What on Ex-Conredcrnto Thinks About Mr. 'And Mrs. Ilnyea. After the boat started Mr. Ilnyes camo nnd stood In the cabin door, as If lie expected to be recognized and shak en hands with. He speuis to bo pretty tl)or6ogbly broken Into .this business of hand-snaking. Nobody at first camo near htm, so I thought I'd break the Ice. I did so; Introduced myself; told h,lm I was, a Southerner, and found him very affable and good-natured. Hayes Is'a good, well-meaning man. Uls nose Isn't quite so well proportioned as It Blight to be, and there's a reddish hu6 nt the end. Hut tlio hue Is constitution al, I think, or roaybo Its sunburn. I found Mrs. Hayes quite alone on the promenade deck, 60 I Introduced my tell to her. She's smarter than Hayes. She's a more refined woman than I hnd fefoecled to find, and a handsome wo man, too. Slio doesn't look so old ns the pictures makes her out; her hair is black as jet, and her teeth white and regdlar. While I was conversing with Kef,' Mr. Hayes catnn along, remark Inir. "Well.I thought I'd lost ray wife." I'call her the best man of tlio two She's cot character, lots of It, and It's bound to bo felt. 1 found her up this morning on the boat bright aud early, also alone. It was a pleasure to me to be of some llttlo servlce to her In point lug out the localities cu the Sound nnd East river as wo came along, of which Bhe was entirely Ignorant. The young Hayeses were on board, and it was quite evident from their conversation , that the never saw salt water before. A Mnn who Says ho Doesn't Sleep rAiiKEiisuuno, July 1. Tlie man who does not sleep, Saunders, now re sides near this place. Some time In 1801 or 1603 Saunders enlisted in the Fourth West Virginia "Volunteers. For several.years be has not slept at .ail, so he says.' Hut it Decoming Known direct ly In camp that he made sucti prcten slons, it aroused the curiosity of many ot-the men nnd offlcers, and they set a watch upon him. I am told by a Colonel that he and many others lost a great muuy nights sleep In endeavoring td entrap Saunders, but during the whole time that he remained a member of the, Fourth he was never caught asleep. lie stood guard night after ntent, and week after week, paid by sleepy-headed soldiers to take their turns, but never wa3 caught napping. He hauled coal several weeks In succes sion, only stopping long enough to eat and change horses, and ploughed In tho fields with five or six stalwart men un til he wore them out completely, but never seemed to tire. During the year 18G3, I think it was, he went to l'lilla delphla and was "examined by tho lead- lug physicians of the country. They sat up with him lu relays of five, night and day, and kept up an almost con stant ftream of conversation with him, and at the termination of twenty-nine days discharged him with n cortiDcate, but could give no explanation of this freak of nature. Many stories of the untiring energy and activity of this man are told and all .agree who know him that'thls autlpode of Kip Van Winkle is the most sleepless man they ever met. Mr. Saunders Is now about fifty-six years of age, and says that he has not known what sleep is for eighteen years. He;hlmself cannot account for it, as he savs the chance in his nhvsical organ ization occurred within threo days, and! that be never was sick m his life, and took1 medicine but once, and that was when he had a catarrh, about three years ago. Ho is n hale, hearty man and bids fair to llvo many years yet. He Is conscientiously opposed to making a display of himself, or no doubt would long ago have been before the public as one of tho human curiosities of the world. . Lost iu tlio Woods. IJonesdale, Pa., July 5. Royal Adams, bis wife, nod a five-year old son tire' visiting Mr. Adam's father at Lordvlllo, N. Y., on tlie borders of Pennsylvania. On Tuesday the Utile boy wandered off. Tlieio Is a dense forest on the outskirts ot the town. A neighbor bad seen the child going in that direction. A search wan made for 111 111 by his father, but ho could not be found. The entire villago then Joined in the search. It was kept up all day and all nlgbt. Duilng the night a vio lent storm of wind, rain, thunder, and lightning passed over the vicinity. Trees were blown down and struck by Jlghtuing around tlie searching paity lo the woods. There were several nar row escapes from death, but there was 110 cessation In the bunt. No trace of the boy being found, and n ciilamuunt having been seen In the vicinity only a day br sobefore.and bears being known to be plenty, It was the belief of many that the child bad been devoured. At sunrise yesterday, howtwer, the father, who was about tj give up the search In despair, uncovered ills boy in a hollow stump, hlgb in the mouutaiu, two miles from Loidvllle. U11 being called, lie 6prang from the stump, uud clung to bis father s neck, almost crazed wltli ioy. lie bad gone to the woods to hunt flowers,. Uo said. He wandered abuut all day Tuesday calling lur his papa. At night becieptcryingintotlio stump. He cailed several times for his papa, when, lie says, a big (lop came up to the Slump ana growiuuui mm, scaring nun so Uo- was Afraid- to move or speak again; What he thought was a dug was a bear beyoud a doubt. The boy's clotblncwas almost torn from him, and his flesh was badly laceiated. Near where be lay three largo trees-had been blown down, nud one was struck with llghtulng- Aside from soreness una stiffness and n littlu nervousness, no serious conseouences have' resulted to the child. A MethodUt church In Topelra Ks.. was torn down after havlug stood RBven veaw. The nceutaele In the corner stone was openetu Among mu various tilings, such as are usually pre served In like sanctified places, was found to tho horror ot the brethero, n bottle of whiskey that some Irreverent wag had slipped in when the stone was consecrated. The pastor poured' the rare old liquor on the ground. Now Advertisements. -jJUNAHCIAL STATEMENT OP TUB SCHOOL BOARD OF THE Borough of Leliigliton, rorthofl90.il roar ending tlio First MON DAY nt JUNE. A. D. I677,nsrenulrtdby tuo tltli Section ot an Act of ABsoni lily, approved April aith, 1874. FUNDSD DEBT. The following Is tlio FandeJ Debt consisting of school lionns i No. r. i: J. KUtlcr I oo M 47. Thomas Kemerer oou uv 48.-raoma- jwrmerer i CO. David D Kisticr ci, David 1). Kisiloi 5-1 I). A. Jianoc 63. K. A. Ilaacr 61. Henry Kola 60. Lcbifliton Lodge, Mo. "ii. K. nt r r.Tn TT A W.. Nn. 2451 itoo to 6 0 00 6 CO 600 CO 600 03 60 00 075 0) ao oi 68. A. F. Pelers louo (0 69. " I0UO 01 w ' " .. 01 ' " ., 02. " " . 63 lleubcn Kolb low oo 1000 01) 10 00 10 00 04 Patilck Meohan 410 00 05. John Wynu looo "o ' CO. Manus Mo:untv imuuii ' 67.-lo-othMtOroartv moo oo GS.-Jame3 ii cGluty t :ono 01 Ml tlnrtrirn llnrter 331 00 70 . Marv J. Clangs 8 OO 00 71. Wm Mullicrn i lOuO 10 Tl. David D. Kisticr 'HUM' 73.-l'atrlck O'Donneil 2;oo 00 74. Dennis bhovellii....." 10(0 oo 75. uavici jMantn hwj ou 70 iooi uo 200 00 II. Reuben Stelgotwald.. Tho following Is tho Funded Dobt In TJertifl- catca or indebtedness i . l.-A.'W. Baches... i ? 63 1 2 2. " ' ., 110 15 3 4i 7j 4. " " ITS on 6, " ' 81 U II " ' KM 8. Samuel OraTcr.. 10. A. W.Kjchcs.... '11 .... 12. .... 1 13.- " .... 1 18. ' " .... 17. ' ' .... it Samnet Graver. .1 1 20. A. V. Eachcs..,. 21, .... 1 22. " ...1 23. Samuel Graver.. ' 21. A. v. Enches.... 1 25. HaniutlClravir... ' 10. A. v. 'Ibumfti... 1 '.7. A. Wi Thomas... 178 3i 44 82 18 70 ...ii... 31 81 ii U 100 00 01 41 ..1 23.1 68 3J 48 3 I 70 J42 05 2 6 13 773 CD ; 2)3 00 1102 84 00 Funded Dobt at 7 nor cent U225 00 Funded Dotn ato percent Ceitlncates or Indebtedness, Opcr cent 10551 00 2833 43 (22.73 49 Balance In Treasury.. 1.' I3u0 23 Total amount of Indebtedness... 131313 25 Tho assets ot School Hoard consist of Two lots on Pino street...-....- S 5'0 00 Threo story School Building and lot... 4ooo U) uouge nuu ioi ior janitor law ou Money 111 Treasuiv 1300 23 Money Dae llo.ud as collected ui : From J. h. Weuo... ..... 22010 Kroni J. I", -mid 2i.ll 05 Money, due from Samuel Graver....... 78 43 tU.trci 43 T2;o nnderstfrned, having been Instructed tit prepare the X01 eo-ointf statement by said hchool atnid doe-t hereby c? rtll f that the same is cor rect and In accotdauce with saldAciof As-eio-bly. to tho best of my kuowled?e aud b.'hef. and was, on motion, ordered to have tho above 1'ineucUi statement printed. Vi udi tho minutes A. O. DOLLENMAYEU. Juno30-3w Sunetaiy, A NNUAL STATEMENT Receipts and DisDoitsEMEUis Franklin Twp. School District ROBEItT ANTHONY-, Treasurer, in account with lfrankllu Township tacnool ifiUrlct, (Jaroon Uounty, l'a. , for the Year ending (Uuunty Ac count) June -itu, 1877. John Scbvab, collector, oa dtt- luicaiu ioia. CIZU1 l u May 7 itec'O ot the UoionRh ot Wotasnirt KO no Jnly3iIia. Mover borrowed,. 50J 00 jjaianoe 2 a'i Trcasnrcr'd balance Jnno 24-Jndgmont ot G. Ztm. luerman Aug. lit D. Hum, Int on bond. S3 97 2i 87 1 4S 12 17 iNainau -nvuir, 1711 V. Moithimer, ad.- vertlsiu?..-. 17 C. G. jiichenb" rir, In. tciost on bond - 13 00 15' B3 Oct. 2 Lewis Horn, intetest ou bond. 2 Reuben Gioatr lutcrest on bond 2 Nathan nvder. Interest on uond 2 G. D. Lindenuau & Co., Haul-era, interest ou bond 16 SO- IC 99 I? 53 703 20 June 4 U. 11. Limlcrraaii & Co.. Mausers, inierost ou boud... ... 4 Damet Weinr, interest on bond 4 Wni. Schoih. interest ou bund 4 Oeorgo Emery, interest nu bono - 4 Ilcubcu Andrea, inter. est 011 bond-i 4 Ei tibeiia lireuhclser, cost S28 00 107 CO 74 56 9 C6 63 15 S P3 Commission f 3043 tO t;0i 86 Treasury ba'atice $ 27 83 Oututundlpu unid4... S3:-; 23 mum nqu.iy iss m Court coi-,.. law otf Imio to Albrlcht & Green ilri 41 Al po uteil Auditors loiiudlt unit le nuuii mu xsounttr uccouni of Fraiklm towcutitn 3"Q no IteujurcfH due f iom eiasiiort. fcr:Qift- i jutui Hc-hwno. coiltctor, ou da. luiciie i&7u, soi 03 it. wemz, cuiu'cuir or me uor. miBiiot i4irytlilo. on ouolt. cntetttTO 02 1 ltlaure,t., cuui 73 $174 ! J1C774 41 Tn balance.. U3 73 WO, tho nuderilKneil Annltors o( Fipolilin Township, havo examined th uooto aecouut- aua iuuuu mu same 10 ucr eon eel. hTKl'UUN bOLT, It. UO Kit, . . W.-O. WiS 1 S3. July 7-3W Auditor". IJDITOit'S' KOTI CIV The nnicrslRiicrt AnAltor, appnlnt'd by the conitol uouimou l-iea oi i-aroo uonty to make ilt-trlbutlun ot the tunas arimnR from tho ShurltTsraie o( tho lto.il Kstate nt Ol.ivy It H rnilir will nt.timl tn Ihnilnlliuiiif nlaHiiiinlnt raent on THUUHAYi Anirnst Snd. IS'7. at 16 o'clock A. 31.. at his oSico iu stanch fhmik, when ana where all paulos luteienteitmayati leuo. i , 4, ubniiAi., JunetOtw Auditor. s IX TEAC1IERS WASTED, k1t TnrherS -are wanted for the Thiphton rtornngh I'uono e choo'a. vizi One 1'nucipal 1 1 for (Iratnm.ri 1 tr luteruiediatat 1 for tia ondary, snd 2 for Primary. Tcim, 8 llouths. Hnltirift ranalnir iroui fvM to IB3 ner month. The Kxaulnstlon will ho held In ite bchool House, nt Lehlgbton. on Saturday, JULY Itu, 19JJ ftl V O'CtOCK At m. By orCor of tno lio.nl. A. O. DOLLENMAYEU. June IVttS. toerttary. New Advertisements. GUSH'S ni' soap. Patented July 11 ill, 1871. TU.E MOST WONDERFULLY &ffcctito External Kemedy EVER DISCOVERED t A Skin like Monumental At abaster may be attained by using uienn's sulphur Soap. Try it, ladies. It is a genuine beau tifier, aud very economical, This Soap safely and e'er tamlv removes ' cutaneous eruptions by opening tlie pores whoso obstruction was the cause of tho dimculty. Test and you -will endorse it, Jleincatiovtrrfnl deodomzeit. disinfectant and counter JPMTANT.yct eutirelvliunmo-s it tio-itiveiy cuies an icoat xiisuas;3 UJ? -ytLn iur4 as 11 uy magic. It thorouirhlv bleachoa tho cuticle and PER- MANKN riA BUAUTIFIES TIIK COM PLEXION wi'h a certainty unknown to any aiticie over invenieu lur taat puipoue. It la emnhatlcallr tlio remedy for SCALDS nud HUKNrf, Instantly removing nil soreness without pain, anu euccuuna cure in every in stauce. Ar n nroventlve and remedy lor GOTJT and RHEUMATISM, Its edecta are really wonder lul. It Is n sure nreventlrn of all diseases that aro comti'Umcatedby coining In contact with tho person such au Itch, cte. SPrtAlUB. HTtm-.KSand CUTSarocnrod with unfailing certainty. It removes DANDRUFF, and nr'oTonts tho hair from falimg iff or tmiiinK prematurely may. It completely DISINFECTS CLOTHISO. I IromBlheslck-ioom or person, that has become lmoreeuateu wun uiscase, Glenn's Sulphur Soap Is a SPECIFIC In those OBNOXIOUS DIS xiAwiss, wnieu have ueen treated iicietorore with -'Sulphur Olntnicuui'' hiving tlinndvuu tne.B of being CLEAN, jNOFPKNSIVli and UNJUltlOUSto CLOTUINO. SULPHUR BATHS. Tho eneflo,al rraulta of Sulnhnr Hatha are too well known to inquire comment. The iirociaoi uiiii'vn'? HULl'UUU huai m tne butn airt truly electr.eai, completely rtt'oilor JzniK offoaaivo occumolatioui and thoroughly purifvluf- tlmtnttro aurlaco of the bwlv. In fact n la the Ktug ot Soaps fur oatatug anl Tol lei purposes. DIRECTIONS. For I)iipfts of tho Skin bathe freely ana apirf atlilcl; lather before le tlrti ff, altowinc it to it main over tngut. For ! Koildd nud Bums nppjv the lather freely to the afleOtfHl pmis. undthoflioaiiU pain Wi'lbero- luovea lumtt'Uiaieiy. ior uout, itneumausni. Hi ruins UrirUe-t and Outs apply clolln s'tturjted with n htroac solution. I'ur QU Borca and Ulccia it is invaluable. Uto trolly as a lotto J. Fur a iireveutivo lu Utiunxlous Uisoaseif usa a Krone Hnda nn wash, external ly anu by injoctlju. IT WliVIiU FA1L. Glenn's Sulphur Soap IS CUCEKFUI.I,yENl)011Sr:D.nYTHE ilKUIUAI. l'ltA i'liltNlTY. Beware of Imitations ! ASK FOIt Glenn's Sulphur Soap ! TAKE NO OTHER. Price 25 cts. per Cake One Box (3 Cakes),' GO Cts For Sale. Everywhere, by Drugrglsts, Urorcro, and Fancy Goods Dealers. Sent by mall, prep ild, on receipt of price and 5 cents exus ior eacu cai-e. G. N.CRITTENTON.Prop'r, No. 7 Sixth AYCUU3, New York HAItt AS HED AS TUB FLASIE Or A VOLCANO, or white as tho dead moss on a Florida hum. lock, can bocbinsed to a clo-lons brown or lustrous black by a single application of HILL'S INSTANTASEOUS Hair and Whisker Dye. Sold by Drogclsta at SO Cents per Box. July 7, JS77-H New Styles ! iNew' Prices! MRS. M7GUTH, Fashionable Milliner WHITE ST., WEISSrORT, pa., ItespectfnMy'pnDouncca to tlio hdlfnof Wcias port and ttio tnuroundinf country, lliat Btio is now itcelvinir auiinlQienBo 8toc& of Spring Millinery Goods, Comprialnp HORNETS, HATS, NOTIONS, TEIMjIINGIU, &o.j Jtnde nr In tho Intost asliion, nnd wltlch Rho tn prepared to roll to her patrons and fr!e3Cs tit prices bo low as to dq pcrreony aaionisaing. Also, a foil assortment of S WI TOHES And all othor (roods usually kept in a first-class Millinery store. IjADIK.' OWN HAIti MABE TJP TO OR DKR, nt tho Tery lowen possible prices. Call and oxaniiuo Goods nnd Prices. MU3. M. OTJTn. Weissport Pa. March 24ro C3 O crq CO o CD Ileber's Bloclc, Baiik-st. Leliigliton. JNotlce To the Tubbc A. J. DURLIN'G'S Family Drue and Modlclnn Rinm (In Dr. lieber's Blocsl is OPEN on SUNDAYS ir .m 0 10 iu O-CIOCK A. M 1 to 2!, & 5 to 7 r, M, Rosldeoce 1st door nbore M, E. Chnreh A.J. Durllng, our popular Dtug--hiiTlng ciipensed with tho services of a clerk," Is behind ths Counter Dealing oat and Ccmponnd-rig Nice, Pnro, Froh, Unadulteratea m e 1 cinej ior tho siok and Afflicted, at lteduo od Pncos. At A. J. Durllng's Drug Store, yon can get your Prescriptions and Family Reclpesfomponnded accurately & scicntlflcally. At A. J. Durllng's old established DRUOand PRESCRIPTION STORE; you can 1 ely on getting a strtotly Pnro" Article. No mistakes from incompetent assistants, as he dis penses and prepares with his own hands. It Is just splendid I Wlmt7 Why that Now Porfumo I got at DURLINQ'8 Drug Htoie. ills own maka up he calla.lt " ATY OWN 250. and 50c. pel bottle. 1000 lbs. Pure Caustic Soda, or Salted Potash, for SOAP M AKINIi, last recely. ed at A. J. DUltWNO 8 Drug fctore, una selling at a very low price. Wall Taper I Wall Taper I Wall Paperi At A. J, DUBLINQ'S Drug Store. NEW STYLES Just received at Oroatly RE DUCED P UICE3. Call and tiotulne. A. J. Durllng, our popular Drug gist, having an expeiiencoof 17 Years, knows whereof he rpcakx, whin ho savs he guarantees that EVERY AllTICLli bouehtathls DRUG STORE is of the PUREST and BEST that can be lound In tho Markets. A. J. Durllng, the Druggist, has Just received a Fresh Invoice of Fine FRENCH and CALIFORNIA BRANDIES. OLD HOL LAND OrN. OLD RYE WHI1KIES Import ed PORT and &1IERRY WINE Domeallo CLINTON mill otacr URAl'E WINES for Mediunai and sacramental Purposes. j-KS. C. do TSC1UKSCIIKY, Kearly opposlto Duiltne-'s DrnK store, 3ANK STREET, LEIIlCHITONj Pa". . Calls the attention ot theX&dles of Lehltrhton and viclnilv to the fact that she keeps a fall assortment or Berlin & Germantovn "Wool, ISIPOItTBD ANU BOMISSTIC ISMBHOID- EHIE3, NOTIONS, 111J1BO.NS, Ladies' and Children's Hose, i:UMAIV FRUIT, tlMBBnOKB & SWITZBK CHEESE, CANTJIES. CONFECTIONS and a Tarletv cf other articles not usually Kept. In tray other stoer m Lchlittitou. AKiiurooi public patronage 13 lOHciteo, and satisfaction Kuarnnteed. Jau, 20-ui3 QIIARLES' FltOElIIilcn, Cor. of IHON and LEIIIQn street's, LEHIQU. TON, Fa., dealer in Choice Brands of Family FLOUR, FEED, ArPLES, POTATOES, &c, Itespectfullr onnonncesto h's Custrfmei s stfd ttintiub.ii: nenerally that on and alter J AMI. ATtY ut 1S77, he will sell for Cash ontr or on THIRTY' Da YS i lesnouslble nnrties. Bnd In. lerest win o coaraeuou a.l uu.a not. bcttiea at, the expiration ot a nd 3 j tiaj s. t7" All nrtloiea warranted to be as renrescnt ed. Patronage solicited. CHARLES FBOEBHCII. UccemberM. 18! S. A Good Family Mcdidine SWAYSE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla Pills 9- II12ADACI1IS, l.anpour and Mehn choir cnerslly sorl'iir trom a disordered stum- ieh. costiveiie-sor a tori.ld liver. Each may bo spci-uiiy reuiiiYou uyjr Bwjyne s lar i-ins. wuicu siimuiaie ue uver unu stomacu w ho HUT action in removing nil blil ousness. un producing tegular evacuations ot the tones. LIVKR COMPLAINT, that dreaded disease from which so many per. sons unel,is m-qjeuuy tuecauso oi Ilehtlache, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Is speedily relieved, and are often permanently' cuied oy iheiru-e. Fevcrssinoiten nievented by tho use or these hamrfpartilu Pi'ls.asthey earn- off, through the blood, tho tinpiiitli-s from which they arle. For COSHVENE8S there is notuin so cnectoal as Bwayno's Tar and Saraapstllla Pills. They are pmely vegetable, and act specially on the Liter as Blue alasacr calomel, without auv bad resu ts trom taklnir. r Bocnbe synuitouia in a1! commnolcatlons, aniraaure-t letters to uu divaiu 6ua I'm-aoeipuia. ro cnarge ior aavu e- Hem oi nistl on receipt of piles. Price S3 cents a box aye boxes for ild ask YomvpntJaoiisT fob thbm. -Tp-K.-RIOKURT, ' " (J Opposlto L. & S. Depot. On the East Weissport OanallDaiik rtcepcctfullr Informs the citizens of this vicini ty mat 00 ceeni constantly on nana anu u m,iiH nt. the lo WET MARKET PUIOES, tBO very HCsTnitANDSot AtSO DEALER IN FOR BUILDINO AND OTFIEtt PURPObES . which he guarantees to bo Thoroughly Seasoned, and, wnian. he is nowisellincI at, TD.E VERY LOWEST 'RATES. WHOLESALE onif RETAIL, at the.tOWEST, 1 'CASn' PRICES. ' He has a a number of very eligibly located Iri RrcKERTSTOWN, Franklin Township which ho will Sell on very Easy Terms; Aug 0. j.K. RICHEST. lrlvm " Qot ooMir earn oil in mesa innct, d 4 a butitCAD Demfltie-lntliroemontlis 9 b B hvfiiivoncotciihfersoi.innnrnart if Din nniintrt vv1k In will nrr tn work nteadrlv i.t the enipliivmAnt tliat wo lurn. Ish. (WG a wepk in rour own town. Vm nepd not bo away irom home over nlghtv Yon can irivo yoor who y tirao to the worn or onlr vonr( epare mutnents. It costs nothing, to try the, biiMuerth. Terms i.nrt 15 ontttt fre. Artdroaa, at ortce, IX. JI ALL KIT & CO., ieuu'yi" I'orlianu, Aiaino, SifAo 59K adayTJItEmadebyAnts ply h 0 seliiugoarChromosCtayon8, i-H-lure duu Liromi uaius. lno Kamples worth fl sent po&tpard for 73 cts. Illn-trted caislnirues HKUE. J. li. uuhAunu-a sus, iiu- iu. Established IsO-l " '60J-l, pilOSIAS ISOOXS UeDCCtfallv announces to the citizens of Car. bon and adjoining Countles.'tliat he has pur. chaed the entire interest. and stock of U, C luvas wax in tne mtuuuiun Corn Broom Manufactory, Incited in tSe Boroifgh bf Lehighton, Catbqn LiOliniy, i n., mil tunv uo in iirepsreu iu uu uu otd,rdenuutedtohlin with tho Very Best Qnallty of Brooms attho LOWEST roSSUlLELJVINO PBICE".' A trial rt respectfully tollette'-l and entire aat Isfactlonguaiat'toeiT. r aiannuctory in me iiaemeni onus --vuiicr House," opposite the Lehich Valley BB. depot. J" UEIXMAN S CO., BANE STREET, Lehig'aton, Pa.; IIILLEBS 'and Bcalefs In All Ki'bds df G'nXlN BOUOHT and SOLD at 111SUULAK JlAltlilST ItATiSH. We wonldl also'., leaneetfnllv'lnform OuVeltt. aens that we aro now fully prepared to SUP PLY tnem With From eny Mine desired at VEBY LOWEST rhlOES. 3. nEiiMAN'aii co:' July S3. ' 1" E11IG11TQH BAKEItY ' The nndersigned announces to thecltlrens'of Lehlrhton. Welnsnart and the suiroundifia; neichiioihooo. that no Is now fnlly prepared to siippirtheui with l'UIMl. PRKSH Bread, Cakes & Pretzels Evert- Morning et Who'eaaie and Eetall, at'tfcB lowest prices, jib uiae a tpeciany ox Wedding and Fancy Cakes. Plc-Nlca and alf other Partly supplied wltnthe Choicest Mado Ico Oream, in lart e or small quantities on abort notice and a reason'ible tlguies. Aao. always on hand a large slock of ail sinus ot CANDllCd, NUTS, FBOITS, 40., at Wholesale and Retail. Pstronnge solicited. v X W. O'NEIL. aprUSyl Bsnt Pfeet. Lehighton Pa. Manhattan OIL Ooinpany, opne;v yobk. Lubricating and Illumlnatlufr Oils. WM. N MABCUS, Ilnom 37. Merchants' Ex chaniro.TlIUlliand WALMUT Streeta, Pl.t. ueiniui pa. isov. ioib. WANTED the business men to know that they cauget JOB PUINT1NG done cheaper at caeiiok advocate offlce thau'at any athsr place m tn oeuajy, iryua. 7 -tj o CO -ti 2 I el g i3 r g i UJ ffg O to s g fe x i . . . 1 h u o fcn ni na d C3 Ui o d -0 g M S B" 2 5; to Pna & -t3, 'rt o es UJ -pga & COfe IB S II o pq -p s 1 ca a c S 51 ' a PLANING MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factoryj AT S1UT1NGT0S. JOHN BALLIET, Proprietor; Deals Id-all kinds and sites ol rine, Ilemlocfc. Oak and Hard Wood Lumber, and Unowpto. pared to execnto any araouni ot orders for Dr&sseD lumbeR OF ALL KINDS. Doors, ( Sashes, Dlinds, Shutter-,' Mouldings, Cabinet Ware, Ac, With Promptness. Braclis Made1 to Orderi The Machinery la all new and of the beet and! most Improved kinds. ,1 employ none but tha best worxtnen. use well seasoned and good m, wriai, ana am uiereiore anie to guarantee entlta satisfaction to all who maylavor mewlth a call .Orders oy mail promptly attended to. Mvu charges are moderate i terms cash, or Interest charged alter thirty days. " OiygLECAtX. t" Those engaged In Building will Bnd It t their advantage to have PJdlng, Floor Hoarda. May'lOyl .jfoiINJlALLllLTl STABLISltEDiyS. ' GILMORE&CO.jlttysatLa Sucessors to CnirifAN, nosHXtt ft CO., 629 P,St., Washington, D;0. America and FonEiaxPATEsn, ' Patents procured in all'conntrles. i?o Fna' in advance. No charge nnlesa the patent la au lnatiotts. No additional- lees for obtaining and conducting a rehearing, Special attention' given to Interference Cases before the Patent Office. Extensions .befera Congress, Inlctnue ment Suits In different states, and all litigation, appertaining to Inventions or. Patents. Bind STAMP Kin PAMTHLKT.OF BUT! FAOIS.. tl.s. counts asd UEp,inTHEjrrs. Claims prosecuted in the Supreme Court of the United states, Couit of Claims, Court of Com mlssionei a ot Alabama Claims, Southern Claims. . Commission, snd all classes of vat clalma before tie Executive Uppattmentt ' , Auiuumaurrii jiuyail. , Omcr.Es; soldiess and Sailors of the late, war. or their heirs, are In many cases entitled to money lrom the Government, ot which they, have no knawledao.. Write full historr of ser-- rvice. and state amount of pay and bounty re ceived. Hnoloeo atamn and a fall- reply, alter examination, will be giv,en yon free. . Pbssioks. , .( -All OfQcers, Soldiers and 8llora wounded ruptured or ilnjnred in the late war, however slightly, can obtain a.pensioo, many now receirA lng pensions are entitled to an lncreate. r-.end alamp arid. Information will be t urnistied free. ' United fajrATxa QEXhiitL Laud praicrt, Contestod Laud Cases, Private-Land Claims, Mlnli.g Premtlon and Homestead Cases proa-, ecnted before the General Land OOee ami Ce partment of the Interior. , , OLD BOUHTT LAND WABSAItTS. , Tho last Beport.ot.theCommlsfioner of that General Land Office shows 3,697.3!$ acres of. Bounty Land Warrants lontatandina.. Tbesa lssued nnder act ol 1855 and prior aots. We par. cash for them. Hend br xeglnered letter , Where assignments are Imperfect wa aire In- atructiona.to perfect them. p , f Each department of our business ts conflnoted. in a sepaxaus Dureaa,uuaer cnarge oi experienc ed lawvois and clerka. ,t , ..liy reason or error orxrana many attorney are suspended from,, practice before the Pension and other offices each rear. Clalmanta whoaa. attorneys. have been tons suspended will to gratuitously furnished with i full information and proper papers on application to us. ab we ensrge no lee iiiuesa succeasiui stamps l3t- return postage ahould t!0Mntut mat lis. . with attorooya In uoerai aiTauireaienta mauo 1 all ciassea ot business. , Address) 6ll!iM6hE fe CO., .. P. O. Box 44. WAtnraoioN, D.O., November U, 1S7S. I take pleasure In expressing my entire confl i ace la the rnonUf titu and rUUUtu of 'the Law, Patent ano Collection House. of GiuioHB my. t a KOBQE ,U, B, .WHITEi , the National Metropolitan Bankn W. EACHES, Oohtractor & iiiter,' LsnionTdk"1, pkmn-a. Plans aa'd' Spcclflcatlons VOB ALL KINDS fW BTjiLDINOS MADE' AT IHJBl SnOBTEST .NOTICE.' i I NO O UAH G ES Made tor p'LANS ap'd. SPECIFICa'tIONS waen tha contract la awarded ,to tha under signed. " June 14. IS73 yl. A. W. E ACHES. Fl- LUGltENBAn, FltESCOj IIOUSB AND SIG1 And Dealer in all Patterns of Plain A Fancy Wall Papers' And"Wikd6w BlikWs, Two Doors Below the " Broadway Uout," lsn.'tT.'y 1 m & C .reap Casin Stored OPPOSITE PAUKERTOK, LOCK 3. Groceries s Provisions rXiOxrxi, COFFEES, TEAS. SUOABS.'rJYITIPS, BPI. OB9. CANNED FBUIT8, BACON, A1ES8 poRSt, uamb, shoulders; nan, c da, Ac ry All articles warranted to be at represent ed. Patrucaw solicited. April if. -77-if, Fee Itcdoccd. Entire Coit $55. Patent Office Fee M In advance, bailees ISO within e month! after Patent allowed. Ad Tic and examination tr. Patents Bold, j.vanob wriikoo., Uajrt-nt WishiorlC.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers