jnrjr i.isi jiiiio 'icriii, 1&70. OnANDJUUY. ' I'tio Buts, merchant, Kidder township. Stephen holt, tfarncr, lionkliu townili p. John ltncu, laborer, NOFq.'Ulionlng. War, rrem-, laborer, iunimit 11 II.,,! . -Edward IdlHer, tailor, Unum tuwiikliip. Kclwin Steicernolt, farmer, MuliomiK twp. KUasFrlU Innkcui oi, Aaurh Chunk. Vi1ilnm2etmfrKurcilntrmlriit. Summit JllU. J. Mcdllnecarrenler, Lower Towemeni'liin twp J. In lift, merchant, lower TnwaraeinunR Iwp. lsnso'Duvl-, miner, rmmnilt 3 Till. James Goddes, bos-, Mnucb Chunk, i James Hweeney. It nkcopcr. Summit It'll, A: W, Totter, caiptuter. MancU chunk: AVlUmm nuchalc? ciirfc, Klililoi' township. Jnseun lloyor, fairnor, l'riuikllu tcwuili p 11 1 mm Uontz, lnlinror, East Mauch c.luak. J. 11. lAmor, gontliroan, Snrnmlt 11111 franklin tin Ml. sawyer, Venn Forest twp. l' 11. Moser, merchant. Mancti Clmnk. Nstbanbtctnlcr, Innkeeper, Iowameiisltirtwp. Jobn McAllietor, carponu-r. Mauea Gnunk,. JVm. w. Thompson, miner Su.i.itlt HilL Jot. areenswetg, farmer, I- Towumousiug twp. UtAVEnsE.JUllY. Amon Blots, farmer, franklin township. Hrroaei Gmver, tiuin1th. LctriKhtnn Jofchta Oraver, huckster, FinusLn township, J. T. McDatitel, Innkeeper, Mahoning Iwp. fiolomoii ilnhnjsn, labotcr, Huiunilt Mill. Vm, Drelsbach.'cnrpetiier. Franklin twp. Monnie Leslie, laborer, Xesqaehomnjr.i d.-V. loaches, caipcntor, franklin, ICUasllnipcr.laborei Ihichton. David Kleintop carpenter. L Towamcnslng:. Davtu Davis, foreman, Wrathcrly. Julias Eton 4. lnntieeprr. Mihonlnrc Charles Ureenawalt. hide dealt r, Lchlchton. Jacob Peter.'inoi-chcnt, 1'nrrvvlllr, !L. Jtllebetliurvmrrcnant, Maucu Clminc; , Julwntd Jlertlmrt, Maclumlth, Wcatheriyt DsvM Belts Innkeeper, 1'rnnkiln. J. W. Ucborllng, merchant, Mauch Chunk, JCdwin'Anrticw, labot er, L. Timomeni.rhrr.i Josmh Kostcnbedor, huckster. I,.'lowaiucntna; Joseph I'ash, painter, weatbcrly. Aoel Kclsor, fninior, Kidder. JoslaU Itnch, linie burner, 1-Tanklln. Holotnon DrcisbacU.'Anent, K. Mnitch Chunk. Win. fralg. merchaul. 1 TowamoiiMug. " Jlobert lloyil. imrolinnt,- Summit lllll. ohn llarpcr. gnrdlner, Alaucfi Chunk;. Gideon Davis, shoemaker, Bunks. .'Aaron Behntr, carpet ter,"! Munnli Chunk. Jerome Weyhenmeyer, moulder, MAueli Chun'x Itchanl Fordharo, batber, Mauiilt Chunk. " Amos Miller. farmcrMabuuiug. Thomas Fnth, labnrervLchlKbton. Bernard ililllpr, Innkecpor. Summit I1UL rttuauiOTya'iiimwttjii nii'i wasi iwHinssuw ilffd'YearsflliTafeRtesfltcpuGlIc Hie worm ever biiw. - ino waiK.ii a aa JLinDn Sti.lnlnril, nml will provo a) In illsnensabln to i-vcrv clam ns n Web F.irr?4'or Woroc? ter' Dlctlonrtry.p Piib- 'llShcd'bV.I. 0. Mc'0iir(y''&'Co., Tlilla- Oeljililn rnj-UliicliinaUi UHIo;UliU'ngo, III.; yul St. Louis. Mo. '.0. W."LENTZ. , DantCl Boycr. Jf , corncnter. rranklin. Andre aruver, boat uul.der, Wclsspor'. Tobias Krelder. carpenter. AInnch Cbuuk. Horomon memleri farmer. Towatucnslnc, U. c. Bslley, huckster, Eat Pjnu. Svmoa citron.' moulder, Mauch1 Chunk. Daniel Shoemaker, farmer. Dast i'enn. K. 11. Jjinyon shoe manufacturer, ii.'7Icadowi (leorae Luuir. blacksmith, Mauch Chunk. Geoifellardt larmertTowameusina;. iiiiat UrelsbttCJ. farmer, dutumit Ilul. Xlio B.ast C'ryi . ' !;TtieJISt cry "lienr'd was ttia't of a little phlld In the cabin.'" So runs tlia cold nnd formal dispatch wliicli announces tjin breaking up of tlio Scbllller and the loss of tnoro 'than three hundred lives. A little child in tho cabin, aud Its poor Infantile appeal for help! Xot nll'the'tracedy of that sad affaif, the death of the noble captain at his post,) yro hopo,, as became a man and a sea pan the ending of the struggle with death upon thp sharp rocks of Scilly, Svhlch "(ho "gallant sailors doubtloss fought, or thu drowning of tho woraeq ' vho 'jyero on board, pltifu ceatures 'ivlioso 'l'rnir, Is already turned to sea- jyepd hone of these fates equals that of, the child whosq cry was. tho last 'bound heard as tho noblp" ship struct the cruel rock. J t seems almost like d violation of the saiifitlty of grlef,llku an fpvasloti of the beart that inoans and iefusi'3 to bo healed, of tho sorrow thati vlU not bo comforted, to inentlun thU ihlng, bu yie Fypf thqf child 'wlll.bo, heard arouud tho jilobe, piercing tho car and lending tho, heart of every ,lnan who reads tho story, A little child I What mngip there Is In thuse words! "Vhaf. chords' do.ihoy (ouch I What' memories reyivel A little child. t rpure and fresh, the handiwork of the Maker, before tho debasing breath of earth had struck It. Sweet .nml iniio cent, tho image of his Maker aud tho rutleptlon of angles, We 'do' not "wish to be accused of senlinientulism, nor do We desire to be pathetic; but tho volun- jary touch of tho telegraph operator upon tho key hn struct iu tho brief seiitenco wo hayp quoted,- will vibrato .through a million hearts Quo touch of nature makes tha whole world kin. ' It is heedless now to speculate, upon tho future of that little child had lie lived, and It was perhaps ordered wise" ly and well that ho should dio, as he killd. This ocean' is tne graveyard of greater dead tlmu tho earth, and iu Its bosom, uucufllued aod unknelledi lie .borne of the worldts best Heroes. West mluUter Abbey U o nobler toihb than tho dark, unfathomcd'cavis nf ocnan. Wherein He those that died 'that others uilghf live, mid who perished ifn tho most unselfish cause for which man can die the preservation of the Uvea of their fellow-beings. Let us hope that the child "wa8SBved tho 6torlcs run that way, telling us not only of brands snatched from tho, burning,' but of wrecks cast upon the shore, that after yards boru themselves as bravely as the besL CaEublanca. over whnan nin. 'jancholy eliding we '.mourned In our youth, was.a subaltern In thef ranks of heroism cbmnared with thu child who uiado lils-olco heard above the roar of .the'wlnds, the rush of tho waters, and 'the thunder pf tho breakers, the night thw good ship Schiller went down. Per haps hU father had been swept into tUo sea an hour before; doubtless ho laid warm upon tho cold breast of his dead mother, but that cry which rouses luo uesi nature or man, ami lias some' times stayeu mo niurovrer a natiii, was heard above tho din of tho waves, and at the raercv of heaven Itself; for was It not lie who said. "Suffer llttlo chlU dren to coruo under mo, for il such' are thu kingdom of heaven." Philadelphia 'limes. I'ar'agraplilc,. A rither singular sight occurred a', the depjt, Friday nftcrnoop. A lady was going by when a gentleman step ped out and said to her: ''How'd do?" extending his hand and smiling cheer fully. "I beg pardon," kald she, look ing lwrd at hlni,"you have the advan tage oftno." "Why, don't 'you know imi?" ho asked, amazed. "I can't ro. member you," .slid said. -."Why, I used to ba-your husband John Au gustus Henderson, yon know," Sho remembered him. Daubfjry News. Tlio Itcv. Esau Burden, a negro preacher In Charleston, S. C, adopted a novel hut effective way of ralsjug tho money to bury a dead parlsljloner. Laying a five-dollar bill on his pulpit desk, he said: "Who.'ll cover that?" A brpUier yalked up and put'ddwn a bill of liko denomination. Tho clergyman then spread out a two-dollar bill and re peated the question, ''Who'll cover that?" aud somebody responded). 'So ho went on with decreasing jimounts until, displaying ten cents, lie shout ed: "KoW for fio Sunday school chil dren which of tho lamb's will cove; that?" At tho Frome Tetty sessions In Eng land, the other day, Major Wickham and 'Mr. Goorgo Wood Sheppard sen tenced Sarah Iieachlm, an old woman, CO, years of age, to fourteen days Im prisonment with harr labor for stealing a halfpennyworth of coal belonging to the managers of Trinity School, Frome. Tho only -witness, called was, , 'a '' police man, who said ho' saw' tho prisoner come out of an Iron gate' leading to the street with tho coal In her' possession wrapped la paper, but. hp.cnuld .not say that sho came from tho scjipol house. Jho Superintendent of Police said he knew nothing against tho woman, TJio prisoner said she found tho coal In a dung heap In the yard adjoining tho .school. Sho had been employed for tbo last twenty-hls years In cleaning out tlift'Re.hr,ol flvi-rv d.i v. Thn old ivnmnn feemed daggered at tho sentence, and left tho pocrt crying bltfetly. , A moving tall a hungfjf dog's. Between two evils choose, neither, f lio end of everything tho letter g. Can you, spell consent in three letters? Y-o-s. " " Even tho laziest hoy can sometimes catch a whipping. Ttoj-iectfnlly rnnonnces to Ws lrlcnfl and tho publlo ecucinlly, that he has JIICSIOVEH his I DRUG STOftft f nm Trnnk t.clbenaruth'a Building to tlio NEW BUir.BINO or WII.LIAlt W'AltNEll. oppo. sltoBomlq A Ilcffbrd's Carriage Manufactory, and that lie ha just icoeircda larfco MitoJ selected stock of Which ho li HKt.WNO AT rn.ILADKI.rniA RTAIT. rnicii-'. cull and examlue belore purcbasiuc; olBewhcre. ' Ho has mIso, ronstantiy on band s fall stock of ALLTUni'oriJijAll Ptlent Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Fancy Soaps? Lfamps, Lamp Fixtures, &c, To which ho lnyltcs tho attention of the bubllc. ThnnRful for past fJvnrs ho rorpqctfully asks ncoiiiniunuoo((t patronaco. nnv'T ronciKT Tin: rr.AoK. siox' op TUB BIO MOltTAll, BANK SlBEKX. LIS. IIIUUTON, l'a. '- QUABLES W. LEflTZ. PiaiVos- -Organs PIcnso lixuiiiiitc! Packard PARLOR & Gvand ORCHESTRAL Foi'fc Wayiio Organ Comp'y. A, P. HORN, Agent1, LEIII&IITON, PAi AM orders loft nt TIIE'CJ.MIIION iaDVO CATK" OfUco will receive nrompt attention. I'nce Llns and all oilier information furnish, cu on Duplication. ' Organs- -Pianos T. 1). CliAVSS, Bread Bakers, !j3ank StreetLehighton, Pa., Near tho bxchinao Ilotet. AND DEALEIt IN Gent's Fitful'shlns CJoqrts, BANK BTItEET, tBIIlanrOJf. PENN'A, Constantly on hand a largo and splendid stock ot NEW GOODS, ' Coraprlslnif PLAIN AND PANCY CLOTHS. vJiiasi.Ain.iti-j's nnri vi'mtinus. Tnr'iw iflN'M Mia BOY'h WKAlt. -wlucii I am prepirwl trt MAKK UP TO OIIDKU in tlio VOly LATKSlJ xniijuit hi anon uouco. LADY'S, JIISSKq; andCniLDBEN'O Wo aro nlv) prepnred to B'jpply- eur friends anu ino cii.zona iu concrai ttiid Bread arid, Cakes, ot Superior Qaalitr. FrtESII EVJEtlVDAY. we niauoa i'iiwiAi.1 1 oi AVcdding. and"Fancy Cakes. Wo have always on hand a fine stock of Puro Candies and Confections, which wo will afll'at tho vcrr lowest prices. IOE OREAM Every Day and Evening. KMSSII COUNTRY HUTTEU AT! T ltEQULAIl UTATIKET TOICCS. D. IROCK & COi,, ' BANK Street, Lehlglltqn, T.a net. 12-n- A well-seiccted stock ot TOnNCll and TtmK.i JiV KUllUL'UU, UI.OVB KID, I.ASTINO, KID i'i:UBt,B AND GRAIN LMATUElt BOOTa ana SHOE on hand, or Mario to Order. ;ho LATEST STYf.ES always on hand at ' THE LOWEST ritloLs. Also. ABent for tho Amcrlcau & Grovcr St linker now much floes a fool weigh gener ally? A blmplo tun. Tle only suits l(iat last longer than jou want aro lav suits. Title for a five-cent saving banU-the St. NI'dkkHS. Mail. ,4s twlco ceYen aro twenty-two, how can twlco ten he twenty, too. With caro a man can walk Uprightly. One who Is on tlio alert will cot he found nil the oraugo peel MM. "I am bound to havo my rights," as tho man said to tho shoemaker who had sold lilm a pair of boots, both lefts. Entcrprlso. Tho Chicago Times sold twenty thpusapd extra cobles on tho strength or tno editor's going, to jau. When Agasslz was pressed to deliver a lecture fur pay, lie replied : ''I cannot afford to waste my time for money." What Is tho difference between n Uclleand a burglar? -The, belle carries false locks, and tho burglar falao keys. Lovo issed tu bo blind, but I know lots of phellows In lovo who can see twice as much In their galls ns I can. Josh Ullllngs. Story, the sculptor, Is making a sen sation In Florence, Itily, by hU liuper. 6onat!ou of Shylock, who was tu-u a chiseler. Jfall. ... . V A centiemaii observing' tho" sign of 33T. Wo JMB'Effi Calls the attcntfonot the LADIES to Uie,fact thnthols NOW Ol'ENINQ AN IMMENSE STOCK of tho NEWEST STYLES ot SpringJBlrjDSS floods CAN S.aye 20 Per 'Q.ent, JOB vr y'gettlng'jour' PRIN'TIIfia jtf!' ' " . Mi ' e at the Ofuc ot tha (jftvboii Adyocate, IX HEJNTZELJIAN'S BUirING Bt. ths Pi 0. md'L. T. It. It. Dapot, And that thov hsve no: " STOCK OP THOUi LUMBISlt. SUCH AS oIsporrAfelBaa j ' Tho nnderslrned would resttfaUr tnfortn GUILDERS, COSTRAUTOBU and UioTfablli la general that they havs opened a In connection yrtlh their, (SAW MttJLt9 JEAtt THE f B., DBPOT, WEISSPQBT, Penn, 5 on hand anIMME.VBll It. SUCK'AS " Hough Flno Boards, Surfaced Tina Boarjls, Flooring, Hemlock and l'lne. Sidings, of all kinds, Shingles, an Immense stock, Hoofing and Celling JUth, ocanuing, Te?I?fc1puT, Wo sro also prepared to furntsh BUILDEH3 nnd olhei s with a snnenor article ot HAND. SlUtahle for MASONRY WOIIK, FLASTEU INO, Ac. ifco., atRcmarkablf iSvrrinore., Vk'p have constantly on hand a hug' Stock of SAWED 1'IHEWOOD. lihtoh we Mil ii larrd or-small qnantlUes,. at PUIOS' TO'BUlTI YOUltrOCKETd. 'pea' Motto HONEST COOrfT LoW rBIOSfl. Yeakcl & AlkigW, weisspc Anil, In fact, LUMBER of sti me TeryA.uwisraiAi(i&iir , , 'I ' " -clglitqii,, Carbon Co., Pa, We liav6 Jp,3t received' a jarge' and o)6' gsfpt assorimoflt ,fl Anir. S carbon County, Pa. J" K. RICKF.RT, i , Opposlto.L. $ 3. flppot. On the East Wcissport CanalBanl;, Saving lacMnes. 1S3EW',,wnPis. ONLY ONE rjUCE FOIt EVERYBODY Jan. U -1 D. CLAUSS. pew Good! ! Jtcw Prices I Laury Sc Peters Hnvn Just roielved a very loruo and clegab; Btoouof STUINO aud SUMMER ' M 9 ; (r.mrTlBinir PLAIN nnd FANCY CLOTflS. CASrtlMHItEft and VESTINOS for MEN'tt anil .YUUT1 VA WfSAIt. which thoy are prepar o.l til MAKE Ul'lll Ul01iKUjtl''MSlllO. A11LS bTVLE, at uiwrj notice ana at low pucoi. Also, constantly on hand a FULL LINE ot Dry Goods, ' " , Oil Clotlis, '"' "', 1 Grrocerics,' ;J Provisions, Glassware, ' Queensware, &c., all of which he wlll.SF.LIJ at PHICES FULLY A3 LCaW as the Oooils ot the same Quality can bs purchased in any 9ther Storo In the County. LADY'S, ,f)ENT.V ana CIIILDllEN'S Bdots, Shoes, Gaiters. Of tho MOST FASmONABLtlMAKU,alwav bii h.ud, at LOW PltlCEi. ,' Of the vcrr latest nnd tntut fashionable make, always ou liana, ui luiy uuukkv t"Agents for the Acme Shirt the best fitting garment ever made. '.Leave your Measure for them. LAURY & PETERS, Merchant Tailors, Tv6.,UulIdlng, Lehlghtou, Pa. Of tho latest styles ; togeth,er wltb,, a i supeilor stock of, CAfeliSi BILLHEADS, . 1 1 . i ' ' - ii .. . 1 i ., i , " ' i. - .. I ' IV . ENVELOPES; NOTE PATEBj nu' 1 'And a variety of 'Bther" ' M , ., i i, t ' I' 1 ' 1 ' ' H. . ,1 l' PRINTING' MATERIAL, ty that he keeps constantly on hand and SELLS at tho lo westiiaBhjSt rniCEa, tha Tt5r. UEfl'JlBKANDSOt, ' FAoiu.&JB1eed9 ALSO, DEALER IN . 3LIJ7JSX3 FOll B UILDINQ AND OTHEB FUKPOSSS, , wuicn no guarantees lope Thoroughly Seasoned, AND VHICH 'is'lNovv'8'KrjNq JB THE VERY LOWEST RATES. WHOLESALE and n?TA,at the OWEST. cash ntiqEj. If o has also a number of very cllmbly loosledj JS nd can now give ouf 'patrons first " class workat.prlces rtt least 20 Per Qent Lower -nEMEMBEU THE PLACE F. P. LENTZ, Opposito Eagle Hotolt Bauk Street, Loliigliton. A Raiik Volume. Tnu 'Centbn hul GiiETrEKit of vim United States. Jly A. Vou Steln'ir, A. M, , Author oC'Tho'Delectlo Series of School GeoRtaphlt'S,' "Topographical Map uf (ho. U. S.," etc., Is a volume which romirjends Itself to all wUhlug' lnfor iuatlbu concerning our country. ,lt ptetents In iradlly accesslblo shape the results of the laid census, and whatever is of value flora hundreds of geograph ical, statistical bud df scrlpllye works. It teprm'uts tlip labor of years on the part uf the author and a large coips nl nsaUtants, and au'cxpendlturu of nearly $20,000. The country ot lartP, each htnte, city, towu and township, Iho principal rivers and' ln.uuutalu, nrii lieuUd In separate articles, In their ul phuhctlcul places, uud b.o fully as to bring to eery reader .thu inot desirable facts respecting each, nnd shows the j lautl: results of Tbo i'ltii Ouo lluu- "Caswell" upon a business ostahlish ment, remarked that It would bo 'n,s- wcll without the O.'-MalK; ' "Is this tho Adams House?" asked a stranger of a A'ostonian. "Yes," was the reply, "It's, Adatua Ilouiu until you get to the roof, then t's caves." They wondered at. tha shWt' ccllooi tions In a Missouri church, and Inves tigated to find that ono of tho collectors bad tar In, tho top of his bat. " 4 A traveler called for mlut-sauce at a hotel the other day, and the waiter said that thev bad none, nddlnc: "Our rnnlr makes all tha mloco Into pies, not -j-i-a-. - ' ; By purchasing you,r Groceries 1 Provisions AT THE NEW STOIIE OF E. H. RHODES, Opposite the "Carbon Advnrste" Offlco, BANK, W AY, LIJIIlOlirON, Pa. A FULL LINiS OF CHOICE. FUESH Teas, Coffees" Sugai's' lldldsses, Spices, Dried Pruits, No. 1. Afackerol, K'oroseno Oil, Tobaccos, &c, &o., iA'1 ot which aro wart an led ot first-class oaslitr andsolilClIEAl' FOitOAHH. T The lllshest Market Price allowed for BUT. TWUV.GGHluid COUNTItY FltODUOEgen irallr tn Exahsnae lor Coodt. Atria. Is tesiacLfully solieited. .April 10-yi " E. 11. RHODES. tYoung- Men Who are outot Employment. Young Men About Engaslng In Business. Young Men Who with to prepare for advanced positions, Young Men Who wish to prepare tor Bafllndss life; can And I CRITTENDEN'S 00MMBR0IAL OOIyLEGE, 1'J1 Chestnut St. cor. of lStli rniLAJDELrniA. DjTiousnto 1811 IxcosrosiTin 185 mm Tnire'.t Established, the Best Ore-aulzefl. the Mo-t Practical uiid the Mo-t iircly'Atn lanueu woinmeruiai uuuexeiu uouKr, Many ot our tcadnitt and nioft euocesj'ul nier chants and busineu uien aro among its friadu- TjiimermiH snnllAQtloon tarn rocelrl-d 'trom htm'iieRs houas for its students toll lsltuatious. '1 he Q inliticstions f or iluslneis e-ained here have proved a tortuuo to huudreds pf youujr lOen. OUptUlUE IIISIIUl lluu. kiiouiu BOOK-KECriNU, In all Its nranchrs as practised by the Account. IIIIIB BUU JIVBIUCH Mm, .UV.UUU'H IH1IHNUV, Beta, JoDb.UK, ManutactuiluK. Iuiportiua;, Ciimiuiinlon. Ouniiiauy specuUUnE Business: alsu, Jiomeyiie anu rorriffn nuipiuua., uoai tnie, Joint btook Uumpany, Jlaiilnn Business, Than any other-Offlc In this section !i ji. i. 'i-i iui ' 1 " (, ,r. !..' tl' " ' In' RirKErtTfeTOWN, ,rrankllii,'Townihlp, which ho wU, Sell on Tory JTy T(irrfj't Aug.o. j'.IC.nKEBT I .1...1 '( 5.' Give"U a'Trial, tjndbo Cnyinced- tar'rlid natronaea of the piikjla Is respectfully solicited, , . THE ?AKBOIS ADVOCATE, TTTILLIAIVI KEMERER, YY Comoro! $ank'& South fits., Lehighton, Pa.v KUErs A. FULL LINK OV Wry Croct9 CoroprlilUff LADY'S DllESS GOODS, BLACK and COLORED ALPACAS, GINQl'MS. rniNTS, HninTiNas.snEETiNoS &c, of overy artADEiindPjUOE. Carpets , and Oil Cloths. in a re at variety: TEAS, COFFEES, fVOOAIt, STICEa, FUVIT, 11 A US. SHOD LDE D3Ti 11IDK-UEAT, 4.0. , . It . COUNTRY PRODUCE, Bought, Sold or Exchanfsa HARDWAE E A FOB BUILDINO ANDOTIIEn PCnPOSES, .am rirMMis Warranted as' BeDresented. land." Prices (ulyas low as elsewhere, t Aprll S, XyiLLlAM JLUlIEBEfV, salice." Why call him tha "groom" as eight out of ten people do? A groom's busi ness Is to look after horses. A brides groom's busl nens U to look after his wife's mother. "Lord, make us truly thankful for what wo nre about to receive thesn biscuits a.n't fitted for a dog to eat," Is Is tha way a certain Mornoc, La,, map asks a blessing, A little American lad who ha I Just commenced reading tho nuwdpaper, asked his father If tlio word "Hon." prefixed to the name of . a mcmhtr of CoDgtcuD, meant "honest." BANE STREET. Lelrighton, MILI.EIla and Dealers In AUKIndiof QIIA1N BOUOTTT and POLD at 111JUULAU MAHKliT OJATIIS. Wo would, also, lespectialr Inform oureltl. tens ihst weuiu uutrtuhy prepared to aUl", l'LY tuem with 338s "CJsal rroia ti y Mine UeUted at VEltY LOWEST .PRICES. M, 11KILMAK & CO. A 24-column Local Paper, vii the only newspaper Entirely yrlntsdIn, tlsj Couniy, iiso. TENifjlNdatP, a Free, ltapii and Is published ewry Saturday mornln ; a, Besutlfal Myle. . , " ,'. . COitlfKBOIATj CALCULATIONS, the best Shni t ntid ltnntil MALha.I& lu actual Dae., I ,, IIUSINU-)S riiAoriOE, Busluess 'rorms, , '1 here oio no Vacatl.ina. EtnJenH rcorlrcd at any tliao, and charged only lor thoUoarse Mhlcli thev cntir, and Lot lurilio tirao rCQUlled to cumpleto It. 1 SEND FOR CIItCULAB. OB I TTKN II EN'S BOOK KEEPINO HOUSE EDITION. aud TIIKOUITI'ENOKN PS11UU.CH L AtUTltalETIO AND BUSI. NE-B ilANUAL. Fottyatth Tbouiand." for bulo at'thq College, or mill be mailed on receipt ul price. Addess . . J. GHOESBEOK, Principal. NOTICK ' liheroby glrea'thst llti sppMrstlou1 will be mafsou Wtfduejiir, Juus 2ad, 1S75. to Psrouel 8. Drsher, I'reildant Judgeof tbs Court ofCoui mop l'jas fur lb County pf Carbon, under the Act ef Atsenibl of tbo Cummouwesltb of fenu. ajlnolj, sultilad -"An Act to provide for tha In' eorpiralioi and Itegulatlon of csrtalti Cvrpors tlli,''apprOTd April 29tb, 2T4, tit tho Charter ofnn inleudsl earptnttluu to ba Called, "rhs Csr l -ll Uouniy Induilrhf KucltlJ," th cli4rclr sndnVjeutof which li, ths euoouraai(iiit sud duTatibuieut of the agricultural aud various In dustrial suterprlsas u Carbuu bounty, aud Tur ttuas purpwos to bstSMpO'seas aojuujoy all th rlihla, UnBtsand jirlTllafas ofssld Act of As- Mtylit,1815 -3-v $i a Year inrAdvance, Or $1.5Q If ' not paid In advance. The Advocate, ,with Us large aud In creasing circulation, Is one . , ' of the .very , ti .!' ' i . . ,'i ' ' ti i IJsat ilCjd turns for AilvertlslnE In this Section., application. Rates furnished on H. V. MOUTniMEH, Lehighton, Carbon, bounty, Pa. BUILDER & CONTRACTOR HANK BIIUSEt. LKUIGUTONlrA. 3 ttespeoifuiry annonnees to the' cltltensef lilgbtou and Tictnitx that ho is now prewired tos CONTUAOTforlbSEBECTION ql DWELL." . iiAi'u J nillinnii(- ai-nnnr . iuu3as.auii umsu. jiuiiuunuD, also, i hat he keens eonstsntlr on hand a full aaaori, pent o every description, of SEASONED Cons'sUneof FLOORING. 8IDIN04rDOOa, tTASUllLINDS: SUUTTEB8, MOLDINOlf. tc. which uAM PTtpated to Wrnlsa at th fs,ry I.OWeSl .Mai IBS jrnucs. Patronage wpectf ally soljclted. May 17, Wit. It. RKXf I4l.sirnifr.ti.vi 'av TrnrtrAvar nnnni. iv STANDARD of tS? r tstuki, ins nest pump for ths tsuttnonsy.' Attsntlon l.ln-0 Titsd to Ulafchlsy.'a JmprOTti B(sk.t, ths Drop duet Yslts.vhlch'csp pa .Hhdrswn irlthout dlaturblog ths lati,spd the.qoppsr ,haihor whiab, nsrsr tracks, tfiJf a or rusts, -111 lsstM a lifetime.- Ipr sslsby dssUra snd .thirad nsrslly.i Ia','ordlto. U aura lum you gel uuicpii; fuoip, c'L' and see tbsf It hss ray trsdenuikss snore. 1C you do not know wbsra to buy, dascrlptlrs tlren; lars, togftber with the napf and addrsts of ih stent naarsat yau, will tiy.prouipfty furnUbedby addreaslog, with atstop,, CHAS..G, BtATCHlEYi MAHUFACTUREJi,. QboComnurcaSti'phU, hls,rs. Msrch'S.'To-Pin , BEATTY Flauol iinrmi ovku O.NK NDS. MJWersd verms to Axeuts. Bend sutnp tor Circular. Adores DANIEIr.BZATf, W'atiipgo. M. J, WEI0II8 TOM. THOUSAND rou
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