The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, August 22, 1860, Image 2

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    Itirantrit Strittttic%Er.
4 Witii - DRSIOCRATI7I - NCIP - LrIS - 0.13A - Si. TO ia -11,- ; -: ; V - Mil
W. M. BRESLIN, Editor and Proprietor
rtectors at Large.
litictiAßD YAlnt. 020. M. SRN
Districi Ilertors.
1. Frederick Server. . 14.:9. Eeckhole. ,
2. Wm. O. Patterson. 15. Qegrga'D. Jackeon.
9. JoL Crockett. 16. J: A. Abl .
4, 3. G. Brenner. 17. J. B. Danner.-
6, J. W. Jacoby: 18.'3. R. Crawford .
6. Charles Kelly. 10.. IL ?I . Lee.
7. 0. I'. James. 2O. J. B. Howell.
~ .
8. David Scholl. 21. N. P. Fetterman.
9. J. L. Lightner. ,22. SartmeLlfaraludl. '
10, 8. 3;Barber: ' , '23. William Book.
11. T. H. Walker. " 24. B. D. 'Hamlin. '
12. 8.8. Winchester. 25. Claylord Churzh.
19. Joieph Limbach.
Resolved, That the Democratic Electoral Ticket be
Noted, with the name or Stephen A. Douglas or Jain C.
Breckinridge IRS an elector at large, and in the event of
the olleCelik Of field ticket.lf the greater number of votes
enattnsettionsi - - emit for Woollen A. Douglas, then the
vote of the el ector a l college of the State shall be metier
Stephen A. Doughis and Herschel! V. Johndan for Presi
dent and Vice President; but If for John C. Breckinridge,
then for John O. Brockinridgo and Joseph Lane, ,for the
same offices. If the Vote of Vemrsyliania mullet elect
the candidates for wheat a majority of the votes arc emit;
and It dita 6lecr rail man kilning for the office of Presi
0109t Of thelfhlted States claiMing to be a Democrat: -
then.thrtvote of the electoral , college shall be, cas ,t fir
"tiuttotinflidato. If it will not elect either of tbe 'Whin
mats fbr whom if is cast, or any of the Democram.who
were voted for he the States, then' the vote eltl,l,be cast
for the candidate who has the majority of tht votes of
the State; . and that the Chairman of this Committee be
instructed to obtain froin the gentlemen on the Demo
cratic Electoral' Tlarat of the Stittci their several and dis
c tinct;pledgea of acqulescease in the foregoing resolution,
and to report the result of hie action in the premises at
the nett meeting of the Committee, to be held on the
day of -- .. • .
me.,. Mr. Lincoln has taken the
stump in the west. This is the first
time in the history of the country
that a Presidential candidate takes
the stnmp to solicit votes for his elec
tion. Gen. Cass, ).vhOTI a candidato,
even resigned his seat in the U. S.
Senate.' Air. tineoln addressed a
mass mooting at Springfield, Illinois,
last week.
Proves that while the nominee of the
Republican party for President, Abra
ham Idecorn, Was a member of Con
gress;the Wifmot Proviso contl'overt
sy was in progress, and:that he was
active, in. connection , with Wm. It
Seward, Joshua Giddings and other
prominent abolition members of Con
gress, in keeping :up the slavery agi
teflon. He Voted - for the Proviao
FORTY wo ifugs. •
Also proves that while a member of
Congrest he opposed - tbs i Mexican
War, dficlating it "UNCONSTIIVZIONAL
AND V9liffo t , ADO VpT.ID AGAINST, tht
bi~rgvanthtg ON4 MINDRED AND SIXTY
AORTA , of LAND' to anr brave and gal
lant veldtifeers. -
The . proposition 'of the State Cen
tral Committee, to head the eleatorni
ticketi with the name of Breckin.
ridge , or Donglas, 'and that the 01113,
( having the greatest number of votes
shall'have the electoral vote of the
state, is received by the Democratic
. ,
:• 4 party throughout the state with.great
: satisfaction. ::1 1 120 . 0hsinbitrisburg Vat
;.'il fey Spirit; tlielfollidaysburg StanclUrd
1! and thC Inzerno Union, several of our
Imost lOrtiecl exchanges bearing the
names of Douglas and Johnson, corn.)
to us this week heartily approving of
I' the arrangement. Nrefare glad 'that
; the era of good feeling, for all who
WIFI • h re ally and truly the succoaiof the
.. .
i t ' Dernoe'rttev , , ,. is again at hand.. 'We
$ now are beginning to think that the
1 opposition have been crowing too fast
I—that Lincoln has Weald his 'Cabi
net rathecprematurely, and that it
is not at all Unlikely that Lincoln will
4/ be ole t'C
o*itay at home, and some
good Democrat will be President,
for the, OA four. years. Oar choice,
as we Infve frequently stated,is Brock
inridge) but, if he cannot succed, infi
*tnitely rather 'give us DonglaS than
' Lincoln.
! We can now go to work peaceably
land amicably, and rally to the sup.
port of the _Electoral Ticket at the
'head of our columns, and under the
iivise arrangement of the Committee
ihring Q -- ut it . - lirgar DeMoo atic.vac
,: than PennsylVanitt ever polled.
4 We are glad that the difficulties in
the party are at aeond, and that the
Worts of all good Democrats can now
a) turned against the common enemy
if both. There is now
,no longer any
,ccasion for Democrats to quarrel
bout the regularity of I,llo,n,ornina
ion of gonglas Or.-Btecliinricrge,:, or
ny other matters; bat he who re
, eives aznafOrity of votes will have
be whole eleOtoral vote, and if he
'boald not - Lie elided President it win
ot, sitle*et, be the fault of the De-
Twomey ofAlnneylvanin.
& letter 'from.Tilas states that the
;rope are all cut off in Rusk, county,
irid corn is selling-at 62 -per bushel,
lour 815 per barrel, and bacon- at
)20 per 0.00 pettinTS. Groat suffeiifl
i,lready exists apaong the poo r
m meetings blie have been 014164 to:
nroctire reiter. • -
1 s -- _ .
a or 44itttiOer..of Gipseye:tbrtalf:el
elle " ' lling•throughAevonit-
Ty. . 4gra.and - others. 1114miliil be
.I,th .115.604, as that fratenxibtarp
let rei*ixablikfor their honteitY.
„The Democratic County Con.
ven Eon will meet hestfionclay It
is to be hoped that every district in
the county will be . -represented, - and
by such men Whose only, aim is the
goOd of the Part?. isiapParent to
every closeebserver,,,,that the., : op,poei m
tion party of this county is on :the .
verge of. an ordeal <through whichlt
cannot pass in safety, unless "the
CObsfTfcitiss 6.1.14 - esifin"w4peetnan-:
agement party has for
many,Years, will, n,at ,only, yield_. the,
power, ithaS selong :.and so shame
, fully abused, but, resign and abandon
all management and leadership into .
other hands,.and. retirO "to the tanks.,
We say', it. is . . apParent: the unless.
such a course is, promptly pursued.
by the Clique, , :(and. it'is not likely .
that they Will Nioliintarily sci;)=
they will have to - Pass, through an or_
deal which will test,the opposition . as• : ,
cendeney in this coutitylotheutmest.s.
Dissatiefactionis - rife . in every d ist t.
In some it if; already in a
others the - fires of the volcano ,:are
only: kept dOwe by eitraordinary . ex•
ertions, and in a very short time they.
will become entirely, tiotAnageable,.
and burst fopti with the accumulated:
fury of pi‘ny Years' outrages• and .
wion9. The Convention next Mon-
Jay, if wisdain governs it,.;Wjli f shape d
its notion -in accordance witirtite.oon
i.lition of things in the oppoSieion
The apparent invincibility” of
the Cliqueinlhia county for.;Seyi3ral
years past, has only. been its expiring
glare. The:danger is felt by JIMM,
and hence, we find their piipern 'COW
ing - . upon - the districts. to -
organize!" They are afraid' of the
,little clouds . they see appearing above
the ;h4izon.; in fact, sorne,see 4irCEtOy
a Band-writing -on. the, wall. :They ;
will attempt 'to save' themselvea o.
eally, by appeals to National " and
party prejudices: But
p it ill nut do.
Every tub must stand on fteeWti bot- .
toni - in -the corning fight, and - while"
hundreds upon" hundreds
position Will not entertain :the. first
thought of forsaking their ,National
candidates and principles;- will, With
Ulm lin cps ..aard 1111 clertiikel
the overthrOw•. - of the 'Court TlErottaia
Oneefeer exchanges in spealting of
the troubles which have been rife in
the Democratic camp, and partieu
liarly alluding to counties - where there
are Detnocratiufriends of both 13reck-
inridge and Douglas, gives tins advice,
to the papers of such localitiee :
"Wad 6 not wish. to be considered its giVing rid
v lee in other peOples business, but;in our belittle
opinion, the mast °Feetually corrective, under
such circumstances, would be to hoop down ,both.
I Do tunas and BR ECKINRIDGFI un tilitfter the C.OUU
_ty and State election. The lii-fiefikigs engender
ed among Democrats, by the division on the.
Presidency, is doing theparty in this State• no
good. It is high time that wiser; and purereoun:
eels proven, and that every Demrocrat forms with,
in himself the patrititic determination to forbear
drom disturbing that return tollte success .of the
party in this State."
,There, that'sjust vThaf ive.tstge 'do;
ing, and intend to perseir l ere.).h Chat
course until we see a - ricessitjr, and,
justification for diffelrenNactioi .
bid state of affairs existaiitahouidto.
the duty of the partninrpalkto, en-;
deavor to barri?pofig - ,11" . 11* reconcile;
and not add - thefialnes 6y eni.•
bracing one-side - to tile -prejudice -of
the other. Some folks talk loudly-of
"independenceP adrire,". Or.
udare not". to -do. tliis"'or de . that: .
which we consider most is ()illy
talk, and if they :were
same situation aii.gtoistjl?urnalists are,
just now, infinitely more'
harm than therbouicl eter make geed;
either to the party:4i• themselves
their ill advised ind:lneofisiderate ad
tion. We are prObab:ly "indepen 7
dent" as. most other people, but we do..
not believe that moderation is incon.
sidtent therewith,
,cit) . should be the
occasion forreproaCliNin any quer,
ter. A portion of the-tie:mocra,te
Lebanon county dilier.irom us -in re-'
gard to the
. the Presidency,
and we are cenfident thatan arrogant'
assumption on Offrpait,*ould opeiratf
against 0111' . 00tuity inf:btaio'!catO.
dates, hence we have Just thniiiileii . ol.
deuce to keep down lbw' n.atne o f
P.residential candidate from tile, head
of our columns. In Chia" ate, _bre re
gardless-of the consciiinence . a ft. \ oar
selves, lcnowing.t:hat the inter Of
the party are at.asta,ke. We-4t.rnp,44'
fighting for an individual Initibr
good of the whole party. We .4re.
ready to make any saerifiee,
ent with honor, to keep the Stsitoalid
the Union out of ;the, bands - , 4:4',.ibe
worst enemies the Democrapy . over:
knoW,,and the most dangerous - fime
our country ever had since the:Tories
in the days of the - Revolution. •
AGorman namea t ,
•-A . •
John Weywird, ethpleYed :at the tat ,
nary of .lifr,Kline of Mt. Joy , - Lan
caster coujity, Pa., receivedintelli
ence a few days since, from' the Fa-;
, erland, that a relative of his recent : ,
ly died and lef . t4i, t ra heir to the .81 1 11 0 gs
little sum of ibity thonsauit dollars;
Dooinm BE Disserornno..-1110- with the authority
oift.tireeleys , experience, assures
its saadere-,that "he who deserts , his
work-and hie, home to go shouting
and • singing at [Republican] ma. 813 .•
meetings, in• the blind hope that lip : ,
oloe, or some lucky accident, 'NO
make all right, will very certainly bo
A Dismprz §vrTzazi.—The Couriei.l Re_ It is - a noticable fact, that whe,r--
and ADVERTISER have 'differed , ' for] everthere was a Know-Nothing Lodge,
some time relative to The responsi- of any numerical strength, there is
ble party for the passage of the' certain to be a Republican wide-awake
Tariff. of 1857.:
„ The Speaker of ;club organizedin its stead, csimposed
the Bell and Everettmeeting on Mon, of' the-. swim "elernents„„having the
JliiLeyaring,Appuyider,.o both of same Obleets in view, aia . „d the ertme-,
our parties, and , whooertainly has no E politicians are directing its move
mote lbie for ttslliam fOr - our ments.- A change of names hag' not
the, Subject, net changed its purPoses, nor a change of
itioN7ing 'that it was 111 hot dispuie in dark,lanteins for torches will- answer ;
this locality: He distinctly said "the' Co blind obserVers as to theirree)-0 1 3-
Tariff of 1857, which is .worse ':than: jeets. % IJ - ndef the old garb, 416•
that 0f1846, WAS iASSEDBYREPUBtICAN ed - forces of the
vorrws" is 'the opinion of all I erpower e,partisans who now hope
zwrEzzrawri Men and the record Ito deceive into their, finka'soin - e of
does not admit of a doubt on the sub- those
..,oppoied to XnoW...,Tiothing- I
jeet. The only wondeiia thatthe Coil- limn, by the use of a new ti- I
tier, is not better poked On such 4t re- tle and - the resort to parade and show.
cent They may be . Partially successful for'
a time, and, when their scheme is ful
ly understood, they will fall ,into. dis
repute as suddenly as did the oath-
b"ou SCcre t. 'el abs. I
WI - The WilkesbarreDouglas - Clab
had a meeting immediatety: after the
recent action of the 4 5tate Central.
Committee became known, „and - c re
solved most•enthesiastically to adhere
to the plan of union
It now matters
. but little wl ig
Forney and his few followers:get Out
a Straight Ticket or - no; those
that support it would in its AbserMO
have voted generally for - Lincoln; but
with a straight ticket - in the field
nearlya - fhe Votes eastfor It are so
Which lasi to the RePuhlicans,
theless there are , still a few who..un
der a misapprehension still-stick to ,
that side, Nit We fire , confident they
will soon see . the curer` of then Ways
and go in bentily with the true De-,
ineeracy. We ; ; are confident that
those in-Lannon will, and have - high
hopes foie' all of their eTasiloVer the
state ey gang Wi I b 6
small indeed. .
The “Democratic State ,Central,
EieentiVe and Corresponding. Corn
mitte,'!. (what a name 1) of thelriends .
of Mr. Forney, met-in secret session
at ifarrishurg„ on Wednesday Ink—,
No 6Porters were admitted except
the one „specially admitted- by its
master. The formation of a straight
ticket (Forney TerPresktent and Bab:,
dem an for -Vice - President:l) was deckii
ed upoh, and Mr. :_B: Haldeman
named is
_ . "oho of the electors at large.
There is now no justification whatev
ever for the proeeedings--,treason. , we.
migtit say--;•of the -leadere of this
squad. They , not - only',Waew that - ,he:
Douglas men of thiStitate,lvhoni they
professed to represent, were in favor
of union and harmony, if it could be
brought about on lidruiriable terms,
bht, although, the first'propositioo'br
the State Central Committee was-not
satisfactory, they also had before
them the proceedings of the meeting
at Cresson—knew that the plan adop
ted. tbereiva-s satisfactory and ascephid,
and that all the true .friends Mr:
Douglas were
~wheeling into .
They _knew, individually - and collec
tively, that they were misrepresent
n ,-;•-
e .
i the peoplelthe profesed to repre,
sent; and that every Dofiglas paper,
in the state, with the exceptien.of
Forney's Press and the,Stqte Ssstinet
art others sustained
by the Repdblicans, were heartily en'-•
dersinethe plan of dorm and'ciincil
• - •
iation.. Yet they proceeded to adept
reSolutions Tor mutilating_ the ele4ta,
ral-ticket - by - .striking therefrOin
knOwn to be - friendly to Rreckifiridge.
and Lune, :and gave' the power'- into
the bands of - a- few itidiVidaids to
patch up a begus,,ticket...The cow;
Mittee:itsell*al3 least
show 6f,!•delegated.power,an4 , w.9vory
much question if 'the . ticket 'be
overituallY-piUsentefi by its authority
will be able to cdrnthand even the
votes of all. the 24 gentlemen present
at its session last ... , NY.iednesdV.
conelesio :we.;:nray ••state. that the
proceedings eEthis.! pretended Demo:.
cratic organiiation,-WaVe become So
ineignificant that As further Move
ments will be undeiervi i ng_ of notice.,
They -have:made:Weir last,gasp.
bilified. 3 l4
WeTR, -
count of the , diffieulties occasioned
tlie:Altulitienista-; (Republican firinti
This week. we eye, further hetithle•
aCieUnts of tiro
Woods!) • ,phe R 4r, T1 .4.: 4 4 - Ar e
thrownCo a Op ortliw
dselly fanatics. Is it" not, Oplorable,
that . political excitement .kuid - fanati t
- 43i!,3a1 can this tipaOt
that they entirety 'goo%
justice and : of rigift, .If 'slavft
wrong an& outrages ,- cannet allevi.
at() it; nur ean;they make votes far
anrriolitical: candidate for the Preei:
dopey: "Truly,lhd - irrepreaitilicctirl=
seems to be it hand in reality.'
Cetitiv Densimina,
.the Re:
Abitea. l ? OrgaiY. of . Ottitie e6nnty t the
hi:ite : Or 14: cuAtihter out fnt
g" " 0: 1 ";; 0 !lr
o f iv er nor t The.. people. Gentre
know Curtin.
liumoati OF THE dzivatrs.L—The-een.,
ene taker in doceaville, Michigan, put
down a zinnia age at 300 years,inatead
o ,800 am* of land, which was in,-
fended.. He was beaten,
the, Canada inall in the town
.of 'Alle t
pry - Fhb - 4)4'4nmnitof,-nclis s ierni
childten Insteattirlft9 of
land. • • • • '
Great Excitement Throughrt the State.
,'sy the Southern
. rnatiirteeived last
night, we have several Ltotas of Tex
as news in regardto'the: fate; Aboli
tion - excitement in that 'State. The
Nacogdoches the fel
„LT . .rts Cousrry.A..yourig-atan, who had . been
etnployed in,a Stoic atAraxahatellio, was huwg a
'few, days - siderofoi-iivip"g stryAnihe” to slafes to
~ 3 .1011,E INCiiltliAniel‘i:-=---.Another"
temlatdias beeribiada- to fire •-build- -
inis near Tiler, :aleo in Brenhein'i
and in Georgeto*e.
The Houston Telegraph of the 11th
seys; . .
'We learn from it kehtleman who passedthrougb
Henderson, in Rusk county, on 51otkday
that the town of lienderson was set on fire last
Sunday night, the sth inst., and was
_almost Cn.
tirely dolman:led. Every icouse *on - the
exeeprone,-ineluding nll the business houses in:
the place, was destroyed. „
'The people of
.Reederson,'our informant says,
put tio;faith in 4be reported-adespiraey, - and'neg.
lectedto - appoint a patrol or keep watch. The
fire was discovered au- 4upday., night ali6ut nine
No' clue 'been 'discovered of the
perpetrators ol , thei deed.:
_ •
—The Fort Worth ofthe Ist
insi.,-has the - 'following brief notice
of the execution of an Abolitionist
con evy spirator:
Atelearn that a preacher' by thenaine of Pu-.
leyyras hung at Veal's Station last week ; for he
ing an active Abiditionist. .A".' majority , . of thiee
hundred men 6oitdelin4d him: ' " '
BeenlrlAya Ranger, of the 10th
A-few days sinceeevbrfil negroes were arrested
on" Mill Creek t„ in this 'County, who acknowledge
to their tniving poison given thein by whifo teen,
ftrittin yrurpese *of poisbning their owners and',
fatuities, and"that th'e'day of election . 1111.8 tlro
time feed-fora general insurrection. They :elso
infplicatet yotrie•retii4s . about tvw - if - na being .
conehrneilln mordereni Plot. -
ThO ' Faii - ArAd Pioneer, of the 9th inst., t ,
has t 1 following :
Mr. Teague, a printer in our office,.bes-jurt ar
rived fronfTennessee° Colony, Anderson cotinty,
and . bringethe news that he witnessed the•hang
ing of two white men in that plaep.:on Sunday,
the hth..inetant, mho were proven to be guilty of
inciting insurrection among the slaves of that
neighliorhood:'. Their names were Antoney
rick, andliis .pnusin "Alford Gnbie. They, -were
engaged nenr:the colony at their trades . of wag...
on-making who're theyfiare- i i
been living for four" and frve'years.
beeri previnueljlikekup'for'harkering arfiropll
indlittuor ,tc negroes. .piogrues were found in
the poisessibn:of firearms and . atrYOhnino, fur
niched by these. 1/3 ' - '
Tho Houston Telegraph, of
ipstanks says: . •
On Monday Jest; white man rode up to
Prn.Diek BreediMPs near Round Top,' - at noon
and finding nobody brit :a negro girt "at'leme,.
questioned: her; about . ..runaway , . horses,. &0., And
finally asked her hoir'she and the negroes were
satisfied. lle then went off, and fifteen minute's
after, returned, with . three negrOns,.;detnandiiig
soniething The women gave them foad:.
Aftereatinethey.brokii:4en a tali* in search
of-"money :: :Tho'ythen put, a Shore'. fol.,,f,flris;
in the bed, and left„....After they Were: gone, the j
negro, wartan 2 .extillguiitied•the then ran.
to the overseers house, to 'tartan' what hail hap= -
1,66613: Tile affdii4it'used a geed-deal a''excite=,
TEE TEMiti.iitOLZTIONIfLO-T.- 2 -Ftlr.e
then of the' 'abolition
plot in NorthernTe kis am reported
in the--'Galveston papers. ,Bei-cr
al - negroeS, and white men have. be'en
- taken np i some bfi ssiispicionl, 7:ethers
in .the Very f act of In centiari - sm,,e' - The
white etnissaties- have been driOrs
froth the State"in the absence ''of le-
. .
ge t . eiridthiaktoleSEOidg tholiWthe
was strong, in some instances".-con
vi 'Opistelten.ei in ofiartherditn.
Or fir nOW `n6•`n6•l6ageittintertairred
Vigilii .
- commikees ;and nigh t tpat•
role havelbeen' establi.shed ins thepev
oral; threlitenoci the
pie-are , iibw fully ..piepsrb - d' to _crush
Out;-slllhittlier etts'alptii of these abo•
lition..oatlaws an intlrerliarortattrair
iliaresy Ore -tegtoei;^
• '
oyictsitilin' of Lancaster
count fn*le 'the figlowirig,ficy9loa
;ti.c4a onAtirsda.i ".
; Congreas—Thadd s ons:Nevens t eity; State Fen
ators—Wm, Namilton, - Yarsdiseflohn
itand, City;•lbe Ligialaturet4oatiph Hciod;Bsa r ts
Michael Ober, Weet Donnali*JOhn M. Stehnian,
Penni Irem7:4. WhiPi City; Sheriff , —S. W. P.
Boyd, Fulton., Protaonotary--Pker Martin,
Ephrata; Itegl i ster—Gieo: Hairthorn, -Manor;
Recorder-:-(Tdorge:Whitson,•Sadabnry; Clerk of
Quarter. Sespions--Benry •Musear,•Strasburg tp,;
Clerk of (Orphans; Court—Smell Myers,fd mint
Joy; County Conimission,e--john Doner, Man
or; , Direatortf of Al)e Poor—Wm, S. Martin,Colar
eine; Abraham .H. Metiger,.Conestoga tp., Dowd
Zartasp„Ellsabeth tp., (one year;) Prison ia
aneEdors—:Jaeob B. Brubeker, Mount Joy; twp.;
Philip W. - -Iletteokeeper, Druinore; Coroner--
Dan'l.Balmer ' ~ Elizabethtown;
Von Neids, Ereoknoek.
IteL, Tj3.o diSSatiSfaCtion with the
above ticket is so great, in „Lancaster
county,. that an• entire independent
opposition ticket will •be :bro u g ht out
and 'run* against,' it. Th'ey have . a
Clique in Lancatter county led on by
Thaddeus, Stevens,. *AO swages
the opposititin partyl;stetty- much As.
the Court lioUtitve4 uppyilo,anages -in
thie4 IpittiXdreakn't and
-1 0 E rsi, l onger.• • - •
Won v
At Biairstown- (15T.t.1.) a young man
named liultae killed himself because
the principal of a boarding -school
found a love-retter - addreseed - "by him
to one of .the-fernalf pupils, and read
it aloud:- .AAetter.sass: "The - young
man,,it seems, had taken a fancy to,
find had' been.' arirelifionding occa
,sionally with a young lady,in or near
Blairstowa. Trincipal of the
Achool, Mr. jiihnson, having fotind
this'out, forbade the" correspondence,
and even - Wrote himself to the young
lady forbiddiniher to send the young
man anymore le"tters Slle,however,
continued toWrite, and it happened, a
day or two before thelatal occurrence,
that the young man chanced to drop
one of her-letters,- which letter was
found and carried to Johnson. In
stead of returning( the - later to the
young man, :with such kind admoni
tions as his owntood Adgment ought
to havenuggekited; this fool, or knave,
or both, had theletter' imblicly read
before t the-school; - which 'so wrought
upon the young man% mind that he
at once, determined - t4 put an end to
his own existence. The shame, as
he thought i-t, of such a public expo
sure was more thnn he was 'We to
din, the celebrated tight rope perform
er, met with a serious accident on the
Bth inst., during-his exhi bi tion at Chil
icothe, Ohio. AftoiNusk -he.-..gave
performance' of trundling a -wheel
barrow across a rope anal t0,.-make
the feat more terilic he encircled
himself in a blaze'of fireworks, which
were ignited simulta,neously_with his
starting, Before he had aceomplished
half his task, One,of.the pieces prem
aturely exploded, and , set
,fire to his
clothing. The peril 'of his' situation
could not be seen ,by the thousands
of spectators below„ in conseßgenee
of the continued -emission: of sparks,
and the adveninrons .Bloidin had
nothing to do but walk the rope and
Buffer the torture -of being slowly
roasted. Having accoinplished the
distance, he by, his own . 'efforts sue
ceeded in-extinguishing the 'flames,
but not before his back- -Was - very
badly burnVd.
giar S. tuella - pan Cross, the 'forger,
was sentenced on:-Saturday list, in
Philadelphia, to an imprisonment' of
five years in the penitentiary. Porter
the tipstaye,frofn whom Cressmade a
temporary escape two weeks,ago, was
suspended 'until September.
LEON.—The,FreiMh tiegetioii bas,late
ly visited Boston, to approve the par:
chase by a-well Icnown horse, dealer
laf five superb Verment bOrse&for the
stabiee - of the French Raiiieicir, who
already possesses twenty-four speci
mens of the same breed. A corres
pondent of the N". T. 'Evening Post
writes: The new horses are
hands hih, having action,and a speed
of not less than 2.60. They are of
the Emperor's favorite color, a, deep
bay, as are nearly all the emperors
stock of four, hundred, and their tails
are of natural length, with one ex
ception. The cost was betyeen $2OOO
and a pair. These horses will
be taken CO Europe - 1 - 1) one of the
Vanderbilt steamers.
IMPORTANT ARREST.----011T : readers
will remember the fact the house
of Mr. Riday,'Oxford, Clu of
3ster county,
being robbed in April last,atkrthat
after the robbery was committed, the
wretch engaged in' it seized :On - Mrs.
Ilkley, - tied her and their cruelly burn
ed her person. We' learn that Benj.
French, who formeigy'kelit:lli tav
ern at Everhart's Grove inthis•'.l3or
bugh, and NOIO now keeps the tavern
at Brick Meeting Roluse,in 3farylind,
has bemarrested and lodged in jail
at Elkton, charged ivith - the offence.
It is said that when -Mrs. Riday was
taken into the prresence of French,
she immediate,ly recognized 'him and
was so overcome as to -. fall into
swoon. She alai reeognized hiS voice
before seeing him. If be Wat 3 the au
thor of the infamous on trage,we•earn
estlk hnpe,the ‘Vreteh may be Convic
ted, and punished- ;to the full es
tent of the lii*.—West Cheiter Reirub",„•
Ve"' Thellon; ', 'Fry;-nf Le
high a veteran- Democrat, died, on-
Wednesday his resianco in
Allentown. Mr. Fry had been a
member of the• State Legislature; the
Sfate Seihte;anq of - thel'o‘ver house
of CongreSs. - Re was gieniber
of, the Convention to revise the Con
stitution: •
nioshans. Bardelt:*4 nOtortunate.
to' AO in California, iii.hone other
than., Oh AO,
esilist. divine peleli.rated`, for,: tal
Dp aro.-
A . RElVelltlrOlv FIVE DOLLARS.wiII Ine 'tali by'
- the board :of:Bebooll:Brentors.of the,bionsugh of
Lebanon, for,detechonand conviction of any person o r .
persona who shall maliciously destroy deface anY of
thelh ()Peril hrtiobfing:tO. the Common Schools the eaid borougb, W OO by falie keys or pthersviee ()Mir
any of the school-houses of sat& borough;-when- closed
by.tbe Teachers or Dlrpotors. By .order of the Board,
- • .fIOSBPFeBOWIitAti",
Attest . i.. 11. Sete9; ' fAug. - 8; 130:
Heavy Edo& of Domestic cloodeduet received at
George - nOlinrivin 7 g '
L.EnArloir CO'uivty
I r
By Lebanon Valley. Railroad.
inARTIOLILAR attention wilt be paid to Goode abipp
ed by theLetiisnon Valley Railroad. Gooduwill bo
sent daily to and from PliPadelphia to Lebanon, 'Myers
town and eurivilleStatimis, and all other points in the
PRIIIIGHTS contracted for at the learnt possible rates
and delivered with dispatch.
The Proprietor will pay particular attaittiou to, aria'
hts. personally, to the receiving end dellvery-nr all
Weig •
yor itaormation, itingy•ta . his prilee•seftbe. Meehan
Valley Railroad Depot, Lebanon. •
EDWARD HARE, Philadelphia,' will al
wayabe round l et Bush's Mercha nt's Rota, Neeis -
Thin; at., Phaidaphia.••• •
• „. • .
• , Blac , kinnithing. • •
Air R. 'DANIEL BUTTei, the* old and welltknown Bleck-
M.Smitb, hamagaln ooniiikenoed.bis 041 , birineser; In
this borough, in Cbeetnut street; east ,or *rekit. He
does all work-in bile the eiceptiai-or Here.
Shoeing, Tbkoberattip.of his so tvediknown,
that there need,nnt be man,' porde libotkitip soidter
. Lebanon, itiSg. 1;1MP." - %URDU, BIWA.
The proprietors and manufacturers or HOS—
TERS can appeal 'With? perfect confidence to
' physicians and citizens generally of the United
States, becauseithemsticle'has attained aTepu
tation heretofore unknown. 'A few facts - upou
. this. point will ,Spealt more •powerftilly than
volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puifeey.
Theconsumption.of li.ostetter's Stomach Bit
ters for thejastlyear.amounted to over a half
millicin bottler, and tfralA its masifearstead.l
increase in times piugli'is evident that during
the coming. year ~tilikrAorisumption will .reach
near one million bottles. This immense siusunt
could never haie beep .sold but for
. the "rare
medicinal properties contained in the prepara
tion, and ' the sarictitia' of the most prominent
physicians •in those - sections of the country
where the article irrbest.known, who not only
recommend the Bitiefir to their patients, but
are ready at all times to give testimonials to its
efficacy in all cases ofstomachic derangements
and the diseases resulting therefrom. •
• This is not a temporary popularity, obtained:
by extraordinarj iffOrts 'in • the•way of litinr- .
petiug the •qualities=of the Bitters, but a solid'
estimation of an invaluable medicine, which , is.
destined to be as enduring as time itself..
llostetter's •Siomach'. Bitters have proved
a Godsend to : regions where fever and4gue
and various Other 'bilious, ' complaints:'bant..
counted *their victims by hundreds. To be
able to- stattiwe4Azfitiently that the -•• Bit tera",.
are a certaieeilre for,:ihe Ayefiepaia,and like:
diseases, is to the proprietors•a -source of -nit-.
alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter
from the stomach,
.purifies the. bloOd, and
imparts renewed vitaliiy,ickthe_ite;rvoussyetem,
giving it that' 'tone anifineity. indispensable
for the restoration of heel% ''lt operates upon
the stomach, liver, and other digestive.'Organs,
mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them
to atandition essential to the healthydisoliarge
of the functions of nature. • • ' • •
1 Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as
per directions on the bottle, and - they-Wilt fillt
an it a stimulant peculiarly adapted 16,. comfort
years, as it is pleatiant to the palate,
invigorating to the bowels, eicellerit as a to'nie,
aud'rojuvenating generally.-'We he'ye the evi
dence of_:thousands of aged 'mew and women
whblitive experienced the benefit of ‘usiiig this
. . .
,preparation while suffering from stomach de . : .
rangements and general debility; 'tictiariiniler-.
the advice of physicians, they have - tibitzliliined
all deleterious drugs and. fairly tested the
Merits of this article. A' few words'to the
gentler .. sex. There are certain . periods Whin_
their cares are so harassing that many of them-
sink under theirial. The relation :of mother
And child is so absorbingly fender, that the -1
mother, especially if she be .yonng, is .apt. - 10 I
forget her•own health in her extreme anxiety .
for her infant. Should the period of Maternity
.arrivie,dtmlnk the summer season, the wear of
body anti mind is generally aggravated....gere,
thee, i! !. necessity for a stiniulant tO Aliclip 47-
rate OW inergiet of the system, and 'nab) OMO
•mother to bear up under 1. er exhanstinii trials
and responsibilities. Nursing. tnotheits &De
nny prefer the Bitters to &Mother in. yi gora- . 1
tors that receive the endorsement of phyai
. clans, because it is agreeable to-the taste as
well airrsertain to give a perwanent'increase
~ .
of. bodily; s trength.
• i
All 'those persons, to whomlfelave particw- •
Ilarly referred above, to wit - e• sufferers from
'fever and ague, caused by nutlaria; diarrhoea-, ,
disenteiy, indigestion, losis of appetite,
; and
all diseases or derangementi.of ithexdomti . ch,
.anperannuated invalids, periona opiedentary
• ,oeoupation, and nursing mothers, vilreeinsalt.
their, own physical welfare by giving to Hei
-1 totter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial.
_CA.IIIII.ON.--We caution the•public against
Using any Of the many imitations or counter
'felts,brit'-:ask for HOSTETTER'S CEL'EItEA TED
13TONACIf BITTER% IlTia see - that each bottlitat
1 the wirrat '" Dr. J. Hostetter's StOmach Bitters"
• blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped
on the metallic cap covering , the cork, and
, observe that our autograph signature is on the
' label.
Air Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER &
43111TH, Pittsburgh, Pii.., and sold by all
`druggists, grocers, and -ideates-a generally
I :throughout .the . 'United states, South Arne.
' ries. and Giorratukr.. • / -
~• •
By Dr: Oro. Hots, D. B.4tober, Lernborgor, Lebi•
non; J. C. Soltior, YredaclekBWtrg 11. D. Meyer Bro.;
Annv4le ; Martin Early. Palmyra.
r redehei . -tiVihnted.
A. Tetaker Ninxii.iii foil : : Ilie• 'LEBANONRAI
MACE . SEAfINAETt: 'A; married 'in 4114 iii:?:
tarred: : For pleibiilal:i lui.pfees , . .
. .. •
• : ' • s: .T. STINE, or '
Le4oOli; - 4,igkl4Secl: ,1 JICO w. MISR.. v).°
W • . .
9 Tgather's atted:-
TILE School Direatery7z . ef,P,ontb Ailey'lle Dia
triosctn}ilpy'_B.-~eucbera.for the-seheeit t .
of said /kirk lor ikid duSida t t term of
Libersl salarlts sl4 .lerlinis and plate .61•Sx.'
amiulitiuu sue Ssiwrisdasith* ( For
lu anotherrOgigU4:,
ernta,*o74.--:. • • Aui4060..
5 60 .9 1 pietriat:sfity
employ 10 tusfielient, 2 *Male Teachers for the
schoold of said district: :Mine and place will be found.
in the Superielendent's fist in er m tber column.) "Term,
n2ontlis; BRittrieB *Ohl $2O to r according tO.cer
rate. 14:28, rreeldent.
TROIKAS Knitnia, Uet'y. [July 18,-1860.
9 ToacheirCliVarited.
millE School liiceciois Lebanon district will
employ 9 'Teachers for the Schools of said district,
for the ensuing term Of 5 monttis. Time and place will
be found in tltc. Superioti*ent's Hat, in another col
umn.) Isalaries, $1.5. OHM, President.
I?. K. SPATD;SeceO4I.I7:,: ; . [July 10, 1869.1
aisieil. . •
riIRE 606 0 01- D l reefori 3 Of..Thairin District, will employ
9 Totchnrs fOiefolphOole otsaid district for tho en-'
put6iTerni,: Salado" riided aticordlug certifientcr.- 7
(For limo andjilose of examination, see, Superintendent's
listin another colcohn) , • -
. • r • 'JACOB fIIINSICKED President.
2.lkoirorktittoey- . [linty 25,1860.
• •
- - -, Li • ergv.Wallled.
Teachi.. •
Tuz 5Chw0(D6%.144
'ir Andriiic District will
employ 11 Tsicesnitot tbsochools of said district,
for the ensuing tbrui ofirk-lideetb.. Liberal salaries
will be Paid. (Time and plsoo-Nplu be found in 1.66.811 7
petintondent'S list in.anothetWetim.)
- . 9.13011,0 E (31, 4 ):1811.11AN, President.
Joint R. Azimut% 660 , 74::.v. 4 , [July `26„1860.
VlVitnleit. • !• .
WEE birreciors•sif:raiit :`llauover Districi will
.1 employ 0 Teachers Yor the schools of said dtstritt,
'forth° iinsuldg tern! attics months. Libaranialsilen
will be paid. More and placo will be found in :tho“Sii
perintendentlnliskin another.eoluenn)._ . • . 4 .•
• Preeiaent." • ,
DAVID A. MANX, 8c,03f.. .
Rt 037140 4 ....:
Hat And Cap sire,
Ijort Aeriberwarrint, Manufacturer, virtioltrodo end
Retail mow fa Inas All CAOB, of tho newest
own. HATS In ail shapes and qualities. A fleet
rat') NEW STYLE of SILK HATS, for tS•00 AA
full assortment of Cassimms Hats, Springistyle
CAPS in endless varlet) , .A 89/96did assortment 9f
MAT, and all other et, les of Soft Rata, now worn from
the finest to the cheapest qualities he keeps a large es
sortment of STRAW HATS of all styles for Men, Youths
and Children's Wear The subscriber hopes y %filet
attention to tunilness, fair pricen a atraight forward
dealllng to merit a con tinuance of lie facer ae here ,
tofore Hats of alOthule mad cutter, at the
shortest notice Shippin Furs bought, and the high
eet price paid in Caen JACOB CI IstirLLER
Lebanon, Vay 10, Isdm . -
Delay, whin are yon • going . ,.that, y ou are
_La dreagod PP so T r
Ans.—P a , ain going J. fl• faM m Adam Kiee's Budd
ing to have my. Likeness taken.
Quer.--Why. do yea go to. Kelm and one o f t h e
other roMns tollarD ifrtrikeil Y•
Ana.—Becabse 6 Keim's Pieturoa.aro eharper, clearer
and more truthf than others, and ,nearly everybody
goes . to • •
Ques.:.-08th yon till me why hie pictures are su
to ' others/ ~
Ans.—Yee 1 he had 9 years practise, and hes superior,
c o me r ., and 411 hie other fizturee an of the most ha:.
proved kind. .
Ques.—wbeit kind of Piritines doeile take
Ana —lre takes Ambrotypee, and Efelalnotypes, of all
Kig6ll and raperlor ilnish: and Photographs, 'from _the
smallest rntto Life 419, Plain and Qo,lored in OIL the
takes all files Photographs from Dagnierreietypee of De
ceased miens and has them colored - life like, by one OP
Oils beet Artiste. His charges ;ratable gird - Ida •
coo= a m open everydey'(ekeeptmenD
A. t? 6, P;:kl, 'Don't fo .gobia i s the
plaza : , ? , [ l! the Beek ' . • •- •
. 4.1%:/g9 totti;n o t iouilpij :
----- - - .
The Blblleal.lteduien Why,•Priee 'St ,
' • -'''• Jusereeeivcd at Roeder
Th . u . . ; Rea1i0n ... ...
.1/1 4 11, t :Ge rece nt y r mi al i ci t e acw iOncei 4 i
The Reatiosi - WhY, Natural History.
lust received at'ltcedie%
The Throne of David,'price $l,
Just re tie received at Itcedlp
The Pillar of Fire; price $1.25.
' Just received at Resdit'
The Prince of the House of David,
Just received atacedle't
The Prince , of the House of David,
$1.25, •.. Just received at *petite'
Ten Years Amongst the U. S . Mail
tl.OO, -' -- Just received at itmdlet!
The SuanY . South4 rica;sl;:2s,,
'''• - JuSt received at Reedel't
The Old Farm House, pritle $1.25.
Just received at Roeder' Book 6t- ,
Ladies Book . of Etiquitte, price $1.00.--•''',. 2 .
Jost received-at Rcedere Bookigu
The Home Book of Iletiltb, price $1.25,
• Just received at ItedlOrßook etc .
The Spirit Land, price 1374 efs• . 4 -"V,-• v ~..•
Just received at Reedieleßook - Stpi e.. •
Woman and her Diseases,(Dickson,) pritle,244t
Just received at Reedle's BooTt_
_SWF , ' jo.
Spttigeon's Sermons, (DI ilbana,) price $1.:20 1 ,
Just received at Roadie's Burk . 15 ~
Barns' Family Prayer, price $l.OO, -.-- ••, -- . 1
Just receiveditt ficedle's
The Lives of me Three Mrs. Judea $
t ee ,
l i
Just received at &one' Store
Evan's Popular Speaker,and Exhibititre Deelvi
or, Just received at Rcedie's IVO 54 °r•
The Humorous Speakervpriee $l.OO, f.,40" 6 ", •. -c'
•• • Just reeeliedatacedie; l loslt Store.''
The art of Elocution by .:IV, Di , lee •$1.00:
-Just received at itoedie's Batik-Store.
BoOk of 'Oratory, by Marshall, price '$1:00;
Juit received at .iiiii . die'rßook Store.
Dire-ind Times of Rev . Thomas 'Milkqt:„Ly T.
.11: Miller, of Phila. Conference,. price_,o,iets:: .
• •• Just received'at:needle's }koo Inurvi.,
pie if ill on The Floss,by Geo. Elliot;prieiellWv
Just received at Beadle Mai:
The Life of Jacob Gruber, by Stricklanidi price'
$l.OO, Just received at' Reedier's ifook Bookc •
Guide to the Oracles, by Alfred Nevin, D. D'•_,
Price $l.OO, Just received atsFmdlo's Book steiii:
Lebanon Aug. 16,'c0.
JaCob K. Stcind,
(Late * of the firm of Thompson & Stouso -
• • IS,llill Street, corner of Dee
-ni,ip3PECTEI7I.LY informs the public tbat.iseeN .
11U- fade . HOUSE aihi SION PAINTING and PA
ILiNGlNO;:iiitl by strict'atOntion to business h
receive s liberal share of patronige.
Sir Orderefrora town arnrcountty promptly attond-'.
ed to. . [Lebanob, Oct. 4,1569.
SA_ s :
•FLATS, • -
Just mcolved and sold 'Wry low by
- - - nENRY a Nit tth.
1 SOO' NEW STYLES;, 113 >.
ADAM RISE, in Cumberland Streitt between"
Market and the Court House,north side, has
now on hand a •spleudid , assortment of the Now ~.,.,„,,
Style of RATS AND' CAPS, for'rron and boys, &OSSA,"
to which tho:attentilm cif .the publie.lepeapeetfully fp
ted, , tat,: of all *prices, from tho choopestio the most
Chitty, alyriiys on band.: He has alsojustoponj4 iiplon •
did assortment orSILMIDSR "LILTS,' embracing such ai; '
STRAW, PANR44,:.TEDAL, -.PEARL, HORN, :14116.,
HORN, SISN;ATH,,CITIIIAN, and aHothirst l' " • ,- r" • '
ogt_Ho 11 , 111.4aci Wholisalo all-Rinds •of Mil* 104: •
&e.. to CollntryAfiiitiliude on adrairtageOus terms:. r
Lebonou; Aptil . 21;1868. ' ' ' '• •-
alariket Shawls, .
CL°TI4WOO,LENX,LOTiiING of Mt colors, dyed,„.'fitt
•Diack'or Blue Bluk, pntsset the color:warrantii"
and goods turned out equal to new.,'-bY , • 1 ! . •
• • Nast LlAnoug.
sir Articles taloa dyed can be left at Jos. L. - LenWer
ger'a Drug Store Viers all orders for the above wilt :6 --
.attended to. • _ ' (Peti:8;1.860:
undorsi g mcd - ligis: biii:CQPPER
AfarAlitOrtet, the accontitatir from Strickter'iliftn,
be will,be happy. to see all his old. friends and- citSr.4 . ;
era, and where be has increased facilities for stliMilifge"
to all the departments of ids intainittS.• '
• Particular attention given to - Itisriimscr- •
All orders thankfully received and promptly aitoM47 •
Copperm#l4 ant:Brat/worn/v..,
Lebanon, March Tomo. y
..• ... . • .. .
••-it iB,MOVAir:i' it•se 6 4" - 9 •:' 4 ! . ''.
NORT . H. L'E BA-PICOM.: ..--',.. -. •
Saddle and Illainiii:lol'ann.:!
_ .
factory.r. .
rp WE •tmdersieed 1188 Removed • .. ' , • -,,, : ' "e - :'
4- It is Saddlery and harness -t,,, :•0-T-..'
Manufactory to a: few, door s South ij - ..a . .. : -. 3fr:: ;:.. - ...
of the old place, to 000 large :nein Ir‘re'e.- ...,
Mealy occupied by Billbian & 80. as - - ,
a 7.1(n0r store, where he will be happy to see all hieldl
friends and customers, - bud where .he has inertia/led:ft:
.ellities tbr.attending to all the 'departmente oftiti , e budU
nese. BEng determined to bit behind no othereetahlteh
tient in his abilities to accommodate custoliters;ite
• has symtve Walther pains nor expenao to obtain:and make
IsiMaennaster of every modern improiemen in • the hn
atlitinstand secturo the services of the beet workmen that
,would command. lie willtiteep - .L hero"
...awoken hand,'und inanufacture at the:aborteet' tattle% ..
aa..aeseliptionior HARNESS, sucVas- , .
:isaddli.s,‘Bridles, Carriage Harnesti gr
. . . . ...
. all kinds.: heavy Harneis, Buggr,.
... ,
Whigs..'.the best Manufactu r e,
•obes, Fii f Nets.
Bu ' ; aI
. .
guava Cotton. Waveted, Linen,:npll' ,,,.
a,new kind, %tell
,lsorented -; igtrf/'8 of every kbul, such as Muggy .
tart - Nliips, &e.; Mt ireSof all deecriptione. AGM .
CHALD/A . ltmelnade. TR 4 CRS, Nte.„ dm., all ofd
...irill•livaTant to be equal to any that can be.ole
'any othea7 ealabliehmmit teethe Country. tAll hi. alike
'that, desdriog anything in tide libe, shot:ad...writ •
big ; ad examine his stock.' Ile .feels. ; the fAlleet7J
in his ability tc, give entire batiatiiction.- --.
' . •- All order!! thankfully reedy ell
SOLOMON SM/Tlll-. - •0
~pith Lebanon Borough, Jan. 2 3 , 1800.
• • •
Liebanola County
For School Year, Juni, I.Bl3l7Juiis .
E. Hanover, Harper's " • • "
Lmidenderry; Palmyra • . 44•-•;244.:7
S. Annville, Annvil le,
Bethel, Fredericksburg, , 5 —" .-
Union;, . &boo' House,
Jackson, - 51 - yerstown, • -
S. Lnbruion, Strolun's•School House,
4n3tyi119 7 • . "I
N. 8.- . - . 7 lst;- No loiribee tor weather in the alaivi ;
appal utni eti -•• ..f.•
22nd, Pilvate oximinatiolia - will not - be 'allowed eV"
cent in such cases as are-spehilied by- law.
3rd, Candidates must be exiiixibiedln" the , diatrict
which they first apply for employment -» •
4th, Applicants who do notAbh axandned
all 'the branches named upbtti the certificate, •need not,
sth, Applicant's ,will proyld, kliemeOlves ;
with pre
Ink, paper, de. • --• L -
• ;nth, The oral method' oLexinalning •will. be,used in
all thebranches, excepi.auCh • - as strictly require the :•
7th, .Time for beinning r inwnfaatiose, 8 o'clock in the
morning. And teacheie who are not punctual MU rue .
the risk of not' being examined'it all.
Stle; Ai heretofore an•opplartunity will be given to *W
'teachers to subscribe for the Penna. School JOurnah.,...;, ,
'9th, Immediately . atter,the exatulruttion and befior
a n y' ertificates arc•grantotthe Directors and Supt.' wilt,
hold a Short private meeting to consult, concerning the.:
characteri.standing,..fic„ or UM different applicant
•Alsci such other matfett ekere ,brought before them.. afeer.w,hich-thoapgicante rejli . agarif ha; admittektere,
ceive the certificates. „ .. • ---
tifeduty of Direitors to be present.
rents ankotherOtione ve,also invitit' to attemi,Z,
LobsuoifossOirill,lB6o bounty Superintendent.
North ••• tebanon
rimus und9rallgniod hexing lanai the
LULL, will ptoriiptly attend to all
CUSTOM WHRKthat may be entrusted .
to him. • •
Ho wallas° buy all kinds of GRAM, mud .pexerthar,
for the hfighEst 'Market prices in cash. The pad:Gl:lege
and encouragement of the 'pablkris respectfully solid.
t e d, b e hoped to merit it by fair dealing:midi-140de,
Hon to business. JONA= &It ElNlintlekbk,
North Letiarien, Jane 20, /860..
• •
McCann die IPAreftv,y --
Noe. 236 North Delaware iteepni.astiVaNklorth.Water:
Street, PnrceDn.Pni.i. • , .
_ .
Liberal Catitilidealicts ;Milt*,
GRA"pr, 3
I ngittgit
••• . .
. GetiN.P.T4 2 1 E — R,
TlTALNlTtgrpgrri-nex t , ddor to - A, 8.10,rs
TV LEBANON, [Jan. 4. / 860 '
.iftimbare-of tho Lebanon Connty A a r,
"C i atiop for the.detection of Horse Tn
swillmeet on SATURDAY. Sof tember AN:
wan ocloek, P. M., precisely, at the ,
lic ho of..,Leeinw Zi m merman, in the tarot ?f
/Allan f"
, 4u • thepurpose of Wonting cancers for Ain- •
14'4/4 year. • .
, 0814 0 11.)k&BERGRR, Pnulident.
Santini. Eli, Secretary.
• Wra. B. Kreider, Treasurer. • 4
/ • •
PBTPONED to TrltiftfWAY., Attgrot 304- 186 O; - Ail
the Members of the Masonic Frnternity .wifh: the
"lilimUtee . aln cordially invited to particiriale.. — The .
teave dfarket street Bridge r Union:piaatioitqipe
clock, A. M., of that day. .
Lebanon, Aug. 15 $60.1 C. T. - '0414,,