BATURDAY, JUNE U, 1882. Our Neighborhood in Brief. July FourlU. Shall we celebrate. If Dot, what is the reason t LlghtnlnR-rod men around. Refreshing ahowers last Monday. Sure elgn of rain A pic-nlc poster. Aproos By Josh Dilllngs, "darn a ill." Base ball Is now the rage among the juveniles. Ezra Newhard will collect tha borough school tax. The M. E. Sunday school will picnic on the Fourth. Sign or hot weather The thermometer 96 In the shade. The Lehigh Valley RR., has chair cars on through trains. Allcntown's tax levy for 1882 aggre gates $53,413 65. Thomas, eon, of Thoa. 8. Beck, esq., la rapidly convalescing. Outside the color line Our borough) not a darkey in town. Miner Bros., of the Fort Allen Faundry, are chuck full of work. JSB- Joseph Jonas has a splendid new lino ot white shirts al 65 cents. Suspicious Thoso big loads of beer, eyery Saturday, going countrywards. The Reformed Sunday suhool is mak ing arrangements for n basket p'enic Handsomely decorated -Joseph Jonas' ahow windows. Ed., lemonade for we'uns. Thousands of Ions of Iron ore said to be stacked In the Lehigh and Schuylkill re gions awaiting orders. 5Sj- Jnnns haa-the cheapest and the beat line of watered silk sash ribbons ever seen in Leliignton. Mr. P. M. VanLiew has had his resi dence, on South street, handsomely painted and repaired. J&3 Hats and caps, an Immense variety of all the latest slyes, at popular prices, ot Clauss Sc Brji's, Bank street. Over $22,000 has been subscribed at Al lentown toward starting a hardware manu factory at thai place. O- Ladies, Jnuas has made a great re duclion in the price of paraso s, and he has tbem to suit you. The supervisor has graded the hill be tween Gabel's store and the Lehigh Valley railroad. &S,The celebrated N. Y. Lager Beerwill be on tapal the Mausion llouse.Leliighum. Schooner 5 cent. Samuel tinydcr was run over by a lo comotive at Bethlehem, last Satuiday, and almost instantly killed. The Delaware, Lackawanna and West em Railroad Company has declared a ilivi dend of 2 per cent., payable July 20. Jonas lias oil the latest novelties in straw goods prices the very lowest, gomis ma choicest ami uctt, Anthony Schappert was thrown from a wagon by a runaway team near Wilkes- barre, on Friday, and killed. - Numerous ore the fishermen in this Vicinity, but few ami small the fish they catch. They don't bite, you know, SET Jonas has just received a full line ot alpa a. in.innir and linen millers, which lie is n'lling at from 50 cents upwards Supervisor Newhard and n squad ol men hove been grading Bankway and put ting down a U.igstonc sidewalk. Edward Roto a married man 21 years old, was Tuesday killed by a falling tree near Trout Run, Lnzerno county. jSMO Jonas will eivo you splendid bar- gains in men's, yuiiili'siii.d ohildrcn'srcady mado clothlm. ('all and iet uiled. Xna. Jmi-is has sp'-eialitic' in ladies'suni. rrer dro a good, sm i-.--l in qu.,1 ty o.' cheapness nowhere. Oo and see them. Our barber. Franz ltlmdcrcr, is haying Ilia room nicely painted, papered and dee orated. 'Twill be just nobbv when done. S2&.01ieks, W.ilohes, Jewelry mid silver i ware lr sale, ami repiliing done at llagu man'a Store, Lehightou. 23-yl. Our farmer friends appear just now to be peculiarly happy. Cause, the refreshing ahowers of the past week. On Saturday last, Henry A. Willberger and Peter Knusden were seriously Injured by a lall at the Bethlehem Iron Works. Gentlemen's furnishing goods In endless variety new and bright at very bottom prices, at Clauss A- Brn's, B.iuk 6t. Some of the ore miners in Lower Ma cungie were on a strike hist week lor high er wages, but later turned in at the old rales. KrYu will find a larce flock of the most eleeaut designs in WALL PAPER and BORDERS, al Dr. C. T. Horn's drug store, in Leuckel'a Block, at very lowesl prices. Make vour selections now. Harry Lewis has accepted Milev'a challenge to run at Summit Hill, distance 100 yards, for $800, to take place on Thurs day, July 27th. Dealers in firfworks, etc., for the en suing Fourth are reminded ol the new State law against the vending of t y or other pis tols to children. The average brim of the latest 1882 style of straw hat would make a tolerably fair short distance, race-ground less laps t the mile than the average public hall. XSf Boots and shoes for ladies, eentlo men, misses, youths and children, ol latest style and most substantial make, at lowest prices, at clauss A- iiro's, Lehighton. Mr. F. Brinkman has had his dwelling house on Second street, (occupied by Rev J. II. Hartuian), repainted and otherwise improved, adding much to it appearance l.Fine designs in box papers, plain and tauey : Easels, various styles, sizes and colors; Books and all kinds of novelties, Very cheap, at E. F. Luekenhaeh's, Broad way, Mattch Chunk. Call and see Ins eUwk. The mau who went around shouting there would be no warm weather this year, must have crawled into a hole and pulled the hole In after him, as be ain't to be found none, SEB-If you wanta nice smnoth.easy shave your hair cut or shampooing, go to Franz toeuerer s oaioou, unuer me Exchange Ho tel. He will fix you right, and don't you lorget it. Our popular young friend, Ed. I. J raettel.the. Hatter, of Market 8quare,Mauch Chunk, was in town Wednesday, and drop ped in to see us. He repoTts business good XCf-Bucey Harness at 12 dollars and un wards; Flynets.ear lips, lap dusters, screen -covers, sheets, collars, whips, etc., at the mwesi price, tor sale sale by Milton Klorv, weissport, Pa Excellsior Cornet Band of this borough have juit supplied themselves with a set of new and handsome instrument, and can now "toot" with any band around this sec tion. Citizens, give them a "lilt. yHf Baby Carriages an immense stock all style and all or ires, just received at J L. Gabcl'a, hardware store, opposite public s Uare, Bank stieet, this borough, Call and see them, ami you will be sure to buy one for your baby, Ttiey are nobby I The Governor has just issued a charter oi incorporation to a company oi capitalists fram Allentnwn and Iew to carry on tue cement mauutacturiiig i list ness at Sieglried's Bridge. Their capiial amounts to $100,000, aud "Tho Lehigh Val ley Cemaejt Compiny"is the name the cor poration will operate under. The screaming of the locomotives ol Lehigh Valley ratW while uasiing town Is simply an Intolerant nuisance. In other places this nuisance Is not allowed) and yet the railroad business seems to bo well conducted there. 8ome of the engi neers eeem to delight In making a Bedlam of every spot where tbey have occasion to side-track or take on a car or two. They should bo mode by law to havo more regard for good order, public peaco and decency. sO-A second-hand PHAETON, newly painted unit put In thorough repair, will bo sola on very reasonauie i w seen at the rarriage works oi M. A Weiss, Lehighton, Pa. Mr. John 8. Lents and wife, left on the late train L. V. RR., Monday night, for Michigan, to visit Mrs. Longstreet, former ly of town, piT- Have you aeon the new and elegant stock of spring ami summer merchant tail oring goods, comprising cloths, cassimeres ami suiting, just. received at Clauss k Bro's, Bunk street, this borounh ? If you have not, rail nt once. Oood (Its guaranteed at prices to suit you all. The annual boating carnlyal took place on the Lehigh river at BetMehem Tuesday evening. There were 185 boats .brilliantly illuminated by Chinese lanterns and color Gil fires. Tho banks of the river were lined with spectators. Messrs. L. E. Wills.S W. Wlntermute and II. P. Cooper with their wlyes, were at Dodd's Lake, N. J., on a (tehlng excursion last week Some black bass weighing 81 pounds were specimens brought home with them. teB.The largo quantity ol goods J, T. Nil worn is daily selling accounta.for the low prices. SS.-Q. If you have a cold or cough of any kind, buy a bottle of Hill's Peerless Cough Syrup at Dr. 0 T. Horn's drug store. Use it all, uml if not satisfied return the empty bittloand he will relnnd your money. He also sells Peerless Worm Specific and Hill's Worm Drops on tho same terms. No cure, no pay. Some folks have to make an awful splurge to do a mighty small amount of work. The average Lehighton boy will do more villainous shouting and exercise more muscle in driving a pullet nut of the garden than would a Texas cowboy In managing a drove -if 500 wild oxen. Dr. J. A. Mayer, the practical Surgeon Dentist, of Broadway, Mayioh Chunk, has had a practice ot over 20 years, and is prob ably the oldest resident dentist in this val ley. The Lir a worK speaKS ior nseii,aiiu the fact that all orit'ool work in the region is given to him is a sullieieni guarantee of his superior ability as a Surgeon Dentist, In the short rows Last Wednesdoy was the longest day of tho year In this lati tude. In the Southern States, there are five days, beginning Monday of this week, of tho same length, but to-day the daylight of our Southern friends begins to bite offa little piece at each end. STS-Never have been and never will be undersold, J. T. Nusbiiuni. The 2Sth annual meeting of thoPenna. Stale Teachers' Association Will convcue at rottsvillo on Wednesday, July 5th, and continue three days. For excursion tickets apply to .1. F. Sickel, Gertnantown, Pa. A lady named M ry MnKUl.ah Had trouble In lighting the n ah; The wood being green, She uud kerosene. -mi 1 1 1 1 1 Utrt 1 1 1 bang 1 1 1 She has gone whero the lUel is dry uh 1 And this reminds us of the tact that David Ebbert furnishes teams for funiral occasions and business or pleasure trips at low rates. Spring anl Summer Styles. In hi new quarters in the Exchange Ho tel huihlitig, the .undersigned is fully pre pired to fit you nut with a iiewutid elegant ly fining suit of clothes, ul u price which muet convince the most skeptical that what he promises he can and wtll perform. His block embraces Iho latest novelties in clot lis, cas-diners arid suiting4, and lie is making constant addition to hi.s xtock. Diop in end see his new quarters in the Exchange Hotel building, Bank blreet, Lehiglit'in. Pa. II H. Pl.TKiia, Ag't. Stabbing Affray. On Saturday, at No 2, Buck Mountain, a mm named James Kennedy received what may prove fatal injuries from a knife In the bauds of one Win. Maloy, with whom lie bar led. It appears that Mulov and his wife were indulu ni; in on altercation, and becoming furious In atlempte,! to uptet the stove. At ( Is 19 stage .file proceedings Keti" neily, who was present, interfered, where uimn Maloy turned his attention to Ken nedy and slabbed htm some five or six times, cutting ugly gashes in Ins hchd.arm and sides. Kennedy was alive TiiCMlay noon, hut his recovery is doubtful. Weath- rly 7craii, 2M. David Thomas Dead. David Thomas, the father of the anlhra- ite iron business in the United Slates, died f pneumonia at his home in Cittasiitiqiia, Tuesday uflernoou.iii tho eighty-eighth year f his age. Mr. Thomas came to this conn try Irom Wales in 1839. On July 4, 1840, he put into blast the firbl furnace which sueceslully smelted iron ore by the use of anthracite coal with the hot blast, and lias lived to bee the present vast extension of such furnaces, producing five millions of tons of pig iron annually. He was a man of vigorous frame uud possessed u clear mi ml to tho last. Baso-Ball. Tile game of of base-ball which came off at the old fair gounds, this borough, on Saturday afternoon last, resulted in lavnr of the Lomian club of SlatliigUm, the score stood as follows at the end of the game Lor- man's 18. Lehighton 14. Tbe heavy bat ting was all on the Lehighton side. For the first few innings all was in favor of the Lorman club, the score standing, Lorman's 18, Lehighton 4, but after the filth innings matters changed, aud our boys begau to gain, and as stated above the game ended 18 to 14. Mr. Frank Hoffman, of the Lorman club was so severely hurt, by being hit with the,; uau, as to be unable to play alter the third inning. The game lasted two boors and a half. A large crowd was present to witness the game. Weissport Pencillngs General repairing is being done in the Rolling Mill Improyements sre being made at the Weissport Hotel. Our young iriend George Horn is sport ing an excellent team. W. L. Grnot, of Mauch Chunk, and Charles Goth, of Driflon, were in town over Sunday. Daniel Rnthermel has opened a con confectionary store, below (he Weiesport House -ur tobacconist W. H. Oswald, Is now prepared to supply tbe public with cigars, both wholesale and retail. Churles MacDaniel, the barber, Is re- mndling bis room, which wo predict will give it an attractive apeuranfe. John Soidel and Charles Oswald, cigar maker, propose spending the coming glorl ous Fourth at Coney Island, tbe well k nown seaside resort. e On Saturday of last week, Miss Hester Ruber was united iu marriage to Mr. Miner Succe.o jud long life ottend them. jiiner urotners are laying an ron wulk fronting their premises. "Billy" pioiiuuucrs it first class and will no,!.,oi,i...iiu ,i.... ibe palrooage thereby, as tbey did the work this t le.r own louudry. Goo Qout. fatal Mlno Explosions, There was an explosion In the Stanton mine, Wllkesbarre, Thursday, ISIh Instant, by which one man was killed outright and three fatally Injured. It Isa mine that geti" crates great quantities ot gas,and there have been many explosions in It. For some time past the Lehigh and Wilkcsbarre Coal Coin pany have been sinking a new shaft to the mine. A depth of 800 feet has been reach- ed. Al 7 o'clock Thursday morning one shift came out, As a general thing tho shilts have succeeded each other immediately, but on thatdav there Was a delay of one hour and a hall before the next shift went dowu. James Carey, Michael Lynch, John Welsh, Lewis Morgan, Henry Hughes, and Ed ward Finuegau stepped on to -the edge of a bucket that swung over the deep shaft. Each carried an open miner's lamp on his bat. At 250 leet Irom the surface Morgan got oil' at what is called the first lodgment where a donkey pump is stationed. His five companions went on down the shaft. Three hundred feel below they came to the second lodgment, and just here a terrific explosion occuried. The noise was heard lor miles, and resembled thunder. Those near the shad saw splinters of the sheds that covered it flying In all directions. Hun drcdsof excited people rushed to the Shalt. The families of two of the men living near were quickly on the spot, filling the air with their lamentations. The engiueer In charge of the shaft tried the machinery and found it nil right. He put on steam to ruiso the bucket, mid when it came to the surface Michael Lynch s'.lll stood on its edge clasping the rope above. He was bleeding profusely Irom a large Wound in his head, his hair was burned oil, nud he was otherwise dieadfully Injured. Welch, Hughes, and Fiuuegin were lying in a heap in the bucket, all horribly burned, but still living, Carey and Morgan were missing. The men in the bucket Were cured for at once. Cries were heard below, and the bucket was lowered tbice or four times, coming back empty. Finally William Carey, the father of one of tho missing men, jumped into the bucket and decended. Coin ing to the first lodgment, Morgan hailed him and was rescued He was not injured, On the next trip Carey was joined by three olher miners. This time they went down into the stilling atmosphere to the bottom ol tue shalt, where Carey found the mangled remains of his boy. Young Carey was only 20 years old, and had been married but n mouth. He had been blown of the buuket and fell 250 feet. The use of safety lamps would have prevented the accident. This sad disaster was supplemented on Saturday morning, 17th iust., by an ex plosion at the Diamond Mine, also located at Wllkesbarre, which. If not so fatal in character, ts bad enough to awakeu serious apprehensions concerning the piobablo fate of at least five of tho eight men injured. It a), pears that about 2 o'clock Friday after noon the gas 111 No. 4 lift Wus Ignited from an open lamp, which was carried by a miner, who wa warned not to enter the place with it, which set fire to the brattica and timbers at once Etforts were made to put out the fire and at 4 o'clock Saturday morning it was supposed that the work had been successful. Il appears, however, that some fire was still left in the rubbish, ah when the first shift of men wen, down to work an explosion occurred while the men were cleaeing up the wrecked timbers. The men Were provided with sifety lamps, ho1 iu turning over the rubbish a jet of lire was suddenly uncovered and this ignited a pock el of gas iu a cross-head, which exploded witli n fcarlul noise. Four men iVero burn cd at this time. Half an hour lateranother explosion occurred, by which four men were injured. The names of thote burnco are as follows I Daniel P. James, Aston Morgan, Lenahau, Thomas II. M,irgau,Johu Lcvans, Morgan D. Williams, David Johns and David P. Grilliih. in some instances the skill upon the arms and breasts of Un injured mull peeled ulf iu strips when their clothing was removed. The mine is being Il ,odud Il will take two weeks before the water can reach t- e file Orders have been ibbtied suspending work ul Hie Ilollenba and Empire mines, connecting with the Diamond. The loss will be extensive. The nre in the Diamond Mine was re ported T to he under control, no lur thor explosions having occurred. Work was resumed in tho Hollenbach uud Empire Mines Weduesd y. Lehigh University Commencement. At 11 o'clock Sunday in.iruiug the an nual commencement exercises ot Lehigl University began by semces in the chapel attended by the usual throng of strangers and townspeople, Lehigh University has enjoyed during its brief existence a most prosperous I lie, and through tho immifi cence of its founder, the late Judge Tocker, Is able to cope with the best endowed insti lions in the land. It is essentially an Epis copal college iu its worship, and its public occasions are always times lor the gather ing of the clergy and laymen of this faith Die annual sermon was delivered Sunday by Right Rev. Henry Lay,-ol Easton, Mil wio whb assisted in the pulpit by Rev, Dr. Earp, of Washington, Pa.J Rov. G A.Allen of Bethlehem, aud Rev. F. M. Bird, the chaplain of the University, Mr. Lay nil dressed some very excellent remarks to the seniors, and his sermon was full of good ad vice. The examinations of the students concluded Monday, and tho other exercises of commencement occupied Tuesday even ing, Wednesday and Thursday. President Lamberton thinks the next freshman class will number eighty five or ninety, Bnxelarv In Town. f Some vile miscreants forced an entrance through the cellar door of 8 W. Winter- mute, during Monday night, and thence up the steps they forced open the door leading to the store-room, and stole therefrom a lot of ockel-knives,knlvesand forks one a sil ver-plated set.alotolilk handkerchiefs, with other small articles, and gathered up about $5 in small change from the drawer, with which plunder they decainied. From the manner in which this burglary wasrftecled. we incline to think the perpetrators are not oi l hands at the business, and that probab ly Mr. Winterniute would not have too look very far away for his proiierty and the thieves. The estimated value of property stolen is $40. One or two well-armed reso lute night watchmen in this borough, would be a step In the rightdirection.and business men will do well to move in tbe matter. Distinguished Visitors. Col. J W Aulhouy, of Buona Vista, Col orado, ex-superintendent of "The Yale Mountain Minmg and Milling Co.," was the gurtt ol our highly esteemed townsman W. nl. Rapsher, Esq., during the past week Hons. J. G. Zern and A. J. Durliug are also largo stockholders in the concern. Colonel Anthony seuks in glowing terms of the prospects of the concern. Lieut. E. 0 C. Acker, of the United Stales Navy, whom I " The Yavipai Central Mining and Milling n.. . of Ar,,,i, T-rrlL.rv. h-.i .nt . etoert lo examine some mines there, also I visited Mr. Rans.ber.on his return Irom the iu ' F."r W"1' "' ffl"'1 ('""lcls. which 1 were Ur "y. ' ' " " "" Prom tho County Scat. Heavy Hay crop. Scarce Grssshopcrs. Promising Potato crop. Unpopular flirting. Minus a dog Happy Jim. Busy Masons and bricklayers. -Grndually decreasing-Potato bugs. A specific for dyspcala Elbotv grease, A remedy fbi the blues Laughing gas. --Spoiling for work The lower foundry, Apparently ashamed of itself-The L. k S. depot. A cure for discontentment Plenty oi wrk. -Encouraging The graltt Crop) ami what Is needed arid hoped a Hill back wheat andcorn 6rup. Common 8unday evening proma hades, since warm weather has mailo Its appesrancoy and door step loafing bos been resumed. The houso of Mrs. A. ti. Peters, known as the Fegley corner, and occupied by the Gaietle office, is having a new coat of paint, which was very much needed. The latest advice from tho scat of wsr, near the upper foundry, Is that all is quiet nlong the line, and tho victors in the lust Conflict nro resting on their laurels. The Junior Ordcrof American Mechan ics, of this place, held a (air and festival at their room in Oak Hall.laBt Thursday even ing, at winch time a largo bible, a ladle's watch and a gentleman s gold headed cane were contested lor. We are unablo to say at this writing who were the successful ones. ReV. George Service, late student ol Drew's Theological Seminary, preached iu Paul's M. E. church last Sunday even ing. Asa P. Dlakslee, hos had a fine young daughter added to his family, aud ne is happy. E. L. Granados, formerly in the cm- ploy of the Western Uuiou Telegraph Coin pany, at this place, but late ol the Mexican National Construction Co., in the city of Mexico, returned home 8 or 10 days ago (altera year's absence),and is now working lor the Western Union, in place ol FrauK McBrien. E. Elicnbcrger, of Slatingtnn, has ac cepted the imsiiion, made vacaul by the promotion of L. F. Leiseuriug, in thoAsl General Freight office, of tbe C. RR. ol N.J, at this place. James Belford .of West Broadway, and Mrs. Julia Simpler, late ol Tamaquu, were joined in holy wedlock on lost Tuesday al- teriioon, at Tamoqua, by the Rev. h. terri er, pastor ol the Presbyterian chuich of this pluce. We wish them a luug nud happy lite. Charles Weyhnmeyer and Annie Zane, both of tho 2nd ward, were united in tho bonds of matrimony, on Tuesday eyetiing( last, by tbe Rev L. B. HolTmaii, pastor of IbeBt. Paul's M. E. church. May peace( prosperity and haypmtes ullend theiii. Frederick Kent, aged IV, departed this lile on h si Monday morning, ul the house of Mrs. J, T. Blurkett, West Broadway , alter an illness of two Weeks, supposed to bo caused by taking cold when scarcely over tho measles. On Wednesday morning Ills remains was lollowed to the Lehigh Valley icpot by liia Iriends, where they were put UH thrj cars, to be conveyed to Philadelphia lur interment. Jusricr.. Oulhif PiiutiKKnlsdiSi Petition ol Janus B. Longshore, guardian of Margaret F. Williams, formerly Murtyn, lor discharge. Granted. Petition ol John Murtyn, guardian of Win. aud Susan Purcell. Rule granted to show chum-, Ac. Petition of Michael Smith Tor appoint, inentol guardian for ltosaiinu and Margaret Smith, minor children oi iiei-iiaril Smith, dee d. Hugh lleilly, ol Mauch Chunk twp., was appointed. reiiliou lor appointment oi guardian oi Mury E. Everett M. and Rom) M., minor children ol Anthony Dimmlck, dee'd. J. S. Lazarus was apotited, ami ordeied to give bonds in $7000 in each case, Ireland llmil itcmuit ol sanrl Urcen bweig, jr., executor ol sntnuel Uirehswcig, ire u, oi..nruieii nisi. Flint a. count ot Daniel Miller gnardian ,1 Kale A. Kugler, cnli, me I absolutely. A. II. Tobias was appointed giiiinluii ol the etUnia in Pennsylvania ol the minor Children ol Simon Weideiilieiiiier, dee'd, uud an order ol sale ot real estate uranteil with authority to execute deeds to the pur chaser, as follows: Tract No. 1, L. E. Wills; tract No 2, W. M Ripslier: tiaet No. 3, G W Bowinui, i tract No. 4, 'i'hos, Horn. The guardian to give bonds in $711110. Auditor's report estate ol Mary L. Hevi sou, deo'd, confirmed absolutely. Supplemental account ol E. F. Lucken bach, administrator, Ac., esinte ol John J. Bliiiil, dee'd, confirmed absolutely. Widow's appraisement of estate of Henry R.tmaly, dee'd, contlTiued absolutely, Firbl and final iiccounl ol George and Amelia Ainer, udiu'rs ol Dun. Aruer, dec',1, confirmed absolutely. Account of Caroline Trainer, admr'x of Al. Truluer, dee'd, coiifitmed absolutely. Petition lor viewers in the mutter of the report of road iu Lower ToWamensitig twp., Irom Purryviile to Lehigh Gap, beginning at u point' near the Horse Shoe tavern and terminating near the (arm house late ol M. Bhoenbergcr. W. O. Fieymau, F. Blocker and Paul Kresge uppoinled viewers. Re turnable to October term. Nothinicol importance, so far, in Common fleas Court. Mahoning Valley Items. Tilgli. M. Balliel and his brother were visiting friends at West Penn uu Sunday. At a recent social gathering the well known song "Old Woman" was artistically rendered by the ladies. Tilgh. M. Balliet and G K. Musselman were iu attendance at the col lege commence ment at Lancaster, und returned home on Friday accompanied by Mr.Slulz,a fellow- classmate. They are members of the sen ior class, She returns to Lehigh county, and our friend Jako is grief-stricken. The supervisor was repairing the mails at the lower end last week. He diil well so far, uud we hope he will so coutiniie uutll all through. Rev. F. W. Smith will preach for Rev. Bartholomew 111 St, John's church, to mor row (Sunday) lorenoon ul 9;3it, und 2 weeks after al tbe Brick rhurch, iu Euet Penn. Rev. Smith is a student iu tbe senior class, ol the Reformed Seminary at Lancaster Tho grain fields Iook very promising especially the wheat. The Mahoning farm era smile as they view the wuveing grain fields, 'tis like looking over the billowy sea. Robert McLean commenced making hay last Monday. Others followed later iu the week. Miss Kate J. Arner is clerking in the store at New Mahoning. and appears lo like her profession very much. The Centre Square Litterary Society was well attended last Saturday evening Tho question for tills (Saturday) evening is ' Resulted, That urt IS more beautiful than nature." The speakers In tho nlhrmallve are W. M. Balliet aud D. W. Siller, and in the negative A. J. Balliet and II, A. Reiser. Ckkso. How it was Done. 'How do you manage." said alsdyto her friend, "to appear su happy and good nature,! all the timet" "I aUays hate Parker's dinner Tonle hondy," was the reply, "and thus easily keep myself and faintly In good health, Whtn 1 am well I alwjjs fee) good Bsturcd." Elopement ef Lehlghtonionj. The While Haven Journal of lad Satur day furnishes the following highly Interest ing item i "The r.ulct mining village of Sandy Run had o genuine sensation last Week over the well planned elopement of a married woman Willi her husband's cousin. It appears that a Mr. Sheckler, wife and daugliter,reiiioved from Lehighton to Sandy Hun some time ago. Shortly after locating there Mr. Bhechler's cousin came to board With then,, and ha Soon fell desperately In love with Mis. B .eckler, who was rather of a prepossessing apicarancOi She recipro cated bis sentiments, und together they planned the elopement. In order to aOTict their escape Ihty told Mr. 8hecklcr ttiUt he was sick, and needed medical essistuiico. They urged lilui la go to the WllkuWre Hospital for treatment. Finully tbe un suspecting husband yielded to their impor tunities and weul to the hospital. The op portunity bad now come for tho elopement. The faithless wile and lover at once left Sandy Run and came to this place, where they purchased tickets for Chic.igc and let t fui that place on Friday night of lust week. The husband relumed from the liofpilal, and discovered that his wife and cousin had left him, as above stated. The little duugli ler was given in ehorge of Sheekler's sister by his wife to await her father's returu from the hospital. Sheckler has since disposed of bis household goods and returned to Le highloll, He expresses the utmost eatisfac lion at his wile's departure, and is appar ently pleased to bo rid of her.'' Big Creek Items. Corn and potatoes have put on a new garlj tills weekhaye a good color and aro growing finely A number of our farmers have bought wire Irom W. E. Kcmcrer, agent for a Pittsburg Party, and expect to nut un wire feuces. -"The cherry crop Will be a falturo witli us this year, but wo will have peaches and apples. Jacob Smith, ol Stemlerevllle, who al ways wants to be the earliest in planting Com, had to replant the greater part of it this yeur he being too early, and the cold weather lasting ton long, it-rotted. Jacob remember tbe adage ("The first shall bo last and the last flrat." "The new rood Into Strallb's Valley, Is unnecessary Ve would not say much w - - - - - . against it were it not that the old and di rect road to Lehigh Gap was to be done away with entirely. It is wrong to vacate this road, and compel people who want to go to church nnd Lehigh Gap (o take a roundabout woy to get there. Wo learn there is considerable opposition to tbe new road, and no doubt they will be successful in preventing II. Considerable damage was done to the corn fields by tbe late heavy rains in this section, Henry Neeb lias the frame of his new barn up already. Messrs. Heydt and Klb ler of Kresgeville haye the contract. The Soil's Sabbath school Was discon" linuedon Sunday lust, and one will be or ganized at Pine Run. On Sunday an elec tion of officers will beheld after the services. Rev. A. Kindt, of Parry vllle, will preach at 3 p. m. All the friends of the Sunday school are respectfully luVltedto beprescut. Wo were pleased to meet our friend T. J. Solt, on Sunday, who had just returned from tbecollege at Danville, 111 J., where he had been nearly a year. In what business lie Intends to engage we have not as yet learned. Mr. Casper Neeb, of Pine Run, expects to eiect a new dwelling for himself, this summer. -'The directors of Franklin were around on Monday last looking at a number of scnool houses that need repairing, to see what repairs shall be made. Franklin now has 11 live and Wide awoke set of directors who, we aro sure, will do their best toward placing our schools in the front rank nf . ononis 111 me inner euu ..1 1111s couniy. Rkvkbb The Coal Trade. Philadelphia Ledger, 19th iflst.l The out look in the anthracite coal trade is especial ly Rood Just now. The stock of cool on I111H1I Is rather light, atld there is no proba bility that the supply of Dual Coining on the market will makd a shortage necessary In the near future, while prices are sudli os tti keep production well up. Nothing is Vet ilefinitely said as to any further restriction of the production ol coal this mouth. Tlio orders' lof coal are quite equal to the supply, aiud most of the orders are Urgent for prompt lelivery. Tho most of the New York con I companies, as well as those of this city, pro fers a Willingness to keep right on at full work. This continued for a few weeks will carry the product of 1882 fully up to the total product of last year, and will give one of the Very best coal years. Tlio business In both coal and iron is showing increased strength. Tho latest developments show a desire among leading coal Consumers to Cover probable requirements, lest tbe iron workers' strike in the West should turn out to be of longer continuance and mnreseri' ous in its consequence than lias been gener ally thought probable. Those who havo contracted to deliver given amounts at given dates have exhibited some anxiety to sup ply themselves in the open market, and the result shows it no easy thing to do. This is quitoa stifiener of the Coal market, which is natural when there is but a short supply of coal on hand. All through tbe local coal market and through the Eastern manufac turing districts there are but limited sup plies (f coal, and ut the West the largely increased preparation for the trunsjiortation of anthracite coal indicates a shipment greater than ut anv previous lime. Tha prestnt delay in filling orders has caused some apprehension with coal consumers whether the present is not betterthan any later ieri,,d to lay iu a real,, liable supply o coal. Tha coal for domestio uses is ill de man',1, it is, ill fuel, the bulk nl the consump tion. Immense quantities are used i,t the iron furnaces, and very large quantities are used by our steatn marine, but the ctea. destroyer of coai is in domestic usfi, and that market is just now ojieuing its capa cious and Well-nigh empty bins and cellars The total tonnage of aulhracite coal from all the regions for the week ending June 10, os reported by the several carrying oompan ies amounted to 623,r,98 Ions, against 314, 1133 tons in the corresponding week last year, an Increase of 183,769 tons. Tlio total amount ofanthracite mined for the year is 10,7IV,OI9,ti,osgaint;iO,8U,00 tons for the same period last year, a decrease of 96,047 tons. For the week ending on the 17lh inet., ie3,l92toiis of coat were transjiorted over the Lehigh Valley railroad, making a total of 3,100,871 tons In that date, and showing an increase of 238,674 tons as compared with same lime last vcur. j During the week ending on the 16th inst., there were 1 19,807 tons of coal ship lied over the L. and S. Hit., making a total of 1,878,261 tuns Ui that dole, a decrease, as ' compared with sain lime last year, of 14,213 tons. Teachers' Examinations. Teachers' examinations will be held as follows I Banks, at Jeanesvllle, June 24th. Wealherlv June 27th. Mauch Chunk Borough, Juno 30th. Lehighton, July 3rd. Lansford Borounh, July 13th. Summit Hill, Julv l-ttli. Parkerlon, July IBIh, Packer, Iludsoudale, July loth. Lehigh & Lausanne, at R'ockporf, July 21 The examinations begin al t a.m. Tit,. M. Bl.(.tM. Co. Sup't. Don Cumeron lias assessed the dev. n B.'seiuer steel com pun lea of Pennsylvania $1,000 each lor campaign purposes of the straight Republican party In Pennsylvania Ten of tho companies promptly hohoied his draft, and tlio eleventh hesitated and took advice, but finally concluded to pay up. Tho city of Newark, N. J,, contains 1, 209 factories, with 2J,32S workmen. Tho capita) Invested Is $23,010,1 15, and tho sales foot up $08,234,525. As a manufacturing city Newark ranks lentil In its factories, Working people and sales, and eleventh In capital. -Chicago ( talking of extending a call (n Moody and Siiulicy. The ministers aro almost unanimous for their returninlthougli some doubts nre expressed about the per manency of their work, and one divine thinks that Ibe Invliullon "isa humiliat ing confession of tlio In 1 1 nre of the oslab lisbed agencies of (he church, so fr as aj. grCsslve work is concormd." All agree that Chicago Was never so wicked ns Jt piesent. We are not envious, end hopa the Cn.cngo ans will be "saved."' LEHIGHTON RETAIL MARKETS, UOIlltKCTUU Wkkrlv, Flour ptsrsack .............i 3 SO Flour Spring mixed , 3 00 Corn, per bushel 1 uu Dais, per bushel 73 M'xcd Chop, per Cwt...... , 1 5 1. i.i Mti.ra 1 16 1 Oil i.-orn unop liran, tier cwt...,.,,, 1 4 Butter. per pound LggS, per iluzeu.. 4 llaiu, per pound 1 , It) I,ard. per pound 10 Shoulders, per pound 13 rotatocs, per Ousliel ... STOCK MARKETS Closing prices nj D IInen .t Tntvnsend, Hankers, an. 411 bout li Third Street, Phil adelphia. SIdcks bought aud sold cither (or cash or on margin. rhiladctpha, June 21, 1882. bid asked U S 8's, 1SS1, Ext.,,., 100 104 U S Currency 0's 132 U S 5's, 1881, new, Ext , 10l 1012 U 8 4, new,, .....1141 1143 US4's ,120 120J Pennsylvania R R 57j 672 Philadelphia .1- Reading It R 20J 2J Lehigh Valley R It 5S 69 Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co 38 38 United K J It It it Canal Co..,...187 187 Northern Central R R Co 471 47 Hesmnville Pass. R R C 17 18 llutf. Pittsburg & West. R R Co... IfiJ 18 Central Transportation Co 33 34 Northern Pacific Com 4lJ 41 " Prefd 49 498 North Pennsylvania R R ..., 82 83 Philadelphia & Erie R R 13 15 Silver, (Trades).. 99 99 MARRIED. RI10ADS DOTTER. On the 20th iust., by Rev J. H. Hartmnn, Mr. Silas M. Rhoads. of Lehighton, to Miss Ella A, Hotter, of Packerton. BACHMAN-WEAVER.-Attheresidence of the bride's parents, in Coplay, Lehigh County, Pa., June 21, by the Rev James A. Little, of Hokendauqua, Horace S. Bachmani Esq., of Ocean Bech, N. J., and Miss Momie Weaver, daughter of V. W. Weaver, Esq , of Coplay. SPECIAL NOTICES. PIMPLES. I will mall ( Free) 'he recipe foraslmplo VKUEIAULH HALM that will remove TAN, K HE' ISLES, P I ,M I'l, KS and BLOTCHES, leaving the skin soft, clear anU beautllul ; also Instructions fjr prooucinic ft luxuriant gruwth or hair on a hahl head or 8uioutil face. Address Inclosing 8c. slump, JJKN. VANDELF, U Barclay S .. N. Y. mar. 25. yj TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser havlnor been permanently , cured 01 mat orcau u sense, uonsutiunion. nv simple remedy. Is anxious to iiiaao known w,, ,ei.r6 ,t lie wl .ml coi.v otthe nrescrlnilon used, (tree ol chiirael with die directions tor preparing and nslnir the same. wnieri tney win nnu a sure u.'iir. ior (ItlUUltS, (HlLIIS.CONSl'JIPl'IoN, AS Til II V. HHONU IT1S. lie. Part Ies w sb nir the I'rescnntlcn.nil! mease address, liov. l-j a. niLbU.i, iui i-ennst.i wiiuamsuurg, n. x. mar. a-yi EU1U)RS OF YOUTH. AOENTLEM AN who suirercd for years ri.un Nervous DEBILITY. PKEJIA. TTJI.K DEO-V . and nil the effects ol youth Id. Indiscretion, will Tor the sake ol sutlerlng humanity, send tree to all who need It, the recipe and direction for inaltlng the simple remedy by which he wis cured. Sufferers wishing; to profit by Ibe advertiser's experi ence can do so by addressing In perleci con. Bdenee. JOHN U. Il.tDEN. uiar.23.yl U Cedar ft. New York. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Jpraiikllii Twp. Houuty Statement. Annual Statement of the Recelpls and Ills, huisementsol Franklin Township r-choal District, Kohert Anthony, Treasurer, In ac count with Franklin Township School Ills, tnct, Carbon County, l'a., (Bounty Ac. Count), for theschuul ear endlnit June 5th, A 1 D. 1889! To Balance 18 14 To ree'd of Weissport Horo'. 691 00 To I. J. Klsller. lloro 9000 00 To Balance.... Paid Auditors Oeo. Esser tor filing bill CralK t Loose. Hotacker suit HoiMs and Interest l'ald r-chwai,, witness fees In Hotacker suit Robert Anthuny ezpe seS In Hounty matters to dale. UamfuisslunS 4 ka it 85 in 3377 08 3 0U 12 fO 11 ti m Treasurer balance, vi To Outstanding fl uids 36 -i 01 To Balance 217 10 Due from lloro' of Weissport 3811 62 )3SU 01 t31tl ft 217 .0 this 14th day of By Balance Audited and approved June, a. i' iir? D. F. RIl'KEUT, I Jtl-iKIMI IH)Vi:it, J-AUdltors. STEPHEN .sUliV, i June 21-H3 The King of u a, is the brain t the stomach lis uialn supi ort; the nerves Its inn sergers ( the bowels, the kldn.ys and the pores Its safeKunrds. ndiatstlun creates a violent reiolt among these al'acht-s of the roxaloigan nnd to brl k li.em to llielr.luiy, there Is noihlun Hue the regulating, purlf . tnic. Invigorating, cooling operation ol Tin. rant's m:ltzkh ArtilllKNT. It reiova'rs the system and restores tohealib tKilh the body and the lUnd. Bold by all Druggists, Iowa and Lands Minnesota On the t'hlcago,9lllnsakee & St. Paul R'y CHEAP PRICES, Long Time, Low Interest, And Itebatcsror lmprovetnen s. For map und lull partlculais, addrers WILLIS DKUMMONtl. Jtt, Land L'uuiliilssloner. Milwaukee, Wis, fUTTIiPATT I Complete Life, Trial and Eie. UUlltinU i cuilon. Oontalns Facsimile tWfrotlheAnaiitn la the I'uhllsli, r. Axeula dolna- imim nse. For it run, address VM. FLINT, I'lillaielphU, l'a. JuntlM-vU FRUIT EVAPORATORS. Illustrated Catalogue Free. AMElt, M'F'U i:n.. Waynesboro, Pa. June 21-wi Advertisers, send for Select List Local Newspapers, (leu. P. Uowell aO', ,Nu. 10 Sprue Street, N. Y. June2-wl NEW ADVERT IS1.JIENTH. Vali Farm at Private Sal. The undersigned oilers hi' very valuable I FARM, consisting of FIFTY TWO ACHES, Jltuate in Fin iklin Township, Omuly if Carbon, Pa , and about four pules insi rf Weletpnit, i,t Privalu Sale. About 25 hch s are charnlid under good slate of cultivation. , There Is a Hue Orchard of 6 nrros, coiil-l , Ingof all kinds of choice Fruit Trees. H.e House Is 20 X 40 feet, and nearly as good bs i new. The terms ere one half cish, and 'le balance on eay payttieuN. Persons wish J lug to view tho pmiiortv can ca I 01, JAPOll KWEIPCrt ' Franklin Twp., Calbou County, I', . June 24, 1832 w4 SECRETARY'S HHANJIiL REPORT Oftl e AetsBniLlabiHticsofthe LKIIIOII- TON BOKOUOI! SCHOOL IIISlUICT for the fiscal year ctnlitlj the first Mull day of June, A. D. IS52. FUNDED DEBT. Tho following Is the Funded Debli con sisting of School Ptotids tailed to putties named uud numbered us follows 1 No. 02. (). U. A. M .240..,.,..,, , 2 0 00 V . Willlnm Jliilnearn 0) id l .Tames Mc(llnty....i , tunooi " 10J. I'airlck O'Donncll loo-'O " 1tri. llcnnl-Shovelln luoioo " 101. Hugh MrOroartv 1UUO 00 13. 1 11, arlrs Meoodscn .... sou 0 " 101. Patrick Muehui 60- 00 " 101. William .Mnlliturn 1011O no " 10. James smith ioo.i Ui " lof. .Manus .Mi'Oliiiy 1100 uo " us lleorj K0I11 160 W) " lot. Mary Mayer 8 0 0 ,' 110 O.ithiirine Harter w U0 " til Ootharliie lUrt-r loeii 00 ' IU. l.' ne Hurler. ........ 13uu vo " 111. I'. D. KIs ler... 6 0 0 " 1)6. John A. Peters IKUO'J ' lit). I'. .1. ICtsller lotw CO " 117 William Moots 6 0UI " 1 8. Thoinns Keuiertr 1 00 u 120 Mary Mover. ... ......... . '.'60 CO ' Vii. J. Klsller Dial 00 D.ivl.l JUimts , !! u (Il 121. A llartholomew . 40 10 Too d 1S5. Juliii Peters,.. ,. 127. A. llaupt 128. Aitam -nydor 130. Thomas M1111IZ 131. Thomas Kcmcrer, (Uauir) '3'i. M.ity .1. Clauss 131. Andicw (Iratcr.. 1:16, I. J KiSUer 60. Julia Kerrigan 10 uu 1000 Co 5 0 00 15 0 (10 10.1 to Wo 00 1 uu (0 Ml 27 S.'O 00 . 21,0 00 :8,u5j 10 Note In Bank. ASSET.". Actual Cost ora-story Brick Sehobt House, with Janitor's House and i.ots upu which the same are erected....,, .0...... $33,217 Hi TWO Lots on Pine Street. 1. 10 01 Uaiatico In hands ol Treasurer 74 41 Total Assets Total liidebtedhess , .!N7 '1 '-0 ,. 18. 60 00 Assets In excess of Liabilities Bonded Debt reduced during tar $10.74'.! lifeO uu I do hereby certify that the foregoing statement is true and Correct to the best of my knowledge aud belief, und Ibe sume was ordered to be published iu the Caubon Advocate. t. M. RAPSHER, Secretary Ac. Lelllglitoh, .tune 24, 1S82 w'A Auditor's Annual ltcport OF THE LeliMoii Boro' School District. Tho Treasurer's Annual Financial Siata meut of tile School District of tbe Borougli of Lehighton, for the Yeur ending ou this 6th of Juue, 1SS2 1 SR. To state Appropriation. .... ....... ' Balance uu hand as per lust statement ' Taxis received from Lzr.i New. hard. Collector " Auiouulol Loans " Amount received Iroin sundry suuieis ..... 369 ; 738 : 45re to I Jut) to (0 37 CR. By Amount Prtld lor Furnlturo for School Rooms t 195 00 " Amount I'u id lor Repairs 172 VI " Amount l'ald tur Teachers Sal. arte... 1816 0j u Amount Paid lr Fuel, eto Ut7 3J " Aiuuuui l'ald Treasurer uud i Collector Fe.s 76 83 " Amount l'ald Secretary's Sal- f ary 75 10 11 Amount of lionds, Certificates and Interest l'ald SS34 ..0 " Amount t'.nd lor Insurance, t.o. Wi t Balance In Trcasur) ',4 41 . $Sil)J l3 We, tho undersigned duly elected Audi tors for the Borough of, eel li y that the account IB coriect to the bcil ol oui knowledge uud belief. P. M. VANLIEW, F. 1'. LE.S'lZ, June 10. Auditors. E. I. J. PAETZEL, UEALEK IN Hats and Caps, Umbiellus, Satchels, Trunks, Gloves, 39 Market Square, MAUCH CHUJS'K, I'enn'a. Slay 20, 1602. A Bible Commentary. Ilighlv endorsed by Representative Men of alt Churches. Lowest priced ho.,k ruth lisbed. Address Naurs It Whitliick, Hills dale, Mich. nir cor AGENTS For J. W. B U E L'S r J mous WANTED Border Outta. Tk. Now. TlirllllUir aud Authentlo llllorv of tho Lives and Wonderful Adventures of America's ureal uuiiaws, Tns Younger Brothers, Frank and Je::o Janes, And their It.indsof llluhwat men, down to present liuiinrnt. IncludliiK IIisatii ol .1 st j AHlrs nd all the late otaktlimi .V Timlin t-iKO developments. Sixty lliusirail ois ji. Portraits, atnoiiir which are Jess James nrirr lie vm shot and 12 nno Holered Plates. Internet. and letters Irom Col. Youiurert Iho Iirc.ikln2 up of tho band and revelations. ofaTAitTMnit BtcitKTH. The lllaok tin, tue terrible "Mark lliiih,"an.lhundie,lsol other n.inninhlinr tacts. Most Wonderful and Ex- citlnK Hook Incxlslenee. New and tireally cnlariced illlton J new II. lustrations; 600 poites, price (l.t. Aiten 's Oanvosslutt (luitll Wo. llluslwiied Olro lurs and lull particulars Fr.EB. Al-'rnts, do not losathlsifrandopimrtunlty I Address Hlb TOHIOAL PUIIL1SUI.NO CO., 601 N. tlh St. St. Louis Mo. June 3. 01 ICE. Proposals for J ATflTUR will be received until Jul ith. by tha undersigned lor a .Ian. Itor to take oharite of the Puhllo School liouse in ilia iforouun oi .eniKaiou, iur .no School Y car couiinenclnif June 1st, IrS'i I'or I artlculars apply to tha undersigned or to E. 11. aNYliEII. t reasurer. llv order "f the Hoard 11. K. llot't OUD, Secretary. Lehijjhton, Juue 17-3 on. k 'io i iCACii i:its. The Examination of Teaches for the Puhllo Sehoolsui,Klitu Ilor u.h ll he held In iho Orammar bch ol i(..uin, uu July 3id, IH82, cuuuueucin a, 9 uMoCk A. II. MTU 1 e.,ch tn u,e ttanied oue lr the IUkU School and ,l for uhordliiato st-hoots. Ap plications co be srut tu the un,.mlgi.ed- U) order ol iltu Uuaru. - it. c. uwr tuuis, svcictary. LchlgUtou, JuualT-wS SEEK health and avoid sickness. Instead of feeling tired and Worn out, instead of aches and pains, wouldn't you rather feel fresh and strong? You can continue feeling miserable and good for no thing, artd 110 one but your self can find fault, but if you are tired of that kind of life, you can change it if you choose. How? By getting one bottle of Brown' Iron Bit ters, and taking it regularly according to directions. Mansfield, Ohic, Nov. s6, i83i, Gentlemen ! I have suffered with pain In my side and back, and great soreness on my breast, with snout ing pains all through my body, at tended with areat weakness, depres sion of spirits, and toss of appe tite, I have taken several different medicines, and was treated by prom inent physicians for my liver, kid neys, and spleen, but lgot no relief. 1 thought 1 would try Brown's Iron Bitters 1 1 have now taken one bottle and a half and am about well pain In side and back all gone soreness all out of my breast, and 1 have a good appetite, and am gaining in strength and flesh. Itcan justlybo called the c mJicitttt, John K. Allendsk, Brown's Iron Bitters is composed of Iron in soluble form; Cinchona the great tonic, together with other standard remedies, making a remarkable non-alcoholic tonic, which will cure Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, Weakness, and relieve all Lung and Kidney diseases, DiiMfirs.Wiw.lisrs! ilTIOA. N. Y. DISCOVER&H Oil' 'Dlt. MAnCHISI'S CATHQMCON, & P02ITIVC GuslE FCtt FEMALE COKPIAUITS- Thla remedy will act Id harmoiiT vil tlio Fe HiMo system ct all times, uml also Immediately upon the abdominal aud uter'no musclct aud re store tliem to a licalthy and Mrong condition. lit. JJarchisl'a Uturluo Catholicou will cmo fall cf tha v.-mb, Leucorrhfen, Chrome Iiiflnrnma Mori and Ukvratlon of tho Womb. Incidental t r-n-,T-vl, no T, P-wl t nn Pitiful. Cimnreiti-,1 a 'i Irre&whr Jlcnr ;rur.tson Kidney Coi 'plairt, n irrciiincp'U'tiu is eepcciany niuincaininc enau of Lire. Sc:id fur pamphlet lice. A Uc'lersof inquiry frVrH' aii'MYercJ. AtlcTr ssr-a'-wc. For eld by nlld-ujrrlsfp. Noweizo fe'l per bottle, O! I nlr.a J?l.oi). I1t .nro tin 1 ao.; f Dr. ilur Chl'l's Utei ino GV.tholieotn Takanoot'..? K i nl a. j. Darling i" i)r u ritore n, Tjh.'iton ma, 20-yl fcata vitj Ksud Mja tiro Octavos, ono C-5 Sots needs, I2ghtSt ti, including Suh-Ilasa, Oe'ors Counter, Stool, Uoolr. and Music, lu Solid Black Walnut Cass Taney High T p, a above. Tms Osgiv is rmisT os tks Old Pljlk. 27.0 FtuAona jSeethoreu Organ 27 Stops, (0 Sals Roeds, $90. KoontotavancotoflH. Ordcrnow. Heuilthy UaniEralt, let Of.'.eo or.:cr, or reditu - I Ltcr. Eojtod nnd f u:,. od without aMomf ""si Delay. CsfJoj'ie t'rsw. ddresaorctU utu.i lewis TeHs&3 HANK ST I KUT, first store above Iron, calls urUiil on t-i h - ifK and fash. l liable pt-n-k of I r-H All of which he USe'linjat VEHY LOW EST cash riuces. 6tr n loipectlon In. lied and saturactlon Kuuiauleu-I lu all cas.s. A rrontn Wanie.1 for the Lives and rlr.llil' 9 Ay,UllLl AuteuluresulllioUuil.twsl(Uli. U I'cmpleie Life of these Bold. 'Hghwaymen. Also ut the Younger llrotbNii oilier ho d untiuws. blMlltly iiiusirau-i. )ie 600 P-Kts. Itewar- of ule lur edition i om- let tJuIU l.y mill. Purty tents. Taims u Lral t'UU.ilIKU X iloJdAMN. U W. Uh au, Uinulnuaif, O. juuo 11-n.l litis S 1 r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers