The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 30, 1882, Image 4

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    I! I-"
II you far nollilii(, tiftboily will rtpcal
A good friend It letter lliati a near te
Utlmi Much learning ihow how tittle mor
ula Itii'iwn,
-Dullfi fulfilled Fire always pleasure! tn
Ilia memory,
Kxperleuctt ami wisdom are lliobttt
fortune tellert.
Be on your giianl agalnit rushing from
on fitult to another.
He cmiler a doiitile lilmlnrM on a 1 r
limn If he ijive". quirkly.
Iii'lulgo in teisons arguments t trrU
nol to win br fiotltli palaver.
Strive to win the approbation of men
by a coni'itent course of action.
A Very empty utensil T lie Khun of
"Wells' Iti-nlth H-imwur" realorei health
anil 1 1 nor, cure! Dynprps'a, IiiiiHiti-nc'ex-u.l
Dublllty. ?1.
A Hump trwech "Gi oinla the butt of
your cijar inl.te,' "
A denier iu artificial bntr u .1 firm bo-liort-r
In lalto profi't.
' Isaao, If vou are 15101! to tiny you may
tarry up nine muni, but II you urn naughty
you mm1 carry It up "
A St. fjoius belle rame to CIiIca0 last
wool, ami the .only way that she eiiulJ be
mug was to catch her by the let t.
A mueh-ubusnl alitor wrote to a broth
rr j'lurualUt, veiling him an u.9, anil
thnuglitlcttly, sigmil liilnsrlf " Y.iura 1'ru
A Texas eHltor eats ink n.llera when
1 i r.iuntrv prmliiro runs out. lie Is not
thafluly "e . aeJItor who has 0 patent in
B le.
Cletrt t rats, micj 'aci c, flies, an a
ba.l-bu, skunks, chipmunks, g pliers, lio
A Kentuckv juiltt" nays a horfce r.100 is
nl a came. He's right. It's a cut ami
tilled affair, juft like a ciiihh.
Hunting in tiie wron.j ceinelery for tio
he-idtoiio ol a dopnrled friend would natur
ally 1m railed a grave mistake.
We know an actor wh 1 lately celebra
cd his Ri ciMitciinlul. At least lio aays h'
has lived througli two hundred j era.
A family who had recently moved inlo
e (uile of room nco v d an elegantly work
oJ motto las', week, which read as follows:
"Heaven bless our flat I"
Fa m rs ami ot ers deilrine a ten-
teal, lucrutivo ugenry business, by wuieu J
to $20 a duv cm be rnnied, senit aiblress at, on pn-ttal, In H. C. Wilkinson k Co.,
Ju 0 una IC'J r niton sueet, new lurk.
A c.irreHioiiilent orce nskod, "What i
tha extreme penalty for bignmy ?'' A villiai
with hi bruin parted iu the meridian there'
ujhiii insinuated, "Two mothsr-iu laws."
Most men will ohin, and dodge, ai d
conic back at you on any argument, but ro
Inun will allow another to split hairs on the
question of next, in 0 crowded barber shut
when it's his turn.
A Ustnn schjol gill deseribod'n "bust
as a statue with two legs under it. She has
evidentally neer seen the kind of .1 "bust
Ihaladnru police court records. Thoy have
no legs under them.
On Thirty Days Trial.
Tim Voi.taio Uklt Co., Muishall, Mich.,
will seud Dr. Dye'a Celebrated Electro Vol
liac Bilts and Electric Appliances on trial
! tr thirty days to men (young or old) who
are alllreted with nervous debility, lost vi
tality mi. I kindred troubles, guaranteeing
.speedy and complete restoration ol health
ami nun ly vigor. n. u. no risk is Incur'
red, as thirty days' trial is allowed, 5. ly
A Chicago man hus invented a cart iron
liblo-wtro that looks just like proeclnin am
i iu ecstacics when he sees a tcryaiit j
dpap half a dozen cups and shriek with bur
rr at observing tlicir failure to break.
A Hiekford luun sniv advertise. 1 "a
aura cure for drunkenness." Ho forwarded
the necessary dollar, and received by return
mail, written u a valuable pistil card, In
beaulitul violet iuk, tbo magic words,
'Diu't Drink "
In presenting to the public a mode of
trratiimnt for the euro ofany of those ter
rible diseases that afflict mankind, it is but
Just aud proper thut tho principles upon
which it is foiided blmuld bo set forth Iu as
clear a light as possible. The, time forse
crecy in sucli matters is past, and any plan
o treatment or remedy, thut will not bear
tlie closest scrutiny of scientific investiga
tion mutt ba regarded with suspicion. It :a
rarely in the history of medicine that all
tl,o indications of disease, hive been met by
usiug'o remcdyor combination of remedies.
11 it after a continued and accurate obser
vation of all the phenomena attending the
course of an almost couutless number of
cases of Rupture, and extending over a lone
term of years, a prcpiruttou has been grad
lly iwrim-tAl, which, in a in'Ot aurpriainc;
aud sutislaetory manner meets the cxan'
requirements for the iwriiiajient Relief and
('ore of Uuiiliire, even in its most obstiiialo
forms. Kor the benefit of Ihosa of our read
ers who have not had the opp irtunity of
I. -ting the merits of Excelsior Itnpln-o
Trtatm-'iit fur themselves, we ask that you
fen 1 1 1 F. M. Merrick. Ogdensburg. N. Y.,
for his Freo Book on ltupture.
A cornfii-ld aristocrat went to the city
to inspect the tidbit last week, and upon
hearing that McICee ttmkln, of Danlo fame
was playing 'Ma," l laid, "Why in tbund-
r don't ho go it 'n ithor one, and make 'cr
c'en "io."
Two young ladies of Tilusvillc recently
took a "(Iyer" Iu oil ami cleared $1,200.
Tney bought sealskin sanpies and diamond
rarrings and asked their brker to buy them
6.11OO barrels without margins. He did so,
and the fair sisters "laL Uoivii" 011 him for
"T0 lata to whet lint s vont when the
trumpet sounds to draw it." Hut never loo
late to whet your appetito by luklng Kid.
Iiey-Wort, restoring heallh aud making
Yourself a well, strong, licrtrly man. It is
lineqiulled as a remeily for all liver, bowels
and kidney diieasei1. All druggists keep
aud recuiDinend it.
It Is sal I Hut wnen II irhert Sineer
srss in Chlcage ho lnvsme otl'eii.led at a free
and eaty s olof a fellow who lapie. him
familiarly on the back aud said, "How are
j .u, Iterbt" Wo supH.e bo would also
gel mart if a stranger was to address him as
'Old Siience" -so wJirV lu tho dickens shall
jra, cull hint?" (jf
An Austin gentleman bought a buggy
li-rta which was represented to ba ierfeetly
penile, A fie I the trada hud be. 11 made.tbd
tuoney paid over, and the new purchaser
ttis leading otr his horse, the lormer owner
called to I1I111 1 "I aayl Whca yoj want
yur buggy repaired there is a man on IV
rari si root who will do It very cheap."
Now Isageod time to saniue your wlfr,
Jail birds bare CO wiagsbut they fly
Vr'ieu they get a cood chance.
JIsavu help our hash s "Cod bless our
lxariug II ,Jsl" Ui bint Utuworktd 1)1
Aa taeltiS VnKrlntrr surf eon iij Chtmrtl. nnw
teavplloa; in Shis couturr. tr thsi noss of she
llorse anil Cuttle Tenders sold hero are worth
less trash. He saea Hint .Shitrlilnnia flnnaillnn
I am a ,a... ... .i,...i . ;
Tslosble. KotMnit onesrth lll raske ben. lay tike SlicrldsirnOimdltlnri l-onifers. Pose, I teassoonful
to 1 plot looil, Soht everywhere, or suit by mall for 8 ItUer-atamtis. I. s. Jom.ho.x li Co., Uorro.v, Mass
I Cures all diseases of the Stomaoh, Liver, Bow
els, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Millions testi-
liV to its eflloaoy in healing tho above named
diseases, and pronounoo it to bo tho
'iMc MarL kkst ukmedy known to man.
Guaranteed to Care Dysiwpsia.
0 A GT-E n t s w a n t e 1 )0
Laboratory 77 West 3d S:., New York City, Druggists sell it.
I.YKUNS, DAuruin CO., Pa.
Dr. Clark Johnson:
My was literally covered with Teller, tor which I could get no relief until I took
your INDIAN I1UJOL) aVUlir, which has eiTeo ually cured mo. I recommend It highly.
UNOUll limtOEU-
Vonufaoturcof ond Dcal'-r iu
rin and Sheet-Iron Ware and General
House Ym&M Goods.
IIOOFINK nsstl SPOirriRs at
short notice aud at Lowest Cash Friers.
dr. n. ti. ostsrr.n.
As a rulo pure-Weil stock is not the most
profitable for farmers to keep. Many who
have trieil to brenl a herd of pure hloori
anlmnli liavo failed. Tho cost to begin
with Is larje. The wrilcr rocontly visited
a herd of Jersey cattle, some of the cows In
which had cost tinny hundreds of dollars.
The product In flesh and milk from Iheso
unitnals is not so tnurh over that of tho
grade cow as to werraut the prlecs paid.
The inauHRenicnt that sueh closo bred stock
requires Is much greater than grade stock ;
that'is, crosses between the pure blood and
the native stock. Pure blood unitnals and
herds, like tho ono above mentioned, are of
Tilueas brcedlag centres, from which the
great mass of common stock ran be built up.
At a low tstlmato the value of tht grade
product ca i bo raised $15 or $20 each, the
Drst season. It may be that a farmer with
a large herd ofgrades thus produced can af
ford to keep two or three pure blood ani
mals fur further improvement of the herd,
but in many cases it will be better to re
plenish the pure blood from ono of the cen
tres of ruch stock. It is a national blessing
that "fancy fanners," as they are sometimes
called, are pleased to make such lare in
vestments in pure blood stock, for by this
means the supply of any breed is kept up,
!t would be a calamity If from any causa
these carefully managed herds should all ba
broken up and scattered. It is through
them that the whole live stock of the coun
try is to be Improved by a gradual process
of grading. In this important work the less
fortune favored stockmen may find a pro
fitable field of labor. American Aqricul
till fur January.
hrervklnd oJ MOVE OtlATHS and TIRE
UitltJKS VejiteoiutauUr on hand.
Stoiie on SOUTH Street,
l tew doors abovo Hank EL, LEIIIGIITON.
Patronage aollcited ti..tistac ion fpiaintitei d.
Oct. sort A. li. Mossurt.
MtrsiC DealeII
Instructor in Music
A full Hue of all kinds of
Sheet Music,
is constantly kept on hand at the Wart
Itoeni, near the L. i. S. Dwpol.
Sole Agent in the Lehigh Valley for
Belming Pianos !
Call and see them ; they have no superior.
Z Also, Agent for
Weber, Decker, Connor and
J. P. Halo Pianos,
Anil various Makes of ORGANS
Instruction (liven at Pupil's residence on
Piano, Organ, Voice aud Theory. oc2S
How Lost, How MoreA !
Just TmbHshcid, n new Virion ol Dr, TV I,
ilte riflirni rnreot trttUAiouMioi.A o html
i:nl Wiw'a.ipiii Iuvo uiit.n v KtMiiinn Loocs,
liiTOTr.M-y Mrm.l mu l'hj-t-io-l li-cioi ,
imp ulmciitM to Msrilnre etc i rI, Cos
BUHPTION. lU'lLFl'sY nml 1 IT. ilniUfC.I hV itlt-
luUulccnrti or sexual &.e
TlicelrhriitM antl or In Uu i Umiralile Kz
Bay, o nuly tlemiii'Mirnon fio.n n Ibiity ftrt
Huccf-Kful ita t ro tint tiu alnrnnn tomu
3n-nc nl mtv be raclcft.iy ru rdj
i ruiuiiuc iiu. a niuiiH 01 1 urr 01 m cn n'iiipKrt i
. t lntnU ell' cluui. by mo im ot winch rvt-iy
' wff-ier. uo miitifr wltat l.i oRd.tiou ma
I niuv cure lilu.uolt elieiply, i tiv-Il V. flinl laui-
vail) t
CfTliU la'Xtnift slionlii Le In t!io hands cf
ovrry youth mm f vciy man lti the 19 ml.
Scut UJdcr cttl, in a pliiln eiivtjlo' t. to pnv
A.l-!rDK( ixt iun nu rccoipt of .x cent or
two poitajro htainp. Atlt1:es
Tho Culvorurl! Mrdlrnl Co.,
By the centrl position of Its line, oonneota the
But and the Weit by the shortest route, uid or
rlea passeneers. without chaugo of cars, between
Chicago and Kansas City. Council Bluffs .Leaven
worth, Atchison. Minneapolis and St. FauL It
oonxeota In Union Depots with all the principal
lines of road between the Atlantlo and the Paclflo
Oceans. Its equipment is unrivaled and magnifi
cent, being: composed of Moat Comfortable and
beautiful Day Coaches, Maftnlfloent llorton Be
clinlns Chair Cars. Pullman's Prettiest Palace
BleepiDff Cars, end the Beat Line of Dining Care
la the world. Three Trains between Chicago and
ilissoun niver Points. Two Trains between Chi
cago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, via the Pamoua
A New and Dlreot Line, via Beneca and Kanka
kee.haa recontly been opened between Richmond
Norfolic.Newport News. Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au-
fusta,Kashvllle. Louisville, LexinRion.Cinolnnatl.
Ddlanapolls and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap
olis and St. Paul and intermediate points.
A11 Through Passengers Travel on Past Express
Tickets for sale at all principal Ticket Offices In
the United States and Canada.
Baggage cheoked through and rates of fare al,
ways as low as competitors that otfor less ad van
For detailed Information, ret the Maps and Fold
Ors of the
At your nearest Ticket Offloe, or address
Vloe Ttes. 4 Gtal H'g't, Oca'l TiU & Tut. Aft,
We have stores In 15 leading Cities,
At Wintormnte's BOTTOM Price Store !
A full line of Tall and Winter Goods at LOWER
PRICES THAN EVER. I have just added a nice line
of Men's, Youths' and Boys'
3(D(DTf3 QQQtfS
to my stock, and at prices that are away
BOWS - - IMIWM - - BfWI!
Why? Because I bought them low and for cash
and will sell them low. Call and examine stock be
fore you purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to show
Goods and give Prices. W. S. WINTERMUTE
1 rom which our arenta obtain their currlles aulcblir.
i unices are as
Catalogue) and
Our l'nctorici, n4 l'rliicliinl
isrie ra. ncaa lor our new
tsruu to agentd
MM I HUCI I 312 Lackawanna Ave
I j LUcCLE. ccranton. pa.
Wo conlimio to
smtents. caveats.
trado-tnarl;a, copyrighta, otc.for
thoUnltoil fitatos, and to obtain pat-
cnta la uanana, tn(;ianu, xruucu,
Germany, nnd all other coantrioa.
Tlilrtv-slx vnnrs' nractice. No
chargo for examination of models or draw
intra. Advice by mail froe.
ratonta obtained through ua aro noticod in
tho largoat circulation, r ml ia tho moat influ
ential newspaper of ita kind pnblibhcd in the
world. Tho ail vantages of each a uotico ovorj
patonteo understanda.
'fhialargo and Rplemllrtlv Illustrated news-
pauuriHlHluuailuii inixu ub;tt.uai:nr,
andia admitted to bo tho best paper devoted
toacienco, mochanics, inventions, engineering
works, and othor departinenta of industrial
progress, published in any country. Single
copies by mail, 10 cents. Bold by all nows
dcalera. Address, JIttnn & Co., publishers of Scicn
nao American, zui Jiroaaway, sew iori.
Handbook about pakuta mailed free.
Perliida i f mild weather occasionally oc
cur during the winter, and where the full
plowing has been omitted, itiuiiy profitably
bs dona luler. The agtucy ol frost in mak
ing the soil fine and increasing its fertility
Is not sufficiently appreciated. If the soil
'to trenched ur plowed after the crops are
gathered and left in deep furruwi, nearly
twice the surfjo Is exposed 'to tho Iroat.
The alternate freezing nnd thawing breaks
litwii the coarse lumps makes the plant
food therein more available for the crops of
the comiug season. Plowing at this season
.dsn disturbs the winter ro'lroat of many in
sects that will be destroyed by exposure to
frost. The advantagoof working (ho soil lu
late In 1 1 and winter is seen in the cultiva
tion of c.dery. The slirrlug of the soil in L
ttlanching the crop, and Uiu rough ilmpe In
which the trenches are left, give the frost
oud laiusa fair oppoituuity tn improvu its
tilth. Frost will finu the soil more perfect
ly linn any tools ol the cultivator.- It not
nly releases tho inert plant foo l in the soil,
out makes the manure that is n Jilcil m ire
ivailuble lur tho crops of the next st-ason.
American Agriculturist for January.
BANK STREET. Lehighton, Pa.,
UILLISIts aud Uealois In
AUKlltd nt OtlAIN BOUOltT errl SOLD a
WewonW, also, lesprctlallrlalorm onreltt
r.-n that woaio uon luliv prcuarod to hUf
PLY tueus with
rromenyMIn itccliedat V1SHY
Jnli K.
It iw starch, npjilied with a. little water,
as a paste, will generally remoye all stains
fruni Ijm ticking.
Tu clean and polish tortoise shell use a eiicea sent on nppllratl' n. Oiiab. h Up. A.
drop or two of sweet oil, and rub it luthor- tun, li (.', ' Ju'iy 1, 188'2.
ougbly with the ball of tho thumb.
SOIni RUlS now "etlnn. from
wounds or iliseuMi or any
kind ciiusod by mllltiiry service nru entitled
to Pension. Wlrtun. minor children, de.
pendent nioi hers or lathers orroldlers who
iliytt troin the cilectr ol Ihelr servleu aro also
entitled. .Iluny Inv.illil petislonera tire en
titled lo' an 1 M'ltttABis. (hireful nssfsiancn
given In nu.AYKD or itrJKCTKii claimh. as
m.mycan bt, ullowcil with luit little more
ovldenee, llonndeto mstrueilons with relor-
Silver in constant ue is kepi uice und
bright by washing it every day in waiiu
joui'Siids and drying it with old linen.
IStirns end scnhls are immediately rr
cititnif to niwr mon.
ioc who otway iaicp
ttttrn tnf 4Utk rami
eea fnr untoi!? tnuiirr
luai arc nurrra, KcniMtuiy
becomr wr lltbr, wLlir thoao who Co not im.
Irv Bnoli rli'iii'Tf rt'inain in povnt)',
lieved by an application of dry soda cover; torn, r- nt in their .wn loc.Hlcrt. Any one
edwl'b twit cloth, moiii ea.ufih lodli- J
EoW it. f.w 'gi's. Exi'eitftlvo on! fit forulnhra tree. Nu
m , . . . , I ouo who ciu Piipar eftuU to tnakr muney rapid-
To clean irons use a lumn of ureet7ax ' it va nt iii.v.if vim wimit- timn in iimunrL-
tied In rt rufi I Ha Innis. with it i..llin 1 milv your p!H tromeiiw. Full liifoniintinn
ueu in a rg, run inn irons wun ll wuvu a ,an thai i i c1i'i rout 1 o. AtldrafaTiN-
for C1EN. I)0130K'S bra ne boolc, suUUed
xears Among
P. O, Box 153
41 AN .IS bt. cw York K V.
t ! umd". now bcfrr tin pub
sfN iT l,,a Y(u r"u uk tiMiev
iiH Bi at wot lu rt
UU v nuv tlilnf nap. ('cp.tol i ot
Ufifea Hewn Mait yiu.
f I? a tiny ami upw rns niodeat It. me iy 11 In
iliiHt mum, Mnu, won vn. Lo)sisno Llrlf nLnuil
tivrrywlirrvM wo.k f ,r ua ow.Mt.i tiinf.
Youom work in apme titn cut rr ft vc s i-or
wjmle fineto tlt Imh me, Yon ciu Incut
luiQin uiul do tho work. No olhrr bnn'neh, wl 1
pny you ucur y as well Nnu ocan fail to ma k a
enormun. v v ov viwwe al viu-v, fotlv
Ouiflc ami tmuafrco Mne-? n'maV i jtt c:'bj
U nu J lion Tfcily. Adrcra 1 1 tr .t ( o Au.
Vn IS suit. (aOtiOyi
ihauJ.( an.
2Tcnct a-tonjiHu luuuuu. (TV iUt a aUs luuuSa
By Gen. Sherman.
TaU naw vrotk wta tt ones' itibscrlboj for b TnMnt
Aaruca ai,d ailin fhVacl. aad t Cca. SlJrman, On.
Grant, Cm. Shtrldan, Cat. Atamrl, and fioiuaails tt Em
lutnl Mia. Cetf. Obast says i -'( (, Ma best boot m Imlm
J.4 trtr irnlfca." tinior Wiliv (Slctliodlst.) sji ."n
u a boot e ianKao volua- II Is the oV suthentlo accoonl
e.t our Indiana ntr rnnBshsd, SMr rcieallnr their "Inner
Iilc," actmt doings, oiplolli, tic. It I rtplele lth thrllllna
tsperienccsof tbo Author, aud tt famous Scoots, Trappers,
Cow.Ik-ji, Jlincti. Border ItuOaas, ele., vividly portrarlal
IJla In the Urest West as It aou is. 48d l.ainI In ,,r,u.
With Steel rntravlass and Superb Chroino-IJtho-ra.h
Ilstes In 15 colors, from photo-rapha tusda by tba U. 8.
GoTtrnment expreuly for fits yrroj srorl.
AUF..VTH1 Tide grand book is now oul-eelltnj all outers
1 0 to 1 . -Vo rompc'llioa. .Agrota a erag 10 to CO orders
eday. Wa ant 1000 more stents at onee. titlrdvi
i;rfVorrf SfrrUl Trm ginn. Oar larjo circulars wlUl
full raiKculsrs l .w. A Una Sixelmen TUlo sent in
aldilvm for a II cent tamp. AdJrru the sole publishers.
A- I). tror.TIIINGTOX t CO, lUarroac Co.
j - V 0fa',r ti,'"e.'' Tr,, 'TT ! -
A'l- 1 '1 i'atJ-a imi. ki-ohinu Axb
I ..rv-V trWi
ft K4aatljlti ,Wsll1ttl,TSt,ItsU4,
. emo.NsurAoikiiLAUirii.
tOITA-lt t il h,i yniautvUB fj
Vi tbftwbM sjiriiFd.l t.s.iisaMU,hr
1 CLAUALOI'IiLELLlIM.-liafi......
ft ins-Matt Its kW-i ta.) mlnVU let ) lM,
i insnrasiwuiiiii 'Lkiitfru
1 tir il (tisjf, it aff(sk t wtv
Two Doors Balew to " CrcAdwu- nous.
I htrwBisatJliSt( liHrwl.'t.-i
fftA lvUUL'liiLAtiLkMWttNhrsltr
- iVjx tVelUai. ihs'T k, nl t.
2 Mantua a cu.r"., u..7Zw!T
Dealer in all Tatternaof n&in and Faucr
Wall Papers,
"Window Shades, .
Paints & Paintesr' Supplies,
T. L. Miller Co.,
BaUDIM xxn InrosTiaj ox
' Brscser., V ill Co., Illivws.
hot, nnd thou scour with u paper or
sprinkling vritU salt.
To romovn spots from furniture, take 4
ouuevs of viuegar, two ounces of sweet oil,
o io ounce of turpentine. Mix aud apply
with a flannel cloth.
Spirits of ammonia, ili!utel with water,
if applied with a Siongn or flannel to dis
colored spots of the carpets or garments,
will often restore the color.
SiHii falling on the carpet from open
chimneys or carelessly handled stove piirs,
if thii'kljr coverea with salt, can be brushed
up tv'thout injury to the carpet.
Ouo pound of green copperas dissolved
In one quart of boiling water, will destroy
f .til smells. Powdered borax scattered in
their huunts will disocrse corkroachrs.
A starch that will make linen look at
good at Dew, is made of one quart of well
boiled corn s'arrh, three ounces ofgutn ara
ble, xud two uncjj of loal sugar.
To clean oil-cloth, with with warm
milk. Once iu six months scour with hot
soap suds; dry thoroughly and apply a coat
( varnish. They will lat as long again.
When rarixtsare well cleaned sprinkle
with salt and fold. When laid, strew
j with slightly moiittDed bran before sweep'
I ing. Tnis with salt n 111 freshen up wonder
To give glass a great brilliancy, wash
with a dump sponge dipped in spirits, then
.lil.t ..111, u.u.l.n1 l.lila tn
a musun uagj, ana pousn wun a cnamoit
A pasta made of whiting' and benzine
will clean marble; and ouo made of whit
ing aud chloride of soda, spread aud left to
dry (in the sun if possible) on the marble
will remove "hi1i.
Silk handkerchiefs washed In clear wat
er with pure white rastilo snap look like
tew. Do not iron, but snap between the
ingers until almost dry, aud then press un
der a weight.
To cure earache, take a pinch of black
j'epper, put it ou a piece of cotton batting
dipped iu sweet oil, aud pluca II lu the tar,
an l lie n btmlage arouud the ln-a.l, aud ll
will give almost instant relief.
To clean oil or grease swlt from car
pstt, use fullers' earth and water, spread
thickly cover with paimr, and let it remain
two days; brush off, and if not removrd,
make anther application. If husto is re
quired usa benzine.
Glided Irnuio' of mirrors and pictures
a beautifully cleaned by applying the
white of egt with a camel's huir brush. To
prevent flies sellliu; upon them, wash in
garlic or onion water. Do not fear tht odor,
as it aoou dies away, aud brightens the gilt.
China ol any odor, excrpttug white,
nwy le easily and tpiickly mended with
shellac, l'lace a little sliellan on the brok
en plui-es, and keeping them close together,
ll lid them to a lighted caudle. When the
shellac la melted sufficiently, let it cool and
isrdcn, and it forms a strong cement.
loth son & Co.. 1 crl'anU, Maine.
Are offering goxtinordinaiy inducements to all Buyers of
Choice Groceries and Provisions,
NOTIONS, OIL curnis,
Quccnsware, Wood and "Willlow Ware, &c,
Remember the Place,
Old Post-Office Building, Bank St., Lehighton.
Clocks & Spectacles.
c S
fi o
Watches and J OTrelry
t S
r se
Does a lams bade or a disordered nrinelo
iRdteato at you tro a vlctlmP THEIfDO M
one (tiruccita roocrnmend 11) nd ItriL
fpcodUjr ovcrccm tlio dliease and restore
nlUi7 action to all tho or.-aaa.
CaCiUlCJi toyou?irxtucaMi&iii
and wcalmcsses, KIiKI.l'.VOIll' 13 uzrur-l it 'Mill -ct prompuy cma eaieiy.
XUCxcr B;i. Xnocntincsco, retsntion ci
nrinc. brls!c dust cr ron T AerKutta. and dull
! dra;ctn3 pains, all speedll? yield to Its cur-j
i.fctlvo pa war. t )
Chireil iaa Hays
Rv the Combined Treatment of
. and
Positive rvidtnre ct Wonderful Curst truton receipt of Sc. ttamp.
a , July li-yl
F. H. JIF.nUICK, Osdtnslurr, If. Y.
WE aro low EI AST for PALL TRADE
Mrs. Margaret Dreukiiul; rrMechll)Ics.
iur, I'i , sas! Urottu't Iron B.Uer. ill r
tti ti cu.'tu in ui f Jctai U
Persons wishing to buy Woolen and Cotton Goods Cheap,
for Cash this Fall, will do well by visiting our place of business ;
our store is filled with a larse stock of Silks, plain and bro
cade Satins, Plushes, Cashmeres, plain and brocade
Yelrets, Hqnrietta and Ladies' Cloth ; a full line of Cheap
Ladies' and Children's COATS & DOLMANS a specialty; Skirts,
Table Linens, Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Tickings, Flannels,
Muslins, a full line of Blankets, Bed Quilts, Table and
Floor Oil Cloths, and in short everything usually to be found
in a First-class Dry Goods Store. In
our stock is one of the largest in the county, comprising Men's,
Youth's, Boy's and Children's SUITS, OVERCOATS for all-large
and small, Skating Coats, Cardigan Jackets, HATS, CAPS, Hosiery,
Collars, Cuffs, a full line of Neckwear, &c. Our celebrated WHI I L
SHIRT has no equal at so cents
Woman is the master
piece. Confucius.
Woman is the crown cf
creation. Herder.
He that takes n wife
takes care. Franklin.
Woman teach us repose,
civility and dignity. Vol
taire. All that I am my mother
made me. John .Quincy
,1 wish that Adam had
died with all his ribs in his
body. Boucicault.
No man can cither live
piously or die righteous with
out a wife.- Richtcr.
Women detest the serp
ent through a professional
jealousy. Victor Hugo.
All the reasonings of
men are not worth one senti
ment or woman. Voltaire.
The sweetest thing in
life is the unclouded welcome
of a wife. N. P. Willis.
Rut one thing on, earth
is better than the wife that
is tho mother. Leopold
Women are a new race,
recreated since the world re
ceived Christianity. H. W
For where is any author
in the world catches such
beauty as women's
Woman is born for love,
and it is impossible to turn
her from it. Margaret Ful
ler Ossli.
Woman is the Sunday
of man; not his repose only,
but his joy, the salt of his
life. Michclct.
As a sex women arc
habitually indolent and every
thing tends to make them so.
Mary Wolstonceruft.
A woman, the more curi
ous she is about her face, is
commonly the more careless
about her house. Ben Jon
ton. It is easier for a woman
to defend her vir.ue against
men than her reputation
against women. Roche
brunne. The .reason why so few
marriages are happy is be
cause young ladies spend their
time in making nets, not in
making c.iges, Swift.
W.iat women would do
if the could not cry nol oly
knows! TFhat poor defe iselcss
creatures they would be.
Douglass Jerrold.
There are three things a
wise man will not trust the
wind, the sunshine of an April
day, and a woman's plighted
faith. Southcy.
The love of flattery in most
men proceeds from the mean
opinion they have of them
selves; in women from the
contrary. Swift.
1 1 goes far towards recon
ciling me to being a woman
when 1 reflect that I am thus
in no danger of marrying one.
Lady Montague.
A woman who writes com
mits two sins. She increases
tho number ol books; and de
creases the number of women.
Alphonso Kerr.
Flax gray wool dresses,
worn with pale pink trim
mings, is the latest fancy in
troduced by Sarah Bernhardt.
The latest fancy lor neck
lingerie is to unite several
colors in the ribbon bows that
mingle with the laces at the
The fancy
Cume and pt 1'ricei iM-fnra puroliaaiog elaewlitre.
li'i Trouble lo buow Ujoaa.
April 2fl,lw? ED. W. FHIST, Manager.
meat is tlie
bleached cotton into
and cuffs for dresses.
work of the mo
crochoting offi
twine of un-
Every lady should have a
plush jacket in black, seal
brown or some other color
which will harmonize with
any kind of a skirt.
Ornaments long ago laid
aside are beingrapidly brought
to light to supply the demand
from all sides for passemen
terie and cord trimming.
The bouffant tournure dra
peries now worn give all wo
men very unsymmetrical and
even ludicrous figures.
Tucked sleeves, fitted very
closely to the arms, aro seen
upon a number of imported
dresses of artistic, aesthetic