tag. FARMERSeObUP How to treat Slimtire. "Agrleola,"of Jltassno Co.,JlI.,wiltc : "1 would Ilka to understand more fully the ac tion of water upon the manure and litter tak. enfrbrrtthe (table and cow-shed. Should It be expjsed'lo the rain, frceslntf and thawing of winter, or sheltered until pprlngt Would It hn8 llnle-to rot after" the fretting wealhct (eta In, and be In time foruie on I he corn Held t"-lt would be muoh bolter to hare the manure Idled up under a shed, tlian exposed to the weather. Manure, to keep wcll,.mnsL lo either fiaoked by trending to cicludo ilto air, or kept "(9 moist that fermentation will not become violent and burn (firo fans) the heap. Ifoxpoied to-rnlir and water muctvaf value leaehea out, and laloat. If keptnnder cover, there should be a tank at tho lowest point, covered with rail!, or a grating whero liquids can settle, and be I utnpcd op over tho heap ag fo. Add fresh water,lf necessary, to secure moisture enough to liferent burning. uncn manure, II in good -condition In spring. The eorn clop dots nut require rotted ma nure. .imrrican Agrlcullurlet for Die. 1. Dntif-Krln tlio "SIIo." v We are Impressed with the Importance of warning pepfe-who haro pat their corn fod- .der In tanks, .especially In deep ones, of tho dangerous i carbonlo acid gas the 'choke damp' of mines and wells. A farmer 'Doar Sing Sing, used an old Ice-honso for pitting his corn-lodder; on Saturday night, when' they knocked off work, there were somcsoverf or omnt rect or rodder cut In halt-Inch bit, and well trodden down In the pit. On Mon day morning It had settled considerably and one of the hands Jumped In and was treading about on-It to see If It had settled evenly, when lie feltdltty arid faint; tho thought of "choke damp" flushed througli his mind, ond he Callodontto haven ladder lowered to him. This was done Just In time, and he half crawl, cd and was half hauled out. Ills head was four or sli. tcetabove tho worst ortho "damp," for It Is very, heavy. Had ho fallen he would havo been drowned In tho gas, as effectively ttn water without a struggle or a murmur. When going Info a pit never fall to lower a 1 mtern.flrst, for halt a minute, and if It burns brightly the air ortho pit Is lit to breathe American Jprlcvllvrtit Jor Dec. 1. Crcoaoto (or Itroncliltiaj Sc Cntnrrli. When going from Switzerland to Italy via Mont Cents, some years ago, tho writer con tracted a sudden severe cold, which, In tho onlll rtlr of Tnrln, soon brought on a severe attach of bronchitis.. We hnstened over to the genial air oi Cfenoa', but It nnorded little relief, and the advice of Dr. Pacclocl, Profes sor In tho noted Italian Medical College there, was called In. He prescribed a very simple remedy, which was atmco elTcctlve, as it hat been with many others': tojhom we. nave since recommended it. Put Into a pint or larger bottle about three gills of water, and add two tJrops of good Wood Creosote. 1 Shake very thoroughly, teke.a'mouthful, gargllnir It awhile In-the throat, and swallow It. "licpcnl this frcsttently, so as to use up the mixture In the first 24 hours,- always shaking well before taking. A(tcr the first, day, use tbiiee drops of Creosote and the same amount of water dnrlntr?4 hours, so lonir as it Is needed. The same mixture bos often proyed very useful In Catarrh. Inthlscacea handful or two of the well-sliakeri Creosote and water Is snuffed up I through tho nostrils until It reaches the I throat and Is. spit out. A tablerpoonful or more Is alio gargled In the throat and then i swallowed. As Catarrh Is an Inflammation of ! the nasal passages.accoin panted with a inuens I deposit, Uo creosote,! which Is largely carbol. icaciu, wouiu sceui 10 oo useiui jiorejust as dilute carbolic acid Is effectlvo In cleansing any pu,t.rlAiSorcs.. Catarrh Is tho result of I weakness, and Is promoted .by n cold. A ton- Ilng up of ho,sy stem and any simple remedy like the above Is effective, unless the Catarrh I Is sovcrp and of so long continuance as to havo i permanently uisorganucu tno nasal cavities, I It Is folly to spend money for the much ad. vertlsed catarrh remedies, which are ususally tue tnecrcst medical quaekery. mrrfcan Aricvlluri!t for Dee. 1. A Clicnp mid Durnblo G'lutcrii. An abundance of rain water for family use. Ifor tho barnyard, and for Irrigation In the gar, den, Is still o. great desideratum In our rural districts, The great bar to trlls'watcr supply I iruo anticipated expense. It costs money to I excavate, and line tho sides of a cistern with I brick and stone. Most farmhouses have no provision, for washing except well-water, E drawn with tho bucket, and this Is often hard, (and thajard and barn cellar are without any water for stock. A cistern that will hold all I tile waltjt that falls upon tho house, ortho I barn, Isryrtthln rtacH brevory thrifty farmer, and will, pay for ltsell every year In saving lauor.andln ,ine health and comfort of the ftnilly, arid In tho caro of the farm stock. A ueltfhtror of ourj, who Is a gardner as wel( as a farmer, built a cistern lor his greenhouse last year, and liked It so well that ho has I win another IUU faliror bis barn and garden. The first Item of expense was tho labor ofox- I cavatlng on the south side of tho barn, where I me irost does not penetrate, very deep. Tho exoavutlon Is about ten feet deep, ten feet In diameter at the bottom, and twelve feet at the I top. The soil Is gravelly loam at the top, sod I oompjot gravel below. But sand, If It were oompaot enough not to cave, would answer I lust as-well. The. tides of the cistern are I made as even as possible, and a wafli of Port I land cement Is applied with a broom to tho bottom and sides This dries very rapidly, and four of five coatings will make a perfect I ly tight and strong basin to hold all the wo- Iter that will ever fall Into It. The cost of the cement Is very small, and tho, thin crust, Hacked 'by the scud subsoil, Is Just as good and durable as mason work of brick or stone. For a covering be used chestnut timber of one foot in diameter, hewn upon one side, upon which chestnut plank (wo Inches thick were laid. Two leaders conduct the water from the eaves of the barn Into the cistern. A I man-hole was left at the top large enough for the cleaning of the cistern, and for the lnscr 1 Hon of the pump. The plank was covered with about two feet ofenrtb, which lsasuf. Iflclent protect Ion against frost In this latitude. The cistern will hold 8,ooe gallons of water, or more, and will furnish an abundant supply I or water for stock, and for Irrigation In ordl nary seasons. The whole cost for labor, tlm. ber and cement, was about fifteen dollars, I West farms will furnish the necessary labor and lumber, and the only money outlay would Ibe ror the Portland cement. This eminent will harden under water, and become as solid as stone. Jt Is entirely practicable for almost I any farmer to build a cistern of the kind des I cribed, and to Lave a good supply of water for i nu cattle curing tho winter. Irulla a cistern. I American Agrieulluritlor Dee. 1. FAIIItl NOT11S. The Seckal pear, once muclf valued, was I named irom sir. Lawrenoe aeckei, who ro sided In Philadelphia, at the beginning of this century, A utrman,used to bring to Mr Seekcl's house these pears for sale. Uut he would not tell where he got them, Subse-' I quently. Mr, Seckel purchased some land of L the Oerman, and on It was the pear tree. A writer on the subject expresses tho opinion that the dropping from the roosts by hens carefully saved In barrels and compost ed with good toll or muck from swamps, and itept a few months, would bo equal In value t Peruvian guano, end might be estimated at fifty cents per fowl per annum. Uina. One cup of milk, one cup of sugar one cop ol yeast. Dour to make a batter. I Let It rise over nightt then, add one-half cup melted butter, a. eup of sugar, floor to knead It, and let It rise again, then roll and eut, la ta cakes, and let It rise again. Tb Advooits far ono year ami Ken- dall'i UorMBooV for only f 1.00. jn i.cuciters ijiock, Bank St., Lehighton, Pa., Dr, Charles T. Horn PKOi-niCTOrt, Iicspectfnlly announces to (he people that he nas repiemsneu ms noon, .au uueia DRUBS AM) CHEMICALS Strictly fresh Agji anJ ruro Alio llorso and Cattle powdersPatent Medf clnes, Urushes, Soaps, Oombs. I'erluraorles, Sponges, Chamois Skins. Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposes. Oils, ' Lamps and Fixtures'. tiycsiuffs.Uholoo Ulnars, Pipes and Tobacco. Spec tacles, Trusses, Nursing IJottlcl, Violin Strings, and a lull line of Wall Paper and llordersatthe Lowest Prices. Prescriptions carefully compounded and prompt attention given to every branch of the business. ' A continuance of the patronage herctoldre Extended to this establishment Is respectfully solicited, and saiisractton guarantccu. scpt.13, 1880.-ly. Drt, O. T, UOUN. For Catarrh, liar Fever. OoU Insert with little finger, a particle of tho Balm Into tho nostrils; draw strong breath! tiirouuntnonose, It will be absorb. led, cleansing and ncaung me uis jased membrane. For Deafness. Occasionally annlv a nartlcle Into and back oi tun ear, running in murougniy. i:i,T'S CKIUM It A I.?! Is receiving the endorsement of the sufferer. tho druggist, and Physician. Never has an article of so much merit been produced for the treatment of membranal diseases as this nov cr falling HALM, and Is universally acknowl edged to be all thatlsclalmed Tor It. The ap plication Is easy and pleasant, causing no pain, Is soothing, and Is fast superceding the use of powders, liquids and snulfs. Price 60 cents. On receipt of CO cents will mall a package Ireo. Send ror circular wun run in formation. ELY'S CREAM BALM CO., Owcgo, N. Y. AT WHOLSSALK BY New York McKesson & Bobbins, Hall k Kuckel, C. N Crlttendon, V. H. Schclllcl. In & Co., 1). M. Stlger& Oo.,Laielle,Marsh &Oardner, Tarrant & Co., 1'rator (cLce, ahd others. Philadelphia Smith, Kline & Co, Johnston, Hollowuy & Co. ' Scranton, Pa Matthews Bros, At rotall by A. J. uurling.XieniKnton. pa.. and all druggists. Oct. 3,'to ly Great chance to luakomouey We need a nerson In oveiy .town to tako HUbvcrlptlonn for uie laraeu, enca petti ana uci Illnslrated f.inillv nublication in Ibe world. Any oue ran becomo a auccessful agent, Six elegant worn of art piven free to SMbscrlbeT. The price Is bo low tnstnlnion everybody eub Bcrloee. One agent report tatting i-O Mibscil bers lu a day. A bidv ngont leports making $20P clear pront In ten days. -Allwhoeurng.- mtKB money iaat. you can aovoto an yojt t4mo to tho bume4fl. or only vonr snaio time. .Vou neod not be away from home over ntghu Vou can do it aa well u others. Pull directions and ternii, free. Ele?int aud expensive Outfit tree. II vou want profitable work send ns yoar address at once. It costs nothing to try the indne-is. No one who cngairea falU to maKe great nor. Ad.lrcss OEOltUK BTIN80N A co.l'ortlaud, Maine. Junezu-ir. SPGCtCS PORT GRAPE WINE . . .Used In tho principal Churches for Commu. nlon pnrposos. EXCELLENT FOK LADIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS AND THE AGEDi F ES 13 1U9 Will Spccr's Port Grape Win A ! FOUR YEAR SOLD. nnhU Celebrated Native' Wlntr Is made from thi Julco ot the Oporto Gratw.raisod in lliia Country. Its invaluable Tonio and Strengthening Properties are ntiTirpaaed bj- any other Natl to Wine. bo. wk tho pnri Juice of tho Grape, produced un dir Mr, bpcer's own personal Bnpervlsion.itH purity and Rcnuincue&a are cnrnutcei1. The yonnireat child may parutlcoof Its renerona qualttiea, and tho we at cut inva'ldtne it to ad vantage, ji i iianicuiirir uencnoiai to tne asea andoebUitated.nnd suited to the various ailment a thit offtvta the weaker sex. It lslu every respoct A WINU TO UK UULIEU ON. SPEEIt'S ThoP.J. KIIEtlTlY' is n Wine of Pnncrlor Character, aud part tkrn ot the yroldeu quifcltlea oi tho arapo from which it is mnde. For run ty, Itlchm-Jin, Klavnr and Modi cat rropertles, It will be louqd nnexcelled. SPKER'S 1?. JT8 JiSraiialyj This HIIAXTIY stands tinrlvslrd In this Country, beinir far superior for medicinal pur- pones, IT 18 A IMJItK dtstlllattOii.frora tho grape andcoutalua'aluablo luedlotnal propeitlea. It has a doTtcate flavor, similar to that of the crapes from which li is dlstltb d. and Is m great Sco that the algnatnre of ALFHED 6 PICK It, l aisaic, ..aisa is over iuq cuiaui cacu uoiuo. SOL.U BY IMUIOCISTS, and bv.V, J.c Tiurllnjr, C. T. Horn, Lehigh wnnuuu. w, ueui oi weisepori. Dec, 37-yi FARMERS, LOOK to Your INTERESTS AND PUKOHABE Tliresliins Macles ai Ajrri- ciltiiral Impwnls, The Dest In the Market, at J. L. GABEL'S. u uBU't, mult ,u( nan lu W nm, rarcnasers, uitCAf IUU UAbll, 10,000 fect Georgia Yellow Tine 1 looting, White Pine Boards and Floor ing, Lath, &c. AT niS nAUDWAKB STORE, Apni e-mt Lehighton, Pa To the Worklar Class We are nowprepar I'd to lutnlbh all otassea wlih eomtani iini,Tn. meat at hoino. tun whole ot tne time or lor taclr spare moment. llusmeMLPW light and ironiuio. ruiimsoi euner sex easiir earn frvin W coats to a5 per even iuk. and a pr nor. tlonal sum by ilevvtiua tlielr whole lima to the butlurss. Ilors anil huU earn ueai Ir aa much aarmn. That all wooms this notice may aena a near address, aud ten tbe tmainewa. wo make this otrar i To aoeJi as are not well aatl.neii, we will iwiirt oao oeliar to nav for the rroubi ot wntinrs Villi oartlantarii and w.ioi nee. AnerejM. ouuuu art 11 a JHiricyi. . , . . . . . infill iu,i..,uoi..u.vvuivuiuiuorau.j.qQlciiir.nd prl.ytly emeu br a simple aa f" vt uh vianu. ur. j. nrrji,i unifi,!!.' ur.4 rr WlIITIi 8THEET. WF.ISfll'OnT. va, ItcmoTnl and Cliniigo of firm I Messrs. Ilnpslicr & Zero, Btio leave td annoniee to the eit'sens oi Weiss port and surrounomir neighborhood, that they latelr pnichasen tne stock and fixtures ot Sr. Ished aud largely Increased the tock, haTO re moved It Into the elegantly fltted up mom In the UrlcK llullmnr. on Whlto f treet, formerly occupied by Mr. Pred Schmidt, where I hey t ro prepared to accommodate their frienda aud the public generally with wroth and Pnte DRUGS AHD MEDICINES, of all kinds together witn a full line of all such I'ANCY DOODS as aro usnully kept in well supplied Drug Stores, composing Chamois, Terrain ery. Snips, Brnnhes, Combs, La Imnoy. Trusses. Snonorter.,' Braces. Hyrlnges, Nursing Bottles, Bye Stuffs, Ac. Ac ' Pure WINES and LIQUORS for Medicinal purpo-cs, and a large stoca of choice CI u Alts. Tho bustnesl wilt bo nnder ihe nerwnal obarge and superintendence of Br. J, U. ZKBff. We lnctnd totfivo lull satisfaction lo our pa. Irons in quality and prleo. Give us a call. lulylTyl , RAPHIIKlt & ZRRi We will Pay the Postage AND 8EHD 0V The Carbon Advocate ONE YEAR FOK ONE DOLLAR Or Six Months ,' For 50 cents ! WHICH 18 Less than 2 cents per "Week FOR A LARUE 32 COLUMN PAPER!!! CnihcTn Adwcate, JLclilgliton, Pn, "SHOW THIS TO YOUR NEIGHBOR IIEIXBIAN & CO., BANK STREET, .Lehighton, Pa., MILLEIW and Dealers In AllKindiot GRAIN BOUGHT and 80LTJ at Itl.UULAK JlAitKliT ItATICH. Wo would, also, lespecttnlly Inform ourclti zeus tbat wo are now fully prepared to bUP PLY taeni with It Best of Coal From any Mine desired at VERY' i LOWEST PRICES. if. HEILMAN & CO. July.zs. nnn inI iuniT fnd r . i ir u nun on .t thui: vs iiiti if iui I sure. In less time and at lean cost than by any other moans. No snmnng or inconvenience. Treatment snip. Bed to any nai t ot ton U. R. or Cmadan. Pull particulars free. Addtrss O. H. UIHPKN- bAiiv, llerrien spilngs, Mien. (ISPtabllsiicd isiai. juni7yi FRESH ARRIVAL! The undersigned respectfully announces to ner lauy irienus in x.euiKoion nnu vicinity, that sho has last returned from the eltv with an entire new and fashionable assortment of Fall an! Winter Millinery Gooils, comprising all the latest novelties, In HATS, BONNETS, lltisiuiiniis, ItlllDUNS, rEATIlEItS. FbowEns, NOTIONS, fco.,te, TRIMMED HATS at from 60e UPWABDS. PLUSH HATS AND PLUMES, all colors, very cheap. S-You are Invited to call and Insrxet roods and learn prices, which are lower than at any other store In this section. Don't forget my biock is an new anu oi tuo very latest styles. MRS. E. FATH, 2d door below the M. K. Church, Oct.2,'80 3m. DANK St., Iiehlghton, Pa, JF YOD AllE IS NEED OF Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, or, Gents' Furnishing Goods GO TO CLAUSS& BROTHER THE POPULAR llorcliant Tailors, Bank Street, Lehighton. PJIIOES VERY IiOW FOB CASH. Th publlo patronage solicited. Julyl-tf $10 i Outfit f umlthed frre. with fall m.lrnn tiona for conducting the most profitable bnalueaa tllMt anr nnn pan niivairM i Tho b Jslncss la so eaav to learn.and our Insirno make ereat profilH from the very start. Mo oue can nil who It willing to work. Women are aa suocBufol as men. Boys and arm can earn larsre anina. Many have mane over one hundred dodaraliiaslnilewit. Nollunsrllke It ever known before. All .wboet-emearesarpniedat the ease and rapidity with which U ev are able to make money. You ean ounce In this but! nrMdurloRvour spare time at srreat profit You do not have to invest any capital In it. We take ail the rlsu. Those who need loadvmonev should write to us at once. Allfnrnlihed free. nui'i hd nj muiuia luu Diim II in, i nil tian Oct. J, isso-iyo ' MONEYS now belnsrmadefaitrrihan ever by those at work for na. I'Arinna nf i , t, . r -b w make ta a "week In their own towns, if they aro wllllna lo woik. No llasr. as outfit frve. Anroueom run the businesa Capital not re- quireu. 411 wno riiKsee prosper .Nonnefsiia. rarticulari free. Address, It. HAI.UriT A CO.. l'ortiano, afalne. July ml $999 Can't be intdo by erery rent errrr muum ill IIIO UUKIOOHf WD lurDlsaO, but tbosta wllllur lo work eiu msml ly earn udoieu doll&n dar tin-ht in their own ioctlltieo. Havvimroo.nlociptftlu b?rn. Jlos- iqbm pioagauv uu uuitiirauid. tvonea Ua b"7 una mrU da na well aa meo. Wo will inr. ii Uh yoa a complete Oaifll fren. We will bear pxiruso oi auuiiDjr you. rarucuiara rrre. Writ and aee. Farmera and mecoamca, Ibclr con and daabtera. and all clee in need ot partus wot It at borne, abould wilta to aa and irarn an aoauv mo wors at ate. Aildreai TrtUK A CO.. Aorutto. Uauie. Jnlricyi PILES Of all kinds. TU UOIta. dlaehar reaof 1UOOU or toucos aai ( - Ml uikik, u, U9 IILU1 U Ja aaotumr jtCJituy. aoriaiufTuaUonaddr'aa - HI J. Jt aut,u al VO. Ti Ann ll. T. (GAR'BO,N-ADV0$ATT,i5 rbAIN AND, r'ANcY'' ! '-iU BOOKUOBPRMPPISE . . i n i, BANICWAT, ashori distance above the Lehigh YaUy,Hn. Depot,. . i wi, ' ! u-ni. ' -if -'-rtC 'ilt ' " . . . .MJ-iZ tkul ,- I Xichlgliion, jEcnna. , , . arfcC We are now folly prepared to execute every inscription of PEINXINO, from a- Mil Gat to' a Large Poster! POSTERS. " - ilAMUUILLS, DODQERS, . - 01U0ULARS, ehippino taos, oacd's, j1ill heads, letter heads, note heads, '. envelopes, STATEMENTS, t FROOKAMMES, PAMPHLETS, S.C., lie,, In the Best Manner, At Reasonable Prices! Weare prepared to do work at, as low. rates as any office In the country thai deals Honestly with their Patrons.. " Cheap, pit ai Reliable," IS OUtt'MBTTO. "-.is;'' 1 3-Order by Mali will. be. promptly filled at lowest rates, and satisfaction guaranteed 'f. -i THE .ilvt; METALLIC JBIJVIRER ! Wt have the ezslaslv Bight for CARBON COUNTY, VsJIft ' rou RepoWs' Metallic Boot-BMer, s The cheapest, best and most substantial yet , introduced for , Binding , . r RECEIPT BOOKS, CHECK BOOKS ORDER BOOKS, &c. s sal eH i . Jail and see them at lhe CARBON ADVOCATE OFFICE BANKYAY,; Lohigliton,.Ba, iA nood hohtekcepcr-A Watch dog. An object ot Interest An.unpald neto. t-Vo prefer a cold wave to "a cold shake." -drdfroF night hood Put on your night "P'l " . ... , -r-Ths waste-basketls the editor's protective tariff.' The school question "Know your les sons A hollowoost Tho cost of a penny wnif- tle.- A cold wavo That of the handkerchief nowadays. Ihvctitor nuil l'ntcntccii Should send for .Instructions, terms, referen ces. Ice., to Udson urcthers, Solicitors ori'at- ents, -Washington, u. wno lurnisu tne samo without charge. Kdson Brothers Is a well known and successful firm of large ex perience, having been established In 1809. The secret pleasure of a generous 'act Is tho mind's brlbo. ItJe to.be Along, cold winter. Some of you" gentlemen go right to work to remember ine poor. A Vernon, Vt., man has a pet ow,l which was hatched out and tenderly oared for by a neighbor's hen. eiLKo one should have horses tied tin In the table with tho enliootlc. when M.lJ.ltoberts' Horse Powders can bo bought of anydrngglst foiiio cents. Quarantecd to tore. The wolf nuisance Is severe In tho timber ed districts of Iowa and -Minnesota) A great number of sheep have boon killed by them there, , 'Young clergyman at a clerical meeting I I merely throw out tho Idea." Old minis- ten "Welt, I think that la the best thing you can do with It." "Jllamma, Is the old hen going to bo nay for the summer t" "No, Charlie; sent nwav but why do you risk t" Well, I hoard pnpa tell thetiew hired ulrl that they would have a tine time when he sent tho old hen away for lhnntmtnii.l Mnmtnn. nut llttln f Ihnf-lln in bed, after giving him a dose of Sines' WUfFI Cherry, nnll Uonrhound lor bis cold, telling him hewnum be. well In the morning ; and then she fafd for nana and onlv for his havlmr a bottle of nobcrts'Embrocntlon lnthehouso might have been a cripple ror lire. When you hear nowadays a young man expressing his admiration for sleigh bells, you may bo assured that he means to have two e's in the last word. Just now Ihe papers are greatly agitated as to what shall bo dono with the cx-I'resl-denti. How would It do to sot them to. work and let them earn their llvlug. 3 Whoro'nro Tour crutches, undo ? Hero they are showing John a bottle of M. 1). Ro berts Embrocation, You don't say thntthreo quarters of ft bottle or Embrociillciil hasrellcv. ed you of your rheumatism so you can walk without your crutches? I do, and thank a kind Providence lor leading me to read that advertisement In tho star lust week. What baby would think It worlh his nhllo to go through the wear and tear of growing up if he knew that ho were to become a freight brakeman or a druggist's clerk ; Augustus Wernct, a prominent cltltenof Canton, Ohio, jumped out of bed the other morning and sprained Ills nnkle. Tho wound ed member caused lockjaw and death follow ed quickly. 3- For your Uold take Sines' Tar, Wild Uhcrry and Uonrhound. 'For your Oough tnko Hlnes' Tar,, Wild cherry and HOarhound. For.Soro Throat lako Sines' Tar, Wild Uhcrry and Uonrhound. ForSoro Lungs take Olncs1 Tar, Wild Cherry and Hoarhound. Sold by druggists, 23 and to cents. If a newspaper should contain all the things that all Its readers want It to print. It would havo to bo bigger than a bedspread. IT It should leavo out all that each of Its readers docs nut wish to read, It would be a blank papor. "Are you fond of turkey with trulHet, Mr.-Qtnlth?" asked the boarding mistress with 'an' Insinuating grace. "Yes, 'bi," re- plied Smith, tuftsin away at the drumstick cm ms plate; "nuttms turky, inarm, is a t nil lie tough." ti Thls world Is all a flcetlnarshow.'"but It takes, very lively York for spnio.ot ns.to keep hold of onr tickets ofndmlsilon t a great nuny aro put out at the exits "rnenmonla" and "Consumption i" but the number oftheso has been greatly reduced since su many cnhls and coughs have been "nipped In tho bud" by ino ninety uso oi ainei' i nr. w uu uiierry nnu Uonrhound, For sale byalldrugglsts,'25and Mcentr. "Anything you see mo doing, you nro at liberty to do," said a father to his son. "See ing as you never smoke In my presence, dad,' replied the son, "I'd llko to do some of the things I don't see jou do, If It Is all the saino to you." m. A little ulrl was teachlmr her brother the .Lord's Fraycr the other night, and when she had said, "Olve us this day our daily bread," he suddenly called out pray lor.tatly, sister, nrav for lallv tool and sho said vou loriret mat i am going to give you some oi nines' rar. wnu unerry anu iioarnounu lor ruurcoiu, wnicn is a great acai better man any. Captain John Ericsson, the Inventor of the iron-clad Monitor. Is oxper inentlmr In New York harbor with tho most formidable engine of death known In naval warfare. Thd in vcntlon combines a boat, a gun and a projec tile, and it Is said of It "that It leaves the mightiest Iron ships of tho world completely at Its mercy." C- It Is contrary to our custom to recoin mend any kind of patent medicines, but alter we nave seen me great eiiecis oi rtoucrie Horse Powders uwon the horse In this section. that havo been cured of the enlzoollc. as well as other diseases, we deem It our duty, as good ciuiens, to recommenu it 10 owner ui norses, At the recent election In a Connecticut town a clergyman put his ballot for ltcprc scntatlve Into his rest pocket with othe.rpa. pers. When the returns of the town was mado up It read as lollows: John M. Smith, llepub, llcan,101; William Kichmond, lieinoorot, 8tt ; Mrs. Anderson desires the prayers of the con gregatlon fur her husband, gono to sea, 1, "NKW FAN3t..: NCrTlONS" may pot work injury tu people when they relate to matters of little consequence, but wnen eniertaiueu us to wnm wo snail take when alllicteJ with scriousuiseaso they may lead to dear experience. Don't therefore trifle with diseases of the blood manifested by eruptions, "blotches, scrofulous and oilier swellings and grave svinptoins,but take that well teetea ana enicacious remeay, ur. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery tho greatest blood-purifier of the age. If tha boweis are very costlvo uso also Dr. Pierce's rellels (little sugar-coaieu puis;. . CUnES FEVEH AND AGUE. J'caianf Valley, JoDaetcia Cb., HI., 1 JiorcA 31sf, 18711.' J Dr. Pisses. Duflulo, N. Y. Dear Sir I write Ibis to Inlorin you that my chilil,one year old, has been permanent ly cured of the fever and ague in a week's time and used but half a .bottle ot your Golden Medical Discovery. My wife n long sufferer from liver complaint and bilious- ness.uy tue use oi iuo ijwuuvi'ry uuu icucia has been entiroly relieved. The Discovery has never disappointed us for conghs aud colds. Yours truely, JAMES BTUICKELL; Thomas Tute, ajed ten years, has been sent to Jail In San Francisco for highway rob-1 bery. The baby buccaneer was In the habit of attacking boys of twelve and fourteen wherever he found ono of them alone on the bay shore. Cash, Jackknlves, handkerchiefs and slate pencils composed his booty. Mr. C. B. PoBTka. Druggist, Towanda.ra. For several years 1 have been troubled with Catarrh I havo tried many remedies, with out much relief. Ely's Creinn Ratm has proved to be the article desired, having won derful results jn my case. I believe ft to be the only cure. L. 11. CoausNXowanda, Va. Mjjr U, 1879. Messr. Ely Bros., Druggists.Otvego, if. Y. Tho supply of Cream Ualm I purohasod of you sold rapidly. Such is the demand I have bad occasion to duplicate my orders no less than five times within tliroa months. My customers have found thU is no humbug, but a nranaration of ruil merit and evident ly a sovereign eallwlieen for tha cure of Catarrh. An artieie twit win proa nee smu result will nrove a hiesdnsi to any earn- mVnftr. WiTuai,Drucelst,Wilkesban, Ol'a Jan. JM, laV. MILtflEliY At Mvso ILo Welni,8 s& it?Sk, ! South Sheet, Lehighton, Pa., ' Comprising a full lino of nil the rtCwcit designs In Hats, Bonnets, Triinniings, Notions, Laces, Buttons, Ribbons,. ' Flowers, Feathers, Ladies' Underwear, i and In fait all kinds or Goods usually kept In a Brst-elass Millinery Store, which they ore prepared tn-eupply to their friends and the ladles In general tit very Extraordinarily LOW l'KIUES FUlt CASH. Call and ba convinced. No trouble to show goods. Sept 18, 1880 3m. . Miis.Ij. WJlHIt StSISTKU, sw The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store If you want anything in tlio Drug lino at bdttoiri prices, go to-tho Old and .Reliable Drug Stofo, in Dr. N. B. Hober's Block, near the Post Office, A. J. DUELING, Proprietor, - Whcroyou will find a full and complete Stock oV Pure Drugs, lledicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, &c. Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils A Complete Line. of Druggists' Sundries. Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces. Purd Wines and Liqildra qf all kinds for Medicinal and Sacramental purposes. .Wall Paper and' Borders, a sxeaf variety. Personal attention given to the compounding of Physi cians and Family Prescriptions. Established 1867.1 A. J. DURL1NG. - LrhlffUton, NovPinb'r2 ft A W1W T.-TnTTATB in lehighton; formerly of AI.LENTOWN, respectfully Informs tho Hotel Keepers and Citizens generally that ho has opened a NKWIjKlUOUBrOlin In Fancctl'a Building, nettriy opposite tho 'Oarbon House," oh BANK STREET, With a full stock of cOJirmsiNo Brandy, Whiskey, Gin, Rum, Port, Sherry, Champagne, &c, &fj to which ho inyltcs the attcntlon of purchasers. Kkadv Oabh. PATIIONAUUINVITKU. Jlay 1, 1880-ly. ' CURE I BACK ACHE And all diseases of tho Kldnoys, Illadder and Urinary Organs by Wearing tho Improved Excelsior Kidney Pad. It Is a Marvel pf Healing and Relief. Simple, Sensible, Direct, Painless, Powerful ! It CHllES where all else f.ills. A HEVET.. ATIONand HKVOMJ'riDN In Medicine. Absorption or direct application, ns opposed to unsatisfactory Internal medicines, Send Tor our treatise on Kidney troubles, sent lrco. ' Sold by lirut'HlMf , or sent by mall, on receipt ofl'rlfe.ta. Address offiMe Only" lung Pad Co.. (lenulne Kid- J ' ney l'ail. Atk Williams' Blocs, lor It and take no other. I)ETI!tllT, Mich l?v VEGETABLE i "I Is liiifl PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Pre '"tors. I'Olt Counha, Cold, llroncliltle, Iloararnraa, Tlckllntr orDrrneaaof tbo Throat, , Soro Throat, Cold In Ihe Head, Croup, Influenza, Mliooplnff.CoUaih, Cold (u tho llutrele, Aalbuiutlo Couahs, and vellcfof Conauuipllve. wmm VV.OnAMPlON lUtOU7IMi. lProprleior, 1117 Aru FircN.riillmdcIphla, Pa, I jt tm w .v 1.9. m iitf rnuriurTniB m 1 1 n .i i iwiiwmp re. FAIjIi sasail Styles oi" am LEHIGHTON, Pa., the Choicest Mrands of l'nicES will nu thkvjjuv Lowest ion '.II. 11. HOIlLiEN, -ABSORPTION Lung Diseases, Throat Diseases, Breathing Trpuhles. It IUllVES Into tho system curative agents mid heiillnir medler$es. It DJIAWS from the diseased rarts Ihe poipous null raupe iieniu. Thousands Tcstlfj- to its V'lrtnes. Yon can lis Relieved and Cured, Don't despair until you hivo trloff this Sen- slide, i:tlly Applied and K A I) 1 O A 1. 1. Y Lt r.MiiuAii iiru-,111, Sold byilrugHlsts, or sent by mall on receipt of l'rico, $2.00, by monn.ru;iTli6'!Ouly,,Li!iiEFailCo.. our HOOK ' "Three Mil- Williams' IIlocic, linns a Year" Bmt freo. (octlSO) DETROIT, Mich. A 1'UIIEI.Y VUCSKTAltLIS RKMCDT rc.1 iriTt-IHAL a::3 iitceilai use, Is a euro euro for f.U tho dlwascs for which it Is recommended, and h n'.uiiys I'Eltl'liCTL.Y gAb'i: In tho hautU of ecu tho most Inexperienced persons. . It la a sure and illicit lin'.nl for COUGHS, SORB TIIUOAT, CillLXH, and similar troubUs; nffim! tiistcut relief In tbo mntt lual S-unii t furms of UII'IITIIKIIIA, and 14 tho but known rcuicly fir I' In uinullsiu and Neuralgia. Tho Oldest, Dost, ancl Moot Widely Known Family Iflodlclno In tho World. It lias bcrit iisril vvUH null Momlrrful ailccrsa in all pnrUcfthojvoiUfurCS'.AMPS.CIIOI.KUA.DIAItltlltCA, UYM:XTEV,bn.1 all KOWEI. COMI'li.VIXTS that It Is considered an unfailing euro fur thco dueuii Has stood tho tost of Forty Yoars' Constant Uso In all Countries and Cllmatoo. It LltECOMMnxnED by I-Io'lctani,IIIaalDnartea, Ministers, Miniate: J uf I'lantallonu, VVorlt-Sllopa, and Fnrtotir'i Nitwra lit IIiwpllol i In short by Etrylod-, Ktcrj-Muere, vbo J:as t, ir glvm it a trial. IT IS VITKCUTA RIVAL A3 A LINIMEHT. It should nlvf ays bo imiI fir 1 ulu In the It-icU ami Side, and brings spewly nnil permanent rell' f I:i c'-l cuw of Urul.cj, Cuts, flprnlis-, Sevci e Uura ., Cij!d, etc. Ko family .-iti iaf- ly I wiiliout It.. It will annually BBTOinanytiM-allsc tiid 1 1- ' l- !-, end Its prl.o br.; It v. ti n t' v r.acU cf It 1 . 'I i.- S"'.( 50c, and 01 per bi". n:"I cut be c' t uj fii'in a I Crua'-isita. pn. BHOWNINQ U regular (rraauato of Uiucii.c, ft ciwUUu j bJiuRcut, a.id a thorough chiuiit IIu M .Ms C.N (Cou.rli aud C old) CordUI In pot tbo re mit of mero cbauce, but of Ictig cienUfio rwearoti in tbeMulMry aud tue Heine, Jls la jUiuy iwu by Ihv rmuiUty of it action aud 1U unparalleled efficacy, Tba expeow ia ito ninutaoturala at luwt j(m i'm aa vreat aa Uut ol any other lueilHao upoa tha luarket, aadyMitto Mid at tfct aawrtirgtr low petaa ot QOe, r7"8zuui4 tottlea (for a aLort Mua ouly) 3 eta J DR. CROOK'o . j ,; iWINE IF flU Cures Thousand) Nearly. A POSITIVE CURE, C0TTGII3, COLDS, and CONEUUPIION, ALSO, The Lht of Tonics, CURES DYSPEPSIA, Rtslirts tin Appt'liU, i Aids Digestion, Strengthens the Ejitem. Eeatoroj the VTesi rod Debilitated. Invlgeritis the tlTEi, . and at the samo time AOi a en the KIDNEYS AND DOWELS restoring them to healthy action, health and strength follow from Its ne. The w F A K and n r I iraftiinrrarlnrrnmineQ 0 F AP P E T 1 1 E,l N VA LI U S and percons recovorlnis from flcknew will llud it the remedy they need A trlafo (It will provoall we clalin. Askyonr druat'etforbR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR. Tolto no other. For salo by all druggists at One Dol lar a bottle. ITU THE LEADING! HEME DT TOR -ALL THROAT ASD MM Olll'LAlMJ, B- K. Stirrn & CO., Prci.. Successors to Oliver Crook is Co , Dayton, Ohio. A botlte contain! 18 time aa rnuch as any K cciu prcparauou, .ultLb. ORJ. KRAMER'S GERMAN EYE otLVt 13" poiiive euro lor wealtnnd diseased eyes. BATEI All D EEWABliE- NevcrfaUs to enre any coso of soro eyes, ancl no remeuy la fo immenr atoInlUrfTecls. I'rlcoSS cents abox. Should vnur ,trtrf frl.f itnt in a it. on reef nt Of 13 CMU Uor iicwtago staups) n a jyIU eendjouo bpfte? C ot expense. , , 8. N. 8MltH &. CO.! Prop., - DsyloB, 0. om A irrrrt ttvvvyytPvvvvvvv vvm'yvvvvvvyf' 2."rv Vr,-iS. -..c ,,,,,, ', i s'i.i'. i;ua4 .scaxrisH ir THISTLE yi.-i'tSiil'i'.S I'ATKNlia Ii:c. SOtli, isj. ' 1 The Klerlrlc I.ipht wm u fiot dieefivey, hvt lcln ii liltl'ie .S tnliik 7 . i Jit Muff, fnut . 'JJUt.S'VfS "..' 5Lt''"i ':- "tfJXl " tiy haw ? TjArt." 1 na.trcJ from AslNmU &r fiftC-.-n us in Hi J rmt Antericand'.t a ri(iTcon)Ut:l v cure I. I l.jc ht-en sliidt irj; tha inhaling p5ftfV fur nrt. nnd us ft rrtutt l nor jive wirlii tt Mtiicinl I ti triers the mti ciructlvri.inJ by far tno uio.vcrntvti.ient praM-1 tUn ever tV;rjJ ti? the rulillc, ft r-Atthi Af.d H.iv FiTtrvjIio Sore Tkrm t, ir(VaVacncs.'iriui tlwrii. Cure o irord Tiirot (thtnse Fcfutw antt yo-i will Wir nn rc-t S D'phtherU.- itey art i'lvnlmble for pblt j fprl.rri fcnrt lr:grs. T!u"; arc put phi T-inrv loctS, And can hd carrit'jMti the piVfcet. pul 'Nrd t convenlnt If ynt c.mint R(-t then from your DflCtor.iOf DrnirUt, o-jk1 ititrt to irft'nufat turcr tvh will 4j,iJ u.eni tiVnll part, nf the world, poaUgd fre. A child c:n ime thrnc Piimern. ns they do nt hrwc lo fl-miltcd. Price,, Om Mlnr fertile moiuuson: At SIMPSOM, I'lrpVi and Manufacturer!, 1! El, LAI HE, O. Far.S.ilo by A. J. DURUNO, DRUOCJIST. chilli ton, , l'a. Hept, 4-yl IIISSFOSWS KlHDSFORuJ CORN STARCH tNU PUBEAHDSILVEH GLOSS STARCH 1 1 t- rZtA Xcik, pa. For tho TauhU'-t.Is tlie cst nnd rnot cconomlml ttf the world. Is iwrfcctly pure, from Aeldi and otlier foreign Ntilrttani1 thut injure Linen, ti Wn)nj'r Minn ony other, reintr.s muoh leu p..ui tftr In Uilnir. Ii uniform, Miilm nnd ftnishfi work i alway th'- name. Klnf.w-i PulrcrUtl Com 4 Starch for PiuMiinri. Waiir-M ur.-f, dike, Ao,. fa purtf and del leal a IV'fVr.iUe ta InnuJa Jlrrowroot T. KIK08FORI) A SOX, 0wgo, New Yorlu WaH'BM Sase iy TiiEl.EAniMi Sri ksti era or to-day aicreo tlut most diseases aro caused by dtsordtred Kldnejs or Liver. If, thereinre, the Kldneya andl.tcrarti kept In perb'ct order, perlect health will be tho result. This truth has on ly brcn known n short time, and for years people sutturcd itreat airony without belnar able to find retler. ThedUcoreryof Warner' Safe Kidney and Liter Cure marks a new era In the treatment of theso troubles. Mads from a slinplo tropical leaf of rare value, IC contains just the elements necessary to nour Uh and Invlitornte bothof these Kreat organs, aud safely restore and keep them ia order. It Is a I'OSITI Vi: lUuaiiv fur all Ihe diseases that cause pains In the lower parts of the liody furTorptd Liter, Headaches, Jaundice Dliilncef, Uravel, I'evcr, Ague, Malarial Fever, and all dlUleultles of the Kldnejs, Liver and Urinary Orleans. It Is an excellent and safe remedy for fe males dur.nif I'reirnaney. It will control Mrnstruation and Is luvaluablo forLeucorr. hten or Falllnir oi the Womb. As a Mood I'urmer It Is uaenualled. for IV cures the organs that tsale the blood, HEAD, THE ltECOKU. It saved my llfe.-f, U. Lately, Selma, Ala. Ittsthe reuieily that will cure the many diseases peculiar to women. Mother Mag. It has jiasxtl severe tl and won endorse, roents Ir ui soiue of Ibo hltrbest mcJlal tal eot in the country. S. t. H'arM. " ' NoreuiaUyheruloredlrrsl can beheld for oue moment lu wuiiurlsoa with l,clr. V. A. Utrvty, P.P.. Il'ela4m, U. O. This Hemedy.whloh has done rush wenVltrs, la Htt up III U LAHtJK6Tl.KlJ HlllTI.r. of auy medicine ui na the uarkat. and Ji soM by Ilruswlata arxl all 4e,ilrs at al. Mr tat tle. fSt nuWlr.. enqnlra tor WltlTlRa BAFU IHABLTLS I I JIB. Ik Is a Vihil TIVffliWMir. H. II. WAUWHU fc sep.t. Beshesttr, N. X, .1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers