Advertising Rates. We desire 11 to be distinctly understood that no advertisements will bo Inserted In the columns of Tin CABnost Advocate that may be received from unknown parties or firms unless accompanied by Its cash. The following are our oklt terms i osissqOiR(10 LIXM), One ycari each Insertion 10 cts. Six months, each insertion 15 cbs. Three months, each Insertion - 20 cts. Less than tVree mouths, first insertion $1 1 each subsequent Insertion SS cts. Local notices 10 cents tier line. II. V. MORTHIMER, Publisher. CARDS, Attorneys Hi UAl'SIlEIl, ATfOKNIY AHD COUNSELLOR AT LAW, SAaaETaitT,I.isisntox,It. d..ii.i..iiI rsll.rtlon Annev. WlllBtuand B.U R. al Katati. Convijauelng distly done Col tetleni promptly maci. naming miimi oi w dints a spiclalty. May b. loniolted In Knjlllh DdUirmsn. J AS. It. STMJTUEuS, ATTORN It AT LAW, OftlW ! Si Boor of Bhosd's Ball, Munch Chunk. P. Alt tetruatid to htm will be promptly attindidto .... Mar IT, ly. Physicians and Dentists. c. W. BOWEK, 31. D., (U.l,) Orrici: Opposite the Post Offloe, BANK STREET, LEIIIC3UTON, Pa. May be eontulted III either tho Kn lsh or Oirman Language, July lo-U -QU. CHAS. PIIARO, Veterinary Surgeon, BANK St'KISKT. LEI1IU1ITON. PA. Omen I From! to lo a II on as: t From 7 to Br. w. Diseases ol the root 0 specialty. Way be consulted in Encltehor German. July 1 . rt jyi. w. a. couTittaiiT, SURGEON DENTIST Tenders his professional services to the peo hie of Mauch Chunk, Lehlghton, Weissport Packerton and vicinity. OFFICE: Opposite the Broadway House BROADWAY, MAUC1I CHUNK, Pa. Fresh Laughing Gat always on hand. All work guarantees saiisiariory. "K-v A. DEllIIAJIEU, M !., PHYSICIAN ANDSt'HOKON Sperltl atUntlon pild to Chronle lilaeasas. Oman South Kast eorhvr Iron ant 2ud at... I.e klthlcn,Fa. Apri'3. IMS, sr. B. UK DEI!, M. 1). V. 8 examining Surgeon, PRACTICING physician and suugeon, bcricn Hank street, ntBsu'b ulock, Lehigh, too, Way bo consulted In tho Oerm n Lauguago. .Not. 31. rnirosiAS JL CONVKYANUKR, AND GRNERAL INSURANCE AGENT The Mlowlns Companlia are Kapraaiotidi LRian n mutual rime, REAllinQ MUTUAL Flit, WYOMING FIKK. POTTSVILLIS FIIIE, LitlltOIl FIItK. ulldtheVItAV ELEIt ACCIDENT iXSUKANCB, Also PunnirtTsnti and .Mutant Horse Thief Dsteo'lveand In-urani'errmnanr. MnrcnlS.lSit TllOS. KKMBREP.. jgKIt.NAUD I'MLMl'S, Oocktt Bciloiso, MAUC1I 01IUITK, Pa. Fire Insurance Agent. 3- POLI'JIE In SAFE Companies only, at Reasonable Itatts. Aug. SS-yl j-AVIO KltBCIlT'S Livery & Sale Stables UaNIC STaRIST.LKIIIGltTON, I'n FAST TllOTVINO HORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES And positively LOWER Pliion than any oioor itiTury 111 (no woaiuv. Large and handsome Cnrilagea for Pjnera purposes ana weuainss. uxvi u jjuukut Nov. :. ts7i. J. W. ItAUDENBUSH Ttespectlally announces to the pnbllc that he has opened a NEW LIVERY STAULK In connection with his hotel, and Is prepared to iuihiiu , lur Fiinerals, WodilDgs or Business Tries, en shortns t notice and most llharal Lfmi. ah orders lift at the "Carbon House'1 will reoelve prompt attention, Blame on norm Street next toe notei, iienignton. Jan22.yl , tr fOUTlt AND MIDDIE-AGED, Would yon be retord to tjOUXD MnnlinAil 0 fianil I mtn miiA ill .a I I ,M "IIV JUH mjl KCt,MI :et an. 1UQU11UUU I Frof. J.Y. KOAN. OgdnDarg N.r. Jnlvirn RUPTURE- tihtu Rot lreo. Pro!. J. Y.EOAN. Orrens- A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN On the Loss of .'t.SSCT.DAB PN TnE NATURETREAT. MENT. AND 11ADIOAL core of Seminal w eaiiei.or Hperniatirra;a. induced bv Self. Abate. Iprolantary Eraualnns. Impotency, Nervous Dehillty. and Imnednnenta to Mar. riasre. Kenerallyi Oonaumpllon. hpilopay and nJ'ilnntV&i Phvncal InoAjacity. 4o -PJ.1 'l.'1Bl:P,Jl OULVEUWELL, M. D.. au tboi ol llio' Qreei, Iicok." ia The world renowned nuthr. In this admlr. ablo Lecliire. clearly pioiufrora hlsown ex perieueetiatthe ewfol consrqnencoa vfuelf. Abn may be effectually reunited without dannerous turnlcal operations. bousle"nstru rnenta. rlnns, or coi dials 1 pointing out a mono of cure at ome certain and effectual, by whlou matter what Me condition fndwSle?lly.el,ro ,0" ebtl- Privately ,lfclXZ&VUvnre . PO.tage aUraua. WE ha'E AL0 A SUBE Confi FOR TAPE WOK.M7 Add esa Tho CuUerircll Sledlcal Co., P O Hoi 4M41 ANN St" Sew Y. 1 . o. hot m Jan.i,tsstji PIMPLES. ;Ta.oST.rpa HfCtBiin Bt., N Y. JsnJ9at L II. V. Moutihmee, Proprietor. VOL. IX., No 25. Railroad Guide. PIIIbA. it IIKAD1NU UA1L.HOAO A. Arrangement of Tasserjger Trains. NOVEMBER lWn. 1!0. Trains leave AL,LKTOWN as tollowsi (T1A rcntlOHIN BAtLBOAD). For rhllsdelplila,af4:S5,C., lt.40.a.m.. and 4.11 p. DI RtJUDAYP. For Pbllnddnhla at 1.M a. m.,J.SS p. a. I VIA KASl' FCKNA. BBAMCn.) ForlloidlnK and ltairLburft, 6.83, 9.00 a. m 1.10. t'Ati ami ooen. m. For Lancaster and Columbia, 8 13, (.00 n,m. and ,.io p.m. KTINDAVS. For Heading, narrlsbure, and Way points, 9.C5 (VrA BBIHLEBIM.) rnr Phll.riolnhla from I.. V. DfDOt M.44. 0.12 S.I7,a. tn ,ixnj.6.M.,S.t4 p. m. Bonany 4 H p.m. For Philadelphia Mom L4B. Depot 12.04. J. 23. G-I6 p. Til. Tralus FOIt A i.IjKMU wjm leave as iouowbi IVI PRRKIOMRN BAtLBOAD. 1 Leave Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m, and 1.00, "1.50 JUQ 1.19 p. HI SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, S.oo a. m 8. It and M.U p.m. Leave Redlnc s.uo. 10.30 a. ni., s.ts,snd CIS p.m. Leave Han Isbiirg C.43. 8.15 snd 5.60. a.m., 1.43 auu 4.wp. m. .cava Lancaster, s.os a. m I.CS and 1.60 n. m. LentrCblumbla. 7.65. ni. 1.10 and J.40p. 10. SUNDAYS. Leave P.Sadlnir. 8.00 a. m. Leave IlarrUlmix, 1-00 a.m. IVIA 1IETULRUKM.1 TAstfi Phllldolehta C43. 0 00. 0.4S. 2.10. 4.16 8 oop. m. Snndm C.80 a. m., s.00 p. m. Trnln. maikedlhus 11 run to and fromdenot Sth aiat Urceu streets, Philadelphia other irnins to ann trim uroia vtreetuepoi. j rains via iietairnrm." rnn 10 ana iroui uerss ot. Depot, except those martod () Tnn 4.'l, nnd 6.4& ulna from Allf ntown and the1.3J and 6.15 p. m. troin from Phils rtelplna, bare tbrongb cars to andlroni Phils do'&blai General Sfanaatr. C. O n ANCOCK, Orn'l rati, dc TteKtt Agtnt. may 15. DIRECTIONS. IT.w Vnrftr. f'ftlrl in tbe Head, &e., insert with little Hn..f a nnrtlftln of the Ualm Into ilie nostrils; urnw itroni? breaths throuab the nose. It will be absorb, ed, cleansing and H..llnv llin .It. eased membrane. For Deafness, 'i Apply a paiticla Into tho car. r!LYS CltUAtTI B.I.3t HAVING gained an enviable local reputa tion, displacing all other preparations In the vicinity ol discovery, Is, on Its merits alone, recognised as a wonderful remedy wherever known. A fair trial will convlnno the most skeptical of Its curative powers. It effectual, ly cleanses the nasal passages of Untnrrlml virus, causing healthy secretions, allays In. Unto illation and Irritation, protects the incm branal linings of the ncad from additional colds, completely heals the torct and restores tho sense uftaite nnd smell, llnnetlclal re sults nro realised by a few applications. A inorouKft treatment oirecieu win cure t;a. tarrh. Asa household remedy for cold In the hi-a.l It Is unerualed. The Ualm Is easy In use and agrecablo Sold by rirucirlsts at 60 cents. n receipt oftocents will inallapaek. age. acnti n.r rircuiar wun lull iniormaiinn. ELY'S UHEAM HALM CO., llnego. N. Y FoitBAl k nr A.J. DurllnK.LohlEhtnn, I'a., and by Wholesale Drugitlils Kenerally. Oct..3,'fly PORT GRAPE WINE Used In thepnncif el Chniches for Commn. nlon purporos. EXCELLENT fOR LADIES AND 1VEAKLY PERSONS AND THE AGED. s Is 13 M Fi'S mi mm Speer's Tort Grape "Win ! vovn mzAii sold. This Celebrated Native Wlno Is made from tbn Juice of the Oporto (Irene raised In thli Conuuy, Its Invalnablo Tonic and Strengthening Properties are nnsnrparsed by anr other Native Wlno. be. inKthopuri-luioe of trie Grape. nroducM un di r Mr. boen's own personal purity inrt genulnene-B are euamnteed. The youngest child mar Diluted Its rccerrus qualities, and Ibo weairVt Inra'ld tue it to ed vantage. It la particulirlr beneficial to tho area and drbll.tatrd, and sniteo to the various Umenta thHt sffeia the weaker sex. It lsin even- respect A WINE TO HE RELIED ON. SPEER'S F. J". Iieray9 The P. J. snERIlY Is a Wine of Snpenor Chiracter. a od partnkes of the go:(en qua Itlos of tho crape Irmu whlon It is made. For Piir IV. ltlchniso. Flavor and Medical Properties, It will be found unexcelled. SPEER'S This BRANDY stand, unrivaled lu thli Country, being fat superior lor medicinal pur poses, IT 13 A PUIIE dlstlllatttn from the grape aodcontutue valuable medicinal properties II has a de'lcaie flavor, similar to that of the cranes front which it Is illstlllrd, aud Is m r rest lator among aiat-claa families. See that tne signatnre of ALFRED 8 PEEK, l'ajic, N, J is over the corz of each bottle. SOLD UY emUGGISTS, and brA. J.' Dcrllng, O. T. Itorn, Lehlih ton ami c. w, Lent oi Weissport. Dec33-yl FARMERS. LOOK to Your INTERESTS AND PURCHASE ines anfl Agri cultural Implements, The Rett In the Markst, at J. L. GABEL'S. Also, on band, and for Sale In Lots to Mult s-ariaasers, uukai' iUUUASll, 10,000 feet Georgia Yellow Pine Flooring, "White Pine Boards and Floor ing, Lath, &c. AT HIS HARDWABE f,TOUS. Apm i-bi Leuighton, Pa tiimnrc.MjM.. I MRS. The moat soccesstnl llemedv ever discover, ed, as It Iscertsln in Us effects and doa not blister Also rxollent for tbe Unman Flesh. READ PROOF BELOW, From a prominent Physician. Wanblcfitonrine, U., June 17, HS7. Dr. B. J. Kentull A Co.. GontB pendlnu Xonr ftavcrtlcfnicnt In Turf, Fiolfl anil Faim, of Kftn( nil's Spavin Chiy. ond hnvinf a volu able and upeedr horse trMch had been lame from pnvlu elthten months. I sent to von for a bottle bv exprea. -which la Mx weeks reruor ea all lameneM and enlirpemont, and a lirpe plint from ano her hone, nnd both horse are toonraiBoand an colts. The one bottevras worth to mo one hundred dollars. Heppeotfnlir yours, Jl. A. BKItTOLBTT, M,D Kendall's Spavin Cure. Uarrlsbnrg, Pa., Nov. ISth, 1SS0. Dr. H. 3. KRSDAIX tCo.,aentat-Ibaven very fine mare that has had a bone spavin for a long time I trbd everything roan could devise to euro It. but ell In vain, end was about to giro It up when a friend of raino In this cltv came tomeena reenmmenrtod KerdaU'a-pavinCnre,-which I tried with rrand results, removing that bnne clear ann clran. nnd then I sent 25c. to you for one ot your lliutraied Oorre nooks, and I think there Is no bi-tter book printed on ilie hot no and bis diseases. 1 have taken gieat lnterotlnttaid h:,re elnco oll IScontealor von to my nelgitt.or.. nnd will tirnnduowhnt good I ci.n by cottlng tnem for ntheis Yours truly, O. W. MrtXElt. Ashland, BChnyl. co , Pa , Jnne 3, USO. Dr. B.J. Kendall & o.; (Jen's A cam ot spavin thst enmo under my observation was entirely cured byono bottle of your Kerdall's Spnvln Cure, and the hoiee so'd alterwatds for two hnndted dollars. Yunrs truly "Tho" Druggist. CHAS. tl. BArotAItD. KENDALL'S Spavin Cnre on Human Flesh. Bakcriflo!ilf v., Dec 58, lf70 B. J. Kendall A CcOeuta.-I wish to elj my testimony In favor ot your inva n ble huiiueut, "Kordaii'a frpavln Cure" In tho spring ot i&iii T attppetl on melee and sprained my utmt limb at tne knee J.m-t. I was very lame and at timet aulTcraj tne moat ercruclatlnir p.itn. I wor-abanonpR on it forororn year. Bud tried mot evervthmx within my rech but couid find notuinif that vould jjlte me nermant nt relief. Whin I OYorvf titcn. it v.ould pain me vrr- much. Iu April, )87S, I b.'ni-n lo Unnxl Khonld t'0 a c luule for lifii m havlUK tome ct Keudall'a Sparln Cure thoucht I no un try It. t ued ooc-thlid of a bottle, and experienced reil'f nt i nco. The viinlrit meanu has doc trMiulf-fi mo since. 1 lee. v r? piatnul to you ntid would rfcnruminU Hend U's Spavin Cuie lo all whosrffer wnh eprinsor riicnmaiJun. Youva truly, Mrs. J. Il out ell. Kendall's Spavin Cure, KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE Is sure In its etfecte ml u in Its action an It dooa not bhsK r. yec It b poretrating and poweiful to tench eve. rv deep seated pain or to icinovo any bony arowih or other enlaiperaent. such as hpaviua. splints. Curo Ci.Houn, Mpialns, Swel'inas.i ny Lameness, and all Eubirj-'cmstits of the Joints or Limb-, r.r nu-umailsm lu Man, and for cny pnrnosc for v-ul h a Llnluui-ut Is nwl fo: .Man or Uia-t It is now Known to bo the bct lul. meat for rami over u&ed, acting mild yet uer. turn In its eCVcte. Send ndUru-s tor Ilin,tr.iled Circular wh-ch, wo think, gives ) pnotof It, viitue.-. No remedy nns ever nii't with such nnqualiu.o nccosi to our knuw.eoco, tor Leait a well ns Mnn. Price $1 pet bo'tl", .r Mi butles forts all Drurttits ha o It or ran ret It for yoi,ont vlllboscntto rny address. cn rcnjitnf irice b, tbe p. oi riitcr.. Dtt B. J. KENDALL, & Co.. Enoaourah Falls Vt. Sold ut all Drusoists. Jaa! ms t)R. HDTOHIESON'S" WORM DESTROYER. An OLuand Titutti rtcuBnv. Removes the Worms nnd the secretions that keep them a. Ilvo. Wo ouakaktkb Its virtue. We bavo huudredsof rrsllmouials, collected Intlielsst 16 years, proving cono uslvely there Is no re medy pqual to l)rt. HUTomasoK's Wmtm Ukstiioveii t remove the Vi onus (all kinds Knunil, Sent. Lonir and Tape), that Infest the human system. Physicians buy them and glvo them to their sullerlng p.itlents. Thero Isnohumhugurnuackervnboutthisihnrmi.jh. ly rdlabli. medicine. I'rlro, 25 cents per bov A. W. W IIIUH'1 & I ;i., W l.olef ale 1 irugglsts Aiarket and Front streets, Feb. 5 ni3 Philadelphia. 0; ant cucxivo to make money own to tnlro -nhst rl altnn r.u tllft Issrej (i.e. ftifit nr ntt. t. JUnstratel fsimllr publication in ilia woild Aov otiprftu beome a huccci'srui asrnt. elesant wurK-of urt (riven fee to a-iusfi jl-r, I The prlre Is un m tint &1mii xvu't hudy put. 1 Bciiote. Oni ifroiit rrpurtB tatiw i' ftUhne-u. I hers 111 a'lLar. A lurflf nrrnnt pini ...nlMti-l UO0 clear profit In ten d:.ya. AUyImeiirn lUsiKe money tu"t. You can I'cvino aj vojrt mac id i no nui-me-8, or oniy yoar rnitetinte. ou need net bo away Torn homo v .r nUlit. ' vau uu 11 n wpu usoiuer van nireciiuiih and lerrj free, niemnt and espeusr Outdl free it vnu vnnt proQtatue woiUbomln voor addreiti at unci; U c-Mn nothing in uy tht business. Knono who rnsrita fnl t mane jrreat par: Ad to a UJIOiiQU HTIK80N t CO.,rurtland. .Maine- Junoi't-lv. (tv f? Outfit sent tree to Ihoso who wish to co tPjfj gaerilu the most pleasant ard pn (liable rr bnslni as cnown. i. verv.hlng new. Cap ital net leaulreil. Wowl'l fmiuh run eveiv thmg, lion day nnd upwards la easily made without claying awiy from home oyer uiehf.- I4oriBlrwhiitpVAr. alnnv t,t. v..,.,. fit Juanv cronising fortune, ot ihe Lus- up inuius uia.o aa inucu as men,nnd vounir nny.- No one who la WllllniZ iU WOriC fn H in Tlinlr A mninn.AnMn-. day than can tiemudeln n week at any i.ralnur . j . Ui, ..ujiut ui,. ,uun .lu cuguce at ouce Wll lind a short rnj.t to lortnno. Aurtress II. HALLE IT & CO.. Port.and. Malce Oct. I, IMO-Iy To tho Working Class -We are now picrar ed to furnish all classes wlilr constant earn or meat at home, tn whole of the lime or lor their spare moment'. Bus'neasnew lirht ard riolltaole. Peis.maof either tex o.u.Ir earn from 53 centa toe,-, nfr even In, and a pr trai. tlonal sum bv devoting their whole, tlino to the buspjea.. Dora and glils cam neaily at mnoh ns bi.n. That all who ace thla notice may eena their addrcs. and tet Ilie business, no niaio thla offer i To such as are not well satisfied, we win send one dolisr to nay for the trouble of .writing. Full paitiroiara aud ouidt ttee. Addreas. OEOnoiS fJTINiO.N & CO rortl and. Maine. Julyievl. iii:altu is avkaltiii Dr.E.C.Wi!ersSEBVp. and Bbao Tbhat MEMT.aepecmcior Hysteria. TOnlness. Con vuisions, Hervous lieadscbe. MenUI Doore elon.Lossof Memorr, speima oirhma, Itnnn. tency. lnvolnntary Emissions. Premature Old Age, caused by overexertion, sell abuse, nr over.tndu'gonce, whlcu leaca to inlserr, decav and death. One box will cure recent coeea. Kach Box contains one month's treatmem. One debar a oox. or six boxos foa flvo dollars i mnt br uiaiJ prepaid on recvipt t price. We guar, anteo six boxes to cnre any case With each nrderiecoivedbv usforalx boxes, sccocaoan. led with tlvo dollars, we 4 111 and the purchas er our written guarauto to return the ninnev II inetreatmensdoes not eff,ct a enro. Hoar snteealsed onlv when tbe treatment laord'r ed lrom onr agents. JOJ1N 0. WBST CO Solo Pr-iprleUrrs. tst WW. Vsdison street; ton.CPs. ' A ' DUKLINO- Lehlih. r.&l'ipjZI'lXE&CO.. Wholesale Agents. Ph.ladeiphia. ttpt, ivsur ' MONEYS- made faster than t woric ror ua eilhr mrr . n malrM Saa - wn.V tr. IS.i. .. . . . are willing lo wots. No risk. .3 outfit lr,. Anyone c in run tbe business. Capital not re. uuiiDu. ju irnu rutirco prosper oone tana Particulars frea. Address. II. 1IALLU1T 4 CO., Portland, Maine. July toy $999S be made bv ererrarent avatv those ntllliur In rrnrk ruin ill 111 ilia UU'IHEll vts inrniin ly earn a dozen do) I ere a dav right in their own locilttiea. Have no room to es plain hero. Bus iness pleasant and boturable. Women and b'ta and trtrls do ni well aa men. V will fur. iilshyoaacomnJeio Oaiflt fte4 Wo will bear expense oi iuiiuuk you. rariicujars rrre. Write and see, formtira nnd mecbanics, ihelr eouanddaoghiera, and all claes In need of narlntr woilc at home, should write ton and learn all about the work at omo. Andrea t ffluw & uUa, Augnbia. uaine. Jniyioyi JJESTi buslneas now betora thn nnhlln. You rsn lnake money fitaler at work lor ns than at anything Al.n,l n.iMnniHrf .' will start you. Ilia day and upwards in art o at home by the Indnstnuus. Men, women boys and girls wanted everywhere lo work for u. . .....ttaiiuih xuu cm uovoio yonr wnoie , time to the work, or ouly your spare momenta. No other business will pay von nea'ly aswelL No noe willing to work can tall to niiVo enor. ooua par by engaging at once. Costly Ontnt and terms tree. A treat opportunity for roak- ( C0.ner easily ana hasor.blr Addre.a TlUn: c CO , AngiSfa cnslMy (i iVvbinn INDEPENDENT" LEIIIGIITON, CAItBOft COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1881. LYDIA E, PiNKHAfrl OF LYNN, MASS, piscuvinin or LYDIA B. PINKHAM'S vegetabIi'S Compound. Tho Positive Cnra For all Fcmalo Complaints. This preparation, as Its name signifies, consist of Yeco table Propoi till that are Larmloas to the moat del lcatolnTalld. Upoa one trial tho moiits of this Cora, ponad will bo roco;nl2d, ai reUit li inimcdlats and when its use Is continued. In ntnety-nlao cases La a bun. dred, a permanent euro la otTectedxi thousands will tes tify. On aseonnt of Its provin morlti, It Is to-day ro eoramendod end prtxrlbed by the best physicians in the conntry. II will cure eattnly tb, worst form ot falling of tbi ntiras, Iucorrhoea, lrrcBUlar and palrful Meastruatlon, all Ovarian Tronblos, lallanucatloa and tJlceration, floodlngs, all DurplAcoments and the con saqnent Splntl waoknra, and 1 eeroeclally adapted to the Change of Uto. It will dissolve and expel taraors fromtliiuUruslaariearlyBta of development. Tho tendency to cancerous humors there Is chicked vry a piodlly by Its uai, in fact it has proved to be the greet. est sad best rctdedy that has ever boca discover ed. It permeates every portion of tho system, and gtvel new Ufa and vtjor. It removes f aln tnoaslatalcccy, de stroys all craving tor stimulants, and relievos weakness of the stomach It cures Eloattng, Ileadachre, Serrous rreatratlen. General Debility, Elecplcacncea, rjeprcail.a and IuCI restlon. That feeling of bearing dovra, cnnslcg pain, welibt and backache, la always permanently cured ty ltsnse. Itwlllr.taUtlne4,andt:n.lcrall clrcnmstan. ees, act la harmony with the law &at governs the female system. Fir EldneyCooplalnta of cither mx this eoropc-and lsuasurpuacu. Lydla E. Pinkham's Ve-ctab!o Compound la prepared at !3 and IZl Writirn Avenue, Lynn, Mil, Prlcotl.05. Si bottles for CMC Sent bymullnthe f orm of pllla, also In tho form of Loeengce, on receipt of price, tux. Per box, for slthcr. Hrs. wvrmt freoly answers sll letters of lanriry. Send for pam phlet. Address as abovo Xnutm thli paptr. No family shoald be without LYDIA E. KNKHAir Ltnnt PniS. Tbey cure Constipation, KUousaois, endTerpldlty of the IJvrv. 33 cents per tor. JonNSTON, HOLLO WAY & CO., Gen eral Aitents, Phlla., Pa. Sold by A. J. Hur ling, LeblKhton, I'a. June 12, 1880-ly. Robinson Wagon Co. Manufacturers of WAGONS. Buggies & Phaetons. Gend for designs and prices to EOBINSON WAGOK CO., CINCINNATI. 0. THE HORSE & WAGON. A NEW BOOK on tho Horse. Ills history, ittructurc. uca and treatment . Also giving a few cf the most Important and Effootiva Itomodles for the cure of the diseases of the horse. t27" Valuable to every owner and lover of the hone. Published ly the I02IHS3IT WACOS 05., C!ntl Cltl, 0., and sent, postage paid, to any addies,. on receipt of TiinrES-ctNT STAilrs. , Three sheets. 10x21, heavy plate papef, eontaln hz elevations, plins and details 0r the above house: also book of 20 pages, Riving specifications, itemized estimate and form of contract invaluable fo every carpenter nr party proposinsbuilding, as a guide in talking bids or drawing contracts. Price $2.00, Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt ot price. Jt. E. WALTON, 330 W. Ninth St., Cincinnati Oi No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtains.! for Inventors In the tfalted States, Canada and Europe, at reduced rates. With our principal offlce located In Washington, directly opposite the United States Patent Office, we are able to attend to all patent business with teres ter promptness and de spatch and at lets oost than other patent at torneys who are at a distance from Wash, lngton, and who have, therefore, to employ " associate attorneys." We mavSPISellmlnary examinations and furnish opinions as to pa. tcntablltty, free of charge, add all who are Interested In new Inventions and patents are invited Lo send for s copy of our "Guide for obtaining Patents-," which Is sent free to any address, and oontalns complete Instruc tion, how to obtain patents and other valua. Ue matter. We refer to' the Oertaan-Amer-lean National Dank, Washington, D. 0. ; tb. lloyal Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Lega tions, at Washington ; Hon. Jos. Casey, late Ohlef Justice U. S. Court of Claims; to tht Officials of the U. S. Patent Offlce, and to Senators and Slembcri of Congress from every State. Address! LOUIS I3AQQER & CO., So. lloltori or Patent! and Attorneys at Law.Lo Droit Building, Wasuisoton, D. U. MPI n Yooraelvea by miking money 11 r I I when a golden chance is offured, i b. l. i thereby alwava keeping poverty from your door. Tboso who alwaya take ad vantage of the chanoca for making money that areofroied, conerally becomo wealthy, while t hose who do not Improve euch obances remain In povt rtv. We want tnauv men. woinen.boys end girls to work for us riaht In their own lo calities Tho builnesa will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. We furnish an expen. elvo outfit and all that you need, tree. Ho one who engages fails to make money cry raplair. You can devote your whole time to the work, or enly your spare moments. Jf till Information and all thai la needeu sent f tree. Address tsTINSON & CO., Portland, Main. Oct. a.nai-1. QARBON HOU8E, J. W. BAUDENBUSII, PnOPRlETOIt, 1) AiiK Sr., Lbjiiohiom, Fa. The Qabbow Hods i offers BrsUelass aeeom. oodatlons to tbe Traveling public. Boarding by tho Day or Week ou lieasouablo Terms. Uholoe Cigars, Wines and Liquors always pn hand. Oood Sheds aud Stables, with atten tive Hostlers, attached. April lo-jl ffrSOLlNTON BBETNEY.fashlonabU tZX3 Boot and Snog Maxxb, Bank St , Lihuhtsn. AU work aansnted. Live and Let Live." Tllli TEACIIRII. Ilr 0. W. Mints. Brother don thy patience waver t Is thy heart oppressed with taret FaHer not I thou urt a grayer, , braving on a tablet fair! Weary not I thou art a writer, Writing on a deathless scroll I Painter, too I In colors brighten Sketching truth, as leasona roll. Murmur hot I thy great vocation Calls for leve and teal and prayer Worthy knowledge, to a nation, Pillar Is, both Arm and fair. Open dally Wisdom's plan Strive to trail! In moral beauty Minds, the noblest gills to man. Orave upon oacb jouthlul spirit, Only truth can msk, it free I Teach, that man can not Inherit , Ureater good than liberty I Write' In bold and llflng letters, . knowledge is i priceless gem I Plainly show the galllDg fetter Ignorance will bind on theta. Plant the seedl of every virtue'. Both In heart and mental soil I Plant with care, with patlenoe nurture, Conscience will reward thy toll. Watch wlthjoy, thou mental florist, Bhds unfolding day by day; For the God, whom thott adoreiti Blesiei deeds of peace always 1 think not thod to see thy teaohlng, Bring Iti frill! befori life's close; Seedi like thine, far, far otitreaohlng Life or time In actloh goes I Labor, then, to glvo tuition, True and coble, high and vast; And thou Shalt have full fruition When tbe days of time are past. r Proclical Uachtr. Out in theCountry. BT BxLEX roBEST OSAVM. To let?" skid Ihe agont. "Ready fur nished T Really, ladlos, I'm very much afraid I haven't any property in my hands not at preient, at least that will meet your expectations. I've pleuly of unfur nished houses, and plenty to rent for a year. But for this month ? 'J herb liu't any such real estate In the market (hero isn't In deed I" " We don't want an unfurnished house," said Angela Frost. "And we have no occasion to use a houro tor a year," added Josephine, her tall, blooming young si.tcr. The agent bit the end of his quill pen' and looked at them dubiously, from behind Ibo iuk-eplashed rails of his desk, " Wo are schdol-tcaobers,'1 Jliis Angela explained, "and wo have just a month's vacation; and we want to spend It in a healthy country resort, whero I can bolan Isc, nn.l where my sister can sketoti In water-colors from nature." "Ah I" said the agent "ah I (ndeed, I'm very sorry, ladies, but I don't think there's any preptfty lu the nltlfket here abouts that will meet your ideas." "What time docs tbe evening stsgs leave the hotel 1" Josephine asked rather despond on tly. "At five, t believe,"' the ggent fvplled. And tbe two ladies wentslowly out of the slufTy Utile room, with its high desk, its floor covered with cheap oil clolh, and its general atmosphere of stale tobacco-smoke. "I'm so sorry, Angel," said tbe youngor. "The air of these pine-wooded glena Is the very thing for yotlf asthma." " And1 the little river in the deep gorge is such an excellent study for your pninllngs, Jo," said Miss Frost, fondly. "Couldn't wo live in a bsrn V suggested Jo, with a comical arch of her eyebrows. "I'm afraid not," sighed Angela. The real estate agent iu the meanwhile, hod hardly emoked a pipe and read the lo cal paper before the door buret open, and a short, stout lady, in a pink hat and feath ers, came In. "Mr. Mnggerldge," said she, Handing him a key," you may let Ivy Glen, or you may sell it ready furnished, with a cow, a poultry house and the pony-chaise thrown In." "Madam I" said Mr. Muggcridco, bewil dered. "I'm tired of it," said the lady. "Susie and Jennie are homesick to get bsck to tbe city, aud so am I. I've been without a ser vant since Monday, and now I'm going to lake tbe evening stage to town, and meet my husband before he alerts for Ivy Glen. I dare say he'll be vexed, but I can't help It. And I'vTa left word at tho Dairy farm- bouse ror my brother Duke to follow us." "You couldn't let It for a month V' ex perimentally bstarded Mr. Muggcride. " I'd let it fur three days," said the Isdy. " I could find you tenants for a month," aald tbe agent. uAnd, perhaps, at tbe end of that time, something else might oner." " Very well," said tho lady. "There Is tho key." And away she vtentj ana Mr. Siugger idge dspped his hat on the back of his head and set off, in hot haste, to tbe hotel, for an Interview with the two young ladles who bad so recently left bjs office. And It so bsppened that Jo and Angel Frost took triumphant possession of Ivy Olen, a romantic cottage, bslf covered with tbe dark green, glossy leaves of the yines from which It derived Its name, with a bou doir, plsao, and all the plctores garlanded with pressed ferns and dried autumn leaves and a library of novels. "Mrs, Fitch must have been a very lite- rary pe rn," said Jo. "And musical," added Angel. "As for a servsnt, one would only be a nuisance," esid Jo. "I'll groom the pony myself," said Angel, 'lie's no bigger than a Newfoundland dog the darling-." "And I'll milk the cow and feed the dear little chickens," declared pretty little Jo. "It's really an earthly paradise," aald the elder sister. "So It is," asserted Jo. The sisters passed three days of unmiti gated happiness In tbe deep ravines, and cool, flower-ensmeled woods that surround' ed Ivy Glen. Angela made varfopt valuable additions to her herbarium, and Jo aketcbed leafy nookiy bits of tailing water and sunset ef fect to her heart's content, until finally a good old-fashioned rain storm set in, of a July afternoon, and prisoned them la tht cotlac parlor. "How stnpld (bit is I" sstd Jo, starting np from her book, as the twilight shadows trcoJsl dtrktr and darker in tht room. 1. 00 'Let's go down to the bsrn, and talk to Dick and Frlstle. Poor dears I they mast be as lonesome ss we art.,' (Now Dltsk wet the pony, and Frlssle was tht Cow,and Jo and Angel were already upon the most affectionale terms of intlma cy with them.) It was quit dusk when Marmsdukt Frarltlbgbam opened the ball doer and strode Id, shaking the rain drops from his shoulders si if he bad been st huge New foundland dog, and flinging hli fishing- creel and tackle on tht tablt. "Lou I" he called over the bouse la a oheety stentorisn voice "Lou'sa I' BUt, as might bo expected, no answer was returned) and be went up to a certain pretty little circular walled room, where ht had been wont to keep hit slippers, gun case, and sundry other masculine appurte nances, when sojourning with hit lister, Mrs. Fitch, at Ivy Qloni "It's ai quiet here," he muticrod under li 1st breath, "as an enohanted csstle. Where is Lou where are tht children 1" But bs paused on the threshold. Even by the waning twilight, ht oould perceive that a general transformation had taken place. A pretty eacel stood neat tht window, the tail standards of the old-fashioned dressing bureau were knotted with lltiii rtbbebij tht ebatrs were freshly draped wltti chintz, and a fairy work-basket stood beside tbe soft, while upon the table lay a flower-twlnrd gypay bat, a bunch of wild flowers, and a pair of tht tiniest gauntlet gloves that Mr. Framibgham hact ever set eyes upon. "Hello!" said Marmaduke; "Lou's got girl-company. And she's put 'em inhere, by Jove I" Ho struck a match, lighted the prettily painted candles in the brass sconces, and stared blankly around him. At the same moment a clear, flute-liko voice sounded below stairs. "Como In, Angel, quick I Goodness, how the rain drives lu at the doorl Whet's this In tht hall 7 A-mau's toat I" "Burglars," shrieked Mist Angela, who was not strong-minded in practice as she was in thoory. "And there's a light up stairs 1" cried Jo. "Preserve ut I" said Angela, beginning to tromble; "tht house ti on fire I Jo, Jo don't stir a step! I injisi that you shall not go up stairs 1" But Miss Josephine deftly tvaded her sister's grasp, and rushed directly up to the little apartment which she had confiscated to her uvtn use. "Who are you, sir?" she sternly .demand- td, at standing in tht doorway her gats fell upon Mr. Marmsduke Framlngham. "I I beg your pardon' began that gen. tleman. "Leave tht house!" said Jo, in tht im perial accents of Queen Elisabeth condemn ing one of her courtiers to death. "Jo, Jo, don't I" pleaded Angela, who had crejit tip in her sister's shadow, and was now tugging at her dress. "Perhaps he's got a band of accomplices outside perhaps he's a craty man I" Ladies,- said Mr. Framlngham, "if you will only permit me lo explain" "Xnthing can explain an Intrusion like this I" declared Josephine. "My lister, Mrs. Fitcb, the occupsnt of this house'' "ll'e are tht occupants of this house)" inexorably Interposed Miss Frost. "Mrs. Fruit hai left the premise! these three days ago." "I aiiure you," said Marmaduke "that I was quite ignorant of any such change of arrangements I havo been on a fishing excursion up tho hills, and supposed, of course that my sister was here " ("I'm quite tilre he is a crasy man I" In lorposed Angel, tollo voce. "And as it is such a stormy night, I beg only to be allowed to pass the night In tho barn," concluded the supplicant. "Your sister loft word for you at the Dairy Farm," said Jo, severely. "But I came around by tht other road," said Mr. Framlngham, abjectly. The humor of the thing was too much for Jo she burst out laughing. "Angel, do stop twitching, my dear," said she, "Yes, you may sleep In tht barn, Mr.-Mr' "Mr. Framlngham, ladies, at your ser vice," said the disciple of Isaac Walton. "Mr. Framlngham, then," said Jo. "But you mutt hate somo tea With us first. I am going to cut tome cold tongue, and An gel will mtkt fritters, and we have M. Blot't recipe for chocolate. I'm really sor ry that I mistook you for a burglar." "Or a craty man," said Angel, apologeti cally. "And we will entertain you at hospitably as in us lies," added Jo, with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. Mr. Marmaduke Framlngham was after. wards heard to say that he never spent so delightful an evening in his life. He en gaged board at tbe Dairy Farm the next day, and instead of following his sitter to tba city, strayed down among the gUni and braes. And when Josephine Froct'a month of vacation expired etie went bick to resign her position In tht grammar school. "I am going to ba married," tht con- felted, blushing very prettily, when tht mistress isked tht reason why. So Miss Angela Frost went on alont with bar career in life, and Mrs. Marmaduke Framlngham settled down for life at Ivy Glen. "For," said ihe, "I think it is tbe sweet est spot in tht world." "So do 1 1" isld htr young hntbaud. An Old Doctor' Adrlc. It wai thisi "Trust in God and keep your Doweisopen. or mis purpose rotay an old doctor list advised the habitually costive to take Kidney-Wort for no other remedy to euectuaiiy overcomes tnis cenm lion, and that without the distress and grip inr which other medicines cause. It is a radical curt for piles. Don't fail to use It m .i-i. j r , l . r L. 7.;;.,-,. .riuHiiuininwic,i.a. .vmu .v.,-'.y. Tht city of New Orleant has a grtnlle statute of Stonewall Jackson, which is to be unveiled under the auiDiees of the survivors of tba rebel army of North Virginia, on Tuecday, 10th Inst. The statute la eight feet five Inches bigh, and represents General Jackson in Confederate uniform, hie rap drawn down on his forehead, and b s head inclined 1? the left sido. The. business of tbe Supreme Court of the United Slates hat (serened 600 per otnt in tba Isst twtnty years. The defendant In a Peoria breach of promise suit it IS, acd tht plaintiff is s vr.daw of lorry. a Year if Paid in Advnncd. If not paid in advance, $1.25 A Valuable Dlecover)'. IxroaTAKT to tub Public as Well aj the Medical Pitorr.ssto. From tht N. Y.Suj, March th, In the course of a very interesting dls ousslon carried on In tht Boston Journal of Chimittry it to tht remarkable effects of Carbollo Acid for curing coughs and Colds as recently discovered tht followlbg Im pcrtint statement, made by a lady, appears In tho Marsh number of the Journal, which has arretted the sttenllon of very many, and been copied extensively by the prus of the country. The following is the etattmtnt referred to: A lady subscrlberof the Journal In Lynn, Mass., lends us tht following note, which appears to tuitaln tho views expressed br our Boston correijiondcnt last month. "Among other interesting things, I find In tbe February number un article on Car bollo Acid. I also read the one published In I8T81 1 think it was about ten years ego that I begin to hare serious trouble with my throat, especially at night. Whether I bad a cold or not, there wai a constant irritation, which caused tickling aud strangl ing on lying down. 1 tried vsrlous things, but nothing did much good, until I began ti use "Edey'i Carbollo Troches." I lound that by putting one in my inoutli, oh go ing to brd, the tickling was prevented. For a long time I did not know that they would bo useful for colds, at I had the idea that e.rbolio acid wai a dangerous poison, and dared not use more than ono troche at a I'mo, nor oltener than once tn hour; but, finding my cough relieved I vcnti.rel to give thbrri to rriy children: for the same trouble, ahd with the labie cttutlbti. Ohe night my ohlldron, a boy V yean old, wai coughing a good deal, and, to tave myself the trouble of getting up eyery hour to give the medicine, I put the box (a full one) under hli pillow, that It might be ready whenever I ordered him to take a dose; and thttt wai tho last I knew of the hiattor un Ml morning. The bby touk the boxful In the course of the night, and routed a fearful cold by tho means; not a sign of It was left In the morning. A moro frightened women li not often seen than I was for a few minutes; but I soon found that not tbb least hafrii was done. In tbit way I learned that a cold could bo cured by the troches, but hardly comiJered It lafeto take a bcxful Lr a dose, I found by trial, that one trccbe would banish a cold, if taken when the very first symptoms appeared. If tht cold got under way before it was possible to use the remedy, I yeutured to give two at a time, at Intervals of half an honr." The Edey's Carbollo Trwhes of Which the lady speaks so highly aro well known to tbe public, and are kept for sale by drug gists generally, and as Carbolic Acid enters largely iuto their composition, there is no doubt but that they are quite as efficacious for tbe cure of pectoral and pulmonary com plaints as she states they are; more especialy as they have beerl prescribed and warmly recommended by physicians throughout the country, for somo years past, for the cure cf colds, coughs, sore throat, Ac, and also as a preventive against the connection of con tagious diseases, especially among children attending public schools, and travellers by rail, steamers, te. cifANGEs or mi: cu.vruuv. The 19th century has witnessed many great discoveries, among which we may enumerate tbe following; In 1809 Fulton took out tbe first patent for tho Invention of tho steamboat. The first steamships which made regular passsges across the Atlantic ocean were tbe SIrius and Great Western in 1830. The first application to practice of the uit of gas for illumination was in 1802. In 1813 tbe streets of London for the first lime were lighted by gai. In 1813 there was built at Waltbam, Mats., a 11.III believed to havo been the first in the world which combined all the requirements for making finished cotton cloth from raw cotton. In 1790 there were only 25 post-offices in tbe whole country, and up to 1837 the ratea of postage were 25 cents for letter sent over 400 miles. In 1807 wood clocks commenced to be made by machinery. This ushered in the era of cheap clocks. About the year 1833 the first railroad of any considerable length In the United State's was constructed. In 1810 the first experiments in photo grsphy were made by Dagnerre. About 1810 the first express business was established. The anthracite coal business msy be said to have begun in 1820. In IMS tht first patent for tht manufac ture of matches wsi granted. In 1816 the first telegram was sent. Steel pens were introduced for use in 1809. Tho first luocessful reaper was construc ted in 1833. Its 1810 Ellas Howe obtained a patent for his first sewing machine. Tbe first successful method of vuleaniiing India rubber was patented in 1839. IKansss Citv Mall.i Member of this Depsrtment relieved of v.. t 11... A. -r c. u.J Atneumatiam uy sua use ui ov. .uwo un says Geo. W. Walling, Esq., Superintendent Folioe, New York, in one of our exchanges. The lemptrancA movement appears to be making a real impression on the con sumption of alcoholic drinks in England. In the Timu Mr. Hoyle bat ihown that tbe consumption of beer, wine and spirits dur ing, the vear 180 hat diminished by ncsrly 6,000001 from what it was in 1879, and of this nearly tne wnoie nas neon savcu in alono. On the other baud, the con sumption of British spirits has rather in-. creased, tnougn tne consumption 01 luroign spirits has dimtnithed more than the form er has Increased. If these figures msy be trusted, tbe improvement is rather in tbe greater temperaueo of no'i-splrit drinkers than in the conversion of regular dram drinkers. For the extinguishing of the lat ter class we must look chiefly to death, and tht Improved education which may prevent tbe places of existing drinkers from being lupplled by new drinkers, as tbey drop out. The Empress of Austria recently ssnt to a reporter a dressing case, embossed in a mark of her pleasure at his ac count of some of her exploits in the field Alligator skin boots and shoes have be. come to popular that 25.000 bidet were con sumed in tb'tir manufacture last year In this country. "Iletrtnly J17" it tht otme of a Jfe Tilt tsira. The Carbon Advocate. An (ndofiendcnt Family Newjrr Published evrry SATUIIDAI, In Lehlghton, Carbnn Cn.,Pa., by iiAttRv r. ircoiiTMi.Tirit. tira-ic-HASXWA,V, a shott dlateiiee sbevs tbe I,efclr.a Valley P.. 11. flipoU Terms; $1.00 iierAntitiiii in Adyaiiee nvBnr ntacBtrrroj of mats ami rAvcr CT ob Printing' AT VERY LOW PMCrS. Our Puzzle Corner. AXAGKAMfl. Cinta in Am. 1. Nat here) 2. A hard can. 3. Aht bad, dry. Lii.tus. CHARADE. (Partly Phonetic.) A mighty weapon It my fitst II properly you guldo it ; Its work is blest and also cursed, They'll tell you who have tried It, If yon my first tttempt to wield, B. sure that you succeed ; To make you matter of the fieljj My second you will need. 'Tli night) tbe bloody conflict past, Btill groans are plainly heard ) Tho WearV soldier freed at last, Is glad to seek my third. If e'er you wrong yoUr fellow men And then your folly see, And you repentofwhatyou'vedo&e, Then you my wholu will b. N. C. M. WORD SQUARE. 1. Stiff. 2. The serpent stone. 3. " Poetic effusions." 1. Imitates. i. Corroded, and a hint. 6. To diminish. L. B. P. ANSWERS TO THE LAST. Caoss-roin Ekioua Charlemange. Rkvkbsals I. Rcpelleptr. J. Dow, wed. 3. Dratr, Ward. 4. Part, trap. i. But, tub. DlAUOXD l'CSILE O A L II O L I V fl EVA E WAIFM ABOUT WOMEN. -A grass widow is'anythlng but green. -A young lady teacher in the school at Dunkirk, N. Y., is a cousin lo Piceljout Garfield. -A girl committed suicide at Delphi, Ind., because her parents would not let her bang her hair. -Puck speaks of a young lady who it not a native New Yorker, but only a New Yorker br vaccination. A Portland woman has been arretted fur cruelly beating a 3-year old child be cause he wouldn't say his prayers. -Tho Russian Csarina li said to be In terror for her children, and to luspect htt maids of honor of complicity with the NihU lists. Young ladlei and elephanli attain their growth at elghlerti. But here analogy ceaset. One trunk It enough fur an ele phant. Just how to make a twenty yard carpet fit into a twenty-lour yard room la what is agitating the mlrjdl of the migratory house wives of lo-day. -Worth has made for an English lady d green velvet cloak costing $8500. A pecu liar effect Is seen In lis turning all her ac quaintances green with envy. "My dear,'-' said en anxious matron to her daughter, "it Is very wrong for young people lo be throwing kisses at each other." Why so, mamma 7 I'm sura they don't hurt, even if tbey do hit." May is ono of tbe unlucky months for marriages. The other unlucky months are' January, February, March, April, June July, August, September, October, Noyera ber and December. BeicomSeld treated women tt pretty dolls aud paid them exaggerated compli ments. Labouchere tells or a Whig lady who JalVed to him long and learnedly, and his reply was 1 "You darling." -A glfl recently took a bottle of cblort form to school, at Middlrport, N. Y., and applied tbs liquid to her own and her com panions' noses so effectually that it was with great difficulty that their lives were saved. A Boston lawyer said 1 "And here I take occasion to remark that 'n vcrUbty, If a woman owne a large landed eatate, the It sum to get married from time to lime, 11 often at death affords an opportunity, thus making great embarrassments in tracing titles. Women can keep secrets. A Worcester girl, on a friend's promising Solemnly not to tell told that she was going to hart four new dresses, costing f CO each. The friend religiously kept her promise not to tell, and the firtt-raentloncd young lsdr doesn't speak to her now. Rev. Mr. Vandeburg, of Springfield, III., has a bad tempered wife. Bloomlnj enraged at blm, she cut bis Sunday coat, vest and thirl into ibreds, and then tried to further use the kntfe on bit body. Ht con cluded that forbearance wonld no longer be a virtue, and hid her arretted, Tight lacing caused the liver of an In diana woman to grow fist to tbe tpigtt trlum, cauilng her death. Ladles cannot be too careful In guarding against such a calamity as this. Winn tight lacing molt be Indulged in the epigastrium should Im removed and locVed up in tbt buretu drawer for safety. An old woman, picked up In tb street in Louisville in the meet wretched and filthy condition and apparently dylog of starvation, was taken to tbe hospital, where, her daughter coming to see her, it wis dis covered thst the was wealthy and owned considerable real estate iu the city. But she wss a veritable miser, and made her home all alont in tbe garret of one of her empty bouses. Selina Dltrell, a Chicago domestic ser vant, being threatened with arrest on a charge of stealing $7 from her mistress, de clared herself guilty. She was thereupon forgiven and retained In employment. That night she took poison, and just before her dtatb solemnly protested that the wai Innocent, having made a false confection to tave benelf from impritonmtnt. They tell the itnry in Newburyport about a man who called un a respectable widow of his acquaintance and said: "Mad am, I'm looking for a wife. I don't think you'll hardly do, but I didn't know but you might think of somebody thst would." The bewildered man baa ful-guttcn what the widow said, but has the impression that broa.lo struck the town about that time.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers