Advertising Rates. Wo doslro t to be distinctly understood iat no advertisements will bo Inserted lu a columns of Tu Caboh Advouatk tliut iy b received from unknown partita or bit unices accompanied by tbo cash. he following are our only termst osk sqoinie (10 LI NEB), at year, each Imertlon.. i 19 cis ts months, each insertion 'X , hrce months, each Insertion. JO cts. 'ess than three months, first Insertion $1 1 each subsequent insertion J cts. Local notices 10 cents rer tine. 11. V. MOUT1IIMER, Publisher. CARDS. Attorneys. M A. SNYDER, ATTOIWEY AT LAW. Jrrion-Cornerof Bank Slrett Jt Bankway, Snd building above tUo Carbon Ailrocuto Printing Office. May 19, ma-me-l LKUIOHTUTf. 17 M. It il'SHEK, iTTORNBY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Basis Strut, I.isia no, Pa, 'tUurttta nnd Collection Aiieucv 171110111104 1 rWalEsttte. Conveyancing -irtl dol,e Col bns promptly made. Settling Kslates of I e tuts specialty. May b consulted In I rllsl "erinau. Net. lit Physicians and Dentists. REMOVED. W. G. M. Seinle, PEysiciau & Snrgein lias Itemorcd Ms Ofrleo and llcilde leo fr; m Second St. to SOUTH Streot.ln liid building formerly ocoupled by A J iiuI.i.knuai Kit, where he will bo ploased to see his mentis and patrons. OFFICE "'" if1" 6 to 9 o'clock P. II. ' Ma"'' ""3 D U. W. W. ItEUEU PlIYtSIOIAN AND SUItaUON. MAIN STIIEET, PA1IHYV1LLE. PA, May bs consulted In the Enullsli or (Jermaii Language March 21, 1S83. -yrr a. uekhamck, ai ., ' PHYSICIAN AND SCUOKON Bperlil intention pild to Clironlc Dlscasns. OOIm: South tfs.t cornur Iron nod 2nu ti., l.o MgHen.Fa. Aprl' 3. IS7S. . ui:i!i:i:, m. n. V. S. EmmllilliB SiirRenn, pnACTICISO PUYHIUIAX and SU ttOEOK. Or.vicH: uank Street, Ititui'.E'n UI.OCK, Lehigh ton, I'll. iiay bo eonsuiled In the Uerm 'ii Language. Xnv. 3 '. -j-yt. c. w. uowKit, PHYSICIAN AND SUROKON. May be eonsulteil In ihoierman nr English !u;uiigo OirFtrit i.nolto Durllng's Drnir store, JANlt St., LchlKhtoii. I'a, Jan, ll-yi W. A. Cart right, D.D.S., OFFICE : Opi-v.iilu the "owed way House," Mauch Chunk, Pa. Patterns h.ive tier beni-Ut of tl.o latest Im provmnents In nfi'hinlul appliances and the best mth'itsnl trHiiiuHiit In all suridcil eases. NtritOUS-OXlllE ndtnliilftercd II du.lred. irposPde, persons re-sMltiir outside of Maueh Ohunk should m .leo oii,ii-menia by mall. J8 vl J., AND GENERAL IN3U11AN0E AGENT The fullolnie Completes are liopresentedt lt.iian s mo iu.u, rina. ItBAIlINO MUl'UAI. riRE, Finn. rorrsvii.r,i: Fimc, Mill I II II lTHK. mid theUlA' rr.un- isauitANoi:, Also Penntvlv.mli and Muluil llorso Tblcl tec'lvcatid in-uruiiveeionipaiiv. MarcnzLlsn I'llos. ICUMErtEtl QARBON HOUSE, J. W. UAUIinNIIUSIt, PROPRIETOR, liASKSr., limiinitTOH, Pa. The OaanoM House mlers first-class accom modations to tUo Traveling publk-. llo.irdliu by tho Day or Week on Uiasonalile Tonus. Uholco OUars, Wines and Liquors alway on han.l nn.l Kttiltfil. will, ftltn,.. tiro Hostlers, atta:hcd. April lo-yl, p.vcKF.itros non.1.. HI way between Manch Oliunk & Leliljliton LEUl'OM) MEYER, PaorniKTon, Paekorton, Penn'a. This woll known hotel Is admlralriy refitted, antl tho bust accommodation lor pttrmtin. ent ani transput boarders. Excollt-nt table.1 and tho very best liquors. Alsu lino Kiihlus attached. Sept. 16-yl. Mauch Chunk House, Euiquehanna Street, Mauch CliunV', I'cnna, V. F. FKIIll, I'roiniftur. When Tlsltlnsf at tho County Sei t this Hotel will found to hetlrst-class In ever) res. pect. Wli.cs. I.lquois, l.aner llecr. Clears and other Refreshments of puresi qualily nt the liar. Terms very moderate. Patrunngo JT.IVIU UIMJEUT'S Livery & Sale Stables MANIC STtlKKT.LjlSUIOUTON, Pn FAST TIlOT'i'ING IIORSE3, ELEGANT CAIHIIAQES. And poslllrtly LOWER PRICES than any other Livory in the Cojnly. Larxe and handsorao Canlaaes lor Funersl paraoses aua weuuinss. iiaviu uuuniir ClOt. 22, !Sf4. J. W. JIAUDENBUSn Respectfully announces to the nul.llo be has opened a NEW LIVERY NTAiir.K in eonnrcthm with his hotel, and Is prepared to Funerals, Weliiiiis or Business Trips on ihortMt notlcoand most Ubcraltcrmi. All orders left at tho 'Cnrbon HouneJ wlli rccctvo WM. DUPP7 & son, of East Mtuch Chunk, are prepared (o do all kinds of Plastering & arnamental Wori t shortest notice. Onion lv mll will ei t prompt attentlun. Terms mnderalo vi tfw TV, Septals aS3 S?'tS rs? ;) II. V. MoiiTiiufTiB, Proprietor. VOL. XII., No 1. Ladies, Misses and Children's selves, and be convinced my stock is large as the largest, as good as the be st, and n y piics as low as the lowest. 3! 33A.JSTK Second door below the M. E. Tia ana Ste Iron fa Is now offering extraordinary Bargains for Cash 1 He Is the only Arctit In town lor tho s.ilo of tho Bessemer, Sunshine, Othello, Now Champion and Apollo Rango3 ; Montour, lighthouse, Exoelsior Penn, and Eolip3e Cook Stoves ; tho Princeton, Early Lawn, Eolmont and Real Douhlo Heaters, with a va riety of other Square and Round Heaters, All of which ho is now offering at the Very Lowest Prices Aln. on hind every kind ol STOVE ORATE and FIRE nillOKS. Denlcrmall the best makes ui I'UMl'.-i. RooSing and Spouting, Prompt and Cheap. on SOUTH Street, a few doors above Btfnk Street. Patronage Invited; sa lsfactlon Kunruntced. Juno 30, lUi.jl Buy Your Fall and Winter Groceries, Queensware, etc., AT- J9JS-JB Old Post-Office Building, Bank St. Lehighton. mi MP INDIAN lurea all diseases of tho Stomach, Liver, Bow ls, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Millions testi r o its eflloaoy in healing tho ahove named f diseases, and pronounoo it to he tho BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN". Guaranteed to Care JDtspepsia. gA G E N T S W A N T E I Laboratory 77 West 3d St., New York City, Druggists Fell it. T L.YKENS. DAcrin.N ud.. Pa. Dn. PLAnK .ToiiKsmc My was literally eurered Willi Teller, lor which leould get no relief until I took your INDIAN HLOOD SYRUP, which has effectually cured lu ; I recommeiid It blahly. ENOCH ItEUOEIt. I.Urt Yltfil- VI At.MM-K-l 11 tn )(irajmwiectliiiiL)itail. Wi uitw !'; i Kr i rv(H in oycry way ; .rt irtt m.Ujd' u..ibi :ml Mr-iuntUMi iaO- will lout Imirotj v oi . u i ciihtrtKfl aiukk it vjin.,11 oawilitm nra alinu in lirtWeAs .'hIi V i!. I Ptxir 'uIArtCQH I tew' I'lf?- ".i J 't: . ' i the Prtmrt HW t," (sf .1 H' ft vv J, "i.N V tinted oh . . . 11 1 tWfr ir.iin 1 Mrs. Fath has much pleasure in announcing to the la dies of Lchifrhton and j vicinity, that she has just returned from the City with a large, ele gant and fnshionahlc assortment of the very latest novelties in FALL AND WiHIEB Millinery Goods, INCLUDING flats, Bonnets, Rib ions, Feathers, Flow ers, etc., suitable for Wear. Call and scelbr Your Street, Church. scplom.'J Manufacturer efand Doakrln all l.tnds of Stove; Ranges, Heaters, im, Hons, EiiriMi Goods, k, h. BLOOD STRUP w t -if iftf!.-. Ail m,. , , pl . ., tot .1 s : 75: v j Ml - V n iti.ii.ili- i' (tti.itrtijr j lie if ltmerltMthiiri liKi'it-Hiii! Km UwHrMsl.illtiw tl.t!t tfsH (Uiir.ttr v.iscxliiMti-U n.lj in itotxttilitir. f f ;.'n fcfl.ii ' u. nil;.,, omirj ,isy , Ik.INi ur Ik'lhisuii 1 I'i t Mniauriel,!)!! tltusibr aal I ' M auk ,i..ur wiut ? I 1 tffclil.llolklHl bci..',s .vMi li r-ty f if, 1 !S UL ! n iwli. i,itii,tnl f 7 rint uelk-.ti-iy . .tiKr'!.'i:i tliu rtmvt l)i.UIIWw Him in rliini'i ji'.iucumi'tiL tin. uttLt. mK tTr;( i-mnij. 'ihr tix i if 1 1 T.Mi'l (JittrutliiK It U . ,.! .r.' 'i.ivi )i.i.k..v.c i 1 tit i r ,-o! iMt a tut . r r. i 'i. a f(,;iowl.iit iut ,'" t .'i'Vm ttnrH.' j - r. i in '')"arrfirV 'fs .?.if JaT ' si "',n ('' -i-t Ur. i He Kb '"t'u 'J. ufs Raf X a ,h,')i'KawKVf" " .'.j -an- Aen i(.iri....i, . . ytjL I WC 1A(J 1 INDEPENDENT-" LEIIIGIITON, CARBON COUNTY, Thomas' Drug Store. SENSIBLE MENS nnd w o- men know tliat oftho mnny Ulscaecs nnd dcrunncnicnte' ul tin hotly iMtcli li is i so.mntu (muso or ori gin uiifl that cueh needs a tllllcririit uietliutl h trciitmcnt lu urdur to filed u euro, nnd h inuuivriTs rttleetiou must convince tluitnny uf i Jitf ijunck nostrums lolstcd upon ll.o Uo clalinltitf in vure nil of a number ol dia mttrlciillv illfrurent iligcaprs mutt prorti fall- uiiif, even ii we uo noi iiiciu ituiiituhEr, POOR PEOPLE-! nnd people of ni o u y r n 1 1 ttirnliw. ii n il ovii proplo well-to-do or we.iltliy tind tlit c not mow i charges ol pnictiMnr tli)sltiintis wrc, ii ecrious tmrileii tu iliem. nmlnlpo tindth.u u'trr ptiytntf llicinselvcs poor ihut no Ittnent nan nccrucu 10 u.eo", unit in iaci iney unvv thrown their money nwuy. To overcome nam cviiB wo vnvr n ueiiert jo. aurtr llemedlc to the rick nnd suliuiJna one Itemed u lor micb dlsit.ue, without lur u moment cUtia inir ui.e remojv will cure unv other tils vn&o tli.iM tho ono claimed lor tl, nnd us thojc romcdtci! hiite uul tiiutest o ycnri wui: tit a tlnt 1 e f.illurc, ho uiee to refund the money paid in every niFtance wnoro u euro i not Misiiiruiy ciieciin. j ne reraeuicB are enure- vi irtftldu, can do no harm, nnd wIIIiiofU tlvely euro ovcry dfeeaso lor which they are prtftcribed. RHEUMATISM! uour, isam -ncsacf Join's Sclutlct and Ncurn Itrl'i nro relieved at once and tnltlve ly cured bythouseof Wheeler'i No U8 Hhcu uutlc Ucuifdy, Wo any hntdiy that lu the win at eacs ui no niimtr nuw to long ttandtug, o cm not (-lily how tenuut ur how vainfui. wo Klve relict but potitivilj cure (or nil time. rnnuiir 10 no in is we win poiitivciy ivicim tho inney pith) lor treatment, nnd If your ulTurlnx are not positively stopped for at) llaio you Ktivu not thrown your money nw.iy a you wculdouiiu) u'herttiiint csouuaran tcu.l remedies. rl ho prlco id heVdtr'i) No. 03 itlieuinntlu HcmeUv la unit QUcvnts. obtnlu. :ii,e fioin drulsts or sent Ireo by mall on rurtutu ui price, ainmps iukoii. nature wlih u nrelly face, bciiutirul figure, fultlrss complexion, as well ns tho sweetest ol lun.jiers and laullless mental qualities irtows .rmaturcly old, uray nnd wrltikied, her lonu loses Its perfect contour, the com. lilexltm becomes sallow, the brightness leaves I be rye, :i feeling of IniijiUor talus tho place ol the ni ce buurnnt stilrits, an Irritable ner vous fraritousncss maKcs llfen burden, things th tt once nero trifles worry hir till lire Lc comes unbearable. All I his belns caused by the physic il itcraneinonts so common to wo. men, which tne immio inui cslv or Icin nine nature lireteuls their mnklujr known, and uf which iho lunorniico or profes slun Iprcvelits a cure. I..idv Reader, nnuso and consiiter, 'tU ailutyyiiu owe lourselt. your iiimii.v. ami your tioii.tnai vou a louiu cure iiurseil oftliese Iroutdcs mid once more I'd ihe Kloiv tirperrcct health nnd nature intended for jou. Il'arrfrr't A'o. 80 rrff rliifbnt are lilcasnnt and iiatatntle to take, cotitalii'iiotliln of an Iniuiious naturo and tuny he la km IiviiIIiikcs nt all times and In nil coinlllliins without possibility ol III el. fects, and ullt Mi:iiilvcly cure any uf the pc. rullar diseases to which females are subject raiiiiiv tu pruoucu a pcrieci euro me pre. irictors will reliui.l the moiicr paid tor tho reatmcnt. Ifyou hiive nsallow coinidexlon. ciinstnnt or Intermittent headaches, back, actio, rcstlcmteg.. loss uf appetite, siippres. sions of monthly flow, or IrrrguiHrliles lucre, of, accntnponled by, nrrvousiiers, iiysierirs nun simuiir s)uipioins, uartrei". So. 90 Prticiiplion "B" will poslilteiy rc s'oro you to health. If vou luvea sensation uf he it and Ihrobbini; 111 the back, trrqueni aiiiiiiiK.pviir, i.oucorriieaor wiiuo uiscu.irKC p.iiinui or scnimii seus.iuon in urinating, rrdilish or white deiioslt In urino. hot and drv skin, Whieltr'i Ko. 08 PretsrlplUm ' V" will Kivo liiitnciliato and lasting relief. Tlie price of Wheeler's No 03 l'rescrlptlcns " li '' and '() " are 60 cents eacn, nbtalnahie frf uu!ru)f. irlsts or sent by mail secure from observation posi.pamou receipt oi price. 1'ostoge ttamps alien. PATJnnil It Is needless lo de. I .V Hnnn scrlbo the symptoms JI I I 11 I 1 1 1 1 1 . 0r .1.1, nauseous ills. ease that Is snpp'ni; thellleand strength of eoo many oi ine uiresi ana uestoi ijotti sezts old and younir. tutlerinis alike from the not sonous dripping in the li.o poisonous nasal discharges"' ho fetid breath, and Kener. ul vteaknrss.dettHTtY. and laniruor. il.I.Ih from theacuto .ulf Tlnit. or this dlsoasc, which II not etiecked can only end in loss nf palate, hoarseness, weakened slaht, loss of memory, deafness and preinuturedeiith If not checked before It Is too late. Labor, study and re search In America. Kuropeai.d Eastern lands iiiito rc.uiicu 111 ,i nrne - io, vo inllanl m- lit and Sure Cure for C'carra, a remedy whloh conlalns no harmful inirrcdlents. and hat Is Kuaranteed tu cure every caseofacuto tr ciirimiooaiarru or money rciumied. w nrel ere As, CO lntlant lttllef and Sure Cure or Catarr will cure every case ofeatar'b, hay ,v i ui (.oiuiuu, ,u iuw per pacaaae, iroiu uiu.Kiiii or eeiii u. uiuii on ri eeini oi price, U'hieltr'i A'o. tM Sure i ure for Kidney ant Liver Trouble cures all weakness and sore nessof kidneys, lulliuimallon of kidneys or liver, price tl.Ot. IVhetlcr't Vegetable Fllti are the only rem edy that euro constipation, Klvlnj na'ursl action of the bowel without pnysiclnir, purg' Inif , nrlpln or pain. Price ii cents, Hdrut, tsts or by mail. Wnetitr't Xemine Tonie far mental depres. sfon, loss of manhood, languor, weakness or over taxatlonol tha brain Is Invaluable, price 13 cents. WE GUAEAITEEESS e place our lirlce for Micse remedies at less than oue-twenlluth of the price asked by oth ers lor remedies upon which you take nil ll.o chances, and we specially Invite the patron, sue or Ihemanypersonslwhi have tried other remedies without elfeet or depleted their purses by paying doctor bills that beoetlited uicui not. HOW TO OBTAIHSSS them. If they hare not goilbera, write at la the proprietors, tnrloslnir the nrlee In money or stamps, and they will be sent you oi once oy man, post-paid, uorresnoodeno solicited. Address plainly. E. WI1EEEEK it CO., No. Vi W, llaltlmore St.. DALTIMOHE MTV rr. I. HI8-ly I 5 o H S T 5 ST S & P rr ., o " 25' s S t i s ir B k a 1 3 5 1 1 spy w (V 5" 53g 5 (X! 5 & S g. It rjj M JS.W t- B O n c Pt1 r- ?5 si g t) 5. J S" oW e ra 3 tJj "2 01 3 s co 2- s g s S tig- gsg' fJo' CD H fi S- zL ? bras A o g.g. . . 4 Vl i i Live and Let Live." PA., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1883. THE E2I0K0F AUTUUB. nr Ai.tcK cnr. The rust it oter Ihe red of thn clover, The (jreen Is under the gray. And down the hollow tho lleet-Trlng'il swallow Is (lying any and sway. Fled are Iho r.iscs, dead arc the roses. The glow snd the glory dune. And down tho Imllow tho steel-winged swallow. Flying the way o'er the sun. In placo nf (he summer, a dread new comer His to'etnn state renews; A crimson splendor, inslf -t of the tender Daisy, and the darling dews. Bat oli! the sweetness, the full cotniikle ncss That under his reign are bornl Russet and yellow in apples mellow, And whcutnnJ millet and corn. Ills frosts so Iinary touch wllh glory Maple uiid nak and tlinrn; And rising und failing, liU winds nro call ing. LI to a hunter through his horn. No thrifty sower, but just a mower, That comes whim tho day is done, With warmth a beaming and golda-gleam Ing, Like sunset alter the sun. And while fair weather, and frost together Color the woods so gny, We must rrmembcr that chill December lias turned his steps this way. And say, as wo gather in Iho house together, And pile the logs on the lietrth, Help us to follow the light little swallow, E'en to the ends of tlio earth! Saved FrojrDishonor. Mrs. Harper was an old Udy; her hair was white with the 6nows of insnv winters, nd her blue eyes were dimmed by t lie sorrows of a long life. She uns sail and solitary as site sat in her drawini;-roem,eyi lenlly expecting an arrival. The door opened, nnd a tall, handsome man entered the room. John Harper glanced uneasily at his mn'.her as he- sank into a choir. Before she could fpeok he exclaimed, "Iieud me no lecture! I kuow that I came home hut night and was rattier merry; in fact, I was iitlnxicaleil; but, ninther, remember I am no lunger a boy. 1 am n mail tliirly years of age, and you cannot expect me to hn ro sponsibie tn you for my actions, I met fome fn'ends, and we had a champagne supper to relebraU ,v engagement lo liconnra Murkham, and perhaps we all drank inoro wine than was good for us." "My son," teas Mrs. Harper's reply, ' Leonora is refined end fastidious. Roy u think that she would he pleased if she hi ard how ynii cnminenioiatcd the happy event of your betrothal?-' John's face llurhed as he listened; but wit'i nisnliiie obstinacy he would not ac knowledge his err r. "When .you lold mo of your engagement she continued, "I was happy, for I thought you were worthy of possessing an innocent young wife. Troyo yourself so by promis ing mo never again to taste intoxicating liquor." "Mo'her," was the reply, -I will not plcdgo myself lo become a teetotaller, for 1 have too much self-respect to drgeneiale in to a sot." "You liove never known," snld Mrs. Harper, "but one parent your unhappy mother. Tho memory of tho dead should be B.i.-iel; but, lo save you, I will reveal your unfortunate Idther's sin. "My married life began under tho most favorable circumttanm; but one evening your father did nut return at his usual hour. At last I heard fuolsleps. Presentiments of evil made my heart sink. I niieucd the door. To my horror, a drunken man stag gercd into the room. "I could not believe that contemptible being was my husband. Ho embraced me, ami for the first lliuo in my life I shrank from his mress. Ho chispnl me In his arms,nnd kissed me with maudlin affection I felt degraded by 'his love, nnd pushed him Irom me wilh disgust, My repulsion drove him frantic. I saw his nrm uplillcd. I telt a heavy blow. 1 realized that I was a drunkard's wife; and Ihen I knew no more, for I became unconscious. "That morning you were born. For many weary weeks I toy struggling with death. I was delirnus, and did not know that I was u mother. When I regained my senses my first thought was of my unhap py liusbjiid. 1 glanced around Ihe mom, but I did not tee the one I looked for; I only saw Ids heart-broken mother, who sal weeping by my bedside. "She brought you lo me, and lolded my arms around your tiny form, "'My child,' she said, 'you have some one yet to live for. Wulch over your Imy rear him to become an upright, honest, man, and above all, leach him to shun Ihe wine-cup, for that was bis father's curse.' " 'Oh, mother,' wssmy reply ,'I still love ny husband, for ho never was unkind to me until that fatal nlchtj and then I am sure that ho was irresponsible, for ho was Iniaoe from drink. Call him tome, moth er; I will forgiye him all; I will reclaim him, and we will again be happy,' "I received no reply. I looked up, and hen I noticed that my mother lu law wa. dressed in deep mourning. I grasped ber by the arm, I implored her to tell me what bad happened. "Then 1 learned that your unfortunate father was dead. After weeks oldiisipalii n he had d'ed miserable Irom tho effects f t drink. "After hearing the sad history of my life I im sure tlin( you will listen to your mother's warning. Promise me, I Implore you, never lo taste wine again." Tbo old lady's voice tremblid as she spoke, and her mild blue eyes filled with tears. "Mother," was (he reply, "I answer you as I did before j I have loo much self-res; eci ever to become a drunkard. You must trust your boy I do not inherit the fetal appe. lite of my totherj I will proye myself worthy of your affection.'1 Leonora Markbam wag the pettled child of fortune; she had been left motherless at as early g, and her father deToted hii Hie to bis child, luduiglug btr id Vry wlib. 51.00 the eiairtoof true-love had !n (his insfanco ran smoothly. Leonora wusallinnoed lo Ihe man of her choice; yet she lookod most ut. lisppy on ono fair day, and her friand Mlu uii-'a conversation did uut enliven her. -If T Worn Vnit." lt a i-vMullnnrt t ttfnnid not marry John Harper. 1 am sure that he Is dissipated. Last night b gave a cham pagne supper, and my brother Oorgo told methut John went home quite Intoxicated, 1 suppose that you have heard that his fatti er died from delirium tremens, and I am euro thai his son Inherits his falling." Leonora wos but seventeen; yet although si young she loved with oil a woman's strength, and she would not hear her absent lover mndeKined. "It Is despicable," she exclaimed, "to traduce ono who is not present to defend biiiiselll Dut il is bate to malign Ibe dead!" "Excuse nit," was Minnie's farewell speech, "bull think it only fricudly towurn you before it is loo late. Do not risk be coming a drunkard's wife." Leonora shuddered asshe listened, for she loved with such devotion thut she was re solved to mairy John Harper. Agentleiapon the door interrupted her reverie ai.d Mrs. Hnrjier stood by ber side. "I have h sad duty to perform," she ex cialuifd. "You can imagine how humili ating il is fur me tu condemn my own child; bul I cannot allow you to marry my son without informing you " "Speak no murel" exclaimed Leonora. "I know alii The censorious world wcfulJ not allow me to remain in ignorance of the fault of the man 1 love! Hut yet I will be come his wile! I will reclaim him asd save him from his father's fute." As Leonora wased speaking John entered ihe room; be had heard her last words. "I know," he exclaimed, "that my dar ling would trust me; and she ahull never have cause to legrct her devolion." t s A few years passed. Leonora married John Harper, and as yet hud no cause to regret her choice. Ono fair she nwalled her hus band's arrival home. A beautiful child sat by her tide; her long golden curls reached to her waist, und her dark brown ejes beamed with intelligence. "Mamma," she exclaimed, "will papo soon come home? Oh, thero lie id" she cried, as she heard a footstep. In a moment eho was at the door, and soon retuincd wllh her lather. Leonora glanced nt her husband, but he could nut meet the calm, truthful eyes of his wife. Tito mn'.her silently led her little child fiom the room. She soon returned; but Iho happy light had faded from ber face. "John," she said, "your mother rolled me your guardian angle, for she said I hod savrd you Irom sin. She died happy: In r last words were, 'Thank Heaven that my bivlsiiot a drunkordl We havo been married for five years, and to dly, for the fust time in my life,! blush lo ncknowlfdgi vou as my husband. Your eyes shine wilh an unnatural lustre, and ymir cheek is flushed fioni Ibe ofl'ecls of drink." "I e nora, f. rive m 1 Trou le his cnu ol mo to forget my prendre. I um a ruined man. When I sel'le with my creditors, I will bo penniless." 'Do not give way tndispoir," was llu response. "lulu rich i.i my own right, 1 was an only child, and my father left me nil his wealth. Everything that I po'siss is yours." "Oh. no!' was the hasty reply. "I u II r.over touch n penny of your fortune; for 1 know a woman's nature, nn I I a'li sure that you would lose all respect for me if I were to become- u dependent upon yot r bounty. I must orouco myself, and Legi tbo wnrid sgain." "But is it manly," she ssked, "to seek consolation from the wine cup? Do Uft confusa your brain with drink when jou require a clear mind, so Ihst you ran have strength to inert your troubles ami over como them. Yuu lell me," she continued, "Ihat you would feel humiliated il you to accept pecuniary aid from you wife; but are you not moro degraded when you c.impsl mo lo lencli our child to shun her fatbei? This evening Dlnuoio tai.l.'WIitt is (lie matter wilh pnpat' I told ber Ihat you were ill; she asked Income lo you, but I bad lo refuse her request. My darling is (on pure and inuocr'it tn be nontaminaloi by a drunken fulhei's core3i. Ob, John," ex liiline.l Leonora, "for the sake of our chili! be true to your promise and resist lemplation!" "In fulnre," was Ihe reply, "ynu will have no occasion lo leach nur child lo ayn d Ine. Ti'-morrnw I leave tho city; businr. s calls me away," Weeks passed. Leonora had not hrard from her husband; she knew that his affec tion lor her was sincere, and he would not have neglected her if he were not demoral ized by dissipation. One even ing she sat alone in her desolate hwe, almost heart-broken. Consolation she ha I nooe; she had no confident, frr she was too true a woman to disclose ber hus band's follies (o (lie world. Her sad thoughts were Interrupted by n knosk st the door. A gcnllemnn entered the room. He asked Leonora if she we a tiin wife, of Johu Harper. "Excuse me, madam," he continued, "but no doubt you, have heard my name F. M. Black mentioned by your husband. A few weeks ago he left for London; while there he has opportunities of disposing of dismonds. He possessed one worth a thousand pounds; Igavt it to him, and be promised that I should hear from htm in a week or two; If hn were unsuccessful in selling the gem I should have it again by (hat time. Many weeks have elapsed, but I have received no communication from Mr. Harper, I do not doubt hit honesty, but I am afraid that be li incompetent, j through illness, to transact business. As yo j are nis wile, no unuti you can glvo me somo information regarding him," Leonora's pale cheek became ghastly as she listened. Had drink so degraded John Harper Ihat he had become a (hiel? Fur a momenl she was overwhelmed uilh this new sorrow; bul sho soon recovered her self-possession. She was a true wife. The world Should neycr know cf her bus binl's dishonor, "You will excuse my agitation," she laid "when I inform you that ynu are correct in your conjectures respecting Mr. Harper. H bit btcn very 111 for mscy wi.lri; to- n Year if Paid in Advance. If nut aid in advance, $l,2f. d.y I received a letter Irom hint. Ifnforlu nolely, lllnrsa has Impaired his memory, ( Ir he lnf..rmod mo that he had lost your Uddrifs, und was uuable to remember i where to s:nd you thcproceels for tho sale IikTllia no... 1-.t.K.nMBn ..It . I... - of the gem. To-morrow you will rccelvo a check lor I lie amount." A foft more dreary weeks passed sway and brought Lecnora new trouble. Little Btanehowm yery ill. A few moru hours would decide whether slio llyeit or died. Tho little form toted restlessly. Time passed. Thn poor nwdher's su-peiue be came endurable. Her hed fell on the pil low of her child. Misery had rendered hers unconscious. She revty&t to hearn well kvowr voice exclaiming, "Oh, Ihat I could sacrifice" my worthless life to save my innocent child!" Tnc husband and wife bad met once nvue. "I have come," said .Inhn Harper, "to bid (-in well to you and little Biancho le fore I leave my native laud. 1 con never expect your forgiveness. But bo merciful and allow mo to sharo ymir vigil. If our child recovers, you can ou.iy all her love. Tell her that her father Is dead; but bo noble, and teach her to renpsct my mem ory." The sirrow-ilrieken mm bowed his head In despair. A llille hand was laid in his and a gentle vuica exclaimed, "D,, not leave me, my husband, but let us try lo save our child." Tho astonished man sank on his knees nnd exclaimed, "From tins hour I will nev er taste liquoil Sooner will I drink poison, for thot would cause less misery. I am ashamed to look on honest man In tho face I was en trusted will) a valuable diamond. In my drunken slunor I lust the gem, and I shall bo hi muled as n thief." "ot so, my husband," cried Leonora, "for to shield you I paid the value of the gem, and your honor is safe." Day dawned. A fecblo vdee exolulincd, "Pupa, kiss little Blanche!" The child lived; aud John Harper's vow was never broken, Leonora reaped the reward nf herdevollon by a long life ofhappiness aud luve. The wifo's mission was fulfilled. Tho Korso Kicked Him. The horse Is a noble animal, ond one of the best friends of mau. Yet uo man want, even his best friend to kick him in the back. Mr. Llbby, of Lowell, Moss , re-i-elved such a kick from a hnrso in ISB5. Ever since ho has been a mtrtyr tn spinal suffering. Phuhy Davis'r Taix Kl!.t.isn has relieved him from a great agony. While he lias bien tlsin; this val.ublu remody le uns eipjuyeii ins me ns lie never could haye lone otherwise. "Accidents win i,npiwi." thorn by procuring Pain Provide against KlLLKIl. The first weather report Thunder. The old ticket A restaurnnt check. A rushing business Chasing a thief. Church musio is not difficult to a choir. Bil'iard ploying is a sort of green baize ball game. Penetrated to the Bono. Alderman John Baxter.Turonto. Canoda. avers that St. Jacobs 0.1 will nennlrui,, in I tbo b.ine to drive out pain. I know it, for I bvo tried i'; it hits the mark every limo. - Our babies Willi all their faults wo 1 ie them slill, not noisy. Thodo-ilist will take the slump during the present campaign as us'inl. Confectioners are the only kind of men who charge pretty girls fur lolfy. Why do ynu suffer with back oche, pain ... ,!. l. -I-.... ,t . , i m the chest, rheumatism, or lumcness any-1 where when a Hon Matter will surclv eivo ynu rebel! Druggists sell them, 25 cts. Yery few men nro so stingy that they will not share a kiss with a pretty girl. When a drove uf cattle get lo bellow, in; you can't get so far away from Ibcm that they will not bo herd. Wo don't give away Irial bottles of JAD WIN'S TAIt SYItUP, for If wo did, every, bony would be cured, and we would be 'l ', '?w """' J, eel a hundred (ier , , .. ... . ' u"Leoiit stronger, an I I r.ttrlbuto these results obliged to quit business for want of funds, to the nso of the Haiisai-aiiiixa, which. At Thomas' drug store. When a pedestrian finishes his walk he Is a good deal like tho rim of a cart wheel, because ho is a lired felloe. If a woman could always marry tho man of her choice, she mlgnt bo toklug the husband nf somo other woman. Qa.ntily, Qualify nd Turily are the three inducements nflcred lo purchasers ol JADWIN'S TAH SYI1UP, which is the . ""'" vuai.iy. only Cough Syrnp known to contain pure VQQ StZSSiDBVlWfi Pine Tar. For Sale at Tliomas' drug stnro. . , J ,. , . Y . .. i ,,,, ..n.i. .i . , slcanscs, enriches, nnd. strengthens the blood, -A pet snt medicine. .lvertIs,mei,ts,.VB lrau!lUj tho Um; ot th, ,tomMU , of "humor in the stomsch." Tills indicates bowels, nnd thereby enables the system to a removal ol the jocular vein. resistand overcome the attacks of all A'cmu- The deepest mourning on record is that '"" Dl$ea$e$, Kruptiont of the Slln, ,'raeu of an Indian widow, who since the death of ''""J"'. Catmrh, General DtbUUg, and all i . , . - , ., , , . . , , , Hsorders resulting from iioor or corrupted her husband drinks nothing else but black b;oou al,a a low 0, tjMuu len' I rnxpAUEt ny Noverglveup!youcan find a remedy foi Dr. J. C.AyeriCo., Lowell, Mass. Heart Disease, everyone who has tried Dr. jojj by M Drnggtsts; prc, 61( eU bottle urates- eirare rteguiaior says it is a sure cure. An Irishman was heard to say that he would have been a man nf considerable properly if hs futhcr bad never entered the family. ARE YOU Miserable through Indigestion, Sour Stomsch, nr Constipation? Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets weguaranleo will relieve you. Sold by Dr C T Horn, Lehlghtonsnd E A Horn, Weissport. At fasbloncble dinner! the game now comes to the table with the feathers un. By a strange coincidence (bis is (be way the fashionable bonnet goes to church, Csrfiuld, Iowa Dr. A. T. Henak ssvs i "Once using Brown's Iron Bitters proves its superiority over all other tonic prepara tions." ' ' A prime old maid in Ibi's city poslliyc ly declined to attend the boat races, of er bearing that "Snyder hug-ed the ehore," and that there were buoys in Ihe water. We take pleasure in recommending Hall's Hair Renewer lo our readers. It restores gray hair to its youthful color, prevents baldness, makes tho hair soft and glossy, doesnotetatn the slftii. nnd u oli..n.ii... the led known remedy for all hair and ! (Clip diseases. "It is not easy lo be a widow," says' fra RmllnAp. - I .,w ..v ., wuw iiiuai ii'a..iiiii9 . ,aq modesty of girlhood, without being allowed even to feign its Ignorance." -'No moro of the fruit, bu'. a little mere orthe juice, ifyou please," said the tem perance advocate when the hostess asked him lo bay another dish of preseryee brsndied pstehu, The Carbon Advocate, An Independent Family Kowspapet; Published every t ATIIllDAY, Iq, Lehighton, Carlwin Co., Pa., by' IBAIIIIY V. SimtTJIIITlElt. OryicE HA -CKWAY, ft ehoit distance ebota l lie I.elilnb Valley It. O. Depot, Terms:' $1.03 pcrAnnum in Wm kvkrt nrsiC'i'Tiox ov rUi.t l.t d rater J o"b p r i n t ixi& AT VEltV LOW rtticts "Yes. my wife Is n good jjof player,'1 says n Long Island farmer, and tbsn be added, "She Is also Jolt as handy rr.itb. lb, tungs." A little girl ot Newport, seeing i tll luw phae-tnti for the first time, exclaimed). "Why, mamma everybody riiea out 111 their clothes basket here." A Madison avenue girl who is an ex pert at bsndUelcbief flirtation Vbi(lk,Mhe ought lo be a chief of the slgnrll service. When n Sunday school superintendent asked his class why Moses emote the rock, llitlo fellnw'sAjng -out, "I reckln ho. missed, the fellow he aimed nt." After carefully conning the Old Testf. ment a varchcr after truth Informs, us thai Goliath, was the great original dude, ss be. was the first man on record, who had (.bang on his forehead. Somebody substituted a pile of oorn combs for Ihe doughnuts on a Ycrmoat railway restaurant counter, and (hey wera about two-thirds erttcn before anybody dis covered what iud happened. "Your cheek Is an awful temptation ten me," lie exclaimed, as ho iook-il admiring ly at her fresh youn$ face. "Your cheek must be an awful burden to you," the re plied, glancing at him suspiciously; and, tho fresh young nun withdrew, A well known sheriff In Arkansaw ll notol for Ins affability. Some time ago he entered the rcll of a man who was to be hanged lh following day and saldt "That little affair of ours comes off to-morrow, you know, and I hope that you will bo quite leady for the perfbrniRnce, Hold yourself pret'.y stiff when the cap Is drawn, Then ynu will go down straight and won dnnglo. It's very uncomfortable to dangle an I you will find the stiff method pref'f able. -Tiio long winter evenings are rapid ly npproacblug, ranking the present a good tlruo lo subscribe for The Carbon dvocate. Only Sf.00 n year. ilFor the Cure of Cotichs, ColdsJ Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Croup,! Asthma, Ynooplnff Couch, Inci-I ipicnt Consumption nnd for thel relict oi consumptive perrons m advanced stages of the Di.iease.- Sold by all Druggists. X'nce25c. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. Tho Ttcv. Z. P. Wilds, well-known city inlosloniy In 3fow York, nnd brother of the Iato eminent Judge tVIlda, of the Massachusetts Supreme Court, write ns fallows r "78 E. SIA St., Xew Tort, May 10, 1882. Mrsim. J, (J. Aviut & Co., (ieullemen t Last winter I wns troubled with a most uucomfortabla Itching humor nfrectlnj moro especially my limbs, which Itched so i"u"iiiuij ae nitfiit, aim uurueo so uiiense- ly, that 1 could scarcely bear nny clothing ovt'r "'em. ? was also a sufferer from n sovero catarrh and catarrhal couch: my appetito waa poor, and my system a good ileal run down. Knonlnz the value ot AYEU'n SUisAl-Allll.l.A, by observation ot many other cases, and from iwrsonal use In former years. I began taking It for tho nbove-n.amul disorders. Jly appetito Im-, proved almost from tho tlrst .lose. After n short timu the fever and Itching wera allayed, nnd all alifns ot Irritation of th slcin disappeared, ify catarrh nnd cough niy general health arcatty' linm-ovod. 'until I recommend uitU all coiilldeiiua as the best blood inedicino ever devlsod, I took It In small doses Ihreo times a day, and used, In nil, less tb-iti two bottles. 1 place the3o facts nt your service, hoping their publication may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. Wilds." Tho above Instance) Is but ono of ihe many constantly coming to our notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of A V En's Sausa PAHILLA to the cure of ull diseases arising from Impure or Impoverished blood, and for 85. AYER'8 CATHARTIC SSgfcS' PILLS. Purgative Medicine Jure Constipation, Indigestion, Headache, and all Billons Disorders. Sold everywhere. Alwojs reliable. T ?5 T mmc ess w 9Mmmt l"-i!i;iFf;!!lt fTCl weel rLn',e ' home by th In- t" S uu.iriuui. lJest buslaess now ba. fore the nubile, e unum u..e needed. W e wilt start vou. Mi-n. wnmth, boys and girls minted erery where o work for ns Now Is the time. You can work In spare time, ur Klre your wbol time lo th business. JVo oilier business will pay tou nearly so well. No one oun fall to mak or. raouspny by emrniclna; at one I'o.tly out fit and terms free Money n.da fast, ii ,n nnr,lr, Addrtss Ir tz tv. , aus'. Mt'.n ftlr jplllll Best
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