A Bison Story. About tliTee mnnths provloui to my nrrlrnl at Fort Union, says n prairie hunter, and In the height of the hufl.tlo breeding Benson, when tho hulls nro sometimes very llerco, Joo nnstakbg the Fort Union hull with a cnrt Into a point on tho river above the fort, In or der to draw home a lead of wood which had been previously cut and piled ready for transportation tho day before, when n very largo old tlson bull stood rlpht In thu cart track, pawing up the earth, atid rearing leady to dispute the passage with him. On a nearer approach, In etead of Dying at. the. sight of thu man that accompanied tho cart, the bison made a headlong cliarge. Joa nan hardly time to remove his bull's head stall, and e&capo up a tree, being utter ly unable to assist his four-footed friend, whom he left to his own resources. Bison and hull, now In mortal combat, met midway with a shock that made the earth tremble. Our previously docllo gentle animal suddenly became trans formed Into n furlo.ui beast, springing fromsldo to sUK whirling round as tho burTaloattemptedtotake him in Hank, al ternately upsetting and righting the curt again, which he banged from side to side and whirled about as It it had been a bandbox. Joe, safo out of harm's way, looked from tho tree at his cham pion's proceedings, at first deplnriiu the apparent disadvantage ho labored under, from being harnessed to a cart; but when the fight had lasted long and furious, and It .was evident that both combatants had 'determined that one or the other of them must fall, his eyes were open to the value of the protection afforded by the harness, especially by tho thick, strong shafts of the cart against the short horns of tho bison, who, although ho boro him over and over again down on his haunches, could not wound him severely. On thu other hand, tho long, sharp horns of tho bravo Fort Union bull began to tell on the furrowed side of his antagonist, un til tho final charge brought the bison, with a furious bound, dead under our hero's feet, whose long fine drawn horn was driven deep Into his adversary's heart. With a cheer that made tho whole woods ring again, down clamber ed Joe, and while triumphantly caress ing, also carefully examined his chival rous companion, who, although DruUed and blown, and covered with loam, had escaped uninjured. A Breakfast with Snm Kogcrs. Many persons have heard of tho breakfast table of Mr. Samuel Rogers, where, during the last fifty years, have been seated so many distinguished men of all nations. Fond of society, and most agreeable himself In conversation, he has been for years tho centre of ono of the pleasantest circles In London, lie seems to have, hern attracted to wards every mnn distinguished either by force of intelligence or force of character, and his tastes are so various, that therp Is room at liU small break fast.tablo for the greatest diversity of puests, from the Duke of Wellington to the last young poet, whoso timid volume has Just been launched into the sea of literature. Mr. It ogees, who seems fond of Americans, was especially fond of Mrs. Bancroft; and so I received, by her, means, an Invitation to his breakfast-table. On Wednesday, August 10, at 10 n. m.,I found myself at that class ic board with four good guests. Mr. Rogers I found a charming old man of elghty-seveu years, and except a little deafness, as actlvo in body and mind as ever. IIo talked on all subjects.chang lng from grave to gay. IIo spoke of art and society, of time and e.ernlty, but mostly he talked of poetry, and read and recited many things. IIo quoted lines from Ilalleck, and then calling for tho work, he read the poem beginning "Green bo tho turf abovo thee," and said, "Ho man living can write such verses now." He recited, with much feeling, passiges from Gray and from Milton's 'Taradlso Lost." He thought that Milton had put an ar gument In the mouth of Adam, com plaining of his punishment, which he had not answered. "There's no ans wering that," said he, "there's no ans wering that, except, Indeed," he ad ded, "we admit that nil punishment Is corrective." He liked Gray's lettets better than his poetry, aud thought good prose usually better than Ids poetry, IIo spoke of life, and compar ed it to a river, hastening to Its fall. At the end it hurries us along, so that wo cannot notice what wo are passing. "How well," said ho, "I remember what I 8w in my youth, when I went to the opera at Milan, In thu evening, and said, to-morrow I shall be sailing on Lako Couio.' Sixty years ago I dined with tho Duko of Itojhefoucault and twelve others; in one year nine of them had died by tho guillotine, or some violent death, Lafayette I saw every day." He said It was one evil attend ing suc'ce!S In life, that it is upt to sepa rate us from our families. Said lie, "Sir Thomas Lawrence told me, 'Tho day I got my medal, I put it on aud -went down stairs, but not ono of my lirothers asked me what it was. I went up to my room and cried. It I epeak of any distinguished person, they say, you told us that before.' " The con versation fell upon Curreu. Mr. lingers said lie was Accustomed to use the most extravagant lauguage. "I was walk ing with him In London, and he said, 'I had rattier be hung on ten gibbets,' A girl passing by said, 'Would not ono be enough?' " in this pleasant talk l lie hours How by, and it was one o' clock before wo know it. But when the ladies rose to go, ho asked mo It I had been the pictures in the British In stitution, and said to Lord G "Let us go there," After walking through the rooms, and pointing out to me some of his favorite, pictures, he asked me It 1 wu's not engaged elsewhere, to break fast with him again the next uiornlug, to which I gladly coiiseted. What Is It that everybody dislikes, yet no one likes to lose a lawsuit. A clear conscience Is tho best law, and temperance the best physic. When is a man thinner than a shin gle when bo's a 6having. The man who had bis head turned it sow ttylDg to carve out bis fortune, New Advertiseiuonfcg fjr Extra I'isb Mixed Card", with nnmc, lOo. 0 postpaid. L. Jokes ACo., Nuu, N.v. vpO -J4U $5 sent! tree, sti.vso.n & Co., Tort- luiKl Malnu. A GREAT OFFER 1 1 M tneinlliml 'lime rtltpo-o nt uw PIANOS ami OKOANH, new ami so.!oml.rmnrt cf Brt-c nss m ilters mclmilnfr WATIJllS', nt lowest i rlcm for cash or Installment or tilnt nntll raid for than over before i.ff.M (Hi. UMTEIls' GltANJ), '-QUAllKxiil lll"Ualll' PIANOS nniinil- ctANH unciudt'so rnKtn new sot'. VUNIItand JlOUUOI'tlnrotliellRs'l MADE. 7 Oct-ive Piantu Six. 1 H do 9lfi3. rot used u ve-ir. 'V stop Orirana $31. 4 stops 8"!i. 7 Stops SIR 8 Mops S73. 10 Slops fSS IS Mopi elOO cash, not moil n veir. In perfect order n m! war mine!. LOCAL nml TIIAV l.IMll ABKS1H WANTK1J. Ilimtiotpd CatnlntiiM Mniled. A ltueral discount toToncliors. MInUtoiK Church e, oto. lioct JIniic ot In f prtco. IIOHAUII WA1 lint .t SUN, .Mniiufacturera and JJealem, 4Jicnst Mm t.. union t-(iuar( i. v THE nEALTItlEST OP US A HE LI ABLE to obstruction la tho bowels. Don't neglect them. It id not nccosar?' toontrnco tho uiilo with nauneons drngaln such case". Tho moit effective laxnlivo known U TaiiuanT's EFFEU VF.-CENT 8FLT2EH A IX K I KM, Olid It is Uo tilt) niost afrrconhlu. Its opt'miion 1s soothing, cool Inc. painless. Sold by ell dniirguta- THE BLACK HILLS, Br' II. N, MAOumE, who li3 spent 12 rears In this rfttlon. Latest accounts of Gold anil Silver Tiroppectt, Apricultmal nnd (Jiazln rosourcon. Climate. limiting, Fj-hinr, Iiullnns, ana Hot tiers' aavcntuioi with thorn, Mtmn? biiU Vtltl Western Life, the Waterlalls, Boiling Oevsers, noblo Hceueiy, lain, en so Gormen, etc. With 27 QaoiilUittratious, and new map. Price ONLY II) CKNTS. Su.U byALLNnW&DKALRItrJ, or sunt put-paM lor 12 cents by DONNKLi.EV, LO YD & ct., PunusiiEKs, caiOAOO, ill. 500 Clover Seed Mullers FOR SALE. Send for circular of oar new Doable Iluller. Pute n ted March 6th, 1877. Wo challenge tho world thot It will hull and clean more sceis, clean it better, that it Is more elruplo dnrablo, atid easily hnndlml thmi anv other h utter made. HAOEltSTOWN AdltlClf LTUBAL IM LE. MENT MANUEAFUHI.NG CO.. llOKeratOWU, Md. Agents wanted for sale of same. 25 Fancy Styles of Cards, wlih your name, 10c. Sl'fcRCER (SCO. Nassau. N. .Y TTNPItECEDKSTED ATXHACTION I U Oyer half a Million Distributed. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Thli Institution was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature of the Stale for Educational and Charitable purposes lu lfcGS, viUh a Capital of fl, 000,000, to which It Ins since added a rurerve fuuaof 3S0,0HJ. It. Grand Single Num ber Drawing, will take place monthly. ( nrcr tcakt or pottjxmis. Look at the following scheme , UHAND PROMEVADE CONCERT, during which will take place the EXTRAORDINARY SEMI-ANNUAL DKAWINO At New Orleans, Tuesday, Juoe S. Under the personal supervision and management of Gen. G. T. HiaAUItliGAKIJ.orLod. alalia, nml Gen. JUUAL A BAItLiY, of Vlrglnlu. CAl'lTAL, I'lllZK, 9100 000. t"Xotlce Tickets are $10 Onlj. IIalve3(e5. Quarters, if2, SO Eljjliths,$1.23 LIST OP PalZE8. 1 OAI'lTAL 1'lllZB OF $100,000 1 Q II AM) l'RIZUOK t.0,000 2 LARUE I'llIZESOlf 4 I,RQE PRIZES OF 20 l'lUZES OF 50 ' 100 " 2'XI ' UOO " 100JO ' 10,000 . . 6,(100 . , 1,000 . . em . . 3O0 . . 200 . , loo . . 10 . . AFMioxiMiTt rmiEs. 100 Approximate 1'riiea or 200 , , 100 " " 100 . . 100 " " 75 . . 11,270 Prizes, amounting to . . , , Oen. Q. T. 11EAUREQ ARD. of La. 1 Uen.JUUAL A. KARI.Y.of Vn. t Write for Circulars or Bend orders to M. A. DAUPHIN, p. O. lioi 60J, New Orleans, La., or WILLI AMSOX 4 CO., 317 Broadway, N.i. TIlIltD GRAND DOLLAR DKAWINO, Tuesday, Julys. Carltat Prize, eJ),000. Tickets, (1 each. Way 6. w4. HENRY A. PETER, Succcaor to 0. W. Lesiz), Bank Street, lehighton, Penn'n, Offers to tho puDlio a full line ot Pure Drugs and Chemicals,' PATENT MEDICINES, Horse and Cattle Medicines A Complete Ausortment of Wall IPapeFS. From the Cheapest Brown to the Cnest out. Fancy Toilet Articles, sponges, chamoise skins, Plain & Fancy Stationery, Andavarletv of HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES too numerous loo mention, all ot wlncli ho Is offering at YEKY REASONABLE PKICES I rurtE WINKS nnd LIQUOIIS for Medicinal nnd tiacrauicuial purposes. l'liYsicfANhU'itRBcnirTioNsorefuiiy aud accurstoly compounded by MYtiKLF at all houra ot thu day and night, l'utronage Invited. II. A. PETER, ... Lcuclcl'a Block. March:, 1S77. Manhattan OIL Company, OP NEW YORK. Lubricating and Illuminating 011$. WM. N MARCUS. Room 13, Merchants' Ex change, TIURD and WALNUT mreeis, PhlLa delptui, Pa. fToT. , is7t. m i illlpi if p fS s gBB!3 g3 P3 K? SCf ri I l s& B 5-d5fi3erfl3 o To ? gft&felo 8 5 rsg n as E 5n rj H 5 cs e tn CI . eioo 000 . 60,000 . 20,000 . 2J.0O0 . 20,000 . 20,000 . 2S.OO0 . 30,000 . 40,000 10,000 . 100,000 . $ 20,00) . 10 000 7,500 . $522,500 ComVs. 17 Now Advertisomonts. All Person nt n illstnnee treated liy Mnll with Perfect SucceiSjby de crlblng their Symptoms. (Send for onr Inrro nnd bomtllnllr lllustratel paper, sout frco to aoy uddross.) DR. TOWNSEND'S u m m Catarrh! Whyl Hccane Inhfii-i. Hon is tho onlr wy that ihe Atr l,fifi8agi8 ciin be re.iclipd. eml Catarrh lau WEMAKR AKPK CIAL.TV nf treating itintni:t4 hv Alftlt. (lHeKO ot tho Air ces nf tlio Ilrail Upo tliin Ttratment as we AU rvct. which ii ensv nnt) rleaso wnto nnd dpfl- cnuo roar eym;uoui9, pipRsaut, nndwepnaiati leo a peneci uukis or Cut Arch. Bronchitis ! Wliyl Fortheaamorev pon as ulven nbove The Bioiiclitil Tubos nre feimp y cniidnctoratocir ty atr to the LuuKS.hence Iuhalfltlou must po til. rrct to tl o seat at (IM case, and If you will So. low our dlr ctlontt, we muirantee to curb ALT. Persona thai read tliU nro invito, to enll for our lurjr nm hcnutifullv Uiu trnteil Pni.or.&entlri r to any address. BroEclutla. i Whyl Bccnu3o Asthma la u contraction of tho Bronchial 'lu'jes, caused by 1 Ham mattou and irrl totioaof theui'Kusm m-' rane Iiniup the nronch lalTabe. Ubo iixTjron ated Alms we will ducct and wo will warrant a I Cure. Wo have cured ca-e of TweUy Years lit VEGUUANTKE TO UUltU Uouirha Uatds.U ittlieria. rncn1 mon In, iNtura'tffa RTid1 nearly nil ot her sevmo a' iacns wueu an omer lemodies lull, Consumption Can be cured. Whr! be caoso wo liavo 'cured hmiflrods of case, some nf them being nven over tndle oy nil phyniciant of other schools of prac tlco. Coiuiuiition is a dl-essoof the Air ptssa get and over iwo-thinls or the oanes nre caused DYdPEPSIA WE CURE. LlvcrAKId ncy complaints aro effectually reached by. uycutarrn. weguaian. leo a euro If jou will come lu season. Ozygenatod Air. Blood Diseases ! Dr. Totrnnpnil'ii DirrrPn. nted Air will purify the blood m one-third the time mat any other knowniomo'yean. Whyl because to Inhale Ox v. ecu a ted Air ti goes di rect to the Luiics nnd Cancers AMD Tumors ! pi-scs through the tls met and comes in dlreot contact with the blood as It Is forced into the I..UUK3 brthe acuiu of the heart. All tho blood In our veins returns to the heart ever y four min utes it the blood Is irood. andforced from the heart to the lung, and the more Oxrgen you Inhale Into the lunfs the more) CURED without cut. tlniror drawing bljod. with very little or no fialu. Any Person rout-led with Cancer andl nnorawlll pleae wilte tor testimonials &a,trom patients cur- ron purity the blood. kVfcon Oxvcen comen la contuct with the Impurl tic 8 in the blood it air. bonlzos and burns, caus ing the blooi to be heat ed so that it warms ove eu. we wan am perfect care. W.M.Park,MD. Late of the McCLELLAN D.H A rt part oi the ttoav. ns ic iroes ou Its revolutions throaph the avtem. It your b ood U pure von cannot he sicK. Wodnve Mercury and all other impuntiea out of the Hoaidt.l.Pliilnrtflnlili Pa., wl o hai been to snot esrui tnrouimtiut New Ku gland lu the; euro of Cancers and Tamorf. takes charo Diooa. we guarantee to purity tho blood in one third the time nf aur other known remedy. 01 una ueparimcuu Address all Letters as heretofore, E. F. TOWNSEND, M. D., 122 High St., Providence, R. I. m Phrslclans wishing to loci to In some town or citr In this business, can belunHshen with ler rltorv and other illustrated papers for adver tising the same, by addressing as above. There are unprincipled persona In Boston And elsewhere that aro putting una II O (l u m I.1QU ID and trying to palm ItclTusllv I'umt. hem, or Uxyccualnl Air, aud clalulnv It to ho like rnlue. ft'ono ce'iuino unless the words "DR. IOWNHENJVh OXVdKNATKDAUt" AIIE 11LOW.N IX IIOTTLK AX LI rOUTOAU OS LABEL. J'C'J. lullt, ly. New Styles ! New Prices ! MRS. mTgTJTH, Fashionable Milliner, WHITE ST., WEISSPOKT, Pa., llesoectfoll noonnce to the lsdlcs ol Weiss port and the suiromidinir country, that she is now leoelvluir an,lmuiense stock of Spring Millinery Goods, Comprising: BOXNETS, HATS, NOTIOXS, TBIKjIIXOS, Ac., Mads iro in the latest fashion, and which she la prepared to sell to her patrons and frieade at prices so low as to be perfectly astonishing. Also, a full assortment of SWITCHES, And all other goods usually kept In a ttrswiass Jlilliaory btore, LADIES' OWN ItAln MADE UP TO OR. DISK, at the very lowett pos"ihiu prices. Call and examine Goods nnd 1'ncen. MRS. M. UTJTII. ..... WelMjieai Pi. llsroh tl Its Jit. RICKERT, . Opposite L. & S. Depot, On ihe East Weissport Canal Bank Ilcspectrnllr lnfotms tho cltltcna of this vlctnl. ty that he kecp constnmlv on hand and 8 KLOLH nt tho I.O VEST MABKU'f PIUCES, tho Vtrv JlUsTUnAND3o( ALSO DEALER IN FOR BDILTDING AND OTITKU PUnPObES which he guarantees to bo Thoroughly Seasoned, AND WHICH HE IS N 0 Wi S ELLIN O AT TI1E VEItY LOWEST BATES. WHOLESALE And RETAIL, nt the LOWEST CASH MICKS. IIo has a a number of very e',lcibly located In RirKEIlTSTOWN, Franklin Township which ho wlli Boll on very Easy Terma. Ang. 9. J. IC. IlICKEUT. tlswsyfu is not easily earned in these tlmcB, g until can ne ninae lu tnreo montna bynnyoneof ellhereox.iunnypirt ui uiu cmuiry, nan is will to worr; steadily at tho employment that wo lurn. Ish. fee a week In rour own town. Yon noed not be away irom homo over night. You can Klvti ynnt wlio'o time to the worn or only votir spare moments. It coits nothlnn-ito try the business Terms und (5 onlUt fiee. Address, at oner, u. 1IALI.K1T CO It'hlOyl rortland. Maine. $10! QOK adaySTJltEmndobyATCnta seltinc our Chromos Oi ayons, mhhmhhm. i-itiure uuu tiiroia.1 lhius. leo samples worth tl sent postpaid for 75 eta, Illustrated Catalogues HFllli. J. H. UUhFOltD'S BOSS, OOSTON. Established ls0.) feb3-y "M"n , Wo will Btart you in a business you canronkotSOawcckwIthontcnpliat; "ATnilPV 'a'yand rerpectablo for cither sex. iixuiioj Jl At Young, 2J1 Bowciy. N. Y. DR. BANNING is permanently located at the HT, CHARLES HOTEL. I'lttaUnrcli Ha. Di.nse and !c tormillM or the SI'INH. ULTUItlVE Ill3 l'LAf!EJIENTM, DYtlPEPHIAHHRMA unit PILE- succeafullr tre.ted by I ho HANK IN hR I EM oi Mechanical 8 ippnrt Call or setul for doKcnntlTR pnmph.ct, '1 he House Voj L(e lu." Mailed Fiee. Apr. 8-lnr T iiomas itooxs Re.peclf ntly announces to the citizens of Car. lion nml adlolmux Count let, that he das pur. chajed the cntiro laterest nnd .took ot if. 0. LEVAIVWAY In tho LEHIGHTON Corn Broom Manufactory, located in the Morouirh ot f.eliiRlitor, Carbon County, Pu., and lh.it lie is prepared to All all urd.rs entrusted lohlm with tho Very Best Quality of Brooms at the LOWEST rOhSIDLE LI VINO P IlICE. A trial n rospectlnlly sollclte l and milie sal Isfactlon gnarurtootl. Mauut ctory In the Ra'ement of tho ' Yulley Houso," ojiyosito thu Lehlvii Valley lilt, depot, Feb. 26, 1676. THOMAS KOONS. -J IIUILMAX & CO., BANK STREET, Lehighton, Ta., MILLERS and Dealers In All Kind, of GRAIN DOUOIITand BOLD at IIEUULAU MARKET RATJ2S. We would, also, lesoecttnlly Inform onrcitt. zens lhat we are- mow fully prepared to bUP PLYtaemwith From any Mice desired at VERY lowest iuici:s. 31. HEILSTAN A CD. July. -J-EHIGHTON liAKEUY. The undersigned announces to the cltliens of Lehlvliton. welsrport and tho suirounding uoiahboihooa. tliat uu is now fully prepared to supply them with 1'llIMl'. 1'RusH Bread, Caltes & Pretzels F.Ttrv Mornluir at Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest fricoa. He uiaie a specialty of Wcildliiff and Fancy Cakes. Plo-Nlca and all other rartleo aupplled with the Choicest Hade Jco Cream, In lane or snail qusntli le.. on short notice and at ieasnishle names. Also, ulyaya on hand a largo siock of all kinds of OANDIUa. NUT8. FRCI TS. Ac, at Wholesale and iteUll. patronage solicited. J. W. O'NKIL. april Jl BTOk ffe, Leiilghton.Pa, UJ g o & C?J Sag O g legato cd to a.j u -J o fn A 1 C3 n3 ; u an H B3 O O r?&, M ? ! s 3 .SI S o" o 1 05 rt u rpiIE SLATINOTON PLAHING MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATIXGTOX. JOHN BALLIET, Proprietor, paicd to exocuto uny mtouut of orders lor JDressoD LumbeR OF ALlj KINDS. Doors, Sashes, Minds, Sliuttcw, Mouldings, Cabinet Ware, &c, With Prouiptnoss. Brackets Made to Order. Tl..V.nl.lnl. .TT. . ... .... ....i.muri.v ! ii i iiriv nnu oi iiinne.cnna ' .....o. niijnuti-u Kimif. a einuioy nono nut thd best workmen, iiko well Beaouo.i and Rood ma tciliii.nndnnill oicriironblo to muvnntco entire 1 salifaetIon lo nil who n-nvlnvor lnowitli a call. , oniirs uv mail piouipily attenacd to. My Tltl T? ,,",l!"tii terms cash, or intcicst ihargi'd alter tMrly navs. i GIVE MA CALL. Tiose en-ircd In Uuild.nB will find It to ' Iheir advantage to lnvo hiding, Hoor flonnla I'ottorv" BS''es' slIut'c's' tt0-. s' ""-do at this MoylOyl JOHN RALLIET. I liSlAULISHED 18C5. GIDIORE&LUjAttysatLaw, SUC65SOI8tO CllirMA.V, UOSSIEIt A CO., 629 F St., Arlington, D.C. AJIEniCAX AND 1 OnElQX PAttSTS. ...r.nl1',,t Procnro.l In all countries, No FrES I!f Advance No iliarco unions Ih.i inlentis SiW..'.'-. 1,0 i00 ,n,llll.lLB I'lellminary or un lnatlom. No oc'dUlonal teen Jor ohtalnlu" pint co.iductlngnrelienrinr. i-peiial attention SJ'll"!.l"lmwcllC11 U beioic Iho Pntmt omcf, , KxtensiotiH hel.ro Cougio?, Intrlimo. mcnlBalt.lu illlteri nt.-titts. iimiull litliiation aiipcuuinlng lo Invention, or Palenta. fcEKD fcusir roit lMstfiit.t.1 of s-ixir l'Aors.. V. S! COUIITS AND DEI'AIiTMENTfl. ClainisprofiecnteJ in the Riiprcm Court of tho united htates, Coui t (if Claln.s. Court of Com. mliuiono sol Alatiomi Cliunis Boutnein Claims Cnranila.inn.rna all elawc. of war claims bcfoio thoEicoullTBDciiattments. A nncAni op Pat a.d IIountt. Orncnits. soLiiinns and Sailor i f tho late War o. their holra, nio In hihiiv ca.es entitled to tirouov liom the Uoverntneni, ot winch thy hive no umivledao Wilts full lnstoiy of tci. vice, ai.d Rtate a'liountrf pnvnnd imunti re ceived, l-'nclo.n stamn and n full reply, after examination, will he dviuyoa fiee. 1 rr.sraxa 1 .VI Ofllccri. Soldiers ai d Sil'ors wounded nipiuicdor l.ijaicd in tho Into war. however tdUhUy. can obtiMti n i.Timoii,many noiv recely. inn peasloni nro entitled toinn 1, create, f-cui obbiuij u ju uiiuiiu iiuu win ue larni.nefi rrcc. Usirco mates Oekural Land OfeicbJ. Conteale I Lmd Cases, Private Land Claims, Mlnlic Preemption nud Horai stem Cases pros, ecutoil bslore tno General Land OUlco uniflle parlment of tho Interior. Old BouNrt Laxd WXbbants. Tin lat Ilepoit of tho Conimisfioner of the General Laud oalce shows Jb!)7.n'0 acres of Jlounty Laud Warranca outsiaudna. Theao lsned iradcr act of I8ij nnd pif ir acts. Wo iay ca;h for tl.em. r-end bv legntcred letter Where a's'gnnienls are laipirfcccwe tlvo In structions to pcifcct thQm. Each! denartmetit of nut Imsiness Is coudncted In a 6epmatel ureau.undirihariioof exporienc. cir lawvm s and cIMIh. Uy reason of ern.r or finnd miny nVtornova aie suspended Irooi Druciiro beiore Ihe f imimou and other ofllce-i eich year. Claimanu whosu aito.novs hao been tint, suspended -will hi Kintultouly furnlshwi with lull Information and ptonerpnpei a on app Ication to ns. AswoehsrKonnfte'nnlcss snccessfol stamps fov return- postage should n aent us. Liberal aiTanemootj m&do wltn attorneys in all Oasi!s of Lunulas. AdrJress, P. 0. Box 4. GILMOIIE & CO., Wothinglon, D. C. WAsiireaTON, D.C. November!!, 181(1. I take peasuro in exnreatiinr my entire coafl. dincetn tha retponitotuty and fiaelttv of the Lau, Patent auu Collectiou Houo of Qilxoue A CO., ot this i lly. anonaE h. b. wnux, Cashier or theNatloual Metropolltun Bank, Dec. y. IS'.Slt W. EACHES, Contractor & Builder, LEniOHION, PENN'A. Vlans nml 8pcciacatIonH FOtt ALL KINDS OF BDILDINGS MADE AT 'IHE SHOllTESr NOTICE. NO CHARGES Mode, for PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS vnen the contract la airarded lo the unaer Blgued. Jiinel4. lan-yf. A. W. EACIIEd. E. F. LUCKESI5ACII, rnusco, uou.su axd sigx PAINTER, And Doaler in all Pattcrnsof Plain & Fancy Wall EPapeffs And Window Blinds, Two Doora Below the "Broadway House," MAtfOII CHUNK, PA. lin.2T-y L. S. MILLER'S Cheap Cash Store, OPPOSITE PACKERTON, LOCKS. Groceries Provisions, TLOTJE, COFFEES, TEAS. SUOABS. 8YIIUPS, BPI. CKU. CANNED FIIU1T8, BACON, MESS POHK, HAMS, SHOULDERS. FItjHi &0., ACf&O, tVAII articles warranted to he as repre ent. ed. Patronnae solicited. lAnnin, ',7-tt D Issolutlou of Co-Fartnersblp- TtlQ firm Of Albrloht Ar TTr n.liiinr, rft EuoiJt. AlUilKUt oua uaac V. Ox, latbUtfiy Uihto to1 ly oiutaul couitcnt I. V. Ux will cnntiuuH the bmtresa At tifl old stand in Wlilporr. Carton county. Ta., and all tUone liidt tu-d to the late Ann mo renae-ted tofcoiile tlielr acctmuta with tho uQdrlntd m tuinr .lars from cato. . i", ux. MiUpyrt, MUf I, UT7 wj, WANTED the buhloesa men to know that they cn(tet JOU l'lUNTINQ donecheaperat CAiuioa advocatk Oflice thu at aur eiUftr fUce t-u the tftW' Trjr aa. New Advertisements. PROPRIETARY EDICIIME DR. CEANDLEE, F.R.S.A. t ni r a r . Mig iiTBikian iu u i. uuurun inu ai. uann nun iiuipiiaii) bMiiwwiif vvnivr IV 8L Elizabeth's, etc. After'yearB of the mo$t rrt&oWoti rind s of patient. Geo, Chandler. Anr. 11m ti.a AtlfnlHltlA kAf. 4a at totted ilk tits rotunitnttum ftitnlitiiti n Itavti uot only rrcelved Ttltef and beneji from their continued uae, but have beet fiM tit fiat m i tifti t a rw a fiAnala THE WONDERFUL EGYPTIAN Rl (IflR-PHRIEIPR ,. UJEMAit. -x voinutntna virtues . tcnicn renar 1 .. i..'i.r- ..,1 . - A.jf.. t .. fttta nit ?f ,a i7 Awf Tim lrimt 41, a alt,tlfat inlxr n f it t mart a a i tf,A channels of tho body, thereby alloicitur loubted reliability and Vfonderf ttve vroverttca, it oelnn moat unt roper t ica t tc veinrj, mojc it and the arcatett discovery of the preset crnri i.mr m . i. . j . .... .1 mitMPM tluit Jpfirl tn tht tPpvlMa triJItrttniT nlilV'. . 11 ll1 1 fret TW.I, t.rn mm. em i ioiia." etna, to liittti J77V.jrii .v st k ENFEEBLED CONSTIXUIIOyS it is form of manhood, , JIIZY IHHMZiilZHH. Hit NXTTI'A Tlii V n ri r i r. j r'T. n rvrp .1 r j vn x- 1 xr n tts n n it t t, rri 7t u rcinf a tt sir A WWJWITf1 ATB IM T'WT T,' nnWO T"H Tl fl T. 7.? vr nr.n w sr. ?. w nr-A v. n. si r ir nit r-r -r- ij -w rfxrv r u Atr nr Y A jciAZ, roisoxs. , Thousands of Testimonials attest truth of thean elaima Jrtce, One Hollar, in larae bottle'. who uyuivsf t?o. laatmm r. DYSPEPSIA- OASTROIV. ilve cure for that rHotierreilnrt of all tnenta, and a brief course of, treatment wilt re a tore the ataeative oraans to tnetr vria tine strength, and promote the healthy action of the stomach and intestines, Xho nervous irritability of - literary andt ull persons rtursuxnrt a seaenzaru tire, ts sveeauir remsvea ot this aaent. ute mtntt, te 4ti mttttl iAaa miiiiii (Mniiil ntne'perjormancm oj taoor, lr(ce, One Dollar, in large bottle, six bottles, mm BRONCHITIS AND LUHG- AFFECTIONS. THACUEOW. jor or .oaaiy, ireaiea, must nave out one ''reaultit must eventuate in a settled case of JinONOIIJTISy ot what U'teorae, tho from haraaamo cotton and expecteratiou. TllACUEON offers a sound, 'reliable, and ration, ana enaoies 110 patient to jcxpet that terribly aeptlo deposit, which, if left stance 0 itui lunff, aeffeneraiinp ana,uc stroylnn that moat essential of organs, and ultlmates onlu it an'earltt and 'iitt- nrne aeatn, iiiiuiJx,ujT nas no rqiiui. mucn less a superior, ana ts Mtae wm n only remove tho deposit, thereby affordlna great relief, but heals the membrane and leaves tne jat tent in possession or ncaimy luna tissue. irlee. Fifty hotttcs, $3.50. uents per oottie, or u PILES. HemorrTio!ds Zlanyeautei tend to produce ihli pain ful and tltttreiilna state. The blood it retarded in He return the too 'frequent we of draetie purgative, tends to produce eongettlon of lie toweli, torpid attlon of the liver, and numerous oOier onuses are the source of this complaint, and hitherto nothing effectual Itas been pretmtcd la ne puoiiv, write, woma raptatj aiievtato symptoms and ultimately prove an effect ive cure. Xn 1'JZiOy tee nave a. remedy tehleh not only nets alntost tnstantlybut trill remorff the largest tumors ofthepurtm fl'llcs) by absorption,' and many teha m. 1 1 1 tin 1. . . v . v . . . u.i.i j.i. vw iiuro Been raatcauy-curea, nave oeen aseurca (prion to using this treatment J by emi nent surgeons- that the only relief they ever could expect in llfe,'teou1d be by an operation, and removing it or theni from the body by a procedure tekich necessitat ed the knife'. Slits remedy has been hit lied telth delight, and Is now prescribed by many practising physicians, who are cog nisant of its merits, as tho only known sure cure for rlLES. J'riee, l'lfty' Cents per package, or, 1st J LI" H.UUI. TUB AJUirU HESinjilES A JIB thorough in I lie cradtralloit of the differ ent and various maladies denominated, and are the result of patient, searching, laborious, atid scientific investigation, embracing a period op malty years, in Europe and America. If the speclno directions' are compiled telth, thousands of patients trill bear wit ness to tlielr relative inherits, and corrob orate every assertions Where there are) many complications of disease, 'and' pa tients no desire, !. CUAXUliHK iclll be pleased to, give all' information, and, treat by letter if necessary Jiescrlpttve and Explanatory COeii lat ff the abovo remedies sent on receipt iCj'SVPlif ,h0 rUOJrjtIJ2TAMY MEDinxXHs are not an sale at your" partlcut.-j-druggist's, send order, to ' DR. CHANDLER, llTOBroadWiy.Kew-TorkClrr.1. Subscribe for The Oabbok Advocate, Only 1 00 a ViMF
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