Ittanon govErtiorr. 'finus milnenallo ritimerrus CEASE TO LEAD, ,WE CEASE TO Pommy?' VIE M. BBESLtN, Editor and Proprietor LEBANON, PA., OCTOBER 21; 1.5.5` The profits of the recent Fair by the Berks 'County Agricultural Society ore over $2OOO, which sum will be appropriated towards the pay ment of the existing debt of the Society. VeL. A petition was in circulation, last week, in Harrisburg, recommending the Borough au thorities to issue small notes. The scarcity of change inducekthe movement. figir. 9 l'he Steamer Northern Light, arrived , at New, York, on Friday, with 700 passengers and $1,900,000 in gold, from California.- Weller's majority for Governer is about 11,000 over both his opposing candidates. The "American" veto Is nearly as largo as the Republican. MRS. CITMS , INGRAM ABSCONDED.—The ease of this notorions.wontan was called up in Court' on Wednesday at New York, when she was not to be found. Her counsel denied all knowledge of her whereabouts. She is said to have gone South. The murder of Miss Bayer, at Morbsvillo, while on her way to the Reading Agricultural Fair, creates considerable excitement in that sec tion of country. No clue has as yet been discov,:. ered which might lead to the detection of the perpetrator of the horrid deed. ' ....ggET , A son of Mr. Philip Stetter, of Penn town- Lycoming county, Pa., aged about twelve years, met with an untimely death on Wednesday last by accidentally hanging himself with .a clothes lino stretched upon two trees. It is not known precisely how the accident occurred. `Slaves sell in Alabama fur their weight in money. The Milan IVk ig says : "A few days since a gentleman of this place paid $1,200 apiece for five negro girls from 12 to 15 years of age.— Reckoning silver at 12 ounces to the pound, which is Troy weight, the negroes, allowing them 100 pounds weight each, cost just their weight hi sil- or." ice,. There is enough sugar stored in an old sta ble in Philadelphia to supply the ordinary de mands of the city for a score or more of years.— The sugar speculat)rs have most wofully burnt their fingers. It servos them. right. Sugar and molasses hare already tumbled down in prices so that they can now be bought at retail 25 per cent. less than was demanded for them six weeks ago. 'ft.. The bill passed by the Legislature last winter, authorizing the extension of the Easton Bank charter and an increase of $200,000 to their capital, which the Governor did not sign, became a law on Friday last without his signature, he having failed to return it within three days after the assembling of the Legislature in the recent special session. Im.. The returns of the election in Ohio aro neck and neck, both parties claiming the Gov; Yn loria ditto. In Minnesota, Alexander Iltuttsey is elected Governor. The Kansas election passed off peaceably. Re publican "Freedom Shrickers" should make a note of this. The Legislature is Democratic; and the Delegate a Republican. • SALE OP FACTORY STOCIE.--The 3672 shares of Stock in Lancaster Cotton Mill, No. 2, owned by David Longenecker, were sold by .Sheriff Martin On Monday of last week at one cent per share—the par value being sso.—They were purchased by Parnum t Co., of Philadelphia, heavy judgement creditors of Longenecker. There is a mortgage loan of $lOO,OOO on the mill, so that Longeneck er's right, title and interest brought only $3O 72. `Mrs. Marvin lost her husband and $lB,OOO On the Central America. Raving nothing left but the scanty clothing she bad on, the citizens of New York supplied her with $250 worth of trunks and .clothing, sand $5O to money. She .started for home, and the cars ran off the track on Tuesday morning, at Corning, N. Y., completely dashing in pieces her trunks, and very nearly do- Stroying ell the contents. The company furnish ed DOW trunks and the passengers went on. $` By repeated tests it has been shown that perforated bricks have double the strength of solid ones. A pier of the ordinary kind was crushed In England with one hundred and fifty tons weight while three hundred and fifty tons were required to crush the same pier, built of hollow bricks.— The new kind is also drier and more favorable to ventilation' consuming less, too,of a material now lass abundant than of old. All the model lodg ing houses in London are built entirely with the It ow article. ' Oa' SENATOR Peen . , in a recent speech at Cin *nen, said that the Black Republicans never had the controll of but ono Rouse of Represent,ltives; end even in that one the last two weeks of the Session were spent in quarreling among themselves as to who should be expelled for obtaining the most plunder.. Gen. Butler, in the Massachusetts State Convention, said that the body over which Mr. N. P. Banks presided, spent its first session in trying , to prove the Administration corrupt, and the last session in proving the corruption of its own, mem.. bars. A pretty good estimate of the last Congress. In.. Judge 11ramor was protested by the peo ple of gennsylvanin last week. Ile was found a "bad egg" whlnr - with the Democrats, and they sheared him on the Judicial. Bench in Bradford. The Republicans brushed the cobwebs away and started him as their candidate for Governor.— They also found him no good, and will now, pro bably, replace him iyhere they found him. Tho folly of taking a notorious free-trader as a can didate for Governor, by a party claiming, par ex cellence, to be protectionists, is only equalled by the redieulousnese of the supposition that that party cares anything more for principles than what can be derived from the loaves and fishes. lies. The New York Evening Post of the 7th re lates the following singular circumstance "On the 2d of October we published the death of' a married lady of this city, which occurred sudden ly ea 7 14rsday the lst inst. The friends or the fatally aisenibled on Saturday, the ad, to attend the NOB: it'd; but it having been discovered ear ly on that, day that the body still preserved its natural appearance, it was decided to perform the ,earyiees in the house, deferring the burial for the present. The body was accordingly removed fronithe coffin to the bed, and now continues in a state of perfect preservation and natural . condi tion, on this the seventh day since its supposed deoeasp. She utmost solicitude exists, of course, i n the Wally, and every effert is :being made to me w nature in the restoration of her functions, .sithentk, as yet, no symptoms of active life have a ppaarail,. would seem to be a case for the . moekentrollittutPurO° to be adopted, lest the p i :delved susientrion of life may of itself prove fatal; and:yet instances of a pause of weeks in the natural - powers nre 'Bald le have been record' ad in Europe." Killed by their own Thunder! There aro things connected with the result of the recent election in Pennsylvania which must not he permitted to pass away without reference thereto at this time. For several years past the opposition; party to 213 df!einoiracy have deceived r themselves with the idea that the grand power of tbe.Deameratie party rested in the.spoils.otoffice; and That if the management of ,timinidie -works 1 of the State were taken out of "their ItAds that ! its back would be broken, and that an easy vie-'1 tory would then crown the Republican banners. This idea possessed them to such an extent thatl they became monomaniacs, in a measure, on tho 1 subject, and 'determined that the improvements must: be wrested from the Democracy,' niclinitttiO, what the cost or "sacrifice—no Raker how great the wrong. With en oppositiOo legislidure and a Governor of their own way of thinking; they at last 'succeeded in effecting their object. The Main Line was beqtatiled, (for the principal will probe" bly never be paid, and if it is'the premium given to the purchaser Will almost equal the said to -be paid,) to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company:— Loud rang the ITOSnnrias of the oppOsitien'Politi tionS. They congrattflated each Other!: they twitted the Democracy! "and actually felt and suit ed as jubilant as if the election were over and their majorities immense. Scone wren` thought the formalities of :future eleetiOna ui'eless—that they only need :nominate their Caridiciat&i and swear them into _office. Thus much for the politi eiani—the reckless 'polititians of the opposition party who, for party ends, sacrificed `the property belonging to. their .Ohtters. Thus much; we siiy, for Republican politicians and their fancies.— Now for the Democriey and their facts. On Tuesday of last Week the people spoke—the first opportunity they had since the sale of 'the illttin Line. The "locofoeo plunderers," "robbers of the priblie works;" and all that, were powerless, according to the admiSiions of the opposition themselves. What is the result? A greater ma jority, probably, than was ever given before in our much beloved and much wronged Common wealth. We expected the people to repay the. traitors for their dirty work, but we scarcely hop ed that the condemnation would be so signal.—=- The foul deeds of the opposition have brought vengeance upon themselves, instead of upon those they so greatly injured and betrayed. Even in the counties along the line where they trere . in the habit of rolling up their largest majorities, now immediately on the heels of the 'sale, they are entirely broken down—revolutionized! so that scarcely a Vestige remains of the former opposi tion-Majorities. We need only point to Dauphin and Lancaster. Truly, the way of the transgreSL sor is hard. It may aswell he nottallicke,'so that no mis takes may oceurin the future, when the attempt will be made to shift the rcSponsibility of the sale of out' public works upon the Democracy. It was an exclusive party measure, and carried against the Wishes and opposition of the Democracy.— . The evident unpopularity of the measure will soon induce our opponents-4.i they alivayS do = to at tempts to clear their skirts of it anal sheulder it upon others. Let a mite he Mack. of the matter while fresh in the memory, wallet those who hop ed for a feast enjoy the fast, for ell'tinie to, come. We will have none of it. "Ponclor The close contest in this district for Sumter is an interesting item for not only these Democrats . in Lebanon county who staid away from the polls, but also for those who are continually, harping upon "What's the use?" "wa . caret:eleetanyhow!" Se. If the entire Demperacy of Ldbanon county! had turned out, the election of Mr. Jfaldeman would not.only. have been earriet.L . V.l.Miknds of majority, but Our whole. comity, tielint could have been elected; Look - at Lnitchshirf the boast of 6000 Whig majority, dwindled down: 10 1 1200 in the hands of the Republicans; and evext - ene of the Democratie county officers elected.' . Lebk at Dauphin .likewise; nearly the whole Democratic county th.tket'elected by -hundreds' of majority. Our friends Must wake up! pick their flints; charge upon the enemy, and strive for success. It is cer tainly far more glorious to fall—if fall we must— in a himd-to,hand fight on the euerny's ramparts, than to show the white feather, aye, even beyond hailing reach of victory's castle. Let us now go" to work ?. organize I bury - our differences,,dissen sions, Ice., and fight for victory ! Instead of quar relling for a pound of fleah let us secure the witetc ox! Borough Democrats do 0p,..r dors tnn d 7 Td thdie Detdoer;tis - Whciphrinitted themselves to be deceii;ed.* this eleventh hour eleetionearing tricks of the, opposition we also submit the - vote: for Senator in this iliEtriet.• Sucli"a trick was that about the Democrats beingepposed to relief I' We did not think that .Democrats would- permit themselves to be deceived by such clap-trap.-, , - Yet there were a few in every districtwho voted for Rutherford on the'st:rengtb of it,' : Withoitt see, ing that they were being used for a purpose. The Opposition. saw well enough that Rutherford was in more danger than any other of their candidates, and hence the foul means used. Mr. Rutherford, even if he shotild obtain' his teat, will pay no body's, debts, and toaster all thank.the tyro-dozen Democrats in this coo nty who forsook their glo.. rions standard. Fye, lye, upon those who wore thus caught with Republican chaff! We trust they will have the manliness to acknowledge their mistake—brush the tarnish front their armor; and go into the nest fight determintni to make good, by prodigies of valor, their love - for ; Democratic men and measures. 'lt was not their' fault that theY were deceived this time, hut it wilt be if again deceived. L 4 Dead as a Door Nail r The Republican party is dead: It will not and can not, make another rally on the nigger ques tion. Last Tuesday was a Waterloo for it. Those of its members who have "thus - far thabided them- , selves with the idea that their party was not at abolition party, as lhey -did with the idea that Kansas was to be made a Slave State by the Dem ocratic party, will new soon ho able to judge for themselves. The Republican party is disrupted ; one portion will go off-after strange and new Gods, - and the other portion .led off by its bite high- Priests, will soon raise:the Black-banner of aboli tionism. The intent of the Republican party was abolitionism. We shall soon see what success an open declaration of principles will have, after the ill success that attended-their late and deceptive efforts. Let them go or conm, the Democracy will always be more than a match for them in whatev er guise they present their horrid:Visage. Good bye, Republicanism! we wish it were doubly dis tilled and concentrated into, - one man,-so that wo could give it a hearty kick before %leaving. 50,600 Whigs Voting for Packer! Where are the old-line Whigs.? It hos just been docided incontestibly thatthe old-line 'Whigs of Pennsylvania are now with this Democracy al most to amen. If not, whence the immense ma jority for Packer 1 *We honor them for their love of country—their patriotism—thcir honesty, which induced them; to choose their ancient honorable foes in preference to the factionists whose primal- Pies, if successfully carried out, would blot this Union of States out of existence. Truly are they now Democratic Whigs ! Fifty thousand Whigs who last fall were yet doubtful which to choose, must since hire given in their adhesion to the Democracy, arid swept Republicanism out of ex istence'!" pr - Yohn S. Pearspn, Esq., has _been elected President of the new "Union Bank of Reading." THE LEBANON ADVERTISER.---A FAMILY NEWSPVER. Virgil on Agricultural' Signs For the Fnrmer. Among the many excellent rules laid down for the agriculturist in the - "Georgies" of Virgil, and the signs that alkouli Ihs.frod ierthr progress,. of his art, T littvterieticed„oine) me forcibly:—though not in itself very important., yo't as itsslgh . anthorityonids,, morfeov,cr, corroberms.s tins what has been deemed, by some, -n_ notion, if net - surs'aistition, and altbgeker un known to' othirs—Whiek l is as fulls - 4S (to give the: 011girial of the great LatinPtiet, witich,the Smart farmer's beys'may''frensliste' f6i 'their good dad 'ales, who sent theni . 'the - .illiistaarlY :Warn "hie, pace, . . "con'tenifllator iteth, cum*, Mix Induct'inl'oftra; et taitiod Si superantfeetus,pitriter frnmen hitaequenthr,. litgnaque, cum inagno veniet tritura (adore., At si htxuria foliorum oxitherat umbra, , ' - Nequiequain pingne.s palearterat area But as it is not'an COSY `tiirig:a PMnirieite on a cksgie to c t it;'• for iho bone- • fit of all whit' iiirtFicad. this 'article; I Will here render" ish=lnit 'Mind you "sn-tart" boys, don't peep at the translat:itm. Thus Wheti: the' lint-tree in the forest shail-chtell into licheeo)l66in' andbend her fragrant boughs: if theblesSomaill ' obt forth,' in. like'degree will the corn follow, and agreat ing with great heat will follow ["heat' ,here mean's .that of ,the threshers, and not of the wea.ther.l , -- But if 'the bretiches abinindionlY LLiii "/mrarinace of rectrik, in vaih'idli the threshing-floot press the heads of grainflited oaly taitircholf. Now this corresponds precisely to the modern. opinion, as held by, many Observingdarmers, that if the. forest trees blossom luxuriantly, there will be a heavy crop of oats and , corn, I became ac quainted witlythis opinion in my childhood, and. have - always regarded it as true, which, indeed, has been . almndantly -verified - during-the present year. • Last spriiig I notieed-particularly--as did all observers of , "Diviiie Nature,"-asNirgil:ternm, it—that .the-locust and chestnut trees, and the forestgenerally,bloomed with uncommon luxuri ance. Accerdingly, all who had faith -in this, sign, anticipated a rich autumnal harvest; and. notwithstanding: the backward and discouraging appearance of.the cropsfduring the, first two morths—behold now the cornfields, 0 ye swains ! And yon.unbelieving,ones, hereafter, when in the early monthsryou see, the chestnut trees loaded with the, yellow blossoms, sit coolly down and make future calculations: how otinch, oats and Indian pormpor acre; how much money they, will bring youte, by lippteafe in your safe, orin 'the bank that,pop f o)„specic. .obmv 0 this sign, farmers, not that it can benefit you, any more than cause you to rejoice, before tits time, which 1110 1 1 , 7, ever, conceive to be a great benefit. Louk at the blooming forest, the sure harbinger of .the future crop, and then put on your characteristie.airs of "most independent of all men ;" rejoice in true, hearty, farmer style, and; like our 'Author, in his introduction to the deorgies, sing : f' You, 0 .ntlins and Dryad maids, Altiie'yoni , ' dancing 'feet in 'tube, While your glorious gifts I sing!" ' Virgil alsoMainttiined that it was for' the farmer to observe the various astronomi •cal changes, in reference to his professiiixi; as fur • tlid Mariner, "kinnewahr bound,lossed Upon the - roaring sea," ichiilt Will:be the subject for a filturC arfi'tie; AMAT I OIt - Ail. At We gtk a iu this iestie phssed the Legislature itutherizin4;lliir'raitierlee'aliz ing, the suspension spe:6l.6 '''payments by the Is hoped," tlia'.t= the' tidhitgo - of flits bill may have thrveffeet: of making "times better;" in fact the itien''.ilieifutes in that better tit rection.was already notieottille, and•remarked, on. 'Wednesday, although the Till" only 'became a laW on 'Tuesday. Yet,- 'the' feet Colifidenee - was created more 'by tiro 'success of tile Detnoeraey , than by any law' passed' by , the "S et slatnro. Democratic successes-always. havelthat effect, es pecially if they 'oust the opposition out: of office. So don't Saddle the wrong horse •by =attributing wythy deeds to the unworthy, who make lawful what is unlawful. An Aeprooiding for -the Resuotptionot,,Specie Pftlintenta t the Bt tkB, and for.the Retief of Debtoi's: Section 1. Be it enacted by the . Senate , and - Housemf,Bupresentatives of. ,the Commonwealth of Pannsylvania, l in general-Assembly and' hereby enacted, by the,antliority . „,of the T h 4 t ql ° Pr 9 P i 9 9 . tever y' A CkP4AlfP l l l lY , of incerpor,Aipn , ,,er, re,- ; ineorperatien, heretofore' passed,' declaring orautheriiing the, forfeiture; iif the. Charter of, any Bank, Saving Trust. and I.u.suranen Company or Corporation having bank: lng privileges, orAllisting,any penalties,, or an thori zing any'compulsory assignment, for. or by reason of the non-payment ofany of itsliabili ties, -or the issuing orpaying out the, netes,,,of .other Banks incorporated under thelawsmf this Conn monwealth• „thought not.,speete-paying, .or, it& loaning or discounting without the requisite' amount of specie P i specie funds, , since the first'SePtecn l her,.Anno Dr:tufa/one ithousand ei g ht hundred and fifty-seven, be,,and ~the sante are hereby suspended until the second Monday of April, Anne Domini ono thousand, eight .hun dredand fifty eight, and ell forfeitures and penal ties, or liabilities- thereto, 'theretofore incur. , rod, ,or that may be • hereafter incurred, be- fore the said second ;Monday of April, under such ,Acts.of Assembly mr ofincerporation or re-incor poration, for or' by reason of the causes, aforsaid, or any of them, are hereby remitted, aud so much, thereof as prohibits,any Bank from making loans .and discounts, ,issning.lts own, notes, or the notes of other Banks incorporated, under the laws of this Commonwealth, though not specie-paying, or de claring dividends daring the suspension of specie payntents ot, from loaning or discounting, tyithout , the requisite amount of specie or specie; funds as aforesaid, be, and the same .is hereby, ~suspanded until tbetday. and year aforesaid, and any such bank, during such suspen slon of specie payments, may declare dividends to an-amount net exceed - - log six per rent. Per annum_ on its cdPital : and this Act ?Mill extend also 'to-all Banks, Sexing, Trust and Insurance Companies and Corporations' with banking privileges, chartered or re-ehartered under any law, *periods hereafter to commence,' and to the payment of stock. to all:Banks incor the Degislature at its last session. . See. 2. .That,-in addition to all statements and returns now - required by law, each and every Baak in the cities of Philadelphia, Pittsburg and. Alle gheny shall, on the.first discount day in January ; next, and weekly thpreafterondevery other Bank in this Commonwealth,. on the.same, day larid - monthly thereafter, make up a statement,.,, to be . verified by the oath or affirmation of thp Presi, dent or Cashier thereof showhor—hrst. the amount ttt , of its loans and . discounts ;!sccond, the amount ofspeeie in the posSessiloPlofandowOod i h-Y such Bank, and the balance due fromothtr Banks,. in distinct items ; third, the atneun tof its notesolit standing; fonrth,,the amountefAts,deposits, cluding individual deposits and balances duo to other Banks ; which statement shall bcpubilshed in the next succeeding issue of a newspaper of the county is which the Bank is located, or, if there be no newspaper in such county, then a news paper of some neighboring county,,and, any vio lation of this law, or failure to comply, with its provisions by any P'resident or any ppsl.4e t r Of, • any bank, shall be a misdemeanor, and each Of the said Officers shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished hy a.. film. Of not less than ;five, hundred dollars, nor more.than ottp,thpasand dollars, at the discretion of the Court ; otte..tmlf given to prosecutor, and one-half to the county in which such bank is located. For tile Aduertioor 'BELIEF BILL Section 3. That the said banks aro hereby re- 1 nuired„ inttil the second Monday of April aforesaid to receive at par in payment of all flie.flulau ' du e I or to become due to them respectively, the notes of all the solvent banks of the Commonwealth which paid specie for all their liabilities On - Mid I immediately prior to the first day: of September di i t , a oil& Weil altalloion,tinue gtdviatV, and tlfc sitil takstoile ailetilietev mio,itimii 6, Itay tivit i 0 Ail II their business transactions anti disc:olllns, the said ivates-serlong - asvt-he banks issuing4 oo - Fault' 5h 104 7 remain solvent : but in case any president, and 4: , incij)')ii ty oftlie"Boord 6riiirixtort of any of the' ' mild ' btriffik Shall toffitilY to the flovernor,, under' oath or affirmation of the president his anprelien. slop and:belief that., any banitin said certifirote; . named is in auunsafe c ott d i ti en t hell 9 v. shollpere- , 'upon apPoint three Indictees Persons, not iii-4 1 r.. 'este(' -in said bank, as itilihthiSsioiiers to inveitigate: . the condition of such bank:. - ; And 'the dirt Cem-:. massioners - shall offer tokint , an ently-.or Winne- Itiep to perform the antics of their., appointment 'with fidelity, forthwith - proceed I to make the Said , investigation and report the result thereof - Within:. bordays:te 'the- tioveraorl 'and if the 'offieers. IA? the said hank Shall rause to permit the sald•com - - , missioncrs,to make.such investigation, er toi pro, .. duce any books or doetuneuts neeessitrypt, tb4, purpose, or if the said: e'onumssioners, or . jority. of them; shall-feport that the said bank is• 1 in an insolvent condition, eicenduct - ing its affairs, .in violation I of l G .lan, the:, ovorttor tillall. there. 1 upon is See his preclainittiondecloring the el titer of the said batik to ho' forfeited, hail the said bank ' -shalthe deprived effialthe benefit:a Of this act, mid i the !Directors thereof shall -forthwith make and; -execute an.assigntnentau ;the Mil nner provided by the act entitled; 'I - An act regulating hanks," ap p'rereilltlie sixteenth day Of April',. A. D. 1850, and .. :the exponecef such CoMmissinn,:ingluding the .compensation of the commissioners ateight dollars per flay each, shall-betoad: by the hank:against ; IWhich it is issned,,unleSs the report 'shall he favor-. 'thlete its, condition, in *high' ease they Istitill he paid by the applicants'; Pr:oi;ideil,. That nts' bank shall be required to receive the motes of any -bank certification , ,•anade as aforesaid; at any, time after ,of the I same to the GoVernor, until the coMMlSsioners. l• 'shall report in fever 'of tandilink;lttfthr Which the I notes of such bank shall again be received -as re quired by atclire'rittioas,ofthis section:' I-• - Section 4. That n the . severatcollectorsuf taxes, tolls and other rerinittei of the Coot monwealth. -atittalso• county treat tiierS arc hereby nit thOiZeti , to receive:for State Purposes, thenotes: of the set, I vent banks of this Commonwealth; though not, specie paying.hankr,in.payment of the said tok ei, IffilSand 'revenues, and the State Treasurer ii,' herehy'Mith orlied to' reeeive : and .- receipt far the same in the same manner as-thought said • banks. were ,spettieltaying, .: . . ;-;,. - -; , _. :Section 5. I Tptthe deposits by the . §t; at Tren.- - tinter; or to the. credit of the tiOuilitoplVealth, in thetteheral : ban 1'.3 ttlnd other •eorptiratleitS,`lind'all bank;noteS Whiffit a rehear or May hereafter be in, the. TreasurijM4 ring .tlie : period , . of . sospeosion. aforesaid shall, from time to time, on demand of .oes:dd. Treasurer, Itepaid by the said banks or' • other earporationS respectively iii specie; in such 'aMounts:its maybe To:Mired:by said Treasurer; ire enable hlui . toanty : the,interest accruing; onl the . poldinloanS.Of th e . Common wet d th, - ,- , , • Setif iffila, Thatjitptin all judgements hereto- . 'fore entered iti'SititS eciiiinimiced by' writs irer - other-I . . wise, or-whit:hinny 614m:tem:a during the period - Itereintafere]mtmtioned,in actions instituted . hy writ or othertvise,,in any Court in this Cetunton 'wealth, Or'befeittinty Alderman tirJustieg of tlie' Peatitt; bn jutrgAranita ci tit:l:Wed 'before said etieers;i if the defendant shall heipoSsesseit of ;any estate in „fee shaple ; .. with in ~the . respective county, worth,ln the Onin,on of the Court, Alderteau, or Justiee, the anienitt of the said judgement ov(ir , and al'bovo all ;ineumbranees, and -the amount ex empted from levy and sale on execution, lie shall . be,outitied, , to,a., stay of execution- thereon, on judgment now - olititintal or to be obtained on suits now brengit, fer.the term of 06. - year from the ditto of the p0.,.-sttr,4l of Oda- act; Oiltitin all others: , for elle , lettr, to lie computed front the first day of theterm--to which: the - action was cum:nen:cod ;. And,ercry, defendant. in solli-jodgmont may have :Ithe-saffiei• stay: 61 , bictiAitt9n thtrtim , if Within' thirty days froitt theitlssitie of .this act, or with,:-1 in thirty ilays from tho . rendition . of any- future : ilidgecht4O l Sholl' l gii . 'c'S'ettitrilly - to be 'Mirrored Of bY.the-Courroi by , -" , :f.4udge;itherebri. , l;r- hy:'-: such Alderman or Justice of the Peuee before . whom speltjndgment ww,s,ebtainetl,Tor : the stun . recovered, together with ',ate interest and" costs; „, Provided; That, this:Si:lo6d - shall it apply t,,,' wages of labor nth: to debts , upon- Which stay of exech don litexpressfyiwairedihy the :debtors, nor: .to judgmet4ppou whiehm.stay.of execution: has already been taken .n n der . existing. Jaws: .sl ad . progided„ - That the provisiehs, o fthiS seed On Shall . *extend to judgments entered or to' hit : entered, as-, well upon:bond:and *lt'll-ant , of Attorney as - upon:, . 1 ., 01 , : t ga g e . 3. t o secure, the same ; an& to, any, subse- . quentlran fee or owners of the premises so booed,- tta Well OS' to the original obligor or mortgager : :Prritided farther, That said stay of execution' , shall not apply to judgment or mortgages,- or on lien4sccured.lis in ortga,ges; unless :the interest thereon shall be paid within sixty, days .after the accruing of the same, in Snell thuds as the Banks are itutlioriied [if 'ails act "to tise. '- - • ' - Seetion 7-. This-silt shall takielfeet immediate . ly . , except the 34 section,,which shall not go: in to operation until,the provision:3,er this l out .are ao eepte& as herein provided, hut no hank or other 'tthrpbration Shall: he eliihrtiecil wi thin its prowls - ions mere than thirty fdaYs attOr the passage'h ere of, ortifter any bank shall:hare suspended specie . paymentsmpon its, notes or obligations, unless the steel:Molders of E. 1.0)) hank or other . corpor ti tn' shall befinle' the c'.Vlniratini. Orlthe• ~ I- I t it l l:tit i r t :h d os s - feir fwithiii , tlf irty daySl after atty.-if - Lk "shall - "have, ls,,uspended ispecic: paymentSatptai itsf. notes :Or ob.- ligatiOnS, at a meeting to he ealled,bY :the rifiree‘' tor,. thereof- for am tpprpose . , en ten days'. public • - heti - cc - 7 in' Ofie or naire'newspapers, accept the pre-' visions of this act by a majority of votes-id:said stoekholders;l to -be 'voted.' and theuhted: ttecerffing to theAtrovisions, in the charterer, moth accepting. bank, or other corporation regttlatingthe cle e tion of Directors., but to ritake such 'aecentance'valid, Asti% shall' be Tiled id- the loffied Ttif the :Auditor General' 'of this ,Coinnionircalth , ttecrtifteate that _thismet has been duly accepted, Ander the com mon, seal of . such,. bank or Miler, corpore tion at. tested by the signature of its Presideitt or Cr 411- ' Io: : Antr . : 601 ' Of the 'said htfiikS'aeeePting the Prot'ishins orthilt , eel shall also payiniti'tlie"Treas .ury ..of,the Coinmonwealtb, oil' or before the first - day of January, Annm Domini onathensand eight hundred and fifty-eight, or within thirty. days af ter any bank Shall accept the previsions of this act, a sum equal to site-fourthw one .per eentum upon the capital stock: of said bank,: in-addition to any amounts they _ore now by lowrenitirod to Seekton 8. Tlial.the.llll). scetion of the aet ap proved April IGth, 18501antitled,'"An, act regu 2ating be and the same is hereby repealed: ,Provided, That all suits.brought or now pending for forfeitures or penalties untter the section here -1;y repeitlod r..h:illnot lie iitfeetell thereby. Section 0. That. the 'reser ves the right and power to-alter, revoke, or annul the charter. of eny,bank or banksigeorporation or cor poration?, accepting, the piovisiene . of Ibis whenever in their opinion the same may Piove in serious to the citigons - ,of the Commonwealth, in such manner however. as to 'de no , injuutico to the , • .. . corporators. Section 10. That no bank, saving funtl,: ranee or trust - company directly , or indi rectly; purchase, or he concerned in the purchase. of the votes of Any of the by:operated banks eit this State at Id:a:01174i tlicir,par value; atisr any , and every of the oifieers of said iusiitiitioiit vie;, 'faring the. 'provisions of this section.- be doomed or a, iniAerucanor, -punishable' urjn conviction, by a line of not . less than, five hundred dollars, nor more ,than one. tholisand dolltirs, one-half to be raid to the itifolMici., and the other half to 'atolls° of the Commonwealth. Section .IL „ That no stacks, bonds, promissary 114C2 , personal property, or other valuable setai ritios,hypothecated or held in pledge, either with noire'. of attorney attached Or otherwise, for credit or money loandd;:shall be'sold for the period of six mouths.from4ho passage of this net without the consenter.* debtor, debtors. hypo thecating 'or,pledging the same being first had and obtained in Writing. . , Section 12. That the notice required for pay ment, providedin :the charters ot-savings fund and trust eompttnies, ail :sums exceeding. one' hundred dollars, be, and the same is hereby,, ex tended for the period of two months dining the Suspension of specie payment' attherize& by this - - - ---- 411,J• A superior quality anti clieliper thati ever; I).l . lbrcil sst • . SWAM?. A . BRO., Lebanon, Oct.lL 57.. non Building, Market st. Los Poe riN SATURDAY LAST, between the Steam-Mills and NJ , -Rater & Brothers' Store; a Pooket Book, containing about $36 In ?dopey and other papers. Any persons re turning said bOok to the undersigned will be suitably re warded. LABORIOUS CONRAD. Lebanon, Oct. 14,,5-3t.*_ in THERMOMETER,S, de.—Pers ons Want of accurate and TllCTlTlonnterp,yrand itiirrins; Trareliiig -Flasks, 'China' Fancy' To-- let Bottles, Puff Boxes, Lubin's and other Choice Perfumesi-Tortebz,-.6bellrßuffalo,-India Rubber', and Horn' Poeffetialvi Toilet' , Corabi. , Fancy Sik gar and Ash Stands (a nervarticlo.) Call at GUILFORD & LEMBERGiIIt'S Now Drug, Medicine k Perfumery Establistueut, Market Street, J.EI7.I3MTAIII BOAS ..... CLEO. GASSER. 10S141 CIET4I;F• LEI3ANON COU-NTIT STEAM PEA Ili JUN 61-' ?111 LL- , BOAS, GASSER & GETTLE ,wish - to inform the citizens of 1..0): 7- non County and neighboring coon- feS t ithrit they are now in full ("per. 4 Ltd]; nil 1:6-Ortai164.1 to do all kinds of 1 CARPENTER WORKBYMACHINEUX 1 'Flouring • Boards,• Weather , Boarding, I• ;Sath,l) enfre,Wirulow , * DoorPr,nnys, , i' • Shutters, Blinds, 'Planiwg ' &rolls; f,SAlVlNGoaind,anynther kind-er Sawing. *bleb way be wimp() to suit buildem, • The subseribers beg t keavO tO, inftqw thepubLie chap they hay.e the (qa test and bestititproVedinnainory in the (.pu.n -..r ty, suet 'It.W "nnchvortli'g Plane, ,te.:, nfid that I they are able to produce as good work as.tlie doun pay can produce. •-- te e • ',- :" 1,1 1 , None bat tlo!itoel,tud , wello,sestspued; LUMBEAt 1, will be used. Cprponters and. Builders aro invi { led to call and'examine their'readY:in'-4(le stoek, which -they-Vilf dlways keep arlitiri'd; aid' judge' for tbeinsei ves. ..- .- . ' 1 -.:, . ~ .. ',.',.. Ml* Shop, I*. en Road) near 'Flireaucr's Did Foundry, - - - Gl.l3.kiri";osG G ABE i...:.4Atta GA:BEL RJ3 A N CrN =. • i)COt . 'and St'i"h I a n the Stearn-House goad, 'mar Cumberland! ' J .J9P4 ° • Street,-t Lebanon. . . „ * r"r'ir. THE tin derSi re.peetrunv in :V ' forirrtre . p thitetif general, that they ilftt 0 -11(1(141. largely - to their fOrmer W V 7.- IP4l2 ,,..estOhiitihinunt, and- also hare all kinds ..of:thejatest quid best improved .:11A.GILIN ERriii the State in operation, snehas . WOODWORTIP , „S i 'FLOORING,' foiseond f netfilmithegeneral beiiriesster 'Planing, Serails; - Sawing.," 4 . 0.; quiff thb:expb , rigiree , iirctin'ited by hi •Lobt,iiirer and G.Gabelislarioglineir eortnebtiorr witlrthe.Dool; gask, ,L,lf frtr, far a number of years past, nirtiasltt 1 iissnr:ined of Glair ability, in ,eon neetiiidwi fh J. tiitableto the wants of the I}uornutl Sash business in - this State. •I‘..„;,z,,,They now offer to Mechanics and... Farmers gonerttily,.opori favorahic terms, a jndiciously as sorted stockof DODP.S,'SABII; cte..frt3in the-]lest Lannivir.intinufact , trine• in the`Sthtis conti, le-ut.t l l4 their :41,Vorpoor.t is not,to be excelletl by any, melt t. in the State in, regard to ; . exactiefi finality or fluis.ll, and. 4 Care.ulat nil to stfrord thriough satisfaction'ta all tlisC'who flivor the underhigned with theiii!eustbin. Llte rontming .coraprises the leading arti: 2 cies nt . :404 • , Doors, Of ;ill Sizes . ; Sash . , of :D , uca- Frraud;,. fur lirielz-tritif fritmo hcitißes3 . l‘riudu'w Frumu, fur tirrek Urea frtuntv hquses Sli am's. of all sizes; laii v is ; pr . all tizes; A :,)iouldin:4-s; tirba o ; O. G. '•• LONGAGItt GA/311L4 1 3 1 1, 0 1 ` 11 D 11, Lebanon. Jltly LI, IS 1. , t. , P. Stift:pc:7, die j .,..prolopqy dcmc for the Tumiiii wEIAIEIt • 411 I.ICIIK.AM - 111/ 4 0 - 11 1 .1 E— S • opposite the Letntnon 1 - ;1114 R ,IL ;D'F . pot, ninin„..l,etnintiii'enunt3; rirs - , )rm. tottnufnittue'.'E , te'filli Engines 1101 4 / t, LOO 1101'4'0 'pever, oft the latest styles :put pattnptit l i"tvAtli.all inl'protententS-. Alsn;itr'nerttil-- Tort able Engines (with Link Motion Valve Gecir,) Inuunted fur STAT. tilil Yt'uott.miving anti lioitititi4..rittrpupc. Particular attention is tillfe cl fo'uf yinit Upriglit'llingtnei 6r Ps rots rs, 3si-u;44iit , nut: persons wanting a kllnall ninttiiixt of Power. .They take up every.small" ~paee;" and cap he put up in u.ruout_as ithousehold. fixture.' . . . Also, Mowing Engines end Mathinery for:An thr:ifiite other 'Blast T+orit:iccs,'of iiiipror ed constiqultion Purge Hare ni'erS, of P. L. \Veinier's Pa teu ts : Bolling Mill, Sawing, ,Planin and Pumps ; Doist ijogr'Nfaiiiiiztei;3:.,tim- Mines Rid Quarries tn,g6ri, Palley:; Tian ht;.; Lett hit, 'Drill'Presses; . 'Pliihing Il3tatincs,irintz.:B,43top cocks, Valre:: , auct. Ilrass Fixtures, Globe Steam 'Valves, of, all, sires„-and. \I 'and Casting's of eVery de?eription. AMO, Boiler's' of any, size, farm and mhile•of the hest Ma thrial,liy'ivell-kriarind ex .perioneed workmen; Smoke Stacks, Water Tanks, Ci+salues, heaters, and sheet iron _work 'of ever ilisaiptioii. [Oar Boiler sheets are all tested by hiding t hem into squares et 2' indeed,limn_ mering earl' square ; any imperfertlo'n is tlius de tected, anti the it Ity "sheet rejected ;' this: is p rite tised in very fey shops iu this country:] Alio, a stock of :Wrought Iron Pipe, for steam, gas and tv:lfer.'.4 all the. necessary fixtures, eon :itiottly on Intiid;-aid•put tali' at' the - shortest no tice and on inesttreanmiable terms. -Iron, Brass, and Composition metal - Castings, made to order ; . at the shortest notice. , Repairirig ottentloil to promptness anti clefrpittefr.'' ga turikers alwoys, ready for Boiler 1 : ;121clis . loit1) . Vt7orli..-»)...arle to order..:.. . T9i:ders rOpootcuily otteti, .4.4,eptittuu nimbi:at:a; attOnded to with despateh - , and. work delit'orod to 'railroad or nal.4reeof Oiarge.. ~;! , Nlt /MUSK, . L. WEIMER? LObanod..Pnrritari'l4 1.8a7 It SAIAR. • „ . ' SALT BY TILE Thin, .813. AN, at ~the' Genuce. mills of • " ''" ' Jan. 7, 1857. 14 7 ik "%TED . „ , , . • .. • A T the cicne. , !efi in Om Lela -a- non, - WHEAT, CORN' RYE, OATS, quautity, for.#bich the highest Marke prie . eft.irill,be,pitid in, Ca. 41,, by ; •J a 11 ) 1 ' 1 /7is 153.7. ; AIYERS SUOUR. WA N TE D WELVEttitarFloiff-BIieieI , CCIOPEMS, at the T Genusq j.le.ba4on, to riThour euri:.4aut work-and goal, , wqgc,s, b 9 iNc , ne* ; btit so4r: :4.01 stead; woFl9.ll.en,npcl r appl3—, Januiti:y i; 1557: wswits IMPORTANT; TO • erABIKERS ! . • ;Lk. girzery. • • . Manuk.6. AcepvAtor. paAd • • evat or. •• : • AXIIIWCTOKEDA . SOLD , by Elias Kreider, M Progrielogit the right for Lebanon county, (excepting tbe - tnii & Londomler!y. This Machine is superior to Mitosis in use, for strtmetit, durability:owl simplicity of consbnetion: • .Tl3.3l4o4nc,iihon sot in, this foray,4o4fiegaiße. do iialrosleadinirably: Vrhon thici plitad- is &nits out its fuesii littielerkPot tap at tturdiirot ot the Itynklerbr, it: willYthibiN said The stop bur loverittillfiy•fortiara, owl„ ttlic ikolf.. • ;• • . . . . . Tile s:t.tue initehineorith a very alight alter°- . iin!wer for eleviitiiig Hay 101 0 th:in itObk or fork "now in 'WO. The' fork .is.unshiflooloriteu.iivingiug in the MOSS, bygivin a rerylttle jerk, ltt y. 11101148. extend° dcarn . Arougb th hand.l44.t.,9f,, .NoY,roc.- —Ali imiscinenicihorobi turbid baying •ni the iitnive . tlib.subleriber's district; unleiis the same is - stansited 4 .tA . :ltlittrsh'B Patent, Manufactured antrsold by Kreider." .T am now prepared to furnish limners with this valuable uniehine: For further Address t ELIAS EILEiDEft, •- • Stiustforitown - P4 0., Lebanonio6l;l*-1 Sept. 9, '57,21u.ft. • •• •• . Lebanon Valley Ralf h ^ WA.W.I •C . ittingp ; ..Hours.-rrXWO ..1 2 4388etIgCr s lratnsAch tiN and. after.Af oripavi.,Armr,r,unsa '741, 1.7 raguIar„PASEPIGEt . I. T.RAINS will leave Lebanon at 7 rind 3.30 P. in.; daily, eauept Sundays,) arriving at•ltaiiiiineit 8.413 in., and 5.10 p. in., and conneetingwith the up and down. Trains for Pottsville and Philadelphia, on tha ; Reading Railroad. , licturni,ng will lenvai Reading ` at 10.20 a. m. p and 0.20 . in., arriving at, Lebanon', at 12, noon; and S.OO . • • • - FAE ES :—To Reading, S 5 andAil•cents; Sink-, ing Spring, 70 and . 55; ,IV,e32;t9qty 1 . 119, 00 and 50 Roliesonia, .50 and . 40; Iropaidnilnic, 45 . and 35 40 and 30 Ain,jreritiiin; 25•and20 oontal All- Pausengen 'will proonre their • tickets 114)- 140ra tho Trains Start. • • APritylet,Trith, will leave lie a. and Labanon at 4 p. nt., dallk;oxoopfSiindayp. G. A. NICOLLS, Werporialeadent,. " Reading, Sept. 9, '57-tf. Atchitnimi. Sil Lb-14mm ; Pa " ~..=."'`; ' ;',4- . ..‘"-- " ':- - - -- 1- - :- T - - - ; -.4 : - .44 , r V . ' P;'4 . • Y g"i4.•Qc..-^".b.lrs • -fi t ........ , ,,,-- ----z . 7. y . F...: 4 . 1•A 3;_VT „i-A 14 .. s qr -: -1...e, 4 4..r..7&%'.: - • ':' -S ul .' a would iet.pectfully invite the Alt FIE undersigne , Jot Ti attention of their friends and the public in general, to the faCt that they are.prepared, the:, , r ''. , 44 C 081 'ltrailer,- /1 / 4 " i " coming season, to manufactiire and litt4e on hand Located lorket street, nearly opp:- the larg,est and best • asortinentof : :, •:, ;i , r s i te 1 , ./.., the lied Hold, eine , Door i 0 u., FARMING IMPLEMENTS, - , , ever offered to the Farmers of this•eouttiv,•su. has •of the office. - - r r", fr?, ;Wheeler's Improved Reilway Rot: - " se-Powers and Wir.',:r a ' 0 famwiag. tt 4tES °` ". t - },,,,. kt. Threshers; Manny's eotubinea R . r , . - caper and . -L. 0 POSITS, -on, and after, ' :Mower, with 11 ood's latest linProrements ; ,day, of Mare - i, viz : mm. Coleman's Terra Milli Grain , Drills and Por 1 year, a nger, 6 per cent, per ai .ti . i Mall. . 1 Fans ; G p u rley's•Xotentatiirkrocf. and '- • P'or'6 - ntentif d longer, 5 per cent. Ikr• , i , .. Clod Cutter; Corn,,pktughs and P titters; • For .3 iiidiktii longer, 4 per emit. per anon s Portable Cider Mills, eloi:er-lielle: ; Corn Requiring• t" lhetrawal, :mad ort notice o wi Ito Shelters, Fodder' Straw and Hay C r u s tters, .te- fords elite of accommodations to those e nd. Will . ...tip,. All at the above Machines 'are; of the latest maY favor RI epos its , P 3 Y Able v° dun" D )[ - nod hoet,iMProvemonts, and arc all warranted to PO I. emiu s eANi sii aial Mefics-IN '' A in . ,81, „ giro satisfactilli, . AlsQ: - lettutc ard ;11,V OLP AOF:RICA i' lIRLL3.II.S PIA Cast r iac's of a/I'k/ di d411“4"-D01,14 wit make colleetions on , r. ,n ma eto Order„' n t ,i; .-; Rh , the coo i the United -....te5, t..e and , ot short notice, • - •• : remit to.hll pa ~ , Particular Attention paid to ' late Loans .te..... - q .t . awl REPAIRING;" and 'charges reaionAble. 'dim and Emo IN;egot . :.... , eat. N - GE I 1141 BA A IXIN Cr . FA BURRS will do well to calland''' ' ' do: tugeneral A. . ~, extinnne our - vh-ma (.. sc r r MAh Prend .. stock heron purchasing,..elsOwhere,- th ' --'''''''''''',-.. '' D - )1\ CCI" ? as ey , will ~.a.i. .1.1 1 i 0 r ,find,'/t to their advantage to purehase,Machincs 6.2.43. ' mtimifactured in their own county. . . ''figtf.All orders or cominunieatione by midill 'ill be promptly attended to. .111--........................... -.303,1 011, -" ffiaelb to ,K1L1T,Giri,...,.., XI ' „AI .. ._ - - .< 4 4-, ,, -: t. 63 5 , ~.. ,} 61 :*,.. --, ' 1 - --. li m .. .4*,.. , 0 95 P Ale lIPV , ER P. ..q. ..___ .. . arrizoßD & TAEMBERGER, Gnidnates of Ul Pl i armacy. A .Kti&l.fuitieni Apothecaries and Chemists, offer to the public a large pod "irefully selected stook 13f Drugs;'`eedieincs, Ctietuie4s,. Dye-stuffs, Oils, Spice;, Perfutneryi.To - etoArCt.... CiCP, Fin.VOOM ..Extratttis, Tobacco ,Sligars, 1011V?gitTS !.e!.l ... Liquo . r.s. for Ai.edie.ti u : tritosoB4. 1 filth o coyttling m,their lane ,Hru rhitas k Per-. I fitiners and' vendoci - or rdti . ey Article which w can confidently . .recommend - "to* Fa lui es, ,Pbysi-. -titin:i; eddhtry Merchants ahrl Dealea; aileinkt fresh, pure, and prepared in .the besthuarpor...rdij Allthe now Preparations,.Cheinicals ?tifd !latent Medicines. Horse and Cattle Medicines. The largest assortment. of Trusees..sin.glened double, for children and persons of every age, and for ev ery variety of rupturo—rareftilly Iltteit and ad% justed if desired. Abdominal Supporter. ' • ~I :Ur.. All ordomecorrectly gnaw/ aetb , Fitys times' Prescriptions awl Icamillpißeeeipta careful ly comppundo4l„.. . tilt-. Country Merchants and Dyers will find i . to their advapta*.te buy of Guilford a Lemberger t'..:'Pleasb call and get one Of our Circulars, (printed in both English, and Opiman,) in which you trill findaliiiiirtitist or the nAliiles and' prep orations kept by as. '- ' ' • ' GUILFORD 4 LEII3BEROEIVS Drwo Stone is opposite the Market 11eaf.? 4 ,511%„, duly 29,1857. Lebanon Rt 2, lT ex:: o; ,:trAtman. • • w .'• tasxsAxr tt Tor lc. New achrii - alialtsliblishmeht may .VINI.DERSIGNPAY; having taken the 'COACII-MAKING :Ektablishment of Mr LEVI LIGIfT, on °the Turnpike, at - the Ea.t end of Lebanon, wish respectfully to invite the pub lic attention to their bustnetti: us having served regular apprenticeships •to tire business, and having had much experieueettlterein, we feel confident of our ability to : give sutitfactiun. Ev ery article mnoufactured.atour establishment will be under our personal supsviiion. IVe ...hall keep . 4 41:. Lt.a . Qr. ; 797•11/ C LES , • `a hick will be w tierinitedotthe Most superior qual ity. We will 11.KPAIRIN.;,, at short notice. Vs.. None but the best workmen will be employed in any branch. of the business. We cordially invite theypublie, to.give. us a call, gtoMsM too 3 , , E96Ep0 , v4 1 . • Sept. t l ; 0 1 1-61 n. UPfiat k tOUNtI. fti E•W E r -R SS! 'P"ffl"1" rpm. E So bieri her 'p.m.:a:Wet 'itilinigenientz fur running a DAILY rEXPRESS, in cnnncruion with his Freight Line. on Philadelphia. and .R•ati ing and Lebanon Vaildy and is prepar• ea to forward. Packaguft.: . Money; Jewelep and other , valnithlks d ity• ea ch,wiuy Betuiden. Phiitidelphileiteading, &u.' ri•wh• Express ILI 0.1.11 , gt OSA. i%)toritil I.y.....roacitt4Or TtajON., - ,,Agargtor, , promptly orod, and goods rorw,arttud . .pith the greate , it des patch. at reduced raitti. Mark all goals CARE OEP.A.LB ICU; ;IT'S Frounitt LINE. or EXPItIISS, at purt,iecor.derilkg May.iii tem). Offices 311 flaws Stypot,l"lll.lladelpitio; Ampler or Fourth and Penn streuts../044iNki 10itaki" ! 1 Womelf.slOrf,..3kiiyerAtown, 11 . 44,44 D.. G rttlf Cumberhtukt . ascot, Lebanon. ALI3IITGIIT. • 11.—. A between• Philoololphin and Potlosflll6 l i.b carry Merchandise and Freight irentrliio.•••'n t!'" • Schweitzer k Cy., 63 :North WhArree, PLilud Client/tit .qruot Wharf, Itii.uling. 10201=11 HOFFMAN, IMMEI4 CO.'S LEBANON COUNTY : ; TRANWORTATION LINE! leceerarmeag.m, _ ;;;;•I':-..;W;;Z t BEE , c4O .BY UNION CANA: I I . • AND „ L41214PALt5r4,4441-.-Itittiiroettl. rum.§ - LlNEMnsiets of 22 fire-rides 130 ATS. -L, running',,botween Philadelphia,!' Baltimore'. 1 and olicr:poi,,ts• ~, , , i );, - the, linioni - Schuylkill: ' Tide-Water and PeeneYfeartialeanale. FREIGHTS contracted ler at the lowest poe- ' , ethic .ratc",,,antl delivered with dispatch. i , The'NoPrietors,lwilf pay barliyular attention. I 1 l anti attend poreOn:illy, to the wetting and dear.. , `-' my of Freights. ..., .... ci : to ',- - ,PITTIXIIS and MI.HICII.A.NTS min :relly on 1 IA 1 linrinethurrHOODS thelivered in good condition ; th and with promptness and di. patch. at low ratite. i 1. -, - Opp - toll the' irm will pay particular ateention to ”" Goods chipped- by the Lebanon Valley Railroad. - Coods will be sent Ilaity to and from PhiltWolithia.., --; to Lebanon, Alyeretowii, .Anacille, ..1 - Oh - Fetown, 1 ;,t an itilll - otheis:ptoints. in the enunty.•'.' , -!. I 1 ' - - Ati c.,,,e A. e."1"..k..... - . l"--- Forinforointion, evply at thzir Office ln Worth t , s ''' `'' ''.l.ll:r .1..,'1, 'S i Lebanon, swat, the Lebanon Valle yR. IL Depot. I Riicire: Ai ilW i nlijie A . ' 'E.CWARD: - MAIIK. their Agent . in Philadel- I i PILES, 'IETTERAINGWOR Ni phia, will always ,he found at W.-1.1. Bumf - S Mar . tfOrary Eruption or Excoriation of tilt; t. , ;.1c. chants .11otel . ,:Nortic Third Street, Phil:Wu. , -...., .? 4 wtrAll the bead. thee.eirstir or other -tett- C 1.. cha litin ;Aug.. I'2 , ' I 7-3 in . . , , ; . -- ! tht. ?",l)I4 ;Items or Ares:lute 0111144 oh Ow f.. - •.. ;., P. 5.,---WHEAT, RYE ; CORN, OATS ,t, 51-:.:uns 1 N 43 lenelily cured by the use : of the Recto :Sintm 1. 'luntglii'fo6.iii. if: L. s; c„,.. i 11 , ~,, , , , ;,-;.11y that ariiitutlilelnifkuin the_ t'ile-, tte -,.----- - , 1 ,. tie remedy. - . • .t ; - :l' , - 4:51,P08TA NT T 0 BUSINESS .iIiEN ! - 1 , 1*". - 1 .- .:.Mr. Xntriline,dlistur.itrroatt Church, C , .t. Speed. Increased anti c." y Aid ChttlV-='t"rtgts: ._.. 'ED ' k ' ' =wet of- tie tbietetl. Viol it a butt to ...i.m , JUTE'S; oF.FREIGIIT REIRIC ~ urvh ..Sias, ~ e di 'Rek , q: Ti t r e ".., . . eemeco _. 1 . ' ~ 1 1-73 : 1., . - cunt. tuts been to tue. I have been afilltle. . ' Sigart3..RlE , , -,„. '. I -. • 'nil l'iiesfor eight yetntrottiting which time 1 ;del " .24----'''''- ,4r - t4; 11 ' • my . entedies. 41$ $1 pinctitiOrt,r. UM many other-. . but rut teteress, - Hating beard tit' Mr. Slid'' NT , - THE 110" kl' I) t'Ximt S' Co Item 4.lried it; and though:l and but fe! aeo' .' . . . _- fi ..1 IA 1., a - A kJ s tie. i at. 4 am perfectlY , tluralre,"A Wert-n- , :t it TTAVE made. arm age-meats with the Lebanon 111 '.%, I. oe7olTater,Wh*hetstal.edisi everthewl . , : o .i; Lk, Valley 'IL H. C 0,.. tocorward Goodu, Pucka- -Z. the. Wese then two wtrite- it .di t leppeared. 1 . lAuse clean and enzooth. T strictly tether , t. gee, MMiej-a, - Ate., in charge of their own special th e ,p, ig...., • ' • SA3t#ll,lttntlitLl.Nt Messenger frent Phaatielphinauti heading by Pas. . - .4101 Hik s ,a ft a nd Itet t jh tiyi.k..K. kaber,krujett, -eeeger Traim ,. 7 : ' : Lelam 3r, agent fur Lebanonmyouty. - 'Mere - Iran ts . wi - ahing their goods forwarded parta,.. ', - e - lt. 14 "ItiYiL-1y - , Wally anti with despatch., will consult theinown interests by petronizing the Expreee Co- 1 1 ; "1- 14: Orders for qoade: t' , l he retnrowlby "Exiiie.F.s wilt , ; '. be. qelii;ered in Phibora free t•felihrge: ' - -'-f4 'Persons having remittances of:money- ft)" make t-'; to, aey part skr th . c(tr. S. or Canatlae . , will- lied the' , : .' EaPress the only safe mode of conveyance. OrFten---No j Eagle Vuibling, Lebanon, Pa.... ''':', Wried 24.8 . Chlietnet St.. below 3d et., Phlhitra. - T. .•JOHN ULRICH, Agent, . I'm. Howard .Express Co. 14 4 'i torii Vitt O:,JAYLI 7 e2e'4I I4 f. I. ' Fantiner.l 9 & Rechailese FOUNDRY AND VAICHINB SIIOP -A: MAJOiatit BROTHER. . L e balMik, LebanNLOP-, Pa 12EUEEM . . . - Lebanon- Femal e Seminiirv. y i .HE ,TIIIRD SESSION of the q-lignAito:e .fe , ,lIALE fiEBUIrAitY!A Aill cononenpet-the first ty of Sesp,eoroAcr u next... A•is n i m estly requested that Pareitts:inteni)ink tirstitdbleiiDitientens, shthildlitto itit. the eoritiniin&lain tvf the Session. LEO-U R. BAUGIIER, Principal. MODESTE DECAMPS, Teacher of French anti Mimic. Lebanon, July 29,1657. r.- _ tirj Lift ( F -• _ • TsteClatovroa. ltF aktrie of Me lord eat labs• tsad.itßeer ca r nobs of .9•E;Lx•IXIC WA / SACS," ix (bis or. any ,41- ..jihmter ; all otiter Putmonic waf.r* ewe cornier' •` Net ifletetrie rap Je kientrie by the name I:P.l' %\ bet% stamped ost egy,WAykit , 13nt.rti's"fili 0 *tt It f - Eri 'l] eve Sore-thriat, Itortmeeet lIR..)!AICS-111. 3 t 0 su • Balm AsthowlitoteitiLis, Difficult. Breathing, ,Bity:ws•rui.sioxic w.A Ett.4 Believe Einttink,a(..Biood,•Paind the Cheat 8R . 17/tS'S 1171.11.0N/12tWAtERS i ffigvalpr.. t' tPylll>;tliGi • graiod In4bition) 64 uthbt end Totuas, • •.,. RRYAN'a retlrONll3 WAFtelr.a Reeve du) ewe. cotoositito in Ten Nitrate& BRY.AN'B 7 PVIaIII\Ie act.IFERA blessinA,ho fa, owe knA csmatituthass e'i 1 1 6?.fedYieNTAI;r.Rs 0...Az0 adapted 4or vocalists anti Public Speakers fenVANTS. P.IitAIBRI rt;:it•-t . IMAM* thp eauwase and flexibility of the Voice . DRY AN ^ B.PU I.MAN lc WAFF.R-3 Are in a sunple,fortnlangli pleasant to the taste. BATA Pu t.moN w Attu: s Not onlygetlisve, - bnt effect rapid & lasting Cures A . c.zjilltiriArS r ialObtre- AFelc. ire warranted. to give satisfaction to every ate lfo Fan Ali &Weld bb. - adthont a Box of Itrysut* ?angina:l le Iva e r s 1x TIIK 14 . 01.7cx. . t . Tottmler Amid be withont a Box of Bryases .IPit 1 mottle Waters IN 1119 rt)CEET. Ito. Dealer should be without 4... supply ct Ilryanis Puimattic Wafers roa His CUSTOM V. DS. If° person will ever object to give tbr Bryan's Pn ni onic Yiaf err • • !swam y-ri E CENTS. For salo "oppoAte thp , Court 111.1:-••. APU • IPS, DrA,I4I.IIFtS ibUlti:%.l.l3 Dited * Statoi frai l !jultidlir Itirrh. • .^lw., la. 5.... . (tkit.i.37-Iy. 111E.cull the Ohm Hun of n 11,01.1 and votutg,to this +ma 'jarful preparation, which-turns built to its nrigioml Ipr, gray hair—corers. the 'nod of the bald with all., t growth—refuel - es the, dandroffi it. Mug. mol alt taticous eruptiOne—ctuared a sou tin and I flow of he nat .. al Ct:ids: awl henee, ff used as n regular dre...inz f..r ' hair, will prei•orve it 4 k..ep it from .nstreme °hinge, in-zdt its hagi3rul beauty. We upon the 1.41-I, the gray, or ttlaeataal in scalp. r•• , i-• f and sum-ly.-the young will not. ns they rah.. di! big loek.A. thUWltchitir , , curl, ever iw Itlmat it.— $ Prabie hiniis Tlge toot,tie ...tratqt.rph,3lans.,,4lny 1. IS:Z. 'nor. O. J .1V .intn—r.44l ow in.: 1,4 hthiett i6c sirs ur, nod gic powers of .tiviiitlah•trdstillitintivie.: Three month.: re, being exceudittgly gfaty,ll9troltAsse.l turjeuun nnn ilo,d to itse,lwo tnitUrist owl it ...nit. began to tell it. • oring the cilver locks to their oneho color. fud tbo which nos before drythill p. SOIL nod •41osey, not lreensed tidllsw. the flood. ed . iii.entel. awl the !Weir .rtsaltreeitblr het.- : co nnnnying balm!, and '.now.• I not only look Let •yvungurnht. ICompectrialr yourti. 01.435. 3 . :Xesr York. Oct..-2,;;Il• 7 •:•• O.J. WOOD: Dime sir :—After rtutd.)ilF theroth mow. In 0110 of the New York jourtiVhpir eele. Its: flair Itorulive... .procured at, pint bottle. so munch plense.l % With it that ledttAkunettitse-.• CtO nolt.ths. aria not sntbdied it is derklelll3 - the 1 e-1 rotiOil before the publir. it ul once rewired oil I be ititlf a obi tim.lensont itching front the sr:AR...n.l kn. red my heir motnridly. an I feiveitio doubt. perin. An. Yon hare permission to refer to me. nll wit.• alit tiny 119ubt "E its performing nll that Is elaiinned -..• Midi FEESI, Sr. Intl, toted Prof. 0..1. Wood's Bair Retttorstire. iolwitYtl RA wonderful ufferas. It rostorea my hair it lout fagot; uff : it .clatrt the lomol ntol ropier:: it "at a n.t ,thooth—htitcli 1.1101,1 no Lbali oil. tit.tille, .N or. 1, I.S.V.t. 'll.uLr a► A sltateofillinoio, are eperl rut. (.1: .1; 11Voirir air Itt rotative. and iroarlerfatkquet.; • My hair - wits thought pryielatirt:attgrely, but by the nae of Ow :..tire, - ' it has i4..siouloal Its original color,. ark 1 tar doubt tertasinently so. • SIDY EY Da us; gra-Senator l:nitctl Stater. . the li",hington *tar.] .ire the many preparation,' now in use for the re. pre,erririg; andliiitatifying tlie hair. there PIA, hat we Mtn reomuntend with more confident", than Vet Tr: Hair Itostorntive. non in Aeuenil um: 11an.% e :FLaitt.4. This prop:troth's. posxendetc the tou-t in fiu::. quniiiies, And never fitilA in praluvim: ill.- nppy mat it_ whet. npplied according to,liro-ti.o, fin-Am r renders to the ndr.erti,eu3ent lior a lioi• ..r Internet& cortilleatiis whichlinve 'tech >mini hy p:::• lie lin ve been benefittel 104. mid:Ail happy in ;:iv • t I ttttt ny toittAronderfn I etkiets pd./dein:l outliers, .: 1 1'0.11DA: 110 1 eraprittAtlik, 312. Bi•ontiney, X. V. . and 114 11niket stsi , ehiit LOttin..llhootiri. de, in heiditian,`-ht Utiiit.Fogn k3.43l.oinnta's Inn .4110. • all, , opt. . eDru*Afti , .. litept.ll3-7;”.. Egli EZI A• 1 ' -- 0,11 itaill'4ll3.l7.lilStwa tic t• -:::. lit- C.Z01141)1“ill'.. •.• • d Atun nr rite LeGmr..trrnt: or P 3. *wrE a PER PRTU A L. IYonzslown, Lebo . nen Count!. • %NILE CAXFPA). &WOW. -1 vtiotiey ie now fully. oixesi am.i v Ton to make fueurancu o nnty kind.- ! PQr , 'Ow:: or country arid tin :h. f0r.431 , : o 11 P y hell-gavtrucir ntvl safe crattral;: ,, icAr c) A) .NrlgUai or jcitv•Anck triucivh:. • eilticnt--dottN Ilitrxsen : Seq. e l'icsidettl—.o. 'AI. NAIZIIINV • " aSnrer—G I:0. F. MEILI% rchtry—Wts. A. B..ic.i4r. . Directors. Alu nor , Eq . , Daniel BPJffil, 'M. any, NaindOvll Dab, 10. 1. a y. John Arndt, IJohn Melly, 11.. : • L. R. Walker, mid ierer, li. X..}Lank. A. tt.v is the Agent for Lebanon. +V 1 titans be found at Ide :an in ut S -. • testc" uly 15, .1.557..--1 i .'• •• .. ••• IL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers