OBITUARY. JOHN S. KESlt. John B. Kerr (licit suddenly Sunday morning at his residence) in Washington, D. C. Tie was a nativo of Maryland, tho eon of United States Senator John Leeds Kerr, and wo3 himseir a member of Con gross previous to 1850. President Fillmore appointed him Minister to Central America. Fixing his permanent residence In Washing ton at tho commencement of thocivll war ho hold for several years tho office of Assistant Solicitor of tho CourtofClaims. Atthe timo of his death ho was law clerk in tho Sixth Auditor's office. Ho was graduated at Har vard University in 1830 in tho same class with Charles Sumner, and died of a similar disease namely, angina pectoris, a iieculiar ly painful, nervous affection of tho chc6t. Ho was about siitynino years of njo. Jorr.N U. VIS BCSKIKK. Mr. John M. Van BusUirk.whodied Sun day morning in Washington,!). C, of pneu monia, after only two days' illness, was born in Lanslngburg, N. Y. Ho was about forty flvo years of age, and on his mother's sido was descended from tho celebrated Knicker bocker family of Scaghticoko. For tho last ten or twelve years ho resided in Washing ton, where ho occupied several important positions in connection with tho Post Ofllco Department, When tho Columbia Bank Noto Company was reorganized five or six years ago ho became ono of tho principal stockholders and its treasurcr.but ho virtual ly managed its cntiro business. Ho was an exceedingly genial and accomplished gentle man, and his death will bo generally re gretted by all who knew him. AN AWINK AVALANCHE. In tho summer of 1801. arorty of tourists. while visiting tho Alps, climbed, with groat ililHcultv. tn nn elevated and snow-covored plateau, in order to obtain a better view of awiss scenery, ana contrast mo oeaiuy ami richness of midsummer below witli tho bleakness and sterility of midwinter around and above them. In play they rolled tho moist snow into large balls, they crowded it over tho edgo of tho plateau. In falling it truck softer enow, which immediately cavo way, and soon an avalanche was tearing j ' ., ..j.. :.. ...! .lnA... uown me mountain eiue uuijnu uuu ing everything in its course. As tlio hand' fnf nf snow becamo tho irresistablo ava lanchc, so tho hacking cough with soro throat ami wtarrn, it negiecieu, spccuny Into that dread destroyer, Consump tion. In the early stages, Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy will ell'ect a cure, though if the blood be affected or Impoverished it must bo and enriched by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and tho liver and bowels ItcDt activo bv his Pleasant Pureativo Pel lets. Many who despaired of lilb and had .inn oivon un to dio by physicians and friends, owe their restoration to tho above remedies. ELY, Linn Co., Iowa, Hay Sth, '77 Tin. PrsncK. Buffalo. K. Y.! bear Sir I was prostrated somo thrco years einco with pleuro pneumonia, which left mo with a troublesomo cough, that grad ually grew worse until physicians gave mo ud to d o with consumption. I tried several romiHllM. that aro advertised to euro coil' sumption, but without obtaining any relief or ucneill. Dccmg yuur vjumi-u iii-MiL Discovery and Pleasant Purgativo Pellets advertised, l conciuuca u iry mem, uuu i fnnnil them to be all that vou claim lor them. My restoration has remained complete for two years. Inclosed find S1.50 for a copy of your Common Benso Jledical Adviser. liver gratefully yours, JASON C. BARTHOLOMEW. HEMAKKADLE SUCCESS. The suc cess of the leading literary paper of tho West, Tho Chicano Leaner, ij truly remarkable, Bince its introduction to the reading public, six vrara aero. The LcJacr has steadily ad vanced In favor, and in now acknowledged ceeond to no raiwr of tho kind in tho coun try. Its circulation is national, and has been obtained through tho etlbrts of its pub lishers to produce a paper of high moral character, and at tho samo timo sell it ut a nrico consistent with thotiresent hard times, That they havo succeeded, and well, too, tho thousands of readers of The Ledger scattered from Malno to Texas and from Oregon to Florida will bear testimony. The Chicago Ledger is a largo forty-eight column cekly paper, which contains stories both complete and continued, iu each number, written by tho best authors of tho day, and a great variety of information Interesting to every one. Tlio subscription price of 2Vic Lcdqcr is only $1.50 per year, postago paid, and it is equal in every particular to other papers of tho samo character which sell for f 3 a year. Thrco copies of this valuablo paper will bo sent to any ono who Bends 10 cents and their address to The Ledger, Chicago, Illinois. "GERMAN SYUUP." Xo other modi cino in tho world was ever given such a test of its curative qualities as Boschec's German Syrup. In thrco years two million four hundred thousand small bottles of this med icine wcredi6tributedrceocAar(7C by drug gists in this country to thoso afllictoil with consumption, asthma, croup, severe, coughs, pneumonia anil other diseases of tho throat and lungs giving tho American people un deniablo proof that German Sy up will curo them. Tho result has been that druggists in every town and village in tho United States are recommending it to their custom, crs. Go to your druggist, and ask what they know about it. Sample bottles 10 cents. Hegular sizo 7i cents. Thrco doses will re lieve any case. For sale by A. J. Durling. X. Y. Sun : This weather is all very well now i but how about tho urico of ico next summer? After is belter that the well-to-do should pay a little more for their ice, a few months hence, than that the Jioor should shiver for want of tlio coal they are unable to buy. Stanford Journal i A well-known Crab Orchard man, who is pretty fond of li is bitters, was seen in Stanford last week with a bluo ribbon pinned on his coat. A friend inquired, " Havo you joined tho Murphy's, Iudgot" fcXot exactly," ho replied; "lonly wear this in tho hopo that somo ono will ask mo to take a drink under tho impression that I'll refuse." Boston Transrript : " Do they miss you at homo?" ho asked, as she folded and put away ft letter sho had just received from her mother. "Never," sho answered j "they call mo 'Sis." Tho Bishop of Manchester was present recently ot a young ladies' school, and a clas in Latin were up for examination, pouring forth a list of Latin wonii", with tho English translation. They canw to tlio wopl "vicissim," and this being ono of tho schools that havo adopted tho new pronoun- iation. they said promptly, "Wo-kiss-im," 'we-ks-im by turns." "Oh, do you?" aid tho Bishop. "Th -n I don't wondor at yen? adorting tho now rmnuncis.tion." Tni BEST asd Most Porcun Fcluonic is It Invariably Cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarso- IlCES.SOro Aliroar V8llllllu,lruujiuuu viuvi Affcctious of thu Er athing Organs. Tfctfumfhlni? lufltif-nce unontho Irritated lln Ingot the air poi'snccs, Is dun totlie fact tbnt tt IncTmllems uro tho most cfflcncions pulmon lc ,luinlps known to medical iMitnnv.tbo tint-ls of tho article honir ttio HoNKY of tho 1IOI111. HOl'ND PLANT, cbcmloilly nn.teii with tho mcr.iciual pilnclp'o of tho AMES UALa AMl.'A or Halm ut Gllcud. Tncio tiro besides, tlvootler botamo elements which Klvo uddl. tional ctHcicy to ttio first nnmid two. I IIO-O Wlin irivp iisiNI ib BJV I'm iiiiun trnNl.-V OP llnltK.-HltTNll AN D TAIL 19 not only wonderfully icuud'eii m alt ea-a where tboonransof rospiiiiunn aro effected butnlso that Us action Is unusually rapid. A fowdoos frequently Beryo to redevo 11 vcrv obstlnnto couuh. it contains nnlliin;? that can dloider ttio atomirn, n tact can oo auecea wnu tnith of unt fow cuitah remedies i It has an ox. tiomelv aciooab o flivnr. rndis soldot a fliraio which enables tsoso of tho most 1. lulled mean to avail thenisolvcs of its vlrricB It Is rimplv manners to tiitla with Consh. Irritation of tho Throat Client and Luutfs tiaveis rapidly, and what is n nllllne and eallv conqucintilo dlUau'.ty lu trose orcjans to day, mny in a few w o.ts ocvelopo Into llronch'tts i.r Consumption, two diseases wlnrh cortvmi'ro vicllius to early craves, tha i any other In tho lonirlaiot bodily difordciH. A CoiiBh may bo fitly tunned the Preliminary Btniro ot Uinnniptlin, n milady of wbieli UAluailuriruir iiuitj'.iLijuix, j T,l 11. In thn Riirr.-t. t-nrtwii movfintlvo. Thofio. thereof, who wonld arrest tho prnare.s of tho oestrover snouiu oeiay not a moment iu iuu this ckrtais -neclllc. ClIILUUENi ucnvo great henellt from Its RnnntlN-n nnitip.riip. .Then sulfrrlnir with the varoxysm of croup and Wlioopitiff Cough. Iho IhMtnnmHil ilmnilhii 111 psnceilllv defllrna lvo anionc youns cniiorcn au'i tins reuauio remeuv "uouia us Kept nu iiuuii an iiiutwiiuiu4. xiui inn l.Annn VArtTAnr.a in KcrisnyiZR. l'lUCIis, 60 cents' and ;i. jur Bottle. Sold hy C. N.CRITTENTON. Prop'r, No. 7 Sixth Avcuus, Xcir York. Havo You a "RAGING TOOTH" Reader? II' YOU HAVE. 1!UY Pike's Toothache Drops and Curo tlio nconrln oxe MistrrE. ThU von rnncJoforTwcnty.KlvcCoiitB. Thoitlrlo will do tno btistncsa up brown, dppend upnu it; ninrevcr n contauis no lurctuent iruica cau lAJuumrour iccin. rillCE 25 CnXTS. Sold by oil DrugfrfstB, C. N. Crittcnton, Prop'r, No. 7 SIXTII-Avcnno, NEW YORK. Tlio Lending External Specific for DISEASES OP THE SKIN and Ecautifier of the Complexion. It renders tho Cuticle Healthfully Clear and Smooth, and is tho Best risible Substi tute for Expensive Sulphur Baths. It la n Ir.cmnparablo ItcmMv for rrnlses. Uli ers, O.its. ami weir Inltablo or unhra'tlijr condition of tho Itin. and is u most "eiviccnlno remedial ap-nt n'l wmrco of epocdy relief Iu cases ot Gout mil Uliiuuiotlsin. ... ., Itinanioit deirliio DISINFECTANT 01' CLOTHING onilllli I.I.NKN', worn and i-seit by tier-ouB sufferluir Irom olninlun or comae. Ion disea-es. and is a capital Itemedv and ire vcntMivooftlicin, wlion uhciI ns an It J.-ctlon. I'crsons cmplovlinr It havn no need m take bal. iitnir u.itt'H. or to resort to sulphur Builues t r uaitilntf purposes. A a an tijuuct at fo TOILET, It Is fnrraoro dcirab o t uan nny h new It doi a not. nkonrtio o ot that naturo.rnnccal Complexion, al ll!tml-,hcs. but remove them. TAN. l-'lua'Kl.hW.I'lMPLHS BLOTCHES, nndtlioliLe, socciillv vielil to lis elanlvios in ttueneo; anil tt Is tho vcrv tiest Kointofhsvo witti.becau'o It leaves tlio Bltin somoth and frto from tho Irritation produc d on a tiensitlve cull, tie. bv tpo spplicatlnn of tlio inror. It ulso conipletel v eradlcnti'a D Ai I) it V VI'. llou-ewives derlnro It tu t e excellent for wohinK WOOLEN, LINEN, LACK, and other (.ilirles and lailiei invviUR lu the lies' curies of metiopolitnu aud rural society ipoiU of It lu th-i hisho4t Unas. Tettimonlnls pour In from nil qnarlers of tlio Union noun its 1'iop letur. roanr ot which havo born pub'lslicd In tho furm of the anrut iwiup.i letpiocuiahloot liru'i:ii nud l''.ucv U(,itdj Uouler. tho onEtli'n1- helny open lo public I", apectlon m ins uctiiciN'AL U AliniouuK, Nn. 7 hlxlil Avckit., NkW ouk. 'Iho aittelo Is hioroover iudorsed bv tho Medical fratetnitv. Like tnom inher raaiouslloiuo ues (ILEN.N'S HULl'IIUU SOA1" his iirdi Inniatcd f-osns withcutthomll-t fricnou ol reateditl cul cbcv hao Cecil i. ml ate tinted upon tho nn-ui. pectiui; ond unobservai t, u eiiinne Sulphur bo-'ps, poHsesliiff nrupeituw Memlcal with or eiiual to tho (Ireut Hrecitio wl'icn tlio'r venders sohk to nvil by underhand ciirapetlllon. 'IU liub!lo should theirfuio bo cartiul to loo.uhe lor GLE'iN'H Hu phur Soap by its fall name, and see thai they pet tho oil article. All rPMiiictj'b'.o JJi u?ait. I'mioi Good Dfal em and (1 roc era keep GLENN'S bULl'llUll HOAl. and will on demaid font, supply tho OPMJHE THING to their UlbllllUCr'. l'ltlliU"', 'JJceuls oer i uko I lloi, 13 cakes) sent bv mail, prepaid, lor 70 cents. C N. Crittcnton, Prop'r. Xo. 8 EVEN SIXTH AVENUE. JJ. Y. BLACKS and BROWNS As Xatciui. as Xatcre's, Aro communicated to Gray and Flame Col ored locks almost instantaneously by Hill's Hair & AVhisker Dye, a preparation absolutely tree from hurtful In, rredl"-ul. and lutlnitely suinor. bvrtaboa of the eifeclt produeeil, to anv anlcu of lt class, l'rinuture ouiinfis and Iiauikcss aio lire, vented, and thisllvrry hairs ot iiae, aeauire tho true youthful tint flora this matchles. Dye. BOLD DY ALL DRUOQISTB. C N. Crittcnton, Prop'r, JfkntTUAte.Jf. Y. BP WAHM And to ta W trt Littlo Money, eo to DANIEL GRAVER'S CIIEAr OASU Dry Goods & Grocery Store, Where Vnil wilt flnil nnn nf tlm 1fiffrnt fihonn. est fltid best HOfCcto l stotkflitr Uoods to bo found In tlio UoroiifrU or Lrl M;h ton, I ntu now pre pared to otfer llio following eztruortlinarr Inducements to Cash Buyers t Prlntfl, ......ntfrom fi cents prryntd npwnrda Drcit Goods, nl finiii S rorfa nt r vniM tmwunU Olnshoifla at from 0 cents pop vanl niivraid! Mnslms at from 0 ct-'uta vcr ynrrt upwards briectms, j,t from 2t cenle ppr ard upwards FlaoneN, Whito nnd Colorea. at Horn 10 couts luTyarduuwairts Canton 1- jannels, at from 7 cts. per vd. upwards utavv iwjicu ouiriiug, oi iroui 7 coais per ju. uowaidi Il0Vfl Hulttnir. nt f mm I1U rl. nnr rd. nnwnrd- and all other ttood at equally low price. I muuiu tan tuu ttui'ciui uueuiiuu oi ijtiojcs iu uiy llnmeuso btoo&ot Black Alpacas & Cashmeres, which T am telling at from ISo a yd. up Blankets a Specialty at 1.50 rcr pair up to 5 03 lor tho Best. At,sO, constantly on hand a full line of CLcIco Groceries, Provisions, Qucensware, &c, At veiy LOWEST PRICES for CASU OXLY. Thankful forpat fuvorK.homoslicspcclfally ael:8 a couilnuuneo ot tUo tamo. D IMM, GUAVElC,-.Agt. Nett to FlntlNational Bank, BANK STltEET, LEHIQIITON, Tx. Oct. I", 1S17 HULL & SCOTNEY, GENERAL MERCHANTS, No. 34G North Water Street, PIIILADELPIIIA, and Wholesalo Dealers In Batter, Cheese, Lard, Tillow, Eg4, Poultry. Clamo. Stc.cK, Potatoes, n I ITT L" D Apples, Grain, Flour, Tur, Wool, UUII L. 1 1 Cotton, ltlco, Tobacco, 1'cauuts, Uroom Coin. Dried Fruit, Uny, Hops Foreign and Domestla Frulis.nndln fact nocin c',l uny and everviblngr.t tho lilphost market pricoi maUo pro'upt rituius, and LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES loadopurror on all ship, ments, except per. UnCLOlllshable aitl. clcs. lo (hor that wo do cn cxleugive buslues, any Gauio Dealer In Philadelphia will tell you iyo handled moro Gamo last season thau nil tho other Houses In Philadelphia nr I II TRV put tosether. f-end tor Price rUUL I II I List, Stencil, do., Ac. REFERENCE CASH, or wo rcler you to Asr llEroxsiBLE House In oun Ctir. EGGS. GAME. (Oct. o, is;;.yl) "Weekly Herald. One Dollar si Year. Tlio circulation or this popular newspaper hna more Hum trebled nanus tno pisi year, It cn. nuns nil iiu icauinc ncvn ctini.iini'ii in inu Daily HEIIALD, ami Is arraiigid In liauily do vaitmeiita. ino rOUEION NEWS embraces rpeela! disiiatehes from all qnartcrsof thoyluoe. tniri thr wlta unblvftcd.laitifnl nn I pranhlc plclures ot tho great War in Eniopo. Under the head of AMERICAN NEWS aro clven tho 'leleirrflDh'o Dispatches of the wee from nil pat is of tho Union. J his feature a ono nirkos THE WEEKLY HERALD the moFt valuable nowspapcr lu the norld, as It Isthnchoipcht. Kveiy week Is given a faithful report ot POLITICAL NEWS, emtirnclnir complete nnd comprehensive ties, patches fiorn WasUISotox, IneiucliiK fall re. ports of tho Mtcechotof ennneut pulllicisns on tho qao3ilon of tho hour. THE FAItSI DEPARTMENT of tho Weekly iieuald gives the latest as well ai the mo-i pratticcl Micces'toni and dis coveiles retutlna- to iho duties ot tho farmer, hluia for rnl liu Cattle, coultiiy. Giiains, ri;UU., Vl'OETAULEa itC. i(C, ltll SURlCStlllllS for keepmi; buildinirs and fnnulug utensils In rtp'lr. HusUiiupiiloinentBd bv a well edited department, widely cop o under tho hojd ot THE HOME, giving recipes for practical dishes, hints for maktnir cioth'tig and for keeping up with ths latest f iRhtoiiBottae lowosl price. 1 otters from onr P'iris nnd Lcndnii corres;ioiidents on tho very latest fashions. Tho Homii Department of the Weekly Hi iuld will aire tho liouoe wlfo more Hum one hundred tiroes tho prlco of thu paper, OXE DOLLAR A 'VEA1I. Thero Is n pago drvotod to all tho hlcst phases of tho busluesa m 'rtf ot.Ciop3,Metchan, dize, c. Ac. A viilnuble teataro it fouud lu the specially rcportea prices una coud.tlons ot THE PRODUCE MARKET. While all tho news from the last lire to tho Diitcotery of btnulcv aro to bo fuuud lu tho WEEKLY UtUALli, due attention Is given to St-ORTINO NEWS at homo and abro d, together with a Story every weei, a seumon by somo eminent divine, LirLllAllY, MUSICAL, D1IAUAIIC, 1'CIISOSAL uud ska Notes, lheio is no jiapcr in tho world which contslns t-o much not matter every weeicastho WTekly Iieuald, whtcn Is sent, postpaid trco. for ono Dollar. You way sub bciido ntauy time. THE NEW YOtlK HERALD In a weekly form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Papers publlsllng this prn-peclus without beina nuthuriied will uotueccssuuly receive un exchange. Ad Ires. New York Herald, liro-dwcy & Ann St., New York, Dec. K, 1877. wJ. tlivenHCH Cured. Now n.iths marked out by that pi dneu ot all uooss" t'luin Homo Talk and Mediral Common Beugc," neanir I.toJpac..ieJilutstrutiou8,by Dr. E. U. FOOTE. tit V1J lslnston Aro.. N. V. l'urchu. ersof this broit are at llbertv to cONSULr its autoorln perton or by malt niEE. Pi ice, by mall, (3.2 lor tun ST.UDAitDtdttiiiu, orti so for tho I'oi'ULAU itlltion, which ceuta'n. all tlio ssuieiusiteraiid illustratioas. Contents tables trio. AU11MIH WANTED. ilURRAY HILL PUBLISHING CO.. Sept. iu-ma r.-j i;. sU St.. N. Y. IIUSINESS MEN AND OTHERS IN WANT OF JOB PRINTINI1 OF ANY DESCRIPTION, WILL FIND THE CARBON A IlVOCA 1 K OFFICE Tilt UliSr aud CHEAP. Kl" PLACE IN 1 HE COUNTY. IIVE US A TUIAI, AD Bit CONVINCED. BOOK OF KMOWL fv KDUE, or secrets el Lave. Courtshlo A Usr. nitre Saowlair I ow to get married. live happlly-obtaln healili, weslih und iiitineton, aim appear to advantage in so ilety SU pages-3.10 0 u si Id. Mailed lor lu rts. In Hostage tttmpsor rurreccy, Adaiess,TLn UrnonVubllitiuiHCVl.SeirMk.JJ J, dsii-ul QAHU0N ADVOCATE CHEAP JOB PRINTING OFFICE, untnanTOZf.PA, JTvory dsscrlptlon of Pnnttnj, from a Visiting Card ton Poster. OARC3, SILL HEADS, LETTEH HEADS, NOTE HEADS. STATEMENTS. rnoanAMatE3, POSTERS, HANDBILLS. DODO ERS, CIRCULARS, BHirriNO TAOM, ENVELOPES, PAMPHLETS, I1T.LAWS, AC, AC. Done In lbs but manner, al very Lowest Prices. Wo are nropared to do work at es cheap rates asunv offico lu tlio .state that deals honestly with Its customers. OUR MOTTO 13 Cheap, Prompt & Reliable. reorders y mall rccclvo prompt attention. obtained for Invcnlbra in tho United States, Canada and Eurojje, at reduced rates. AVith our principal office located in Washington, directly opuosito tho United States Patent Ofliee, wo aro ahlo to nttcml to all patent Imsincss with gieater tiromptncss nnd des- paicn aim at less cost man otner iiatont at torneys who aio at a distam'o from Wash ington, nnd who have, therefore, to employ " associate attorneys." Wo mako ireliml nary examinations nnd furnish opinions as to patentablity, freo of charge, and all who aro interested in new inventions ami patents aro iitviieit vu isemi tur u copy oi our "uumo obtainini Patents," which is sent fieo to a address, ami contains completo instnictions how to obtain patents and other valuablo matter. Wo refer to tho German-American Xational Bank, Washington, D.C.i tho Itoyal Swedish. Xorwocian and Danish Leirntion?. at Washingtoiij Hon. Jo. Casey, lato Chief Justico U. S. Court of Claims; lo the Ofiieials of tho U. S. Patent Oilice. and to Senators and Members of Congress from every Stated Aiuu-os: j.uuia tiAUiiisu X CO., Solici tors of Patentsnnd Attorneys at Law, LeDroit LlUIIUing, ASI11NOTOX, 11,1. ttCC.'J "Orlmo Jlotuc Mado Bread t x WHY GO HUNGRY) When yon cm Buy 6H ii i irt wisss jiiena FOUU LOAVES FOK 23 CEXTS 1 J. V. O'NEAL, tho popnlnr Bread Cake PaKcr, of Leliightoii in order to meet i he wauls r.f tho times, 1ms Ilodueod ne Pr.caot his cele- urmcu uome mouo uuealiio Four Loaves forTwenly-livo Cts. Cash Sugar, Ralsln.Cocntnut Scotch, Drop, Cream Ten Cents per Dozen. Look Out for tlio Wason! At MAUCH CHUNK, on TucsdaT, Thursday uuu continuity ami Iillieit. LEHIGH TON n'ld V.'EISoPORT.cvcry After noon except to-lday. TERMS STH1CTLV CASH I Patronnan solicited. J. w. O'NEAL. bl'OREt Opposite First National Biiuk. aprtl by I Bm i M'eet. Lealghtou Pa. alUE SCIKNTIF1C AMEUICATVT" THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. XN The most Pniiulnr Sclentllle Pniier In the World. Only $3.20 a year, including postage. Weekly, 52 Xumtcra a year. iWD liookjmncD. The Kctoutltlo Amertoan a largo llrit.c'a8 eetly rew poller tf IU pagos pnuicd In tno most beautiful tvo. proiuse,y II uitatetlwlih hplendi 1 Euvrav ngs, ropiessutiug Iho newest Inventions and thu most ricent Advances In Iho Ait and Scleuceri Includ'ng Mecaumcs mdu i.ii;;iiiieriii,mriiu, r.iigiuecnni;. t.utiwar, Mlitinir, civil, Gi.8 an i hugluoenng. Mill Wuik, lion. Steel and Metel SVniki Cheni. islrv mid Chemicil Processes! Elettricitv. Light, Heat sound t Technology. I'tiotosrapuy, I'm, ting, new Machinery, new Procese4. new Kecclnes, ImprovemeiitM peittilmug to 'lextlle Auuumry. tuitiK. ureing. coloring now in, uustrinl Products. Anlmat. Veiretiblu and Mm. eralt new and iittoiestiug lactslu Agrlculiuic Hortlculture. the Home, lltulili, Jlid oal Pro. gresa. bocml Science, Naiurul Hlstor) .Gtologj. ABltuuuuiy, tvv. Thu most valuable Drnctlcal naDertt. bvemln. entwrlteism all departments ot Selene, will be found lu ibo Scientific Amer.can i tho whole presented In popular language, free fi oai tech nlcal lenus, Ulustraied with oagravings, and sn arrtingcd as to lutercAt and inform all clause ot readeia. old an J young Tho Scientillo Amen can Is promotive of kuowleuce ami p.gress in every commut.lty wherx It oirculatt H saouM haveapitico lu every Family. Blading Room, Library, coiIoko or Schoul. Terms, t3.'i per year, SI Co hull year, wliuh lut lades pte.puy ineutof posiat.e. Discount to Cm js nnd Agents. biug'o copies ten couis. boiauyan etsstiea., ers. Bciult by postal ordei to MUNN tS Cu.l, 37 Pars How, Now York. PATPTVI'1-! 1,1 connection with the x Ajii iJ8cJcntirlo American Messrs. & i;o are solictors ot American und l'orenrn Patcnts,and Intro the lamest establish in cut In tlio wui ul. Patentsaieobtiined on the bettt teims. Models of New luvent.ous aud Sketches exiniiued and advice fieo. A special noiico la made in tlio BcuntiHo Ameilcau ot all Inventions Patented turongli this Agency, with thu mime uhd residence ot Iba Patentee. Pua lo attention la I hut directed to tho menia of ibe new patent, and sales or luttoductlou otteu el lectetl. Any person who has made a new dis, coreiy cr Invention, can ascertain free of dial re, whether n patent can probabh boob, tallied, by writinir to the underslituej, Addresa for the Papei or couceiulna l'ateuis. IUNN&to,37 Park Row NewYcft. Branch OQlce. corner of Fand Kcventh tsis . Washington. D, U nov. 'Jl 31 g tlroit chanco to makemon. T a 1 1 y- " vou can't get cu d oa OIlS 01 n Sot greeutiacks. We Jf JU lft, need u pel son In even towu to take auotcrlptluna for I he largest, cheapest and bot 11 ustiattd family publlcaiton In thu wotd. Anv onu can become a suecesKlul agent The most eleg nl works t f art uivt-u free to subscribers, Tho prloo I so low that almost oven body anbscnue. One acert reports making over (13 in a week. A tidy agent roimrts taking over 400 aubscilbers In ten uays. All who engage mao money fast. You can cevoto all voar i ,mo to the btiKiaess. ir only vour spare time You need uot bi away tioui home over ntght. You can do It as well as others. Full particulars, nlrectioni and terms treo. ElegJiu Bnd espensive Ootflt freo If you want lrolltab:eworg smdus your address at once. It costs nothing to try tno business. Nn one who engages falls to mske great par. A&lrurs "Tho People's Journal." Pnrtlso.i, Jlmno. Aotf. la, )e 77-11' Railroad Guide. JigOK.THl'ENNA.ItAlLUOAD. Passengers for rhliadelplila will loavo Lehigh, ton as follows i St47a. m., via. L. V. arrive at Thlla, at Ci45 a. m. ii42 a. m. via L. V. " Hits a.m. 11:07 p. m. via L. V. ' 210 p.m. S::cp, m. via I. & S. " " mo o. m. 4:10 p. m. via L. V. " " K:50 p. m. Returning, loavo depot at Perks and Ameri can St., Phlla,, at 8il5 and 9:15 a. m.i 2:15, p. m. Jan. i, 1877, ELLIS CLARK. Agent. plIILA. i HEAUINO HAILUUAD. Arrangement of Passenger Trains. NOVEMBER. 5T1I, 1877. Trains leavo ALLEN TOWN nsfollowsi (VIA rZUKlOMEN I1HANC1I.I For Philadelphia, at r.So, 11.03. a.m., J.1J and 6 65 p. m. NUPI11AY!?. for Philadelphia at 13; D. m. IV1A KASi' PRNKA. IttllWCIT.l For Raiding, 1 2.30, 3.(0, 9.05 a m 12,15, 3.10. 4.30 and 9 0-' p.m. For HatrlsDiirg. 2.315.60, 0.03 a.m., 12-15, 4.30 S.05 p. in. For Lancaster ant Colombia, 3 SO, 9.05 am. and 4 30 n. m tDoes net ran on Monday. PUfllJAlO. For ReadlnT. 2.30 a.m. and o.os ti m. For Harrisiiurg, 2.h,i a, m. and v 03 o. in. xratns iuit ALtijuct'ruwjN leave as louuns. rvfa pnniTTnupl nnivrn I Leave Philadelphia, 7.3.1 a.m., 1.00, M.30 and 3.13 v. t-t. R1INDAVS. Leavo Philadelphia. 8.iii.m. (VIA rart prmi itniicen.! Leavo Rcaolng. 7.4), 7.43, 10.33 a m., 4.00, 0.10 snd n.:iu p m Leavo Uanlsbrirg, 5 00, 7 33 a. ro and 1,49, S.30 p. iu. Loavo Lancaster, 7.30 a. nt., and 3.23 p, m. Leave Columbia, ),20 a. m . and 3.13 p. m. nunnars. t.eavo Reading. 7.20 n.m. Leavo HarriKbarg, 5.2) a.m. Trains m.iiked thns im run to and from depot Oth nnd Green streets, Philadelphia, other trains 10 ana irom uroaa street acpoi. Tno 0..50 n.m nnd 3.55 p. m. ttalnsfrom Allen. toii, and the 7.30 a. m. and fi.11 p. m. trains froru Philadelphia, have through cars to and trum iruiiaucipaia. j. a. i uoiinin, t7anera( Manager. C a nANCOCK, Grn'l Ticket Aaent. rHK SLATISGTON PLANINGr MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINGTON. JOHN BALLIET, Propr., Denis in all kinds ami sizes of Vine, Ilemlock Oak und Hard W'oon Lumber, ami .lsnowpio mvcd to execute auj uisouut of orders lor BresseB LambeR OF ALL KINDS. Doors, Snslies, Blintlsi Sliutteiv, Houlillngs, Cabinet Ware, Ac, With Promptness. Brackets Made to Order. Tho Machinery Is nil new and of the best and most Improved kinds. I employ none but thj best woramrn. uso well seaonod anil trood ma teilnl, nnd am Iheicforu nblu toguai antee entire snuwiacuon to nil wno mnviavor inewim a rmn. Orders bv mail piompily attended to. Mv chttrges are mnderatet terms ca&h, or Interest cnargeu niter tuirty aays. GIVE mITa CALL. C5T Those engaged In linilding will Und It t their advantage to hsvo hiding, Floor Hoards Doors, -aslies, t-hutlcrs, Ac, JSC., made at thl, Fpi torv. MaylOyl JOHN DALLIET. T K. ItlCKI'.RT, t) . Opposite L. S. Depot, On the East Weissport Canal Bank Rcspectrnllv lnfoims tho citizens of this vlelnl. ty that lie keeps constnnllv on hand sndSttLLH nt tlio LOWEST MARKET PRICES, the vtry UEaT BRANDS Of ALSO DEALER IN JLflJMlBliJjIII FOR BUILDING AND OTHEH PUItPObES irbich lie guarantee 9 lo bo Thoroughly Seasoned, AND WniCH HE IS NO W(S ELLIN Q AT THE VERY LOWEST BATES. WHOLESALE end RETAIL, at tho LOWEST CASH PRICKS. Ho has ft a number of very eligibly located In RIPKERTSTOWN, Franklin Township which ho wilt hell on very Easy Terms. Aug.0. J. K.HICKERT. )A.VIIi milllUlT'S Livery & Sale Stables HANK STltBET.LKIIlailTON, Fa FAST TROTTING IIOR3E3, ELEGANT CAIiniAGES. Anil positively LOWER PlllOES than any other Livery In the COdnty. Large and handsome Carriages for Funeral purposes and Weddings. DAVID KliUHUT. Nov. 22. IS7J E. F. LUCKENBACH, Two Doors Below the "Broadway House," JIAUCII CHUNK, PA. Dealer in all Patterns of Plain and Fancy Wall Sapers5 Window Shades, Paints & Painters' Supplies, lowest 0A8H smam. CENTRAL CARRIAGE q SLEIGH t WORKS, Oppotltn T. D. Clausa, Bank St., Lehighton, Pa., Is prepared to manufactnra any descrlB tion ot Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagons, &o. Repairing Promptly Attended to. OT All work done at this establishment It gnaraateefl to be of th very best material as workmanship, and the prices folly as low as tat same articles can be purchased lsewhertf. Special Inducements offered to strictly eish customer;. M. C. TREXLER & CO. JUIT2I.1S77. BANK STREET, Lebightofl, Fa., MILLEHs and Dealers IU !Fiiii4c Feed AUKindsot GRAIN BOUGHT and SOLDal HEUTJLAR MARKET HATES. We would, also, leserctlnlly Inform ourcltl. tens Hut wo are now fully prepared to SUP PLY them with iet f Coal Trom any Mine doslied at VERT LOWEST PniCES. 2f. HEILMAN & CO. JulyW. At Private Sale. THE UKDEOSItlNED nffers flt Flirato (Ale a ValuvbleFarnlnR rrnpertv. ntu aeti in UEAVEK 1-lU.N VALLEY, lla. hontnff ToTBh.p,CorDonCou-tr. l'a 2H miles from Mnnch Cbunk. and 2 nitles from Lehigh tou.coutnmtog 18 Acrea, a boot 5 ncros ot waieli aru clMml aud nndpr a hlxh tate of caUlva ilon, the balance be iufr Timber Laud. The Im pruTeroenia thereon are n 2 atTy Frarao Dwoil. iuk Uouae icr.'l foet, with Kitchen attached, oneatable, and other necessary Outbnildlnpai also, mi Orchaid con tai nine about 1W Choice Fruit Trees coranrlflng Apple, Fear. Feacli and cherry Trees of various kiin-ls Ibis property, bcinjr aHaated near Manch Chunk ami LehlffLton, wmiiJ mnke It a deilra ble place for nny due wishing 10 en put 0 loihe rrjlt business, the demand for tiuck In tho abott plucei leinir omarrtfood and realizing best of prices. Leaver ltun Creek Hows tbrougn the pioprrtr. 'lonav per&on wlohlna to Invest in Heal Ea tato thl oflVia an oppoitunllv seldom to be met w th For further part leu lnrs anoly at tUta office, or to tho owner on the premiss. UBS ItV TUCKER. Sept 1. "7 Cmo.. Around windows and doors In winter KXTIRiaY EXCLUnEU, sav ing half your fuel, also DL'HT la summer, eaylnn furniture, curtains and earoets. ltATTlsINO sashes stopped, windows rained and lowered as usual, by UUOWNKW Patent METALLIU and UU11UU Weather Strips Btood the test for 13 YKAIttt orl IMbllo Buildings. DwelllnffS.UrawlnK-Uoomand Sleep Ins Cars. In the United fitates and Europe. Windows and Doors Mea sured IttEC Ol C1IAIIUE. . Bend your address, and let us do ono or two on trial, ' FOR SALE BY BANK ST., LEIliahfrON LtJccSmS I Shaving, Shampooing,, nam Dbeesixo, and Hair Cutting Saloon. lMPOimiD AND D0S1E8TI0 Key West & Havana Cigars. All tho Now York nnd Philadelphia MORNING, EVENING, WEEKLY AND SUNDAY (German A- English) I'APEUS. Also, tao Leading Newspapers of Nelftnborlng Cltlrs. Linen and Paper collars and Cntta. Uwitch.llJG'it andOien Oonko t'anos. Post, an? and llcvenue Stan pa. ewipipcr wrappers, and Postal csrds always ou hand, Aaent for Ibe Knirlish and Uer uisn Airosnaca 1 Weeklraud Moutti. ly Boots and Periodicals, &c &o. P. INKMANN, Junr.r Susquehanna Street, MAUCH Cll UNKiPJi Dec. 1.' All obont Its Soli. Clilmte, Resources, Prodneta Laws, and Its Peoplo are ariven In Urn KANSAS KAltMiill, a ID pass Weekly, fn its liih year. Post paid. 3 mo., 50c. Address, J. 1C JIUDSON, 'lopeka, Ksnsasl. ltas quickly taken a high place among igrl. cull urn, lourunls. N. Y. TilDOne We liura considered it among ibe best of oar excbansei and a woitby ieprentative of the West. Prac Ileal Farmer. Pbllad'a. ...Our Knusas friend, st.ouldfeel vouch pndeln tbe birb cbaracier and steitinir wortb of tbeirtitate agricultural paper. National Lire stock Journal ...,V& ct.eerfully credit ft with belnif one ot tbe best edited of onr Western agrlculttrral eicbnges Snrlt l tlio Times. N. Y. decl5-w4 TTfonQrl tocoroacaMotCatarrblneas VV dXlbDUnelirbborbood, Willi Dr. Kr aer's Hetuedv, to lnfroiluco It. Sample free. It U. f 11 ton, Pittaonatfli. Pa uorM-isa $777 Is nut easily earned fn tbesa times, bat it csn be ms Jo la tbree mOntbs by any one of tllbesei,in any pari of thn nonntrr. wImi I. will n, fn wprfc steadily at tbe employraenl that we I urn. Isb. ttA a week In vour own towa. Yon need not be away Irom borne orer nlgbr. You can give your wnolo time to tbe work, or only yonr spare momenta. It couts notbfng, to try tb. business. Terms and 15 outfit free. Address, at onee, JI. H ALLKTT t CO., febioyl Portland. Maine. Piano and Organ Taught. Miss LYDIA P. FINCHEIt.of East Maueb Chnnk. will glT. LESSONS to PUPILS on tb PIANO or ORGAN, at tbelr Itrs.dencea lit LKIIIOIITON or WEIiapoitT.Twa Days Irs each Weak, rot fnrnw uaralaM, auQali
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers