The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, December 21, 1864, Image 1

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    amP cocrusuago. upitsizailtaxicpseuaDsz.
Neatty clod Promptly fAletsCed, of the
Tate establishment Is now snpplied with an extensive
assortment of NOB TYPE, which will be incrhitsed ae the
patronaga demands. It ten now turn out PRINTWO, of
Very destriptien, In a neat and eknellitiona manner—
very reasonable terms. Sunhat;
Pamphlets, Chocks,
Business Cuds, Handbills,
Circulars, Labels '
Zill Iloadings,2lanks,
Progrominos, hills of Farb,
Imitations, Tiobsts,
DEsso of all binds. Common and Jadgmerielknflai.
Juitlees'; Oenstables' and other Illtssmit, Printed
correctly and neatly on the best paper, constnntly kept
for sale at Ibis office, at prices "to suit the times."
Vilii hieriptinn prise of the LEBANON ACV:R.IISM
.. One Dollar and a Half a Year.
Address. Wit. M. Bums, LeikMiti,
Office Northr IVest Omer of:Water
abeidtrarket Streells,q)
, . .
,44 • ,
*Aler *
44 1 1MFOirakitlr . AT 'JAW.
CYrost in entabbeitand street. a rein 'doors east of
ifUttli ROtniiiti the glace late or liii father
!Not. johnWea,,decrd.
ea. Se ptit. A 1503.. .
10.14 7 4 — VAL
A.. STAN.L.tir
remomidAhOfficet tette tailding,,ckag door ea.
et LeederailleWeStoreopikeilteVeteWashiegtbit-tteeee
''lfebaeett. , r.
! • BOUNTY apt P.191140N promiitly , attended .
to ' • 't,Apftttl;
y"c's. iw aPtheeta.-Buildipg.. Cumberland Street
nearly opposite the Court louse, tuitottuttt;
Lebanon; Julie 16, 1.864.—tf.
• ~,c , .,
the Beek
111464 ties* oppo
111 de e teti rmi ::liad AiieiAotsti... maltyu Karßtn. fa,
45,5 RNMOVFM, tite °Neel° Market Street. opposite
The Uthenon -Beek; two doors North of Widow
• note!. . • ;
Lebenon.Blerch 25. ' 63, -
• Bass&Elm . fieriest •
AC. t mai, el lr 016 saes ;
ropigus remote& to Cal,ehatiotyl street , one door
Nit Nast of Lotianou Valley Dal*. Opposite tha
Huck frotel,tabatton; Pe. _ Ram
, Jitranted •', ,
N APOISNTICiI ikwanted io the • Mankind &hit,
iii Itx. thd undersigned' in' Water Streef...,l4llamin. ,
• A. B, Siff liK & CO,
'Nov. 9, ISill.—*. '
'JO lAll DILLER . '
ilandks Nitit fetaS 4 rod at , his GrottAft : Store. 'Cumber
, St., ano'dnor wont of Market. n lot ,of.Fteth
Prq t in Cane, installing Peaches, "Gages, Green Vora,.
ToinakiesPelites.: , li. ,-, c ~ . ..: . ~. ~ ' ;
' '..-. , • ... - ' Plehles,,,.;
petaled,, Cauliflower, Kerebug,..pepper Sallee
• Cheese.
niv g listi t Limber-jet, ittip-Page. • ' -
' ll ''' • ' , Fish. ....1 ...' , : :, .1
slonsesassamos.nsekoteri nerrigis, co4#oi.
,_ , Fruit.
Raisins ,Currente, Prunes, Dried Apple+ and Sestehes;
'Cranberries., Applen.' Hoot Ini,. Prapidits, • ,
, - • Harley. Peas. An: i ,
A lot of Buckwheat Foal: Alen ' bb ' bins& of New
linalt. ApPles. • ' ... •
; • .. Highest price given in CASII for Eggs, Bet
Dried Apples had reaches., nPlittS, Onions, &C. ' .
i. ki. '.. ." tlibl.Cgostrocmge in eotkited.
lisibstinti;i4V 23.1868.° .-
' .
. ,
1 804 t New sTYL ES. 1 56 , 1-
MAMMTION in Netherland - Street,
Cont between
Marketand the Court, dowse side,
now en' panda splendid sidertitiltit'brdierd .
Style of RATS AND CATS, for men and boysito . r 1858
to which the attendee"( themibila is respectlally ler;
ted. Mats all prices,, Vow die cheapest to the mos
costly; always. on lined. Me has alsojestopeited erten
did assortment of SUMMER HATS, embracing mush a
Irthw)ll Poo Wholesale all of Mats, Carl'
ike,, to Country Merchants on ailiailtageoun tares.
• Lettrirroa, SIityWIROL. •• . : ; .
SO Excuse — for '
Li lible prevehtive Of the Snob:Wan or , berenirm out,
of Steam Boilers. for sale, and vrarrented by,* e. Bat.
thee, 2.1 North nth St., Philadelphia.' . •
Lensiros Tonsure.;
October 17, 1804.
I hive Asticrofes "Lois Water Detectors" on my
Boilers. and ely sattaDed roger&
<MO reliability from an actual teat of one of •thette
- Which 'pare the alarm' and thereby saved the boilers i
ithd in altilltellhood Ale and property beeldee..
' • per Cilium 12..tronsir.
November 2, ISO ,—Sat.: . •
• <. -NY LAND . ADENCIti .<:
L . , UAN,LES .. O I /11111,il
as:AltOlr;'3lL er*- uleigarver.,
andertdrared, havltopbetel needled Of *recut.
ola Me , and harlog hem engaged ill i tlePV:li nd '
Pension baelnees:ottere reivtres , am* whp
aY e thereto entitled. la emeardence AM init,rirArtoot
Arts or, emigre:4. All
,ettell,ebould eoll or *Wen
deed, lad make their ellOYMpol leatlool AAa l thronrseYe(
• • .1/AdSlAliklL 0 -1 11 4 •
Orrteiremeivea to amberlin o
door East orthe T.elianos Ileak4.ollloalta
the-Hack Hotel, Lehattop, Pa. , Vatt.t,/,
1:f AyitlG returned hens, Philedelplths', A wpuld FAY
to thw aced peeple'of Lebanon and Vic thity, their,
hare taken rooms at AIRS. laittsaa's (oho door Kest ef
Dr. O. D. Oloningeee,) where I can be found at all'
bows of the day, to wait upon these who may - want
my professional eery lees;
/*fielder attotion paid to o'o4).ra/west kittd filling
of rzgrii. Ail opertitiongslone le the moat improved
and "reknit/to:mann manner.
diiiPTßlttitd, fow , ea elsewhere , fur the setae
alias 61Work.
.Chlareforas and kitliehr ailutinhotered tops Heats when
. desired,
2'hatteitifor pattldrotor, I would eighilt thd pstrosi•
.41 4 1 of those wishing the services or,* Dentist.
Alkalt4l.B CLAItK At. S. S.
'Lebanon. Pa:, April 27,1864. • •
.10:nr,.. Root and Shoe 'Store
• 11UNtinderelsied at to the public that they
have removed 'their New Boot and. Shoe Store to
,Ctontberiptuf fired, Lebanon, in John Green's building,
4ouldoor Litest of the Cantectionery Store„ , where they
IFler ,kaaping coned-anti: on band aocueral
tier min Of Jodrell, Gentlemen,' Paiute, toys and
. 'BOOS ? hcieS Gaiters,:ET r.te
. to
ell of *doh willhelnadcup in style and quality no
t 0" he SuYpasse'd bY any, dtber Workmen in the country.
litorefort shall he spared to *dose and salisty all who.
, :nay fatter the* with Abair orders, and their. charges
wilt be as refolonhhte as possible, eothpatible with a ihir
reteuneration,,.. •
They also keep a hires stock o f • "
30166 15 warranted to be as repreeel4l4:
. The public are Invited to call ind'etain tbblr stock
parlous 10 purchasing. ' -"• 4 {.7) :
Altaintreyeirinp dons en short mike and „a Crononatie.
rtki. . . • AN6IIES' 111001tE:
. BAMLlTlLfil„atlltel
Cloutitv Bount3r , - MILIC: •
ay tailoring named parsecs have heed appointed
,Ili• toroth:et the County Bounty Tan in their respecti;
:Ive,Dharlets :
. ' ,Antrrillb,ltortk . , :Charles Arnt.
Aen Samuel Seabold
Armenia, South ' .
'MAUI, ' "; Caney S. Lick. '
,• • Cold Spring fold Culon,.. gear, 8. flood.
Cornwall, L'lfphrskiet Seiertat.
Heidelberg,. - - . I tblnanual Walk.
,Ilinuver,,East . David Vomiting:
.- Jackson, ' ' .; Itrelliikk P. Steiner.
:, •Letsmon ToWnship, North Abraham Trozel.,
, Lehr* Township. South Christian Bomberger.
t e l l pp ihjrough, R. Ward Peter ititilir.
LObenOli 00011811.14,« Ward Jacob Graelt.
Lebanon ItoromplyNorth John C. Went.;
L ui d on d er , 7 „. . . .. 7'T • John Wolferaberger.
Millereelt. ,; , :
„, JearPh Matthew.
sp a t s ", ' ' - ' Gedrge W. Walker. ,
' ' The. Taxpayer ate earnestly rrqueeted to make
v prompt payment to the,collectore.
All the money tbat possibly can should be collected
ori or before tile FIRST daroriJANUAllY, A -TS ,1843 a,
sad paid into the COttOiy Trratillrr , ' . , •' '
' 'AO per Cent will lid added' on Ali money W hich is
.entpaid on or before the firstdey of VEIIKIJARY, neat
"114 to law.
LES ' '
n ER, ; Conualssioners
. JACOB , BRUSACIIkIt, . u c rd ..
` WILLIAM EARLY . Lebanon Co.
Attest r •••-•Crittla lintax,. clerk... ; 9 • . ...
Lebanon, N0v,18,111 , . ; . ,
Lateirt tpes at CHARLES OAEFORD
SONS, Coo ha en ta I Hotel, Ph iladolphic,
r. •
'e,• • -Dic;
-15 t
~., !:. ~t
VOL 16irr-.NO. 26.
wfidars Baisui
'‘, 4 . •
• • • •
•ekit7 oft Brestaiing.l4ftmsvibigisi
aimat 8O Trost crouly l3 4l, , ,VMß
Arestion of •
7Nft4irtt sung
Whim's% •
,; 'Clkietioin. • • • • • • -7
..,1- : •
ttogonoral Alp .otr-this reinedar become, and .
io 'Xist:tt; IFernifelleceryte
reeeentAnwidat ii til ONTkt#PRO * A4 4131 4 And
utterance tn.ttie . &int ana-voloutafy ttottittoifr of
the 'KRA& .tn* tetfeHtet sod metttidedisesse,
A f ive by It. wilittotooltoOd to pristine prier and
health. We 106fienix p edi
t as ore - 110nm in proof of
our saelitione, it • - • ; ;„:
Aphie4Reic 4. - aiob - See r,
Wsli kabtra oiiticlf iytocfednaiong 'the`tiednsti'.
This ceortitity.luak th 4 etiete l
atom AI. the, troll& of the agloted,
• • , 144. - Feb 18 0 BM --
Xrcerogirrilleving reelized , itt my - -fandlyytespor
taut benefits from the use of your valuable preparation
--Want% - Bdularr 'di' 'WILD r.Clistatcra-it /Saida me
plesum.rn to . ; recommendtheimblic. . / flome ;MIAS .
years ago one of my daighters seemed to vrd de
cline, an& little topes of , her ricaye g y, pe r e;Otativineir
I then precnred a bottle of your excellent Balsam,
before ebb bid taken the nholit'oftlie+liblittithinf the'
bettimthere VMS a great iniprnyemena it her
have in my individual case, Amide frequently nee of
4tion , valtiable medicine, - ati4ll liavtalmaytdbeentetleflt -, ,
•• ' ' ' 4 - Attiftit s atbittlit.
Promlesse Awls:President of
the Morris County 84204;:ilftirris
- •
--town; New Jersey.
i'llar i tiogiqsad wiatigucnizsAiroiwithfesgint
for :Mont fifteen Years,' aishOlistitilig Arline& itsibenell
chit results in my famity,leaffords me great ph:attire:
in recommending It to the public,intivaluable remedy:
in Miami OrWilaklungc cordeidtifigheigd, and a rein&
dy which I omelder to be entereiy innocent, and. may
be taken with perlect safety by the moat delicate in
'health: • ;; ' ; , ; : '
"rani li on. John...,E ; Sint a .b4iin7
swished Lawyer oo
ter, Alar ' yland.
I beer on several tocesione peed Pr., 'Merin7ll
MA Or WILD Can,lit ler secire'cidile, erid almorit rad:
decided) benefit. I kneel df;-pp. fpreperntbrirtlitt
more eincectous or more deserving otgene rel
The P1111.101.411$ also beg, wiled with. excenevit effect
by . 4. Wichane Milrierost nottlis;ll4.
WE/InesMilani 7-2 of Wild'
"" Chit:rey?
None onletast saguaai.,l. WOPTN," on that
Lk Br • '
J. P. DINSITONN, No. 401 - 11voattliriya., Yak.
g. W. FOW.LN do CO,„ Patipriadora, Be3tayat,
' "beiamitda
Itt's ftPly iimebltslhea teiperiorlty or
rif:01111116°8 RUSSIA
Over ail other tenli'eg prepartitione
IC cures ' sr.,SOßES,,- CUTS. SCALDS,
WIN. lsoi Ls. ULCERS; A LT! It it ED3I: klt TSI P.
J. P. DINBSIONn t N 0.491 Dr* Yee New .York.
S. W. IFCMLIV*VO.,No.Iif Tieweint Se., Reston
1 i r:., Aid by - all Druggists.: • •
! june:22,,,1884.-71y row.
• !". .1
Splendid .. - Farni. ,
• ,
IM !Matti - tier 451Yrkleit • Private ie'raire Farms ,
L;lpepted In, Cornwall. township., Lebanon County, •
ateinietalles Ram Lebanon.' on the' road leading to
Rbifte Tavern; near Zinn's' Mill. containing
SlLlillereib o*d 110 Irerche
osTepoly MirTTINS.LAND, tinder poem) fences, and
laid °Slim convenient - fluids; nitli Tv&
• Alntng Wafer Alio running water tlfrortg4
, 4:-;1 Aloe hones AO in the barn yard. and
pannier at the house • dud'. near;
: • ' barn. :rater can be ;reached, ttr the',
cattle from every add. wlthinit ' voing an
raga '.The imnrenrententi ate ;a' larie XWmatory •
;Met Bti en gistipi uocrpti with. kitchen and waox
trona, alfaShied. large 'RwiTtEit SARK' anti ittlier
berm Cmriager Meuse, Wagon Shed, and in fact all nec,
,fintlaalings. An excellent Toting OltaltAßD
' and all kinds of Fialt Prices. - Thfa One tbe moat
desirable and BEST FARMS In 141tBADON, cqunty.
NO 2"
7 Acres ; or
HEAVY WHITE OAK, In 'Carrefrall tow oljE
'ohip t iblia Imo tittles from No. 1. '
.. a r tq).
gracresiand ill Perches
cuttaNirr. WIDER.. LAND., in , Itaidel
ekbait tiawnsiiip,l" mile - (rein Shaeffelatogn,
on- the.rond leading to -Geckley's. Half the
,timber ulthe above.tract is lit to cut. , *
Nti.'."4*:, = ,
2 Ares staid a 7 reithes
or en:mina TIMBER LAND about a': idle from
No. S. •
.18i- The whole can be bought together, or singly, to
cult pstrebaseirs.
- Good title and pootesaion will be Oren . on , the let o
April, 1865.
For further informitlou apply to .the subscriber:re!
siding ouBlo. 1.•
• .
• ' 3 1 ACO11 WiTll3ll,jr.:
Cornwall .tp.. 8 , pt.14. 184, - 7 2111 - •.'
Borough -Ptoperty.
ILI. be sold at public auda,at tbe pulpits house hy
p Henry Pleaded, ht Lebanon', un •
Saturday, December 17, 1864,
the following Real Esiote. viz
A LOT or PIECE; of 0 ROUND, frOntine ,on
'iteeet, betieeen Walnut and Pinigrove etreetn, in the
,boeou , !I of Lebanon. The Lot it 3534, feet _front arid
' 209 feat, deep,„ to en ally*. 'The
proeenlenete nee a bro-story FAA=
DWELLJNO MOUSE:, with summer
bonse,'Kitchen and Meat Stand, at-
teched„Rtablo. , ntrrena. suqp,
gon Shed, and' other ImOrivmtente.
'This le a dealraLle proaerry,. and north) , the attention
of farinerninLecbaules and ,littiolio2 men: ,
Good title OR pOesealon Will S her girin on ' that at
day of Abnitall36o. - .. Solent, itaittnenee at 2 o'clock; Pi
M., when tfri t nayr will be made know! , by
Lebanon, Nov, ; , r
• . •
Lebanon • 1i0r 0 24 11 IBms. Rt Y
Tllkeolllecteir of Taxes:foe : Lonoi mn
PETER 11/tun, will be, in the coP4c"
the Court Nous* , in the noretegh:oifLebsthan , on
daY.Tuesday. Wednentait, Thursday, flignif and &It'
urdae, the 12th, Inth„1411o, 16th, letb and Vitt 'days
of Deamber, D. 1864, Sot Um purpten of Ine ebril4
,the special Tax assessed for Bounty purposes.. Notice
is also hereby given that per 'cent additional will
punitively be added to all Taxes. not paid on or before
January 1, 1865. and all the Taxes must be paid_bl
the Ist dly df hlaret, 18657. The.aisestenent is $1.6
on the PO?. ; Blonder °Etta% Town Council, tt t•t.
• • DAN aItITTINGEB, Chief •Nurgann - ,
Lebanon, Nov: Tit, 1116•14-4 t; ' ' ttit
• LADIES' AND- Ai MN' -HATS. .• •
Latask&t7le4 sitocUA UES ,EXtitrftßD
BONN Cietiseatil
mike Mum
.;;;Aui -Watikee i haelielent eire'ultirtys,
ton ; the, ArtA7 ;vitil,Oltrir!g ,tli 9!ast. inon the .
MiATlWkier; 444 4O
P: ;b TO 00 ,00.n 4 .
fall .launths, ,' w en ,, _ the, emi grant,
itralps . ,at ; red I i ng., in olt„tbe . , !OW na
with . Whole.: troops ! :of sti n 7broytitett.l
Amoscts .. ,
.—Ths:girlS bine all hear,u '.'liftt ~i, '; 00!
chances. fufr getting I.,;iipitiati'd . ,...iff,
.'awful. .: geed ,iii . **NIS,'" ' They_
I : k now tbete .are.',‘,,qo Opt", dr ebilii.its,
,so they, begin. :pr i 'itupbwiih Ortlk , a fter
paskinndupenciencoAlpir li 4a
, by.
„khg..timei they ,strike • i tht-',Faki.;°(l
type,ValliolikhqPlT9 in 4 1100t*B . t'0: e
of •Wigg . le v ,,4 .1 . ...i i.,..
:1,-• 64 tY: V'k. IV / . 1 *.. :
: 4,1
; 9.1 t H 4#lF; I . le
lie Vlned*l*9ot*** . liiti- • ,:-:,:
.. 1
eated,caliee from tike, Stars.',., . . .;
~gszt talked much Of. Whiati4ejraini
would arrive ,and of Tre . il.y, 'prnigraut
ghis:; ,I, .; -:,,,,-, ); i. ~, , . .1- -' - •:,
~..; u Us -sworn ); 0 , v.l*4-44 1 4' 10 .0 1 4! ,
this 'fall, sure:" , .
... ,
At last it was reported that t - a big .. ,.1
. tami nri wits :et mod on the Carson, two
i talk 8 • beygnd .Day talk .;:-, ; .:-I •.: ii • ;.
' • 'Ciftiiiiriekb 1 IMO') ted . :ibiS i ,- '/I1)0844ing:
I anitdellatteliVtlth Miatr -.
ity,; ..q ~.,i,, ,
‘''. . Thelrtpottivreektdo;truK awdoichsq.-
eras '.- bettery ; , .:4 omen ,absolutely,. al,
I bbunded;'!. at ti.otuiriek; afterward* jilt,
form ed : nre. ' :in his enthusiastic. way..,
He tofatam nog fh e ten tsatul: wag-;.
ons, nate'risibly , ,,enuch ,concerned!, to,
kniiiriesUetly . t he -Sta te,l , eon nty ,•and ,
. tOwiri , from avideh'ieach larhily: halled.,,
but trrrealitytalfing-aeteaof the fine,,
:poi ntsit f aft the m arria gea bl e look in g
females' in - ;:the.•eamp: ; : , k ' :, •,.7 : i • .
' At last bastruek., ona,that . , salted
I _
1 . lii In' Ida . dot t-. ; - ii b , .; • -- - --, . • •
~ i Emig ~ afterwards.hey said - ; . 'to: me:.
with agreat.sikh,;;Whielt :: ha: tried: to,
innother itt a. laugh i .',..01) .. she „Was ;Was .a "
i dipper I ~ Trim (es, a igatel WI , tithe; as
I:at wilifint , ,-• ;chile ka iwhich (t a
, ,
ilitliwn etl) - showed a illeaehyoudd iuess
, With = eyes lib / /sea great ! brown,
swimming :;eyetil-L-tthat 'drove.; your .
- tool cown: into your rlhootsia.drauged.,
your hbart!rightupinta yaur throat
and left; yott ~speeehless and...slung+ t,
.ti e tip- . , . ,- , !F = ; 1 ,,„.1 :,-7,;`-; ',, , 1- ..;-;;: •1 , .
rratkritrstimptuoitsien3ale:Condriek: -
laletrilige; •. 2 ,;-: '.!. s :: i • ;-: :: .:• - ! : ~,:
ilia progress was good ~ ~,, , !I , ; 7 :
A - s ,th e ; shades E of; :eventrig : tau ed.
'down - upon-(valley and kill, lie and
li Is , charmei took ir stroll., ~: . ;- . , :
As thera-atlied: , r 4; the ;
...., alb mean-
, ._ _ _ ~. . •
fhcesof the mootr , rose upfice_m beh , itia
the iseiterit hills:- All nitere -Seemed
died atrjd'=quiierting,.withsloac, ;
): Lore danced in•lrays .riwonlight,
that glanced oaithe stream, theiwil
lowwrnstled their libnves,to the •pass
ingtreezes,4ndr;so%sWeetly 1014 ,the
story of their - love. that, even:. tile rest
lose Winds-were forawhile enticed to
lirger, forgetful - of-their journey ; en.
ktnorediriight-haiits were ,skitnrning
the tore-laden-air Inptutins circles ; .
- rays of languishing light,gleaming in
answering . Bashes =from their-,lazy
wings); ibriolkets • peeping from , .their
boles in neighboring hillocks, chirped
tuiench - ;utlier tinr wieili:Art•.tremulous :
notes the: ripe .and gushing rain of
their surcharged hgarts; beetles, cra
zy lore ) . ; thundered ,hoaripely
their plaints of: the,tender.,,pain Oat,
'racked itheir•alailedj bOles, and the
•swect honoydeW:el itqaYeal ,t4 l l#4tly
into - the lbeart.cup ~that each. . m e ek '
plants held Mt stinglYl •
4The.sympathetic Reacts o f. 09. lor- 1 ,
:ere acknowledged the tender
;the.sweet thrills.with l which44:,nat
tare quivered,. ~•.4 d, • • • ' 1 ,4 ;4
owlyithc pai r tr (pack discourse
wan dered,-oo
,What.throbsi of affection. stirred
Gondrick's :heart ,
What.fires of • lovo bora pit 4,;Conr ,
As - his obarifier lea9ed• krostingly.
upon his arm,. heaven seemed to , de
scend and rest on the lower and,oeur
er hills. .1
As the :murmur, of a bee itt s rose
was her VOiCe to: his seal.
Seating ihemselpetsF .qn -grassy
bank, they gazed. together ,on the
darkling eddies .of the glfd in g stream:
,colors Cocitrick paint.
ed lot,the fair being ,by,his - side epic
tune of.the,,wocclerful Wealth tkidden
within, the, rocky vaults-tif , the whip
,poorwill mines.;.
Charmed by his. eloqueßee,atd
.sorbed in the oon,tempjatiop of- the
picture he-plaesd,before her, she for
:got ell else and„gradually,ber beauti
ful .h cad. droopedd rouged. low,er l a nd
Lower .---and; ,rt.tateck' upon. his
:bosom—his mantrichesc. • • ,
Great,' heaven 1, ,thrill :idartod:
through hie , frume,- , and • so, affected
him that 'it was only. by titremulotts
elfort , that be etuild smother the .vol
, bans' of emotions :welting. within 'his
botiem. ' . . r , .• ' • 4
He felt a desire; to: boondAo;
feet, and utter .wild whoop t
Out`e .
No;'be'.eonstrained , hi';4 - enfotiOn;;
ho resisted the • - y;
lee head "iyaik ' and' snug.
It, nestled upon his breast= A
'.As.she ,gazing, into -hand
hohie Tao; her parted hirieh- -
esti:broin, - fell affluent
**es. from her broad .:forehead;
sari atid'bf ,thiarbie . tex.
'thin and 'Mgr
quid `eyes kinked into hi's; and he
do*n ihto ,theit
si3entkdio;':Ooatre' th'ere'. •' ' -
) 11 1140i'eti"Okit'e lOcrer and
rested'oi..'the valley
! Ohvild not altvayts lust ;Ho
felt tbit ,Ske9i4 ,tn§it
'aipeeitifescalaginir 4')‘4
1 Her: great{ Votfeksiest Awl 1 ttni. There have been at least twopal
-1 the silken, ifingiftt slifyttriiii fOtititValt gable forms of frond practiced by the
, rested on , heF,Onei ) ,%,„ supporters. of .4,brahaln ,HVIWItt it%
lie was happy t stwah, bat be erder tomalteY4l),,this majority, and
1 , could not be us l*mvitik,forever. thus' seeure lihrt, the eleetoral tete . of
.... 84 0 . iaorned to l .,o,:irs 'the same. , the State: Biel-Wens .ballots ;have
theughtsi ,! , t ~,,. ~ - , been placed in Lthe -ballot boues,.'
, an
I, e Oightly . -,,e
. jter, - bead,..i,jta
~lkertneo, f ulse,registries, tbe-'44Ple
:prow, , ±l4ll l , 4int tr,great, cos has been repeatedly proven to 4ye
as formerly ? , ; . , , ~,i , , ;., been , the case in our elections hereto
lk,r, 1, w5.,;41,4tr ' , . 1 Weald She fore ;,and, secondly, the saw'of
se 1' , V:4,041),,, 4 *Japse 'berr . the volnfiteer soldier's. l). *:ir9 'lot only
.11ke then& wtagony. ._ ,,i _ „Veen, orarawed and Pe l eveited by, ear
-110 hgt447l'W AIM: ,11,0141P01- .rupt partisan °MOW but the returns
elf standing on ameipitle., , ~ i
~thentselves, in ninny case * have been
trieN. l .§ 105i4f4; 1 04 baletoee. -. 'tatripered with and tresiisife*Med. lei
__„ll,e w as t a PP / iViPTer• ' reference lo,iletitiou's votes, ' wilt) be-
V9 lll "Age ;1 , ir , :,7 . • Oohs that cit y ~ o f Philidelphia
' titgasixed - 71 d ant his tale, of has td-day,- or ever had 09.800 voters
14% ,: : : •; , ,i . 4,,e.15; -,1 . ". ,legally and Properly. registered ' iii
It , was not
.4 I 6'9E10; .. .. ' her- various wars and Vreci ri ts ?
'Wit. vraslo, u• t ointr. ,
~' -.. And 'yet;.,thtit iiiiiiibkLeft- .I.4ilian_,
-01 Wit!ingked-4441 - ed ....-*4lanis longt, Careen ekint4d iniOtenilesiden't : ==greing
tremendous, coLvuldte,sigb
, near 1:1,000 AAbolition'majority Vin a. ,
. ,
Isllt, she said nulling. ' city, that not many years since 'burnt
,-Inlt murmuring OM , boaskeither ,al Abolition hall in open day, as ri
If; she,. hadn't some ;feelings of - the • ee 1
~, nuisan •
same k hid ,fold him 1,, ,-, V * Theists. attempt to etereise the
, , She put her:aSme about his trecolt, i ifiglit oystiffrages on the part of the
And , -bidding , her sweet face in his i volunteer soldiers; hiorproved a nig- ,
'shirt froat c ; obbed , . out in a. OrSokealwal failure—farce I , would call it, '
, Wee , that,timt was-Abiat-Aiiedbcr,- , but fcir ' its varioes,lnelaneholY ton-
Heaven let Pdall kffifis,::Aud _fell, at eMnitunts: The : doubts entoliained
his feet.:, ,-, ~,, ,-. .c 4 ' .- , fialli,. -, • :by intthyins to the wisdom, and pro-,
Here foi.jeiwkarseveral deep, search- •tiietrof,tbis , -,-..tneasure,: prior ie-its
iug, delieionithisses. 0- ~: , 1 ' 'hdoplitti, trotild seem to: have Aced 1
=[,For the gratifinatiOn of .my , lady 'ffilly4eOlized. • , . , -—• ! .-1
'readers, and that they may knew, the: It ' i i ii ,,, , aii i itim bib, ever ~t 6 • „ secure,u,./
.exact number,- and,, deratien of' these o , l ,, a , tvit f g t . c u s4 i,e.ib rt w0 0 . 4 ,1r., Itiicket.t. ; -so]
kisses, Phave put them .all dow,o.— as t o allow a'fred sehOreetio the Voters
They were as renew*, the [ stars repro-: iii fli .fd y :
seating their nillilber, 4n4 th,e dashes 'service t- The expenses of
the attempts niade l to do so areal
,tke duration:Of •0.1102111 , :t r ii* M!l - 7.: * -- -- 7 — ” most beyond , bolief: , On the part , of
t,.*** • **_. - -
. tbeStute, they; will reach at least P: 1 1'
000..; and the two , )YalWeal prggnizaT , 1
v tio h i ,e ys ,
ss e .s xr e er ‘ o v d. iil t:t at li \ y y ; :s
, mu ch lio nil o p T o . , 1
-great abuses; and must•ever be tine- i
ie - nal - in its operation, and unfair , in its +1
I , results: ~ - ' ~.. , _ .1
** * • V.
it Will be obsersred , tbst.tlie Isst, ono
Wes lof men -I e hyot tt tail_
,tg am sQt..4lire.
, titat , it/was. not :'even s longtiri ' than '
have, represented. ,eondrick is; ;got.
even surest:knit it. =He thinktkeb9ll(
here lte , was insensible fora titan.]
• • Affe'r allAbSse kisses-came an awk
ward pause.,
The situation, to be , titire, was ,not,
,an'unhappy."wm ,
ZBit - a'gain Arty friend felt ; :it•, was
time for soltimbing"lnore.
He niadelt es lbap frotn, one preei:-
piee—tinother was before , him. •
lie was' , totter`lits, brink.
.flelnust,Spenk nf imarriage. -
Ilow - weattd wite,taket that
int'Attdt*elt- 'ledge& :that she
Atti ,_
Ar ,
IL pea,
tile questinatin• fear; - and. with
, his;eye:ti slightly , tkosed..
Sbe Ousped him mote-:tightly:
bour. , titiv heck; and•sighed deeply.-
Poor' Condrick Fall sorts Wears at
'tory blood in Ma heart seerned
111)1Cit :a drop-ofscutething: moist;
fat '.t: .
At 'first. , ho, thought his ilofie . wag
bletdink. ' r
lie held hishanclitio(tin the moon
-lightit'and on it - beheld . a glitteting,
tear. - • - ,
itki felt better then. ;
Ilieheartgave a , graat leap, and he
"Thank heaven ,
Ile , win now wick encouraged.
lie again made,,iminiry Ats to her
Sbe said •then In.. words, that: .she
loved hini— , .oh so inuch r
which for a Vine coridortedlint 'great-
Condriek now begaii to urge
objeevad, ha - vetting ShOre:elOSO‘'
.ly hitif and ) said, Jawhitti."
Condti'At wentedlti khoveif .there ,
Waeoany obstiele
'Ski) kissidl him (.**.:**,.
*I -and `said
1,40611/M attlight_ttne.;
ilirthetc tenderly kissed-her r*--
7 -4-1 and' asked- bier whether they.
could'not bemiarried
Stie :raised- hei 'great swimming
syes to•bis' face; lola, g a ze d f on dly
tifycifiz him, but;
Het looting HO were in tempting
proajmity to his own ?
He sow. repeated ,- ,lis queition,
when in an agonizedivoite she cried
out , : • '
! dear, I , ean't tell I live got h'
11)Ilthisiey: old cuss of a husband out
in One o'them"wugons, and•lie's just
spiteful— enough - to live' munth
.Condr4ek is still a bachelor.
liethad a bad spell of something
like'mountain fever the next' day af
ter lie'visieed the , eraigrint
least hewent off into -the mountains,
and shuhned §manikindkand woman
.kind fortlibout two , inmate.: -
Bat he is all right'noW.
•po,-1..AyT.TT , ..•,,,,i_A:14. 7 .
To the Democratic Citizens Pearl
• liliavn w
but vatted , theft:4,l6,Y more=
meats of our -- public authorities iii
collecting 'the, result of the election
held ` on the Stli tilt:, hi of to
cluiric,o the incumbent Outrof ca ling'
,your tittdiltion! , 9 - meanS by
.which majorit y of 20,0,81 . votes (as
s' now learn frotn, Official' Circles) has
lieciitecorded, 4gniiist; .
This nag-
siClity l4 ,rni d o up,Tliao- 4 4 1 : 1 h 6 'Yoies"
tT to tateii itiooo, tirkeilOiS
those iy
-PrA9sx;rmcli. t.114C1,
IIIRYill!grOg*T04111 . 1111 -71 p 04e
xyittgpicof rftitiFils
2%ttu c rt ni Cr.
ti' ~;rrt
' —Certain' it is, that the privilege of
voting giveotothe'soldlets-is a Mock
ery, when' thef 4 -sery` „Wien against
whom perimpt, her would likoto *tote ,
has the most clespotie control -over.
those who rule that soldier's every
movement,,and could, send -him at a
,word. to thefreat ",of rhalilos,and to
death, if he refused compliance 'Avith
theirlzleliest..s. -, Until the 'volunteer ,
soldiery have the power of choosing
their own.officel , s, ~ t ime ;fr . - glit', 0 : But:
fiage for other puroses 'pu n never be
properly carried - into . effect in the
army. Had they Amen fairly. and
freely left to tAe;ir own,: preferences,
there wottfd have .Wen n put giaiume
proportionate division 1 or sentiment
expressed .by the soldiers in the.late
elections;,,i that was iiiittqfest:Cd by,
their fathers std brothers at home ? -
It is this army votei (not to speak
of the other frauds,) which hay given
ournpponents their reeeti t.b6ggarly
triumph iii PennsyWinlas Beggarly'
indeed—when it ia recollocted that`,
it ShoWs i a fallin,g off of from 'forty to
fiftY`thinisand majority, Within. the
lust four Yeara I . Such a viCiory, and
so obtained; betoltens'a speedy down:
fill as it party; tiv':the 'advocates ot
.negiiii — Tiuttlity fp our' Stinnett old
.061tuknwealth. " Revotations never go
#aditatds. ' It is Worthy 'of retuark
here al'se, that a' Change of twenty'' '
`five thousand votes properly divided
amongst the larger, States,- would,
have defeated .I 'Mr. : 'Lindoln :alto;
ether 1 .1 . .... , • ,•,. , •
Itwasoiti du,ty,;felloir Citizens, tts
have rescued - the . Constitution, at tbel
late elections, if we 'could. The of
fort was gallao9y„but unsuccessfully
made,. And, n ow,in , view 'of what
must A nevitAbly tianspire within the '
next f6ArYelltsvllfqo,hqnrB4, more
i likeetingratnlating yen as a political
escaped a
.ear a r l' I
party, gn i having re
sponslbility, than "'offering explana
tions and condolence over a defeat.—
After entailinga weight of suffering
upon: tgni • FOUntry t froth which troth
ino hub m ost . radieal measures
1.-1, , ~ ~ 0 4 , . iik
can ever relieve •it i after having
forcedyiato Operatieii a financial sys,
,Which is but tine mask ,of ruin .
in that regrind,;
„after so mismanag-,
big the unfortunate Civil war now
upon their hittlihx7;ns to tour' o Scarce
ly a hoPe.of''Sivini the Kniots=it - iii
but riglitAliat....the_Abelitionists, and
their metrunlopt :*braham Lincoln,
should'rehiiin iii,irp6Sition to feel
the first fruits': of their Oirn ' Wicked-.
tress and folly, and meet' the curses
andeonclemnittion of .an outraged
and sugering people, when titeini
pending, clouds shall ;mature into
storm and darkness.; .
, ~ ••
, o,ur.• plain duty, fellow.citizens;
both as party amid as •; patriots, is to
maintaio -our. 'noble P,fgarlisatißa ill
alLits - power and , activity..- it :now
compriseEi upwards of two hundred
and seventy-six thousand freenlen-1
the bone ) sinew and brains of the
Commonwealth. Every hope of an ,
ultimate re; union ; of the . States, and
of .restoring the Goyernment and
laws to their.original‘puyity and vig
or, lies,in the: progress end filtimitte
triumph of : the Democracy. We must
still cuntinhe ,to 'act, As ' ,the ,pantinels'
of freedom, , and yindieato our 'time-.
honored prineipies before the people..
Instead • of: disbanding our elubs and,
:associations,let„ us , increase , their,
nuather an, inspirit; their - action.—
Convene atoleast ;monthly mectings.
Gather, if , possible, - and Vrgantac a
• Democratic, ;- association ' lin, „uvory
( -school district; and boldly. coarmAs -9. a
all proper+oecatiOns the ,rooasureis, of
our.corrupt and imbecile : rotors., 'Ex,'
i pose: the secret leagues and i bandit*
1 like . gmtbertnga .of our , oppoPqut*:; ,
arid:hold up toimeiiimit AKIO_ :".hose.
1 .ivho, in midnight 'assemblies,: And Au
i,der-titndred.darrkness; conspire to rob;
lindtiniir;Our .coantryystuliatthe same.
Annie todegradoceir people! by;,plot-
177 1 1!!?
ting -ith i affiliation , with the , n,egro
= eel, Let ,-us, AS 7it vaity, march
i 'hiVailily of: our aceuntomed paths,
employing Wither stealth, norsecre
cy '; they rte hnworthy of freedom
who' .area lifiaid toilefend, it, in open
day,::; .1. , ;fi;:. , , •
Allow tog g in i, epatteption; to
add tter Aleo, in behalf of the'Dem-
ocratte - •sta 13if - roioyfvfiliiti. 'Al
irLisiiitirt: V liffl'potititly-'itivarded, now,
whenletirly• all public , ' patronage is
, in the liana of the fanaties i , and the
expensesOf printing greatly in erOftB-.
ed, it-becomes the manifest . ditty of
every faith'Ail Demobriit to support
andi4treaehen his 'local paper, ' and
to`diScriMinhte' in his patronage, if
compelled to dos() at alloin favor of
the . Dern9crake press of,
,our • own
State. There is a ettlpable careless
tille-811-41.-thia.iespretyliv'mitny of our,
publlc .- Men; vrtnab-mw:very proper
4 tilijeet fOS.. itlirebbhsion, as' melt or.
remembranOe to; those..-Who; suffer
from it - •
Under - ordinary eireninitanees
fellow citizens; ' I wohld 'VO%I the
Present duty - of aly Olime'fally dis
ciliargedtin thigtatO'reference,tol the
late :election, and the•sequent.ang-
gestions which ,I ha - VC ventured upon.
Andln what, I thrther undertake at
this time, it iS 'possibte I May, be
l Oharged with trav'elingsomewhat out
of the -sphere , o - my , appointment,
/and with enterineppon . a field 1:4,' in
rquiry that is.beyoridlitsAsttal, limits..
I bares my ptilimse is manly rind up
Eight, and . I' May' ' add; patfibtict
feet I May safely - rely in these tines
that the spirit of liberty wilt secure'
me at leastyour indulgence.
On•or abotti , the;Arst day- of Sep
tt;,lnber last., forty:lour. stibstatitial
1 and reputable Citizens Of Columbia
[ahirlaizerfie ceunties, iii this State,
I Were • seized by military authority
i t and ,hiirriedl , With indecent haste, at
:the bayonet:s poi!it,„*to- the depths
of a distant WI disused Military for
tress, as a plum of tonfinoment.—
qtie of tbetn;. hp* Jotter to his,. rela
tiveS; in simple words That hittittench
every honest heart, thus describes
Weir imprisonment: ' • ''' ', •
"Our treatment was. inhuman.—
When first taken and incarcerated in.
,this cell, not : a stool or bench
oar, weary limbs on, ; not li eup, or
knife, or fork, or plate ; and 'these
few linfigien:Sible'; 'articles wtre pur
chased at exorbitant`priecti, attended
with vexatious' (Why. Forty-four of
us In sane cell,• without even tt sap,-
'rate place. to attend to the calls of
- luit"nre- it... , Uri ViPlultr - 1. 1, 01 4 ine01.
61i; num ber - ber.was'soon laid In'hiS - hist I
‘, ,
resting place, and many others pros-,
i trated by, disease."
Four cif •their.number litivp recent
ly been brought to trial before:a min,-
tary commission, and three of • them ,
sentenced to heavy fines anti impris
onment,apon charges clearly •cogniz:
able in the civil courts of the State
and of the United States. With the
- question of guilt or innocence of these
men, (and.J. believe them truly inno
cent of 4 . any deliberate infraction of
law,,) I havp, in this place,nothing to
do. It is the startling Met, , •that for
ty-four men, of ood repatti in their, :
respective- , neighborhoods,_r some of,
whom had held places of high public .
trust and honor, should be 'seized , by the heart of this ficaeCful:
and loy4t Stale, dragged off to a mei •
some military dungeon, ' and there
kept for-months, without being con
fronted ;by ttti accuser; one of them,
In the meantime dying, as iwbelieted
from suffering thus ; another.'becom:
Ing blind'from his confinement, while
most of the 'others still continue shut
up in I,'ort Mifflin—a damp, island
fort, constr=ucted more with tt,viekv of
resisting*immbardment, thank iinr
thing elap-? . A brave old, name" dese
crated ;.: a fortress associated With
Many proud recollections and ,memo
ries of' our. forefathers' . struggle for
freedom turned into a beadle for ;they.
Uses of Modern tyranny !
This is not all, nor in y viewithe
,worst, of-the ease—if it is' to be estab
lished as' it precedent. These men
are beitigArawn out, one by one, to,
be tried before, a tribunal unknown
to the Constitution—ealled a Cour
lliartial. in - which they are denied the„
privilege—prieelegii iii - ii, ,freeman's
estimate-4)la trial by a jury of-their
'peers, and of the vicinage'?
I stimuli! impliedly impugn 'your in-.
telligente and love of freedom fel
low-eitizens,-by offering here any e
laborate -discussati c't' this _sacred
right Of trial by jury. .blol , work o
tyranny so stirs theinmost depth of
eVery-freeman' Iteart,ftwany attempt
ed infringement of this precious princi 7
plo'of liberty, which has, come down
.to us untrammeled , arid unim t paired
fromthe dads of - ,ll.lifgruf . Chaita to
the present moments, "T he 'very idea
of a 'Afilitary l 001}1111igi011 sitting in
the heart of our faithful, law-abiding '
old Commonwealthito try .anything
but, simply breaches, of military law
and regulathine, IS monstrous and un
:bearat,le, Our . .. •Legistat ore thirty
humbled it s elf ,;to subserviency, in
passing laws putlishing any resistance
byword or,deedoo the..- conscription
„laws of Congress ; itna Congress in
its turn has piledanaetmen ten enact-i
tnent- 7 nowi r epdersing our .graeious
President's procietnations of martial
.64yr,,and next ,reetraining,,them—ba i i !
all the while pointing .to the civil
courts as tili) preper iribunals- to t r y
••the class of offenses newly announces,
.„._sh n li I say, treate4,.by bat)
rdeot an d• ,Co n gress—a;ord ' and Was
tara of a epamisAti, A people 1.,
,i I-AA:Omit, atealihtwecjtizene,, vitelabe • r
it , is:PPA.ItICIV 40,1'6141Coit*o hundred'
.end B flvien l T -8 4-o ' 94iiind:Pnr" rai ;I
of, r091.191v4nii,..1 , 0:: 1 1 4 / 1140 i . ?VW 0 6: ,I
alarming FiAlataiclil a :(0;;0,* ,gre at
Prilloiroletf , or` hunitanT,rlgl4ll , ‘ 7 hif:o;
even no monarch on the tAiriktie of
, k .... .4. •
-- tits. .4 trr
By WEE. N. BltElinit, - ?
24 story of Funck's New Building, Cuniberian/ St
At Wit 1 47611 , & Alia FiftrAn '6'4 . traitt•
SAP lirertrartaxtrzzirs iniierted intim. 4ruisi riita i. r'SMI
az-HANDBILLS Printed at artitaara media. • •
Tn Lebanon Clurrty,Tidiftiftrea 1
In PontsWraioa, ow!.. of Le no soip6ty 6 oants,per
inarter, or 20 cents a year.. -
Oat of this State f 634 cts. permoo
. e.r . opr Atfts. s }ems if the postage is not paid in Etd*Vtice, Weds are anti tie
our 'Eine?" unciater's since the d'art:*
of Magna Charia, ester yet &railed
with impunity ; and 110 - administra
tion of our Government erer before
dared to its'frinre, even 'in ilk
est degree?: :Thu .fate, to day, of
these %ten •of • Columbia county, if' in
nocent, may be ours to.rnoWoW.
sides, it it really has come tn . pass t
that the old laws of the land r e quire
enforcement. by,, bu.yonets; .and the noir ones intflatieed, , and about to
.herintrodueed', need the same illus
tration andeOport. it must at least
he interestintg,totte IlleopJe to knav
.it,.antf be` prepared to yield up grace
fully all our cherished. principles Of
civil freedom baptiaiti in the blood, of
the fathers of the revolution, and be
queathedwfd V!: as their inestimable
1.1%.d the boastful an T 1 nun ce
ment of the beereta•ry of State at
Washington, that the-suspensions,of
the iv it of, lifibeas corpus placed every
Iradeptinilentiheart in Abe' land under
gaolership ; and we' ad also the pine
lite of tecretary'Sltn ton's satrap& in
*various places in other States, show
ing the same grand estimate .of his
powers ; -hut, thiW military corn mis
siens_end,secret trialts,.wrrnouT JURIES
Were to bo substituted for proceed.
ings in the civil courts of the country,
e.treen elehrly defined ~by statute
law as belonging exelaiively to their
jurisdiction, ,is .a stato of things which
eontd - not - have beenially contemplat
ed by the people Of Pennsylvania at
the'late election. We really tramto
bifiist reaching the condition-1)f .he
German talon ofelden titia; Who - in
'order to proVide the means for main;
taiiing,his castle against assailants,
mortgageld it to some neighboring
Shylocks, t llb Baited and appropriatz
ed it, themselves, hefote the Baron's
defences were .coinpleted. Or, in
_plainerworilt, in conducting what
appeared at the outset
be toper
struggle to sustain the poweill of the
Constitution, and the supreffak of
the laws over the southern States,
we hre tioN't ;talking the tame vibe
principles here; t 1
Who is-responsible for this potitien
of affairs sio far .as our State is con
eerned The new Military ,Commen
der of this division s with his own fair
record to preserve, and h bright an::
eesiral fame in memory, cannot be
acting tt 'voluntary part in them The
Governor of Pennsylvania disavoiiii
all.prior knowledge of the original
proceedings . . : ag,ainnt the Columbia
connty'pris,ortrs, and all responsibil.
1 -45ein the premises.
_The Judletatt,
if : applied . to would probably be disin
alined- to enter' into a conflict - with
the military tittlierifies, in ;Which'
would illustrated; that bib'
President and Cabinet ministers
are 110,14prd:8 paramount °four. des:
tinieri, both, Ova and military!
The people can permit—can. 'fief.:
pefttate, 'this position of our liberties
if they desire: They haVe the-powef
-Ale awful power .to prove recreant
to themselves ; to become the, ea'reu
tioners of their own rights, theirown'
happiness, 'and their own glory ifin6 , ..
trated in the past. Yes, if they' so
elect , :tis a people,• they may, in cow
'.ardly.supineness allow themselves to
be covered with the pall ofdespotistif
as clerk and dismal as ever shrouiled
any Of its victims in the - , old world
and''finally latest Of fliblair Irgt:
noble graves of national freedefe, that
lie in drealfal"watning alongdolittr
the'griat jiathway of recorded %lime I
' In behalf of the Democratic 'State
Central Committee of Pennsylvania.
~C, L. Waan,-Ckairnia l ,
Towanda,Pa., Dee. 4th, Hat
• ,
The'New' of Nevada.-
''The. territory" Of Neiada; - siiiiitili
bas just been admitted to'the Union
as a State by President. tiincoln,.was
o i rgapizedin 11arph„ 1801...F0r this
purpose aboui ; ten thousand' `s4i are
caries were 'tipPropriated'lro l m"the
northern extremity ofeilifornia, and.
.about seventy thousand.from•Weaterfit
Utah. At the. time of .its
Lion the territory possepsed4pemilite
lotion of very nearly seilenAtensand:
white settlers. The` develOprient of
her mineral resources was rapid: sand
-aimost--vvithout parallel, and attracted
a consteat stream if. immigration to
c territory. As the population has
"not :Veen'subject. to' the fluctuations
which other territerieS 'have sifferetf,•
'the growth of Nevada has been; rapid
and steady. At . the general coven- -
lion election of 18(18, nearly..clef/ea
thousand viites. were cast. .lYtiring
the 'present year - great accessions to
the population have been made.'
=Nevada •is probably the) richest'
State in the Union in respect itarnin
rid resources. No region ; On q the
world is richer in argentifvrous leads.
IThese leads are founirseattereir' . hver
entire. Washoe country the richeit of
which - ifs that known as, the Comstock
lead - , of Virginia City. 'The* Ipeali.
ties of the other - pr inciple mines in
the reginn east , of
. - the'Sierra NeVada
are the Estneralirrninci, one hundred
estointiv. !Ruth east 4.11 AZ i rgi n a ; the!
H a m bort, one hundred and sixty miles'
northeast j:tbe Silver Sion
north,':ind thewßeese river country,•
tne hundred and seventy trittetoeast
nor: beast, embracing, many districts,.
and flanked by two of" nitore:them
• dinary promisc--7,-the Cortez, iiev,enty
miles nortiirennd the Sam Ail te.nin, one
hundred+ mirk's - tiouth of AllstiO,. now'
' the pvincipal town , 011 the . Reese
A few months egoltnotheildhposii t
of mineral wealth- - wad tire
. utht to
light,which hex proved of ingidiela
hkrvalue, to• the silver miners, This
woe an , i nitnense basin of salt," ffie ,
mites-square; near:the si nii of the Cer
'son riVer.' Tho , basin, saga gontle
man, who writes from VirsinriaMitp,