The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 26, 1879, Image 3

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    AinoNti viiu roiris.
Wtr a, man bedecks Ml breast
With gaudy gems io bright,
That from thefaclng or his rest
Olesmi Irrldeicent light,
Jnit estimate him as a man
Who licks refined taste,
, 2 yA&d1lko iCo chaJjrho,loi8 up bills,
tils toioin shorts the paste. Exch.
Where IS the man with soul so dead,
Who bai not a beastly oold In his head,
la tun, his owu Icerstsnlchow-oir 1 1
Ah-uium-cr.k-k-ktlss.shoraach-h-h-h 1 1 1
Well. lam proud to see
.Men not afraid of Qod, afraid of me.
Old Ballad.
WU SbTing,' tho 8ixtli street laundry
msnf entered the drug-store opposite his dive
yesterday evening, and, throwing down a
nickel, said t
" Five ce-itee opium."
While Ihe clerk was gettinghim the drug
an Enayirtr representative engaged the
Chinaman In conversation:
" ,rBuy much opium, Wah t"
" Five, 10, 10, centce worth a day."
"Use it on shirts tM
" Helle nbl smoke it." "
''Like it!"
" Belly good," and a Iinppy smile spread
over bis inunimy-liko features.
" Tell me gniiiething about it," said the
Enquirer man) "what kind of on effect does
It produce how docs it make you feel ?"
" Makes Chinaman feel likce," and hero
ho was stuck for a comparison to denoto per
feet happiness and contentment; " makes
Chinaman feel likco likco Melican man
Oen. Grant, allco tlmo plenty money, no
much workec, lakco things easy."
" Makes you forget your troubles, docs
" Yes j, forget troubles alleo same likee
when you sleep."
" Seo nico thiflgs jn your dreams?"
" Belly nicp: Everything big and beauti
ful," and he made nn enraptured gesture
wiih bis hands.
" Everything grand, I suppose?"
"Belly grand. Chinaman's cellar look
likee Gibson House."
" Is it possible?"
' Smoothing-iron look likee train of cars
arid washeo-wash-tub like a 6teumboat."
" You d'in't say so 7 And what clso ?"
"Ob, beep else. Wall Shung feel likee
sold out.and gone back to China with $2,
40q,'f ,
ritici: of i:aiii,y VKji:xAiii.cs.
A' man with a bsskct on his arm pushed
his wuy, says the Cincinnati Enquirer, to a
fruit-6tanrt and asked :
" How do you sell cucumbers 1"
The dealer iuformed him.
" Why, man alive, do you supposo I want
to buy a whole ono ?"
" 1 don't know what you want, but that's
the prico of cucumbers," replied the dealer.
"- You don't want it all down, do you V
c" I do, forXfact.".
' SupK)so I give you one-third cash, bal
ance in yearly iyments?"
Tho dealer shook his head.
'" I'll y you big inteicst," persisted the
man with the basket.
Another shake uf the head.
"Give you the best of security," urged
tho customer; "first mortgage on unincum
bered real estate."
The dealer would only shako his head.
" Well, then, how do you sell strawber
ries '
The rrpnttcr did not hear tho price, but
the man with the basket fainted dead awny.
nt.vku despair.
"Ahl Heaven decs indeed temper tiie
wind to tho shorn lamb," pathetically said
old Mrs.-iljiTendorl'cr tho other, evening nta
tea drinking, after emptying her twenty
eighth cup of Young Hyson. " Why, what
doyoil int-n.ii?" "You know that young
widow, Mrs. BilTen, who lives across tho
street from us? Well, she had nothing but
sorrow, troublo and distress for the past five
years. Tirst,' her father was killed by a
burglarj then her mother married a min
strel j-nfter that sho had 'tho yellow fever
and snuill-poxtogetfier j and iiext her hus
band failed, ami she hail to tako in washing.
It was jwrfWtly dreadful. Tho poor wo
man nearly went crazy. Sho was just be
ginning to bear up a little again, when her
brother was' sent to the Penitentiary forlifej
ami finally, last mouth her husband died in
a fit, and tho very next day her baby chok
ed to death oif a gum drop." "Gracious I
the poor thing I" " Wasn't it just terrible?
Everybody believed 6he'd commit suicide
then i anil sho wi.ul.l have dono so, too, but
t-ibt week providentially coaxed
her to go to n ehureh-rafllo and what do
you, all. supine happened? Why, sho won
a btar-skhi s-Kvpiu I" Y..n don't mean
it I" "Sho did, though perfectly splou
did camo within an inch of tho floor. The
darkest hour is just before dawn, oftcr all.
Now, isn't It?"
ciii.-vusu iiomahci: ieidv.iii:.
All American connected with one of the
consulates m China has translated some
Chinese ioms into English. Amonglhcin
are tome verses which prove, alas 1 that the
" humorist" is abroad even In that fair land.
Tho production is entitled, " Funning the
Grave, or the Wife Tested," and tells how a
wife whoso husband was sick unto death
promised him sho would not marry again
until the mould oiyjils grave should be dry
After his burial tho conscientious wiiow ap
plied herself assiduously to hastening the
drying of the grave by fanning it. This ac
complished, sho married ono Chuang, who,
wishing to f-st her, feigned sickness, avow-
rd 'that ha was about to die, and besought
her not to take uuto herself another hus
Oh, make your mind easy," she, sobbing re
hlVOSftld 1 Won't wed. nn.t T tr,r.r.
I.'ut, uli 1 what grave doubts your last words
Don't i them ag tin, diarctt, don't t
"TjI sot virtuous women In old books I'v
And my bosom with ror has slowed i
I'll rmulate itiom. I h v mwurlU sal. I,
II Itluu'cdu I lu uuio I'll t Iduwid."
Cuua.ig then illi's conteiiteillv, and afler
he is cnoniriiieil makes his i-sosi-, diguites
himsell'asu y.iuu in m, and makes live to
Mrs, Clmaiig as together they wutcli over
the eniply colfiu. "Tho next day the funer
al-Uikrd meats serve us the wedding din'
nor." The unrecognised Chuang shams ill
iiess nnulii.uiul declares I hut nothing will
cure hint but " Ihe brains ol'uliviug man or
of one nliq i has iml been dead more than
three dry. Old Chuang will do,' savs
his relict, as shpvuiiishet whereuxin Chu
ang takes oU'hi disguise and settles him
telflu the colliu, again. IIissusn soon o
iesrs with n n uxe and smashes the lid, up
on which Chuuiig Uhiiiiu up with u " hellol'
Tubu invitation to espla.n, Mrs. Chuang
remarks i
"I felt sura you, must be living i towelcom
ohm more.
Mr roognil grob'S I tore otT, and my wed.
To trhioU answers her lord:
" Your tale Is plausible, but I think you'd bet
ter slop;
Don't tatlKue jounelfbj telling lies i let the
natter dron.
To test your fll(fulneis a mi I've been mere-
I'm the jooth ) ou just now married my wld
ow I've Just wed."
(Cel.) TiHMI,
AVIint Ucca to Keep.
Wo are often osked by beginners In bee
keeping "What kind of bees shall wo keep?"
To all such our answer will bo to keep Ital
ians. If It Is not twssiblc, or even conven
ient, to obtnin Italians at tho start, begin
with tho common black bees, and, later,
procuro one or moro pure Italian queens
with which to Italianize the stocks. It Is
now nlmost universally conceded almost,
for there arc still somo practical bco-kcepers
who prefer tho black becs that undor simi
lar circumstances tho Italians aro tho most
profitable. Professor Cook in his Manual of
tho Apiarv, enumerates no less than cloven
points in favor of tho Italians over the black
bees. Some of these points may not weigh
heavily In the scales, but othersare of prime
importance. Tho main ones aro: First, that
they havo longer tongues, and can therefore
gather from many flowers from which tho
black bees cannot. Second, they arc more
active, and, with the eamo opportunities,
gather moro honey. Third, tho queens arc
moro prolific. Fourth, tho yellow abdomen
makes her majesty moro conspicuous, and
sho can therefore bo readily found when
looked for. Fifth, tho bco-moth does not
easily gain foothold among the Italians.
Sixth they aro more amiable.
April work In Orchard nndNurscir.
Trees in transportation aro liable to injury
in spitooftho skilful packing ofthonur
scryman. If detained ontheroad they may
dry out, and when opened present a dead
and shrivelled appearance. No matter how
unpromising they look, thoy can probably
bo restored. First look to the labels, and
seo that they aro all well fastened ; then
ojwii a trench in a dry sandy place, and
bury tho trees root anil branch, taking caro
that tho moist earth comes well in contact
with tho branches and twigs to the very lop.
A week or less of this treatment, unless the
trees were absolutely dead, will completely
restore them. Be very careful, in taking
them out, not to loso labels or break the
twigs. Another danger i3 overheating, caus
ing the buds to start Into growth. The
uppermost buds may have weak white shoots
some Indies long, tho lower ones shorter
shoots, while further down on tho branches
tho buds will still bo dormant. In this
case, the branches must all bo cut back to a
sound bud. Tho needed severe cutting may
not leave much of the tree, but it is the only
remedy. The novice at tice-plauling can
not sec why ho should not set uli that nur
seryman gives Ii i m. So ho might, did the
nursery give him all that belongs to him.
Even witli tho greatest care, some roots must
be cut oil', but in hurried work the tico is
deprived of unothinl to one-half of its roots.
It then becomes a matter of necessity to cut
back the top, that there may bo u proper
proportion of root and branch. Do not hur
ry tree-planting. If the ground is not dry
and mellow, let tho trees wait. The land
being maikcd out, and the place for each
tree staked, tako sutliclent time to plant eaoli
lieu propcrlyj this means sprca ling the mots
covering thcuigmduully witli top soil, work
ing tli is well in among tho roots, firming
tho soil gently with tho foot not tramping
it then when the filling is completed press
town tlio soil firmly again. Slakes aro not
needed if a tree is well set, unless it IS of
cry largo size. Many water tho roots at
lantiug, but this is unnecessary except lalo
n spiing when the ground has become some
what dry. Mulching is always needed, to
eep the soil around tho roots moist. Straw,
wor hay, stable litter, chips, or whatever
will prevent evaporation, drafting suc
ceeds best with perfectly dormant scions
set upon stocks, tho buds of which havo
commenced to swell. Tho cankcrworm, in
ocalities where it is troublesome, appear as
soon os the ground thaws. The female, bo
ng wingless, cannot lly, and when sho
leaves the ground has to climb up tho trunk
to lay h ir eggs. All " remedies" consist in
presenting somo barrier to the ascent of the
male. Contrivances aro numerous; tho
implcst is a band of heavy brown mpcr
around tho trunk, smeared with tar or prin
ters ink, and looked to every few days. Be
foro the trees leave out, they should be care
fully iuspected for tho eggs of the tent cat
erpillar. They oro in a baud about an incl
ng near tho ends of tho small trigs, and
are iciulily seen azainst the skv.. Cut and
bum. Mounds of cartii that wcro made
around young trees last fall to keep oft" mice
hould bo levelled. American Agricultkr'
Brags and Medicines
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store.
If you want anything in tho Drug lino at bottom prices,
go to tho Old aud lloliablo Drug Store, in Dr. N. B.
Reber's Block, near tho Post Office,
A. J. DUELING, Proprietor,
IWIicre yon will flud a full and comploto stock ot
Puro Drugs, Medicines, Chotnicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
Brushes, Combs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimnoys, Burning & Lubricating Oils.
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries,
Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
Puro Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and
Sacramental purposes.
Wull Paper and Borders, a great variety.
Personal attention given to tho compounding of Physi
cians and Family Prescriptions,
Established 1867.1 A. J. DURLING.
Tlie Best aud Most Popnlar Pulinouic is
Lchlchtou. NovfmDT2.
JOHN G-. BIERY, Agent,
Manufacturers of and Dealers in all kinds of Lumber, Sash,
Doors, Blinds, .Shutters, Mouldings, Brackets, Ballust
crs, Window and Door Frames, Scroll Sawing,
Turning, Planing and Ripping done at short
notice and at Prices to Suit tho Times.
uia.' Maclalaieiry 1 sull Mew
and of the Latest and Most Improved Pattern ; we em
ploy none but the Best Mechanics, and use only
the Best and Thoroughly Seasoned Lumber.
Contractors and Carpenters are invited to
call for Specifications, which will be
cheerfully furnished.
OrrieTS bv Mull piomptlv nttrndort to, nnrt satisfaction prunantccd. Tlmnltfal to our friondi
and lliu public tor patt iavois, wo rei-pcitlullv asm uuaio ot your patroDaee lu ihe futnro.
Very Hcapcctfully.
For the Weissport Planing Mill.
P. O. box 63. jan.d- yl
Respectfully announces to tho pooplo of Lohighton and its
vicinity, that ho has just enlarged his Manufactory by the
addition of another story, and that ho is now prepared to
turmsh them with every description or
Manufactured from tho best Seasoned Matorial, at Prices
fully as low as tho same articles can bo bought for else
where. Hero aro a few of tho inducements offered :
Parlor Sots at from $50 to $60.00
Walnut Marble-top Dressing Case Bedroom
Suites, 3 Pieces. $40 to $65.00
Painted Bedroom Suites, $18 to $10.00
Cane Seated Chairs, per set of Six $6.00
Common Chairs, per set of Six $4.00
and all other goods equally cheap.
Tn this connection, I desire to call tho attention of the
citizens to my amplo facilities in tho
BUSINESS, with a now and handsome Ilearse, and a full
lino of Caskets and Coffins, I am prepared to attend
promptly to all orders in this line, at lowest prices.
Patronage respectfully solicited and tho most amplo sat
isfaction guaranteed. V. KCHWAKTZ,
Oct. 12. BANK Street, LEHIGHTON, PA.
It Will Paay tu Iteaal ailnls I
It Invftilabljr Cnroi Cour)i& colds, lionise-
ucsa, Soto Tbrout, Actlnna, Croup, and other
Affections of tho Breathing Organs.
It poothlne Influence nron tho lrrttfttedlln
iiic ot the nir Dnftftne-et. la dun to tho lact that
ita intrrcxlietita it re tho most cfllcaclona putraon-
in Pimples Known tn meuicii uninny, iiie imria
of tho nrttclo ocin tae 1IO.NKY of iho lIOltK
jiuuiJ i'Lnn r, cncnucnnr unncn wun me i
mrfllcinntprtnciplont tho A1HKH 1(AIAMKA
or Halm ot Giiend. Thotente besidoi, five other
botnnlo elements which give additional efficacy
to the UiattiAuicd two.
'Ihnre wnn imvo mcu it, far mat iiAT.ii'H
HONKY OF llOttEUOlT.NI) AND TAll la not
only wonderfully remodlal tn nit cares wheio
xno oriiaa oi respiration aro iiucciea.uni.nisn
tnat Its action unnkually rapid. A few doses
licquentlT servo to relievo a very obajnatc
cough. It contains nnthtnvtant ran ihwmler
tho Btomnch, ft fhet that can ho alleged with
truth of hut tew Congh remedies t It has nnvi-
urn'.fMr aprfoauiounvor, nn.i is pmu ai. uffurc
which enables thoo of tho most limited means
to avail themselves of lU vinno-s.
It l elmplo tnmlnostto trlflowlth n Coujrh.
Itiltntlou ot thn Throat, Chont "nil Lungs trnv
els rapidly and what Is n trifling and canih
conqnorabio ihfUcullr lit thoso oitfuns to-day,
tnavlua lew weeks itovclnp Into Uionchltls ot
conumpt on, two dlscasw which earn more
victims to enrlv nrnvep. itinu any other In the
long llt of bodllv dhofdere.
A Couch may ho fitly teimed thorrcllmlnnrr
St ice of Consumption, n maladv f which
TAll is the miet Vuown preventive. Those
theioiore, who woul1 nrroni tho profrrofs o! the
Ifvarnvcr. ahould delay not a moment to takf
a CI'UTAIS SreclfW'.
ClllLliUKN, doilvo ci cat benefit from Its
Wc have entered into arrangements with Rev. J. Henry
Smytiiu, of Plnladclphia, the publisher of Sunshine i-ou
Little Children, whereby wc are enabled to make you the
iollowing unrivalled offer an offer which will, wc feel as-;
sured, secure for us not only your name, but the names of
very many of your friends and neighbors as subscribers to
our paper.
already been expended in this "great offer" by the "Sun
shine Publishing Co.," THIS PAPER MAKES NOTH
ING ON THE BOOKS. Our sole object is to place your
name on our list as a subscriber to the Camion Advocate
and to Sunsuine fou Little Childuen.
Raroxyrms of Cnmp and Cough. The
rsc named d'sixo n destructive
niuonc vounc chlldien nnd ill's n-iiahle remedy
should he Kupt on hand In nil homcuol&j, Buy
the Inrtre Vac k pes uml Uconomlzp.
i'HICF.a, 5Q ctM.. and I, I'Kll DOTTLE.
Sold by all Druggists.
C N. Crittenton Prop'r,
For Sdlo br A,
r.clilghton. 1'a.
J. DUJU.INO, B nk street,
Have you a "Raoikq Tooth" Header?
Pike's Toothache Drops
nnd Curo tlinnsocy In Onis Minutk. T1iI you
randciforTvVi'.NTV-i'IVW CENTS Tho nr
tlclo w 11 ilo tlio buimo! uu brown depend iipoii
tt:moroTor it eonmiija no iiwouicut widen
cau lujuro your Tcotl:.
miCE 23 CENT3. gold Dy all Drusslsts .
C. N. Crittenton, Prop'r,
ulpiiub mxf,
Tlio Leading Extcrnnl Specific
Beaulifier of tlio Complexion,
It renders tho Cuticle- Healthfully
Clear and Smooth,-arid Is'the JJest Pos
sible Substitute for Expenslvo Sulphur
IIOHlCktiU Ill'CllC.
CAnAwAY Cookies. Ono cup of butter,
two of white sugar, three eggs, half a cup
or seeds, and Hour enough to inaKo a still'
paste. Itull it very thin with sugar instead
of Hour on tho board, unit cut- it in round
thjpo.3. Bake about fifteen minutes.
SroNCK Gixgf.rbiikad. -One cup sour mill:
one cup molasses, half a cup butter, two eggs,
one uud a half teaspoons soda, ono tjuart
Hour j ringer nnd spieo to taste.
OraxokI'viibq Grated rim! of two and
juice and soft pulp of three oranges, halfa
pint or sugar, halfa pint of milk, foureggf,
two Boston crackers rolled nnd si fled, or four
nnd a half tablespoonfuls of rolled and sift
ca rrockcrs, ono ounce of butter. Cream
and butter, stir in tho grated lind, the juice
and sugar.lho well-beaten pggsand crackers;
a id the milk, mix well nnd bake in a pud-
amg-msu linen with paste.
Corn:s Cnr.M Hnlf an ounce of Cox's
gelatine, ono gill of strong cdr.'c, one gill of
sugar, inrce gills ol cream j soak Ihe cc latino
nan on nimr in hair a gill of cold water.
then placo itover boiling waterond nddihe
hot cofTee nnd sugar j when dissolved take
it from the (lie, stir 111 the coM cream nnd
strain it in a mould that has beeu wet with
cold water when cold turn out.
Oatiikai, 8amf Put a pint of oatmeal to
souk in w irni water for a few hours before
uookin'it! jn.t water cnouili lo cover it.
then' p ur thin mixture into Inlllug water,
a little ui a time, with a good pinch of salt,
and let it soak slowly tho same as a corn-
meal hasty pudding, for half an hour or
longer. A pudding oau bo made of it by'
uing eggs, milk, snjnr, raisins and china-
moil, the same as other pud-lings. 1
Cuackko Wueat. 8oak it tlio same as
tho oatmeal, ami as it -s apt to burn, put .
It in a liltlo tin juil, ami set the pall into a
kettle of boiling water cover closely and '
let it boil half or three-quarters of an hour
Stir this Into boiling water, the same as oat
meal. (
Ar accomplished Shelby ville, Ind., young
wotnanhas become enamored of a bright mu
latto railroad cmployend learnlug that the
fetate laws jmnlsh miscegenation, when her
dusky lover applied for a marriage license,
she has sworn to lly with him to some Stale
where love knows sa color.
Tho undersigned announces to tho ladies of Lehighton
and vicinity that ho is now receiving nnd opening a large
assortment of STRING & SUMMER GOODS,-comprising
such as Maralasses. Delaines, Coburgs, Alpacas, &c. Also,
a largo stock of
vhicli ho is offering
Groceries and Provisions a Specialty,
at prices to suit the times.
Clover, Timothy, Hungarian, and all kinds of Field and
Garden Seeds, VERY CHEAP.
It 1 Inponmarnb'o Tlemrdr for Bm-ISES. TIL.
ICElw, CL'T nnd every Irritable or onltea.ttiv
cuiiuiuoii vi mo nkin, una is . most seivicenuie
retneiilal nvent and nowco ot spcoily leUet In
CUM',8 oi a OUT nnd Iiiiuumatihm.
TtlnnmiiHtnesirnlilo UliSINFECTAXT OP
ui.ui'iiiauuiiiiijii J.INK.N, woin ana urea
bvpeieoiH Miderln frotn oiisaxinus or cox.
TAoious iuftFAtri.mid lHaOspital ltcnirdvnud
l'revoiitatlve of tiiem. when used a nu injee
Hon 1'ciBous etnnlovlnir IL have no iipi-.1 in
taBo Sulpliur riatiin, or to rcburt to Hulnlmr
r jiriiiKa iur utiiiiin? puronse.
Aaanai'juuctoftiio TOILET It t far more
dM-ualde tliau nuy Corme.le sIlco it dorhkot.
jii-u a-iiuit-s tji jiaiurr, cuuoual uuuipieX'
louul IUeiiiitoliea but removes tliom.
aid thn like, m-eoilllv yielatoit. clanfylnu In.
fiiience; nn-1 It 1 the very but tioap to Htiive
with.bccituge it leave. Hie ekiu sniooth and free
from iheliiltation proOuced ou u .eiHitlvocu
ilete. by Hie utiDllcntmn of tlie lazor. It also
coirpletcly cradicat4ti liANDHUFK.
Jloiisewlvn. declare it to bo excellent for
wufftiBB OOL,U. L,INh-N.L.1C';.nui "tlier
fabrics ami ladies iiioviur tn tho best urcles of
metrouolltau aud rutal society sneak 01 It in
the. hiPlicst torn),
Tosilii'Otiluisiioarin from all quarter, of the
Union upon It. l'rontlrt jr. many of wliirh ha e
been puullidu'd lu the rrui of a ueat pamphlet.
piuviiiui-in vi uriii?Ei-i-. Him tuiicruvoua ucai.
era. the ollinnnla linlili? i-nnn to untd.o lnnnf n
t nn at '.UK MPlilCIXAL WAIIEItr USli. No. 7 blXTU
AVEXUK, Is'tw VuliK. The artic 0 Is moreover
inuoiscu ov iio suuicui Tiaiciinty.
fUjUN'MHUI.l'UUUMiAl' limb en imitat
ed, bojps without the smallest fracin-n or re.
menial euicacv bsvo 1 f eu end are roincd upon
Opposite tho L
May C, 1870-yl
& S Depot, BANK Street,
ts Is
o So
S If Till
ra T! Ja a ' JS Ca
- a 3 o 9 I -a
13 -3 ... .3 .Rfl
n w . . .n a w
j ?
thnunsuainctlugaud uuo'jeiTTHnt, it genuine
Bulpliar yoaps. pot6efiluv propertio laeiwicnl
wltn or equal tn tlie Ore it HpeclUc, whttti tlieir
vendora eo to rival liv uodertiHUil ciiiineii
tion. Tne jmblio Blioulil i hue for be cat el u I tn
uuuir, uuii fcto 1 u.i 1 mvy poi iiic rum urucie.
AU lesnt ctuble Dmmiits. Farcy OnmtM DfaY
rrsand Uioct-ra keep (1I.KNNVS bULlMlUlt
hOAL. ami nili fD tlftnaud for it, supply llio
irlcci,;35 ct. tct- Cake 1 Dox,(3
cakcH) acnt by mal!fircpalc! fur 70c.
Ko. 7 Sixth Ave.,Tf. V.
For Sale bv A. J, DUIILINU, Bank btre. t,
Leblthtou, a.
nrocomranlcatct! to Oiar Bud Vlame colored
,oc, Hiiuuac losiauuurautfiy vy
Hill's Hair aud "Whisker Dye
aprcnaiatlou abaolmrlr free from hurtful In-
frrt-dieniA ami lutlu toly aupt-rior br rt'awuu ot
the i ff eta j roducwl. to any article of lis olasa.
1'ielUBturo GUAYMUti XU lUUEd Blfl TltO-
veutwi. aud thonivwyltatracfaffo acquire the
0. N. Crittenton Prop'r.
1 Kur Rale br A- J.
I.tlXiUtun, r.v
SIXTH AVE.. :f , Y.
I'UIILINO, ninV xtreel
AtcU IJ.
Glials speres.
And OTHER PREMIUMS, Offered to Subscribers of
66 Tho Oarlioi. Adyocato
"Worth $G4.25. Sent on receipt of $27.00.
Chambers' Encyclopedia $60 00
Ten royal octavo volumes. Library law blndlna. marble edges, extra Kilt.
40UO cnuravliiKS and 10 maps, and lroui ail lo loo elegantly cuirruved plates.
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by the rcat house ur J, 11. LlpplniottdOu., ori'lilladclpliln, cipresslty for
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tlk iliiiLUUKM. It Is a library In Itseir. Is not sold by the trade, and canuot
be bouaht elsewhere lor less than blXl'Y Dul.L,AU-.
Sunshine for Little Children ....
Sunshine for Little Children Is ono of tho most magnificently Illustrated
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twelve numbeis will liiako a liaudsoinu folio work .'t ib8 imkis. sou beauti.
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The Carbon Advocate
The Ncwslct and Most Iteadablo Weekly In tho Countv. 1
Kimlly 1'nper. and tho ONLY NhWSl'Al'Kll entirely Pit
I lib UU.N'IY. Uarelully edited, aud wliu an blu and wide
3 25
1 00
N. Y. T. S. Co's Column.
mar imiipinponH-iiira Ln,Mlw
tt Jfftl.oii Vultk t nim,d-HrilUKt
Tn-biirRbl-uid by all LLAliIKU Mtslll.
iainflmioxiv. uiisldcrlu tLelr
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wtraof vtrf whltobtrirtalttrlunWMU-
I tnlAAl. t Hi t nt nn C.Zi..
Tuttbcui. l.Tcry 1m3jc Iiiii Trade-mark of tlie ol Import tra
loun . tiiuno.x ft CO., . JC. -
For Sale by A. J. liUHLlNO. Uank Bt.. Lcblh
'un, Pa. Uro.t-Lm.
WITH A HISTORY- New effects from ntir
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yiinj,i Throat Cnr Is fold by drocglsts.
Address K. A, Oids, 100 Fulton St., N. Y. City.
For Bale by A. J, DUllLIXO, llonk Street. t
biB'iton, l'a. J)ov..Cin
The debecment of
" natural scenery "
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ollicrwlsa this hsro
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Instantly. Hut a bet.
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Total offer is worth
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ut, Uoston. -1 ho text be purchai-ed In lets tlnin 38 irt, at to cents
pirpart, llound In cloth, ilegnut gill lops und gold siauipa.
Sunshine for Little Children .... 3
The Carbon Advocate 1
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Worth $14.25. Sent on receipt of $8.10.
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Sunshine for Little Children . . . 3 25
The Carbon Advocate 1 00
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Worth $16.25. Sent on receipt, of $6.00.
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largo type, and priutod on exquisitely tinted paper.
Sunshine for Little Children ....
The Carbon Advocate
Total offer is worth ....
12 00
Worth $7.75. Sent on receipt of only $1.12.
World of "Wit and Humor
From tho most celebrated writers. A magnificent volume of the rarest and
richest fun. Large octavo, soo pages. Clothexira. 450 ongravlogs and
full page plates. Oold side and gold stamp. A great bargain.
Sunshine for Little Children ....
The Carbon Advocate
Total offer is worth
3 50
$7 75
In order, if possible, to place a copy of THE CAR130N
ADVOCATE in every household in this and the adjoining
Counties, and to largely increase its circulation in other
sections of the country, wc have become parties to contracts
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able books, and our readers arc respectfully requested to
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Carbon County,
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For It la Badly too true that thousand of
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lick. IlrlirMa niotlii-ri Mill tlll.l l:i.lgo' loud Intl wti.f ,r,
need. ltElTuhcaltUDaditrrustli. Iniiiw, no.. I
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Us Introduction and World-renowned
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cneap nowa-dats are these that have been re
possessed (that Is. taken back Irom customers
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Prices and Terms Mafls Salisraclorj
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Tlie 1'ianef uiane one of tbe flnet disjjlsya at
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mously rrcnmniendfd fortbeliioiiKuT Hosobb
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M years 'Hie tqusie Grand- contain Matb.
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Catalogue id rates mslled free.
HI Ka.t I3li Strl, Jl. Y.
1 1 rat