ge gOivrttiott: E)1 go, • •-. $1 50 A YEAR tEBANON, PA NYANESDAY JUNE 22, 1864 HOME AFFAIRS, Res:toga of ALc:lsre3rtissizza. The publisherti of Lebanon have agreed upon the foilowing:chargee for Advertising, viz : Size. It. St. 3m. 6m. I Square, 12 lines, $ .50 $l.OO $3.00 $5.00 $ 8.00 2 's 24 lines, 1.00 2.00 5.00 8.00 12.00 3 " 36 lines, 1.5 D 3.00 7.00 10.90 15.00 For Exeentor's and Administrator's Notices, 2.00 For Aes Igoe'', Auditor and aimilarNotices, 1.50 For yearly Cards, not exceeding 6 lines, 3.04 For column advertisement, 1 year, 50.00 For 3 column " 30.00 or cow.. . For 4 CONtlan " 18.00 Per announcing candidates for office, in advance, 2.00 For Announcing sale, unaccompanied by MO. 1.00 For Local Notices, Society resolutions, acs., 8 cto per lino. For Bishops or Special Notices, SO cents per line por year. Yearly advertisements for Merchants and Busi• seas men as agreed upon. Lieut. Maxwell B. Goodrich, of 'Company n - , 93d Regiment, P. V., died in one of the Washington Hospitals, on 7the 15th inst., from woundS received in 'the recent battles. 'The property of Joseph and Wm. McA.ffee, on Hill street, Lebanon, was sold on ' Saturday evening, to John Louser, (Blaeltsmith,) for $651. Owning to the gteat, scarcity of help, the farmers wives and daughters; in many instances, stipply the want of it, as did their mothers and grandmothers be fore them in olden times., The result will be lively hay ana ,harvest blooming cheeks and joyous health. The Public Schools of this Bor ough closed on Friday afternoon of last week, to be re•opentd„ we presume, the Ist Monday of September. There is a firmer feeliifg in Phil adelphia Breadstbifs market, and rather more inquiry for ,Fleur for export; Sales of 1000 barrels good Pennsylvania and Western extra at..sB per barrel. 800 bar rels extra fatriilirAt $8 50 a 8 75, and 300 barrels fancy .white_ wheat at $9 25. There is very ;little Rye 'Fldbr or Cdril Meal there, and nothing doing in either. There is a good demand for Wheat, and an advaricA of 2 cents per bushel.— Sales ofBalo,ooo bushels good and,prime Pennsylvania and Western red at $1 90a 192 per bushel. Bye comes forward slowly, and commands SI 55a1 Corn is very.. quiet. Oats are dull and prices Angettled. There was a slight advance in the price of Beef, Cows,. Hogs and Sheep, last week, in the Philadelphia Cattle Market. . . Some of ,the Pennsylvania Re:- serves are still in camp at Harris l surk, waOng for their pay and discharge.— *quay Curtin" is a nice os Adiers friend" to allow tire brave men to be thus out raged, after the battles and hardships they have gone through for the past three years. Of all the men drafted ;in Ceti. tte 'dOunty,.last --- held. The rest were either exempted, paid cdlittritotion, or itatk substitutes ac cepted. Those, held were too pobr to get off, two of them being colored. deourse, a large number pf the drafted were. aboli tionists, and in favor of the war going en until the last man is dead in the last ditch, tizit'they all want to be that 4ait man." They like others to fight, hut as to 'them seives—they would rather stay at home. MILITARY OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS should have Brown's Bronchial Troches, as they can be carried in the pocket and taken upon the first appearance of a Cold or Cough, which, if neglected, may termi nate in something worse. As there are iinmitations, be sure to obtain the genuine Brown's Bronchial Troches, w hich are sold everywhere at 25 cents a box. Attention, Soldiers I Preteit your, Health ! No sensible man will leave the city without, a supply, of EELVEWAY'S PILLS ANE OINT MENT.-;'For Wounds, Bruises, Sores, Fevers nod Dysentery, these medicines are the best in the world. Every English and French Soldier uses them. Only 25 cents per box or pot. 225. OBITUARY RESOLUTIONS. At a meeting of the Perseverance' Engine and Hose Co., held on the 15th inst., the .follerr fog preamble and resolutions were adopted - WHEREAS, It has pleased a kind Providence to remove from our number, Samust, H. RISE, Wituan 11. Stuart. and JAcoit WHEAT, three active end efficient members of the Company, therefore 4,1 .. • . Resolved, That while we appreciate the mo tives of patriotism which led them to forego the pleasures of home and society, to assist in the preservation of our national integrity, we feel in the event of their decease, that the company tins lost severe 1 faithful members. Resolved, That while we would not intrude upon the hallowed precints of domestic grief, we cannot forbear expressin:g our sincere and deep sympathy with the afflicted widows, mothers, and children of our departed brothers. Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the papers of this borough, and a copy presort t ad to each of the bereaved widows. J. W. Hammon, Secretary. We have'been requested to say that all the places of business in Lebanon will be closed on the coming 4th of July. . t g arEsTloN.---lEollo 1 there Dick RIG d Nancy, where are you going, that you are in such a burry ? ANswrs.—Why we are just on our way to Da fly's Photograph Gallery, to have our pictures taken . lie takes splendid pictures, and his Gallery is nearly all the time crowded, so I said to Nancy we will go ear ly this morning before any body else g eta there, or we will bare to come away again without getting any. (URAL — Yes! I have heard too that Daily's Gallery Is nearly all the time crowded, and so why don't you go to some other Gallery ? ANs.—Oh myi we could not think of such a thing. — We admire the true and beautiful picture that Daily takes, so much that we would not go to another Gal lery if we could get them for n othing.• He has 'seven years, exferienee in the business, hoes a complete sett of Improved instruments, an ezeellint sky-liebt, aim there fora takes the best pictures n town, and so of eourte every body that wants a good picture goes to him. Qozirrr.i—, What kind of Pictures dinette take? Ass.—lle takes Photographs from miniature to lifts else, plain or colored. His card pictures have been pronounced, more truthful and life like than some that have been taken in our large cities. His Ambrotypcs are beautiful, and can't be beat. He also excels in copying pictures from small Daguerreotypes, end en larging them almost to any size. Otitar.--Whire is this Gal lery t I must give him a call too. ANS.--3ust mime along with Nancy and I, and we will show you. It is,in Stlne's New Building. next door to the Lebanot Daman Bank. Ile has constant ly ou hand a good anaortment of 0 ilt and Rosewood Frames, Oteklif, Albumiay itc, which, sells cheap.— For good and cheap patinas. ire tiding° all to go to Daily'sGallery, *Lebanon,* Pa. March 11, '63. Guns, lilies, PistolsiPsWdsit Caps, & c. SPOILTOMEN .--J,t. 4••,Antanniten..wonia re spectfully inform the public:. that he , contititiais the business of manufacturing and dealing hi GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, POWDER, • CEpe, Wilde and all kinds of gunhing:and gun matarb edi at his Store, on Market street, a few doors North of the L. V It, Lebanon, Pa. • ; . u 3, All kinds of Repa irjeg done atthis ihnitest pas sib% notice and in the beitlfstrie of worknianship.. Lebanon, anne.24, 1868.-1 y Blanks for Bounty and invalid Pio:I -lion Claims just printed and for sale at tbe Aeon or Mr. Jonathan CO enhaTer, of Caropbellstown, this county, age 4 about 14 years, was riding a horse to watt r, last week, when the hone fell, sad one of the boy's toes was broken,.. The hurt was not considered serious at first, but lock-jaw followed, and he died on Saturday. • IN PRISON.—Tbe three men arrested for s:esi ing tho horses of DavidAL•Etank, Esq., of East Hano ver, were brought to the Leiiiincn county Jell, on Wed nesday of last week. They give the names of Jos. Thomas, Albert T. Bronson and Charles Allison, and represent themselves as coming from distant parts of the country. The horses were found In their possession; but they of course deny the theft of them. In addition to the horses, a buggy, harness, Ac., were taken. We advise horse thieves to ply .their trade , on a less deter mined man than Mr. Rank; Snob as he are not disposed to submit to customers of that kind while th ere is a possibility of brio giog theta:pimple°. The Ladies of Lebanon are all cordially invited to attend the meetings of the Ladies' Aid _Society, on every Thursday afternoon, for sewing on Hos pital Clothing. if. g l ittiat cgrititcs. Ayer's Sarsaparilla • I s a concentrated extract of the choice roOt,ao con-. !dried with other substances of still greater altem- Live power as to afford en effectual antidote for dis eases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. Such a remedy is surely wanted by those whp suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove, as this has, of immense service to this large class o fi our afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely this compound mill do It has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found in the following complaints Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings and Sores, Skin Dis eases, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches. Eruptions, St. An thony's Fire, Renter Erysipelas, Tet ter or Salt Rheum Scald Head, It ng Worm, &e: Syphilis or nutria/ Disease is expelled from the sys teat by the prolonged use of this Sarsaparilla, and the .prt lent is left In comparative health. Female Diseases ere caused by Scrotal , . in the blood, and are often soon cured by this Extract ed Sarsapa rilla. Do not discard this invaluable medicine; because you have been imposed upon by something pi...standing to be Sarsaparilla, while it was not. When you have used ATER'S—then, and not till then, will you know the virtues of Sarsaparilla. For minute particulars of the diseases it cures, we refer you to . Ayer's American Almanac, which the agent below named will furnish gratis to all who call for it. AYER'S CATITAUTTO PILLS. for the mire of Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Heartburn arising from Disordered Stomach, Pain, or Morbid In action of the Bowels, Fla tulency, Loss of Appetite, Liver Complaint. Dropsy, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, and for a Dinner Pin. They are sager coated, so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best Aper ient in the world for all the purposos of a family physic. Prepared by J. C. AYER A: CO., Lowell, Mase.,.and sold by all the druggists in Lebanon and dealers In medicine everywhere. June 22, 1864 .--2 mo. A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility, Inman petene.7, Premature Decay and Youthful .Error, actua te i by a desire to benefit others, w ill be happy to fur nish to all who need it, (free ofeharge,) the reeeipe and directions for making 'the simple remedy used in his Geis. These wishing to profit by his " experience, and possess a Valuable Remedy, will receive the same, by return mail, (carefully sealed,) by add :easing JOHN B. OGDEN, . No. 50 Nassau street, New York. June 1, 1864.—Ens. SWALL OW two or three hogsheads of "Binh •` Ton ic Bitters," Sarsapa rills," "Nervous An tidotes," ac., &c., and after you are satisfied with the result, then try eye box of OLD .DOCTOR. BU CHAN'S SPECIFIC PILLS4anil. be restor ed to . boalth and vigor in ihirty, Tley are pure ly vegetable .pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effeete on the broken down and shattered conati- Autloii. . Old snd young can take them with _advan tage. Imported and sold in the -United Stales only by , JAS. S. BUTLER, Station D, Bible House, Nev York, General Agent. sll—Aoxiitent to any address on receipt of price —otddch Dollar—post free. March 30,1864-3 m...-- USE NO OTHER !—BUCHAN'S SPECIFIC PILLS are the only Retiobte Remedy for all Diseases of the Seminal, Urinary and Nervous Sys tems, Try one box, and be. cored: ONR.DOLLAR ^A BOX. One box will perfect a cure, or money refund ed. Sent by mail otirccelpt of price. .• , „.. • JAS: S. BUTLER; gtation 3, lible Monve , , New York, nO YOU WISH TO BE. CURED ? DBL. BD CHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS - 64 . 1 7 0171 leas than 30 day s, the worst cases of NI:kV:M . SN MSS, Impotency. Premature Decay, Seminal Wealtoass. In sanity, and all Urinary, Sexual, and Narvons Affec tions. no matter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent postpaid, by pail, on re ceipt of an order. Address, • ' JAS. S. BUTLER, Station B, Mkt lloutio c Now York, • . (Tone se.lAgent March 30 , 186-L.-3m • lilt. TOBIAS' VENETIAN lIOBSE LINT 4-,MENT, pint bottles at fifty cents each . , for lameness, cuts, galls. colic, sprains, ac., warranted cheaper than any other. It is used by all the great horsemen on Long Island courses. It will not cure ring bone nor spasin, as there is no liniment in exis tence that will. What it is stated to- core it positively does. No owner of horses will be without it after trying one bottle. One dose revives and often saves the life of an over-heated or driven horse. For colic and bel ly-ache it has failed. Just as sure as the Still rises, just so sure is this valuable Liniment to be the Horse embrocation of the day. Sold by all druggists. Office, SO Cortlandt Street, New York.. Feb.l{l, Terrible Disclosures. Q.EPRETS fortheraiilSon .A most valuable and Wen derful ivork of 400 pages. and 30 colored engravings. DR. HUNTER'S YADE MECUM, an orixinat and popular treatise on 'Man and 'Woman. their Physiology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Vpver Remedies 'for their speedy etre.? The practlowtif DR. 'HUNTER has hnig been, and stAl is, unbounded, but at the earnest solid tattoo of Winnerons persons, ho hasheen induced to' ex tend his medical usefulness through the medinm.of his -.MADE MECUM.. It is a volume that should boy hi the hands of every family in the laud, as a preventive of secret Vices, or as a guide for.the alleviation of one Of the Most awful and destructive scourgcnover visited mankind.-. On e -copy, securely enveloped.. Will he.fot warded free - of postage to any . pait of the United States for 50 cents in 0. stionits, or 3 copies for st, Ad. dress, post Paid, DP.. HURTER, No. 3 Division Street, New. York. 5ePt.3,1363V. -$ • tittgtratis AMU tiS Sr. 3011 N% CHURGEr.