The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 02, 1878, Image 2

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II. V. MOUIItlMliK, . . . 1D1T0II
LKIItailTON, r.i
Hon. W. M. Kapaher will ploaso ncoepl
cnr tbanka for public documents and other
" Legislative favors."
The Bloomsburg CofamMtn of last week
tarn "The commissioner having finally
lieanl of the murder of John Van Licw, near
LigUUtroct, about six months ago, havo of
fera l $20,000 for the detection and conviction
of the murderer. It is a pity that they had
not been informed sooner, so that the reward
might iiavo been offered whilst the traces
and proofs were fresh.
In answer to a resolution of tho House
of Representative;!, the Secretary of tho Trea
sury, Monday, sent a communication to that
body Bhowing the amount of interest paid
In coin and currency to the National Banks
from bonds held by the Treasury for securi
ty for their currency Issues, from 1803 to
1878. The total coin interest thus paid was
$211,278,21, and the total currency interest
Tlio State Encampment of tho Grand
Army of tho Republic met 'Weducsday in
Lebanon. General S. Irvin Given, Depart
ment Commander, presided. Adjutant Ge
neral Vanderslico read his report showing
that there are 100 posts in eoou stand ms. a
gain of 24 posts and 1000 members during
tho year. A resolution was adopted urging
the Legislature to pass tho bill continuing
tho system of soldiers' orphans schools. In
tho afternoon session it wasdeeided that tho
permanent headquarters of the Assistant Ad
jutant General should bo in Philadelphia
In tho evening a public meeting of mem
bers of the Grand Army and citizens was
held. Hon. G. Dawson Coleman presided,
and addresses wero made by Governor Hart
ranft, General Vanderslico, Coloncd Stone,
Colonel A. Wilson Norris, General James
W. Bayrcs and others.
The House of Representatives, at liar-
rlsburg, on Tuesday, decided by an almost
unanimous vote to remand to the custody of
tho jailer of Delaware county Representative
Billiard, who had claimed that a breach of
the privileges of the House had been com
mitted in his arrest while lie was a member
of tho Legislature. Dullard was delivered
into tho custody of tho Sergeaiit-at-Arms of
tho Houso about two weeks ago, and has
bien under constructive arrest since. Tho
Judiciary Committee having Ills caso in
charge, with a singlo exception, on Tuesday
reported against his claims, and the Houso
ratified their action. Dullard is under in
dictment for swindling several building and
loan associations out of about $10,000.
Sinco the above was put in tyie, wo learn
that Billiard has escaped from tho custody
of the Sergeant-at Arms, and disappeared.
The chief object ho had in view on his re
moval to Harrisburg has thus been accom
plished, but since Ihe House refused as a bo ly
to give him an upjiortuuHy to evade trial, it
should at least see to it that tho man who
gave him opportunity shall bo severely
punished unless hn recover his prisoner.
The House itoJlf is in ono way or another
responsible for the esaiiw, for thero was
never any good reason why Dullard should
havo been taken from tho Media jail whero
his former friends and neighbors had deter
mined to leave him.
At the- meeting of the Stoto Central
Committee of tho United Greenback labor
party, heljin Philadelphia Wednesday, de
legates were appointed to tho Toledo Conven
tion from tho various districts in tin." State.
Tho delegates at largo arc F. Hughe.1, of
Pottsville, and James Emerson, of Heaver
Falls. Alternates,!). S, Bentloy,of Williams-
port, and David Kirk, of Pittsburg. It was
decided to call the State Convention in Phil
adeephia on tho 5th of Juno next, unless
circumstances should prevent, and in that
event the chairman should then name the
tlmo. Tho following resolution was adopt
ed :-
That the State Convention bo orginized on
the baf ei of one delegato for each Senatorial
ami Representative district in tho Slate, and
that no delegate shall bo admitted to a seat
in the Greenback Labor Convention wlioio
credentials aro not i)rorly signed by the
proper ofiiivrs of the organization to tho dis
trict ho may rcpnsent'
T. P. Dcweos' chuirman of tho committee
stated that tho party was making acquisi
tions of strength in the Stato daily, and ho
had not the least doubt that' it would hold
the balance of jwwer in the next Legislature.
Mr. D. it probably convcrseut with tho "old
saw," the best laid plans o' man an' mica aft
gang aglee!"
The lendin? organ of tho Western' infl.v
tionistAor repudiators, tho Cincinnati JCn
guircr, proposes that tho Democrats of the
West, who aronearly nil in favor of infla
tion, should cut loose, from tho Democrats of
the East, who are nearly all in favor of the
time-honored Dcmocratio gold-money doe
trine. It thinks that a party formed iipn
the inflation issue, and compiising Republi
can us well as Democratic inihtioiiitU,
would succeed better than tho present divid
ed Democratic party in securing partial re
pudiation." It would be interesting to know
what this party is to bo called.
The Ertninj lst recommends tho sugges
tion to the honest money men of tho East,
and calls for tho formation of a Public Credit
Party. It says i
There is no doubt of tho soundness of the
mass of Eastern Rcpublicansouthe financial
question. Happily, there is as littlo doubt
of the aouwlncw of Eastern Democrats. Tho
Public Credit Partv must bo coinsod of
both. In view of tlie determined course of
the Repudiation Party, Eastern Democrats
cannot too soon forget their personal disap
pointments and turn away from the ambi
tious but patty schema) of factious.
Tho Foit says leading Eastern Democrats
havo spoken out far inoro faithfully in de
fense of tho National credit tluui lrdiii3
lutsm R-puUiean.
According to official s'atcmnils from the I
Unite-"! States Treasury, the amount rf mon
ey expended in pensions since 1701 is $30 D,-1
32T,53G. The largest Items nro $ll(i,735,('C2
fdr army pensions consolidated i $102,133,5:10 I
for widows and orphan! t $70,081,381 to
military invalids. The largest sum paid out
in any ono year to pensioners was In 1871,
when It amounted to $31,024,000. The an
nual pensions prior to 1810 never reached n
million dollars. In that year, as a result of
tho act of March IS, 1818, they reached $2,
410,829, and thent rear $3,21 S.491. From
that tlmo they ranged from less than $1,
000,000 to $3,000,000, averaging olout $1
500,000 until 1804, when they became M
085,273. In 1SC5 they wero Increased to
$10,338,155, and, except in 1 SCO, continued
tolncreasa until 1871, when they reached
their maximum. Unless there is still fur
ther legislation increasing the pensions, tho
annual appropriations for tills purposo Will
now gradually decrease.
Tho action of both branches of Congress
within the last few days, although not de
cisive as tho final result of the attempt to
depreciate tho currency by remonctising sil
ver, say3 tho Xcio l'ork Oliencr, has been
such as to excite tho gravest apprehensions.
Tho Matthews resolution, which expresses
tho opinion that tho principal and interest
of tlio United SUites bonds may bo paid In
silver dollars at tho option of the Govern
ment, was adopted in the Senate on Friday
by 45 ayes to 22 nayis. On Monday tho
same resolution was adopted in tho Houso
by ISO to Tl.
It is stated that tho Bland Silver Bill
wants but uno liloro voto ill the Senntoto
secure its passage over tho veto, should tho
President decide to veto it.
In common with a largo portion of tho
people of the country wo regard these reso
lutions as ono step toward repudiation, and
as sure to bring upon the national govern
ment a measure of the shame which has
long rested ujion somo of the States for re
fusing to pay their debts in full. Wearo
not without hope that through tho integrity
and good senso of Congress and tho Presi
dent, the measure may yet fail to bo accom
plished. The House on Monday, by a voto of 174 to
85, passed ono resolution, which is strictly
in the path of honesty and wise legislation
viz. :
Mcsolvcil, that in tho judgment of tho
House, no subsidies in money, bonds, public,
lands, indorsements or by plcdgu of public
credit should bo granted or renewed by
Congress to associations or coriioratiou en
gaged ill, or prnK)sing to engage in public or
private enterprises, uui mat all appropria
tions ought to bo limitedtostich amount anil
purposes, onlv as shall bo imperatively do
mauded by tho public service.
Our Wflslilngtoii I.ctlrc.
One of the " H'ayf that arc Dark" of Society
.-I Distinguished Visitor Maine versus
Massachusetts The Texas Pacific fill
The Contemplated Hull at the Department
of State " Reform" in a Xeio I'li&tc, itc
Wasiiisuto.v, D.C., Jan. 20.
There is a class of jicoplc, and their name
is legion, whoso greatest delight and acme of
happiness it is to sec their names printed in
tho newspapers. I doubt if there is a single
editor wliu has not cxiwricnced this, or a
local reporter in all i o vspaperdoni who has
not been made palnfi lly awaro of that fact.
To go to ono of the fashionable parties here,
such as that given on Wednesday evening
last by the Spanish minister in honor of the
marriage of King Alphonso, and not havo
had it duly recorded in tho Washington
papers tho next morning is to havo lived in
vain I Consequently, tho day after the fete,
which was ono of tho most regal and magni
ficent ever given in Washington, wo were
treated to long lisU of names, with most of
which we wero familiar; yet it appeared
that some had been omitted, for on tho next
da a " corrected " list of those present was
pubh 'hed, and ns lato as Friday, n second
edition of tho rcciscd and corrected Hit was
publisher " by authority I" So far, so good
But hero i. where tho fun comes in : somo
people, and very nice people too, who felt
somewhat chagrined nt not receiving Invita'
tioiir. whilo their neighbors over tho way
did, prevailed uimn friends who had been
invited to deposit their cards in tho baskets
and receivers at tho m:nister's reception
and as the "corrected" lis's wero inado up
from tlieso mrds, it will bo readily under
stood how it eamo to pass thaf Mrs. Polly
pop was rejiorted to havo been piescnt (thus
ciusingenvy and malice among all herecar
friends who were not there) and even had
her namo in tho " corrected " list, published
" by authority," when in reality she was
sitting quietly in the back basement mend
iug the children's stockings I As M. Man
tilla, the Spanish minister, and his wife wero
not K'rsonally acquainted witli more than
one-third of those present, this littlo fraud
could easily bo ierietrated. This is one of
tho phases of Washington " society."
Lord Pufl'eriii, Governor-General of Cana
da, is hero on a visit, accompanied by Lady
Dull'i-riii. Kext to tho Vice-Royalty of In
dia, tho Governorship of " tlio new Domin
ion" U the mo.-t exalted gift in tlio hands of
her British Majesty, and the Lord and Lady,
who are tho guests of Sir Edwd. 'Thornton,
the British minister, have been tho recipi
ents of numerous and unofficial evi
dences of esteem. On Tuesday lost they
paid a format visit to President and Mrs.
Hayes, which was returned by them next
day. Lord Dullerin is a man of immense
wealth, ha traveled extensively, and is tho
very picture of a British carl of modern
times; whilo his wife lias somo pretence to
literary ability. One of her comiositions
"Tho Irish Emigrant's Lament "has bo
come widely known, though few know that
we are indebted tr these pathetic and beau
tiful lilies to Ludy Duffcrin. Sho is also tho
author of a most interesting description of a
voyage to Iceland, which sho iriade many
years ago with her husband in their private
yacht, They leave this creninj for Nw
York; accompanied by Sir Edward Thorn
ton, whoso family is still in England.
To write from Washington' and not men
tion Congress, Wuuld be like writing frcm
Homo and ignoring St. Pcttr's. Well, every
thing remains in ktatu qudi but thero is bad
feeling between the Senators from Massa-
chussetts and the Senator from, and whoso
namo rhymes with, Maine, owing to tho
vigorous onslaught that Senator inado the
other day on the valor of the men of tho
Hub. Whether the volunteers of tho gun-
brig ' Enterprise" were enlisted at Portland J
or Boston, is a matter of little consequence I
how; jet this question was the subject of &
heated and Very uncomplimentary discus
sion between Senators Dawes, Hoar and
Bhiinc, on tho ottasion of tlio Jailer's speech
presenting the King statue as a contribution
irom his State to tho National Gallery; in
the old hall of Representatives. Such dis
putes urc not calculated to elevate the digni
ty oi uio united Htntcs senate, and, os ill
luck would havo it, Lord Diiifcrin was pres
ent, and occupied a seat 111 the Diplomatic
gallery, on this very day, when, of all others,
it was desirable that the Senate should pre
sent, at least, an appearance of decency.
rp o it I- 1 1 l.-.l - i .-I 1.
luiu is jicie, uuu uuu u ucuruiir oil
Friday before tho House Committee on Pac
ific Railroads. He asks n government sub
sidy of $17,000 per mile for building a rortll
from tho Colorado river cast to the lllo
Grande. Mr. lluntincdoni by his counsel.
oll'ered to build the same line singly for the
luuu gram, uuu wiuiuub Uliy fcuosiuy. 1110
feeling in the committee seems to bo decid
edly anti-subsidy; but Scott is a great wire
puller, and no ono can forsce what may
So far, Secretary EvarU has not yet mado
up his mind whether ho will hold his next
reception at his ollicial quarters in the State
Department, or in his private residence. If
he shall inaugurate this "reform," it is na
tural to supposo that his colleagues in tho
Cabinet will follow suit, and wo shall have
bulls in tho Patent Ollice, War and Navy
Deiiartments, Department of Justice and
Post-ollico. It would bo cheerful to see our
Ullci and beaux waltz around tho antiquated
bases of tho Interior Department, lightly
skipping over models and land records, co
quetting with Washington's old clothes,
which urc kept there, and comparing notes
as to the relative mcritsof mush and molasses
at tho Interior Department and tilanc mange
at tlio Department of Stato I For Scliurz is
notoriously picueiun, as compared wun
Kvarts, tho aristocrat.
J had nearly forgotten tho weather. 1 am
writina this letter with oiwn doors and win
dows, and outside it is as warm and sunny
as a day in Juno. With the exception of
Sirs. Jlayes' reception, baturuay is not a
great day for visiting in Washington City ;
T hui'sdnv is tho m-oilt society d.iv here, nnd
on that day most of tho ladies of uppcrten
dom aro " at homo " to their friends. But,
to-day, tho fashionable thoroughfares aro
crowded witli carriages and pedestrians, and
tho reception at the u lute House tins even
ing promises to be an unusually brilliant
all'uir, especially as Mrs. Huyes will, on this
occasion, lie ussisted by five vomit; ladv
friends, who aie at present guests at the
White House. B.
Lchlglitoit ljcum.
In tho abscneo of both tho President and
Vice President, Mr. S. It. Gilliam was ap-
lxmitdl vresident jro tern. Tho rcailini of
tho minutes was ilitnenseil with. "Beauti
ful Spring" was welliing by Misses Hauk
and Bauer, acconiiajiicd on tho organ by
Miss lSurnsticn. Misses Ida ami Ella
Clauss, wore projxisod and elected by accla
mation as active members. Tho three re
ferred question were answered by the as
signed referees, and an unanswered cjuestion
oi1 last meeting was answered and discussed
by Jlessrs. h. u. OUIiam anil T. A. onyiter.
Another pieoo of inusio "Murmurinir Ben."
broko ths monotony, iarliciiatcd in by
.Misses name, ii.iuer ami isjrnstien. a no
lio.inl ot Curators reiwrteil the lollowinz
question: Is conscience in all cases a correct
moral guide; to answered oy .11 iss ijinina
llault. Second. Is tho savin" that treat
talkers arc littlo doers a true one? lteferred to
II. V. Morthiincr,Tr. Third. Why does
smoke sometimes fall to the ground? Iieferred
to Al. Dollenmaver. Question for debato:
llcsolved, "That public umusements exercise
u beneficial influence on society," whicli
was adopted, ino ilcoate, nesoivcil "ilial
tho te.icher exerts moro inlluvuco over the
child than t lie parent" was now opened bv
Mesnrs. T. A. Snyder on theaUlrmativc, and
A. W. Horn on "tlio liccative, followed by
their assisiaiits O. A. Clnuss andJ. A. Beiple,
The houso tlien opened forKcneral debato by
T. A. Snyder and A. W. Horn. Music
"Village Bells" followed, bv Minses Hunk,
lutier and lLirnstein and Mrs. Jjongstrcct
Tlio decision of tho chair favored tho utlirin
ativc. An essay was read by Miss Laura
Hofl'urd, siibjert "Industry." A reading by
T. A. Snyder and Miss iiaucr, "Quarrel be
tween Lady ieazel and her husband, was
well received by the audience. Mr. 0. A
Clauss lbllowed witli "Our l'njier," wlncli
cheeri'd uii tlio listeners. Music, "lleincm-
lx'r Me," Was well rendered by Misses
Hank ami Biirnstien and Mrs. Longstrcct.
Alter tlio takingof the collection the Lyceum
adjourned tn meet again at me usual time.
Jar. 20, 1878. Si.cuf.takv.
Now Advertisements.
Issoltillon of Copartnorshlp.
Votlcolshcrebrirlven. that tho rnitnrshl
lately EUhMttln j lietwctu OH H 11, WlUb
n.i 1. A. ANIHUAVH Cf HacVfrtUll. IVliUU
.in.l.Tll.Hfl.iunf WIDISH cv: ANDuEWh. uu
cit-Mt.vetl uu tho -it It rt7ot January, IS73, liy
lartnerebiiiiiie to b reco.vtil ny iih na
Antirt'TT. . ni"l ailitcrut'Uttsim ihosaltl i
mutCfti cnneem. auiiocii owiiik m iuh iniii
tl uurt n Br.
khm mete uoprrteuiea t mm i r puym ut,
' fill tM 11 I'T.U
Fackcrteii, Jauaary ii Mi
Ilavlnc porch tl e uiterot r.f C. If. Welsi
In lliblaiellun in Weii-niS Auari-w,ta uu. or-
B'tftw-l will coulllino urn iiivueui.uioeorv.
nru.i n. .i , I.... buMno. nt iLeoil htiiuif al
1'ncWe ion, wlie.e Le will Im ile.ii.ed to m e all
i. .u fr.A. t nik. iueiH. and bv di-ouili nt.
teuaoulu buJucasw'1! trr to renaer (.tti-fw.
Uuu to 1-11 wao may l.i"r tnmwlia mn
1 ta i r ial fuO H. I ' leu cuuiiuuauco
. 1 tl., lutrouugo pveu ;'drA';SDUEvy3.
ret). : ists-wi
rpoWuiii it Slny Concern.
All t eraons are lio-ely forbid m ejJdllnB with
theloi'umg aiticlei4 J'eraocal rioy-rtv. to
win t iiorn.8 and llarto.-a iLowa welter, X
Wbkouh ami llntnex-. I Jlugsr ouJ .'Jaruo a. 1
t-Ieititi, I B.e.1. 1 lutr of ilob-lixU 10'a
ami UrdituiK, 1 orgJU, lit ef Hajr aiu enaw,
l' ow, Jta ttina cliali.. In: ot Uiaoi vmtu'a
Toola, 4 HUVl-B, all I lie rua'M in tlie lioae. lot
ol'tKvlu ttte .cltar. otoi Lumber at tlio
fcw Mill, 1 i-ewliig; M irulne. He. now lu too
idwaaiouot JoliuJI Wn,of 'fowainciu'uir
towi.atuu. Caibou cnuiny. l'a, a taetai.laiM
c!c are me orogeny, and 'oino 1 lo U in during
UTSltuuure. LMMjEk VX.Ih,
TowoBieuaiUK 1 wp !'.
Jan. 18. l7S.wt, '
ent'tM " riie nnillinr rf theSar'nur In trie Tm. ;
tile," .tb the WOltKI.SO UIIUIUIU. vt p-K
ltellaliraafamilv Neapaier.)rvoted lo Uunne
holil tlw Buuoav bcUoo1, Mm i) anil teneral
CourcU Wora, Ob i moolba tnal !r a of uu.
Jfima WantaA Annr. J.' 11. BKKW1CB,
aniMa T t Warrmo itt. . T
a; u
United States Mail Koute.
Tim rttrntlnn f tlio irnvrllnfr public I res.
pFcTfalty Invited tonoTDOof tlio motllnf l tti)
print Mplnrnv. in tho confident Apportion nnd
boiler that no other Upe can offer equal lnd acu
ta cuts 98 a toute oi through travcL In
Construction & Equipment
Pennsylvania Railroad
ftUnds Confessedly at ttiq hen d of American rait
Tvay. Tho track 1 tUmMe tho entire length of
the line. otMorl tntl? 1M) on heavy oak lies,
which nrf- embedded Itl a foundation f rock ImI
lnt elcateon 1 cbo fn depth. Alibrldceanto
of iron or stone, nnd butt upoi itie motoi
jnovo.t plhun. It ins-enijor tars, whilo ernih
t ntlv aio nnd nubKont'iil, nre nt the same time
mode n ot comfoi t nnd elegance.
Tlio Safety Appliauces
in tifie on this 'Ino welt tlintrnto thn far-ocetnS
nnd liberal vol icy ot it." matiacmpnt. In accoid
mice with which tht I'lllitv only otan impiow-ineiitatidnolit-t
cost has been tho qnef if on of
couH'detatli n, AraouKni;n may bo noticed the
Mock System of Safely SUual.s,
Jtuincy Coupler, Buffer & Platform,
"Westiugliouso Air-Brake,
forming In conjunction with a perfect doublo
track ro?d bed n combination of safeguards
pnlnt accident' whlcU havo tendered ihem
Tactically poes.uie
Puiiiiiaii P.alaco Cnrs
Aro run on ail Eipnw Trains'
FH05I NEW 10HK. nlll.ADA.. BALTI-
MOllUaU.l WASHING ro.v,
iuiAai uiiia unu hi. LiUUIS.
nnd to I'll orlncptl points in tho fir Wet ntd
South with diuonoc inii'itof earn. Connociid'in
ro maae in UMon Deuou. and mo QRsnicdto
all luiioitynt puinia
Of tlio Pennsylvania Route
Is Ditialtud to bonnsiirnnssod in tho ivc rid tor
rriiiiiii'ai, uoiuiiy una var.ciy. &nrcr;ur e
rorju.out fadlhiOH are piou.lrd. Kuiii oypra
r coin-it oiis niii attentive, nmt minn lacvit.
o!o resnit tliQt a tllit bv iho l'tmtia7lrauii
Itaiiroiul uiutt Im .11 n
I hnsltiir anil Jlcinornlilo Experience.
Iic'.ptl for Hlle nt the lowest. mfp nfc flip
Ticket Oilier.' oi the Company in ah luipo.tuui
citleti aiM town
ucn. aiaiajer. aeu. !.. Amur.
J. K. SITOESIAKUIl Ptjm. Aoit MiddloDlat.
r. .norm i mru ec, uaniboari;, l'a.
tn-lAl Mnhft m t nt r!pni.nnlAl ItiDtttltldn for
l.i Mrvt.-iy i7'iiri;f. M exrrllent rnia ttmng citar-
over tnvlc A o-lr h slrln l"lde-miirk H clofely
nitAieci oi l irtMI'T pool u ln JlffMrH rtH II
every plr. Crtt t I y nil dcalr. Tor rnmfIe,
Cm, to C. A. JAC.130N A Co.. Mfra., Fetersburg, Va.
eon am Acni?
Of thobei L.iiurlin Amoitea. Aero in
K.Wl'l'.KN' N h IlltAHKA. nil tlio t HO ot tlio
UNION l-ACIFIl! JtAII.t'.OAU now tor sale.
1 1 foal h crt-dlt irlven. interest ntv Boer cent.
Taeso ao ino onlv loads foi: bllk on lie line
Of till O.IP.AT ntlLrtOAP. tl.OWOKl.D'SlltClIWAV.
bcnil orrilBNLW"l lOXUKii'llieboHS paper for
laosn' imw lio u a oxer oubltMieil Full
tnlormalion wlttiinaiii.ciitFiiEE.O I'.BAVIS,
Lua Agent u. i'. li. ii., uaiana, not).
In Ihflr own Irc.itlUoi. ranvnas-iiic foi tho i'lRE
siiiK Visnoit. ( Wpoklv Pinl Mi.flnn v.
ro.mmm T-'i-.m 111 r nnimnUnlnMo tn Amitu
itnua uuu uuinr rit-n. AuurffeS
i'. o. vtL'itiiiiY. Aupista. iainc.
j ( icxtra Fine MUeil Carfls wit immc, ice.
XV DostPIlld. L. J ON KB A CO., If iitsatt. rt.V
Itct'H prlcO'.OWonlr?.
onivlii.'L I'ai.crticH l) I-1
UEATTV Vaihiiirlon.N.J,
Cards, ai ittylcs. with name le rt
st'UNCEU S CO., Natean, Now
MIXED CA11D9, with name lOcte., ioit
naul. PnmnteH 3 ceota. J. llmktcr &. Co.
atttau, N. Y.
nnnn AOfc'NTs wan',ki) tn latest
OUUU sell in r liook ami Picture?) In thu
htnrkut, Tho vpry 'arircH protlts. Aeut mo
muKii'tt Iioim to i pcrdiy. Addreas Ittv
t.T. HL'CK.MIH n, j'a
Mnmiliicturiii!; Coinp'y,
Adarn'a Talent Boif Fecilinff INiwer Tom
Klie bra iwlJelv Icnnwn a the rMia.lwicii hlicd
erJ, in us a unu cupiiciiies io tuic hii waaia.
l'AIlll HOU"i: 1'OWIiltl of all rltea & moat
atvautairoui foiru.
HANI) bllJLt,Ultl of Mrhest ttlCeof ej-
rriieiiceiniuatenaiauumunniariuie. beuo ei.
Iliui iute.1 1 lrcuiar. J. 1. ADAMS, rec',-.
KKPOUT HP TIIK roxniTiox n
at LeMs'itnn. in ino hUlo nt 1'micv vama, ut
tnou.obeoi uatiacsj ut'ccmuei a, ui, i
TA.n. nml ni,.niltf, f83.033 71
I ic.i flriiftH 7U4 117
U.S. llandatiiarvur' licaatnn. ... 75iOO M
Hue irum aoiirove.1 iieeie Aeui.. :,iua n
Hue from ntoer Kotunal linuliH 781 21
Due limn "tale linekaund Hani eia . 141 ."3
mwl K-tate iuiuliure. onl lixtnrei 7,117 7
Cur.-eiit Uxpena-auiuiTuxea I'aul ,. Lot to
rienlluui 1'uld M-fl ;J
i lircaacd other Cuaallciua Ml .3
III im-! other luukt IM'l'
l-'n.ct'oiuil td'K .Mcku e S 2 7J
Kpo i tli ituH'tf B"M Tieaaury ceru'd TU II
Leiri.1 Tiuuer Noies. ' S,3.d lu
Itedeiuiitiou Kim.l witli U. H. rie.sur.
cr isverceut. ofC'iriulatiinl 'S3S 0)
lolal I1W.4J- .
CvltalSt"Cl-rjldin I75,oroco
Burolui luud
U . d vldod I'rullU s,i tr. OS
Nat.onn UniiW.NutoiUutjtauilin.... C7.0-O .0
Pivlileudi uu nd. -11 io
Individual Ueo lui aulijcct to tl-ei.. 13,877 CO
l'iutnclJ '' SUV
Due io other 'atl3ual liau la 7," I'D
Duo to HU.e bank au.l i-aaaer 4 3 Ca
Total.. l7oT,r.3u:
.State ot I'tnr.Htcanta, CVnity ot Carton, is t
1, w. W. nowiuan. daliler tl Itie aiKivi-uare.
ltd liank, lu Miimuly aweur that the iitove
utuioNlla truotu iheboiiof luy knuw.cdce
uuaueliel. w w B0W.,AN ,..,
Rub.'rrlbed ord awi l'a to before' oie. tU:a itth
day ot Jauuaiv. 18" 8.
l'HOB. H. 11BCK. Noi'j rubtle.
rorrect-Atteati A. J. Darling, Dentil fiaurain,
it, t IRtand, 1 nj'xta. Jan. la, Uii.
SWEET pggBSgpaff AVI
Tsfcaary-gu ut 1 1' i m mil
sit very attractive prices.
Mk Masftdkercliiefs
A Specialty. Respcctftilly
So Wo MusbAxtm & Sow,
F Alii
Dress Suits,
Youths' Suits
Made up Irom tlie llest Material, in tlio
antHcii, nt luwusi fit iui.-j run tAoit
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Hats,
Goods. p f
recall and eramrcoOooU and rnees befnro railtlsey-eur pn'fcniicra el&ewnere.
T. D. CLAUSa,- Merchant Tailor,
2ml iloor abnve tlie Public Square, HAN'K STREET, LehlRht'on.
Successor to
At tli 66 Maniinttotli tpg?92
Opposite the L. & S
Respectfully announces to his
ho is daily receiving additions
QUEENSWARE, &c, &c, &o
Also, just received a car load of LIVERPOOL SALT,
winch I am selling at Bottom Prices.
SALT FISH a Specialty.
f&f3 If you really dosiro
of Goods you can get for a small sum of Ready Money,
you should not fail to give mo a call before making your
purchases elsowliere.
Don't forget the Mammoth Store, opp. L.&S.Decot,
Mny 0, 1670-yi
Wclssport Planing Hill & Lssmfeer .
Itoitprtriiilr ninnupcotn Carpfntcre. Uct.flt'rs. Crtrctors nntl others, th't hatire rnmolti A
their NKW aUILS, tJiaiouowpryiiaredtasupplrtlieiu, at Vn.Ilt MJVYESl PRICKS, will
every ito oriptiou of
Such as Siding, Floor Boards, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shut
ters, Moldings, Brackets, Cabinet "Ware, &c., &c.,
On the flmrtest Nome. Oir Maclitoery m all Now anil of tho Mnu Anprovod KitnJ. trtthit w
h .ve no liPKimiion In auarnntrinc I'erti ct ealwlactl to all who may lavor ua vritli Ihi tr trrdera
It von linvo not llroK to call iiml w.enwfcat oa want aenil miter, and Uey will tie alia
i-oinntlv uuu ar n law iinceas tlmaili vou oio pieacnt.
Glvo us a Trial, ami yon will be convinced of nbat we say.
WM. niEKY.
Oftlce ami Mill, nearly opposite the
fftinty, Pcnna.
New Advertisements.
I will mail (Free) tlie recipe fur a almplo
Vi.02Tvriut Jnui t it t win remove t an,
KlilXKUe.-". l'lAil'LUSano i.LOTCIiKa.lfaln
itiealrliiBolt. clearauu bratitifuli al o uit uc.
tloua forpi(dio,iia:u liiiiirjant fciuwtli nfbair
oun lal'J heuil or .iiiiniti flee, Adlrcja, in.
c OTnif set. atatiip. Hen. Vauue.I & Co., fflinu
SUN". Y :
To Consumptives.
The alvert'ao- liavinc been peimanciitly
cuu U ui lb t ilicaldiHeiiBn. t'o'iauiupti n, uy a
mull.- riiieilv. U imslunt io in .au known to
bit t low-aunVitra the luiam cf euro, 'lo all
whiileioii' it lie will i.o.iil e- pvettao pio c-ip.
tli..iu.eii ttno of eliariii). wub I be itirectoiia
lur P'cnar.uir anil mini theKain wbn-h tney
lllfl ..I a Hire CU1B lor - 6USUTI0 Abiiiiia,
llliONCiiniM te. ruiiloiwUhluiribetieiii p
tlen will I Inane noil, el , li. A. VlIlO, IM
rennet , Wi.ltttm Imieu V
ISltttfiSIKTIIiCailil 5ASI3 In-truciMn and
AiuueM.e.. uuiuOmi lio oitant to parouta
mid tecLCiK. '-Oiaai lent a-natle ticMjiH. 'Ibn
euliru pnc4 atut r oe tit eta. turret'Cr or 'anlJcf & Co , aAjiu rii,
fill" "7 T AOSiiTS profits per week
HI I Wiiprovii it or forfeit joo
J I iUU Kew lilt era Jat p irnleil.
f-uilip,cs t-Ulll iiec tu uu rt.ina v . u luiu
Us I lilt, :nl FU iOilji , Voir Vi.l k,
A a ON riUMAT vh RufTueJ lor year fiom
Nerv ttIolti itv.PvTin.nuioDiCrtv.mnlall
thftl.-c hip( T'Utliftii tidttreti n, ulil'nr.nA
fa u nf Hit? ni-tr Liiina-iltv tonl iut t all wtiu
uanj it. t'iu le iv muHHrect'cnialor uakiue I tie
cimp o jumei.r ii lie wn t urw. iiH-r.
t' wihliiLf? to 1'ioHt bv I ho ad?o.t tvercspi rt
encicaini'i oby miitrewuff m pilict cm.
tlcnrr. JOHN l OUUU.N, 4i CCtar til , K, Y.
a MAS N!11IIW.FR wltbnnt etiltdrex
on n KAItM. Ibo ,nflii muat ttioioinrn y uuder
ttnt the work 011 a far unit tutiw.iiii'iiuoui.
pet nt to take nib ciaro el tho DAlttV. and
to, b of il,i m able to lead onJ wu.o. Foro r.
In ulara rii.ili' rt llm oUi,' of Ibo 1 ArtUtlN
AUVOCAli; Leumhtcu l'a. Jan ia-ml
UuiIiilslrntor''s 'olIce.
.Notice la hereby lven tint Letteri of Ad.
mlii'at.utiou iiii4.ii tbo i;t-uo ot Mars letta
Mulct lateol I lie lluroaeb ut fur
Ihiiii t'oiiu.y. 1'j.. ili CI. 11 ya ose.i nr medio
the inioeienreiii. Al p.Mina knowl w taeni
aeuea lailebtM to aatd caiit'O will iu ke lui lie.
diate pa)nunt, ami iho.e bavn g ctalmawl'l
picacul fueia ouiy authenticated foi tuHtitmcut
lo 11KAUY JlOYblt,
Welport.Jio.lJ, HJwe Aara'r.
octot)r e, tsrtri
Business Suits,
Boys' Suits
Lati-st Styles, nnd Perfect Fits Gur
Caps, and Gents' Furnishing
D. Bock & Co.,
Depot, BANK Street,
customers and friends that
to his stock of
to know how largo an amount
Fort Allen noose, WEISSPORT, Carbon
June 10, 1876-gl
fcr. e
O a
FOR SALE OR TO KENT. A de-an-nli'n
unlTAR twl TIVVKr.f.Nfl nttanhril
miuii wl in Uu Ilorouih o( Weiaapoit, l'a., and
known at the Lewi vteias fioiiettr. tli'eiy
ocinplcd by Cn neitua8uyderliacfiredfoi Haio
Or to 11011U Tirm rtmvinabie. Applvtotbe
unilrblened at lna realuebce lu Lehlcliton, or
tilnro,, Packet ton.
Jun ism'j Z.ISV7IB WEISS.
FOTl SALE of TOf LET, A Double
Kramr Unelliiis Uoute, altu' to aoout
1.110 half mile cart et V 1 Iftai ort. on tha
ijrti leainiriiiMariaynmaee.eutablefor iwo
faulted laere uieaboutoHac oaot taadln
coiiiieciien with Ihe buildlnir. and for aale wltb
It, Trroieu,odoiale. Applt tn
L. f. KLErriNdETt,
Jn 1. lhlgi.ton. Pa.
MTO LET, a comfortable Dwelling
I lonaa, utid lot if ciouud iu the borougu
of lanvvllie. lteut uioddrate. Apply
iu 1 4' KLbl'WSUUH, Agent, Leblibtou.l'a..
Jun. Vi, if.
r Sale.
.tfewaha'fla nf thn P rat Natloual Ilank- ot
I.eliUhiou atoca. Apply l.t the vlttoe of tba'
pycKcuxoit's OTICE.
Estate of Solomon Soil, Deceased.
Iettei, Teatauientarr on ite Katate of 8o'o.
mou Koli, late of Viank m liiwnablp. oarboa
Couutv. penn'a. ileu'i havo beea iminteii to'
.boa J to t aurt Kiln Bolt, of Hankllil'lwp.,
In and Couuly to wlimu all nermoa lu lo'jwd to
ibe amd i:tte ore i fiueatedttt uiaae pavmeut.
and tuoebviiiftc!uluiaur deiuauda will tnak6
kuowoiueaame witnou&deiajr.
JitlZi SO W. I EWo
Jan. ), inf.wi!
V2 m M Zi
o q a R V j