P gn 11 iitttistr. Eli LEBANON, PA. WEDNESDAV, JUNE 14, 1865 HOME AFFAIRS. Counterfeit $lOO Greenbacks are in circulation, so well executed that even Bank officers and experts are una ble to detect them unless upon very close inspection. We advise our readers to Zook out for them. A lady writing to the Chicago Tribune expresses great indignation be cause Jeff. Davis was caught under a petticoat. As, it wasn't her's she has no right to complain. The same lady says she supposes the copperheads will all be trying to hide un der petticoats. Very likely. ===l3 REDUCTION OF:LUMBER.-11 you want cheap Lumber call at Reinoehl & Meity's Yard; in North Lebanon, who have just received a large stock, which they are - ,selling at from $5 to $lO per thousand.eheaper than heretofore. Those who have delayed building on account of the high price of Lumber, will no doubt be induced by _this great reduction in price, to commence now-at once. SINGtILAR AOCIDBIkyr--- Child flung. —A little.child of John O'Toole, residing in that portion of our town known as Loudensville, between one and two years of age, came to its death yester day morning under the following singu lar circumstances : It hadtbeen left sleep ing in the bed by its parents at their usu al time of rising, but it seems , to have awakened shortly after and by some means worked its body out of the bed be tween the rungs end the foot, but unfor tunately not succeeding in. getting its head through, was strangled , to death in that position. When found by the hor rified mother life was• extinct.—Holli daysburg Dem. Standard. _ RATTLESNAKE .ItU ---uLLED.ne day last week, a rattlesnake was killed on the mountain between Mount Cannel and Ashland, Schuylkill county. The mon ster had thirty-two rattles. He fought furiously, and was not conquered until after a long and exciting contest. He is supposed to have:been thirty-five years old, and is said t 6 haire been of large size. BETHEL STILL ATIEAD.-Mr. Jon athan Groff, of Bethel township, has sent a stalk of Rye to this office, which meas ured fully 8a feet in length. We invite Berke county into the competition. The attention of Tax Payers is directed to the notice of the County Treasurer in another column. A devotee of Bacchus' stepped out of a hotel at North Lebanon the other evening, and his perspective faculties not being particularly distinct, tumbled una wares into the canal,.., Ater paddling around for about haltan hour, he suc ceeded in getting out and obtaining ad mittance into the house. Shaking his hat by the stove, he exclaimed : "say (hie) mister, this is a pretty good sized tavern, but it has got a 1-e-e-t-l-e larger cistern than is necessary. Canalling.—We are informed by the officers in charge that it is their intention to let the water into the Penn sylvania canal, at thesperal feeders be tween Columbia and Hollidaysburg, on the 15th inst., and that boating will com mence on or about the 20th. From the best information we have, the Tide Wa ter and Wisconisco canals will open about the same time. That part of the West Branch and Susquehanna Canal, between Northum berland and Duncan's Wand, is not ex pected to be.open before the first of July; and from Northumberland to Lock Haven until about the first of September. The Wyoming Valley Canal was opened about the first of this month. Rev. Mr. Stiingler, of Hollidays burg, has been elected . ?astOr of Zion's Lutheran congregation, of this borough.- Review of the 6th Army. Corps.— The Sixth army 'corps was reviewed at Washington, last Thursday, the Bth inst., by the President. A stand for the Presi dent, the Cabinet, foreign legations, and general officers, was erected on the pave ment In front of the Executive Mansion, and also one On the . opposite side of the street for the accoms3.odation of members of Congress and military and naval offi cers, and directly east of it, another for the occupation of sick and disabled sol diers. The stands were all tastefully decorated. The Sixth,army corps has participated in all the battles of the Army • of the tomae from its organization. Major-General Meade, commanding the Army of the Potomac, accompanied by his staff and Generals SI ooum, Humph reys, Hunt and Meige„,were among the most prominent officers at the reviewing stand. Secretary Seward witnessed the Passage of the finely-drilled and war-worn troops from the State Department win dow. The head of the column reached the Treasury Department about ten O'clock, Major General H. G. Wright anti staff in advance, followed by his es cort. The General's horse was decorated With a beautiful wreath, and his saddle covered with flowers. Major General Bartlett rode with the staff which was fol. owed by the corps flags and escort.— The troops comprising the sixth corps are from New Jersey, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania,. Rhode Island, Mos. ' l chliselts, Wisconsin, Vermont, Maine, bhio and Matend. The troops, as theypassed, were en. Ili u 3 iastically cheered by the thousands o f spectators, among whom were wound ed veterans, leaning upon their crutches. The veterans of the corps wore green swills in their cape, while the officers car ried wreaths of flowers. The old torn and faded battle-flags were proudly borne 14tile, long line. A detachment of New "rk engineers brought up the rear. , The spectacle presented was as impos ;llY rind interesting as the previous re /"‘va, though not so extensive as to rll itnbers. Tile 93d Reg iment is in the 6th Corps, Participate in the review. PENSIONS.—The following are the rates of pensions paid by the govern• ment : Lieutenant Colonel and officers of higher rank, $3O per month ; Major $25 per month ; Captain $2O per month; First Lieutenant, $l7 ; Second Lieuten ant, $l5 per month ; all enlisted men, $8 per month. Only one full pension will be allowed to the relatives of a deceased soldier, and that in order of precedence. - - S 1 60 A YEAR Attention is directed to the Den tal Card of Dr. S. H. Guilford, in another column. He has taken the rooms of Dr. George Clark, dec'd. The Dr. is a grad uate of the. Pennsylvania. College of Den tal Surgery. , The Committee of Arrange ments for celebrating the coming 4th of July, at an adjourned meeting last week, reported the following programme : let. That we celebrate in Pic•Nic style; that is , each racily supplying its own provisions. 2d. That each Sabbath Scholl in the borough of Leba non beinvittd to unite with the citizens generally in celebrating the day. Stl. That there be a display of iireworks in the eve ning. 4th. , That there be an oration delivered on the OCCEL . 8100. sth. That 'manna itad Vocal - Maio be oared— vocal music to be "wailful by the Sabbath Scheele. Bth. That oce Chief Marshal be appointed by the committee, and an pulsient by each Sabbath School represented, and u many others by the . Chief Marshal as may be. requ ired to assist. The report was unanimously accepted. It was stated that several of the Sabbath Schools have already dear mined to participate in the celebration. A motion was made and unanimously carried, request ing the Borough Council to appropriate one hundred dollars towards defraying the eXPeiree of the !celebra tion. . The Philadelphia Flour Market la firm but dull at former rates. Sales reach 1,200 bbla extra family at $7 7408 75 for fair to good, and fancy at s9@9 26 per bbl. The home trade are buying in a small way at $6 25@ fl 75 for superfine; s7@7 60 for extra; $7 75 @fi 75 for extra family, and s9@ll per bbl for •fancy brands as to quality. Rye flour and corn meal are dull at former rates. GRAlN—Wheat is dull and rather lower, with sales of 5,000 bus. at $1 80@1 85 for fair to prime reds, and white at from $2 00@2 25 V bus, the latter rate for ehoice Kentucky. Rye is quiet and offered at 90e bus. Corn is without change; small sales of prime yellow are making at 90e, afloat. Oats are dull and lower; 2,500 bus Pennsylvania sold at 700 V bus. Philadelphia Cattle Market.-- Tho offerings of Beef Cattle reached about 850 head, a decrease of 250 as compared with last week. Prices ruled fully 10 per lb better, rang ing at from $l4 to $l5 for common to, prime, and $l9 and.s2o for quality. Cows—About 120 were disposed of at from $25 to $55 for Springers, and $35 to $3O for - cow and calf. Hoes—Some 1500 head were sold at from $ll (g)sl3 per 100 Ms net. Si:MEP—About 5,000 head sold at 6 and The per lb gross. fir Dr. George Gleim has analyzed the mineral, the dimovery of which in Bunker 11111 Ise caused considerable excitement recently, and pronounc• es It to be composed mostly of copper, with some iron and a flight portion of manganese. 141" David E. Miller, of Lebanon Lodge, N 0.121, having been duly elected District Deputy Grand Master of the 1.,0 of 0, F. of this District,ler the en suing year, bad been commiseloned as etch by the Grand Lodge of this State. Mr. Miller is well versed in the principles and worker Odd Fellowship, and will make a competent officer . Gir Geo. H. Re:noeht, of hlt. Lib 341418 Encampment, No. 68, in Lebanon County. his been re appointed by the Grand renampment or Pennsylvania, Worthy District Deputy Grand Patriarch of the I. 0 of 0. F. in Lebanon county for the ensuing year ; office which he has tilled with great arceptsinee to the Order generally daring the past several terms. Photographs.---J. Daily is turn ing out very fine pictures at his new Gal lery, opposite Siegrist's Hotel. All are invited to call and see his specimens. * ECl' 7-30'S and all other kinds of Government securities, constantly on hand and ready for delivery, at the Lebanon Nation al Bank, of Lebanon, (late Leb anon Bank.) Information relat ing thereto may at any time be obtained from Mr. Uhler, the Cashier, or the other officers of the Bank. It. GENTLEMAN cured of Nervous Debility Drama tare Decay, and the effects of youth fulindiscre tion, will be happy to furnish ..othersmith the means of Mare, (free of charge.) This remedy Is simple, safc and certain:' For full particulars, by return, mail, please address - • JOHNI , B.•OCIDEN, 60 Nasimu New York. June 14,1865.-3 m. , , , ItioniltirAELE CUltriOF STIFF KNEE BY ALLCOOkif 4 1 thidt1110-PLASTERS;—IIoW many one,-frompni stepping; on a piece of orange peel; loteoFtes4amed for life. ease which might have bo offibis kind hits just been brought`to our notice. A gentleman, from pinning the heel of hie boot 4ln a piece eforpute . PaeloWilituddenly thrown down and.violently wanted his knee, Fie was Ma months confined to the house; though he had the best medical advice. As a last resort a very eminent phy sician was Wied in to eee if anything more could be done. After 'examination :,he said, "My ,opinion is, your knee will never be bent again," lie recom mended that the whole leg and knee should be en cased in a plaster of Paris bondage, which would ac. celerate the permanent stiffening , of the knee, and said, "the sooner it was done the better." lint the patient,before trying this application and having a stiff knee for life, enveloped it in our Pelona Plasters, and in less than wo months hie knee was perfectly cured. Principal Agency, Brandreth Houee, New Yoik.— By the yard or single plaster Bold by all Dealers in Medicines.. Mu 81,1805-BLn. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh; TTREATED with the utmost success, by Dr. J. Isaacs, Oculist, and Aurist (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No. 519 Firm Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in. the City and Country can be seen at his oMce. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES, inserted without pain' No charge made for examination. February 8, 1885. '1X712.4684 .- i3oweiteitia.46ota. WILL BM WITHOUT DR. TOBIAS' VENETIAN HORSE LINIMENT TAUTON, Mass., May 14tb71860. Dr. Tobias : Dear Sir—During 3S years . that I have been in the livery business, I have used and sold . a great quantity of various liniments, oil, &c. Some two years since, bearing of so many wonderful cures haying been made by your Veriptinu Liniment, I test ed its merits, and it has given the best satisfaction of Anything I ever used. I never sold anything that gives such universal satisfaction among horeemen. It is destined to supersede all others. Tours, truly, he., 3AMUF.I4 WILBE. Sold by all druggists. Office, 55 Cortlandt street, New York. Price one dollar for pint bottles, sir Country dealers are informed that no traders are now EOUt out. May 31,1866-3 m. RES ISTANCE AT AN END 1* Great news of brilliant achievements is arriving from every quarter. Heads that most furiously rebeled gainst the laws of beauty, whether they be white, iron gray, sandy or glaring red, are everywhere STRIKING THEIR COLORS, And assuming the loveliest brown or the most lus trous od perfect black , under the swift operation of. CHRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE, Which transfigures them in a few moments. Manu factured by J. OURISTADORO, No. 13 Aetor House, New-York. Sold by Druggists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. May 17, 1865.-Iro. ADIES AND ONNTI.P.6IEff : if you wish to marry T/ you can do SO by addressing me. I will send you, without money and without price, valuable informit• tion, that will en tble you to marry happily and speed. ily, irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. This infor mation will coat you nothing and if you wish to marry I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly couli dential. The desired information sent by return mail, and no reward asked. Please inclose postage or stamped envelope, addressed to your M self. Address, SARAH B. LABERT, May 24,1805.-3 m. Greenpoint, Kings On., N. Y. gpEciat Matrimonial CAUTION FROM THE AMERICAN WATCH CO. It haring come to onr knowledge that Imitations 0 f the American Watch kayo been put upon the mar ket in.great number, calculated by their utter worth - lessness to injure the reputation of our genuine pro ducts; to protect our own interests and the public from imposition ,we again publish the trade marks by which our Watches may invaribly be known. We manufacture four s tyles of Watches. The Finer has the name "AMERICAN WATCH CO., Waltham, Mass.', on graved.on the inside plate. The Sacoim Las the name "APPLETON, TRACY 3: Co., Waltham , Mass.,,' en graved on the inside plat;. The TERRI) has the name "P. S. BARTLETT, Waltham. Mass.," engraved on the inside plate . All the above styles have the name American Watch Co. painted on the dial, and are warranted in every respect. The Rouen has the name "WM. ELLBRY, Boston, Mass.," engraved on the in side plate, and le not named on the dial. All the above described watches 8113 made of various sizes and are sold in gold or silver cases, as rcay be required. It is hardly possible for Ile to accurately describe the numerous imitations to which we have alluded. They are usually inscribed with names some nearly approaching our own as to escape the observation of the unaccustomed buyer. Some 'are represented as made by the "Union Watch Co ~ of Boston Mess.' —no such company existing. Some are 'named the "Soldier's Watch," to be sold as our Fourth or Wm. Bliery style, usually known as the "Soldier's Watch" Others are named the "Appleton Watch C 0.." others the "P. S. Bartley," instead of our P. S. , Bartlett :" 'besides many varieties named iu such a manner as to convey the idea that they are the veritable .produc tions of the American Watch Company. We also caution the public, and particularly sol diers, against buying certain artlies called watches, so freely ad vertised in illustrated papers as "Army Watches," "Officers' Watches," "Magic Time Obser vers," "Arcane Watches," .Ic,, the prices of which are stated to be from seven to sixteen dollars. A good watch, in those times, cannot be afforded for any such money. 'A little attention on the part of buyers will protect them from gross Imposition. ROBBINS & APPLISTON. Agents for the American Watch Co, 182 Broadway, New York. May 17,1865,-Im. Old Eyes made New. A PAMPHLET directing bow to speedily restere .11,_ sight and give up speetacles, without aid of doe. tor or medicine. Sent by mail, on receipt of 10 cents. Address, E: B. FOOTE. M. D., 1130 Broadway, New York. Fob. 1, 1965.-601 If You Want to Know A LITTLE 015 EVERYTHING relating to the bu il. man system, male and female; the causes and treatment of diseases : the marriage customs of the world ; bow to marry well and a thousand things never published before road the revised and enlarged edition of "Medical Common sense," a curious book curious people, and a good book for every one. 400 pages, 100 Illustrations. Price $l,OO. Contents table sent free to any address. Book's may be bad at the Book stores, or will be sent by mail, post paid on re ceipt of the prise. Address B. B. FO7TE, M. D. 1130 Broadway, New York For sale at J. L. Backer's Book Store, Lebanon. Feb. 1,1665.-6 m. Ayees Cherry Pectoral, POll THE SPEEDY CURE OP Coughs, Colds; Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption, and for the retie! of Consumptive Patients in ad vanced stages of the-disease. QC) wide is the field. of its usefulness and so numerous 1..3 are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored =from alarming and even des perate diseases of the lunge by its use,. When once tried, its superiority over every other expectorate is too apparent to eseape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the'distressing and clangorous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our cli mate. While many inferior remedies thrust upou the" community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred 'benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and produced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. We can only assure the public, that its quality is carefully kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may he relied on to do for their relief all that it has ever dune. Great numbers, of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of our remedies, but space here will not permit the iaserti in of them. The Agents below named furnish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given ; with also full de scriptions of the complaints they cure, Those who require an alterative medicine to purify the blood will find Ayer's Compound Extract Solemn rilla the remedy to use. Try it once, and you will know its value. Prepared by J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., and sold by all the druggiets in Lebanon and dealers in medicine everywhere. April 19, 1865.-2 me. The Lebanon Market. • Carefully- Corrected Weekly.' LEBANON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14;1 8 0. Extra Family, $lO 50 Eggs, IA dos., - 24 Extra Flour, 950 Butter, lit 9)... 18 Prime White Wheat,l 90 Tub or salted hither, 10 New Red Wheat, 175 i Lard, 20 Old Red, 000 Tallow, 12 Prime Rye, JO Liam, 2'r Corn, 75 Shoulders. 18 Oats, 00 Sides, 18 Clover-seed, 6 00 Soap, 10 Timothy-seed, 2 60 Bees-wax, 25 Flax-seed, 2 60 White Rags, 6 Dried Apples,9ealed,2 50 Mixed Rags, 3 Eeaeh "Snits," 4 00- Flax, lil lb., P2.!,4 'Peach "lintxels," 200 Bristles, II lb., 40 Cherries, 225 Feathers, Vt lb., 621 A Onions, 150 Wool, lii, lb., 40 Potatoeie, ilt bus, 100 Soup Beans, li qt., 8 Apple 0 utter, Vorooli. 75 Vinegar,f gal., . 20, Sstites. German preaChing next Sunday at 10 A. M., and Eng. lish service at 6 R. Si., in the Moravian church. Services.—Next Sabbath mdiming in the German, and in the evening in the English languagein the First Reformed Church. St. Luke's Chnieb.—Services every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. - Preach leg in the M. E . Church every Sabbath, both morning and evening. Vs° service on Thursday :evening. . St John's Churcb.—Service next Sunday morning and evening in the English language. Lecture on Wed nesday evening. Battieb. On the Sill inst., by the Rev. F. W. Ks emer, Mr. DANIEL MILLER of this place, to Miss SALLIE, youngest daughter of Mr. John KELLER, of N. Aun rills tp, this coup. y. sir Our brother typo kindly remembered ue on the happy occasion above announced. May he never have occasion to regret the day that made him a Benedict printer. On the 11th inst ~ by the same, Mr. JOHN MILLI4R, to Miss MARY SCHAFFNER, both of Cornwall tp., th is county. On the same day, by the same, Mr. JOIIN U. RIS SER, of Cornwall tp., to Miss HANNAII GIESAMAN, of Londonderry tp„ this county. On the 11th inst., by the Rev. Goo: Wolff, Mr. LEVI D. WORLEY to Miss aIATILDA RENTZ, both of Briekersville, Lancaster Co. On the 3d inst., by thO Rey. J. B. Dourrherty, Ur. JACOB K. DOINDAR, to NI isa EMMA riWOPE, both of Booth Lebanon township. On the same day. by the same, Mr. EMANUEL B. BOYER, of Nurth Lebanon; to Miss LIZZLE RNLI' , of Rer.diug, Pa. gfifti. In N. Lebanon, on the Sd Inst.; DAISY IDA, child of John and Sarah YOUNG, aged 6 months. On the 7th inst., in Cornwall tp., EDWARD, son of Frederick and Elizabeth KOCH, aged 17 years, 6 months and 20 days. The deceased retired in the evening in health. and was found dead in the morning, having died from the effects of charcoal gas. "0 Death Thou great invisible Pale monarch o f the unending Past, Who shall thy countless trophies tell, Or when shall be the last ! By thee the beautiful and the young Lie mouldering in the dust. Into thy cold and faded reign All glorious things of earth depart," atitettiummts. Notice to Retailers and Tax- payers. A LL LICENSES must be pa id on or before the let A A_ day of JULY in each . and every year or the same will be placed in the hands of a Justice for collection. See Act of Assembly, passed April 11th, A. D., 1862. All taxes roust be paid on or before the first day of August in each and every year ;if not paid by that time 5 percent. will be added. See Act of Assembly passed nuth day of April, A. D., 18 64. and supplements. The above instructions I mUst follow by ord.'. or Auditor tlonerni. DANIEL GEIIBSRICII, Treas. of Lebanon County. Lebanon, June 14, 1864.-4 t. Just printed and for sale at this office, Conditions for the Sale of Real Es tate. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Dr. S. I. GUILFORD, (Graduate of the Denten College of Dental Surgery.) ROOMS—in C. Henry's new building, opposite the Eagle Hotel, Cumberland street, Lebanon, Pa. VOL. Ether and chloroform adminis . tared when desired. Lebanon, June 14,1865.—tf. Manhood : HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED, JUST published, a new edition of Dr. Culverwellts Celebrated Essay on the radical cure, (without medicine) of Spormatonhoca, or seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to 4itill7l Marriage, etc; Consumption, SpilepsY, and Pits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. . . _ Kir Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author in this admirable essay clear ly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful prac tice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of inter nal medicine or the application of the knife—pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, Certain, and effect ual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri 'irately, and radically. Vt. This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers, OaAB. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, Now York, Emit Office box 4,586 Juno 13, 1865.—1 y. NORTH LEBANON ‘BOROUGH ACCOUNT. DAVID L. MILLER, Treasurer, in account with North Lebanon Borough, from April 7, 1864, to Aprillo, 1865. DR. To cash received from William Eckenroth, 0. 8., Bounty Tax,- $5053 50 To cash received from Wm. Eck enr4ith, 0.. - 8., Bounty Tax. .. 040 50 To cap received from Wm. Eck enroll', 0. 8., Bounty Tax.o,. - • _ 500 00- To-eaoloWoceived from Johnnie. Laughlin, collector Borough' Tax, 440 00 To cash received,from John Rad 4 urinal, collector Borough Tax, • ~50.00 To cash received from J. Paine;' former Treasurer, . • 61 76 CR By cash paid sundr) persons on orders ne follows : William Breslin, printing, Josiah Fnnk, Attorney. W. Eekenroth, services relative to drafts, 7 00 S. Smith, services relative to drafts 11 00 Jacob Funk, do 20 55 John McLaughlin, bond anti Int 503 . 75 Wm. EPkenroth, do 505 00 Catharine Eckenroth,do 1012 75 . . Charles U. Melly, do 3082 00 Geo. /treats, do 56 79 W. Eekeuroth services relative . „ . to draft, 13 10 Jos. Kreider, Bond and interest, 1341 07 Gee. Aureutz, supervisor, 2 87 John Light ss.,interest on:bonds, 54 00 Solomon Gingrich, do 3O 00 Benjamin Zeller, room rent. g '- 800 Win. Eckenroth; stamps unhands, 5 00 David L. Miller, Treasurer, 5 00 A. S. Light, Secretary, • and Books - for Tax Collectors, - 700 Solomon' Smith, Esq., qualifying Borough officers, 1 25 County Commissioners, County Bounty, 141'00 Sum Total paid, Sam Total received Due the Treasurer, Outotauding Borough Tax, for ism, do do do for 1864, do Bounty Tax for 1864, We hereby certify that the above report is correct OFIRLES LC. MEILY, _ Auditors. JOUN BTOEVER, North Lebanon Borough, June 14, 1865. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES F LEBANON BOROUGH COMMON SCHOOL DIS TRICT, for the year ending on the 31st of May, 1865. CONRAD MARK, Treasurer. DR. To cash received from John Tardy, late Treasurer, Balance. $1 697 01 To cash received fromD . E. MR. . ler, col. for 1862 in full for said year. $l5l 82 do for 1863, in frill for said year, 616 47 do for 1864, in part. 3 836 17 • .7--------- 4 603 46 To cash from State appnspriat'n. 394 82 do Josiah Greenawalt, ' 6 00 do Michael Kreider, _270 00 4,, A.Arnold, tuition, _ . - '.. 4 f , s - 142 do Henry Shaeffer, do 787 do Andrew Light, do 26 00 do Peter Glick, do 300 do John Shook, do 3 50 do J. R. Bomberger, do 5 25 do J.B. Bomberger, do 5 25 .do Uriah Light, do 525 do John Fees, do 4 50 do Jacob Funk, do 825 do Alfred Rouck, do 6 00 do B. B. Lehman, do 900 do Levi Smith, do 600 do B. Brubaker, do 3 00 do Jos. Bomberger, do 262 do J. K. Bomberger, do 394 do • A. O. Bigler, do 4 50 do 11, Shank, do 4 60 do Jeremiah Cole, do 300 do John Swope, do 450 do Jos. Light, do 9 25 Cash from proceeds of note' in Lebanon National Bank, Total Receipts, $8 088 66 CR. By cash paid on orders issued to tho following named persons, W. J.Burfunde, 10 orders, 590 00 J. r. Nitrnuer, 10 do 450 00 J. W. Harbereon, 10 do 409 00 D. W. Miller, 10 do 386 00 L. F. !bock, 10 do 309 55 3.11. Reigert, 10 do 290 00 C. K. Lantz, 9 do 244 38 Samuel Reigle, 9 do 221 87 Miss E. Rauch, 9 do ' 226 00 • " H. 13. Kendall, 10 do 211.37 S.D. Richardion 9 do 360 00 Mrs.E.R. Ely, 10 do 290 00 MinS Sue. A Mild; 9 do Miss I, A. Ziaimerin-u, 30 orders... 854 00 - Miss t: A. Rico, 10 do 243 00 Miss C A ZweiPelg t 10 do 204 00 Miss h. Atkins, 10 do 225 00 M iss M A. Ting t. 9 do ISO 00 Mica 1 , 1 Hull, 9 do 270 00 Mice M E Warren, 1 do 30 (0 Ali se P. M. UR% Yey, 1 do 27 00 Miss 0. liawlty, 1 do 24 (0 11. IL Hanna, 1 do 36 00 J .11, liezkor, 1 do 20 00 Beale Fear, 1 do 2 00 W NI 13 etl7n, 1 du 31 00 Mlchsal Kreider, 1 do 270 00 floury Krause, 1 do • 140 John Young & - Co., 1. do , 8 00 UN' ry•Shenk, I do '24 110 , I :Imre ~.: litsgOrO, 1 du 11 00 Is.liol Ketch, 2 do 24 27 Itelooohli & Sicily, I do it 76 A Wolf. 4 do 37 72 Hei,ry & 1i51,0 , 10, i ,do 1 62 Krick A Orolv, 1 do 15 09 Mrs l It My. I do 277 00 Gro:gi., Karol,. 1 do 85 Jorish Grcanawolt, 1 do . 16 42 John II Sowers, I do • 200 ' John Yoi ty, 2 do 6 25 Mrs Shott & other!, 1 do 2 ' 25 'Henry Houck, 1 oo 6 95 Cy us Shirk.l do . ' ,po William Lowry, • I do V"'Fa 0:) Samuel Lutz,,,,, 1 Au 10 00 Atkins A 8r0., 1P I do 7 50 3) 51 Eurroany, ' 1 d . 546 19 Adam Light, , 1 do 26 00 S P Kundoll, I d o II 25 Wi low Bra, 1 4:o 1 ; 0 ' J .N tilierv, 1 do 400 13 ,, vI4 Houck, 1 do 12 50 8 Ott-hcricki, 1 do 60 J..ho tiro; g.., -' 1 do 46 2 AII Hershborger, 2 do 48 88 Jea • 0 Herbert, 1 Au 392 0 Llattorsby, I do 200 Jacob Stenger, 1 do - 1 00 J tilineffer, I do 12 00 Gas Ontupani, 1 do John Kunasle, 1 do 4Oa 'Washington 11. Co.. 3 d) 2 67 CI L Atkin., 1 do, t Ii K Dm:Wore, L do —7 00 J P Groff, 1 do 080 A Mnyor, 1 do 4 00 Henry Gibe, 1 do 3 00 Isaac Hoffer, Sec., 1 do 43 00 Treasurer's c nunlsdon @ 2 per cent. on $7,387 45, 147 74 Balance in Treasury, Jane 5,1865, 513 37 —58,098 66 Bottled and fvua3 covect, Let - m:1 71, Jaw... 5.1855. HENRY SHEER. Couiat.o JERE, B. DAUGHERTY. George hiaffinans LEBANON COUNTY . _ TRANSPORTATION LINE. By Lebanon Valley Railroad. PARTICULAR attention will he paid to Goods shill). ed by the Lebanon Valley Railroad. Goods will be seat daily to and from Philadelphia to Lebanon, Myers. town and Annville Stations, and all other points in the County. Fit SMITS contracted for at the least possible rates ani delivered with dispatch. The Proprietor will pay particular attention to,:and attend personally, to the receiving and delivery of all Freights. For information, apply ikt his 011ive at the Lebanon - Valley Railroad Derek Lebanon. EDWARD MARK, Ids Agent in Philaihilphls. will al ways be found at 19: Er. Bush's Aferchanp Hotel, North Third el., Philadelphia. May 4,14.] oso. liIOI7IIAN. North Lebanon Township Bounty Tax. 'THE citizens of North Lebanon township, still in ar rears for BOUNTY TAX, are requested to pay tho same between this date and the 29th of July, 1865, to the collector JEREMIAH Bona. Tho Collector will at toud at the public house of Elijah 0. Lantz, in North Lebanon, on said 29th ofjuly, from 1 to 5 o'clock, P. M., to receive all taxes that may still remain unpaid. Allot said taxes not paid by that date will have 5 per cent. added thereto. JACOB HECK.ENDORN, President. Jos. LlanT, Secretary. June 7, 1865. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that lettere of Admlnistra lion have been granted to the undersigned, on the Estate of 'MICHAEL DEMNSER, late of East Hanover Twp., Lebanon Co., Pa., dec'd. All persona knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please call and make payment, and those having claims against same will present them to me, at my residents within one year from thitodate. JOHN H. DELNINCER., Administrator of the Estate of Michael Deininger, E. Hanover, Lebanon co., Pa., June 7..1865. [dec'd. FAVORITE SUMER' RESORT, KNOWN AS "COLD SPRING," TB NOW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION AND accommodation of guests. Improvements hare been made recently to the iStrix"l3loLgTaC 4=I;MX. 4 INC>, which, added to the , naturelly beautiful scenery sur rounding it, renders it one of the pleasantest places in the country. - a Those desiring relief from the oppressive heat inci dent to cities and towns will profit. ;,by; a visit to this resort. , • THIS DELIGHTFUL WATERING PLACE Is pleasantly located on th i sline otthe Schuylkill and Susquehanna railroad, 20 miles northeast of Harris burg. The roads leading to the "Spring" are -in ex cellent condition. - O. RODEARMEL, June 7,1866-Im*. Harrisburg, Box 170..' :©- 6.- - . 0 t- . 2 -, . ea .1 ,• CD t i 'Cr ' ~, ~ 01 fir 4:6 - Pg. CD ...4 ...... D 3 - , .D C r ' 5 ,r, = ' s: a— w - 2 . = cp 5 5 . o=. F. OS ..7 . cr. - X Er' di g-4 s@ m ,p=, ( = < _ . c m . E 2 •-• 00, _ ..3 . ..7 -1 0 0 113 ;0:. K. Z 4.042 4, „,. 02 pa, 0- op .3 G.. ~.-• .0. -, 0, _ a k ra a„ c l: . 1 ... j Var o Fr —, 42 - P — • PS " tii c° (—I,. g co ~ 2 1 ..1• INV E;s 1113 D. 5* c" . ..„ w i rn -0 cl , m = 0 tn 0 = l ' h. . ° ~:,. . • m - -,7- ti ° to P".- . '4 ",-7.: U 2 5 isol 0 r - = Eel . -r. fir 4.964 $6754 76 Y 4 50 26 50 /id ministratore . .Notice N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters , of Ad ministration on the estate', of FINDLEY 'CLAY TON, deed., late of Londonderry township, Lebanon county ,Pa., have been granted to the undersigned,of the township, county and State aforesaid. All person s indebted to said estate will please make payment and those having claims will present them, duly authen ticated, to the undersigned. HENRY DENTZLER, LYDIA. CLAYTON, Adminiters ofthe Estate of Findley Clayton, decd. May 17, 1865. Administrators' Notice.. NTICE is hereby given that Letters of Adrainietra Gen on the estate of PETER SMITH; dec'd., late of Heidelberg township, Lebanon county, Pa., h.ye. been granted to the undersigned of the township, county and State aforesaid. All persons indebted to said estate are legnested to make payment, and those having claims will please present them duly authenti cated without delay to MARGARET SSIITH, JACOB SMITH, Administrators of the Estate of peter Smith, deed. Heidelberg tp., May 12, 1865. LIJAH LONGA ORE. JOHN G. GABEL $6798 73 6754 76 $lB 96 88 88 107 00 182700 LEBANON Door, Sash and Steam Planing Ault Located on the Seam-Rouse Road, near ehmberiand Street, East Lebanon. TIIE • undersigned respectfully inform the public in general, that they ' MINT till manufacture and keep on hind, Door, Sash, Shutter, Blinds, Flooring, .t l- m-s-r Weather-Boards, 0 Gee Spring Mouldings, of all sizes, Wash-Boards, Gating, Sorban°, Cornices, and all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS far Houses. We also construct the latest and most im proved Stair Casing and Hand Railing, suitable for large and small buildings. We now Invite Farmers, Mechanics and Buildera to calLand_wvzmina oar stock , which we will warrant to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor the under signed with their custom. Lebantm, May 4,1861. I'. S.—There is also all kinds of TURNING at the some Mill. Planing, Sawing, &c.; promptly done for those who may furnish Lumber. LEBANON TOBACCO FACTORY r(IELE undersigned are about locating in Lebanon, J_ what is assent/oily a Missouri Tobacco Factory, for the manufacture of Ping Tobacco. Our stock is Missouri leaf, made up by lifisseuri hands, and our machinery is of the latest and most efficient character. We shall determinedly adhere to the po)icy of making And selling only a GOOD AND PURE ARTICLE OF TOBACCO and dealers, merchants and 'others,' while they have the privilege of buying directly from the manufactur er, thus saving to themselves the intermediate profits heretofore paid thejobber , are saved the risk of get ting adulterated or poisoned tobaccos as when buying unknown or irresponsible makes. We shall be ready to fill orders by the 10th of March next. 125 60 992 6 „‘We can retail none—can sell to no purchaser loss than 20 pounds. Circulars and price list sent to any address on appli cation. Air In a few weeks we shall be prepared to manu facture fine cut chewing and smoking tabaccos of Va rious grades. Lebanon, Feb. 22, 1865.-3 m PRIVATE SALE. MITE undersigned offers ttt . Private Sale the follow. 1. ing Real Relate A Plantation s IN North Ann ille Township, Lebanon county, 14 of a mile from the Union Water Works, 234, miles from Annvillo. 2 miles from Belly iew , adjoining lands of Joseph. Boyer, Benjamin Light, Samuel Moyer and oyrna Yeungst, containing 73 Acres and some Perches. About 13 ACRES is heavy WOODLAND. The rest is of the best Freeing Land, in a high state o f cultiva- Lion and under good fences, and lately limed all over. The improvements sr 3 a good two-story DWELLING HOUSE, Frame Sweitzer Barn, frame Bank Barn, and other necessary improve • Iliments. Running Water through the ~„ land, and two running Wells near the buildings. 2 YOUNG ORCHARDS with choice fruit on the premises. gar If purchasers wish it, the standing crops of Grain ,Grass, Potatoes and Corn wilt be sold with the property. For further information apply to the undersigned residing on the premises. May 31, 1835 DURHAM, CATTLE. PUBLIC SALE IMPROVED DERIIAMS. k :A r r . R*3 4 • • ir e . e 4 4 , / e. ai 3!- M-,d4c14 JAMES GOWEN will sell at Public Sale at Mount Airy, Philaaelpbia, an WEDNESDAY, 21st JUNE, 1865, A fine herd of COWS, 'HEIFERS, YOUNG BOLUS, and well-grown CALVES. bred by himself, and ex pressly to combine GOOD 14LILKING WITH EASY FEEDING, The Catalogue will embrace some 40 head of Young Cattle, which should at this time command particular attention, when choice animals are so much in request for breeding. Catalogues will be furnished in due time. Sale to commence at II o'clocli, A. ht. Mount Airy, May 31,1805.—ta. - -10 1ig : 4s - • =9:6 u 'o 3 ~e mm taq m h o L A :: e'rzlri . .41 R " ." Fr. ma . g „A z,. gra 514 tf g a v 2 id 42. I E o 3:j .• `6 c'se i;)q' s+ I' e§„i WIZ-.n 10. 2 I'vgr4 E2 --- GI4F grit,. anf: "a:Elt' le-- ' 11. r. • c t. 72,virdiovtg . g .41 2:g tz,=4.9,3 rp MtV4 1 a 4 FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. SHAW AND CLAWS HAND - FAH/TEE, PATENTED in the United States, Eng. land, Franca, and Germany; being the only cheap machines licensed by Rowe, 'Wheeler and Wilson, Oro. ver and Baker, Singer and Bachelder. With this twill give frac, a Silver-Plated Gunge and Screw, Screw'Driver Oil Can, a full assortment of Nee. dies, full printed instructions for using this "Little Beauty" iu doing all kiode of work, and, an engraved guarantee. This is a "Envoi lie" with the ladies. Nlir The 'teens arc CASH andno variation in Prices. LONGACRE & GABEL Theee Machines Hem, Fell, Stitch, Bind, Embroider, Quilt, Tuck. Braid, Gunge, Plait, &c. They make the celebrated elastic lock stitch,ack nowledged to be the beet for ell family purposes; the length of the stitches can bo changed while the Machine ie running; they use thread. Linen or eilke directly train the original spools without iewiedi - g or oiling,and will work on anything in the shape of cloth, either thick or thin. F. G. STTCHTER & CO SAMUEL UIIRICLI AWIERICAH HOUSE Market Street, Lebnon; - JOHN MATTHES , Proprietor. proprietot' of this old established and popular HOTEL would respectfully inform the public that it will be conducted at all times to the comfort and convenience of its guests. It has been thoroughly re fitted and renovated, and uo paints will be spared to make the Table and the Bar, at all times, equal to any in the county. - The STABLING, MIMS and Yard are superiattoo, and more extensive, gam any other in Lebanon. Thew. tv °nage of the Farmers and the Traveling public generally is respectfully. solicited. FLACB—West side of Market street, and halls square south from the Marketliouse. Lebanon, April 12, 186+5, JOHN MATTUES. • U. S. 7-30 LOAN. Mc>rioset, $230,000,000. BY authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned, the General Subscription Agent for the sale of 'United States Securities, offers to the public the third series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three.tenths per cent. interest per annum, known as the 7-30 Loan. These notes aro i esued under date of July 15, 1865, and are payable throe years from that date in curten• ey, or are convertible at the option of the holder into U. S. 5-20 Six per cent. Gold - Bearing Bonds. These Bonds aro now worth a handsome premium, and are exempt, as are all the Government Bonds from State, County, and hlunielpal taxation, which adds from one to three per cent. per annum to their value, according to the rate levied upon ether property. The interest is payable send-manually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 7-30 per cent amounts to One Cent per day on each $ 50 note Two cents " " 100 " Ten a " 500 " Twenty '• "- 1,000 " One Dollar " • . 5,000 " Notes o fall the denominations named will be prompt ly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. The Notes of this Third Series are precisely similar in form and privileges to the, Seven-Thirties already sold, except that the Government reserves to itself the option of paying interest ingold coin at 6 per cent., in stead of 74-10 tbs in currency up to July 15th. at the time when they subscribe. Tbe delliery of the notes of this third series of the Seven thirties will commence on the Ist of June, and will be made promptly and continuously after that date. ' tirtThe slight change made in the conditions of this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of interest.— The paynient in gold, if made, w ill be equivalent to tbecurreney interest of the higher rate. The return' to specie payments, in the event of which only will the option to pay interest In Gold be availed of, would reduce and equalize prices that, piirchasers made with air per cent. in gold would be fully equal to those made with seven and time-tenths; per cent. in currency. This Is The only Loan in Market Now offered by the Government, and its superior ad vantages make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE, Less thau $230,000,000 of the Loan authorized by the last Congress are now on the, market. This amount,: at the rate at which it is being absorb. ed, will all be subscribed for within two months when the notes will undoubtedly command a premitim as has uniformly been the case on - mlosing, the sub scriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of very town and section of the country may be afforded facilitiis for taking. the loan, the National Banks, State Banks, . and Private Bankers throughout the country hare generally agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom- they have con fidence, and who only are responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOL, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, Philadelphia. SUBRCHIPTIONS Will be received by the Lebanon Na, tional Bank, the Valley National Bank of Lebanon and the First National Bank of Lebanon. May 24, 1865. Useful in Every Family ! Ladies Take Notice!! EZOELL'ENT AND BEAUTIFUL Large Size—Price clay $25.00. With this Machine I will give free, a beautiful Silver- Plated Guage and Screw, a Silver Plated and very or. namental Hemmer, with fall printed. instructions for using it, an Oil Can, Screw Driver, a fall assortment of Needieti ; also, full printed instructions for using the Machine in doing ail kinds of work, and an engraved guarantee. „This we consider a very fair offer to the Ladies. But we offer another IMALUTII"," Price only $20.00 - WM. L. LENNEM, Authorized Agent, North Mulberry ht., Lebanon. Lebanon, May 25, 1865 Rev, M r. Lannert would inform hie friends and the commually at lcrge that he has taken this agency. with the couctlrrthen of the eroeinciel Elders Confer el,ce and the consant of his church cotr , ell., to enable him the butter to ri.abc' lin honest livelihood, and net merely for sordid lnoreTs sake. Ladies ,n 1 gentlemen, tow is your time If you want a good and cheep Pewing Mactiee. Send in your or. dens, whi , b will be thankfully received, and attended to wi:h as much dispatch as possible. All clergymen shall 1-e g teroarly.dentt with. Orders by mail must mite. , " one red stump for return postage 38.01 - le Metal. es can be seen at the Moravian Par. Mulberry street Shaw & Clarice's NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, PATENTED IN THE UNITED STATES, ENG- LAND, FRANCE AND GERMANY. CI EMBED by ten different . patents, in the United 0 States, and fully licensed under the patents Of -Howe, Bachelder, Wheeler & Wilson Grover & Baker, and Singer & Co., these being . the only cheap machines of any kind which are thus licensed, and all other cheap machines, if sold for lessthan forty dollars each, are infringements, and sellers and 'buyers make them selves liable to prosecution. The words "Shaw & Clark, Biddeford, Maine," are cast into the iron work of each machine, and it has also a round silver plated patent plate on it with the manufacturers' names.— These machines am a perfect marvel of simplicity and mechanical ingenuity, being rlmost ei tirely unlike all others, both in design and principle. They make the celebrated elastic lock stitch, now acknowledged to be the best for all family purposes. The length of the stitch can be than ged while the machine is run ning ; they are not injured by being run backwards ; they use thread, lihen or silk, directly from the origi ns! spools without unwinding or oiling ; they work with equal facility on the finest Swiss muslin, or through revere] thicknesses of woolen cloth. No part of them requires removal to be oiled. They hem, felt, stitch, bind. embroider, quilt, tuck, braid, guage and plait, and a child or person who never saw a sewing machine of any kind can learn to run them in a few minutes, their wonderful simplicity rendering instruc dons for using them almost ontirely superfluous. lARGR MACHINE, PRICE $25, We give with it FRE& a llemmer, No. 6, Oil Can. Screw Driver s Guege and Screw, an assortment of Needles, Instructions and a-Guarantee. SMALL MACBTiE, the ';LITTLE BEAUTY." PRICE ONLY $2O. We give with it PBEE, Oil Can, Gunge and Screw, Screw Driver, Needles, Instructions and a Guarantee. Tables,Trendles,Basters Sol f Sewers and 'Needles arc always farm. and when ordered wi it be furnished by Agents at the following prices. Hemmer No. 6, 54 CO. Table with fringe, $lO 00 . do N 0.6, 2 00. do French. 10 00 Self Sewer, 2 00. do English, 800 Easter ; 2 00. do German , 800 Needles per dozen 1 20. &P. 0247' terms are Cash on. Delivery of Machines. . Sample machines can be seen, orders left, and punc tually attended to at the Agency in flank Road Street, next door North of Itioratiati Church. All clergymen shall be generously dealt with. WM. b..bENNERT, 'Lebanon. May 31,` 1865. Authorized Agent. UNION HOUSE. Alark.et Street, Lebanon. JOHN M. MARK , - Proprietor. fiIUE Proprietor of this well-known Hotel-respectful ly informs the public that he has again taken p-s -session of it, nod earnestly solicits a continuance of the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed. Be ing eligibly located and provided with every conveni ence, it offers to the public, all the comforts and lux uries of Ft. first close Hotel. Exteensivc Stabling is at tached with trusty and obliging ostlers. The ltar is well stocked with the choicest liquors. and the Table wffl not be surpassed by,any other in Lebanon. Farm ers and all others are Invited to call. JOHN 31. MARE. Lebanon, April 3, 1865. ANNUAL REPORT of the Northern Mutual In- sura ce Company. WE, the undersigned Auditors to examine and ati • • just the accounts of the "Northern Metal Insur ance Company" of Lancaster county, as by , the Act of Incorporation is provided, do report that we have ex amined the accounts . of the year preceding the first day of Stay, A. 1) . 1865, and find the same as follows, to wit: Amount of Policies bitted May Ist, 1804, $2,747,734 00 Increase from May Ist, '64 to May 1, 1865. 128,987 00 Total, 2,876,72100 Amount of premium notes filed May 1,1885, 126,632 80 CR . FUNDS of the Company. Balance in hende of Treasurer May Ist, 1864, .. Received percentage money on pre- ruinm notes Fire tax assessed Dec. 1nt.1864., $5,819.32 Secretary's fees for receiving fire tax, 68 19 Amount of tax received, including $3B 69 received since Alsy let, 1885, Fire tax of Dec. assessment,lB6B Total, DR. for fire looses and expenses to wit Paid Auditor's fees - 3 00 " Allen Hacker, holding election 1 00 " U. S. Revenue tax, 93 09 '• Lancaster Intelligencer, print. 13 50, " do Volksfretind do 31 901 do Examiner St Herald I 00 i• Lebanon Wahre Democrat, print. 10 00 iOlO 00 Advertiser printing ___ " Courier do " Democrat, do " W. D. Wiley, printing fire notices 8 50 " Sam 'l Nissley, print. election bills 2 00 Kenry Heilman do fire notices 6 00 do extra service 10 00 do committee fees ' 5 00 " A. Konigmacher; signing policies 1 72 " Secretary tees for making assess ments, Ics. " Postage - " DirectorslPees, " G. D. Coleman, Elizabeth Furnace Lan. Co. Grist mill and contents 8'.156 25 " Solomon. Gerais East Cocallco- , twp., Lail- Co. barn and contents 1, 186 60 " Philip Staffer, East Cocalico twp. Lan. Co. partial loss in house ,17 " Joseph floret, South Lebanon twp Lab. CO, barn and contents -812 50 Jobn W, Killinger, South Ann villa twp.,'Leb. Co., Barn.. Total losses and expenses Ballance in hands of Treasurer . ' •367 26 Amount of fire tax assessed. Dec. 1 '64, 6,281 34 4 per cent. allowed to collect said tax, 251 25 Amount of tax to pay fire 1055e5.........8030 09 Amount paid to Treasurer 5819 32 Outstanding firs tax EZRA ROMER, Lincoln, May 26,1866 . . I ( O dAtEp it A y EER,. Auditors. June 7,1885 Poor plan's cash Shoe Store! LARGE STOOK at, OLD PRICES NEW STOCK SOLD AT LOW, FIGURES! Our Business:-Inereasing! MORE TRADE WANTED TO REDUCE PRICES Promise to give Costomers the Benefit ! THE MORE WE BELL THE CHEAPER WE CAN SELL Rally Men and Buy War Shoes Cheap ALL WORK WARRANTED Dont buy until you sea our Stock Quick Sales and Small Profits is our Motto 1 G. L. ATKINS, Market street, Lebanon, Pa. PROPOSALS FOR Grading and , Illasonry, ON TEM SOUTHERN TERMINUS OF THE N, LEBANON RAIL ROAD ILL be received at the office of the undersigned, W between this date and the 15th OP pawn, 1865. Specifications, Ac., may be seen either at the office of W. Loma, Esq., at the Lebanan Valley Depot, or at my office. JACOB WBIDLE, Tr. May 81, 1865. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE! TA.SKER & CLARK, Still continue to Manufacture those MANURES, which for the last seven or eight years have given such gen eral satisfaction to those who have used them; we refer to the SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, made from finely ground Bones, Peruvian Guano, and other Fertilising ingrediente,—and sold at the rate of $65 00 per ton of 2000 lbs. Also to the MEAT and BONE COMPOST, made from refuse Meat, Bone and other offal from the Slaughter House,—Price $4O 00 per ton. N. B . A superior article of BONE DUST, at market prises. Address, TASKER CLARK, S. W. Cor. EIGHTH & WASHINGTON Ste., March 8,1865.-3 m. PHILADELPHIA 614 dn. ir• Et a 40 P 4. 2: fr 4 #4OO e, Ea A i--- d' .0 . 1 to z' s • Ei 0 1 taxi ° rt CI C 3 1 .44 0 0 ag = fi l a llr 'ii ci) 1.4 odelm c:::); .0011 : Q., .2 o E 1, in .., 1:8 0 01 X Fg VP • mt f„ th• 4CO .• 1 1 . .. r oo 4 -K 9 Ai Lo f e, ClCri 0 d E A' 4 . g. — ~, 0 et %....c. •••• , Z 2 , em wI. 476 zE,. r i . cia O 4.2 2 ~..., . , ..... Rin 42 C C° a s ....r a.) et: ID gr. C.l 4160 ••••• = '. CD Al P . tf : ' • 4 h i : 4) = &" 5,11 —) a I M. I - . Pict ' 2-2.. g , . It:"L-4 Vi 1 't,' 4: 4 ''a ro 0: 3 4 4 • 1 I E 4 0 . .., ge 002 RO r i 3 2 , .0 ,um a) ).. 5.. 11 U',!'„. Wo hi)" ' raf 0 , 0 g.' *3'4 g 2 9. -4 .4 a e t ~0 Z Iro M t' , 7- i (Q 0 — = . z--4 . cii - m .. ....., .. ~.,. t ‘A' • ado... a) 0 Mil 1...... `' .= A • .D -c .... O&4 . PUBLIC SALK W ILL be sold at Public Sale, on Thursday Juno 15th, 1865 At 834 o'clock, P. M., at the Public House of Benry Siegrist, In the Borough of Lebanon, Pa., the following Beal Estate, viz A TRACT OF LAND, containing 10 ACRES and 115 PERCHES, (known as the Pond Engine Property",) near the Borough of Lebanon, adjoining the lands of Dr. John W. Gloninger and the Lebanon Valley Rail road Company. lioN. This property has a front of 1050 feet along line of Railroad, and is well situated for MANUFACTURING' purposes. A1k..3.00C34, A LOT OF GROUND in North Lebanon Township, fronting on Pinegrove Street 5434 feet with u. G HOUSE, in goefl condition. This r a EL RTLLA.NDING FRONT Canal of " 117 feet. ALSO, ' • A LOT OF GROUND on corner of Canal and. Pine grove Streets, 56 feet on Pinegrovo Street by 170 feet on CaOal Street. .11Q - - There is a WELL OF WATER on the premises. VC Further information and conditions of sale can be obtained by applieation to the undersigned, at the Office of the Union Canal, Company, hi North Lebanon Pa. L. R DYNICII A, North Lebanon, May 24, 1805. General Supt. • NEW Wine and Liquor *fore. 111111 subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public in general that he has opened a new WINE AND LIQUOR STORE, in Cumberland street, Lebanon, Pa., next door to the Washington Rotel, where ho intends constantly to keep on hand all kinds of Wines, Brandies, Whisky, &e., &o. AD of Which will be of the hest and purest quality, and will be sold at the lowest prices. The patronage of the publ le is solicited. DR. R. D.813011.13R. 13.—Lie has a good article of Whisky 'at $2,26 per gallon. Lebanon, April 28,1865. - $538 1 3 El] 5751:15 26 63 6,547 47 10 00 10 00 65 32. 1 36 53 75 915 15 0180 2 0 77
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers