Advertising Rates. We dealro It to bo distinctly understood tt-.l nn ilvertlMments will be Inserted in The Carbon Advocate. An Independent Family Newspaper Published evory -ATUltDAY, In Lchighton, Carbon Co., Fa., by iiAituv v. moitriiiinjcR. Orrics-nAXKWAY, a short distant, sbove the Lehlxh Valley IL IU Depot. mm the columns of Tnn Carbon Advooat that may be received from unknown parties or firms unless accompanied by the cash. Terms: $1.00 pcrAtiiEm in Adyance BtBciumox or rtaix ann raitcr Job !Priiit,ing II. V. Mortiiimer, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT" Live and Let Live." SI. 00 a Year if Paid in Advance. VOL. XL, No 26. LEIIIGIITON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1883. If not paid in advance, $1.25. AT VEltY LOW l'RIUhB. it The following are our oxly icrmsi OKI SQUARE 10 LtKKS), One year, each Insertion 0 cl' Six months, each Insertion . Three months, each Insertion 20 cts. Less than three months, first Insertion 1 1 each subsequent insertion eta. Local notice 10 cents per line. II. V. MORT1IIMER, Publisher. - OARDS, Attorneys. TTT" M. UAPSHEB, ATTOnNBY AND COTJNSeLtOH AT LAW, nA8titt,I.EBIOBtoi,Pi. B..lMUt..ndOolltl A!.wr II Rut Kutnu. Conveyancing .inatljr done Col- Sstl. promptly " """."i'lMSS dsata a sp-elalty. May eousuUed In Knllsh adUtrinan. hct.m. Physicians and Dentists. REMOVED. W.G.H.SeiiiletSiciau&Siil &Ynds r-rOFFrOB from a to 9 o'clock F. M. March 31, 1SS3. -TH. W. W. KEDEK. PHYSIUIAN ANU SUnOEON, MAIN STREET, PARRY YILLE, Pa, May be coniultoa In the Engdlsh orQerraan Languago. March 2t, 1S83. -Tin- A. DEBIIAMEB, M D., PHYSICIAN AND 8CRQEON Bpeelal attuntlon pals to Chronic Diseases. South East eornr Ironind 2nd ... Le hljhton.P.. April 3,187.). -TJ- D. IlEIJEK, M. D. V. n. Bxamlntng Snrgeors, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN and SU UOEoN. Dr.ricE: lianlr. Street, nunca's ulock, Lehigh- ''Maybe eonsnilcd in tho doronn Lauguage. Not. 3''. C. W. BOWEK, PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON. May be consulted In the Herman or English language 0in i.polte Darling's Drag storo, h AW K St., Lehlghton. I'a. Jan. U-yl W. A. Cortright, D.D.S., OFFICE: Opposite llie"uroadwny House," Mauoh Chunk, Pa. Patients have the benefit of tlie latest Im provements In raeehanlLiI appliances and the best raetliu In or treatment In nil surgical eases. N1TROUS-OXIUE administered II desired. If possible, persons residing outside of Mauoh Chunk, should m.iko engagements ,Jyiimll. J V1 Thomas itn.nnuEn,. CO.NVKYANUER, and GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The following Companies are Represented: L.SISAN N MUTUAL FIIUJ, 1IHAIUNO MUTUAL FIIIE, WYOMING FIIIE, I'OfTHVILLH FirtK. ..,, I.HIUllli FIRE, and the TIIAV rSMSIla AtJCIDISNT INSUltANCB. Also Pennivlvanl-i and Mutual Horse TUlet tec'lroand lu'urauto cvi.ipaiiy. Marca23.is3 llloa. IwLuEUEH. QARBON HOUSE, J. W. RAUDENDUSU, PftOPRIETOK, Hank St., Lkiiiciktoh, Pa. The Oarboh Ho jsk nlfers flrst-clMS aceom. moilatluns lo the Travelliiur public. Honrdlnn k ,h ii ip nr Week on lteasouablo Terms. dholes Ulxars, Wines and l.lnuors alnayf on liand. Uonuoneiis aim oiainca. it tin tlrs llostlers, attached. Aru lu-yi, JpACKF.RTON HOTEL. Midway between Mauch Ohunk & Lohlghton LEOPOLD MEYEIl, PnorniKTOR, Packerton, Penn'a. This well known lioUl Is admirably refitted, and has the best accommodations lor perman ent and transient boarders. Kicellvnt table. and the very belt liquors. Also tine 'tables altaohed. Sept. 18-yl. Livery & Sale Stables MANIC 8TUEB.T.LKIIialITON, Pa FAST TROTTING IIORSE3, ELEUAT CARRIAGES. And positively LOWETt pniOI.3 than any other Livery in the Cojnly. Large and handnome Carrlaires lor Faneral iraosea aud Weddlnas. DAVID E 11 U HUT Nov.;. IJ. J. W. HAUDENBUSH Reipeettully announces tn the public that he has opened a NEW LIVE11Y srAULU In eonntlon with his hotel, and Is prepared to furnish Teams for Funerals, MMn or Business Trips on shortest notlceand most liheralternis. All orders left at tho "Oarhin House" will receive prompt attention Stable on North S'reet, next the hotel, Lehlifhlon. lau'rj.jl PATENTS.' ANDERSON fc SMITH, illclt'irsot u. . ann nr- Patrnts. Nn. 710 Ttli Street, cor ef O, opp. U S. Patent irnee. WashlnKinn, D. II. Corrcspiindenee solicit .d. No ehame lor advice. No fee charited uales. I'a' ml It allowrd. References. Lrwls h Co., HaLk.rt, and Postmaster, 'Washington, D. U. Pamphlet f Instruc tions free. janOtte A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and Indiscretions o youth, nervous weakness, early decav. loss nf manhood, Ke . 1 will send a reeln. that will earn you. FHBK OF Oil A HUE. This ureal remedy was illseov. ve4 ha mlsilnnirv In Smith America. Siud T snir-jitdresaad enveloii. to ihe Kav. Jos urn, New York t'lty. aag. I . ly- Railroad Guide. Dlpkb ytaflini B. 11. Arrangement of Passenger Trains. NOVEMBER, 12th, 1882. Trains leave Allentown at follows t (Via PKUKIOMKN ItAILItOAD.) For Philadelphia at S.(0, tAl, 11.10 a.m., and "3.10 p. la. SUNDAYS. For PiilladelphlaatS.O0a.m. and3.33p.m. (Via East Penm Dranoii.) For Heading and HarrlsbuOg, 0 00, 8.40a. m., r.i.15, 4.3 1. and 0.05 p. m. Fur Lancaster and Columbia, 0.00, 8.40 a, tn., nadtSjp. ui. SUNDXYS. For Hiirrlsburg, and waypotnts, 9.03 p. m. Trains for Allontown leave as follows : (Via PjtnKIOMKS ItAILItOAD.) Leave Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. and 1.00, 1.35, and (.15 p. tn. SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 8.C0 a. m., 3.15, and 4.20 p. m. (Via East Pkhh. Branch.) Leave Reading, 7.30. 10.15 a. m., 2.00, 3.55. anu n to it. in Leave Harrlsburg. 521. 7.60. 8.50 a. m., 1,45 anu f.wi p. m. Leave La Lancaster, t7.30 a. m., 1.00 and (3.40 d ra.l j, cave vtiuiiniii,t.ou it. iu.,i lu iud.,w p.m. fifrom King Street Depot. SUNDAYS. Leave Head In ir, 7 30 a. m. Leave Harrlsburg, 5 20 a. to. Trains via "1'crklomen Railroad" marked thus (M run lo and from Denot, Ninth and Oreon streets, Philadelphia, other trains to ami from Droad street Depot. Ttie o.uu anu 0.4, a. in. trains irom Alien town, and tho 1 35 and 5.15 p.m. train from Philadelphia, via Perkloinen Itallroad, havo through cars lo and Irom Philadelphia. J. E. WOOTTEN, . General Manager. CO. IlANrOUK. Uen'l Pass r 6s Ticket Agent. November 0th JOHNR.G.WEYSSER, PROPRIETOR OF THE West End Brewery, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Pnre orter anil Lapr Beer Delivered all over the State. October 8, 1881 yl A NEW AND ELEGANT LINE OF Clocks, Watches anil Jewelry Just Itccelvcd, at HAGAMAlM'S STORE, Bank St., Lehighton, SII1TAULU FUH A Holiday Presents, All or which Is being sold at such extraordin ary Low Pilcos that aH can buy. Look for Yourselves ! ! 0 old and;s liver Watt hes from ii 00 to (CO 00 Gent's Chains " 12 to 6 00 Ladles' Chains ' 35 to 8 00 Locke Is ' 1 00 to SO CO lilngs " 3 to 12 00 Ilrncclets, dents' and Ladles' Chains, Ilreast fins. Ear Jewels, anil a variety ot other aril clcs too numerous to mention, Including SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, &o. Please call and see Tor yourstlrcs beforo buying elsewhere. dec2-r Central Carriage Works, Bank St., Lchighton, Pa., Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, Uf every description, In the most substantial inanucr, anu at i,oncst uasn rriccs. Rcpairlnrr rromptly Attended to. TRF.XLER & KREIDLER, April 29, 1882 yl Proprietors. T Y1 O ri no1' "J." wee pine by. -c 1-4 I ito and dare beforo 50U JLJL-ik JL die. somethlnp; nihility and sublime leavo. be hind to conquer time." $60 a week In your own town, 15 outfit frei. No risk Every tliinir new. Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. Many arc making fortunes. Ladies make as inticti as men, and boys ninl itlrls tnuke irreal pay Header. If yuu want huslncss at which ou ran make icrrat pay all Ibe time, write for particulars tn II. 11 alibtt & Co. Portland, Maine. I A f I r Claims a specialty, and Wi I Al N I I RANIS. A D 1) IT ION. L.m 1 HOMESTEAD OKIITIFIU, WAU N A I FIOAT. ES and all kinds (if LAND SCRIPT bnuuht and Sold. Lance Stock, and Highest Prices paid. Do ynu want to soil or buy? If so, write tn A. A THOMAS, Attomey at Law, Washington, I). O. Jan.Mfc. DROP IN AT THE Carbon Advocate OFFICE FOR Cheap Printing ! r.V I'ODTII AND MIDIlIK AOKD. Would von on le-tnr-d lobOUNU Hniihnnrl Q head auiun and vmi will ie 1 .a- muuuuuu ; lo a4ird eovelopn Addr11... It . 4SS o Per 3 CO r rt o 5 No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors In the United States Canada and Europe, at reduced rates. With our principal oHlco located In Washington, directly opposlto tho United States Patent Odlce, wo nro ablo to attend to nil patent business with greater promptncs and de spatch and at less cost than other patent at torneys who are at a distance from Wash ington, and who have, Ihercfore, to employ ' associate attorncjs." We make preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as to i a tcntabiliiy, Irco of charge, ami nil who are Interested in nw Inventions and imtcnls are Invited to send for a copy ol our 'lluldo for obtaining Polentr," which Is. sent free to any address, and contains conn Icto Instruc tions now to obtain patents and other valua ble matter. Wo refer to Iho Germnn-Amor-lean National Hank Washington, I. (.; tho lioyal Sired Ish. Norwegian and Dai.lsh I. -ua- tlnns. at Washington : Hon. Jos. Casey, lite Unlet Justice U. s, Court of Ulalms; to tho Oltlclats or the U. S' Patent O!lleo. and tn Snutors and Members of Congress from every Slate. Address: LOUIS IIXOOEH fc CO.. So licitors ot Patenisnnd Atlnrncisnt Laiv.Le Droll Hulldlng, Washiaoton. 1). l Miss ALVENI A GRAVER f'Formcrlv Mrs. Vchr & SisterJ STORE, from SOUTH Street, into tho new building next door to Dr. Rebor's Block, Bank Street, Leliihtoii, and that she has just received from the City a largo and elegant assortment of tho vcrr Latest Styles of Spring and Summer BBSIilimSSffi'T Comprising HATS, BONNETS, PLUMES all Shades, FLOWEItS, TiimiONS AND ' Nl 1 1'lONS which she Is otlerinic to the Indies at prices fully as low as the sanio art icle can be bought tor In tho cities. Call and examine. No trouble to show goods. Agent for tho Bethlehem Steam Dye Works. llemember, Miss ALVENI A GRAVER, Apni 2i.i683.m3 Next to Reber's Block, Bank St. Spring AimoiiEcenieiit j ke., Ac. Our Young Ladles and Ucntlcmen will find It to their advantage to give him a call before punl.aslng elsewhere, as they will find tho JIEST SELECTED STOCK In TjunAT I10PTOM PRICES. Old Post Office April II, 188 My Vegetable Sicilian SAIR EENEWER ivni tho first preparation perfectly adapted to :iin ilisc.iscs of tho scalp, and tho first sue- csiful restorer of faded or gray hair to Its i..itui:il color, grow Hi, mid youthful btnuty. it has lnil many lmttutors, but iionobateeo fully hat nil tho requirements nciilful for the proper treatment of the hair and scalp, II Al.L's Ham: lti:NCWt:it has steadily grown in favor, mid spread lis fntuo mid usttuhitssv to every entailer of tho globe. Its unparal leled success can bo attributed to but one ituic: the entire fulfilment qf Us prbmhtt. The proprietors havo often been surprised it the receipt of orders from relfroto'coun- r.cs, whero they had iiccriuadeu,ircu"orttor u Introduction. . '. '( 'J he uso for n short tlmo of IlAI.L'AjtAIR lti:Ni:wi:it wonderfully Improves the pcr 101ml nppenraucc. It cleanses the scalp from all Impurities, cures nil humors, fever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldness. It lliimlatc.i the weakened glands, nnd enables ihciii to push forward u lieu mid ligorous Trnwth. Yho clfects of this article nro not transient, like thoso of alcoholic prepara tions, hut remain n long time, which makes its Uu n matter of economy. BTTOKINGHAM'iSiDYE' WHISKERS Will change tho beard to n naturnl brown, ir black, , 'is dcslied. It prodticcsn permanent n'or that will nut wash away. Coi.slsllr.gdf ' slnglu preparation, It Is applied without rouble. . r'ncrAr.ED ny .1 P. HALL & go., ficstna, II. Ii. .Vol.1 by all Dealers In Mcdleluts. TOOL ALL THE TORUS ov fscrofnlotig, Blcrcnrlnl. nntl I'.lootl DlfecmU-rt. tho best !4-ft blood-pm iirchlnir 'niul tliuruud piuillei-, is Ayer's SarsapariEla. Sold by all Druggists ; 91, sis bottles, A rir'NTTQ sell Edison's Mus. AJ Jj1 i o tci 1 Telephone and Edison's Instantaneous Piano and Oruan Itluslc. En close stamp for dialogue and terms. EDISON MUSIO CO., Philadelphia, Pa dee. 2J-m6. J for all diseases of the Kidneys and a s LIVER f It has ppeolilo Action on thle most Important ii orcan, cnaouns it wirow on torpiaicy ana t lrrxtiDtj, stlmulatlnc tho healthy seoretlon oi uo uuo, ana Dy jcecpinrr t&o Dowels tn irco condition. oCecUnz lta rcirular diwharre. Sflo !1 q tl a If you nro auHbrinrj trcm J oro tlllous, dyspeptic, or constipated, Eld- la this season to clonnro tho Eyttem. evcrr 6 r unauomatauonucroiiciicoursctozit. y GOLD DV DHUCCIGTS. Prlco $1. n respectfully announces to her friends and the ladies generally, that she has removed her Millinery & Notion The unlerslgned calls the attention of his many friends and patrons to his Largo and Fashionable Stock of Spring Goods, Consisting of BOOTS AND SHOES Of every description and Style In tho Market, Including a special line of Lady's Fine. Shoes Also, a full line of Umbrellas, Sun Shades, Hats, Caps, BAM Street, LEHIGHTOll THE FRONT fJATE. An old and crlpplod gate am I, And twenty years have passed Sinco I was swung up high and dry Betwixt these posts so fast; But now I've grown so powerful wak Despised by man and beast I'm scarcely strong enough to squeak; Although I'm Dover greased. Twat twenty years ago, I say, When Mr. Knos While Camo kind of hanging 'reund ray way '-Most every other night. He hung upon my starboard tide, And she upon the tother, Till Susan Smith became his bride, And in due time a mother. I groaned intensely when I heard Despite 1 am no churl My doom breathed in a single word The baby nai a girl I And as she grew and grew and grew, I loud bemoaned my fate, For she was very fair to view, And I I was the gate. Then In due time, a lover came Betoken of my ruin A dapper fellow, Brown by name. The grown up hahy wooin'l They sprang upon me In the gloom, And talked of tneon and star; They are married now and live attiome Along with ma and pa. My lot was happy for a year, No courting night or day I had no thought, I had no fear, Bad luck would come my way, But oh! this morning, save the mark! There camo a wild surprise, A shadow flitted grim and dark Across my sunny skies. A doctor with a knowing smile, A nurse with face serene, A bustlo in the house the while. Great Scnltl What can it mean! My Mnpes ache, tho lock is weak, My pickets in a whirl 1 I hear that awful doctor speak "It is another girl I" COMING BACK. Up in a city garret, on a hot Jane day, a weary woman leaned back in htr chair. and pressed her fingers against the' even that refused longer to see the stitches in the shop-work over which she had toiled from day -brink till now, four o'clock iu the nlternoon. From the street far bflovr her, n voice had only that moment soared upward, culling 'Strawherr-ees! Btrawberr-ecs! Ripe, red strawberr-ces! ' And, as if by magic, her thoughts turning backward had carried ber to Dtcpdene, the home of her youth, and a certain lovely June day in ber sixteenth year, when she bud stood in the .truw berry pasture on the Blessing farm, with the red berries perluniingall the air.nnd said the words which severed her fate from that of Maurice Blessing, nnd made her life what it nas ou this day, almost hopeless, and a ceaseless struggle for bread, won at the needlo's point. How it all rose up before herl The green pasture Blopiug upward to toe darker green woods, whose tops seemed lo touch tLe deep blue sky, sloping downward to tbe gray stone wall, with the cold ppting leaping ont through wooden trough, amoug its lower stones, And below tbe wall, "tbe thirty-acre mowiuj.'Vpread out like an immense emerald velvet carpet, with the two-story crenmcolored house lifting its pizzaed front at tbe extreme end, just where the shaded lane began, that led from tbe Blessing farm out into the village road She the poor orphan girl, had been offered this comfortable home; and she bad refused it lor what? For a dream of fame which had left her toiling in this b;ot garret, while la tbe black trunk yon dertbobook which was to bave made ber fortune, refused by one publisher after another, was lying, till she could fiad courage to thrust it into tbe tire. "Scarcely five years," shesigbed, rock 'ng herBtlf to and fro. "And Maurice has sold tbe old farm and goue to Color ado; and I am here, lonely, disappointed, old before my time. Oft, If I could ouly livo that day over again, and be as wise as I am nowl For now I knew that I love him now, when it is forever too late!" Sickening, with a sort of calenture among those hot city street, for one glimpse of her early home, Hester May rose and went to tbe desk where her worldly wealth was stored. Dy the closest economy, she had man aged to lay aside a few dollars, with tbe gloomy purpose of paying the expen sts of ber own ticknesa aud death, when the time should come for her to die au ( rjg strangers. Froui this sacred board she counted out a sufficient sum to take her to Diep dene. ' 'I n ill stay only one day," she thought, "Aud I wil work all tbe harder after 1 return to make up this sum Hgaiu, But -see Deepdeue, now tbat it is fairly in my miua, I must! And I will take one more look at tbe dear old farm before it is in tbe bands of straugers, and so altered that 1 shall not know it." Tbe next day saw ber on her way, Tbe five years of her absence had been years change to tbe little country village. A railway whUked ber across the bill road from Torriugton. Ouce she would hive made the journey in a yellow stage, drawn by four horses, with John Colney, cr 'a-ejt aod most disagreeublo of earthly stage drivers, ou tho box. Tbe villagfl, too, was smirlcnul aud freshened up new bouses, new furen, a new icon leuce around tbe small oval park tbat graced tbe reuUr f the tou new names above tbe gildfd 'rout of tbe abnps; a new set of gigling misses, on their way to the new browu-stone acade my, which stood where she bad ouce tbnugbt it an honor to attend tbe district Msbocl, in a pliln, one-story structure of faded brick. No doubt all these alterations wer for the better; bnt they made her heart ache with a seuse of loss unspeakable. And she turned into the shaded lane that led only to tbe Blessing farm. il nail ing to see the old home desecrated by the stranger's hand. No; there it stood, as she had always known it the very picture of home com fort, the center of all thoss modeit lux uries tbat a well-to-do farmer, of all oth er men, may most easily command. But, although the dear old house was unchanged, its inmates wcro new and strange to her. A stoat middle-aged mau, In a white summer suit, with a broad-brimmed hat and a cigar, sat 011 the steps of the piazza reading a news paper. A fashionably-dressed lady,soroo yoars his junior, swung iu a hammock upon the lawn, lost in a novel. Several children, in broad-brimmed bats and brown Holland blouses, were making tbe lives of two nurses a burden to thm, further down the lawn, among the elm trees where a swing had hung from time immemorial. "City" was stamped upon every face and figure that she saw, Maurice sold the place to somo re tired merchant, who would over-ornament and disfigure it in tbe modern villa style? If ono could but live their lives ovtr after they grow older, and aro taught by experience whit is' best for them I" tboucht Hister in her Badness, ouce moro. She would have gone np to the house and asked leave to rest and look around if it had remained in tho care of old Fanner Williams and bis wife, the ten ants of the upper farm. But she could not faoe these prosper ous, bappy "city people," who would look at her with their coldly-curious eyes, and wonder, almost audibly, "bat she could want," even if they did not ab solutely mistako ber for a "tramp." "I wish I could have gone through the strawberry paBtnre once more," the thought, as she turned back to tho rail way station, tired, huugry and tiure freshed. At the foot of the lane a gentleman, in a summer suit of silver-gray, stood lean ing against tbe bars with bis straw hat drawn over his eyes so far tbat he failed to see the stranger's silent approach. Will yon let mo pnss, if you please!' said lTestor, at last, after waiting sou.e moments. He wheeled ronnd, as if she bad struck him, aud stared doubtfully in her face. She uttered a gieat cry. "Maurice! Maurice! I heard that vou had sold the farm, and gone to Color- add!" "Hester, can this be you," ho nns ffered.' His oyos seemed to devour her. Words rose to his lipn, and were' forced balk again. At last he askctl: "Is your bnsband hero with yen, Hester?" "Sly husband?" "ivuy, yesi 1 uenra that jou were married very soon alter you went to tbe city." 'You heard wrong, Maurice! I bnvo not been married. I bave never even thought of such a thing." "Bnt why did you go, then, Hestet? Why did yon leave Deepdene? Wby did you refuse to marry me, if if thero was no one else in the way?" Poor Hester! She thought of tbe hot city garret, of the dream of fame that never bad been realized, of tho unlucky book that was lying in tbe black trunk, of tbe little burial board so hardly earned and saved. Tbe tears came quickly to ber eyes, obscuring the honest, handsome face on which she gaz:d. "Don't ory, Hester," said Miurice Blessing, taking her hand, "And tell me why yon wonld not marry me, deor?" "Because I was a fool!" sobbed Hef- ter. "Is the folly ended? asked Maurice, hiding a smile as be bent over her, "Can not you give me a different answer now, Hester? If you can, we will be just tbe happiest pair on earth, here on my dear old farm." "But you sold it and weut to Colorado," said Hester, wouderingly. "At least I heard so." "I was a fool, too, Hester; for I went to.Colorado.and I was quite ready to sell. But my brother-in-law, from the city, persuaded me to rent it to him for one year, till I bad time to think the matter over. When I came to my senses-al though I had not forgotten you, darling I was very glad tbat tbe poor old place was mice still, aud I came back some six weeks ago to see it. My sister aud btr bu.baud and family go back to tbe city uext week, stopping at tbe mountains on tbeir way. I shall bo left alone, with good Mrs. Williams for my bouse-ketp er, and her husband as head hired man just as I was before. Hester, won't you take pity on me. and come and share my home? I bave never cared for any oue but yon." I do not kuow in what wnrds Hester answered bim. But I see her daily in the cream-colored farmhouse, the very model of an active, bustling, good-tern, ncred farmer's wife. As for the hook she has utterly for gntteu it, ' She needs its recompense 110 longer, and she is far too bappy to care or wish for fame. A bold attempt to set all the prison era free in tbn St, Vincent de Paul Perl t-fidiary, Montreal, was frustrated hy tbe killing of tbeleader, a couvict named Lo B'anc. Three factories in tbe United States consume nearly two millten eggs a year in making a peculiar kind of paper used by photogriphers. Joaquin Miller will read the poem before tbe New York Press Association at its twenty-seventh annual meeting in Jane. AN ESSAY ON HOLLER SKATES. Tbo roller skate is a wayward little quadruped. It is as frolicsome and more innocent looking than a lamb, but for inttrferiug with one's upright attitude in the community it is perhaps tbe best machine tbat has appeared iu Salt Lako City. Oae's first feilttig ou standing np on a piir of tollir skutis is an uucoulrolluble tendency to come from tojjelhtr. Oue foot may start out toward I laho while tbo other us promptly strikes out for Arizona. Tbe legs do licit stand by each other as legs related by blood should do, but each shows u disposition to set up in busiuess ulone, nnd leave you to take care of yourself as best you may. The awkunrducss of this arrangement is np. parent. While they aro setting up iuik petideutly, thero is nothing for you to do but to sit down and await future de velopments. Aud you bave tu sit do'.tn, too, without having made any previous preparation for it, aud without bavicg devoted as much thought to it as yi u might have dono had you been cousultid in the matter. One of tho most noticeable things at a skating rtuk is the stroug attraction be tween tbe human body aud the floor ol the riuk. If tbe human body had been coming through space for dais nnd days at the rittn of a million mills n second. without stopping at eating stations, aud not excepting Suudajs, when it strikes the floor, wo could uuderstand wby it struck the floor with so much violence. As it is, however, tbe thiug is inexpli cable. There aro different kinds of falls In vogue at the rink. Thero are tbe rear fall, and front fall, tho Cardinal Wol sey fall, tho fall one across the other, three iu n pile, nud so on. Tbere are some of the falls tbat I would like to bo excused from describing. Tho rear fall is the favorite. It is more frequently utilized than ncy other. There are two positions in skating, the perpendicular and the horizontal. Advanced skaters pnfer the perpendicular, while others nfftct the horizontal. ' Skates nro no respectors of persons. They will lay out a minister of tbe Gos pel or the Mayor of tbe city as readily as they will a short-coated, one-suspend-ered boy, or a giddy girl. When one of a man's feet starts for Nevada nnd the othor for Colorado, I bat does not separate him frcm the floor or break up bis fun. Other portions of bis body will take tbe place Lis feet bave just vacated, with a promptness that is surprising. And he will find that the fuu has just begun for the people look ing on. Tbe equipments for the rink are a piir of skates, a cushion, and a bottle of liniment. ABOUT FEET. "The largest pair of shoes that I ever sold to a lady," sat I tho merchant, "numbered nine. There are two sis ters; oue wears eiphts and tbe others nines, Tbo oldest sister," he continued, "tried to squeize on n pair of eigbts.but without success. Finally she gaye me an order to make a pair of nines, and tbey really look well ou her foot. Yon wouldn't think they were nines to look at thorn. We sell more nutnV'r ones than eights, however. I bave been in business fifteen years, aud I find that the majority of those who wear ones are either Southern or Spanish ladies." "What is tbe difference between tbe foot of a Southern lady and that of a Ynnkce woman?" we inquired. "The difference is the oimo as tbe difference between tho foot of a Southern man and n Yankee. Southern feet are narrow and bowed in tbe middle, giving them n very high in step. The Yankee foot is tpread at the toes, nnd bus more .surface. There is much grace about tbe foot of n Yankee lady, but it 1 tcks tbe suppleness of the Southern foot. Its merits are its ex quisite shape, small heel and streugth. Compare tho walk of a Southern woman with tbe walk of a Yankee woman. Tbe Yatikee iady has a bhort springy step. The little heel catches tbe Mdewiilk. aud the g.iitrrs sound liko the click of a tele graph instrument- The Sothcrn wotnau walks liuguidly nud makes long steps. Tbe feet make Ibe difference, hit the Yankee girl attempt the step of tbe Southern lady, aud she would turn her ankle'" SUNBEAMS--Vermont proudly boasts of a citizen lately deceased, who "bad attended 1G7 luuernls." A post il card lately made the j inr ney from Mexico tn Nnplos in 2'JJ ilajs 0,700 miles, part of tbe way by couch, Neither France, Germany or Bel gium raises enough inent to supply its own population. Tho meat consump tion per head of population is much higher iu Great Britlan thau elsewhere In Europe. On tbo 19th of March last tbo shop keepers of a street in Cracow awoko nnd found nil their sign-boards gone, Tbey were not tbe victims of Hob Siwyer aud Ben Aliens, but of tho police. Tbe rea sou given was tuat tbe names ol Ibe shops in tbe HnsMnn characters were smaller than In PolUb. Tbe Iiallan residents In Tunis bave been forbidden by the Bey to publish a newspaper. Ho will only ainotioi one, which ii la Amnio and French. The Italians aro very Indlitnint, of course. as"ribiiig the refusal lo French infliuncs nnd the director nf tho -jiaper proposes to publish ond take tbo coustquence, Queen Victoria has ordered a large brass, bearing a eulosisllo Inscription in n.mnrr of Jobu Brown, which Is to be placed on the walls of tbe Prince Cou a.rt'aMiusoleum at Frog more. A bust and a statue, are also in preparnion, aud .1 Hmltila an elaborate mountlent is to be placed over the grave, and n " 1 on one of tbo adjaceut bills. 'cairu' A pistol which a Cincinnati woman said was the one her husband threatened ta shoot her with provtd to ha a berr faucet. A inr'nbcr nftho Massachusetts House nf Representatives, a physirian, too, has illsiiiTered that "small pox Is sent by the Almighty as a judgment upon land monopoly, money monopoly and irsbpof talion monopoly," LATEST AS TO MARY'S LAMB. Mary had a llttlo lamb, lis ltrero wua black as Ink, And Mary had dyipeiuU so She couldn't sleep a wink. She suflcreil both hy night aud day, With paliis nnd aches, until hr Kind friends suggested she should Ukt P. Davis's Pain Kami. It quickly turned dyspojisis out And made her good as new, And just the way Hint Mary did, Should all dy.poplirs do. Tho wnnderliil sack ol Hour which w sold so often during war limes, netting two hundred thousand dollars for tho sanitary fund, Is to he placed nn exhibition In a California town. Trnhably aller It has been on exhibition a few rears, some board ln house keeper will buy It to work up lota Indestructible biscuits. -Notwithstanding much has been said about the importation of a blood purlfvlnar medicine, it may bo possible that the mat ter has never seriously claimed your atten tion. Think nl It now! If by the use of a few bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparllla ynu avoid the evils of scrofula, and transmits healthy constitution to your offspring, thank us for the suggestion. A remarkablo peculiarity nf the na tives of Southern China Is lhat the great toe of each foot is separalcd from Ihe others like the thumb of the hand, and can be used in much the same manner, although not to an equal extent. Of the old five cent pieces there are nearly 128,000,000, in circulation, of thtra cent pieces 2P,000,000, and of one cent pieces 500,000,000. It has been said that a dude never whistles, but a spscimcn has been discover cd in Chicago which permits itself occasion ally to whistle Yankee Dnde-el. Elkton,KY.-Dr. E. B. Weathers says. "I regard Brown's Iron Bitters as a medicine of unusual worth.'. A prominent and successlui merchant says that when ho Is tired and wants rest ho don t go otTnn a tour nnd spend money, but just takes bis advertisement out of tho paper. A French lady, during the siege of Paris, driven'by famine to eat her pet dog, os she was finishing: "Poor thing, how h. would have enjoyed picking these bones!" WT-Every color of tbe Diamond Pj.i it perfect. See the samples nf the color riotn at the druggists. Unequalled for brlllsncy. Thirty years' observation convinces the llarrisburg Independent that only about three out ot every ten meu elected attend to their public duties or are capable of attending lo them. A Pawnee City man wrote to a groeeri "Please send mn by herrer two pounds of shughor, a blackin brush, five pouns of cof fey, nnd some little nail. My wile had a baby last night also two padlocks and a monkeywrench." " An Indianapolis baby was hiltln, In testing a pet Malteso kitten, Before a day ended, SI. Jacobs Oil mended, And with it mothers are smitten. A hunter who lives n Bear Run, Hurl his arm hy tlm kick of a gun, The hunt it did spoil, But St. Jacobs Oil Cured him before swelling begun. ' The latest programme at a birthday party is not to bring any presents, but to drop a halt dollar iu the basket nn the cen tre table, with which the lady, in whose honor the party is given, will buy such presents us suit her best. This is an im provement un the old plan. -'None can tell what the world bat be fore him," moralized a Rochester philoso pher, "but we all know what we have lift behind. Engeries misdirected, opportuni ties wast "Just then a goat struck him in the rear, and as he pieked himself upand rleaied a board fence he continued, "but too present isnurs lo wisoly improve." As strangers. "Ile'uceforth we nisei as strangers!" exclaimed Brown, in a fit of an- gor. "Thank you Brown, wy dear fellow " gushed F.'gg effusively "you always did tieat strangers belter than your friends and acquaintances, and ynu nilt me exceed ingly happy that I am henceforth to, share in your distinguished consideration." Allcock's Porous Plaster CURL'S WilKIti: l'US THUS FAIIiEVKX TO RELIEVE. Take no other or you will ho dUs, polnted. Insist on having ALLCOCK'S Puila., Soft Noarfl TnrtD Sr.,) February I, ISB3. J I have been using Allcock's rotODt ri.ASTKRS for a number t.f yrarsand always willi maiked benellt. I lnve beeu tnacl, lr.mhlcd with Muscular Rheumatism hn Li en Heated by five nf ourbet physicians without receiving auy relief winterer. I then used Ai.i-cucit'a Plastesoo tba punt olj'vcle.1 and I can assure ynu Ihsl tba pala slnirst entirely left me. I ru recum-, mend them In every ono as the best plaster made. I have tried other kinds but found them worthless. B. F. GALLAGHER. Weak Kidneys Cured. CoNTOocnos, N. II.,) March 3, 1S80. j I have been greatly troubled with Rbju matism and Weak Kidneys. I was advised lo try Allcotk's Foam's Plasvsbs (bad used two oilier kinds ol so called Porous Plasters, which did m. no good), but on. ef your worked like a charm, giving me ram plelo relief, and I bav. not been troublsd with Rheumatism and. Kidqar Complaint sinoa using them, and I consider mywlf Hired. EDWARD P. BURNUAlf. Iref.J.Y jAN,udsnuurs K V juljl.'il
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers