratcit Drugs and Medicines. TIIOMAUcnrilos tho laim-st slock of Pat cut Medicines in the county. THOMAS has an eleKam stork of Dn-itglsts Sumiilcs, 1 .nicy and 'lollet Atticlcs fcr the ladles as well a.s the nciits. THOMAS niuKesHoiseiind Cattle Powders a specially. His tl jcars experience In the driii! business nles linn a great advantage In that line. TRUSSKS, SUPPORTERS and 1IRACES always a larce stock on liand. AV1XKS mid LKjl'ORH.bolli forelcn and doincMlc. lie has a Clinton Oinpe Wine and a l iy Catawba Wine. .splendid and cheap. , WALL PAPliltS and RORDr.KS - the largest assortment in tow n. (io to THOMVS' wltli vour nresirlptions" 1 ) 1 1 Tit ) 1 V 1' f ir yo ir Pat.) i; ,I j dicines. Colo THOMAS' for your Pancv Alliciis. raiinersand Iloisemen go to '11IOMAS' (or your Horse and Cattle Powders. jnu 17 Bil Printed while yon wait. We have better facilities than any other office in this county for this work. Give us a call. -L OONVEYANUK!!, AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Ibf 5o)10wina ComiaiilHru ItHprusentedi L!ll. jx MtiruALPittu ItHADlMl MUi'U.VL riilE, wyiimi.no rim:, fort'isvii.t.i: rnsic. M.'ll Kill rilK. a ml tno TRAVELERS AC01HENT INSURANCE in" P' liiisrlv inl i and lufu'il I lu,'i j Hi ctcc lveand lnsuiam e ijumiiunr. Mai-en as. is;t runs, kumerer. GO TO The CORNER STORE FOR FRESH, NEW Cabbage, Potatoes, Pino Apples, Beansj Pea, Bananas, Lemons, Onions, Radishes. C. M. Sweeny, & Son, The CORNER STORE FOR PITCHERS Cai.torla promotes Dlgcation. rind oveieo.iiuj l'latuloiiey, Constipation, Rour Stomach, Dinrrhoca, and Foverlslmoes. Thus tbo child U ronderod healthy nud Its bleep uuturnL Castoria contains no Alorphlno or other narcotio projierty. 'Castoria la so well adapted to children that 1 reconinwiiu it as buiarior to any nreacriptlon kuown to we." H, A. Anoiira, M. II." Si Portland Aic, llrooklyn, N. V. srAWr H ' I iwe CiiBtorla In my aubx. iioBtnTkox, ji. d Hour KBT id Alo.. Now Yort Tbe Ccktauk Co., 183 Pulton St., N. Y. amu!r?r-r?l THE SOUTH. Are vou Interested In learn- So ittHtni Si I M-flOjl.H.inutr. !opW social Iwblu,.- Sm( TEN CENTS lulilrofcJIl &ithV. P 'Tr'Tii'. ne i,.v I ii nrr k:, Coi .vi. i. ' fl i IVft. ;lu-.,.l r ....!.... is .1 i. Is! assaaa 4 muml C;:c SI PKtCU VIVTY VI STK 8 U All) iierlslmnrl n.lBf TIIH CHAm.rt M0(!CT,1IH0 l'U,TI.ini:K. WD, Si Eft MARK. I IB Free from Opiates , JJmcttc n anUX'otson. 5h F. AT nilfOOIST.I ANII DFHtFOT. 'ISCIUBUS A. tUOLI.LIl 10 iiALiuonr, CD. THE DEATH OF A MOTHER. nv li c. K. Some never hae felt lite sorrows that melt The soul of lull many another: The keen pleiclng dart that bttlkos thro' the heait, When at the death bed of a mother. 0! what tongue can tell of tlio sickening chill That crept o'er us .sister and hi other, As wo stood at tlio head ot that sorrowful bed, On which layout- dear, dj lug mother. Light-hearted and yotitur, we always had clung To the home of oar youth, and each other. And wo all wept aloud, as we gazed on ll.o shroud , That enwrapped the palt form of our mother. In the coSIlii sho lay, on that blenl: winter day, And the winds seemed lo hnltlo earhotheri Hut we full tat tlio colli, for our gi let was un told, As we followed tholiier of pur mother. Iu the grave she was laid, and the sound of the .spade. As the clods fell one after another, Sent a pant to my heait thatiliall ncier de part While 1 cherish a thought of my mother. We sought no relief from the depth of our grief, We spoke not n word to each other: Uut in anguish no thought, as we turned from the spot, No more shall we sic our dear mother, Tom after I parted, almost broken-hearted, Kroni dOHolalo sisters and brother, And months rolled around, ero I stood on the ground Unit enured the hones ot my mother, Twas then, illicit 1 trod on thograss-coicred sod, V.'hi.i the floiv'ni scem'd tu lie with each other; That I prayed for find's grace.and for pardon and peace, That Iu Lhss I might meet with my mother. What They lincw. A Ilorthorn Womao's Tunny Experienco Vith Two Colored Applicautc For Work. What a treat It would hao liocu to have suddenly iratisnliinted a llnlfty Northern hoitsowire lo Mils part of the world nud to have shell her a good long look at the domestic economy ol a Virginia household! The tiuops of household servants could find nothing to occupy their time In spile of the kitchen being one hundred yards fiom the illiilng-room iu one direction, Un well une bundled yards oil' iu another, while the dairy and the Ice-house tvero baldly within hailing distance of each other. A New York woman describes her experience with tno oung eolured gills, lespectively .Maiv.lano and Sus anna, coining to ask for unplojuiont. They appeared qiillo confident in their powers of pleasing. To the iniidiy: "What can you dol"' they looked sheep ishly at each other and hesitatingly re marked: ''.Mos' any thing." "What did you do al homo?" asked madam, thinking that the easiest way to get at their accomplishments. "Did you cook?" A look of utter surprise ovcrt-piead their countenances. "I.aiv. no, ina'aui. Uno' IVter, Jie cooked." "Did you help In tbo kitchen?" "No, ma'am. Maria an' 'I.lzo an' little Pete, dey keep In do kilchen." "Did you wash, then?" "No, ma'am. Aunt Dinah, sho unshed, and lleeky, tho help Aunt Dinah." "Then you must have walled on tbo table." "No, wo didn't, ma'am. Unc' dim Henry an' daddy, dev ivaltwl on do table." "You cleaned up, perhaps?" "Xo, ma'am, Sally, she clowi up, an' Judy an' Peggy wait on de juung Jadles an clean up artor dum." "Well, then, what on earth did you do?" Slary Jane looked at- Susanna and Susanna looked nt JIary Jane. Then Mary Jauo teplled: "1 keep de tiles off 'n old mlssrs an' Susanna, &ho bunt for marster's specs." Tbo cadetshlp, as it were, of tlio young ones Intended for bouse servants was tKissod In bringing in batter rakes. The cakes are grt favorites with Vlr- gluians, and Ihewtniu wug who declared that when a Vliginlan died a mint bed apiuug up ou r ins grave, also said that each ought to have a monument of bat ter cakes elected to his memory. As t"a Kitchen was Invariably a hundred yards inoro or less from tho house, It , ' lorce. in rtM m,i , , ' , '" or fouP ,iu,l) ikiy. ah"ut four fvt I.I.I .i . .... I"1 IB'r PI"' UihvsUlp trotnug from the kitchen to tho huu and fiuui tor Pas s Tn.DE.VM LHHIGI1TON, CAltHON COUNTY, the boue to the kitchen carrying hot batter cakes. "Take two and butter them while they sro liot,"Mas tbo hospitable Invi tation always on tho Hps of the Vir ginia matron, who stuffed her guests Very much llku tlio Italians stuff pigeons. It was estimated that it took one. llttlo darkey to supply ono person with batter cakes, and that the darkey walked a mile, for every person who ate halter cakes for breakfast. RELIOION AND SCIENCE IN A PACK OF CARDS. A soldier by tho name of HIcliard Lee, was takeii beforo a magistiato In t)icold I'utltan"!daVs of Massachusetts, for the crime of using cards at meeting. The sergeant who bad chnrce of the com patty to nWelt thesoldicr belonged, said that tho soldier no sooner got to meet iug, than pulling out a pack of carils.he. spread them before him. He first looked at one card then another. Tho sergeant said: "HIcliard, put up the cards; tills Isno place for them." "Never mind that," said HIcliard. When thu services Sveio over, the con stable took HIcliard .1 prisoner, and brought him before the magistrate who said : "II ell, soldier, what have you to say for yourself!" ".Much, sir, I hope." "Veiy good; if not, I will punish you severely." "I have," said the soldier, "neither Illble nor common prajcrbook I havn nothing but a pack of cards, and I hope to satisfy your worship of tlio purity of my intentions." "H'hen I see the ace It reminds me thai thero Is but ono God. " H'hen I see the two it reminds me of Father and Son. " hen I see the three It reminds me of tbo Trinity. 11 nen 1 see me lour it reminds me of tho four Kvnugollsts. "ll'lieu 1 set the five It reminds me of the five wise virgins that trimmed their lambs. unen 1 see tno six it reminds tne that in six days the Lord uiado heaven and earth. "When I sco the seven it reminds mo that on the seventh day God rested fiom the gioat, work which lie made, and hal lowed It. "When I see the eight it reminds me of Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives. " ll'lieu I see the nine It reminds me of the nine lepers that iicro cleansed by our Saviour. "H'hcn I see the. ten It lemindsino cf the ten couiinandtncnls. "When I see the king it reminds mo of the Great King of Hcaien.' "When I sec the queen it reminds me of tho Queen of Slicba, who visited Solomon, for sho was as wise a woman as ho was a man. She brought with her fifty boys and gills, all dressed In U's apparel, for King Solomon to tell which were boys and which girls. The king sent for water for them to wash. The gills washed to the elbows and the Lois to the wiist; so King Solomon told by tint." "Well," said the magistrate, "you h.tie described fiery card In the pack except the knave." "I w ill gn e your honor a description of that, too. The gieatest knave I know of 1" the constable tliatbiought inehete, but still more; when I count how many spots there are In a pack of 'cards, I find Unco bundled and slxty-fne. as many days as tlieio are in a year. "When 1 count tbo number of cards In a pack I find fifty-two tho number of weeks in a year. "1 find tbeio are twelve plcttue cards In a pack, representing the number of months in a rai; and on counting the tileks I fltiil thirteen, the number of weeks iu a niiarler. "So, jou see, a pack of cards series for a lllbli) and almanac, to a poor fel low who hasn't cither." That soldier was discharged. COIN CIRCULATION. Tun Director of the Jilnt has prepared a statement which shows that tho total coin circulation of the United Slates on thu 1st of July was $837,102,813. Thj! aggregate amount of currency, including gold, silver, coin certificates. United States notes, national bank notes and fractional currency, on the first of July was$l,81,MK),8W. After de'ilueling the amount in the Treasury and national banks there remained t-DTD.HS.'JlO in other banks and in general circulation among tho people. This Indicates that the country is not buffering fro;u any tcaicity of cuircncy. THE LAST STRAVA Adoliihtis You know that beastly follow, Cndshy? ' Alsernon Ya-as, I know the chap. Why? Adolphus lie slanders you, hah Joiol he does. Sas your father uod to be a low frlaji, a teanutah. Algernon Aw, ivoally! Adolphtis Ya-as, and that your inotlniw kept a small grocerwy stoah, AlRernon The ilcuce! Adolphus And that you neiah iy jour bills and Algernon Well, nv, what of it? Adolphus And that you don't look the least bit like an KiiglUhmati. Algernon Hold on there, clmpplel Hold on, ye knowl That's going a llttlo ! too Lib. Where is this fellah? I'll find him and, if Uh-iv'h 11 j other way to get satisfaction, ditrnlt, I'll have him aruettfsl. Not Took like xn Kncllsh- man, oh? The bluyvsted duffah, show Idin what 1 Took like. I'll A reduction in the salariM e-f ae tors Is said to m taking jdae. this ear. Men who have Usually reecited Uj a w.ek h.-reaft, theuai Ivoo w lib H0. i- will i-i.iite.ii PA., SATURDAY, SK1TKMHHH-1. 1881!. THE CANDIDATES. Bkclchcs of tho Men for Vhom tho Pro liib'tionlatsvnll Vote. t-harles S. Wolfe, tho nominee for Ooternor.was born nt, Lcwlsbmg, Union county, I'a., April 0. 1&J3. Ho was chosen to represent tho counties of Union and Snyder In the lower house of the General Assembly In 1872 and was re-elected to represent Union county, He took an activo part In preparing leg islation foi carrying Into effect the pro visions of the new Constitution and was again re-elected tor the sessions of 187.1 70. llo made himself prominent al that session by his conduct of the boom bill investigation, which icsultedlu thetrlal and expulsion of Leynot, of Luzerne, and Kind J. HetrofT, of Philadelphia. In 1870 he was unanimously nominated by Union county for tlio State Senate. Uut was defeated nt the polls. In 1870 he was again elected to tho House as an autl-Camcrou man. 3Ir. Wolfe was also prominent in his opposition to the Pittsburg riot bill and in 1872 lie man aged thu campaign for Stewart, tho In dependent candidate for Governor. In 1S31 ho announced himself as an Inde pendent candidate for State Treasuter and polled -I0.4S4 loles. A. A. UAIIKElt. A. A. Darker, the candidate for Lieu tenant Governor, was born In Lovell, Me., March 'M, 1810,and moved toCam bila county In 1805 and engaged Iu the lumbering business at libensburg, where ho resides at present. lie wns a dele gate to thu Hcpublican National Con vention in 1S00, which nominated Lin coln. Ho was a member of thu Thlrty ulnlli Congress, being elected In 1SU4 and serving on tho committee on claims. Since that time bo has been identified with the Prohibition movement, having been Its candidate for Auditor General In 1877 and chairman of tho Statu com mittee during tho last campaign. CUAlil.ES L. 1IAWI.EY. Charles L. Hawley, tho candidate for Auditor General, is a native of Mon trose, Susquehanna county, whero he was born iu 1833. His patents moved toScr.inton when he was only four years old, where he has since resided, lie Is a lawyer by profession, In nclivo prac tice of ten years' standing, and has been associated with the ollice of City Con troller in Scran ton during two adminis trations. JOHN X. EMERY. John N. Emery, who was nominated for Secretary of Internal Affairs, was horn in Xew Castle, where ho now re sides, August 31, 13113. He Is a dentist by profession. Ho served In the army during tho war, at first in the One llur. dted and Twenty-fit&t ennsvlvanla Hegiment and nftciwards in tlio One Hundredth Hegiment. Ho was a Ho publicaii member of the lower house of the State Legislature dm lug tlio ses sions of IS81 and 18S3, and was iimomr the fifty-six members and Senators who bolted the nomination of Harry Oliver for United States Senator in the session of 1SSI. Ho.was an ardent advocate of constitutional prohibition while in tho house. JOHN M. P.lI.MEIt. .John Mooie Palmer, the colored can didate of the Prohibition parly for Con- rossman-at-Large, and the first colored mail cer iilaccd upon a State ticket in Pennsylvania, is a native of Lewistmvn, Pa., and is a little more than ,'52 years of age. He is a preacher of the Pitts buig Annual Conference of tho African Methodist Episcopal church. He has been Iu ehargo of colored chuiches iu Dellcfontc, Mcadvillc, Erie and Wil- liamsport and is now stationed at Eliza beth, Pa. Ills father was a slave, and the candidate learned to read and write and began his education for the minis try uhllo working In a barbershop. THE PI.ATPOHM. 1. That th.o whole drink sistem of Importation, manufactuie, saleand sup ply of Intoxicating liquors is aStateaud National crime, and as a fundamen tal object of our organization we de mand State and National prohibition of the tame. 2. That the administration of govern -J inent ami tbo execution of tho laws is through olllcera chosen by party, and party must bo held responsible for un faithfulness In the discharge of Its duties; therefore wo arraign tho Hcpublican and Democratic parties as having been untitle to the pcoplo on the liquor ques tion, false to the proclaimed principle ot "Cqttal.justlco to nil and special favors to none" and of protection to tint weak and dependent, callous to tho wrongs which tho liquor trade inflicts upon wives and children, upon Industrywide unit domestic happiness, thrift and property, and conspirators against tho people by the repeal of tho local option acts, against their will and protest, and by threo successive Legislatures elected by thern, injecting the petitions of thousands of the best citizens of tho Commonwealth asking for the submis sion to popular vote of an amendment of thu Constitution forbidding the drink tradu thee leponted acts of thee par ties In the past is a sign-board for tlio future and justify asking the voters of -theSUte to abandon these parties ami unite tilth llio Pioliibition party in sup port of measures for the protection of home and native land, 2, That moral efforts to locl.ilin the drinker nnd lo educate "on the nature and effects of Intoxicant must not be relaxed, and jvo approve of all orgaulzii lions baling those objects specially In ilew, notubly tho -Women'., ChrUllau ieiuperanco Unions by their downed uiacih-al and peiuverfng liboin com- mand our admiration, emulation am! j appreciative reeoguitlun. The Prohibi tion party pledges lit eo-operatlon and Intluotico Iu tin) proMontiou of what ever measure and to w luli-ver degree our muthrs,wiveand sisters Kiay deeu needful for i he protieiioit of homo from tlie dunk i ur.se, Im-Ui lii4y i.i,! .iialuy ii.i.I'-i ill.- la n, li'iliihi, iuiin.,.1 and l.lb 'I il (all. ..'k i.I 1 iw.i w li. tho saloon nnd up with the homo" cordially Iniiled and welcomed. 1. Tho Prohibition natty la the only parly which gives tho citizen the oppor tunity of voting for public oillceis not In complicity with the liquor business, nnd removes fiom thn voter nil moral responsibility for thu evils which the liquor business Inflicts, nnd It it the only paity willing to he defeated In de fense of prohibition or to tilumph with its ttiumph 5, That wo deplore the fact that our government remains a partner in this trafllc by issuing penults to sell iu the Tcnitoiies, District of Columbia, the Capitol buildings. In States where the. traflic Is prohibited and to fill its trcas ui y with the SSO.000,000 revenue fiom tills polluted source, and no demand Hint Congiess shall by law foihld the Issue of such tax receipts or pcnnlts in States, districts or counties where the liquor tralllc is prohibited by law. 0. That corporations are eicatcd to subserve the public welfare and should be held to a sti let complianco with the object of their creation and its subjec tion to the law. That corporation monopolists, oflice-seeklng, ollice-hold-ing monopolists, with the liquor trading monopolists now fonu a triple alliance In the Hepubllean and Democratic par ties for Influencing the executive, legis lative and judicial branches of the gov ernment, dangerous topubllellbertvand hostile to tho interests of the peonle. which calls for courageous and energetic measures for their subjection. That we favor the enforcement bv laws of section 7 nnd article 17 of our Statu Constitution, which provides alnst "discrimination In charges or facilities for transportation by ab.tte- iir-nt, drawback or otherwise," and ngainst "any piefcrenccs In furnishing cars or motive power" by transportation companies of the State, and we charge the Hcpublican and Democratic parties is being false to the peopleand favoring corporations by not uniovlngby ellictent legislation during the past twelc years tho wrongs and abuses which this article of tlio Constitution was Intended to cor rect. That imported contract or pauper labor shuiild be foi bidden and our Im migration laws so changed that, while excluding no nationality, the peace and security of life and properly and l he iu- leiests of American industry should bo protected against tlio Introduction of the criminals, idlers and vagrant class of all nations. 0. American labor, skill and capital employed In agi (culture, mining, manu factures, commerce and the mechanic arts should have first consideration nnd protection against the competition of foi elan labor nnd capital iu ourtailtl ind oilier laws. We reganl capital rightfully employed as the friend and helper, and not the enemy of labor, and any opposition or infidelity of either must act to the injury of both. The ill ink saloon, which nhsorl)3 so much of llio wages of labor and Incites to discon tent, tumult, boycojtl'im, anarchism and riot, is the rapacious foe of labor and capital. The suppression of the saloon would do more for the prosperity of la bor and the senility of c-tplial than any other lemedy In the power of legislation. Wo invite the eo-operatlon of employers and employes to secure tho destiuctlon of tills foe to both. Aihltratlon for the just arrangement of differences arising between employers of labor and their: employes is a manly, chrlstinn method, I equally applicable tolndivldiial,eorpora- lions, States and nations, nnd should ho provided for by State, national and in ternational law. 10. That wo believe in tho Christian Sabbath as an indispensihlo safeguard of our cherished institutions, justified as nrll by nature nnd reason as by re ligious precept. Wo demand tho strict enforcement of all laws agaiusi its vio lation, and hold In abhorrence as Inimi cal to the best Interests of the neonln the to-culled "Continental Sunday." that all corporations, public and private eiiieipiises, aim cuiei among lliein tlie drink tralllc, engaged In secularizing the day, are violators of wholesome laws and robbers of both health and rest from their dependent cinplou-s. II. We denounce and rrmtdlntn the so-called submission resolution of tbo late licnublican State Convention as tle- ceptlic and a snaro to catch loles. It proclaims an opinion of Judgment that the Legislature should adopt measures, for submission of an ampndiniit, but makes no pledge of llio party either lavoniig proiuuiuoiror lo sustain such submission, and Jt was so declared hi tho convention nnd since by tho He publican press. The position of tin National Hepubllean pl.itfonn, Willi the silence and acquiescence of tho liquor men, Interprets its secret meaning and purpose and leaves no hopo of aid from the Hepubllean party hi removing the evils of tho liquor business lu Pennsyl vania. 12. That the sectional feelings be tween North anil South should bo ob literated; but we despair so long as the Democratic nnd Hepubllean parties sur ylioto rekindle old jeakmsles and re vive old memories. We, tlierefore.eoui mend the effort to combine North nud South In a National Prohibition party In the ono great common cause of free ing llie whole laud from thn drink curso l.'I. That our Piesent hoternironous laws regulating mairiage and divorce in tno social state are a sliamo lo our civil ization, and wc demand a national law conformable to the divine law and uni form for all Slates, and that all laws proniotiio of social purity shall be strict ly enforced. It. That disfranchisement ns pun ishment for acts of corruption of llio voter, of false counts and false returns of voles east al our elections, should he enacted. We denounce the pr.iellco of paity managers of paying tho tuxes of voters iu oilier to secure their voles; we denounce the plea that to the victors hi ,a....il,.,,u I...1 t... ...n. ..r t... meiil to public otllee, as unpatriotic, im-! moral and dangerous, and we denounce ine ring or woss rme which aftminlsti-rs ! " ...... v..i.o. public alTaira on the spoils system for Perhaps If no had more big guns in the emolument of ollle-hulder or for congress, wo might havo more In our jwtty perpetuation. With gratitude to ! forlrew. Almighty Go.1 tor His favors In tlie! When used areonlins tu diieetion., iut, and in huuiblo d. lajndcnce upon An :' , Ague t'uiv Is warranted toiTadl His dum,. hf in I lie fulnro, no mow ' i.iio, fr, m ih, .s,trin. l-Vver .di 1 V"U.' uiiii.-nini i-.iiiiin.-iii-,' 111,(1 ii, ...if Hi. u- 11 Mllli-IuiWr Oliritl lla.o.S i tl h i oii 1, 1, .sa -,-e If not paid iu advance, -$1.25. "Come. let's go and have a taste of beer," said a genial nleklis to n pensile hop that was scanning the latest maiket report to seo what he was worth. "No, thank you," replied the hop with digni ty, "I never touch beer.". Dr.ITaier's MogicOintmnnt. A sure cure for all brills. Limn. tni-,. cuts, flesh wounds sore nipple, l.nrd and soft corns, chapped lips and hands. Price 50 cents. Sold by druggists. Wil- Ji'f'g. Co., Prop's., Cleveland, O. Sold by Thomas, tho druggist. Chief Graves, of tho Bureau of En grilling, being asked what design would bo placed on tho Government oleomar- g.. Ine stamps, said he thought "a stuffed goat a bogus 'butter;' ns It, w'ere- would be about tho right thing." Dr. Fraziar's Root Bitters.' Frazler's Hoot Hitlers arc not a ilrath shop beverage. Hut nro strictly- medi cinal In every sense. They act strongly "i1 "nu Kiuiieys, Keep the bowets open and regular?' cleanse ll.o'iMffiM il m i " s-VMem .0l every impurity . . - -n ,,vm u, ius3iau, Cl.uu. ill illOlllU! ding store. AHoston lawyer recently met his match In a witness who was giving evi dence about an old lady's loss of mind. Lawyer-Did she look ns I am lookln: at you now, for Instance? Witness Well, yes; quite vacant like! Buclclon's Arnica Salvo. The best salve, in tlio bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhm tn, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, ohllhhimls. corns, and all skin eruptions, and posl- mciy cures pues, or no pay lcquiral It is guaranteed lo give, perfect rntlsfac- tion, oi-nionevieluiideil. 't n.nt per oox, at r. u. Thoma9'. i.uiusa .u. .iicoit uas written a se quel to "Little Men." Wo know nor what its title Is to be, but It Is universally agreed that laiso woman are tho natural complement of little men. A Eonsiblo Man would use Kemp's H.tls.im fnrtlwtlimit aim lunxis. It Is euiing more cases of eougin, colds, nstlnna, bronchitis, croup and all throat and lung ttoubles. than any other medicine. Thu proprietor has authorized lllery, of Wcissport, and i bonus, of this place, to refund your money if, after taking Ihrecfourths of a bottle, relief is not obtained. Price 50e. and &1. Trial size free. A young man w ho ha3 a good deal of spare time on Ida hands wishes to learn of something tli.it will keep him occupied. Wo can think of two tilings right off-getting married and lipping over a beehive. Thu Verdict Unanimous. W. V. Suit, Druggist, Dlppus. hid., testifies: "I can recommend Electric Hitters as tlio very bosi remedy. Every bottle, sold has given relief in every case. One man tool: six bottles, and wasciirod of ltheumatlsm of 10 yeais' standing." Abraham Hare,drugglt, Helliille, Ohio, alllnus: "The best selling medicine 1 have ever handled In my 20 years' ex perience, is Electric Hitters." Thou sands of otheis hayo added their testi mony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Hitlers do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidnovs or Illood. Only a half dollar a bottle at T. D. Thomas Drug Store. The man who gets hold of a piece of news and won't give it up to a reporter is probably rcsti allied by feelings of pro fessional jealousy, lie Is an item miser himself. The Hew Geo. H. Thayer.of Ilouibon, Ind., says: "Hotli invself and wife own our lives to Slitl.oirs Coxsumim'Ion Cent:, tilery, Wolisioit, and Dr. Horn, Lehigliton. ".Mamma," said Holibv, "I have eaten my cako all up, and Charles hasn't touched his yet. Won't jou make him share with me so as to teach him to he generous?" Hay Peycr. Asthma. Immediate relief. Fontaine's Cure. For sale by C. T. Horn, Druggist. Some regret is expressed that the new silier certificates havo no picture of an American citizen passing triumphant ly through the Niagara whirlpool iu a barrel. Shiloh'8 Cure will Immediately relieve croup, whooping cough and bronchitis, Sold by Dr. llorn,Loliiglitoii and lllery, Wchsport. Tlio Italians who como to this coun try must have a strong attachment for their native land. They bring so much of it Willi them. Are you niado miserable by Indiges tion, constipation, dizziness, loss of ap petite, jellow skin? Sliiloli's Vltailzer is a positive cure, Sold at Dr Horns' and lliery's drug stores. When a man's u hit key costs mo'. Ian his (lour ho should slim ready to ivole fur do bulldln'of two ii fngs'oii du County House. st- ' ' '"' When P.lliy was .sick we gave her Castorki, Wen sho was a Child, sho tried for Cnstoria, When she became MIm, she clung toC.iitorlr, l hen sho had enlldrcn.shogaie theinCasloria When a man starts mil to lecture ho puts on a dress suit. A woman before starting to lecture puts on a nightgown. With your next.cM-der to jour grocer, send for a sample pound oi Dreydorrsl's Borax Soap, ouwlll flint It lo ne mo liest anil cheapest soan jonean use fur all Iiinna, It s a plain statement or fact, and tho bust way lor ou lo snllsly jouisell l.t lo try a Kiuud. A how gaino of cards Is called "mat ilmony." If the man wins be takes the gill: if tho girl wins she takes the man. Hay Fever. Asthma. Hellef guaran teed. Fontaine's Cure. For sale by C. T. Horn, Druggist. It is wrong to speak of n "respecta ble" embezzler us a "good man gone wrong." He is a bad man found out. If you feel as though water was eathor. lug around thn heart (liiMit ilroy) or ii.tie iivHriiiieiiiuaiism, Damnation or " H 6nnoctItij. sympathetic , a,,v ,r' Kil"'"''''0Mn-wl im, run I L.-rnii ii-ni, ,in. li j)..,i,H IV,, , ,t.l lull nl i!a, .al dl n ii The Carbon Advocate Ai! lWpilBNT I"AMf,V XMiai-Arm 1 ubll bed ciery Saturday In Ulilgblon, Carbon County, Puiuisylviitilu, by II. V. Morfchftnei' Jr. BANK HTltKKT. $1 00 For Year in Advance I llestadtcrtisliig medium In the county Every description of Ilafn and l'nnty JOB PR UTTINe At very low prices. We do hot hesitate t s.ty thatwoaie better t-iiuiitml ihmiatiy ollwr prhitlnp ct.ibllihinoiit lii th,"7 ai,1'' ','.","? " ""tK-las, Job-work, In all lit branches, at low prices. Your Children Aro constantly exposed to Manger from Colds, Whooping C6ugh,.?roup, nud diseases peculiar to- Ihdi throat and lungs. rqr such alliueots, Aycr'j Cherry Pectoral, promptly, ndmiuli. tered, affords speodr tcllcf ami mn. As n remedy for Whooninc Pnnot. wn1,t,11,w1Illi;l1 "lanT "f our children ivcro nllJlc,c': wo used, during' tb past win. m ' i. . ."""faction, Ayer'.i ..Vi t . . ui.i iiiicciion, ito consider this preparation tho most cfli caclous ot all the lnedicloci which havo como to our knowledge Mary Park-bur-it, Preceptrcsi, Home for Llttla Yi nnderers, Donctutcr, MU. JeJt'lo at Scki of Croup? KdJX'rX My children havo been peculiarly """ "".-v 'ceuvn remedy until I com. i mitt nnrhnti... .re ' .,.,.1, uuiuinistering- Avers i:iirri ,.!:c.,or'" This preparation relieves tho illllictilty pi breathing and Invariably mires tho complaint. -Davtd G. Starks, Chatham, Columbia Co., N.'T?,' I havo used Aycr's Cherry Pectoral in my family for many years, and havo found It runerlnllr vnl-,l.l i " 1 w iiuiumiuiiill IIU1U extending to tlio lungs, and quickly sul duet any tendency to Lung Coinptnint. -.1. 11. Wellington, Plaiuville-, Mich. I find tio medicine so effective, for t.roiip and W hooping Cough. a Aver' Uierry Pectoral. It saved tho Ufa n"t mr little boy, only b months old, carrying l,.m sn,ri''y through tho -worst casu of Whooping Cough I ever saw. Jana Malonc, Piney Flats, Tenu. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, bold byu'.l Drugi(lti. Prlco $lj tlx bottle, ii. No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors In tbo United 8tte Canada and Europe, at reduced ratrn. With our principal ortleo located In Witalilnyton, directly upposltn tho Unltod Staten Palmt Ulllte, no aro ubla to attend to ill patent business wph itreater prompinon ami da Siitch nnd al less cint than otlitr pulcnt at tor no) 8 who nto at u dlmanee troin IVnili Ington, and itIio have, therefore, to employ 'associate attorneys." Wo make preliminary cxiiin!natlun!i and lurnlfh opinions a to tuu tcnuhtliiy, Iree or charKc, mid nil who nro Inlcrualtii In new Inventions and l-atenta nro Invited to fond for a copy ol our "Uulde for obtaining Patents," whli-h Is sent tree lo any a-Mress, and contains conn lete Imiruc Hons bow to obtain patents and niher vnlua Mo mutter. Wo reler lo the Uenuiln-Auu-r-lean National Hank Washington, 1 1. 1!.: tho Royal Swedish. Norwegian and Danish Li ira tlous. at IVashlnston : Hon. Jos. fasey, lata Ohlol .lusllco V. S. Court ot Ulatm! to tho Oinefals of the U. S Patent O.Hfe, and to Senators and Members of Cohgrcss Irom every Stalo. ' Addros': 1.0tI13 Hi (HI Kit OO., So lienors nt Patents and AtlnrncysiitLaw !.., Droll Ilulldlntf WAsumaTnn, U. O, QWITHIN C. SIIORTLIDSE'S ACADEMY yj Tcr Ycung lion and Eoys. Meaia. Pa. 12 miles from Philadelphia. Pled pneo covers every expense, even books, Ice. Xo extra chaiges. Xo Incidental expenses. XocMunlniitluii for iidinlssloti. Twelve ex perienced teachers, all men, nud nil gradu ales. Special oppoilunllloj for apt sli.deliN to ndi-unee raphliy. Speil.d drill tor dull and backward boys. P.itron-t or .students may select tiny studies or choose the regular Kni--llsh. Scleuttlle, Rusiliess. classical' br Clill P.niilneerlng course, students litted at Medl.i Aeadoiuv an-now In Uauird, Yale, Prlnce lon and ten oilier Colleges nud Polrtechiile Sch(K)ls. io students sent to college (n IstsUH in lssi, io in tss.-,, io in igau. A gradiiiitlng elassereryyear in the coniinerchil depart ment. A Physical and Ciiemieal Uiliornlory, (Ivmnnsluni and Rail Oroiind. isno 'vols, added to Library In lss.1. Pliyslral npimratus doubled III 1SKI. Jledla has seven rhurehea and a temperance chatter which prohibits the sale nf all Intoxicating drinks. I'pr new Illustrated circular address the Principal and Proprietor, NWITIIIX C. SHOUTLIDOK, A. Jl.l (llarvaid (iradiuite) Media, Penn'a. Aug, "t 80-ly. POOD SALARIED jjtlorcoiiimlssion to Men and AVoiuenJlk fej;lo net as local or, tiavellug aireiits.BkJ' No experience needed, steady wrk. .U.MK- P. U'uiTNKV, Xitrseriinan. liochestcr,X. . (Mention this piiiicrjaugSMni ELY.'S CREAM BALM Give rtlitf at once and Curt ft Cold in Head 'UAYFEVEI Catarrh. Play Fovoi '0t II I.tljMill. Snuff or JSiicdtr Ficef'om injuri' A particle uiiplleir into each nostril Hid Is agreeable, f'rlro fin cents nt ilriiKgnitsi by m ill, reglslercil, m rents. Ciretilars frcu. LLY llltOS., Drugslsts, Owt-go, X. Y . Jisis-imo . asmsm for im. Krorr's beantlfiil Ki.KfTlilr; lieeouiing iiKcnts. Xn risk, quick sales. Tit rltory glien. CjSutlsfnrlion Rnaranteed AddiVhS Dlt. SCOri', KsMlroadn ay, X.York a?. J. BRBTNEY, ' Iteeppetfully onnounces to the merclianf of KelimMun and otners that be !T)rf pare! to do all kinds or j t. Hauling of Freight, Express Matter and Baggage at very reasonable prices. Hy prompt al tentlnii to nil orders be hopes In merit (liara ol public patronage, livsldcuce, corner of I'lnu and Iron .Street, Lehigliton, Pa, Orders lor hauling Iclt at (J. M. owerny It Sun's Store will receive prompt attention. T. J. UI1ETNEY. Ott. l'AUSl.ilm. E. F. LU0KENHAC1R DhAI.KI! IN Wall Iapers, Uordcrs & Decorations, Books, Stationery, Fancy Gocfls. Window Shades & Fixtures, Lutctt Klylcl. made and put up. If dtlra. Pnint-s, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Uruslios & general Painters' Supplies. No. 01 Brcadvyay. Maucb Pa I'uuar tho Hiuadwuy Hume.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers