amP cocrusuago. upitsizailtaxicpseuaDsz. Neatty clod Promptly fAletsCed, of the aDVERTIMER OFFICE, 'LIIMANOW, Tate establishment Is now snpplied with an extensive assortment of NOB TYPE, which will be incrhitsed ae the patronaga demands. It ten now turn out PRINTWO, of Very destriptien, In a neat and eknellitiona manner— very reasonable terms. Sunhat; Pamphlets, Chocks, Business Cuds, Handbills, Circulars, Labels ' Zill Iloadings,2lanks, Progrominos, hills of Farb, Imitations, Tiobsts, DEsso of all binds. Common and Jadgmerielknflai. Juitlees'; Oenstables' and other Illtssmit, Printed correctly and neatly on the best paper, constnntly kept for sale at Ibis office, at prices "to suit the times." Vilii hieriptinn prise of the LEBANON ACV:R.IISM .. One Dollar and a Half a Year. Address. Wit. M. Bums, LeikMiti, A. T. WEIPIX, ATTOR NEY T, .LAW • Office Northr IVest Omer of:Water abeidtrarket Streells,q) Letitio daffframodev4pik. , . . ,44 • , *Aler * 44 1 1MFOirakitlr . AT 'JAW. CYrost in entabbeitand street. a rein 'doors east of ifUttli ROtniiiti the glace late or liii father !Not. johnWea,,decrd. ea. Se ptit. A 1503.. . 10.14 7 4 — VAL A.. STAN.L.tir ATTORitt*.AT LAW, remomidAhOfficet tette tailding,,ckag door ea. et LeederailleWeStoreopikeilteVeteWashiegtbit-tteeee ''lfebaeett. , r. ! • BOUNTY apt P.191140N promiitly , attended . to ' • 't,Apftttl; ATTORNEY-AT y"c's. iw aPtheeta.-Buildipg.. Cumberland Street nearly opposite the Court louse, tuitottuttt; Lebanon; Julie 16, 1.864.—tf. • ~,c , ., the Beek Attorney-At-Law . 111464 ties* oppo site 111 de e teti rmi ::liad AiieiAotsti... maltyu Karßtn. fa, are,ll=l.6, ItEgovAt.. ateADANt ATTORNEY,. AT LAW 45,5 RNMOVFM, tite °Neel° Market Street. opposite The Uthenon -Beek; two doors North of Widow • note!. . • ; Lebenon.Blerch 25. ' 63, - • Bass&Elm . fieriest • AC. t mai, el lr 016 saes ; ropigus remote& to Cal,ehatiotyl street , one door Nit Nast of Lotianou Valley Dal*. Opposite tha Huck frotel,tabatton; Pe. _ Ram , Jitranted •', , N APOISNTICiI ikwanted io the • Mankind &hit, iii Itx. thd undersigned' in' Water Streef...,l4llamin. , • A. B, Siff liK & CO, 'Nov. 9, ISill.—*. ' ...—___l.. 'JO lAll DILLER . ' ilandks Nitit fetaS 4 rod at , his GrottAft : Store. 'Cumber • , St., ano'dnor wont of Market. n lot ,of.Fteth c Prq t in Cane, installing Peaches, "Gages, Green Vora,. ToinakiesPelites.: , li. ,-, c ~ . ..: . ~. ~ ' ; ' '..-. , • ... - ' Plehles,,,.; petaled,, Cauliflower, Kerebug,..pepper Sallee • Cheese. . niv g listi t Limber-jet, ittip-Page. • ' - ' ll ''' • ' , Fish. ....1 ...' , : :, .1 slonsesassamos.nsekoteri nerrigis, co4#oi. ,_ , Fruit. Raisins ,Currente, Prunes, Dried Apple+ and Sestehes; 'Cranberries., Applen.' Hoot Ini,. Prapidits, • , , - • Harley. Peas. An: i , A lot of Buckwheat Foal: Alen ' bb ' bins& of New linalt. ApPles. • ' ... • ; • .. Highest price given in CASII for Eggs, Bet Dried Apples had reaches., nPlittS, Onions, &C. ' . i. ki. '.. ." tlibl.Cgostrocmge in eotkited. Jens DILLER. lisibstinti;i4V 23.1868.° .- ' . . . , 1 804 t New sTYL ES. 1 56 , 1- MAMMTION in Netherland - Street, Cont between Marketand the Court, dowse side, now en' panda splendid sidertitiltit'brdierd . Style of RATS AND CATS, for men and boysito . r 1858 to which the attendee"( themibila is respectlally ler; ted. Mats all prices,, Vow die cheapest to the mos costly; always. on lined. Me has alsojestopeited erten did assortment of SUMMER HATS, embracing mush a STRAW,. PANAMA , PSDAL, rit,AHL, MO RD, LEO ITORI(LSSINATE, CUMAN, &nasal Irthw)ll Poo Wholesale all of Mats, Carl' ike,, to Country Merchants on ailiailtageoun tares. • Lettrirroa, SIityWIROL. •• . : ; . SO Excuse — for ' STEAM Belt E R EXPLI: °SIONS A SIIOROTTS: LOW WATER. IWTEOTOII an infal, Li lible prevehtive Of the Snob:Wan or , berenirm out, of Steam Boilers. for sale, and vrarrented by,* e. Bat. thee, 2.1 North nth St., Philadelphia.' . • Lensiros Tonsure.; October 17, 1804. I hive Asticrofes "Lois Water Detectors" on my Boilers. and ely sattaDed roger&