i ox i mini ' ilflm'jotd's rt!i!iiii?,: 1'lanint) Will Dm (is & 'I'llftliriius. 11 KM OTAL. Jrj) Cjootl?,' Wrerrrir?, Ctf. THE REPUBLICAN. 5rj Coodu, 5wfrlr$, ?tr. J JI'.MtY T. lil.l Minn ,)." fl.L...a. N0TICE.' 13 h'Ehy Piimim Biowm tmiuaauui ir- ' THE XEOlTSIDEa ! TIN & STOYE STORE! in. Powell. COMTOUM) . CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY HORNING, HAY 1 FOUFVF.R. Along th. illrery auaxncr oca We H (ha white Mils drilling, And tuuMl fleriea, eiH-ntly, Tneir golden highle were lifting; A(j-l.v. Mug Uw, ea eaok tbt glow - -' rWoaa tb. hemewant river, M The A.y aaay die, bat yon and I Will lira and lore foreeer," Voravaft aad forwror, Whera tba eboduw falloth never; Iha eon; ai die, aat you and 1 Shall livaj aad lava forever I Swart day that tank la tuoMt '' ! Sweet eong that failed fur aweolneee. Sweet aoul that roee beyond my eight Ta batba io boaTen'f ecmpleteneer ! Iha eong rlnga Hill I bear it tlirill Aorou Itcath'a ealcinn river: Tba day aaay die, bat too and I Shall lira aod love furcver," Forarar and forarar, Where the ahadow fallrth never; The eong nay die, but you and 1 Bhail lire and lore forerar. Libel Case Settled, - Tb Blacic-Berenor liliol caso wns. rtllrd in the York county Court hint week. George- Bcrgncr, editor or the Irrislurg Telegraph, was indicted for a pros libel upon Judge Black. When the case was called up on Satuidny, the following retraction of the libel wm filed, whereupon a JVoie Prosequi was entered and tlio enso eiutlcd -on the payment of costs hy the defendant. AM EXPLANATION. On the 7tb of February lust, on ar ticle appeared in the Dailg Telegraph, attacking the character of the ilon. J. S. Bluck in a violent and improper manner. I did not write the arlu-lo myself, nor see it until it was in print, and I can safely say, it had not its origin in any malicious let-ling of mine. I now acknowledge that there is and was no foundation for the general a buse or for the spoci fie charges agui nst Judge Black which aro contained In the article referred to. The Article was prepared in the course of a vio lent political controversy with jour nals, in the interest of our political adversaries and in the hurry and con fusion of business, its offensive features were not discovered by mo in timo to prevent its insortion it would not have appeared bad I known its char acter. So fur as I am aware the pro priety and purity of Judge Black's conduct in the several official stations he has held, are not opon to adverse criticism. Concerning the other charges in the article, which I now desire to correct, I have to say that I know of nothing by which they could possibly be jus tified. I am, thorefore,'sntisfied that a gross wrong has been done Judge Black, and I desire herewith to withdraw ny and all the accusations contained In the article in question. April 20, 1871. Geo. Bekoneb. Till Gospel Truth. The-Now York Journal of Commerce says : Not withstanding Grant's original declara tion that he was in fuvor of only one l'residontial term, he now wishes to be re-elected that is a fact nowhere dotiied and he has hitherto employed all the means for that purpose to which the most ambitious of American Presidents bava usually resorted. Now it remains to ho seen whollicr ho can resist the groat temptation to avail himself of tho extraordinary powers conferred on him by tho Forco bill, the prize being a second term of the l'remdency. It ho has tho natu rat nobleness and strenutb of mind to do this, he will show a groat nous of aoul which is not now generally ascribed to him. But if ho yields to the promptings of his ambition and to the mad counsels ol the timo servers and flatterers at the capital, and exe cutes the Ku Klux bill in the spirit and for the object which partisans would have him, the Rqmblic trill have eeaiea to exist but in name, and a mill tary dictatorship will stand upon it ruins. . VURB FOR ivIIfcUMATISM. AS SO many are suffering with tho rlieitmu lism, I could do nothing belter than to give a reel no that I know is L'ood In the spring and summer of lHlili, my wiij was so nHlii-tcil with it that he could not use her right arm, and was unablo to riso up in bed. We tried many liniments, recipes and medicines, but to no purpose doc tors said nothing could bo dono, only give it timo and let it wear away. wno any on old liurmnn veterinary surgeon told mo to take enna! narts of the host oil of juniper and spirits of turpentine, and apply to the parts af fected. I did so, and in a few days my who was well. A lew weeks later, , while at a picnic, sho caught cold tutd was soon as low as ever. Again did wo apply everything wo could get, gal van io batteries and all. Wo got tho ubovo recipe filled, both tho oil und spirits being clear as water, and iu a few days sho was well, and re mained so for over two years. Al ways, bo sure to uso only the best quality of oil and spirits Ex. . Lamentation, I!cv. ' Daddy" Cain, tho negro editor of the Mistionary Record, published at Charleston, H. C, rvpudiutos tho liudieal party. 'Daddy' is a powerful lender among his people in this Stale, lie snys in his pnper : The Ilopublk'un party started out well. ' 1 wus much encouraged for my luco and party, but a sot ol men have . now got hold of it who aro hrininnir uigmtu upon it ami running ii lor tln-ir own benefit. In no Stalo of the Union is the Bepuhlicun parly in such odium as in South Carolina. Tho ; Legislature is ignorant and corrupt. Gmd men hovo been thrust aside to niuke room for plunderers. Many of too on cimou carpel naggers among us tiro or tho worst sort, and had men cannot ho got out of office until the hole Ilt-tiuhlifaii party in tho Stalo goes ovei'hourd and tho Democracy eoine to power. There never was a mry that had a better chanco to do if'd than ours, never; never was ono thut done worse. DuM'T LlKI! Till! SlNOINO. A 0T- Uin tlcryinnn of Vcrnmnt fi-w ,Vtrn k'hh viititfil Now York, ntitl iiiviu-ii to till citv nuhiil. 1 nl liu.l iiovcr l.ml ilio pi-ivilejro (if liton "f 1 fl'uioli oiKa.i, an. I uimo iiiumtvJ wilh lliu InHl.ion t.f Living lr to lo tlio fiiiKin. (jiving out liiri Punt liymn, Iho iirfrnii'ml (iIiimmI n fniity (irvluilo, anil in tlio liiglical niy0 of an re n do red tlio liymn. A(lilri'. '"rf Hie throno of grace in n munnvr Jlmt Btrimpctl iim u a man of initl lect and Miwer, lie coolly mill ! " The Midie-nte will now j..in with mo in aininji good old Motliodist hymn, ml llinao peinoiis runninr I lint limr of wind in the L'ullerv will t.loi.a nut ' llltPrriltM. i CLEA II FIELD COUNTY who waota to buy DRY UOODS, . IllQCElilKS, HARDWARE, . QI'EKNBWArK, Or anything alia thai ii orfiil lo Man. Woman ar Child, should bear la oaiad Ibat MILLER & POWELL Hare purrhaerd the entire etot-k of gondii and rented Hie More room formerlr occupied h.r J. U. IIHAHAM A ISOXr, on Market street, CLIiARFIb'lD, where they PA. CAN PELL, 110 SELL, and WILL PELL, AT LOWER FIGURES, Than tht nmi Goods turn bo bought rlwwhera In Clearfield outiaty. Without topniug lo fiiuinrratr. we will junt lay tnal We have everything that is ncedetl! jfr4r living aittMiairi-lT rngAftcd in the Lumber bii mi tima, w fir able to offer tujicrior iudurcmruta to Joblwra. F. O. MTT.I.KR, A. K. PUWELL. Clf-arrVU. IV, Frb. 15, 1871. How to Nave 9Ioney. THR timet ar bard ; jo'd Ilk io know How jroa nay aaa your dollar! j Tho way to do it I will how, If too. will road hat follow a. A man who lirod not far from hart. Who worked hard at hit trad. But had a hoaaehold to tup port That squandered all ho made. I met him oneo. Bajra ht, "My friend, I look thread bear and rough I'ra tried to got myself a rait, But oan't tare up enough." 6yt T, my friend, bow maeh hart yon t I'll tell yon wbert to go To get a tit It tbat't tnand and eheept To HK1ZKNSTKIN A Co. Bo took what little be bad ved, And went to Kelirmteln A Brothers', And there hi got n handtoino anit, For half he paid to others. Now he It home , bt looki to well, And tbeir effect it neb, That when they take ihelr dally mtal, They don't eat half at maeh. And now ht flndt on Saturday night. With all their wantt tupplied, That ht hat money left to apend, And lost to lay atido. Hit good laeeett, with ehterful tmllt, lit gladly tella to all, If yon'd tart money, go and bay Yonr elotbtt at BEIZENSTEIN'8 CLOTHING HA IX. VYhero the eheapett, fir.ett nod bett Clothing and good Furnishing Ooodt can bt had to tutt every tatto nod In every atylt aprl 170 STOVE AD EARTHEX-WARE OF EVEBV DESCBU'TIOX! CROCKS! TOTS! CROCKS! Flaher's Patent Alrll .'lil Self - Scaling fruit (anal BI'TTKR t'KOCKS, with li.l, CKKAM I'KiM'Krl, MII.K CHOCKS, AI'I'I.K. llt'TTKIl CliiK KS, I'ICKLU CHUCKS, FLOWER TOTS, PIE DISIlES, BTEW POTS, And a great nanr nlher thinge too nrnneronl to mention-, to lie had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WAKE POTTERY, - Corner ol Chrrrv and Third f?trtsct, Ll.KAHFIKLD, PA. aug) U' PIIAM'I DI.PirATOItV p)HI)l:itt Hevovet tuntrtltioiu hair in ire minuet, without irjiirv to ihekin. rent b mail for f 1.24 IIMIAM A I MM A (I Hi; Bella vet moat violent piroiyxmt in fl v mi nut at and effuctt a piidv cure Prit f J I y trtiiil. TIIK J AHAMi; II A 1 It MAIN Colore tba whmkera and hair a beautiful blark or brown. It e3i.il f ti of only one frepn. nion. 75 crnu by mull. Addrftt S. C. t FIMM, No. 72 1 Juynt tret. Pl:iladphla, Pa. Cirfulnrt tent free. Hold by all lruggita. daelM-uta Lime for Sale I flHE undcriiignedg rriding near the drpot hut I made coinplrto arrnnruir nt with Lime Iturncrt t-art of the intmrtnin, whrri'hy he In ma- bled to keep constantly on hniid a large quantity of PUR E L I M E ! which he oflVra to furtnrn and ImiMrrt at a trifle above cot, Thoiic in nofd of the artirle would do will to give mo a null, or ailUrcit me by letter, be fore negotiating tltcir lime. UKO. C. PA8g.MORE. Clrarflfl.l, Pa., Jmie 9, lf(i. EUWAUDFEKK8&C0., Flour itlniiiittictiircrM, And Idlfm in GRAIN' OF ALL KINDS, PlIILirsiitRU, PA. 4 Ft i.i, srppi.v of n.om, wiieat, iV COIIN an. I fillip ennnlantlr on hand, and inle at rntee remarkabljr low. tubl-ll Ijlrory Stablo. TITK unrtrrfttjrntMl hev Ifaveto nf(rra th pub lic that he i now fullvprcitaird to acrouimo- ilittp all in thr way of furni'hintf llonwa, MnfrKtea, KaiMIra and llarneaa, on the thnrtcut not ire and on nMonnliln term. Ilrllui.fl oa Loomt atroet. ouiwtHji luiru B!iU i-ourin. KO. W. OEAIt IIAHT. Ilarneld, April 11, 1h7. Miss E. A. P. Ryndcrr aaaar ro Chlrkerlnn'.. Flln,'i and F.marann'i Planoaj binlth a, Maaon A Hamlin and Peiouhet i Organi and Melodaonf. and ti rover A Uatftr'i Hewing Marhinet. Aun rrArnaa or Piano. Oultar, (Irian. Ilarrannr and Voeal le. No pupil taken for leri than half a term. -Rom- neit door to Flrit National Bank. Clearfield, M.r 1, lir, tf. c lOOK HTOVKSI PI"EirS CAI.OKirir, FtlSQIKIIAXXA, fn'i'i:r.rnn. IUV. I'KXN, IIKIM 1.ATOI1, N0I1I.K COOK, NATIONAL HAMiK, THIU.VI'11, 1'AUI.On riMIKH, FPIiAH H ItKVOI.VINU Mil UTS AND llOi ni.R IIEATKR, And all kimle of Heating lOore r.r aalc liy nVr II. F. llhlLMt A CO. New MeaF Market. rpilK iin'ier.iirneil hareane,l a Mral Market J in the riK.ia formerl uiTiipinl by Aleian.lor Ir.in, nn Market ilreet. riearni'M, Pa aa.lj.ei e.i aiar M...i.n,'al where llirjr tntdid lo kaep a auppljr u All kliiiliof Meat, I'rult and Vcclatilra, Antl at "rairre to art? tna tia;a.H Klin, will lie ii.en irjtulailt on Taenia, Tliorila ami Sal nril.v. anil meat .lelii-ered al any .uinl. A eliaro of iublio j.etrmiese la re-peeifelly e.,liell,d. M. II. IIHOWV. t. W. IIIIO'V.N. Ai(Vi,li.a to deal la all kind J of lui.n,re Arnrnlluml ImnlinenU. VlearBel.l, iiui ,1, s;a.,f. ir. T?' ,,,,'"R. Hui.kelr. Ur.ke-i ii -a-i j .1 r ' V,. "'"'''"'' . 'Irn.'a I '."u Bl"" ' ! P"ta Llga.r.. nf all .'l"eediemalnro.e.. foral. be UaKISWlril a turte UAhTSW irit a i,,,, uris ivK A IBn IS. I G. S. FLEGAL, nvUipslw?, Coatro County, Ta. THR ynderaigned raipeetrullf nnnonneaa to tha pobllo that ho haa on band a, ara-rullj-aolaoud aad wall anortad itock of STOVES, IIEATEIIS, RANGES, HOLLOW WARE ! TIN, COrPEIt AND SHEET-IRON WAR U! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Bit itock of Cooking Storai eonaiila of HIE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which hare narar failed lo hrinir fnct and proeperitjr Into families where it fa uaed, Diamond State, Farmer, Herald. Charm, flpeari' California Conk Flora, tipeare' Anti-llult, Uai-Harning Cooking rtovea, Victor, Helianca and I'nion Han.aa, Cpeari' Cooking Kangea, te., do. w Tka Tta aad Rheat Iron ware trlvan with ,h. Hora. I. -ad.of tb. h.ar'a.t and be.t lairriael, uw naniw.w a v r r '- a wva, WBill- faciion. HiB Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves It larger, btUr and cheaper than over be fort eihibiled to tht public conaiitlng ut Speara' Revolving L.ul Ii'tyiinBting Htove, fiipeart' Anli-Iut (lat Hurning Tarlnr St ova, peart' Orbicular Oat Burning l'arlor Ptovn, 6 peart' Oai-Uuri lug Hnrlor Stove, Boquet, Penrl.tJfin, Ida, tsun. Tropic, Nevada, 4e., Ae. Vulcan. Elm nnd Victor Ileatert, Pptnra Re volving Light II eater. Ht It alto prepartd to furnlth a tomplctt Mtortntnt of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &c. Whole tale r retail, man a fact tired neatly and with tht tola view to ttrvict, from tht bctl ma terial In tbt market. PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, POKCKLAIX, TIN LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, ' Of avery dcterlplioa constantly on hind. ORDERS FUR SrOUTINQ, ROOFINU And nthtr work helonrlnr to hit hnalnoat will bt promptly filled by txperlonetd and tkilllul workmen. BRAS.S( COrrER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH Taken In txchaogt for goodt. .Mr-lit eperl:iy tnrltoi tha attention of Merchant! Wishing lo parrhatt at wholeaalo, at they will And it to their ad van tape to tiamint tit ttock before parenaihig titewbero. Look nut for tht Dif Fign ppoltt tho resi dence of Mra. Ut Futtrr. All Goont Wimisteb At lUrtBsiman. I'l.l.dAI.. auK its Phlllr.el.urar. June K. 1r. The Great Presert er of Henllli! ri'iti oiiati.i) A SIRE PREVENTIVK CIHE OF FOR COLDS. RIIKI'MATI.SM' IlUCKSIvIX UXDKKGARM F.N TS ! roH LAI.Ii:! A MB liKXTI.KMi:H. For aale I. T. KltATZEU A HONS, Hoc. Jl, IK7U. I'lrarflHJ, I'a. GREAT EXCITEMENT OX SKCOXU STKKKT, CltarlUItt, i'a. NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. rpilR anderelrned re.peelfullr Inrlte tk at. 1 tenllon of Ida .ohlle (anerall In their aplendld ae.nrtmant ofraarchandla., ubich the are now telling AT VERY LOW rRICr.8. Their etoek eooiiiti la part of 'Dry Goods of tie Best Quality, Sueh oa Prlnta, Da I e litre, Alnaeeaa, Mori nor, Uinirhantf,MurHni,(tileaehad and vnbleaeb. td.) Hrflllng., Tieklnaa. entloa anil wool Flannel., Bnlinitle.C.lmere., Cmlnnadee, Ladiee' Nhawla, Nubia. A IIihhI., Ilalmoral and Jloop Skirta, Ae., Alto, a fin. aaeortntent of Men'r Drawera and Sbirli, Hale A Copt, Booll A bhoaa, all ol which WILL UK SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Quocnswaro, Olasswaro, Groceries and Spices. IN. SHORT A OKN'KRAL ASSORTMENT Of eeertlhlna Bfu.ill kept In a retail etoro. all CHEAP FCHCAX1I or approved aounlr pro duea. A. K. WRIGHT I 0X3. Clearleld, Nor. 7, K7. ir. uuii) (; k. MERCHANT TAILOR Markrt Mreet, ("IrarflrM, a. KEEPS on hni full .., ttnenta of Oon-i' FurnlpbiTiff Ooolt, mrh (hlrt( 1,1 nro and Wonltn llndcrihlrl. IrMwr n&d ftork. Hal CmhrcIlM, A., In great far lot. Ol Quod bo kppi the Pl.ee Best Cloths of all Shades and Colors," Purti a Blark Doe.kln of II. e rer bett mike: Fane Ca-.liaere, In fraat variety , l,o, Fr-neh - - - - m vr miarnrnpiflr VsMo, ana maatj up arrtirainK to tha lalttal atvl k, e.perlenead wirkfaen. J Alio, Agent for Cleardeld eonnlr for I. M. Dl... a 1.1 .. .. . . ' ' . v ""oraie. oi'wiag Jlecein... N.r I if u iii,.,a .eieni. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! fPHE proprletortrrnMtfully Inform theoitlirni ol I icarnciu oouniy, mat iney nave entirely refilled thit estaltlinhmnit with the latent Improved wood-working machinery, and are now pn-pnnil to execute all ordert in their line of buninon. They will give eptHlal atlrntion to the umnufac ture of material for hoato buiMing, tuch at FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, sash, noons, iilixds, nn.ivHVT8 if .yoi i.iii.ras. OF ALL 8TYLE,i We alwayi hare on hand a largo itock of IHY LLTMHKH,and will iiayoaih for all clear Lumber. One-and-a-half inrh panel etufT prefrrre-d. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to euit eutomera. V-Ordrri eotU'ited, and LnmW furni.hcd on abort notice and ou rt-aeonnl,lc ini. KKEtl 4 l-owr.u. Clrardeld, Urb , iri. $li.$rfUiu.fou$. H. F. N AUGLE CLOCK AD WATCH MAKER, orroiirs rni V ITf "Annnr tTitniT POST 0FFICE.42iI)j:CLEARFIELD rpilB tubfcriher rcrptcttully in for mi hit old J. put root and tho public generally, that ht baton hand, (and It eomtantly receiving ntw additient thoreto,) ft largt ttoek of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. I keep Jewelry In all ltt formt and of ui fit rent valuet, either by the piece or let WATCHES A full a-iortu tnt of either Hold or Silver, made by tho bnl Aueriean nnd for. tign manufacturer!, Including a fine lot of gold and ailver bunting catt, full jeweled, Patent Levari. CLOCKS-Of all detlirna. eontlillnc of alcht. day and thirtv-hour, of either weight, (pring or tevert, ana notn ttrikt and alarm. Kr-PAIRI.NO.AII kindt of Watchtt and Cloekt Repaired, and warranted. In addition to what I hare tntira ''a ted, I keep a lull aetortmeiit ol r r" hi; I A ri.ts, colored and plain gleet. lio.OOLD PENS and PEVCILS. 8P00NH, FOR K, Bt'TTEK KNIVES, and lo fact ovary thing in tht Jewelry lint. If I fail to have on band juat what a cuvtmner may need, 1 will orrior per fir it eipreii, without eitra charge. A libcrel nhart of public patronNgr la olii-ittfd. May 7, iSflS y II. F NAUULE. MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER 'CO., OStLOI.A ETKAM -MILLS, k At'rirTi'nr.i LUMBEIJ, LATH, AND PICKETS. II. II. EI1ILLI.NUK0RI), Prarident, Office Foreet Tlaea, No. 124 S. tin at., rhil'a. JOHN I.AlYFIir, lieneral 8u,'t. Oaceula Mitlr, Cleartlcld eountr, Pa. LAM) AM) LLuBER tOjlIMW orn:a IXDU C 13 51 .Ii ZiTK TO- Piireliasers of Choice Goods AT TIIKIll MAMMOTH STOKE IX- OSCEOLA. New CaMnot ! A losil ANXON LAND AND l.l .MllUtt C'lM I I'A NY nil, r fur le Town Lota In Hie lior ihikIi of OMiruiii, C'leurlii'lil ei,unt, Pa., ami aUn lot. to euil iiirvliucri o lOi.lu flat: limile nf en.nl buruitjth. Omviiln it .ilunli.i on Hie Mudmnnon t'reik. In the riclir.l i.irtin of tl.o e iiv of I'lraiDi lil, on Hie line ..f tin, Tyrone A Cl. arikl.l llmlrimil, where Hie Morlmiiniiu end lli.rl..i, braneli rnade interpret, it ie ateo in the licurt ol Ilia Mo.tiaiiiion eonl b.nin, and Inrit bo.iiee of white pine, hrinlm-k, oak, and otli.T tinilMT rur rt.und it. Oue of the Inrjtr.t liiml,r irnniif.trlnr. Inj eil.,l.!M.aient In ike.Siato i. loealod in thr town, while Iliero aro many other luuil.i-r and lilnf-le nillle an.un.l It. i he town la but ie en your, nl, I, nnd enntaina a population of one tLoa aan.l inhnliitante. jTO-Kor fnflhet inti.ruiallon appl at the officr of Hie aboie conipnny. JOHN LAW8IIK. I 1:70 (leliutal 8uperiutelldrnl. T t I. U M IB K It !l K S I fKIIIKCTlOX IX CANT HOOK SI Tha ClearBild Kierleiar Canlhook will not wear out or brrnk, h, In eifri.tructt-ii with one eolid band from ollp to pnint. It la pronoun! by all praetioal lumbermen who hate eiamlr.ed It to b. the oioht perfi-ct Canlhook ever InvcnUd. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Manurac.turrd by Anna Kicxmud A Co., al CI.KAni IKI.il, PA. A II nrl r promptly allendi.l lo. n?o';0 FAIRBANKS' STAND.UID fJ5$ SCALES. f or 111 knna; ""RS"lt" Ilarrowa, Wareliuueo Truika, Copying Preeeee, Improrrd Mnne Ilrawrr, Ae, ion hali ar H. F. inn LEU & CO., Irolrra Iu lUrilnarc, men.io .a ir Keeond 81 wt, Clearfield, Pa Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST .ARRIVAL AND OF COI IUK THE Hi:.PK.sf A Proclamation against High Prices! ItTF, are now opening up a lot of H v., ,j 1 f lllol a. HoniiHlile limt.la tf-. offered In llii. market, and at prieo. thai n.,,,,,', who lurk f.Hlh upon Hlil lioinl. or ", gnliolii auperBuoua, need but it tun HTonr., ".'mer Fronl and Market alreela, i nrre ,n.y enn Trel. hear and k.in.; ,or Ibem a. vr. T r.,,i , ,,,r mem. 41 V . Mn-irr-iaiiii anal arorhri ap good,. UMIM l W, , ,,, .1,., la enunierale nnd itrmlie our etouk. it tmicMarr It la enough Wo bvo Evorytbing that is Needed : nd enn.nmed In Hit. oiarkel, anil at prlcei that ' rtoin.h h,.lh nl, and .roiinj. I dee) JD;BriI 5IH t SON. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, Jflar&rt Street, Ciearfitttt, ia. 7"B beg loare to Inform our old and new j evttnmtn. that wo have removed our es tablishment to the tpaoiout new building junt erretpd on Marked itrert, nearly adjoiriing tho Mansion II note on the writ, and opposite Mprt. U rah am A Kont' ttore whore wo respectfully ' invite tht public t? eomt and buy their Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS. PAINTS AND VAUNI.S1IE3. Our ttotk of Drngi and Hedirlnet eontltti of everything natd, teleotod with tht grtatttt eare, and WA1EASTED STRICTLY TUBE! We bIjo keep a fullitook of Dye, Perfumfrift, Toilet article!, tioanfl. Tooth Uruvhet, Jlair Brupbrt, U hitewach Hrutbet, and every other kind lirnvhet. Wt have a In rye lot of WHITE LEAD, TURPENTINE, Plaueed Oil, FalnU, and la fact ararvthlng i aod ib tha painting buaineee, which we aflor at Citj ptleea to caeb buyera. TOBACCO AND SF0AR3. ConfeetUrjerr, Ppleei, and the Urgeit ttoek of rnrletlea arer olfered In thia ,laea. and warrant ed to b. of tba beat the Market aflotde. i. a. haht-;wick, Nor. Ill, 188. JOHN F. IRWIN. NEW DRUG STOKE-'! MM. I. ALEIAMJER, M. D., Orugglat aud Aputherarjr, CUItWEXSVILLK, TA., Krrpt tAnttantly on hand a large astortmrnt of DRUGS, Patent MiMlicinre, Paiult and Oil. Vartiibrti, lfe Stuff, Ao. 11 ii atook of lrnga it pure anrl frcrib, and eustouirrt can rt-ly iivoq gelling the Wit of everything in hi line. Kit itock ol r i: n f u m n r y , Toitrt ArtirleF, Iloir Tonic, Coimtticf., Ttniilie, Toilet Softfin, Combi, Pocket liiMk, Pent. Itikt. Pencili and Ptprr, and a general taortment of Lb it clam' of goudv, art all of the beit quality. PURE WIXES A- LIQUORS, For Medical ptirrci only, Gf. Putty, I.u'iriraling Oi!a, le., to tu!t the wanti of the community.- Ilia eitcnlre an will releeted atock of Trnga and Mnlicinea ennblet In in to All Pbvrieiana' preaeriptioot on ihort notice and on tho mot n-aaonaMc tcrtne. Huiokert and Chewera will find hit ttoek of Chewing and Fuiokittg To'iaem, l ignrt A Knuff, to conitut ol the very U-tt bnuitia iu llio market A hrf of public patirntjto it tolirited. Ool. IV 3m. W. Ii. ALE.XA.NDEH. yiisrfUanrous. 15 O O R 8 WUICII II AVE ALWATS fi I Y K N 8ATISFACT OH HEIlKTOFOIiK, TVILL BK DISPOSED OF IX SUCH A XV A Y AS TO PLEASE 0 R FRIENDS AND CIS T0JIER3. JUST .EECEIVED! HIE FINEST ASSOIITMSXT OF HOLIDAY (I00D9-SUC1I AS t BOOKS : AND OTIIEH STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERED'TO VIIB CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE ! NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT PUBLISHERS' A MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT Til K POSTOFFICE. ClearfleU, Dee II, ;o. TOBACCO AND CIGARS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At llio New Tobacco and Cigar Store of K. ff. S II. I II', Two doora Emt of Hie Po.toCVe, CloarflrlJ, P. Con.lanlly on hand a lino a.rortmeat nf Nary, Congrrae, Cnrcndl.h, Cable, tlpnnroll, Aliubiarnn aod CVnlury Fine. rut Clivwiti Toliuiru, Ar. Al.o, a Intjre and w. 11 aelrrtnl .lock of Imporlrd and Iloiumlc Cigar., Cinokiua; Tol.nrroa, -Aleerachaum and llriar Pipee, Pipe fixture!, Tobaoeo Boiei, ( ignr Uoldera, and rrvrihinj generally found In a wi ll regulated Cigar ami Tobiirco Slope. -Ilrnieinber Hie pla: Two door. FHt of Hie Poetolnro, Clearfield, Pa. ang. 21 If. Ii. II. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Nenr llio llailroa.l Depot,) I ti.r. it .-'ir. i.i , pi.:xk.. T EMMACE tbli in,H,, r rrm, ,i,J 1 pul.lle, H,nl I Imve ni.ene.1 ni a ynrd for Ike .! nf wood or eonl burnt 1,1 Ml; ami etnllirarilo tllAI,, in llio l,roo,-k or Clearfield, and hare enmplelod armngimenl. wilh ea.lim dealrrf by b'li I eon kn.pa liill.npplveon.lanllrnn h.o.i, whieli will Iki di.i.oeA'd el at n.ni.tnnl.ln mi. kv iho tun, buel.,-1 or ear load, to .nil purel.naer.. 1lio.e nl a ili.lanrc ran n.l IreM m. hr lilli r.and ultlaiii all uear ii.lorlD n bv roliira mail. , ' H. B. TAVI.lHl. Clearfield Pa., Feb. It, lei'.y.tf McFHERSON'S RBT.il KAT & UKKRESII'iIEM SALOON, In Lcavv a ew Duil lini. ff.irmerlr neennied be lr. .Mrliniilier,) RKCOXU ST., CLKAIII'IKLII, TA. (UNSTA XTI.Y on ht.n.1 a lino ., leollon "f C J MKS. N Ii TS, I'liUHS, TUIIACI'tl, Ae. : Ala. r'UKMI .OXHTKlttf i j.n. " "P "'' ,h of rl"iera. ' V. M I.I.I AHI) X on ,o.n,l ,tor. .r::T0.tf w. II. McMKKSvK, KRATZER & LYTLE, Market Street, Clearfield, Perm 'a., (Oppoalte the Jail,) ir AVE now on band a Urit elm. iloek of gaode, Bailed to th. wanla of the puVllo. Oar (lock la large, and by eon.lanlly making additioni tbrretn, we are able to nreommodate all who nosy favor ai k tailing. We have DUY GOODS, Vorinoi, Oinfthama, fb,thf, Prlntl. . . Delainea, Ca.litnerca, 8ilkr, Itrpl, Satinrtt, Caihtnerca, Twredi, Cobergi, Alpecaa, Mohair, Lanell I, Mmllni, Flannel., Bonnela, Ribbonr, Clonkf, Balmoral Kklrt., Ilnop f klrta, Ebawla, llroee Triuimingi, Iliad Nell, Capa, Coreete, Gloret, rearf, Collar, Orcnadine Veil., Table Coeeri, it e. CLOTHING, Coatj, Pntp, Veti, Orer-Coatt, Grnf Miwli, ehirti, IIti, Cpt, t'ndtr-Shlrti and Drawer!, HotiU tnd Pht, Oum Hhoei, CrftTaU. Socki, Ulorei anu CuiUu. , GROCERIES, Tea, Cuffr, Fa dir. Salt, Candlei, Rl', Flour. Bacon, FUh, Tubacco, Ralini. Currant, PplcM, Crarker, Vinfjur, Oil, VaroUb, Tcppar. Alcohol, le. - HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpet Oil elolh, Prugat, Clocks, Lot'kioa: Qtet, Churn, Buckata. Waubboardii, Tuba. Flat Irona, Parti, Window Blind i, Wall Ppr, C.al Oil Lampa, UtdcorJn, I'mtrelUi, Kulvea, Forka, Bpoooa. Crocks. Storaa and Stova Blackinf. HARDWARE, Qoctnpwara, Tin w art, ft lau ware, Woodpnwar, Copparware, Booka. Flatinccrj, AMurical tiobda, Trunkf, Skalei, Ac. All oT whlrfc will be anld on the moat rca unable term, and t1 1 high eft market price paid for Grain, WolI and all kinda f eountr; produce BKMEUIStH THR PLACE : KRATZKR & LYTLE'S, (Oj poiite Iho Jail,) clgabf:ei.i, tennw. f ri Nft VAISK TI I5KIS ! E.A.IRVIN&CO., mmvr.xsvn.i.F., r.., Beinj rpeeially rnga-ej in '.he bu.lnrm of Buying and Selling' Square Timber, NVjU reprcnoiit llint lliey are now prcpurnl to put'li.i.e Tiinl.rr.lv1li.nd .it eitVr Cnrtrrnnlllr. j Luck U.nvn or MaiLti, (or will ue it nl any j of ttnntp piiint!.,) nnd a. II on eoi:nuiMion, uiakili;! .'ue!i ndi aiH .v as nrc nctr.arv. ' ' Tlintp eitrd In ff ilin? out Timbrr will f ml i ut nr afore in Curwrnniti, a rrv Ini-go awk of ' STAPLE GOODS Of all Lrneriptiona. ALSO, flour, .Wrfif, lUjr, On Is, torn. And recrytliing nrce.tary for u.r of Lunibcrm.n. RAFT ROPE, Oral! aire, kept on bnnd in Ur qnnittitioj, an I told at am nil adinnrv by Ihr eiil. AIfo, Tiill.y - Bbvka, Fm;Ul Bi'pf, .le. rvr.ci it. iM)rrvMrT.ofrerrd In thon mutiafurturirg .Sparc Timber. I'e. A. IIt l A CO Curircnavillc, Jantt.iry 12, ISTO. TllMSI!l:il 131. llijllic.l Proiniitm. 8ilrer McUI. nwlc. over nil competition, nl Mechanic' Kxbiliition, lln.lnn, October, I Mill. Till! Or.KHN'AL AXI) (1KM INK SKLF-It EG U LATINO, WHOrtlllT inojf, All! TIiltIT, GAS C0:TSU2,IING HEATEE, n 1 1 h r ti ti n 11 BT S Itll t. 0 tl.lTR IU". Kl "M, W ito'.'miT Iimx It vm.iTon, AMI .l TOM Tir Ii:nri tTon, For Unrnlnir Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood. 10 a iioa fi.r In i Innrk, ami 5 ir. n iNnUlilo. u.im 1 At Timn or it ar J. REYNOLDS &, SON, N. W. corner l.1lh and Filbert Street!, rnti.A ni:i.ciitA, pa. i Three llrnlcri are made of Ilenvr Wmnclii .n, wen rnc.ci ioc. .ocr. an. are warranted lo ; , "M 1 ' tbe, onljr llr,il. r. IbM are n,n ,-e.l wltl,,.,,tT ,.. , 1 ' " " ' enn oe ourned R. without altrralion. Cookinj Ranirea. for Itntclt, lr.or.nl. and I'auiiliea. Aleo, a Flat Top Heating Hangc. File Place Ilcatcra. Low Ilown Urate, Slate Mantel, K.ai.tcr!, Vciitilatora. Piitnpblcl! jivinj fn any eddrcn, locriplinn. rcnl fn, te j.' l.TTO ly ouuilrii and Vilarhiiu ,lieiis. BICLEPi, YOUNG & CO., (Hufrru'ore tu B j n'"" "Mg.) FOUNDERS & MACIIINISTS MunufarlurTt of rOETAELE li STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth an'! Pine Ktrrcll, t i.i:ai;i ii:i.i, pa. ft nAVIXfl cn-iH in tbe tnaniifurlnre of flrH- claaa M ACII1NCKV, we it jpr-t fully inform j the public ttiat we are now prrj.erej to fill all ordrr as rliraplj an 'I r yrvmy a ran c Innr In any of the citiea. Wc utanufacture antl ileal in Mulay and Circular Eaw-Milla Hi-ad IIlockF. Walor AViicla, Slmftinj Pullfya, Oifford'i Injector, Strata Gau , Hh am WhitU-dt Oilern, TmIIow Cnpn, Oil Ctipa, Ontigo Cocka. Air Cockrp (ilobe Valve. n.-t-k a!vt, nrouxlit iron ripra, 6 cam Pumpi, CoiWr l'td J'umpa. Aoti Friclin Motrca. Poiip Stone Parking. Gutu Pack- iriR, and all kimla of MILL MOttKj tottbrr with Plowi, Sltd So It i. COOK AND PA RLOn STO VES, and othrr CASTINGS of all kind. 0"Oidrt aolioited and filled at city price. All letter of irtqulry with rfri'no to narhincry of onr mannftieturc promptly aniwert'd, hy aildni In ua at Clearfield, Pa. il2!70 tf UK1LKR. Vol'Nrt I CO. A CHEAT MEDICAL D1SC9VERY Dr. WALKER'S C- LIFOCI.'tA VINEGAR BITTERS $4 Hundreds of Thonsnc'.i ?S4 k Lear i-i!m'rt lo ih"lr Wo.', '.tr- n y o fill Cm tine LOirls. i SS'i IVUAT ACT TMHn 'IU rm-.r ape vox a vii.k kUdeof Vomr Khhi, U'hlkry, Pror Hplrlia and IlctutP I.iquur , d.tt r, d, rj !ccd r dtwcit ncd U .l:sic Uiic, relied lo:.ir,',"A ptl.s trt," i:tt4rerr.,' .r., ll;i t !t til ll.o i.piilir in to Irtittkft.riim a...t ri U . l.i.' trc n trup MiV,.riur, niai'.o from tlio Ntlro r-ln t;l I 1 1 1 1 f (:)iron la, I'rco friv ftlt Atrnln lid Silinttlnnta. 1 l.ct no Ihj (Jit fat ni.r.n; rt 1:11 irx end a I. li t: MVINtl I ltlNt II ! Eoi-rl ct l;rtKAf.r ami lcv. rctcr f t..t l-j l.r, eirrjli.-itt ill polsorom n:stt;r c:.d rr-torlr;; t'i ty r. hrt)v. ) - n-uf tt:oa. leji-mn t:a1r.! t itin; pf.tra cccori!:,j to 'r.c i'.O". tr.t irn:r.!n U :ip ui.Trcll. (ICO v.;i l,9 f . ii f. in It-.' urn! ! rac, rr tlunl tlie K'nea rro r t d:lriji-J I jr i .iji-r.-.l p Uon or rther r.ica-,f i!t!: iul rjr vt... J t,-o.tI t:e pr"n ff TTt t'.r. I'mr luflt.t:iM ittn r mil Cltiral Hbrnir.n tlnin r.t-4 t.otil, I)rtei-lu, i r I i:d icril luo, ll i:..nci.! nuil Int ri itilt i : nt I t-rif 111-rr.( n t.t l iiv Itlix.t), l.trr. UU!nr)f, nnj Dlntlrtcrt I hio i;iiiriti lvo Uea a.ott mrxvtt lt. ri;tli I.iM-rni-n tr.1 tini Ijr iittiirri rtfifli, vrl. r'l I.- j- -;r:.!ly roucid tjr Ot run-, jntut rfr i- !r;itti!'. c Orjnr.i, I M'l I'M A VH lMt;EMTION, tlrnd artu', Pal i l.i tlu t,tioi'..(!rm, tuj;li. 'I ijjMi.tm t,f Uto Oif t, i)l25.:;rM, t;r I :iTtcl.ori tf tlio Mcntarli, 1:24 l:-si l.i tl;e y r:!i, 1' .loua .MtarLr, I'r!.u.U a cf th? Il.srt, Inf. :i .;. , ;. i , f c 1 ui c, 1't.Hi In Hi TPflr.ni aI Vac I.W'n ; ,t a c 1 nnirt-d ottivr M.nlul ajtiipt- r.-.s,trr- t'.c k(.. r f lHn"a. Th' J t.ivlior-. t.' U.jf ! if?it-.ln;mclfO (tie tT 111 i:vrr atd lvwci;, : 1.:, r; nt: ri:ipr.if-rnT)rinaU' d .CJicyta clcar.t.ng t: ' t '.'xd f a't u-.trcriura, at.d ln.r.:rlln r,-w l,fc rnA CifrrKHJtr lofjrtrci. Viill rklN DIr.A: t rt. ErurtUn.Tettca'.raH I:hcu;-.i,Mt tt ti,! : ut., 1 ... l.lca. I Li liilt. r.t U. u. icn.ie..i:.c.vo;li.tia:l;.i:tad.u.n i r,., rrjtiv tlalt.li. fcurr. itcx ...mi.or.a i-f the n.'n. Ilunwn aim Ihhi I tue : I. 11, 1 v. i aiwci i:aua ut Lalurfl, arc lltcrulljr 1:113 t fctaetuLd out or rtu ijntrm lu th.irt t:ir., y tUv 1. i f tI.rKi lUttrtt, ro fcol'lr 1 rn-h p. u - vV c-n- Ihcj Uu im : t iiHrnIulntij it t:uir rurttlve &T'trt. Cir.-rB V-titt! 1 Mnfl rVr.f-rr )mi C: d l Irpurit.r. Vrnrt!: tr.rcnn'i a.;a I sllriplr, Tn tlrnt rr t?rr: J i t) :.; s- It r :i yon t;ul il i fcr.in:c! il an. I fingci ii , .) vfl.mjiiir.nnj It v !, m it tor til, ad ynr tcrl.ajja wi:it-:i yon hen. l:rcp V..c Mh4 jure ti.d l!ir h. a!(H ft. 0 o it'H lfflliv. PIN, TAPEa:ilrt:iwiJXMlH, li:r-u t t:o tjnttri of te many t?ioaMnii. km 1 1.otn:iy fj.mmy t'l aad ttiti'ivid. lor fjl dlrrcttosa, rnarf fan-OiKy ilia tlrrul&r arunnd ..ark btjUlo, ,-iitit tit tjur lau fiwaTa knKliaU.irrrnian, FtTnebiMl fpanM. J.WALKCIl, Troprlttor. C. p. Ill DON AID & ., Prnjnriiti and fien. Aptnt, fan rranrttm. Cat,, a d It aod U tomaittc ' Ptiv!, Tort. ririOIt) HT ALL PnVCOISTS AND M:AM:r, Oct. jr., is;o:t. HTIt'l'U HarinK piir. bai.eil llio inl.rret A. tllnllcnoerjri.r, , In the l.iniin iierrini.ire Ciiri ir.l on iiiiilr. ,,itn toun. Llallenbrrccr A I'..., tlie -moc mil be e. f J I ,d In rciificr under I! IIHIlll' ol M li.innon l.nnd nnd I. uiiil.ee t'nini.nt.r. iMorc.l II. II. HIll.UNtUliltll, Jilll.V LMliiMK, in.vSitf I'rcn li nt. t;, ncral r-op't SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! niSTAN'S CIKW CI'T, MILL, PRAO AM) CIItCI'LAR SAWS. Eoploa'8 Lightning Cross-cut 8nw. A L S 0, TATKXT I'LUFortATLIi 1 KI.ncTUIC SAWS, For anle Ii . win.:!! 11. f. nttii.ER a civ LiitherslMirs .llarblp Yard! MMIK aub.rrilr nrpcUnllv announce, ta tbi. 1 lowiniiiiii't and Iha pnl. lie ceiinallx Ib.il be ie now cucii.m-ly i..ec .1 in llie nianur.o.iure i.r .Mi nimii nt. Ilca.1 and Tool .-'loner. iil. T.i.i.. n;l llor. nn Top., etc. l,i-li,r Iribale enn be l'""t loe.l.'criMii r,.,i,,-( ,,r,i,,.. t, th,.cr,H-. imn of an c,i.lo,,. al.h . a witnrM In anl.nt n.Taiioiie uncre tncy hvve Imil tnm .r her. I loive nlf..l .Mr. ,1.1m W. linhairaii aa en. aecnl tna.,uiid lowlinrrworl.iuan.hip and ahill I . ..... ,.,,. IMr.. aoii.Mle.1 aiol proiLply lillcl, Workilidiien.lnherrvi-rile.lr.il. II. II. Alill'li K. l.nlher.l urc. Xo.etnlwr .10, IS7II. . ...... . I LT iOI'H LOVS' IUTS t H l.LEHTO.V S. i lii ! oS i z vmj 'i ; l K s tit -z as. "I S 'it Of TOTT AftE J.0T A VII.K S 5 I EXTllACT CAT)n GHAPE lHjJ FUut Eslraet AW, , A H f t,lt i- For Liver P.-rnplatriia, J-iu ii) yt li hi A! tlOIi i'a . , k or Ne rr.u 11,1 1 ne, II TK. fl MIL ana trie. wm...i . . ,. , ,.,(J , lu'ii,io. .uperreuir ea.lor til, (Jt, neiia. He. Tliere il nutbii.e tti.rt a..! . tbe Montneh. Thejr glra tone, andeean' j nauiea nor griping pain.. Thcj an e.w I of tlie fimt.l iyrr,,Vr.. After a fr. i,. 1 .iii.... ... .i. :....i .!..... " H , r oira.u;.,.,,,. 1 I "n an. enervmea, wnrinor .i;,ir j. j, ; Tu.looce or liw..;. II T. II. 'ii.t.cMir j .ioi:J FJoiLL'matt Catnn'.-a ; not lugar-eoati d, (r.nn tbe fact !i .t 1'illr do not ituai-lre. but..im tbn.u;:,!! without dl.M.lvii.g. eone.j'u'iiiu j I", tbe itiirsj iStH, lb. Ul,.n tr; t beirg .l. aiaiit in tai-l anil oitor, u., r. , ...... u,-.,iB .Hjj.i ruHiiii. i ri.t;., per box. E I!EXr,r T. HELM IV. Mi's1 Ilibtj Contentrateil Coiii..ur4 FI.l'Ili KXTllACT r'AliSAfAHln, W ill ra.limlljr ritermir.atefroni ibf';iirm.m ula, Sj.bilie, Fceer Sorel, l lrer., Sri , Sore Lcki, Pore .Mouib, Sore U.aJ, Lr..L.u .ckin Hifen.e., fjll Rheum, Cankir., I:mill( iroui tne l.ar. n LI u MrtH ni, 1 .ri, Ci- eeroua Jincrliotia, fttd.l. Kii-keO. Uiinu. Swilling., Kighl Sneala, llanh, Ti-IIet, llJM. ..r .11 fi i- ,. . ... w. ninup, inrvntc n renicail.m, lljij.i,. I mi all ci.reae. tbat beta been iti.Unl:(, I tbe e ratem for yeare. L Being rrf part.l erprei.lr for tbe aWr. C .lint.,inllloJ Purlfiinj rropertitrarfjmir I than any ether Preparation of Sanaparilia. I girci the e mpleiion a clear and healiaj eak- and rc.-lorei the palient to a alute uf b.i ib , puritj. For pntifjing the blood, rriaoiici ehronie tonelitutlonal di.eaaei arlilnj fri.nH impure Hale of tbe blood, atidlheonltrrViku and effeetu..! knoan re.ne.Ij for tlie mrr l Palm and .(riling of the Hone, ricirjiiuiK Iha Throat and Leg, Plot.-h ii Piia;.li es At Fare, Ery.lpelai end all F. alj Krii.liti tt tkin, and btautiring (Le ciuiI.i;. UEMtV T. ntLMBOLD'3 C'tcen'rateJ FLUID EXT It ACT 1IUCIIC THE OIIEAT DIITETIC. bai eured evetr ea.a of Mabetee in wblrli hku been giten. Irrilalien of the Nnkof the b .Jje, ai d IiiAitnoialion of Iha Fidnetr, I lee-au iil the h'iJnoji end Iiladder, relention ol urin. Uiiea.ei of the pr atrile-Glaid, iinee le tki B'adder, Calculua, Uravel, Utioldn.t dinom. and Aiucoai or Milk tliaebargee, and f.,r ea t frebU'd ai.d delieate eor.titulionr of both eriH. attende-l with tbe following aimptoni.: inaii. pofilion to exertion, loi of power, luu nf n.ea. orr, difficultf f breathing, weak nerrei. tren. hling, horror ." diroaao, wakerulneae, dimeeii of Tiiion, pain in the baek, hot hand., durbier of tbe bodr. Jrjne.i of the akin, erupli .e ee Ikr faee, pillid ennnlenanoe, anir.rnl tartiioje of (be ina.eular er.tem, e'e. Vaed bj peraona from the agei of rijrHtera to twenty (lee, and from thirty fire to Afij five ar in the decline or ehange of li'e; after e..n. rei,l or lalnir pninl fci'd witting ia cLildnn ll.lnil.olj', KHraet Bucbu ie diureliranj V.ntl. I urlfj injr, and rurri all dieraiei ari-ing ft a babiu of dilation, and eireoea and iiopie .Unco in life, ii - utili.i r f the blood, ele . periedir.g eoa!ba ia auVclinni fi.r alirt it ii u.ej, and ( hi'ltie a Jeeiione in theie digram ured in connection with llclmbjld'i llu.e i aik. l.At'IKS. In oianr aff.-cti .m peculiar to la.lii., Iho Lt. tract lliirbn ie onc. ialI.d ly anr older rriuelj j a. in clilorofi. or retention, irrcf ulurily, paia j futiic.a or .upr..ioa ofcuftom.rv eii' Uaii .n, ulcerated er chirrui ftate of tba ulcru.. buret, i rbiva or wb!ia. atcrililr, and for all romplaieti ! incident lo the lei, al.uher ati leg frim India. I crction, or fcal.iti of di?ipition. It ii prcrrriord , CAlcn.ivelj I7 tlie mot niinenl plij ici.r.. ard I niidwire. f..r et.ri el.lcd and delicate cniliiali..B, nf both ecxca and all age. (attended with ao) cf the abore ditc.i.ce or .jmp'otn.). T- uKi.MnorDV kx thact in cur I Curti diioaa arUlna fW.ni I mtirnd-rpni. Had. Pa or I'l-fifi .ti' n, te , j In all tbeir lge, at little rr""'. H'H r ' ehae. in dief, no lne..nrerieiice, and no rx. porure. It enue-e a frcqnent d.ni-e. a d give, irei'g'h to l'- trial, tbcrrbr rrmoi lng Ol.ftrnc tima, Prerenling and Curing ritilclnrel or tbe I'rell.ra, Allaring Pain and Inn irainatien, .e lrciuent In Ibie elarf of ci.eaee", and evp llirg all Foinn'iu. mitter. Thousand, who bare been the lcti-n. of In eompeient pir.i, and wha hare paid hear; fee. to be euti.l in a .hol lime, hare ..u I Ikcjr hive b.en d...i.,l. and In. I lb -I'-i.nn " k.', be tbe ue of "powcrrnl aMTincnt.," be. n dried uplhlhe.i.lcm.tn b-eaft on' in a more apfrcratad form, and prrhapa alter Mariiaga. I l.'C llclmbold'. Kvlroct Hue U for all AITcr. j 'I "ml itaee ..( lb. I'rlnerr Oritan.. wtiMh- tr CM. ling in .Vale or Ii m.-i'e. from wlialeier eniin oriicinntine. and no ni -lirr of how liti elnndin;. I.. ill per bott . HKXnv T. HKLMnOMi'S niPltoVKI 1;osk WASlf, 'annot lif mi-.J u t'K W All, and Bill lt f"ni ifce nrlr fpfp-ltc rrmtd.v in mrty !' if offu'iBrmn pifTitm. It opardilT fra-l i- CltC tt.lllli u. tnruibrenr, ale di.-pf ! ' r-d nnd incinitnt in". leinition. hive. ra,ii. V 1 mi'lli pal be. drinc... nt ecalpnr .kin. IVo.t htt.. I aod all pa-ofe l.,r which .nlre. ar ointmenia I .ire 11, ,.l ; rctore. tr.a ekin to a m.ie of pority """I lolin.... and in. ore. eoniin .ed be.'ti ae r lion in ibe l.-ue ol It. reel.. ,.n whieli dei'enda 1 tbe ritrecibic cle irre.a and aivacli. i.r con p'rx " I io" h. wo. h touulil and admircit lut hoae.ee ".,1 i. . a rruieht for e mm injt d l. ct. ol iha 11. r. ii,i,i.,.u', it,.,, .,i, n .., I" p'lnciple eluim In unl....iiolrd l r .n.itr. In- p.... c,..nv ejwalitiaa which render It a Toll I I Al'I'I.MlliiK ol the s,.r,l.,i,. end to eoiii eiior.-icler. eou.b nine in an ele. KHil loin III 1 l.ri'iiilni'nl r... ...... 1... .III. ' fcr FICAI'i th. inv.ti.bie are.rr.ni menu r it. ,, , preti rvaiive and re(c-h er ol ihr romplciion Ii u an excellent Ulu n f r ilt.ene. ol a .hilrie nature, and n. aa in jcr;o.n for .Il-r:t. r- ol ihr I rionij Oi.m. ana ii'' ii.ou hwl.i'k ol di.i..ti.n . UM-.I in n rc. ti- n ci't !n Kxtr ici. ..m-liu, .n'. , .irt'l;i ami l a. I:.il.i lli P11U, in in. Ii i imhhi a l.'ioiu. uic dtd, Cai1u.1l l.c . ui 1 ,i,.cd. I) Full end ei licit direction! '.sp-iy li-e mciiirtnee. F-I.lence or the mo.t re.nnneiMc and reliable cha-ecter rnrni-beil on a.plientl..n ! li..f,T.(. A.....,. i.r li. i j. Hi n,'..e., and up rnrl. of .10 l:Pl in... ;i, ir,f eortincaler and recoinerol.lnrr letter., miiiT of wnich are rem the hifhe.l M.iircc, ircludins m,inrnt Phi fi. Un. I Irrry wen. Miie-inen. etc. TW Prn.rieioe ha! never -CFoticd In tbeir pitli'i.'aiion in the newpvper! : be iI.m'. no ri.. tin 'r.-in the f.cl tloii hieerliclca rank a. St md .r.1 Preniro Hon.. and do nof need lo be p'opp.d up by crrtlbcalce IIKNl'.Y T. IIFI.MIIOI.Ii'S flKXUXB PHE. FAKATIllN'.S. llcl:Tered lo .my a.ijre... Secure from oh.er vnllon. K.Mth bid upward t.f lw.n:r veaa. o?d I.r lniv'c't everywhere. Ad.tr.-, . Ictcra for leforn.a'ion. in eontlence. lo llh.MIVT. ii r.i.v. i.iii.ii. iiru ki,i ao't I hgiiii.l. Oi.'i Ii, p.li : II. T. II. ,d Iiruand j Cb, i- , il War.-b. c. No. 5-.it H... .lwev. X. V., Urloll T llr.i,l..l,l', lc.lic.U), p ,1, lot South len h Mrrel. Philadelphia, I'a. Hereof eoiint.tii-.ti. Ark f-ir JiKXHY T, UlLLMUOLH i: Take Be eihu. liW-lf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers