Advertising Rates. We daaire it to be distinctly understood lbs I no advertisements will be luEorbkl in the columns of Tnt A&touate that enav be roerlverl from unknnw n battles of Irnn unlcu accompanied by th rash. lue following are our oir term)) OKI squauk (10 LIU 14), Ono year, each Insertion JOeU. B'x months, oacli Insertion, IS cut. rkroe monthi,cach Insertion..,,,,... 20 eta, lioMtlmn three moiUli, first tnwrtlon tl touch unatiquent Insertion...,,,. 31 eta. Lacal not ioc 10 cents tr Hue. It. V. Mi.aTmuse.Jr.. Publisher. ATTJUNKYS AND COUNCELLOR3. K OUACR llt VDT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OrncEt-rTh'" room recently ncaupled by ' W. M. Itepsher, BANK STlfKKT, . LEIUOUTON, PA. . II ay be consulted In English end Oeruian. July 4. IMSiljr M. UAPSIIKK, ATTORNKY It COUNOELLOR AT LAW. riRsr DonR'ADnrkTitit MataioN pi oca k, NMpU CIIVHK, FOT'A Heal Kslate am) t idtcoilnn Aiicney. Will liny and Sell Krai Estate, t onvi tone nit neatly done. Collections promptly mode. BettlliiK Estates i.f liecedinis a Specialty, tiny le rtinol'ed In EnKllslt anil Oeruian. November 112, IS . rp A. SNVDl.H. ATTOIWKY AT LAW. Owes Corner or llnpV Street & llnnkwiiy Sod bulldlnir ntiove the. Carbon Advooitv Printing twice. May 19, 1883-iiiS LKIIIQIITON. is 1 . - ' ' PHYSICIANS AND DENTISTS. D li. W. W. ItKltl'IC I'HY.-It UN ANI ST'H'lEON HANK Sl'KKKT. LEItmilTOV, I'A. OFFICE Hour at I'unj vlllo 1 rum a.m., to V ni. dally. Uay bo consulted In the l.nullfli or Herman LaneuaKC Way 17. '81. w a. r.t:uiuMi,ii, m i PIIY'ICUV ASnSlMKlKON Fpeelsl Attention paid to Ohrnnlo Diseases. OrriCE South Enut ('inner Iruii and r-,ccon,1 Streets, LE11IUHTCN, I'ENN'A. April 3d, IHi. ii. iti:iti:i!, m. p. V s. examjxisg sunavax, rnACTieiNO iinsn!iAN.v suishehn Omen IlmiK Street, liKiim'a IIlock. LEIlMlITOrf. I'ENN'A, Iny be ronrultod in (lie German Language Not. 3 III.. y (J. m. sv.whv., . PHYSICIAN AND SUlt'lEON, SOUTH SVllEET, LElIlalllON, I'A. Mav Vo comullcd In Enirll'H or (lrrnian Spiclnl tittenllun plvin to (mmio.ouv Orrica llimns Frem 12 M. to 9 '. H., and from o toll I'. M. Jlnruli at, 83 P. A, Rabenold, D.D.S. itHANUH Ol'KJiJE-ujiiiojitBCIauisMlro'ii Bank St., Lohighton, Pa. Demi-try In all Its branches. Teeth ex tracted wlthnul pain, tins administered rlien requeued tato Days W ElIN l-.S-UAY ofe-eli week l. I. Address. I.lTZENItEUO, Lehigh county, Pa. Jan. 3, is 6-ly, W. A. Oortright, D.D.S,, OFFIOEs Oppulie thn "tipmdwiiy Ilmiai'." Mauoh Ohunlc, Pa. Milan's hive th in'n"flt f mo latont lm proiomcnl In inn h mil it M'lini"es nnd vVa hjst intlnU"rir-.iliu!M In mi uiirideal uiti. AVi;srili:i'l nilmlnlftireil It 4'lra 1 If iiai !', inrf.ins rcsidliiK ,utndo or MauJli liltuiik fh'iiild m ito oiigiifinontK Oy mill, llS vl A BOOK ON Deafness&,Catarrh. Tha ahi' n ini'-d IiimU i.l near I 0 paver tir lilt. S1IIIKH KKK. Ilio w. ll.klMUlieX- OTtfliw.i Auril MiruiHM. mill In S"nl Ireo to any .id In it llvnrv t " I ' y iliould Inve till Ho ik. 'I'lirt Itouk Is Itlus'ra'iul. and ful ly cl, l iln III pluln I.iiikuii." all DOT or the 111 ami CATARRH. nnd lio to th nlluieiits ccoesrull. Ail'lr-ss Dr C E SliORmaltor, G13 Wnliml Strei-t, ItEAIUNU, I'a. I'eo e, 1SSI ly- mrsi.s and ' i:ikv c CARBON HOUSE, JONATHAN KISTI.E1I. I'llOPRlETOll, Hank Rt l.mnqiiTON, I'a. The iIaibon KouicotTvrs nrsuaUiinuonm. laoilatiunsto ll.u.Tr.ivo.liiif publlo. Ilniirdlnit tiy the 11 ly or week on Itcasuiuiblo Tonns. tlliolcv ClKam, Wlnei and l.tnuorj nlnayon lias I. ilod and Slaliles. wlih atter- rt UoatUrs. .ittaoliel. April 10. yl, pVCKKUMX HOii I- Ilway b.-lwoen M.iueli (Jhuuk LelilKhton ,;ul'OI,ll MEVEH, I'liorutaTua, I'naUofiou, renu'a This well Un'.wn liiie tsudinlraidv red tied, and h is llin tiastu.-coininiidatli'S lor nerinan ant and tr.uisie.iu boarders, rxeulliamaide tndtlievoi-y best liquirs. Alto ItnuiUhlcs .ltujllO.1, bept,I0.i7l, BY'THE SEA! Tho Mockton: gvrrrWi Ami AlUntio awniii'S, uc.fil.e fi'ieu ivn ante li'SotU in ll,i..iiiilry, ii now lieu I'.t tlio reieit!int (It i;iipi.)s. Tl,p furiliiles for b'iliiB, tiilthfit;, filiinj;, '., a'D ilnx relW Te-nu lilwrl KEL8EY .1 LEF LElt, rraprieiins llehl..n this H'rr. D J. KIS'ILEU ttKpuotlully anipmna a " Mia puldlo that he has np-ned NUIV I.l VlUt V ST III.K In s.inn ctiQ'i irilh tils hotel, and Is prepared lu fill-null leau.. fu' FJiiris. Wtjiilia or Mm Trips on shortest notice and most llberalrarms. All Gr JM left at lUsi'CarUm llouta" will rooelro p-OTipt antptpin. Biatils va North S'raat. tfl tbi?.el, LsblghU'O, IsuS-yl I Gsrat . . . . rtSk ....... i II. V. MoitTitiMER, Jr Publisher. VOL. XIII., No 40. S2 coca S2 -i o -a en 0,0 00.7 o o 3 a o 3 CD MS3 T. J. BR1LTNEY, lleepeclf lly nnnounoes to tlio merclinnt of I.clilk-li'iiM 1111. 1 others that Uo li prepared to tlunll kinds ol 1J aiding of Ficiglit, Exjircss IMatter and baggage at very reniioniitile priors. Uy prompi ni tentlon to all md rs he l.i.pes to merit a Flot ri ot politic patronage. Ktsidencc, corner ol 1'inu nnd Iron Streot, Lehllil, p, I'a. orders lor liiiullnsr led at i'. M. sweeny & Son's rttoro will receive prompt attention. T. J. 11KETNEY. Oct. lli, USISin. X CONVEY ANUKU, AND SF.NERAL INSURANCE AGENT The 'ullattinit Compmlei nre lie pxe nU.I- LnllA )X MUTUAL FIIU3. KKAIUNG MUTUAL FII1K, wyomino 1'inn. iOTT. vilm; vimz, lhiiioii the TKAVEMHIH ACOIIH-NT J.N'UlU(!i: Also l,nnlv..nW ami tatn-il ito'w 'Ililol cteo lvotMut In nraii o tvimiai'V. Hau-n -:a. 1S7? mo, kkmkuku f rworVlll'J Pi'nnlc. Prp. JO fi'TltS ..-A .-111 1 ...11 II-..S. Ji 11 rnxitl. Miliuil'lo f.i in Ho ix l ffrto-U tlnit will t you In Hi" way of tnf nif tiidrc iiiiifiy fn i h w "'tty I tuin ym vvr Miuuttrltt n 1. M . (it I'tiv ttitinrr. ("tijuinl U rrqu'ru'l. Ymi rati t homo iiimI work 111 p iru iltn only, or itl) llc ho All t 1 i.oth 9vxi ft 1 all ifit-v. uoiitilh Fucpodil. fi'i c tit ! 3.t'0 t'linllv I'mtieil i'vT vnli'tf 1 -ill who want work mav t't tiV-lusI-lien, w inak' HiUuni'iir illvU'il itfrs 'In till wtMinrnnii wt'U 11 rflil w will sen 11 tnoivfir tlio lioubtc H "rill u lull panlcul.irn. iil ci(n, -tfi , f-oni fro lm. in n- jinv a-KUtclv nur t'ur all wKitu t ar..p..M. Jliin't ilclay. AtUHtSi Stosun & iU V , M iiiio tltc. no-iy V, F. lsllCKEXA( U DIIALEII IV Yall L'APJSRS, HnrdciB & Decorations, lioob, Stationery. Fancy Goods. Window fjliados & Fixtures Latest S'tV'es, made and pal up, it dctlrcd. Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general Painters' Supplies. No. 61 Broadway. Mancti Clunk, Pa,, IWo the Ilrnailny Hone. ini liru cnii ptiffioitre. nnd bv in h 11 ou will eel rrtoa uackniie f.f yooddiif larjo valuo. lliat will Riart jou In work will iH on co trlng youtn motif v fetitcrlli&n niifihlntf elit In .wnurlea All at'ont tli $200,000 In prrinnts with each box. Agvntt vrr.ntfil everywhere. of cithtr rex, of all ft'. for nil the lime, cr ppnre time only, tow rk for ui a tlictr own homv'S. Foriunei -lor nil workrri aWlnleiy nunretl. Oont dclny, H, 1ULLKTT& Uo., i'ortUnd, Ale. UecJO-ly Rgr Subscribe ibr the Ad vocatk, only $1 per year. A P11ESE1NT ! Our readers for IS nepis in slxii -lunips to pay (or niailin: ami wrsppini unl njiii'iid two lnnk aRenn, will r ev FRLE a kite! '.i mA l'irlir E, 'ompiiiiol all OUH I'liESIIIKNlS. m l u l i.i: t i.KVkn-iii. s f 'li x?s t li ,'!; rlli Oil AilJrn M'ter T'ub Ca , fAi'Miw, JU, a) pi YA 3 s Sfi , ew5" O- ST. w 5f c 3 1 u. r-v , 1 1 t-a tf, 1 . s- co -a JE3 - 3 CD I-X3 C3 1 rt- 1 1 rr o li,' run. iMteatcood. pi V Uaclouya. noidbjrdmairisu. tat ItED OTAk 1- si TRADE m MARK. ' JihnmytlfUt Free front Opiate, UmcticM anil l'olsons. PROMPT, SAFE. SURE CurojrContlin, fold ntnl other 'ILroat - ", I ""if Ht'l-llftlte TlFTT O ITi A tluHL-. At tlKVbOiMII a hp DrAtrri. II K I H UU.MA. ,tK;Lt.V:t (p.. luitltatrr. Jl-t.. I . K. A. 1ANREEM Cares Ctesat'szi. ITewisiU- UnrLitflif, JOailatbr, TnntbntbOp I'm Inn nnd Xtht j. ,B , ' wn, ji jtruHiiti inn ouliri. THE CIlAiau 1. 1 OQCU'U lO..ItalUmorea JU.,C.3.Ai THE LonDSJJF LABOR, Tlioy come, they cmno. In a glorious nmrch, You can hear their slcnm-stccils ni lsh, At they dash throuch Skill's trli.mphal arch, Or plunge mlil the ilitncliiKspray, Their bale firesblazc in tho mighty lorge. Their llfc-pulse llnvib? In Hie mill. Their llghtningi shiver the gaplns gorge. And their thunders shake the hill, lint thmo tiro theTltani of loll anil trade, The heroes whld no salirei But mightier conquest t eapeth the blade That Is borne by the Lords of latbor. Dravo hearts like Jeuels light (he sod, Through the mlsls of commerce shlnc, And snuh Hash out, like stars of fiod, From tho midnight of the mine, No palace is theirs, no castle great, No princely plllar'd hull; lint tlioy tvell m;t laugh at the roofs of stale 'Neath the heaven which li over all. Ilolthese are the Titans of toll trade. The heroes who wkld no sabre; Itut mightier conquests i cnpinh the blade Which U borne by Iho Lords of Ijibor. Each bares his arm for the ringing slrtfc That marshals the sons of the soil. And the sw eat-drops shed In their battle of life Are gems In the crown of toll. And belter their well-worn wreaths, I trow. Tnan laurel! with life-blood wot; And noUer the nreh of a Pare, bold brow Than a clap of a coronet. Then hurrah for each hero, although his deod lie unblown by the trlnnvih of labor, For hotter, h iiinle,- tar Is the meed That crowtu'tli the Lords of Labor! Two Mottercjail Two Sons. uy maroaiiet jinmiiA wrtiaiiT. The last war In uh'eli our country was engaged, and which hanpened before some of our readers were born, was a civil war; anil civil wars have ever been tho most dreadful of any in the world's history. For civil warnevcr arises except from a bitterness of feeling between members of one. great family, as It were, and in it fathor ls arrayed against son, brotlinr against brother. Such wars aro a thousand times more intense and full of fierce t escntments than are w ars between different nations. In some respects, ours was the saddest and most dreadful of all civil wars; but of tiic.c f.i.1 and dreadful things it Is better not to speak. They aro past. Let its bury forever everything that would call tt; a shadow of the old fccl Ingt that wrought such disaster and sorrow in so many communities nnd homos. Ono spring day, when oft winds came sighing up from the deso'ated t'outh, aid our war in tho North was at Its gloomiest per"ol, a sl;lrmth took place between two reootmoiterlng parties of Northern and Southern f-oldlers, on the bank's of a Southern river. But hardly had thev met, nnd exchanged a few vol leys, when the troops rctrc-vc' very willing. I suspect, to let each other alone, unprepared as they wcro for an encounte. They left, tho green grass all trampled to death the poor little buttercups that ha I lifted sHi b ight, laughing faces by the roadside, bcatan beneath horsos' hoofs, and drowned In blool; while the sweet whlto daisies, that had danced In the wind ever since winter, as simple'.as happy, and as bwect In the time of war as in tho tltre of psace, would never again lift their pale faces from their golden graves. After tho skirmish, each party carried away its wounded; not w thout jeering cries at each other as they departed rather swiftly, it may bo said such as "Good-bye, Yank!" "Coiuo ajaln, J dinhy Rob!'' Some quarter of a mile away, perched ttpon a gresn knoll, . and surrounded with blossoming peach, trees, whoso fragrance- drew bco ani bird from afar, was a. mined borne, Once, mis home bad been a charming conntry-housc Up and down the road that led to It many guests had ridden,in laughing, slnslng !avalcadcs. On its v.'Uu verandas daintily-robod figures had flitted to and fro, and tho wide open doors and windows had given gllnipsos of the generous and tUtely hospitality that wits a household custom In the South, But now It was glasnlaw, with shat tered chimneys, unhinged doors and broken verandas silent, ruined, al. though not wholly duserted. The din, tho danger, the wrong of war had raged about It many a timc.and had robbed It not only of its lielovod ' only son, but of Its sweat content, Its merry guests, its servants, lu oattle, Its horses everything exoopt the careworn mistress and two frightened little girls, who only stayed until it became impo slble for them to gut away, bectuso they could no( make up their minds to desert fSnasSBsxI JTJE0BSj 1 w INDEPENDENT-4 LEHIGIITON, CAHBON COUNTY, umiiTir. their home, endcated to thein by such associations. "Oh, tuararaa! they arc OghUng ngaln In the road!" cried Anijlc, running Into the onoo beautiful parlor, where, over a few burning sticks, the mother was try lug to reduce tlio fibrous tenacity of "Old Ben." Tills was the second day that tho and her small fire hail struggled thus with Old Ben's post mortem stubbornness, and the end was cvldtptly not yet, Old Ben, tho venerable patriarch of the barnyard, had cackled uud crowed wound tho house before the troops oc cupied this nart of the country, llo had survived all his family, for the shnr pie reasons that he had more discretion than valor, mid was loo wise an old cock tj fly shrlcltlng Into the peach trees when pursued by unl forms, blue orfirayi as his flock nltvavs did, No: Old Ben knew a socret worth two of that, and always hid himself silently under his mistress bed, thus reserving himself for a better fate than that of feeding roaring soldiers, bragging of hcn-roo3t prowess over tlio camp-fire. The noise of the skirmish tilled the air as the mother went to tho window, Across the fields, where the river usual ly shone like a silver and azure ribbon, there was a great cloud of dust and smoke, that shut the horrid desecration of a familiar scene from her sight. 'Poor creatures! Ah ine, poor boys!" she sighed. "How many hearts of those who can only watch and pray at homo will bleed for thlsl" Then she added, more loudly, "YVe will put the 'chicken' away, children, till we see if anybody will need It mora than wo do." It was long since the little girls had tasted meat, and their vigorous young appetites had been singing happy little songs of anticipation about Old Ben for two days. They looked wistfully from tho cloud of battle across the fields, to the stow pan, and then Jeanuctto said, hope fully: "P'raps they'll bring somebody here who isu't quite killed, but too much killed to care for Old Ben." Just at twilight, when the deadly clamor had been stilled for some hour?, and only the south wind sang and cried among the fragrant peach blossoms, there came crawling to tho house a pale creature In a uniform so dusty and blood-stained that one could not tell if it had been blue or gray. Ills white lips could only move enough to say, that having been wcuiidcd by tho first volley of the sltlrintshlhc had crawled away from tho tumult and hld denjiichlnd a large rook In a r1e3ghbor lug field, where he had lost conscious ness till "ltnpo" had brought water and revived him. "Impo" was a dwarfed and cilppleJ negro, whoso infirmities had kept him from escaping to freedom as well as from serving in the war. It could bo no worse to die by the hand of a vengeful rebel householder, the wounded man had thought, than alone amid the chill dews and under tho unpltylng stars; so he had crept to their and they could do with him what they would,- He was a Union soldier, he said, and ho would rather die than dis own'tliathc had fallen while fighting under the "old flag!" Lato the nnxt night Jcannctte and Annie were gnawing, for perhaps the fiftieth time, two highly-polished dium sticks. Thero could have been very lit tle of the original flavor left to these drumsticks, and even Old Ben's ghctt Would never Imo recognized them by tho sonse of smell as aportlon.of Ills earthly habitation. Nevertheless, they. were of value to those under-fed cbll drcn, as magic wands wth which to summon up unllmitnrl, entrancing vis Ions of stewed jooster and delicious gravy, that needed only salt to make It fit for a king or President JJavls. ' It was evident that these little girls were very patriotic, and that, above the lofty charity to all men which their mother's example tiiitght them, towered the loo of their "Cause," fpr Annie flourished her rooster-bone skyward, with tho air of "millions for dclcnco, but not ono cent for tribute," as she hoard voices In the cl amber above, and said; "Ho ate only a spoonful of the gravy. I'd go up &t;Ir3 this minute and give him this, if he'd only hurrah for the beautiful Stars and Bars," A low murmur of voices canjo from tho room above. The wounded man sceniod to be talking, with frequent pauses of exhaustion. Sometimes thoto pauses would be to long that the chil dren would have thought the sick man slept; did not their mother's toft voice murmur till he spoke again. "P'raps mamma's telling him 'bont darling Arthur gono to tho war," talJ one of tho children. Just then tho feeble voice above wa saying to the sweet, pitying face bent over tho pillow: "After I am dead, add to the letter tha.t I died, praying tlm your boy may never dlo without somo blessed han.1 and voice as tender .vs yours, to smooth bis way down tho dark valley." Tho next day tho d(i3 toldler was burled under tho pink cloud of theycaeh trees, and as the earth was thrown down upon his onvhrouJod form, the mother's tears flowed almost as if the dead were her own son, rather than ono whose dy ing breath had blossod the enemy's flag; for alio knew that not many miles away to the north, so near tho great battle ground that Its horrible tumult often reached her also, was the doad roan's mother, with heart aching for her boy-i "none to tho war." "And she' does not know tint she hat no son on earth, on I do not know btr that these little girls are all that I hare I left," she sobbel, as the last shovelful of earth fell u:on the grave. Months had gone by. The peich blossoms had long ooUUen and covered Live and Let Live." PA SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 1885, tho grave beneath, with a fleecy vcl the color of a dawn-cloud. Tho gravo Itself, not? that tho sum mer winds had borne away Its fleecy veil, was Ercon ur.d soft as velvet. Tho children, with broken case-kulvc., had cut turf from the fields and covered It wUU caro, and watered H, till tho brok en Rrasa-roQia had fastened themselves Into tho carth.and covered it with thick, glossy bjades, amid which a late Wtqr cup or two sUono like stars, At tho head of tho grave was 6 bit of white pine that had onco been pinch's moulding-board, but now, split In. two, served to tell who slept beneath, Upon It was scorched with ft hot Iron: "Henry Leo, Co. A, Utb, Eeg. Perm. Vols, Aged 24 years," While tho summer sunshine was shimmering through the tremulous loaves upon the quiet grave where slept one for whom strife and tumult were hushed forever, a great battle was rag ing not very many miles to tho north. From dawn to sunset the fair day grew sick with the smell of powder, tho groans of the dying, tfic hoomlng of cannon, tho horror of brother killing brother. The smoke and dust shut tho valley, where the frightful carnage raged, from the sight of those on the hilltops, whp watched to see If friend or foo prevailed. That night over tho battle-field lan terns wavered to and fro, as friend sought friend that the overcrowded am bulance had not yet carried to tho hos pitals In the. rear. In tho very centre of the vallcy,whcro the front of the battle had raged, and where the soaked earth was catpeted with gray and blue, mixed inextricably together, two officer! searched for a friend who wore the blue with a silver bar, As they sought, a glimmer of the dim lantern fell upon a whlto young face up turned to tho starless sky, Lieut, "VI1J Law tuisrcd a cry. ' 'Arthur Lasco 1' ' he exclaimed. "Pocr boy, you here! and wearing the grey, tool" he added, half angrily, even in that moment. Only a moan answered him. "What can I do?" demanded "Will Law, excitedly, of his fellow-officers, as ho bant over the wounded boy. "I can not leave him hero to die. He was my frlendnd scliool-fcllow once." Later two men knocked at a farm house onj'h neighboring hill. They bore between them a burden wrapped in a United Siatos army cloak, but with no uniform beneath. : "Lieut. Law sent us here with this boy and this note," they said td"tbc lady who admitted them. The sad faced womanrcwll , Lin Ait madam: tnts man was a school f i lend of mine whom I loved. Will you care for him as yoa would for me, and not ask whether ho is with or against us?" Wm. Law. For days and nights in that modest farm-house tho wounded rebel was nursed and tended as if he had been tho son of tho woman who dwelt there. "I have given ono brave boy my only one to this dreadful war," she said to him, as she gently nursed him, 'and every sorrowing mother's son is ray own for his sake. Only how could you raise your hand against the dear old flag?" Ono day an orderly knocked at the farm-honso door. Tho Invalid boy, not yet nineteen, slowly recovering, was sit ting wrapped in a woman's peignoir (for nothing In tho world, pot even gratitude to his nurse, could entrap him Into wearing the blue) In a largo arm chair, where through the open window ho could sco tho "boylu bhio" as hoap- proacnod Ho turned oven paler than usual, and his blue eyes wero troubled, for tho thought cam a Into his mind that the truth of his being a rebel, had somehow been discovered, and that his guardian angel, as ho called her who had nursed him back to life, might in somo way suffer for her loyalty to her heart, not' withstanding her utuivcrving loyally to her country. But the orderly only brought a letter. "It came from headquarters," he said, "and has been some months in getting through the lines." How the poor mother walled as she read that letter! ine sympathizing rebel held her hands In his, and sought with tender words words to soften tho bitterness pf a grief he did not yet understand. "It Is tho last letter from my boy,' 6bo sobbed "piy poor boy, dead In tho bouth, and burled by rebel hands! God bless and protect the son of the inotljcf whowroto itl" and she give tho letter into the boy's thin hand. As his eye ran ever It, be uttered an exclamation, "OJIrs. Lee," he cried, as he, tec, wept over tho letter, "my mother burled your boy with tears under the peh treos In our cjrden. You brought my mother's boy out from tho jaws of doath!" and they mingled their tears together. And vet thcto two sons ol thoto two .mothers would have rejoiced to kill cash, other' in butle, had war's fatal obwica brought them face to faco In the fury of the fight. And alas like to tbess sons of these two 6ntc,bravo,hwnt6d mothers, wero thoniandt) and teat of thousands of others brave, true-hearted men, who killed each other on dreadful battler fields of the South. HE WAS AHEAD." The disposition of children not to allow other children to gt ahead of them is once more illuitratod Ja two Boston families, m follows: ' "I've got a silver dollar," "I've got two," "You haven't got a baby In your house." "Yea we havej we've got twins." "ell, you haven't Rot a enzy grand- father; Ihjve" SI. 00 If TUBNINO THE HUS3AHD OUT. (V Domestic Scono la Tcnucsscc-nltcw nMis used Woman Vlr.dlcitoj Herself, Wo werq winding down ono of tho mountain roads of Tennessee In a cart drawn by a mule, Tho land wai barren, tho cabins uo better than hovcb and It wasaqucry how pjcplo tnado a baro living or were content to stay. Sy and by v,o camo to a tutn In. tho rosd where thcro was a trough to water hcrsoa r.r.d a cabin of a settler The cabin tom tliQ poorest of all end nothing around It Indicated that iho owner made any attempt to cultlvat? the soil. Wo reach ed tho place Ju3t (n time to witness a tableau, A woman, poorly dressed and her face bearing tho look of ceo who had seen much worry and suffering, stood near the trough and a sstche) filled with clothing sat on the ground beside her. Five feet away stood her husband, a burly, tough-faced nmun tainccr, cud he held a switch In his hand, Neither minded us as wc drove up and It was full a rulnulo before tho husband said: "JIary, I'll wollopyol" "Jim, yo dasn'tt" sho replied. "Mary, you can't leave me nohow!" "Jim, I'm gwlne todolt. I've starved an' suffered till I'm clean gone. I'm going home." "Mary, If you don't take up that satchel and march. In I'll wollop yegood and stout!" Thcro were two of us besides tho driver. The4" woman looked up and scanned our faces, as If to judge how far shn might count on cur help, and tho driver said: "Taln't rulable for etrangerto raisin, Mary; and Jim's got a knife and would kill somebody, Better go In," "Never 1" she hissed, "If you don't," said tho husband, 3 he came a stcn nearer, I'll make the fur fly. Take thatl" With a swish ho brought tho switch down across her shoulders nnd raisod it asain ho stood stock for a minute and looked him In tho eye, and then Yalkad Into the hovel. 'Eayther peart, but the gad will curoj herl" grinned tho husband, .13 ho drew the switch through his fingers. His triumph was short lived. In sixty seconds Mary reappeared. -She had the mountaineer's heavy tide In her hand, ana as sho camo out sue raised it on a lino with the xrmn's heart, "Jim, I want yougitl" "No-o!" 'Sartlnl" .'Shoo! Can't do Itl" Clink! Clink!; "Mary, what yer gwlne tcr do?" "Kill yo like a volf in ycr tracks If yc don't walk away," "Wbar to?" "lOboay kcers, uosumwhar keep goin' don't never come hack! Hurry up, fur I'm going down on the stage!" lie looked into her eyes and saw tho change. Poverty and brutality had come to an end, I.pvc had turned to disgust, and In place of fet.r was such bravery as he would not have looked for for In a man 011 the road. Ho saw "shoot" In her eyes, but he stljl hcsl tatod, "Mary, dropthatrlfle!" ho whispered. "Jim, git I If you aro here when I've finished counting twenty I kill you ca sure as thero Is a God In heaven 1" llo began backing away. When be had gono twenty feet he turned and walked. When ho had gono ono huridrod he halted, wheeled about and, altera longtime, muttered: "Wall, by gosh! Mury, let's make up!" "Keep a-glttin', Jim," sho replied, as bho still covered him with the rifle. In live minutes he was put of sight up the road. Tho woman placed the gun and satchel In the cart, walked into the hovol to be gono two minutes and when she camo back to tho cart and took a seat with us flanus were creeping through a hundred crevices between tho dry logs, Without a word sho climbed in and only onco during the fivc-mila ride did she utter a word. At a bend In tho road sho looked back at a pyramid ofsmokoand flnmo wroujl.t by? her hands and said, as If to herself: "Jim didn'tknow .Mary; Jim didn't!" 015N. U, S. G EAST'S riCIUKES. Do not read this notice, nnlfis yon care to ri lu ,t I'tUiHuiiioii wiueii, 11 j mi accept, will cost 011 smnetlitng. I ba'.e au cngnivlnu made trma an oil palnitin; by 11 ce li-bra'oa artlht ol (.Set). (Irani. t,T which he at shoith litter ins tup arctiinl tbc world. It Is In too opinion of critics the best, plctiru of iho Head Hero In eslsianco. Hie. pilco of tii" engraving, 31x53 Irclie.s, on very haivy sttel ongravlns board, is (nit Hollar and lwcntv (ho cents (Sl.Joj, postage paid by mo. so thoroughly 11111 1 convlnud pt the value ol the engraving i a wnrk ct art, and its aji preemtiou by the public, teat I will mail to any address in tho U. s., ron ixsrr.cuox, one copy, packed lu a heavy puuci bo j. upon receipt oi lie. In stamps to pay posugo ai d pauniiiK. uhiii iiio 1 MiHtmou iiiai. me pan nar IV ONE DOLLAR (3100) upon receipt 01 engraving It it la sails! sct'Ty. or return the Pletui e to mo if it is not cousiacrea worm uiuy lae price atKt a, I have aKoa verv linurtsomo Cabinet Photo. nt Gen. Grant, baud Ilnlklied. wbish 1 wtll mull on receipt 01 vo. e.lbura is cojspKto without one. Libera! .irrangenenus will be in 11 da with agent. Unto tor terras xcd price Hat. Address Wjiliam DlCUSOJf, Pub'lshtr. Box . Chicago, ll, Aug. JS-w-lc. HUMAN SYMPATHY. Oh dear! I'm a perfect martyr. sighed Mrs, Hendricks, tho landlady, as sho stated herself, flushed and warm, at the breakfast table, and-d!s:losrd a scorched finger. "My cook has a felon on her band, and I was obliged to pre pare tho breakfast myself this msrnlr.g and fn doing so burned myself dreid- iully." "You are not only a martyr." said Dumlcy, sympathetically he dispa ragingly eyed a little piece of crisp-fried piece of beefsteak on hi plate, "but I eo you bavo been burned at the stpak, as well." PREPARING FOR AN HMEROENCV, Young Man Can yo'4 land me your rubber mvk-eraier uatt, aorsiag, CliarleyV - i Charley Certainly, Voun -Man Thanks, I'm going t&. ,i-i. .ill Vuueb;ii';i fi In nlgut to datij, and if I ilou't tet Iuj; I Eh..U waa. aouiethiuy to bite on my way home. a Yo.iv if Paid ii) Advauco. not paid in advance, 1.2fi It Is cscjoss to try tho alnd euro ca ndudo. How shall a man hi rj-joJ n stated on hou5tiCh.,a.uln day? By e-'1uJ a fishing. Tho Rot. Geo. H. ThaTtt.of Uourbia Ind.,saya: "Both ntysoff and, wlfcoroi ourllTcstoShlloii'sCvajumptloCre." . wu, uiv. .v uuiivu n vvuiuiuumv. vs.. c ' o.n 1 TTT rill 1 1- i . - , t jura uj it, sr. it:ry, trvujpbn, uuu v. t. iiom,, Lcmguton. Aro tou miio mlaarablo lrr lnd!,r,. Hon, constipation, dliziness, Iocs of ep-. ts'.ltc, ycllovTskln? ijhiloh'a Vltallzorla pposuivo care, BOiu py vr. a. uicry, a ehsoort, end C. T. Horn, Lcbightca. hy will you cough when Shlloh'a Curo will give you immediate relief. Frlc-o 10 cent3, 09 otnts and 51. Gold by W. V. Blery, Wcitsport, and C. T. Horn, Lchlghtcn. Shlloh'a Catarrh Remedy a posltlvo euro for catarrh, diphtheria and cnakc? mouth. Sold by W. F. Biery, clssport, and C, T. Horn, Lchlghton. "Hackmotack" a lasting and fragrant porfumc. Price 20 and 60 cents. Sold by W. F. Blery, Wclssport, and 0. T, Horn, LehlghtOu. Shlloh's Cure will immediately relieve croup, whooping COU3I1 and bronchitis. Sold by W. F. Blery, eis3port, and C. T. Hom, Lchlghton. For dyspewla and liver complalnt.vou have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shlloh's Vltallzer. It never falls to cure. Sold by . F. Blqry, sbsport; C. T. Horn, Lchlghton. A nasal In lector free with each bottle ofSh!loh'3 Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents, bold by . F. Blery, oUsport; C. T, Horn, Lohishton, -A dudo may be less sensible to the tears of anguish, or tho mutc-appcals of hopeless dcsnalrthaa he U to his per sonal decoration, but let Wat get a pic nlc grasshopper lu his trousers.tnd he'll llo tight down In the mud and bawl like a brlndjc calf. Dr. i'racor's Magic Oiatmoiit. A sure euro for all bolls, burm, sores, cutj, ilesh wounds, sore nipple, hard an! soft corns, chapped lips and hands. Price GO cent?. Sold by druggists. Wil liams M'f'g. Co-, IVop's., Cleveland, O. Sold by Thomas, t he druggist. Bald-healed men, in addition to being wiser than other people, now havo r,nothcr advantage tho cannot be sunstruck. A man who was sun struck a day or two sitco Immediately rccoverod when some one shaved his head. Tlr Trasier's Root Bitters. Trailer's Root Bitters are not a dram shop beverage. But are t.triotl7 medi cinal in cverv sonse. They net stronsly upon tho liver and kidneys, keep the oowen open aim regular, cioansc ine blood and system 01 every impurity. Sold by druggists, 51.00, At Thomas' drug store. A cjbool of gesture has been formed in this city. We prccume the main pur pose in view is to nuke it possiblo for married pcoplj to settle their little dlffcrancos without disturblngtho entire neighborhood, Bncklon's Aruica Calve. Tho best salvo la the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhuem, fever ;ofos, tetter, chapped hands, chllblands, corns, and all skin crunllons. and nosl lively cures piles, or no pay required. It is Guaranteed to sive perfect satsfac- tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box, at T. I). Thomas'. An Iowa judge has decided that a man is In duty bound to tell his wifa where he spends his evenings when ho is away from home. Tho decision is all tight up to a certain cxtcnt,but suppose the man doesn't know! "I havo advised my daughter to try it, and sho is doing so." He further says: "I called on you about six weeks ago sick with bilious disease, You gave mo a bottle of Dr, Kennedy's Fa vorite Remedy and It set ma all right. I want more of It " Thus writes a man who lives in Lubcc, Me., to tho proprie tor, We aro suro of hearing favorably from tho lady, for this preparation Is exactly suited to troubles from which women so often suffer. aVlso for little children. At a negro wedding, when tho minister read the words. "Icvc, honor, and obey," tho groom Interrupted him, and said: "Read that again, sah; read it once mo', eo's tho lady kin ketch do lull solemnity of do meanln'. Iso ben married befo'." J.'evcr Give Up If you are suffering with low and de ninsrrd snirlts. loss of annetitc. central debility, disordered blood, weak const!- tutiou, neauacne, or any disease or a bilious nature, by a 1 means procure a bottle i of Electric Bitters, lou will be surprised to see tho rapid iinprovcmcn with new Hfo; strength and activity will return ; pain and misery will cease, and henceforth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at tifty cents a bottlo by T. U. Thomas. Mncon Ga., Telepraph: "Albany boys hrdy past tho spanking age," says tho medium.arc inveterate clgaretto sruoktrs." The boy who smokes cigar ettes is never past the ipanklng age. Gccdfarthe Child. Tho ailments cf childhood need care ful attention and wise treatment. Ssmo peoplo thisk 'anythist; is pod enough . sorachild, and thcro isn't such tio r.r,ter wi'.ft t anvsow.' nut jue:ous mothers know beitor. uz: do as Mrs. H. W. Perry, of Rishmond, Va., ids. Saastya: "I take Brown's Iroa Si:tc.-3i aqi f,lvt it to my children 'Aith themott ; satiJastory ifsults." Sold ever whero. -An Irishman watched a game oi base ball was seat to Erass by a foul which 8ifuck him under tho left rib, A fowl, was ut? Begorra, I thought it , was a mule." Bewtasu; or Fraut.s. Bo turo you get the geacino Ir, Thomis liclectrie Oil. It cuios Colds, Group, Aithraa, Dtafntas and rlicurna'-Um. An exchsnge iy: "A raise in Jowa hxs hair that swoops tho tloot." Now if thU piss ha4 hair that could oook, v ash and Iron, and inllk tho cowt, what a btr jjb sbs wo;;!J be as a wife. Youii'. o'd, an! lclddle-aeo:!, a!! ex- pcrionre the wonderful benedoia: eS'esti Ul U 3.."H LI... "ft - ....n... lutteriiiu Iiom orc eyes. Sore aid h. id or i1 It an) M'rutuhiui r-,ji lnlltlc . i , ' ii u.'..:. b ,-ui.) a.ia ...Ki.g l) U4 u-c. The Carbon Advocate An lnt,'n J!it FatnlW Sa-iiei ever; - ATURDAY, 1 ' IrtbljMon, CurUm (.(l'a., riy fUllltV V. .lIOttTHI.-rrilH. um'!-li,l SHW.VY, a rtoft Ulatauea ani"r tt o LMfM riy n. n. ivrtu rams: $1,00 perAunHHi in Mm j.rniit rirvt-rjw)!i or tutn Kt fAxor ay rutt lov i'a;ci:i; if Wrm ISn; 2 ?f0 w isiw 2 -THE Tilt! Eiodlcll nraljrl Ills an uniatlitiir remedy fur ClaMcof the Ikldncya mid Liver. H Is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar tQ vj oraon, and ail w ho load sedentwy lives. Ituocs not liiiui'O tho tcetb, cause hcadathCAT pindueo eoaiupatlon Mtr lna rjic rf cto. . It cnrlctioinn.l jvurift tho wool tumulnloa 'ns appetite. rJili the nwimllatlon of foodrre uVhj Ueortbnm nnd IstlchlpgpdKrcncthi tha EUisok'S ond nerves. ' " Tor Intrnr.tiieiit T even. juslradc. lack of :i -rgr, Ac, It low no equal, S- Tho Rtsiuhie has nbovo tmdo mnrt- end Tt.s;d red lines on wrapper. Take no other, I. cutj kr ETOITS tUKXICAL CO., BAt-TlSoaS, H.V.MORTHMH,Sr,, iOTARY PUBU 5 OmCEl ADVOCATE nUlt.UINU, Kaiikway, Lolilghtcm, Pemn& All bnslnees pertaining to tha office wd receive prompt attention, 1(1. A Now and Original Plan laitructlon in CLA8S1CAL MU31Coo Irm Piano and Organ, l'onnded on II.o (l,bratwt IIUBlUIfS A MLHIlLiK MtSTHOI). Terrnt moderate. Also intent for tlm IlKllNINU I'lANO and tiie LSTLV (Mitt AN. (ltd lmtrumcnu luicen la exchange fur new onos Healer In .Music. Jlullc.l Instruments and Musical alercl.andltc. T. V. iatflXTOl', (.I'li-hion, I'a, A,irtl It. 1835-Oai lO-Ten-10-len-10-Ton- 1Q DIO LEWIS'S NUGGETS, --A ReinurkabloMiietmhie,- Crowdcil with Brief Articles, on Sumtivry Subjects by thut most sensible, terse Sc. humor ous writer, DR. DIO LEWIS, Worth Its Weight In Gold ! YOU CAN GET A SAMPLE COPY FOR 10 CENTS By sending to tba NEW Dlo Lewis riil)lUuig Company, 63iTl UJhfvE HOUSE, f nr York Cjtv. IQ-Tot.lO-Ten.JO-Ton'io' A PHIZES SeadCcents for naitnaa.aadre. celve (rer.aeostl :ty bo ol i I iroodi nich Till liotn ynu to mao rncney right aa; yttian anvllilnir e Is In tba i7iirlii. A II, of either sex, sarseed from first bour Tha brotd nny to forlnoo opens be (are the workers, absolutely sura. At p&t, aitdrrc TnUK i Ca Apgaita, Ma, Dec. S)-ly W VnT?m-'S absolute nrvon, residing throngnont the United States an4 Canada lor deetno.nnn,sripon,tjiUur, aner, cruelty. Iseouipatltilllty, eu, AUriaft ! aiaio your caru aoo tuiuresi ATT 1 Nr.Y WAIiD. World ilatldtna-. 13 ilrojdwoy, New Yolk. July l-ly AYETt'S Hair Vigor rstorcs, with tho glees apt frestisesi ef )&utb, fadl or gray hair M a cctnraJ, rtcb cote, or depp may b desired, Uy Its me lljutor r?d hair may be darkened, Uiln hair thiokeu&l, and baldseM often, j tuonzh not Always, cured. . t eyl(x taV.Uz "t tho balr, and' eUas. a a:iJ . owtll ta Tlgor rtw.,s ., cttMS',eulI .ajnOrsff . 4 I hts uw. e alUt scalp. As it LtwIIea' Hair Dreulnr, th Yist'.i is u.'iota!lnl . It contains celtber oil cv dye, ttwdcrs t!iu bur soft, gleesy, ttA ili'ueu In ;.rj:tr3o, ncd lmparuv dsisl, a-rcet'.l, an.) lu: i.j irXoaw. Jin, C. P, Hatfitaa writes front trty, ft. J';t i, I vj t " Lift U.t tuy balr cmue4 ti:i:..., nn:, u U a aUortatma I teuua Laoriy VJ. I ud part fat a. IxaU ej Avr.: a liAia Ytoon, which, stnpfied tha UU t'l J 0. ta Ua-r. and starte.t a now grovtb. X li'KH uoy m tuil nendor tia'.r growing Tt5r oos:y, xid ani couviuoed that bev lor Us taa rd year r,:epoat!oi J soaU hxfsi baeq J. W. n.Tzx, proprietor ol Ute' UtAaXMi tOU-t liaiArtr. My si " ATCrt lfAJVtooi It a U' escelleut preparattoo Jar tlmlialr, I sp-iai of It from lay nwu exsartanea- its nj j p-rinotc.s tUi growts of sew balr, dq luaoa li5i3y ana soft. 7U ViOOB ta aJM a 5Jia-"cj.-o for aiadxutr. M vUblu &ry kii- v a 13 haa ta prprti TT. fellsaq to g'ra wi-.,n saisfictkHV" Sin, akscs ratv.aairur, leader of lb ca!t.-atJ ' Fatrbairu Ftmlly " of Besoiab, ii ai iKti.ftjo of yooUi;Uiesa-a matter e poi.i! '.r,.:.:j . .vintM ta muusura, eirV L-.-Y . a, . ftrt MNinlAn,1iAl Mi j.i aM of u,e puMo,- ' :,"av 0. A. P23 ?QTT. srrtur fren It ZM fil ' ( hstni-i-. yiu . AirV U. tm. says ' T -9 rK inal iwo-tUrda of bt Lair eai.'.ar.u'. 1 1 iltnajd Try tnHd ly. aiJ I -mtA fast f.-ov.-'nK bailL Oa Daing XXrV HA1S) Vlf. .i u f tUilil spr? ai-d &sw gwnrili oojHiioi-ce,l. nu lla abctf. a tuouti uy baal ms toj. l'wy coeared vrltU saort hair. It Lai coaitl' u ( v grow, and is aa goM aa tfn.uitfa!l. 1 tejuhrlyuiM bctoo bottle of tho V:o a, bat &ov &m It oects'rwiUy u a Lov!ng.'' We hare Losdi-eda of similar uttuaaeli' to the effisiay rf Axza'i JUlstVtoos. II saeds b&t a trlii to eouY&aalL sv)at akept) eal of its value, l'BcrAnru'B Dr. J.O.AyeriCo,, Lowell. Mjjf, Soil by all Drujgtsts. mm m t?i tu ise Tliu ciodlclBo, combining Iron with truro ;ettibUi tonics, cuicfcly nnd cvtaplttely .no Nmmlo-I.,. T tiin . " I n: ray tair Mgao tagM au rery &iW- (4 rba etiag wU Heaajij time pruou.'U;, I Lsoo lad ATXJl'a ai Vin :i. nu 1 so lava boen tli ta "'r'ln
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers