Ittaitrat gitettior $3 NA A& WE JOB PRIINTING OFFICE. PRINTING: OF ' WC" IMICEISt MUM 011024131:Ptib CiCE)S2. Neatly and Promptly ineeenteet, at the ILDTEMBER OFFICE, MILIfOIi,IEIR'A Tins establishment is now supplied with an extensive Assortment of JOB TYPB, which will be Increased as the patronage demands. It can now turn out PAINTING, of every description, in atmat and expeditious manner— sad on very reasonable teems. Such as .Pampalet4,l Basins, e Cards, litamibills, Circulars,' Labels, Bill Headings, Blanks, . Programmes, Bills of Pare, facitailtme, Tieketa,'&4., die. Dzine of all kindo, Cdienton and JUdgment Bonne. 13chool,.JAstidetf, Constables' &W % elber BLAIR printed correctly and neatly on the beet paper, constantly kept for eale at this office, at prices "to suit the times." MtaLtoot AlLiclirortlasU34l'f• She. , lt. 3t. Ilm. 1 Square, 12 lines, $ .50 $l.OO $3.00 $6.00 $ 300 2 ' 1 24 Hoes, 1.00 „$.OO . 5,00 8,00 *3,00 8 1, 85 lfiter, .1.54 8.00 l.OO 10.00 1810 0 /or Execs:Ace's and AdminlattatorN Notices, - - 0.00 For Assignee, AtsdltOr lode similar Milker, • lie' Noryearly Oarftsk not. exceeding 6 lbw, , 8.00 for 90l5ttaa advertisettteut, I,y ,I*. ear, 60.00 NOT W NI. column 11 SO.M Yor j column.. " " For linnonnolhs candidates for °Zee, in advance, 2.00 tor Announcing sale, unaccompanied by adv 't. 1.00 tor Local Notices, &minty resolutions, U., 8 eth pee line. For Pt %hop or Special Notion!, 80= cents per line per year. Yearly advertisements for Merobants and Bust. ness men ea agreed upon. •,,,* Subscription price (Atha LEBANON ADVERTISER Oue Rahr iind a Half a Year. Address. Ws. Beasurr, Lebanon, Pa. DENTISTRY. jcsaaa 8.. Wagner. • NBBRMS ,Artillohrl Teeth on Gold, Biller, 'Vulcanite, I at tibia $6 to $4O. Teeth tilted at 76 cents and up. wards. Residence and Moe, Cumberland street, Bast Lebanon, opposite IleasOn's Hotel. whore he has 'been practising the lait eight years. Lebanon, April 5, 1866. JOHN P. BOWMAN, Surgeon REMOVAL. 8. T. NIeADALM 3 ATTORNEY .AT LAW. HAS AISMOV.S.S his office teltarket Street, one door South of the Anterteatt Hone% = better known as Mathes' liotel. Lebanon. Apt 41,12.11165. JOSIAH FIEJNCIE AL, t t Alhor, - iwzgr.. weircolitirunt3o6.l.ttegnirreN'"c 6 tellittoktiAt March 29,1865. J. HOFFMAN. (Late o:wt. in the 1424 Pa. R 44 3113caazzLt - sr, 23.1Act1s. preaw• AND Pension Agent OPPLOE WITH LION. J. W. LULU - NONE, , LEBANON, PA. Lebanon, March 15, 1865.—tf. ARMY AND NAVY PENBIO2I# BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND BOUN TY LAND AGENCY. IMOOLIS: C3ollp * Att. t t as- ery Ilium undersigned, laving beenliceneed to prose Cute 1. claims, and having been engaged in the 'Bounty and Pension beelines's, offers his services to all,those who ate thereto entitled, in accordance with the verb= eats of Congress. All such aboard call er address at onee, and make their applications through', BASEILB11: : 130YBA, 4litteruerotiLAw, Orman removed to Ountberland Si,, one door East of the Lebanon Talley Batik, opposite the Buck Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. pan. 0,'04. - - JOHN , BENI6I3OT,' ATTORNEY-ATLAW., /AMOK wittk• R.f 1.1 Street nearly oppotite titlonee. Leban ° l: Y0?r,t, 417 ' • •t I Aus i AT T 0' RN - EY= itt.- L. A ‘4,4,' s ~71011 StUttol43llll#4odilitaiiilid litre's! nearly opposite the Covirf Imp?, waa non. %anon, June 15, llag J-tt.' av ClritCS' A. - ttArV.Asrigt•Tfl*v "ice in Walnutstreet, og i poidto the Boot Aj Rotel, and two 0 00 ;1 1 -Pun, liantWateo444: e _ A i, • • Labonottpli . ol74Pl (, -4114iinsit t Astr,2*.g• : 4 " fIITIOICAROBt 3 U b nd • e' 7 ' on V.• or. IL/ Bastatinna; a, B , • • a ttack Hotid, Lebanon Pa. (Jan. 6, taii. G •. • • • , . • • AT CORNET AT - Wa OfflfloE, in (lumbberland street, a feiir doffrti &tat of the Nagle Hotel, in the ale* hitie of hie father Omit. John If eldmaq,lwa. LebaniimAe. t.. >r 6 wiumittoiet tig. the -3Poa,coo: Pfaff subscriber, having been elected Justice of the Peasersould reipeothilly inginj Ott .publle thit he IN noW prgered to,iittandgtoo dcitiee of his office, as well as the writhe*. 41.; "Dilsifei- Rohde; and all buelnem pertainingtto Iliertsener eat :his resi dence in North Lebanon Township, about two 10n04 from Lebanon, near the Thniel, on the Union Porge Road. HARRY! Jr LIOIIT. N. LebanOwtownshipi Map 8, 111166.:-41n.. & VAL. A...STANE. tatidit I . • . A T T OILMEN' LAW, Has removed tie one door efts of Laudermileh '8 Store. opposite the Washington House Lebanon, Pa, 'end Plll4Bloll4laime pliantly attended to. 1- • LApril 4, Ati.: DIEEP:s — LIQUOR" - ',ST..OIIXI. ithrket tiirt4o44l./4,1 r ats , Ze ire e p rritts undo sl I L- • ,4 0 0,. the üblie ,L that he has `nobly .1. 1 1 Tbm tholoeskend mired 'gnu !Illi 3 OPACT41"4 0110 . pquois he is invOlatikdfsposed to sell at tin. Yeeederltedly low nitoes,`, , „ ./ f Artiggists, Farmerq.Agit 440113 4 ga. and oth ers will oeuillt their own intim huyingi Of.the undersigned. X , « .71,f11161. gar Alio; Tor sale, M 13014301 Mega BITTERS; Lebanon... April lb, IMM. - ixAPERt - Nfr - 6r +Tim subscriber , respeatfully Jammu I the. pub& tho b . l hoe conuuenced the COOPIRINO • Doak. nese et hls residence on Plank Rea* ,ousel, about at 'goers south -of the Pint . Reformed_ Church . Tubs, ...Stands, barrels,- Hogsheads, C a sk s , :or unyth hie line mode or RN . PAIRED it short notice and on rea seeable terms. Ile salic its the patronage or the pub lic, feeling eonfldent that his work will compare fav orably in workmanship and price with any other. JOSRPII H.DASSBRT. Lebanon,..April 5, 1855. TILE NEW BAKERY , 111117 undersigned would respectfully inform the Isans ofLobantill, that ha bas commenced the BAK ING BUSINESS, in all its varieties, at hie stand, in Oumberland street, Lebanon, pearly opposite the Bock hotel, and will sup ply customers with the best BREAD, OAKRB, &c. p .10. Flour. received from customers and returned to them in bread at short notice., CONFECTIONERIES) of all kinde 4 fresh. and of the beet quality, constantly on hand ; and furnished at theloweetymlcee. Tli4 public is invited to give ma a trial. Leb nen, May 4, 1804. F. 11. tIBUIt. For Rent. grin° BOOT on the second-floor of Funck's Building IsdJolej'tbd Aftverilerpface, aro offertel forßent, Mom the of April. These rooms are well located or an offlo 3or ateehauleal business. Anyly to J. FUNOIS. Winou i leb. 16,111186. VOL. 18--NO. 51. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIA BLE. REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR Coughs, Colds, •Pilhooping Cough, Bronchitis,. Difficulty of Breathing, Asthms,'Hoaroe nese, Buie Throat,, Croup and every affiation 'Of • THE THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, CONSUMPTION: Wistarls Masan' of ittilld So general has the use of this remedy 'become, said so popular le it everywhere,.that it is unnecessary to recount its virtue. Its 'perks s ak for it, end llndf utterance in the abundant enirvoluntary testimony o the many who from long suffering and settled disease have by lts use been restored - to pristine vigor and health. We can Ipreeettt' antes' of evidence in•proof of our asaartiani, that •CANNOT 'BE DISdREDITEM, 18.00 e. matins* Sir ROOMS over Mr. Ad nt Rtee'e Met Store, Conk . :eland St., Lebanon, Pa. ~'cbait Wistar's Balsam OF WILD_ CHERRY. INOLIIDING EVEN Cherry. The Rev. Jacob Seekiter, Well known and much respected among the German population in this country, makes the following state ment for the benefit of the afflicted. Ilanovan, PA., Fob 16,1853. Duo. .54rs :—having realized in my family impor tant benefits from the use of your valuable preparation —WISTAR'I3` BALSAM OP WILD 00111.117-1 L alforde me pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some eight years agii one of my daughters seemed to in a de cline, and little hopes of her recovery Were entertained I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam,and before she bad taken the whole of the contents tha bottle there was a great improvelnent her health. I have in my individual case made frequently use of your valuable medicine, mill have always heenbenefit ed by it. JAC SMILER. From Jesse Smith, &q., President of the Morris County Bank, Morris town, New Jersey. "Ravin used Dr Wisres's Bement or WILD CUMULI g for about fifteen years, and Daring .reiffised lie benefi cial results Inlay family, it affords me great, pleaoure in recommending It to the.pnblk as a valuable remedy In cases of weak lungs, colds, coughs, &c , and a reme dy wbieb I madder to be enterely innocent, and may be taken with perfect safety by the 'most delicate in health. From Hon. John E. Smith, a Distin guished Lawyer in Westmms- ter, Maryland. I have on ,several occasions Wed Dr. WISTAB,B -BAir UM or WILD OEMS for severe colds, and always with decided benefit. I know 'of no preparation that is more efficacious or more deserving of general use. The Balsam bite also been need with excellent effect by J. B. ELLIOTT, ilerehant,'llalre Cross Roads, Md Wistar's RaiSAM of Wild ChoiTy. None genuine unless 'shined "I. :BUTTS," on the irrapper, FOR BALK 'BY S. P. DRISMORE, No: 494 Bropdway, , Now York. 8. W. 1018 LE & CO;: Proprietors, Boston. • And by al Drageibil REDDING% RUSSIA SALVE Forty Years' Experience Has fully established the superiority of REDDI SA fira E RUSEIA N. Over all other healing preparations It cures All kinds of SORES, CUTS, SCALDS, BURNS, BOILS, ULCERS, SALT Ranuar, ERYSIP ELAS, STIES, PILES, CORNS, SORE LIPS, SORE EYES, &c., &c. REMOVING THE PAIN. AT ONCE, AND RRnUOING 'THE MOST ANGRY LOOKING SWELLINGS.AND INFLAMMATION AS IF BY MAO. IC. ONLY 23 OENTS'AMOX. • ' , FOR SALE BY J. P. DINSMORE,. N 0.491 Broadway New York. W. JOWLY! Jr 00., No.lB Tremont St., Boston And by all Dtugglata. ,Igne '22,1984.-4y now. The Phoenix" Pectoral WILL CURE YOUR COUGH, _ _ - 411 0 ,V0t0{0444( • 7—,7l== TIE PU UNIX PECTORAL • OR 410MPOUND, ,SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY ANVIIENEKA. SNAKE ROOT, WILL - CURE TUE DISEASES OF THE• THROAT AND LUNGS. tscirqs oas, o3zghs, Croup, , Asthma, Bronchitis, - ,qatarrh, Sore Throat, • Hoarsness, pooping. Cough, &e. ITS TIMELY USE WILL PREVENT pulinonary Consumption AND EVEN WHERE THIS FEARFUL DISEASE has taken bold it will afford greater relief than any other medicine. Miss Kate Vanderelice of Pottsville, saVs,"l was benefited more by using the Phoenix Pectoral than any other medicine I ever weed." ,Elite Oberhellier, Lionville, Chester county, .Was. cisred of a cough of many years' standing by using the Phoenix . Pectoral. Joseph Lukens, of Hall street, Phoenixville, certifies that he was cured of a cough of two. years standing, When , all other medicines had failed, by - the use of the Phoenix Pectoral. , Jacob Powers certifies that he has sold hundreds of 'bottles of the Phoapix Pectoral, cod that all who, used it bear testimony of Its wonderful effects In curing coughs. John Italer, editor of the independent .Phrecia, hav ing used it, has no hesitation In pronouncing it a com plete remedy for cough, hoarseness and irritation In the throat. The West Chester jefferscmian says : "We have known Dr. Oberholtzer personally a nuniber of years, audit gives us the greatest pleasure to recommend his medicines, inasmuch as the public rarely have the benefit of family medicines prepared by a phytician &his acquirements and experience. • • "Dr; Oberhoitzer is a member of the Alumni o the 3ledical Department at the University of Pennsylvania, itt'which institution he graduated in 1834." , • Pozrerown, January 3d, 1865. ' This certifies that I have used the Phoenix Pectoral in my; family , and I recommend it to the public as the very hest remedy for Coughs and Colds that I have eveettied. One of my children was taken with a cold accompanied with a Croupy Cough ; so bad indeed that it whin not talk or scarcely breathe. flaying heard so utneh said about the Phoenix Pectoral I procured a battle Of ff. The first dose relieved the diffienity.of breathing and before the child had taken one-fourth of the bottle it was entirely well. Every family should haireit *their house. • Signed: • D. P. CROSBY. l Butler,- mother of Hon. Wm. Butler, 'Vrthifilint Judge of the Chester. and Delaware Districts, gala thateha cannot 'do withoht the Phoenix Pectoral. Dr; Georgell. Wood, Proeessor :of the Practices of filitlicine in the University of Pennsylvania Hospital, add one of the authors of the United States Dispense tor Y, Kaye of the &nuke Snake Root "Its action is espeoialir directed to the lungs." The proprietor of this medicine has so much confi dence in its curative powers, from the testimony of hundreds wile:have used -it, that the money will be re funded to any purchaser Who is not satisfied with its effects. It is so pleasant to take that children cry for it. It costs only 86 cents—large bottles ONE DOLLAR,— lt is intended for only one class of dblettses, namely those of the tunas and. THROAT. Prepared only by Levi Oherholtzer' 31. D 4 Pluenix. villa, Pa. Johnston Holloway Cowden, No. 23. N.Sixth et. Philadelphia, and T. C. Wells Sc Co. ND, 115 Franklin st.ittew York, General Wboteenle'Agents. Sold wholesale and retail by J. L, Letnberger, Dr. Geo. Ross and D. S. Reber, Lebanon, and by nearly every druggist and storekeeper in Lebanon county. N. B.—lf your nearest druggist or storekeeper * does not- keep this medicine:do not let him put you -off with some other medicine, because h. makes more mousy on it, but send at once to one of the Agents for it. March 8,1866. = 6m: — .l3ltiuks for Bounty and invalid Pen Sion Claims just printed and for sale at the'AD , TRISTIFIER OfliCe. eti%ratloo4%. I 1 , :• e - I'l 7 - -: ' IN A TIG T -PLACE. rsno Ol4,llo .l* most remarkable ob pots I remeinfigii ever- to have seen is or was in view near the bead of, the lonely Vallby.of Tamara r in re. Abuittg. f44t:y Tards!frp,m the road that dips into the—northern end of the gorge there cropst out froth rifle greenswkrd &niggard mails 'otionks. some thirty feet high:•• 4 of this rock, Which is in the Wm - of a truncated 'cone, there stands* man ?armor: He ,bas stood there , ; for over tWo hundred. years. "It'is natural; there fore, that( his, iron clothes should be somew bat :nu sty; i th ey • are A= 7 Through,the grit/6 of his vizor thtiro gleams a something that looks wh'i'te and dry. That is his skull. It bas been white and dry for over two eel). turies; The people . of the country,-„ few. .of whom ever pass that way; have a superstition• about . him: A' king's - ransom , (whatever that:may be when: reduced into ; curroney) would not tempt , .one of them to climb to the summit of the rugged cone and:inspeet the Man in Armor. I slept -ander...his shadow, in peace, for:more than a week, when • my horse was lame, and .briganns were infesting .the neighborhood. As a p•atroluean, 1 consider the-Man in Ar mor.equivalent to about seven • Mem hers of. Mayor Henry's admirable re serve police. • I waved my band to: the , Man in Armor one:fine morning,. an d • mon n ing .my trusty . steed- dived into> the valley at Its northern end, nor *Hied bridle until I had emerged- at - the southern. There-I found a posada, or,, pliin .Engli4, an.' inn .The daughter.of .thei,.house .was. lovely, and her: name , • l*ll,W Margarita.' She shu.ddered,:one day when Ltrild..her. ho V. 1 .slept linder.the shadow of. the Man of Armor,.and made' as though she preferred to•• decline. conversation about him ;- but I fastened -her with my eye ; .and she spoko•at last•thongh with pallor. • . . "0 quoth '.Margarita, -"the Man in Armor was'. a-robber, knOwn to the people. for miles around as Pasquale the brigand: , Ile• .kept-e. posada himself, and.was the inventor of' the cinto. 7 "And what is the'. cirt-' to prithee,. beautiful Margarita .7" "*hen a traveler stopped. awhile at the posada," said the girl,:and- "didn't give the rascal who kept it a charree 2 _ 'to rob but,itde-for ward on his way, he•generally found his horse lame before. he had gone any great distance. Theff.he would: return to the posada, where ho would decide to-pass the night, probably, unable to discover the cause of his horse's lameness: Next he would be killed in the course of the night, and his remains thrown into. :the .cleft ' known, to the present day as the Rift of Death.• The horse would be ail right. One touch of a knife would remove the thread. of .strone•waxed: silk tied so tight by the robber Just. above the animal's postern, and con. - coaled among the hair, caused tern- , porary lamenesS. That ligature what we call the cinto," said . :-Marga: rita, with naivette, .charming in' one so—well; never mind. "Pasquale prospered so -.greatly on his murders, and acquired such a grand. stud of horses by means•of the. cinto, that ; like all shoddy men,-he4 became very solicitous about his Once he caught a Tartar in - a traveler ; who gave him the contents of hi's pis tol instead of his purse. Tbiswarn ing the wounded Pasquale took seri- , ously to heart. He burnished up an old suit ofaneestral armor, (Pasquale maintained ancestors,)• and in this 'he continued to pursue his unholy calling—an iron clad man from head to foot. Better for. Pasquale: had he gone in brass. • • "There was a Jesuit missionaty in these parts, well known' and greatly esteemed as the Padre Bartolo. I think there is a work of his extant upon the geology of the district' • in• which I am supposed to be sojourn. ing. The convent to which Bartolo belonged enjoyed a: reputation for wealth, and to-despoil that institu tion of its treasures had lopOeen a scheme that lay deeply coiled .up,. the .robber Pasquale's , heart, The wily Jesuit was, aware of this. . He even got. tidings of a Certain ,time at. which Pasquale's plan be put into execution, and,:ho --resolgetht to frustrate it after a - fash pAhi:s Olin. Pasquale had fifty.brigandS-to back him. "It WRS=a beatitifal morhing ad the! Padre Bartel° arrived at - the head of the pass of Tarrrarabpo'n He was not startled at the vision of 'an "ironuelad warrior on horSebaelc' just emerging from* the gorge,-lOr he knew -Pasquale well and had once un'- dertaken to convert hitn, but it was' not to be. "My son,"•wild the Padre mendaciously addressing the robber in his most ddleet tonesy "1 pray "for' you daily. Just now I cursed you however, retr4ct. As I arrived at the high ground a mile behind me - 1 observed from it that'our'convent is in flames, and that there is a wild hurrying to and fro. Pasquale . 'has done this, said 1; accursed be• Pa s, vale. Forgive:mr, my son,' liipoke in the heat of the Mon - wilt, and my heart mulls toward - you DOW' that I sec'you here. Olamber to the sum mit, of that conical rock, and 'thence ,you will descry tbe devastatioe,that 'the evil.docrs have wrought upon-on' eh!rfriosl awk quids). I will hold your horse." Stunned at being forestalled in his LEBANON, PA., WEDNESDAY, JIINEA4, 1865. darling project, the unsuspecting robs ber descen4ed,from his horse climb : l ed up the fatal roek with suchagility as his iron trammels would 'allow; and stood upri'ghtcin the summit of it. The wily Jesuit in the course-10f his geolocrical l researches had discov ered that the stone. forming t 1 ape.._ of the strange i-O'4"Wail Viadstone of wonderful' power;' No fer6O coald' . wrench , irowcfrom ft. , •fißless son r i AtriflCl 110, , as he, .rode .n,way;l waving his." and to miserable,, hi.:l4and. ".131`06 you, "tiny son !yve willP do What'We cantor the repose` of your. senl;-hat I haVelio not ; struggle,. Inevitable ”destinY, last i;t1lertop011 Yo l u-,..andiyour , hour is conki.„ ,o.PATo yPur rrias Tliereyou are, while th . e., iron laiits, a tifs'etktiele Wiwi) rtid ages- to the ittgaisin and the rebbelr. Cursed , he he who attempts to:reinoVe' you. These,. are, the..werde ,Barter' 10, - and theyshall be , inscribed upep, the rock." •"But why didn't the robber walk oust of his' iron 'clothes;' "Margarita,` aild vacate:the fatal formation ?".. "Because -iewas ,dead,". replied. Margarita. "He died offright at the awful words of Padre Bar tole, whose curse was '4fterwardg graven upon the rock, though itis not discernible now, being worn away by; thie-hand of time." And man in Armor stands on his rodk t 6 'present day, proba bly,' a striking illustration of the right , man in a- tight place. On Wetiziesdafa'sailor ; took. a: leap froin the. • . 6entre .• of the -cast-ikon bridge : at ;Sunderland; which is-one hundred feet above : ,the water. ; the, man ',applied, to the, , magistrates on- Saturday' permission to perform the exploil, but their Worships re- fused to . conntenance it. Afterwards however, Wills were. issued ,atinoune- - 'ing that i'Stophert ~ Seffry, the great; English, diver from the Isle of NV would,`; 'it minutes past three o'clock on Wednesday, mak'e the'ldx tra.ordinarys,and during leap' from the'eentre oEthe west side of the. bridge. Police were ,posted : ,on, the bridge at. tho hour appointed but the man dreesed as a sailor, passed , • • threugh:.the - crw , ..d , WithiOnt'being re eogniSed. 11A•bout , 'half-paat' , three'o'. clock. he suddenly-threw .off his coat, gave it into the laandsiof,a,friend,,and then mounting theyails,attiekly ed dgwri . head foremost into the river. 'Despite the 41'614 wind' blowing it: .tilenoktt a - straightfeourse; - : - hut before reaching the water. gathered ,hiniself up and, made a plunge, hands over head; in the orthodox" diving , fashion. He rose to' the surface ,almost imme diately, and; then cooly swam' 'after and! picked up an orange which he . 'took„ out of his breast, and justthrew o ver before taking,,is leap. He then turned to swim ashore to one of the landings, but ,a coble manned•by two of the river police rowed up, and took him' on board: landeifH at the Pann's Ferry Landing, • - •ahC walked ashore, passing . through' ari. 'immense crowd of people„whogreet— ed him with land cheers.., Itis,stated 'that the man hae often undertaken daring leaps before,'And thiat'he Will next visit NeweastlOand' taket a:IAP lie has awed there ever since rible Plunge A T from the High. Level Bridge.----New castle (Eng.) Chronicle. What Neit ? NoW - that the War with the rebels IS over, there' are very Many signs that the "Loyal Leaguere,"' W hoe have Slavery, are leaguing to kill . off something ,else, ,Protestant Leaguers seems to be the newl name., The Old School General Assembly, Wesbyteriane are having Gen.eral ASsembly in Pittsburg, Pa. 'They seem ,to be as full 0' , 4 fight as the= new kehoolers in ,Brooklyn. ,Many of them 'are certainly very wo/fy,.and are itching - to` somebody, - ()Of net to kill, to fight.' The follOtvingis net the report froM the Assembly of the Old School, in Pittsburg,: but of a re ifigious mass meeting held there, pend-.. mg the Convention. "Here follow reSblutions adopted 'by the : meeting, deprecating 'qhn, 'fearful growth the 'Papriey," both as an ecclesiastital . :and civil power' in this land that. "the. present is our auspicious moment to bring a- Mut the formation of a great Nation 7. al , Protestant League," to operate' for the overthrow of-"lnfidelity and' Roman Catholicism."' The' ;resehy were unanimously adopted,.and:' a committee , appointed to carry out their purpose.] First; the Catholic; then the jeWs; then the Ilpiseopalian;lperkaps, , then the Unitarians and Universalist; and Quakers again, perhaps ! The new god that many such !''Christ,ians" have fallen down to wer-. ship of late, is clearly a;heathein ked —:.not our God—not eVeW the"respee table gods that Egypt, Greece; arid •Rintio fallen down and wor 'Eibi a „fighting god,—,ar.d the devil dchibtleSs, not the Deity.— These'sertfOf "Religionists" Can nev er, never, be content. 'England could not hold them, and. they - _ fled to:Hol t:1:nd. Holland was too, hot for them and . they fled to New. England.. They there created liTheoeracy—and burnt witchee, and hung Qualterind let nobody vote—not of their'school and creed. The Baptists-were exiled, and "the Orthodox', wee-the only Chnrch rind State. They over must haie a fight on !hand ; they: ;,Would: without,a. fight. Thlesali g ( - )f , tlouls is Serry trade fur thorn ; the ltanti! "i l ag of bodies is their delight. Peace is Hell. War is licaven.—.N. Y. Ex press. 2tb crtiscr. THE WANDERING JOH; 26th 'MIL I T TA, ON TILEIB, " ISSCLEe BY A. ufir6n: MEE "Armatvirurnqueteano," says Virgil; Whemintrodticing! the Trojan' herb .in the iwouldl renownesblliadi 'Without' attemptittganimitation ,o the • ow- , ing numbers 4t. -M.antran•bard, we de • sigu to relateluldaimprosaie, the his tory a ourgallantband,:Whonot only, fought and:lfell;_litt . sGettYaburg,' but aotually ran = away;- , -noti: that -, they were afraid of the everpoweringtmyr ' Midoms of -not'''a bit of it. But ;then igentle , reader, you know,. or: at. least you, ought' to' kn ow ; yow don't, (ignorancein ease being utterly inexcusable,)'that'there is an and . verY truthful adage, „ whick inculcates 06 Principle: that :on 'oe,r-, tan 'occasion s . discretion': is the het.= ter part of valor." So :it - appeared to 'Col. .lonning'ii, Command 26th Ilteal: ment when, shortly be l . fore the ,battle of Gettysburg,, they., effected an, unprecedentedly, rapid, change 'Of base frotn„the rather un-, 'healthy atmosphere : of the South,i Mountain, iothe decidedly more,sa lubriouS climatelef Fort, Couch and. its bristling cannons. 77 Now. when . I. was a verdant Freshmen or a love struck Sophomore, even a must con fess it) when I bad attained the dig pity of astatelY Senior, I always sup , posed that mountain air. was exceed ingly compatible: to the well-being of myphysical existence. Moreover, I always labored earnestly, to - induce the , dignified professors to . allow said idea to permeate their benighted: cra hinins.---they however, "couldn't see it.'", ~No more could we, when 'at Oashtown. But of that more anon. - The 26th was a • noble •regiment equal tuany of the two hundred regi ments, that the old Keystone of the Arch has sent, (thanks to the indefat -fgahlft-ex.e.rtions.ofdler, noble, patriot ic Governor,) into the field to battle against accursed and perjured trai t:ors. No braver men ever drew breath, than its gallant members.— Officers . and men appeared to vie With each• other in their patriotic de- Votion to the Cause of country. We were willing to do our share of fight ing, but whenthrough the imbecility, or treacherynf the officer Command ing '-the'' post; (since reinoved,) our lwie:iegimdnt was into a sec tion of tOiintry . just itbout as nuttier ppsly represented by the iigged . fol- . IpFer,s , of Us' . :a • cemetery with tombstones—only a, little more it.. was 'getting rather rough for the boys. ' - Some poet; or poetaster, (it mat ters iittle which, for its all about the same these days of machine poetry) ,has "Ire'wha fights and runs away llaylive to fight another day." So we ',thought, after Watching for some „ time those interesting speci- Mews of . humanity, .(called- Johnny Rebs . , along : :the Rappahannock,) as th 4 in upon us, as ..if ann. ,h 0 routed thewhole of the , South ,Mountain ; and the best of Adams couuty r for a grand exhibi tion.of all the, concentrated -villainy of creation.. ~But then it , was not just : _so easy getting . , off, when the fields wore so full of .Rehels and, blackberries together, that we could hardly 'find room to stand, much less to run,,(the robs by the way, ,an fortunately having strongly - the pre 7 . l penderance.) ,But although, .it Ppared fora while to hemp . and tuck with the chance for Richmond rather • better, than Harrisburg, .yet we got away -and thereby bangs a tale.' • The‘,' , .:26th Regiment ; the first organized for the emer gency,.when, Pennsylvania was in vaded: by the rebel arthy.' It left Harrisburg June 16 ; its destination being Gettysburg, 'upon Which place the;rebs were reported to be advanc ing in force, The regiment number- ingBoot men, was under the con-i -uiand of Col. W. W. Jennings, - previ euSly commander of the 127th .flegi. • men, V.. hick had ender his skill-. _w• • • ful leadership, proved. its valor .Im, neath the frowning cliffs of Freder icksburg, and amidst the death atroWn woods and corpse-covered . thicketS of - o•lrancellorsville. The Lieut.:Col. and Major, who like the Col. werp'.nohly formed in Nature!s. Ibest,mnitld,--7were likewise heroes of the Potomac army. Many of : the - com44lmy'Offfeers: , andMen ver'btit 'lately; freq . ' the whilst the remainder of the Regi ment comprised the very elite of the Fbr the Advertiser OR, THE WHOLE NO. 833 districts which they represented.— Here, in, conjunction With the me chanic .and the laborer, could be found the clergy, attorney, physician, the student and manufacturer. Here were mingled together, old men whose'whitening locks and wrinkled hrowS, spoke cloquentl3r of the rava ges of, time; and, mere boys, whose forms' appeared to be almost crushed beneathftli6 weight of the Knapsacks' and -rifles—all alike animated 'hi a , patriotic devotion to country, and a rescue her fair fame as well, as I th sacred soil of the , noble Keystone from. the insulting presence of a rapacious foe: - 'When abut, six Miles from - Gettys-, burg the train; containing the regi ment, wa,s thrown fromthe track by a stray cow. And here . let, me di gress sufficiently to utter in the name of humanity, my solenin protest, against this legalized slaughter, to which our traveling community are yearly subjected. Hufulreds of pre cious lives 'are daily' t the mercy of the legions of stray cattle : which in- ,felt every by-way,' public road,_and railway of the Commonwealth. Our siater State, New York, has efficient ly guarded against this prolific source: 'of evil ; and for any species of cattle - to . be allowed to stray beyond the, in closures of their owner,, incurs upon. Them a prompt and heavy penalty. So should it be in our own State, and .we hope oar . august Legislature will ere long remedy ;this evil. . Had the accident , occUrred a few seconds sooner' we should' all have bean precipitated down an embank inept of upwards of 40 or 50 feet.- - The smashing up of the engine and a fevi cars, .necessarily made us bivouac for - the night there. The ebon clouds which had been for some days gather ing, commenced to pour : down th.e rain in torrents. But war is some thing stern, dark and: bitter. No gathering of festive men for holiday amusement, hut. the concentration • suffering ~ and hardship. Nirell had 'we known, that we: must resign home 'comforts, when we started for the field ; and well I know, that not one .of those braVe men in our .regiment zliiraLiii...froynthe 'gloomy prOspect be fore them.. What was .our present inconveniences, compared with the sufferings of the noble army of the Potomac, when pressed by rebel herds on the Swamp' bound banks of the James ; or when confronted by Stone Wall's 30,000 veterans, amidst the desolating, withering fire of hell, which was poured upon our decima ted .ranks, at . the i ulaughter-strewn field : of Chancollorsville ? The boys endeavored to•rnake the best - of a dis agreeable situation, and amidst : the sound of song, and the blaze of cheery camp fires we . slowly sank into the embraces of the somnific deity-the kindly Morpheus. We remained in our involputarily chosen encampment for only ten hours,. 'When we were ordered - by Major Haller, commanding the ,PoSt - , to advance to Cashtown, at the foot of the. South Mountain. Hero were we; one lone regiment .of Infantry, with neither. cavalry or artillery sup ports, sent right into the spot swarm ing with guerrilla cavalry; under Jeekins,,White and Mosby, and upon the very road upon which the divi sions of Ewell'e, corps bad already commenced their march for the Sus quehanna. The wonder is not that after bravely combatting superior forced, we were compelled -to retire ; but rather that any of us even es ca.ped: our 'tale. The road had by . this time-been rendered almostimpassable by means of :continuous rains; producing a mud to be rivalled in consistency only by the plastic mire of the sacred soil of the "OM Dominion." As: the rain continued to pour down in intermina ble streams; we were, being doubly fp - ricked through the . classic streets of the once obscure and quiet, but now forever historic city of Gettys burg. How little had I .anticipated,_ when in the quiet of other years, I had walked its well-paved streets in company of lady-fair or gay, cellegi-, an;that My next. visit would be.un dereircumstances of this character. We-saw the country under most unfavorable circumstances ; yet on every side were evi.dence of thrift and home comforts.: The waving crops of ripening. grain ; the dark. ruxuriant foliage of the forests ; the meandering :.streamlets wandering Carelessly and bubling joyous through scented meadows—all afforded a beautiful picture of agricultural and dOmestictranquility; How little did we dream; as we crossed Seminary ridge; aid left the town behind, that, that very sprit - Was to ;.vitness the sanguinary slaughter of the let of July, or, that, the dark, blue peaks C4c affitiolisfr. A PAIIILY:PAPEWPOR TOWN AND COUNTRY, IS PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY By WM. M. BRDSLI.II, 2d Story or Punekic New •Bulltling, Cumberland St At One Dollar and Fifty Cents a Year. ADvziensureas inserted at the renal rates ! lit Aiiir'IIANDBILLS Printed at an hours notice. BATES OF POST4GE. • In Lebanon County,postage free In Pennsylvania, out of'Lebanon county 6 cents per quarter, or 20 cents a year. , . Out of this State, 6% cte. per quarter, or 26 cte. a year if the postage is not paid in advance, rates are double . , • of the "Round Top," farto the South, was so soon to drink deep!y of the life blood of contending foes. How is all now changed. Where lately flowers were springing, and golden pinioned songsters were chanting their matins of thanksgiving, all is now cold and dreary desolation.— The crops trampled in the miry soil, alternately trod by soldiers, in grey and ioldiers in blue. The - sere, and dying irees 'of the forests, rent with shot and she'l l , and shivered with omasketrY. • •. ,• Althongh, the 'first troops :to enter Adains' ceiity, fate" did not permit. us, to beccime final participants 'in the decisive victory there won. In the battle there 'foUght'a fe*:days after our eXodue, bet Ween the two rival armies of the.Peterede,;..Were - staked the ,destinies of the liberty-loving people of the World oV - er (hiring con turies.yet unhort. May . we'nOt be lieve, that when on' the third day 150 rebel eannon,. were potriag 'their fearful services of shot and' Shell lip on. Mir left 'centre; in order 'to sweep batterieS' front' :the field, and Crush but our' "lines - of patiently, en durin g . irifantrY,'the heroes and mar tyrs of 'freed'om, ihrongli'. the long centuries of "the by-gene past, were gaking on - the 'sweeping;' hoWling, , moaning, shrieking tempests' of or- Chestral death.' Nor do we rightly appreciate the immense destinies for weal or wee involved,• *hen Ewell, appealing to thememory of the fallen warriors of dhancellorsVille, led his corps against.the; roclEfaittesses of the right, commanding the. Baltimore road, the key to our position. Had. a Single one of our • sorely • pressed, fearfully decimated—aye; more than decimated regiments broken, the result ,of the gory field cf. Gettys burg would have been far differently. NOSooner had our regimeritreacb ed the vicinity, of dashiown and cora- Menced making preparations for en eampment, than our pickets, were dri6n in by the advance of the rebel army of invasion ; numbering as we subsequently ascertained 11,000 In fantry and cavalry accompanied by I nearly 40 _pieces_ of artillery. We were immedia.tely Orcleroct-tm cr ane, Arri it was getting ~l ively for the boys." A retrogade movement was com menced—through' ye fields and by ways—notv almost totally impassa ble on account of mud. Some of the more weakly constituted, began to find well-filled knapsacks not so pleas ant as might have been desired, and loitered in the rear with a feW of their stronger comrades to assist them.-- Whilst this rear squad, number; ing no less than 160 men, were re freShing themselves—We were sur prised by an unexpectedly visit by about 1500 nib. Cavalry-Lwhom be ing evidently desirous of forming a more intimate acquaintance with our agreeable selves, we felt .hound to entertain as well as our limited means, of amusement would permit. The result of a ten minutes acquain tance was, however, not so agreeable, for-.all of whom except S. Moore and myself were taken prisoners, and much to theirdiscomfitUre were march: ed back to Carlisle barefooted. This occurred at 10 o'clock, A. M., and from that time until 7 P. M., we as sidiously enjoyed ourselves' in the fa vorite stragetic operation known as a change of base, which if not con.; ducted upon as , g . large a scale, as has been frequently. the case upon the Rappalitnnock, was .s far more inter- • citing to us perfionally, than any; of those eelebrated historic movements of Me'Clellan, Burnside, or. Fighting Soo. During all this perilous flight, we were not free from the presence of grey backed soldiers, whose idea seemeeto. .he, that if With: their worn-down-steds, they were' unable to out run us in our precipitate flight across thickets and woods, which de fied their efforts to penetrate with rapidity, they still could shoot, and we thought so too, by the frequent whiz and buzz of their bullets. At one time, just as we had congratulat ed ourselves, that w.e had finally dis tanced their advance, and throWnthe pursurers off the trail, we emerged .from the woods, in which we were concealed, but to our amazement, we found a regiment of White Cavalry drawn up in a :line,' not over three hundred yards from the .spot where we stood. The Corn mending officer ordered us to surrender. The reply was "you are not -our Commander hence take us if you can," as we per formed evolution, distinguished the hest as "right about face." They re plied by a sharp volley of bullets, from which we escaped by throwing upon the . ground'. ,again a -midst the stnoke and thickets, we de camped upon a path of a rivulet, near 4, ,in its tortuous windings thro.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers