Advertising Rates. We desire t to be dlitiiietly understood idnt h6 advertisements will b Inserted In i Jo columns of Trti Carboh that insy be received fmm unknown .tMirtlcs or firrti unless accompanied by .the cash. The following are our oicly terms: O!(K8q0ABK(!0MNBl.; 'One yoir, each insertion...., 1 0 rts. Bl? jnontln, each Insertion Threo months, each insertion - 20 eta. Less than threo months, first insertion 1 1 each subsequent insertion K cts. ' Local notices In rents ner lino. H. V.,MOIlTIItMEIl, Publisher. Attorneys & Counsellors. Vp A. SNYIiKK, ATTOItNEY AT LAW. " rjFten-Oomcr of Hank Street & Hankway, and bulldlns; nbovo the Carbon Advocate ' rrlntlnnOfflca. May 1, LEUIOHTON. -TXT 31. IUrSHEH, ATTOP.NBY AND COUN8EI.LOII AT LAW.i Dim 8ia,f.moHroi,PA. fl.,ix.t.t.nd Collection AifencT Will Duyjod Fill RralKstate. Convejanong .leatly done Col- .MlMI, nrnnnl T made, seining Ml.iea May b consulted in Urolith tdeatl spaeiauj. 'lid Herman. in. . Physicians and Dentists. REMOVED. W.r,ISGiple,Ssiciau&Su. formerly occupied by A J Iiollkkmavkk, where ho will ho pleased to see his rrlemls 7n. patron.. IRrOFFIOE Hi H1HS : from 0 to 9 .o'clock P. M. March si. 18b3. TQn. W. AY. ItEUKR PHYSICIAN AN1 SUROEON, MAIN STKEET. PAKKYVILLB. P. May be coniultodln the English or Herman Language. March 21, 1581. A. DEItllAMEB, JI ., PHYSICIAN ANDSCUOKON Ppaclal attention paid to Chronic Dlraases. ilffle.: South liBt corner Iron and 2nd Ida., Lc oWMen.ra. Atrl'3. 167S. B. RIUIEK, M. D. V. 8. Examining Surgeon, P IUUTICINCI PHYSICIAN and SO UQEoN. OKricKi Jlnnk Street. ItEM'.a'e. HLOCK, I.rhiah- '"il'aj bo consulted In the German Language. Nor. 3 '. D U. C. W. 110WKK, PHYSICIAN AND 8UHOEON. Way be consulted In the German or English I' Kuago. nrtc 'i.pofllo Durtlng'e Drug store, BANK St., Lehighton. 1'a. Jan.ll-yt Drs. Ban and Eistamp, Have determined to remain in LEHIGH TON all Wmtfr, and will continue to pay special attention to Chkonic Affections and Suite ical Diseases. Oince Hours rrom 0 A. m. to u r. M. Bank Streot, Lehighton, Pa. October 13, 1883-lf W. A. Cortright, D.D.S., OFFICE: Oppnsilethe "imiaJway House Mauoh Chunk, Pa. itinnii lnvfi th tiermtU of lite latent lm nrnvittnnntl in tnui-hinKil annllanccs ami the bin method of treatment In all nisi. ANliSTllBI I" numiniFicrcii i fiMairmi. If naa,li,tc. norsnns residinu outsul of Mauth Chunk ihuuld make engair'-ments by mall. J i QARBON HOUSE, J. W. KAUnEN llUSIl, PltOPHIETOIt, lUsrcSr., Lwiioiitok, Pa. Th Uabhon Houss otlcri flrt.clais acenm. noJitloni to I hi Traveling- public, lloardliu brna Hay or Week on Iteasnnahlo Terms. unoice uigars. winos anti i.inuors aiwuysun hand, tlod Shads am: Blames. Willi anon- tlr Hostlors, attache I. April 10-yl, pACKEKTON lIOTCfu HHway between Mauch Chunk & LehlKhton LKOl'UI.I), PRormnTOR, Packerton, Penn'a. This well known lintel Is admirably reflttcit, and has the bcftaeentntnodatlmis lor prman' niand transient boarders. 'Kxcalti'iil lahlo and the rery belt liquors. Also fine stables attached. Sept. IC-yl. Mauch Chunk House, 8 aiqaehanna Street, Mauch Chunk, Penna., T. F. FKIIU, Proprietor. Whtn Tlaltlna; at the County Seat this Hotel will fuundlo betlrst-clais In erery res pect. VVIkcs, Liquors, l.r lleer. ClKrs and other llstreskuicnls nf purest quality at (ha Mar. Terms rery moderate. I'atronaxe Melted. Sept. jH,llU 1Q.1VIU UIIIU:itT8 Livory & Salo Stables UAHKaTllKKT.LtClliailTO.t, Pa FAST TUOrflNU 1IORSKS, ELEGANT OAnitlAOES. 4 tatirriy LOWlilt rillCHS taaa any atkw Uf ry la tU. Cvjaly. Ija.vtf.a4 h..aU.I rtMll.., tot V.B.r.1 iaMsa4 w-.4u.ia. uaviu nnuKHT nev n. ttn. tftRYSTAfftj. J. W, ItAUDEXBPSII II'SMrttelly imwmm Ike p. Ml. that h ' I111.HM1 NEW I.IVKKYNTAIILK la esniMiu. with hla twl.t, a4 U prttrI W (arauk Teaais f.r Faaerals, Wedlinp or Bute Trips aa .hortMt aatlM a4 aw.1 UWralierntt. All ordtrs l.n at tke -Uarkw lli" will praaipt HmM a N.rlh S-n.l, nastteaastel, Leklfklaa iaazt-tl 1 TinirT? H.B4I. fer IUK. 4 i. A 111 AC MthM.alMS.r(uts aimuo. ,uhwii aip ,m w m t- bhii Hakl away ikaa aayiac ' litkl aerM. AIL ( tMb.f m, m( (rsa, Ris kMr- Ta. br ra4 la If .,n. f . lb. wMkara. sr At -aJJreuTacikUii. t. K?Jfo sj aMsMMaj i H. V. MoRTniMEB, Proprietor. VOLiXII.', No G. Railroad Guide. & Arrangement of Passengor Trains. .OOTOIlCn Sllth, 188J. Trains leave Allontown as follows:. . (Via PKnxioMKtf' lUlLHOAn.) For Phlliidelphla at, ll.loa. rn., and "8.10 p. in. , ' SUNDAYS. For Philadelphia at i.OOn. in.and 3.S0 p.m. (Via East Push Uranch.) For Ilcadlnic anil Harrltburi;, (100, f.40a. m 12.16, 4.3", and 9.05 p. m. For Lancaster and Columbia, 6.C0, 8.10 a. m., and 43n p m, SUNDAYS. For Hnrrlsburif, and waypoints, 9.05 p. m. Trains for Allentown leave as follows : (Via Pkbkiomkn Kailroad.) Lcaro .Phllad'a, 4 31, 7.40 a, in. and 1.00, 1.:I5, 430, and 5.15 p. IU. SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 8.00 a.m., 4.20 p.m. (Via East I'k'nn. Uiiancii.) Leave Koadliij, 7.30,' 10.15 a. in.,, and H.15 p. In. Leave Hurrlsbutu;, 62', 7.10, O-IO a. m., 1.15 and 4.tKi p. m. Leave Lancaster, t7.30 a. m., l.Oil and 13.40 p.m. Leave Columbia, 7.30 a. m, 1.10 and 3.40 p. m. frrom Klnn Street Depot. Sundays; Leave Readlntr, 7.3 a. in. Leave ItnrrNhurir, 5 20 a. ra. Trains via "I'erklomen Unllroad" marked thus () run In ami Irom Depot, Mnth and Urcen slrcots, Phllailelphlir, other trains to and froin Ilroad street Depot. The 5.tO and 0.45 a. in. trains from Allen town, and Iho 1 35 and 5.16 p.m. train Trom Philadelphia, via Perklotncn ltallroad, have through cars to und Irom Philadelphia. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Manager. CO. HANCOCK, Ucn'l Pass'r U. Ticket Agent Muy 27th. UV2. GRAND OPENING!! Jf)NAS SONDIIEIM Hasjust opened In I.KVAN'S HUILDINO, oppuslto Sehwart&'s Furniture Sture, on Rank St., Lehighton, Pa. 'With an Immense stock ot Ready Made Clothing Consoling of ill the Titot nml Most Fash lunalilo Styles of OVERCOATS & SUITS For Mrn' Youtbn' nn! fiovs wear, which will 1 Mid at tho VERY IAtWbST UAS11 PltlCKS. Al;t),u full lino of Hats, Caps, and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Ml ot which arc guaranteed to ho ut ns icp rext'iiti'it. Perftma vrlrlifn tit iturulniPo Hny thlna In this line hnulJ not Inli t ca 11 ti(?rre bujlng e.8o where. No trouble to show goods. Also, an tmmenpe stock wl 1 he found at hi Dioru wo ucquuiiiiima ir vtciuiuicu i iuuik.' comprUln uVKHUOATS ami bUITS, ol I fill ret Sty Iff, for Men, Youth nriil liny, nv vitv Tjtiwodt 4 ah Prices. l)out fiilt tnc.ill at 34 ufiuehanna Street, sertnul Ulitl,lnr nbuvo tho Ataitclon Iltmpp, Mauch L'lmuW. uuv. 10 ALLEN LIKE Of STEAMERS TO AND FROM. Trepnld Passenvcrs frem England, Ireland, and Scotland, can embark nl either Liver. pool, Olatitow, (.uucnstowu, Londonderry or uniiror, FA HE AS LOW AS HY ANY" OTJ1EI! ROUTE ! Drafts on England, Ireland, and Scotland. : i . :i - II V. MORTIIIMER, Agt OABIIOH AnVOOATE OtllCP, LEHIOHTON, PA. IICILSIAN & CO., BANE STIttfET. Lohigliton, Fa., MILLERH and Dealers In All Kind, of GRAIN BOUGHT and SOLD a It EOU I.Alt MAItKET ItATKS. We would, alho, lesprcttully Inform ourclt irua ihat woaio now fully prepund to bUl PI.V tliem With SSest- of Coal FromsuyMIn desired at VEtt LOWEST PRICES. M. HEILMAN & CO. Juliet GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENS WARE, &c. At CHAS. B. RHOAD'S, ABT, NEW STOKE, nearly oppotlta the NEW HOUND HOUSE, Rank St., Lehighton, Pa. Everything of the very best quality and at , 'rice. ' oct, S7.ioe. rpuusiAS ui:ii:ui:k, J- CONVKVANOKU, AND QP.NERAL INSURANCE AOENT Tk, aUaa, Comp.oU. ar. It. pr.M.t.4! LktilAN m MUTUAL FinR. lit: A 111 NO MUTUAL FIIIB, WYOMING FIP.K, POrMVILLK FlItK. LEIIipil FIIIK.audtheTRAV . KUll ATCIIIBNT IN81THAN0I:. . AIm rvaa.ilvaol. and Mni.l Hone Thl'f rif iv. .hd Iautaataliuii4ur.;i lllOt. KI.MKltLlt. CHICAGO WEEKLY NEW AND THE CARBON ADVOCATE The CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS Is recog rdred as a paper unsurpassea In ail tbe re quirement of American Journallfta. It ftands contplcnons among tbe mctrnpoV ltan journals of tho country as a complct KewB-paper. In tho matter of telegraphic service, having tho advantage of connection, with the CHICAGO DAILY NEWS, It Ima at Its command all tho dlipatches of tht Western Associated Press, besides a very ex tensive service of Special Telegrams from all Important points. As a Ncwi-pnpcr it has no superior. It Is INDEPENDENT in pol itics, predentin? all political news free from partisan bias or coloring, and absolutely without fear or favor as to parties, It Is. In the fullest sense, a FAMILY PAPKlt. Kach Issue contains several COMPLETED STO RIES, a SERIAL STO It Y of absorbing In terest, and a rich variety of condensed notes on Fashions, Art- Industries, Literature, Science, etc., etc. Its Market Quotations i are complete and to be relied upon. It Is un surpassed as an cntctrrUlng, pure, and trust- i worthy GENEUALAMILY NEWSPAPER. We republish here from the columns of the WEEKLY NEW3 ajcvf of tho voluntary commendations it bar received: WHAT OLD.SUbsCRIBERS SAY About the 'Chicago Weekly Js'cwa" when they renew tbclr subscriptions. William Cannons, Ponttac, Oakland (ounty, Mlcb-.tays:' I think It Is tho best paper ta America." ' , Is. A. Welch, BaUlran, O., soys: "It is better than many of the t2 papers." Mamea P. Malone, 5'i tit- Clmrles street, New Orleans. La., says: "In comparlnR your paper with others I receive, 1 taunt say yours, the Cii'CAno WtcKKLY Nrwf, la ffood, hotter, best. 1 would sooner miss n meal than a -number of theNKWM. IttsUr newspaper of the day. It Is true to Its name' Alfred P. Foster, Wood hull, Henry County, III,, says: lt Is one of the cltanest papers pub lished." W. V. Hhodes. Adrian. Mich., siys: "I don't want to miss a number. It la tho best paper for news' I have ever seen." Peter Luna in?, hstcnlt. Saunders County, INebt aaysi "I like this Wekki.v News. It Is lull of rendabla and va'uuble news, and, at ttinujih 1 am In receipt of nine weekly jnuruals, 1 am constrained to adopt Till! Wkkki.y.Nkwh AS No. 10, tetftusoof Its non-pnrtlsiin attitude In politics, Klvlntr me the hnirnrbled truth con cerning the actions of all political p.irtles." At. E Davenport, Palmyra. N. V., says: U Is the cheai ent on 1 best paper 1 ever read." Mrs. U. tSchnnan, Hannibal, MoayM 1 like your paper Tery much. 1 net six other papers, but do not like them as neltas Tin: W'kkkly Nbwp,-" W. H. l.nw. Manifold, Tex., snys: 'I am hlch'y p'eaeil w th the Nkwh, for I arctpuit t:CH prL-sentLtl in It In uci,a wiy.thatl Kott Imth nltloof n question fairly set forth, which li tilt er)y Impossible tojiet In a strictly party Journal of either aid a" The above extrai ts are nfllc1cnt to show in whateoteem the CUICAOO WEEKLY NEWS Is hold by its old subscribers. , . .. Our special Clubbliu Terms brln;it with in the reach of all. Specimen Copies may be seen at this ofllce. Send sub-crlptlons to this ofllce. Central arriage',vY"orks, Bank St., Leliigliton, Pa.s Are prepared to Manufacture ' Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs,, Spring Wagon, &c. Of every description, In the most substantls ' manner, and at Lowest Cash Price,- Uciiah lnif Promptly ..Attended to TKEXLER & KKEIDLEU, April 23, 1882 yl Proprietors. E. F. LUCKENBA'CII, 1 Two Doors Uelow the "iltoadway House MAUGII CHUNK, PA. r , Dealer m alt Patterns of plain ud Fancy Wall JPapcirs, Window Shades, Paints & Paintesr' Supplies, LOWEST CASH THICES. ASTHMA QUICKLY ASI) rcriiiaiiciilly Dr Btliifou'i Anuraa U'llDI 11 I li unequaled as a positive. U fi L. L . Alternative and Curo 1 ASTHMA AND DYSPEI'&l A.anil all their attendant evils. It docs not meicly atlord temiKirurv relief. I ut Is aliermnt cure. W.H. lluckaher. lie Leon Texas, lays: "It Is the best medicine (or Asthma that 1 ever have used." M. Hodges, Fountain Head, Tenn., says: "1 am entirely iclleved ol alt symiitoins ol Asthma ly Sttnson's rem edy," Adam Miller, llrookvllle, Pa., rays; 'Dr. Stlnson'a Asthma Kemvdy hasKtven me excellent satlsluetfon " .las. I1. Wllhur, Morrlsvltle, N. Y, saysi 'Slnce I hcKan taking yourrtmedy I have rested well every niKUi. o. jv.jtyHii, run nu iid, iuicu., says: "It Is the best I ever took." Mrs. A Hlssell, ot llolierts, Illinois, says: "Dr Ktlnson's AsthniA ltemedv Is lust asrecom1 inended. It makes expectoration easy." HE bU E to send for treaties, testimonials and price list, to PKUK & CO, 27 EAST Hth M'ltKcr, in, y.j u.M, urttiemien k in la Fulton St., Iy, Y., also wnolesale airents G0LLLS lor the working class. Send 10 cts. posiaKe, anti we '.win mall you , a royal. Valuable boxufiainplw goods that will put you In the way of making more money in a tew uaya man yon ever thought Hjsslhle at any buslnets. Capital not required. Wa will start you. You can work nil the time or In spare time only. The work Is universally adapted to bvth.eixes yuunic und old. You can easily earn, from (0 cents to t J.iO every eveniuir. That all 'wliu want work may lest the burii,"vfs make llilit uniiarallaloil tttfur i tu ll who arc not well satisfied we wjlf symttl lo. oy lor the truuhle ol wrlllnirus Full particulars. dl. recthms. etc.. s nt frea. Furluucs will be made by those who iilve their whole lime to work. Oreatsuecessabsolutelyrure. Don't delay. Start now. Auuress bTIKBOif h Co Parlland, Maine. decle-1 Estato Notioei Estate ol I.ouia KLiHoin, lato'of the lloro' or Lehighton, uarbon County, dec d. All nersout Inuebletl to said estate are re. nuestetl to make Immediate nuyuent. and thine havlnu; leiral claims axalntt the same. Jrdirr's.tti?" M A It Y K KLINOF.II. Adrar'x. Krher Attorney, F. UEIITOLETTK NovtwberZI, 1S:Jho INDEPENDENT-" LEIIIGHTOtf, CA'UBON COUNTY, ThomaB' Drug Store. THL IMPH0VED SEA SERPENT. Come, ye sailor men who sail Fniirf Thames or Clyde or Mersey, Anil hear tho story or tho snake ' That haunts tho shores of Jersey. Ymir lingllsh'oyes are like to turn Wllh cnvy'greeii mid yellow; For well you know the llrltish Isles Can never match this fellow. You might mistake the serpent for A continent nr island, And should ho raise his headtwould seem A lighthouse or a highlami. His hull is long and broad of beam Andivery big of bottom. And when he turns liiins Of about ' The spring tides come iu autumn. His eyes ore like electric lights, Trn thousand ran lie power, And froni his liwnl two mighty horns Iiiko twin church steeples tower. Hisniidshlp section's deep and wide, With water tight partitions, Ami far behind his tuil is stretched Willi multiplex additions. Whn lie has drank of applejack Five barrels fur a tonic, Ho makes 'a (tnrm upon the sea, With action qulia cyidonic. The British navy.well may oar This innnstrous modern bruis'r; For he cimld'swallow down at will An ironclad or cruiser. A war with us would England find Too costly and too risky, While we can such a coast guard keep, Whose only oott is whiskey, N. V. Sun. A WOMAMUNSTINCT. Sprightly Comedy Acted in a London Ballroad Station. Tretty Mrs. Valery was a merry, light- hearted liltlo crealuro and very charm ing, This was nearly enough to make her detested of btrsix; but add to this that ber husband was devoted to her.aud that nil the men ot ber acrpuinliiuca ad mired her, aud there is quite sufficient reason for the enmity felt towards ber by all women less fascluatlug or, as they would have said, less cle-er. In truth Mra. Valery was tho most In nocent Ultle woman in the world, aud it was very easy for ber to walk iu tbe path of virtue, as she bad tbe exceptional ad vantage of being iu bye with ber bus band. Hut, of course, her female friends conld not be expected to believe that, though tbe met) bad all found it oni long ago, aud admired ber nil the more for it. She accepted their admiration with uu case aud grace ail ber own; ahr bad been a great deal abroad, nnd possibly this gave ber manners bnlliaucr and gaiety. Half her girlhood bad been speut with relations in Ht. Petersburg, and she spoke Kuasiaa ai if she were herself a Slav. From that gay oily utr, baps she bad brought ber loveofiocia life, aud the vivacity which delighted ber male friends. All tbtse thinui were cnougu to make the ladles ot btr ac quaintance quite convinced tout she was "improper," aud only needed. to be found out, Ltdy Lynx lived just opposite Mra, Valery in wmon Place. This we ort reason why she was taclitly elected a detective-in-chief to spy upou Mrs. V.I- erj. i Hut there was a much ilrouger reason for tbe lady's williogneM to fill (bat port. lUt husband. Sir Ororg. Lynx, was a confirmed globe-lrotUr, a lovtr of almost any laud but J'.ugUud, aud be seldom returned to tbe wife of bis bosom, lu bis aisence men treated ber with but chilly politeness, tieugb j she paiuted aud powdered, and dreJ to perfection. Yet Mrs, Valery, though ber husband was a gtay-ai-bonie, bad a constant train of admirers. Lady Lyux lh41 htta M no0 this than met tin eye; she devoted bry. self to Mrs. Valery, b.came btr ctwiX .. " - CL & g a & a h " g r?L K Q g O0.3 I g I o U p N 9 q 'O r-3 o a 2. r D sg g $ n t Mrs s ? 5 w O W o5 m tn p. P. ., 2 "1 . ci- (J J t h g a 1. r-f- Kft & 5 o w' CD H B & O . 'g&'g M Q p .w ? : 1$ - gS r-i ' Fr g g I' Live and Let Live." PA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1883! Goorgo A Post, M. O., of Susquehanna County, Penna. ii : ..y 0 x)'f:c'5 ,1'roscnt the renders of The Cakiios- Advocate w!lJi nn excellent likchcds of (lie ymiiiKcst mpmber of tlio present Conirra-w, und tlio viiuiifxt man ever clecteU lo'ortr Xatlonal Lcginlaturc. lleorgo A. Post, of SiiMtiiclinntiii, I'll., enjoys tliinidiatingitislied lioiior, rcpreMciitMig tlio XV. District of lViina., cnniiris u' tlio .coiiiities tif Itmilfonl, Kiwincliniina, AVuyno nnd W.vimiiiiR. Jlr. 1W is only .20 years of jape, of fine physical porportions, a Rniootli'face btronylv marked with more than ordinary character for one of liis years, nnd U one of tho most lmp ular and promising young men of his Slate. Mr.-lWivas liorn in Cttha, N. V., Sejitcmher 1, 18.", removing at tlio nge of 7 years to Owego, in that Stale, where he resided until 187H, receiving his education in tlieOwceii Academy and tho Owego Normal School. He then removed to Sus quehanna, Pa., shortly after pntering the service of the Krie ltullway, in which lie was soon promoted to position of rcsiamsiliililv. He was elected Mayor of Susque hanna when only 22 years of age, which position lio filled with great ability. Mr. l'ost, while in tho railway service nnd during his mayorship, improved his evening hours by reading law, and so naturally apt was he in" mastering the intric acies of ljlackstone, that in .1 lew years liewas admitted to tho bar. The politicians of Northern Pcnnslyaiua began to sec that Mr. Post had won it standing on the tidal wave of public popularity that would elect him to Congress as a Democrat in the XV. District, which in tho previous Congressional election had given nltcpub licau. majority of 4G21. Cqnsomicntly he was placed in nomination last fall by the Democrats, and elected by a plurality of 2451 votes over Hon. C. C Jadwin," Ind. Kep., whose term qxpirct with the -17th Congress. This great victory, bv it young man of only '20 years of ago over n gentleman who had served acceptably in Con gress and Who in hgc h mafiy years his senior, is the greatest enconitim that an ap preciative constituency could bestow on tho character nnd ability of Mr. Past. Mr, Post is prominent in other than political honors. Hu is' n leading member of the Knights of Honor, having been Urantl Director of the Grand Ixslgo of Pa. for three years, and the representative from his State to the Supreme Iodge of the Unitc'd States for four years, und in 1880 was one of the Presidential electors from Pennsylvania. JIo is one of the owners and editors of the Montroso Democrat, thn organ of the Democracy in his district, and has been an active campaign orator al most from his boyhood tip., , Mr. Post is married, and has already become one of tho most popular members of Congress now in Washington. He is very unassum ing, ana impresses the student ol human timnto friend, aud resnlvod some day she would outwit and expose ber. On a certain afternoon, when the season was at its height. Lady Lvux,cameiuto Mrs. Vdtry's drawiiig-ro'om. "Sir, George is coming home to-day,' she said. Mrs. Vahyry louked up with au nir of interest... "Indeed P she said; "I shall be glad to m iko bis acquaiutnuce." "I don't know at what time," stdd Lady Lyux, "or I would go nnd meet him. Hut I must sit nt borne nud watch from my window for the wandering knight's return." ' i'Vill. he come to Charing Crosi?" asked Mrs. Valery. "Yes," said Lady Lyux. "Why?" ' O, nothing." siid Mrs. Valery care lessly; "only that I have to go nud meet .i friend there this atteruoon, I must start soon," she added iookiug at her watch.' "Yin have to meet a friend tter?' siid Luly Lynx, . "Yes," said Mrs. Valery; then, witho laugh, "or rather, I should say, n strang er.. -It stems absurd, but I have to meet a geutlem in whom I have uever seen." "It does seem absurd, indeed," slid Luly Lyux, echoing the laugh mechani cally. Her thoughts went ranging back over Sir Guorge'B frtqnent absence; had Mrs. Valery been nbruud when he was a Wiii? Yes, n hundred times. Doubtless tbey bad met at many n Continental re sort aud were oldaiqunintuuces. ' It Is absurd, yet true," said Mrs. Valery, indilleroutly. "Yon kilo I have a great many old mends lu bt. i'etcrt- burg. Will, oue of these wrilai me that u certain Ilussian gentleman will arrive iu London this alteruoou, nud will be utterly lost nuless I take i ity on him and go to meet him. lie believes tbat no oue in Euglaud speaks anything but Eng lish. To a certain be is right; bo ill Hud it ilifll jult to get on with the c thmcu n I porters at Chariug Cros-i; Ihey dou'l generally speak Freucb. So I must go, and at least send him to au hotel where be will bo nuderstood.' "What a queer Iblng to nsk you to do!' said Lady Lyux, Iookiug at Mrs, Valiry wilb nn expressiou which said ns pi duly as possible, "Do you tbiuk I'm an abso lute fool? And are yon re.illv g'dug to meet Mm lu tbe station, aud ubuke bands oitb nil tbe ineu lu tbe tralu on chauct?" she asked. "No, not quite-tbat," salt Mrs. Valery, with another laugh. 'Ho will go to tbe Charing Cross Hotel for to-night. I will ask for him there, bring him borne to diuner if be looks nio-; iu any case, give blm some little Information about this wildtrufss of a Loudon. Mr. Valery has found me some ddrtses for biui; oue or two hotels where the people arc Freucb.' It's a pity l'rauk cau't go with rue." "It la, Indeedl" said Ltdy Lynx, dryly. "I really mutt ran away P said Mis. Valery, agalu cebsaltlog ber watch; "I'm very sorry to seem roda, Obi net at all," said LJy Lynx, ris ing ta go. II .r tutnd was werklwg botf ly. Why bad Sir Ojerg said lUt be should oe bans assi time la iba erm log. prebtbly to dsBiwtr IU bid (Mo tioned owing QfM Ii m alwstrd to tuppw.. Um4 b iMJ st kSMtw what IftMU be Imm4J taHM by. Tta thief i n n i il mar. rtAlcwiaua Dm Mas as Usaabt a it. Ol nam k fctaaw wtkaa ka mmmU arnw-lMW m H4 la vasal tsar lav TWt smsimI alMT. tiU anl M tt Km aa as Wlkw Ilaaa, toak a bis.sau, st4 tamW slat ska ta drua wttta CTsnmnOaaa. Haass At rlvad llwfa, saw iiilsnsl aaal aattl a tfamlwaan a suaat saw a a Vw roatnatiia. atsaK Slut W awaxU Mw I wait ta Hm swat ii tmm Nat RMas kaat blub w4ib as asas WNsssl t WassbaatHMM U tars astitn 4 VV4 lh touUar o.lastlaa tbas to ka iswar a I bj a gra( ubJ aw cf(J mmu SI. 00 If nature ns one of the coming men." ia the thoujht of how iustautly she bad seen through Mrs. V.dery's absurd stir' , whioh she concluded had been told hei in case by nny mischance she should come to meet her own bub.iud. No oue was in the coffeo room. Ii was an hour at .which meals were nol wanted. So much the better, thongbl Lady Lynx. She went to an armchair lu an obscuro corner of the room, an ns- lablished herself, providing herself with a nowsp.xper with whioh to screen bet face, She Was now prepared to wait for what time, might bring forth. Meantime Mrs. Valery hid put on 1 er bonnet nud driven down to tbe same place .in ber little brougham. A very .hort time alter Lady Lynx had settled herstif in the coll'ee-room Mrs Vtlerj walked into tbe hotel, and inquired whelhtr a Couut of an unpronounceable name bad arrived. After considerable consultation und much mental effort I In waiter informed her that a foreign gen lUman, whoso name was like a sueez-, ccrtaiuly bud ccme to the hotel, taken a room, nud goue to it. Dut he bud nol said be expected a lady to see him, for the very good reason tbathccould speak to language but his own, which no oue in the hotel unlerstood. "O, nonsense! bo speaks Frenca, ''said Mrs. Valery, with n laugh. "However, be expects me to interpret lor him. I will write him a line on this card, if you will tako it up to him. I will wait iu the coffee room, and when he comes down show him iu there." Mrs. Valery wrote u line iu Russian betuath her name, aud theu gave the card to tho waittr. It wnsseut up 6tuirs aud she was shown into the cotfee-rooni. She went iu aud stood stili a few mo ments; theu began to wnlk to aud fro rather restlessly, her eyes on the grouud. Shb was a little nervous uhnnt this tueet- iug Willi n man she had uever seen. It would be quite easy if he wtre uice; it he were not, it would be horrid. Sue thought to herself, us she waited, that il one of her dearest friends b id not ai-ked her to do this, she would hnye refused. Probably ber sudden dislike of ber task merely arose from the depressing e fleet of being strauded aloue iu tbe midst of a great hotel coffee-room, aud hiviig to remaiu thero. At all events she n solve 1 lint she would bo if the man louked at nil nice, she would not let him bec'uilled, as most foreigueis are, in tbe first hour be speut iu E.ig laud. Aud theu she be':iu to think how kfud bis friends lad bten to ber when she was iu Kussia. That gave ber uew courage; but, O, bow long be kept her waiting! She glanced round the ro in. She could just see the tup of a black biuuetover a distant armchair; a lady was there, rcudiug a paper. She felt glad there was no oni to observe a pret ty uomnu wailing iu a public c -'flee-room for bum oue who did uot come. At lost the door opened, and a gentle man entered quickly, Mrs. Valery saw iu a single swift glance that be was ex tremely handsome, tall and distinguish-cd-loekiug, aud that be bad U at air which one is compelled to describe as "foreign," for waut of a better word. Teat is to uy, though be was not very RiMtUu lu appearance, yet he did uot look Ilka au BaglLbiuau, Mrs. Y.ilery Hp all lr aourage nud her pretty aatl, villi nn extreme nervous- ma wbtaii HQ mms but ber.elf oinld per aatvitd eagtrly lu meet him. tata aaad aU kr baud, and begat) to talk rswaV ta MiWattu. li did uot auawer tsati tssrt Masa alas nave blm no time lo, (at to mtv n wad bar talk rather ava tlaaa asw inland ad, Hu bald ber lkaMl fca a. atMl (fX-d sdmiriugly into taar alaaas. wsta Its Ulgbl Hush of aaiahafaaataasat. ru luy.ll.r tuau Tftia aaatt ao far two or tbrm Ua. VaWry tried to draw bay saalast aatajr. uml luolual mU Mil bar fur a aaiir. fcai ar a.w fn. ud lld ber taa4 lat. aLlao diwmjio.ed Lr a good a Year if Paid in Advance. not paid in advance, $1.2f. leul, yet it did not startle her eo much ns the sight which greeted ber eyes ns she looked around. Lndy Lynx bad ar' vauced stealthy ly, and stood fins I be side them. Her face was n fL Mrs. Vnlery uttered nn ii a-ttcnhVe cry of astonishment. This made tbe gentleman look around nlso. He immediately diop ped Mrs. Vulery's band. "Now," sid Lidy Lynx, before nny one else bad tlmo to spe.ik "now, Mrs. Valery, I kuow you for what yon nre!-' This Bpeecbproduced a different ef feet from wast she Intended. Certainly, It startled Mrs. Valtry as much a Rhe hoped It would; but, before that lady bad time to npeak, the handsome gentle man said, in nu eay manner, and with a knowing twiukloiu his eye: Then my dear Kate, I wish you'd tell me. I took her for an amiuble nnd very pretty lunalio. Was I right? Per haps you can tell me also if she speaks any laufiiago but lliudostanee, or what ever the unknown tongue is that she's been talking, "That frivolous tone is useless now. Sir George." said Ltdy Lynx, with iron dignity; "it has been tried too olten. Perhaps yon will kindly tell tho waiter to call me n cab." Certainly, my dear," said Sir George, with nn exaggerated gfril humor. At lhat moment a waiter came in, c.irrying a silver ou which was a gobletof braudy and.socn. That's right,'' said Sir George; "per haps this will clerr my br.un, for I'm beginning to believe I'm dreaming. Waiter, call ft c.ib for this lady." "Waiter," cried Mrs. Valery, "where is the Bnssian gentlemau you took my card to?" Ho is here, madam," said tho waiter. ns, at that moment, the) door opeued, and n swarthy, yellow-skinued mm, evidently with Jewish blood iu his veins, entered the room. He looked iuquiring ly nt the two ladies. Mrs. Valery rotis ed herself; she advanced toward him and, without bnldingout her hand asked him in Ilussian if he was Cjutit S and so. He Baid, "Yes,1' and Mrs. Valery moved away a few puces to speak to him moro at her ease, lint sho found it diffl. cult to ro-enact the warm welcome which had been wrongly given. She was shak en and unnerved, too, by Lady Lyux's face nud words. "What does all this mean?" asked Sir George, in n low voice, of his wife. "How caul tell?' she asked; "Yjii auow ujiier man 1 no, TUls Is some further development of the farce, I sup poie. I nm goiug home; you need not tro lble yourself to accompany ino.' And sho turued away, but he caught her arm. ".Look hero, Kite,' be said, "this nvist bj explained. What tire you tall iuHhoiu? You seem to kuow thai ladr, but I dou'L" "Nouscnsi-I' criod Lidy Lynx. "I never set eyes on ber before. You ilou't mean to say you imagine we nict hero on pnrposei ' "What eliecan I imagine?" "What groum'B buve you for imagiu- log I ?" "That I saw your nlTectionate meet ing." Sir George laughed. "Deuced I'ffec liouttel Why, I thought Rhe was mull Don't bj absurd. What tlsi?" "Why didn't you say wbat time yon were arriving? What did you meau to" do before yon came home?'' "Not meet HEn. I assure you. Who is she?'' ; "Frank Vulerj's wife." "Theu taka me over and introduce me to her aud apologize. Aud Huolber time d iu't choose a latly to insult when you nre jealous." Lady Ljnx ntood irresolute. She knew Sir George was in the right, aud she felt he was spewing .he Irulh. Aud as she Uoked ut Mrs. Valery und the ! in.", HllSSMU as thev stood lallfim, lni,ll,u. I she saw that she bad made a mWtake , amateur detectives nre npi lo fall into. She bad too readily o im 1 ided that Mrs Valery was telling her a made-up story. She saw that thire was nothing lo be done bnt apologize. Rut she could uot bring herself tn do it. At that moment Mrs. Valery turned ronud, and, meeting Lynx's look of miugled emotions, she smiled. Hrr sense of humor had come uppermost. Alter nil, she could nff-rd to forgivu Lidy Lyux; her euemy was so very plain Lidy Lynx stimmoued all ber know 1-1 nA nr I K .....II t . edge of the world to support btr, went to Mrs. Valery nud made n hiimhlo nnd hearty apology. Mrs. Vulery's sparkled with demure amusement. eyes "Yi.n must bulb come and dine with us," she said by way of answer. "Frauk will be delighted to see Sir G-orge; I kuow they nre 1 1 1 friends. You must the Count is criming." Sir George made bnste lo accept this Invitation. After diunir Mtr. Vtlery tuld tho story of the scene in tbe cuD.e room, making but ono chauge in it she left out Lidy Lynx's unfortuuate speech. Evirybody laughed, even Lady Lji.x herself. And so Mrs. Valery disarmed a bitter enemy, and made a uew ally. For S.i George becsnie one of her faithful ad mirers, aud Lidy Lynx had to put up with it whether she liked it nr not. 11 It wise to provide against emrrzenriea that are liable lo arise iu every family A cul l msy lie a dangerous thing, or not. d C eliding iijivii the means at hand to coin, at it. In audden attacks of odd, crm p, asthma, ele, AVer's Cherry Pectoral wnl prove the quickest and most clfecl yj cure, and your best friend, The girls of Prino-lon, Indiana I ave organized an nnti-cbewiug gum snchty. Wiut Will Stop- My Cnuouixo At NiohtT flnaraniee Acker's Knell. Ii JUno-ilv will. Prie- inc. 5U.i. i- ii SddbvDr. C. T. Uoru, Lehighton, A E. A. Horn, Weiit- port. -The name nf the new Qtren of Mad- k.-.i H,, iu uia-iii vii'Mio.inu.oi- ai r. L i-n luiy lie rn. !' riles a a Y '.. ejitor. and "AU bail!"tbouta another. The Carbon Advocate An Independent Family Newspaper Published every SATURDAY, ha Lehighton, Carbon Co., Pa., by HAItlCY V. WBRTHIMKRi Umri-liAfXWAY, a aaort eattaat aaor tueLrhhih Valley It. n.JDayM- Terms : $1.00 perAnnom. it Atoct evert mmcmmoN orfutl Antr xcx Job Printing AT Vpn LOW PRICKa " We find that the deceased came to his death by cdliDtTom Watkina n llnr. w a the verdict ol a coroner s lory ta Idaho. Graves'' Heart Kegultnr caret all forms of Heart Disease, nervousness and. sleeplessness. -The dltTerenee." natd Twlttem. "be- tweebn gooA-Dlrrred lover and a biaak, oi en idain. appeors lo be this: One'rs a mild wooer, aud tba otbst'a a wild moor." A Thorough Course ef Arfcer's Btrnd Elixir will remove all taint from lb blond. It cure9 Scrofula, Ulcers. Bolls and Pimidcs Bold by C. T. Horn, Lehighton, aud E. A. HiHD, Weisspjrt. Peppermint i erown for its essence) chitfly iu Wta'ern New York. Two- thirds of tbe supply comes from Wayna county, which produces GO.000 poouds of oil yearly from 3 000 acres. -Mariannn.Fla. Dr. Theo. West.savs: "I consider Brown's Iron Bittres tba- ttl tonic that Is sold." A grave consideration. Rtnnt partyC W il. Pat, how's trade?" Gray digger': Poorly, snrr, entirely : share vro haven't buried n, liviu'sowl this three weeks f A coml strto patent medicino tlk Jad- wln's Tar Syrup may be trusted with far more siilety than a iLictor's- prrn-nplioir. The former has been lestod Drers handrcrl lliousanil times, while the latter may elTect and may not For sale at Thomas' drujj stpre, street. Au ndvertiserof very chenn shoes re- oeutlv blurted out truth in mistake thus: "N. r Lidles wishimr those dieart shoi's will do well to call soon, a they will not last loug." About twice ns mndi of Jad win's Pino Tar Syrup for your money ns that of any other, und erery one admits II a liUDdrerl times liotter for colds, croup, Ao. It is aliout the only cooih remedy midn on seienlific principles. Thomas, tho druggist, sells it. The wlntiagsof H inlan, the osrs- m in. during the list nvu yeais amount tosiO.UOiJ. O tills smu he has managed to save about S10 000. tf wbch $30 000' is inv sled in a hotel o'i Tor nto Islands He has a v fe and two children. l)Mi lrcrntoll. tho noted infidel, sava' there is no lietl, which, no doubt, elves comfoit tu a great number of people, but if von wnm to ne'er reauxing tlio trill n or falsity of this bellef.use Jndwln'a Tar Syrup wnen irouiiieii wan colds or coughs, i. Dio Thomas sells it. "Oni la" writes tn the London Times to say it isn't true nbonl ber and Alsgr. Uipel, but she does not say wbi t isn't true. For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,! Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Croup, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Inci pient Consumption and for the relief of consumptive persons in advanced stages of the Discase. Sold by all Druggists. Price 26 c AYER'S PILLS. A largo proportion of the diseases which causo human suirerhig result from derange ment of tho stomach, bowels, and liver. Aveii's Catiiaiitic Fills act directly upon theso organs, nnd nre especially designed to. cure the diseases caused by their derange ment, including CoiiBtlpnllon, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysentery, nnd a host of other ailments, for nil ot which they are a safo, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. Tho extensive use of these PILLS by eminent physicians In regular prao tlce, allows unmistakably tho estimation In which they are held by tho medical proles-' slon. Theso TILLS aro compounded of vegetablof substances only, nnd are absolutely free from calomel or any other Injurious Ingredient. A Snfferor from Headache writes t "Aviui's Pills are Invaluable tome.nm! are my constant companion, I liae severe sturorer from Headache, and your "no d'olwinickiytovT,,,; howels and free my head Irom pain. They are the most etreetlvo nnd the easiest physio 1 lmv.t rmiit.l. 11 la 11 iiteiiaurt, to me to li"'" '"J' Buu 1 u" w, u r.iiK,or w. I rater nro.- Franklin tit., Itlcliiuon.l.Va., dune 3, lsfj. "I have uncd Avmt's Pills In number leas Inatauce as recommended by you, and hare never known llieiu tu fall to accomplish the ilcalred reault. We constantly keep them I pleasant, safe, and reliable family medicine. Kill Di'SPEPSLV tlioy are Invaluable. .1. it J)A a. Mexla, Texas, ,luua 17, 18S1'. The llr.v. Fin. Mis II. lUnxowr, writing from Atlanta, Ua., saysf For aoina years past I have been subject ,to eoii.llpHtlon, from which. In spits of the use ot medi cines uf various kinds, I sutTerwi Increatluf Incouveulenee, until some months sget 1 began taking At mi's l'll.l;--?rbey hava entirely corrected the roatlte .baMt. and have vastly Improved my general health. Avru's Catiiaiitic Pills correct Irregu- ' ... I t .!,.. ,.1.(a ,1, Bmu. larltles of the bowels, stimulate lb apvo tlte and digestion, and by their prompt and thorough action glr. tone and vigor to h whole physical economy. ruEpAncD nr ' Or. J. C.Ayor&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. YOUNG, OLD, AND All experience the wonderful beneficial tiled, ol Ayor's Sarsaparllla Children with Sore Hies, Sort Ijira, or any scrofuloua or sypns tittle taint, may be mai ,oe ueaituyauuaicws ty its use. Sold by all Druggists j 81, tlx bottlts tor t-t" BftC it a f if K 22 M i !.lihrai , fVnn (fiUO a week at iMaie. tVOO.ntBt fraa. Pay absolutely nuia, Ma rwk. Capital twit rauafrad. Haailer. If vnu want blllln . I I li r- ,t- f . I- . r X 1 or yo '"u. they .. i., .. . ,,r. - ,. . r i.-rt "-ular. to II. IIalliTI ale., t -, Mfli. utvls-yi X "tT 1 II I III b f-? 9M -v SIS a ?P
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