TIIH REPUBLICAN. TiiniKiiAY:::::"::::::::".lanni-y til, 1 S7. ilr. 1. A. Wise oilers u vuluuMo j.rojM-rtj' fur sii'.o. Rond liis ndver- tirMlltllt. T no llorouyh "tltuls" uro nftor tho Hiiti-snow-Kliovolers with n sharp stick. Read tlo proclamation of tlio liurgens tliu'whcro. In 1'rospf.ct. Wo aro promised a railroad rido from our town to Phila delphia, on tho 4th of July, 1808; provided, neither of us ''fizzlo out" before wo swing nround thoso seven teen months. Our worthy Shorifl', although a rcg iilnr "copperhead," according to loj itl parlance, in tho lino of his duty, adopts loyal precepts. When he pack ed his trunks for Allegheny city, tho other morning, ho totally ignored tho distinctions of raco and color and packed one of A. L'h. "pet lambs" in with a white man. Kf.sioned. Ym. V. Wright, Esq., Cashier of the County National Bank, has resigned his position in Unit m Ktilulion, in order to resume, more, ne tivo duties in the lumber trade. The lioard of Directors have electod D. AV. lloore. Esq.. to fill tho vacancy. Tho stockholders have indeed been fortun ate in securing tho pervices and atten tion of such an efficient ofliccras Jlr. Mooro will no doubt prove to be. Tho exhibitions in our Court House, last week, demonstrated the fact that loyalists aro about as successful in wiping out tho Providential distinct ions of races and color, as they are tho Constitution and peace of our country. Negroes as glibly mounted tho witness stand to testify against whites, as if invited to participate in a fandango, but were unnblo to point out and identify those they wero call ed to testify ajainst. without first being trained, liko other animals, by the "whith trash." Lena Miller. This unfortunate woman, who has, by the poisoning of lior husband, incurred the death pen alty, and is now awaiting her final doom in our jail, seems to await her fate with apparent indifference, and a callousness unparalleled in tho annals of crime On cdncsdny morning last, wliilo tho Sheriff and his depu ties were getting several candidates ready for tho Western Penitentiary, sho laughingly remarked that she would soon tako a trip over tho same road, in company with tho Sheriff, whom sho considers a very humane man. Notice. Whereas numerous coni lilaints have recently been made to tho Iiurgess and Town Council of the borough of Clearfield, that many pave ments and ride-walks have not been cleared of snow this winter, ar.d aro now almost impassable; therefore, by order of tho Town Council, I hereby notify nil occupiers and owners of lots, trustees of churches, Sc., that on and after tho first day of February, the ordinance, passed in will bo en forced. Said ordinance requires tho clearing of all pavements or side walks in tho borough limits, whether occupied or vacant, within 12 hour after tho fall of each snow, under a penalty of five dollars' fino for each offense W. W. Bf.tth, Burgess. January 29, 1807. Ocr Reason. Wo have been ask ed why wo did not publish tho pro feedings of the lalo murder trial. We urefor te furnish our roaders with something moro substantial that which relates to their personal rights, nnd tho liberties of their country. Wo have in lieu of tho details of an un natural murder, furnished thorn with two decisions of tho highest tribunal in our country, bearing upon, not tho lilo and wickedness of an individual, but tho lives and liberties of millions, distinctly pointing out tho crimes and misdemeanors of numerous and dan gerous party, who under tho lead of Stevens ACo., aro assailing the lifo of tho Nation. We cannot spend our time looking after "torn-tits," while tho Council Chambers of tho Slate and Nation arc filled with unadulter ated traitors, seeking tho lives and liberties of millions. Sap, bi t Tri e Sheriff Faust start ed yestcrdny morning with one of "Lincoln's pet Iitmlm" for tho cstorn Penilentiury. This wo presumo will be sad news to his loyal friends. Chas. Snowden, an "intelligent contraband'' in partnership with bis brother, last fall plundered a watch-fixer's estab lishment in Curwensville, under tho H'gis of loyalty and freedom, for which our Court has seen fit t' restrain tho aforesaid Charley of his liberty for the period of one year nnd one month. Tho shiukels aro again clanking on his limbs, but they arc not those of slavery they are the jewels of freedom- Don't weep, loyal friends, the authorities will no doubt soon release tho object of your affections, and re turn the "pet lamb" to your bosoms. If bo belonged to the "white trash" persuasion, wo could not thus console you; but the "Nation s wards ' must not liaHilv treated. I.icenkil Tho following is a lift of the names nnd places of business of thoso to whom licetmo was grunted at j tho lato term of Court : TAVERN I.HT.SSKH. C. J. Shod", Woodward township, A. J. Kraut her, Ciirwinsvillo Lor. Jlilo Hnyt, Osccnla borough. (!. N. Colbiir.i, Clearfield borough. Isaac Jiickctts, Vtuhvillo. A.S. llolden, Bloom township. Henry (iocs, Osceola borough, Isaac Bennett, liuriisido twp. T. S. Wnshbiiru, Beccaria twp. John Ston, Boggs township. Philander Smith, Chest twp. JjewisC. Cardon, Morris twp. John Litz, (iulicli township. William Schwem, Brady twp. Goorgo Knurr, Brady township. John Mulson, Covington twp. MKKCIIANTILK LICENSES. 1j. M. Coudreit, Covington twp. Joseph II. Jones, Morris twp. Augustus Leconte, Girard twp. Thoso who fail to lift, them by the 0th of February, will forfeit them. Parlios intending to apply at tho March term for sinilar favors, had belter get their papers ready, as the time will soon bo hero. The School Convention. Tho at tention of our readers is called to the proceedings of tho School Directors' Convention, held on tho 15th instant. Wo wero pleased to see such a large number of Directors present, and the real they manifested in tho cause of education. If the labors of this meet ing accomplish nothing more than a uniform series of hooks throughout tho county, it will do a good work Wo aro sorry the Convention passed tho tax question in silence. This should be agitated at every meeting of Directors and Teachcm, until the principle is understood. Petitions should be circulated and signed for tho purpose of bringing tho question ueloro tho ijcgisinturo. Without a uniform tux throughout tho State, as contemplated in tho inception of tho system, nnd uniformity of books throughout tho count-, tho School system must retrograde. We believo, also, that if School oflicers and our capitalists would make a proper effort, tho Norinul School buildings would bo located at this place for the 8lh (lis tnct. This would attract a large tium ber of persons among U!, who would annually leave thousands of dollars with our hotels, boarding houses, and merchants. ilttUroad .Hitting. In pursuance of notice given, a mod- nil? ol tho citizens ot Mcaruulu county wub held in the court house, in Clear field borough, on r nuay evening, Jan uary 25, 1807, for tho purpose of udopt iiiK measures to secure the completion of tho Tyrono and Clearfield Builroad to tins place. lion. A. K. Wright was chosen President, and Cr. Li. Reed and S. Ii Row Secretaries. On motion, ex-Gov. Bigler slated tho oliiect of tho mcelinir. lie set forth the advantages of railroads gen- erally, tlic necessity for prompt action on tho part ot our people, and t ho flat tering prospects of having the Tyrono and I loarheld railroad extended to Clearfield borough. Je spoko of the candor with which Mr. Thompson, President of the Pennsylvania railroad, always received bis suggestions on tho subject. Ho then gave n detailed history of his efforts and interviews which resulted in tlio Pennsylvania Company making a proposition to furnish tho means for constructing tho road. The proposition is : Thut the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will pay f I.r)(l,lMI0 to responsible parties here, tho latter to grade tho road, build tho bridges, seeuro tho right of way, furnish the cross-ties, and the grounds necessary for depots, sidings, Ac. Gov. Bigler then read an esti mate, from which it appears that the probablo cost to tho citizens of this county, independent of the amount to bo paid by tho Pennsylvania Kailroad Company, will bo from (?:!f,000 to f 10,0(10 ; but It is deemed best to raise ut least f!)U,000. Ho also read tho resolution of tho Board of tho last named company, explaining the man ner in w hich it was proposed to re spond to tho proposition, and in this connection read tho subscription pa per, or agreement, which lias been prepared, and urged those present to append their names nnd tho sums they wished to give to the enterprise. Tho amount which bail been sub scribed prior to this meeting was $')5,0(l0, lo this during tho evening was added about? 10,0(10. After which tho meeting adjourned. A starving eorsct-muker thus vont ed her miserable complaint: "Shame that I should bo without breail I that have stavod the stomnchs of thousands." A lady of this city was asked the other day why she chose to live asin glo life. Sho naively replied ; "Bo causo I am not liable to support a husband." "Take off your lint, man," cried a judge to an nmnr.on in a riding dress. "I'm a lady," was the reply. "Then," said his lordship, "I'm not a judge." Miss Jennie Cameron, daughter of (Jen. Simon ( atneron, was married at llarrisburg, on Thursday, to Wayne McVeigh, Esq., of Chester, Pa. Sterling Price's friends'aro talking of buying him a f:0,iHi houso in St. Louis. Itis reported that M.ix'iuillian will tako up his future residence in Sicily. He would better go to the Srtltif Is lands. ' K. A. Tcall, lato President of tho New Y'ork Typographical Society, is nt woik ujKin a "Dictionary of Prop- In Holland no creditor or tax gath erer calls at the house where there i has Pecn a birth until six wccks aner j the event. t oin I V orttiUttgt. We this week pus by tho proceed ings which took place at the) January term in tho Oyer and Terminer Court and tho criminal calender of t'.io (Quar ter Sessions, which is lengthening ev ery term, and which wo deem of but litllo interest to any one, except to thoso who are unfortunate enough to get there. ROAD MATTER!). Confirmed Absolutely. A road from Jannell's saw mill to Alexender Murray's, in (Jirurd township. A road from P. Potts' to Clearfield creek near J. Smith's, in Beccaria tp. A road from the river at Ma pes' to road near M. Wallace's, in Lawrence township, A road from A. Ellinger's to J. Bumbarger's, in Brady township. A road from Sunburn Bun, in Boggs township, to A. Buiighman's, in Deca tur township. A roud from Pennvillo turnpike to tho Foley house, in Bloom township. A road from Goorgo Strnw's to in tersect saw mill road at A. Ferguson's, in Ferguson township. A road from near Othello Smead's to near D. Beyer's, in Burnsido tp. A roud from W. Irwin's to Adam Korh's, in Bloom township. A road from Thompson k Smith's grist mill to near McClarcn's, in Boggs township. A road from IT. Bloom's old saw mill to near J. J. Bund's; in Lawrence township. A road running through lands ol L. K. McCullough, in Lawrence tp. Confirmed, Nr. Si. A road from near John Mulkin's to nour Goorgo Wolfs, in Fox township. A road from near mouth of Laurel Hun to road leading to Kuntz'g mill, in Brady township. A review of road from D. J. Turn er's to Upper Morgan Hun, in Wood ward township. A private road from Wm. Bennett's to road near Kratzer's in Pike tp. A privuto road from lands of I. C. McCloskey & Co. to Susquehauria riv er, above Three Huns. A road from Shindley's shop, via Pentz's and Yoast's saw mills, to near Jacob Stegner's, in Brady township. A roud from Pennvillo road to J no. Hepburn's, in Bloom township. A road from the house of Margaret Moss to tho 31 is.ee road, in Jvnox tp. A private road from Erie turnpike to Jacob Dimeling's land, in Decatur township. A road from near Win. Ma pes' to road near P. Owens' in Lawrence tp. Continued. Petition for u road from James llockenbury's to llilo- man s rock, in Hell township. Petitions For a private road from Laurel Bun saw mill, in Boggs town ship, to a point whero township road crosses said run. Viewers, Goo. W. Shimmel, David Gray, and Win. D. liiirler. For a road from Jona. Rissinger's to Bryant School bouse, in Brady tp Viewers, H. Luther, Jesso Lines, T. W. Moore. For a road leading; from John Hep burn's, in Piko township, to Pennvillo turnpike. lowers, h. idemire, . P. ('numbers, James Thompson. For a road from John Beams' to John W. Kuntz's, in Brady township. Viewers, Jacob Kuntz, Jacob Yoast, and S. F. McCloskey. For a road from tho village of Burn sido, to connect road near Isaac lion nctt's farm. Viewers, II. B. Derr, E. M'Cullouirh, and S. r. McCloskey. For a road from J. T Oswalt's to Win. ZoiL'ler's, in Brady township. Viewers, Jacob Kuntz, J. J. Weaver, H. Luther. To re view part of a road leading from Madera to Ames' School house, in Knox township. Viewers, George Erhard, Geo. Groom, ami J. L. Cuttlo. For a road from J. B. Martin's in Pcnn township, to intersect road lead ing from Pennvillo to E. Fcnton's null, at or near 1). 1. Miarp s. lew ers, David T.Sharp, H. Dunvcr and T. . Mooro. For a road from Coal Hun to Pike near Jiocktou, in Union tp. V lowers, John Labord, James Irwin, and S. I' McCloskey. For a road from near J. II. Waple's in Boggs township, via Daniel Smeal s, to Morgan Bun road near S. McClar cn's in Decatur townshig. Viewers, Frank Bush, Jesso Goss, and S. F. McCloskey. For a road from S. Williams', in Burnsido township, to road near Isaac Solley's, in Chest township. Viewers, J. Hull', Andrew Addleniiui, and S. r. McCloskey. Ei:xht Universal churches have been dedicated in the Northwest in seven weeks. Tho celebrated trotter Ethan Allen has been sold to Z. K. Simmons, of Now York, for f 10,000. Tho amount of Government and other American secuiitics held in Europo is ?000,000,000. Quito a number of tho Now York Banks are going into liquidation, snow-hanks we mean When completed tho Pacillo Hail rond will resemble a gigantic letter Y, with tho expansion looking eastward Tho New Y'ork '. says it require an income of nearly ten thousand dol lars to live comfortably in New York Tho police report that there are Z.1,000 'unhappy women in New York, congregated in 2,100 houses. Itis stated that a dinner was given recently in Paris, of which tho prin cipal dishes wero shark, horse, dog and rat. A newly-married lady in Pittsburgh has been surprssed by tho receipt of a letter from a 1. inner husband in Cali fornia, whom she had supposed dead, slating that ho is coining home, with a lot of money. Look out No. 2 ! Senator Morrow B. Lowry, of tho F.rio district, is after tho editor of the Erio Dipatrh for libel. "Wo know not what tho Morrow may bring forth" in this case, but we don't believo tlio proceeds will be heavy. CLEARFIELD STORE N K A U Philipsburg, Pa. Willi AX V. IIICTT. utom;R l. sri:i. Jons r. wiuriit VI Ml I AH PCWILL U W. HE TTS, j CO., (Successors to Munion A lloopi) II itve just received lnrae and well e- leoled Slock of all kind ot Slsple goods, uch nt ' Dry Goods, Clot hino;, lioou nnd Shnpa, Hal unci taps, No tion, Hardware, -cHass, fwuli, Dili, 1 units, Qoeenswnre, Groceries, Klour, llacon. Feed, 4c., which we are ottering at greatly reduced price, lor Lash or in Exe.hanpo for Lumber and Shingle. We bope to make il to (lie advantage of Timber Men, in the lower end of l.'leaifield couMj and on Clearfield Creek, to gel their iipilie from this point, lioing on the hue of Kail Uoad can Sell goods on better term than at any point in C'leai field county, and we are selling our Stock at bucIi price a to make itanolijecl lo Ihoae buy itiggoodain this merket to deal wtih ua Advances of Goods, Feed, &c, made on aecnunt of Square Timber, which we ill either lell on commission or buy lit fixed rale. Klour of Uiflerent Brands can be had at all (imea at very loir price, at the Clear field Store, riiilipsburg, I'eim'a. Dry (Joods Notion, &c, in great vari ety, at the lowet price lor Cash, at the Clearfield Store, l'hiliphhurg, I'enn'a. fMilt by the Sack or load, cheaper lhao can be had any where el, at the Clear field Store, I'hilipthurg, I'enn'a. Call and Kxannne Die slock of good, nt the Clearfield Store, at I'hilipshurg, I'a. Highest price paid in Goods or Cah for Lumber and Shingle at the Clem field Store, riiilipsburg, I'enn'a. The cheapest goods ot all kind ateto be had at the Clearfield Store, at rhilipvhurg. Call and see if our Roods n price don't sont Ihe time. W. V. HKTTS. k CO. riiilipsburg. November Kth. 1 WIS If. NVINTEIUTOODS. raoa xiw tosi a niiLADiLi nu. A C heap a the ( heaMt and C.ikm! a the ilutt. C. KIUTZEIUTSOX, Hart Jut received, and are opening, t their Old 9tnd on Front 6trrt, above the Academj, a lerge and well se lected acivrttnent of SEASONABLE GOODS, which they are selling at very low ratei. Head the following catalogue and profit tJtcrcly, 151 Eipscial I'llni bi born taken in th ftolteliun of Ladies Drrri Ootids, hitp c J) a Ooodi, EmhrmiU'rii Millinrrj Ouodi, Prints, Korcbicfi, Nubics, Gloves, Ae- FOll G KXTI.KM KN. Alwsys on hand Black Cloths Fonrj ami ItUck CaMiraercs, Butinrt. etc., Heady Made Clothing ol all kinds. BOOTS AND SHOES, N K CKTI K S , and a variety of older srlilr, which they will stdl at a small advance on cost. Particular attvHlion is invited to their stock of Carpets, Cottage, common In prain, supertme Engli.h Ingrain and lirnrsels, floor end Table Oil Cloths, Window shades and Wall papera, etc. FLOUIt, BACON', Fish Salt, PlaMer, Apple, Peache and Prunes kept constantly on hand. ALSO, 4n .Store a lot of large and small Clover seed. We Inteod to tnnke It an object for Farmers and Meehanirf to buy from m; beraui we will ell our (jood ai low at they can be bought in the county and pay the very highe't price for all kinds of ountry pro dure. We will also eirhnnjjre jrnods fur School, Koad and Coi'xrr oidersj fchinplfHi, Boards, and ell kintie of manufactured Lumber. C.ottrfieM, Mnrd. 14, lHCt. KEMOVAL. J. P. K RAT Z Eli, ha removed to his ner Vare-lioom, on Market St., Clearfield, Pa., Fhere ho hn opened a vn-y Urge slock of Dry Goods, Morinoe, Ginghams, Cloths, fletninen, Trinti, Ca'Piiueres, Alparas, Hiiks, 8nt.net, Kepi, Cmhrnerfs, Twpfdii, CoWrgs, Muhair, Jeuns, Lauellan, Munlin, Klinnls, ltunnctn, Hib tons. Cloak, Ilnlmnrtl Hkirts, Hoop. Skirts, Hhiwls, Dress Trimmings, llfsd Nets, Caps, Corsets, (ilnvrs, Collate, frnrls, Grenadine Veils, Table Covers. C I o t hi n g . Coat. Psnts, Vests. Over-Coats, iionl't 8hali Shirts, Unto, Cnyt, l'nder-hirti and lrawers, Hoots. Shoes. Gum trhocr, Cravats, (Hovee and Cnilnn. HAnnWARE. yrKKNSWAKK, GUO CKUIKS Jt MUSICAL (JUOD.S. Groceries. Tea, Coffee, Buger, MoIassei.PalU Csndlei, Kice, Flour, liaoin, Fifh, Tobareo, Ksisins, i'urranto, Spires, Crackers, Vinegar, Oils, Var nili. Alcohol. TIN-WAKE, GLASS-W A KK, WOOUliN WAKK, nnd STATIONERY. Household Goods Carpets, Oil elotbs, Pruggst, Lookins; niesset Clirks, Churns, Wnshhonrd, Tuhs, Iturk etp. Fist Irons, I'sns, M'indcw IlHnd, Wall-psper, Coal OiM.smps, 1'iu brellss, Hedrords, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Crorks, and Stove Hlarking. Jt-r All of whioh will be sold on (he most rea eontile tvms, and Ihe highest market price piid or drain, Yool, and allkimls of oonntry produce. Cletrfleld, December 1.1, isftA. CorAi:TNKIISIIJl'. flhe TUiderfigned have this day formed a Co- partnershir under the flrtw name of Irwin A HarUhorn, Ur the transaction of a tleneral Mer ehandise and Lumber buninese. A Urge and well selected stock of Goods has been added to those already on bend at the Corner Store Id Curwensville where we are Bow prepared to show Customers a eomplrted afsorltuent with prices as low as the lowest. The highest market rates paid for Lumber of ill description. The patronage ol the public is reipertfully solicited. KDWAHD A. IKVIN. W. K, 11AHTSH0KN. Curwensville, July 84, 1ft i gTl MY YOVR IXTi;illT!. IW H")TS A SHOES maw AT LOW PRICES. The undersigned Is prepared to tnnnuTaeture everything In his line, at the lowest figures, and witl wariant I I ork to be as represents. Give him a call, at his ship on Market street, second door west of the Post Offire, and be will do all in his power, to render sattslsotion. Some fine Ualter tpe, eilra French ealf skin. Aft., on band, read to be finished on shnrt notice it low prices. DANIEL CONNELLY. June 13th, ISflM yr. Ru' Ht. lhnnhiC". Hubbell's, Drake's Hoof land's tlerman, Hostetter's and Greene's Oiygenated Hitters, also fwre Ll(an, of ell hinds for medicinal purposes, fof sate by It. t I. 1)u I try Itlotka, all sites, end bet manufac ture, at MCKRELL 4 HIGLKK 8 RICHARD MOSSOP, ItKALKU IN FOKKKiN and It iil KSTIC GOODS Mt'SI.INS DKLAINKS at al at Sensation Sensalion Sensation I'lisatit n prire jirioe rire C( HI!' lillS ALPACAS line l'S'. .lust receivetl at MUSSO GINGHAMS CHINTZ at at at at al at al Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensatien Sonsution price price pi ice price price 1' HINTS GI.OVK.S CUAVATS al MOSSOl'S' SHAWLS Sensation prices Sensation price BONNKTS CtiLOKKU "4 at Sensation price MUSLINS All to be bad at MOSSOPS'. LINEN' at CltASH at CUKTAIXS at rAHLB CLOTHS nt Sensation Senaliciv Sensation Sensation Sei'naiinn price price prices prices FKINGE Kl price at MOSSOPS'. LACE at Sensation price HOSIERY al Sensation jirioe lil It id INS at Sensalion price TH1 MMINGS of all kind & Vat Sensation price in any nuan'iy J Afwava on hand at MOSSOPS'. CASSIMKKKS at Sensation br?uaton Sensation Sensation Sensation price SATTINKTS TWKKUS JfcANS VKST1XGS SU1HT1XGS at Kl Kl al at price pncM pricea price Sensation price al AIO.HSOJ'S. CLOTHING Mich! aa viwin, ianli, Vests, Under Shirt, at eiialiOK price Flunnel Shirta, Hoots, Shoe, Hhi and Cups, Now for aale al MOSSOPS HARPWAUKI such a Snws.nnils I a( Fork, Knive, Spike. Hiugo, J Banaatinn prices at MOSSOPS'. L1QUOUS. nch a Wine, lirandy, G in, Wh iskcy, Cognac, etc., etc., KUUI l'S, such ii Prune, liuisins, Figs, FilherU, to. OKOCF.KIES, ay Flour, Ham, Shoulder, StiL'ar, Motassna, Collee, 'Pen, Cracker, Spices, Candle, at tensatioo prices at sensation prices Kl MOSSOPS'. at eusalioo prices Coal Oil, etc., etc. Alway at MOSSOPS'. BLACKING ltOPKS POWDER SHOT LKA I) al at at at ut at tensalion sensation aensation ensmion aensation sensation price prices price price prices CAPS prices At the Mora of KICIIAKD MOSSOP, MOSSOP Always keeps on hand a full assortment of all kind of poods required for the accommodation of tho puhlic. No. U, lf)8. llRlTT"EXCITHIEIit QN SF.COXD STHKET, Clear n emi, Tesn-'a. NEW FIRM, NEW ARRANGEMENTS and Ncio Goods AT VERY LOW ntlCLS. The undersigned having formed a co partnership, in the Mercantile buninesa, wnu.d respectfully invite the attention of the Public generally lo their splendid assorlcmnl of Merchandise, which is now being SOLI) VERY LOW FOR CASH. Tbeir stock consist in part of Dry Goods, of the best quulity, such a Print, De Laine, Alpnccis, Merinos, Ginghams, Muslin Wenched and unbleached, Drillings, Tickinp, Cotlon and Wool Flannel, Sniinetl, Cottenade, Csimeres, Ladiea' Shawls, Coat. Nubias and 1 1 nods, Balmo ral and Hoop Skirls, Ac, Ac, all of which WILL HE SOLD LOW FOH CASH Also, a fine assortment of men's lirav era and Shirt, Hat & Cap, I'oot A Shoes Quccnsicarc, Glassware, Hardware, Groceries and spice OK ALL K1NHS IN SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of everything usually kept iu a re tail Store. ALL CHEAP FOR CASH or ntmroved country produce. WRIGHT A FLAN IQ AN. Clearfield. Jantmry 10th, lSfiO lf. JT K W 'S T 0 1 1 K A N I) N E V GOODS! 'JOS. SHAW & SON Hove jtist opened a Ntir Prom, on Main ?t.,Ci.nRnn.n, Pi., lately occupied by Wm. F. IRWIN. Their (lock consist of OhorEt!E of the Irft qnnlily. Qt'RENSWARr.i UoOtS 011(1 SllOCF, and every Article necessary for one's comfort. Cull and examine our stock befort pur cl.aiinp clMWhere. Mny 0, 1,W-lf. Vj Clt arrtf Iil County Hbds. s tsn incorporated intiitution lias (tons out of existence hr the lur rcntler of Its rhsrtor on My 12th, tHflS. All of its stock Is ownrd by ths subscribers, bo will continue the bsnkins; business sit the samo ftnoe ss private hankers under ths firm nnme of the " Clearfield Countj Hank." We are responsible fur the do bis of the Rank, and will pay its notes nn demand at the counter. lepnsits received and interest f aid when mo ney is left for a flied timt, Paper discounted nt fix per coot, as heretofore Our personal responsibility is plsdped for all deposits receired and business transacted. A continuance of the liberal patronsfs of the bi siness men of the eountj is respectfully aolioi- ted. i. Trcsldent, Cnhier and Offleert of the late Clenrfield County Tank, we require the no tea of aid bnk io be presented for redemption. Janes T. Leonard, ltichard Shaw. M'm. rnrtrr, James R, U rah am, A. K. Wrikht, (). I.. Reed. Will ism A, Wallace. jtThe business f the Rank wltl be conduc ed by John M. A Jams, Kiq. as Cashier. Jun V.lf. d'onnti) htioual Sk ; CLEARFIELD, FA. f Ihls Rsnk I now open nd redy for business JL Offie. en Ssconed street. In th building for neily eeeupied by eonsrd, Finney A Co. niRRCTo r nrriraas. JAS. T. I.KONARn, I'real. JAS. R. flft AflAM, WM. A. WAJ.I.ACF., A. K. WRtdUT, Ju ith, 'otJ.tf. RICHARD RIIAW. WM. 1'ORTfR. OrO. L. RCKTt. WM. V. W'RUinT, C'rsIiiot. GOODS REDUCED! GKKAT REDUCTION IX TIIK THICK OF (iOOliH AT H W. SMITH & CO.'S. Prlntn, that we formerly sold at J5 cents, wa now sell at 21 Unbleached Mualiiia. formerly sold at SO, wa now aell at ftS ltlrarhcd Mualiiia, formerly sold at from 2S to 60, we now sell at tt 10 Alpacas, formerly sold at from 4b to 80. wa now sell at 35 (a, OS Caaaitueres. 10 per cent above cost. AlLWool l)e I.aince, at SS Commou De Lahiea. at 3ft And all Press Goods at tha same ratri. BOOTS AND SIIOKS, Of th tt quality, at an Immenis reduction. FISH. W. will tell Msckerel, IIrrl(, At., AT COST. BliST COAL OIL, 85 CENTS. HOODS, NUBIAS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, ETC., Of every description, groaiiy reduced. We offer our stock of Dry Goods at the above Spares up to the 1st of January, 18C7, Tbey are alt of the first quality, Krw and fasklonable. Any one can now bava an Alpacca for tbo eott of a Da La is e. This offer Ii made in good faith, and all dos irons of eeonomttiug In the proper manner, hare now an excellent opportunity to supply themselrss at the cheapest rates. Htrlrtly fur Caah. r.ov2B-y H. WBMITH A CO. ANOTHER EXC1 TEM t"? A FALL IX PKICES. New Goods at tho Cheap Cash Store or WILLIAM F. IRWIN, Buu'.h S.cond street, ClrarS.ld, P. A FliESH ARRIVAL OF Fall and Winter Goods, AT GREATLY KEDICEI) N1ICES. lam Jast reelr!iif and nfenlDX a carefully lecU)d tork of fasbionabls Fpring A Sum mor Uooils of almost ever dosoriptioa. 4 beautiful assortaisnt sf Print and Dr, goods, of th oawost and latsst styles. Also a f.oat rariety of nsoful notions. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Hoots and Shoe, (a largo quantity ) Hardware, Queens ware, Irurs, Medicines, Oil Faints. Carpet Oil Cloth, GROCERIES AND FRUITS, Foreign and Domestic, such as Apples, Feaches, Currants, Prunes, Haisins, Or.nfe and Lemons, FISH, BACON AND FLOUR. Mackerel, in i i and i harrels, of th best quality, all of which will b sold at th lowest cash or ready pay price. My old friendr and the aublio generally, arc respectfully inrited I. call. D. All kinds otGRAIX tni approred COliXTltr PJtOOUCS ukrn la eicUng for Goods. WM. F. IRWIN. ClearDeld, Nor. 2S, 111 tf JlCllARI) MOSSOP IS NOW Selling, at half their nsual price, . DRESS GOODS, CLOAK3 AS D SHAWLS, BliOWN SJJEETING.S, FLANNELS AND BLANKETS, WOOLEN GOODS, HOSIERY, MEN'S CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING Gooils LA DIES' -BOOTS AND SU0ES, GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, BOYS' do do HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORALS, LADIES' COLLARS AND CUFFS, RAISINS AND CURRANTS, BROOMS AND TUBS, CANNED FRUITS, BEEF AND PORK, FLOUR AND FEED, Ac. Ac. Ac. Town-Lois for Sale. flMlK un-lr-rsiirncd, resoling t Olen Hope, offer .1 at lirii nte wile, (.n rossonablr tenns, l XTV FIVK TOWN-LOTS, situate and bi ing in the nrw blition made to the rillnge of tllcn Hope. Also, Thirty-Five Acrca of Land, Ailioining the snme. All will le sold together or sepsrsto, to suit purchasers. Any further inl'-rm-stinn cnu he obtuinetl br sdlrei.4ing him, at tllcn Hope, t'b'srflcld pountv, IVnn'a, sinrifK .tm ' JEHLMIA1I COOPER. OifU) Klt ARI) will be pid liTlireen" vslvH'bsrks to nr person w bo hn need Or. Pumas' Pile Snlr wooding to directions and has not been cured. Address, I). f. Dl'MIAM A CO.. decJ ty Wllli.msport, Pa. rpiinini.r.Tski i pip. 'iioe"."t Iaur, M, oJ MERRELL A BtULER'S. ritn'.iri: u.ti.i: ir vAi.i'Ani. REAL & PERSONAL rROPERTY, IM'LI H1NI 3,5(M) Acres of Timber Land. fl'IIK tubscrilirr, residing al Olen Heps, now I . .... ..i. .. ,.f i),. hmu lll.MSr.-l MAM'S for klTtihMidismg ! LussWring la the eouilv, or prrtl.ps In niir, a ';. i,u i i i iv.i Inn m: NriillK-KOUM. and all nooesjary uutbuibiiugs atlatbed, togotter witu Ten Town Lots in Glen Hope, .i . inr rfiVTAINtNfl TEX ACRES of orwk bottom lnd of tb. ry best JueJlty, on th. east siile ot l lcarnem vrres, wppo.ii. uiw ju. A Tract of 200 Acres of Timber Land, llosvily limbnwl with pine titnb.r, sltu.1. on and a half inile from (Jlru H, on tb. Mmpik. lead in u Ansunvillc, almut ten ors of wbioh an cleared and under cultivation. Tb jujnuid One-third of 3500 Acres of Timber Land Of the rerr best quality, situat. on Cssarnelil Cm-k, near the mouth of Wbitur Bua. Also, the entire Stock of Store Goods, X.,won hand. cn.Miiig of I)KY GOODS, 0R0 CKRIKli, I1AK1WAKL', Q L AltE, and evi-ryUiing found in a plao. of gweral aserotiaa dising. The fimfMnf property will b sold together o sepsratcly, to suit jiuroiiasers, aud upon maonabla trlns. -rfr Ao information In refrrrtee to the ro pe rt v. t.r trrms. oaji be obtaiaed by applying to tbe undcrslfrned, rnner IB persnw wr oy imwer, i un Hoie, Clemrneld oounty, Fen'a. n..2l-:tui THOMAS GROOM. " AMERICAN TiOTE L, Ll'MHKR CITT, CI.KARFlEr.I)COrNTT, FA. riMlK undersiirned baring lea4 and refitted X this well-known stand, take this method of hriiirinbis establishment before the public. Ilia TA111.K and UAU will U (upplud with Ue bMt tbe market affurds. A UUral share of public pai nmnpe i tbcn'fore nsspectlully solicited. J.i.24 lr pd JAMEfl L. CI RRT. THE EAGLE HOTEL, CURWENSVILLE, FA. L. W. TEN El'CK, Paoraiaroa. TOE undersigned, baring become proprietor of tb store hotel, wishes to rlr notice te the eitlsens of this county, as well a to tb trarslling public, that th.bous. has b.ar.nttd and refurnished for tbe entertainment ef hi guests. His table will be furnished with ery. thing the market afTords. At bis I'm will b found th best brnd of all kinds of Liquor. OOOU t-TAUl.I.NU attached, and aons.but careful hostlers employed. Jyll-tf t. W. TEN EYCK. RAIL ROAD IKH'SK, Msln ft. Fhillps burg, Penn'a, Roasar Llotb, Proprietor. Keeps constantly on hand th choistwt of liquor. His table is alway wpplisd with tb best th Mrket ITords. th trartlinf pnlie, will do well to gl him aeall.t Ho. 11, !,. GEORGE FALK Ukes tbls method ef inform log the watermen of Clesrleld eoaaty that he ha rettted and reopened th hotel formerly kept by E. Bchreiaer, at Coieslowa, where he will take especial pains to render satisfaction te all who favor him with their pstronsge. Coiestowa, April I J, '. drsly .rv A Mulitli 1 Arcnts wsnted l.-r . ra tirrtif arte mriirht, just on. Ad.lresl 0. 1 UARKV.City liuilding, UiJce'uri, .we. .Msy 1(1. ly.tMA. CAHI. LASII R Improsed Fir Poller WASHING MACHINE, is now offered to th public a the ehespeat, limplest and most efficient Washing Maehin in th eowntry. The eiclusire right for the sale of this ma chine In your own Btate or co.nty ran beseenred by Applying ooa at oar tor, 727 Mirket street, Philadelphia, Pa. J. B. LAMi A Co. Also, the best Clothe Wringer in th market. Wholes! and retail. p4t A very liberal discount to country mer chsnts and dealers generally. je20,'66 Ladies' Fancy Furs, AT JOIIX FAREIRA'S Old E.t.l.li.bod Fur Manufactory, No. Till Arch titreet, abov. 7th, PlilLADF.L A, Iae now In store, of my own Importation and Man ufacture, one or the largest and mot Itrantitul scloo- -tiuns of FANt'Y FL'HH, for ladies' and children's wear. trTlim the city. Also, a fin vtnunaicuiui ueni. s fur ""-17V " tiloree and lollars. I am slso enabled to dispose of niy goods t very reasonable priori, and 1 would therefore solicit a cell from my friends of 'Irarncld county and vi cinity. ReiucuirH'r the psme, iiunihcr and street. JOHN FARE1KA, No. 718 Areh Street, alHire 7th, south ide, Phils. iil bare no psrtner.nor connection with any other etore In Philsdrlphis. oellfl 4m iti h i iti iriTTrciiT " SCBATCH! SCEATCH! 8CBATCHI WUEATON'S OINTMENT .VIII Cure the Itch in 48 Hour. VL50, cure Sslt Rksum. tlrers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the hkia. Price M ocnts. For sale bv all l)rugpsts. By ssnding siity cents to WEEKS A POITER, sole (genu, 171) Washington street. Boston, it will be for warded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the Vnited Stntes. For sale at Hartrwirk Irwin's, Clesrneld, Pa. July 1,1, 18-ly C, R. Foster, J. D. M'Uirk, Kicb'd bhsw, Edw. Perks, tl. L. Reed. A. K, Wright. Wm A. Wallas J. T. Leonard, i. U. tirabatu, & Coileelion House OK FOSTEE. PERKS, WRIGHT & CO , rHILIPSBURG,CiMTtC'o., Pa. Bills of Etrhstige, Notes and Drafts discounted DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Collections mads and proceeds promptly remitted Exchange on the Cities constantly On hand. The abore Banking Hous t aow opa and ready for business. Sept. t, 11-6S. I'ait irssrso, Centre Co., Pes. 'a VE AVE I'ROCLA I M Kl). THE WAR 07ER 1ST CLEARFIELD. KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. NEARLY ALL THE CONTRABANDS UOINQ BACK TO TUE1KOLD MASTERS. RUT NARY ONE GOING BACK TO OLD MASSACHUSETTS, WUK.HE Til EY WERE LOVED SO LONG AND SO WELL. In consequence orthe abor rcte, T. Pnonv or the old Short Klio. Shop ; would announce to his numerous patrons, and the pcopls or Clear, field county at larre, that he has now K first rate lot or good meterial: jnst received from th east, and Is now prepared on shoit notice to make, and mend boots and il oca t bi new hop in Grahams row. He Is satisfied P-iet he can please, (unless it might be som intensely loyal stay at home Patriots). II is prepared to eell low for rah or County Produce, di.n't forget ths shop next door to ijmhsm A Ito) Ions el. r. onu a.'tc .t Street ClenrCel.l P. l..; t l j t.Uuw cdui inonlr celled July ,. ly. "Slfni'TV" A rilUCLAMAllllMI U0INQ IT ALONE!!!! Nobody Prohibited from hu!tc my Boot and Shoe on arrnsint of Kara or l oliir. Being thus liberal minded, I tak tbl method of informirg lb cititens of Clrsrfi.ld nnd vi cinity, th at I hsve opened shop on Heeond L, next door to the County National Bank, ever Watson's Drug Siore. where I am prepared te msss to order reryihing in the BOOT and 8 1 1 1 1 K line, out or the best materiel and ia tbe most workmanlike manner, and oa abort retfee. ! All t ask is a trial. Dons at Clearfield, Ibis eighteenth day ef July, A. I). 116(1. HARRY ROSS. 1)t'lttS 1.IIIMITV MIIITF. 1.AI Will do mors and better work, at a givea Cost, then any other. Trv It I Ma?elerd only by XKIULKR RMltH. VI bolele Ih-.g, Paint and (llais Peelers, No. 1S7 North Third Su, phil'a, March II, ISof ly Coal,-. liiJeTiind LioTeid Oils", Fmily by, varnishes ted piint of all kinds ground hi oil For Ml by II. A I.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers