The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, May 16, 1874, Image 3

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    Advertising Untos.
TVe desire It to b distinctly understood that no
JtdTertlsements will be Inserted In the column! of
Tai Carms Adtocuti that may be recelted from
unknown nsrtlesornnns.unless accompanied wllb.
tae fciSB. The following are our OMIT terms :
Adtertlsemtnts for 1 fear, perlncb. each
Insertion ...... 10 Ont".
" Six Months, per lnthMch Intertton 16 Cents,
Three Months, " " " 20 Cents.
Less than threenvmtha,nrstlnser-
tlob li each subsequent Insertion S5 Cent.
II. V. MOKTIIIMKR, Publisher.
rOITIClil Ground FloorlntU.nwaddl.'lonof the
Mansion House, Maneu Chunk, Pa. Business
transacted In English and Oerman. Collections
jrompljoiads and Contejanelng neetlj dons.
jr Settlement of Estate, Proving Wills, ob.
talnl'ng Letters of Admlnlstratlon.FllIng Accounts,
and Orphans' Court Practice carefullyattended to.
Licenses, Charters aJ toeo rportIons procured,
.and Criminal Cases made a specialty.
Local and Personal.
Special Notice. Those of our sub
scribers receiving their paper with a
cross upon the corner near their name,
will save fifty cents advance In pi Ice by
remitting the dollar subscription at
.once. Our terms are $1 In advance, or
1 1.50 If not co paid.
II. E. Miller's Millport,
was destroyed by fire on Monday night
last. Loss10.000.
The Wclsspo it Cornet Rand was
out on Tuesday evening, and serenaded
a number ot our citizens.
Don't forget, to call In at W. A.
Graver's 6tore and 6ee Jils well selected
Atock o dry goods, Ac, which be (ins
just received from the city.
Boots, shoes, hats, caps and gents'
furnishing goods 'very low fqr cash' at
Laury retors'. Prop In and .see.
- That game of base ball was not
played last Saturday. Cause: the Sla
tlngtonlans did not appear on the
And now, Snyder A Wills, of
Welssport, have opened a .branch store
;at.Coalport, above Mauch Chunk.
For sale a five octave Parlor Organ
.(new) at a great reduction, ripply at
-.this oBlee. '
Valises .and trunks, all sizes an
jriqes, at Laury & Tetsrs'.-
The roads are now in good condi
tion, and this Is just tho tipie to take
;8&lly for a buguy rldo and David Eb
bert's is the place to get the team.
lWe.ojob printing cheaper than
,any other ofiice In the Lehigh Valley.
Try usl
In gent's furnishing goods, T. D.
Clauss has'an Irameuse stock. If you
waut a neatly fitting shirt leave your
Dr..N. B. Reber Is erecting a por
tico In' (rout of his dwel ling on Bank
Mr. A. P. Ilorn, of Lehiglitonro-
specttully informs the citizens of this
.county, that he has accepted the agen
cy for the, celebrated Packard Orchestral
Organ. These organs are highly re
commended for sweetness of tone and
tho pat't orchestral coupling stops. Par
ties about purchasing organs should ex-
amlno these Instruments before deckling
,npon any other.
Mr. Schlauch, of the Sljtlngton
News, was In town, on Thursday, and
paid us, a fraternal visit. Mr. S. looks
well aud says that business In Slallng-
,ton seems to be slightly Improving
The latest styles of Jiats and caps
;Just received at Laury & Peters.
New styles of dress' goods, at W,
A. Gravtr's store.
Dr. 0. S. German Is sporting a new
,and handsome "castor;" but as he cau to say nothing about It under
.certain penalties, we have concluded to
keep "mum" on the subject.
LI velyt business at Laury Jt Peters'
tnerchanttallorlngestablishmeut. If you
,want to get "particular fits" just call In
and get 'em.
J. Fatzlnger and Son have just re
celved a new ,gtock of groceries and
provisions, hams, slioulders and side
meats which they are selling very low
lor cusn.
E. MellBoyle.ot the Mauch Chunk
Coal Gazette, accompanied with his
younger brother, was In town Mon
day, and dropped In to see us.
Hon. Chas. Albright will please
.accept our thanks for public documents.
E. n. Rhode, Bankway, annonu
ees that lie Is prepared to re-seat cane
.seated chairs, In a neat and substantial
manner at a very reasonable price,
.fiend them along?
QuejyTIf a butcher should bo ea
.gaged Hogging nis own wife, and an
other man's wife Interferes, should the
butcher strike ber on the mouth and
?rnock her down' for so Interfering? If
4ie should do to, what should bo done
with him, the butcher? Such an Indi
plduul should live In Delaware, where
hey use a whipping post.
L. F. Kleppluger keeps one of the
inlcest lot ot noises and buggies to be
found In this section. Ills prlco Is
down to suit the times.
Charles Trainer,' comer ot Lehigh
and lion streets, will supply yon with
Jlour aud feed, plow your gardens or
do our fcaullDg at reasonable rates.
.Our new school-house Isnow finish-
fl, with tho exception of the cupoK
It is a beauty, but we aro not a bit
proud of, it. Oh, nol
r-C II Macdanlels, of Welssport, In
requested to call at this offlco without
further notice.
Jos. M. Frllzingcr, arnouces In
another column thatho has Just received
a splendid stock of ready made boots,
slices and gaiters, which. ho will sell at
prices to suit the times See advertise-
Calico at 8 cts. per yard at W A.
Gravi r's store, Lebtghton.
A down valley dally says: "Sol
omon Snyder, of Lehigh Gap, drives
out behind tho handsomest team In this
neighborhood." Dot Is goot, all tho
beeples around hfxo never tides pefore.
II C Lcvanway has finished fenc
ing In his property on Bankway.
They must have been favored with
fine weather In Hazlcton recently, as
tho editor of the D.illy News announces
that ho has got a pair ot now boots.
Trunks and satchels, for ladies and
gentlemen, a new and handsome assort
ment, Just received at T. D. Clauss'
merchant tailoring establishment, which
Jio Is selling at tho lowest prices.
If youwaytJob Printing at any
description, get it dono at this office,
and save money. Satisfaction guaran
teed. The Allentown Democrat is to ap
pear ill an entire new dress about July
1st. A vt ry healthy sign.
Col Shore, of the L V Dally News,
intends to visit Lehighton sometime in
June. If he will notify us ot the ex
act time, we will seoto It that our butch
er slaughter a few extra steers. The
Col's fighting weight is 2121
Win. Kemerer Is crowded day and
evening with customers purchasing
cheap and handsome dress goods, dry
goods, groceries, provisions and hard
If you want a nlco fitting suit ot
cloths leave your inetsure with T. D.
Clauss and make your selection of gooiisf?
simeres and vestlngs. Prices, quality
workmanship bound to suit.
The old gentleman who spent a for
tune in endeavoring to hatch colts from
horse chestnuts is now cultivating the
egg plant with a view to raising chick-
f t ,
I1UU1 lb. ,ji
Just lecelved at T. D. Olauss'if
new and fashionable assortmvntfof
ladles', gents and children's boots,
shoes and gaiters, which ho Is offering
at the lowest prices.
For clover aud timothy seeds, In
large nnd small quantities, go to Z. II,
Long's nearly opposite the L. & S. de
pot, Lehighton.
For Inmliy flour, of tho very best
quality go to J. K. Rickert, East Weiss-
port. Lumber and coal In large or
small quantities at lowest market rates.
A. faw lots In Rickertown still unsold-
buy at once.
Messrs Laury & Peter3, the mer
chant tailors, have returned from tho
city, whero they have purchased a very
fine stock of new goods, comprising
cloths, cassimeres and vestlngs, boots.
shoes, hats, caps and gent's furnishing
goods, to which they call tho attention
of tho public.
Uazleton Is soon to sport, and we
trust sup-port, a new Democratic week
ly, to be Issued from the office of the
Daily News. Friend Fincher, you
have, our best wishes In the undertak
ing. It is a positive fact that E, II.
Snyder is now opening one of the larg
est assortments of dry goods.dress goods
and groceries ever brought to this town;
that lie is selling at an immense reduc
tion on former prices, and Invites the
people to call and examine.
Very comfortable riding la one of
L. F. Klepplnger's handsome buggies.
Try It aud be convinced. Terms very
For Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Llstless-
ne?s and loss of Appetite,, Dr. S. D.
Howe's Arabian Tonlo iilood Purifier
should be taken half an hour before
each meal. It will stimulate the
stomach, and restore its healthy tone
and action. See Advertisement.
The Venerable Archdeacon, Scott,
of Dunham, Canada East, says thatho
suffered from dyspepsia more than
twenty-five years, but that three week's
use of tho Peruvian Syrup (an Iron
tonic) hasbenefittedhlmso wonderfully
that no can badly persuade himself of
the reality, and people who kuow him
are astonished at tho change.
Eatly In June, Joe Lynn, Esq., of
the Mauch Chunk Democrat, Is to be
married to Miss Alice Cooper, daughter
of Hon. Thomas B. Cooper, deo'd , of
Coopersburg. In advauco of the con
summation of the event wo embrace
this opportunity to wish tho young, and
lovely bride, and our frieud Joe, much
Sheriff Fetter, of Bethlehem, Is still
suffering much from tho effects ot tho
accldeut ho met with a number ot weeks
The Patriotic Sons ot America will
soon establish a camp In Fresmausburg',
They will start out with twenty-Qve
member. - -
Tho South Easton cotton mill Is
about to reduce Its working hours to
three-fourths' or mio halt full time.
The graduating class of Muhlen
berg 6'ollego this year will number 14.
Tho slato quarry and manufactur
ing shops of tho Tlelmhach Slato Co.,
situated In Lehigh township, North
ampton Co., havo been seized and Uken
In execution by tho Sheriff, and aro to
be sold on Monday tho 23th Instant.
An exchango says Anna Eliza
Young lectured In Scianton on Mon
day night, but falls to inform us what
young Anna Eliza's subject was.
Tho material used on tho Lehigh
ton News has been sold to somo per
son In Connerticut.
The Lehighton correspondent of the
Mauch Chunk Democrat, last week,
eays: "Tho new Pastor of the M. E.
church, of this place; Rov. Mr. Towns-
end, arrived on Friday evening, and
preached an Interesting sermon on Sun.
day morning. Rev. Mr. Bocgs preach-
in iUio evening." Rev Wllmer Coff-
man Is pastor ot the M E church, at
this place, and Rev G W Townsend, is
tho Pastor of tho Packcrfon M Echurch.
Tho correspondent Is only two miles
Hats and caps, for men, youth and
children, a now assortment of tho most
fashlonahlo styles, just received at T.
D. Clauss', at prices which are hound
to suit.
Tho game of base ball played hero
on Thursday last, between the Lehigh
ton and the ParryviUe clubs, resulted
ina vlotory for the former. The score
being 02 to 101
Canvasser Wuiitetl.
Chnvasscrs, wanted for T. Do Witt
Talmage's family and religious paper,
Tho Christian at Work. C. II. Spurgeon
special contributor. Sample copies and
terms sent free. Offlco 102 Chambers
street, N. Y. See their advertisement.
If Joseph Frltzlnger, of , Welssport, was
engaged as-a brakemau on a coal train
on the Lehigh Valley R. R. On Friday
evening last, In leaning over to signal
the engineer, ho fell from tho 'train and
was mangled in a terrlblo manner; his
death was almost instantaneous Tho
fun'eraTlook place on Sunday afternoon,
from his la to residence in Welssport.
Deceased leaves a wife acd one child to
deploro his sudden demise.
i ttho
Dedication Services.
We would, again call attention
dedication of the Packerton Methodist
Episcopal, to-morrow, (Sunday), Jay
17th, at lOJi o'clock. Preaching in the
morning by Rov William B Wood, of
Easton ; at 3 o'clock in the afternoon,
by Uev A. M Wiggins, of Mauch Chunk,
and at 7Ji In" tho eveulng, by Rev Wil
mer Coffiuan, of Lehighton. All aro
cordially Invited. Geo W Townsend.
Clilldren'a Carriages.
F. V. Semmel, the bardware;mer
chant, of Lehighton, has this week re
ceived ono of tho largest assortments of
children's carriages from tlio State of
New York, ever brought to tills lown,
and respectfully asks those of our citi
zens who need anything In tho line to
examine the styles and prices both ot
which are bound to suit. Some ot them
aro very handsome.
' 1
P. O.g.ofA.
Washington Camp, No. 117, P. 0. S.
of A., of Parryvllle, will hold a parade
and festival in that place on Saturday,
May 23d, 1874, tho parade tq take place
at 2 o'clock p. m., and tho festival will
be held iu their hall afternoon and
evening. A regalia will be contested
for by the Camp3 which participate in
the parade, a gold pencil by the ladles
of Patry vlllp, and a silver headed cano
by the ministers. The music will bo
furnished by the Parry vllleCornet Band,
and the citizens in general aro cordially
Invited to paitlcipato in the festivities.
At the recent meeting ot the Presby
tery of Lehigh, Rev. Dr. Belvllle, from
the commllteo on supplies, teported the
following appointments for tho First
Presbyterian church of Lohlghton: Rev,
Dr. Wood, to declare the vacanoy and
officiate, Juno 7th; Rev. Earlo, Juno
14th; Rev. Walker. Juno 21st; Rev.
Youngman, Julie 28th; Rev. Bloom
berg, July fith; Rov. Coffinan, July 12.;
Rev. McNaughton, July 10th; Rev.
Little. August 2nd; Rev, Webster, Aug.
9th; Rev. Cattell, Aug." lOlh; Rev.
Carroll, Aug. 30th; Rev. Deruelle,
bopt. Gth; Rov.,Mlller, Sept.l3th.Jtev.
M. Earle, of Catasauqua, being up
pointed to act as. Moderator of the Ses
sion. Methodist Episcopal church Wll
mer Ooffuian pastor. -Preachliit; 10..
30 a. m.. Subject: "Tho Ascension of
Christ." Prayer meeting 7.30' r, sr.V
Sunday school 2.00 P. M.
The Council of Lutheinn Trinity
church, orthls b'orodglf, havlug extend
ed to the Piesbyterlau congregation uud
Its'paator im Invitation to participate
In tho dedicatory services to be held to
morrow, (Sabbath), May 17th, there
will be no bcrvlcea held lu tLu Preaby
tcrlan church, II F Jfasoii, pastor.
Tho Evangelical Lutheran
Trinity church, of Lehighton,
Will bo dedicated, God wil
ling; to-morrow, -(Sunday),
17th inst. Thero will bo
three services during the day.
Different ministers will bo
presont on tho occasion. All
aro invited.
Tho Lehighton and Welssport Tom-
pcranco Association, have made arrange
ments with DANIEL KAL1JFUS, Esq ,
ot Mauch Chuck, to dollver a lecture
on Temperance, In tho Evangelical
Church, Welssport, on MONDAY
EVENING NEXT, May 18th. Tho
doors will bo open at 7:30,'and tholecturo
will commenco at 8:00 o'clock. Tho
Association extends a cordial invitation
to our cltlzets to attend. A rich liter
ary treat is assured, Mr. Kalbfus being
ono ot tho most eloquent and powerful
speakers on this subject In tho country.
The next meeting ot the officers and
Commllteo of tho Association will be
held iu theM. E. church in this horo.,
on Wednesday evening, May 20th. at
7:30 o'clock, and a full and punctual
attendance Is requested as business ot
Importance will bo transacted.
Dcatli l?rom Hydrophobia.
About twenty-ono years ago a daugh
ter of P. Hawk, residing near Kresge-
vllle, in Monroe Co., was bitten by a
mad dug. The animal too bit several
cows aud dogs, and they immediately
showed symptoms of the disease. Mr
Hawk being quite a wealthy man, call
ed physical ns to see his child, and had
everything possible done to prevent an
attack of the horrid disease. She escap
ed, grew to be a woman, and was
married, but still no decided symptoms
appeard. Week before last sho was
howeverseized with tho dreaded malady,
and alter much suffering died on Tues
day of last week. Hero then Is an
authenticated case where the saliva ot
a rabid beast has lingered in tho system
for nearly twenty-one years. Allen
town Democrat.
The Coal Traite.
The following tablo shows the quan
tity of coal shipped over tho Lehigh
UValley Railroad for the- week ending
juay uiii, ioi?, unu lur ui year as
compared with the same time last year:
From Week. YW.
Wyoming .... 17,948 19 469,709 07
Hazleton '47.!8! 00 737.99. 10
Up. Lehigh. . 205 H 2,073 04
Bea. Meadow.. 13,7!)J 10
Mahunoy 10,088 12
Mauch Chunk 149 18
254,210 11
144,339 10
070 07
1.C09.302 01
1,549,510 111
59,791 05
Total 90,338 19
Last Year.... 93,309 09
Increase .....
Decrease 2,970 10
Tax Colleotora.
At their meeting on Tuesday the
Commissioners appointed Tax Collec
tors for tho year 1874,'as'.follows;,
Banks GeorRe Reinilller f Penu Godfrey Peters
East Mauch Chunk Hiram Ilontz
Kidder W C McCormlck
Lower Towanieiising John Strohl
Lchiiihton Daniel Clauss
Muuch Chunk Iioro John Painter
Mauch Chunk Twp Frank Malloy
Mahoning Jonathan Gombert
Packer---S W Hudson
Penn Forest James Smith
Towamenslna HeiiJ Beer
Weatherly Jacob Kisthard
Welasport Literary Soclely.
Saturday Evening, Jay 0th. Tho
23rd regular meeting wa3 held as above.
Tho meeting was called to order by the
President at 7.45 r. u. The roll was
called and the minutes of tho last meet
ing wero read and approved.
On motion, It was resolved, that dia
logues be Introduced In tho order of ex
ercises. The following gentlqmen wero ap
pointed a committee on programme for
Saturday evening, Jay 10th: Messrs.
Albright, Graver and Bagenstose.
On motion, It was resolved, that wo
open and clo-o with singing.
Select reading, "On tho proud Miss
McBrlde," by Miss Emma Hauk.
Referred questions 1st. What Is the
significance ot hand shaking? by F.
C. Knlpe,'2nd. What is tho philosophy
of laughing? notanswered;3rd. "Which
Is tho belter half the man or his wife?"
answered by J. R. -Gilharii; 4th What
Is tho population of the Island of Anil
costi? answered by Miss Sua E. tern.
Questjon for debate Resolved. That
riches developes character better than
poverty. Opened iu the affirmative by
Mr. Sol Yeakel, fpllowcd by S. R. Gil
ham, and on the negative by Mr, J. Z.
Bagenstose, followed by F. C. ICulpo.
Decided In the negative.'
Programme 'for Saturday evening
May l(!th: Dialogue, by MIs biggie
'Hauk and Miss Jennie Weiss; declama
tion, Mlsi EIHe Fenner; Select reading,
S. R. Gilliam. '
Question for debate "Resolved,
That thero Is more knowledge gained
bv read I ni! than bv travelling. " AUlr
uuillve, Henry Campbell; negative, J'
ts. Miller.
. Critin Miss Sue E, Zern.
On motion adjourned.
F. O. Kmi'E, Ree, Sec
Pa. Stale Sunday-School Convention
Tho Tenth Annual Convention of tho
Pennsylvania Stnto Sabbath-School As
sociation will be held In tho First Pres
byterian Church, on Washington
Avenue, In tho city of Scranton, on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday,
Juno 0, 10 and 11, 1874.
You aro earnestly invited to be prcs
errt. Cornel
Eotertalnmont will bo provided for
all delegates who will notify "Wm.
Iladden, Esq., Chairman ot Local Com
mittee, Scranton," on or beforo June
The Rev. J. II. Vincent, D. p., of
New York, will bo present and take
part In tho proceedings.
Tho singing will bo conducted by
Prof. Win. Johnson, of Philadelphia.
The following is tho Programmo:
7.4!. Opening Devotional Servlco.
8.00. Molds of Welcome.
8.15. Homo Culture of Children.
8.45. Parents' Duties to tho bchool.
9.15. Praise nnd Promlso Meeting:
8.30. Prayer Jeetlng.
9.00. Organization.
9.15. Reports of tho State and Statisti
cal Secretares and Treasurer.
9.45. Verbal County Reports.
11.00. Missionary Work; County Con
ventions and Institutes.
12.00. Adjourn.
2.00. Convention Assembled as a
School, to bo Opened by a Su
Taught In Classes by Teachers
appointed. (Lesson: "The True
Prophet." Duet. 18: 0-10.)
Teachers Unfold their Methods.
3.10. Closing School.
3.15. Children's Gathering.
sccosd day cuuitcn WORK.
7.45. Opening Devotional Service.
8.00. Tho Church's Duty: How to Do
8.30. Tho Church of the Future, (fly
tho Rov. J. H. Vincent, D. D.)
8.30. Prayer-Meeting.
9.00. Business Items.
9.15. A Teachers' Meeting Conduct
ed. 9.35. Normal Class and Institute. Ex
ercises. 11.00. Illustratlvo Teaching. -Question
2.00. Opening Devotional Service.
2,15. Section of Teachers (in main Con-
vontlon Room.) Sections of su
perintendents aud Officers (iu
Lecture Room.)
3.15. Reports from Sections.
3.30. TiMlnlng Work Continued. Ques
tion iox.
Devotional Servicd-i,
What Do I Need Jfost as a
What Have I Learned at this
What Am I Resolved To Do
When I return to my field?
GEX. C. ALBRIGHT. President.
15. W. Hice, Secretary.
Willkun J. Ctinley, of AIuucli Chunk, and
Vlolettu E. Delbert, ot'Leliljjliton.
On tho 30th tho sumo. Calvin Dun.
bar nnd Muiy Junu Ilurtmun, both of Pur-
vy viiiu.
On tlio 7th Inst, by tho same. Emanuel
IV. Clmiss awl Kllcn Kscli, both of Lehlgli-
n, i'.t.
On tho 9th Inst.. Geortro A. N. Eckstein
and Emma E. llartholoinew, both of this
On tho 17th nit.. In Lrnvfir TowjlmftnRlnir.
Eiinii I... daughter of Thomas and Mulliidu
JlcDunlel, agoil nil diiya.
On tho 22d ult.. In Lower Townmcn9lnff.
Milton O . on of Charles und Maria Knurr.
man, uged 1 yenr, 1 month nnd 2 days.
On tho Mh Inst . In P.ocknort. Ellon. i wlfo
of Tliomus Solt, aged 1 yrs.. 7 mos., 37 days.
Closing Prices ot DeIIavf.N & Towns-
ESd, 40 South Third Street, Philadel
phia, May 14, 1874:
V. ., 1881 .
U. S. 5 'JO, 1802 ,
U. S. 50, ISO I . ,
U. A 5 2,I,1SCU .
1). S S20, 1S05 J. A J.
U. S. 5. '10, 1H07 . .
21K Hi.
Sli asked.
WA tM.
17 bid.
17Ji bid.
19 V? bl.1.
20!j bill.
2J?2 bid.
1V.1 asltsd.
18W asked.
i9U asked.
2'JZ asked.
Wi asked.
li'i asked.
16) asked.
Ibi asked
41Z asked.
40,t? asked.
v. s. 6 xu. less . .
U. . Ourrenrr, (J's ,
U. S. &'s. 1581, nir .
Pt-nnsylraula h, h. ,
lilt bid.
1'lilU. Uaaillui: II. It.
UIlU'U Valley llsllrosd
K)i bid.
(.0)2 bid.
Bt)i asked.
i asked.
Itili;u uoal a asv, uo.
n bid.
UolteJConipaulesof.N. J. VMi Mi. 124 asked.
(lulj 112 ' bid. 1I2K asked.
bilver . . . .107 bid. 106 ssked.
Itdilglittm itetull l'rlccs.
Carefully corrected each week express,
ly for " The Carbon Advocate.
Apples, per bushel ,. 92 40
dried, per lb. 12 to 15
nutter, roil, per id:
Cabbage, per head
Cheese, factory, per lb, . .
Eggs, per dozen
Fish, mackerel, No. 1 ...
Ham, per lb
Lard, pure, per lb.
Pork, prime mess-, per lb.
Potatoes, per bushel.
Corn, per bushel .... 1
Chop, Corn, per 100 lbs
" Bran,
" Kye.
" Mixed
1 30
2 00
1 00
Flour, Wheat, per bbl , . , . 9 50
" Ilye, per lou lb3 3 33
Oats, White per buinol 75
" Black, per bushel 68
Hay, per ton 20 00
Straw, per bundle 30
Coal, chostuut, per tou 4 00
" stove, per ton , -ISO
Hides, green, per lb 5 Si la
Calf Skins, each., , 1 00
Sheep Skius, killed this mo., ca. 3 00
Whenever I get a Buttle of Bloom
ot Youth or MagnuliaBalm, Rose Tint,
a Wix of Lilly White, or anything iu
that line to beautify the complexion, at
Durllng's Drug Store, it seeuu to be
ulcer and better tliau I can get any
where vise. may 0
Special Notices.
Piles ! Piles ! ! Piles ! ! I
Piles, Internal,, Meeding or Itrlilnar.
The Intense sttirerlngocraslnneil by the dlalrcs.
lng disease, In Its Tarlous form., Is known only to
those who aro unfortunate enough to bo alulcted
with It. The seeplvss nights, the uncomfortable
days, the haggard looks ft the salTerer boir wit
ness of the (density ofthe psln experienced when
troubled with this preralllntt disease. The suc
cess of Srlgga' I'lli Heuiedy as a positive cure Is
unequalled in the annals or mcdlclno Keller Is
linnu-dhte when used us directed. The Immense
demand for this great remedy Is uoparalelled.
Tbuusauds are using It wltn the most satisfactory
results, hold by A. J. DUIILINU, druggist, Le
highton. mayly
Tape Worm! Tapo Worm I
Tape Worm removed In from 2 to 3 hours with,
harmless Vegetable Medicine. The worm passing,
from the system allre. No frensked uotll the en
entire worm, with head, passes. Medicine harm
less, can refer those aJllcted to the residents of
this city whom I basecured. Atmyofflce can be
seen hundreds of spccloiens, measuring from 4t
to 100 feet In length. Virty per cent, of cases of
byspepsU and disorganizations of tho Llrer are
caused by stomach and other worms existing In
the alimentary canal. Worms, a disease of the
most dangerous character, aro so little understood
by the me Heal tnou of the present day, Oall and
see the oii;lnal and only worm destroyer, or send
for a circular which will glre a full description
and treatment of all kinds of worms, enclose Jet.
stamp for return of tho same. Dr. K. P. Kumii.
239 North Ninth Street, 1'hlladelphla, Pa.
(Advice at office or by mill free.)
-3EAT, PIN, and SXOHAOII W0KM3 alss
romorod. Sept. 6, 1873 ly
Tho most Wonderful Discovery of
tlie lOtli Century.
Arabian Milk Cure
And'all Diseases of the TIIItOATy CIIKST aud
LUNOS. (The only Medicine of the kind lath
A SuranTns ron Cod Lirm On..
Permanently cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Incipi
ent Consumption, Loss of Voice, shortness of
llreath, Catarrh, Croup, Coughs, Colds, lc,ln
few days.
Dlt. 3. I). IIOWK'3
Arabian Tonio Blood Purifier,
Which DIPFER3 from all other DreDaratlons In
ItslMxcDiATB Actios upon the I.IVKR, KIUNKVi
and ULOOU. It is purely vegetable, aud cleanses
the system efall Impurities, builds up, and make
I'ure, men niooa. jbcuree ocromious inseasesor
all kinds, removes Constlnation,and regulates the
TION!!," I "challenge tho 10th Century" to find
us euui. very uouie is worm us weigatlil
gold. Price, tl.Ui) per bottle.
Soli by A.J. OUKL1NO, Orugjlst, sola Agent
for lehighton, Pa.
Da. 3. u. 1IOWK, Sole Proprietor, 1C1 Chambers
Street, New Vork. apr. lt,M7J.yl
Mrs. LANE'S Certain Cure for Iugrowing Nails.
When in tho cqurso of wear and tear
of every day life it becomes necessary
to dissolve our connection with tho suiU
that have dono us so much services In
keeping us warm and freo from expo
sure, there Is one place where we can
find consolation and a friend indeed in
our distress. Yea, a placo where wo
can safely put our trust where thero
Is no need of fear that wo shall bo cheat
ed, unsulted or unsatisfied where tha
fabric Is strong and the manufacture
superb where tho prices are just and
and the style all that can be desired.
There Is a charm about an easy, glove
fitting, elastio suit, is seen andobj
served by all men. "Where did you
get that superb suit of c'othes?" "Whbru
did you securo such a splendid fitting
garment?" is often asked. Thero are
many tailors, and a number ot tleut
are undoubtly fair samples of the genm
uoniu nnu aio a credit to the cralt; but
how generally tailors fall in tho rutins
of garments to tho human form; how
often a good piecb of goods Is spolled(iu
the fit; howsadly and dejectedly many
man wanuers aoout tlio streets, feel
ing the shame toe tailor hascaused him,
in allowing a poor job tt go out of hU
shop, and he the wearer of itl I'erhap?
his lady love has even jilted him Incon
sequence of his forlorn appearance.
mess maitos tlio man;
Tlio want of it tlio follow,'
Not Unit a man is less a man for wear
ing plain clothed, but when he is "dress
ed up" ho should indeed be dressed not
having lils cloths hang like bags around
him, aud wrinkled and distored in all
sorts of shapes, but tnat ho should bo
clad iu fitting garments. Taste should
be shown bom In the colors and make
up of his suit. Many high priced goods
are af such outlandish colors and style
that a man's character Is judged by lilt
foolishly selecting thoso odd goods, A.
man is Known uy me company ho keeni.
and If he insists upon fraternizing with
ill-looking and ill-fitting clothes, ha
will not uiaice nis "marir," as a "man of
taste, that's positive. To bo looked up
on as possessing the requisite attain
ments ot a tasty gentleman, ho must
select cloths of sultablo colors for his
clothing and have thorn made up lu fir?t
class stylo by Laury &' Peters, (post
olllco building), Lehighton, I'a., who
havo a splendid stock to select from, and
where you will obtain that symmetry ot
fit so necessary to the adornment of this
person. Call aud examine the imi.c
beautiful assortment of cloths, cissliuer
and vistlngs, ever brought into Lehigh
ton, anuieave your measure with Laury
& Fetors. March 14, 1874.
Latest Styles and Lowest Price!
2d door below M. K. Church,
BANK STREET, tehightou, Pa ,
having hud upward of Thirty Yeari xprUL4-
to tut) Mllllnory Uulot?ns dtfInii to Inform hr
friend aud the Ladle centrally, that iui ktft?4
(xmtittmtff oix baud Urgt ttiacrtuuot of
Hair Braids & Switches Made to Order.
Sht h&tiojuit rceUd from 2fa Torlt flt
aud eluant itock of
eoinpilttlac Hatu, JJuuuoH, RIMjoq, Wow x,l.
Crap, Kauoy UuoJi, Cbrmt, Olot u, I'-ulUrn, rt
Kdiu;, sNWUIti KuJua, UauJktti chief, Iff
PiULlahud at slieil U'llon an I at Ixiw. t l.i....
MjkHI, lill. MIC, r. i'al
A IIuusu and Stable l;i Lehlght u'
For particulars cnquliu of
April Bj 1674.