—ServicQ nest Sunday morning and evening, in the English langrfagef. Isictitre on Wednesday evening. . , , English preaching next Sabbath morning, In Zion's Lutheran church. English preaching next Sunday at 10 M., in the Moravian church, by the pastor. English preaching-gloat Sabbath morning, in the First Reformed Church.. Br • i . , ... On the 19th inst., by the Rev. F. W. lira:ter. Mr. DAVIT! F. YENN,ST, of Jackson tp., to hl isa MARY DOSS, Of Redd berg tp., Lebanon co, , On the 12th inst., by Rev. J. B. Daugherty, Mr. SAMIIIM, MOODY, of Londonderry tp.. to Mies CLA. RISSA. ARMSTRONG, of North &twine, this county. ~ie~, On the 18th inst.. in North Lebanon tp., WILLIAM, eon of Joseph ZWIER, aged 24 years. On the 17th in.t, in this borough, SAR daughter of Daniel SEIBERT, aged 26 years. On the 4th North Annville, lIKIRY FRY, aged 82 years, 10 month@ and 8 days. On the lith inst., at Camp bellstown, LEVI THOMAS, son of Jonathan and Mary Coppenhaver, aged 12 years, 8 months, and 8 days. Another dear pupil has left our number For the dark and silent tomb Closed h is eyes, in dgeamless slumber-- Faded in his early broom. Yet again we hope to meet hint, When the, day of life is fled , ' Then in beiven with joy to greethht. Where no 'farewell tear is shed. MARY The Leha Care/Wry e LEVIANOS:, Wzoax. Extra Family, 58 761 Extra Flour, 8 50 Prime White Wbeat,l 75 Prime Red Wheat, 165 New Wheat,' Prime Rye, 1 40 Corn, :135 Cate, 70 Clover-seed, 8 00 n Tlmothreeed, 2 50 Flax•eead, 2 50 Dried Apples, pealed, 2 00 Ptmet , "Snits," 2 50 Pbeieh.“ltutzele," 765 Cherries, 175 CH:dons . , • .., 100 Pedntoss, 15 hue, • 60 Apple Butter,iteroolc; 45 .orenttee.Wanted. - 13 to 15 gears of sit.; -Appren ti 's Tailoring Badness. ;is .wartedflig•the t i n d era iime& rzawszo H ROU.IVER. LebT.non, Tana 11. 1161. . I FROPOSALS; !• PROPOSALS for Building a School House will be re caved at the office of the undersigned, in the Bur obgh of Lebanon, where sp.rificationa can.busern, ut • til Tuesday, Vie 28th inst., at 5 o'clock; P.2lf. ISAAC HOFFER, Secretary of Board of School Directors of Lebanon Bortingh School District. Lebanon, Juno 22, 1854. . , . Proposals -for Re-building Sebibol . Blouse. • • IDROPOSALS will be'received far Re•bnilding School JE, House, No:-8, In Cornwall School District, (Bow nisies).en Saeuiday, July 9, 1864, at 5 o'clock, P. H., itt rne,siiAce of the Cornwall Anthracite Furnaces.— Plans and specificatinne eau be seen at any time until said date, ly application to the undersigned. • JACOB WITMER, Jr, A. WILHELM, OLIVER BOWMAN, Committee. June 22, MI. - North Lebanon and Jones town Turnpike. :DOOM will be open for receiving subscriptions to 'VI the stock of the North Lebanon and June etown Turnpike, at the public house of SIMON HEILMAN, in Jonestown, and at the office o f JAMB WEID LE, Esq., in Lebanon, from the 11th day of July, 1861, Tor the Space of VIVA DAYS, between the hours of Id o'clock, A, M., and 3P. M., at which times and places one or mare of the commissioners will be In attendance.— Each subscriber will be obliged to pay $2 per share at the time of subscrlbtion. Juno 22,1664 "vi OR Sewing Machine. Tiro Only Machine capaplo of making More than Ono Kind of a Stitch; and the Only One having the RE VERSIBLE FEED. The feed may be reversed at any point desired, without stooping ,which is a great advantage In fasten ing the ends of seams. It makes four d iflerent stitches lock, knot, doable lock, and double knot ; each stitch perfect and alike on both sides of the fahrie. There is no otitet llathine which will do so large s range of work as tEci "Florence." • It will Braid, Tuck, Quilt Cord, Item, Fell, Bind, Gather, and do all kinds of h iug required by faru• iliee and Manufacturers. Tile most inexperienced find no dihscoity hi tains it.' Every Machine is warranted to give entire tri tlefac don, and to do all that is claimed for it. to.. The Florence must be Seat to Le elppreCtOted. J. F. MATZ, Agent of Lebanon county, Antiville, Persons xiahing to see the Machine in operat ion Mc do so by calling on the Agent at Antiville, ok on Wm. 0. Ward, at Lebanon. AIMViI le, June 22, 1864; Wistar's *Balsam ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIA BLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing. Asthma, Hoarse ness, Sore Throat. Croup and every csffectien of THE THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, CONSUMPTION. Wisiarlo Balls:14h of Vki lal Cherry. 'So general has the use of this comedy become; and so popular is it everywhere, that It is unnecessary -to recount its virtues. 'lfs works speak. for it; and find utterance' in the abundant and voluntary teethuony of the,ttuttlywlto &did lova , stiffeilifg' and settled disease Ide".,,,V ir ruk , • Yu. estWattaltiarTek.sunTfattit. ou CAISINOT BE ^DISCREDITED, The Rev. Jacob scchicir.,,‘, Well known and much reapected among the German population in this country, makes the following state ment for the - benefit of the allltcted. nANOVER, Feb 16,1859. Dear Sirs :=pacing realited in my family impor tant benefits from the nee ofyour valuable preparation —WISTAR'e BALSAM OF WILD CIIVIRS—it RITOOdB me pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some eight kearalge one of my fiaughtersaeemed to be in a de cline, tuitnittle hopes either recovery weresiatertaiped' I then procured a bottle of your eicallifit'llalettfit, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there waca great improvement in her health. I bare in my individual case, made frequently* use of your valuable medicine, and have always been benefit ed by it. • From Jesse Smith, Esq., President of the Morris county Bank, Morris town, Hezo Jersey. "Daring used Dr Wrszart's Datum OF WILD ellEnta fur about fifteen years, and having realized its benefi cial results is my family, it affords me grMft plahoure ,in recommending it tothe pane as a relnatile'rernetly , in cases ofwaak lungs, Colds, coughs; &a , and a reme dy abich - 1 cnnsider to be enterely, innocent, and may be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate in health. • • • Front lion. John E. Smith, a Deem guished Lawyer in Westatins ter Maryland. I have on several occasions used Dr. Wism,n's SAM or WILD CESIUM for severe colds, and always with decided benefit. I know of no preparation that is more efficacious or more deserving of general use. The Balsatn has also been nod with excellent effect by J. B. ELLIOTT, Merchant, Hairs Cross Roads, Md. Wistar's Bails:um of WI "fil , ono genuine unless signed "..t. BtiTTS,” on the wrapper. FOR BALE BY J. 'P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, New York. S. FOWLN Ee CO:. Proprietors, Boston. And by a Il Druggists. on Market. ;netted Werk/64 SDAT, JUNE 22, 1864. Eggs, 15 doz., 20 Buttg,l 4l Y.i , ' Viahrtiraalted butter, 11 Tallow , 15 Man ' la Shoaldera, Sides, 7 Soap, 26 Bees-wax, 6 White Rags, Mixedltiigs, Flax, r., ib 40 ' 12% [triable, '42 Feathers,* lb., &An Wool, *lb., 4i) Soup Beans, IA qt., 'V- Vinegar, '46 gal., 123:4 gity grttiartiormento. JACOB WEIDLE, WM. RANK, J. GEESAMAN, C. B. FORNEY, A. SHERK, SIMON HEILMAN, NAPOLEON DESH, JOHN LIGHT, 9.9. GIDEON LIGHT; C. 0. MEILY, DAVID RANK..... Comm Ink... Tars OF WILD CHtiRRT. I.NCLUDING EVEN Cherry REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE. Forty Years' Experience liar fully established the superiority of HIEDDHIG'S RUSSIA SALVE. Oyer all ether healing preparations It cures all kinds of BORES, CUTS, &AIM, BURNS, BOILS, ULCERS, SALT RHEUM , , ERYSIP ELAS, STIES, PILES, CORNS,.SORE LIPS, SURE EYES, Ae., Ac. REMOVING TETE PAIN•AT oxpt, AND REDBCING •TUE MOST ANGRY LOOKING SWELLINGS AND INFLAMMATION ASIF BY MAG IC. ONLY CENTS A BOX. FOR SALE By J. P. DINSMORE, N 0.491 Broadway -New York S. W. FOWLS & C0.,N0.1S Vet:stint. St., Boston And. by all Druggists. June 22, Mt —ly cow. H. T. BISIGHAUS 9 ATTORNEY-AT -LAW Ogell iu Stiebter's Cumberland Street, nearly opposite the Court House, Lebanon. Lebauen, June 15, 1854.--tf. FITS! FITS ! FITS! H. HICHEY, Merchant Tailor, respectfully an n onneex to tilocitizens of Lebanon and vicinity that be Nag just returned from the city with a fine as sortment CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, all of which he will sell or make tipto orderit prices to snit the times, at bis No.l Teilurfig Betel). liehment in Heim's New Block, 4 doors South of the Buck Hotel, South Walnut street. All work entrusted to his mere, will be, manufactur ed in a workmanlike meaner as to fashion and dura bility. • Goods purOlutsecl elsewhere hill,b citteerfully made up to order on the 'usual Inodersite terries. Having bad years of experience Be the Tailoring and Dry-Goods busineSS, and being inclined to turn, to the advantagoof hie 'customers alr iNe r iedventages result ing from said asatiremente,' he 'feels satisfied that it will be responded to by a .very liberal share of the pub lic patronage. • Friends cal once to .oease me alter that pleeeo your elves. • July a t 1558. . B or ough A fro perty Private,Sale. rpm subscriber offer a at Private Sala a HOUSE and 1. LOT OF GROUND, situate la Cum- • • herland street, in the Borough of Loh. anon, 1,14 square East of the Court House. The Mouse is a large three• Story BRICK nwßrA,Diu, with all the modern improvements .tom'- The terms. will be reasonable. t 7&,FOr further information apply to Relnoehls' Sicily, Or North Lebanon Borough.. April 20, 1861.—tf. °HOME GASSER, Tremont, Schuylkill county, Pa. IF you.srisiv timarry, address the undersigned, who will send . :yo , "without money and without price," valuable information that will enable you to marry happy and speedily, no matter how old, how ugly or how poor. This in a reliable affair. -The information will cost you nothing; and Ilion wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. Ail letters strictly confidential. The desired information cent by return mall, and no questions asked. Address SARAII B. LAMBERT, Greenpoint, Hiu ge Co., N. Y. June 8,1801- Kline's Patent Fruit Jar. itaki.e) Guest faILILIOCsiD9I6{. NalIE most effectual Fruit Jar in the market. Is II all glace, baring. no clamping or screw device.— For Pale at ',EMBEDDED'S Drug Store, Market street, Lebanon. riflr Call and get a circular giving more in forma tion. Leb :non, Juno 1,1864.—tf. Notice to the stockholders of the LEBANON BANK. Xj ot.l are respectfully requested to inset at the Bank 1. Ink House of said Bank, on Saturday, the 25th day of June, next. for the purpose of accepting the RE. CHARTER of the LEBANON BANK , and to 'take ac tion on the Enabling Act in te event of the fiosernor s having si.ned it. V3.Nleeting to be held at .1 o'clock, P, e . By' order of the Board of Directori. - • E. A. UHLER,. Cashier. Lebanon Bank, Lebanon, June 1,1804, Confeettonao Store, (Late Lowry tk Nabm,) Walnut street, near Cumberland, Einem from the Court lfouse , Lebanon. Pa. Ibee just returned from the City with n fresh 1 Spring Stock of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Currants, Filberts, Citrons, Walnuts, Peanuts, Almonds. arc. A leo. a large variety of all binds of different flavor od fine and Common CANDIES Cakes of all kinds always on hand, or made to order. Parties supplied at abort notice. A large assortment of WOODEN and TIN TOYS, in-, eluding Wheel beYrows, Wagons. &e. ICE .CRlVtlil, pt all 'tile different Savors. always on Iliad. Raving .fitted np tliejitige SALOON in hand some style, be hopes to receive the patronage of, the publ le. ' JOSEPH 'LOWRY. Lebanon, IJay 13, 1904. Public Sale OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. I v ILL be sold at public self; ut the late ieskience of Adam nitcber, deed., in Cumberland str let, in the borough of Lebanon, on SaturdaY, July 2, 1.504, the following Personal Property, - , I good Family ROMS, 1 110 G,, 1 two-horse WAGON, 1 - * 4.0.' „, horse Wagon, narrow, Plough, Corn Planter, Corn Harrow, Corn Plongh, Cart. Sled, Sleigh; Pair of nay Ladders; Straw Cutter, Hay Forks, Picks t Grubbing floe, and tunny Other, ar ticles too numerous tn,reention. •. Sale to commence I o'clock, when terms will he made knowli by q• - • CATE AMITE RITCHEII. Executrix Drilla . Dilate of Adent Ritcher, deed. - Lebanon, June W,4804. North Lebanon and Haunt Hope Plank Road 'Turnpike Company. - - D uni° Notice is hereto/ given, that by Act of the r General Assembly of Pennsylvania. approval the 6d day of May, 1864. the name of said company' has been changed to "CORNWALL TURNPIKE .0011 PA • NY," and that at a meeting of the Board of Managers, held on the 11th day of June, 1884, a resolution was passed, calling in an installment of TWO DOLLARS on each share of Stock. The holders thereof are there fore hereby untitled that the said installment must be 'paid talacob Weddle, Treasurer of said company, onor 'b e fore the 16th icy of July, 1864. In default of pay ment the stock of all delinquents will be declared for. foiled. Ace-Otani., Tons YORDY, Treasurer in. account with tObanini sj Borough Common s'cltool District, from April 23, 1803, to June 8, 1861, as follows, viz : Ballance In the Tress:My April 23, , 1863. $2OOl 83 To cash received from D. 51.1ilillernbilactor. 5623 51 To cash received froni EMU approprintlott. 405 21 To cash received from Tuition. 73 32 By Sneh 'paid as per orders, as follows, SCHOOLS. By 2 orders paid Teachernof No. 1 $192 By 12 " 2 402 00 By 12 r," : 0 3 432 00 By 12 " 4 360 00 By 32 " " " 299 15 By 12 " u g 250 41 Byl2 " " 7 239 GO By 9" 8 189 00 " By 7 " " " " 9 137 36 FENIALD SCHOOLS, By . 12 order paid Teacher of No. 1 343 19 By 12 " " 2 303 61 By 12 " " 3 276 01 By 12 " " " 4 267 00 By 12 " " 5 235 110 By 12 " " a tilt 89 By 12" "‘ " 7 213 00 By 8 182 00 By 12 " mixed 18 212 41 By 2 order paid Teacher of the 26- 00 .., two District Institute I By Coati paid for repairs, fuel, &c., as per orders is. sued as followe, vie: James Boners. stoves, fenders, Ispouting, &c , slols3 Daniel Ke, fur, pointing 14 91 I George Boich, do 23 87 Krick a Groff, carpenter work, and material. Zimmerman & (4 , 14 , 0)T., ter work & material, ' 2 ' l I J. & D. waiters, carpenter work & motorist, $4 94 1 Michael Looser, won ciiitings fur desks, 86 48 Tarot:llia:oh, daing htinda, Sr, 10 17 Shirk & orgner, whitewash lus and pla-dering 21 00 Bernhard Bunch, water rout, OO Adana Moyer, d o 4 00 Longtime & Gable, fluorin*, " I Worth It Shines' 1, printing, 8633 ';Young On., printing • 100 printing, 1 76 D. 31. Korman,„ coil, 201 42 I Waltz& Houck, inaPs,clinsts,kc 98 62 Job n L. Mocker, chart, 8 00 42 Busman, Dane; & Capp Winter 17 40 ; A. L. Wolf, 8 13 E JeltrY itdinoeld. brooms, 820 Jelin George, brooms, 53 Greenawalt. hardware, !„ ';11 hornier & mothers, hardwoeS, '00;146 Olesning School liouses 10 -100 ! Reinoold Melts , ion's, • " 40 00 Lebanon Lo Ige, rent for school N 60 00 0.9, Franklin Insurance annpany on Policy, idiseelloneous Expenses, Geo. Shay, serving notices Lebanon Goa C0u411.4y- gar COO' 111 Burned, JACOB SBCHLBR Joi.,,,Karch,Tecrotarles salary '5 mouths; ill CO Joe. IC•~roly calonlotinKdu ilnot4 S 1 , 0 John Yordy;Trensurofo salary 15 dictate, • . ' . ,-, •••• --, $6409 F 6 .• . • Balance, in hands 4.1 Treniuter, Juno 6, 1864, MI 01 NATIONAL , HOTEL (LATE WHITE SWAN,) rates o t f o b t o u s e rd d ln if l r b o i n it t Race Street, above Third, Phila. , • . TlllySoanetanblisuhiirote of f t oreErcegtireat inducements - not on rom its centrailocation to the Livening or trade,as well as the conventenceiiiifferded by the tieveral Passenger Itguaeislutsucyash,rpiiti4islitioig„pnailftraorgichoontlligbricots to' it, by which Railroad Detioti;should Way be preferred to the regu lar Omnibus belonging to the 'louse- I am determined to devcito toy whole attention to the comfort and convenience of my guests. GEO. LIGIITCAP, Proprietor. JOS. HOUSER, Clerk. June lb, WA. ---------------:-- - MOT= is hereby given. that ',Wen Testamentary, on the estate of ADAM WITCHER, dee'd.,late of the borough of Lebanon, Lebanon county, Pa.,-hare been granted to the undersigned of the borough, coun ty and state aforesaid. Therefore all persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make payment, an d those having claims wild present them without delay. CATHARINE HITCHER, Executrix. Lebanon, Jane 15, 1864, VALUABLE Matrimonial LOIV'RY'S By order or the President. , n. .._zikeg r iLiviiiptx, Treasurer Out.tatiding Tas. Lsiiminn..T.inn 16 IRA Estate of Adair' Hitcher, deed. Executor's Notice. BLIC Notice is hereby given, that P Letters Testa mentary, have been granted to the undereignad, en the Estate of CATHARINE GO r&TE, late of Heidelberg township, Lebanon coonty,"Pa., deed. All persona who know, themseltes indebted to said estate wtfl please settle• their stoonnte, and sit those having clahns against It will please present, thron 'l : •wt, . . JONATHAN EERII, Exciutor. Shaefferst.own, 'Hatch P, 1881. IMPORTANT NEWS! S. , ITO ALL WHOM IT DOES CON C ERN! ON LAST SATURDAY THE 4 ( VOrti sL7 .! Was elled tor,behanom county, and at the same Octo the Chonp Cash Mid Produce Store of GOODYEAR Si, DIFFENBACH'S (RABER'S BLOCK) Cumberland Street, Lebanon Pa. WAS filled with a choice Assortment of Spring - and • Summer Goods, just purchoeed at NEW YORI{ AUCTIONS, which for Variety, Beauty and Cheapness cannot be excelled this side of the Atlantic, and at prices that will astonish the World. For truth of irh ich Gall and - See for Yourseles. Ladies' Dress Good*. . run Line Of French Glace flosambilgues, ' " American Mosiunliuiquet. " colored Alpacca, aIl shades " colored all wool Delains all shades, .` " French Poplins, all shades, " French Bareges, all shades, " French Tissues. all shades, " " ""'Foulard Challies ' " " Manchester Detains, " " Lawns, de., &c. A full Line of DRESS GOODS of every description and the largest assortment in the county. Full Line of LADIES CLOTH, all shades, such as Tan, Drab, Lavender, Light Grey, Black, &e. Full Line of Best oil &died Blank SILKS. Full Live of Fancy Silks, Brown, de., purchased be fore the recent advance. Full assortment of CALICO at all prices. " Bleached MUSLIN. " " " Unbleached " THE CB EPEST IN , THE COUNTY. MOURNING GOODS. , Our Itlournlng Department. ES complete, compris ing a Full Line of Blank, all wool Manias, 84 wide, .• '• " " all wool Delains 4-4 " " " " " Oanton Cloths, 6-4 " " " Persian Cashmere, 0-4 ‘• " Black Silk Grenadluns, " " BombazlneF, " •"` Black Crape Vella, " " 4 .4 Love Vells. "<," " " " " Gloves. "In Met anything in Mourning and Socend Mourn ing goods. Gentlemen Wear. A 11(11 line of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, COTTON ADES and VESTINOS, all kinds and prices„sylitch will 'he geld Cheap— Groceries i -Sugar, Coffee, Spicea, &c., all at LOW .PRICES. .44-- canons) and all, and look through our Large and WTH Selected Stock of Goodsorad gut the prices, as it Is no trouLd* to show Owls. Our ..)lotto le "Small Profits, and Quick Sales, and Good jYaMe." GOODYEAR c DIFiiENBACIT. • Notice of kiviessnOent 21.. TB LYOOMINU COUNTY. MV TUAL, INSeItAIs:ON CUMPANI,ou the fl at dal 16t4. ordered An A ASEF SA ENT of I , T,UP. P ER Ci.:NT,..tnt all Ptianium posression of WE , Colarthty Watt far Inaurnace:allich wero in forceoa the rtro day of May, 1t414, and appointed ti * rfElt, of Lebanon, he Titer for la4Janon ;who is directed to tere,tro [ICJ nano from the members of dn. Cempany s and ply over the v.hvlo As amenteat before the 1.4, day of apteatt,er, avxt M aney, May 80:1604. tfy at der f Gourd. in. In parenstico of the abuse, I wi 1.001 upon ttte mot:o,ra of :Ito Company •ritLtu .110 County of Ltto, aun t - or send, a short time, to receive iho said As; ite,stnent.. ADAM °HITTING ER, ttotniv-e. DINIDOII. Junel.6 1654. Philadelphia ,Sanitary commission L'XOURSION TLOKETS O PHILA. T -1,1141,141.1 A, AND RATUItN, good for ono DAYS pun M.mdcy. June Bth, to Atanday, June 20th, 1884, wilt no gold at tollowing rates:— AL Missomor',. $2 85 At Avon._ ...... .... --..53 10 At Richland 2 50 dt Lebanon 8 15 At Myerdtown...—.... 3 55 tit ...... 3 30 At Prescott 3 05 At Painslr 3 50 sir Rio% EsenrfdAn Ticket will include n Ticket of Adinivr.iou to the Pair. VC. c.hove Tic . uts only: no Tiskoto sold t;y , Juno L 180—at r:A bretre -rvuntous OF EXTENDING HIS BOOT t SHOE -mitTaxzemsEs. has determined to carry out the motto, "QUICK SALES MO SMALL PROFITS." $BlOO 87 Ile Has just received a large Stock of Boots, Shoes. Trunks and Carpet Bags. Particular attealon paid to Customer's Work.. Lebanon, IVlarch '23,184. D I LDEES vi11.419, : we1l by calling on J. H. BR69BLEII. B Agent, Prepared to do all kinds of TIN. HOOFING, svolyriNa and JOB WORK generally, at _the very lowest prices. He also has' on baud a largo and good assortment of all kinds of TIN WARE, and all of tlib' most improved Gas Burning COOK STOVES mad PARLOR, STOVES. Also, all the " m " . _ different and latest Unproved RANGES AND "."-- IIi:ATI:RS, of all kluda...: Ile also keeps con stoutly on band a bli alnelEof all kindle of ROOFING, ',SLATE, whttl'lM p offeiVat losePrlee then they eai) he bought of any other slaterbou In the county • ea, WARP.-ROOMS-Ono door South of the "Lack Hotel," Walnut Street, Lebanon, Pa. Lebanon. May 4. 1864. New Spring Stock TIIE LATEST :Per CI LEAP CASH PRICES, ri) • AVE just received at their CHEAP CLOTHING tiTORE, On "Cumberland Street; Lebanon, fr au their own manufactory in Philadelphia, it large stork of New Heady-made Clothing, of all kinds ' for MEN end BOYS. Old Customers, and new ones, are invited to I call and exam ine this stock before purchasing else where, as we feel confident we can suit the tastes of I a. nEIZENSTEIN A Opposite the Court House. Lebanon, April 13, 18114.-3 m. 7'd 9 ,point aesoluttou DROPOSING CERTAIN A••11.1ND- 151P.ICTS TO Trim CON STITUtION. ' Bs it l'esottied Zly the Senate and Ifouie of Representa• taresofthe C0M160•1172,1,:ata tt Pc nnestotinia in Genera/ Actounts met. Thal the fottowing aw.suitaisets bo pro iposes to tio, 05ostituidon of the Commonwealth, in ;Lc tor:once with its srorisione of the tenth artic'e to erect : There shall be au additional section to the thi d article et the Conetituti;n, to 12‘.; designated as section !Our. as follows; "Enction,4. Whenever any of the orotlified 'electors of tl; s Commonweath ehall to in any equal military bervice, under a requisition - Irma:the rreeld.wit of the United States, on by the authority of tbl Commun. wealth, such electors may elm:ciao the right of mittfrago in all cluctimie ny the citizens, under such regulations as are, or shall bo prescrieed by law- as rally an if they were prison: at their visual plan: of election." Section 2. There shall be two additional sections to the Owns nth article of the Cc:maritime, to be designated as eectiot s cight, aud nine, es follows "Swaim; B. No bill. Flail l be ;asbeed by the Logistic tore, containing more than one addect, which shell be civ rely expreesed in the title, except appropriation ' 'llecticia 9 No trt obeli be passed by the Legislature grantin.: any uowere, or pHs:l6lva, in any case, where the authority to grant Fuck puwera, Or prieilegee, has been, or markereafter be, conferred upon the coons lof this Commonwealth? USNItY 0 JOHNSON', Speaker of the House of Eepresewatives. JOUN P. PENNEY, Speaker of the Senate'. ME 2000 5 76 2 SO 12 30 0 00 125 68 SKIO6 87 $3lO OD •OrrLo or TIM SECOZTAKT or TEE COMMONWR6I.I I g. ARK IpUllita, April 26, 64 _ _ PENNSYLVANIA, SS : i do hereby eel ttry that the fotsgoing is fall. 1 G.j erne and correot copy of the original John j Resolution t f the General item:Oily, en titled A- Joint Resolution proposing certain Anteadatents to the o,mstitution," as the same meioa rne file in this ()Moo. Tn Testitneay whereat, 1 hare hereunto set my band and eatteed the SC(3I of the Secretary's office to be al- Sled, the day and year above written. hi ERA SLR, Secretary of the Commonwealth. a The above itesoluti6D having been agreed to by a ek,jority ot Atte memliere of each House, at two woes rive stssialto of the General Aesembl of this Counuott , we alth ,the.ropeeed anteodments will be submitted to the people, for their attoptiou or rejection, on the first TUESDAY ef AL; GUST, in tho year of our I ord. one thousand eight iinadre i and sixty four, in accordance with the previsioneof the ten.h article of the Cometitu Wm; and act, entitled. "An Act presoildng the time .and [ manner 'of subdittting to.the people, for their approyat sad ratiti mien or rejection, the prepotted amendments to the Constitution, approved ;he twenty-third day of April, ono thOuestui eight hundred and sixty four. SLIFXR, ?amyl:l-to Secretary of the Commonwealth. - • BRANS RECEIPTS For tmlieeters of Stain, County, and Militia Tail Or gale &pap nt the Adveridser Mee fa' Collectors of School Tax. Id at tbalnaNd Del as P Int re. ,mss;.___. TAKE AoTier.. 10-40 Bondit, These Benda are issued crier the Act of Congress March Bth, ?804, which provides that all Panda issued •miderth is Act shall be EXEMPT FROM TAXATION by or voter any state or municipal authority. Sub script ions to these Bonds are received In United States notes or natea of National Banks. They are TO BE REDEEMED IN COl N, a t the pleasure of the Govern ment, at any period not teas than ten nor mere than for ty years from their date, end until their redemption FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID IN COIN, on Bonds - pi not over one hundred dollars an: nually and on all other Bonds semi-annually. The in terest Is payable on the first days of March and Sep tember In each year. Subscribers will receiee either Registered or Coupon Ronde, as they may prefer. Registered Bonds are re corded on the books of the 11. S. Treasurer, and can be transferred only on the owner's order. Coupon Bonds are payable to bearer, and aro more convenient for commercialises. Subscribers to this loan will have the option of hav ing their Ronde draw interest from March let, by pay ing the accrued interest in sin—(or in .United Stater notes, or the notes of National Banks, adding fifty per cent. for premium) or receive them drawing interest from the .date of subscription and deposit. As those Bonds are Exempt from Municipal or State Taxation, their value, is increased ~ from one to three per cent per annum, according to the rate of tax leviee in sari one parte of the country. • -. At the present rate of premium on gold they pay Over Eight Per Cent Interest is currency, and are of equal convenience as a perms• nent or temporary Investment It is believed thet no securities oiler O great indeee meats to -lenders as the various descriptions of 11. S. Bonds. in all other forms of Indebtedness, the faith or Ability- of private parties or stock Companies or sep arate coalman itie . Sably' is pledged for payment, while for the debts of the United States the whole property of the , 4runtry is holdeu to secure the payment of both principal and interest in coin. These. Bonds may be subscribed for in suns from $5O up to any magnitude ; on the same terms, end ere thus made equally available to the smallest lender and the largest cap i talist. They can be Converted in to money at any moment, and the holder will have the benefit of the interest It may be ireful to state in this connection that the total Funded Debt of the 'United States on which inter. eat if; payable in gold, on the 3rd day of March, 188-1. was $763.065,000. The' interest on this debt for the coming fiscal year w ill he $45,937,126, while the cus toms revenue in gold for the current fiscal year, end ing Juns 60tb,1664, beta been so far at the rite of over $100,000,066 per annum. - It will be seen that even-the present gold revenues of the Government are largely In excess of the wants of the Treasury for the payment of go'd Interest, while the recent Increase of the tariff will doubtless raise the annual rereipts from customs on the same amount of importat ions, to $150,000,060 per annum. Instructions to the National Kinks acting as lean agent's were net Issued from the United State Treasury until March 26 but in the first three weeks of:April the subseriptins averaged more than TEN AIM LIONS A WEEK. Subscriptions will be received by the First National Sauk of Philadelphia, Pa. Second National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa Third National Baok of Philadelphia, Pa.• AND BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS tchich are depositaries of Publ io money, and all RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throzgliout the country, (acting as ngonts of the Na• tlenal Depositary Banka,) will furnish further Infor mation on application and • AFFORD NVBRY FACILITY TO RUBSCEIDERS. May 11, 1561.-2 m. BOOKS & STATIONERY A NEW FIRM WALTZ& FIOUCK • WOULD inform4bo Retie, that having bonghtind consolidated the Book and Stationery.. tbres of U. U. Itoedel and Oneyae Waltz, they are now.prepared to wait on all who wilt:favor them with a eall,.at the old stand . M.ll. RoedoNin.cuinberland street, where they will always have on hvnd a larkayso go. 0‘.11... K au.. ...urmay menoid Books, and as an induce me nt they offer their ill livens " — Vie hew York and Pi y antis - Weekly tended to WititTiroislifiii — ms - atidilleniticli Lebanon, May. 1864. MipCORIIIICIPS PIONEER WORLD-RENOWNED COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER, BOTH HAND AND SELF-RAKERS, ImrnovED POIC 1864 one of the greatest labor-saving machines of the age, and always found fully equal to any test to which abasheen submitted, iu. all Muth of grain and grass, at horns and abroad. Grand Medals. - of Honor awarl ed by the World's Fairs, successively at London. Paris and Hamburg, p.n d acknowledged In both hemispheres to be the Pioneer and elder Reaping and Mowing ;Ma chines. The model , and pattern of all otheri. We . e.inim our Self-Raker to be superior to all others, and OfTer it on trial with any other, the purchaser to keep .and pay for the one preferred. AlEir• Sample Machine can be seen at AdamHeak , 's Hotel, Lebanon, and any information wanted can be had by calling at J. lf. Bressler, Stove. Stem, Walunt Street, Lebanon. tar- All kinds of REPAIRS ranstantly on hand, aid for Sale by the agent. t 0... Satisfaction guaranteed- - - For sale by -• 3011?.: B. ERB, Agent. MHz, Lancaster county, Pa. Mey 188-1.-31, %ew Boot and Shoe Store: rvuE undersizued announce to the public that they I have removed their New Boot and Shoe Store to Cumberland Sired, Lebanon, in John Graeff's building, one door west of the Confectionery Store, where they Wit' a gs7., intend keeping constantly on hand a general as 115laksortnieut of Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys and Children's Boots ~chocs, Gaiters, &c., all of Which, w ; 111 be matio,np in style and quality no to be surpaese4 by any other workmen in theceountry. No effort shall be spared to please and entisfy, all who may favor them with their. micro; and theatk charges will be as reasonabloas possible, con*atible with a Mir reinhueration. They also keep a large ski Cit HOME MADE WORK, which is warranted to be as represented. The public are invited to call and examine their stock previona to purchasing. .4fiy" Repairing done on short notice arukat reasonable rates, ANDREW MOOR E. SAMUEL S. SHIRK 1 Lebanon, May 4, 1864. WANTED TO BUY 50 000 BUSHELS RYE; 50,000 bushels CORN ~ 50,000 bushels OATS; 50,000 bushels WHEAT. Also, CLOVER. SEED, TIMOTHY SEED; Ptazsaci, for which tiatkighest CA81:1 prices will be paid at the Leh anon Valley' Railroad Taipot, Lebanon.- OF,OROhI HOFFMAN. Lebanon, July 15.11161. TAKE NOTICE THAT ohn H. eaver, still cirryiug on the manufacture of all kinds of BOOTS & SIiOES &c He has just returned from the City, having bought . a Apofine stock of good Leather, wit kb be is prepared to work up to order in the best style of workMan ship. His shop is ou Market street, between Water and Strickler's Mill. 11.—All kinds of Repttiiing promptq attended to. Lebanon, April 67,1864. --- Barlow's Ifldir46 DLAVEII.B and Cestomen or the above Celebrated Wash inue.nill please take notice, that the La bavere altered to rcad. • • indiko Blue, PUT DP AT A I irr_e:d 1 ittberger's rortiaca- erroxtm, No. 233 North SECOND Street, PIMA /VA. The quality of this Blue will be ttoi same in every respect. It is. warranted to color. more water than twice the same quantity of Indigo, and to go much further than any other Wash Blue in the market. It dissolves per fectly clear and does not Pettie on the clothes its most of the other make' do. One Box dissolved in a half pint of water, will make as good a Liquid Blue as any that is made, at one third the cost. As it is retailed at the same price as the Imita tions and Inferior at tic les, housekeepers will And it very much to their advantage to ask fat that pat up at Wiltberger . s. y All . Blue put up after this dito with Barlow's name on tt is an Imitation. t. The NeW Label does not requite - a Stamp. Sale by Storekeepers eiberally. Feb. 24, '6l.—Gm. if. Executor's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the Bstato of JACOB Ifiti deo'd., late or Swatara township, Lebanon county, Pa., have been granted to pe undersigned, residing in the borough of Lebanon, county and state aforesaid. All persons, therefore, haying olaiws - against said Estate will pre sent, them, duly. authenticated, and those tudekted, sill pieties make payment....: • • JACOB wrprz, 'Executor. Lebanon, May ii, 1164. treat Central . Fair, ~r .44- t v SANITARY COMMISSION.' OFFICE OillrE CoMNITTEE ON LABOR, ISCOms *six REV ^`3. No. 118 SUI7TiI SETENin STREET, PHILADELPUIA, APRIL 4TII, 11164. Tit'n ~czernettee on "Labor, Incomes and Rey °neer,' invite cooperation with them in the yar-• ticular work for which they have been appohall. ed. As no portion of the people are more patri oticl than the working men and women of • country, it is but just and proper that they sha ' do alike have an opportunity to contribute to ' * objects of the Fair. The most equable plan for accomplishing this, and, at the same .time the easiest one, is to ask for the contribitlon of • 04104 day's Labor from all class,. i n th e cop. munity. . Many will contribute a day of titgir labor willingly, who would not subscribe. their money. To reach every department of Vdelttry and art will be a work of great labor,,bitt, itat tamped, will be productive of immense results. The Success of the plan will -Ateimod upon t h e hearty cooperation of every tareinent of inflame* within our limits, and we in , . la 141 the guardi ans of the Industrial interests, Sind trii„O„theticha take hold with us in furthering this great WOO& 'of patriotism and humanity. The Committee is charged with the following duty, to w it : FIRST.—To obtain the contribution of 44 4# day's labor," or earnings, from every artisan and laborer, foreman, operative and employee ; pres ident, cashier, teller and clerk of every incorpor ated and unincorporated company, railroadstmil express company, employing firm, bank, magi... factory', iron works, oil works, m11,,, 4. zninsaand public o ffi ce ; from every private lin i ttWendlsr•- ker, importer, auctioneer and merchant; cprle a agent and salesman ; designer, fi nisher an sit ist ; publisher, printer and mechanic • from every government officer, contractor an d employee; grocer, butcher, baker and dealer ; farmer, horti culturist and producer ; from every mantas ma ker, milliner and female operative; every indj vidnal engaged in turning the soil, tending the loom, or in any way earning a livelihood; or building a fortune within the States of Penney), rani a, New.Tersey and Delaware. '-BECoND.—To obtain the contribution of ode dayis : f'ftevenue ' from all the great emploglifg establishments, railroads and works. Tntsm.—To obtain the contribution of one day's income from every retired person, and per son of fortune—male and female—living upon their means, and from all clergymen, lawyers, physicians, dentists, editors, authors and proles- - sort ; all other persons engaged in the learned or other professions. Much of this work must be performed by the personal Influence and efforts of ladies and gen tleman associated with the Committee in carrz ing out this plan. - Theittee feel the reato d.iaailitliti . o? the work tare undertaken, which, to bastion's -el, wily seqUire a ray perfect ran:title:Mon of their' Pion: -and they therefore calls...pew all earnest people, in assenshl!.thaufielvei together in every town , township, ar4 Bounty. and fares organizations of ladies and gent:omA , ;o co-ow. mate with them in this great work and labor of love. In the manufacturing counties, theino4l and oil . regions, and in the agricultural districts, —especially, let there be organizations in the large towns, so that the young people way have an opertanity thus to raider assistance to their relatives and friends fighting the battles of their country in the armies of the nation. '`.• The work - of this Committee may be prdseigs ted where no other effort can tby reedeeftir the Pair, as in the mines of tit`e teltions. day's earnings of the miners!'ina . 41, iday ) ii pro duct of the mines, can be obtained, whets no portable article could be procured for transper tation. Indeed there is no part onsection of these States where the day's labor may not be ob tained, if organizations can be formed to reach them. The Committee cannot close without Thing upon all Proprietors of Establi,hmenta, the duty of taking prompt and energetic notion to secure the benefit of the day of Labor from all within their contro l. The Committee deem it unnecessary to do more, skiuu tima to ptesetitther Altbject to I , pill of the three jltates cern/2 g ee e.p.swe - oiloariermies, the labors of the ; t3sit, itary Commission" still be greatly AugFeta . led.— By the first of Joie 700,000 - men--. 41110 of the Jersest armies of modern times—will be opere, Ling in the field. So large a force, scattered OVetierians to wh;ob taw rnen_nr: trnrt, meet necessarily carry along with it large . . - men and Christians, to relieve. A great etv lightened people, enjoying the blessings of a got ernmera of their own making, cannot refuse eV aistance to men suffering to maintain its anther-, ity, and we will not believe that the "GREAT CENTRAL FAIR," drawing its products from the three States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, so affluent in all mineral, agricul tural and industrial wealth, shall fall behited .any similar effort which has yet been made for the relief of the Nation's children. As it is desirable not to multiply eirculara o ;- no further authority than this circular v5i11 ... 3 'necessary for any employing Drus or company, di any respectable committee of ladies and gentle. men, to proceed at once, in the wiwk of ttrelfledi. , mitten ; ond.'it is hoped that., under it, erganisa tioini will spring up in all the towns and busy regions of the" States of Pennsylvania, New Jer sey and Delaware.. Subscriptions will bo thankfully acknowledgell in the newspapers of Philadelphia; and itis very desirable that they commence soon, as eaehrfreeh acknowledgment will stimulate effort in other localities. All subscriptions should lie addressed to JOHN W. CLAGHORN. Treasurer, office of the "CoM.- - roittee on Labor, Income and Revenue l "No• lid South Seventh Street, Philadelphia. , Or' All needful helps in Circulars and Pos . ters will be forwarded to parties applying for I them. Direct to the Chairman of the Committee 1 as above. I WI- All needful helps in Circulars and Postern Will be forwarded to parties applying for them. • Dirtlit to the 1 Chairman cribs Committee penbove„ . ..: ' r.-' .. L. MONTOOMERY.BOND, Chairman JOHN W. CLAGHORN, Treasurer. REV. E W. RUTTER. Corresponding Secretary_ M cOREGOR J. MITCHESON, Secretary. 'HONORARY HEMS: JO.. Ms Excellency A. G. CURTlN,Governor ofPen wtylvania. - His P.xcellency,JOEL P Alt FLER,Governor of New Jersey. Ilia Excellency, WM. CANNON, Governor of Delaware. Hon_ ALEXANDER HENRY, Mayor of Philadelphia. Hon. JOSEPH E. INGERSOLL, Pennsylvania. Hon. JUDGE CARPENTER New Jersey. • lion JUDGE lIARRINGTOLIDeIaware. Ma or-Gen., GEORGE D. ME eDE, Army of the Potomac. . ...,' .•-,.. ' COMMITTEE. . jlighillev'Biatep Potter -Mrs Rev, E W nutter, •oet Rev'Bishop Wood -Chairman, M Rev' Bishop Simpson Mrs George 'AI Dallas Rev Dr Brainard ?-4,....J0hn Sorgetnie • Rev W P Breed Mrs John-M Scott Rev ti 'W nutter Mrs General Meade Rev Isaac Lesser MrscrEdgar Thompson Samuel Felton Mrs Joseph Hardison, Jr M John Edgar Thempsou Mrs Robert W reaming I Commodore It P Stockton Mrs L Montgomery Bond I Frederick Fraley Mrs George F Weave IJohn Bingham IMrs George 1) , .. Harris George Williams gra P A treIVAI ..,, . i Bev W Suddarde, D I), MM. S KKettey Professor Henry Copped Mfrs John W Forney Chat lee Pendleton Tutt, at) Mrs Samuel A Moser Dr Walter Williamson Mrs Enoch Turley lion °maid -Thompson Mtes A Sager '• • Hon 3 It Ludlow N W Briowne . Miss Sagan O'Neill.. .. rise Sallie Scott. " - D.miel Dougherty Miss Louisa le Claghore .. , . . and 90 others. ' and 35 others. :• - READING RAILROAD. s, - - • . ummer Arrangeniepilk,4 tea: 14-- G"1 T TRUNK LINE FROM THE NORTH AM) North-West for PHILA. DELPHI A, NEW-YORK, READING, POTTSVILLE, LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, BASTON,"&c., Sc. . • Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia. Neu-York. Beadle - ft, Pottsville. and all interibediate SittionsostB A. M., and 2.00 P. M. New York Express leaves Harrisburg at 6.30 A.M., arririux at New 'nth at 1.45 the same day. Accommodation Passenger Train !SUMO READING at 7.15 A. M-, and returns from Harrisburg at 6 P. 5.1. . - Pares from Harrisburg: To Islaw-Yorkss 15; to Phil adelnhia $3 35 and $2 80. Baggage checked through. Returning. leave New-York at 8 A. "AL, 12 'Noon, and 7 P: 3L, (PITTSBURG EXPRESS arriving at Harris tidrg at 2 A. M.) Leave Philadelphia at 8.1.5. at. and 3.33 P. AL Sleeping mirs in the New York Ramos Trtiinal. through to and from Pittsburgh without' change. . Passengers by the Catawiasa Railroid leave Tamaqua at 8.60 A. Si., sad :110 P. 4... • rte' t P 3 iiade.phia, Igo" York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville at. 3.13 and 2,31 E p. for Philadelphia.figrrisharg and Nov York. • An Accommodation Passenger train leaves Reading at 6.00 A. - 11 • and returns from Philadelphia 816- Ail theabovn trains run daily, Sundays:cc • A Suodny train. !eaves 'Pettsellin at, mod Philaltelphia at Si!,. COnnUTATION, hing6GS;l3l.ttutt,amr - Iggau;# are at reduced rates:. to and Item all tesintlas , sc, pf.nnida Baggage allowed eaelt a. A.ltioot. - - Sunerfrete.WWC* May 26,1864_ O) you oesAT *INS & BRQ = S 'Now 'Boot suss UrStore.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers