The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 03, 1874, Image 3

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ArtvorllnlliB Unlcs.
W4lra It to Vx dl-tlnctly undsratoMl that no
A4rrttnient tll lw lnrtd In the columns of
TmCitui .tvooatt that but U recalled from
bVouwo parti. nrflrms.untewiM'cmiipanlcd wltli
thtCtl. ThrulbUKrouromi terint
AdmtlMtnenti for I yaar, prr Inch each
Imrrtlon , . """
41 Six Mouths per Inch aach lnsarllou 15 Vnt.
TTbreoMoutbi, ' ' MCu's.
than lbram"nth, Brat Inwir-
tloo $1, oath Mlowu.unl tuKfrtlfiti 25 Ontr.
II. V. M0IITII1MK1I, I'atllabrr.
Local and Personal.
Candles, wholesale and retail, at
Haufinnn & Kulnis'.
It la rumored that there will be n
taking on" of hands at the Packet ton
-h6ps i-hortly. We lioj-o It Is to.
This Is n pood time to subscribe for
the Caubon Advocate. The price Is
only tl per year In advance Try H I
-Tho Reading Railroad Company
announce ft dividend of 2 13 per cent.
The Lehigh Valley Ral.road Com
pany announces a quarterly dividend
of 2 1.2 per cent., payable Jan. ID.
A. semi-annual dividend of 4 per
cent. Is announced by the Central Rail
road of Now Jerbey, payable after Jan.
20, 1874.
For family Hour, or tne very oesi
quality go to J. K. Rlckert, East Weiss.
inort. Lumber and coal in targe or
small quantities at lowe-t market rates.
A. faw (ots In Rlckertowu ttill unsold
'buy at once.
While a boy was gunning In the
woods, noar A'lentown, Tuesday, ho
fouud'the dead body of Charles O. Ja
coby, covered with snow. A bullet
wound in the head, and a revolver near
'thebody, vtlth one chamber empty, In--dlcatlnp
that Jacoby had killed himself,
f coroner's jury rendered a verdict of
rsulelile. Jacoby was 03 years of age,
and leaves a wife and children at Hel-
In the Criminal Court at Pottsville,
on Saturday last, a new trial the
'third was refused James Urown, who
murdered the Kreamer family, In the
'southern part of Schuylkill county,
tome' two years ago. He was taken
before Judge Green and sentenced to
death. When he committed the mur
der he was but 18 years of age, and,
during bis two trials, he has maintained
the most stolid indlfferonco as to the
rapa to bU only son : ' Edward,
what would you do were I to die 7"
" I would go to your funeral," replied
Edward, with a kiss, "and hire one of
David Elbert's neat carriages to ride
IHusman JsTsuhirs have still n con
siderable t-tock of toys on hand, which
they are offering very cheap, suitable
for birthday presents.
T. D Clau9s has one of the finest
- .assortments of cloths, cassimeres and
Testings In this section, and is prepared
to make up goods in the latest fashion
at low pi Ices ; he has also a full stock
of ready-made clothing, boots, shoes,
gaiters, hats, caps, furs and cents furn
ishing goods, which he Is Belling at
panic prices. Call and see his Immense
Tile of 'goods.
Fresh bread nd cakes dally, at
Hausumn & Kifhns'.
Three tnlloreeses, -on custom pants,
wanted Immediately at T. S. Beck's
merchant tailoring establishment, Lo
blgbton, Pi.
The ticket offico of the Lehigh
Valley Railroad at Sugar notch was en
tered by some thief or thieves on Sun
day night, and robbed of gomo 130 or
9w In money, some tickets, and a few
artldesof clothing.
Wanted, a dwelling house, con
taining from six to eight rooms, In a
tntral location. Rent roust be mod
erate. Address P. O. Box Xo. 57, Le
hlghlon, Pa.
The next mceUng of the Borough
Council will take place on Monday
evening next. We wot Id suggest to
theni the necessity cf taking steps to
lepslrithe sidewalk along fenkivay.
There are several "man-traps" between
Ilrlntzleman's property and the Val
ley Uouse, which, If not shut up, may
lead-to u accident which will cost the
borough' considerable In damages. Let
it be seen to at once.
The Mews. Snyder 4 Wills, of
Weltsport, have Just made a tremen
dous addition to thlr previous large
lock dry goods, groceries and pro
visions,, and are selling them oCT at
prUes which are bound to suit. Don't
forget thtt place, Brown & Co.' old
stand, Opposite the Wclssport House.
If you want anythlpg In the gro
' y) or .provision line, call at J. Fat.
lnger& Son's, on Bank street. You
will be sure to find what you want.
The Watchnlght service's held In
the M. IE. Church proved to be a very
Interesting occasion. A large con
congregation waa Dissent, most of
whom remained until after the hour of
midnight. The exercises were of a va
ried character, consisting of the narra
tion of Christian experience, preaching
by tW;-fester, end ewaeet j-rerer-.
Mr. A. R. Bartholomew, brother
of our ti wniuan, Rev. A, Bartholo
mew, formerly of this place, now te-,
rldine nt Beillnsvllle, was In town on
Friday, and visited many of his friends.
The Fort Allen Cornet Band, of
Welsport, vUlted oar borough on New
Year's morning, and serenaded a num
ber of our prominent citizens. This
band since its organization Is mak
ing rapid progress In the profession,
and now furnish us with most excellent
music. Come again.
If you want Job Printing of any
description, you should call nt tlie
where you can get It done as quick
and as well as elsewhere, and SAVE
25 PER CENT, on j o ir order. Como
along. Wo are ready to serve you.
Charles Trainer, comer ot Lehigh
and Iron streets, will supply you with
flour and feed, plow your gardens or
do your hauling nt reasonable rates.
A s.-rlous charge 1ms been brought
ngal nt a school teacher In a neighboring
town, the specifications of which are
" 1. Imtnoraltt 1 2. Parshalty I 3.
Keeping disordly schoal. 4. Carrying
unlayful weplngl" The committee
uian who wrote the chargu thinks of
running the school himself the next
Win. Kemerer Is crowded day and
evening with customers purchasing
cheap anil handsome dress goods, dry
go.ids, groceries, provisions and hard
ware. T. S. Beck, the merchant tailor, Is
doing a rushing business In clothing.
hat, caps, hoots, shoes, and gents' fur
nlshing goods. His prices are down to
suit tho times.
A complete turn-out, single or
double, can lie obtained at L. F. Klnp-
plnger's live y stables, corner of Bank
and Iron streets, at low prices.
The fair and festival In aid of the
Presbyterian Church closed on Satur
evening last. The gold pen was
voted to Mr. O. A. ( laus, and the dull
to &tiss S.tll loIUudeiibush.
- Dr.Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry
Is "a combination and a form Indeed,"
for healing and curing diseases of the
throat, lungs and chest. It cures a
cough by loosening and cleansing the
lungs, and allaying Irritation; thus re
moving the cause, Instead of drying up
the. couch and leaving the disease be
hind. ,
For dress goods, groceries and pro
visions thero Is -no store in town offer
ing more liberal inducements than II
A. Beltz. Call and examine goods and
W. A. Graver is almost dally add.
Ing to his Immense stork of dress and
dry Roods, groceries and provisions!,
and ho sells at the very lowest prices
for cah or Its equivalent.
Capt. John Ion way, of Mauch
Chunk, presented our Itiend, J. W.
RnuuVubusri, of the Valley House (late
American), of tlds borough, with three
very fine pheasants on New Year's
day. The ex-Sheriff should let his
friends know when lie Is going to put
them on the table.
The .Avwa neweth no more.
Transmagnlflcanbanjurality. Our
friend Jacub, of Paekerton, handed us
this jaw-bieaker for a New Year's gift.
Two coal trains collided on the L.
& S. itailroad, one day last week, near
Penobscot. The second brakeman on
the empty train was so seriously In
jured that he died shortly alterward.
The County Commissioners of Lu
zenie have offered $000 reward for the
apprehension cf Tim Boyle and C'omly
Huston, implicated In the murder of
the late David Storey, at Hazleton.
This maki s the sum now offered for
their arrest $1,000, or 4500 for either of
Col. Flttpitrlck,.of Hazleton, will
open his new hotel, the Central, In that
borough, on the 8th Inst.
Our carrier desires to return thanks
to bis patrons for their liberality on
New Year's day.
Mr. Mortimer Levering, student
will preach fur Rev. C. Keasler, Ger
man Reformed, In the Academy, to
morrow (Suuday), at 10 A. u. In Ger
man, aud In the evening at 7 In Eng
lish. A cordial Invitation is extended
to our citizens to be present.
H. E. Church.
It Is the quarterly meeting occasion
for this congregation to-night and to
morrow. lAivefeast at 0 a. m. The
Bev. W. B. Wood, P. E., will preach
to-morrow at 10:30 A. m. Commence
ment of a new quarter's lessons In the
Sabbath School at 2 r. it. The Presid
ing Elder Is expected to preach nt Mo
riah Furnace at 3 r.M. Extra meetiugs
still in progress.
Does It J'ajrl
One of the agents of The Christian
at Wouk, T. De Witt Tal mage's pa
per, recently obtained 380 subscript Ions
in about eighty hours absolute work.
This was great success, to be sure, but
the ageut had a fine paper aud superb
chromos to back him. There is room
for more agents of the same sort. Sam
ples and terms free. Office 103 Cham
ben street, Nw York. Soo advertba-feeot.
Problem. r
With repect to that problem de
posited In Reiishaw's Question Box, he
says :
'I simply proceeded to ascertain the
solid contents of that box. I then di
minished It by unity, finding the cube
root of each diminution a rather dlfll-
cult operation when the shell was hard.
The problem was a nice ono, for. which
I return my thanks to all concerned."
To J. D.
,Vs down in tho sunless depths of tlio
Sweet flowers are apilnglng no mortal
can see,
So deep In my heart a still prayer of de
Unlivanl by the world, rises silent to
Ah, dearest, what aro the gems of ocean.
With all their gorccous prMo,
Compared with that sweet smllo of thlno,
When sitting at evo by thy elilu.
Tlie Costl Trade.
The following table shows the quan
tity of coal shipped over the Lehigh
Valley ltallrnaif for tlio week ending
uec. 37, 1B7U, anu ror the year as
compared with the same time last year:
14,018 11
24 58.". 14
195 19
9,507 02
5.142 04
5 11
71,323 10
Hazleton ....
Up. Lehigh..
Ben. Meadow .
Malmnoy ....
Muuch Chunk
40,893 01
003 03
24,4".8 12
21,731 10
80 e9
Total 54.08.r) 01
105,337 00
207,733 19
Lasl Year.... 10,800 10
Increase 34,278 11
Decrease ....
50,478 09
llnll of Honor
O, the Welssport Public Schools. The
following named etholar have exhibit
ed a satisfactory record durli.g the past
month ns regards attendance, conduct,
industry and progress:
c. t. noni'a school.
Henry Tropp, Caroline Kooof.
John Airttmlomew, Eftlu Fenuor,
Robert Yundt,
Brlle Niisbaum.
James Dick,
Stauda yundt,
Annie Mertz,
Carrie SehmUt,
Maggie Schmidt,
Mlunln Vogt.
Walter Dick,
Arthur Dink,
Win. Ueed,
Win. Oswald,
Rebecca Dick, Lafayette Sohoch,
Emmn Sohoch, William Kroiner,
l-iura l I'lult, John Mussulman,
Carrie Ithels-i, Edward Yundt,
Lily Guth, Geo. D. Miner,
Ko.-,w u.irtholoraow, Albert CMwald.
Ella Palsgrove, Annie Smith.
The Mllltln Tax.
Two or thren weeks ago we pub
lished a communication from a "Tax
payer," asking Information in regard to
the payment of the militia tax of fifty
cents. We then stated that the law
was repealed lait wl iter, and that pos
sibly there was sumo mistake In regard
to collecting the tax. Upon further in
quiry we find that the tax for 1871 was
levied and a-sessed previous to the re
peal of the law In April la.t, and there
fore the Commissioners have authoilztd
its collection, and the opinion of par
ties competent to know is that its pay
ment must be made for 1873. Those
Interested wilt therefore save trouble
and costs by meetl ng the demand v lthout
further questioning.
Lift of Inciter
Remaining In the Lhlghton post
office, for tne quarter ending December
81st, 1878 :
Anthony, Mrs. It. Kramer, nenry
Andrews, JVuthau Lniib, Aaron
ilrey fugle, Nathan Miller, Frcd'k
Beers, Sol. A. Mueller, Maitln
Davis, Frank A. Miller, Miss II.
Downs, John Newton, Miss M.K.
Druinhnre, Al,, 2 Neumau, Aug., 2
Dorward, Francis Nothstlne, Jos.
David, William Olewlne, Win., 2
Fink, Thomas O'Connor, Denufs
Fred, Lewis Slemmeiitz, M.C.
Gomerey, Solomon Schmidt, Emll
German, Wilson Swartwood, Peter
Guth, Mrs. Paul Shoenberger, Geo.
German, Adam S. Strohl, Levi
Uood, T. J. Stehllng, Klllan
Gels, Peter Swenk, Solomon
Handwerk, Ellas Shoe.naker, Levi
Ilunsicker, Mrs. S. Schwab M'Uanlel
llelker. A. Shoemaker, Dan., 2
Hilmel, Michael Sutler, John, 2
Haupt, Fred. Sillies, Chester
Haupt, Lean n a SinPh, Amanda
Huiitz, Leonard Trainer, Alfred
Isenman, J. Trainer, Lewis
Kemerer, Fayette Trumbour, Alfred
Krum, Nathan lower, Kaymond
Krum, Kdward Walbert, Al. A. -Kemerer,
Denah Weldaw, larou
Persons calling for any of the above
will please say "Advertised."
T. S. Bkck, P. M..
Dot from Parryvllle.
Though surrounded by hills that
scarcely betray our existence, we 'are
nevertheless still flourlnhlog. Our pub
lic works are In operation, though the
company has been compelled to Issue
notes of various denominations In pay
ing their employees'. We think that
method preferable to suspending opera
tions altogether. There seems to be
no difficulty in getting the notes in cir
culation. Christmas was duly appreciated by
our Inhabitants. There was the usual
gathering in church, for the distribution
of gifts among the children. The
pleasure most Indulged In durlng.ths
day was skating, although it was limit
ed to a small pond.
We noticed quite a number of visitors
In our placp on Christmas, where there
must be some unusual attraction.
Some time ago, several young ladles
itorottdftartuf the riAV to tskleg
drive Into the country. After reaching
a desired point they concluded to re.
turn, and proceeded about It In a very
novel manner, They alighted, and
while one of the ladles attempted to
turn the horse, the remaining couple
were engaged In turning the carriage,
A young man evpled them, and a desire
to see how they would succeed over
came all gentlemanly Impulses to assist
them. Aft r consldeiahle effort' dis
played by the Irlo, they accomplished
their purpose, satisfactorily, we pre
sume, and reached home In safetyi
Were it not for the gentleman referred
to, we would doubtless have remained
In Ignoranco of the above incident.
More anon. IlAnrociiATEs.
WeUnport Literary Society.
Saturday Evening, Dec. 27 Tho
fourth regular meeting was held as
above. The meeting was calle I to or
der by the President at 7:15 i'. it., and
the roll of olllcers called. The minutes
of the two' preceding meetings were
read nnd adopted.
The Secretary was authorized to pro
cure a minute book, Ac.
Tho President appointed a committee
to form a programme for next meeting,
viz: Mrs. Leopold, -Ifiss Zern
The exercises of the evening were
taken up, ns follows:
Referred questions Nos. 1 and 3 were
answered correctly.
When and by whom wai coal first
discovered in tho United States? liyK.-j
Groat, was referred to Henry Carnph
Essay Miss EIHrt
Mertz; subject:
"George Washington
Oration S. T. Leopold; subject:
Subject for debate; "Resolved, That
people are more work for honor
than money," was then taken up; af
firmative, Dr. J. G. Zern; negative, S.
Y. Leopold. The judges gavo their de
cision In favor of the affirmative side.
The Commltteo on Program mo re
ported as follows:
Subject ford.'bate, "Which Is prefera
ble, Man led or Single Mfe?" Affirma
tive, J. R. Dtmmick; negative, 'Henry
Declamation, Miss Acgle Ilauk.
Select Reading, Miss Carrie Schmidt.
Referred Questions: 1. Where were
the Disciples Urst called Christians? J.
R. Dlmmlck. 2. What constitutes a
pe-feet gentleman ? Miss E. J. Baker.
3. How wide are Behring's Strait and
the Isthmus of Darien? Miss E. Fen
ner. 4, What became of Henry Hud
son ? Mis Annie Mettz.
Impromptu Address, T. W. Renshaw.
All are cordially Invited to attend our
On motion, adjourned to- meet at 7
p. m Saturday, Jan. 3, 1874.
J. W. Kooks, President. .
S. I.eoi'OLd, Sec'y.
Spf cial Notioes.
For Over Thirty Years
Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain-Killer
Has been tested In every variety of
climate, and by almost every
nation known tolmerlcans.
It Is the constant companion and
estimable friend of the missionary and
the traveler, on sea ana innn, anil uo
oue should travel on our Likes or
Rivers without It.
It lias been before the public over
thirty years, and probably has a wider
and better reputation than any other
I roprletary medicine of the presentday.
At this period I hero are but few uiuc
qualnted with tho merits of the Paln-
Klller, but while some extol It as a llul
ment, they know but little-of Its power
In easing nam when taken internal y,
while othera use Itlnterually with great
success, but are equally Ignorajt of Its
heallni; virtues Mien applied externally
We therefore wish to say to all that It is
equjlly successful wlietuer useu intern
ally or externally, and it h lands tu-day.
unrivalled by all the great catalogue of
family medicines it Issultlclent evidence
of its virtues as a standard medicine, to
know that It Is now used in all parts of
thn world ami that Its sale Is constantly
Increasing. No curative has had
such wide spread sale or given such
universal satisfaction. It is a purely
vegetable compound, and perfectly safe
in unskillful lianas.
After thirty Years trial. K Is still reeelv
ing the most unqualified testimonials to
Its virtues, from persons of the highest
character and responsibility, l liyst
clans ot the tlrst respectabll Ity, recom
mended It as a most enectttal prepara
tlon for the extinction of pain. It Is
not only the best remedy ever known
forBiulses, Cuts, Burns, .Ssc, but for
Dysentery or Cholera or .any sort of
bowel complaint, It is a remedy unsur
nassea for emcleiicy ana vapidity
action. In the great cities of India,
and other hot climates. It has become
the Standard Medicine for all such
complaints, as well as for Dyspepsia
Liver Complaints, anJ othor kindred
disorders, t or uougns auu thorns, uau
ker. Astham. aud Itneuiuatlo dllUcul
ties, it has bt'en proved by the most
abundant and convincing testimony to
be an Invaluable medicine.
Btwurt Iff ell tmiUiionl,
The Paln-Klller is sold by respectable
druggists throughout the United States
ata foreign countries,
Price 25 cents, CO cenU and ti
per buttle.
Ferry Savii & Son, Proprietors,
Nol30 meh street,
hu. Htm, l'rorlden,K.I.
II. T. nO.VU. lnvlng for
Ten Years made a specialty f af
fections of the alimentary eanat, suc
cessfully treats all diseases of the Stom
ach, Liver and towels, by Ids common
sense treatment. Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaint, Biliousness, Nervous De
bilitv. Hernia (Kutiture). Hemorrhoids
(Plies), and Tape Worm yield to Ljs-
tren tment after everything use rain
T luiusaiids of cases of diseases of the
Throat and Lungs and Nervous Com
pi tints nrise from disorder of tin diges
tive functions and disappear under pro
per treatment. Have you a weak stom
ach, general debility. Indigestion, con
stipation, acidity of. the stomach, palpi
tation or fluttering at the heart, h art.
burn, fullness or weight In the stomach,
disgust for food, swimming nt the head,
if so, consult Dr. B. at once.
Do you want something' to strengthen
you? Do you want to get rid of nerv
ousnes? Do you want a gocl aupetlt ?
Do you want energy? If to, consult
Dr. B. atouce, his common sense? treat
ment will cure you.
Mlln MltfOUNe arise from impur
ity of the blood aud disordered dices-
tlon causes Impure blood tr the loun
tain head be vitiated the entire streaiu
Is rendered impure all outward appli
cations such ns lutlona nnd salves may
dry up a disease for a short time, or
drive It In-on tho vital organs, but Dr.
II s treatment expells It from the system
aud makes a perfect euro.
Blei'llitt (Kupture), treated hy me
chanical appliances and eleetlicity,
Radical cure etTeeted in all curable cases.
I'llcs I Blind, bleeding or itching,
curtd like magic, in-tant relief given
and speedy euro. The number of those.
mulcted is truly marvelous, uvt no raise
delicacy prevent, but consult Dr. B. at
once ami he relieved trom a lire ol misery
aim Worm Removed in llirco
Hours. Hundreds of patleutsjifflieted
with tape worm are doctored and drug
ged for other complaints, of course with
out relief. The presence of this dis
gusting paraite glv-s rise to a train of
symptoms that are often mistaken for
other diseases. Dr. Bond removes tapo
worm, head and all, with purely veget
able inediciuo In three hours. No fee
asked until entire worm Is lomoved.'
13?" If vou have any of tho above
diseases, do not hesitate, but at once
consult Dr. Bond, nnd be euie I. ills
treatment is rational and scientific ; his
remedies are purely vegetable, they act
by a sis ting nature aud restoring the
system to a healthy condition. He is
the only physician in America mat
makes a specialty of thiscla-sof diseases
Dr. uu.NU will visit leliigntou occa
sionally. Dm lug his absence he can be
consulted by letter all com.minicatlous
confidential. Address, describing symp
toms, Dn. II. T. BOND, Allen House,
-lll.-i'towii, Pa. nov 22-3m.
Arabian Milk-Cure
And' all Diseases of the Throat, Chest
and Lungs. The on'y Medicine ot the
kind in the world.
A Salttitute for Cod Liter Oil.
Permonently cures Asthma, Bronchitis,'
Incipient Consumption, uiss ot voice,
Shortness of Breath, Catarrh, Croup,
Cough', Colds, &., In few days, like
magic Price 1 per bottle, U for ii.
Also, Dn. S. D. HOWE'S
Arablnit Tonic lllooil Purtller.
Which dllfers from all other prepara
tions in Its immediate action upon the
Liver, Kidneys nnd Blood. It Is purely
vegetable, and cleanses the system of
all Impurities, builds It right up, and
makes Pure, Rich Blood. It cures
Scrofulous Diseases of all kinds, re
moves Constipation, nnd regulates the
Bowels. For " General Debility, "
Lost Vitality," and " Broken Down
Constitutions," I " challenge the luth
century" to find Its equal. Every Bot
tle is worth its Weight in Gold.
Price 1 per bottle, u for JJj. Sold by
A. J, Dl ULINU, Druggist, sole agent
for Lehlghton, Pa. Dr. s. D. HOWE,
Sole Pro prlet-.T, 101 Chambers Street,
New xorK. June aa-biu"
Tupo Worm-! Tapo Worm!
llemoTed In a law boon if 1th harmless VegoUMri
M4lcifia. No fratoked until tha etitlra worm,
wltb head, paaan. Kefer lliooa aflllctl to ra.l
dmta of the city whom 1 hate curl, h4 Iwan
uniiucctu,rully traatwd at lh JeUron Medical
Coll;?, on Tauth street; hid talceii lit valu tur
lntine, tbt, a,-culled fpedtlea, and all kuuwn re
luedlei. Dr. K. V. KrSKtL, No, ii'J Nor'h Nlulb
Street, I'hiUdelpbl.i. The poctur baa been In
bulnea fjrorpr fwenlrAi lear, and U uerlecl.
ly reliable. Call and aee. Adrlee tree. Ileinureu
tapeworm from n cblid lx years old, measuring 30
feet. At bis office csu l mii specimens, sjum uf
tbem oter forty Teet In length, wblb bare been
reuiured In less tban tbrea h-iura by taklu; one
dose of bis mvdU-ine. lit, Kunlce 's treatment Is
simple, safe and perfectly reliable, aud uo fee uu
til tue worm, villa bead, pasee. Ui. U. r'.KcMtu,
tit Kortb Mntn street, I'UlUd.lpbU, fa.
gept.U ISTJly
rjpiUY YOVIl LUCK. .
CodUIui 10 8bfUVrlt!nj Piper, 10 EireIopi
1 L.J I'uuril.'i l'u, 1 BUnk 11 jo it
1 Blotter, t'hJiojni.u of lOJ lir-auWu. Wouum
aj irK-tj of Id-nil' or UtjiiU' Jewelry. Mi m pie
lckave Milt by mill, io t pitil. on receipt cf
price, 35 ceulel pakaet, for AJ cnti", or 4 fur
$1. fcwml fur a ,packi. It will be the mwt
pMUyuu ever boufbt fur the money. TUe prlie
U often worlti mM Utau the prl- petti fr the eu
lire p4cWuj;r, eu4 tbu other Article wuulti brinaf
t retail uot lew Hum 75 ceut. Uoa't p tuK
Try oue pckae. ua joa will oeTerbuy elatiouery
suy other way. Atl4rea J.C MJttKOW,
Lock Hit til. B4!itmore, Md.
AeTAitfOii uantuii everywhere packaei,
plclgresbovketc. CaUlou eent tree
The undersigned having snM out
-their business In .M sirs. Snvoku. Jk
WltLS, hereby reue9t those persons
Indebtetl to them to make Immediate
settlement ot their mounts, nud ave
trouble and expense. The accouhts are
in the hands of Mu. LKW1S WBISS.
who (an be found at the Old Stand, for
sememuni. jinwiirt.i a j.
Welasport, Dtc. lDTS.-wl
liHc, Ut t rft, bait OKf sWv tba fostJuUie,
'wauiuBi ra. uxnea itoora rarryvatM) aaca oay
rvra) io to Ue'ctokJ raoaisdsr of way loOtoaia
LaLrMc. ' al-enaa.rt.
DruglFain'y Medicino
You will always find onn of the largest
and best selected stocks ot
Pure DriiRN,
of all klivR sueh as Lard, Sperm, Will
ter Wha!e. Tanners' Nealsfout', etc.,
tho best In the market, warranted 150
Fire Test Non-Explosive. A superior
nrtlclu of
expressly for Lanterns. Try It. The
made, by the bottle or in bulk.
Just received a large assortment of
Bracket Lamps,
Chliunles and
of every style.
aoknt ron all tub popular
Patent Medicines
or the day, ach as
Lung Remedies,
Cough Mixtures,
Dyspepsia Remedies,
Blood Purl Bets,
Hair Restorers,
Hair Colorers,
etc.., etc., etc., etc.
The finest lot of American and Fren:h
Hair Oils Colognes. Pomades, 'Fancy
Soap, Cashmere, Coquet aud Eau do
Cologne, Toilette Soap, Honey and
Glycerine Soaps, etc.
Pocket Books & Purses
A full assortment for Ladles & Gents.
Pure it nt miles. Wliiaklo,
n ines, Hum, Holland Gin,
&c..ror.lledit'luiil l'iirioscs
X3T Try DURLING'S Horse Powd
ers, Cattle Powders, Hog Powders und
Poultry Powders, by the pound or In
And BORDEIS, an eudles. variety.
ST On to DUHLIXG'S where every
thing is warranted Fre-h Ueuuluu and
Pjyslelans' Prescriptions an-l Family'
Recljiei! ,repared by Durllnv; hliuseir.
olssport Aliuatl !
The un-leriluned would rer'ctfullv
Inforui builers,eoiitr.iuturs and the pub-
lie ingeuerai, tiiattiiey nave opened a
In connection with their
Near the L. S. Depot,
mil tl-at they have now on hand an lm.
ruense stoclt of Mioroughly Seasoned
Lumber, such as
Rough Pine lioanlt,
Surfaced Pine Coard'i,
flooring, Hemlock and Pine,
Sidings, of all kludi,
Shinnies an Immense etnclr,
RooiiiiK and Ceiling Latn,
nnd, Id fact, Lumber of every descrlp
tlon at tin very lowest market price.
1 r
We are also prepared to furnish ilulld.
ers and others with a very Bne article of
S 11 11 tl , suitable for .ll:ioury
Work. I'liitftei-lus. io , at Re.
markably Low Figures.
We have constantly on h:ind a large
lot of Wood suitable for Firewood,
which wo will rell, In large or' small
quantities, at Prices to suit your Pockets
Yeakel & Albright,
"S 2-yI Carbon county, P
OTICE Is hereby glveti, In accord
ance with the laws of this Com.
nionwealth. that articles ot association
for tho inovporation ot "Ebenezer'a
Church ot the Evangelical Association."
of Weissport, I.i., have been presented
to the Court of Common Plea for tire
County of C.irhon, and tl e said Court
having prrusedni.d exumlno.1 tho same,
add the object., articles and eomlitlons
therein et lorth appearlug lawful and
nut Injurious to tne community, the
Court directed that the said writing te
filed lu the Office of the Prothouotary.
and that notice be Inserted in one news
paper in ald county, once & week, for
atleaat three weeks, setting forth that
kii application has been made to grant
such Charier ot Incorporation, ayuj r
110 suuicieut reason be shown tutluj ouo.
trary, on or before the Qrt day of najrl
term, the said Court will grant tho
Charter prayed for.
From the llecoVd.i
W. II. tursnrjo. , i
Att'r tn wmnxn. ' Deo'-