Itirantrit Strittttic%Er. 4 Witii - DRSIOCRATI7I - NCIP - LrIS - 0.13A - Si. TO ia -11,- ; -: ; V - Mil TO FOLLOW." W. M. BRESLIN, Editor and Proprietor LEBANON, WEIRMDAY, IVETEZ UST 42, '1860: DEMPGRATIO TICKET FOR GOVERNOR, HENRY D. FOSTER, OF WESTMORELAND -PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. rtectors at Large. litictiAßD YAlnt. 020. M. SRN Districi Ilertors. 1. Frederick Server. . 14.:9. Eeckhole. , 2. Wm. O. Patterson. 15. Qegrga'D. Jackeon. 9. JoL Crockett. 16. J: A. Abl . 4, 3. G. Brenner. 17. J. B. Danner.- 6, J. W. Jacoby: 18.'3. R. Crawford . 6. Charles Kelly. 10.. IL ?I . Lee. 7. 0. I'. James. 2O. J. B. Howell. ~ . 8. David Scholl. 21. N. P. Fetterman. 9. J. L. Lightner. ,22. SartmeLlfaraludl. ' ~ 10, 8. 3;Barber: ' , '23. William Book. 11. T. H. Walker. " 24. B. D. 'Hamlin. ' 12. 8.8. Winchester. 25. Claylord Churzh. 19. Joieph Limbach. RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THEI STATE EXECU TIVE COMMITTEE AUGUST 9,1800. • Resolved, That the Democratic Electoral Ticket be Noted, with the name or Stephen A. Douglas or Jain C. Breckinridge IRS an elector at large, and in the event of the olleCelik Of field ticket.lf the greater number of votes enattnsettionsi - - emit for Woollen A. Douglas, then the vote of the el ector a l college of the State shall be metier Stephen A. Doughis and Herschel! V. Johndan for Presi dent and Vice President; but If for John C. Breckinridge, then for John O. Brockinridgo and Joseph Lane, ,for the same offices. If the Vote of Vemrsyliania mullet elect the candidates for wheat a majority of the votes arc emit; and It dita 6lecr rail man kilning for the office of Presi 0109t Of thelfhlted States claiMing to be a Democrat: - then.thrtvote of the electoral , college shall be, cas ,t fir "tiuttotinflidato. If it will not elect either of tbe 'Whin mats fbr whom if is cast, or any of the Democram.who were voted for he the States, then' the vote eltl,l,be cast for the candidate who has the majority of tht votes of the State; . and that the Chairman of this Committee be instructed to obtain froin the gentlemen on the Demo cratic Electoral' Tlarat of the Stittci their several and dis c tinct;pledgea of acqulescease in the foregoing resolution, and to report the result of hie action in the premises at the nett meeting of the Committee, to be held on the day of -- .. • . me.,. Mr. Lincoln has taken the stump in the west. This is the first time in the history of the country that a Presidential candidate takes the stnmp to solicit votes for his elec tion. Gen. Cass, ).vhOTI a candidato, even resigned his seat in the U. S. Senate.' Air. tineoln addressed a mass mooting at Springfield, Illinois, last week. HIS RECORD Proves that while the nominee of the Republican party for President, Abra ham Idecorn, Was a member of Con gress;the Wifmot Proviso contl'overt sy was in progress, and:that he was active, in. connection , with Wm. It Seward, Joshua Giddings and other prominent abolition members of Con gress, in keeping :up the slavery agi teflon. He Voted - for the Proviao FORTY wo ifugs. • iil 'RECORD Also proves that while a member of Congrest he opposed - tbs i Mexican War, dficlating it "UNCONSTIIVZIONAL AND V9liffo t , ADO VpT.ID AGAINST, tht bi~rgvanthtg ON4 MINDRED AND SIXTY AORTA , of LAND' to anr brave and gal lant veldtifeers. - PEAGE.A*D GOOD WILL. The . proposition 'of the State Cen tral Committee, to head the eleatorni ticketi with the name of Breckin. ridge , or Donglas, 'and that the 01113, ( having the greatest number of votes shall'have the electoral vote of the state, is received by the Democratic . , :• 4 party throughout the state with.great : satisfaction. ::1 1 120 . 0hsinbitrisburg Vat ;.'il fey Spirit; tlielfollidaysburg StanclUrd 1! and thC Inzerno Union, several of our Imost lOrtiecl exchanges bearing the names of Douglas and Johnson, corn.) to us this week heartily approving of I' the arrangement. Nrefare glad 'that ; the era of good feeling, for all who WIFI • h re ally and truly the succoaiof the .. . i t ' Dernoe'rttev , , ,. is again at hand.. 'We $ now are beginning to think that the 1 opposition have been crowing too fast I—that Lincoln has Weald his 'Cabi net rathecprematurely, and that it is not at all Unlikely that Lincoln will 4/ be ole t'C o*itay at home, and some good Democrat will be President, for the, OA four. years. Oar choice, as we Infve frequently stated,is Brock inridge) but, if he cannot succed, infi *tnitely rather 'give us DonglaS than ' Lincoln. ! We can now go to work peaceably land amicably, and rally to the sup. port of the _Electoral Ticket at the 'head of our columns, and under the iivise arrangement of the Committee ihring Q -- ut it . - lirgar DeMoo atic.vac ,: than PennsylVanitt ever polled. 4 We are glad that the difficulties in the party are at aeond, and that the Worts of all good Democrats can now a) turned against the common enemy if both. There is now ,no longer any ,ccasion for Democrats to quarrel bout the regularity of I,llo,n,ornina ion of gonglas Or.-Btecliinricrge,:, or ny other matters; bat he who re , eives aznafOrity of votes will have be whole eleOtoral vote, and if he 'boald not - Lie elided President it win ot, sitle*et, be the fault of the De- Twomey ofAlnneylvanin. DROOTH AND FAMINE IN TEXAS.— & letter 'from.Tilas states that the ;rope are all cut off in Rusk, county, irid corn is selling-at 62 -per bushel, lour 815 per barrel, and bacon- at )20 per 0.00 pettinTS. Groat suffeiifl i,lready exists apaong the poo r m meetings blie have been 014164 to: nroctire reiter. • - 1 s -- _ . a or 44itttiOer..of Gipseye:tbrtalf:el lisro elle " ' lling•throughAevonit- Ty. . 4gra.and - others. 1114miliil be .I,th .115.604, as that fratenxibtarp let rei*ixablikfor their honteitY. „The Democratic County Con. ven Eon will meet hestfionclay It is to be hoped that every district in the county will be . -represented, - and by such men Whose only, aim is the goOd of the Part?. isiapParent to every closeebserver,,,,that the., : op,poei m tion party of this county is on :the . verge of. an ordeal . ADAM RISE, in Cumberland Streitt between" ... Market and the Court House,north side, has now on hand a •spleudid , assortment of the Now ~.,.,„,, Style of RATS AND' CAPS, for'rron and boys, &OSSA," to which tho:attentilm cif .the publie.lepeapeetfully fp ted, , tat,: of all *prices, from tho choopestio the most Chitty, alyriiys on band.: He has alsojustoponj4 iiplon • did assortment orSILMIDSR "LILTS,' embracing such ai; ' STRAW, PANR44,:.TEDAL, -.PEARL, HORN, :14116., HORN, SISN;ATH,,CITIIIAN, and aHothirst l' " • ,- r" • ' ogt_Ho 11 , 111.4aci Wholisalo all-Rinds •of Mil* 104: • &e.. to CollntryAfiiitiliude on adrairtageOus terms:. r Lebonou; Aptil . 21;1868. ' ' ' '• •- .... alariket Shawls, . CL°TI4WOO,LENX,LOTiiING of Mt colors, dyed,„.'fitt •Diack'or Blue Bluk, pntsset the color:warrantii" and goods turned out equal to new.,'-bY , • 1 ! . • . . LYON LEMBERGER, • • Nast LlAnoug. sir Articles taloa dyed can be left at Jos. L. - LenWer ger'a Drug Store Viers all orders for the above wilt :6 -- .attended to. • _ ' (Peti:8;1.860: -ViopptiaSinitk undorsi g mcd - ligis: biii:CQPPER T SMITH and Dlt.AO BUSINESS y` AfarAlitOrtet, the accontitatir from Strickter'iliftn, be will,be happy. to see all his old. friends and- citSr.4 . ; era, and where be has increased facilities for stliMilifge" to all the departments of ids intainittS.• ' • Particular attention given to - Itisriimscr- • All orders thankfully received and promptly aitoM47 • to. -CHAILLES 'IIet3EVERILIK • Copperm#l4 ant:Brat/worn/v.., Lebanon, March Tomo. y ..• ... . • .. . ••-it iB,MOVAir:i' it•se 6 4" - 9 •:' 4 ! . ''. NORT . H. L'E BA-PICOM.: ..--',.. -. • Saddle and Illainiii:lol'ann.:! _ . factory.r. . ~. ~.._:,.. rp WE •tmdersieed 1188 Removed • .. ' , • -,,, : ' "e - :' 4- It is Saddlery and harness -t,,, :•0-T-..' Manufactory to a: few, door s South ij - ..a . .. : -. 3fr:: ;:.. - ... of the old place, to 000 large :nein Ir‘re'e.- ..., Mealy occupied by Billbian & 80. as - - , a 7.1(n0r store, where he will be happy to see all hieldl friends and customers, - bud where .he has inertia/led:ft: .ellities tbr.attending to all the 'departmente oftiti , e budU nese. BEng determined to bit behind no othereetahlteh tient in his abilities to accommodate custoliters;ite • has symtve Walther pains nor expenao to obtain:and make IsiMaennaster of every modern improiemen in • the hn atlitinstand secturo the services of the beet workmen that iikersl.3kagea ,would command. lie willtiteep - .L hero" ...awoken hand,'und inanufacture at the:aborteet' tattle% .. aa..aeseliptionior HARNESS, sucVas- , . :isaddli.s,‘Bridles, Carriage Harnesti gr . . . . ... . all kinds.: heavy Harneis, Buggr,. ... , Whigs..'.the best Manufactu r e, •obes, Fii f Nets. o.R Bu ' ; aI . . .. guava Cotton. Waveted, Linen,:npll' ,,,. a,new kind, %tell ,lsorented -; igtrf/'8 of every kbul, such as Muggy . tart - Nliips, &e.; Mt ireSof all deecriptione. AGM . CHALD/A . ltmelnade. TR 4 CRS, Nte.„ dm., all ofd ...irill•livaTant to be equal to any that can be.ole 'any othea7 ealabliehmmit teethe Country. tAll hi. alike 'that, desdriog anything in tide libe, shot:ad...writ • big ; ad examine his stock.' Ile .feels. ; the fAlleet7J in his ability tc, give entire batiatiiction.- --. ' . •- All order!! thankfully reedy ell SOLOMON SM/Tlll-. - •0 ~pith Lebanon Borough, Jan. 2 3 , 1800. e • • • Teachers'. Liebanola County For School Year, Juni, I.Bl3l7Juiis . E. Hanover, Harper's " • • " Lmidenderry; Palmyra • . 44•-•;244.:7 S. Annville, Annvil le, Bethel, Fredericksburg, , 5 —" .- Union;, . &boo' House, Jackson, - 51 - yerstown, • - S. Lnbruion, Strolun's•School House, 4n3tyi119 7 • . "I N. 8.- . - . 7 lst;- No loiribee tor weather in the alaivi ; appal utni eti -•• ..f.• 22nd, Pilvate oximinatiolia - will not - be 'allowed eV" cent in such cases as are-spehilied by- law. 3rd, Candidates must be exiiixibiedln" the , diatrict which they first apply for employment -» • 4th, Applicants who do notAbh axandned all 'the branches named upbtti the certificate, •need not, apply. sth, Applicant's ,will proyld, kliemeOlves ; with pre Ink, paper, de. • --• L - • ;nth, The oral method' oLexinalning •will. be,used in all thebranches, excepi.auCh • - as strictly require the :• vrrittem, _ 7th, .Time for beinning r inwnfaatiose, 8 o'clock in the morning. And teacheie who are not punctual MU rue . the risk of not' being examined'it all. Stle; Ai heretofore an•opplartunity will be given to *W 'teachers to subscribe for the Penna. School JOurnah.,...;, , '9th, Immediately . atter,the exatulruttion and befior a n y' ertificates arc•grantotthe Directors and Supt.' wilt, hold a Short private meeting to consult, concerning the.: characteri.standing,..fic„ or UM different applicant •Alsci such other matfett ekere ,brought before them.. afeer.w,hich-thoapgicante rejli . agarif ha; admittektere, ceive the certificates. „ .. • --- tifeduty of Direitors to be present. rents ankotherOtione ve,also invitit' to attemi,Z, . HENRY HOUCK, LobsuoifossOirill,lB6o bounty Superintendent. . • North ••• tebanon . rimus und9rallgniod hexing lanai the NORTFILIBANON STEAM FLOUR I ta1341 LULL, will ptoriiptly attend to all CUSTOM WHRKthat may be entrusted . to him. • • Ho wallas° buy all kinds of GRAM, mud .pexerthar, for the hfighEst 'Market prices in cash. The pad:Gl:lege and encouragement of the 'pablkris respectfully solid. t e d, b e hoped to merit it by fair dealing:midi-140de, Hon to business. JONA= &It ElNlintlekbk, North Letiarien, Jane 20, /860.. • • ...... McCann die IPAreftv,y -- commrssioN- Noe. 236 North Delaware iteepni.astiVaNklorth.Water: Street, PnrceDn.Pni.i. • , . _ . Liberal Catitilidealicts ;Milt*, FLOUR, GRA"pr, 3 I ngittgit 4,-.104482-tio• =____Mgle ••• . . LAPATATTk „ . GetiN.P.T4 2 1 E — R, TlTALNlTtgrpgrri-nex t , ddor to - A, 8.10,rs TV LEBANON, [Jan. 4. / 860 ' • Election; .iftimbare-of tho Lebanon Connty A a r, "C i atiop for the.detection of Horse Tn swillmeet on SATURDAY. Sof tember AN: wan ocloek, P. M., precisely, at the , lic ho of..,Leeinw Zi m merman, in the tarot ?f /Allan f" , 4u • thepurpose of Wonting cancers for Ain- • 14'4/4 year. • . , 0814 0 11.)k&BERGRR, Pnulident. Santini. Eli, Secretary. • Wra. B. Kreider, Treasurer. • 4 Ang.lls / • • • " 'MASONIC VICSAIrc.. • PBTPONED to TrltiftfWAY., Attgrot 304- 186 O; - Ail the Members of the Masonic Frnternity .wifh: the "lilimUtee . aln cordially invited to particiriale.. — The . teave dfarket street Bridge r Union:piaatioitqipe clock, A. M., of that day. . Lebanon, Aug. 15 $60.1 C. T. - '0414,,