WI9ertising Rates. Wo dosire It to bo distinctly understood hat no advertisements wilt bo Inserted in li columns of The Cabdox Advocate that may bo received from unknown parties or firms unless accompanied by tho oAsn. The following aro our oslY terms! 'oSE 8QUARK (10 USES), One ycar,each Insertion...... lOcts. 6ix months, each Insertion... lacts. Threo months, each Insertion 20 eta. Less tbarfthrco months, first insertion $1 1 each subsequent insertion 25 cts. Local notices 10 cents rr lino. II. V. MORTHIMER, Publisher. M anutacturcr of and Sealer In STOVES, RAHGES AND HEATERS, Tin ana Sheet-Iron Ware and General House Ftiraisning Goods. V ttOOFIlVn nnil Sl'OUTINfi dono at short notice and at Lowest Cash Trices. I am the anlhnrizpa agent for ttio Bale ol the loilowinit first-class srovus- THI5 SILVEIl & GOLD MEDAL COOK, TUB LIGHTHOUSE COOK. TUB MAYFLOWER RANGE, THE SUNSHINE RANGE and Tho NEW ANCHOR HEATER, and am Selling tbeni VER V CIIEA P tor Cash. P verv kind of KTOviTonATF.S and FIRE BRICKS kept constantly on baud. Store on SOUTH Street, A'few doors sbovo Bank St., LEUiaHTON. ratronnce solicited Satlstsciton gnarnntred. Oct.S-rl A. D.110SSER. Central Carriage Works, Bank St., Lcliiglilon, Pa., Aro prepared to manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, Of every description, In tlio most substantial manner, and at Lowest Cash l'rlccs. Repairing Promptly Attended to. TREXLER & KREIDLER, April 26, 1S78 yl Proprietors. c AUBUN ADVOCATE JOB PRINTING OFFICE, LEIIIOHTON, TA. JTvery description of Fnntlng, from a Visiting Card to a Poster; CARDS. 11 J 1,1, HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS, PUOUltAMMES, POSTERS, HANDBILLS. w DODDERS. CIRCULARS, SHIPPING TAOS, KNVELOPES, PAMPHLETS. ny.tAws. ac. Ac. Done In I lie best manner, at very Loir est Prices. We a-o prepared to do work nt ns. cheap rates ftsmiV ollire initio state t.iat coals honestly with Its customers. OUR MOTTO IS Choap, Prompt & Reliable. reorders by ornall rcclve prompt attention. JOHN ?. IIALUACII, Instructor of Music, (Piano, Organ, Voice nnd Theory.) LEIIIGIITON, PA. OPINIONS OK THE PRESS. Ills pupils speak liluhly of his ability as a tvuclier. Allrntown Chronicle. Ho Is well qualified fu. his c.ill!nK-Cura-eu7ia D(imra. He Is ii worthy dlselplo nl Jl iy.ln. Mo'.nrt. Ilcethoven. We have Had tlio plensureiifllit minx to his rendition ol the Ul.l Masters mid were charmed with his touch and execution Slalington .Yrtci. Solo ageut for the J. & C. Fischer Piano ; and, also. MASOV fc HAMLIN and NEW HAVEN l.'CPS. (I KUANS. For particulars, terms, A,e., Address, JUIlrt 1 HAI.II.UJII. Aug. 2, 1879.-ly. Lelilifhton, l'a. jprlmc Homo Made llreatl ! . WHY OO HUXOUYI Whe: yon cm Ruy k liouiidu I Pli.t CI Hiiiiead- FIVE LOAVES FOR 25 CENTS I I. W. O'NEAL, the popular Ilread and I'ako tuner, of LoMKuinn in order to meet ilie waute or me uiins iiiih jieoiiro i oe rr.eaol iiiscoie brated Home Mado UUEADto Five Lorvm forTwenty.fiveCts. Cash. Sugar, Raisin Coeonnt bcotcli. Drop cream and other UAKEs, only Ten Cciiti per Diiicn. I.00U Out for lliu U'ukoii! At MAUCII CHUNK, on Tuesday, Thursday ' aodbnturduy aiotiuiics. jCflllUK rON and w LISPORT.every After " ' Dftau except ttlday. t.iViia antiUTUY CASH! rstroi.a.e nivited J. w. O'NEAL. 1 Nl'OUEi Opposite First National IHnic, aprlUyi ' li-ni.fcei, Lehtahtou ra. rtt "IWIAVWII. or 81 to fiO 11 Hitllir1' "yur ovu locally. o JltFUUrlst. Wiimendiwi willuinen. 1 anv UIBIn luoto limn t,n araiuatatited above. Ni.nnee 11 (all to niak, no'tey fret. Anv one cau du (he wmlc Yuu aanmakefromli rents tu I an hour y devot. Incroareveiiinfrsanil spate tlnot the aual. Iini. It riMta nnhiu to try tue bii'i iv. , NotlunellWeit lor inouer man In " ever i.ffei ed 1 kelnre. Haiues-ple.wiu( an I sirietly liointr ! all". Reader, il run want to Vn.i- ullaboutl lhe beat piylag liasineaa tmtoro the nubi 0 ' cud i us voir Address aed we 5,1 1 Sfiid ou fuilpar Slemlare and pnvaro terms tree t tump ea wur'u MSuMfrai. voueati thfu hills nn riirtiiii WMPh Ad.lresjSUCOU (: bTlNSuN VS. H. V. Morthimer, Proprietor. VOL. VIII., No 21. CARDS, Hoot mill Shoe Makers Cllntonnretney,nran'sluHJ(nj. Dank street. lIlorderiprom;(lj(I(d' ujor warranted. Attorneys. F. P. LOKOSTERT. S. It. GlLHAM y ONGSTEET & GIL1IAM, ATTORNEYS at law, Office: Levnn's Building, Dank Street, LEHIGHTON, PA. Collections nnd all Lcgat business entrust to them will rcccivo ,irouipt attention, feb. 21, 1890; J-OHN KLINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 021 CO: Corner Susquehanna and Raco streets JIAUCn CHUNK, PA. JnlySMy JOHN I). HEUTOIiETI'E, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office i Room 2. Ground Floor ManBlon Houso MAUC1I OHUNK, TA. May bo consulted In Germun. mav25-ly TjrT HI. KAPSIIIOlt, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Bank Street, Linioniox, Pa. ItealEafateand Collection Aeencv. Wlllflurnnd Sell It.'al Estate, lionvejanclng neatly doue Col sctlona promptly made. Settling Estates of lie dents 11 specialty. May be consulted In English adUirunin. Ncv.22. JAS. It. STItUTllKUS, ATTOKN Y AT LAW, Office: 2J floor of Khoad's Hall, Alauoli Chunk. Pa. All business entrusted to him will bo promptly attended to. May 27, ly. p J.'MKEUAN-, attorney at law, Snd Pcor abovo MA SH IN HOUSE MATJOiI OHUNK, Fenna. CS-Can h roiiautted in German. jan9. Justices and Insurance. rparOM.VS KEJ1ERRR, JL CONVEYANCER, AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT SB The following Companies are Represented: LEHAN )N MU I'UAL FIRE, UEAIIINO MUTUAL I'lllE, WYOMING FIUU. POTTrtVILI.H l'IRE, LLHMOli PIIIK. nnd thoTRAV ELER3 ACCIDENT INSURANCE, "XISo-Pninvlv.inljiiid MiilnaJJlorso Thief MnrCU2J.l87J llloa. KUMElVKft "gEItSAltl) PHILLIPS, (JooNTr Bcildiko, MAUCII CHUNK, Ta. Fire' Insurance Agent. S-POLIHi:s In SAFE Companies only, at Reasonablo Rates. Aug. 23-yl ALHIN STOLLE, Notary Public & Conveyancer, Fire and Life Iiisnrance Agent MAUCII CHUNK, PA. 3- Business transacted In English and German. ' Aug. 23)1 Physicians and Dentists. Slatington Dental Office, Established 1870. Artificial Teeth Mails to Restore the Orisiiial Coutonr of Lips & GIigcKs. Dr. L. Campbell. Film no Tbetii a Specialty. loct. 4-ly J-yi. W. A. COUTUIGIIT, SURGEON DENTIST, Tenders Us profwMintinl hcrvices to the pon tile of MiitU'h Chunk, Lchlghton, Wcisejiort, I'.u kct tou nnd vicinity. OFFICBi Opposite tho Broadway House, BROADWAY, MAUCII CHUNK, l'u. Tresh LaitshitiK Gas always on hand. All work guaranteed wtlsfartory. nug2-yl w. Y. KEItr.lt, M. 1)., PARRY VILLE, Cirhon Conntv, Tn. ir ti . 1 Residence.., , fioin 7 a. in. to 10 a. m. " ' 1 in 1 IJ .10 11 in 10 p. 111 ilav be consisted in th Gorman Lanuueo P. O. Ai!drca-L.i-lii.htou. mar. 21, tf A. II U It II A. tl Kit, 31.11., PHYSICIAN AXIlSUKGKON Sperlal altntloit ptid to Clironlc diseases. Offlee: stouth East eornvr Iron ami 2nd sts., I.o hlshlon.Pa. Aprl 3, 11,75 N. KKltER, M. 1). U. S ICxnmluliiir Kurgenu, PRAUTIOINO PIIY'SIOIAN nndSUl QEoN. OFFICB; IlankStieet. I.EnEB'8 11LOCK, Lehich. (on, ra. Maybocoiismudln theOerm n Language. Nov. 3 ' QARBON HOUSE, J. W. ItAUDENIlUSH, PHOPR1ETOII, Dane St., I.kmioiitox, Pa. ThellAnnoH Hnusuuirers llrst-classaecotn. moilallons 10 (he Travelinv public lIoHrdlu by (he Hay or Week on Reasonable Terms. Oholco Uitcarr. Wines and i.'.nuors alway, on hand. (loM Sheds and Slahles. Willi aiten ttyo Hostlers, uMached. April 10-) I 101.1) MLVHlt, Announces lo (he peoplo of Lshlulilon and vicinity Hut ho has leased aud refilled the Saloon & Restaurant, lntely owned by Ukwib J. CiiuiaTMAN, on Hank siree(, lchlghton, and Is iirrpareil tu furnish (hem with Flli:H IlliUfl and olher lterreihuicuts at all lluies. l'utroulo sollo llid. 1'iee (.illicit Kvery Saturday I?ve 'lg. ap. 10, ISSO-yl. V. A. I.EHMAKN.Solloltorof Amerlean and Foreigi Patents. Washington, 11 1!. All butlers runnectedwltb l'ateuir, whether I, fore tho Patent (irflcecr (he ( our(s. promptly attended ( No charge nude unless ft patent l soured. Bead lor rtuisf. eolt'U Railroad Guide. plIILA. fc HKAUING IIA1LUOAD Arrangement of Passenger Trains. FEBRUARY 4TII. 1879. Trains leave ALLEN TO WN a follows! ivr, tviiuinitfv BAtinnltil. For Philadelphia, at -1: JJ. 0.45, tl.40. a.m., and d.us p, m. SUNDAYS. For Philadelphia at t-30 a. m.,3.J5 p. m. (VIA KA81- I'F.NNA. DUAXC1I.) For Reading, 5.00, o.cin m 12.10, 4.30 and 9.05 For HarrlsDiirg.5 50,9.05 a. m 12.10,4.30 an(W.C5 p. m. I'or Lancastor and Columbia, 5 50, 9.9 a.m. and 4.30 p. m SUNDAYS For Reading, Harrlsburg, and way points, 9.05 p. m. (VIA I1EIULK1IKM.) For rhlladrlnlila from L. V. Droot 4.41. C.IJ. a.4i a. m ,12.13 5.45, t.' t p. m. Runoay 4.00 p. m. kor l'lilianon nia irom ij osa .uupoi. -043 a. m., 12 04.3.23 5-T.6P. m. xruins run Aiji.u.Muwn ieavnanoiiowsi IVIJI I'RIIKinMEN RAlUIOAn.l LeavoPhiladelphla, 7.40 a. m,, 1.0 V, 1.S0 jnd 5.30 p. m. SUNDAYS. LeavoPhiladelphla, s.ti u. m. and 3.18 p. m.and IVIA KARTPItMSi. nnACII.I Leave Roddlns 7.23 10.3'J a. in., 2.1:0, 3.53, rndo.15 p.m. Leavo Harilslmrp;, 6.15, 8.05 and 9.55, a. ra., 1.4 ana 4.ou p. in. Loave Lnnettiter, 8.0.5 a, m., t.OO and 3.51p.m. LeaveColuuibla 7.55a. in 1.05 and 3.40 p. m. SUNDAY. Leave Readlntr. 7.20 n. m. Leave Harris Ihur, 5 2 a.m. (VIA HETIILEIIEM.) T.oavo "llllndeliltlla 7 0C. 8 IS, 0.43, 2.20, 5.I5 8.eo,i. in. Sunday 3iB m., 8.011p.m. Trains mm ko, I thus i) run to nnd from depot 9th nnd Green street. Philadelphia other trains ton 'rttrom Ilroad street depot. Trains Via Bethlelirm" rnn to aril from Berks St, Depot, except tfiose marked (! Tno 0.45 h. m nnd 5.55 ti. m. (inlna from Allen, (on n, nnd the 7.4 1 n. ra and 5.3 1 p.m. trams from Philadelphia, hato through cars to and Irom Philadelphia. J. E. WOOT1EN. Oenrral Mantwtr. C a II A NCOCK. Gen1! Pan. & TIcKei Agent. nov. is r-!IIE SLATINGTON PLANING MILL AND . .Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINGTON. JOHN BALLET, Propr., Denis in all kln.lnnil.zcs of rino. Hemlock Oalc unit Hnrd Wooa Lnmber. mul la now pi o paied to execute uuy uwouut of unlets for DresseD- Liimbell OF ALL KINDS. Doors, Snslics, Bliiitls, Sliutterv, ; Jloiilillngs, Cabtuet Ware, &c.t "With FoiSIltness. Brackets Made to Order. Tlio Jtnrhlncry tt nil uew and or tlio best and must Improved kind a. I eniDliiV none bill tlio bent woikmen, uco well sraAmiet nnd jroo I mn tcriil, nnd nm UioicToro nble tufrnai nnlee on tiro ttau'tni-tlon to nil Th mnv lavnr me with a mil. Orders ov mail ptompily nttended to. Mv clmrpes nre motiirnto. term? eusli, or lnk'rest thurged alter tliirty days. Q1VK JIA C A LJj. r?" Thoe en-rnped In Umldm? will find tt t therr ndvimt0 tu luvo Milinp, Floor Jinnrdfi Donr-, asitCH, laiticrs, 5c iVe.. ni'dontthl Voctorv. Alny lOyl JOHN IM LLIliT. E. F. LUCKENBACHn Two Doors Below the "Broadway llouso MAUCII CHUNK, PA. Doalcr 111 all ratternsof Plain oLd Fauci Wall lpei'S;, Window Shades, Paints it Painters' Supplies, LOWEST CASH TRICES. Livery tSj Sale Stables HANK .STtlt5KT.L,KIlIfJHTO., I FAST TKOT 1'ING HORSES, ELEGANT CAUUIA(5ES. And positively LOWER PRICES than any other Livery In tho Cojulv. Large and hindaonii, Carriage., for Kanernl ournoieaand Weildiucs. II AVID ERIIERT Nov. ii l73 MEAT MARKET ! Ilnuk Street, LelllglKoll, OHARLES K1PP, PnorniETon. The Best Fresh Meats In season. Beef, I.anib, Veal. Sausage, Ro Ingna, fcc. Terms AS nil HAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Patronage sollelte 1 Auif.30-ly. OH AS. KIPP. Any Rook. Magazine or Newsraror sen( post Paul at tiiepnululu'raloweati r.ce, uitn a va. a'lie premium. We give a 1 14 x H v.rw el the Omiltni nuiloiiig, tho iint magiiltlo 'tit stracturo In Auioi-iea.als ao.mdid vuwauf (ho White limine, TronMiry building, Hmlihaonian lua'iiuto H.ier.t Oinisc Alouut Vernon and odier poln(no( 11 terrain an.l aheut (he Na i.mial Cii (ai Oiacrs(us:eii fur (lie laigeCip. Iini eiwuiv.ugnr f 11 aelH of the ), nnd cab met photograph of IuidliuMulraiiieu. t est prices. It voii ,aut aiw b- k or to i.u so Itie lor any peilml'dl. or 10 renew au 1 id auWrlp. H'ii aend "tanu.foi ocoii n( (I e LITMtAUY llUI.Lbll.N C'-ninlnuia book 11. iles uuticoiof now publiejiioua. uma om, puce'1, eic. ATIO.AL NliW.s 11U1.EAU, Look box -a. 01 wo if troet JUorch 13-tf Waili ngtoB, D. C. PILES Of all kinds TU'JOne.dltliar tre tt t 1 OOO or mucus au Pit d.b?HMJt Of lllA II I. (T I'M qRjiklvnntl nsrfo-ilj' rmei hv n muip.h aud Huotlilnv ItUMKDY. I'm-inform.itlmi nddit t Pit J. I'AUlvH fc ''O. K Aim t ,N Y, PJUNSIONS SKfiCfiWii'r! , vlee from any ouse. also lor ilie ofilnceaaed soldiers. All pensions date laofc to day of dlieharxe, ant lo dale or (lie deavh of lho soldier Pensions Increased ; llnunly and new lllseharges rrocureu. Address with stamp, Stoiiuart & Ho., Kooai No. 4 SU Cloud Dulldlog, Washington, J. O mar 30-lm I (Ihnrles Klpp desires (ne.ill attention ofhls friends and lustumers to (ho furt that he has opened A MBIT MAUKKT opposllo (he I'uIjIIo Square, llanketreet, Lehlgliton, Pa., where may bo found at all times INDEPENDENT" LEIIIGIITON, CA11130N COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1880. Dr. Charles T. Horn Would nnnounco to tho publlo that ho has purchased Irom MRS. A. O. PETER, tho CENTRAL DRUG STORE, In Lcnckcl's Block, Bank St., Lohighton, Pa., Having refitted nnd refilled thoentlro stock ho can offer DRUGS AND Strictlv fresh CHEMICALS nnd Turc, Also Horso and Oattlopnwilers.PatentMedl. clncs, llrushcs, Soaps. (Jonibj, Pcrluracrles, Sponges, Uhamols Skins. Wines and Liquors for .Medical Purposes. Oils, Lamps nnd Flxturcs.l)ycstulIs,Oholco Clgnrs, Pipes nnd Ti.hacco. fsiwc tncles. Trusses, Nursing Mottles, Violin Strings, and n lull lino of IVall Pnpcrnnd Uordcrsatlho Lowest l'rlccs. Prescriptions cnrefiilly compounded nnd prompt attention given toovery branch of tho buslocss. A continuance of tho patronngo hcretoloro extended to (his establishment Is respectfully solicited, and satisfaction guiirantccil. scpt.13, 1879.-ly. lilt. O. T. HORN. The iVcviT Food Medicine Truly a Wonder. lho QnichnnCoca Co. prepaio fiom tho r. nenro or tho Sacred rciuvmn riant (Coca Leaf) tlio mt-st nftclol Ncito Tonic and Lno efuntniner known to nmn. TI oy bare named It COCA HITTKKH, but bopo tlio namo Kill not cans' It to bo classed Willi tho po-calkd "lilt tei."which hnve dono so much harm physi cal nnd tnorn. COCA miTJSttShas tho power of funalulnp life and Htrcnirth f mays without fomt. Kxposuroto oruis long fatigue ntulmaltr lnus noi5onlnc cuunot harm tnoo who iuo CO CM lUTTKUS. Thl-iiBftninivelous llto lotlporant, entirely wliboiu reaction IK hrcri but not lm bnaten. For iho cuio ot D, FpcwIi-IndiReMloii lSetv ousnejss "sick. Hentlncho WenilncRs, Omit Do bdity Lack of Euerjo m;d INiwcr, LlverCom plaluts. Chills nnd nil Fever, COCA UHTKItS stundsuniiVnffMt nnd a eno 1-rom the official rtport of Lteut- llcrnilon V, 8. A'.: "The l'O'UVlnn natlvei who usoCocn, pcrlorm nrodiirle of lnboi without fntlno. A fiowerluf tonic for tho ucrroudi-yttini, but not tiltinmts to tno henltb.' Tho uundeiful lrtucs of this new food. merit clue env only be ginnccd nt litre, (let a clicu larimd Inform ourceir luily. No remedy ever re co ved phcIi cnrtornement. COCA niTTJiltS concentrated oncnco of snciel reruvlnn Ccca Bold by all leading druwjMfdR Aiiiire-tfl. UCICIIUA COCA GO , New York. SMITH, KLINE A CO., Actn.fi. I't.llft I)0,. T-IZW WEISS & KERSCHNER, BUCCESSOr.8 TO ItOJIIG ,fc IIOFFOIID, Carriage Builders, 3aiflri3trect, Lehighton, Aro prepared (o manufacture, to qrdcr, every description of V OAREIAGES, UUOUIL-S, SLLIOHS, SPRINO WAGONS, Romig's Pat. Platform Wagon, &c, at lowest rates for Cash. REPAIRING Of all description promptly attended to at the must reasonable prices. 3-All Work gunrantccd, nnd patronage Is respectfully solicited. WEISS & KEItSOHNLR. July 26, 1679-yl DANIEL WIEAND, Caniages,"Vagons,Sleiglis,&e counkii nr HANK AMI IltO.V STIIEKTS, LUHI'lHTON. Penna., Itespectrully nnnounees lo his friends and tlio public, (hat liu Is prepared to Dulld all des criptions of UAiiiiiAnns. SPKINO WAOONS. , , SLKinilS, .c, In the Litest nnd Most Approved Mrles, at Prices lully as low ns tho samo can bo obtain, cd elsewhrre. guaranteeing the best Seasoned Material and limit substantial workmanship. Particular attmtlon given to REPAIRING In all Its details, at the very Lowest Prices. Patronage respect fully solicited and perfect fatlsfurtlon guartiLtced. Heo 6. 187yl HAN. WIL'ANH. DI!. J. O. II. SIKGEliT .1- SON'S' IfORtD REXOIVKED Angostura Bitters. An art e'e of over Flfly Tears Siumling. This most invlKernilnr lonln Istuatlyceie. uialeil for ita eqilite llivor nnd cxiraordl nnry SIKI'lcINALvutne. I( Imiuoio. 1 111, uppi-IKn nnd cures dyspep aia, diarilin3.i.and leer and aeue. .NociHktall orniiiidilr nk is perfect wllhont It, because It picvruta tho bail enceti oa'.clwltc liquor. Copula i f rertlllcalea of omc of the nui eml in ut l.hrslciaiiaaiidclieni sts 01 Ihowoild.ie raidinir Its wholteouieiieas and pjrity nie pUe.i In r.icit iiox Sold 1 y (hf prine pH pr cers. drueglst and liquor dnleia J w. liANlOX nolo Aeem fort 10 U. M.,31 Urojilway, New York P.O. "ox 3010- Jan. 31- wis JpAUMLHS OF CAHKOX COUNTY, Taltc Notice. The nnflirsimied, residing in MaIIONIVO Tewn.hip. Crbon I'ouutv, his been aiionPili.l AQK.NT for (hu KI3YniNK FKltl lLlZKll AM) ALUM IIAUrACTURI.SO COill"Y Liceued by the ett of PenusvivailJ. 'ihli FERTILIZER rontalna occoraiig in Chfiu.cti Analvfts.ll.ro riiitotulo 01 Irou, i;.t3 Halpuuilc Aon. :u Pmash o.Ko,la una s.11.. lluuno Aria Tina 1- e preal IV iik'ieriir rain end flrnsa. ami 1'f.pec a-ly 101 Fimt 1 iC",Qiitpo V ne and H.iwrr alt.'ea.ioy UioRonT and ot-ier lu. oaela -o Injurious to l'uiiylvi,iilii ttrcooids. fail aiiif klve tee ji.urortVie. ree riH-4n.njen dtionaof piouil.teut jaihiira-auil u.aseyour sclvoaliappy. cir.oiiut: rt::iiGF:rt. Jan, 31 Joi Malion.ugTowuahlp. 0T(1 Ul PTTI A' pleasanf supVlflnto v-VmvU .for yViwcco, tlai lastea aud smells like Tobaceii and Is cheaiwr. i:eryUKly is highly pleatwl with IL Ills suitable eltlu r 1 r I hcwira or Smoking, and It iiuproros Hie Health, end restores llw Con. etltuilon,and Is 1 eeouuutndud by Flijsietana Illi.Uee of I'olw co. J'liruw Tubaoeu w.iy ami iiseO nOIII' '(). It will prove a blessing. A lull else pack by 111 ml lor lac lniilvor. or Ifie In stamps, or fl lor a iloti'U fotsri W AKTtp in every town. Ter . s liberal Ad. dress. F. I'. 11ENN LK, New Mldnay, Fred. MK.'kO,M(l. Nb.aL-lt. Live and Let Live.' Mrs. L WehrSt Sister AnnonncfRto tholaillos thU thev hnvolast optnedo new and FnkhionaUo UltUAl CASH Millinery & Dressmalciiig EstaWisliiiiGiit In the llutldlng formerly occupied by I)ollen South Street, Lehighton. LADIES' AND CHlLDRF.N'.i RONNCTS mado np In (ho very latest styles Spaiiglcit nnil Jet Wings ami Ostrich Tips, 111 an 1110 iiurubia colors. diagonal. corduroy and plain velvets. A Lot of FANCY GOODS ami NOTIONS 1 SILKS and BA11NS In nil Shades. fp Snecial nttentlmi iflrpn in MTl.r.TUr.nv nnil Din Hi MaKINO. aii work dono In tho Latest nnd llest "tylo, at slioro notice. Hatls- iit, nun K.i;iruilll'l-fl. Weclinlleii!;o any one to aurpassns In neat ncsa and quality ef w 01 k. mani0.yt jibs L. WKlin & R1STER. Mrs. C. DeTSCHIRSCHKY Respectfully announces to her friends nnd tlio puiiiin generally, unit sue lias moved back to Lehighton, and Is now located In tlio large store room on Second Street, two doors abovo Iron, nnd enrncstly Invites their attention to her New, Largo and l'.lcgant assortment of Notions and. Fancy Goods, comprising Underwear, Berlin nnd Herman town Wools, Hosiery, Imported nnd Do lncstlc Ribbons, O loves, 'Flowers nnd a fine assortment of New Designs IN FANCY ARTICLES Also, In connection with tho above, I keep a lull and complete stock of GERMAN FRUITS, LIMHUIiaUlt AND SWITZEIt CHEESE, Cmiillus & Conluclloiis, together with a variety ofO.ods not general ly kept in nny other store In town. If you do not seo what you want, nsk for It, A share of publlo patronngo solicited, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed In prlco and quality or goods. Second St., 2 floors aliove Iron, April 10, 1SS0. LEIIIOHTON, Pa. Farmers, Look Here CHAMPION OF THE WEST DOUBLE SHAKE Simjile I Durable ! IT HAS NO EQUAL! This Mill will take every grain ofCOOKLE nnd OUE&S out ofSccd Wheat i or tho SOR. KKLout of Timothy Seed, and all tho PLAN. TAIN SEED out of Clover Seed. This Mill has twoShoes worklnglnopposlte directions; has moue Screen surface than tho old fashioned mills, and will go In a door three feet wide. Send stamp for prices. Agents Wnnted. Address, - W. I. Bpwifiaiinfaclarer, nprlO-wl NEW LIS HON, OHIO. A New Paper for Boys and Girls ! Pure, Interesting, Instructive, Tlio vicious literature of tho day Is ruining tho children or our country. As thero Is no legal means of checking this poisonous foiui. tain, ci cry Parent, Eilucator and lluardlan is compelled m ask himself lheiuesllon, "What Is tho best means ofchoekluir th evil?" The best untldoto for Pad reading Is noon rcniliug. UUlLlinUN will read, nnil tno duty ol thoso having them Inchargo Is to furn ish Ilicm with wbolesoino. cntertulnlng nnd Instructive reading, mch ns will bo given in iiuiuuvrui "UULUKX lfAS. " GOLDEN DAYS" Understands childhood. It will ilollulit Its J on un Irlemls Mill skelchesof adventure, lit- i-munis ui ravel, wonnersoi KIiowleilgc,Ilum orous articles, puzzle, and everything (hat loj'n and girls like, it will not tench child rcn to bceumo runaways, thieves, highway men, burglars and outlaws, l'hu tint No. ol 'OOLIJEN DAYS" Contains the opening of two splendid stories, The 11 re I Is by HARRY O A S T L E M O N, and Is called, "Two Wavs ok Uixouino A iiUATEit , anil tlio olher Is by EDWARD S. ELLIS, nnd Is entitled, " Fine, Snow and Wateb j WI, Uir IN tiik lAiai; 1,AM1," "GOLDEN DAYS" will be carelully edited, and will do Its utmost to iis.IU all who have tho interests of our youth nt hosrt. Wo Invito nil to oxamlne each number with unsparing criticism. Number One Is lurnlshcd gratultuuslrto all. N umber Two Is nuw ready and for sale by all JAMES ELVERStJN, Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa. TEBM3 : Subscriptions lo 'Qolpen Da vr" t3 00 per uiiuiiui. ri.vu lur six iiioiuiis, q.i lor 4 uionins, ull payablo in advance. Stogie Nos. Octs. each. We pay all postage. To those wno DESinc to uet upCluus. Ifyou wish to get up a club for "(Iolpen Davs," send us jour name, und wo will for ward jou, free ol charge, a number of sicl men cople, of the puju-r, o that, with them, Jim can giro yuur neighborhood a tlioiougli canvaeslng. OUR CLUB RATES. For tin wo will send 4 copies fori year to 1 address, or caeh o ipjr to a separate address. For '-'0 we will send 8 ootiies to one address or each copy to separate addresses. Tho party who sends us T-0 lor a club of8 copies (all sent at uno time) will be entitled to a copy rnEK. (letters-upof clubsof 8 copies can afterward add single copies nt each. Money should I sent to us either by P. (). Order or Registered Letter, so as to provide as far as possible against Its loss by mall. PA PA 151 V Tu o"clt orders for our Nursery UuniDLIi Stock. Men of integrity, good Mi'M hatdls, energy nnd fair business lit Till MlinnKv nn.. n ..llu -. 1. - WA WH'Pn wledgeor the business, must II JUUIlLI, give entire attention to the work ami be able lo go (o any pirt of (heir own or udjolnlng counties, 1'tiiUANUNT Euptov MENi, (loon 1'Avund ExrKNaEO, (live age, prevlousoccupallon and references. Address It. fl 11 A!W tr fit apio-wl 10 N. Merrick St., Phlla. Tri ri Oinn o I New Laws. Thousands rtllMUUbiemuM, Every sol.llir even slightly disabled, by wounds, disease or onto Idem, entitled to pension, dating back today of discharge, liven lho loss or n finger or loe en'Klo lo penslou, Also, all widows and depen ant parents and minors CBiltled. 'llmo limited. A ply at once. Many Pen sioners en tilled tu Increase, llouiity et due lu (huusands. Land cares settled. Patents procured lor Inventors. Fees fixed by law. Send (wo stainiia f. r new laws, blanks and Ins ructions lo E. II. OKI-STUN &('(., Pen. Ion and Patent Attorneys, Lock Hex ret, Washington, l. O. aplo-wt PENSIONS. NEW LAW. Th lauuds r.I Hold', ra nd tielr inlltltd. I vnp.iii, dte back t, di-rhiiri.e or denlh. T me muted Auy d sabll tv no . x 1' lux ooirclod i" Inei.f .li.lv when nroveiL g.ira Po'ismo. Th'Huandt are MPI outitlnl tuivoui.tv. Tliou-audt. wno nio diawiu? i-ou. ato-is aiu entided (o uereaa . m irt tn Mtunii foe Hui.'in.ry tf 1'AU-iou aod llmotr Ata. H iiernda. on e r ter In the (allowing parties luli-uiao'p w,a i.iorstaodinir: St. P. Keiinitfy. lTesi triii e'euria. Hank, V. u. i.utl'.wi l'.(ini-lar. Uo J B.Jnli ii, m.Jn Kui'tr. Ct, Fr'i. Hg. col., ofir lei. i.nv. lion J i . lH'nnr. lix ut .rney aoiicral. Jndlaua Ranging i ipa'iv ''J.1 wusnmuLD co. Plther Box c. U aaiuukh;u, D. vr Indiana. poli, Ibt., pr.- $1.00 If "Tls Mornlii!?, nnil tho Days nro lions'." BY D. 8. rARKED. 1 had n dream of other days In golden luxury shone tho wheat, In tangled greenness shook tho maize Tho squirrels ran with nlmblo feet, And In and out among tho trees Tho hang bird darted llko n flame, The catbird piped her melodies, Purloining every warbler's fame ; And then I heard tho triumphal song, "TIs morning and the days are long." They scattered roses, strowed the palms, And shouted down tho pleasant vales ; I heard n thousand happy psalms, "And, laughing, wove a thousand talcs Of mimic rovclry nnd Joy They mocking well tho worldly great Each tanfaced girl and barefoot, Dear simpers of my oatly fate And then again the icollan scng, "TIs morning, and the days aro long." Far winding past the storied town, Tlio river rnn through bosky groves ; Its floods wo sailed our vessels down Full-freighted with a myriad lores ; Our souls went floating to tho gales, ith scarlet leaves and shreds of bark ; Wo named them cutters, schoonors, sails, And watched them fade In shadowy dark ; Then down tho water flowed tho song, " 'TIs morning, and the days aro long." Oh, morning, when the days aro long, And youth nnd Innoccnco aro wed, And orcry grovo Is full of song, And every pathway void of dread I Who rightly sings Its rightful praise, Or rightly dreams It o'er again, When cola and narrow are tho days, And shrunken all the hopes of men, Ho shall reawken with his song, "'TIs morning, and tho days aro long." Thero palpitations, wild and swoct, Tho thrills of many an old delight, And dimpled hands that light meet, And hearts that tromblo to unite, Arise upon the early morn, Pass down the lovely vales and stand, A picture of a memory born, The mlrngo of a lotus land A land whero once we lolled tho song, " 'TIs morning, and tho days aro long." THE 11ESTLEY FORTUNE. BY slH3. K. BURKE COLLINS. They stood together, besido n flowing stream a little river, winding its way through tho southern country two persons, a mail and a woman. Her hand was clasped in his: hia large, grey eyes rested lovingly upon her downcast face. "I am waiting for your answer, Ruth," he said, softly. Tho light in her blue eyes faded away ; a troubled cloud pas.-cd over her features, and obscured the sunlMit. "I knovv"not what to do I" sho answered, in a perplexed tone. "You surely lovo inc. Huth?" "Can you doubt me, Ned?" A glad smilo flashed into his eyes; he .';oreif hcr'illgfirformT'nhTs arms"." "No iior'lionnswereil,impctously,"only when you hesitate to grant ino the boon I Kcravc, a dark suspicion creeps into my heart Hint you aro waudenng nnd undecided. "Ir'stcn, Ittith. It will bo tho easiest thing in tho world to accomplish. "You nro an orphan, and hnvo no ono to consult. I havo no one, save Uncle Ned j nnd ho I havo hopes of sometime converting to my view of tlio case. "Of courso.it is unpleasant forjou this lonely life on this dreary plantation tho companion nnd drudge for old -Mrs. Leon. Hut the timo will quickly pass, darling, and soon I can'claim you openly." "Uncle Ned is old, nnd rich.ond ill, or an incarablo disease. I daro not oflend him, for I nm to bo his heir, you know ho being unmarried, and cannot livo very long. Ho is now confined to his bed, and I nm every day expecting a summons to his side. When that summons comes, Ruth, I (nay find Kime difficulty m leaving him again while ho lives. And my heart yearns to call you my wife befuro I go; then, como what may, I will havo tho right lo cans for aud protect you." "Can't you say yes, Ruth ?" "Hut, Ned, I am older than you ; in timo you may regret this step. Besides, I do not approve of secret marriages." "Neither do I, darling I But this caso is so peculiar. I can sec no possible harm in ill lho secret need only bo kept for a little while. And as furyour first objection, I tell you, Itulh Norn's, I lovo you." "It is my first love, and shall bo my last ; you are the one jiassioii ofiny life. Young as I nm, I am still no boy, and havo seen much of the world. If you do not marry me, I shall never havo a wifol This is not Impulse, but the result of long deliberation." Ruth clasped her hands over Ned Bent ley's ami, and gazed I0113 Into the loving eyes bent upon her. "You will consent, Ruth?" ho went on, hurriedly. "Wo can goovor to Washington Parish in my buggy. I will havo Iho li. censo ready, ami, in n short time, you will be mluo forever. Then, when I go lo Uncle Neil, I will know that my-littie wlfo awaits my return. And I will be truo and good, my darling. Oh 1 believe me I" There was no mislaking tho truth and- earnestness in the young man's voice. No woman, loving as she did, could long be proof against it. Ruth bowed her head on his shoulder; and so they were betrothed, "Ruth Ruth I Come here, I say I" The shrill, cracked tones, broke tho sweet dream in which the two were indulging. A frown crossed Ned a boyish face. 'Wait until I'm my own master," ho said, savagely, "and I'll pay tho old dragon bock, for every cross word and sour look that she has ever given you. EI10 shall have com pound intcrcit, too." Ruth had started away, in answer to her tyrant's call. Noil followed her a low steps and contrived to whisper . 'I shall coma to-morrow, darling! will you ho ready to go with 1110!" A sweet smile answered him; and so tho two iiarlcd. The uext day was gloriously lovely. The sky, at fair and cloudlets ns a sea of azure; the nir cool, and laden with fragrance; tho mocking birds jubilant in the green tree l 19; the whole earth seemed alive, and stirring to the sound of unseen music At braukfatt, the teiniet broke. For the first lime, in all her yere of servitude.Ruth dared to ask fr a holiday ; and worse than , all-the sought jwmiaviou to aeoomnany I Ami lietiUoy lor a drive. 1 Madame Laon, a wevish, ctom, half de mented old Creole lady, who made Ruth's, life on loc winter day, and grismui ' a Year if Paid in Advance. not paid in advance, $1.25 burden, was horrified nt thoyoung woman's assurance. Then rose nil the long suffering Independ ence of Ruth's nature. "1 nm not your slave, Madame Leon," she sold, quietly, but firmly j "If I am not permitted to go out to-day, I shall leave your houso permanently. I fear you will find some difficulty in filling my not very enviable position." It was tho best shot sho could have fired, nnd il told. With grim visago nnd compressed lips," inndnme consented. With a. light heart Ruth nllowed Ned lo help her into his buggy, nnd they drove away rejoicing. Ju't at sunset they returned, demuro nnd quiet. Ned lifted her from the carringo ns though nothing had happened. "Good night, Ruth," ho cried, Rayly, for madamo was sealed upon tho gallery, her suspicious eyes, nnd wrinkled face, turned full upon them ; hut, she did not hear him whisper under his breath : "Uod bless my litllo wife." The days glided by, quiet, with n sweet peace. Ruth saw a good deal of her young husband; for he had always been a frequent visitor nt madamo's, am) surely would not stay away now, when all that ho cared for 111 lho wido world dwelt beneath that an cient roor. Ono evening, madamc having retired un conscionably curly, Ruth wandered out into tho garden, ntnid tho magnolias aud jasmine and crapo myrtles. A quick step sounded upon the walk be hind her; sho turned to sco Ned looking ghastly palo in tho moonlight, and holding In his hand an open letter. Ho came for ward and caughtticr in his nrms. "It has como at last, Ruth," ho murmur ed. "Oh, my precious wifo how can wo bear it ?" "What?" Her face was rigid ; her clenched teeth sank deep Into into tbo full red lip. "Tlio parting; Uncle Ned bus sent for mc; he says that ho cannot last long." Ruth's hands were tightly clasped; her form trembled. Oh I thero is such woe, such uuulcrahlo agony in tiieio partings, 'That crush tho life from out young hearts.' But, it was all for tho beat. They knew it, nud so they determined to bear It all, as bravely as possiblo. "Who is with your undo at present?" asked Ruth at last. "Lucio Dale, his orphnn ward," Ned ans wered, somewhat hurriedly. "You never told mo of her, Ned I" Ruth's voice had a reproachful ring in it. "Nn, darling. I will explain why. It has always been my iinclo's wish that wo should marry; but I never cared for her, never trusted her, and was determined not to. That was one reason why I hastened our marriage, Ruth, for fearthat Uncle Ned i-Bti't Insist upon my inMrvLuJ,iiiin. belicvo her to bo a false, designing woman. Bo courageous, litllo ono. Wo shall soon be bnppy." Tlicro was a moment's pause, nnd then Ned continued : "Ruth, will you givo mo our marriago certificate? In case that I am obliged to acknowledge our marriage to Uncle Ned, It will bo best to have tho proof to exhibit. And the certificate is tho only existing proof now; for, last night, tlio office in which the public records aro kept, was burned to the ground, and all tho papers and books wcro consumed. I shall uot retain it long, dar ling." She handed it to him without a word; for sho always woro it next to hor heart. And so Ihcy parted, witli long long kisses of farewell and clingingcmbraccsind words of love, that could never bo forgotten. And the long,dreary, almost interminable days dragged by, with no break in their ceaseless, stagnant monotony to tho waiting heai t of tho young wife, save the long, lov ing letters, which camo nt first frequent and tender; then grew less frequent, and then oh 1 was it not horrible? ceased altogether. Tor weeks Ruth walled and watched for tho coming of lho "while winged messenger" of peace," waited wilh the nwful anguish of suspense, and tho sickening doubts of hope deferred. . It has always seemed to mo that tho hardest, most bitter, most uncndurablo part of life, is Just such waiting. Givo mo Iho sharp, quick agony of knowing tho worst; it is infinitely better than suscnso, which, liko water dropping upon a rock, wears the heart away. Ono chill, dreary November morning, when lho sky seemed full of tears, only waiting to fall, Ruth opened tho newspaper, which camo onco a week, to bring news from the busy world outside. Some spirit directed her wandering, listless eyes, to tho column of marriages. "Married : In New York city, on thp 17th Inst., by Rev. John Stockwcll, lilwnrd llentley, lo Lucie, only daughter of tho lato Arthur Dale, of New Orleaus." Willi a low. gasping cry, sho covered her face with her hands. A deserted wife, ru ined, lost, for he still rclalucd tho marriage certificate, and no other proof existed in tho world. "I knew ho would regret it I" she wailed in bitternoss. "I am older than he, and ho is but a boy. Even in that ij-irk hour of agony, she hod no word of censure fur (ho man she loved. For, all the while, despite the dreadful fact which stared her in the face relentlessly, and which that paper had revealed, there burned within her heart tho vestal fire of that faith, which "many walcra cannot quench, neither can the floods drown." In tho very face of indisputable truth, sho de termined to seek Ned Benlley, and obtain an iuterview. Pride said no; but loye in this woman's heart was stionger than pride, nnd It prevailed. One morning, early, before nny of lho household of Leon were stirring, Ruth step pal out from the low doorway of the house, which she was noycr again to enter; nd, took her way over lho dewy roads, on to tho station, a mile distant. She had decid ed lo leave in this manner; fur tho knew well (hat tho madamo would never eon ent; and she rould not endure the slorm she knew would follow a disclosure of the truth. Sho had means to defray her expeccscs to Now York, nnd soon seated In the train, sho was whirled away northward. It wes evening of the fourth dy, when "almost worn nut wilh fatigue, she arrived In New York nil,.. film Irnaw ll.a miUW-a -f I. I nujMMnu a unoie. lor ner itttera to. Ktt - always been (uldressed to his b- ,iad sierPin- inio a. cwrlai a5ei nnd so The Carbon Advocate. An Independent Family Newspaper rubllshcd every SATURDAY, in Lchlghton, Carbon Co.,ra., by iiAinev v. luoiiTiiiiriim. O tries B A N K. W A Y, a short distance above tho Lehigh Valley R. R. Depot. Terms: $1.00 rerAnnnm in AdyancG Kvcnr description or tlain akd rANCt Jo"b iPrinting AT VERY LOW TRICES. stone mansion j nnd timidly ascending the marble steps, sho rang tho bell. A servant, In livery, answered the summons. "Can I sco Mr. Edward Bentlcy?" The man stared, and then, pushing open tho door, conducted her Into a small, iuxu lour apartment. Soma ono was lounging thero In n discontented attitude. It was Ned. Iter heart stood still; she advanced a step. Uo aroso to his feci; his faco was ashen while. "Is it a spirit?" he gasped. "My -God 1 Ruth, can it bo you?" "It is II" she answered, coldly. He stretched out his arms. "ty wife my darling I" ho cried." What does this mean ?" Sho recoiled as though a deadly serpent had stung her. "You forget yourself, Mr. Bentley " sho began, in a volco liko Ice. "Your wife" "Well, nro you not my wife?" he cried, catching her in his arms, nnd raining ikisscs upon her faco. "Explain this terrlblo mys tery, Ruth, or I shall go mod I" For answer, sho drew forth the crumpled newspaper, nnd pointed to lho marriago col umn. His brow clouded) "My poor darling," ho whispered. "How you must hnvo suffered. What a duie I havo been. Let mo tell you all nbout it." He drew her to a sola, and seated hitnselt by her side. , "You sec, my darling," ho began, "Lucie was determined to marry me; (now that sounds awfully conceited, but 'tis truo), for sho had set her heart on Inheriting undo Ned's fortune. When she found that I was not to bo caught in her snare, what do you think sho did?" ' Ruth shook her head. "Why, sho married Undo Nedl His namo is tho samo ns mine, darling; hence your dreadful mistake. Uncle Ned is old and childish, and very 111 ho was easily persuaded. Jlut Ruth, why did you not answer my letters?" "I hayo not received ono in weeks, Ned." "What can that mean?" Ho strode nervously up nnd down tho room. "Ruth, I believe that J,ucio can unravel tho mystery." He rang the bell as ho spoke, and a serv ant aptwarcd. "Ask Mrs. Bentley to como lor a moment, Rogers," ho directed. With a low bow thoscrvout withdrew. In a few moments, the sweep of n silken :obo was heard, and tho door opened to admit a fair mid steeley-cyod woman, with light hair banded abovo n low forehead, and a sinister curyo to her thin lips. "Mrs. Bentley," begin Nod, as sho en tered, "allow mo to present my wifo." Fatigued nnd travel worn as she was, Ruth looked every inch tho lady ns sho ack nowledged tho Introduction. Mrs. Bentley, Sr., tapped tho floor impatiently wilh her little foot. rJ5?silauythius further, Cousin Ned?" "Yes." He breathed hard for n moment. "I wish you to prodnco Ihe letters which you intercepted from' my wifo. Also, dis close the author of this deleelablo epistle?" He unfolded n letler which ho took from his pocket. It ran ns follows : "M11. EnWAnn Bextlev It is my sad duty to inform you, that your voting Iriend Miss Ruth Norris-Iong my" oinipaiiion, was, two days since, drowned in Luke Pon chaitniin, whither wo had gono for a few days. Tho body ba9 not been recovered, though wo havo used every exertion; and wo hnvo given her up 119 hut. To-morrow I start for France, to remain there leruia ncntly. With sympathy, yours, etc., "Elisk Leon." Tho unmasked traitress en 11 It ujwn a seat, pale nnd ticmbllng. She could not speak. "Rutlj," cried Nod, suddenly, "como with moj" Ho took her hand nnd led her into the presence of the old man, who had been w duped There ho told tho whole story ; and although Unclo Ned did not favor secrets, ho freely forgive the two. Three days afier wurd, ho died in Ned's nrms. And when his will was opened, it was found that one half tho immense cstato was bequeathed to "Ruth, tho wifo of Edward Bentley, for the sake of her unfaltering love and deathless faith."- And lho remaining half "first deducting ono third, for tho widow's lawful portion"- was left to "Ed ward Bentley, my beloved nephew and his heirs forever 1" cm:vi:h imscovcuy. Just over a year ago two fifty pound Bank 01 i.ngiand notes were taken from (he din ing room of a Jlr. Terrctt, a tradesman of Bristol. A servant was charged with steal ing them, nnd (he charge was dismissed ; but, on Mrs. Terrell searching the ashes of a fire-grate, thero were found particles of under wnieli, when submitted lo a mlcros- cojie, wcro ascertained to contain numbers and trace ol tho water mark of the notes. Tho ashes were sent to London, and there subjected to further examination, wilh the result that tho bank has at length refunded the monoy. Given up by Doctor. "Is il possible that Mr. Godfrey is up and at work, and cured by so simple a remedy?" "I assure you it is true that he Is ent.icly cured, nnd with nothing but Hop Bitters j and only ten days ago his doctors cave him up and said ho must die I" "Well a dayl That is remarkable 1 I will 0 this day and get some for my poor eorgo I know hois nro good." SaJen A S.n.WtT VAMKUb A farmer who lives ncor Hartford, Conn., boasls that ho has had three good wlva. Ills neighbors tell a s'ory of his penurious ncss concerning each of them. It Is averred that ho ordered ofhis farm a sitter of No. 1 because she ate too many eggs. No. 2 had been his servant girl and refused to work longer at low wages. On the way to the depot he saldi "Will you slay if I wi marry you?" "Yes," she answered, ond he is said to have chuckled oyer his cheap bargain, as sho was hard worker. No. 3 was n wi 'off and n dressmaker who rywtd considerabld mnnv. llv ,1.. c... - I....1.-...I I. :l.,. .. .. ... 1 .. uuuirjDiHi ueiurn ii,flrp,..,A c . i. Iwtvtnv lllAAA Ik- .- ! .1 - llA lT.RAIIff.M.1 1'inl 1- t had iKMight up U '.he rVim, 8gaIu..t his In u H-s-ily Ml.(t on ,ll0 dollsr. . (v, only $1 Pr diwnm. I y bouM .xMtT T0Ur .dverearj "I wuyir the ,ood reacuvH Vj wit. i .wbIstcA';
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers