lU.PUni.ICAN. CLEAHFIELI"), Ta. WEDNESDAY MnRMMl.NOVKMnnm.irO. 'J'hrvo menilmr of ft circus troupe ntey pi-rfurmiiig at Lebanon, Indiana, curried off wire with tlicm when leav ing tli town. Tlio courlliii had only lasted two days. "Remember who you tare talking to ir," said nn indignnnt purcnt to n fcoliuiK hoy ; "I uui your 1'ullier." 'Well, who'd to hliimo fur tiiat," paid the young impertinence; "tuiu't mc." The Georgi'lown Herald says "tho death of tho Republican pnrty would he A great Burrow to tho nuliou." Yes, but, like Juliet's patting with Jtomco, it would bo "such sweet Bur row." The great iinporUinco wo attach to our opinions, tho greuter our toler ance, which in wrong even when wo are right, and doubly so when wo are in error, so persecution for opinion's eako can never be justifiable. At Hartford is being burnt at pres ent tho largest brink kiln that has ever beon burned in this country. It con tains ono million of brick, and the wholo enormous muss is now wrapped in flames. It is said that the burning of this kiln will require ono hundred and fifty cords of wood. The wind is unseen, but it cools the brow of the fevered ono, sweetens the summer atmosphere, and ripples the surface of the lake into silver npangles of beauty. So, goodness of heart, though invisible to the material eye, makes its presence full ; and from its effects upon surrounding objects, wo are. assured of its existence. Grant is in a passion because the itudicals do not obey him as did his army, not being ublo to punish them as ho would soldiers in tho field, he hopes to bring them to terms by threatening to deprive them of oppor tunities to plunder, lie thought that they regarded him as a leader, when they only used him as a tool. Two items from two exchanges fit in together very well. The first, from Louisville paper, says a firm there "shipped six hundred barrels of Bour bon whisky to Washington yesterday." Tho other item is from a Washington psper, and mv "the President re turn to tho city on tho In of Octo ber." Volumes could not say more. Ex Governor Tackcr left a collec tion of old coins valued at nearly 820, 000, and supposed to be second to but ono other collection in tho United States. This immense collection he had made with groat sacrifice of time and money, and it consists of many rare specimens from a date anterior to the Christian era down to the pres ent timo. WuatIIom Din. It siolo on its pinions of snow to the bed of disease; and tho sufferer's frown becamo a smile tho emblem of peace and en durance. It went to tho houso of mourning and from the lips of sor row thero canto sweet and cheerful fongs. It laid its head on tho arm ol tho poor, which was stretched forth at the command of unholy iinpul-c. and saved him from disgrace and ruin. Jo hope, my good brother ? Have it. Reckon it on your sido. Wrestle with it, that it may not depart ; it may re pay your pains. Life is hard enough et best; but hopo shall lead you over its mountains and sustain thoe amid its billows. Part with all beside, but Itcep thy hoo. Radical Tactics. Tho anti-Cam-fron throwing the blumo for tho loss of five Radical Congress men in this Slate en the mismanage ment cf tho campaign tv tho vener able Senator, who, on the motion of John Cessna, was mado tho member of the Radical Congressional Cam paign CommiUeo, for Pennsylvania. The Camcronians arc now trying to g' t up contests in tl o district which lcmocralic Cungrcsnivn havo been ilected by small majorities, In order to redeem their reputation as smart politicians. Already their journals havo slaitcj tho cry of "fraud," "counted out," cto., etc , in order to cover the meditated reversal of the verdict of the people. Their trick is quite transparent. "Jr.s So." Since the election in this Stale, somo of the Radical jour nals are disposed to talk out in church in relation to negro suffrago and its effects upon wliito men. The Car lisle JlerM, after stating llist the Rndieal parly was "whipped thor onghly and effectually" in the Into contest in Cumberland county, con tinues ; "The main reason fur the present large I)rmncrntic majority is, that a considerable number of per sons, who havo heretofore voted our ticket, this year voted with tho Do mocracy because tho colored men wcro enfranchised, and n much larger number refused to vole at all, li.r The name alleged reason. This is a fair alitlcmenl of hteL. Whito men were disgusted ot seeing negroes diiven to the polls like hen sis to vote tho Jlndi cal ticket, and cither cast ii.jr , lots for the 1'emocralio candidates, or rciuseu to vote at tlte election. And this feeling will become stronger and more apparent, when negroes arc forced inlo hotels, theatres, schools, workshops, and all oilier places where uien "most do eongregntc." The in telligent white men of thiscountry are notyol prepared to surrender it into tho hands of negroes, and upon thai rock the Radical parly will bp dnshe.l to pie- . .. THE Iir of JtMoR imS pi ivovum j l.rr Inm, I"'. i. I I..T rm. t' irit.. H.iH....r.iiict'n P.mwl Mlitidrrlin ..Hell J.ilm t,linmi.n.,Cli-eri-l.l Jame. .lame. llnKS, Jamb llmnirarillH r " Jtrnh( .ilir...,...HredT ' illlam Henrr Hl'mm Rnhrrt l'i.nnnr..Hurn.tilr W lUmin l.nwiar M Jmw. llll"H, 44 'rterHeik - llrnnelt.. M haml Hrlllbart " Abraham lUhiml.. Clint tle.irir-. -Mc-( ully.... " Jnmi'. Wnnil " J . M Wc.l.iver.. ' K Kehnarre Cimnirton Lcwial'uiitrt--t " Y llnlnli.n ... Henry Htmir... Mi-hitH Walker.heealur .1 U lrnriit.-r " .latuee Hl.n llnlirh lrt Riirkv.....-Hutun V K Hi will. ' 1'barU.s Hrown... " Holiert l.i.l.lle Jnrilaa II K Hlnnm I.ewernr n.-ni l.Miirhrrly,Mirri. Mali. MH'ullr..!.H-mila Nathan Liui- I utun ilenrire Hi.wer.nx, " llun kcphart.W nmlward BKfcK. Tli.ima. Fli V....lWariti'll A Kinhart Dcealur W illiau 11.11 H.-II.W T I Im.ui. j. " Tin mil.. A Al.-livo.... j liairr i'il " lifiirm' W .(Uni!'..r.i -j 11 S r.;,.t.r. liiriir.l Joiuii- 11 IYuts..., ."numc-l l'U't'!il...lrahiim Panlrl Cimiil " tluheli ) A Wnnlrnlira..Bralfr.l Jaa. lii'Urkeen...llui-liB John Sliirt.v.Jr. " i HJ Juhliaou Jfinlau l(oti.rt llri-en.,. Henry Mniy hum J It lli-lluea ' .Inl.n r'ullmi... Lawrence K A Hull " Miles IVItnr. Mnrns llenjainin 'arou..Ilrai!y f Kli.h llalr tlnurrn lilliuztT.. r M'Kwen.N.Washinjrt'n r'rr-il. Winj-orl ", llurnsidi M M YHizlius. .fnlin'i'nltt Hubert ! H.iiley.. ' loMMih Ncwt-nitH-r.-I'mn John Kml.'V Che.! Itol.t-rt Neejier I'ike 1) I1' Nterliiis...'lerni)ll'land Way rpm.AI, LIST Knit NoVEMIIKU TKItM, 1 1N7U. MUST KKK. 1. Morgan rti. Ktn.ff. 2. llagrurly'i rxecuura va. JcfTrira. '1. Ilticrty'a ejkwutun.. vit. Jt-ttriri. 4. llUmtn Y. rnvilrr. 5. IIIikjiu va. rai.lm!l. I. OBCvula t'ual va. tioiiB. 7. ihar VI. l.Ttlo. R. Irwin va. Leonard. 0. Knv.lrr va. look III II. 10. Murican, ct nL vs. (ioaa, ot al. 11. HiKivrr vi. Clary, el si. 12. (tallajrhor.... vn. Fun-Kt. lcllaKJ va. ltarfrtr'a eaUitc. 11. r-nydi-r. H.. TV. Milcholl. 15. CuMncll $. Kornn. IH. llajri'rly'a eiecutura.. va. Iteanii. 17. Jrnka'a bfira. va. Wria-lit. If. llrury va. Uilaror, el al. IV. do' va. Cuttle. 20. Kit-itch W. Hale. 21. Viiiling va. Ilrotherc. 22. llale va. Luvaa. I:). Klwlr va. Khoff. et si. 21. Worrull va. Snyder. SttroMl vr.iK. 1. Haler v. CarleT. 2. Mi-Cully t Pattereon va. l'ummina;a, et ftl. 3. tiosa .... va. Lnngdoii A ltireu. 4. Carry vs. Wnotier, at ftl. 5. Carry va. Kitvhm. 6. Itrooka vs. Horn. 7. (iofla va. (ton. 8. Miller. va. MeMailera. . liite. vi. Metiarny. 10. Morgan M va. lloea. II. (Iullirtr $. l.owrif. 12. iiolri'l?e va. l.autifltcrr. I l:l. Way .M. Naul vs. .Merrill. I 14. War ft Me.NauL vs. 1:!iincliartl. I.i. Thuin'..on. M. Way. It). Hrrtlou- VB. White. 17. Itilltn t. Ilainmrratftaxh. IS, .M.vMn.g, H uL va. W right. el ai. IV. Itraitiitl r. l.iililncr. 70. Mokel- va.;er. 21. I rhard va. Lytic. 22. ChatnlrfrB..u va. ItohitiMtn, ct ftl. I 2X Puntmr vs. Worntll. 21. Itoyulon va. I ..lyralf. cl ftl. 2j. Finher, Smith, et aL t. Firan, et ftl. mXSlLVAM l RAIL - ROAD. TYRONE i CLEAMFI KI.D EltANCU ON and after Monday, ft! AY .10lh, 1S70, two I'aaacngir Traini will run daily (eierpt Sun duyaj betweiQ Tyrone ftnd Clearfield, sa lollowa: CLKAKKIELD MAIL. LEAVE SOITII. LEAVE NORTH. ClearDeld. l.SS, r. . Tyrone H.OO.iK. Pbilitiburj...3.40, " ' Oiceol lOHi. " Oaoaolft 4.0S, " j Philipibarf..., Tvron S..10, j ClearSeld H.M.p.w. C1.KAhViK1.II ACCOMMpATHN. LEAVE SOI Til. ' LEAVE XOltTII. riesHleld T.(M ft. . Tyrone . T. . Philipiborj.. 41) " i Interaction ...1.09 " Oaeeolft 10.34 " Oaeeolft ..f .40 Interaectiou... 1.09 f. N. I'hiMfihnra; Tyrone 1.20 " : Clrarti. ld, r....tO " FAIiK AN 1) MS l; A XCKS FK0M CLEARFIELD.! FROM TYKOXK. I X Station. Stations, I I-ennnrd 3 Woodland S nilcr. 9 Viiai-rton M...U Pine llall 1.1 I'lillltoburlT Sleinera' IS rnnlar 20 Intereeetioe..... 4 Van coy oe 7 Oardner H. I )lt. Summit 14 Sandy lli.l(; Powrllton. 17 areola Uit liutibnr 21 Pteiner'a 2.1 Milllp.burg.3l lllne U .11 ?) WallaMtoft .10 lliiler :i.l : Oarruls 21 I I'owclllon 24 Sandy Ridge,. ..21 Kuinmit 27 Ml. Pleaaftnt....:t0 Oarduer 3.1 $1 00 Vnr.icoyoo .1 1 I 00 Inlrrreetion....S7 115 Tyrone... 41 I So Woodland. .16 $1 00 Leonard K9 I 111 learfleld ...41 I no FARE FROM CLKAUFIELI), TO nellrfimte, P t2 Oil.Midllrtown 5 00 Iwk Haven..., 2 ;o Marlettft. 4 50 3 AO; Lnnraater I S5 I S. PHILADELPHIA T OJ ao Alliums I SS W'illiain'pnrt Huntingdon Lewiatown. Maryiville HAKHIBIHll, 4 50! J"bntown. I 90 4 7ilPITTSBI'RH I 15 (iiM:t'in. Cloae etnneetiona made t Tyrone with Irntna Eal and W rit on the Main Line, and ! W illisma port fur polnn North and Kt. Pftaaenffera lent ing ClenrSeld ftt S..10 p. m., rearb Willinm-port tbe aame day. and psaaenrera leaeinf W illianaport ftt 0.00 ft! u., rrnch Clcr Orl.l ftl 00 p. a. PMen;era for way atationi on the Main Line between Tyrone ftnd llarrihnr(r. leare Trrone ftt 3.41 p. m. UEUKUE I'. WILK1N8, mtllltf. Soprrinten.lent. Clotliing. How lo Nave 7Ioney. THE titnaa ara bard; y..'d libs to know How ynn may rare your dollara Tbe wcy to do tt I will bnw, If yoa will rend what followa. A man who lived not far from bars, W ho worked hard at hia trade, Tut bad ft bonaeh.ild to aupport TLat i'CJandercd ail ba cult. I met him onee. 6-iye he, "My friend, I look thread bear ftnd rengb I re tried to jret myralf a anit, Eut can't aset np enough. " Saya T, my friend, bow cinch bfta job f I'll tell yon where lo go To get a that' aound and cbeap t To RK1ZENSTE1N a Co. lie look what little ho had aaeid, And went to Heiteoateln A Brothers', And there ba a-ot a bandaoma tvii, For half he paid to othera. Kow ba la homo, he tonka ao well, And their effect It anih, That when tbe; take their dalle meat, They don't eat half aa aach. And now ha Inda an fatarday Bifbt, With all their want! anpplled, That ho baa money left to apand, And aoma to lay aaida. TJIa rood eaeoeea, with ehearful imile, lie c'adly telle (o all. If ynn'd rare nonry, go an J buy Your elotbea al hEIZKNSTEIN'8 CLOTIIIN'O HALL. Where Ibo cheapen, Ineat and heat Clothing and gimi Furniibin Oooda can he bad to .nit every late and In arery atyle aprl I, '70 c m ok Ttiri:i ftPKAR'll CALORIFIC, ' P15gl EIIAXXA, PI PKHIOR. Onv. PKXX. BI'DI I.ATOR XOIII.E COOK, XATIOXAI. UAXtiK, TRIliMPIt, PARLOR COOKS, spears ntroLVixn lihiit.s AM) IiOl III.E HEATERS, And all kindl uf Ili-ating Slorerfor aale hy st'I'l TO II. F. nilSLKR A CU. JOHN TROl'T.M AX, FURNITURE DEALER Market t,aat of the AlleRheny Houao, ( LI.AItl'llil.l), pn. TK EEP on hand nil kinda of Farnitnrei, In snlla mr he the alneln arlUla f i ailleleof Furniture, wiN and II to thrir Inlerral i( ran anq examine my alnrB, whirh I will aell eery low ft man or aachene tnr anliahla Hiftor irSe4. P, 4pril , !: t(. oitttlrji ana VtKhlnf .Shops. A. f. OtSTOS., ero. . tot no BOYNTCN &. YOUNG, FOUNDKRS k MACHINISTS MftnutoUrvri f PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Cornrrof Furtb and Pine f?trectir nAVIXQ enraged In Ilia manufacture of 6rt cla.l MACIII.NEHY, we reepcelfully Inform Ilia public that wa ara now prei.arrd to fill all erdera aa cheaply and promptly a a can be done in any of the oilioa. We tnanufaotura and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, Head Illocka, Water Wheeli, Sbftftln; Pulleya, Uillord'l Injector, Steam Uaufrca, Steam Whietlee, Oilera, Tallow Cnpi, Oil Cupa, (lau-e Cix-ka, Air Cucki, Globe Valvea, Cheek Vlrea, wrought Iron Pipea, Steam Pumpa, Boiler Foed Pumpa, Anti Frictiou Metrra, Svap Htonc Packing, (luto Pack ing, and all kin Ja or MILL WORK, together with Plowa, Sled Solea, COOKAXD PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTI.NUS of all kiada. -0rdera eolicited and tiled at elty pricca. All lelten of Inquiry with reference to mx-hitiery of our manufsclure prouiptly aniwcrad, by ftdjrca ing ua al CleftrScId, Pa. dcclO tf D0YXTOX A YOl'Nfl 0. 1.. Heed, 1. V. W.rer, ) NOTICE. w.V 'owell. Iletta. a. i. ni:i:i) a co. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHTI fTMIE proprlrloraretpoclfully Inform Ihecitiieni -1- of Clenrtrld county, Hint they hare entirely refitted thia eatabliahment with the la tut Improved wood working machinery, and ftre bow prepared to aiorute all order In their line of bueinera. They will give especial attention lo the manufac ture of material fur bonae building, aucb aa FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARDING, sash, noons, blinds, BH.H KUTH ft .Tioi'tfjf.rcs, OF ALL STYLES, We alwrya lave on hand a large eloek uf IUY LVM HER, and will paycaab for all clear LuuiWr. One-aud a-bulf Inch panel atuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to auit euatomcre. Vfa-Ordcra toliclled, and Lumlier furniubcd on abort notice and on reasonable term a. a. L. HELD A CO. ClrwrflrM. Xor. 7. !(!:. "trdiral. Pa Tt la "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. im. isovEirs rrni! WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Vsafe. pare, pleasant and health giving Tonic atriclly vcgelalile, and manufactured from the mul pure and choice material. I. not ft aplrlt drink nor aiili.liliite for whisky, hut a acicnti6e compound, for the protecti in of tho evitcm and the cure of dl.raae, ma.le from chemically pure rpirlta, entirely free from oil or oilier irrila tlng proprrtii, and will not difugree or offend the mint deli -ale stomach. A long priiate experi ence has aMcsfed its Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Bittrrs at rraiit olTtred lo the public contains so ciueh tnr.lirinal virtue, and yet ao safe sr.d plea.anl lo tnke. Its ue n to cure dica, and it will not crewte an appetite for rpiritucua li)iiors, but will cure the effects ofdirtlpition. To lucrcaae the Appetite, VPK IT. To promote Digre iwn, I'PK IT. To cure III -p. puia, I'SE IT. To cure Fever and Ague, VSE IT. To cure nillion.ncaa, I'SIMT. To cure Cin.tipatlon, ftE IT. To cure Chmnle IMarrhcea, I'SE IT. To cure llrarl burn, I'SE IT. To euro lla: ilruce, I'SK IT. To cure Acid Ernctatlnna, B IT. To cure Net rime I'cbillty, l(!K IT. To cure llydochondria, I'rK IT. To cure Pallimneea of Complexion, I 8E IT. T.. cure Timples ami Illolches, I SE IT. For Oenernl Pnirtratlon of the lMiy.ical powrra, 'SV. IT and It will cure yon. S..M everywhere, al 1 1. 00 per bottle, Mnnu faetareil exclu.ivily l.y -'A. I. SUA W, IMi:t,, PA., V bo of.ers liberal indiiitmen's to Hie train. ci. isf,u:lf. ku w a ii ih'kITks VcbT Flour laniifiictiirers, And K'aleri In GUA1X OK ALL KINDS, r ii 1 1. 1 r k ii u it u , pa. i rri.r. m rri.Y or n.m n, m mkat, iV l'X I'HtlPwtiatanilyoDhan l.arfl lur aala at nttea rrmaraat'lr !. If-b4-tl rniiKrKLKititATi:i lticii.MiKsoN ntiofi. isiffiii n in Frrnv-li Kin e to. f mi. raei 'af i i i:aiu 11:1 1), ivv. "f':'' Sp4 itl.B aaia a. . caa OBaaaa J. li.GHAIIAM &S0NS, MARKET PTHKH, C L K K X V I K L I, Pa. Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceries, 4c. THE luhprrltifri bftvinf enlffr) Into partnfr iiip Tnr th ptirpn-e of tarrying on thf baiiiiiM of M(Tffaani.Ulrijr, nn ofrr a r '") tnl rara (if portanit j to iba eltiefn of Clar 8a1J and aljolnfnr nanfti tn oy itnre gnn-it at bi.cfcl or retail prion, that will aatunUl. tha uninitracled. Tbair fooit will b particu larly neiPeWd to ault th ta market. Krry ladjT will, the re fur a, call tba nttanflon of tiar bnnband I tn this fact, became thli branch of our hnifnm will rerelra fpanlal attenlUn, and avcrTtliint needed In a well regulated bonieliold will at all tlmai be found In ouritorc DRY GOODS: Our flock of III! V C.MIM ihall not b wr pad, either in quatitj or prlct, and will em brace, In part. Prtnti of erery ityle, Glnfhamr and Lawna of arery quality, Mmllna of erery Kratla, Ua Lainea adapted to the taJtea of the old and young; and arery article of any kind of goodi they tell U to ba aa rrpreirnted, and war ranted to lra aatisfactiun. DRESS GOODS: Aa to DltlXM COODH-wa bare a aplendid aejortmenl of Alpaca, black, while, and in col on! .rtauret, Bilks, and la ahorl all Ibo ncwaat etylaa in lha market. Wa dnite thla fact to become koown to erery pcraon In the eonnty. With our new end extcnalra alock of Dl.K.-S (I00DS, the ladleo can all he aaitad hy Jual dropping In and getting nice dreaa pattern, laea sett, hid glorea or by doing that which la better : giro her well Ailed purae, and all will find good and paying inrealments la embroid eries, edgings, ribbona, glores, hosiery, or any other household necessities. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: And In ad lilion to what we Lara alrealy enumerated, we keep all klnde of t.l:M I IV. MEN'S WEAK such as Cloths, CaMimeres, Satinctts, Hate, Boots and Shoes, lo besides, a nice assortment of Made-np C I.OTlIIMi for Men end Doya. manufactured out of tire rerjr best material, which wo will sell for rash or eirhange for country produce at prices wllcb will aatoniib erery hodj. SQUARE TIMBER: We are Bow largely engaged in buying and selling Q.lARI; TIM 111:11 and manufae tared LI MBER, and will glre Ibis branch al bniinosr spesial attention, and therefore make II aa object to erery one a bo has Lumber to sell to eome and deal with us. GROCERIES k HARDWARE: We shall also keep .eoortaelly on hand a general asaortraent of (.11(111:1111:4 and II tKIWARl;, which we will sell at exceed ingly low prices. We elao keep a full aaaor. ment of 111 KliMsM AHK. Tils department will be kept full aad eomplete, and all whe eoatemplate housekeeping, will find it to their adrantage to eome aad trade with aa ; because we are so situated, aad, from long el perteuro lu the buslneas, ao well acquainted with tbe wants and Deeesrl ios e,r this community, that we feci satisfied II erery man woman end child tnly makes It a point to hay their goods from us, we can please them both as to quality ftnd price. Therefore, c: me atorg and buy your COOTS MIOKJ, HATS A CATS, READY MADE CLOTHINtJ, and ererytbing yoa need to ren der yourselves and families couifurtable, from JAMK3 li. CIIAHAM & SONS, oct CLEAHF1ELD, P4. !7 " A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Sr. WALKER'S C1LITORN1A VINEGAR BITTERS 1 1 Hundreds of Thousandi P J . 8 fuicarati.a a-stfcu. I S3 i WHAT ARE THEY? ij;,; III 5 TMET AR XOT A TTLI FANCY DRINK. atadenf Pwor Hhm, M'kUkpr Prwwf talrlia ad Eefaaa l.taawra doured.aiilerd andewcev eaci to f.ieaee tlie taate, railed " luBln," j.iiptlx en," Kratorcrt," ac, that lead the tiprler om w droket.DH and rule, ta air a true Mrdieinr, made from ttin Native t'.ooti and Utrba of California, Irro from nil AlrobtIIr Hilmtilnma. Thcj are ths t.KKAT ft LOO II PI It 111 bll waal A LIVE ilIM. I'lllNCIIM.fiaiKrfict IweooTator and lnrlf oralor of tlic fjil( in, carrying off all potaonoc matter and n atniiut; tUa Hi-in to a healthy condition. Kopcnton ran Ule tbiae Itntcra acooidlog totiirec t!on and rctr!n lrn or.wrll. tltO rill bo c.vcuforaa Inrttrab1eraae.rnsvtdd tlio booa aro rtt dutroyrd by uilorral )Ktoa or other mca t, ar 1 l!u vital ircina vutid hrfondtt.o ptilnl of n rc!r. r'nr Inflnmn r rnd Chronic It brawn llewi nod (.out, lapcplQ, r, ItlllottP, UntJlltrnt oiitt Intfrentllrat vrr IXarnaraol Ike lllood, l.lvrr, kldaro aad ltlariftrr, tlict-o lliitna lave brea moat anecea fa I. ttuil. ;itMtra ara racrrd ty Vtttaird II load, vrhirh h inrral?y rodueed by dcranctmcct of ihc Illftrat v Orcraua, HYrl'i:i'4A Oil lnir.E.TfO.V, nrad a-be, I'alu In tlic Ft.oDldrra. ( oa:t.a,TilUfe d the Cheat, niiilntl, Baht Krnrtatlona of the Ftntnerli, Had taatr la the Month, Dilloae MUrka, Palpitation of Ibr Heart, liiflflniiratlon cf the Lanr, Pala la IT reftooo of tlic ktdnrya.andahandrcd other palaitl ayiBptorr.a.arct'ic oflpprtnrtof Dranfpala. T y iBTtf orato toe Ptoniarh and Unntate the tor pid liver and bowcli.whlrh rradcrtheinof aneqoatlrd rfflcary In clranelnf the Mood of all Itnparltloa, and Imparling new life and rigor to the whole ajatcn. FOUntl IN lllKAhKN, Fruptluoa, Tettrr, FaH I.hrnm. II loir bra, tnoU. lini-k a, J untitle. Holt, f ar hanrira, .ling. H oimi, acatd llead, Cora yea, Kryr elM, Itch, Hrorffc, lilaroloraUonaof iheFkla, liamore and Ulacaane if tt.o iikla, of whatever mmc or aalaro, are literally dug t.p and carried out of Uie ayatni la a ehenttancny tlK-uaeof theae lllttera. One botUe la auch reaoa in tv o aicr the titrt iLcrcdoluoa u trtMr curat) re eHVct. tlrtnae tlw Vmatid Illnrd vrhmrver yntj tnd Itl tmpuruic bTt:ilf: thromrli the akla larmtpVM, Ht-op-llroa cr brut; tlr-i.c It ,Ua y no find M obetrurtr-d aw. 4 alnr.r '. Iti It rl:ia i oli-aPo It lici tl fnui, anil Tor f,'t l.ii ::i i ;i y,m Kfcp t:ie biv4 ptrc and lic h(f lthorthr ty t -tn UtMlnw. PIN, TAI'Karuloeior UOUMn, larlingiaiha j-tU in uf tiocy tliouMnU. are ff, ctnally drtUroy . eJ and rrnortd. Ir full dlroellooa, ruaut ttrvf. Ily Iba c:rcu!-r ai mii.l tath bouic, pilut In rur lea. gjajpe I.i.j;!.i:.,Cs,T.:.p.vt I n toti Bui Lj-alij. j.TVA!.r:i:::, jt ji ri.i r. n. n.i;.ix naiu ro rrTU'p fd f'm. Arnla, Fan rrnnrb-oo, c al a;td S,BftHl UCAtuiutorct b true. I, Kcw York. irrXi-D I V ALL U-l CtilrtTS ANI II-AL1 l.S, Oet. 2fl, is;0 It. 11 II. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD. (Ntur the lUilmaJ lmjI.) CM.iKI-ir.M), pf N'Aej I KM HR APR tl,U n,athn.l nf Informtna; the imbli", fhiit I have nneneil ny a vanl ff (t.a 111 I f C TMET AMI HOT A TTLI S si FANCY DRINK. Elf 'r t.v... Dr ronwiv-rni umiii ani Anilirtrtte COAL, In the linruiigh of rirarflrM, and hnva eomplfttd arranpin-nta with UMitrn (lo-nlcr by winch I run fcrrp a full wijiply rnintly on hatiaf, whirh will be Himipci nl At rrnaciml-le ratt a, by the tun. buphrl nr car l'ail, tn roll nrrhairra. Thoae at a tlintanr enn atltlrea tnr by WUvr, and nbtaia all nnwaaar liifnruiallnn hv rttnrn mail, n. P. lAYU-lt. riearfl-i r , feV ji( iv u ,fUi?rrtlnt!ron. H. F. N AUQLE, (KKK AM) WATCH MAU CU, orrosiraraB rr-wft " "" rocT orricE4jtiLbici.KARriELD fIIR sohaerlber rerperttully laforma his eld patrons and ths public generally, lhat he ba. on band, (and Is eonsumly receiving new additiana thereto,) a large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewolry. rT I keep Jewelry tn all Its forme aod of dilercnt valuta, cither by the piece or set. WATCHES A full aieortncnl of either (lold or rilrtr, made by the heel An erlcna and fr elrn manulaciurera, Includlne a line lot of gold and ailvor bunting suae, luil Jeweled, latent Levcri. ( 'LOCKS Of all des'rrs. coo.i.llng of eight d'iy and thirtv-huur, of either weight, sprit g or lovers, and both strike and alarm. lUTATKlNO.-AII hinds of Watchss and Clooks Repaired, and warranted. ' In addition tn what I have enumerated, I kaep a full aseortment of rtl'KCrACI.Krl. colored and plain llaes. I. o. (1(11,1) PKNSand PENCILS. SPOON, F0ltK, UiriTEIl KNIVES, and In faol everything in the Jewelry line. If I fail to have on hand juM what a ruotunier tnny need, 1 will order per bit eipresr, without extra charge. A liberal .bare of puhiic petronajrf Is snliela.1. Ua) 7, ItiSJ y 11. f. I A 1(1 Lb'. READING FOR ALL!! BOOKS it- STATJOXER Y. Mm-Vet fit., Clf arltrld, (at the Poat Ofilre.) flllE undtiriifrned bapi Uava to anononca to 1. tha ritiicna uf Clearfield mad ricinilj, thai ha bat fitted np a room aod baa Jait retarnd from ibeettywith a tnrpe tmvum of reading (BBUtr, ODiidtinf in part uf Bibles and Miscellaneous Books. niank, Aeronot and Puaa Book of every de aeripiiun j Paper aod Envelope, French preaead andlain: 1'eoi and 1'eocil ; lilank, Lefral Htperi, Deedt. Murtgagt-'e ; Judgment, Exctcp tlun and 1'roinlaKory notei j White and I'arrh; went J.rief. Lefral Cap.Keeord Cap, and Bill Cap, 8heot, Muiic fur either I'iano, Flute or Yiulin eonauntly on band. An? booka or eUtiooerj detvired thtt I maj not bava on hand, will be or ordered hy flrtt aiprau, and Bold at wholueale or retail t ult euitouieri. I will alto keep periodical literature, aucb aa Maceaine. Now, papen, As. F. A. UAUU. Clr.rQald Mar 7, 160ft tf GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SECOND STKEET, VltarfirUI, Pa. NEW GOODS AT LOW FEICES. 'TIIB ondertfrnH reerertfully Invito tbe at 1 t'ntioej of tha puMio ynerally tn tb-ir uplendid aonrtnent af ae rehab diae, wbicb tivy AT VERY LOW TlilCtS. Their itock eonatsts lo pari of Dry Goods of tha Best Quality, Such as Prints, Tie Lainea. Alpeeeas. Merinos. Uircbatar.Muihln.ll.lcacued aad nableaeh ed,) Urtillnar", Tickings, eottoa and wool l'lanneU.Satinc tte,Caei.!uierca, Cottonades, Ladies' bbawle, Kuliias A Hooda, Balmoral nl Hoop bkirls, Ac, Also, a lne araortnenl of Men's Drawers and bbiris, UaU A Cape, boois A c'boea. all of whirk WILL BE SOLD LOW FOIT CASH Hardivare, Qucansware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. INSIIOItTA CF.XEHAL ASSOU IMLN'f Ofererrllilnr Benal'v Vepl In a retail etoro, all CUKAP FOB OAK!! or apf roved eountrjr pro dueo. A. K. WK1UIJT i SONS. Clearae!J, Nov T , I8A7. C. D. WATSON VVI.kei lo rnf. rm Lis old lilends aid the punlie (enerall Ibat aa bas orrneJ aa a new : Drug, Confectionery & Tobacco Store, Ib Lis old staad, opposite tbe Court House, ffcCOSD ST , CLKARFIKLD, PA. Uls stock Is all new. frcih and of tba eer; besl alialilr. and Will ha anln P . t 11 . 1 . ' 1 " approvta Lounirj rroauce. If job went pure Dms-i and Tatenl Medicines, OoloWATSO.N'S. If Q want Ccnr.rlii.nrrl.s, Cannon finite, I'icLles ana! Jellies, Kola, Ae , Ao., Oo ta WAToON'.S. If 70a want the best Kosited Cifee, Feesaeeaf Coffee, fpioei af ail Linda, ebrap, Uo ta WATSON'S. If Joa want Fanev A Toilet Soaps, Flavoring Eltracta, Ae , Ae , La sure la Oo to vVATSO.Vf. If 70a want Fane; pj. Colors, Clerk's Lest Ma ebine Thread, Tins, Needlea A Nolietis, Uo lo WATSON'S. Chewera and Smokers, if voa want the Ltst In tbe market, tuj at WATSJN'S, where joa eao gel Tipea A Pip. Fiiturta. If voa went to gl clear of ) our stamps, Cone lo WATSON'S. If jon wis! to spend a few huors of nn evening wilb vour fiiend, ccme to WAIfON'S old st iftj, where vou can eiack nuts and eat jokes antll a o'clock, p u. A; til 1.1, ls;o JKW SIOUE AND KW (.OODS. JOS. SHAW & SON llawa ju-t O.onej Nl Rvoaa, od Alain St., CLtuniLD, Ta., l.lolf occupinl ty Wm. F. 11 WIN. Their stock con sit I a of tOLU'Cr CE CD CD tE3 33, Gknctarta nr lb bnt quality, Ql'F.ENSWARK, HoOtS fllld SIlOCH, od evrrjr article DPcnsarT for riDe'e comfort. Call and examine our a look be lure pur cliiii(( lswhor. May 9, lSOli-lf. FAIRBANKS' j ftand.m;i l'h&ih SCALES, or Jtu iMc ; Urijrijapo liam.aa, Vnrrhoae Trark, Cnpiint? Pn-aura, protrd lMtieT Ittawtr, Ac. rot a alk ar F. 1J1GLKU & CO., Dralrra In liarrlnBrc, 0 tf Keconil Slreel, I liaifirU, Tft. 11. (.-h:'.ft:V "(). MY 0V H00" n AVISO pnnlinfed the entire attrk of jrnnda at ili old attind of Kirk A rpriKTr, I ihit id to rontinne the huainrra aa herrtuf ure. My motto la l aril writK4r rnn ri-B." Tttntikiapr onr friendi and ctula-nner Tor paUt patronnge, 1 aolicit a continuance of the anmr. 11 IfAM KIliK. lit KM O V A I.. HARTSWICK & IRiVlN, DRUGGISTS, Siarkrt filrttt, it tar fit Id, Va, 7"B e'ff leara to Inform or old and new f T etatomera. that wa hav removed oar e latilinhnenl in tha apacinui new but d in a; juaf ere r red on ft'itrkt-d atrert, nearly adjoining tha MitBloo liiueon the weal, and opposite Maire. (Jranaro A flunt' eiorej where we refpactfully invite tht jml'ltc t coma aod buy their Drugs, Chemicals. Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Our itork of !ro; and Me.Mf lore eonalata of everything need, eelecud wllb tha groateat cere, and WARRANTED 8TEICTLY TURE! We alolterpa fultttorknf Dyy", Perfurarrlea, Toilet artirlea. Mnapa. Tooth Uriubce, Hair llrtirhei, Whltewneh Ilrueliea, and every other kind llruihei. Wo have a (urge lot of WHITE LEAD, TURPENTINE, Flai-eed Oil, Paint, and in fart everything t ard ib tha painting bualneaa, which wa afler at City ptltre to eajh buy era. TOBACCO AND SE0AR3, Confeetknary, Fpifea, and tbe largeat atoek of varieties ever offrred in thla ilee. and warrant ed to be of th boat tbe Market afford. 28, nn. JOUN It. IHWI.S. Beale's Embrocalion. (LATK POWELL'S,) For alt oM tear re Incident to I!nraoif Cattle, and 11 urn an Heah, requiring tba sat of an external application. Thii Enibrocati'iQ waa eitenairely naed by the Onvermnent Huriog the war. Tor aala by .Urtfwiek A Irwir, Clearfield. Juawpb H. Irwin, CurweDaville. I)aeiel Uood lander. La:herbara if LAD AXD LIMBER C0MPAW OFFER RAItg -TO FurchasersofChoicsGoods AT TIlEin MAMMOTH STORE IS OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit tho times! Onwla. M.. H. lrft. CurwensviHe Marble Yard. Dl.sllmrft uf eitrndinir my hiiinrta, and knfwine: th-re enn h nn httrlirr trilmtr ui fTMxvt n thn mernorr of I be dfeiifrd ami huriitl frirrtila, than tn errrt over Ihrir narriiw hi i nt a ri Hl'turtHi ol rndiirirtft marl-lr, that Ioiinta Tomer ta the nalinf plurr of tlie wr m-e; 1 tf-ave to aay ! all wbn et ieh to rhi thetr afltriiim for t heir drftartrd friomU and .Hiilm), that thev ran nnw have an ofrtnnit v of (it. in b; ns, he r 11 i i . jc at my tSSop on ''!iompatn i atrrN urwenavtllr, u, ai 1 am fn-pand I furnih to enter, MOXl'M KNTS, C KADI.i:& l!OX TOM liS, I I1KAO STONKS, Ao., I of an? fsf-PrP-n nr alu . at r:t n. I N. H - I h-'p hainl the .r(i t'orrltrn itd j li'mr1lr Marhlr. All wntk tutatet in a. tit ; infit pkilltul mantii r. 1 al dlm-r itk to an po.nt tn iU-arfithl cr a 1,'-inin rtHinttnn, i diPind. W M. II. lui.lll UN, ( nt-woriMille. (tct. lNKV-lf. THE CEEAKHELI) WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Mannraetured eseeia!l fur' TIIK CI.F.AliFIKLD TJIAHE, ron si lr ar anslTO II. F. HH1I.KR k ro. )INK, WIIITBA IWIAN I.ININU KIN Ja.t leeeleed end fur .ale I., firj) fm&i, f.refftlfj, Clc. UIUMT ItllUJAIAN .rw Slorc In Mulsonburg! Id the room formerly ctupteJ by P. T. He-jaHy. L. M. COUTKIET rpAKKH thia tnrthud of Infnrninc the eitlaena X f Covington, Karthaue, tJirard and tha tar- rountliiic rtmntrr. that be baa Juil Aitenrdl a I arte duui.I to m) I T UN l'KIt CI. NT ( III'AI'J K than the aame quality il tJtoiJa ran tn- pnrvhaed fur m any uthrr at ore in the neighhorhuvd. Hit atock eoneit of Dry d'oods of nil Kinds, Such na Paiitif t'a, Caninier a, Mnalina, Ir!aine. dtinen, Urillinfr. Culie.Ke, TriiAiiuinf. hi Li bun a, KEADY-MADR ChOTIUNO. I1(X)TS A fcUUKS, II ATS i CATS, GROCEEIIS OF All .KINDS. Coffee, Tia, Fnjar, Klce, Molasses, Fisb, Salt, Liusced Oil, Fisb Oil, 1'aroon Oil. Hardware, Qucensware, Tinware. Caatinrs. Tlowa and Plow ranlnCi, Nail,, Rplkes, Corn Cultivators, Cider l'rrsM.-s, and all kinds of Ases. V,Mv Plows are of the Carwcnirllle and Centre eonnty make, aud are warranted to be of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, I'ainfe, Vami-h, (.lata, mud a fcnera! aseortment of otatiunery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, alwava on band, and will be eold ftt tbe lowest possible figures. I.i qi oils, Such ta BRAKDV, WINE, CIN A flUUKY 6010 ponnds of Wool wanted for which the highest price will be paid. C I.OVDft HLtD, On hand and for sale at the lowest market price. Also, Agent fur Wilson's Stra'.tonville TIIJiESllIXG MACHINES. t-Call and see for yourselves. Yoa will End everything u;ull; kipt in s rotail ere. L. M. COtlKIKI. Freneliville T. 0., Jan. J, ISi'l). Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COV'P.FE THE CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices 1 "XTE are now openinjr up a 1st of tr.e best ar.4 tT most Im..1s atd Wares evtr ollc.-eil in tbis market, a::d .it pn:e rr .nd ore of tlie f i.d eld ilaya cf chcip tlilf.pi. Tbos. alio lack fu,:b upon ttiis point, or deem our alle gations ajperrluoua, need but Of.!, .r out stow:, Corner Front cnl Martot it reel a, Whrra thry can aee, feel, hrar and know for thern- Bflvca. To fully unrtanJ whit are cheap rooJi, iii.a n.nai or uone. . e ao noi uecm ll niau&nry to enumerate and itemise our Hock. It U anuuh for ua to i tut thai We havo Everything that is Needed and consumed In this market, and at priocs thut wi'i"i' uo.n uiu an u voune. dca:o JOsLl'II SHAW A F0S. AND PROVISION STORE, Eour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, &o., COAL OIL, (al reduced rates,) A good aiticle of TOBACCO, CIGARS ANI SMOKING TOBACCO, constantly oa hand. All of which will be sold at LOW MATES for CASH or riven in d..n.i r,, Klltvni ra i i MMnt tt We rvijiectfully a-k the pnlilie to give bo a trial belore purchasing elsewhere. 3. R. READ A CO. Wallaee-.on, April T, irC9. a k f. n v.c r: i v i x a a sr i. e x r i n ntuc k UK CAKl'tld A..D UIL, CLOI'IIS. WALL rATEIIS-GlLT FArEI5, LACE CL' RTAIX3, WIN DO VV S II A D D- COUXTEUTAXCS AXD QUILTS. L1XEX TAHLE Ci.OTlH A NATKIXS LA DIF.S SILK COATS ct OVEnsEim'3. ELEGANT SHAWLS t LACE TulXTS IAIMES' , CIIILDRES'S TRIJiMED II ATS. . DRESS GOODS AXD TRIMMIXOS. TiRT KID G I.i )V K-LA DIES' CEX . TLKil tX'S AM) til I l.lllitX'S. BLACK AXD FANCY SILKS. FIXE r.LACK ALrACAS. I'xnjVAi.t.KD sTonc lames- and MtN SCALF.r FREXCD KIT COoTS HEAVY CALF POOTS. JS. MKX'S AXD BOYS' FIXE AXD II EAV Y MiOKS. CASi MERES VERY til EAT. BEST STOX E 1 EA SE TTP, 5. GRorrmrs. fi.oi-r ,( rnovi-ioxs AT LUH ESI' UAI tS. I.1HFR I, DRrtfCTIoN TO THOSE BUYINU IX yUAMTTY. WOOL M ARKTIN1 AXD COUNTRY ritODUK WAM KI). rieardelil. Junr lfi. I10. pw iinc niul Liquor Store. I. L. a EIZE NSTEI N, noirian miu ta WINES & LIQUORSe M AltKET 5T.. CLE AT rirtP, P. iii, F-iJI ffiK-V of H itie, rtrap.h. (1 in, V hUV ani A!oihl. alwaia on hnnd, rivii,s alieniit n paid lo eet'tir.r? a puro article (.r hctfi-nal and medinil puroma. aprl I J:f Wiss E. A. P. Rynder, ftOCXT ruB, CMekerlni's. Fteinwa. 'a an.l Kwieeini.', . fmilh's, Masn A Hamlin's and Pvlnubet'e urgans ann Me'eitrnna. and flreiTer A I'.aker'a (iiln Alarhinea. ftL.ti TK.rnea or ' riano. Outlet. 0,C.B, ll.rmnnT ar.d Yaeal V. ale. Nn lasrn f..r ler. ihna k-T a le.n. , t-R"' rit ,.,nr t., Fir.t N.u .nal Hank, l lrait.ld, M.ij ,s, 1.., ) if. 1HK I'KMOI'IIATIC Al.kHVAr . i.r.a ISBTand Isi'.s f,,r ., , r,, nni Clearfield Counly Bank. inns n.i.i.u r. ..a . I ted lnslllntl..n La. .. ... -. too surrender of Its eh.rter, on M.,'.'! All It. stock Is owned by tl,. ttnnZ " Will aowlliiaft lb. ll.,.L... k. .... . piece, aa prueie ranaara, nr.dcr ih a ol th. "I learteld I'oante bank n "i sponslklaror lb. debt, el tbe liank, aaJ J? its aoteaon demand al tha ei,ater. 1,1 received aad latereel i.ald when ,,...' .."I a Ised lime. I'aper diMouBie4 at la aa kireli.fore. Oor personal ren,i,...f!'" ' K ' all Iit oalia r.rclvn t " A fontinaanee of tba i.l.. ronaare of ibe hn.fBeae av.a uf tb. e ai.ii , iiffitoiij aonei''a. n. r rr.inenl. t B.i. onSeerj of the late Cleaifl.ld Tounlv llati (or redempili.n. ' us. t. i.FoAi:a. nrRARn nnn "a FOHTKH, JAS. B. Kni A. K. WKK1IIT l t ntt i. M. A. WAl.l.itrE. ' ' Tbe Kaslness or tbe hank will U cotil,,, John M. Adaia.. I'sn., as Ca.bitr. ik., J. l. M'dirk. Edward p T? A NTTTNO & finT.T.TOTTflW nnrnJ McGirk & perks. HucceaiKtra to Fotter, Perkt, A Co riilllpabur. Centre Count). ia lirilKltK all the buaineaa ofa Wt,;.. n v I wir oe irauiBMiiau promptly and dl i mot m.ora.ilc tcitna p, County National Bank. CLEARFIELD, TA. THIS Bank is Boar open and ready for U note. Office on Second street, in the ba. in lorwcrly occupied by Leonard. Fleurj A (, ninemma aao orricaaa. JA". B. OhAHAM. ): It'll A K f RM A7 WM. A. WALLACE, WM. PORTm A. K. WKIllllT, OKI). L. KEEO W. M FIMW, JAS.T. LEONAftt) Caahier. Fres-teu KcfjgnTo.viiJiI.Ip Awake OI'EAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEEKSSJ r?VFR TBODY trying to jet there irst, far l JJ.I betne; crowded out luto tbe eold. It yon want food hbocine done, go to ffssu If yon want your 6leis ironed right, go te I'ssai If yoa want good Mil) Irons, go to tlssi. If yon want your wer'.n ironed in tbe brt etyle aad workman. hip. s;o ta Bssst liaara makes the best t cn.f Meeblas in ii. Ftate, and does all kinds of LLACKt.MITUl.M as enep as can bs dona in tie eoanty for Csik 11 Fuel Oilce address Is C'Mrl.ld Bridr.. TiibUAS likkha. Burgs Tp., Dee. 1. leei tf. uuinrrn una & tmigraiicn COMPAQ V, WASHINGTON, d. a OROAMZD and aataUiahrat fr lb fareiaaa and taW of KarminjE and tVfii.eraJ Labei, aui tiuprovW F.ral Laiatr in tbt PctLer iuui lUOilAS n. FI.OIiENCE. Pre.iJrai JO. EKVKR.S. Vie lraa.biaivl J. liLNHV A!-KI. TrtMarw, 1'ntidat.t Feuxtl. National Bank ol i'aulilpa JOHN iK-HitlS, tSccrrtarj. 1L0S. C. !AtlOWLLL, A'-ttrcf and Ccaoaalir. C-ca: Tft.t.j4oc Fxiiin, Cuncr Savoatb St., ail J 1'eoLrleabia Aitnur, Wa.aiata Jt f. 0o. John T. llcf,i...D. AILary. X. T. tx Juv. Wm., Ctea.rl.aU. Pa. Got. T. F. Randoir '. Trtnfon, N. J. fci-Uor. tn. Y. Packer. W.ilia,miport. fa Bri.t. 1, C-tf. Cheap Iuriiiluro. JOHN GULICII D VS. RES to icforta hit old (rift 4$ aa4 a tuifitra, that ba?inj rnlarfrd fata atop aa4 ikcraaatd LU fatiiitiet lor manuiarturiog, facia new prryarrd lo makt towrdrr ucb FvrDitnra at ana ba dra.ro1, 4e foa& at-) and t cheap ratta fur CASH. 11a frarrailj ht.a on faia J, at kit Farnfiur rooma, s varied tHirlaaaai f raaai ir a da foraiture. aooaj which aia Br IIC A US AND SIOE-BOAftDS. ITarrfibrr and Hafa-Cnaaa; Centra. 5fa, tm'.rf Hri-aafa4 ard iMnlnfr tiletaioo Tablaa; Caa arun. I ra. orb-fort, Ct'ttaajr.Jf anj-Lird aad aiiar htdttrada; P' f f all kici. W brk-fiaeda, lUt rarka, Vafa-rtatida : Hocking ard Ara Chait i afti inrrat. raoa tN ttoa.. par'vr, cc BpfB and otbar 1'hairr ; IMfatri-0aaaf af era rr dcwrn'itoB) p haadj aod mew fmt fr aid frrmra, wbicb will ba pat in on tar rrtpenaalt irrmi nn ahnrtrat antlra. II alrv kef pi ta haal or furnifhri to order, Carn-fauak, limit and Cat ton in a:aitrraaa. Coffins of Evert Kind Made to order, and faoarla at ten dad wUb Hearat vbrovrar dt aired. Alae. llmiao Patatiif d or to order. Tba auliaertber all aaaafac. turr, ard hi f'tiatantl cm band, Cleasmt'i l atrnt "aahint; Marhtna.tna bet Bovinnnl Tbuaa ualna: tbia narhiaa nTr naed ba witfa. nut clean cli'tnaal alee baa Flar'a Fate?i CkuTD, n fttfarir artirla, A fatai? atlng Ui Cturs or car nrad bt antbont batter I AU tba abora and minv other articlta ara for- i,ir.fd to pui!.mtrcl;tap lt-r Cian mr exrbaafrd ;T approved rrt.t pndu?. Iharrir, Waj-ie, r..;i.r, l.liiwood aa.l utier Luwbtr auiutto it Cibbct ik. takes in i charge f-f fcrnitir ItinicKer tho ahop U en Mark?, a'.retl, ClrarfiviJ, 1 et., aLd ooaul fpp4ite the 'Old Jt t'a." JoiiK GVUtli. NurccnVer 2A, 1 5A3 J The Lightning Tamer. THE nndrriFned are tbe tola Arrnt tn ihit e-ontr far the"N-rth American (iattani''! LitHllMNil KtjDS. Tie-ea;a tkaoolTa' tnw in nee, and or andaraad hi mil Ua arit nlil'.e. nieo in tba couatrr. fcercri notifr tb cttiaene cf lha tt that at will put then np a better rod, and far Irra tnoner. than fa charred kv tb foreira Kfnta hi annnaJly travere tha eeucty aad carry eff eur little caah. never to retain. ENCOU.RAf.i2 HOME LAEOS. Tho llhtisfnc Heda erecUd their buitdirtra nrd but a (id re a ue by latter, r rail in pervun. We will put then op attTwbata tn iheci'tinry, ano warront there. The l.odaard l-ta-.area ran be teen nt aT time hv eeliirf al rt(Te. H F. lUU'-l H Cb ileaiQrM. March T-'K 170 t! PAVID YCUNG, SJcrc-CuCcr r.nd Jitoro-vcre r ll. l, eiera'e all rk In bis Kr. at tt era'.e nr. s eail la t lrt.ST-C LAbS si;:. Architectural Crrf.mcntB In ALL FTYLrS, Fnre,t, f etsrf and ail MM. ejf anasna work eea traeteil rr in i i.wti.f ilrri.ntjr. AnTnersets wl.bies; tn bee. re.f..rlah!. aaasoa work ae4 alone enltli-f ,lre. i( Is th.jr n,ertlt to en'l upon me I would a1 lafntra tbe nab. lie lb. i I ean ddirer ar? uaailt. es ease tf stun, dr.i.ed, ae I aa L. waer wf a FIKST-CLASS STONE QUAEEY. Order, fel w.rk eaa we addeeMrd tn DAVIli VOl'Kff, warrs.T. Clrarield Fa. Clearfield Nursery. ENCoritAGE UOME INPVSTr.Y. 'pilK endrr.ii.d. ba..n( e.elablial ed a Sl I aer.T ... tbe Tike, al,.t half w. beiwiea Cle.rreM end rurweneeill., prepared te f.e- l.b allbi.da .1 eKl'lT 1 I, kks i.i..d.rdeed dwarf. rera-reen, br.haMrv. tiran. Vines, lliweberHea, l.awtua Ilia ek berry. 8lrawkrr, and Ka.SertT Vines. Al... nibpri'.. Orab Trees, g.lnee. and e.r:? anklet hbwbarb, la. Orders TwascilT ali.nded le, Addie, J. P. WilKlllT. .ante as . rwrweneliie. Ta Lime (or Salel 'I'llE ..der.iarni'd, n.i.linj wear Ibe dtnnl bae w.ade en,,iie wrT.iKeinenla with 1-iw.e llnrner. ...I of tlie lanunialM. wberrl. lie la ena M.d I k. ensiftnih nn band a laie ijuauliij ef r u it n i. ime: wbleh lie off. ra la firmer, and buildrr. at a tr'te alwve en.l. Thn.e I. nt In. erliele. wonM de weil tn ane a ea'l. nr mldnve aoe b,T letter, be fore nrguliali.c, ll.eir lime. iKo. c. rAs.vor.t. fli-.i.ld. r , Jan. . lK..y. Iwivcry Nlablo. 'piir nr '-r.iitnr Wc leave tn Infnrra Iba pub 1 Ii.' Hint hr ia nnw frlir nr. j-.ri .1 in aHinnio ' " In t'.e way of fum;"liiiis llnrna, I': te'' Sa.i'llr. ar l llnrneas, nn Ibe .hirtr.l nntiee and nn rfawinnMi- itmii Ttr.i.lenee na Loeust street, l'nnn TLiid and Fnrii., cro. tt. orAFHAitT. "!erJ.-I. JIjtI1 U, 1T. ApiH n t. ii. r. unii im i ro. i.t :.i ernli. m an; .1 tie... J.tS If
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers