. V. MORTnniEtt, , . , , Kb'iTOK UKHIQIITONrpA.! SATURDAY MOIWI.VH MAY S2. tSTJ. I Tho Republican Slate Conrcntlon. Befoio we slinlt ngaln creet our read rrs, the flepubllcan State convention will liavo breh lielil, nml the Sentiment of (lie party.ns oxpr&ned by Its res-olu lion nnd shown lo the choice of Its tiomlnep, win lmvo become a proper uoject for popular cousliW.UIcn. Al r tliongli tho unbiased cltlien, the man o( ponpartl2an principles may. and most ly does, look Upon party platforms and conventional nominations with Indiffer ence, It jet really olnnys devolves up. qn,theso conservative! Independents to , aecldo politic contests. They are, o to spfak, the great third partv, hold. tng the balance of power, nnd on whoso action and Inaction depends the fate of either of the others. And well may ' Wo congratulate ourselves that tills Is so 1 Unco It can never tall to exert a 'ucbo flclal 'influence In matters touching tho 'commonweal. That at tho present Juncture, while numerical party strength ( U soneariy evenly balanced, the non partlran or Independent eemept of tho elite wilt mako Itself inoro pojently 'felt than heretofore Is not to be galp sayed. It will be felt In tho deilbera tlous, choice, and resolutions of the coming convention. Having lost much of their former prestige, Its re-establish-1 went will be the first and principal concern of the convention, To do this they mini look beyond party lines, and endeavor, by well devised Inducements, to gnln the support pf tho Independent element. In other word they must ulV brI"B tllelr PQlli- ln ord with the spirit of the times. It will no ... ao ior mem to brace themselves upon their war record. That thine Is . 7 people ,mve lia1 enough .of it nnd dearly paid for It 1 What they fin tvanfr n 1.. . - ... ... ,a llunes omcers, correction ot existing, and prevention of future uuse, nn economical administration anil re anntiaM - 1 v,uui, it;Uilcllon or onerous uuarantee them these, and t-nny may revlve-wlthhold them ... , ,s sealed l That the .Democratic party convention, (o meet In September, will make the highest possible bid for popular favor, we doubt not. In fact t wlM 01llv 8ftpr io .mii nave ccen held, their paity principles promulgated, and their nom Inatlon made, that the conflict will as sume form and substance. Vntll then Ibo Ilepubllcaus will exclusively claim our attention. On tho whole the peo. Pie, tho taxpayers, cannot fall to be profited by the present state of political affairs, Salvation from existing evils Is not to bo sought within either the Republican or Democratic party, but -or ub iouna Between tho two, Kq. 3. Thinks I to aiysejf a .a it . abu ii is out natural that I should. uuccm, ut nome or auroad, alone or in company, I always love to Indulgo in this roost pleasant aqd Inexpensive pastime. Following my soolablo Inclination. I. 0 few days ago, found myself beneath the hospitable roof of a neighbor, who, although the head of a largo family of cuuuren, is nevertheless as proud of its every Individual member, as If he, orsno.wero mo only Jewel ho possess ei. jn tact tney are his Idols. Wheth er to the negleitof his weaker half, I Kootv not. Besides, it would be Imma terial, sluco In these progressive days of women's rights the daughters of Eve nro suppoed to bo perfeotly able to "caddie their Urly the high mettled and pretty ones. to which Utter class my nelchbor's weaker vowel may Justly claim to be long. Hut, lot's return to tho parent and Interesting group of juvepiles. No soonor had I entered tho family nur ery, gone through tho customary olvIN itles, and occupied tho proffered seat, than ho began to discuss educational matters, at' the conclusion of which ho insured mo, that, In his estimation, there was nothing llfeo n KOod educa tion, to which I cordially assented. "Of all the branchc taught, reading is tho most important" ho continued. "So soon as a child of mlno nrrlves at Its fifth year, It must learn to read." And lo show mo what success lie'd had as a tutor, ho called up a spright ly tlx year old Nancy who'd never went to (.chool a day, to read for me, Which she did, qulto cleverly, for one of her age. "Well, neighbor) what do yon think of It?" Oh, It'll do, fays I, but "But what ?' ho Interrupt ed. "Neighbor," says I, "let mo tell you a story. It will explain tho dot, and may Jiach you a useful lesson bo sses : Some fifteen years ago It was while I was living In tha State of N an acquajnjancfl of mine, who, by tho way, was a great reader, ljav)ng become dis puted with tho neighborhood u which bp then resided, refolwd at last to re move. But where to 7 In this ho bu .?uWe1 by Ijbj paj-er. ' Ono fino morning, accldcntly meeting him, he told me that ho had finally tet tied on a locality, and, further ques tioning mm, i elicited that ho Intended to removo to a new settlement In tho lower part of the State. "Among the pines and sand hills" says I, "Not by a Jug full I Hero" says he, "read for yourself." And handing mo n city dally, I read, and found my suspicions only too well founded. Tho pine bar rens of the lower bay wcro to bo his l'u ture El Doiudo I There are men with whom remonstrance would bo but a useless waste of time, and ho beltin one of them, we separated without further argument. A few weeks later found him KN notJTE to tho land of nromlsn the pine barrens ot tho lower country, of which his paper had clvon such glowing descriptions I Years rolled by, but bronchi nn ll.l- ings irom our Old acquaintance of the l.Hlge. His narao had been well nigh forgotten when, one stormv au tumn evening several years ago. as 1 was standing on tho depot platform, waning me arrival of a friend, a party aiignted from tho tialn, poorly clad. anu out slightly encumbered with bag gago. Their faeos, haggard and care worn, seemel. familial they wcro the uius, lor .such nro their names. Not knowing whero they should go, I took mem witn me, and, once there, my old friend told me briefly how ho had fared In the pine barrens. IJ13 story was a sad but Instructive ono. At Its conclu sion says I to hlra ; "Ben, do you yet remember what wo had been talking about when you showed mo your city oaiiy v- "xcs" said ho, "I've often thought about It afterwards, but then. at that time, I dldn"t know what It was to read between the lines, I've learnt It eince however." "But what has all this got to do with Nancy's reading ?" One minute says I, if you pleaso : "When I heard her reading thinks i to myself well done I but then tho child will yet havo to learn to "read between the' linns." "Ah, sol" says he, "now I under stand." "Glad to hear It" says I "may you and your children profit by It I" At this I departed. Tno Slack Hills. Tho dclega Hons of Sioux Indians, who have come East for the purpose of negotiating for tho sale of a portion ot tho Black Dills country to tho Government, so that It may be opened to settlements, have ar rived In Washington. They are head ed by the Chiefs of Uio Mlnneconjnus ami two ivettla bands of Sioux. Bod Cloud and Spotted Tall, The "neco Hon, "If such It can bo so-called Is under a sort ot duress, so far as tho Indian side of it is concerned. The Sioux ore being crowded by grasping speculator and adventurers, who have cast covet ons eyes upon their land, and for tho credit and good faith of tho country mo rresiacnt should keep a sharp eye upou me business, Pleaae Don't Investigate 1 From tin Btllelonlt Watchman. of 11,800 boreea In l'hlladelphl..Ufiwnr. lunnuu i rpnanper MAAirai. otmvtaa nen aiaie rifmurer Mackey took control of the treasury of thn rvumnmiwnntn. ,n t.mi ... JSi'S" 'Vtellt ,",nl Porpoaeaa hanljrnpt. The onlr thine heonnli1rll hinwn - mount of dl)U, and a reputation tforthy a radl ?ii5'"l0!.0,leT"rhe receired a Mlarv of iP11 ior 'oar yoara a aalarv per annum of 14 000, mjilno In an a.non. Out of tbli Mr. Mickey liaIiTed, and llod wen. Iloliaa aub Kcnbol llherallf toward tho rwllcal chamDalim fund, haa paid oa hla old deuta purohasoit a nomination at the hauda ot 1 11 purtyi loaned to a banker in rhllalelphia iiri,O00, who broke nn and left him rhat much outj bouiht (40,000 etocic in the I'ltnourgti Coraraercia'inndfor a brawn. cuiiu trout in one oi inomou faahionable thor. onshfareof Philfldn nhu-nAnt nnna nvA - nnnce, and now aporta an l,oo apau of hones on Broad atreet anit m the Pare. Ia It any wonder tie refiuealo haye toe book and ao- uu vi euaury lUVOSIIg J vCUl Tho IV01V8. Johft RlnOV ha hAn arnkafn1 bail. " u to The St. LonlA OtlU-tinii rAanlti. In .1,1.. ot a Democratlo mayor. D. J. Mnrpber basbren appointed Special Pension Apsent at Philadelphia. uuiuiu a,ea at uornetsvl He, Ind., on Monday. A are ncourred In a grove near Hamburg, nerks county. suniUsy morning, by which four- ThA IlAtmnJitni..nnAral haa I . . -.4 ... which poita! coa vcd lions have not been oonoln. ced. Six atamera aaltM from v.v A. , rope on Saturday, taking loot cabin and mi ateeraEe paasenre-a. The residence of Alderman John Mouther. at 110Uton. TeXHS. Wa hnin&l ,.n oT:...!li . Three men unable to escape from the bojldinjr' weie burned to death. The steamer I'nlmMlin -ml . St. Thomaa. Quebec on Hutnnlntr nih, a aoiiw atorm. ' AtBhamokin. Pa., Sunlarnlbt.a strana-e man entered the hooso of Kit 5 loss in mistake. Iloaa discharged two shots at Mm, the las' one taklmre fleet marthAl,Mrt ti... ,.. r cntical condition and cannot recover. A wandering clock repairer, having with Mm a boy auswerlna; the deaonptlou of i;hsrlle j.ut, orcn Biresieo m the township of llurke. In Northern Kew York, near tha tSna. aisn bouniiftrr. UiiMa.iii.H.M.., ,.:f. Betecttvea have beeu learchlng lor blm tSr some time, nnd ha will a l.ai.i , Jr.. i.. of Mr. floss. nuHlneaa generally rulea eitremely CnlLand r g lrontbe JUileitofall eommodltlea on ' the lu-rkeuandevenatconoeasinnsnf niia mote ronaomera esnnot be Induced to purohase lu antlcipiUon of fumre wants. ' -The TweotrfUhth and One Hundred and Forty jventh IKgiments, f.V..and Knspn-B l'enilsylviinlaBitiery, will hold ibnjrilllh T ri union at Uettrsbur.. on the 3d of July. oli. emla Uartraolt, Slocum. Ituaer. Hooker .nd Ureen. and othor oClcera, are eineoicd to be present K The funeral of TnTrn n n.vr ia . nlaca Wedne.-uiaT. at Tj.T'ni.tnr, uD ..... attended by an immense aasemblsge of p-ople. Ooveroor isiie and the other a'ate o&oiala and Sonatora stovenson and MoQreery wcro i. ?r luoranerai was condaeied br the Cnlshta Temnlar. decuuvl h.in- . -" . bar ot their Order, -Mrs. IJncoln. widow of President Uncolni BS been adludaadlnijinahv thn iv,n.(. , r '.. from her sun. Hotter i.inUn leat of theaneation ot ber Mqlty. When the ardlCt WBa AnnnunFMl. V(..har. ..i. ... ...S pl his mother affectionately aud ah exclaimed. K.a .1 ; tho time of tor h'uVorM. lQKton. Kr in the 55th year ot hia ir il Si L,i"!,J,"tHu',od "n?el "lino ft Mexico iii nrai Aanlond ulMnot froS iSit w iu ?S iw neaerTod hliruil tonn a Vlco l'rrjJiiiimi ' ?S IWatlasa end Mr. Uucoln. tl a fiit,?, JSf. meanocnsnnrnf oV.v"A.v"';K ' , w..a cemher 4 of thn umu r ii I2 . " "? SJ? AUP?" IM-'..bewaa aniotatod a Jiniur ueiierai in me uonlederoto irm,. u ,'.1 y i hlch ondud In the retroat of tho t'outederaiSa. Wft 'Jojete at vlnnroo.Vora m Jamiari 1803, ano iu conacauenco rollermi nniI !? 1,0 "mmanned a cnrp at tpd battle of i-'''"'?1,100,? .'.-Noyeinbor 3 u 5 180.1. in Jw, he 'rJj' Win tho opemru In June of the aatrfo year, touub.i An.i S?n7.lSi Sif vSnt0.En't.1ni1, ,8lnco "Mrotuin to hia inirtnn ""IVW m IVU.em.m la LCI- ..Ty.4WrsqTOM;. Miy is.-,Annrabor of Penn. i iTiinia omcenoidora are gomir to Lancaater ?B lJ 6 a"h-to Provent tho ilenahhoalTomi: '. B.5?2n5M5 "W'w S'"'- " iter of ihe 'I reaKiu-y. nd JS. ILr.hS,, i resident of the rennaylvoula KepubHoau stale Asociallon, is a be depntr Brand raaatci - of Wn . ; . .uu.imun iiinucouia, und ho gott to maiiifott his loyally to Ulraiea. Now Advertisements. p!J"onso nnd lot for sale, BltUltA In IhKltnMn.l, T.t...k. M. anrttho lot Is auout k of an acre. There la a . .k L wmiiu iireraiscB. -rne rental ' the property Will net about 10 per cent, on Cf ; r r.t lurtner partivu ai apply at ihe fAnuo.N advocatk nmci. Atny22.1S71 R EGISTER'S NOTICE. NOliCe lR IlCrphv rrlvnn That T-. . -Administrator. P., "tui? f!nK1,u PtiT0 acouiii oi the rnefie5hnSk.Tnnififr ...vUuu,n uu.u utlCU IIIIUIVOU Oy the IlCfi' 0 - utn vuiuiir, may vi, 137s. JgJ DWAUB I'tOTTS' Snrpassi-s lu Tone and Tower any Reed Orean heietoiore innnulactured lu thli couirry. It haa been tested by many compi tint Juugoa ai a OIVB3 TJHIVHtSAI. BATISFAOTION. ny a skillful use ot the Stops, and of the Tatcnt ""v... .1.0 jjj usiu is Huspitta 10 uio numau joico, r nglng troiu the soft.-st, flute-like njto to a volume o( tound. Unsurpassed by any Instrnmout. The ptonrlefor hnanntd nnrAfniw n years the imnerfecttona and needs ot the need Jnatrumonts, and direote I his prnclicai ixpeil. 1.1. uuri.cunn 01 bucu imperfect on, and hla expeiimouta have reaiiliui i.n,.h, duotion ot a qnsilty of Tone which asslmluVtca bo cltaeiy to tho Pipe Organ Quality .'A,,1.'?." ,0. ''"tluiralal. between the AI4, THE LATEST IMPROVKMENT3. A?i'n5r.e,trn'!r'r?n,.,18. ,u"r warranted, large Oil Polish, Black Walnut, Paneled cases that WILL NOT CRACK OR WARP, nf".?.!' aliiaon t aplcndld Instrument A nEADTIPOL PIECE OP FUltNITUnE, -T.!f oti"n needs only to be seen to he aptire. elated aod is sold at KXTREMELY PP X.CVW- PRICES SKha'nge. Becon'1 loatrnroente talen ln AGENTS WANTED, iitilt&crhdm;!,ea!,in 'V, rr clJnntI' ,n the United ?i.!.T?.!?',W."'"- ' fneral discount made to Illnatrati7..tii:-.i ..i .7. . T. V .ur5.,D" Jjwndenoe solicited. Address tho manurJS EDWARB PLOTTS, Washington, Jf. J. May a-yl Plotts' Star Organs. Rnnd for m lm Mf. .mi Addresa KllWAltD PLOT! H. W.shlngtin, ; Plotts' Star Organs Are bi Derfect uirlor red. Correspondence aoTlcltrd with organlsu.' S.'t?!?2" .V." '.""V, Aadreaa, EDWAitll -"-"" tUU, i.1 s W , Plotts' Star Organs Are celebrated for their purity of tone, elegant design aud thorough construction, beniftor catalogue. Address, EliiVAHU PUirrs. Plotts' Star Orffans Are in cases warranted not to crack or warp It DrnnKr rnuH u.. .1 .... . . . 1 EmVARL ILO t T, V asliins top, N. J, Plotts' Star Organs Any person wishing to purchase a parlor organ, where there la no aa-enf fnr th -Mur wnnivi well to write for special tates, to introduce this Instrumeut. Address, EDWARD PLOrra. W.shlnrtin T ' Plotts' Star Organs new and beaulltnl detlgni Aaenta Wsntid Aouroia, auwAlIU 1'LOl' rs, Wa-hinirtou, N. Plotts' Star Organs r ndoffloa, Wublugioo.'N. J. CoirMpOQileaUco fuuwMia, lotts' Star Organs Agents anpplled at figures that dfly compe. tltion for the name clasa of lnau-mnent. oV one-ddreu. EUWAHD PLOTIU WasMag. Plotts' Star Organs pnmbine .beautiy. durability and worlh. Beni for illustrated Ula nrnm ImIum hn..n a d 'be manuiaetarrr, LDWARD PLOTTS, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF VALUABLE Meal JEstat I peunsylvania, oa "' Saturday, Juno fllli, A. . 1873, nanihff "d52S u?htD8 lln" Df. ,"m 'of wephen rti'.i ,. it , ur oi ueo. liehr g, nSSS&fXaSSSX:SS!LV. IKS. Vh south 81 rteiice,. weal I K "iti. chea tit a iiDnai ih..,B .. i ...... . . . . . . t . . 1 aVi. .i V.."' - Jyi.il mil gT?a.K2 M dg.eeTeast 30 peKhe, ntTi-ld ,r- wvkimuiiik, cuutaining 80 Acres nnd Slxlcen Tcrcltea Wn!vi ? i? J0IU"s,l-1oro orlcsn. Tartly under n-i.- r "VM 1,10 "suiuce timper land. Ibo tmprovemenU thereoii are a iwo-ltcry riUME DWELLING llOnSE, S?'!..?.0" 8w?!s P""1 ! 0 neTr falling Sptlng of water near the home. 6 n52?lrh-0p flALE-One-thlid of pnrchaao iLf.VL" Bt Mli onMhird in ..uwu uiuuuue in tweivo monihn, ...... . nENHY BOYRIl. ttumS 0 EU,al"!l1- Hoinheimer, deo'd, rllE SLAIINUTON PIANINO MILL AKD Cabinet Ware Factory, SLATIXOTOff, PA. JOHN BALLIET, Proprietor, Denis In all fr'ntlM nfi .Ua t ObIc und Hard Wooo Lumber, anil ianowpiol ' v uujr (luvuu, Ul UiUClB IQC BresseB LumbeE OF ALL KINDS. Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Shnttcrs, iuouiaings, Cabinet Ware, Ac., With I'roinptnosa. Brackets Made to Order. The Machinery is all new snd or thA im.i nmi must Improved kinds. I employ none but tho best woikinen, uae well seasoned and good ma. terlai, and am tho:cfore able to guai antco entire satisfaction to all who may favor too with & call. Orders Or milll nimnlirlv nttnitrliwt In M .. churccs are uio.lrrutj; terms cash, or luterest tharged alter thirty anTs GIVE ME A CALL. r Thone envBfpiid In itiiihtmi mill in-i i. Ihnir advi.utnge to h.vo elding, Floor Boards, Doors. taaiiCS. ahuttt rs. An . .t? i-. nn ,1a at thiu I-'bi torv. MaylSyl JOHN BALLIBT. tf Is -Sri r o-A 2 si 2-O 8-s i r t- - . n at, s z a P. H9BB ? h 2 jm 5 6 xs le.H Bf" -T-T Bta w ? t - '3 oi a. hls'fSS H (? r t t-a . a o o QS'ssis-s.gif s- S?i" .Bf g-.g g J OSS . . t o FREE ! FREE ! ! FREE IT! A hsutUmne IWustnteJ newipinr, containing Information breTerybodjr. Telli whrreand bow to wcura a now cheap- Sixt frci to all parti or Till WORLD. Is contain! the Niw ITomistead and Timhir Lawi, with other Interesting matter found ony la this papr. , SEND FOR IT AT ONCE ! it will only co.t you a I'omuI Card. Neir num ber for jtprli Just out. Ad.lren o. r. da via, Ijud Comm.stlonsr U. 1', tt.R. Oum, Nib. ITlllld MAHVKI. OP THE WUllhD. lletUeeUa Water. Itbss restored thou sands Irom the brink of the (,'rare; ulrcn health and strtaxth to those deemed beyood tho resch of all medical science, and turned the path or affile tlon to one of happlneks Is tho bletalncs wllbln its virtues. It cures the deadly llrluht's dlseaie andDUU-lai; ersdlcstei all dlaeasesoftbe kid. nnysj restores the urinary organs tostrength and poer In a word, It Is a natural restorer ofhtalth, and has pi-r formed the moat wonderful and ml rac ulous cures of sny known speclOo on the globe. Addreas, for tlrcufars, c. IMIT.HUQISNK HENDItr, WaukBibi, Wis. FOR THE BEST Berry Crate & Box aub roe. ci scons to WILLIAM PARRY. C1NNASIINSON, N. J. $5 (POO per d47 ftt Uomu Trm fre Addresi QtORG drffij." Co. I'oriland, iJlne. $77 A WEEK guaranteed to Mais and re main Agents, In their loralltr. Oosls NOTIlINllto trjlt. ParlieutirsFree. P. 0. YlCKKItY Co., Aujuits, Us. S-.TJSYOAOMANOY, OH 80UL CIIARMINO." - How either sux msv tsaclnata an d train tha lose and affections of snjr parson lhj choose. It. stsallj. Tkla artall can rmaseHree, bjr mall, for cvuis, mpeiuvr wiiu a marriage uuiae JSfrTpt. Ian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, etc. 1,000, 000 sold. A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM CO., Pubs, 1'hlU tVONDKUPUL, BUT TKUEI Whenerer I " sreta BOTTLE OP yottii nn Hnmn. i.i Ail jiA-iai, iiutiK i lfll-.ors IlOX. Ot LIL LY WU1T13. or anTIJllnir In that linn in lijiaiitl. Ir the complexion, at DtUlLINU'S DKUO bTOHE. It aeems to he nicer and hetrer than r can set e&xwhrre else. Mar 8. nlTY 1IIM I NO t-That ELACTIIIC LINI. x ME NT. like 1 eat at mmr.TN'rVA nutTn STOIIK. will cure him, or anv other man ot ItllEUMA.ISSlandail other PAI.tS. Mar . TU6T LOOK AT IILIl UAIBI Why ! u IbOUfi-ht it ware turnlna nrr t Ailtn, ... til she ot a boit.e ot that new itAIK UK3 roil. Eltat DUltLINu-.-i Hltlln HTCirfu! S2iTfw jNOTICE Is berebr aiTen or the lni.mUn . .nKi. n der the Acl of A.aemhiv nf ih.rvimn..nB.'. n ot P.nnsyltsnls, entitled. "An act to provide lor the incorporation and reauistion of certain cor. porstlone,'' approTed April JS. Wl. tor a Charter ot aCprooreuonto be called the Lehla-htoa 0. 'i1'.' Comwuiy." tho character and object ot which la to aupplir the people ot the Uorougn vi auigutuu wiiu auuminaiiujr uas. 1 r- mMaTmtrarrwmM ' 1 3Dlae STew Contei Store EXTENDS A GBUBBAL ALL BUYERS IN" RE S PEC TPULL Z YOUBS, M. 3. KRAMER. . BJew Corner Store, CORNER SIXTH & HAMILTON STREETS. th.TcAoWDVo'2ixtthOCOrDer 8l0"'mU Ple..ta.-th., tli. mnXUt KBAMBR'S IS THE HEADQUARTERS IN THE CITY FOR BLACX SILKf, ULAOK A.1.PACAB, BLACK CASmiEItE, TA1TISE, noMDAZrNBS, IN ANYTHING PERTAINING. IN BLACICGOODS. CUT THIS OUT.-Doe't buy till yon h.-e examined my stock. Paya you f or the inspection. Q00D8 CaEEBFULLY SHOWff. One of tho LEADINO FEATU11E3 at the "NEW COnNlilL" Perfect Success. In all the CHOICEST Sn.vrns and MW COLUIIINO IN VLAIS DllOWN'S. STKEIiA.VDDIlABS, t in puiie MonAine, balerkoh OndTONOEES Choice line In SOLID and BBOKltN FLAXD3, AT PRICKS TO SUIT A LI. I SUN) UMBRELLAS. SIZES-Mlnch, a Inch. :t Inch. COVEniNO-AH Boiled or Twilled SUka. COLORS Blaok, Brown. Blua and Changable. MOUNTINO-Itorr, Pearl, Kbony, Cornelian, and trench Horn. TRICES FROM 1.00 to I10.6 AT Kramer's New Corner. Summer Silks. FULL LINE. In BLACK and WHITE STRiru. GRISAILLE BILE, and New stj-loof Cheeks In BLACK and WHITE. 13" SELLING 20 PER CENT LESS THAN LAST YEAR. AT KRAMER'S. DON'T FORGET TO BEE HY LINE OP BTKIPB AND Plaid Shawls, WHEN BUVINQ AT Kramer's. IHTHinOIT TO MAKE Kid Gloves A SPECIAtTW. IN BLACK. AND COJWXEED. IN ONE AND. TWO ntlTTOjr; IN DICTEIVCHT QPAUTIJUIh Always ittv, a tall llae.ot. TBSTOUSSt la, BLACK and one of. the BEST COLOSSI), MAKES. IMPOIITID. EVERY PAIR GRARANTEED. AT KRAMER'S. IN Hamburg Edgings AND INSERT IN OS tlaa never, been bertrr, and SELLING A3; POPULAR. SIIICE8. AT KRAMER'S.. Finest and moat complete Una tt noiSsnTi In PLAIN and FAIHOY 8TRIPE3tte)be. found In the city, and alt Qualities and. Prices, for KISSES and LADIES. Cordially- INVITE our Lifdj- Frlaadt te ut andaeo tlie-aoOSS. GOODS OUSERFULLY SHOWN. AT KRAMER'S. MEN'S HOSIERY. A Specially.. In all QUALITIES la PLAIN and TAXCT STItlPE. AT KRAMER'S JUST OPENED, AND ADDING DAILY TO MY STOCK, CHOICE LINE and ln Newest. PATTERXS or WHITE PIQUE, WELT'S, COSTU1IE BTAIPBeV (SomttdS( Nel At ICramor's. OUR DEPARTMENT. For MEN'S and BOT' WBAB. lints worthy ot tnipeotlLn-ln which nawtUfladaa of the LAUOE1T AS'ORTMENTal fonnd 1ft the city, and OUABANTEE to OIVE VALCB roii all ooods sold, an monbt hb. yottDitD. At Kramers, Mar ISth, 187J.WJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers