T Advertising Rates. Wo desire it to be distinctly understood that no advertisements will be inserted in the eoluriins of Ths Carbon Advooatb that may be received front unknown parties or firms Unless aceoulpanlcd by the CAali. The following are otlr ofrtv tetmsi oxisquABKilO limes,, One rear, each lnsortlon..u... 10 cU. filx months, each Insertion 15 cts, ..Throe months each insiirtloni.. ....... 20 cts. 'Sees tblii tVreenionths, first insertion ff; Sah subsequent insertion 25 cts. Local Pstices lO cents per lne. mV. MOItTlltMrJK, Publisher. The Carbon Advocate, AK ,no4fnk fSmbr wspeper" Published every SATURDAY, la' Lchlghtim, Chrbon Co.,Pa., by iiAiiiiT V. titbivxhiwitM. Ulrica D ANK.WAY, a .bort distauoe tb?? lhe Lehigh Valloy It. R. Dklflli Terms:' $l.0" jepAnnfim in Adnmcr svBnr'fiEsciu&ioj: or rttn ax fahc J ob Pointing AT VERY LOW PRICES. avium mm II. Y.4tonTniMnn, Propriotor. INDEPENDENT-- Live ana Let Live. $i.00 ri Year if jaid In Advance. VOL. IX., No 5. LEHIGHTON, CARBON CQUNTY, PA.j SATURDAY, DECEMBER 36, 1880. If not paid ifi advance, ' f "it 7 " "-"n i r - A. 1. Mos$ei5 Manufacturer ol ana Sealer In SM RAMES ABB HEMS, jiin and Sheet-Iron Ware anfl general House FniTiisliing Goofls. fcllori.-rri-'ntia 8powxiNci done at . riveVp.Vndoi RTOVE ORATHS and Ft UK JllrivHMvlHit couiUnlly on haud. JStore on SOUTH Street, ti fevf'doors above Bank BU, MlnlOUTONl Patronage solicited Sattstse'toh ifiiarantard. bct.s-ri ' a. i). muss Kit. j.VVIO EltHEUT'S Livery & Sale Stables bANlC aTaCET.LKUIOIITON, Pa rfAST TIIOTTING HOUSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES. Aad positively r.Ovnn THICKS than any otlier Livery In the Comity. Large and handsome Carilacea for Funeral burpososand Weudlnes. DAVID EBBKItT N.r. 22. H7J. Central Carriage Works, Bank St., Lcliigliton, Pa.J Are prepared to Manufacture ( Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, UTeyery description, In the most substantial manner, and at Jowest Cash Prices. Repairing Frbniptly Attended to. TREXLEK i: KREIDLEIt, Avtll It, sU jl Proprietors. e fTh undtrilKneil reipeetfully annonncit t ill numeroui (rlendi and the public Keneral )fs that httU now prepar'! to supply them With 'choice S110A.TS FKDM NEW JrtR. BEY, at the Lowest Market I'M cel. Yard til 4 Oflleeat Exchange Hotel, Tehitrhton, l'a. July 3i.mo DAN. UEX. Affcnt. E. F. LUCKENBACII, T wo X)octa Below the "iiroadway Uouse MAUOU CHUNK, PA. Healer in all Patterns ot Plain and Paher Wall Papers. Window Shades, Paint8.& Painters' Supplies, LOWEST 0A8II PKICfiS, iTOHN F. IIALBACn, Instructor of Music, (Piano,iOrgan Voice and Theory.) LEIIIOHTON, PA. Sole agent for the J, &' G. Fischer Piano ; And dealer In all kinds of Pianos and Organs. Terms low and easy, Slate, lumber, bricks, ete., taken In exchange. Sheet Music and books furnished ofl short notlee. For particulars, terms, tic, Address, JOHN F. II ALI1AOII, Aug. 2, JW-iT. Lchighton, Pa. "prlmo Homo Matlo ltrcad ! WI1V OO IIUNOUY1 WhenyoneanDureH pounds of lint Clam liread FIVE LOAVES FOH 23 CENTS I 3. W. O'NEACi, the popular Bread and Cake Maker, of Leinnlitmi. In order tomeet Hie wanta VI (up iimea, una jtoiiuro I oe J'nce OI U1S CeiO' brated Home Mado HUE AD u Five Loaves forTwenty-fivoCU. Cash. Sugar, Raisin. Cocoanat Scotch, Drop, Cream Teu Cents pur Doieri. Iiook Out for tlio Wagon! At afAUOII CHUNK, on TuesdAy, Tlrarsdar LElflu II TON and WEISaPORT.every Alter, noon except Friday. TERMS STRICTLY CASH 1 ritroiiaie .olleUed. J, W. O'NEAL. iunni ujtjmaiio first laiioD.i rjaac. rrll.yl Ilau ( M'cct, Lehlghtoti.ra. 5. .'aaL ? 1 'li ' CARDS. Hoot ami Shoe Sinker. OltntonDr.tnej, in Uran'i building. Dank street. Aflardtrlpromptlyjtlkd work warranted. Attorneys. JOIIN KLINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. . docs t Corner "8nso.aehtrina and Baeo, streets MAUcit'cnbN J K, TA. Jnly2i.1y J-OltN 0. HCItTOLETTE, ATTOnNET AND COUNSELLOR AT IjAW, Offlco i Room :, around Floor Mansion House i MATJC1I OHUNIt, PA. May bo consulted In German. inaH5-ly iff M. UAl'SIIfctt, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Daxx 8f aiiT',LimaBTO!f PA. Real EiUte and Collection Aeencv. WIUBuyand Bell Rt-al Eatate. Conveyancing .lastly done Col etlons promptly niad.. Rattling Eatates of D tdentsa specialty. lUvbeeonsult.d In English adUerman. Net. 22. eJAS It. STKUFIIEUH, ATTORN IT AT LAW, 93 Offlcel 2J fioor of Rhoad's Uall, llauehClinnk, Pa. All Imiln.x entrusted to him will be promptly it tended to. . MavJ7, ly. MEEHAX, . ATTUHNUY AT LAW, 2ni Dcor above MA GION HOUSE MAUfJiI CHUNK, Fikha. B-Oan tm ronaulted In flerman. JanO. Justices and Insurance. JL CONVEVANUEU, AND QF.NERAL INSURANCE AGENT t The f dlowioft Comp-inles are Hepreseiltedt L1CI1AN )N MU rUAL 1'IHE, ItCAIIIhO MUTUAL riltE, . woMIa,Ttltl. l-OTTsVlLM! FIRE, " I.HIIKHt 1 IRK. and tliaTTtAV ELEll-3 ACCIUUNT IJISUIIASUI). Alan r-nnalvonli and Motnal Ilorsn Thlcl Deteo'.tve anil In-muni e Cnmiiany. Marcna.is7i iuu3.nnjm. -gERNAKD PaiLLIPS, OonTV npiLCtKO, MAUOU OUUNKt, Ta. Fire Insurance Agent. - rOLl3IF.S In SAFE Compmlf a only, at Rensonablo Hates Auff.2J-yl THE KEVSTONT. MUTUAL KENT FIT ASSOCIATION, of Allcntown. rrof. A. It. Uonup, P.-cs't. V.'. A. IlAMLEB, Sec'y. I,ia ad Endowsiest Policies Issued. X L. Mir.LEII, Ulstrlctand Colleotlnsr Aij't, Oet. a.VO.ly PRnvviLtE, Pa. ALIIIM STOLIiE, Notary Public & Cdnveyanccr, Pire and Life Insurance Agent MAUOU OUUNIC, PA. 49- Iluslncsa transacted In Enirllili and German. AujC.Myl Physicians and Dentists. Q W. 110AVEU, M. D., (U.l'.,) OrricE: Opposite the Post Offlce, BANK STREET, LEUIUUTON, Pa. May bo consulted In cither the Knjllthor uerman Language. juiy -QK. CH.VS. I'll ARO, Veterinary Surgeon, Offich j Fr im 8 to 10 a. m Hours: i Prom 7 to 9 r. m. Uispases ot the Foot a epeculfy. Moy be con.ult'd lu En Itshi r German, Julj lT yl -jQR. W. A. CORTUIGI1T, BUItQEON DENTIST, Tenders his professional services to the lieo' pie of Mauch Cliunlc, Lchighton, Weissjiort' i'acucrion ana vicinity. OFFICE i Opposite the Broadway IIouso, BltOADWAY, JIAUC1I CHUNK, fa, Fresh Lauching Gas alvrayfl on hand. All work guaranteed satisfactory. nug2-yl "W. W. KEHEIE, M. !)., PARRYVILLE, Carbon Cootitv, Pa. urmitMl Residence,,. finm 7 a. w. to 10 a. in uuuhs) and rjiiomlol!) p. in ' Mav be consulted In the German LaiiKurgc r. O. Addreas-Lehtehton. mar. S3, tr "y A. DEUIIAMEH, M I)., l'UTSICIAM AXD8URGKON Special altrntlon pabt to Chronic Cl.eat.s. Onlee: South East corner Iron anJ 2n.l .t... I.. alihten.l'a. Aprils, 1875. JSJ" li. REIJER, M. I). V. 8 Kxamlnliir; Surgeon, PRAOTtCINO PHYSICIAN and SO COEON. Oxrici; xiauk Street, Hedeb's Ulock. Lrhieh ton. Pa. May oe consulted In tho Germ m Lauguago. Nov. 33, rir VOUTH AT"r MinniK-inr-n , uuiu you vv renort u n UUU.U 1 "end aumn and vnn will vet ad-1 Tien in nnaifin eovelop. Addrca., Frof. J,Y, EaA.N.OgdeneourgN.Y. Julyiryl RUPTURE '1 Lfl PKRTAI. 1 TtTTfcH lautiaLvm, vpnn, Vh. creates H ventlon of tbmi. nl see our nam. oniei. Kent ires, j'rot. J. Y. EUAN Or? ens bars'. N. Y, lolvm i F. A. LE11MANN. Sollnllnrnf lm..l... and Foreign Patents, Washington, D.O, All business connected with Patents, whether ba. iuib il. r-Aieiu uiuceor tue uourts, promptly attended to, Nuchargs made unless a patent Is secured. Send for circular, oclS-tr Ui n.Tn.t,e,l n.1"1" pir oi In 20 lnjnutes. It will also knit a great varl. ety ol fancy work lor which thr l .i.... . ready market. Send for circular and terms "r'llVY KNITTINUW lAOIIIME PATENTS J-V"U "If "'A. Solictor .!,.. .. oPateni,M7eventh8t. or noitn. Wasliln-ton D.c. ni leV reoiiViS opiee j-aient i. oinalnt 5eoi, lor clicular Hiving terms, etc Etbluhed 170. octTl.tr PTi'.'VSTn'Nra Tbeuaad ol14n lata law. nf Pnnm.. i i . . '. J -r ' w,7rau aw airsI , id ft, y lim ft- Claim Attoiwy. Ilex ax u'uh SK I 1 JU T INE. Be I1 lit a rotr-lor. As fleaaant an a gloss of Lemon do. ft rents each. All Drtlg Stores. L A X A T I N LaxAtlva I,otongrs for Ilccnlatlntr tin Itawels. PreVenta and Cure Constipation. R5 cents per box. All Drug Stores. Feou Elded, Thousom, Pastor of tho Clinrch of tho Disciples of Clirif,t,- Ditroit Mlch.k "lly non wus dangorously ill ani entirely prostrated from Chills hnd l'evcifj Qti Initio im .1 other medicines had boon tried without cifost. lir. Craia who lia I u?d Thormp.lino ruj n Tonlo, advisotl n trinl of it, which xrna dono, resulting in bis complete tocoTcry within r low days." cApsulets. Bafo and rellobln en ra tor Kidney Complaint, ami Dlfoiar n of the Urinary Organs, ltrcont or unronlc. Tucy will eure any recent cash In seven days. The word Docnta la on erory box. Prlco per box. with full directions, Capsnlets (email ftlzc) 7B eonts. Capanlea (lareo EjlclJl.r.O. AtnllDrunRtoroi. Malfedon receipt cl price by DUNOAS DICK & CO,j35 Wooate Street, Kow York. Circulars Croc; Instantly relieved, ly tto useofMacquccnfllattco Olutuicut,nndHgf9pMterBoverM opplications of it Sold by all Druggists, or mailed on receipt of EfSRJ by DDNDA3 DICK & CO., Aifg. fcgSg OiomisUi 35 Woosler Street, Kow l"ork. Cures Trlthont Medicine Simply Ttf Alisoriitlon. Tho Only Trno Malarial Antidote. Dr. ITolman cautlonatho publle niralnst eann. torfcltand Imitation "Pails," of all hinds. In. Cist Unoil tho kind bearlnirthnnhrjvn ltkAneaa r.nd proen prlvato rovenuo Btamp of Uolman Pod Co., Ne.w York. This la ntruo remedy without mcatcino. Its lame Is a houscholitvfordtlirounhoutthoworld. a do ctircii or jiiainrin, l'cvors, Chills, milouiincsfl, I.Ivor Complaint, V'liiuiiiu aiuimivct arii.i'iinfn, lb la pnlynecesaary to gctlhoaEiiUINEIloIraan'a Pa.t. It nover falls. llolman's Pad (genuine) Is cold byDrnirclsts. If In doubt nbout tho fronulncncaa of Pads ollcrpd, cnclosa $3 In registered letter to ua unu ruccivo me Temeay vy return mail, poat. paid, or write us for freo treatise. If aoverely cUlctcd with chronlo ailments, descrlbo aymp tonin lully. Dr. llolman's advico Is OBAT13. Address, HOI,ltlAN 1A1 CO., 3 William Street, Kow Torlt HAIR DYBIs Uin safest and best; acts Instan taneously, producing tho most natural shade of black orbronn;doos not stain tho eklnteaal ly applied. A standard preparation J favorite upon overy well ap. pointed toilet for lady or gentleman. Bold by all rirur.fli.ra nr-.t nr.. piled by all hair dressers. J, CRlSTADf.RO, 0',T YorK. "WILLSON'S (Norwegian) Is rctnlncil by tho Weakest StoniRCu. ) fVrco from IJiipleaaiaiit '1'ukto. Arrests Decay. Never rem itnnclil. It cures Vontumptlon, fierofuta. Asthma, JlroneAlfls, Emaciation, Gnuglit, Colds, llenv orrhages and all luiifaudconalitiiHolialoom ylalnti. i Asa Monif Purflerthe Catholated Oil la rc- rnirtumy eiucicut. itsusoluscrotuiousAnecuooa, ltuenmatisui, &c, is etrongiy recommended, its rurltylng power is wonderful in Cousumptlonds- pendmK.uaitfrequciitlydoes.upourcrofulous taint, It acta UDOn thu ratlomil thpnrvnf lUHEnnntr AiutESTisa Dccat while it Builds ur tub in. tem, enabling It to throw off tho disease. Sold only In wedce-ehaned bottles. WHIson Is rpellcdwlth a doable "L." Remember the word CAnaoLATEn" In ordcrlnR froinyour druggist, and. lnslit on having the right kind. . a OJIia,Cnil!ICiLe0.ltI.7, BUOHAN'S CARBOLIC BALM OINTMENT lairm Tinat. SaWn In fVn WerlS. irauo juara. Qniok and Startling; Cares, It' Heals 'Without a Soar. AUays Pain & Stops DUodlagt Soothes a Burn or Soald. Hoals a Cat Iilliej Maglo. 2rriX7sPolaouout of aWdtmtti BUCHANS' CARBOLIC BALI OINTMENT CONTAINS NO GREASE AND XVASHE3 OFF WITHOUT SOAP. ads Iixslnnthj end like Marjie. Ton Gait Itheum, Soro Throat, Ulcers, Tlurns, Scaltla, Cuts, IVuandi, lJilea, Sore Kyea, I'otsououa Stings nuil lilies, Uarbera ItcTrrAAliappetl IXuntls, Serofu lous Sorea,and any and every other purpose for which ft Balro or Ointment cai bo used. II ti c'lan's Carbolio Dnlm Ointment la the t-nly preparauou lhatoan always borillod upon. 1.1s a beautiful Jelly-colored article, aold In glass bottleo with the abovo "trade-mark," without which nonal cennlno. B-otolt that your drns. clat glvea you liccuAM'e, ss above described, Clr. ru'ars sent free on application to the Jiiauiao. turcrs, GUIJ.TIP III ANI'FACTDIIING CO. Raven Indellible Ink. M (l 13 1 Best in the world j black aa the IAJ fl JJ ' IllHllfV ravens'. u ini: flows Dcrfcctlv 1IU11 VnilU does not spread or run; alwa-sUlPL lUufl teady, no preparation needed: llHOl ULUIHfcS: will not In lure unv fabric, i cid dv an iruErcrsu tiooz- l sciiuaji 3 osa ouu iiRAirn is vi:Arni! Dr r.. C. 1vest. kuve and liaiiN Tkeat' MENT.a peluc lor Uysterta. Dlszlneae, Con vulslnns, Wirvoua Headache. Mental Ueprea' tdou.Lossof Momorv. biteitnaioirhcDa, Iiono tency, JuTolnntarr Emlanioua, Pre ma tare Old Ape, cause! by oyer exitlon, self abuse, or over-induigenco, which leatie to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent casta, hach box con Wins one mouth' treatment. One doliar a box. or six boxes lot five dolls rs ( sent by mail piepaUi on receipt tut price. We tnmr auteo six boxea to cure any cate With each nider lecetvitl h us for fix boxes, acrompau. lea with Uvedollsts. wo 4111 send thepaiclias erour wrliteu Kuaranteti loreturu tho inoner If tliotreatmeusdora uoleilYtftacura. (Jaar snteslesaedouly ihen the treatment isortUr edlroinouraicriit'i. JOX1N O W138T A CO., Sole proprietors. 1SI A iS W. Madisnn fcitrcet, rhloaao.lll. A. J. PU11UNO. cent, Lthigh- SMITH KLINK & CO., rhlladoilna. Whole Ml e a rents, sept. 19,'ft-ily A IPF tn Toarown town. ti.co V"".?iut n uiiatH i wbJtli persons itf tlm tbsy wftrE wnu f BartKiar in U. fetax eon laake ansti tviv all ih HOLliAFS PAD Railroad Giitde. V plIIliA. &. IlICAUlatJ IlAllllOAO. Arrangement of I'aiscbgcr Ttaltn. NOVEMBER 15Tn. 1880, Trains leave ALLBNTO ffs as tillowsl- (VIA TEnKlOUIN EAlLUOAll), For Philadelphia, at -4:1), MS,' 1 1.40. a.m., and 8.1 p. mi ' - SUNDAYS. For Philadelphia at 4.JO a. m..S,JS v.ta. IV1A EAST ITXNA. nnAKCU.) For Reading ami llarruuuitr, eaj, o.lja 12.10. 4.30 and soap. m. For Lancaster and Columbia, 0 as, S.JOa.tu. and 4.10 p.m. SUNDAYS. For ItedilinK, Uarrlsburg, and way points, 9.09 u. m. (VtA BKIllLOIIEll.) For Philadelphia from L V. Depot 4.44. e.li 9.17,a. tit ,ti"2,S.S3,$.2i p. m. Sunuay 4.t5 p.m. For Philadelphia iroin L. & t). Deput I2.C4,, 8.23. 54 p. m. . T ruins FOR A LLENTOWN leavo Its follows: (VIA l'URKIOMKN IIAILUOAO.) Leave Philadelphia, 7.40 a. in. and 1.09, M.10 jnc.15p. m. SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, S.on a. m., i 1C and tli' p. m. (VIA EAST TESSA. BUASCn. 1 Leavo Reading 8.O0. 10.30a. m., 2.10, l.SVnddlS p.m. ' Leavu ITarilsburg 5 i',, 8.(5 and 0.50, a. m.,1.45 and 4.00 p. in. Leave Lancaster, 8.0 a. m 1.C5 and 3.60p,tn, Leave Columbia 7.53 a. m.. 1.10 and Mo p, m. SUNDAYS. Leavo Reading, f.oo a.m. i Leave llarrinlmi u. I'.OO a.m. IVIA HeTiiLguem.) Leavo PbllodolDhla 0 43, 0OO, 0.13, 2.10, 4.13 S.ocp. m. sundav 0.3J a. m., Si0 u, m. Trains mat keu thus t) run to and (rom depot oth and Urceu streets: l'hlladeijihla ntner trains to run" trom Rroadatreetdepct. Tialna Via Rethlehem" run to and from Perls St., Depot, except those marked () 1 no 4. and 0.45 a.ni tiulnslrom AUentovn and the "1.30 and 5.15 p.m. train frum l'lilla delphla, bovo through cars to and trom Phlla delphta. J. E. WOOTTEN, Gtnerat Mtnaatr, CO HANCOCK. Cen't ni.& Ttcktt AvtM.) may 15: .VinS. LYD1A E. PifiKHAfvl. OF LYNN. MASS. siscovcREn or LYDBA E. PiNKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. The Poiltlvo Cnre For all Female Complaints. This preparation, as Us name stgnlnct, coneista of Tegetaijlo rroicrUes tuat aro LarmlCEa to the most del icate Invalid. Upon one trtaltho iacrlta of thl Com pound will be recognized, as relief Is immediate i and when its use b continued, In ninctr-nlne caaca In a hun. drcd, a jKiTniviiont cmro la elf cctodia thouianda wlli lc& tlfjr. On Account otltdproTonmerlts,ltL)to-dftr commended and prescribed by the best physicians la , tho country. I It will cure entirely the worst form of falloff of the uterus, Xxucorrhcea, Irregular and painful Uenstraatlon.allOrarlAnTreublcs, Inflammation and UlcersvUon,HocxllniaUI)bpIacements aM tht 6on kMfjuent srlnal weakness, and Is especially adapted to the Chance of Ltf o, HwUldlsaolvo and expel tumors fromthebtcruilnancarly stafe of development. The tendency to cancerous humors there U checked very speedily by Its use. In fact It has prored to to the (Treats est and best remedy that has ercr been discovert ed. It pernieatea every portloU of the system, and clvei new life and rl jor. It removes falntncss,flAtulancy, do- t stroys all c ravin g for stimulants, and re: levee weakness of tho stomach I It cures Bloatlntr, Headaches, NcTYmu iVoef ration. General Debility, Elccplcasccca, Pcrrcs&lon and In-t-1 crcstlon. That fccllngf of bcarlnar down, cauolnsf p&inv weight and backache, 1b always permanently cumUy' Its use. ltwlllataUtlmcs,andundcraU clrcumston cett, aet In harmony with tho law that governs the female system. t For Kidney Complaints of either sex this compound Is unsurpassed, i Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound, . ,A , lapreparodatmandcstvestera Arrnue, tynn, Mmh, Price 1.00. Six bottles for 83.00. Kent hT mall In tW fonaofpllla,alsolntholonn ofLoacncea, on receipt' of price, $1.00, per box, for either. Mrs. FIN1CIIAm , freely answers all lcttera of Inquirer. Bend for pwa- phlet. Addrasa aa above Mention this vavtft I No family should!) without LYDIA W riKKILUP LTVTn PILLS. They cure Coartlpatlon, EUloujnMa, and Torpidity of the liver. 23 cents per box. I JOHNSTON, H0LL0WAY & CO.,nen cral Agent., Phlla., Pa. Sold by A. J. Uur. ling, Lchighton, Pa. . Juno 12, 1SS0 ly. A Valuable Book Free "A Trer tlm on Chronic Difeacs," ombracins; Cstarrb, Throat Luupi, 1 It-Art, Stomtich.Llver, Klduejs, L'rtnaiv uud remalo lleeaeesi lo, IM3 sent five to any address. Kvery euffeter frcm thrift dlseaftain cuu ob cured. Seiidlorthts book to thu undelaned a phtatcUn ot latgi pxperlencp, efflnrRert by huiulretls of le-tdlng cliiEtiiawho leetliv to fits skill, end stamp to puv vostacn to K. jLlvlnpston, Superior Ht.. Toledo. Ohio. tprS-yl rpilE SLATIMiTOS PLANING MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATISOTOX. JOHN BALLIET, Protor., Seals In all klnd and hires of rme, ilrmlnck Ouk uud HaiJ Wooo Lumber, and Uuowpie pared to execute uuy araouut of ortlere for DrcsscB Lumbcll OF ALU KINDS. Poor, Sashes, Minds,- Sliuttctv, Mouldings, Cabinet Ware, &c, With Promptness. Brackets Made to Order. The Machinery It all unwind of the beat aud most Improved kinds, I employ none but th beat workmen, use well seaaooed andsroodnia terlsl, and am thei eforo able to aniaranteo entire aatiiifactlon to all who way favor me with a call. Orders or mail inompiiy attended to. Mr charges are moderate t terms cauh, ot Interest charged alter thirty days. QlVli MA CAt-L. C7 Those cnrsned in Ilmlding will find U t I heir advontago to have hldtoff, floor llosrds Doors, bashes, butters, &c, $r inedeatthl l'sctorr. Mayt JOHN UAIXIET, BEST bnslnesa now betore the pablic You tan roaka moaev faster at work for ua than at anything i.h. ramt.l noi reSntred. We will start yon. lis a day and upwaioa mails at borne br the Indostrvms. Men. women, boys aail girls wanted everywhere to tyork tor a. Now u the time. You can nevotO your whole time to tbe work, or onlr your snare momenta. No other busiuess 111 pay ou nea'ly aawrll, No uue willing to work can tall to make enor. moua par bv engaging at once. L'patly Ontnl aad teras free. A sreat cpiortnnuy formes. Inr money usllr and hooor.bly. Addre-a TfltUB & io.. Asgusta jnne'.Hy CIIUIST.-HAS siifttl. Uhce again, O blcised time; Thankful hearts embrace telle If we lost thy festal ehlttle. What could o're replace thee 1 Change will darken many a day Many a bond dissever) Many a Joy shall pass away, " But the " Groat -Joy" neverl Once again tho Holy Night Ilrcatlies. its blesstna; tender Once again the Manger LlgUt Sheds Its gentlo splendor; O could tongues by Angels, taught Speak'tJur'exultatlon In the Vlfgln'a Ohlld'that brought All mankind Salvation I Welcome Thou to souls athlnt, Ffalint of endless pleasure) Oates of Hell may do their worst, While we Clasp our Treasure ! Welcome, though an age'llke this Puts Thy Name on trial, ' And the Truth that makes oar biles Pleads against denial. Tea, Hotbets' stand rfpart, We will press the nearer f Yea, O best fraternal Heart, AVe' will hold Thee dearer) Faithful lips shall answer thns To all faithless scorning: "Jesus Christ Is Clod with us, Bom bh Christmas morning." So we yield Thee all we can Worship, thanks and blesstttt) Thee trne Ood and thee true Mas Oh our knees centetitng ; While Thy Birthday morn wo greet With onr best dovotlon, Bathe us, O most trno and sweet, In Thy Mercy's ocean t Tiloli that once, 'mid stable cold, Wast In babe-clothea. Ill1g Thou whose Altar tails enfold Power and tlfe undying Thou whose Love bestows a worth On each poor endeavor Have Thou JoV or this Thy Birth In our praise for ever. From Frank Leslie's Chimney Corner. TteMoitaiii CMstinas M ST WALTER XDOAR MCCASlt, ooftfc'LubKp raoii last wgkic.j Tom, vrith a. 'liold on a minute, can't ou.J." hastened to answer,-nnd, to his eur rise, in came a group of men, headed by poulro Ertell, who 'HVed ilortrl by Oltcr 6hU noadSililB piogistrate and most pitminent politician of tjiat,poclion. The rJrty,had been riding hard and fast, and hfd that indescribable look about them wjiich means business of importance. - lEwcll, crossing to Foster, euid in that rich, tep voice, sd well known, at.publlo meet ings thereabout! I "Tom, my mission j here this' Christmas 6iornlpg is anything bill pleasant. Sfollio Williams has be'eft' fodnd ' murdered at the Otter Cross itoiltls," ' ( Foe(er atld hi wife uttered a cry sllntllU iously. ito sank into a chult ae if be bad bred shot, , ."Hid you not have well) all assignation With her last hlglitf" said Ewcl. "I swear to Ood I did not see. her last night I buI) Tom, bringing his fist down upon the Cablo. A,.sound came from his wife, drowncd in tho clatter of the dish'c'8. "I can pror (hat I eat up with Dick Doylo." "Ilcrtf comes j trial you did not go to tho rtdncclairiummer's? Your wife Was Ihere but strange to aay, aloHs'." "My wife was not thefe", Bcjiiire; ahd I as sure you thatyou aro just asfar wfnng about my having been With Wollio Willlaina.1' And he tamed' with a pallid Sritile lil Mattie. But a ghost could not have startled him more than Ibe sight ot his wife's whlto face. Eweli was an educated man and a man of feeling. The scene distressed him: bat, of course, about duty thcro could.be no tJesita Hon. "Tom, In a case like this t don't, wish to placo any niflS at a disadvantage, even in the face of the dreadful evidence already accumulated. But tfc carl show that you had an assignation with Mollio 'Williams last night by means of the man who brought you tiip note, lou were not at Doyle's till eleven o'clock) you were not-at rinmmer's ball with ;rour wife; and yon were not at home when she returned, as we can prove by Joe 'Williams, )tho accompanied her. The chain is complete except a single link we need a witness to show beyond doubt that you were with Mollis Williams at the appointed time between nine o'clock and .ten." It was exactly between these hours that Slottie, froft her Concealment, bad seen her Jhnsband enter the dead woman's houso by the window. Appalled, as the; realized this iiigiuiui'iruiu, sue luimeti. The miserable husband was mercifully taken away before she revived, and th nearest neighbors being sent for, the cabin ind its stricken mistress were lefl in their charge. So, on the bright and keen Christmas morning, with the sun shining cm the snow, the parly wound down the mountain, witlf Tom Foster, pale and haggard, in their tnidil) and at every cabin door stood a fjfent ana awe-struck group to loog upon the mur derer, so well known to them all. And as (bat Christmas nighiclosej in, the wretched man, with mcnacles on his limbs, lsy a prisoner itr the strong room of the county jail. He was stunned, not so much by his ar rtst and fne dreadful charge againH hm as b. the revelationn regard to his wife, that, contrary to hia express prohibition, she had taken advantage of his absence and visitect the Christmas Eve dance at Hammer's, and tad' returned home with tbe man he dread ed and disliked most on earth tbe outlaw, Joe Williams. Malt's haddeceived him, and he, had caught Ler in tbe falsehood at the moment after it bad lea her Dps, never, a, he had thought, polluted by one before. The munlei1 of Mollie Williams created we need' scarcely say, a great sensation In tbe mountains, where, although lawlessness wis prevalent enough,!! rare! took a graver form than 'moonsblnlng," fights and tipsy practical Jokes. The trial In March, when the court would sit, was, therefore looked forward to with Impatience. Meanwhile Tom Foster, lay, without a friend on eailh, n Ibe county prison. As day ly day passed the miserable man found (bat bis wife had deserted him had, in fad, fled from tbe cabin on Christmas night:, aud had not been teen or beard of since. Betrayed thus. by the onjy person on' whom he had a right to relv- for sympathy End comfort, he quite broke down, and for some time would not even see counsel) but declared his intention of making Ho defence and of going (0 a disgraceful death without regret. However, Urao cilafiged hit mind, es It usually docs.and after a wbllo it was known that two eminent lawyers were busy with his caaeyind tolerably hopeful) ahdsolnduo bourse cam the first Monday in March and the Honorable,. Jamca Armstrong to hold dolliU 'ili'i Iflal is well remembered and still talked of. An immense crolrd was on tho villago green in fro lit bf the court-house, some arriving on horsebockrsomeinyehlclcs of every imaginable), kind since tbe time of Noah, and some on foot, after walking many a weary mile) and the judge having mounted tbe bench and a iurv belhzlbubd. amid a wedged and breathless multitude, the dreadful business began. Deliberately and awfully the case for tbe State was developed, Tom Foster, pale and ill, leaned back In his chair, watching the proceedings, never moving or sneaking ex cept when addressed IK n whisper Uy his counsel. The first witness called to tho stand was old Sam Whitehead; who. distinctly and clearly told his story of carrying the mall up the mountain on Christmas Ere) of being stopped at Brandy Forks by the murdered woman, who gave him a dolldf, arid a iio!e to be taken to Foster and delivered to blm personally, with a particular caution that Mrs. Foster should not bo allowed to see it, or suspect Its cxljtehbe. I was curus," proceeded Whitehead. "She looked so queer and was so deep in earnest, that my mind was troubled. I knowed she was not the best woman la the world ; folks talked about her) and tho end was, I tore the nolo open end read it. The note appointed a meeting for that night,aud said if be failed to come he would be sorry for it to the latest-hour of his life'" There was a general moremeut of surprise at the latter partf this testimony, and even the judge glauce'd toward tbe defense, ex pecting them to object to the admission of the contents of tho note at second-hand. But on the contrary the note itself was pro duced by them and handed Over for identi fication, and fully1 recognized. Tho hour named for the assignation was between nine and ten, o'clock, and tbe placo Otter's Cross Roads; In the neighborhood of which Mrs.' llliams' body was afterward found. Clement Bcotl, a darkey, was next called and testified to having passed Tom Foster In the defile leading to Pltimmer's store about eight o'clock or. tho evening of the murder. Mr. Foster was ridiV at a gallop, tDe snow was deep and hnrd. I don' aarry no watch, but I gin'rally kin tell de time. I tells it by the sun dooTin' the day; I don't knoiV how I tells it at night.' fcjev'erol,'witposses showed that Foster was not present at any time during the night at the dance which took place at Plutnmer's stole) - His wife was there for a short period( but was seen to leave, followed by Joe Wil liams', who was supposed to have nccorapani- :u uer.uome. The prisoner was visibly affected at this point, and called for a glass of water which ; hef drank with a feverish gulp, Tbe weather was sultry, as it someufaes ism tho South early in March, and the judgo ordered the windows to be raised, re- marking upon the mephilic vapors of the room. Ths tiext witness was Mrs'. Richard Doylo, who took tho stand in palpable distress. She testified that torn Foster had eat up with be? husband, orl Christmas E70 that h!a manner vras about es usual, maybe a little quiet; the could never forget his kiridnc&s to her husband, and appeared to-day against her will. Foster was Incapable of the crime he was charge with, as gentlo a creature as ciwr breathed; and the poor lady pried dol orously (.wiping1 her eyes'ou her.calico apron, 'Then iu a grim way canYd the question, "At what tm, as well as you remember, did the prisoner arrive at your houso on tho flight of the murder?" Mrs. Doyle cried harder than ever, and would not answer until sharply spoken to by the judge, and then she BJfd : "Five minutes to twelve o'clock.', How could ebd fix' '.ho hour so exactly? She boo-booed hysterically for a while, and being pressed, answered thalsho was just In the act of winding the clock When he rapped at tbe door, It was now four o'clock, and here the case rested for the day. Judge Armstrong made a few remarks to tbe jury, among other things said that on the next day they would, if necessary, have twp sessions, On tbe second day testimony was brought In to show the finding of the body about an -hour before daylight on Christmas morning. A boy had been the first to see It and give tho aihtrm ; ho had got up early to look for hia father s horse that had thrown the ol j man on the way back from P!uinincr'edanre The doctor was next called, and In half a dozen learned sentences described the nature of tbe wounds. Mrs. Williams had been dead for an hour, aud be could not be moro exact tweite bears, for all he could say to the contrary ; it watt a mere couectiire, and he deelined to express an opinion positively, It ifaa a bitterly cold night and tbe Corp) was frozen bard. "lie was cross-cxaminerl very' closely' id sharply, and left the stand ifitlfa' red face and very much buffed. And now came the defciisS! Intense curiosity was manifested as to the line to be adopted, and when old Farquhar Randolph, with hit white hair and aritto- crttlc faregot Op, am! ndvanced with hit gouty limp to (he table and leaning on bit chalky knuckles, talc?, in hfifrtAnant tones': "Your Honor, and Gentlemen' c-Tthe Jury," in that vast throng there was not one who drew breath. The points were that the murder had taken place at the Cross Roads between nine and ten o'clock on Christmas Eve; that Mrs. Williams had been seen there about that time, but that Tom Foster had never kept bit appointment with her. A man bad, Indeed, been with her, but it was not her it Wat Job Williams, her husband, on the verge of ddiVitm trcmMt and wild with jealousy, and so on. But before the dose of tbe old lawyer's first period, the crowd saw the weakness of hit case. "Why hat not Joe Williamt been caUel to tb. stand to-day 1" he thundered. "lie cannot be found, and I am cot surprised." But all this made no impression, and he turned to the only qUiVte where lay a par ticle of hope tbe feelings" 6f the Jufjr and ended by asking to b alVotfcd to place the Julsoner hlmsolf upon tho stand, not under oath, but simply to relate the events of that memorable night, aud his own share in them. , It was a bold device, for by Iho law there the criminal may dot testify in his own de fense. As Mr. Randolph mado the appeal, the tears welled to , bis eyes, and he was LnoWn lo bb a matt little used to that kind of weakness, and (00 proud to feign it. "Gentlemen; don't hang sii innocent man without a eiianco. lie is here alone and at jrbili'incrcy even HI wife hasdeserted him I proifTise Hint ho will tell yoli ri startling story. I don't nsltyod io consider it In your verdict; but let MuLtpdtti lo set himself right beloro his fellobeings. I have been forty years at tho bat-; and never before had a case like this." A subdued conitiltatlon. followed. Si- Governor Dudley; tho j&ose'ctf tot,' had o talk with the judge, who was known to be a just man but conservative; tbe foreman of the Jury wat spoken' to. Old Randolph sturdi ly held to his point, tho forlorn hope, and at last, to the general relief, Dudley was seen to throw out his hands, shrug his shoulders and stroll to Ills' tiliflli. Mr. Randolph, wltH a glorious amlle.nnd a profound sigh, as if a mountain had been lifted from his heart, saidt "Foster go upon the stand. Wo will not swear you, but you may relate your story." It was Indeed a sensational arid dramatic rial. It was afterward said -that nothing but Foster's Helpless condition, and hlsdd- sertion" by his wife, procured him the start ling privilege how reluctantly accorded. tale as death, and with tile ntatiacles on his limbs, the wretched' Man was assisted lo th,e,stand, and, amid the profound stillness, he said : "Gentlemen, the murdered woman was my true and lawful wife.!' A coughing and shuffling effect followed, and tho crier's shout of s "Order I Order there 1" "Wo were tharrle'd years ago, when we were little trtore than boy and girl," Foster went on. "One Sunday aftornnon we went twenty miles to a revival at Silver Spring. Mollie Croxton was u wild girl, and, Some how, we were both reckless that day, and, tor devilment, I proposed that wo should get the preacher to marry Us, and keep it a se cret The notion pleased her, and euro enough, after tho service was over, and the preacher was getting ready to go Home w'ith some of the congregation to suppe'i-, I calle'd mm asiae ana gave mm lira .dollars to make mo and Mollie man anri'tvife'. "He, pcorinan, thought It Was all right, and, besnglad. enough to mako'tho money, had is ujjjttm and pronounced the wonlslniniJurJligother : and from that Sunday ' ejt$ato this minute, he has never seen uTnor we him. "Well, going homo, the unfortunate girl and I both began lo realize what wo'had lone. We wereboth afraid of our folks,and, after a short talk together, we made a mu tual promise to forever keep our secret. Time wore"on,and no one found It out, and I pevor felt any. difference till' I fell In love with Mattle Vickers; and it was Just about tho same time' (hat Joo Willlittrrs be gan to court Mollie Croxton although 1 didn't know It then. "Gentlemen, I was as deep in. late as a man can bo, and for, the first tltne'Lrealizcd tho predicament I vas in. I wanted to marry Mattie,- tfrid h'sd'her folks' consent, and yet could not do it without committing a crime1. 1 know that Mollie Croxton was a girl that would not hesitato at anything, and I could not tell how she would act, and 1 was even afraid to tee her and mention the subject. Still, I was Impatient,' a'nd I wrote her a letter. " That wat my ruin. She sent word back that she wished to have a talk with' rWe, went at once and sho told m'e that eho was just as anxious to, marry Joe Wlllia'm'a as I was to marry Mattie Vickers ; and then and there we made a fresh agreement to cafry both our wishes out, and neither to in any way to interfere wfth the other. But all the while sho had the letter of mine, which I never thought or, but it has hung over me ever since and kept me in her power. "Oit Christinas Hve I received her note, making the appoln'tmetltind I was to have seen her for the last time. 1 believe she was going to take the stage at Otter's, and so get to the railroad, and leave this part of the world forever. Her husband had treated her cruelly, gentlemen; and you all know that he was a bad man. "'Well, that night as I passed her house at Brandy Fork; between nine and ten, -I saw Micro was no light in the window, ft Hashed across m'e that here was a chance I might tieiet hivo again to get possession of the letter, which had cost me so much peace of mind, Sho always kepi ft hid In her room. -So I entered by the window, and made a search where I tb'cnVfit it was like ly to be, and at last found it and burned it with a match that very minute. " I was free now, and, with a light heart leaped from the Window, and git on my horse, and sot off for Dick Doyle's, I had promised his wife in the morning to tit up with hi in, but had forgotten about It till It became nceccmry to make some excuse for my going or.t thnt night, after 8am White head brought mo tho note from. Mrs. Wil liams. ' I arrived at Mrs. Doyle's nbout mid night, just as sho was w'in'Jing the rlnckind from the hour of my leaving home to tfial.I had neither seen nor spoken, with tbo un fortuuato creature of whose death I am ac cused." He bowed hunrldy to court and jury, and turned, and was about' to' hobble doWu from the stand, At that instant there rang through the room the piercing cry of " Tom 1" It thrill ed every one, and people looked at each other with awe-stricken faces. Suddenly a great movement and confu sion followed, ' The judge was seen to rise and rap sternly on his desk, looking an xiously across tbo bobbing head's, and sharp and angry rose ths crier's shout of "Silence." Jurymen and lawyers stood on their feet, hustling and excited re morrstancea folio wed,.' and In a moment more lhat cloeely'-packed throng managed somehotf lo divldb'and al low a woman to puts between them, who,' entering the railing, went with a swift rush tb Tom' Foeter, and1 threw herself oh bis" breast. She had lifted her coarse green vail, an'd they saw it was Mattie. Order was restored. An excited conver sation went on wjlhjn the bar ; but, though ths people outside craned their seeks aud listened, nothing could be made out, arid at' length" In a louder tone Mr. Randolph call ed hit first witness". This was a man' named Dalh, who lived at the Cross Roads". He swore positively that ho had seen Mrs. Williams about nine o'clock: on Christmas' Eve crossfn'g the field near bis cabinccom panted by a InBn, whom he recognized la the moonlight as ber reputed hnsbsnd, Joe. Dudley cross-examined Ititn closely I but h'is sUlemrlt wria lltUllalcnn. and Im tr.l .1. lowed to go gown. Then Mattie took his place,thn and pale, but confident: and, with a "voice trembling a little, sho told her story, alreidy familiar' with the reader. - Desciiblng, among the rest, tbo visit of the magistrate next rdqrrilrl-t the accusation and the nfrest, s'tie said j " Mr. Ewell't words nera these, never t be forgottep while I Hve)'Tie chain It complete except a tingle link. We need o witness to ahpw bcyona doubt that you,Tom Fostcr.were frith' rfollle "Williams at theap. pointcd time between nlneo'clock and ten., I realized, as I then msglned, my frightful situation.' It was I who could supply tho very evidence required, and I fainted. That nielit I ued.and have been livlne- concealed at Truxton until tb,e beginning of this trial. I have been In court yesterday and to-day. This morning I saw fir tho first time that my evidence, which I had supposed would be the destruction of my husband, might bo his safety; and when ho had told hit story I could restrain myself no longer. This closed the case. It was now dark,- and candles had been brought In. Governor Dulsy made a short speech, fol lowed by old Mr. Randolph with one not much longer) arid then.by candle littht.tho Judge read h'is notes and charged. TUc charge, it was- felt, was dead against the prisoner, although strictly upon evi dence. Tom's story was, of course, thrown out. And so the case went to the juonot IbeV retired,. A great silence followed, no one leaving the room.hot as It was; but, with pale faces and hearts thrilled with the suspense, ths penplo watched the man whose fate now bung between lifo and death. Turn, holding Mattie's hand, convened with his counsel) Dudley read a newspaper. and Judge Armstrong ate some lunch.whlch, had been brought to him, upon the bench, and thus about twenty minutes passed. Then there was a sudden shuffling and murmur, tho door of the jury-room Opened, and .the gcntlemencanie stumbling in, Astern cry of " Silence f followed, an awful stillness,, and the announcement be ing made that a verdict had been found, ther prisoner wat ordered to stand up. " Not guilty I" A great shout rang out; tho worrfSh In" the room laughed and cried together ; the mountaineers threw up their wool hats and coon-skin caps ; and above all the din waa heart! the voice of tbe old nlgger,Clera Scott, who stood In a corner, rocking himself to aud fro in " meetin" style, and singing; Praised6good Lordl liaise your voices, friends I Do good time Is come. Glory 1" I regret tor Add that, about a minute af terward, poor Clem, whoso demonstration! had caught tbe eye of tho Court, was. seised by a bailiff nnd Igrfominiously ejectod.frorat tho ro'oirf. So Tom Foster Was a free man again overy member of the jury feeling that ho was innocent, evidence Itself being nothing against an intutlon. And that very sight be again went through the ceremony of rdarrlage' with Mattie. The fato of Joe Williams no one ever knew; but it was he, beyond doubt, who" bad com'miUed that dreadful crime on" Christmas.Bve. Accompanied by his wifend attended by his friends, -Ton) returned to hlj cabin on' the hillside ; atld with the cheers' of the' mountaineers still f inging In the oJr,we close? A "SlLTXHEIt IIOUSK." The blacksmith shops at the head of Gris wold street had ecarcelyopened their donrl tho other morning when a colored man ap peared at one of them leading an equina' which' slid and walked and he bbled by turns on the slippery snow. If horses ever lire over a hundred years this one had passed' that figure. Ills hair was long, one eye was . closed and he had so many limps that it seemed useless to look for a sound1 leg, " What I want to know," began the own er after he had liken four turns around a hitching pfeii with the inch rope used as a halter, " am1 about what 11 will cost to shoe dis host." " Two dollars," was the prompt reply. " For de Zand's sake 1 but has Iron rli up to dat pitch I I'll havo to dwell on dat for few mlnits." He dwelt. Ho walked around his steed, looked him over carefully, s'nd then said to the smith i " Now see hyan If you war" me wouldn't you soft cr" Weep dYs bra'stVurasunimerhos;,' an' do yourwinterhaulln'onahand-aledr' I would," " Daft what I war' finkin' 'bout, I guru' I save him oyer tilf A'pril and call myself a boss frew de winter. Seems like 'strava ganco to get butes fur me 'an shoes fur hint alf to once. Hold up dar', Phllandor nontt ' o'your puRln' up hcetchm'-posti round' yeret" Detroit J"WJVf. liolli DUan'uoInUd. Saturday' nlgMjust before midnight a policeman in Detroit, says the Free Prtxt, overhauled a colored man who was carrj ing a crock on bit shoulder, and asked hlat what he had and w'htfe ho got it. "Ize cav'yin' home a little Injun meal fur hoe-cakes, an' I bought it down' town," wst the reply. "Itrae eee whether it is coarse or fine meal," said the officer as he blocked tbe way. There was no help for iMnd' the jar cam. down. Th, cfiicer tore the paper cover and pushed his finger1 down' Into a greasy roast. "It's lard I" be ex'clatmed, at he held them up to his nose. " Lardt" echoed the other as he bent on r the crock "1 fought It was bulUfalld. time." He hadYifted it from tome grocry.andis now In the clutches of tb. law to be punish ed. The rjad that leads to destruction it lb roauljofall ?rl,U . -.The baker is always willing U vW whea'h. kneads bread;'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers