The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 11, 1882, Image 4

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    mwwMISCELLAWEOOB,' " "
rvtn only niio dollar year, ami a cop? of
Dr Kamlatl's Horn- Rink, or a b-xk eiilillnl
"A Thousand furls," as a pn-mliitn.
Mmjrnltit elTi-ct niVelatia;-. Airs. Iiri
tiIo bnttj-ht a new ir jri ll wV ponlt "He
snls of n ilrleealo grots greet "foTiiHli'li
dress S'lioif ofij'xxls-Ther ,wrc
i!if pouHltrsie-ol a XlclJgote jrr3s-gfc-en.
Inspired vritU tfie (ilea ot pleasing bey hut-
b.init,the daintily lifted the Item of lur
gun-tent null displayed a foot worthy of
Cindrrella. "What do you lliliik uf tlinl
dear?" she tenderly usked her liege lord
'immense I" Innocently responded the part
nor nf her life.
How Concord look the hrwsf "Whsl
Mr. A. Bronsm jlndt tpjord 'f ",e .result"
or the llyan Sullivan prise light lie at unci
put on his hat aud coat and leu around tell
lux the rums, "mi glorious tu the reuse nil
culture lu IV-slnn," Mr. Kmcrson rnlil t
"That clip on "the bugle that Sullivan gave
Ryan in the third round vss Ihe IncipiU
tion of a lolenglcal athlrtirism cueli as the
tini!o leullcs of Ilostou alone could lucalu-late.
Have y oa Ever
Known any prrnm Ui be seriously 111 with
out a weak stomach orinactivo liver or kid
neys.J And when theso organs are in good
condition do you not find their possessor en
joying good health t Parker's Ginger Tonir
r.'gulalcs these imiorlant organs, makes the
Mood rich and pure, and strengthens every
part of tho system. Bee ad. to another col
A cold or ore ttifbat may not eeom to
amount to much, and It promptly attended
to can easily bo cured; but neglect Is often
followed by coniimiitlon or ulplitlieiln.
No medicine bos over been discovered blch
nets so iiniclily and surely In such cases ns
I'liimv ua vis paih mi,i.iiii. ihs
prompt uso of thl3 invaluable temedy lias
saved thousands ot lives.
uot an experiment. It has been before tho
public tor forty yint n, and 13 most valued
where It Is best known. . ,
A tow extracts from voluntary testimonials
read as follows:
Pact Kitt-En hii been tny household remedy for
colds lor the post twcnty.een irnrs, and hive
never known It to fill .la ejecting a cure.
L. S. Cbocieb, WilUamsvlllo. N. Y.
For thirty roan I lno used Pais KtLt-rn, and
found ltaueer.fslUn? remedy for colds and sore
throat Bahton Beaman. ,,
Have received Immediate relief from colds and
sore throat, end consider your Tain an
Jjpviluable remedy. flio. If. Lveiieit, Dickinson,
J h'vra Just recovered from a crr revere cold,
which I hive had for noma time. I could Ret no
relief until I tried jour 1'aiw KlLLln, which
relieved mo linmcdlatcir. I will never again bo
without it. O. O. Force, Lowndes, Oa .
Have nod Taiii Kili m In my family for forty
rears, and have never known It to falL Rahsou
Lewis, Waj-nceboro, Oa. , ,
1 boran using Path Killich In tnr family twenty,
five years ruro and have need Itccr since, snd have
found no medicine to taLo Its place.-B. V. Dim,
Urugsiit, Oneida. N.Y. , , . .
For vrboopln?-oouFh and, ereon It 1 the beet
SrtnaraUou mnrto. o would not bewlUiout it
.. P. l'.otns, liberty Jlllls. Va. ,
For twcnt--ilvo icara 1 used r.m KttJ-rn
for oolds tnd charred Hps, r nd t ons Idor It the beat
I vaa ira(rcrlr revcrdy with bronchitis, and my
throat n-aa to lnflar.ied 1 eou d tcarcely swallow
any food. I was edvlerd to tr- your 1'Atit IvlLi-ra,
end after taUnir a few dciea was ocmilotcly
curod.T. Yilkinsok.
lit, AVALTON wnics I ram uornocwini murrain
rLLEB cures curnuicna cna i
(rly prcvclont here, end has
mako Imown to tne world.
Potently sick with dlplithorli, high fe er, and coli
Three degrees ol' mining rpecufation
r.witlve, nilne"; comp'arulWe, tnincr. j Supei
lulive, minus.
A man, Intruded. Into'an IriVfmian'.,
ahantj thoolherda.y. "Whatdoyou wont?"
a'keo Tat. 'Nolhlng." waathe visit'oi'a r
ply. "Then you'll find it la the Jug where
tuo whiskey was,"
1VIZ.I.KB cures lurmucm uiu hutv uuvm.n,
initly prcvclont here, tnd bn pet been knojn to
fall In a clnirle Inrtaura This fact iou should
ai rS. LLLF.n 11. lUASOIf TVTllCliI fliy rcn -ffBBwaea
Inlnntlv nick sith dinhthorl'v. hlch fev er. and oold
chilli. Ro many children hae AIM here, I wea
afraid to call a rnyricliin, tnd tried lour Paw
K1LT.EB. . lie was taken en Sunday, and on
Wednesday bis throit waa clear. It waa a won.
derful cure, and I wish it lould be known to the
poor mothers who arj losiny to many children.
For Chills and Tcvcr PAIN KIIiIiKR has
no cnuaL It curra when everything else falls.
Delays aro otten aanjrerous. A bottle of
Pain Killer tn t he hodso U a salcguard that
no family should bo"vlthout.
Alt druggists sell It at 3c, 30c, f.nd 51.00
per bottle.
PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors,
Provldonco, R. I.
1. Sfossoiv-
.ManntaptBror.of and Dealer in '
Till aiii Sfee'sMroa Ware aiii General
House YMiWi Goods.
F.irca of habit ! Tutor In mechanics: B:5jJrf6'feMi?
-If a body meet a bodr-'-' Sophomore (in Kg "A'nSvlH 'Stfff3 8
. undcrtono .mechanically), "Cming i$SMMS$Mii
through the rye." VWWmMM
Shakespeare modernized : Tho good die fxj VrSfi Tttr nn1n.m-
7'iuii. The had live tolio about the weath'
er,uud ore spulicn of as the oldcEt lAhabi
If your area frequenter or a resident ofl
a.nilasinatie district, barricade you system
against the scourge' of all new countries
ni;ue, bilious and intermittent fevers by
the use of Hop Ililtcrs.
LcmsaTon, Mich., Feb. 2,1880.
I have siil J, Hot) Sitters for. four yearsand
there is no medicine that surpasses them for I
bihnus ntiacUs,KKlney mmpininisanil many
diseases incident to tins malaria! climate.
II. T. Alexander.
A born cashier: A devil fish with arms
thirty-two feet long has been caught on the
banks ol Newfoundland. What a cashier
be would have made.
About right: Little Tommy Skidmore
cays that Indian meal is composed of oil her I
roast grass hojipers or roast missionary, he
doesn't remember, which.
Not much choice : It Is difficult to de
cide which is Ihe wotse the question Is:
"Is It cold enough for you?" or, "What do
you think of Ihe, Ouitenu business!"
Ely's Cream Bui in Co., Owegn, N, Y. I
rieass send usatoneetwo gross Ely's Cream
Jtalm. We take plciiurc, ipcongralulatin'g
you on Ihe siioeoss'yoii'ara having 'with the!
'Cream Balm" Catarrh and Hay Fever
cure, lis salo is steadily increasing with
wonderful rapidity as vou can see by our
frequent orders. It is evidently an article of
great merit.. Very truly, Johnston, Hollo,
way A Co., 02 Arch St., Philadelphia..
march ill, ism.
Mr. CD. rotter, Drugcist.Towanda.Pa,
For several years I have been troubled with I
Catarrh I have tried .many remedies without I
much relief. Ely's Cream Halm has proved
to be the nrliclo'destred.'havine wonderful
results in my rase, I believe it to bo the only
cure. Ii. 13. Coburn, Towonda, I'a. May
11, 1B7U.
Price 50 cents.
i.i nniiEi: utjiiin on nur vonji
Tbnt Acts nt the annio time nn
I Jlecavat ice allow Vieti gviat organi to
lltcome clvnaul or lonld. and poisonmt
fShwnonart therefore forced Into the blood
I that should oe expelled naturally.
kiscases, rnuAi.r. weaknesses,
am) nt.iivous nisminrits,
jlit tauelngfree aclio.i of Hum crjant and
icitorlng their Xcer to throw of dlteaee.
A lTliy snffer llUloiii pain and nrhe si
, Why tormented with l'llos, CaniilriatlonI
(Thy frightened oter disordered Kldneysl
Wliycmlurfl nervous orslek heauaeheii
Hiaimttmin Drr Veaetiible-Form. Intia
7. cuU ono r atkasc of which tlx ;larts of
J medicine. Also laXJauhllform, cry C'encen.
3 Irated, for tho-s mat cannot riac;! j i-rtyara It
-"It act with equal eSlctauey i:i altlir form.
5 OiST IT OF YOUIt Dr.VGGIST. rmcE, 1.00
Wnr,LS, KICIIAIinSOS A Co.roy's,
j (Will send tho dry pa .t pall.) IirsLBOTOH, VT.
Mystery, cxploincd : Wliy'is it that
whenever yon are looking for anything you
'ways find It in Ihe last place you lookT
The reason is because you always stop lock
ing when you find it.
Had him; Student (not very clear as to
liis lesson): "That's what the author says,
anyway." Professor ; "I don't want the
author j I want you I" Student (despairing
ly): "Well, you've got me,"
No one thinks of travelling without
taking along a bottle of Slue.' Syrup of Tar,
Wild Cherry and Honrhound.
Literal : When Fanner Budge read that I
a bull painted, by Rosa Bonheur cold fori
$1,000 be remarked to his wile that he did'nt I
see how a coat of palnt'could an greatly en
hance the value of tho animal, but if Rosa
wouldn't charge him more than ten dollars I
lie would get her to paint hfs bull In the
spring. And h!s economical wile 'replied I
that she thought he might paint it himsell
and save his ten dollars. The indications 1
are now that the bull will be painted.
rCleveland Plain Dea'lcr.l
Mr. Theodrre tlvejy, tobacco and cigar
dealer, IDS Seneca" street, was recently laid
up with rheumutisin so that he couldn't
walk. Alter liberal usool various prepara
tions he purrhasedu bottle nf St. Jacob's Oil, I
and, to use his own expression, "It was the
first thine to allonl him unylliint; like re
lief." lie hat complete! v recovered by !its
LEIIIQUTON', PA., has tho Largest and
Most Extensive Stock of
ever offered In this borouith, and to which I
In vile the si ccl il attention of my customers
an d the puWIo generally, as I am prepared to
offer extraordinary Inducements In
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c
and I Invite mynumerous friends and patrons
to call and examine my stock before ninkinx
their purchases elsewhere, as lam prepared
to give special Inducements to all (JAS1I
1'nst.OIHce Building, Lehtuhlcu, l'a.
Sept. SO.
Improving! An ageat for the sale of
tome household article altemptei to niount
the steps of a house recently, but the dog
came around the corner ahd took a half
yard uf cloth from, the back of bis coat. The
man was sliding cut, when the owner of
Hie bouse camp and n?kcd : "Did dose dg
bide yout" "He didn't bile me, but he
ruined my coat," waa tlm reply. "My gout
friend, excusu dosetiog if he did n't bide you.
He s a young dog now, but by ant by ho
shall take hold of soma agents and will eat
der bones right out of them. He bides u
mat now, bud be shall soon do much pet
ter. Anon,
Liquid or Dry,
Some people prefer to purchase medi
cities in the dry Mute en that they can see for
themselves that they aie r.urelv vegetable.
Others have not the limeordesire to pieiiare
the medicine, aud with It already for use.
T ncfomiiiodato e.ieh class Ibe ppeprie
torsnf Kiiiuey-Wort now nhVr that well
known remedy in belli liquid and dry
Bold by lirugsisls. Truth.
-t- ,
Miscouslnii'tmn S He eat mI her feet In
quiet peace- He.Iookei -into her lace and
said softly i "Ah dear, I could sit hcie )ot
ever." "Could you, lovef'-aiiswered ah
"Yes, sweet." "Ymi a re right siifqyo'uqonld.
darlfugt1' "I know it, iny uwn.". "Very
well, then, you fit hfre, for,! have sn en
gagemeul to go nut wth young Mr. Filz
r)onrr and I won't be back this evening.
Turn down the gas and fasten the uighl
lalrh whrq you go away. Ta, tu, dear."
And she went out, leaving him in tho aw
fill "solitude nf her goneness aud his Uttlcr
Lottery Invetlors always look out for
the number won.
Industry always Suds something to do.
So does a mosquito.
Tho nhovo Is the exast representation of Ihe
sewimr machine e sell for twenty dollars.
Iris io eirv resneet the verv best ollhe
Singer stle of mat hltit-s; tinl.hed In the best
maimer, with the lairst Improvements for
wtndliitr the boi'bln. tnc inom runrriiienlttyie
of table with exieuslon leaf, larito ilrawers
amtboiutlful ituthlo cover. It stands with
out a rival.
King of Simer Maiiies.
We do not asa you lu pay for It until yfu
see what you are I uylnic. Wennjy wish to
huow that ou rcallv want to boy a machine
aud are willing to pay t-0 lor the best In the
Wrlie 'o ns sending Ihe name of you near
est railroad station. Wo will rend the ma
chine and itlre Inftrnctlons to allow you to
examine It before you pav lor It.
"it Fllbort street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
!3 S st4ss jSt.5Ee9
3 J
In the first place, limestone, mnrble, rale
spar, chalk (ol rare occurrence In thlacoun
try,) marl, and oysters, and other shell,nre
all essentially the same in composition, how
ever they may differ In texture, firm, and
other particulars. Thev are all different
forms of the Carbonate ol Mine) that Is,
they consist nf tho alkaline earth, lime, In
combination with carlxmlj acid, and in the
rase nf shells, with animal m-tler. As a
general thing, we only know carbonic acid
as a gas. II has a weak hold of the llme.for
If we drop a Iragmcnt of limestone Into
strong vinegar, the acello acid of the vine'
gar will unite with tho lime (forming Ace
lato of Lime), while the carbonlcacid, being
set free, will be seen to pita off In small
bubbles. In this case we Irce the lime from
its carbonio aeld.hy presenting It loa strong
er acid, that of vinegar. But If instead ol
using another acid to displace the carbonic
acid , we place limestone, in any of iu forms,
In a strong fire, tho carbonic acid will be
driven off by the heat, and there will bo left
simply Lime. This is called Quick .Lime,
or Caustic Llme.nud by chemists Oxldo of
the melal Calcium, or Calcium Oxide,
Lime, then, is limestone without its carbon
o acid, All Ihe forms of limestone nre very
little soluble In water; lime itself Is more
soluble, though bat slightly so, requiring nt
ordinary temperatures about 700 times lis
own weight of water, yet it gives a marked
alkaline taste to water in which It is dis
solved. Lime in this condition, as Quick
Lime, or when combined with water,
slaked" as it is called, Is much employed
In agriculture A small portion of lime is
required by plants, but thechicf useofllme,
when applied to the soil, is to bring the
vegetable matters contained in the soil into
a condition in which they ean be used as
plant fond. This application ofliniq as a
fertilizer has long been followed by farmers,
and in tnnny cases .with the most beneficial
results. Within a year or so, great claims
have been made for ground Limestone, es
pecially by tho makers of mills for grinding
some of these have asserted that it was
superior to burned lime, and superior to
nearly all oilier fertilizers. The question
which most .interests farmers is, has lime
stone, howaver fine it inny be, any value as
a fertilizer? To this tho answer would bo
both yes and nn. Tjpon a heavy clay soil
tho carbonate of lime, or limestone In any
form, appears to have a beneficial effect : it
nakes such soils friable and open, so that
water and air may penetrate them. While
its action upin the vegetable matter In the
soil is far less prompt and energetie than
that of quick lime, yet Us presence, afford-
ng a base with which any acid that may
be present in the soil may unite is often
beneficial. To exfol ground Limestone ns
tho great fertilizer of Ihe age," to oven
claim that it is equal to lime itself, Is a mis
take. Both have their uses. It should be
borne In mind by inquirers about tho valine,
nfgood limestone, that many soils already
contain more lime in this form than ran
ever be utilized, and need tno addition.
American Agriculturi&l.
An Indiana inventor has patenied a
straw-stacking machine.
The brown or rusty orange is sweeter
nd can bo kept 'longer than the bright
Sorghum seed Is readily eaten by poul
try and is better for small chickens than
Farmers In Southern Indiana state (bat
the growing wheat lioks stronger than ever
before nt this season.
Prices asked bv American breeders of
pure-bred Polled Angus cattle areas high as
$350 for cows and $1500 for hulls.
Each year 12,000,000 heads of cabbage
find silo in the Philadelpnla markets, and
3, t00, 000 are converted Into sour krout.
Experiments are In progress In England
for testing the adaptability of that country
for the growth of American varieties of apples.
Cockle seed will remain in the grounds
many years If untouched by the plow. As
soon as brought to the surface they begin lo
H is now claimed that potash In1 the
shape of ashes or the potash salts Is excel
lent for grape vines if the fruit Is defective
In color,
It is reported that n guano Island has
been discovered in the Gulf of California,1
near the Mexican coast, 28 miles northwest
of'Puint Lolios..
Plump and yery saleable chickens can
be procured by crossing a Bantam rooster on
ordiuary common hens. They are not large
but ofgood quality.
If sulphur is well dusted around the
sheds and hog pens it will effectually drlvo
off lire. Dust it on the bogs also, and leave
a little in the troughs for them to eat.
In Algeria is a school fur training shep
herds. They are instructed in all that af
fects the breeding and rearing of sheep, in
cluding diseases and their treatments.
The Hoisteins are rapidly pushing the
Ayrshires aside, being hardier and better
adapted fur the butcher when their milking
qualities are no longer desired,
Horse radish is a profitable crop to grow,
as it finds sa e at from i to fi eents per lb.,
unprepared. Il is bought readily by manu
facturers of the prepared article,
If the owner of a cow will realize that
unless she pays him $5(1 ycorly In clean cash
she Is kept at a loss he will soon become in
teresled in Improvement of stock.
Professor Riley thinks that immunity
from tie ravages of the Ilessiau fly may be
expected fur several years, as the beat and
Irought ol last summer killed large numbers
f them.
One of the latest theories advanced is
that apples are more nutritious than (iota
toes, and In Cornwall, Eng., workmen say
they can work better on the fruit than on
Ibe vegetable.
-It has been ascertained that where eggs
are sold by the pound, that they vary iu
weight from one to four ounces. The aver
age weight of a dozen eggs is twenty-three
and a half ounces.
During the week ending February 4
there were shipied from America and Ca
nadian ports to England 651 live cattle, 9C0
sheep, 0072 dressed qusrleri of beef and 2,
152 carcasses of mutton.
HOOFINO ntiil SPOUTITVn done at
short notice-aud nt Lowest Cash Prices.
livcrrhlndot STOVE cltUTns.and FlltS
nniUKS kept constantly on hand.
Store on SOUTH Street,
A few doors abovo Bank St, LEUIGIITON.
I'atronaire eollcited-
Oct. 6 )1
.SattstacMrn guaranteed...
A. 1). MOSSIilt.
Yotf should go to
Dr. C. T. Horn's
Ho personally attends to his business.
He has tho experience of medicine.
Ho has the best and purest Drugs and
Ho has one price to all.
He has tho best goods for t)io least money.
He has all the Popular Patent Medicines.
IIo has the beet.Horso and Cattle Powder.
Ho has the best wines and cigars.
Ho keep .the best Old Rye Whiskey lor
medicinal purposes.
He has the latest patterns In WALL
Ho has a full line of Cntnps and Lamp Fix.
He has a lull line of Toilet and Fancy Ar
lleles. Hoibuys and sells fos cash.
Call and he convinced that tho above rea.
sons are correct, and oblige
O. T. HORN, M. I).,
Leuekel's llloek.
'Opposite the "Carbon House."
Sept in, 1831-ly.
fcnMnn''3 iinw beforo ihep'tii
tie. Ynu rnn n ait luoiiov
f.iatcr r.t voirt fur in tlmrt at.
ftnv thins Hsn. Onpital not
iiei'dpd Wo wTl fta. r tiiu
$12 a day ami upwards undo nt li nv iij- tiii in
dtisttiDiift. Jroa, wmi oh, toys ami tifriK wanted
ovprj'whoro tt woiv for nn,'' tnno.
You cau wm k in npnre tm cnt rr ixiyi v.ur-,
whole I'meto Ho Liu neat.- You cu in eat
home and do tlin wor. So o'.lv r bnn'netn w t
tny rou nearly ns well No mi can f.iil nt minir
VDorruons piv tv i'i,r.tfni 01 riu'o. Ut
Outfit nnd terma frort Mcnev mndo iM, cpm
ly nix! lionunudy. Address Tiivv. & Co.. An.
KHeta, Malno. tlcciOyl -
Inventors will Advance their Interests by
EmploYlng-an Experienced Attorney resident
In Unlhlnfrlon. 1. A. Lehinann. Solicitor of
American and Foralirn Paten's. Washing
ton, 1). O.. has hnd jcais of siiecessful Prac
tice, nnd was formerly an Exomlner or I'a
tentsln tho Patent UfAce, All bunlnefs tw
fore the Courts or tho Department i r. in ( l ly
nttended to, Kco contingent upon success
Send for Circular. Aurll xa-tf-cor.
The Pest. Cleanert
rtrdmost Ixononucal
Hair Dressing.
Bfcvrrrailtu Restore
.the youthful colur to
my naif. 51c and
Ftorcslon Mafia
A ln'tv ntntf jnHlni;1y
fiipr-ii I n-l t udnt pr
fi.ui. rrt?3 anJ ie.
A Pure Family Medtckc that Never Intoxicate.
I f you arc a mechanic or former, worn on t with
overwork, or n mother run dou by family or
iiousciio.u uuiics iry j-akuer ft VjiNGrlt iOMC
If you ore a lawyer minister or husine1 ian
exhausted hy mental strain ornnxiomciretdo
not tale intoxicating stimulants, tut use 1ar
kfrs Ginger Tonic.
blood or nerves you can Lc cured ly I'ahksr's
Cikgcr Tonic,
If you nre waiting away from age, rii!p-rion
or any disease and required stimuLnt take Gin
GKR'i'oMcat once; itwHlinvigoraiatSc build yon
up from the first dose but wi'l never intoxicate. It
has saved hundreds of lives; it may save yours.
. 1I1SCOX A CO.. 1(3 WUIiain CU Nrw Yk. 10c.
out dotW iU, St ll (UsUrt In nvMliclta-.
A. A. THOMAS. Corner Ninth ami F
Streets Washington, l. O., attends to I'en.
slon ami llaek I'av. llouutv Claims collect'
eft. Contend Ini.d Claims, Mlnaral and
Aurlcul'ural; otien leil to b-rore "he lieiart'
mnit of ihe Intxrlor and Supreme Court.
Land Scrip and Additional Homesteads i'Ur
caassl and sold, Avrll 23-tf-tr.
cirl was
Benson's Capcine
Porous Plasters
Reasons Why ttiey nve Prercmd t All
Other Vorous Vlastcra or Hxternat
JEO-Bubscrlbe for the Aptocsti only $1
a year, and then you receive as a premium
a toolc entitled "A Thousand Facia."
Rheumatism, disordered blood, Rcner
a! debility, and many chronic diseases pro
nounced incurable, are oilen cured by
Brown's Iron Hitters.
Because they possess oil the merit ot the
strcui:ib;nlng porous plaster, and contain In ad
diiloii thereto tlia newlv discovered powerful am
active veiretmhlu combination which arts with fit.
creased rubefacient, stimulating, sedative aui!
rtnntmn lr4tiit rffrtm
Second. ,
Ttceansa ther are a irenlllne nharmcceutlcal nrrr.
Eocanso Ihcj are tho only plasters that rclluv
Decsuso llnjr wl'.l positively cure diseases whlc:
otner remeaica wui 1101 even reueve.
Tteeano orerrOOOnhvslcians anddrncdstahavi
Toluntarlly testlfled that they are euiierlor to alt
otucr piaatcra or mcaicince sor exienuai use,
Eecanse tho rasnnfactnrers have received the
only medals ever clveu lor porous plasters.
Benson's Capcine Porons Plastei
aianniactunne unemuis, new turic.
-DcfinUipn by Jules yor-
Inc: 'Sold!cr of Fortunc--
Ope without nny."
Ho who is nshamcd of
his poverty will snrely be ar-
' ' I til-
logarn. 01 ins wcau.11.
Flowers Bwceten the nir,
rejoice the eye, link us with
nature and innocence, and are
something' to love.
Three degrees of mining
speculation Positive, mine;
comparative, miner; superlat
ive, minus.
The Governor of Wis
consin nn noun ccs that State
as entirely out of debt, with
n balance in the treasury of
The Yonkcrs Gazette
savs that a woman calls her
husband Moon, because he
gets full so regularly. Only
once a month, t
When a man is honcsb
simply because it is his policy:
to bp so, he, is already saving
up money with which to buy
Ins ticket to the penitentiary.
Fir&t Freshman to second
ditto: "Did you get her photo
while you were away V- Sec
ond Freshman: uWell-ah, the
fact is she gave me her nega
tive." A man intruded into an
Irishman's shanty tho other
day. "What do you want?"
asked Pat. "Nothing," was
the visitor's reply. . Then
you'll find it in the jug where
the whisky was.
While a Cairo
being led to the altar her glass
pyc dropped out and her lover
fainted dead away. He had
courted her for two years with
out suspecting that her cute
look was of glass.
One of the most delicate
bits of humor in the Bible is
Ilosca's description of Eplj
riam as "a cake not turned."
The prophet didn't want to
hurt Ephriam's ffoling by
calling him "half baked."
x-i-A magazine writer savs
that ,'Mip two thumbs in all
the whole wo"ld are exactly
alike." And who said that
they were'? These "writeis"
and "scientific persons" are
always arguing away at pro
pose ions which nobody dis
putes. The best way to test a
man's honesty is to send him
a newspaper one year, and "if
he is honest he will pay for it,
if not, lie will inform the post
master that he don't want it
any longer, and then moves
away to cheat some other
newsnapcr publisher.
James A. Garfield, in a
college letter which has just
icon published, says that ii he
ained nothing else by a col-
ege course he would at least
id himsell of the "reverential
nve wnicn lie nau n ir in uie
past toward a man with more
lccpskin than sense."
"What was the immedi
ate cause of his rapid fortune!"
asked a mutual friend. "Oh,
ic advertised steadily in the
paper that .went turpeny 10
the people," was the sugges
tive rcplv. "Good." said the
other, "I shall carry the news
to Marv."
Why they do not speak :
Brown: "1 never consider a
dinner perfect without soup,
always have soup when 1
dine." Fogg. "And do you
ever have anything else 1"
The matter of age: Fair
bride of nineteen summers
What can they all see in
crl I'm sure she's over thir
ty, and no woman is worth
. ... .. . .. r
ng at alter that. Ma
tron (age unknown.) "Nor
worth speaking to belore, my
dear !
An open question: Bridget
(looking at the picture over
the mantelpiece), "wnati
thim, marml" Mrs. Dotonart
"Those aro cherubs, Bridget.1
"Cheerups, is itl Mary Ann
envs ns how thev was bats and
T S...!nn UnM.!n' el 1 .1
buy a nulla, uuiwu mv.
"Respectfully announces,
to hoi' lady friends that
she has jijst 'received a1 Kwt '
full .li'ue of the latent pubfieKcni?.
novelties in
Including; Hats, Bonnets,, Flowers, nibbens, Feathers, Notions; and DRESS Tlt'lMMlNQS
All work done In the latest style, and most durable manner, at the lowest cash crless. ,
HTOItllt at the Intersection of HANK STREET and BANK'WAY. I.EIIlciltTON. pa.
iprllSO, usi-yl.
DAffKW AT, a shert distance above
the Lehtith Valley R.R. Depot, .
We are sew fully prepared te execute every
description er PRINTING, Irem a
isitins Cardto aLarge Poster!
Handbills, '
Dodgers, '
Shipping Tags, f v ,,
Cards, ( '
BUI Heads,'
' ' I - .1 1 t T ' I
' Letter Heads.
' " ' ''FeteHea'ds;1' ' """ "
t . ... - ' "
1 ' i Statements, -
, - Pamphlets.
&.C., &c., In Best Manner, at.
.1 Li -V.
Reasonable Prices !
HOLiatS: . L188L
rAiriceso he friends and tfcr
ircnerallT. that she Is new recelflns)
and opening for Ihelr Inspection larger
slock than ever ot the very latest noreltles to-
Inferential: Said Brow
to r orsr, wno naa oeen in
dul"ing in some of Ins vagar
ies: ."Excuse my mentionin.
it. but now that we are alone
let me remind you that there
are always a fool and a critic
iti oven' comnanv." "Two is
si'tiall company," replied Fogg
"but why do you call me a
critic V
The New YorlSUN, for 1882.
Tnil SDK fur 1882 will make Its fifteenth
annual revolution unucr me present mannire.
tnent, shlninit, as always, for nil. hljr and 111.
tie, mean and rracUus, contcntid anil un
happy, liepubllrnn and lletnocratlcdepraved
.ml vl.,n... IhoIK..... .11.. n.
Su.i's lluhtlsfor minklnd ami womanlctn.l
of erory sort) hut Its genial warmth Is lor tho
good, while It Mturs hot discomfort on Ihe
unsierinir oncas 01 tne persistently wicked,
, The Huh ot 1889 was a newspaper of a na
klml IM ,.hUI M..n. .rn..
multltudo of the superfluous words ttiiifVh' as.
es of ancient Journalism. It un Icrtook tore
port In a rcsh, succlnct.nnoonventlonnl way
all tho news or the world, omitting nocrcnt
ofhuman Interest, and'comiuentlnK upon nf.
fairs with tho Icarlessnes of absolute Inde.
pendenee. The succees of this experiment
was tho success or Tint Son. It effected a
permanent change In tho style of American
newspapers. Every Imporlantjnurnal estah.
llshod In this eooniry In tho dozen years past
has been modelled afier Tub Hun. Kvorf
Important Jouraal already cxlsilng has been
modified and bettered by the forco of Tim
SDK's example.
TnK Swn of 1882 will he the same outspoken,
truth. telling, and Interesting ncwtnaiier.
1ST a, liberal use of tho means which an'
auunoani prosperity allows, we shall make
It better than eref before.
We shall print all the news, putting It Into
readable shape,and measuring lis Import nice.
not by the traditional yardatiek, but by Its
real Interest to the people. Distanco from
uaro is not tho a r si con-
Toys & Fancy Goods,
Suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS fef
Young nnd Old. Rich and Poor,. Don't fall
to rail early nnd secure first ohole ahd ball
bargains. She also calls their Btteotloa te
ller New, 1. ares aud Elegant assortment at
comprising Underwear, Berlin and r)erma
town Wools, Hosiery, Imported and ll
mcstlo Ribbons Gloves, Flowers and
n One assortment of New Designs
Also, In connection with the above, a fait
and complete slock of
Cntitlji-s & Confoelloni,
togotherwlth n variety of Goods not general.
Iv kept In nny olho' stnreln town. lf)ond
hot see what you want, ask for It.
A sh-lre of publlo patronage Solicited, aad
perfect satlrliietlun guaranteed In prlee and
quality of goods.
Second St, 2 floors above Iron,
Nov. 58, 1881-mJ. LEHIOHTON, T.
Priming House Sou
rl-leralion with TmbSuk.
WIlrnnTcr nnv.
thing happens worth reporting wo got the
parilcnlara, whether It happens In Brooklyn
or Bokhara.
In inline wo have decided opinions ; and
rre aceiismmed to , xprcss them In Ianeuatre
that kan be understood. Wo say what wo
ininK anniit men and evonts. That habit is
the only secret of I'll K SDN'a pnllilcal course.
'I'hk Wksklv Sun nut her? In oelght pages
the best mnlter ot the ternn ilaliy Issues. An
Agrlculturvl llcpannient ofunequalled mer
It. lull market reports, nnd n liberal propor
tion of literary, selentllle, and domestic In.
tellUenee coim lfte Tin ( Sou, an-l
initio It the btst newspa er lor tho farmer's
household that was ever unfiled.
Who does not know nnd rend and like The
riuNPAY tu. each number or whloh is a
itidcinida of Interesting literature, with tho
best i iietiyortlio day, pro.e every lino worth
r ading, news, homo mnlter enough tu fill
a sited hook, and liifluliely more rarlid
unit entertaining ihnii any Ihk.k, big or littb-f
11 our men 01 ninit a neaspaper snould lie
pin ses yuu, send lor Tub rjttt.
Our terms are as ollws:
For tho daily Si-m, a lout-page sheet of
, " ru, r iiii until iii up, i no prico oy man, pnpi
p-iid, Is bb corns a month, or fOfiOajear; rr
lneluding tlm Sunday papir. an eight. pngi
rheet ol ttltv-slx eoluiiuis, iho price Ixf6 rents
per inotith, or e? 70 a year, postaae paid,
Thoctumtay tdlilon ol Tim m Is also fur separately at il -JOayear.postage p 1 1.1
The pneoorthu Wlkklv Svh, eight pages
fflly.stx coluill' s. Is f 1 a venr. liostnuu iml.i.
r or elulu ol ten sending $10 we will send an
i-Aira cupy nee. aiuitlss
1. W ENOI.ANlt,
I'uhllher of This ati.s, New York City,
Nov. 2.vi8,
mt. pootb's
And Heady Jttrtpee,
TVorth $2S. Coat 3Sr.
Bv th. talbor f
"Tliih Home Talk" aD "Uisl
cat. Coumos Eaair."
1o Q raoKSof Ati.wthut mil- it.siis
A.O .nd UiyIb.1 for C.f of Chim All'
mnU a -.I.nhl. book trn.r.rnt f.r wf
F.rnHy. Only 25 m. Sj mill, rrIA.
lb. Iltid bws eoat.lo. th.ftni llr
ftnt f..r .11 ..Motif, Common 8bm Cmbo
mnn III., Ilrrlenle CBrtllr MMinrei, II.V M
Avnll Lblidrrn, Knnckt W.MIl
Knowing, ea ll.Utnr, Mnralnr. (te
Flck, on Em.nrntir, HlnU fr rrrnS
Wom.n, with Mn T I trTt.nt
Formule of Dr. FnoTS. nnd ntb.f .kj.l.lM
of hltth rrpnl. nnd dirrcllont S.r wrnnnrh-n
food lor lu-lnlldi. rw-AUENTS WANlt-'.
Hurray Hill Puotisnlng Co,
129 East ZSA Ctreet, III Ink City.
-flnyt normlar lioolcon nn
social and eexnil science, TLAlx
piuhs mnrSed out by tbatr
Homp: Talk akd
MliliiCAL Common Bensk. Nearly 1,000 iges, so
llHmnitloiw; Uy Dr. II. II. Po- te. lhirchasers are en
titled to free consultation, either In person, or by mall.
A f,S.23 book reduced to 81.50. imkinir IttheCllEARR'
Hook In tho I:noi.iii or oiiuman Language. IS pare
U.mtents Tabii-s I n-c Wo nlo send tree samples of
1m. l'iKlTK'8 HKAi.TiI SloSTiH-Y with list ol neatlr
J,w) premium : P0 eents n venr.
" Jiuitiusr RILL 1'UnLlHUINO CO., N.Y. city..
We have stores In 1 5 loadlnff Cities.
from which our ageuts obtain their roprUei atdcklr-
uur imc lories aim i'rinciiiiii unices mn mm
j;ric, V.u tieud lor pur New Cat a loan and
Our Factories nutl Priiictiml Onicem mtm mi
riuj to turenta Aauress
312 Lackawanna Av
Can be cared brthtBMftf
Dr.II. Jatnea CnnM
IiiUU-a ltcmedlea. For
Hook, TtslimonUli. ,tc.
Artiii vaA Cuapdock A Co., 11Q2 Itace St.. Fhlltu. Tm.
No Pate nt No Pay.
obtained for Iuvcntor in th United State
Canailannd Europe, at rtMuccdratcn. With
our principal olllcu located In Wnshlnirton,
directly t-ppusttc the Untred States Patent
OTslce, wu are unit) tu attend to nil p.tttnl
tuiintitt wil( urt'iih r protnptnuii and de.
rputeli ntid at ids c-si than otht-f patent al-
tornoa ulio uto a,t a tlliiance from Wash-
Inglon, and rhn have, thrrclore., cinjiloj
"aqjocUteaitoriH'iB " We make prcllinhiary
rxaiuiiiatlonM and furnlPh opinions an to wu
tcnln tillhy, Trro ofcharxe, and all nlm nre
interested In tuvr Inventions and patents are
luvltid tt cend for a mpy ol uur "Oulde fur
ohialultig- 1'ateriti," whl.h Is sent frco tn
any a IdreM, and contains com letu Insttnc
ttons hovr to obtain patents and other vnlua
tie in tier. We rolcr to tho German-American
Natlnnil Uatik, WnehiiKton, 1, 13.; the
lfoynl Rwedli1!!, Norweatan and IJanlith Luica
tluns, nt Wiii-Iilnglou : Hun. Jus. I'acey, Uie
I ll IS I ilw.l I f (,,, ST sal fflilllMW t.a II.
I U:ticlHl.i or the li. S Patent OirU'f.' tu
ISc tutor nnd Jleiiilcrs of Coi.urens from
Ciery State.
Address: l.OTJJS II AOGKIt H CO., So
lloltura ut Patents and Attf-rnes at,I.a
Droit Jlulldln, Wabiilnoton, it, ).
Saloon Eeepsrs anil Ofes,
l)ont (all lo Lu )our
Chnmpaigno Pear Cider,
Root licer,
... i
- Nectar,
Porter, &c,
, This Riding Sair Machine U iramnt4
to saw oil a 2 toot log in 3 ratnntei, and
i costs less money than any other Saw
, Machlno. Wo ore tho first firm isba
n(jTmachlnea In Jjnar
iS" B lea. ad &t cresent
own the only leesl
rishtoltliosamo, 5ccd for our fros circular.
Unitod titatos Manl'g Co.. 'Washington. P. C.
' K
Every Dairy FafnierProduccr and Dealc'r
in 'Dairy 'l'mrucls shoulil Subscribe for
IlEOAUSKIt is the only paper which In any
way attempis to cover tun special neiu
nf cominurelal entnrfirisa.
DEUA.USK It Is tlx only publication In which
are to u. louna rereiany. anu wiiu cer
tainly, reports oltlie proeeeillDa; ofall
Iralrvmen Asoclallons.
I1EOA USE It It IS the only medium through
wulch priKluoers ana ncniors in nuiier,
cheese ant dairy products are enabled to
communicate wiiu each ilier on tppies
eonnecied with their inuttta! Interests.
DEUAUSU It Is the only means by which
new inventions tor tas uairv cau ue
brouatltlllreetly to the attention of the
nnceina elass for whom tbev aredcslicned. fiabts frauds andmoonlilles of
every Ulna, and contenas lor lair piay anu
falrdeallnxln the markfts ol the world.
DEUAt'SK the most prosperous and sue
cesilul dairymen la all parts er the eoun
BEUAU.SK no .i.lrymen ran afford to be
wltbeut It. Ixnorance purchased by the
savlDK ofll-SO per year will, In the end
cost many times inas amouai.
"The. American Dairyman" is Published
everv Thursday, tor perycar, posi
n'ulrl. SinnU mniea. I-tVe Cents.
All couiiuumnttliini shouM be adilresseil tu
J. E, CLABK, FalJlistier,
S and 7 JlUftllAY 8lreet. K. Y.
P. O. Box (IU. febltf
tVemntluus tn act asSnlieitora Tor Pat'
eols, Caveats, Trade Marks. Coiiyrii;lils.eic.,
e 1TI,..1 OI..I.. e....l, nuliu. Vlli,
lor uie uiiiicu w-.,
land, France, Germany, etc. Wo 6av bail
Polenta obtained IhroucU us are notice-1
inn large
In iIia Rnraripic Auraioav.
and epfendid Illustrated weekly paiierjIJ.Zll
n V.9F. atinura ins im cress iiDciriicc.i nn
-Subscribe for the Advo- "a5V ..monk m' co ' XmbZw
. ilwi nnlv nnnrr pnthelv I iLnrai, Publishers nf Scissrino Auiricax,
GATE, tne only paper tium-iy jt New yotk IIttod bouk abo(U
prmiCtl IU lllU tuuut), l-aleau seui iree
Aug. 13,'18l-Iy.
run alu
Household Article
nil fe poor as vrellas ihe rich, the old ns xrt
J- as the Tounir. the wife, as well ns the hus
band, the yon n sr rotiMen os vroll as thv yotniK
man. the fjlrl as well as tho hoy. may juit us
well earn few ddlnrs In lionwst cuinluyinent.
as tu sit around the houso and wait f"roth-
ers iq C4rn U f'T them. We can ui" jou cm-
piO)inrnt. all the time, or dunn your arc
livuic triisj iiuiimiiUs liijvui will iviA.s
bur hood, atnonic jour friends and soquami
ances, Ilyoudo ntti cure Tor employment
we can Impart ralunhle Intonnatlnn 10 you
Irce of cos1. It will co-t vou only one cent loi
a postal curd to wrllr (or our I'rospeclus.nnd
It may he the means of urn kin ou a Rood
many dollars.
Do not neuleet IhU onnortunltr. You dc
jiot hare to Inrest a lars;e sum ol money. nni
run.tnt.riaK 01 ioiiok u. xou ui rt''iin
pee ttat It will bo an rosy ma ter to innki
troui jl0 to $10, a week, and estivblish a lu.
era t Its, nnd independent buslncir,honorable
str.iiicnuorward anu promauio Aiirnn u
this matter NOW, lor there IsMONKY IN
IT for all who entriitre with us. We will sur
prise you and iou will wonder why you i.eTei'
wrote iu ui ucwrv, k bkiiu rvi.u iaui.u-
vtAna FBicir. Address
(Namo this paper.) Marium. Uuio,
9 Tho ONLY BOOK UI Of tho kind B I ftWDV
I Watbinctot. 10 the prewnt time, with over ao Steel rurtrtiw
1 of the Ladie of the White Houe, with view of nur Uie
1 Homes of the Trcsidents. This Is the most hUMi
published, genu wanted scad fof CiicuHn, with futt RRlint FY A M Ds.hrt.h.r.
KS?a CSKcrth4thSL.FhIladelphubPtr
Treatise on thplrl
wpdvruroSKNT Pn.KlLn.J
Thlrty-SIt Vnrtettrt of Cabbipe s of Corwf tffef Cmnm
ber t 4i of Melon i 3) of Teas 1 sa of Sent t i of Squ4Bk 1 tmf
ot uect ar.n 40 01 i omato, wun otnet vanenn m m
Uf ee portion of which were crown on my fi ewJ fm. wftf
bs found In my Vegetable ood Flower See4 OataWa
fori ttH3. Sent FRKH to all who apply. Custwaeft ef U
Season need not writs for it. All Seed told ray tmbUafc
ment warranted to I both fresh and true to name, w fu. et
ihould It prove ottierwiie, I will re All the rdf gratia. Tae
o-tdnisl InlroOuecrof Earlr Ohlsand HarbaakFeia
to-sv, Mnrblthcmt Carlr Corn, the Hubbard Ko.
ilntbteh il Cubba rbtniiyg Melon, and ikwiaf
other new VN-peuMfs, 1 Invite the patronage of the piMk.'
New Vegelttlc a Specialty.
Jam co J. EI. CrcsTy, Marblebead, lfa4V
For sotmcRir,
wiiiuwa. fathcra. mat bar J
mrtiu 1 liuiujitJom nttt d. l"atiai alva
loaiof fauiiitr. lull. Ya tsr ritn:ur. riaua
JtVytri in1 avla.r e .ikb. tu IM'UEAtll 4
VpEfflUWsrV. IMTr..N l t .ryd far Uf .1.1-
oitiicra tunii warrant! prurnria. kwafnt
ill H
"and aaltl, Mlf auj hair apply far raar
rlRhtt ittonre. ."end v atatiip (01 l'railn mum
lUuttty law a. MnWaiitl 101 1 rue t lout. Kav tlt
by iAr, VVetuu refer lo thtmaandiof t'cniiaatre1
u tienn. AU'irvsa e. nsuriaipna Vv,si
.n aiuiBWn.UA
In Anu Tftttim. A O-n .Sf
jeiinrj iis.rljlU, 8 f n
tn 111 In C Osffl lUXsJivittrM tOUjmt'f
tin mot Inthtrtku' mm lia
er lu in. "ii-i. rvr.n
tv..::v i-AOEiH rui Li.ff(")
licsien-. i-n. Ejf!
ha. M'J s no im i.c 11 fcj hi a
ll IriMlat'M. Kitt r Cnh
rwl!r aria Ma m niy'a
wwtlli. AOKSTM WaiiltHt.
tsrttialvsi TmltPtT, Iho
vV'taTJr CIren!-a Or rntrfmnl Kfltirfrdpft,
;V I. JlIiACIC. No. 8 Soutli 4lh Etrcct, rhilsdelpbU-
Kept. 'it.'tnO.
$500 Rewrd I
WE will liar the abnre reward for any ess
ofLlrer Ooinulalut, l)ysivpsia. Kick llea.l
acbe, iDdlsestl in, Conttlpillun ur llo Irenes'
we cannoi cure wun est i.irrr vkviuui
fills, when the illreetlons are strictly coin.
ilM with. They are purely V'eKetaMo. ami
never fall to aire tnilsractlon Suirari'outeil
LarKe boxes, cuntalnliitr ao rills, tb cents
Kor sale by all lirugiilsi. Ueware of coun
terfeits ami Imitations. The iri-nulne mann
laetured only by JUIW tl. WKsr H CO
"The 1111 -Makers " 181 fc 13 W Jlailisoi
St., UIiIcuko. Free trial packaite snl b
onll preiwld on receipt ol 3 cent, stamp
Smith Kline U Co., Wholesale Aicrnla
riillu-lelphla. I'a. seit.iil. '8My.
wpclc in vonr own town. I
Ou Hi lioo. -o rmk. Even-
hnriew. usMitaitot equi
Ve wtllJuiuuh vou oien
In . Mauv aio iu. lee fur
liip-s s.anlr rusie as iiiucUis luen.atia tioi
and mil-lunke )iut l:ecer ifrouvcai.
. bn'ln ra atwlnci roai-an m u c ct
al ihe tin e vou ur, w tie lor partlcu a a t
M. LULLETr d: Co., l'orl and, Me. no 0-yi
(p"Job Printing neatly,
cheaply and promptly execut
ed at this c-mce. uive us a
trial an,d be convinced.
" Great Rock Island Ms!"
EtanOs premlnenl among the ureal Trunk lint, tl 0m
West tor belnu the most direct, quickest, ul salesi a
counectloi the great Metropolis, CHlCAOf), sad U
Eastxcx, Konrn-EisxiBH, Boornims and eT
KisTisx u, which teruilnat. there. wlt Xawss
Citt, LrvNW0RTn, Atcuisox, Cooxcii. tixm
and Ostiiu. the ooMMaaoiii. exxraas treaa tai
that penetrates the Continent from UeMUsearlBtrer
to the Tactic Slope. The
Chicago, Ml Island & Pacific Miay,
I. (I.AAntw 1 1 a fmm OT.I'.im nvnlnir trrV lata!
nr whltU, by lu own road. n-4il.s th. pyals .
eo-VKlCTloxal Ao hwltlUna l iU-fHia-iut or
titan car; ns eftrv pafenoer it ciinwd in rjisuv
eUan nnd tenUlotaf aiachet, vpon rait Btrrtm
luvCAas of unrlvsll msgniacenee. reLusssr
Talacb SLEKriNQ Cars, and our on world-Wmon).
DiKisa Cabs, upon which mtsls are served U :
surpa.sed eiccl'eni e, at the low rate of SavasTT-rlvjs
Coti each, Itn ample time for healthful '.,!t;
Tlirough Cars between Chloigo, l eorta.MUwa.aj,
and Misijorl luv.r pol .tst and ch-s. eonuecUoasaa
polnu of luterwcUon with oilier rosdA.
MVetlckctlde not forget W')?1"' VZ-iKtuT
of lmnortsnce In Kansas. Jrbrotk, ll-sci. 'Ilu.
WyotXi UtV "diho. Nev-ds, 0U.Ottg.
VVa.hlnBtoa Territory, Colorado, ArUoaa and Jtsw
WAs!hbcral arrsnsemenu recmrdinr bifrws a.
other llne?aud Tf.lcsof Ur. u lowi
ton. wlio furnish but a tube of the cuinfort.
tatheUnludfetatesandCsiisds. j)
Via Pxa't and Cn- Manait'i
Ou.nt.ui rurv ia