0 should bo free; frco to worship God ac cording to the .Bible. In Vftln were all their suffering and Woodshed to subju gate this New Woild, If wo, their offspring, must stilt bo oppressed and persecuted. But, may It pleaso your worshipsrpcrmlt me to inquire onco more: For what aro theso men about to bo tried? Tills paper says: For preaching tho gospel ot the Saviour to Adam's fallen racel" Again he paused. For the lhlrd time he slowly waved tho indictment round his head; and thentutnlng tothojiulgcsi looking them full In the face, exclaimed with tho most Impressive effect: "What laws lmvo they violated?" The whole assembly was now painfully moved and excited. Tho presiding judge ended tho sceno by saying, "Sheriff, discharge theso men." II. V. MOBTIIIMER EDITOIt. miiaiiTOX, pa.: SATURDAY MORNING DECEMBER 13, 1873. Tuesday next is tho day designated for the election upon the adoption or rejection of the now State Constitution, A bill has been introduced in Con. gross to repeal tho law requiring post age to be paid on newspaper circulated through tho malls In tbecouutles where printed. The Fireside Friend, published by Waters & Co., Chicago, 111., is one of the, best literary papers published In the country. Tho price Is only $3.00 a year with the choice ot one of three beauti Xul chromos, " Cute,", " Coming," or "Sunbeam." Send fora specimen copy and see for yourselves. By a decision of the Supremo Court, rendered on Friday of last week, an in junction was granted against the clec tlon commissioners appointed by tho Constitutional Convention to conduct tho election In Philadelphia on the 10th Inst., restraining them from any further proceedings j and the City Commission, ers wero also prohibited from approprt atlng or expending auy money for tho use of the proposed election commission ers in connection with tho vote to be taken on the new Constitution. The ground of the decision is that the Con vention transcended its powers when It prescribed a peculiar system for submit. ting Its work to a popular vote in Fhlla. delphla, Inasmuch as thu Legislature had directed that public sentiment should be tested by tho general election laws of the Commonwealth. This de cision indicates that tho election ou tho lCth Inst., In Philadelphia as elsewhere must be held under tho Registry law, nnd tho same general system that is is operation in ordinary annual elections. Judge John C. Underwood. Judge John U. Underwood died at 11 o'clock Sunday night, athls residence 220 Third street, Washington. D. C, of apoplexy, no was sick but about an hour,and before thenature of his malady was known ho was a corpse. IIo was In perfect health Saturday, r.sd seemed to bo In better spirits than over. lie visited Iloward University In the a'ter noou and while there camplalncd of a chilly feeling and returned to his heme. There he was attacked with severe pains In his limbs, and after taking a warm bath retired. Heavy breathing then attracted tho members of hlsfamlly, who summoned Drs. Wharton and Boyle, the former arriving before hia death, and the latter only in time to pronounce him dead of apoplexy. Judgo Underwood was born u in Litch field, Herkimer county, N. Y., and at the tlmo of his death was 05 years of ago. Long beforq,the war ho purchas ed land in Clarke county, Virginia, where ho for yean resided. In 1850 he was a delegate to the convention which nominated Fremont for the Presidency, and on account of his political sentiment was forced tb1avo the State. Ho then went to New York city and remained there untlll 1801 as the Secretary of the Emigrant Aid and Homestead Com pany, a society formed for the purpose of settling and selling Southern lands. In 1801 ho was appointed Consul to Callao. Peru, which he declined, to accept tho position of Fifth Auditor of the Treasury Department, and while holding that position ho received tho appointment of Judge of the District Court of Virginia. News of tho Week. It Is rumoted from Washington that President Grant ban in preparation two roofages to Congress, one on the trans portation problem and the other on trades unions. Tho boiler of the steamer Royal exnloded near Shreveport. La.. .on Saturday, Instantly killing the first .mate and three decic lianas, ana serious ly wounding five others. A consistory of cardinals will be held at Home on the Sd mst. The crew at the ship Loch Earn, htch collided with .tbe steamship Villi an Have, hay vtumi :t nymonm, England, where they wero conveyed by the British Queen, their own vessel being m a sinking condition. The repeat of the test oath nnd tlocla- rntlon of general ammesty by thoHoue on the 8th Inst, will be heralded as an act of Just mngnanlmlty on.the part of tho Republican majority. There are very-few persons In tho South who will bo benefitted by It. It was, however, a measure which should have received tho unnnlmous support of every mem ber, but there were twenty-nine Repub licans who were not yet prepared' to say that all recollection or ourunnappy war should be blotted from our statue books. Ono or two little minds vociferously an nounced that they would not favor a proposition which would Enable Jeff Davis to .take a seat In tho House This seemed doubly trivial 1n View of tho fnct that a few days previously tho House unanimously agreed that the Vice-President of tho lato Confederacy should have tho-best seat in tho hall. The nouse has passed tho bill In creasing tho number of enlisted men In the navy to 10,000. Tho Senate has unanimously decided to take up the question of resumption of specie payments on Monday next, and continue the discussion until the tho matter is finally settled. Tho sense of tho Ssuatu clearly Indicates, that they aro for resumption at thu earliest practicable moment. Tho only difficul ty is as to the modo of reaching It. The impression Is that It will not be settled until after the holidays. A special from Washington says: News was received on Monday that tho Spanish Cabinet had formally agreed to tho demands of the United States, as set forth in tho protocol signed by Secretary Fish and Admiral Polo on November 29. and that tho agreement had received tho official signatures, The agreement does not differ in any essential particu. lar in its terms from theprotoco already printed, except that thetlme, place, nnd manner of delivering tho Virginlus and the prisoners to the United States, and the salute to the Uac, which had not been settled nt tho time the proctocol was signed, havo now been fixed. The Virginlus will be delivered to our navy on Christmas day. The news of the final settlement between tho two Gov ernments has been forwarded to the Spanish authoritos, at Havana, and tho necessary orders given. A block of buildings In Entontown, N. J., was uurneu weunesaay night. JLlio loss is not stateu. A dispatch from Birmingham Enir land, says a serious collision occurred on the railway, near that city, Wednes. day morning. Thirty persons are re ported killed and Injured. A heavy fog prevailed at the time of disaster, and it was impossible for either engine-driver io see tue approacmng tram. Tho Hon. John C. Connor, ox-mem ber of Congress from Texas, formerly of Indiana, died In Washington Wed nesday of congestion of the bowels. A call Is out for n meeting of tho creditors ot Jay Cooko & Co., on Jan. 15, nt 11 n. m., In tho Assembly Build ings In Philadelphia. An order has been passed by Judgo Humphreys, sitting In Admiralty, In the case remanded from the United States Supreme Court, of idmiral D. (1. Far- ragut vs. ship Metropolis and other vessels (Miss, prize cases), directing tho Secretary of the Treasury to cover within tho jurisdiction ol the court the priio money involved, $003,520, the appeal of tho Government having been dismissed. United State Minister Marshall Jewell formally prosented his creden tials to tho Czar in St. Petersburg on Tuesday. It It said that the marlage of theDuko of Edinburgh with the daughter of tho Czar has been postponed until February. Newcastle. Dee. 10. The parties found guilty of an ntterapt to rob tho Bank of Delaware, Wilmington, on tho 7th of November, were publicly whip ped here to-day. Great excitement had been caused last nlghtby the report that a'party had been organized In A'ew York and Philadelphia to rescue, If possible, the burglars during the night, and in consequenco about sovetity-fivo men were placed under arras by the Sheriff. The attempt, however, was not made. The gates nf the prison yard wero thrown open at about 10:80, and Carter and Hope wero placed In tho pll- llory. Both bore this part nf their sentence with great equanimity, and seemed in no way disturbed, remarking as tney were released from their uncoin fortablo position that they hoped that Delaware law had been sntlslleil so I u r At 11:37 Lawler and Hurlburt wcio brought out and sent to tho stock. The first named seemed a trifle excited, but Hurl but treated the whole affair as a cood joke. By this tlmo a numerous crowed, estimated as from 35 to 50,000 people, had collected around the prison, making frantic effotts to gain a gllmpso or tne two now undergoing metr punlsli ment. After Hurlburt and Lawler had been returned to their cells.the most Ira portant, because the most disgraceful, portion of their puishment, the whip. ping, was commenced. The first man out was Carter, who received his forty lashes with stolid ludlfference.and who. released from the post, walked firmly and proudly back to the jail. He was next chained to the stocks, and took his punishment bravely. The next man, uiwier, was brought forth white and nervous, but did not flinch, and looked defiantly upon tho multitude as thov jeered upon him. He probably suffer ed more than either of the others who preceded him. Hurlburt received tho rorty lasnes in tuo same characteristic manner which ho had exhibited on the pillory, seeming to care little for any sentence. The excitement over tho affair is simply wonderful. An extra train mainly rilled with noted Phlladel phlans was run from Wilmington, and came over about 11 o'clock. All tho Philadelphia and most of the New York papers wore represented. TjJU. C. DIMMIOIC, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY AT 1AW. OOca, on llioiDHii, flrit door UlovlAmarluu New Advertisements. IT.CIAL, NOTICE The undersigned having sold out their business to Missrs. Snvdeh & Wills, hereby request thoso persons Indebted to them to mako Immediate settlement of their accounts, and save trouble, and expense. The accounts aro In tho hands of Mn. LEWIS WEISS, who can be found at tho Old Stand, for settlement, BOWMAN & CO. Weissport, Dec. 1878,-w4 JP. F. Kistlei, Desires to inform his Customers and the Public In general, that ho proposes to Sell all kinds ot DRT O00DS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENSWAItE CARPETS, OIL-CLOTHS, c, c, at fully as LOW PKIOES as is compat ible with tho, times, no Is not offering a lot of old style goods at nny price, but Is Selling a First-class Line ot Goods fully as low as tho same articles can bo bought for at any store In this section of tho country. Ho respectfully asks an inspection of his g-ods and prices, and guar mn tees that n trial will convince tho most skeptical of tho tfhth of his asser tions. Very respectfully, P. J. KISTLEIi, Opposite tho Public Square, Dec. 13-w5 Weissport, Penn'a. oiidny, Dec, 1st. 1.S73! A FEAItFUL My entire Stock Marked Down now is the time to Buy 1 Ladies, Look at This! .Best Shilling Calicoes are now Selling at 10 Cents Good Calicoes at 8 " Good Musllu at 12 and U " Muslins at 8 amKlO " Good Canton Flannel at 12 " Better " " at 15 " Jest Gingham, sold before at 18 cents, now 10 " Good Ginghams at 8 and 12 " PREPARE FOR WINTER. I would call special attention to mv large lot of Heavy Winter Shawls) AND WHITE AND GRAY BLANKETS, Which I am Selling at very Low Prices. Carpets and OU Cloths, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES" Are Selling Very Low : Best A Sugar at Cents. White Sugar at 11 " .Brown Sugar at 7 to 10 " And all other Goods in Proportion. W.A.'filUYEK, BANK STREET, LEIIIGIITOSf, .... PKNN'A. imrLic hai.v OF VALUABLE Ileal Estate 2 The underslcned will offer nt Public Sale, on the premises, lato of DANIEL SOLT,' dee'd, In F1UNKLIN Town- ship, Carbon County, Pa., on Monday, December 18, 1873. at ONE o'clock P. M., th6 following de scribed Real Estate, to wit : That cer tain piece of Land, containing 55 acres and 104 perches, be thu same moro or less, situated In Franklin township afore said, about 25 acres of which are Cleared ana the balance ot isu acres is goou TIMBER LAND, consisting of White Oak, Pine, &c. The laud when cleared Is admirably adapted for Farming pur poses, being a portion ot tho well-known lartn ot the lato Daniel Solt. Terms will be mado known at time and place of sale, by WM. SOLT and SOL. SOLT. Franklin twp., Nov. 29, 1873-w3 JprLOUK AKU FEUD. Charles Trainer Respectfully Informs the peoplo.of Le hlghton that ho has most Excellent Flour for Sale ; Also, good FEED ot all kinds, and STRAW In the .Bundle. He is also prepared to do any kind of Hauling and Plowing at short notice. LEHIGH (2d) STREET, Lehlghton, Pa. March 28- ly TVTOTICK. All lurioni hiring elalmi aialuit the Eitite to late Daniel Sou, deceased, and thoae Indebted of the asm are requested to Kind In tbelr claims or man aeiuemanton or before January 1, 1871 WIIXIAU SOLT, SOLOMON SOLT. TrsnUla twj, Ko. V), 1STMW New Advertisements SNYDER & WILLS. lhiporfant JVodco to AND Short Time Buyers We havo Bought out BOWNAN & CO. at Lewis Weiss Old Stand, and in tend to Sell their entire stock at "TSTIEk A educed J&ates I a To Suit thu Panic Times I The old stock must bo all sold during Winter Months to mako room for ring? o 00 mm Wl u 'g S3 C3 a a It 3 C o Goods are Down and It cannot bo de nled ; come and seo our slock and judge for yourselves 1 SNYDER and WILLS, Weissport, Pa. D$cssbr 18, 1873. Now Advertisements. CllSlliUiTS itllllMl Of Parliamentary Practice. Rules of troeellnin ai'd debute In deliberative n Mem 1I left. An inditptn table hand-book for evtry member of a deliberative body and tho autboitty Id all the State The most authoritative expounder of American parliamentary hw," Chan. Sumner. I'rlco (V"i centf. Pent by mill on receipt of price, Addrenn TIIOM lSON, DROWN A CO , Dot-ton, Ma ''TRUE TO NATURE" This first class Chrotno wilt be given to every siiliHcrlber to Godey's Ladys Book for 1874 Whether to a Single Subscriber fcr Throe Dollars, or in uiuds or six Mr fourteen. Dollar. ArtdroM. r.. a. nnriKV. N. 11. Cor. 0th & Chestnut Sis., Pnilndelphln, I'a. -:see Terms m Lady a hook Tor otner uiuus.-ttJU TAKES on Sight 5ssBffi Canvatttn. Aatnts. and Salesmen! IIerv Ward Ueech Eft's family newspaper plres everv Jtubfcrtlfr a pur of the largest and tinea uij uu(jI(.AI.iis two most attractive subjects, that ''take" on fight painted by Mrs. Aiiilerfon.os contrasts and companions for her "HTfiV Awake" and " Jfasf Atletp! Airents Have 1MMKN5H SUCCI.SS: ral It the'-best bust nps ever offered canvapers." We furnish the II cutest and. handsomest outfit and nav rerv hiirh com m lesions. Each subscriber receives mtiiout delay twob-autlfnl pictures, which aro ready for i.n3iiuiAii; ubbLWui, ina miter itsou stands peerless anions: fimllv journals, belnz so pepuiar mat ci irs i-mm it n.n too largest circula tion in ttewnria: t.mvon the best talent. Ed ward UKjrles ton's uerlal story Is just beginning mck couplers supplied to cacti suiscriier. rirn. Stowe's lonjr, expected sequel touMu Wife and i" bruins In the new nar. Any one wish nit a jrood salary or an independent nu sines a u k n i' s should Send for circulars & tt-rmsXVnutcil I to J. D. FOIIU & CO., New York, llostou, Ctncin nati nr rt n Francisco. nov29w4 YOUTH'S !OMPANIONx A WEEKLY PAPER FOR AN P THE Sfamilyx ITtHK COMPANION aliu to be a f.iToritein every fimlly looked for eagerly by the youns folks, and re id with Interest by the older. Us purpose Is to interest whi'o It imusa ; to ba judicious, practical, sensible; and to haro really permanent worth, while it attracts for tho hour. It 1 handsomely illustrated, nnd ha for con tributors some of the mobtattractlre writers in the country. Among these aro : Edward Egolestox, Dr. 1. 1. Hates, rof. Jamei DeMille, Iavise C. Moultojt, liOcm M. AttcoTT, " Sophie Mat," HEHECC. II. IUYI3, C. A. ?TEPUESS, C. Flanders, Hutu Chesterfield, d. HoDitiNS, M. A. Den i son. Its reidint; U adapted to the old aud young, In Tery Tarled In its character; sprightly and enter taining. It gives Stcrles of Adventures Stories of Home and School Life, Wei, Toetry, Selections for Tacla. matloo, Anecdotes, Puzzles, Facts and Incidents. Letters of Xr.iel, Editorials upon Cur rent Topics, Historical Articles, Dlographlcal Sketches, Iteliglous Articles,. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK, 91.50. Specimen copies fcent free. Address Perry, Mason & Co., No, 41 Temple Place, Boston, Mass. rmccinr; iiinqk conk iiuunkii van rlntolULsUN CUIMNKVS, mado by WiUSIM & ATWOOD, produces tlie larirest light. Can' touted ou any coal oil lamp. t or salu ly uu iHiup dealers. noi-w Tir r ririp IVT MUN, Ulrls and lioys want W WlVi. Ji; PI ea to sell our French and American Jewelry, Uocks.aamis, &c, in thlrown localities Nocapltal needed. Catalogue, teruis, Ao.. aeut ratE. C. O. VJCKKltV IX)., AUiUSIa. Me. fj1 O a diy guaranteed to Agents. AdJressO. M. IP I O SCLUVASt Co , X St. I'aul St.llalllni'iw.MJ HOHBIBLB I I suffered with Caiarrh thirtyyears.and wsscured hy a simple remedy. Will fend receipt, postage, free, to all afflicted, iter. T. J. MEAD, Lrawer, 175 Syracuse, N. V. no2J4 Floral Guide for 1874. 200 Pages ; GOO Enpravlngs and Colored Plate. Published Quarterly, at 25 cts. a Year. First No. tor 1874 just Issued. A German edition at samo pi ice. Address JA5IES VICIC, nov. 29. Rochester, N. Y. In order to Closo Out my present lnv menso stock of Among which will be found a largo and cnoico Taneiy or 'ess SILKS, AI.l'ACAB, GINGHAMS. DK I.AINKS, Satlnes, Poplins, Prints, &c. Shirtings, Sheetings, &c; also, a lino assortment of OASSIMERES AXD COTTONADES, Suitable for Men's and Boy's Wear, tO' getlier with CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS QUF.ENSWAKK AND QLAS3WAKE and a variety of other Goods, all of wmcu i win sen ai Cost fi Cask! Nnw Is vour time. If vou warit to se cure REAL U1UGAJNS. The Stock must ALL BE SOLD In order to make room for New Goods. Remember tho place for Panlo Prices : H.A.JBB:L'jr2E5 Kov. 22. Bank Bt., Lehlghton., Drug IFam'y Medicine - STORE. You will always fintl ono of tho largest and best selected stocks of " rui-c DrugN, Medicines, Chemicals ; OIX of all kinds', such as LardnSperm, Win ter Wlialc. Tanners' Neatsfoot". etc., GOAL OIL, tho best In tho market, warranted 160' Flie Tst NoU'Exploslvo. A superior article of BURNING OIL, expressly for Lanterns. Try it. Tho finest SEWING SIACniNE OIL nrnde, by the bottle or In bulk. Just received a largo assortment of JjAJttOPS9 ' Chandeliers, Bracket Lamps, Lantern?, Uhlranles and Wick of every stylo. AGENT FOR ALL THE rOPULAR Patent Medicines of tho day, uuch as Lung Remedies, Cough Mixtures, Dyspepsia Remedies, Blood Purifiers, Ilalr Restorers, Hair Colorers L'nlinents, ' I'llls Plater-i, We.. (!.. etc.. etu. The liniM iii ui u.n i .1.. and Fronch Hair Oils Colognes. Pomades, Fancy Knnr. I!. , ....J I... jl Cologne, Toilette Soap, Ilonny and Glycerine Soaps, etc. Pocket Books & Purses A full assortment for Ladles & Gents. Pure ItruuMicH. Wlilakloa. Wines, itu m, Holland Gin, &c.,lur Medicinal Purposes C5T Try DURLING'S Horso Powd- ers, Cattle Powders, Hoc Powders und Poultry Powders, by tho pound or In packages. And BORDER, an endles. variety. 1ST Goto DURLING'S where Terv thing Is warrauted Kre'h Genulue and Uuadulferated. Physicians' Piescrlntions and Famllv Recipes prepared by Durliug lilmself. A. J' JJUllLINU. clssport Ahead ! The underslcned would resDectfullv inform builders, contractors and the pub lic In general, that they have opened a XiiiiEiJbei Yard In connection with their AW-MUL, Near tho L. .S. Depot, WEISSPORT, Penna!, nnd that they have now on hand an Ira- menso stocic of Miorougtily Seasoned Lumber, such as Rough Pine Boards, aurtaceu nno oards, Flooring, Hemlock and Pine, Sidings, of all kinds, ShltiKles.-an Immense stock, Roofing nnd Ceiling Latb, Scautllnir. and, In fact, Lumber of every descrlp--tlon at tlw very lowest market prices. Wo are also prepared to furnish Build. ers and others with a very fine article of S u n d , suitable for Masonry Work, PlastcrlafT, &c., at Re markably Low Figures. Wo havo constantly on hand a largo lot of Wood suitable for Firewood, -which wo will sell, In large or small quantities, at Prices to suit your Pockpfs Ol'B Motio-IIONEST COUNT-LOW WICIS. Ycakcl Albriglit, Weissport, aug 23-yl Carbon county, Pl TKTOTICE is hereby given, In accord--- anco with the laws of this Com monwealth, that articles ot association for the Incorporation ot "Ebeneier's Church of tho Evangelical Association," of Weissport, Pa., havo been presented, to the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Carbon, and. tie said Court having perused aud examined the same, and the objects, articles and conditions therein set forth appearing lawful and not Injurious to the community, tho Court directed that the said writing be filed In the Office ot the ProthonoUry, and that notice be Inserted In one news paper In said county, onca a' week, for at least three weeks, setting forth that an application has been mads to grant such Charter of Incorporation, and If no sufficient reason be shown to the con trary, ou or before the first day of nest term, the said Court will grant the Charter prayed for. From the Record. THOMAS KEMKRKR, FrothosoUr. W, M. RlTIHEB. . AU'y for TeUtloneci. Doo &-ml
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers